exgorgitation · 3 years
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exgorgitation · 4 years
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Hey @exgorgitation ! A bit late but I’m your secret Santa from @akatsuki-gift-exchange <3
Thank you for introducing me to the disaster that tobi/obito x hidan would be lmao, I hope you like them and Happy holidays!
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exgorgitation · 4 years
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this is for @pewpewpew for the @akatsuki-gift-exchange 
the prompt was ‘Deidara or Itachi or Kisame giving Akatsuki!Sakura a hard time and her holding her own.’
i tried to upload it sooner but my internet connection in the woods hated the file size. i'll upload the colored version soon!
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exgorgitation · 4 years
follow my sideblog/personal @postautopsy if you want to see wips and rough drafts, or just see what i do instead of finishing *anything*.
   The sudden sound of heels meeting stone is paired with a signature she recognizes like a phrase on the tip of her tongue. A vision is in her head before a name.
   "Konan-sama.“ The chakra that reflexively gathered in her hand flickers into nothingness.
 His hands are lovely. His features are regal, nose roman, cheekbones high- he looks as if he should’ve been carved from marble. Pein is more God than mortal, more animal than man.
  He is so beautiful that Sakura wants to cry. His lashes are cast downwards as he watches her, long and dark; she has to convince herself the way his eyes bleed red is a trick of the light. She shuts her own tight.
from an untitled rough draft, 4k+ words, konan/sakura/yahiko-pein.
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exgorgitation · 4 years
main: exgorgitation 
sideblog: postautopsy
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exgorgitation · 4 years
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Same shit, different decade.
My gift from the r/NarutoFanfiction gift exchange, for beelzebub_tea on ao3.
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exgorgitation · 4 years
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WIP WEDENESDAY, and cross posting from an awesome server i’m in
here’s some wips of shit i have yet to finish
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exgorgitation · 4 years
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What do you call two punks and a cultist? A party.
As a middleschooler HidaKonaPein was my One True Pairing. Rediscovering the ship again, I found that there's some dynamics to that ship that was left unexplored.
Like Hidan getting split like an ice cream sandwich.
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exgorgitation · 4 years
Moirai by exgorgitation
Haruno Sakura/Pein | Haruno Sakura/Yahiko
Summary: Yahiko wakes up after the war in a body he no longer recognizes. Sakura is still unable to let some things go. Ten drabbles for word prompts beginning with the letter 'W'.
read on ao3
read on fanfiction.net
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exgorgitation · 5 years
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@sasori-mini-bang heart/less
better late than never. im starting to really like digital painting. and I really like these prompts!
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exgorgitation · 5 years
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You will be no more. It probably won't be pretty like in the movies or in fairy tales. Maybe something extraordinary will happen, but probably not.
painting with colors is really difficult for me so i gave up on the hair. this is for an au where sasuke does put his chidori through sakura’s chest, and she lives. :’(
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exgorgitation · 5 years
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Some quick traditional update art to celebrate the most recent chapter of Eight by @writer168 !!! Click for better quality.
Sakura getting Killer Bee's tattoo makes me so hysterical.
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exgorgitation · 5 years
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Hai! This may come off as a little silly from someone with no following, but I've had several people leave lovely messages in the tags of some of my drawings. It made me want to cry. The appreciation means the world to me and I wanted to draw a quick Happy Sakura as an exercise and a thank you!
every reblog and like on my artwork, even if you don't follow me, motivates me so much.
my ask box is always open to requests or questions if you have any.
Thank you!
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exgorgitation · 5 years
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Naruto Inktober Prompt List!!!! All mediums welcome
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exgorgitation · 5 years
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Nartober Day 1: Team
Naruto wanted a team photo after their mission to the Land of Waves. Some people thought it was in poor taste.
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exgorgitation · 5 years
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warm up doodle
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exgorgitation · 5 years
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wip of anbu sakura for a larger more dramatic piece. it took 30 min... :’( jeez
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