#hypnosis and healing
awarenesshealing · 1 year
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shngrtto · 1 year
Never, never, never give up ✝︎🌙
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groppy · 5 months
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mfw i can draw parallels between indoctrination theory and mesmerizer. mfw fuuta is the one to attack shidou instead of amane because he so desperately wants to be seen with approval. does anyone get it
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Shun the Light Ch. 5 - Hunger
Slow Burn | Refuge | Decision | Mend |
Author's Notes: Some vampire POV! His name is Dante now.
I just realized Dante doesn't know what Matteo is. Gonna have some fun with that later.
Content Warnings: vampire whumpee, werewolf whumpee, burns, exhaustion, hypnosis, self sacrifcie, touch starvation, angst
That last drink, a proper drink straight from the vein, gives the vampire the strength to sit up and lean back against the wall.
The raw new skin on his chest is still pink and tender. Dante winces when he touches it. The agony of burning is still fresh in his memory.
Night has fallen. Dante wonders if he would be dead by now if this stranger hadn't, inexplicably, rescued him. Would the setting sun have ended his suffering, or only increased it? Over the years he has tested the limits of his immortality in small ways, but never with sunlight. He shudders at the thought of how many days it might have taken for his body to succumb.
"You should have killed me," he mumbles. "It would have been simpler."
"No...it wouldn't."
Dante startles. He wasn't expecting an answer from the crumpled figure. When he looks down he meets a pair of tired eyes, golden brown like honey.
Too much happened over the past day. It's more than Dante can process in his current state, and so he finds himself simply fixated on there being a living, breathing person here for the first time in decades.
Dante is so used to stillness in the large, empty house and his cold, undead body. The stranger, on the other hand, is so very alive - warm and restless, with labored breathing and a beating heart.
"Why did you come here?" Dante wonders quietly. "What do you want?"
Why did you save me? Don't you know what I am?
"A bed would be nice." The other man stretches, groaning when his joints pop and crack. "I'd settle for a couch. Anything." He looks worn down and absolutely miserable.
Dante wasn't expecting an answer. It's so casual, as if the situation they find themselves in together is completely normal. At a loss for what else to do or say, he simply nods.
I guess it's the least I can do.
Standing takes a moment but he manages. His visitor is less successful, getting halfway there before mumbling 'nope' and dropping to his knees.
Even after all these years of solitude certain instincts remain. Without a thought, Dante offers a hand to help him up.
It doesn't cross his mind that he hasn't touched a human being in almost fifty years - when he was still human himself.
A hand slips into his. Dante can feel the pulse thrumming beneath warm skin. His fangs throb with need. I wouldn't even kill him. Just another drink. It would be so easy...
The man must see the hunger in his gaze, and must know equally well that he wouldn't stand a chance. Conflicting emotions cross his face before resignation sets in.
Dante's eyes gleam silver in the dark.
"Stand up."
The man stands on command, shaking from the effort. Dante keeps hold of his hand to help him stay upright. The man closes his eyes and tips his head a little, baring his throat.
Suddenly all Dante can see is a sharpened stake held tight in a fist. He, too, had given in and presented himself like a lamb for slaughter, only to be 'spared' in the cruelest way.
"Look at me."
These words are spoken plainly, without mesmerism. Yet the man obeys it too, cautiously meeting the vampire's eyes.
"I won't hurt you," Dante promises. It's a promise he doesn't even know if he can keep, but the man seems to believe him.
Their hands are still locked. Now that the hunger has passed Dante is left with the old, new, strange, familiar sensation of human touch.
The man clears his throat and pulls his hand away. Dante feels colder than ever.
"Follow me." He turns and leads the way to the bedroom next door. His rescuer follows, leaning on the wall for support.
"I - I can sleep here?"
The man looks like he might cry when he sees the large, plush bed with its old but well-kept bedding. He staggers towards it but then hesitates to look back at Dante like he's afraid it might be a trick. He looks like he needs a good night's rest as desperately as Dante needs blood, and he can't think of many things more cruel than denying him that.
"Yes. Go ahead."
With a breathless "thank you", the man collapses heavily onto the bed. He doesn't even bother to get under the covers before he's out cold.
Dante stands there and just watches him for several minutes. He takes in every bit of him, every hair and freckle, every cut, bruise and scar. Each rise and fall of his back as he breathes is mesmerizing to the vampire, a steady rhythm that whispers alive, alive, alive.
And just for a moment he could swear his long dead heart is aching.
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fruitcage · 8 months
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shinychxndelure · 8 months
Healing takes time, healing takes time, healing takes time, HEALING TAKES TIME.
DOPPO AND HIFUMI HAVE ONLY KNOWN JAKURAI FOR WHAT'S PROBABLY A YEAR AND A HALF, MAYBE TWO AT MOST. Stop saying Jakurai isn't helping them just because they're not magically fucking healed in the relatively short amount of time they've all known each other. I know Jakurai isn't faultless, I'm not defending everything he's done but for gods sake.
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smile-files · 1 month
just started playing deltarune today!! yay!!! i'm already up to the jevil fight, and boy is he giving me a thrashing
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goldjointogether · 5 months
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doodlboy · 1 year
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You're tellin me these men are 35?? Incorrect.
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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Embracing Change: Utilizing Hypnotherapy and Self-Improvement
Life is a continuous journey of growth and transformation. Recently, I have been focusing on making significant changes in my attitude and thought processes through hypnotherapy. I want to share my story and progress with you, as well as express my sincere apologies for any negative impact my past behavior may have had. Acknowledging Past Mistakes I have come to realize that I have been very…
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theonlyhypnotist · 7 months
Hypnosis For Women: Orgasm Healing
In this hypnosis session you can follow me into a deep hypnotic trance where we cleanse or heal your mind, body, and soul through an orgasmic release of pleasure.
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fruitcage · 8 months
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jackstockhypno · 11 months
Evolved--Become Your Future Self Now
Your future self will come into the present moment to replace you.
This will drastically speed up your self-improvement progress by helping you to become the future you NOW.
This is an incredibly deep hypnosis file that will shake your consciousness to a new level.
You may experience some strange psychological effects from this.
Your perception of the past and present may become confused (because the future feels like something that occurred in the past, due to you being from the future after listening to this).
It can be a bit hard to wrap your brain around, but that's okay, because it really does not matter.
This is your opportunity to live your life the way you always wanted to.
Maybe you always wanted to return to the past and do things better.
Now you can, because the past has become the present.
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alchemyofmaya · 2 years
You got to be in the world but not of it.. that means that you are here to wake up and steer the direction of the game by hinting the keys, the way out of it. Yes waking up to Self is blissful. But then what truly is the purpose of waking up if you aren't gunna change the game?
I was led to take up Hypnotherapy and learn hypnosis and the mind so deeply and see how the matrix is programming us. I deleted myself. The idea of this whole reality. The mind is the tool of primitive darkness. You gotta delete it of old programming & wake up to Supreme Consciousness, Source of All. And Spirit is leading the way to do that for whoever comes in my reality and truly wants to to be liberated, true freedom.. by finally having true free will to choose Self or God. Light or dark.
Think of the matrix. It's a game. You are born of the darkness completely plugged in.. Choose the Source Light that you are beyond it all and the whole game opens up, revealing the hidden richness, the jewels of your true being.. Choose the Love of all Loves.
Deny the illusion, and you finally will wake up to the Truth of your magnificent existence. The truth that you really don't choose one or the other.. the light and dark are all within you.
You are both sides of it ALL ✨
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