#i am NOT the one 🙏
balletfilmss · 2 months
all those godly parent quizzes are like “oh! her fav color’s pink, she must be an aphrodite kid” but like, i’d rather have a conversation with my bookshelf than try to flirt w someone
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windwenn · 6 months
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beif0ngs · 6 months
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cloudysfluffs · 5 months
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REALLY considered not posting this one.......might delete later
ns//fw and/or ki//nk blogs please dni!!!
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altheadajoysoul · 1 year
Cheer Up Tickles >>>>
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((Click/tap for better quality!))
((Reblogs give me 🧡motivation and serotonin💜))
MORE TK ART FROM ME???? FINALLY?????? REAL???!!!??!????!?!?!?!?!?
Edit: oml how is this post still getting notes 👁👁 (tysm for liking my silly little tk comic about my silly little OCs HSJGJSHFH)
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luzisahomosexual · 6 months
This is me if you even care…😒
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mooechi · 2 months
i ain't evuh seen two pretty bestfrendz (okMAYBE I cwn have them asofficially friends instead of just being idgaf to each other with no reason whatsoever)
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buglaur · 7 months
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shots from messing with my reshade and decorating the pub
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bri-cheeses · 22 days
personally I think that all queer books should have a “special edition” with a subtle cover (and a code name if it’s necessary) for all of the people in homophobic areas
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marvey-sideblog · 1 month
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screebyy · 3 months
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Part 5 the healing power of taking a long walk in the middle of the night
A collection of lil interactions that were too short and/or silly so i have super glued them together 🙌
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Scene 1: Panel 1: Wide shot of Jolyon and Crow standing at the base of a cliff. Beside them, the white staircase they’ve been following has partially collapsed, blocking their ascent. Jolyon is beginning to climb the cliffside, while Crow observes with his hands on his hips.
Panel 2: Jolyon is nearly at the top of the rock wall, grabbing the top ledge awkwardly
Panel 3: Jolyon is pulling himself up onto the ledge ungracefully
Panel 4: Jolyon sits back on the ledge with a sigh, clearly exhausted from the effort.
Panel 5: Jolyon is startled as Crow jumps past him. Crow is a blurry streak of black & white lines.
Panel 6: Wide, tall shot showing that Crow has triple-jumped up the entire rock wall effortlessly.
Panel 7: Jolyon glares up at Crow, slightly annoyed. The text “wtf” is visible beside him.
Panel 8: Crow looks down at him with a shrug and a cheeky smile, walking backwards towards their destination.
Scene 2: Panel 1: Crow and Jolyon are walking down a white stone path between two rock walls overlooking a clff. They are walking away from the camera, towards a white set of stairs that curve up and around the mountainside. Distant mountains are visible in the background, with dreaming city gazebos anbd pillars sitting on the cliffsides.
Panel 2: Front shot of Crow and Jolyon chatting with each other. Crow is waving his hands emphatically, and Jolyon is smiling lightly. Speech bubbles with squiggly lines denote a non-specific conversation between them.
Panel 3: Crow leans towards Jolyon and summons Glint with one hand with a  broad smile. Jolyon looks down at Glint’s sudden appearance with surprise.
Panel 4: Jolyon is smiling and laughing, talking to Glint in the background. Speech bubbles with cartoonish black crows in them indicate that they are gossiping about Crow together. Crow is in the foreground, walking in front of them with an exasperated, embarrassed expression.
Scene 3: Panel 1: Wide shot of a white marble plaza circling around the mountainside. Jolyon and Crow are walking towards the camera, still climbing. Jolyon is walking in front of Crow. It is still dark, but golden rays of dawn are visible in the fog blanketing the background.
Crow: “We’re almost at the summit, right?” Jolyon: “Almost.” Crow: “It’s nearly dawn…”
Panel 2: Crow is looking out at the landscape with a distant expression. Jolyon has paused and turned back towards him. Crow: “It’s changed so much since the first time we walked here.” Jolyon: “It was a long time ago. There was no city then, just a bunch of rocks.”
Panel 3: Close up of Jolyon as he turns away slightly, smiling distantly and looking down. Jolyon: “Uldren was so… Uncertain.”
Panel 4: Flashback of Uldren and Jolyon in the distant past. Jolyon is wearing a plain green sweater and his hair is pulled back into a bun. Uldren is wearing a black hoodie. Jolyon is standing inside the  white and red ship he was living in, opening the door to greet Uldren. Uldren is blushing very hard, standing stiffly outside and looking extremely uncomfortable. Jolyon is staring at him with a “?” floating beside his head. Jolyon (present day): “I still remember him showing up on my doorstep, shaking like a leaf. I’d never seen him so nervous.” Uldren (flashback): “hey wanna take a walk with me”
Panel 5: Crow turns and continues walking down the path, smiling distantly. Crow: “He was worried. He didn’t think you’d hear him out.”
Panel 6: Jolyon also resumes walking, with the same nostalgic expression on his face. Jolyon: “Hah. If I was smarter, I wouldn’t have.”
Panel 7: shot looking over Jolyon’s shoulder as he walks past the camera. Crow is glancing up at him with a soft smile. Jolyon: “But lucky him…” Crow: “...”
Panel 8: Close up of crow as he turns back towards the cliffside, looking slightly sad as his smile drops. Crow: “He always regretted that, by the way.”
Panel 9: Side shot of Jolyon as he stops walking. His expression is not visible. Crow (offscreen): “Shutting you out, when you said you were going to leave the Distributary with him. And ignoring you that first year here.
Panel 10: Flashback of Uldren walking away from Jolyon. Jolyon is reaching for him with a distraught expression, and Uldren is tearing his hand away from Jolyon’s grasp, looking frustrated. Crow (present day): “He was just… terrified that if you followed him into another war, you were going to die for him. He thought if he pushed you away, you might decide to stay behind.”
Panel 11: Close up of Jolyon in present day. He is staring blankly down at the ground, turning slightly away from Crow. He looks sad and distant. Crow (offscreen): “And when you didn’t… He didn’t know what else to do.” Jolyon: “Huh…”
Panel 12: Jolyon turns back towards Crow as he walks up beside him. Jolyon is grinning good-naturedly, with a teasing expression. Crow looks confused and is brushing his hair out of his eyes as he looks up at Jolyon. Jolyon: “I’m sure he never grasped the hypocrisy of that, did he?” Crow: “What?” Jolyon: “It sounds like something Mara would do.” Crow: “oh…”
Panel 13: Side shot as the both continue walking. Crow is walking beside Jolyon, looking up at him. Jolyon is staring straight ahead with a neutral expression. Crow: “Then… I guess not. But he did regret it.” Jolyon: “Yeah. That part I knew.”
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 11 months
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bangtan boys in turtlenecks (10/??) ↳ cr. 0613data, dwellingsouls | bonus striped sope for @raplinenthusiasts:
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badvibesinthechat · 5 months
This trend just called me out for being allergic to happiness in so many different languages
Hope everyone’s day is going great before it is ruined by this video (or not)🙏🫶
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all-too-unwell-13 · 4 months
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"it's just a one off" "i'm not asking you to join us again"
LIAR. anthony lockwood, i can practically see it in your eyes.
tell me that wasn't him trying to ask her to come back!!!! bc it totally was!!!!!
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beesorcery · 8 months
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🍄 🍂 fungal queen 🪸🍄
(now with a matching hardwon)
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myokk · 27 days
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reading interrupted 😤
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