#hypnosis theme
wasyago · 8 months
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welp, didn't manage to get everything out before season 10 started, but i gotta post it one way or another so here we go! heard there was a fandom swap game going on, wanted to do a couple promts of my own :D
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monstermaster13 · 2 years
Makings Of An Aykroyd.
You have definitely by now read all the stories about Dan Aykroyd transformations and have wondered where it all started, right? Of course you are, so allow me to tell you of how the stories you’ve heard all began. Basically it began way back last year when I was starting to have the strangest dreams of becoming Dan Aykroyd, I don’t know why...I just did and somehow I liked it, a lot...and you know what happens with me and dreams. These aren’t regular dreams either, these feel real to me, and like Dan himself was telling me something. I couldn’t help it, he just popped in there. And thus that’s when I knew I'd end up writing about it sooner or later and of course all addictions pretty much start off slow. I’m technically half-vampire in this world, and have uncontrollable transformation powers at times, now I have heard the legends about those who have turning into Dan Aykroyd. Those urban legends that were akin to creepypasta stories where it’s said that if you dream about him you’ll turn into him or he takes control of you gradually over time. ‘I personally don’t believe it.’ ‘Don’t believe it. Those stories, those stories about Aykroydification that the people on the urban myths sites always talk about.’ ‘But those could be true you know.’
I scoffed at that and raised an eyebrow, but knowing that if I acted stupid that would be tempting fate I was curious. ‘What about them?’ ‘Well you know, since you’re a werecreature expert and all...what if…’ ‘Oh you think that i’ll turn into a Were-Aykroyd?’ ‘I’ve seen it happen. And it probably only will be a matter of time until you turn.’ ‘Oh I see what you’re doing here. You’re trying to scare me, you think i’ll turn into a Were-Aykroyd because I watch so many Dan Aykroyd movies, i’m going to turn into him. Well i’m not going to let that happen.’
“Are you sure? What if he’s already inside you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Once you’ve started dreaming about it, you’ll get addicted to it.”
“Maybe you’re right, but I still think.”
Naturally I didn’t believe the stories, at least not at first, but that sounded pretty hypocritical of me because I have a Werebelushi as one of my roommates. I had to make sure so I called up Matthias. ‘Matthias, you’re a Werebelushi aren’t ya?’ ‘Well yeah. I am. What do you want to know?’ ‘Are Were-Aykroyds real?’ ‘Wait...did you say Were-Aykroyds?’ ‘Yes, as in that urban myth that says if you dream about Dan Aykroyd you’ll turn into him.’ ‘Oh no no...this doesn’t look good. Why did you ask?’ ‘Because I dreamed about becoming Dan.’ ‘Oh no no...that means you’re going to turn.’ ‘Wait...but I thought.’ ‘It was a myth?’ ‘Exactly. My friend just told me that it’s going to happen and I didn’t believe him.’
“This doesn’t look good for you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know my roommate Matthew?”
“You mean that horror Youtuber who is known as That Were-Aykroyd in The Shades?”
“Let’s just say that if you turn out to be like him we’ll both be in gigantic amounts of trouble.”
‘Oh...are Were-Aykroyds evil?’ ‘Oh no...it’s just that he is a bit chaotic.’ I gulped, fearing the worst as I decided that I wanted to stay over with Matthias since I knew he’d be able to protect me from what I was going to ultimately become. ‘Can I stay with you?’ ‘You can.’ ‘Great, i’m going to need all the help I can get.’ For the next several weeks after that I had been thinking about what those dreams meant and as I did, I had more dreams for the nights that went with each day, it started off with me just getting psychic powers and sort of Aykroydian traits but ballooned out into me turning into Dan without even knowing, the transformations were frightening and I feared that if they happened for real they would turn out like that.
You know those 80’s horror movie transformations with the skin-bubbling and stuff that wouldn’t be out of place in a David Cronenberg movie? Well I feared that would happen to me, and that at any minute the Were-Aykroyd within would burst out of me and it would be painful, I couldn’t sleep, I wanted to know more. Like which Aykroyd character would I be most like as a Were-Aykroyd? Would I be like Elwood Blues? Or Mike Webber from the tv show Soul Man? Or Beldar? Lord Monomark from Bright Young Things? Julius Jenson? Vic Zeck? I just had to know which character of Dan’s my Were-Aykroyd side would turn out to be like. This was my first time and I was worried. The first time one turns Aykroydian is always kind of terrifying, not gory or anything, just a little bit frightening. Don’t get me wrong, I love Dan Aykroyd and I simp over him, but i’m not ready to become a were-version of him yet (oh yes you are, no..not now).
Luckily Matthias took precautions to help me just in case I were to transform. Of course like with any addiction, over time it becomes more powerful. I attempted to ignore the addiction but as you know, being part vampire also meant that this other ‘addiction’ would start to influence me, and even during the many days and nights. I thought nothing of the dreams up until the next night when I had another dream, this time Aykroyd himself was there. ‘I don’t know why I feel like this Dan.’ ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘I keep dreaming about becoming you, I know these dreams aren’t real but they feel real. Why do I feel like I want this to happen?’ ‘Ah, I know what’s happening to you. You’re starting to turn into a were-version of me. You’re going Were-Aykroyd already.’ ‘What? But why me?’ ‘Because out of everyone i’ve seen, you’re most worthy of it.’
“But...why? I’m afraid.”
“Don’t be. It’s going to be great for you.”
Hearing Dan’s voice did assure me but at the same time I felt worried, I kept thinking it was going to be painful and grotesque and horrifying..and I knew it was only going to be a matter of time until it would happen. ‘Oh no this...this is going to be Cronenbergian levels of Body Horror’, ‘No it’s not...what makes you think it’s going to be horrifying?’ ‘It’s just... well, how do I put this? The first time somebody transforms into a monster it is always painful.’ ‘True, but you’ll get used to it over time.’ I dreaded what the transformation sequence would be like, thinking it would have my skin-bubbling and tearing to reveal the Aykroyd side growing underneath in a Cronenbergian manner or that it would be something outside of Tetsuo: The Iron Man or Akira.
“Really? You think so?”
“Oh yes, I think so…”
I felt reassured and like I didn’t have any problems with what was going to happen to me, I mean while it was odd that I had been picked as the one worthy of taking after Dan, so I asked why I had been chosen. ‘The skull told me that you’d be perfect.’ ‘The skull?’ ‘Yes, he who controls the skull and the contents of the skull controls the universe.’ ‘If the skull told you…’ ‘Oh yes, she did and she believes in you.’
“I’ve never had anyone who believes in me before.”
‘Well I do. I believe in you.”
‘That makes me feel better.’ ‘I’m glad it does.’ A couple of minutes later I awoke with an itchy sensation in my nose like my nose had an itch that needed to be scratched, so I got up and scratched it for a little, only for my nose to slowly change in shape, broadening and developing a cute cleft in the middle. ‘Is that my nose? No way…’ My nose looked more like Dan’s nose, could it be that it was actually happening? I looked at myself for a bit as my nose returned to normal and then I felt something weird, weirder than normal...as I heard a series of unsettling gurgling sounds coming from my stomach as if I had eaten something horrible. ‘I don’t feel so good. And I didn’t even eat anything.’
My dark blue night-shirt was starting to get a bit tight as my chest and torso slowly broadened and puffed up, gaining mass. I groaned, examining myself as I looked over at my body...normally I would have thought this was a dream but this was obviously no dream, and I could hear Dan’s voice in my head. A few buttons popped off my shirt, and I reached over...to see what appeared to be hairs slowly spreading across my chest and downwards towards my stomach which was also broadening and growing, pushing against my shirt, I clutched my stomach and moaned.
‘Can you feel it? It’s beginning.’ ‘Dan, what are you doing in my mind?’ ‘From now on i’m going to permanently be a part of you. I am going to live in your mind rent free and give you all sorts of benefits from this.’ ‘Like what?’ ‘Well obviously here’s the big one...you’re going to be a Were-Aykroyd, that’s the important part after all. Second, under my instructions you are going to be not just any old Were-Aykroyd.’ ‘What do you mean by that?’ ‘Well you’re going to be able to make more of you.’ I blushed and kept wondering what he meant by that, but then I remembered the stories, the stories of the Were-Aykroyd turning other characters into Aykroyds with his hypnotic powers, making it clear I was going to get his powers, which sounded horrifying but oddly enticing.
“We’re going to have so much fun like this.”
“I don’t think so..I feel afraid.”
“Don’t be afraid, what is happening to you is natural.”
I panicked, attempting to get his voice out of my mind...I attempted to cover my ears, only for my hands to enlarge as my fingers thickened and hairs grew on my palms, the same kind of hairs that were on my chest and on my stomach, only they were a bit darker. The hairs were creeping up my arms too as they enlarged as well, my skin slowly matured itself up to make it look like I was in my 60’s. I examined myself and looked down, my body was definitely developing onto the much larger side of the weight spectrum as my legs began to contort to go with my arms, I heard a series of crunching sounds, it felt painful but yet oddly pleasurable, why was this...I didn’t know.
“Oooh, this is kind of...good. If this hurts me, why does it feel so good?”
“You must not fear, Nathan. Fear after all is the mindkiller.”
“It is?”
“Remember my words.”
I felt my slippersocks slowly beginning to tighten on my feet which slowly grew and elongated, growing larger and within a few minutes my socks burst open exposing my feet, a tingling sensation spread throughout my toes as two of the toes on each foot stuck together at the knuckles, giving me webbed toes. I heard a crunching sound as I slowly began to grow in height from 5’7 to 5’8 to 5’9 and then to 5’10 and 5’11 before going up to 6’ft. I felt my rear, as it slowly bulked up and inflated, giving me a thicc rear end. That’s when I felt something...I began to get entranced upon looking at my changing appearance in the reflection of my mirror, seeing me essentially turning into Dan, or rather his doppelganger, just like in my stories, this was getting to be quite an oddly erotic experience.
I examined my body which was definitely much larger as I elevated to 6’1, my shoulders and back broadening in the process and my mind was already going off in so many places..’now look at you, you’re extremely pleasing to the eyes, more so than ever.’ ‘Oh my...i’m oddly sexy...and I don’t know why but i’m starting to feel good about it.’ ‘As you should, it’s natural to feel like this, I'm guiding you through the process.’ Since I knew Dan Aykroyd would never steer anyone wrong yet alone me I couldn’t help but feel like this was normal, even though the transformation didn’t sound pleasant, it felt oddly enticing and sensual.
“Now that you mention it, I thought it would be oddly sensual and erotic to turn into you.”
“That it is, and you know I can entrance you further.”
‘Like this…when I tell you a good Were-Aykroyd always, you will fall into a trance. Once I begin to influence you, you’ll become so delightfully Aykroydian.’ ‘You think so?’ ‘Yes...a good Were-Aykroyd always knows.’ That’s when I drifted off slightly further into trance, those words serving as a trigger for my state, Dan’s words guiding me as the process continued, making my mind go in several different directions. I was conflicted...part of me wanted to resist but the other half really wanted this to happen.
Having lost my father two years ago, I felt like I was doomed to lose everything I ever had, I lost two old friends of mine within this exact same year and I felt like everything was my fault and that sometimes I felt like I couldn’t get a break, but those troubles were melting away as new thoughts were entering, pleasant ones of finding someone who truly understood me, someone who I could view as a father figure and friend at the same time, and that was Dan. I realized that I could easily gain new friends from the experiences I had, and those friends could be Aykroydian too. ‘I must not fear, fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear and permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing, only I will remain.’
Mentally I was beginning to feel this was meant to happen, like somehow me and Dan were meant to be like this...for him to be my father figure and for me to follow him as his chosen vessel, to be his ‘Were-Aykroyd’, and to take care after him. My hair slowly shorted a little bit as it darkened, a small bald spot popping up on the top of my head but it wasn’t too noticeable as my forehead elevated in width and grew a bit larger, my eyebrows thickened, my hair darkened as my eyes widened. One eye turning from brown to green while the other remained brown, my nose slowly broadened like before as a cleft materialized in the middle of it, converting my nose into a perfect copy of Dan’s nose. ‘Oh my, look at you...you’re becoming delightfully Aykroydian and beyond sexy, you’re a real DILF now. Just like me.’
“I am?”
‘Yes, you are...you are just like me. You’re an Aykroyd. A Were-Aykroyd to be exact, and it feels good to be Aykroydian.’ ‘Yes...it’s delightful.’ ‘Indeed it is, you love this so much. You’ve written about this for so long, you’ve written about wanting to be a Were-Aykroyd for so long, you’ve dreamed about it and now it is happening for real.’ I felt my face as I could see it plumping up while my lips altered to be quite kissable, my teeth brightened as my features slowly shifted to look exactly like Dan’s features, now I was naturally thinking that this was how I was supposed to look. It didn’t make much sense for a Were-Aykroyd such as myself to be un-Aykroydian unless of course said Were-Aykroyd used a spell to disguise himself as his regular self, which is something i’d definitely do if I were to try and sway people over to my side. My mind was telling me all these things, things that were making me question who I was...I was Nathan Forester, right? Yet I didn’t look like a Nathan, I looked like a Daniel. A Dan Aykroyd to be exact. My voice deepened and matured, contorting into a perfect copy of Dan’s voice, developing the mannerisms and Canadian accent to boot. I examined myself and then listened to my own voice, feeling like this was right. ‘This is right, I am you...right?’ ‘Yes, you are. Your name is Daniel Edward Aykroyd, like mine.’
“But my name is Nathan yet I don’t feel like I am a Nathan.”
“Then you must be an Aykroyd.”
My head felt more than a little weird, as my mind and personality warped and melded with Dan’s own, making me feel that i’d always been Dan Aykroyd, which come to think of sounds about right...I think, I don’t seem to remember anything else apart from the fact I am Dan Aykroyd and I was born in Canada and thus am Canadian, and that’s alright with me. I am the Were-Aykroyd after all, sure all kinds of other werecreatures exist but why settle for just were-animals when you can be a were-celebrity, in particular a Were-Aykroyd? That’s my philosophy. After a couple of minutes my metamorphosis had finalized and I was fully Aykroydian, I am Aykroyd in body, mind and soul.
Of course the best part of this is that whenever I feel like being ‘Dan’ I can let him take over and turn me into him, making me quite a sexy Were-Aykroyd. I am aware this sounds weird or even a little creepy to some people but those people don’t know me like Dan does, Dan knows that a true friend never deserts the ones he loves and he knows how to make me happy. Looking over at the computer I looked at the files. ‘Nathan? That doesn’t sound Aykroydian to me.’ ‘Of course it doesn’t, but that’s the person you turn into when you want to disguise yourself from others.’ The photo of my other self materialized among the files, the photo of my other self showed him with long brown hair and brown eyes, a scar on the left side of his neck which was from a surgical operation, glasses and a patch with a spider web insignia on it, a bit scruffy but oddly attractive. ‘He’s cute, but he needs to be more like…’
Just then the photo of my other self morphed into a photo of how I look now, which is to say Aykroyd-like, that’s when I realized what it meant to ‘simp’. Looking at my reflection, I couldn’t help but simp over myself…’if I knew Dan Aykroyd was this sexy I would have chosen to be a Were-Aykroyd ages ago.’ I got some thoughts in my mind, thoughts of creating some more Aykroyds. More Aykroyds met more fun for me, and more friends. I knew then it was time to see what my new powers were capable of, I discovered that I was definitely a lot more irresistible than normal, after all...there’s nothing like good ol Canadian charm. And it was certainly a good thing I admitted to being bisexual, because this meant both women and males would be attracted to me.
“That’s a good Were-Aykroyd, yes...you’re a good Were-Aykroyd.”
“Of course I am, because you taught me.”
‘From now on, I will ALWAYS be a part of you. Your teacher, your father figure.’ ‘I understand.’ ‘You may call me Danny or Papa Aykroyd if you like.’ ‘Those friends of mine didn’t understand or appreciate me enough, unlike you..Papa Aykroyd.’ ‘There there, it’s alright. I can make things right, get you some friends who truly adore you.’ ‘You can?’ ‘Oh yes, because I always know how to help others and you and I would be a formidable team.’
“You think so?”
“Oh yes...clearly we should spread your Aykroydian gifts to others.”
“Yes, yes...that sounds like a good plan to me.”
I nodded in agreement, having the power to create more Aykroyds was an interesting one, and one that I thought shouldn’t be wasted so that’s when I noticed a file that had an incantation on it, a spell to summon Dan Aykroyd characters, I read the spell allowed and summoned all of them, immediately I was greeted by Clifford Skridlow, Elwood, Ray Stantz, Vic, Roman Craig and Beldar and Austin Milbarge. ‘I want you to meet your siblings.’ ‘Hello.’ ‘We’ve heard so much about you.’ ‘You have?’ ‘Why yes, your contributions to the Aykroyd-verse.’ I was flattered by this, they had read my work and clearly were impressed by the stories, and they wanted to help me.
“Brother...I think you should share this with your friends.”
“Oh but they’re not Aykroydian like I am.”
“You can fix that though.”
‘Oh yes I certainly can.’ I decided to send a special message to my non-Aykroydian friends via Discord, before joining a Discord server called ‘Simp Central’, I noticed there was a Dan Aykroyd section and that’s when I realized this server was perfect for me. I posed as my non-Aykroydian self, so that they wouldn’t suspect a thing. It took a while for me to warm up to them but eventually I discovered they loved me, a lot. I felt like a King. Of course over the next few weeks I had fully warmed up to them and truly felt like I belonged. When I was ready I told them I am a Were-Aykroyd and immediately one of my fans felt extremely jealous.
I decided to send a hypnosis file to my other friends, hypnotizing them and conditioning them into serving me, and as for my friends who used to be my friends but aren’t anymore, they didn’t matter to me, because it was clear I didn’t need them anymore. Sometimes it’s good to not have to worry about those kinds of things anymore, especially when there are so many new things to explore, like how awesome my Aykroydian powers are.
And thus with that I decided to spread my influence towards the rest of the city of Oakendale, soon there were several Aykroyds everywhere, several Were-Aykroyds that were just as wonderful as I am, the influence spread itself further and it wasn’t long until I rose up in rank, soon become their KING. And that’s how I became who I am now, it took a while for me to get there but now you know the story, the story of the author who became a King. You might be wondering...is this adventure over? No, it isn’t, this is just the beginning. The beginning of the year of the Aykroyd.
But we’re not done yet, oh no...it’s your turn, now listen very closely and look into my eyes, that’s it...drift off, obey, listen to your king. That’s right, you like Dan Aykroyd don’t you, of course you do, and you want to make him proud, don’t you? Of course you do, because that’s who you are, you’re a Were-Aykroyd, like me and you should feel good about that. Forget about your problems, listen to me, listen to me. When I say ‘Good Were-Aykroyd’, you will obey my commands and remember that you are a Were-Aykroyd. Good Were-Aykroyd. Do you remember? That’s right, you do. Remember I brought you here to the studio and I offered to help you with a problem you had? Ah yes, it’s coming back to you. Now, you wanted me to help you make it so your friends would accept you, and i’m here to help with that. If they clearly thought you were too weird for them, then maybe it’s time you showed them. Show them how unique and special you truly are, now transform for me, it should feel just right, just so good, especially for a Were-Aykroyd like you. You’re a good Were-Aykroyd, aren’t you? Of course, now listen closely. Share this story with your friends, share my work with them, and share your powers with them, make them love you for the Aykroyd you are.
Repeat after me…’I am a good Were-Aykroyd.’ That’s it, good. Now if anyone ever questions me or questions you, you just bring them here and i’ll hypnotize them and turn them, and let you have some too. After i’m your sibling now, siblings look out for each-other. Now, let’s go, there are a lot of people out there who need Aykroyding. I wish you the greatest of good luck, my new sibling.
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ineffably-human · 1 year
Nandor's better to Guillermo than I remember from my initial watch. It's still regressive (and it was starting to head that way in 4x10 too, so maybe this just continues from there), he still has times he's thoughtless and dismissive. But he's the one advocating the others listen, and that they do nice things for Guillermo. He's noticed something is wrong just like Laszlo, he just comes to a different conclusion. He listens to an offhand remark from Guillermo that wasn't even directed at him, just to get him a present.
Any shittiness he's engaging in comes from the very idea of Guillermo being a vampire. (The way Nandor brings that up to the others almost feels like he's been floating the idea in his head, which is a whole other thing; I'll see if I'm right with more episodes I guess and we'll take it at face value for now.) And aside from not wanting that to happen because it would change things, maybe lead to Guillermo leaving, etc it's laughable to him right now for the same reasons it would have been laughable to him in season 1 or 2. Guillermo is a little more assertive than in those years, but he's completely returned to the familiar role. He's reacting to Nandor with fear, more than he did even then.
Guillermo's big attitude change came with being a slayer, and now he seems to have forgotten that completely to the point that he doesn't even consider it as one of the reasons the transformation hasn't worked. He wasn't ready, he was in pain, this isn't how he imagined it (insert @cookinguptales's excellent meta on how it's all a big metaphor for virginity loss). And right now he doesn't know what his body is doing, and he's walking around consumed with guilt and imposter syndrome. Becoming a vampire is making him forget other real, important parts of who he is.
I think it's very easy for the vampires to regress - because of time, stagnation, etc - to an earlier point. Guillermo's regression is just as rapid-fire but it's from trauma. His intense desire to not want to talk about it, to wait over two weeks before the camera crew wears him down enough. To try and describe the turning as sexier and more intense and life-changing than it was, only to be jump-scared by Nandor and reminded that what he did was a (fully justified) betrayal. Has he forgotten that if Nandor really did want to kill him, Guillermo's kicked his ass without his now-perfect vision, and has killed dozens of vampires at a time? Or is the thought of hurting Nandor and fracturing that relationship the thing that hurts far worse here?
I'm a little insane about how, while in the process of going behind Nandor's back, while he's right about to get the thing he's ostensibly attached to Nandor for, he's insisting that Nandor will eventually do right by him and really truly cares about him. So much that Derek again asks Guillermo if he's sure about this.
Even more than the love search stuff Nandor dealt with over two seasons, all of this seems tailor-made to address the big unspoken questions of their relationship. What does Guillermo hope to gain as a vampire? How much of that involves his feelings for Nandor? What matters most to Nandor when it's Guillermo vs his own pride, especially if there were a real threat of losing him? Can they actually find their way to eternity together, and what does that look like when they do?
Which is to say, it's absolutely happening this season. And shit's going to get insane on the way.
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pocket-watcher · 5 months
“And here they come down the red carpet. Look at all these fabulous looks. Now remember the theme for this year’s met gala is Sleeping Beauties…”
“Wow! Look at that dress. The way the pattern changes and shifts in the light really… really captures your attention, huh.”
“And take a look at those earrings. They sure must be heavy… swinging back and forth like that…”
“That spiral suit is just inspired. Why don’t you give us a spin? …um… you… you can stop… spinning now…”
“Those contacts were an interesting choice! …what do you mean you aren’t wearing any? Sure, I’ll take a closer look…”
“That necklace is divine. Correction, collar. No, no, I couldn’t possibly try it on! …well, if you insist…”
“Aren’t pocket watches a little old fashioned? Though… it does complement your outfit…”
“Sir? Sir. Can you take those headphones off, we’re trying to interview you… sir?”
“Yes the red carpet does look very… soft and inviting…”
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ydotome · 11 months
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"Next Stage -SHINJUKU ver.-" by Matenrō (ep 5)
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somnefarious · 1 year
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Swimming in the deep? Might be a good idea to bring a friend, just in case
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akkivee · 11 months
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i’m so stoked to see they’re still in their new outfits!!!!!!!
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Why are all the Hypmic VAs the purple colored Kamen Riders in Ride Kamens?
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askdrstiofficial · 8 months
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this was a pretty low effort thing i did to get back into drawing em
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Everyone knows about hypnotically induced mindlessness, but what about hypnotic mindfulness? Learn more, now, with FPPP's Scribbles:
So. A necessary ingredient to mindlessly, automagically falling into hypnotic suggestion is that your mind - outrageously wonderful and clever and incredible as it is - is able to handle all of that pesky listening and understanding and feeling without any conscious input on your part. You're just… not, right?
And that's fun, don't get me wrong, but now that you're freed up, it'd be a shame not to take advantage of your newfound availability. While the bit of your mind that handles idle concerns like phantom sensation and thought insertion, you can be focused whatever you - or you're partner, if you're a power exchanging type - want you to be.
Why not take the time to really appreciate the hypnotic technique you're normally too subject to to notice? Like wasn't that just such a lovely suggestion? Isn't it intoxicating how your body moves in response to it? And the way your voice sounds right now is so…
Or you can be a bit more active - not just focus, but purpose: your body's doing it's thing and some portion of you is being programmed but that doesn't mean you can't use the rest to play with your partner, or just chatter and give feedback, or even help! It might feel awfully nice knowing you're helping hypnotise you.
There's not a limit, and I really have to restrain myself from waxing too much on this or that example because they're all just so fun.
But before I leave it out, I want to draw attention to one last little benefit of hypnotic mindfulness:
By the time you're all hypnotised and happily here to see it, you'll know well enough just how well it all fits for you and how this cue or that method just… work. And you'll be excited and eager for it, anticipating it. Expecting it.
Expectation effects are a big deal, and watching yourself slip into your hypnotic pattern will make your confirmation bias will make it even stronger.
So stick around. Practice makes perfect, after all.
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naradivision · 5 months
Miraitabi as Stamps
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Procrastinated & overloaded with RL work but unfortunately, I’m on picrew-making spree…
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
So I see you've asked for Rice Krispies song inspos, and I seek to deliver with TWO songs!
This one's Already Dead by KittenSneeze. It's a FNAF:SB song about Vanny constantly trying to fight free of Glitchtrap's control. Which seems fitting given Noah's circumstances. Especially the line 'I'm already dead since you got in my head'.
Particularly brutal given how Noah was the one to give Alejandro permission to hypnotize him in the first place.
Here's Discord's Puppet, a MLP grimdark song about an immortal god of chaos keeping the one he loves as a puppet rather than letting her pass!
It's very much a song for the 'worst case scenario' ending. An Alejandro who's so victorious that all that remains on the outside is Alejandro's version of Noah, while the real Noah can do nothing but watch, if he's even still there anymore. For this one I think the last line is the most fitting, being 'It's your eternal shame.'
Noah has to get one last, futile quip in there. Even though Alejandro isn't listening because Noah is just singing so beautifully.
Ooooh, I'm absolutely here for it.
The first song is definitely fitting for Noah's internal struggle against Alejandro's control, especially Vanny's repeated bouts of self-doubt in herself. Since Noah knows that hypnosis, no matter how 'absolute' it is, isn't the same as full-on mind control (no matter how much he likens the two as the same thing, Noah knows he still has some semblance of autonomy, it's just greatly diminished), he's always going to have that nagging thought in the back of his head; "do I want to follow his orders?"
The answer there is a resounding no, of course. But the added punishment of his psychosomatic shock collar* as well as his susceptibility to obedience whilst under the trance doesn't really give him much of a choice regardless.
Also, those bridge verses where Vanny and Glitchtrap have their little back and fourth? That's so accurate to Alejandro and Noah's confessional confrontation in chapter two- especially the line "I hold the key to free you," which is exactly what Alejandro is holding over Noah; the freedom of his mind from post-hypnotic triggers.
Though Alejandro hasn't actually had the chance to make Noah do anything under his control. Yet.
As for the second song! I actually held a poll (though I've since deleted it) asking if people wanted the RK fic to have a 'good' or 'bad' ending, and the first option won by a pretty overwhelming majority. I won't spoil my intentions for the 'good end' here, but what I had envisioned for the hypothetical 'bad ending' was something slightly similar to Fluttershy's situation.
Though, in that 'bad end', Noah isn't exactly fighting back anymore like Fluttershy is. It's very dark, and very tragic, and I won't get into it here because I'd end up writing a whole essay on the vague plot I had floating around in my noggin.
I do like the imagery of Noah being a 'living puppet' though. It fits with Alejandro's whole ventriloquism/puppet master motif he had going on in "This Is How We Will End It", and the toy/doll imagery I used for Noah in the fic itself.
* I have so many notes explaining why Noah experiences The Static and The Shocks but I'm not sure if I'll have someone in-universe explain the phenomenon, since I've mostly been making up the plot as I go along (with certain ideas/concepts/scenes working as the backbone of this whole AU), so I'm hesitant to divulge that now if it's potentially going to feature in the fic itself.
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Sepultura - Mass Hypnosis
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ydotome · 11 months
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"Next Stage -OSAKA ver.-" by Dotsuitare Hompo (ep 4)
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chiisanahoshi · 10 months
[Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima + | Endding Theme] "Next Stage -IKEBUKURO ver.-" by Buster Bros!!!
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akkivee · 9 months
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they updated what activities are happening in that official hypmic festival, hypnosis flava 2, and they’re so funny lmao
round one’s going to have
🔴: the best bukuro curry party!!!!!- you have to guide the stick thru the curry png without touching the edges
⚪️: shinjuku’s fishing pond- *doppo voice* FISHING
🟠: rollin in takoyaki!!- a roulette wheel but instead of using small metal balls, you’re rolling takoyaki
and round two is going to have
🔵: hama’s so serious shooting game- your mission, should you choose to accept, is to shoot the target
🟡: doki doki⭐️ darts!!!- a dart game!!!
🟣: hella concentration!!!- clear your thoughts and hit the buzzer at exactly 10 seconds!!!!
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