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“write the exciting parts you WANT to write then work backwards!” is probably good writing advice for people with good working brains and not caveman idiots who will go “ooh fun part done me not want write no more” aka ME
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Random Fanfic for S.W.A.T.
“Evans, you’re up! Take your place.”
The woman in question grinned as she stepped forward to the shooters mark. Her chocolate brown hair was slicked back tight in a high ponytail. The ends tickled her bare shoulders as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. As the woman fidgeted, she tightened her custom gloves on her petite wrists. She flexed her hands, eager to begin this round.
“Shay!” She jumped, turning to face the voice that called her name.
Standing a few yards away and apart from the crowd was Deacon and Hondo. The pair stood tall with firm expressions on their faces. Hondo’s don’t fuck with me glare was painted into place. Deacon’s face was tight with worry.
“David? Hondo?” Shay’s face pulled down into a frown. “I’m guessing this isn’t a social call Deac… What’s going on?”
Deacon and Hondo both walked towards her, “We gotta go.” Deac held out his hand to her.
“David, what is going on?” Shay felt slightly childish as she stomped her foot. So much for being 33 years old. Older brothers tend to bring out the snotty child, she supposed. She glanced over her shoulder to the timer who was glaring at her. She held up a finger. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s happened.”
“He called the house Shauna.” Deacon said softly.
Shay suck in a ragged breath as panic gripped her heart. Her head snapped around to stare at her brother. “Annie, is she-?” Shay trailed off as her panic grew.
“She’s fine. The house phone was forwarded to my phone.” Deacon placed an arm over her shoulders. “She’s fine, I promise.”
Hondo turned to her and motioned with his head to those around them for the shooting competition. “You got a thing you need to do?” Shay shook her head. “20-David to Command.” Hondo said into his radio, “We’ve got Shauna Evans. We’re bringing her back now.”
“Charles!” Deacon called over people’s heads and Charles pushed his way through, stopping in front of Shay and her brother. “Shauna’s gonna forfeit the round. She’s got some stuff to take care of.”
“Can Shauna tell me herself or does big brother have to do everything?”
“I’m dropping out, Charles. Lemme grab my gear and we’ll go.” Shay brushed passed Charles as she grabbed her four guns and quickly cased everything.
“Why is she leaving early? I know for a fact that she could have smoked everyone. One of the guys on your team has been helpin’ her.” Charles leaned towards the two men. Deacon raised an eyebrow at the man. He didn’t know anything about Shay getting extra firearm training.
“Isaac.” Hondo answered before Deacon could even open his mouth. “He called Deac’s place, lookin’ for her.”
Charles nodded and walked back to the group calling it order.
Shay hurried back with her cases in hand. Hondo grabbed the hard cases from her, while Deacon push his sister towards the Charger sitting in the parking lot. She glanced at Deacon by her side, “I thought I was supposed to be notified when he was released?”
Deacon gazed back at his sister’s dark eyes, his brows were pinched together. “We can worry about that later. We need to get back to the precinct.”
“I refuse to run and hide. He won’t run my life. You have to understand that.” Shay snapped as she tossed her pack into the trunk next to the cases that Hondo had piled in. “I’m not doing this shit again.” She snarled.
“We got you covered, Little Mouse. No need to get feisty.” Hondo laughed as he slid into the driverseat. “Get in, we’ve gotta get going.”
Huffing a sigh, Shay ducked her head and climbed into the back seat. She knew better than to argue with them. Deacon resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his little sister as he followed suit into the passenger seat. The tires spun out on the dirt before he’d even closed the door.
Shay rested her against the window, stared listlessly at the passing scenery. She took a deep breath to calm her heart rate, closing her eyes as she did. She let the low hum of the Hemi engine relax her body. Slowly she drifted to sleep.
Shay suppressed a groan as she shifted on the lumpy hardness of the backseat. Her cheek was pressed against the window and her back ached from her short nap. The first thing she noticed was the lack of engine noise. The second, was that both Hondo and Deacon were missing.
Ice shot through her veins as the panic flooded her body. Shay fought with the seatbelt, desperate to un-click it. Shay’s body convulsed as a sob tore from her. Where was David? She fought with belt, wrestling with the lock. Tears welled up in her eyes. Why did he leave me? The click released and the metal clip smacked against the glass causing Shay to flinch. Grasping at the door handle, Shay finally looked out the window.
She was sitting outside S.W.A.T. building. Hondo, Deac and Chris were standing with their backs towards the car. Shay gasped as another sob managed to escape. She flung open the door and tumbled out of the car.
Chris turned, hearing the scuffle and noticed Shay’s panicked look first. She elbow Deacon harshly in the side. He faced Shay just in time to catch her as she slammed into him.
“Woah, Shay.” He yelped as she squeezed hard. “Shauna, it’s okay.” He carefully tucked her against his chest. “I’m sorry.” She mumbled something the other two couldn’t hear and shook her head. “I forgot about the car thing.” He said into her hair, holding her tight. He glanced to Hondo who motioned with his head towards the building. Deacon nodded. “Shay we should go inside to talk about this…” Shauna nodded, her pony tail waving with the movement.
As they walked through the building, she could hear Hondo and Chris muttering to each other. Shauna couldn’t make out everything they were saying. She heard Chris’ soft voice, “I can’t imagine what it must be like for her.”
“Like hell.” Shay growled. “It’s like hell, Chris.” She glanced back at the pair. Chris nodded at her and Hondo said nothing. They didn’t know the full damage of what he’d done. “He’s back and now I have no idea what to do…”
Shay turned forward as they walked passed the sparring ring and towards the kitchen. She noticed Tan out of the corner of her eyes jump up and walk after them. What a good way to make someone feel like a circus freak, she thought to herself. Parade them through a police precinct.
Shauna settled into a hard metal stool that she’d noticed after they entered the kitchen. Everyone stared at her. Almost as if they expected her to freak out and burst into flames. She glared around the room.
“What?” She snapped.
“You seem remarkably calm, Mouse.” Deac smiled gently at his sister. “You can’t blame me for worrying about you.”
“I’m fine, David. Go mom over someone else.” She mumbled, cheeks tinged a slight pink. Decon smirked at her and nudged her. “Really though, I’m good. Would you prefer it if I were freaking out?” At his frown, Shay laughed, “Then know that when I say I’m good, I am.
He nodded at her before he sat next to her at the table. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed.
Shay resisted the urge to slap him. Smacking your brother who happened to be a S.W.A.T. officer was typically looked down on. Besides they were supposed to be the great Catholics of the place. Well Deac was, not her. Isaac ruined that for her.
“So what’s the plan?” Tan asked from his perch on the table.
“Get your ass off that table, first of all. Some of us eat in here.” Chris laughed playfully shoving at him. “I think we need to understand what’s going.”
“I was supposed to be notified when he was released.” Shauna offered. “I want to know why I wasn’t.” Hondo glanced over at Deacon with a look in his eye. “What?” Neither of them answered. Street slipped in the door opposite them and stood next to Chris offering her a nodded before gazing over the group.
“Shay,” Deacon began, ignoring Jim’s entrance. “We don’t know that he is on parole.”
“So you think he just reached out to you, on a whim?” She shook her head hair waving behind her.
“What if someone smuggled him a phone?” Chris offered. “There’s been weirder things that have happened.”
Shauna shook her head and looked at the table. “It’s possible. But I’m serious when I say he’s probably out. David’s house number changed while Isaac was away and the odd’s that he’d call there while still inside are slim…” She trailed off.
No one said anything. They realized she was right.
“Unless he’s trying to find you.” Hondo finally said. “He has the chance for parole right?” He watched as her forehead creased with worry, “Then I’d guess that Isaac is hoping to get you either out the picture or busy running in circles so you can’t testify at his parole hearing.”
Shauna glanced down at her hands. She toyed with the mesh on the back of her shooting gloves. She said nothing, not wanting to cause an even bigger scene than what had already started.
“Why are we treating this as a threat?” Tan asked.
“Because it is one.” Deacon said. “When he called the house phone was forwarded to my phone. I didn’t recognize the number. He sounded surprised to hear me when I answered. He demanded to know where she was.”
“So?” Street asked, “How is that a threat. I get that this is your sister, Deac. And we’re one big family. No offence to you Shay, but how is him calling and demanding to speak to her a threat?”
“He said he would find her. That there’s no place we can hide her that he won’t know about.”
“And this is legitimate?”
“Yes,” Shay whispered. “He was in the military. Isaac, he was apart of Special Forces. That’s part of the reason he got off as lightly as he did.”
“What do you mean ‘lightly’?” David turned to his sister a scowl on his face. “6 years with a chance for parole after 4 years, that’s light?”
“He got 3 years with no parole, David.” Shauna said still looking at her gloved hands.
“What do you mean 3 years?” He hissed glaring at his sister. “That’s a minimum sentencing.”
“He was in the military. The judge was sympathetic to Isaac because he served his country!” Shauna jumped off the stool which toppled over at her sudden movement. The noise echoed around the room. “He was tested for PTSD during the trial. Part of his sentencing was that he get counseling and medical help for it.”
Her chest was heaving for air as she stood with her fists clenched.
“No!” She shrieked. “You don’t get to be guilty over this after the fact, David. I begged you for help. And you thought I was lying! Everyone did.” She turned away and wrapped her arms around herself. “I’m going to go home to pack.”
“Where are you going?” David launched himself up reaching her. Shay jerked away from his grasp. She flashed a withering look over her shoulder at him.
“I don’t know. But I’ve got vacation time saved up and I can’t be here if he’s out.” Shauna stepped towards the door before pausing, “I’m gonna need a ride home.”
“I’ll take you Little Mouse.” Luca’s voice came from the opposite side of the room. “Go get your stuff and put it in my car.”
Deacon turned to his teammate ready to yell, but stopped short when he saw Luca’s face. Luca’s blue eyes were flashing and his face pink with anger. Luca held up a hand, gesturing that the team could wait.
“Go on.” He prompted her again. Hondo tossed her the keys and once Shauna had disappeared from sight, Luca turned to Deacon. “She’s your sister.” He said flatly. “Your sister. And we have done nothing but love her and treat her like family. But when he started beating on her, just because he was her husband, you didn’t listen.”
Deacon shook his head. He trying to swallow the shame that was choking him. His throat bobbed with the motion.
“I was there the night she called you for help.” Everyone’s breath caught. “I was there the night she came home. I was there when CSI and the hospital gave the report of the damages done. Shauna is a strong motherfucker, but this, this will break her. Isaac almost killed her.
“And because of her trying to fight back, she almost got jail time. Did you know that?” David shook his head again unable to speak. “That’s why she didn’t want you to come to the trial. She was terrified that she’d get arrested and you’d have to watch.”
Hondo eyed Luca then turned to Deacon, “What happened? Do we even really know the truth?”
“I know the basics.” Luca said for him. “The only people who know the whole truth are her and Isaac, and I’m not really sure she even fully remembers that.”
The silence that filled the room was deafening. No one moved or said anything. Deacon was the first to move. He sighed and sat back onto the stool, burying his face into his hands. He couldn’t wrap his mind around what Shauna had said.
Chris moved and picked up the fallen stool before plopping down next to Deacon. She patted his shoulder awkwardly. He raised his head to look at her.
“I’m good.” He murmured to her.
“I’m sorry.” Luca finally said, “I didn’t mean to be so harsh. I know the 2 of you have a hard time talking.”
Deac shook his head, not daring to look at his teammate again. “You had your reasons. Sometimes harsh is the only way to hear things.”
Slowly everyone else grabbed stools and sat around the table Deacon and Chris were seated at.
“Guys!” Rocker’s voice carried from down the hall, “Guys! There’s been a problem! Deacon!”
Deacon turned towards the open doorway and watched as Rocker enter at a full sprint.
“Calm down,” Hondo said. “What’s happened?”
“Your car… it’s gone.”
“The fuck?” Street whispered.
Shauna gasped for air. She couldn’t breath. Her head throbbed and her side hurt. She closed her eyes willing the tears away. Opening them again she realized she was in a trunk. Again.
He must have been outside waiting for her. That was the only explanation.
She felt around in her pockets for her phone. Empty. He’d taken it from her. He’d learned from his mistake the first time around.
“Don’t panic.” Shay whispered to herself. “Panic doesn’t fix this.”
She closed her eyes again and felt around. Her gun cases were gone and so was her pack. She still had her knife in her boot, she could feel it rubbing against her ankle. She wasn’t bound which was good.
Heaving another breath she opened her eyes.
Find the tail lights and kick.
She grunted as she kicked with all her might at housing. The sound of breaking plastic rewarded her. The housing popped out she shifted towards the light. They were driving through downtown. She couldn’t see much through the small hole.
What do you have to fight with? Use anything.
Shauna used the light to look for anything. Nothing. Well there went that idea she thought sourly.
The trunk release glowed above her. Last time he’d cut it. She prayed as she closed her fingers around the pulley and yanked. The trunk popped with a gentle click and flipped open. Shay sat up and blinked at the light.
She saw the person behind them gasp and fumble for their phone as she vaulted out the trunk. Moaning as she hit the ground, Shay rolled towards what she hoped was the side of the road. She heard the tires screech as the car she’d been in stopped.
Not waiting for a second, Shay jumped up and started running. She noticed a bank and sprinted towards it.
“Shawny!” Her eyes widened and she pushed herself to go faster. “Shawny babe, come on!”
She ran for the doors and yanked them open.
“Call 911!” She screamed the moment she got into the lobby. “Please!? He’s gonna kill me!”
A teller stared at her, the shock plain on his face.
“Trip the alarm, please something!” Shay backed away from the door as she watched as Isaac walked towards them.
He hadn’t changed much. His hair was still cut the same. He was still tall and handsome. Not like the monster that haunted her dreams.
The guard jumped into action as she backed away from the door. He grabbed her shoulder and Shay shrieked. Twisting away from him, she tumbled backwards landing on floor.
“Shawny,” His smooth voice said from above her. “Let’s just get back in the car.”
Tears started pouring down her cheeks as she shook her head violently. “Don’t touch me.” She hiccuped.
“Sorry about the mess folks; we had a little misunderstanding.” Isaac said as he held out a hand to her. Shawna crawled away from him. Her back hit the wall and she froze.
“Sweetheart, we need to get back in the car.”
“No!” She pulled her legs closer shrinking on herself. “Get away from me.” She sobbed.
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” The guard spoke up. His hand on his holster. The guard stepped closer. “She clearly doesn’t want to go anywhere with you.”
“Isaac.” Hondo’s voice called from the doorway. “You need to walk away now.”
Deacon followed from behind him, Luca and Street fanned out as they too slowly entered.
“If you walk away now, we won’t arrest you. But you need to go and Shauna stays here.” Deacon said.
Isaac growled as he launched towards Shauna. A shot rang out and Shauna screamed as Isaac’s body slammed against her.
“Grab him!”
Shauna’s squeezed her eyes closed until felt Deacon squatting in front of her.
“David!” She wailed throwing herself at him. He caught her falling back on his haunches he gathered her into his arms. “I’m sorry I should have listened…” She cried into his vest.
“Shay it’s okay. I’ve got you.” He petted her hair.
“Shay,” David hissed. “I don’t think it’s wise!”
He glared at his sister. She stood in his living room holding her jacket, one hand on her hip.
“I’m going on this date.”
“I don’t know the guy!” He hollard back at her. “I don’t feel comfortable not knowing the people you’re going out with!”
“You’re a little too late on the big brother routine,” Shay growled back. “Besides who said you didn’t know him.”
“You won’t tell me who he is!”
Annie rounded the corner, Victoria perched on her hip. “David.” Her voice was soft. “Shay knows what she’s doing.”
“I’ll be fine.” Shay said just as softly. “It’s been almost six months, I’m carrying. Not just a gun and you know that. And if you don’t approve then suck it up.”
Deac frowned and ran a hand through his hair. He opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by a knock on the door. His frown depend and he stomped towards the door.
“Really?” He laughed as soon as he opened the door.
Luca stood awkwardly on the doorstep. He looked nervous with his hands shoved in his pockets.
“Hey Dom.” Shay said from behind David. “Mom here doesn’t want me going out with you because he doesn’t know you.”
“Well, Mr. Kay,” Luca grinned. “I promise that she’ll be home by midnight.”
Deac laughed again opening the door wider. “I should have guessed that it would be you.”
Shay snorted as brushed passed him to hug Luca. He kissed the top of her head as he squeezed her. “Hey Little Mouse. Ready?”
“Let me grab my purse.” She turned and glared at Deacon. He put his hands up. “Don’t even think about threatening him. I’ll tell Hondo if you do.”
Luca’s grin seemed to widened as he watched her walk away.
“Treat her well, please?”
“I will.” Luca promised. “On the bright side if I mess up. She can always shoot me. I’m the one who was helping for those shooting competitions, you know?”
Deacon laughed loudly as Annie came up beside him.
“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.”
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mcdonalds to their workers: remember we can replace you with robots and it would be just as efficient so do not to beg for more scraps.
mcdonalds three seconds later: ice cream machine broken, sorry.
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“Scared cat gets saved by two French guys”
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Some Asshole: You can’t be! Truly yourself! If you’re on medication! It’s changing the Real You™!
Me: if the real me is going to lie on the floor for 3 weeks and try to drown herself in the river I don’t want to know her, Barbara
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Me, Catholic, walking into a Protestant church with no depictions of Mary: where’s my mom
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“chuffed doesnt mean what you think it means”
it means exactly what i think it means its just some stupid word that literally has two definitions that mean the opposite thing
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From Melissa Lozada-Oliva’s fantastic book, PELUDA.
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Edit: This comic was originally made with Hozier’s ‘Nina Cried Power’ lyrics, which I didn’t realize was a song very specific to the Civil Rights movement. In retrospect, overlaying a comic of white lgbtq characters with these lyrics wasn’t a tactful decision.
I’ve changed the lyrics to Hozier’s ‘ From Eden’ now, and I want to ask you guys to reblog this version instead. Thank you!
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“Those poor boys”
“She deserves to be punished too.”
“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
“She put herself in harm’s way”
“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
“She ruined their lives.”
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James Corden Responds to Bill Maher’s Fat Shaming Take
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The dog is supposed to run up in front of her and sit.
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