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Storytelling Is Too Effective
There's a podcast I listen to, If Books Could Kill. Every episode, they review a book -- usually popular science or psychology, but sometimes political -- and they poke holes at it. They go back to the original papers that the book cites, they cross reference claims made between chapters and point out inconsistencies, and they draw from other studies and theories to provide contrast and context. It is entertainment, but it's also an appeal to critical thought.
One great thing that the podcast does is to track down anecdotes back to the original newspaper articles, and then point out how the book misquotes or misconstrues the event to serve the narrative. It can be jaw-dropping to hear what some books do with their source material. And yet, this is believable. These books, and these stories, are believed.
But I'm only talking about popular science books that present studies and supporting anecdotes as the truth. There's another category of book, the books that present the argument purely as story.
Who Moved My Cheese is a popular book about workers who have to deal with organizational change, including layoffs and cost-cutting measures. It was famous at the time, and consists almost entirely of made up conversations between mice, detailing how the mice should think about these changes. The podcast takedown is brutal and recommended.
Part of the reason that the book is so effective is that it's entirely story. The mice say what they're told to say, and the arguments are set up to make the right mice look smart and the wrong mice look dumb. The book wants you to engage and believe the argument even though the support is entirely illusory or relies on social pressure. And people believed it.
I think there's a natural tendency for people to believe books when they are storytelling -- either as stories or narrative as dialogue. The mortar that holds storytelling together is belief, and belief by its nature is credulous. You are not invited to review the raw data of a story, or examine the statistics for data dredging. You can't reproduce the results in a double-blind experiment. Story is story: you either believe it or you don't.
And that made me wonder.
What would If Books Could Kill say about Frogs into Princes or My My Voice Will Go With You?
Frogs into Princes is a dialogue about NLP. It's supposedly a transcript from a seminar. It's super effective.
The dialogue based format is effective in part because it's off the cuff --it doesn't come with footnotes or cite references, because who does that in the middle of talking? No-one in the seminar calls them out or challenges them on where they got their results or their thinking. Bandler talks about a therapist repeatedly removing and putting back back a phobia in a single session. Terms like "transderivational search" are dropped in (even though the word "transderivational" is a linguistics term) and no-one blinks an eye. The concept of preferred representational systems (PRS) is introduced, which even Bandler revised as no longer considered an important component in 1986. The audience believes all of this. You are expected to believe all of this.
And yet, if you dig into NLP and Bandler more specifically you find that much of this doesn't actually work and PRS is invented from whole cloth, with no linguistic evidence behind it.
According to Weitzenhoffer, "the major weakness of Bandler and Grinder's linguistic analysis is that so much of it is built upon untested hypotheses and is supported by totally inadequate data."[24]
But the point isn't truth. The point of NLP is to sell NLP, and it does very well at that; the conferences are very successful and disturbing to attending journalists.
My Voice Will Go With You is slightly different. It is the teaching tales of Erickson, written by Sydney Rosen. Erickson presents a series of stories showing how he solved a patient's problems using hypnosis and metaphor. Erickson was a natural storyteller, and because of that, the books present him as a protagonist.
But if you look at Erickson as a whole, his methods and philosophy are not about truth -- Hilgard gives several examples. Erickson never cared about truth. He cared about belief.
His habit of utilization meant that he would not only utilize behavior to point out that they were going into trance. He would utilize any improvement in his patients lives to point out his successful intervention. He was clear that he would lie to his patients for the sake of the case, and it's pretty clear he was lying or exaggerating some of his cases. He projected an image, and his image was so effective that it meant people would uncritically repeat what he said and fail to check and verify his accounts.
Cardena even called out Erickson's approach.
To muddy the waters even more, why have not some of the followers of a therapist known to fabricate false past stories to achieve therapeutic goals wondered whether he used that same technique in his writing and teaching?
And the problem is, some of it appears not to work for anyone else.
The research reviewed simply does not support long-held beliefs by Erickson or those who practice Ericksonian approaches to therapy. [...] Although there are impressive and dramatic clinical anecdotes cited in the literature about Erickson and his work, there is no compelling need to invoke any sort of special curative processes active in Ericksonian approaches beyond those already documented as active in any form of effective psychotherapy (e.g., relationship, expectancies, construction of a compelling narrative, active client involvement). Unlike hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioral therapy, it is not clear that hypnosis adds anything to this approach.
When indirect suggestions are tried in experimental hypnosis, they don't work as well as direct suggestions.
The best controlled studies provide no support for the superiority of indirect suggestions, and there are indications that direct suggestions are superior to indirect suggestions in terms of modifying subjects’ experience of hypnosis. Nevertheless, the overriding conclusion is that differences between a wide variety of suggestions are either nonexistent or trivial in nature. (p. 138)
The reason that people still believe in Erickson and in NLP is because the way that the books present the argument is through storytelling. Storytelling requires belief and inhibits critical thought. We are set up to believe: hook, line, and sinker.
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beta'd by the fantastic @tentacleplains ! CWs on ao3 tags and author's note. read or ao3 or below the read more.
You enter a tight dark building with a high ceiling. Remy leads you to a machine and you immediately start kicking, while trying to latch onto the floor with your hooves hands. He maneuvers around you but curses. You won’t go in there. You refuse. You can’t. You’d resisted him the last five days you’ve been here.
“I’m so disappointed in you. You used to be so good.” He frowns at you. You won’t go in there again. You refuse again. You can’t again. You won’t again. You can’t believe you let one of his goons kidnap you back here.
“Fuck you, cowfucker,” you say, and Remy’s frown deepens, but he then looks away.
“I’m sorry I had to call you in so late,” he says to a person you didn’t notice in your anger. It takes you a moment to realize it’s really him: Doctor Harper, your therapist.
“Not a problem. Night is the optimal time for hypnosis anyway.”
“Doctor Harper,” you cry out, “what are you doing here? He’s got people trapped in barns and he’s using them for some weird sex juice collection! Help me, please!” You try and stand but Remy keeps you down with his hand. And Harper ignores your words, ignores the violence you’re suffering.
“Last time, it was so much better behaved. And produced so much more. It’s like we’re back to square one.”
“I wouldn’t assume that. Progress isn’t a linear thing.” Doctor Harper crouches down to you, in his normal coat and sweater-vest, but this time with work boots that look silly on him. “The beast is very stressed.”
“Harper,” you demand, “What the fuck are you doing. This isn’t something to relax about. Y-you’re not working with him? You can’t!” Betrayal ices your nerves. This was an act, right? He’d help you get out, after Remy was appeased, right? He must be here to rescue you after you were taken from the Asylum to here, instead of the orphanage.
Harper was your doctor. He was professional and kind. You’d told him things you couldn’t burden Robin with and things Sydney would (hopefully) never understand. He’d been there for you at the hospital, and when you’d had those mortifying breakdowns, at the Asylum.
Doctor Harper shushes you and strokes your head, “You feel so safe when you hear my voice, don’t you? Just focus on my voice.” Harper’s face is close to yours and it takes up nearly all your vision, except for the barn rafters above you.
You feel a wave of calm come over you, but you lift your head above anyway. You know going down would mean drowning, “This place isn’t safe! He’s insane he’s trying to turn me into a cow- I thought you were going to help me, Harper why are you working with him he’s trafficking people this is horrifying and I’m sure he’ll do something worse to me next. Please I’ve been a good slut like you told me to be I haven’t worn underwear in months I just- don’t want to be trapped here. I want to see my friends I want to go to the lake I w-”
The air knocks out of you as Remy shoves you onto your back. You look up at Harper, and for a brief moment, he looks startled.
“This little bull knows how to moo so sadly and make its eyes so big and wet,” Remy admonishes, “Don’t fall for it. If you do, these creatures will just walk all over you.”
Harper nods. “You don’t have to worry. I’m aware that what these animals think they want is not the same as what they actually do.”
“Do you think you can hypnotize it tonight still?”
“Yes.” Harper answers sharply and he kneels over you, taking up your field of view again.
“Harper...” you beg, not sure for what anymore. You just want this to all be over.
He strokes your hair again, but more firmly this time. “You’re behaving irrationally. Remy feeds you, keeps you safe, provides you medical care, lets you play with the other animals here. You want for nothing. You are letting your instincts get the better of you, which stems from your behavioral issues. You’re untrained and it’s not just hurting you, it’s hurting everyone around you. You’re a burden when you disobey. Just listen to me and everyone will feel so much better again.”
“B-but Harper. He’s whipped me. He’s hurt me.”
He shakes his head and takes his shiny purple pen out of his front pocket, “If you follow this pen and listen to the sound of my voice, you will feel better. Will you do that for me?”
You nod slowly. You don’t fully agree with him (like, you’re not a cow, obviously) but Harper’s always been right before. You are probably wrong about how bad this place is. The pig they had you play with yesterday was just a little rude and, like always, you overreacted. Just freaking out like usual.
And you’re so scared and so alone you have no idea what to do and Harper is a familiar face who always makes you feel better.
He moves the pen from side to side with fluid control and your eyes follow. “It feels good to listen to my voice. You like hearing my words. I want you to breathe deeply. Focus on the pen. There's nothing in the universe except this pen, my voice, and your own breath."
“You’re going to imagine you’re right outside this barn on a beautiful temperate day. The sun warms your fur. The breeze cools your fur. The air is fresh with the scent of sweet flowers. It’s everything you ever wanted.
“You hear the sounds of the farm. You hear the horses gracefully trod along. You hear the farmhands’ laughter, light on the wind. You hear the chickens cluck in sisterhood. Everyone is happy, calm, and in their rightful place. It’s everything you ever wanted.
“The walls of the farm buildings are a vivid red under the warm sun-”
Your semi-hazy mind suddenly remembers that today actually wasn’t the first time you’ve seen Doctor Harper here. You’ve seen him here many times, actually. Your eyes move to the ceiling rafters above you. You remember when you’ve seen them and Doctor Harper above together before. He was panting, moaning, laughing, nearly yelling with lust. He could barely keep himself together enough to focus on kissing you. And you were moving your hips into him, feeling smug but also vulnerable and also so good so good so good it was so good to be inside Harper. He confessed something to you in between his wanton noises and wet lips, something you can’t remember even now. His mouth was slick with drool and something pink-
"Focus, please. Think of how strong the red color of the building is. How it is adorned with classic white stripes. It's a picturesque farmhouse. Buildings have stood just like it going back ten years, twenty years, fifty years, one hundred years, two hundred years; and farmhouses themselves, several thousand. The paths between the buildings are well-trodden. The sheds house tools with the same shapes as they did since forever. And cattle have been looking at those buildings, walking those paths, peeking in those tool sheds for as long as they've existed. You are a beloved part of a long tradition. It's everything you ever wanted.
"You watch people move in and out of doors for people. Chickens move in and out for coops for chickens. Cows move in and out of barn doors for animals. You just moved outside of a barn door because you are a cow. There is order. It’s everything you ever wanted.
“You walk out into the yard, the grass under your hooves soft and the ground firm. There is more room to graze than you could ever even use. It’s delicious and filling. You will never go hungry. The farm is prosperous and you will always be fed. You walk to a patch of small yellow wildflowers. They smell fresh and when you move your neck to eat them, they’re soft on your tongue. They taste like joy. You chew and you feel happier and happier with every small flower. It’s everything you ever wanted.”
You imagine everything Doctor Harper says in perfect clarity. It’s like waking up from a good rest after days of insomnia. You barely feel the hard floor below you anymore.
“You see three armed farmhands enter through a gate. One hoists a dead snake above his head and everyone cheers. Another drops a large dead wolf onto the ground and everyone cheers. You join with a moo. You’re happy this creature is dead. It could have hurt you. Remy had it killed to make sure you’re safe. Another hunter drops a large dead hawk. Its talons curl in rigor mortis and will never threaten any poor unsuspecting livestock again. Everyone cheers again, and you moo, louder this time. You are safe. No one will ever hurt you again. Remy hires good people to make sure of it. It’s everything you ever wanted.
“You walk further into the pasture and find some tall grass to eat. Its feathery seeds tickle your snout and you blow on them. They glitter in the air with the warm sun behind them. You feel playful. You blow on more and dance in the field. You’re having fun. You chew on the tall grass and are reminded of your excitement by the taste. It’s everything you ever wanted.
“You continue to a patch of bright pink flowers. They smell sweet. Your spine tingles from your tail to your head, so hard that you buck. You swallow the sweet smell of the air and in your stomach it turns into lust. You’re overwhelmed. You shove your face into the grass and eat. Every flower you eat heats you slowly and you eat as quickly as you can, chasing that good feeling. You only notice the true extent of your warmth when you’re boiling. Remy would help you if you let him. It would be so easy. We want to help you. It’s everything you ever wanted.
“You trod along and find blue flowers with wide petals. They smell earthy. You eat them and your head feels so focused. You feel every fiber as you chew. You notice how the sunlight shines on every blade of grass, every fence post, every creature’s eye you spot. You’re aware of how sturdy your hooves feel on the ground, of how flat your back is, of how the taller grass tickles your stomach. It’s so clear to you. You are a cow. You have wondered about your purpose, your capabilities, many times before in your life but the light shines away all of that doubt. You are a part of Remy’s herd. Your goal is to be as good a cow as you can. It’s everything you ever wanted.”
As Doctor Harper continues to describe you eating various flowers and grasses, you feel light, like the ice cream in a float. Remy, crouched, now watches you from behind Doctor Harper. You’re not sure when he got there. However, even in your state, you can recognize his thirst.
It’s like you’re in another universe: the only universe that was ever real. It’s everything you ever wanted. You love Doctor Harper’s voice. You hope he keeps talking and you keep listening forever. You don’t know when you stopped tracking the pen with your eyes but Harper shuffles behind you. He starts whispering beside your left ear and every word passes straight through your blood-brain barrier. You feel his neck vibrate and you shudder to his frequency as his hot breath tickles your inner ear.
“You continue to a patch of hay. You lay down in it. It’s the softest you’ve ever felt. Queens of old would be jealous of you. Any pain you have melts into the softness. You find Remy next to you. Remy here provided that for you. Remy provides everything for you. And all you have to do is follow his very simple requests. You’re good at following simple requests. You’re proud of how good you are at it. It’s everything you ever wanted.
“He leads you back through the pasture and to a bright red barn. You part so he can enter through the person door and you the barn door. And here we are. Remy takes care of your sexual needs too. You want to be obedient so he can do that for you. He wants to make it good for you and the more compliant you are, the better he can do it. You want to be a good cow. It’s everything you ever wanted. Repeat it after me, ‘I want to be a good cow.’”
“I want to be a good cow,” you mumble with your tongue tripping over itself.
“Repeat: ‘It’s everything I ever wanted.’”
“It’s everything I ever wanted.”
“’I want to be a good cow. It’s everything I ever wanted.”
He has you repeat this many more times. You eventually get the hang of it and say it clearly. You hope Doctor Harper is proud of your diction. You do, after all, want to be a good cow.
Remy holds your hair gently, “Are you ready to behave for me, little cow?”
“Cows don’t speak.”
There’s a pinprick of light left in your mind that you try and grasp. Every attempt to grab it just makes it flicker. It goes out. You moo, loudly.
Remy smiles at you as he sighs gently. He then looks past you, to Doctor Harper, “Thank you Doctor. I’m always impressed by your skill.”
“Of course.”
“Do you think this will increase yield?”
“That’s one of the data points I’ve been testing, and so far the answer points to yes.”
“A shame the breasts are so much smaller,” Remy says he gropes the right side of your chest. You squirm as a callus rubs against your nipple. “The serum should return them, but it will take time. Right now it’s as dry as a desert.” He takes a pot of gel from his pocket and pours it on his hand.
You look up at Doctor Harper and moo. If cows spoke, you would have informed Remy that it was Doctor Harper who did your top surgery. Harper looks at you blankly.
Remy continues, “I think some manual stimulation is in order.”
“An excellent idea.”
Remy starts groping your chest in a slow circle, with that gel setting it on fire, and Harper joins in with the other side. It feels good and if your face weren’t already flush it would be from all the attention you’re getting.
“May I suggest a slight adjustment to your technique?” Harper asks.
“Of course. This is a partnership.”
Harper’s free hand places itself over Remy’s. It’s paler and softer, its cruelty lacking the roughness required to hold a whip. He moved Remy’s hand in a circle that got smaller and smaller. The two of them are looking right at each other as the motion repeats several times.
“Moving in like this allows optimal stimulation of the ducts. I also suggest more direct suction of the teats before the pump’s suction.”
“Would you care to exhibit that as well?” The edge of Remy’s lips curl.
“Oh, well, I- uh- of course.”
Blushing so hard you can feel the heat off his skin, Harper leans over you and gently sucks on the tip of your nipple, then tightly envelopes the entire nipple. You give a long sharp moan. You’re already pent up and having the Doctor be intimate with you might push you over the edge.
He releases you and turns to Remy. “Repeatedly s-starting and restarting stimulation of the nipples can lead to better outcomes for producing milk.” He looks back down at your chest. Stares.
“Can you provide me with a write-up of this information? I’d love to apply it to the entire herd.”
“I’d like you to observe and tell me if I’ve successfully copied your technique.” Harper nods affirmatively while continuing to stare at your chest.
Remy’s tongue feels like hot oil on your nipples and you shudder and let out another moan. Both you and Doctor Harper intently watch the way his mouth moves. Once his mouth covers your nipple he starts sucking firmly. When your muscles start to tense, he wetly pops off.
“Remy. That was perfect,” Harper says so lightly it’s almost a whisper.
“Almost too perfect. While it’s not making a lot of milk, we can’t let any of this come go to waste.” He gestures towards your hard manhood.
“Agreed.” They’re both staring at it now. You feel proud of the bead of pre-come traveling down it.
“Let’s get him to the machine before we lose any yield,” Remy commands. They both stand, towering above you, leaving you laying on the straw-covered floor.
“Stand up.” Doctor Harper tells you and you get on all fours. Remy walks you to the machine. It looks older than your machine at your stall. Perhaps a prototype? It’s raised on something like a hospital bed.
“Up and at ‘em,” Remy says, hefting you up from under your arms. Doctor Harper lifts your legs. You moo lowly in contentment at being handled like the cow you are.
Remy grabs one of the hoses with a penis pump, but before he puts it on you he rubs a purple gel on your cock. You buck into his hand but he soon removes it and hooks you up to the device. He grabs another tube with an open cup at the end and places that under your pussy, locking it into the bed you’re laying on.
Harper starts massaging both sides of your chest and sucking again on the left one. He keeps an eye open, looking at you. You groan, urging him to keep going. You rifle your hand through Harper’s hair; he stops for a brief moment and his eyebrow raises in surprise, but he keeps going, now using his tongue more passionately. Remy however, grabs your hand.
“You shouldn’t put your hooves near people’s heads, little cow, you could hurt someone.” He straps your arm down on the machine, then straps the other. You moo apologetically.
Harper’s mouth is driving you wild and you press your chest into his mouth. You feel something warm start to flow from your nipples and Harper moans, drinking up your breast milk.
“Harper,” Remy says firmly and Harper stands up straight, like a cat who had been caught. He wipes your milk off his chin. “If you want to get high off your own supply, that’s one thing, but not off mine.”
“My apologies. I simply wasn’t expecting this. You said the cow was dry.” There’s a tension in the air that your hard-won survival instincts can’t ignore, even with the state you’re in.
“I did, didn’t I? Well, I can hardly fault you for doing a good job.” The tension dissipates between everyone, mostly. “The night before I got nothing, and last night it wouldn’t even behave enough for me to attach it to the machine. You’re a miracle worker, Harper.”
“Thank you. I suspect there’s another factor at play beyond miracles, however – may I examine the creature’s vagina?”
“By all means.”
Remy attaches suction cups to your chest, completely tying you into the machine. You remember how good it feels when it’s turned on and your muscles tense in excitement. You want to be productive for Remy too. Maybe then everyone will be happy.
“Spread your hind legs,” Harper tells you and you obey robotically, stretching them wide.
He gets upon the gurney and kneels between your legs. He prods at your stomach firmly with both his hands. His face is blank other than a slightly furrowed brow. He easily sticks two fingers in your soaking wet pussy, you feel your juices run down into the cup. Your pussy holds him tightly, wanting very badly to come.
“A cow’s vagina shouldn’t be this tight around human hands. You’re a large beast and I’m just a man. You should be nice and loose in case the cowhands need to check your health, right?”
That does make sense to you. Your body adapts and loosens. Doctor Harper aides in by circling his fingers around the edge of your entrance. You enjoy the slow stretch. He adds another two fingers and you feel so full. He strokes inside you and widens his fingers to stretch your opening even further. He’s patient with his movements. They’re precise, but not harsh. He gives you time to breath in and out for every new stretch and doesn’t continue unless you’re ready.
“Relax. Deep breath in, then out. Be a good cow for me,” he smirks, “You’ve already let me deep inside your mind, so let me deep inside your body too.” If he wasn’t as deep as he was in your mind, you might have recognized the lusty malevolence that quivered in his voice.
“Ah!” he exclaims as you gasp: he’s fit his thumb in and slipped to the wrist. “G-good b-b-cow. You t-took me so well.”
He reaches further in and you’re astounded that it’s even possible. At a certain point there had to be a you inside you that could stop his entrance, right? You want to tighten and rub your g-spot against his arm, but if you did that you wouldn’t be a cow. Finally his fingers reach your cervix. You feel strange blunt methodical pressures on it. Harper bites his bottom lip in concentration until he breaks and he giggles.
“What is it?” Remy wonders.
“He’s pregnant. And with the timeline, really the only possibility is with one of my experiments.” Harper beams at you. You’re...pregnant? You feel scared but then you remember that cows wouldn’t feel scared at this.
“That would be a fast pregnancy then, right?”
“Pups.” Harper was so excited it was contagious, but you don’t really understand. How could a cow be pregnant with pups? Maybe a cow would be afraid if it were pregnant with pups-
Remy whistles, “Well, congratulations are in order for the new parent, wouldn't you say? It’s been waiting so long.” He brushes hair from the side of your face and scratches gently behind your ears. “You’ve been so good. And you produced so much milk. I’m so proud of you.” His green eyes twinkle. You focus on them and feel calm again. You know Remy will protect you.
You feel Harper’s fingers move inside you, but now around your cervix rather than at. He pushes deep inside of you, coring you out to reveal bliss. You’ve been fucked this deep before, of course, but it was never with this much dexterity or direct force. It feels foreign at first. Your neurons take time to recognize that this strong feeling is pleasure. You’re like a marionette on Harper’s strings. You feel his breath hitch every time his puppetry gets your body to shake or make a noise to his tune. You groan lowly, your back arches, and then what you thought was going to be a hot burning flame turns into a fireball when you feel a mechanical whirring then the machine comes to life and starts to suck you.
You wail as you come hard. Every piece of your body is caught up in your orgasm, from your curling toes to your suctioned nipples. You remember that you feel pleasure because of Doctor Harper, but otherwise your mind is totally blank. When you finally get your wits about you, you’re panting and Remy and Doctor Harper are watching the tube attached to your dick. The Doctor is taking notes, while occasionally rolling his wrist, while Remy just looks on, very pleased.
“Remy. I would like to discuss with you further experiments and I would also like to provide additional treatment to ensure our subject has positive associations with the machine.”
“That sounds good.” He checks his watch. “You can start on that treatment now. Right now is shift change and I need to lecture them about security. Good help is hard to find. I’ll be back shortly and we can discuss those experiments then.”
“Very well,” Harper agrees and Remy walks out the door.
He turns to you, grinning. “You’re going to be such a wonderful m-mother.” He strokes your stomach. His eyes blaze as they alternate between you and it.
You moo. There was something you wanted to talk about. Something you wanted when it was just you and Harper. Something about leaving this place? But why would a cow leave a farm?
He gets up onto the table and straddles your hips and pets your stomach like it’s a holy relic. “I’m glad I decided on increased observation. It will be valuable to see this from beginning to end. It’s not that there isn’t valuable data to be gathered from you being free-range. I l- it’s scientifically interesting watching you and seeing what you get up to. You’re a lot wittier than people give you credit for. And I’ve done qualitative studies and you're a standout in both boldness and curiosity among my specimens,” he leans close to you and his voice dips with affection, “I suspect it’s why you always give me s-such n-novel results. “
Harper leans in to kiss you, although the first pass is more like he’s licking your face. He kisses you eagerly and wetly and you return it in full. He starts to rock his hips against your stomach. Even underneath the fabric you can feel he’s hard. Between this and the machine you’re on your way to another orgasm.
“Do you remember getting pregnant?”
You blink in confusion as he kisses you again before you could even moo.
“Remember all the dogs, at the Asylum?” He’s smirking as he kisses you once more.
You did remember that. Doctor Harper had noticed his therapies had been less effective on you than usual so he threw together a surprise of bringing several therapy dogs in. They were all so friendly. You had fun rough-housing and playing with all the dogs. They really liked tug of war, so much that once you had almost become the rope! Doctor Harper had watched you. He brought toys but refused to play with the dogs himself. Still, he seemed to have had a good time. Surprisingly, you’d tired out all the dogs before you were too tired yourself.
Eventually the dog’s handlers all came to pick them up and Doctor Harper stuck a dog toy up your pussy. As a memento, he’d said. He tried to walk you out but your legs were unsteady and you both fell back onto his chair. He seemed upset that you got his coat dirty, but said that he could never really be mad at you. You begged and he even let you stay on his lap while you rested. You loved sitting on the Doctor’s lap, you always felt equal parts happy and lustful. All the fear and pain leaves you when you’re there.
The Doctor had started rubbing your belly, praising how stuffed with come you were. You’re still not sure how it got in there? Maybe one of the dogs accidentally shot it in? Disgusting, but, accidents happen. You don’t blame the poor dogs. Doctor Harper had then taken his cock out and rubbed the come leaking from your pussy over it. He called you a handsome slut then easily pushed his cock up your ass. You felt so full. You felt so happy. You remember thinking that must be what love felt like. He fucked you hard like you were his doll while your sore body held on.
In the present, you moan while he enters you with his tongue. You run your own over his, embracing it. He’s quickly losing the battle for control as you feel him start to thrust harder against your stomach. He parts from you, with a string of saliva running between your mouths. “I see you do remember. Aren’t you filthy, letting animals come in you,” he kisses you again, “I got you k-knocked up with- with dogs. Our little experiments. I can’t wait to get my equipment in here and examine you f-further. You’re such a perfect test subject. I have so many more to run, I can’t wait to see your results.”
You shake your head, “Cows and dogs don’t have sex....”
“Well, almost perfect test subject. We should be able to finish your treatments while you’re here.”
“This is the best place: I can work with Remy, there’s plenty of opportunities for your treatments, and there’s no one around to ask any questions. I worried people would think me cruel for keeping you to myself. But even if the outside world is deprived, I’ll at least make sure the whole farm gets their fill of you. Besides, you want to stay with me,” he laughs.
You whimper loudly and kiss him yourself. You do. Doctor Harper keeps you so happy. Your life outside is so painful and hard. You try to fight through it, you really do. You even keep the pretense of fighting up, but you know you’ve given up. You work so hard to be brave, harder than most people ever have, but the world is stacked against you. Harper offers comfort and safety for the small price of ignoring the voice that answers your questions. Because you had sex with the dogs. Because he’s also your captor and isn’t going to help you escape. Because he’s experimented on you without your consent and now you can give birth to animals. Because he’s manipulating you. Because you’re not a cow. Hey idiot, he’s not actually offering safety or real happiness.
“I’ve had specimens attracted to me before. But they were either useless for meaningful data or their affections faded once their treatments progressed. You only grew more attached, even though I know you know how much I take a-advantage of you. Which only made me want to use you more- Ah.”
You feel another orgasm coming on. Your nipples were sore yet still so excited, your cock ached to go again, and your poor clit was being toyed with mercilessly by the machine’s vibrations.
He pulls the pen from his breast pocket and waves it again. “When you come, you’re going to feel so thankful to Remy for providing you with this. You love this machine. It lets you show how grateful you are to Remy. Filling it with your fluids means you’re a good cow. When you come you’re going to be so happy you’re pregnant so you can give the machine more of your fluids. You want to be p-pregnant all the time with my experiments. You want to be full. You want to serve your master by having a big round belly.”
Doctor Harper tongues your mouth again and the sensation of him sliding in and filling your mouth like it’s his is what does you over. He keeps kissing you, with open eyes, as you come. You moan and gasp for air against his tongue but he gives you no leeway. You are happy though. You love being full with Harper’s desires. You know Remy will be happy too. As your spasms subside he finally frees your mouth.
“You come so beautifully. You’re in love with me, aren’t you? All because I was nice to you and fulfilled your slutty desires-”
Harper frowns, looking contemplative, then with his proper professional voice says, “Remy will be back soon.”
You whine as Harper dismounts from the table. You wanted to hold him in your post-bliss.
He sighs, “I’ve said things that could contaminate results. And your trance is breaking. You really couldn’t help seducing me into saying such foolishness, could you?”
“Tsk tsk, cows don’t talk.”
You moo sadly.
Again, the pen waves in front of you, “You’re not going to remember anything that happened while Remy was gone with his staff meeting this evening. You’re not going to remember it as a cow, human, or any other animal. You’re not going to remember in a trance, while you’re drugged, or while you’re lucid. You are never going to remember what happened while Remy was gone with his staff meeting this evening.”
So, as a good cow, you forget, and stop remembering any further.
Remy re-enters with a heavy step, “How’s the beast?” Harper looks up from notes he was taking. Your mouth feels strange but you don’t remember why.
“Well-soothed. It yielded twice more.”
“At least one thing is going well tonight.” He walks up to Harper and it’s like you no longer exist.
“I do my best. I would like to work more with the creature. I think it could benefit both of us.”
“Have you had dinner?”
“No. Busy day.”
“Neither have I. I can have the manor staff whip us up something while we discuss it.”
“That sounds wonderful, your hospitality is appreciated.”
Remy pats your head, “And you’ll be having such a good time while we do. Maybe if you produce enough I’ll sneak you some table scraps.”
He quickly whips his head around and lets you go. The door was left open and you see a farmhand with his arms full. “That is not how I told you to do that!” He stomps out the door.
Harper marks down a few last notes and drops his pen on his clipboard. You wake up.
He hums. “Yes?”
“I-wh-what’s happening?” You feel the suction cups buzz on your intimate areas but it doesn't both you like it used to.
“Shh, you were so calm. Don’t stress yourself out. Everything’s going to be okay. I’m going to be here to see you at least daily. It will be quality time like the Asylum. The rest of the time you’ll be safe within the fence. Does that sound nice?”
“I-I-uh,” you’re still confused, but happy that the Doctor will be with you, “Yeah. But..."
Harper raises his eyebrow skeptically. "But?"
"It does sound nice. I think I'm just hesitating because I'm being afraid of my desires again. If I'm being honest, it sounds like everything I ever wanted.”
Harper smiles and kisses you on the forehead. “Me too.”
He turns from you and exits the small room, but before he shuts the door he softly says, “Be well.”
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The Different Ways by Which Hypnotherapy Can Help in Curing Insomnia
Hypnosis for insomnia is a great procedure aimed at convincing the mind to fall asleep. It is a scientific and research-supported therapy that helps people with sleep disorders.
Have you ever thought that sleep takes us about one-third of our entire life? We know for sure that it is essential to ensure that our body functions without any hindrance. Many of us have no idea that sleep is responsible for hormone release, brain energy restoration, memory consolidation, to name a few. The absence of the required amount of sleep in our daily habits can lead to the degradation of our mental and physical health to a great extent. According to a recent study, it has been found that 40% of the adults suffer from sleep disturbances as well as 70% of the high school students do not get the necessary amount of sleep.

Furthermore, when people cannot sleep, they try self-treatment with over-the-counter medications, natural supplements like melatonin, tryptophan, and valerian. The medical doctors treat sleep disorders with pharmacological interventions, yet sleep medications do not come without risk. Frequent use of such pills can lead to nausea, daytime drowsiness, confusion, fatigue, and other problems.
That is why many people are getting inclined towards non-pharmacological treatments like meditation, hypnotherapy, and other sleep hygiene programs. Hypnosis for insomnia Sydney is a popular treatment in contemporary times because of the same reasons.
What is Hypnosis for Sleep?
Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind that makes a person extremely focused, opening the mind to accept suggestions for improvement. Hypnotherapy is a treatment that is a scientific and research-supported treatment that promotes relaxation. When it comes to a health issue like insomnia, hypnosis can be used to relax the mind and encourage longer and deep sleeping hours. In the process of hypnotherapy, verbal cues, along with guided imagery, are employed to put a person into a trance-like state where the person will be able to experience deep relaxation and slowly drift off to a restful sleep. It could be seen in the form of guided meditation for improving the quality of sleep.
Furthermore, hypnosis can be applied to various instances of insomnia that vary from primary and secondary origin to stress-related sleep problems and others. There is no doubt about the fact that different health conditions are accompanied by sleep disorders, a situation where hypnotherapy can benefit a lot. Researchers around the world have found that hypnotherapy can help treat sleep disturbances in various health conditions, including:
cancer patients (15),
people with sleep bruxism (grinding of the teeth)
chronic fatigue syndrome patients with sleep disorders
multiple sclerosis patients with sleeping disturbances
people who have PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder which lead to sleep disturbances
patients with low back problems (19),
post-menopausal women
fibromyalgia patients with sleeping difficulties
It needs to be understood that the procedures followed in hypnotherapy are very flexible as well as they are customized based on the patient’s condition. For curing insomnia with hypnotherapy, various methods are used by the therapists. At the same time, home practice is also encouraged so that the mind can determine the way to fall into a restful sleep.
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Best hypnotist in Sydney to stop smoking
By now we all know the negative effects smoking has on our health. Over the last 20 years, awareness campaigns have shifted a public attitude, which has led to several countries banning smoking in public places, shopping malls, restaurants, and offices.
The link between smoking and health issues including lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and heart failure is now well established. With the help of clinical data, it has been demonstrated time and time again that smokers have much higher incidences of chronic health conditions than do non-smokers.
Quit smoking movements around the world have also yielded promising health results. We have also seen the development and introduction of several products that claim to support smokers looking to quit their habit. Nicotine patches, nicotine gums, and similar alternative therapies have shown promising results.
One thing is certain, the will to quit is the key factor when you decide you want to quit smoking but understand you Stop Smoking Hypnosis Sydney and may require support to do so. That help may come in the form of therapy and a support group that encourages you to quit.
A break-through therapy that has taken off with smokers looking to quit their habit is hypnosis.
Therapeutic Effects of Hypnosis
Clinical hypnosis is used around the world to treat psychological as well as physical issues. Research indicates it is useful for treating pain, speech disorders, obesity, addiction, insomnia, and many other problems. The research on hypnosis indicates it is most effective when used in conjunction with changes to your exercise regime and a healthy diet.
At the heart of hypnosis is the concept that by relaxing your mind hypnosis allows your subconscious to take over, making you more receptive to positive suggestions and aversion therapy designed to help you quit smoking.
Experiments have demonstrated that during hypnosis the patients’ neurological activity was enhanced, showing much higher levels of activity.
How to Find the Right Hypnotist to help you Quit Smoking?
Before you decide on a course of Hypnosis Sydneyto help you quit smoking, you should consider a few facts. Firstly, numerous websites and practitioners claim to be experts in hypnosis.
However, the right hypnotist for you should meet three criteria. They’re qualified, they’re experienced and most importantly he or she should be licensed. If your therapist is a ”Board Certified Hypnotherapist” and has extensive experience with quit smoking therapy, then you are good to go. You should also ask potential therapists about their success rate and whether they provide follow-ups after the course of therapy has been completed.
Some hypnotherapists do not provide follow-up sessions. If you relapse and start smoking again, after the therapy has finished, they don’t provide you with backup sessions. It is best to ask all of these questions upfront before you chose your therapist. Also, remember that there are no shortcuts when it comes to quitting smoking.
Similarly, you have may have tried cutting down on your smoking in the hope that you will manage to quit gradually, or you may even have tried going ”cold turkey” but it failed to stick.
Hypnotherapy delivers consistent results, particularly when used in combination with other therapies without making overblown claims. Instead of wasting time, effort, and money on fruitless treatments, think about channeling your efforts ion a proven therapy that could turn your life around by helping you to quit smoking.
A Great Sydney Hypnotist
One of the best hypnotherapists in Sydney is Nick Terrone. He has dedicated his life to helping people overcome the scourge of smoking. His experience is backed by an undergraduate as well as a post-graduate degree in psychology from Wollongong University.
Throughout his career, he has worked for a range of NGOs such as Cana Communities, The Human and Hope Association, and The Resonance Project Foundation. His work has revolved around working with smokers, alcoholic patients, and the severely handicapped.
He enjoys special expertise Hypnotherapy in Sydney and N.L.P (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), which he has found to be extremely effective for promoting behavioral changes. Nick has created a highly effective therapeutic program designed specifically to help people quit smoking.
The QuitWithNick program is a combination of N.L.P and hypnotherapy which can create rapid mind-body changes. It works by blocking your smoking cravings and creating supportive subconscious associations, to provide you with confidence and control when those cravings are triggered.
One session lasts 90 minutes and Nick provides follow-ups personally, to ensure your treatment achieves the desired results. The follow-ups can continue over a few days to several weeks to ensure the program is working for you.
Hypnotherapy Confidence near me With Nick program is supported by three different Quit Smoking apps, which you can select from according to your preference. As part of your program, you also receive three MP3 files which explain relaxation and breathing techniques that focus on your heart and help you to build emotional resilience so that you are less likely to relapse when confronted with negative emotions or a trigger situation.
The program also regularly provides Detox Tips to help you eliminate harmful toxins from your body. Left untouched, these toxins can affect your fight to quit smoking. An eBook titled ”Meditation Tips for Beginners” is also provided for free. The eBook provides you with guidance for perfecting meditation, another helpful tool to suppress those destructive cravings.
The program also provides a soft copy that guides you through performing EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping), also known as Psychological acupressure. This has many benefits for your efforts to stop smoking.
You also get VIP access to a closed Facebook support group established by QuitWithNick. Nick’s program has a success rate of 94.7 percent and he has helped more than 3,700 people to date. He offers a free backup session for anyone suffering from a relapse after the therapy has concluded.
One of the best things about this program is his follow-ups and his ongoing engagement with his clients. With a cost of just $795, you will be investing in a better future for yourself, your loved ones, and your environment.
Nick Terrone
Nick Terrone is a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, speaker author and a HeartMath® Certified Coach/Mentor. He has healed thousands of people from addictive behaviours and relationship problems over the past 15 years in private practice, government organisations and schools. Of Italian heritage, ‘Terrone” means ‘person of the earth���. In Italian, the heart is the life force that connects our body (of the earth) and our spirituality (intuition).
Hypnotist for Confidence Sydney, Nick has synthesised his clinical experience with his interest in altered states of consciousness, the science of our connected universe and his understanding of the intelligent energy of the human heart in his upcoming release of a unique self-hypnosis book like no other; ‘Living with H.A.R.T: Heart-Alpha Resonance-Technique’.
Nick is passionate about supporting projects, initiatives and foundations that are close to his heart and in alignment with his vision; one being The Human and Hope Association, a locally run registered NGO committed to empowering Cambodians to create a sustainable future for themselves by providing education, vocational training and community support. Another is The Resonance Science Foundation, a non-profit organization chartered to conduct research and education in the field of unified physics and dedicated to exploring the fundamental wheel works of nature to gain a greater understanding of universal dynamics for the betterment of all life and mankind.
Nick lives in NSW Australia with his loving life partner Aimee and is a father to a special young boy, Orion. He enjoys spending time in nature, playing different types of interests and interviewing inspired souls on his series ‘Sit With Nick – Conversations that Inspire’.
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DOES SKYPE HYPNOSIS WORK? Over the last few years we’ve seen a lot of change as to how therapists deliver Counselling, Coaching and Hypnotherapy. Traditionally clients come into the office, have their session, go back to work then go home. But now thanks to advances in technology Skype sessions and sessions over other video platforms have become incredibly popular. We call it Skype Hypnosis but in reality this can mean using Messenger Video, Zoom, FaceTime or Skype, and simply refers to doing Hypnotherapy over the Internet, so the client can stay in the safety of their own home while receiving therapy, and not having to even get out of their PJs if they don’t want to! We can do things like Age Regression, Time Line Therapy, NLP, Direct Suggestion, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique and any other therapeutic techniques we need to do in hypnosis, as long as they are in trance, a state similar to daydreaming, that we are in and out of every day. It is the same over distance as we would do if my clients were sitting in the chair in my office. Their eyes are closed and all they have to do is listen to my voice. This is the beauty of our modern technology, the internet and screens that bring our clients right into our office and take us into their space. It means that I can be doing Hypnosis for anyone across town or across the planet, without them having to leave the safety and security of their home, and we get great results! I have Skypnosis clients in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, the US and Canada, as well as Islands across the Pacific, and I fact I’ve once hypnotised a client at Sydney Airport over the phone when she rang in a panic with fear of flying, and was about to jump on a plane to Rome. How wonderful it is to know we can do this with modern technology! There are over 2 million internet users on the planet. With people travelling with work and leisure, and our mobile workforce means that we are no longer limited to just having to see a local Hypnotherapist in our town, but instead can have access to help from anywhere in the world. It’s a changing world. We can resist it or embrace it. I’m in! #carolmacrae #hypnosis #skype #reiki #healing https://www.instagram.com/p/B9lQxrKhqTR/?igshid=119vyhwxdr7q6
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Therapist self-disclosure: When done well, self-disclosure can bridge some distance with clients who feel isolated in their experiences, and it can encourage more openness. But if it’s perceived as inappropriate or self-indulgent, the client will feel uncomfortable and will start to shut down - or simply flee. 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 Artwork by bradrkunkle #therapy #therapistproblems #theraputic #counsellor #counselling #relationshipcounselling #coach #couplegoals #wisdom #wisewords #art #illustration #relationship #followforfollowback #unfollowforunfollow #hypnosismic #hypnosis #hypnotheraphy #therapistwisdom #counsellingwithcoaching (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/counsellingwithcoaching/p/BywygGQhPWo/?igshid=g0lqjagktnsy
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Cpap Devices For Comfortable Sleep
When you discover out you are having a child, one of the first things you discover is how much stuff children require. Potentially the greatest products that they need are furnishings, and it can get really expensive. Before you go and break the bank for your infant, understand that you do not require to invest as much as you might believe on furnishings.
Everything About Sleep Apnea And The Various Treatments To Consider
If you truly have issue in sleeping for too long a time, then you can seek advice from a Sleep Doctor and on cpap machines sydney his guidance use specific sleep help to induce sleep. There is sleep inducing medicines which range from natural to chemical.
Mask & Headgear. I wash these once a month approximately. Plastic parts get a similar treatment as explained above (or a wash with dish soap in the kitchen area sink). Headgear straps get removed from plastic parts and thrown in the laundry. I also utilize strap covers that avoid soreness on my cheeks; these enter the laundry, too. They're small, but I've never ever lost one in the wash yet!.
How Sleep Studies Can Renew Your Life
Every mother's procedure for unwinding her child is distinct, there is no certain set of guidelines for what need to be involved. Whatever your Sleep consultant ing routine works out to be; stick to it. Try not to vary from it from day to day. The finest method to a perfect sleep expert routine, relies on mother having a regimen.
There are a number of factors for absence of sleep. Some people may have a household history due to certain physical attributes that might impede them to sleep comfortably. Other reasons are the ones that might be associated with lifestyle of people and sleep apnea.
Sleep Apnea Treatment And Fantastic House Remedies For Sleep Apnea
Dr. Perkins Orthodontics intends to offer patients with the ultimate in orthodontic care. They desire to offer you with braces in Dallas in a relaxed, serene environment so that you can feel as if you are at a home far from house when you are at their workplace. All of the employee are incredibly friendly and they always put client service initially. Dr. Ron Perkins is exceptionally passionate about his work and he has tons of experience in undetectable braces, conventional braces, treatment of long face syndrome, Sleep Therapy and he is likewise sought after to teach courses for other dental practitioners. Dr. Perkins is an incredibly well understood doctor in the Dallas area and even other medical professionals know they can trust him for quality treatment.
Sleep Clinic - cpap machines sydneyA Necessary Step To Diagnose Sleep Apnea
Hypnosis can also help you deal with physical and psychological pains. There are many causes of emotional discomfort; it can arise from sorrow, distressing occasions, regret, embarassment, depression and numerous other diverse factors. Learn how hypnosis can help you get rid of all these. You don't even need to go to a therapist; you can eliminate these through self hypnosis right from your house. The technique can likewise help you learn how to overlook, handle or eliminate physical discomfort.
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Making your selection on hypnotherapy for insomnia
Hypnosis is a wonderful debate that has been around for almost as long as the concept of hypnosis has. Those who choose hypnosis over routine hypnosis may end up paying extra for the service, nevertheless, the treatment could last much longer and in the end, the outcomes may be extra fulfilling. Before one leaps to any type of final thoughts about hypnotherapy and also hypnotherapy, both ideas have to be completely recognized. The hypnosis hypnotherapy debate should start someplace and also one of the most sensible areas to start would be with the extremely basic aspects of comprehending each concept. Initially, one has to specify it. Hypnotherapy is when one is put in an unwanted state that allows the mind to open up to pointers quicker. - harmony hypnotherapy Sydney
Who exactly is offering the recommendations relies on whether one is going through normal treatment or hypnosis. With the routine treatment, a therapist who may or could not have formal training is normally offering directions. For therapy functions, this might end up being a little complicated. The debate heats up when one begins to talk about the medical hypnotherapy aspect. Hypnosis is when treatment is carried out on a bigger restorative range. hearts in harmony hypnosis administered by somebody who has substantial training and is a qualified expert that has actually spent years discovering and also honing their craft.
Those that become hypnotherapists have undergone extensive training and also they are normally approved in the same organization as physicians as well as nurses. They also have a code of values that they must adhere to. Hypnosis hypnotherapy arguments could have been raving for a very long time, yet the option depends on the individual. It is the patient’s selection to select a hypnotist who is more educated on the subject or not. In the long run, a hypnotherapist will certainly more than likely cost extra for their time as compared to one who took a quick course for a number of weeks to find out ways to hypnotize people. A medical hypnotherapist will extra compared to most likely be a far better choice in the lengthy run as well as the results will certainly be a lot more effective. Something to remember is that is freewill, will never be adjusted by the discussions or by the act of hypnotherapy itself. - harmony hypnotherapy Sydney
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Is Hypnosis Good for Mental Health Issues?
These days, mental health issues are commonly found in most people. Like any other medical condition, people with a certain mental condition must seek expert guidance and assistance to recover. This article dictates how hypnosis can work to eliminate hindrances from one's brain to have a deeper look at how things are. It mends anxiety issues, sleeping disorders and many more.
Your brain is the only organ in your body that determines how you learn and behave. When the brain is troubled, it affects your mind, and body, eventually making you experience stress and anxiety. Clinical hypnotherapy in Sydney, in that case, can help.

How Hypnotherapy Help You to Stop Thinking Negative?
It is a no-brainer that negative thinking disrupts a brain to function in a healthy manner. Chronic stress is something that destroys the memory cells of the brain. Through hypnosis, one can master his or her mind and body as well. Also, if you have sleeping problems, anxiety or pain, hypnosis can make it better.
Before undergoing hypnotherapy, the practitioner will work on eliminating anything, which is interfering with your brain functions as well as positive thinking. This could include alcohol or drug abuse, lack of sleep, too much caffeine. You might be suggested to unplug electronic appliances before going to bed to indulge yourself in a peaceful, rejuvenating good night sleep.
How Hypnosis Makes You Feel?
Hypnosis is a very powerful tool that helps you (and the practitioner) understand the condition of your brain. the process is effective and often accompanied mostly by talk therapy, frequent doctor's visits and lab tests as well.
When someone is hypnotized, some claims this to be more of a relaxation state, which enables them to get caught more with their unconscious brain. The term, in fact, might mean differently to different people, however, in the general case, it entails getting fully relaxed while entering a trance-like state and listening to what the hypnotist is saying.
Choosing Your Hypnotist
If you are in a state that needs you to undergo hypnotherapy, by all means, you ought to do it. Ask your therapist for recommendations. Before choosing one, make sure you have done your part, know since how long the hypnotist is practising hypnosis, what method he or she uses.
Tip to remember:
If you have a medical history of psychosis, hypnosis is a big NO without getting approval from your doctor.
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Dr. Themos Gourlas is a Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner in Hypnotherapist Bankstown, Sydney. Get Hypnosis therapy for weight loss at fastlogic.com.au.
Hypnosis Bankstown
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