#i REALLY want this to be casual it is NOT a big deal
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kelisewrites · 1 day ago
you and katsuki weren’t dating or anything, but it didn’t seem like the two of you were just friends either. maybe a secret third thing?
now that you think about it, you and katsuki were unusually close. but you’ve always just thought it was casual, right? just friendly things that friends do?
like, he’ll always find a way to touch you. if the two of you are walking through a crowded hallway at school, you’ll feel his hand resting on your back, just to keep you close as the crowd pushes through.
or sometimes, when the class goes on a field trip, he makes sure he gets to sit next to you.
you’ll immediately feel the warmth of his thigh pressing against yours as he plops down in the seat next to you, your shoulder brushing against each others.
“here,” katsuki says, shoving a protein bar into your hands. “i know ya’ didn’t eat anything yet, idiot.”
“thanks katsuki, how’d you know?” you ask him, opening it up.
he shrugs. “‘cause i pay attention. no big deal.”
you hummed in response as you gazed at the two of your legs still touching. katsuki didn’t seem to mind it at all. there was just something so domestic about it all. even when sometimes you’d lay your head on his shoulder, on purpose just to mess with him, it wouldn’t work because he always let you.
you and katsuki were laying on the couch in the common area together, and you suddenly decided to lean back on him, your back to his chest.
you expected for him to at least give you some attitude, since he never lets anyone touch him. you know he hates it. weirdly enough, he didn’t say anything. in fact, you felt him shift closer to you, getting comfortable.
“aw, you’re really not gonna push me away? thought you hated people touching you?”
he snaps, “whatever,” before draping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you even closer.
everyone knows bakugou doesn’t have many people he would consider his friend. maybe except one person.
kirishima had been noticing how different his best friend had been acting, and he just had to bring it up.
“leave me alone, shitty hair”
“dude, you spend almost all of your time with her!”
“your point?”
“you like her.”
katsuki scoffs, “shut the hell up.”
“just saying, man.” kirishima nudges him, “its funny”
katsuki glared at him. “what’s fucking funny?”
kirishima gave him a look. “the way you act like it isn’t a thing.”
“you’re fucking annoying.”
“maybe. but im right, huh?” he teases.
he doesn’t answer right away, instead, he hesitates and scoffs.
“that wasnt a no.” kirishima smiles at him.
“i said, leave me alone.” katsuki says before storming off.
the next day, it was rainy after school, and of course katsuki was waiting for you by the doors with an umbrella so the two of you could walk back to the dorms.
his face softens when he sees you, and he grabs your bag, tossing it over his shoulder like he always does, before opening the umbrella waiting for you to step under it.
“took ya’ long enough,” he says as you two begin walking in the rain. “thought i was gonna be here waitin’ all day”
“you waited for me?”
“duh. knew you wouldn’t have an umbrella.” he shifts closer to you naturally, “and i always walk you back to your dorm don’t i?”
“yeah, but, dunno, it’s just kinda sweet.” you say softly.
he scoffs, “like i was gonna leave your dumbass.”
you nod and feel your heart jump at his words. was this casual? the thought of this possibly being something more had been eating at you all week, and you just had to speak up.
“y’know, people think we’re dating.”
he looks down at you, then grumbles, “so what?”
“what, you dont care? you’re not gonna.. i dunno, deny it?” you ask, gazing at him.
he just kind of pauses and shrugs, and you swear you notice a slight blush on his cheeks. “let ‘em think whatever they want.”
you blinked in surprise. really? was that it? no argument? before you could make any sense of it, or say anything back, he just grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, the touch unexpected, but so so familiar.
you didn’t end up saying anything else, and neither did he. the two of you just continued walking, hand in hand.
- completely inspired by this post!
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ckret2 · 11 hours ago
I have never watched samurai jack. Is aku gay for jack or is it straight up loathing. Cause with the Ford situation, he can be either "I get you" or "what the fuck is wrong with you"
All right let's do a full analysis. Essay time: Is The Evil Tree Gay.
it's loathing, but like, the kind of cartoon hero/villain rivalry where it's gone on so long that sometimes they get weirdly casual about hating each other. Although there's no real evidence to support the idea that Aku's harboring secret adoration for Jack, there's just enough empty space where you could insert that if you decide to. If tomorrow the showrunner declared "btw Aku was secretly gay for Jack" I'd go "sure."
if you WANT it to be gay, here's what you've got to work with:
– when Jack first time travels to the future to hunt Aku, Aku makes a big deal about how he can and will be watching Jack's every move. There are multiple scenes where he's just glowering at Jack through a magic window, occasionally asking why he won't just die. Which isn't affectionate, but IS obsessive.
– Eventually he's so distraught by the fact that this guy just won't die that he gets a therapist who bans him from mentioning Jack's name during their sessions. (The therapist is himself. Aku's not in a great place.) so, like, again: not affectionate, but sooo obsessive. I cannot stop thinking about this guy to the point it's becoming a problem obsessive.
– (and you only asked about Aku's feelings but I'll mention on Jack's end: from the age of 8 Jack spends 17 years traveling the world just to train to kill Aku, and then 50 years solely dedicated to trying to kill him. So, the obsession goes both ways.)
– Aku loves to hang around after Jack's lost just so that he can laugh and taunt him. And when Aku finally captures Jack, he makes a big deal about choosing his method of execution and making a public show of it. So like, he hates Jack but he doesn't hate him so much that he doesn't even wanna look at him. You could even say he likes Jack... as long as Jack's suffering.
– there's an entire episode where Jack searches for a magic jewel that can help him defeat Aku, and he teams up with a pretty gal who tells Jack about how Aku's tormented her. they spend days (weeks? I'd have to rewatch) traveling & camping together. when they find the jewel, the gal smashes it and reveals she's actually Aku in a shapeshifted disguise, at which point he laughs at Jack and leaves. The dynamic between fake-gal & Jack wasn't quite romantic, but it was very friendly and Aku didn't break character once during their journey.
– there's another episode where Aku, this time disguised as a Wise Old Hermit Mentor Figure (albeit a particularly crabby one), tricks Jack into collecting the parts of a weapon for him. This time it's Jack who sees straight through Aku's disguise and only pretends to play along so that he can catch Aku off guard and try to kill him. So, they're mutually willing & able to (pretend to) play nice with each other if it's for some other benefit.
– this is where it really gets weirdly casual: there's an episode where Aku goes "look, Jack, every week or so I pop up and we fight and you almost kill me with your sword and I fly away going 'you haven't seen the last of me!' and a week later we do it again. How about we just have a duel." Jack's not sure where Aku's proposed duel site is; Aku offers to give him a ride there. Also they decide they need to wrestle in loincloths for some reason.
– Their duel rules are no sword, no magic, no minions, Aku restricted to a human form/strength. Aku cheats, so Jack cheats by going for his sword; Aku reveals he's additionally cheated by bringing a minion that already stole Jack's sword; and this conversation ensues:
– And also Aku left this note when his minion stole Jack's sword:
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So, taken all together:
they're mutually obsessed with each other
as long as both of them exist at the same time their lives are defined by each other
they're mutually willing to swallow the hate for extended periods when it gets them something beneficial
Aku's put himself in a position where he was willing to act very friendly/potentially romantic with Jack
Starting with Aku, they're willing to treat this murdering-each-other business like a chore they both just have to deal with rather than something driven by burning loathing
they both know each other so well that they can predict each other's moves several steps ahead
they've fought near-naked, voluntarily
aaand Aku signs notes to Jack "Love, AKU ♡"
And as a bonus, they were both born on the same day, Jack as the heir to the sole weapon that could kill Aku, Aku knowing his whole life that Jack was & is the only person that could destroy him. Something something entwined destinies.
As a bonus-bonus, Jack ultimately hooks up with Aku's daughter so like, you could read into that if you want to. She doesn't resemble her dad much though. I don't count it but I wouldn't knock someone else for counting it.
So, it's not enough material for a shipper to say "this is gay." Neither one of them expresses any hint that they'd feel empty or unfulfilled if the other one was dead; neither one expresses a grudging admiration for any of the other's traits; neither one hints that he has some sort of void in his life that the audience realizes the other one of them could fulfill.
But it's enough material for a shipper to say "I can make it gay."
It'd be easiest to push it straight into "homoerotic foe" "my hatred fuels my passion" "I'm so obsessed with you that it simply transmuted into another kind of obsession" territory.
But a ship based on them liking each other would take more creativity and either a major AU or a major characterization adjustment. Some hero/villain ships you can go "well one's good and one's evil, but that isn't necessarily a dealbreaker"; this is one ship where it's 100% a dealbreaker on Jack's side and 80%-100% a dealbreaker on Aku's side. (It's clear Jack hates evil & evildoers; but we don't know whether Aku HATES good & do-gooders, or just looks down on them and hates them when they're trying to stop him. But however he feels, he sure doesn't admire good.)
Someone claiming they could make them like each other without changing someone's characterization would very much be an "I'm skeptical that you could, yet intrigued that you may" situation.
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buckley-diaztruther · 18 hours ago
sorry friends it's another long one
ive always been of the opinion that when buck and eddie end up living together it has to be eddie suggestinf/asking. partially bc its obvious gonna be in his house but largely because we need proof that this is a step theyre both wanting, it's buck being asked ti stay, it's very clearly NOT a moment where buck uses big gestures to save a sinking ship
and now the show has so perfectly given is the exact sce priority where this HAS to happen
because when eddie comes back, there's no question of him and chris moving back into the house. the question will be 'does buck stay or go'
and there's a few non-romantic reasons why I don't think Eddie would want/tell buck to go. first reason is financial. buck gave up his loft, fucked his credit even more, and would have a hell of a time trying to find any apartment that he can afford AND that would take him. eddies not going to just kick his best friend out, and at the moment no one else on the team really has a long term place for him. sure, eddies is cramped as well but at least all of bucks stuff is there. this is the practical option that is going to save them both money tbh
second reason is the diaz boys love having Buck around. he cooks, he cleans, he co-parents, and he is literally their favorite person outside of each other. doesn't even have to be romantic, they just love buck. he's family and its really that simple.
and then of course we do look at the romance of it all which. I think a lot of the fandom agrees would the the funniest reason for why buck would feel like he CANT stay. because whether he's accepted his feelings or not at this point, if he and eddie arent together then buck is now going to be hyper aware of anything that could be read as romantic and he's going to try to avoid that once eddie is home. so he's either gonna try to make living with Eddie the most platonic bro thing ever OR he's gonna wanna avoid it all together. meanwhile eddie is just like 'dude. wtf is ur deal just get in bed and stfu ur fine I'm fine and I just wanna go to sleep'
but then eddie is going to have to go to buck, romantically or not, and very directly tell him: "I WANT you to stay. I am asking you to stay here. With us."
bc everyone leaves and sure sometimes they come back but has anyone really ever asked him to stay? has anyone ever actually told buck in clear, explicit words that he is wanted, needed, and that him being the one to leave is not that they want?
because the few times buck has left anywhere (PA, the frat house w Connor, Abbys place, the bouncing between Maddie and chimney before finally landing the loft) it's either been something he's been told to do, or it's something he's felt like he has to do. he's known that he's liked and loved and wanted to a casual degree but no one has ever said that they're sad to watch him leave. no one has asked him to stay. they either let him go or they go first.
(im of the belief that every place buck ever left during his years of traveling was only either because whatever ties he had there dissolved or because he was following someone else, all except for the seals - Bucks first time choosing for himself, by himself, to leave something behind (i don't count Hershey since Maddie was such a big part of him leaving. I don't think he'd have really left if she hadn't told him to go and 'left' him first))
the closest he's gotten to being asked to stay, and i think this moment was huge, was when he brought up leaving the 118 and everyone verbally flicked him in the head for it. and I do think this was so important, but also undercut by chimney and then eddie leaving. it kind of perpetuates this theme for buck of always being the one left behind waiting for someone to come back (happened again end of s7 when Bobby tried to return, and then again where Chris and then Eddie leaving and buck is just there holding the fort to make their leaving either except this time there isn't even the hope of them coming back (he tells eddie 'Don't come back'. not 'don't come back yet' or 'don't come back without chris'. he says 'don't come back' because he doesn't want one without the other and he refuses to hold hope for the potential of them BOTH returning when the entire point of the move was for them to be together in texas)
so yeah. eddie needs to come back with Chris and Eddie needs to be the one to ask buck to stay. because buck needs to be more than a ghost haunting the spaces left behind, more than a spector wandering from home to home with no where that's actually his to keep. eddie needs to choose joy and buck needs to be deliberately chosen rather than just. kind of stumbling into a relationship once more without really knowing how he got there. so ig in a sense it needs to be both of them choosing, but eddie HAS to be the one to choose first because otherwise buck won't believe that he's ever allowed to even want it, let alone ask for it
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starmieknight · 6 hours ago
Stars Align
Dipper Vs. Manliness
17 Again AU: After a disastrous first day with the twins, Stan swears to do better as an uncle. But fate loves playing tricks on him and the magic 8-ball in the attic is more than it seems.
Now on top of having a pair of twelve year olds around the house while he tries to finish the portal and bring his brother home, Stan has to deal with being back in his seventeen year old body! Summer has never been weirder in Gravity Falls.
Prologue, The Legend of the Gobblewonker, Headhunters Pt. 1, Headhunters Pt. 2, Headhunters Pt. 3, The Hand That Rocks the Mabel Pt. 1, The Hand That Rocks the Mabel Pt. 2, The Inconveniencing (previous)
“So,” Wendy said casually, making Stan’s survival instinct scream in fear. The girl looked totally cool and at ease. Not a good sign. “Happy birthday, man.”
Stan jumped to shush her, slapping a hand over her mouth ― only to recoil in horror as she licked his palm.
“Ugh! Gross!”
“I got brothers of my own.” Wendy shrugged unapologetically. She fixed him with a look. “So, why are you keeping it a secret? You throw a party here every year, dude. Besides, you’re turning eighteen again ― plenty of reason to party hard.”
The pit in Stan’s chest yawned, opening invitingly with the intent to swallow him whole. 
Come in, it beckoned, just relax and forget all of this. Just quit and admit you can’t keep going, can’t keep up this farce any longer. Just tell her. Tell her you killed your brother ― your own twin ― and don’t deserve to celebrate your birthday anymore!
“Not real big on the party scene.” he scoffed instead, forcing the edges of the pit back together until he wasn’t in danger of being swallowed whole. He waved a dismissive hand at the girl and turned away, not sure if he could totally keep the despair out of his expression.
“You big liar.” He could practically hear the eye roll in the girl’s voice. “You love being the center of attention ― and you’re going out of your way to get every teenager in town out here!”
“For the money.” Stan insisted, palms beginning to sweat around the edges of his clipboard.
“And,” Wendy pushed on, ignoring him. “You suddenly being a teenager again and inviting a bunch of teens ― some of which really like you ― is a great chance to celebrate being young again!”
Stan made a face, the expression giving him the confidence to turn back around to face Wendy. “You’re makin’ it weird.”
“You’re being weird.” she countered with a smirk. Her face softened minutely. “Seriously, dude, I won’t make a big deal about it if you don’t want me to. No one else knows.”
He raised a brow at her.
“Speaking of ― how’d you figure it out?”
Wendy’s smirk returned in full force. “Stole your wallet.”
Stan scowled as he snatched back the offending item when she waved it in his face.
He wasn’t too annoyed, really ― he was even a little impressed by her stealth.
Besides, he wasn’t dumb enough to keep his money in an actual wallet. He kept it stuffed up his sleeve and down his socks. Safer that way.
And he could make a new ID whenever he needed one. Easy peasy.
“Fine.” he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s my birthday. And I don’t like to celebrate it, but―”
“Hey, man,” Wendy waved him off. “It’s cool. You and Soos are more alike than you think.”
Stan scoffed again, giving the girl a shove that barely budged her, but couldn’t stop the slight curl of his lips.
There were worse people to be compared to than Soos.
And she’d agreed to drop the subject.
He was able to start marking things off his checklist when Soos and the twins emerged from the storage room with the party supplies. Tambry joined them after a while, briefly snapping a picture of Dipper and Mabel mid-silly string war.
“You’ve got a ton of hits on the party tweet.” the brunette announced in her typical unenthused monotone. She took a quick picture of Stan too before returning to her phone. “This’ll help, too.”
Stan blinked, looking over his simple outfit of a white T-shirt and jeans blankly. “How?”
Tambry raised a pointed brow at her phone screen. “Cus’ you’re hot? S’like curb appeal ― people’ll come flying in just because you’ll be there.”
Stan burst into a belly laugh at the idea.
“Yeah, right! Pull the other one, kid. No one’s gonna come just to see this ugly mug.”
Tambry actually moved her eyes away from her phone to share an incredulous look with Wendy.
“Actually, dude.” Wendy said, looking physically ill with the words coming out of her mouth. “A lot of our friends think you’re… ugh, I can’t even say it.”
“You’re hot.” Tambry repeated, shrugging and returning to her phone. “With, like, an old timey vibe. Like that guy from Grease.”
“You talkin’ Zuko or Kenickie?” Stan asked absentmindedly before shaking it off. “Wait, what?! These kids need glasses!”
“Like you do?” Wendy grinned cheekily.
Stan rolled his eyes, but his rebuttal was cut off by the arrival of Mabel. The girl slammed into his side like a cannonball and then proceeded to climb him like a demented squirrel. Stan grunted when he got a knee to the gut, but planted his legs to keep them steady.
Tambry snapped another picture.
“Totally hot, strong boxer dude.” she confirmed with a thumbs up.
Stan felt his ears go hot.
“We should start calling you Hunkle Stan!” Mabel cackled, ruffling his hair.
Stan grumbled when she knocked his curls out of their gelled coif and grabbed the back of her sweater, swinging her around and dangling her in front of him like a kitten by the scruff.
“Alright.” he huffed, clearing his throat awkwardly. “Enough of that. How’s about you and Dipper make yourself useful and copy these flyers? And stop drinking all my party supplies!”
Dipper ― the aforementioned party supply thief ― took a pointed sip of his Pitt Cola, unafraid.
Stan narrowed his eyes at the little display of defiance.
About time the kid started growing a backbone.
“Oh boy!” Mabel squealed in delight, wriggling in her uncle’s grasp until he put her down. “A trip to the copier store!”
“Calendars, mugs, T-shirts and more! They got it all at the copier store!” Soos chimed in cheerfully, earning a round of laughter from the twins.
“Soos! What did I tell you about making slogans for other businesses?! And save yourself the trouble ― you know that old copier in my office? I finally fixed the old girl up! Good as new!”
He grinned at the twins’ looks of apprehension.
He was perfectly capable of repairing his (Ford’s) things.
Just look at the Shack ― still standing and all!
And now he could make photo copies of Dipper’s journal when the kid went to sleep. Considering actually getting the thing from the kid was proving harder than getting a newborn away from its mother. Seriously, the kid had some sort of separation anxiety going on with that thing.
It reminded Stan of how Ford acted all those years ago and he would have chucked all those damn books down the Bottomless Pit if he didn’t need them so badly.
Making copies of party flyers would be the perfect test run before he put the actual journal on the scanner.
What could go wrong? ____________________________________________________________
“Whaddya mean it copies people, too?!”
Stan stared at the gaggle of Dippers in front of him and felt a migraine beginning to throb behind his eyes.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to breathe deeply.
This was such a Ford-like scenario, he could hear his mother scolding them from the shadows of the hall.
Actually, if he thought about it, he was copying the same exact pose she habitually used on him and Ford when they were kids.
He tried to channel the energy of a middle-aged, Jewish Jersey woman when he finally looked back at the gaggle of Dippers.
Judging by their abashed expressions, it was very effective.
“Where’s the original Dipper?” Stan demanded.
The leader of the clones ― whose hat read 2 ― pointed sheepishly at the ceiling.
“We locked him in the closet.”
Stan pinched his nose again. “Lemme guess, you didn’t leave a guard, either, didya? I gave you lock picking lessons, Dipper.”
There was a panicked frenzy from the gaggle of clones before a pounding on the stairs preceded the real Dipper’s arrival.
To the boy’s credit, he only hesitated for a moment before throwing himself at his doppelgangers with a pitchy war-cry.
Stan stared at them blankly, wondering if he should let Dipper solve his problems on his own or step in and break the fight up. It’s not like he wanted the kid to get hurt!
Despite being outnumbered, Dipper managed to clock one of the clones in the chin with a perfect left hook.
Stan’s mind was made up.
“Good job stickin’ up for yourself, kiddo!” he called over his shoulder as he headed down the hall.
Dipper grinned, lip swollen and his teeth bloody from the fight, before diving back into the fray.
He was proud of that little gremlin ― and kind of impressed that he had taken to those boxing lessons so well.
Kid was a natural! Just like his old (young) Grunkle! A Pines through-and-through. Sure, Mabel was a bit more bloodthirsty and vicious when it came to hitting things, but Dipper’d catch up to her by the end of the summer!
Now, with the boy occupied, Stan had the perfect opportunity to invade the twins’ privacy and loot their personal belongings!
… wait. That sounded terrible.
He was gonna go look for the journal, okay? _____________________________________________________________
“Stan gone?”
“Somewhere upstairs, dude.”
“Twins distracted?”
“Yeah. Mabel’s partying with some friends and Dipper’s manning the counter! I think? I maybe saw him at the DJ booth… but then there was this awesome dot and I kinda lost focus. But someone’s playing music! It’s all… romantical out there, dude.”
“Then let’s do this.” Wendy cracked her knuckles as she and Soos stared down the vending machine. She wasn’t exactly sure what Stan was hiding behind there, but she was more than ready to pry the thing open and find out. Or punch it until it short-circuited and opened up. Either option would have a Dan Corduroy and Stan Pines’ stamp of approval.
“I dunno about this, dude. Stan’s gonna be so mad if he finds out…” Soos poked his fingers together, a nervous gesture he’d picked up from Stan over the years. Wendy had seen the movement all too often since Stan woke up as a teenager.
She couldn’t discount the inane magic of the town being the cause, but there was no telling what the man was getting up to in his secret basement. There was just too much about him that didn’t make sense.
Wendy needed to know the truth.
… dang, she was starting to sound like Dipper.
“Soos.” she said firmly, fixing the handyman with the infamous Corduroy glare. “I’m tired of being in the dark about my friend. I’m opening this door ― with or without you ― and going down there.”
Indecision and nerves flitted over Soos’ face before he settled on resignation.
“This’ll be a good plot twist for my fanfiction.” he finally sighed before bending down to examine the keypad. “Hey, dude, you don’t think this’ll go all explodey secret agent-like if we put the wrong code in, do you? Or if it needs you to give it money first? I only have, like, three dollars in my wallet right now, dawg. Do you know the code?”
Wendy groaned. “I know as much about this as you do, Soos! How would I know if Stan rigged it or where he keeps his secret codes?!”
“Probably in his office.” the handyman shrugged casually, tilting his head to think. “Like how he has that secret TV behind the jackalope head. Antbit? Rabalope?”
“The what, now?”
“Oh, yeah, dude! Totally all secret-agenty ― but Stan walked in right after I found it and sent me home for the day with full pay if I kept it hush-hush. I was like, fourteen? Only time he ever gave me the day off. I probably should pay him back now, since I said something…”
Wendy scowled at the revelation, frustrated that Soos hadn’t mentioned that tidbit before, but blew out her annoyance with a heavy sigh.
“Fine. Let’s look in his office.” _____________________________________________________________
First of all, Stan was not sneaking.
He didn’t need to sneak! This was his (brother’s) house and he could go anywhere he pleased. It just made more sense to walk softly and avoid the creaky floorboards in the hall. He didn’t want any nosy teenagers snooping around his house when they should be downstairs partying and paying the exit fee.
So what if he peeked around corners before continuing to his office? With Mabel and her glitter bombs, a guy had to be cautious. Besides, he didn’t want to run into any of those clones again. They creeped him out!
… okay, fine! He was sneaking.
He’d finally gotten his hands on the third journal and he didn’t have long before Dipper noticed it missing. He was so close to finally finishing the portal that he could taste it!
It tasted like salt air and toffee peanuts. Like winter air and pain and tears and thirty years of grief.
He’d be damned if anyone tried to stop him now!
“Don’t go in there, dawg!”
What the actual fuck.
Stan stared at Soos in exasperation, the journal suddenly feeling a hundred pounds heavier where he’d hidden it away in his new jacket’s inner pocket.
“Soos, move it.” Stan sighed, not even bothering to question the man’s motives. “I already know about the clones. Dipper handled it.”
“Clones?” Soos gasped, eyes widening with excitement. “I totally gotta get in on that!”
The handyman opened the door, only to have it slammed shut in his face.
“What the―”
“Oh, yeah!” Soos laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Totally forgot about W― someone being in there. Who is not Wendy.”
“What’s Wendy doin’ in my office?” Stan asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes. Maybe he should use the mom pose on his employee.
He had money hidden in there!
“Dude, chill out.” Wendy rolled her eyes at him, an easy smirk on her face as she exited the office. She fastened the last two buttons of her flannel as she joined them. “I spilled some punch on myself and had to change shirts. Someone’s been hogging the bathroom ― might wanna check in on that.”
“Soos ― take care of it.” Stan commanded, still squinting at Wendy. When did she start keeping extra clothes in the Shack? Had she hidden them in his office? When did she even have time? “And both of you get back to work! No slacking!”
“You got it, boss man.” Wendy shot him a quick finger gun before dragging Soos down the hall.
Stan watched them go, something still not sitting right with him about the situation.
The whole thing was just off.
But there wasn’t time to speculate.
He had to copy this journal now.
Stan locked the door behind himself and flipped through the pages with horrified fascination. The pit in his chest grumbled ominously.
“Finally,” he mumbled, stopping on a horrifying collection of eyeballs peeking out of a page covered in black scratches. Like Ford had lost both his mind and control of his body when he’d drawn them. Harsh red letters took up most of the page, along with some codes Stan wasn’t looking forward to breaking. He swallowed thickly. “I have them all.”
The complete story of Ford’s descent into the unknown.
And the key to getting him back.
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ssspringroll · 1 year ago
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Apartment: 101 Sandy Run
Building features: Roof access
Status: VACANT
Make a sim for this space! General Real Estate Event Info
A cozy, budget-friendly 2-bedroom apartment. Perfect for roomies, a single parent, a small family, or even a single sim who dreams of turning that spare bedroom into a craft or workspace
E.T. Moneybags Inc. guarantees a personalized home renovation* for each tenant!
*minor renovations only. furnishings will be added, altered, or replaced to suit the lifestyle of the resident, but the apartment will not be completely gutted and remodeled for them. Things like personalized clutter, hobby or career-related items, and accommodations for occult type, family members, or pets.
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just-a-little-unionoid · 2 months ago
I don't really understand why some people seems to think that Ivo's dead ?
he's so alive, like, I know there is still a small probability that Jim Carrey decides not to return for whatever reason and that's why they keep killing him just in case but also, god damn it he was supposedly killed by a black hole and if I know one thing about wacky sci-fi is that more often than not black holes are space-time portals
like no I don't think Shadow specifically tried to save him like it's good enough he was able to save himself, he had something else to think about, but uuuuuuh big ring of Chaos energy spinning very fast? like? idk all the portals we saw so far in this franchise are rings spinning really fast so like what I'm saying if if the next movie tells me "Chaos energy spinning fast makes a portal" I won't be mad about it, like, yeah why not
plus like, again, black hole
and I know for sure it's a black hole because 1) it literally makes a quasar (or well something that looks like it, quasars are much, much bigger but it's an artistic intention come on the objective isn't to be realistic but to convey the idea that this is a black hole) 2) they introduced a mini black hole device in the first part of the movie which is so over the top and it would make no sense narratively to introduce such a random thing if not to use it later
point 2. leads me to ask you to remember how Team Sonic escaped this first mini black hole btw
and I mean, they introduced Metal like he was a terminator and Sonic CD and all so there might be space-time travels y'know like they're kinda hinting at it a lot so I think all that could connect
I mean I've been wrong before when I tried to analyse/predict fiction but y'know it just seems probable to me
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idontwanttospoiltheparty · 1 year ago
It is truly fascinating how the common tumblr narrative around John and Paul somehow makes the guy who literally got violent multiple times over people insinuating he was queer appear more "on board with the whole gay thing" than the guy who said some awkward/dated stuff in interviews a couple of times.
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karamazovposting · 8 months ago
I've briefly talked about it before (it's somewhere in my bipolar Ivan Karamazov agenda tag) but I genuinely love how Ivan's situation is treated through the story and I really relate to it because it's so realistic and well done.
I mean, Ivan himself openly and casually admits that yeah I might kill myself in less than ten years but it's not a big deal or anything mid conversation with his brother who he hasn't seen in almost a decade like it's a completely normal thing to say and think about (because to him it is) and the narrator is like oh Ivan sees dead people sometimes but it's alright and everyone else is just cool with it.
Yes, Ivan is struggling with his mental health, but it's not treated as an epic descent into madness for the drama or for shock value or a Jekyll and Hyde or extreme situation out of ignorance or, worse, mockery. He's just a mentally ill young man being treated like a person who needs help (I wish the people around me had been as concerned and caring as Alyosha and Katya were, to be honest) and even if it's a story written and set in the 19th century, no one's ever disrespectful towards him: no demeaning language (for the time period), no mockery, everyone takes him seriously and it's even highlighted that he's still capable of rationality (his defining character trait; he has not lost himself!); even after the whole trial fiasco, no one's angry at him, they just acknowledge that he's unwell. There is something particularly delicate about how his character is handled, a particular kind of sensitivity and softness paired with a lack of exaggeration and spectacularization that really positively surprised me when I first read the book because I wasn't expecting Ivan's condition to be an accurate portrayal of what I have been through and live with every day.
Even when Ivan is distressed by it, the story never gets too dramatic with that and it never drags it on for too long and that's what I love about his talk with the devil and the trial: it's all very neutral in the most respectful way possible given the context. I don't really know how to explain this, but (at this point everyone and their mother knows) I have bipolar disorder and that's exactly what living with it (or any mental health condition I guess) is like: it's casual, it's normal, it's not a big deal; that's just your life and you gotta live it. There is a lot of nuance that I didn't think I would find so accurately portrayed in a novel from almost two-hundred years ago.
Ivan is more or less neutral towards and comfortable in his own chaos because what else can he do, really?
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theokusgallery · 3 months ago
Actually. Thinking about it because of my last reblog, but to people who get into romantic relationships (including demiro people and such): why do people make it so awkward when an unrequited crush happens?
I've seen people end really strong friendships over the other person having feelings, but if that happened to me I feel like I'd just... be flattered? And take it as a sign that the person really likes me, and be glad? Crushes are just a form of affection, isn't it kind of the same thing as a friend telling you "I really like you as a person"?
If you wanted a relationship with them, it means you like them a lot, but just because they don't return it, you... leave?? Even though you felt that close to them?? Can people not just enjoy the feeling of having a crush and treat it as a casual thing that's just there? Why is it such a big deal. Having a crush is a pretty pleasant feeling from what people say. Just enjoy the feeling. What's the problem here
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astranauticus · 2 years ago
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Do mechanites cry?
#rolling with difficulty#vrla rwd#mrsn rwd#vr la rwd#mr sn rwd#art i made#yet another thing i drew then just fully forgot to post LMAO#man i had to listen to 3.7 like 3 times for this. goddammit#easter egg: the 4 big infernal books in the shelf all say contract law like its a textbook series i guess#the small one next to them says Doctor Faustus bc i was looking to my irl bookcase for inspiration#and the christopher marlowe play was one of my alevel lit texts#also i think it would be really funny if the devils have their own version of the story of the deal with the devil guy#honestly this may have been the kinda. last straw of my burnout cuz this was a lot of time spent on a lot of stuff im really not good at#and none of it turned out... exactly how i wanted but oh well. it is what it is#ok the kinda annoying thing about me spending far too fucking long drawing super emotional scenes like this is i kinda#desensitise myself to whatever im drawing. like i felt it the most with the demon possession comic i casually tossed into the discord#bc thats the exact kinda angst i personally LOVE but it just doesnt have the same punch after ive been staring at it for 5 hours straight#(anyway go read cal's fic about it its on ao3 and its bloody good)#all this to say. when i first listened to 3.7 and austin had that exchange of like#'noir can i ask you a lore question' 'sure..?' 'do mechanites cry?'#i straight up got fuckin CHILLS. and sometimes i forget that but i try to force myself not to
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bookshelfdreams · 2 years ago
friendly reminder that
"I love everything about you."
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pleasantgirl2000 · 1 year ago
not the kind of girl to get starstruck but just met david byrne at work and almost had a heart attack
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girlivealwaysbean · 26 days ago
#such a weird new thing happened to me today#so like bear in mind that i am used to having doting sisters and bestfriends but never strangers and casual acquaintances#i actually feel like most of them hate me until i find out like years later that oh they thought i was their friend#so like today we had to prepare a skit and the sir divided us into random groups#and it's the second day so i don't really know anyone and we were just laughing and wasting time#(which is also weird and new to me like wow who's this girl talking to 3 boys on her own and holding their attention??)#and the sir had told us to make it on a social issue like dowry or something#so i jokingly suggested that alia bhatt scene from 2 states when she totally hilariously humiliates this idiot guy#who was mad at the wedding day because he got a smaller car than he wanted#and i remember even bachpan mein when she asked him tum mahine ka kitna kamate ho? the guy said#25. and she was like immediately main 50 kamati hu#it was so cool and awesome to me but anyway so i showed them that jokingly#but they weren't really paying attention for more than 5 secs bc nobody wanted to be serious and prepare#but this guy actually took my phone in his hand and increased the volume himself and put the phone to his ear to listen to the whole thing#and he was like yeah this is awesome#and then abhi raat ko he texted me all formally in english ki hey sorry i cant come tomorrow but here's my contribution#if u really wanna do the dowry thing he sent me a funny video about it and it was like 8 messages#like. i know this isn't a big deal and he probably sent it to everyone else too#but 1. i am not used to people even noticing me and im fine with that bc new ppl are exhausting literally my only friend is the girl i met#in 6th std and my sister. so the fact that he noticed and looked up this stupid thing at HOME when he'll gain#nothing from it bc he'll be absent is crazyyyy. also 2. he sent like 8 texts wow that's so much from a guy#like the guys who were trying to make me sleep with them sent less texts than that lol🙄🙄#i guess future isn't that bleak then if nice guys exist
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priestfrommidnightmass · 8 months ago
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solvisun · 2 months ago
011925. cw | slightly suggestive (?) i hate him (affectionate)
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if tsukishima kei learns the full extent of you losing your mind over the minuscule of things with everything he does,
babe, you’re done for.
if he learns that removing his glasses while kissing you makes your stomach do saumersaults, or when he fixes your clothes casually; smoothing down your skirt or adjusting your shirt, hand on your waist. or when he cups your face and squeezes both of your cheeks together, when it shows that he loves the physical touch in ways that feel crude if you say it aloud. in ways that no one else can speak about, makes you so mushy with him. to the point that it makes you sick, head throbbing.
if he learns that you find his jealousy kind of attractive, all cutting and ruthless, snappy. that you're totally not weak in the knees. if he learns that whenever he leans in whenever you speak is the cause of why you feel flustered, when he hums softly in question, tilting his head, or when he just hook you in his arms to get closer.
god. he will take absolute pleasure in pushing those buttons even more—actually, he’d press them with the precision of someone who knows exactly how far he can go to leave you reeling, all while pretending it’s no big deal.
and this is exactly what happens, as expected, but no less frustrated.
when he realizes how much removing his glasses during a kiss messes you up, he’d start doing it slow and methodical, taking his time to set them aside while giving you that piercing look, like he knows exactly what’s coming next. “what, nervous?” he’d ask, leaning in just a fraction, his tone laced with mockery, but his lips soft when they finally meet yours.
those casual touches? forget it. his hands—though he would ask first—roam your body and let them linger around your waist dangerously longer than necessary, you're not making it up now, you know you feel the slight squeezes his does on your skin, letting his fingers graze, just enough to send shivers down your spine.
when he holds your face in one hand, there’s something about how his thumb lingers near your jawline or how he leans in just a little too close. it’s playful, sure, but there’s a tenderness beneath it that leaves you spinning. because he knows. he knows all too well.
it's game over when he finally does this—one arm braced above your head, his whole figure towering over you, casting a shadow which makes him look ten times more insufferable. you cannot breathe.
his lips hover just shy of yours, so close you can feel the warmth of his breath. “do i really make you that nervous?”
"fuck off."
"really? that’s all you’ve got? how original.”
“kei, i swear to—” you start, but the words catch in your throat as his thumb brushes the curve of your jaw, the touch barely there but devastating all the same.
“what? gonna tell me to stop?” the glint in his eyes turns playful, pupils dilated, “you’re all talk, aren’t you?”
your hands twitch at your sides, torn between shoving him away and pulling him closer. “i hate you,” you hiss, but it lacks any real bite.
“sure you do,” he says, his tone dripping with mockery, and then—because of course he does—he closes the infinitesimal gap between you, his lips brushing against yours with infuriating slowness.
he kisses you chastely. it feels so wrong with how he already built so much tension. that this all just a stupid game he can easily control.
there’s a distinct edge of smugness to it, like he’s savoring every second of your undoing. when he pulls back just slightly, his forehead resting against yours, the smirk is still there, lingering at the corners of his mouth.
“still want me to fuck off?” he asks, though he already knows the answer to it.
you can only scoff and roughly smack your lips against his in a solid, and very straightforward reply. your heart pounding so loudly it drowns out everything else.
he relents to you just as easily, this is why he simply can't get enough of you.
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my stupid writers block is not making me write properly for the hershey’s kisses mini series so i had to pull this stupid drabble outta my sick ass (coughing loudly as we speak)
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gearchronocle · 8 months ago
people mention the manga panel but we got the scene in the anime too (only difference is that he didn't mention anytbing abt singing)
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it still makes me wonder did the guy actually sing or did he use his powers... interesting to think about
still need a fic of this
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#still never gonna shut up abt this#still need a fic abt this#lol#the fact that he's good in the first place drives me insane#i remember in like chap90/the actual karaoke chapter he said that he didn't want to be the center of attention#but i mean here he's obviously alone and casually does really well#. Does he like singing when he's alone ?????#driving me mad im gonna think abt this all night. bye#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#saiki kusuo#saiki kusuo the guy you are#the fact that he just casually nonchalantly gets 100 points perfect score better than the perfect pretty girl school goddess herself#and basically treats it like it isn't a big deal at all is crazy to me#LOOK AT THE FUCKING. AMAZING 100 POINTS IN THE CENTER OF THE PANEL#That's ??? That's a big deal ??? Clearly ???#Just. casual perfect score i see you#Like did he use his powers ?????#I mean he's Alone so i'd assume Not but he's still close to the room where teruhashi imu yumehara ans the randos are#and he stated in the chap and episode that he could hear them from there#so obviously if bro actually Sang they. they could've heard him#right ???#qm i reading too much into a small manga panel that never gets mentioned again? maybe#Interesting to think about actually#especially after listeninf to duet shite kudasai#where he uses hypnosis to make teruhashi and aiura THINK hes singing#but he actually Isn't (and this is reflected in the song itself because for saiki's “singing” it's psychic lover and not his va)#funnily enough his va is literally a singer lawl#I'm gonna come to the conclusion that we were robbed
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