#ash sbg
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corpseidol · 10 months ago
Hear me out, a vampire like reader x sbg cast. Like they don’t drink human blood but they do drink phantom blood (do they even have blood?) Maybe reader had actually been in the cycle longer, giving them more experience with the phantoms? Like in the day time just your average goth but when it strikes twelve? Those phantoms better pray. I think it would be funny if they were the youngest, like Aiden but with more maturity? 🩸-anon
author’s note : I LOVE THIS (you can be 🩸 anon!!)
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concept : vampire!reader with sbg group
genre : hcs + one drabble, vampire au (only reader)
content : gn!reader
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first meeting the group
⠀ › ⠀being honest, the group thought you were some newly found demon that lurked the phantom realm.
⠀ › ⠀they were freaked out when they saw you just recklessly eating off the flesh of each phantom and slicing all of them into pieces.
⠀ › ⠀at first you seemed like a maniac but the more they saw the more that ashlyn felt like you were doing it like you knew what you were getting into.
⠀ › ⠀as they were watching you assassinate each phantom and clear the area for them, aiden felt most fascinated and was about to jump in as soon as you killed them all until you started sucking on the phantoms flesh
⠀ › ⠀the group was looking at you with pure disgust (while aiden still had that smile on his face)
⠀ › ⠀logan stared at you, aiming his shotgun at you and as soon as the bullet almost hit, you flinched. then you were gone. gone?
“i’m offended.” you hissed, crossing your arms. your clothes were drenched in blood. as logan was about to shoot you again, you kicked his gun to the side and wiped the blood dripping on your chin with the back of your hand before licking it.
the others didn’t know if they should run but tyler confidently held his weapon at you “are you gonna be a problem?” he grit his teeth as he watched your smile fade “are you?” you asked, your hand curling into a fist.
first impressions
⠀ › ⠀the group concluded that they wouldn’t hurt you (unless you do something wrong)
⠀ › ⠀aiden was mostly fascinated by your skill and asked a lot of questions
⠀ › ⠀tyler was wary of you and would get protective when you go anywhere near taylor. he thinks you’re a psycho.
⠀ › ⠀taylor was a little wary but she did wanna warm up to you, she had questions to ask too
⠀ › ⠀logan seemed to be timid around you, his guard was always up. he had mixed feelings about you.
⠀ › ⠀ashlyn felt slightly troubled abt an addition to the group, but she really pondered when you said you’re way more experienced than them. she had many questions to ask. and those questions weren’t all about your abilities. (some, not all!)
⠀ › ⠀ben was quiet around you, he didn’t stand out very much.
drinking phantom blood
⠀ › ⠀it would freak them out when they all meet up in one area and you seem to be missing
⠀ › ⠀and then after a few seconds, you come back with blood all over your shirt with a dumb smile. they look at you with a weird face and you just stare at them like “wazzup ma dudes?”
⠀ › ⠀sometimes it’s like they have to keep you on a leash because of how reckless you can be
⠀ › ⠀they would get scared and start running from you when fresh phantom blood gets all over them and your pupils just grow bigger as the scent flows to your nose
general hcs
⠀ › ⠀i like to think that you get way more energy when you drink the blood of phantoms so when you do, you’re like an unleashed beast.
⠀ › ⠀compared to the others, you’re not scared to go in a phantom-filled area. you just make sure you’re prepared.
⠀ › ⠀in the real world, you deal with terrible body pains because of the adrenaline
⠀ › ⠀aiden is very playful and challenging towards you
⠀ › ⠀you and aiden are literally a power-duo
⠀ › ⠀when you and tyler still haven’t warmed up to each other, he would hate it when a phantom would be behind him and when he hears a loud squash; he would turn around and see a phantom’s body on the floor with their head being held by your sharp teeth with a shit-eating grin
⠀ › ⠀ben heals your bruises because you get hurt as much as aiden does
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luzisahomosexual · 1 year ago
This is me if you even care…😒
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livingponcho · 8 months ago
Just a bunch of random hc about them!
- Sometimes Aiden just says misinformation for the fun of it, this has caused Logan to just stare worried at him when he said the moon wasn’t real.
- Logan knows Russian and/or French
- Early in Bens transition Tyler bought her a dress. it’s one of the few things of color she wears.
- Taylor first “project” was a birdhouse that she made with her dad, it’s still in there backyard.
- Logan has watched BSD (his favourite characters are kenji and Kunikida)
- Ash mostly only does ballet but she can do other forms of dance (west style swing, ballroom, a little breakdancing)
- Taylor has a lot of stuff animals, some of them have escaped and invaded Tyler bed now they just stay there.
- Logan has an alien plushie, his name is Pluto.
- As the SBG group hangs out the more small “useless” things everyone gets.
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just1cefor4ll · 2 months ago
—Black cat energy
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The schools sunshine was a title which somehow got associated with your name— Y/N L/N, ever since you could remember.
It wasn’t like you were very special, it was only the fact that you always, no matter what, had a smile on your face and cheered people on whenever you could. You were quite literally just a ball of sunshine to everyone; including Ashlyn.
You were no different from the others. You were in their class when the teacher asigned the group projects, you went to Savannah.. blah, blah, blah. Yeah everyone already knows what happened to the seven of you. (Well the readers do..)
One day when Tyler got impaled by a whole ass tree you were the one keeping everyone stable but most of all Ashyln was your priority. You liked he ever since the start of the school year even when you weren’t apart of the group, she always just looked so interesting yet she also looked so.. unapproachable?? Yeah that might be the right word to describe her. She always had this frown on her face, barely smiled and basically walked around the whole day with a poker face. That day you managed to make her smile, you truly don’t remember how but all you really so remember is making her smile.
You got together shortly after escaping the lab and getting your life back to normal without any phantoms hunting you in the late hours of the night. People compared you to the sun and moon, or the golden retriever and black cat type of duo but you couldn’t agree more with these stereotypes. I mean what else are people supposed to think when they see a smiling from ear-to-ear person with a barely cracking a smile person.
You two however are quite literally soulmates. You fill in her gaps and she fills in yours, like a missing puzzle piece in each of your hearts.
Whenever you feel like the sunshine title is too much for you and you just shut down, she’s there to comfort you and be your little ray of hope in your darker times. When she’s sad or overwhelmed you’re there by her side, trying your best to comfort her with encouraging words and soft, warm touches.
It’s moments like these that makes the others realise (mostly Taylor, Tyler, Ben, Aiden, Logan.. since they’re the only ones ever present whenever you have vulnerable moments) that Ashlyn really is capable of loving, that she isn’t just someone who knows to only ever act as the leader, but that she can act— well not act, she does truly love you and her love isn’t just a stupid ‘act’— as your lover.
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dummie-writes · 9 months ago
the party walkers
self insert ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* school bus graveyard
words: 4.38k
previous part: a rescue mission
note: heyyyyy guyssss I'm back. the rot consumed (the rot is sbg), and even though it took longer, I have a chapter for you :3 also, if you guys would like a tag list, lemme know? I've never really done a long term fan fiction over tumblr, so, uh, yeah? also if you wanna be on the tag list but don't wanna follow me, that's absolutely fine. I don't mind either way lol. just lemme know. anyway, I hope you enjoy :D thanks for your patience
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iii. over a horizon, somewhere
the air in the hallway smells like dust and makes your skin crawl with chill. as your eyes dart to and from everywhere you can see, your breathing again is as silent as you can make it. you've had to practice breathing invisibly way too much for your liking. you're lucky this house is the same layout as your real life home, because even though everything has gone to shit, at least you were able to check which parts of the floor creak over here. did your parents give you an odd look for shifting your weight and stepping on and off seemingly random parts of the floor? maybe. but if a weird look was the price of survival, it was cheap and worth buying.
your foot was so light on that first step that you almost thought you hadn't actually put it down. no noise - good. actually, you hadn't seen or heard any of what everyone else had been referring to as phantoms in a good while. probably a night or two - mainly because you weren't looking to escape, you, we're just trying to survive at that point. you felt kind of stupid, not being able to buy proper medical supplies for your bathroom to take care of your injury - but you didn't have an independent credit card, and your parents could see all your purchases. they were kinda weird, they didn't like letting you access your money. it was obnoxious. and deadly, and this case.
but that was beside the point right now.
you had gotten to your bedroom door, which was torn entirely off of its hinges, splinters of poorly painted wooden fibers scattered thoughtlessly in the carpet. peeking inside revealed no monster, not from you could see, at least. to further muffle your footsteps, you had worn thick socks to bed. your shoes were in your backpack, and you wouldn't have time to put them on until you got to… wherever their base was? they never actually explained it. just said something about a bus. but, that's ashlyn banner for you.
(it's not, actually, she had wanted to go much more into depth on it, but you all had gotten so busy making a plan to not die that the specifics of the place got muddled.)
your backpack was neatly placed on you bed, where you had left it before “falling asleep”. you wasted no time in tip toeing to your closet and grabbing all the jackets you could find, throwing them on to save space before swinging your bag on both shoulders, tying the loose adjustable ends together to secure it, even if just slightly. grabbing all the blankets you could before you left, your next destination was the kitchen. your mom had stocked up on lunachbles the other day! this made things convenient for you, so you grabbed as many as you could, stuffing them in your pockets. glancing out the window for a second, the street is an eerie quiet. the sky, red, per… well, per what you assume would be usual. stranded vehicles in their driveway, the pavement unbothered by time.
a head appears in the window, upside-down as it swings like a pendulum on top of the roof.
“OH MY G- aiden! what the fuck!”
“haha got you.”
despite your shaking hands and the buzzing of surprise in your legs, you open your window, pushing out the screen and pulling the blonde in as quickly as you could manage.
“what are you doing here? you guys aren't supposed to be here for another ten or so?”
“I got sent ahead to make sure you weren't alone if something attacked you,” he says with a wide smile. as goofy as aiden can be at times, he has yet to not be on your side in this situation. his nose wrinkles in the slightest way when he grins like that. his odd smile freaks you out sometimes, honestly, but right now it brings you more comfort than anything else.
“oh. ashlyn let you go? like, alone? without ben?”
“no, lol, I sent me. I was getting bored.”
this earns him a dumbfounded blink, and then you sigh, pinching your nose as you open your mouth to criticize his poor decision.
some sort of primal instinct pushes you down, the hair on the back of your neck prickling as a collectable figurine goes flying through the air, and the hiss of pain behind you let's you know that something has found you.
“shitshitshitshitshitshitshit-” you're skittering to the window before your brain actually loads in to the situation, and it does when you're halfway through the window. aiden secures his stance, like he's about to fight this thing! that idiot!
you grab his arm, pulling him backward as hard as you can, hearing his shoulder pop and a small “ow :(“ as the two of you clamber through the opening. the imprint of the window frame leaves a red cent in your shoulder, and you hiss as you fall onto your back. aiden rolls his shoulder back without missing a beat, his lips now pulled back into the more energetic lines they usually are. he pops up, putting his palms flat on the glass and pulling down, closing it.
“fuck! are you okay?”
“yeah I'm good.”
well, that was that, then. you stand there for a moment, your hands on your knees as you pant, trying to relax the tension in your legs from a moment before. you didn't actually have much time, you guys needed to get out of there. your fingers weakly paw at the spilled items on the floor from your backpack, which tore when you guys fell out of your room. stuffing what you could back into it, someone grabs your arm and pulls you up before you even look at who it is. your other arm swings back, your gaze shaking as you hear a deeper voice, tyler's, specifically, gasp and pull back, rubbing his cheek.
“you guys need to not do that, oh my gosh.”
tyler sharply looks at you, eyebrows scrunched up in irritation, before his face gravitates to look at aiden in the same manner. “you are in such big trouble, that annie wanna-be is worried. and also pissed. really, really pissed.”
aiden mocks a shocked face.
“omg she's worried about me?? I knew she cared.”
tyler is unimpressed by this to say the least, grabbing your arm and yanking you up to your feet, holding your shoulder stiffly as he examines you, making sure your not injured. for the first time, you notice the softness in his eyes and cheeks, and while his hand is holding you still, it isn't too tight as to hurt you. he's being.. gentle. which you haven't actually ever noticed from him. you take the time to look him over too, for the same reason. regular scratches and bruises, but nothing to be all too concerned about. his hair looks so soft, does he use taylor's hair supplies? it's very well taken care of. a thought pops into your head.
“oh, yeah, by the way, I got a-”
“there they areee,” aiden cheers, his smile lacing his voice. turning your head, you see ashlyn, logan, taylor and a mildly panicked looking ben running to the three of you. the green eyed girl runs up to you, her eyebrows high as she scans you the same way tyler did. “you okay?”
you nod a confirmation, and she deflates with relief before turning to aiden. “could you not? you freaked everyone out! you're lucky a phantom didn't find you on the way here!” her hands are squishing up her hair as she gives the blonde a blank stare, and then cringes. she looks nauseous for a second, and then looks toward the house. her hands now covering her ears.
“... unless… a phantom.. did, find you on your way here?”
“haha, no, that would be silly. it was already in the house-”
the gray creature darts around the corner, and a chorus of screams and shoes pounding the dirt as you guys start running as fast as possible, ashlyn leading the charge. your chests are heaving, you feel your mouth drying up and salivating all at ones, and your head is pounding with your heart.
looking beside you is your newfound party, you find that everyone has weapons that you didn't really notice before now. you feel the taddest bit useless if you're being totally honest. making a few random turns and quick corners that nearly trip you up, and would have if ben didn't catch you and pull you along in time. at this point, you're holding his hand to keep up. somehow, you all ended up in the forest beside the neighborhood. this was probably the fastest way to get to ashlyn's house, and clearly, she knows it well enough to guide everyone through. meanwhile, the phantom is slowed down by the terrain.
as the trees thin out to the other side of the neighborhood, your legs are beginning to hurt. however, you do see a giant gray wall now, the one that the bus always picks ashlyn up by. this must be the graveyard everyone was talking about.
“eight minutes!”
ashlyn skids to a stop inside of the wall, the phantom gaining on us by the second. tyler squeals slightly, before yelling to close the gate, his voice slurring with how quickly he spoke. with a loud thudding of everyone making it in, she slams her hand on the button as hard as humanly possible. the phantom does it's best to squeeze through the wall opening, but it shuts too quickly for it to come in. it starts hitting the wall, the structure echoing loud banging. ashlyn tenses, clenching her jaw as everyone stands in a outward facing circle, adrenaline still pumping through your arms.
“alright,” ashlyn says, dropping her hand a little and huffing. “let's head to the bus.”
“bus?” you ask, wrinkling your nose in confusion, looking around. there were… a lot of busses, actually. you thought this place was a graveyard?”
“oh, it's uh-”
“HAha. no one explained that. oops!” aiden cuts taylor off, giggling, in his own little world before turning to bother ashlyn. taylor side smiles at aiden, before turning back to you and continuing. “school bus graveyard. ash's family owns it,” she explains. there was probably more going on, but for the two of you, exhausted and filthy, it works well enough. a thumbs up from you later, taylor throws her arm around you. oh! friendship! that was fast. smiling at her, you return affection, throwing your arm around her shoulders too. she stinks, but you do too, so you have no moral high ground. what would you even say? ‘ugh, you just ran a mile here to there and back to save my life, disgusting. go shower’?????? no, that would be rude.
a yelp of surprise leaves you as aiden joins you guys, throwing his arm around taylor's other shoulder.
“you stink.”
“you do too.”
“I also stink. triplets!”
your trio laughs as you make your way to the empty school bus deemed hideout. a collective groan leaves everyone, sitting in seemingly designated spots. you shuffle awkwardly, looking around for a seat, before taking a seat behind tyler, beside logan, who smiles and waves at you before letting his head roll back onto the seat. tyler flops into his own seat, and you can hear his back pop as he groans and rubs his eyes.
“that sucked.”
“yeah, I agree.”
tyler tilts his head to look at you slightly, and you realize maybe he isn't actually perpetually angry, maybe he just has a resting bitch face. and also lacks sleep and proper communication skills. the way he again looks you over to make sure you're okay tells you he at least wouldn't leave you to the wolves in an instant.
ash leans over, and you frown as you hear her pop her foot. fair enough, but also ew.
“ah,” she starts, her head gently leaning on the seat in front of her. “the banging stopped.”
you didn't hear it after you guys had walked away, but also, ben told you about her having better hearing than the rest of you all. so that, of all things, wasn't too wild.
“it probably gave up, or-” tyler sighs, his eyes opening to look over to the freckle-faced girl. “- someth…” he's interrupted by ashlyn shooting to sit straight up. a second passes, and it looks like maybe she's just listening more intently than before, and then a shiver rolls up her spine and her shoulders tense. her eyes scan sideways, a nauseous feeling crawling up her ribs and into her throat. bus seat, window, bus seat, window.
fingers over the door frame, a dark skeletal looking head peering over.
your heart drops into your stomach, simultaneously jumping into the veins of your neck. everyone stands, almost synchronously backs up to cover each other. you find yourself in almost the very back, behind ben and logan. you glance at the twins, tyler slightly shielding taylor with his arm even though he's trembling.
the air stands perfectly still, nobody's lungs dare to move. it's like you're encased in stone. your shoulder blade throbs, and you wish you were some superhuman like the rest of them seemed to be. none of them were even seriously injured or anything, that could probably mostly be attributed to having five other people watching other people's backs at all times, and the medical supplies in the corner, but still.
no, you're no superhuman, but ash seems to be. she's the first to start trying to figure out what you guys can do. forcing her gritted teeth open, she hisses a question to you. “can we open the back door?”
“it's blocked!” you whisper, and your chest begins to hurt from how tight you're making your muscles. glancing to Logan, who's started crying in panic doesn't help much either. the own tears pricking at your eyes want to pull themselves down your cheeks, and your vision is fuzzy because of them. you decidedly rub them out of your face before they can be any worse.
“what do we do??” logan asks, his voice catching for a second, his fingers shaking and pulled up to his chest.
aiden replies nonchalantly, shrugging slightly and earning a loud thwack to the back of his head from tyler and an “aiden!” from taylor.
the floor creaked and the phantom makes a lunge for the party. you drop down, arms crossing to cover your face as your back meets the wall behind you, and a scream rips through the group.
beep, beep, beep.
your body lunges backward into your mattress, and you practically punch yourself in the jaw to cover yourself again. your forearms hurt and your legs feel sore. it takes a moment for you to really believe that you aren't in the bus anymore, your stomach heaving in your breathing. slowly, your arms start to come lay on your chest. slowly, your shoulders start to stop shaking so hard, and slowly, your breathing becomes deeper. you can feel trickles of tears, but you let them fall this time. you don't really have the energy at this point to scratch them away.
soreness tingles all along your body, your throat feels raw, and you don't really know why. you didn't scream all that much, did you? your phone pings, and you let the air rest for a second before even thinking of picking it up.
everyone okay??
lol that was close.
physically yes
mentally no.
you put your phone down, resting your head and grunting at the crack it gives.
yeah, aiden,
please don't die
i think you gave
everyone a mini heart
attack when you said
everyone was
already having a heart
attack lmao.
you're looking for a gif or meme or random picture from your camera roll to respond with, when ben starts asking the important questions. no, actually, you hadn't done the homework. you had messed around with it for about an hour before bed, you were too nervous for finishing it and only answered a couple of the questions asked.
you “👎” the question before scrolling on a random app of your choosing, your eyes begging for sleep but your brain screaming to stay awake. the small twinkles of adrenaline from earlier aren't really in your system anymore, but you feel like they're crawling up in your arms. up your calves and up your neck. you keeping seeing things in the corner of your room, your mind making up eyes in the darkness. you don't want to keep your light on all night and run up the electrical bill, but it would certainly help if the places where the light from your phone doesn't reach quite as well would stop shifting. you feel.. watched. you're not, obviously, you know that. you know it's the part of your brain trying to keep you alive, but you're pretty sure sleeping is also part of staying alive.
you eventually turn onto your stomach, your palm pulling back the skin of your face and rubbing your eye. the small clock in the corner of your screen reads four something in the morning. after you stopped replying, the conversation eventually died out in the group chat, and even though you could see someone else was online, you didn't really want to bother any of them. luckily for you, you didn't have to.
hey, i forgot to check
up on you! u doin ok?
your eyebrow raises before you even process the message fully. why is she awake? of all people, you kinda got the feeling that she took care of herself more than the others in this scenario. then again, people who take care of others tend to neglect their own needs. maybe she didn't want to text anyone else, and texting you gave her an excuse to be awake?
im okay, you?
well, yk, as good as
we can be atp lol
hmm. you send her a random video because you have nothing else to talk about. she sends one back, and you spend the next hour sending them back and forth until you inevitably pass out. it's funny how much more comfortable you are when you aren't entirely lonely. that goes for both the phantom world and this one. it pulls you out, in a way. the way you have to flip-flop between normal life, and the terror that awaits you for seven minutes each night. the fact that the times don't line up still bothers you. it messes with your head, and your perception of time. how much passes and how quickly. you're not alone anymore, sure, but that doesn't lessen the effect of the situation any less.
except, maybe it does. maybe your body relaxing isn't just the natural melatonin, but the ever soft taste of safety. the satin touch of a cool breeze from your window before your mind drifts to a sea of unconscious landscape.
your alarm goes of an hour and a half later. lucky you, you no longer ever miss your alarm, and instead shoot up the second it goes off! yeah, the blood rush to your head and immediately grabbing the baseball bat you have near your bed before realizing what's going on isn't the best feeling in the world, but you're not late to school anymore, so that's a plus.
you don't really look at yourself in the mirror anymore, not while you brush your teeth and hair, not after you shower. a part of you cringes at the thought, even as you glance yourself over to make sure you're reasonably well prepared to head out. the eye bags you've developed don't compliment you as well as you would've hoped, and they contrast brightly against your skin going pale. there's a tired to your eyes that you can't seem to rub away, even as you fill your thermos with coffee before you jump on the bus. didn't help that you were honestly a little paranoid that you would see a monster in the mirror if you looked too long.
you sit down in the seat beside where ashlyn's seat is, sighing as you place your bag by your feet to make room for anyone else. your chin is in the palm of your hand, and you don't feel tired in the slightest. you will in about half an hour, when the fear factor that is waking up fades off, when you fingers stop tingling, and when your jaw stops clenching so hard. you take the moment to try and release some tension as ashlyn gets on the bus. she nods at you, looking you over before sitting down in the other seat. it's a habit you've noticed she picked up with the others, even though at the time you didn't know why. she would stand there for just an extra second, like she was checking them for stains. now, she did it for you, too.
this bus ride feels like it's taking forever, seriously. maybe everyone is just groggy this morning. isn't it odd, that you too would be groggy like the rest of them? normally, you'd be sitting with your friends, maybe even texting lunarmoon, your online friend. normally, you'd be up until early hours of the morning playing games, reading, doom scrolling, not because eyes would make themselves up to stalk you. laughing was now dry, hyperventilating now a more common pass time than giggling and memes, the dull pull of sleep more enticing, yet an aversion like never before overtakes that desire. the tips of your fingers are playing with the bracelets loosely dangling from your wrist. it's a blue one with a dice charm, one you got when you turned seven from an acquaintance at your party. it was the only thing your newly seven year old self didn't end up losing or destroying. now the question would be, would it remain?
a jab to your shoulder makes you jump, and you flash around to squint at a softly grinning aiden.
“hey, don't know if you heard me, do you need the homework?” he asked, twirling the pieces of paper in his fingers, and then they promptly fell apart and into your seat. you sat there and stared at them for a second, before laughing through your nose and picking them up. “yeah, I'll take them, if you don't mind.”
aiden gives you a thumbs up, ben beside him has his earbuds in and is looking out the window like you were doing a bit ago. he looks tired, but that's not new. everyone looks tired; but you've gotta admit, it's probably exhausting to keep an eye on aiden at all times. sometimes, only just sometimes, he makes you think of a class pet that has a habit of jumping off counters. you all look after each other, but ben has a tendency to be the older brother aiden seemingly needs. you're own older brother was off at college, but the two of you had never really been close. you can say the same for your younger sibling too. they never really interacted with you outside of the occasional conversation. it was honestly…really quiet at your house.
you pulled out your own earphones, opening your music app and sending ben a music party link, adding a couple songs to it yourself before turning to look at him. you can see the moment he hears the notification, even if you don't, and then checks his phone, tilts his head and looks up at you. you smile at him, wiggling your fingers in greeting, and he does an awkward little wave back, before pressing the link and joining, adding his own music.
regardless of whether or not your music tastes align, you enjoy hearing each other's pallet. it's refreshing to not pick all your own music, especially when the other person also has an excellent music taste. and the bus ride is all to short for you to really complain, anyway.
you're in class before you realize it, unlike your other… is friends the right word? coworkers at this point? peers? survival partners? you could probably consider yourself friends with taylor, at this point. everyone else was more an acquaintance. that being said, they did all risk their lives to save your own from living in the bathroom for the rest of eternity. that feels a little closer than acquaintances. maybe the right term is party members. like a dungeons and dragons party. yeah. you like that.
anyway, you're a lot more energized, and everyone else falls asleep within ten minutes of class starting. it takes you fifteen. now that everyone else is present, it's easier to feel slightly safer. even after the bell nearly has you tripping over yourself to wake up, and you could've sworn you felt breathing on your shoulder.
you can see everyone talking in the corner of your eye, but you walk over to ashlyn, who's packing up her seat. she makes eye contact with you, again, looking over you before she continues. she acknowledges you with a hum, and you stand there waiting for her to be done before speaking.
“hey, um, I just wanted to say thank you. again. for coming and getting me. i get the feeling you're kinda group leader, well, okay, everyone at least looks up to you like that. and I know it was dangerous to come get me, and you didn't have to, but I really appreciate it. i won't be a pain, I promise I'll figure out something I can do to help so that it wasn't all for n-”
“ash! oh, hey, you too!” aiden interrupts you in the middle of your rambling gratitude and sort of apology? you don't remember, you kinda lost your point when ashlyn started to go slightly wide eyed at the confrontation. he's standing with everyone else, and holding his backpack over his shoulder with that evergreen grin of his. “we're all eating lunch together. y'know… to talk about stuff. you coming?”
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ghostlytableteehee · 1 year ago
You know who should play Ashlyn in the live action?
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Ed sheeran
"Girl you know I want your love-"
-Ashlyn Banner 2024
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katszzzz · 11 months ago
im tweaking so bad rn im going insane
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flufallo · 10 months ago
Spotted in the wild again
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graveyardgang · 29 days ago
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[sbg ch.57]
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[sbg ch.72]
I love how Ty and Ash are both protectors at heart and willing to sacrifice themselves but never each other
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corpseidol · 10 months ago
author’s note : that one art with logan and ashlyn holding pumpkins reference
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concept : taylor helps ashlyn carve a pumpkin
genre : oneshot, fluff
content : mild use of curse words, the whole group is mentioned,
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“i’m about to make it look like the next phantom i’ll be seeing..” ashlyn thought as she stared at the pumpkin, gripping her knife harshly. logan tried assisting her but accidentally made it worse. tyler and aiden are making fun of each other’s pumpkins. ben is grabbing drinks. taylor was… where’s taylor?
ashlyn’s breath hitched when she suddenly felt taylor’s hand on her shoulder “what happened to yours?” taylor giggled. ashlyn narrowed her eyes and slightly blushed out of embarrassment “i tried.” she mumbled, causing taylor to let out a laugh. “it’s.. something.” taylor smiled.
taylor took the last pumpkin available and set it in front of ashlyn “let’s do it together.”
the blush crept up to ashlyn’s cheeks, she nodded. ashlyn’s eyes slightly widened as taylor held her by the wrist, guiding ashlyn and occasionally taking the knife from her to cut open some parts herself.
⠀ › ⠀ashlyn keeps a picture of her and taylor holding the finished pumpkin saved on her phone in the “important” folder
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best-bro-ben · 4 months ago
In where?
A ball pit? I've gotten almost very stuck in one of those things before.
Aiden jumped in to try and save me! But then he got kinda stuck too D:
Catching up on sbg and
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luzisahomosexual · 1 year ago
under the cut ⬇️
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Aiden & Taylor hugging Ashlyn & refusing to let her go-😭🤚
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Does this found as a 4th wall break..?🤨 BUT OML SO CUTE
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STOP RN THEY HAVE MATCHING BRACELETS I CANT- Red…this better not be buttering us up so you can break our hearts soon…
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livingponcho · 9 months ago
HC about the SBG because I can!
Aidan eats bell peppers uncooked but also he doesn’t cut them up he eats them like apples.
Logan favorite flavor for most things is lemon
Ash used to have braces
Almost all of the group is acespec OR arospec most likely both: Ash is grayromantic, Tyler is arospec idk where I just know! Aidan is Demi, Taylor is cupioromantic.
Logan is on the debate team
Taylor is the best at uno
Ben gives the best hugs
Most of the group shares clothing, most of Logan’s sweaters keeps on going to the others because the fabric is very soft.
Ash hates horror movies, they are loud and obnoxious
Logan on the opposite end of the spectrum loves horror movies
Tyler is the mom friend
Tyler keeps bandages in his hoodie pocket
Aidan is lactose intolerance but this does not stop him from taking all of the cheese sticks when they get pizza
Logan house smells constantly of baked goods and flowers
Taylor is the only one with good social skills
Ben still writes songs
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just1cefor4ll · 11 months ago
I really wanna see a Ashlyn x Reader where the Reader gets bullied and Ashlyn hears this and comforts reader while the other group members deal with the bullys?
Ashlyn Banner x bullied!reader
warnings: mentions of bullying, swearing, bad grammar
A/N: really hope I wrote this well, I tried my best and sorry if it seems rushed :,) <3
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Ashlyn knew something was wrong the moment you came to class with a bruise under your eye. You weren’t acting that different, you flinched more often but you were still pretty cheerful. She only decided to confront you when you came to her house after school had ended all bruised up with your nose bleeding. You explained to her how things have been getting hard at school, that there were rumours spread about you and people bullied you. She of course was there for you, letting you cry and talk your heart out for hours. You both didn’t go to school for a day so you could relax and have some time for yourself, talking about it and what you want to do about it and here you were, in the present day, about to go to school with the rest of the group.
You sighed and walked aside Ashlyn as the rest of the group chatted about something you didn’t really took interest in. Today you were going to confront your bullies, well at least try to. The ‘plan’ was for you to confront them if they tried anything and Ashlyn would help you out while the rest of the group kept watch in case anything went wrong. You slipped a note into one of your bullies locker and headed to class.
After long and painful 6 hours of school, you walk to the bleachers behind the school where you told them to meet you, and to your surprise they were already there. Ashlyn wasn’t with you since you just wanted this to be over with so you went without waiting for her. “Look who came guys! The weird stalker.” Yeah, the rumours were about you stalking some girl from their group. They thought you were stalking her after “copying her” and just showing up at the same place she was for a week straight. And the copying was literally just wearing something similar or the same colour as her. “For the last time, I’m not a stalker.” You say and clench your fists. They all laugh, making your face heat up slightly. The girl you ‘stalked’ came up to you and smirked. “Well, if you didn’t stalk me, then tell me your sorry of an excuse of what actually happened.” She says and looks at you with a scowl. Your legs start to tremble a bit but you keep up your stern expression. “I did not stalk you, everything was just a coincidence and I also didn’t even wear the same things as you! And just because I wore the same socks or had the same necklace, that let me inform you, half of the school has, doesn’t mean I’m fucking stalking you—!” You get pushed to the ground and the girl gets on top of you, punching you right in the nose. You fight back, holding her fists so she can’t hit you but her little minions help her out, making you defenceless.
Meanwhile Ashlyn was frantically searching for you, trying to hear at least some sound of you anywhere. The group was right behind her when Logan yells for everyone. Everyone rushes to the back of the school and Ashlyn doesn’t waste a second and throws the girl off of you, grabbing you by the hand and drags you away. She whispers something to Tyler and he nods, waving the others over. You don’t know what happened after that since Ash dragged you to sit at a bench in front of the school. She takes out bandages and starts to clean your wound. ���Ash it’s just a scraped knee..” You say and she scoffs; “So? It can get infected.” She says and gives you a tissue for your bleeding nose. You shrug and look away, too embarrassed to even speak.
Ashlyn decides to break the silence and says in a stern voice; “Why didn’t you wait for me? I told you we would go together so nothing could go wrong!” She says and raises her voice slightly. You frown and stutter out a response; “I.. I thought I could.. you know, do it by myself? It’s my ‘battle’ not yours.” She grabs you by the shoulders and makes you stand up. She pulls you into a hug and you sigh, wrapping your arms around her.
“Hey, I’m fine..” You say and pat her back. She lets go of you and cups your cheek. “Y/N?” “Hm?” You look her in the eyes, falling in love over again, getting lost in her beautiful emerald green eyes. “Promise me, that if anyone bothers you ever again that you will tell me. Please don’t keep these things to yourself, I, I mean we care about you and don’t want you to be alone during these times.” She says and you nod, smiling at her. “I promise.” She nods and you see the rest of the group approaching you. You wave and notice some of them are bruised up. Your eyes widen and run over; “Hey, what the hell? What happened?” You say frantically and Taylor pats your head. “We took care of them.” She says and Tyler interrupts; “They won’t ever lay another finger on you.” He says and squeezes your shoulder. “Yeah! We got their asses good!” Aiden yells and jumps on your back, making all off you laugh, Ashlyn slightly jealous. You smile at the situation, you had the best group of friends you could ever wish for along with your wonderful girlfriend. Maybe everything went well after all.
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ash-lash · 1 year ago
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How did I miss her shirt?!?? OMG girlie likes paramore I knew it!!
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theaprilcot · 2 months ago
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The world in your hands
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