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lenavlog25 · 1 year ago
For the last thirty years, Dr. Ilana Oren was honored to work with patients who trusted her with their secrets and were willing to heal the emotion of shame engulfing their lives. The experience of shame keeps one in a state of perpetual wonder: Am I good enough? In this book, she is willing to look at the skeletons in her own closet. Her experience as a child of survivors of the Holocaust, the last remnant of the Polish Jews, who immigrated to Israel in 1957; her grief of losing friends in the Six-Day War; and her proud experience of serving in the Israeli Defense Force.Throughout her life, she was perplexed by the myth of the "chosen people." If we were the chosen people, what were we chosen for? Her search for meaning led her to trust her higher power, Emanuel- the Lord. Her story forms a fabric of a gripping new chapter in the history of the Jewish people…
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luceafarul-de-dimineata · 1 year ago
Tired dad!Lucifer AU - Part 2
(This was written before the Gamigin event, so there's a lot of OOC elements. Not proof read because checking is for losers)
Lucifer turns around annoyed and defeated and watches as Morax is playing with the children. It was a sort of rythm game that was alien to him, though all childish endeavors where unfamiliar for a being that never existed outside the age of 30.
Morax and the kids: A-ram-zam-zam A-ram-zam-zam guli guli guli ram-zam-zam
Lucifer: Stop hypnotising the demons, you know that hypnotheraphy is bullshit.
Morax: I'm not hynotising them, we're just playing. I actually got to learn their names. Come on guys, how about we show his Majesty Lucifer what you learned today!
All the kids say their names in unison which ends up sounding like a mess. Morax giggles and tells them in a soft voice
Morax: Come on, one at a time. Let's go from left to right.
Satan: I'm Satan.
Asmodeus: My name is Asmodeus, but you can call me by your name.
Lucifer: That song hasn't come out yet, so none of us understand the reference.
Mammon: My name is Mammon.
Beelzebub: What were we doing? (Mammon whispers in his ear something) ah! yeah! Beelzebub.
Leviathan: Leviathan, and you better remember it.
Morax: Of course we will, sweetie.
Leviathan: Don't ever call me that.
Belphegor: ...
Satan: His name is Belphegor, but since he arrived here, he's been sleeping.
Lucifer: I wish all of you were as quiet as him... or weren't born
Morax: Your majesty, don't say that in front of the children! That's why doors exist!
Morax pulls Lucifer aside and whispers to him
Morax: Your majesty, we should be kinder to them! They just started existing, they probably don't even know where the pancreas is. They look up to you the same way I have all my life...
Lucifer: Good point, I should probably change my parenting technique. The world doesn't need 6 more versions of you.
Morax: Because I'm your favourite and unique and unreplacable
Lucifer: Because I don't want them to be such papa-lapte as you.
When Morax pouted Lucifer added under his breath so Morax could barely hear it: And because you're unique.
Lucifer: Ok, now that we know eachother, we're going to look around the place so you may discover how wonderful hell is.
Satan: We already know how it looks like.
Lucifer: No you don't. Also, I'm the adult here, so you do as I say.
Leviathan rolls his eyes and hides in his coffin.
Leviathan: Wake me up when he dies brutally or something.
Beelzebub: Could you drink your own piss?
Asmodeus: You could. I've seen people do it.
Beelzebub: How does it taste?
Asmodeus: I... actually don't know that. Wanna try?
Lucifer: No no no! Nobody is drinking piss on my watch! You are going to be nice obedient children that I can forget about.
Asmodeus: I'll be as obedient as you want me to be, daddy.
Lucifer: For some reason, you saying it makes it feel disgusting.
Asmodeus: Making people nervous is my hobby.
Lucifer: Why can't you have a normal hobby like... sewing or singing?
Beelzebub with a bottle of piss in hand: Ok I did it, wanna take shots of it?
Lucifer takes the bottle and throws it away: You're not drinking eachother's piss!
Satan: Are we playing catch? I wanna play catch! Last to reach the bottle has to wake up Belphegor!
All the kids run after the bottle, including Morax. That leaves Lucifer as the only one left.
Satan: You have to wake up, Belphegor, loser! I didn't know angels were so slow!
Lucifer: You fucker... you mother fucker, I will beat the shit out of you! I'll whip some sense into you!
Satan laughs at Lucifer's empty threat before a load grumbaling sound breaks the tension.
Beelzebub: I'm hungry...
Morax: Oh, I could prepare something for you. Now, that reminds me, it's dinner time!
Satan snickers and stares at Lucifer as if provoking him.
Satan: You have to wake up Belphegor for dinner. If you menage to do that, then I'll consider listening to your orders.
Lucifer sighs and glares back: Why would I listen to someone like you?
Satan: Only strong people can see Belphegor awake and live to tell the tale. You have to prove that you're strong.
Lucifer: How do I know you're not lying?
Satan: What's lying?
All the devils looked confused at Lucifer who, in turn, looked confused back.
Lucifer: Ok, how hard could it be to wake that guy up?
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lintasbatasindonesia · 2 years ago
Polres Pamekasan Gelar ESQ, Tingkatkan Kompetensi Anggota
  PAMEKASAN – Polres Pamekasan yang merupakan jajaran Polda Jatim bersama Thanks Institut Indonesia, menggelar Training Motivasi Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ), Self Recharge dan Hypnotheraphy, pada Selasa (07/03/2023) pagi. Tujuan digelarnya ESQ tersebut, dalam rangka pengembangan kompetensi spiritual dan kompetensi sosial bagi Anggota Polri, menuju Polri yang Persisi. Tidak hanya itu,…
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hypnosistrainingacademy · 5 years ago
Interested to Learn Hypnosis? Here’s What to Expect At A Training Course
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If you’re looking for a  Hypnosis training course that matches your level! Dug deep in this article and find out what can you expect at each level.
There are courses available for one who seeks interest to learn hypnosis - separately for beginners, intermediates and advanced level.
Hypnosis for beginners Whether you’ve been practising it for years or you’re curious to start.
Learning hypnosis for the first time requires some commitment and a few people to practice with.
Hypnosis for Intermediates If you’re attending an intermediate course, then you’re probably a bit more speed up, about what you expect and a little more fluent, but you still might be uncertain about your abilities or want to continue with your subject.
An intermediate course can bring you lots of advantages.
Hypnosis for Advance If you’re attending an advanced hypnosis training course, then you’re already a decent hypnotist, more confident and have achieved plenty of success with clients.
Advanced training is all about depth. It gives you the chance to appreciate the subtleties behind the various techniques you use.
Hypnosis is such a valuable life tool – whether you learn it for pleasure or you go professional. But with learning any new skill, it’s totally usual that you doubt your ability at staging. This all is a part of the process! But once you go beyond this, hypnosis is fun and perhaps is easy to learn.
Find out more what hypnosis training courses can help you achieve by reading the article!
Source: Hypnosis Training academy
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makeithappenaustralia · 2 years ago
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counsellingwithcoaching · 6 years ago
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Therapist self-disclosure: When done well, self-disclosure can bridge some distance with clients who feel isolated in their experiences, and it can encourage more openness. But if it’s perceived as inappropriate or self-indulgent, the client will feel uncomfortable and will start to shut down - or simply flee. 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 Artwork by bradrkunkle #therapy #therapistproblems #theraputic #counsellor #counselling #relationshipcounselling #coach #couplegoals #wisdom #wisewords #art #illustration #relationship #followforfollowback #unfollowforunfollow #hypnosismic #hypnosis #hypnotheraphy #therapistwisdom #counsellingwithcoaching (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/counsellingwithcoaching/p/BywygGQhPWo/?igshid=g0lqjagktnsy
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whiteechess · 8 years ago
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Couple of commisions of the last month. As you can see, I feel true love with the fantasy forests <3
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21moonwaterz · 2 years ago
PART II Laporan saat itu hanya sampai tahap permintaan pendampingan pada LSM Pemerintahan sebelum saya lapor ke Polrestabes, sayangnya harus terhenti disitu atas kemauan saya pribadi, karena ada 1 orang yg diposisikan sebagai konsultan sekaligus lawyer pendamping kasus yang bersikap less attitude atau ya saya ingin menyebutnya sedikit arogan saat prosesi konseling yang saya lakukan di kantor LSM mereka yang sekali lagi memang milik Pemerintah. Apa yang bisa kita harapkan bukan? dan gendernya Laki-laki. Di sebuah LSM Pemerintah khusus Pelecehan Seksual Perempuan dan Anak. Hmm do you see what I see? Mereka belum memiliki lawyer perempuan saat itu. Tentu saja keluhan ini saya sampaikan langsung ke pihak LSM tersebut, also I told them that I wish in the future they will put someone with capability and competence to handle the victim of the case. So MR. D wherever you are semoga istri anda atau anak perempuan anda tidak mengalami yg saya alami ya. Atau haruskah? agar anda paham bagaimana caranya bersikap saat berhadapan dgn korban :) But yaa, I wish it never happen to your family ya Mr. D. Beberapa hari setelahnya saya mencoba untuk mencerna semua ini dan perlahan memaafkan perbuatan si Pervert agar saya lega dan berdamai dengan diri saya sendiri serta situasi saat itu. sebab bagaimanapun suami saya juga korban dari kejadian ini. All I think about is just Us. And life must go on, right? Semua ini untuk saya sendiri bukan untuk si Pervert cuz I don't give a shit with him or his fucking life. Sebulan berlalu. Hari-hari yang saya jalani Puji Tuhan Alhamdulillah sangat baik, saya begitu bersyukur Hingga tiba pada Rabu 1 Februari 2023 Awalnya hanya iseng saja berselancar di Google mencoba meng-kalkulasi akomodasi liburan ke Bali. Bermula dari cek harga tiket pesawat hingga hotel dan berujung menonton review villa-villa di bali. Saat video menunjukan sebuah kamar villa dengan private pool saya begitu tertarik sampai ketika room toor terhenti disebuah kamar mandi. Dengan konsep terbuka tanpa atap. I never had this fucking annoyed panic attack ever in my whole life, and it happened. Setelah melihat visual kamar mandi tanpa atap seketika jantung saya berdebar 2x lebih cepat dari biasanya, kemudian dada sebelah kiri saya terasa nyeri, ulu hati mual dan menyusul migrain. Entah kenapa tiba-tiba saya merasakan itu sekaligus, dan rasanya tangis ini ingin tumpah Perasaan-perasaan itu sulit dikenali, apakah marah, kesal atau takut? but in my opinion maybe I was so scared. Bammm! otak saya flashback, me-recall memori kejadian sebulan lalu. Dan malamnya benar saja. saya tidur jam 9.30 dan terbangun di jam 12.30 dengan mata berlinang serta rasa lelah yang gila sekali 3 jam tidur dengan 3 mimpi buruk sekaligus. Saya terbangun seketika dan sulit untuk kembali tidur karena kepala saya sangat sakit sekali. Setelah meminum paracetamol barulah malam itu saya bisa lanjutkan tidur di jam 2.00 pagi. And my husband been there to, seeing me tersiksa sama sakit kepala. We didn't talk much but I know he knows. Guys. My family was so right, my friends was so right Ternyata ada trauma didalam saya yang tidak sengaja terpanggil dengan melihat momen itu, saya pun tidak mengira ini akan meninggalkan bekas. Hari ini Kamis 2 Februari 2023 prosesi theraphy maybe will start to began. Treatment yang akan saya ambil kemungkinan adalah Hypnotheraphy. Bagaimanapun saya akan lakukan karena saya tidak mau menjadi sinting dan menyimpan bekas luka ini seumur hidup. I love my husband so much, and I won't let our lil family terganggu karena trauma saya. Saya harus sembuh! Wish me luck :) And for you Pervert.. selamat menjalani hidup sebagai tersangka pelecehan seksual, semoga tiap malam dan siangmu adalah derita dosa dari para korban. Don't die too fast K? Enjoy.
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cloudeaid · 3 years ago
Yall at this point i’m willing to go through hypnotheraphy to take off this instant shock or get whenever i see the new number 1
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superslimmingpack · 3 years ago
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PILIH PRODUK Dengan Formulasi Bahan Yang TEPAT
Terapkan Fitur Therapy Yang Tidak Banyak Orang Tahu
Apa Yang Di Maksud...?
Therapy Hypnoslimming Therapy Hypnoslimming Adalah Proses Diet tak selalu menyiksa dengan menghindari makanan yang berlemak. Anda pun bisa kurus dan sehat meski tetap banyak makan. Tak percaya?
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DAPATKAN SEKATANG ---->>>>  https://superslimmingpack.com
Itulah yang ditawarkan program Slimming Hypnotheraphy. Dengan cara ini, Anda bisa makan sepuasnya tapi badan tetap terlihat wow.
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hipnosislondon-blog · 4 years ago
Hypnotherapy located in London
With the help of a qualified hypnotherapists london , you can eliminate numerous mental disorders such as cigarette smoking, insomnia, anxiety, anxiety and anxiety. Like therapy, hypnotherapy looks for to put the patient in a trance state, after which the therapist can produce long-term modifications in their life. Several of the most essential names in politics, media, sports, television and also movie have actually had these health and wellness problems as well as have actually taken advantage of hypnotherapy. Well, the best hypnosis London can supply is probably one of the very best on the planet, as hundreds of people would certainly claim.
When trying to find a hypnotherapist in London, you ought to seek a person that has all the pertinent credentials as well as qualifications. One of the essential qualifications that mention a qualified hypnotist is the Society for Neurolinguistic Programming (SNLP) General Register of Hypnosis (GHR), which is detailed in the Medical Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Directory of Complementary as well as Different Physicians. Medical International is noted. and also Dental Hypnosis Association (IMDHA); as well as membership in the education and also hypnosis certification for the National Council of Specialist as well as Ethical Standards.
These are a few of the credentials for a hypnotist in London that can be really useful in recognizing the best hypnotherapist that London has to offer. In addition to accreditations, you need to additionally want satisfying some famous people that the hypnotherapist has managed. There is a hypnotic in London that has effectively dealt with Ewan Mc Gregor, the Hollywood star for his dependency to smoking cigarettes.
If you look the internet, you can discover hundreds of hypnotherapy programs. What you need to slim down is a hypnosis program designed to aid you understand why you are obese and exactly how to deal with those problems. If you do not deal with the underlying problems, you have 2 options. You will certainly reduce weight and reclaim it, or you will not have the ability to continue with a plan to slim down in a short time period.
Some last ideas
Isn't it time for you to take control of your weight? You need to discover why you are obese. Simply "dropping weight" does not function. You require to solve these problems and delay the body and mind. If you utilize the power of hypnosis to discover just how to drop weight, you will certainly be very happy with the outcomes.
A very hypnosis-related field of expertise is NLP, or the Neurolinguistic Program, and also there are some hypnotherapy specialists who are also NLP specialists. If you are trying to find an infallible solution to deal with conditions such as adverse dynamics, bronchial asthma, autoimmune conditions, self-worth troubles, compulsive routines, lack of focus and also concentration, smoking, over-eating, anxiety attack, stress and anxiety, stress and anxiety, troubles. In public, for post-traumatic stress disorder, skin problem, bruxism, anxiety attack, addicting patterns, instinct as well as imagination, boosted performance in the gym as well as sporting activities, fears, weight loss and also much more, you can speak with a hypnotist in London who commits to dealing with countless people with such illness are successful.
Success in treating people with addiction troubles such as smoking cigarettes has actually been much greater with hypnotherapy than with various other treatments such as pure nicotine replacement therapy. So if you are seeking the best hypnotheraphy london that London needs to provide to do away with your mental disorder, go the right way
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readings-quotes-and-shit · 5 years ago
Observe, observe, observe.
—Milton Erickson
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hypnosistrainingacademy · 7 years ago
Ever had the experience where the solution to someone else’s problem seems completely obvious to you?
As Igor explains in this video, even if it is clear to you, to the other person it usually isn’t. So, if you can pinpoint how someone’s view is misaligned and deliver it back to them in a mind bending way… you will create a mind bending idea for them!
And that’s what makes mind bending language so powerful — it gives you a way to express mind bending ideas. It allows you to talk about things that otherwise you might not be equipped to talk about. And that’s why mind bending language gives you the tools to shift and reconfigure someone’s problems.
In fact, mind bending questions are designed in such a way that makes it even more likely that you’ll uncover a mind bending idea!
Source: hypnosistrainingacademy.com
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hypnotherapychicago-blog · 8 years ago
Visit our website!
Call us today! http://www.hypnotherapy-chicago.com/
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Happy New Year!
Happy New Year 2017! There are some amazing plans for this year. First I will be updating the blog more often. Please leave comments and suggestions of what you want to know or what you want to discuss about hypnotherapy. Next we have not one, but two Youtube channels coming. The first will be a weekly meditation on nature. The second youtube series is called "The spiritual Mind" which we will be focusing on aspects of improving oneself in a positive way. That’s all the plans for now. Please subscribe and check back often for updates.  
Call today to schedule an appointment! 904 83HYPNO 904 834-9766 www.EnfingerHypnotherapy.com [email protected]
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hypnotheraphy · 2 years ago
Heal Your Mind with Our Best Hypnotherapy Services | Victoria Livian Hypnotherapy
Are you suffering from depression, anxiety, insecurity, panic attacks, or any type of mental disorder? If your answer is yes, then we are here to help you. 
We are Victoria Livian Hypnotherapy, a trustable hypnotheraphy center. Here, our experienced and friendly hypnotherapist takes care of your health and provides you with the best hypnotherapy services. Here You can get a free consultation. We have a 93% success rate after six sessions. So book an appointment now and lead a happy and peaceful life. Call us now at +1 754-277-5655. If you have any inquiries, without any hesitation call us and take suggestions from our experts.
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