#and shout out to dasha for helping me finish this one :)
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 2 years ago
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bangtan boys in turtlenecks (10/??) ↳ cr. 0613data, dwellingsouls | bonus striped sope for @raplinenthusiasts:
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a-bang-for-your-bucky · 4 years ago
Welcome Home Part 3
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*not my gif*
WARNINGS: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE, seriously I use the ‘F’ word a lot. 
Pairings: Cody Rhodes x OFC (Sister), Brandi Rhodes x OFC (sister), Dustin Rhodes x OFC (Sister), past Seth Rollins x OFC, future Kenny Omega x OFC 
Summary: Peyton gets an offer that will change her entire career, while she tries to deal with the rising feelings for her best friend. 
A/N: Here is part 3. I hope y’all like it. 
The next few days following the aquarium, Kenny and I were more inseparable than usual. Everywhere we went, we were together. When Dynamite rolled around, the entire locker room was whispering about us. 
I was on my way to the EVP room, when I was stopped by Kris Statlander. “Hey girlie.” She greeted, booping my nose. It twitched at the contact. “I didn’t hear from you much this week, and then I saw the pics of you and Kenny. Spill.” She smiled, with a raised eyebrow. 
I laughed nervously, “There’s nothing to tell. We’re just friends.” She shook her head. I knew what people were saying. “I’m serious, Kris. Just friends who went to the aquarium together.” I defended, moving my hands in a definitive motion. 
“Girl! His eyes were on you, not the damn fish.” She rolled her eyes, “How are you both so clueless?!” She threw her hands up, flabbergasted. She quickly whipped her phone out and pulled up the shark tank picture again and showed it to me, zoomed in on Kenny’s face. “Those are heart eyes, girl. He is in love.” 
There was no way Kenny was in love with me. “Kris, he is literally married to wrestling. No time for relationships.” I pointed out. 
“But he always makes time for you.” She said before walking away to film a bit for BTE. Kenny did always seem to make time for me. I tried to shake her words as I continued my way to the EVP room. Cody had sent me a text earlier in the day saying that creative had a storyline they wanted to pitch to me. 
I opened the door and Cody was there with The Bucks, a writer, and Tony Khan. “Hey, sorry, I rushed here as fast as I could.” I apologized for my tardiness and grabbed a seat next to Cody. 
“Peyton, we want you to have a with Penelope for the number one contender slot for the AEW Women’s Championship.” Tony started to explain. A huge smile crossed my face. Then Nick added, “We want you to face Shida at ‘Winter is coming’”. I shook my head. 
“No fuck--” Cody gave me a stern look, telling me to watch my language, “I mean, no friggin’ way?!?” I couldn’t hide my excitement. Tony handed me the contract for the match at ‘Winter Is Coming’. I looked down at the papers in my hand. “This is legit? Are you sure there isn’t anyone else who deserves this before me?” I questioned, looking up from the packet that held my future. 
“We have pulled all the stats, plus we took in account fan base and Dark comments. You beat Penelope, and you’ll be number one contender.” Matt laid it all out, and I just needed to take it. All it took was one smooth signature and it was booked. 
“Well good evening, folks. It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means! Thanks for joining us here on Dynamite. Boy do we have a lined up show for you.” I listened to JR announce as I paced back and forth in front of the gorilla monitors. The announce team of JR, Tony, and Excalibur went on to discuss the card for the night. 
To say I was nervous was an understatement. Sure, I had been in the title picture before, but this was completely different. This would be my first title shot in AEW, plus Penelope and I were kicking off the show. That was something that didn’t happen often. Cody was waiting by the curtain, like he always did before my matches, to wish me luck. He immediately could tell that something was wrong. “What’s up, Pey?”
“I’m worried about Kip. It has me thrown off. He’s a wild card.” I mumbled anxiously as I bit at my nails. Cody nodded, giving me a knowing look. He pulled me in by my shoulder.
“You’ll be just fine, kid.” He smiled. I wanted to ask what he meant, but Kenny’s voice filled my ears before I could. 
“Hey, Princess!”  I could tell my face lit up at the sight of him. “I just wanted to say good luck. And ask if you wanted to grab dinner after?” Cody looked at the both of us and sighed. I knew he wanted the heat to die down from the Aquarium photo, for my sake. He had told me many times. I didn’t care though and neither did Kenny. 
“Of course, Omega. Thank you.” I replied quickly, throwing my arms around him for a tight hug. Cody grabbed my attention, letting me know it was my time. I released Kenny, but he grabbed my hand, giving it a light ‘you got this’ squeeze, before letting go. 
“The following contest, with a twenty minute time limit, is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, being accompanied to the ring by Kip Sabian, Penelope Ford.” I watched as they made their way into the ring and gave a disgusting show of PDA. 
I fiddled with my jacket, waiting for my music to hit. I instantly regretted letting Brandi talk me into wearing a choker. It suddenly felt too tight. I didn’t have a chance to remove it before I heard the familiar start of “My songs know what you did in the dark”. I composed myself and fixed my hair. I walked out the “Heel” tunnel and onto the ramp.
“And her opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, well they call her the “Dream Killer”, Peyton Rhodes.” Justin announced my name and the crowd still cheered, which made my heart happy. I quickly made my way into the squared circle, so the bell could ring.  
The match started with a few back and forth blows. Penelope got me into a side headlock, before quickly doing an arm drag. I shot back up to my feet. Again, we locked up, before I drove a knee up into her stomach. I had quickly gained the upper hand in the match. I was getting ready to drop her with a DDT, when I saw Kip pacing outside of the ring. I flipped him a bird and slammed Penelope’s head into the mat. As expected, Kip got involved. He slid into the ring, getting in my face. “Get out of the ring, Kip!” I yelled and he stepped a bit closer. I thought he was going to push me back away from him. 
Suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers as a figure jumped the barricade and slid into the ring. It was Mox. He pushed Kip back and into the ropes, making him fall through. This distracted Penelope and I took that chance to hit the “dream killer”, my finisher. I got the three count and the bell rang. Aubrey raised my hand and Justin announced me as the winner. 
Jon was still standing at the tunnels when I climbed through the ropes and walked up the stairs. I extended a hand to show respect, which he gladly took and pulled me in for a hug. The fans went wild. “What a reunion it was tonight for Peyton Rhodes and Jon Moxley. Now that Rhodes has defeated Ford, she will go on to face AEW Women’s champion Hikaru Shida for the title at “Winter Is Coming’ on December 2nd.” Tony announced for the viewers at home. 
Cody again was waiting by the curtain for me. “Great match, sis. Jon, thanks for having her back.” He said, like it was all planned. I needed to know what the hell Jon was thinking.
“Dude! You guys are trending!” Matt yelled as he walked up, shoving his phone in my face. It was like I was in a daze. I had no idea why Jon, of all people, got involved in my match. Now, we were trending on social media. Before I could reply, I was being pulled by an assistant to do an interview with Dasha. 
“I’m backstage with Peyton Rhodes. Peyton, what was that?” She asked. I quickly got into character. I flipped my hair over my shoulder, attitude immediately crossing my face. 
“What was that? You’re asking the hard-hitting questions, Dasha.” I mocked her, before continuing. “ Let me tell you what that was. That was me rising to the top of this division, just like I said I would.” I stepped closer to her mic, “That was me letting Shida know that her days as champion are numbered.” I turned to the camera. “Hold onto that title tight, Shida. Because it will be mine very, very soon.” 
Dasha nodded, looking annoyed with how bitchy I was being, “But everyone wants to know what Jon Moxley was doing?” She inquired, pushing the mic back in my face. 
I scoffed, “No comment.” I quickly walked away to find out what the hell just happened. Why did Jon come help me? I tried to find him, but no one had seen where he went. So I settled for finding my brother. I went to his trailer, and banged on the door. 
“Open up, Rhodes.” I shouted, and Brandi came to the door. I looked at her, fuming. “Where is my brother?” I snapped. She just moved to the side, letting me in. Cody was sitting on the couch, like he was waiting for me. What surprised me, was to see Kenny sitting there, too. 
“Glad you could join us, sis. Take a seat.” Cody motioned for me to sit next to Kenny. I cocked a brow, confused, but took the seat anyway. I looked at Kenny about to say something before Cody cut me off. “Since you two are wanting to be the talk of AEW, and have no intentions to listen to me or my advice, Khan wants you to work together.” My mouth dropped. 
“What the hell does that mean?” I growled. Kenny looked at me, shocked, that I was angry that we got to work together. I saw his smile drop instantly. “I mean, Don’t get me wrong, Ken, I would love to work a story with you. But I can’t do the whole ‘escort/manager’ thing again.” I objected, not going down that road again.
Kenny nodded in understanding, “I know. And you know I would never do that to you, Princess.” He ensured me, placing a gentle hand on my knee. 
“I would also never do that to you, Peyton. Trust me, this will be amazing.” Cody predicted, “We have a lot to talk about.” He smirked, taking a seat across from us. “After you left the meeting last week, Tony pulled me aside.” Cody started to explain. 
My mind was racing. What did Tony have in store for me? For Kenny? How in a matter of two weeks did I become number one contender and get to work with my best friend? I looked over at Kenny, who’s blue eyes were focused on what my brother was saying. He looked so happy. I wondered if it was because we got to do a storyline together or because he was getting his shot at the AEW world title? 
“Tony wants you to turn on Moxley.” Those seven words drew me from my thoughts. My whole body went rigid. Did he just say what I think he said? I looked over at Kenny who was smiling like a cat who caught the canary. 
“He wants me to do what?” I asked, wanting Cody to clarify what the fuck he just said to me.
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deepdisireslonging · 6 years ago
Family Found Part 31: Sending a Message
It’s the last Monday before Clash of Champions, and everyone wants to make sure that their opponent knows what pain and humiliation are in store for them on Sunday. 
Warnings/Promises: wrestling violence
Word Count: 2390
Note: Heads up, I am super mean to Jose this week. Sorry. Since Rhyno has retired, he’s not going to be in this series anymore. I wish him well wherever he goes. And, quick question, am I writing Bray/Dr. M creepy enough/too much? Any and all feedback is super appreciated. You can do it on this post, or my asks and private messages are always open.
Part 1: Welcome to the Team  
Part 30: Challenge Accepted
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Monday Night Raw – December 10, 2018
“I don’t understand why Ember is fighting tonight. She’s got a title opportunity on Sunday!” Corey scoffed when Renee tried to calm him down. “It’s just… she’s been running full speed towards this goal, but – superkick from Ember! But fighting Mickie James tonight could cost her.”
They all flinched as the women fell back from the corner in a suplex. Renee pressed forward. “Ember knows exactly what she’s doing. Tonight is just practice. Keeping her muscles warm and keeping her head clear. She’s got this.”
A few moves later, Ember did not seem to ‘got this.’ Mickie was keeping her off her feet, and any time she did stand up, there was a kick or a punch that made her spin into the ropes. The war goddess hissed as she bounced off the apron, sprawling across the floor. She tried to get back between the ropes, but Mickie was there to pull her onto their springiness, sending her back. Then Mickie jumped, landing on her.
With a scream, Ember was through with the mockery Mickie was putting her through. She tossed Mickie into the ring post, then scaled up to the top. She Eclipsed. Rolling back into the ring, she waited for the count.
“Wait… do you think that’s the best choice going into Clash of Champions?” Cole asked. “Natalya’s going to have champion’s advantage, and she can’t lose the title by count-out.”
As the ref approached the count of seven, Ember growled as the realization hit her. She rolled out and collected her opponent. Mickie stumbled to her feet, turning just in time to catch another Total Eclipse. Ember pinned her without even a twitch from Mickie. She wobbled to her feet, flinching as the ref raised her hand. The stage lit up in purple, and Natalya walked out. She watched as the champion came down the ramp and entered the ring.
She didn’t say anything, just walked up to stand toe-to-toe with Ember. And then, with a bright smile on her face, she raised the title above them both. Point made, she turned on her heel and left the way she came.
All the audience could see was the darkness. A few offered up their flashlights, but when the silence took over, those snuffed out. Dr. M appeared on the screen, standing in a long dark hallway that looked like it belonged to an abandoned hospital.
“The first dose has been given,” he said. “The first antidote issued. My associate and I have what we want, and we’re not going to let a few parasites get their hands on our titles.” He flipped his tag title belt over his shoulder and smiled at it. Then he slowly turned his gaze forward. “Or will we? Because, you have to see, having the cure to what ails the WWE universe is no good unless it’s administered to everyone.” He squinted in thought. “Perhaps there are other goals we need to achieve to ensure the erasure of the widespread disease.”
He grabbed hold of the camera, making the image shake. “But that has not yet come to pass. Plans are still incubating. Tonight… no. Tonight is about sending the message. It’s making sure that the universe knows that its rescue is at hand. The rescue from the viruses and the human pestilence that is the Raw tag team division as it stands.” He stepped back. “Don’t worry. Doctor M is here to help.”
Backstage, Elias was tuning his guitar. Once he had it adjusted the way he liked it, he began to strum and hum along. Just as he was about to sing, a thumping beat came down the hallway. A man in a brightly colored shirt danced by with a speaker box playing No Way Jose’s music, followed by a long line of people who filled the space. Jose danced into the center of them, twirling one woman around, and then grabbing Elias’s hand to twirl him.
“Can you not-“ Elias growled and snatched his hand away. “Can you not do this right here?” He shouted over the music. Jose motioned that he couldn’t hear him. “Are you… are you headed to the ring? The ring!” It took several hand motions, but Elias finally got his question across. “Good. I’m going to meet you there!”
Jose smiled and motioned for his dance party to follow him, leaving the hall much quieter.
Elias sneered and shouldered his guitar. “Yeah, I’ll meet you in the ring.”
A few minutes later, Elias was illuminated in the center of the ring. “I had to rush to get here before the dancing hooligans, but I should have enough time to make sure that you know that WWE stands for?” He waited for the response. “Good. You’ve got it. Now let’s see if I can…” He strummed and was able to get into the same tune as before. But like earlier, as he was inhaling to sing along, Jose’s music interrupted. He stood and angrily shed his scarves, microphone, and guitar.
Before the bell had barely rung, Elias was attacking. But Jose knew what he had been doing, and saw it coming. With a relaxed dodge, Elias’s shoulder collided with the ring post. Jose pulled him back into the ring and tried for a pin, almost succeeding. From there, Jose took great pleasure in pushing Elias’s buttons. Even if the retaliation was painful and exhausting. He was talented in distracting hip curls, and in interrupting any attempted moves from his opponent. At his cue, the dancers that had stayed, danced a lap around the ring chanting “walk with Elias” very much off-key. It set Elias’s hackles on edge, making Jose laugh.
Turning his back on an irate Drifter was a mistake. A high knee laid Jose out flat. Elias took to the skies and finished him off with an elbow drop. When that wasn’t enough, Elias growled, “dance away from this,” and spun Jose up for powerbomb after powerbomb. Finally, Elias went for a pin, satisfied when the ref made it to three. He rolled out to retrieve his guitar.
No Way Jose stumbled to his feet. He was too busy rubbing the headache out of his temples to notice the frantic motions from his fellow dancers. Jose was oblivious to Elias raising his guitar behind him. It shattered on his back. Elias slung the remnants over his shoulder and nodded before leaving the ring.
In the next round for the women’s tag teams, Rhonda shadowboxed in the ring, waiting for her partner. Dana Brooke made her entrance. The women shook hands in the ring. “Thanks for… being willing to be my partner in this,” Rhonda said.
“Thanks for even thinking of me. Even if I was the last one available. You could have stayed out of the tournament, but you didn’t. And now we’re both here.”
They stood shoulder to shoulder as the Riott Squad took the stage. “No, no, no, no, NO!” Ruby twisted the mic on her hand. “Rhonda, Rhonda, Rhonda. You just can’t seem to play by the rules, can you? You swaggered into the WWE with your big name and doors just flung open for you.” She cackled. “You may have been great in your fighting world, but in this one, you have to earn your spot. And not by cutting corners. And Dana,” she cocked her head as she descended down the ramp, Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan on her heels, “you should know better. And I think, that of every woman on the roster, you would know fake, self-serving, inevitable back-stabbing power when you see it.”
Rhonda cut Dana off from rushing forward. She noted how the other two women had circled the ring, flanking them. Sarah and Liv stepped up onto the apron, harsh grins on their faces.
“And now,” Ruby finished, “we are going to make sure you pay. Both of you.” She strolled over to the bell booth and rang in the match herself.
It didn’t last long. The Riott Squad women were good what they did. If Rhonda was in the ring, they quick tagged and evaded her hits, keeping her frustrated. If Dana was in, well, they knew her buttons too. Whispering ghosts from her time working with Charlotte Flair. It wore on her more than the punches. And when it became too much, Rhonda was too busy chasing Liv for the tag. Sarah pinned Dana, then escaped up the ramp with her team.
“Lesson learned, Rhonda,” Ruby shouted back.
The number one contender’s match for the Raw tag titles was between the Revival and the team of Bobby Roode and Chad Gable. It was a heck of a match, keeping everyone on the edge of their seats. When Dash finally pinned Chad, even Dasha Fuentes had to applaud. The losers, and runner-ups by agreement, left the ring so the ref could raise the hands of the victors. The continued to celebrate even after he left.
Then the lights went out.
When they came back on, and only halfway, both Dash and Scott were knocked out in the ring. In either corner, the shadows turned out to be Dr. M and Braun Strowman. Again, the lights went out. When they came back on, fully this time, the Revival was still asleep on the mat, but Dr. M and Braun were gone.
The main event was what you had set up last week. Seth Rollins came out to the ring and grabbed a mic. “Over the past several weeks, there have been a great many… insinuations that I am not worthy to be Intercontinental Champion.” He shrugged. “I would have to disagree, but you guys deserve more than just words or a flashy appearance. So, tonight, right here and right now, I am issuing an open challenge. But not just any open challenge,” he grinned, “it’s going to be a gauntlet open challenge.”
Proud of himself, he beamed at the crowd, basking in the response they gave him. “Back there are five of some of the best wrestlers WWE has to offer. And not one of them is going home tonight with this title.” He returned the mic and handed the title to the referee while Jojo announced the match.
The first to come out was Baron Corbin. Most of their match ended up outside the ring. Between Baron’s quick recoveries around the posts, and Seth’s over-the ropes high flying, their part of the match could have gone either way. But Seth’s curb-stomp could knock out a dragon. He hurried to his feet after the pin, ready for the next opponent.
Dolph Ziggler came out next, proud and swaggering and taking his time to circle the ring before ascending the stairs. Both men glared at the other. Immediately, Dolph tried to catch Seth in a headlock, succeeding enough to toss the champion to the canvas. The goal was to keep him off his feet, and he did so with repeated kicks to his stomach and by targeting the areas already hurt by Baron. Still, Seth came back and gave worse to Dolph than what he had received. There may have been a slight hold on Dolph’s tights for the roll-up.
Having lost, Dolph begrudgingly left the ring. He paused at the bottom of the ramp as Drew McIntyre entered next. They sneered at each other, merely inches apart on the wide ramp, before going their separate ways. Again, the match was more likely to be outside the ring than in. Drew used the ring posts, the stairs, and his height advantage against Seth. And the injuries were beginning to add up. So Seth switched the game from defense to dodgeball. Every time that Drew tried to run Seth into something, it was reversed, and he ended up hitting the target. One such crash into the ring post was enough to keep Drew from kicking out, giving Seth a much-needed break.
Seth was still kneeling, facing where Drew had rolled out of the ring, when Dean’s music hit. He sighed with a smile, turning to watch his brother in arms come down the ramp. They shared a quick handshake. Then Dean used every trick he knew would either exhaust Seth or tick him off. And there was a lot to work with, considering their history.
Finn Balor’s entrance took over the stage. As suddenly as it came, the music stopped. Seth froze, keeping an eye out for a trick, giving Dean the break he needed to try for a roll-up. He was unsuccessful, but only just.
“Mind games!” Corey shouted.
Several long minutes later, Dean was pinned, though he kicked out at three and a quarter. Panting, they laughed. Dean rolled out of the ring, shaking his head. He motioned to Seth “so close.” His brother mouthed back, “you wish.”
Dean was long gone by the time Finn’s entrance started again. When he didn’t immediately enter from the front, Seth spun around just in time to receive a sling blade. He had already fought four of the best, and the fifth one was proving to be more than he could handle. It was taking longer and longer for him to get to his feet. And his slow reaction time didn’t save him from a number of hits. Finn went for a pin. At the last half-second, he pulled Seth up from the mat. With a soft pat to the side of Seth’s face, he slid out of the ring. The ref counted to ten while Seth rolled to his stomach, waiting for him to finish the job.
“Why would I beat you tonight, Seth? When I beat you, I want it at Clash of Champions, not on Monday Night Rollins.”
Backstage, Drew was nursing his wounds, physical and to his pride. Dolph’s arrival did nothing to better his mood. “What do you want? You’ve got nothing to brag about. Seth beat you.”
“You didn’t do much better.” Dolph took a deep breath and calmed his speech. “That’s why we need to combine forces again. We were so much stronger-“
“No, you were stronger.” Drew towered over him as he stood. “I was held back. Go after your own goals, Dolph, and stay out of the way of mine.”
Part 32: Holiday Havoc (Clash of Champions)
Series Masterlist
Forever Tags: @blondekel77 @hallemichelles @laochbaineann @lavitabella87@ramblingsofabourbondrinker @savmontreal @southsidebucky @tinyelfperson@zuni21798
WWE/Series Tags: @a-home-for-stray-stories @amballins-priestess @top-1-percent @mother-forker @neversatisfiedgirl @racheo91 @roman-reigns-princess @secretagentfangirl @thetherianthropydaily @wwe-smutfics@scuzmunkie @likeisaidwhatever @cait-kae @ramsaypants @sony-undead18@brianaraydean @st4yingstrong @dopeybubbles @crystallizeme@jessica91073 @denise8691 @stalelight @kenyadakblalock @1dluver13xx @lauren-novak @lunatic-desert-child @littledeadrottinghood @livelifewondering
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Part 4
We ordered the whole vip area to have freedom to fool around. Artem said looking on a road.
Wow. That’s some exclusive thing. You said, trying to sound more enthusiastic. You knew that Kostya was going to come to the club too and you felt nervous because you tried to avoid him for this last month. You were getting close too fast so you decided to keep some distance and you found many excuses to never come to studio with Artem.
I was so tired lately. We all were. I can finally have fun. You heard your boyfriend.
My cute babe. You said and caressed Artem’s cheek. You were doing great lately when you wasn’t getting involved in his work and you two have spent some quality time together. But for some reason you felt insecure when you walked in the neon door and saw big group of people down the hall.
You’re late, dorks. Artem’s friend said seeing you. What happend on the way? He added playfully and the rest of friends started to laugh. Except Kostya who shaked Artem’s hand and sat back on sofa. You wondered if he was still angry after last Vibir he took a part in. His hair was different. Half blond and half black but also shorter. Some of friends stood up to start to sing karaoke song. Dasha sounded good. Obviously, she was Kostya’s backup vocalist. You started talking with the rest of girls and finished first drink pretty quickly. For the first time, you felt shy around everybody, especially when Artem moved microphone to your direction.
Sing it!
No! You said and you covered your face. Artem started screaming lines of song with his pals. Then they turned to Kostya. He sang short part and moved away on his seat. It was strange because he was still wearing sunglasses in this dark place. You heard boys saying something about getting over Vibir to him and you already knew what was a reason of his bad mood. After few minutes or maybe hour you felt very relaxed and when you looked at karaoke screen, you suddenly wanted to sing too. When you stood up, you realise that you more drunk than you thought. You told DJ to start playing background music.
X! What do I see? Artem said, seeing you in front of screen. Everybody was looking at you.
I’ll sing Taylor Swift. You said proudly.
What? You said when music already started. You don’t like? I’ll sing Britney Spears too!
Shake it off, shake it off! You screamed and you probably was too late with following a speed of lyrics on screen but you didn’t care. You even danced to it. Girls joined you, laughing. They hugged you and it made you even happier.
I’m good, right? You said to microphone and you saw Artem clapping and laughing very hard. You went to his direction where he was sitting and started singing, imitating Britney’s voice.
Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know That something wasn't right here
When you turned to right, your eyes met with Kostya’s. He wasn’t wearing his sunglasses anymore and he was smiling.
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign Hit me baby one more time
You followed lyrics with girls but even being intoxicated didn’t change this strange feeling when you was singing these lyrics. You turned your back from sofa and continued singing, standing in front of screen. You came back to your seat and then Artem surrounded you by his arm.
I’m a manager. Do yo want me to help you with your singing career?
Shut up. You laughed and patted him. But you know it was good.
Sure. He said and kissed your cheek. Kostya leaned to table and poured Artem more wine.
It was really good song. You said and he looked at you. Wonder. You added.
I agree. It’s just that jury sucks. But it’s not the end of the world. Artem said. Kostya straightened up with a bottle of wine in nonchalant way.
And that’s why I’ll kick their asses someday. He said and winked.
He’s okay. You said and laughed. Bitch Melovin is back! You said loudly and took microphone from a table. Kostya turned to you. So now show us what you’ve got. I’m sure that your songs are on karaoke list.
Who said that I will sing? He asked you and you pointed at yourself.
Me. Because I want to listen to the best song on Vibir.
You moved microphone to his direction and you kept looking at each other. Kostya’s lips flinched like he stopped himself from smiling and you knew you was right because his eyes showed amusement. This fire inside when he was performing on stage. He took your microphone.
Please, play some music to Melovin’s song! Our star will sing now. You shouted to DJ. Kostya looked at you like he wanted to say unbelievable. The rest of friends clapped.
Melovin! Melovin! You joined cheering. He smiled shortly and added with serious tone:
Come on, I don’t need to read lyrics of own song.
He sat back on sofa and started singing Wonder. And damn, he sounded so great.
Yes! I love this voice! You said loudly and laughed. You definetly drank too much. Kostya leaned to you from his place and moved microphone to your face.
No! It’s your showtime! You laughed louder and tried to push him away but he sat next to you.
We wait, I wonder, can we, I wonder
He turned to you, singing chorus. You looked away, feeling his longer gaze on you. Everybody was looking at Kostya so at least they didn’t notice your reaction. You looked at Kostya when he moved his head to other direction. He looked back at you when he already finished his song.
Happy? He asked you, raising his eyebrow.
You wasn’t sure how many hours have passed but not so long time later, most of friends started leaving club. You felt sleepy and then Artem told you that barteneder said that they were closing soon. There was again you, Artem and Kostya.
You’re came here by taxi, right? He asked Artem.
Let’s come back by taxi together.
Yeah. No problem. Artem answered. You wasn’t sure if it wasn’t a problem for you. Somewhere in your delusional mind, you thought that Kostya did it intentionally. Just like sitting next to you and singing to you before. Artem went to locker room to take your coats and you found excuse to not to stay with Kostya and you entered toilet. When you looked at yourself in a mirror you felt so cool and probably even if you was wearing a sack, you would feel the most fashionable person at the club. It was so obvious that you drank too much. You came back to corridor. Kostya was already waiting there. It was a strange feeling. He was only leaning against the wall and fixing his leather jacket and he looked so hot. Especially when he noticed you and purple light moved on his face when he turned his head to your direction.
It was so much fun. You said cheerfully.
Don't get too used to this. Kostya said. We don't go that often to clubs.
Geez, this bitch.. You laughed and you suddenly lost your balance, grabbing Kostya’s sleeve. He laughed, exposing his cheekbones. Why did you liked his laugh so much? You moved away and leaned against the wall next to him.
Why are your eyes always so..
So..? Kostya raised his eyebrows. For a second when you was back to your senses, you stopped yourself from saying that his eyes were beautiful. It was dangerous to talk in such state to him but you couldn't stop talking. You kept looking at Kostya.
You can look at them and know that you're a tease. You laughed. He seemed confused at first but he smiled a bit.
I am a tease? Look who's talking.
I shouldn't drink. You murmured, meeting Artem's gaze at the same moment.
What? Kostya asked, not able to hear you in such noise. Artem appeard next to you two and took you by arm.
Let's go.
My head got weaker. It's been long time since I've been drinking. You said, leaning your head on his shoulder.
You woke up alone in bed, hearing Artem’s steps in another room.
Artem! You’re up?
Yup. You heard him.
Okay.. you said, confused when he appeard in a room. Do you have hangover too?
Some little headache. He laughed. I’ll make some fizzy drink for it for us both.
Great idea. You said and put your head back on pillow. It didn’t take too long because you heard your phone rining. Before you grabbed it from a table, it stopped. It was very short signal and it was a call from Kostya. Your heart skipped for no ceratin reason. You put your phone away but curiosity didn’t let you to ignore it. So you called him back.
Hey, X. I called you by mistake. Sorry.
That’s what I thought. You said.
How do you feel by the way? Kostya asked you after longer silence.
Could be better..
Can’t get any better. You heard him humming.
What? You laughed.What the hell?
It just reminded me a song.
What song? You insisted with amusement.
My song.
Will you sing me some part? You asked him shyly.
Why would I do that? Kostya asked in his typical, playful style.
Because your voice is so nice You said before you realised it wasn’t the safest answer. But you was honest. You heard his breathe and he started humming a song you never heard before.
Curtains down, I'm laughing at the trial. Help me to unravel.
You just imagined his lips close to your ear. His voice was so pleasant that your imagination leaded you to his arms and he was already kissing your neck, moving next kisses to your lips. You moved away your phone and took deep breath. It was so wrong but these were only thoughts.
The rest of song.. Soon. You heard Kostya and you moved your phone to your ear again.
What is it? I’ve never heard it before.
Because you exclusively hear it as the first one.
You gulped and forced yourself to say something.
Wow. What an honour. You murmured.
Who are you talking with? Sudden voice of Artem made you so nervous that you raised your bddy from bed.
Oh, I gotta go. Thanks for calling. You said to earphone and disconnected before Kostya could answer.
It was Mel. He wanted to know if I’m still alive. You told Artem, sounding quite chilled out.
Does he know now?
Good. He said and put your drink on a table. He turned away and left room. You followed him to kitchen. He sat on a chair and even didn’t look at you.
Why are you like this?
Like what? He almost growled. It was obvious that he was angry.
Come on, I see you’re angry. What’s up?
Artem looked at you with grimace. His dark, doe eyes lacked its old spark.
Why did you hang out so fast?
Because you came in. You said with heavy voice and you fixed your hair in nervous way. It wasn’t the best answer. I actually sounded very suspicious so you tried to explain it and you started talking quite fast.
I thought that you wanted to talk with me and it wasn’t that important conversation.. You said and sat in front of him, waiting till he will look at you. Artem, you’re reading too much into it. You’re making me awkward like I did something wrong.
But deep down you felt you was doing everything wrong.
Am I? Artem said and moved from his seat to stop in front of window. Maybe you're dating a wrong guy.
You stood up with shocked face.
What are you even talking about? You asked with weak voice.
You really don't see what's going on?! You don’t see it? Artem raised his voice, turning to your direction.
I felt that it can be annoying to you but why would it bother you? He's your best friend.
I just don't like that you're so comfortable with each other, ok? Artem said after a short pause like he was wandering if he should say about his worries. You're not even like this with me. It's getting awkward.
I'm sorry. You said and grabbed his hand. I didn't mean to make you feel this way. I won't be meeting him as often as before if it's gonna make you more comfortable.
Like it could change anything..
He moved away from you and took his laptop from table. Then he wore his coat and boots and walked to the door.
Where are you going? You asked him but the only answer was a sound of closed doors. You was close to crying. It felt so awful because deep down you knew that Artem was right. There was something going on. You started to feel sexual tension everytime when you was close to Kostya. It was even more embarrassing because you was dating somebody else and these feelings were one sided. But at least you finally admitted to yourself these feelings. You thought that Kostya was a cool guy and you wanted him so badly. You clearly wanted to have sex with him so it was only physical attraction and you decided to avoid him and wait till this temporary fascination will fade away.
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