#hunter the golden guard toddler
aguriart · 4 months
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Little hunter doodle🥺
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paperclip7805 · 2 years
I was just rewatching toh and realized that Hunter looks like an angry toddler when he’s upset
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pincushionx · 5 months
TOH except Hunter is a lunatic
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He has rabies
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He’s feral. This is my crack AU
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kihteyu · 4 months
If Hunter was pulled out of the ground as a toddler and Golden Guard by the time he was 16, then imagine how young he was when he was first forced into scout training. What age did Hunter’s childhood end? How old was he when he scaled that mountain? Were any of the other scouts hesitant to spar with him when he was half their height? I imagine child soldiers aren’t really as stigmatized on the Boiling Isles but did that still apply when it was a ten year old in a mask that kept slipping off his head because it was still a little too big? A cape he kept tripping over because it was still a little too long? Did anyone see that little, magicless boy trying to fight alongside adults and think anything was wrong with it but was forced to keep their mouth shut because it was the Emperor’s will? Did anyone care? Did anyone think to ask their god why he needed children to fight his battles?
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nerdykorgi · 6 months
sry it took me so long to make just these, i went on vacation lol
Im just gonna ease into it and not show all of them at once, one because it would take a while and two i want to show my favorite ones some love.
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Calisto! One of my first grim ocs! He was made to be that one grim from hollow mind.
He's very artistic and creative and overall optimistic (atleast he tries to be). He loves writing and drawing, he designed the symbols for the 9 covens.
He was blinded before he was killed and unfortunatly carried that into the afterlife. He's really close to Caleb and they try to "keep the peace" if you will amoung the other grims and make sure it dosent divulge into chaos.
He wants to take care of his predeccsor/brothers and tries his best to learn how to write again so he can make a list of everyone, he wants to make sure no one is forgotten or ignored.
He's a silly guy <3
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Hunter may have been the youngest grimwalker made a golden guard but he wasn't the youngest one ever made.
Fletcher was one of Belos's attempts to make a grimwalker that was easy to manipulate but he wasn't quite ready for the tasks of taking care of a toddler.
That and said toddler eerily reminded him of a certain red-haired witch. (or more-or-less Cal & Eve's kid, give or take)
but in death, he very much looks up to his guard brothers and wants to be as cool as them. He's a very huggable kid and makes it his personal mission to hug all of the guards who need it.
I love them, my bois
(*exaggerated sigh* sorry for slow updates, life prohibits me from drawing 24/7. I feel like I apologize alot but i genuinly feel bad for not being able to post so quickly :") )
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meowsgirldrawing · 8 months
For sure I'm going to write this when I can but I need to say it before I loose my mind! GODS-
SO this is mainly pertaining to Astarion romance, mainly cause he's the only one I'm familiar with personality wise so far. And he's the only one who's kids I've made.
But imagine Auntie Laze'zel-
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Post! Game, Tav and Astarion have two little dhampires.
While everyone else was welcoming to the little bat-pups in their own ways, Lae'zel was..standoff-ish at first.
Don't get her wrong, she's happy for her friends comrades, she's just unsure how to proceed with these little blood suckers.
If her relationship with both Tav and Astarion are in the high, she's seemingly more nervous than unwelcoming. Confused possibly.
She knows how to treat children, somewhat, but babies??
Little toddlers that can't do anything for themselves?
Yeah, no, she's going to wait until they can at least understand the difference between a cat and a dog- And Tav why are you pushing the non-hatchling into her arms??
She's frozen as she holds their daughter. Her white curls, the only thing she shares with her twin brother, soft and tangled in her hand that supports the head. Tav helps her adjust as Astarion chuckles teases on the side. She'd snap at him another time, she's too busy staring at the defenseless, weak creature in her arms.
Eyes blink open, tiny nose unlike hers scrunches and she's staring into wide, red eyes tinged with orange.
She braces, having seen enough of other's childen waking up and immediately screaming their dislike of whatever they see. Not that she values a child's opinion of her looks. She'd could care less, but her ears care alot.
It doesn't happen. Happy and curious cooes start, eyes crickling as the girl reaches up. Grasping at her braids. Gently tugging and feeling the warriors hair.
"She's your unfortunate copy, Tav." Theres weight on her arm and a tight hold accompanying it. Her tail. Just like how Tav always wraps their's around Astarion or people she's closest too, the baby wraps as much as her tiny tail will allow around....
No, she is not turning soft, hush your ridiculous lies, Astarion!
She continues with that sentence for years, even when found playing 'teecups and crowns' with Amarylis and watching over Axel's non-serious training. Who she even gets pulled into playing with the dog with or finding weird stones along the stream, nothing but trying to find gold that could only be burried in the earth. But she doesn't say a word to the young halfing about that, just grabs the collar of his shirt if he wanders too far off, a soft hissable warning falling from her lips.
She's not used to kids, it's clear to the parents. But she tries, because they show a side she's not used to. They won't have to fight for their freedom, or lives or anything of that sort. They'll be able to choose to fight. And if having a toy crown on her head that has the girl with an affectionate tail giggling and finally finding a stone that has the boy, his outrageous curls doxed in his first half shave, grinning and spouting praises you'd only hear from young ones, is the biggest proof of that, she's alright with it...mostly.
And if you think the protection stops there...HAHAHAHA- No.
One time Lae'zel was in charge of the kids who wanted to go to a nearby carnival. Astarion and Tav allowed it, seeing it as a nice opportunity for some alone time and bonding time for Lae'zel and her little warriors in tow.
And if you call Lae'zel nearly breaking a man's arm off as bonding time...sure.
An older man, possibly a hunter by the looks of how his eyes shifted and how he posed in his following of the three, dared reach for Axel who was too busy staring wide eyed at the golden clocks on one stand to notice his creeping.
Lucky for him, Auntie Lae'zel came in, hissing and glaring, hand on the always sharp dagger she has at her hip.
To others and the guards, it looked like an attempted kidnapping so the man was taken away as soon as Lae'zel got a few good hits in, possibly a few cuts.
'Great.' She grumbled in her mind as she watch the man be dragged off, spouts of vampire children going unheard by the guards who merely rolled their eyes and gritted out words of justice.
She turns, half expecting to see eyes wide in fear at her, only to find a small body slamming into her front. Axel, at the age of 9, goes sniffling into her tunic, clutching at her back with tight fists.
"Auntie Lae!" His sister's teary eyes meet her unsure ones, "Are you okay??" She frets, coming in close aswell.
She ignores the murmurs, the looks as the crowd around them disperses. Her thoughts still trying to come together.
She tsks, patting the girls head instead of answering and pulls Axel away form her, only to kneel infront of him. "Next time, watch your surroundings. Understand, pup?" A common nickname from her companions. It calms the boy down, his red eyes getting wiped as he nods and sniffs, "Y-Yes, ma'am..."
After wiping his face and giving him a somewhat awkward hug, one that has Ama giggling and Axel blinking, they continue on, enjoying the carnival to the best of their ability.
And it seems to work out well. As soon as Astarion and Tav arrive home, the twins running up to their open armed father as Tav approches a tired Lae'zel. They chuckle and -
"What?!" Astarion bawks.
They look over, seeing the twins glance at each other then back at Astarion.
"Can you teach us how to fight like Auntie Lae'zel?" Ama smiles like she's asking for a delicate flower, while Axel gives a wicked grin in comparison. "YEAH! She beat up a bad man at the carnival today!" He giggles, "I think his arm broke cause I heard a loud crack!"
Tav blinks. Lae'zel stares. Then smirks, "I take back my first statement, they are like him."
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Brother's Keeper AU Story Post 10
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And here we have the unfortunate truth: As things are right now, Caleb is technically (in the literary sense) an antagonist. If Hunter's goal is to figure out and fix what's wrong with his dad, Caleb's goal, for Hunter's sake, is to prevent him ever working it out, even though it means his own suffering.
[Image ID under the cut]
[IMAGE ID: A black and white ink and pencil comic. At the center of the page, Caleb glares resolutely at the contents of a spoon he holds in front of him. A monologue thought bubble reads, "If I must suffer in silence to protect you, so be it." The page behind him is split in half, each a collage of images. On the left side: Caleb holds an infant Hunter, looking down at him lovingly. Then, from Caleb's point-of-view, a toddler Hunter clutches Caleb's pantleg, staring up at the viewer with a big grin. Then, we look over Caleb's shoulder as he watches an older Hunter seated at a desk and sculpting a clay wolf head, his tongue sticking out in concentration. And finally, teenage Hunter as he is now, smiling at someone off screen. On the right side: Somewhere outside at night, in silhouette, Belos' elongated arm spears a Golden Guard as Caleb looks on from where he sits on the ground, reaching out for him in vain. Next, Belos strangles a struggling Golden Guard, dangling him above the ground by the neck. His other hand holds a yelling Caleb by the front of his shirt. Then, in the throne room, Belos shoots a kneeling Guard with energy from his raised staff, while Caleb sits beside him, bound to his wheelchair by vines. And finally, from below, we watch a broken Golden Guard mask fall towards us into the abyss, dropped in by Belos far above. Caleb is held beside him by the arm. His head is turned away. /END ID]
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sleepingdeath-light · 7 months
blind human s/o hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; 🍜 anon (09/01/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “Hello there! May I request hunter (toh) with a blind human s/o? You can choose if they were born blind or if it was an accident that happened in the demon realm for some of that sweet, sweet added angst.(≖ᴗ≖) — 🍜 Noodle Anon”
warning(s) ; references to injury, but mostly fluff!
note ; i am no longer accepting requests for this character.
if you were born blind…
it’s possible that hunter didn’t even notice your blindness until the two of you got extremely close or until you/luz brought it up around him — after all, as the golden guard he didn’t exactly pay attention to the intricacies of his enemies beyond what it took to fight you and, after that, you were so adjusted to it that he didn’t have much chance to notice it
(well, beyond maybe if you were reading a braille book or using text-to-speech on your phone around him and he realised — though, then again, hunter can be rather oblivious at times)
he still sticks close to you when you’re fighting or just out and about but his protectiveness and presence isn’t overwhelming or anything like that — he’s only really there to keep away any risks that you didn’t notice (e.g. a spell thrown your way when you were distracted by another person you’re battling, or a toddler running in front of you too quickly for you to course-correct around safely without his intervention)
though, still, he mainly just leaves you to your own devices (he knows you’re enough of a badass on your own — you beat him plenty of times, after all — so his only job is to be your backup or bag carrier)
if you became blind due to an injury in the isles recently…
hunter becomes much more protective over you than he would be otherwise as you learn to adapt to your new disability — never being too far from you as you adjust your routines, hobbies, and training to work better for you
he feels a great deal of guilt about not being there to protect you and prevent your injury and, as a result, becomes much shorter with people who treat you unkindly
(e.g. threatening a demon who scolded you for accidentally bumping into them or giving a very unsettling glare to some young witches who went to trip you when they noticed your cane)
he sticks beside or behind you at all times, even when you’ve had a cane crafted or a seeing-eye animal assigned to you, because he’s petrified of you getting hurt or targeted somehow — this fear slowly fades away as you become more confident and adjusted to your blindness, but even years down the line you’ll always find hunter close by when you’re out and about as a couple
he also looks into different accommodations from the human realm that luz has mentioned before — things like braille typewriters and label makers — and will incorporate them into your daily life to make things as easy as possible for you
either way / behaviours he adopts no matter the origin of your blindness….
though it’s a bit of a struggle at first (and he’s not the most fashion-conscious person out there), with the help of your friends hunter slowly becomes an expert at helping you construct the outfits you want to wear — describing each item in detail as he brings it to you, making sure that everything is being worn correctly (i.e. not inside out), and that it suits the style you want to go for that day
if you use a seeing-eye/guide animal then he’s going to make a habit quite quickly of carrying treats for them on him wherever you are — even doing as much research as he can to make sure that they can get a taste of whatever meal you’re both eating without getting sick (he spoils them rotten, quite frankly)
if you use a cane/other inanimate aid, then he’s going to make it his mission to carve/craft you the perfect aid — something that’s the perfect length (but that can also be extended when needed), that has a grip with a texture that isn’t off putting whilst also being difficult to lose grasp of by accident, that is designed in a way that is practical whilst also being suited to your personal style and the life you live, and that can be put away easily and that can be recalled by you when it’s needed (a simple enchantment or glyph or spell should do it — he’ll brainstorm a bit with luz and king the next chance he gets)
even though he knows well just how capable of a person you are, he’s still got a distinct protective streak that isn’t going away anytime soon and he will not tolerate anyone (be they human, demon, or witch) treating you poorly because of your disability — he doesn’t believe you should have to handle all of those conflicts, but he’ll back off if asked and hold your stuff while you give them a very stern talking to or a black eye
(that part is up to you but he’ll support you either way)
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adr-n-sketchy · 1 year
idk if anyone else is watching s5 of the Dragon Prince, but end of ep 2, Viren’s having a dark magic induced fever dream of playing and loving on toddler Soren and he lifts him up and spins him around and called him “my Golden boy” I just --- what if Belos planted a similar memory in Hunter when he was created. Like what if that artificial memory was something our Golden Guard carried around for his entire life while he believed he was idk normal?! uggghhh my heart 
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Can you elaborate on your comment on Discord that "[TOH characters in general] get a lot of backstory but little connects with their present character"?
*looks at every Hunter fan out there* How do we feel about the fact that this kid was literally raised to kill wild witches and be the Golden Guard but the only fighters in the main cast who are worse than him are the literal child and the illusionist?
Hunter is easily the most obviously egregious one but also the one that actually has a potential magical slide. After all, we don't actually know if Hunter has been alive for sixteen years. He potentially could have been alive for probably only five, thus making it so he has time to be trained and indoctrinated but was also 'old' enough to be easier to handle, left alone, etc. like that. Of course... That doesn't really fix the larger problem with Hunter's backstory versus his present day character, is it?
See, this is how I would breakdown what the theoretical present day concept for each character is that Luz meets versus the backstory version: Eda: Irreverent criminal who is only out for herself and probably would just be committing larger scale crimes for funsies if not for the curse. Backstory: Lovable scamp with a heart of gold who only ever does jokes, nothing actually bad and look at this child she adopted and totally won't threaten with rent later on.
Amity: A driven, goal obsesses girl who will do anything to be the best. Even simply losing the title and not being made to look like a fool is enough to warrant someone needing to die and she bullies the weak for fun and superiority. Backstory: Felt bad for hurting her teammates for personal glory and victory (those same teammates she will tell to eat a dick in that same episode), only bullied Willow for her own sake, frankly would rather just be a little goofball than actually succeed at anything.
Lilith... Okay, frankly it's more that S2 Lilith makes absolutely no sense with S1 Lilith. If they hadn't entirely warped her character, her backstory is actually pitch perfect for her grown up self, even down to being a little silly and caring about her sister. A LITTLE silly mind you.
Golden Guard: Actually fits the backstory as the rage and confidence of youth mixed with too much power and indoctrination make for an incredibly dangerous, close to unhinged Kylo Ren clone who will go from joking to I WILL MURDER YOU! if you don't take him seriously or annoy him.
Hunter: I'm just a widdle silly guy who can't even gut check a girl and force her to give me my staff. I am all for wild magic because maybe it can save my uncle, despite my uncle's problems being caused by wild magic. I will literally never win a fight alone except against Kikimora, the closest to a true, reoccurring gag villain that the series has.
Now yes: A character can grow and change as they get older. It can be a fun joke to have a prim and proper character have been a nightmare as a toddler. But this isn't how TOH portrays these backstory moments commonly. Much of the time, the backstory is meant to effectively be in the place of real moments in a character arc.
Take Amity's moment with Willow. In a normal character arc, this is the chance for the character to prove that they have a good heart and are maybe not as mean as they seem. However, Amity already has done that at least once with confessing to not wanting to see Luz hurt in Adventure in the Elements, if her diary didn't already do this in combination with not holding onto her rage against Luz there in Lost in Language. So they HAVE to put it as a backstory moment or it wouldn't be notable. Except... It would have? Hell, they even try to frame it as a kindness to Willow at the beginning which is a good idea because Amity's first appearance was being cruel to Willow but now that she's changed some but hasn't interacted with Willow since episode 6, she needs to show some kindness to her. But it's ALL kindness because they've already fully transitioned into good girl Amity so rather than feeling like a growth moment, it's to justify what they're doing. To say "Of course her development isn't this rushed because it's not development! It's just the old Amity coming back out."
The moment with the Thorn Vault is similar. A character like Amity SHOULD have a moment where she decides success isn't everything and steps back so as to allow someone else to take the spotlight if it means doing less harm. It's a good idea for a moment in her arc. But again: Amity has already moved past that part of her arc. She hasn't been focused on success or being the best since her SECOND APPEARANCE. And this is her last one in S1 so it goes into the backstory to show that she does understand the consequences of her actions rather than having it be a part of her arc.
Frankly, this stuff is just a part of a different blog I need to make about how Amity episodes are strangely NOT about Amity. She actually doesn't factor into them much so her arc feels bad because even episodes like Lost in Language or Adventure in the Elements only have five minutes of Amity at most.
Meanwhile for someone like Eda or Hunter, it's retcons. Eda needs to be convincingly like Momma Eda so making her actually motherly with King when they first met is a good idea... But it contrasts all they did in S1. Hunter is meant to show the cruelty of Belos but they want him to already be the sad but mad boy by the halfway point of the season (which btw, halfway through S1, Amity was already borrowing an Azura book from Luz showing compromise, kindness and connection, much like Hunter connecting with Amity's fears, almost giving into her speech about kindness and adopting Flapjack. There's a reason I say the shortening did fuck all to these character arcs because they follow the same god damned patterns) so that stuff needs to be in the backstory, like his scout training.
And to me, that is the antithesis of a backstory. Unless the point is that they're different from who they used to be, which it's often not for TOH, it should reinforce what we know about them. How did they get to the point they're at. It's actually one of the only strengths narratively of Them's the Breaks because the final challenge by Terra is a good moment to make Eda start rethinking her long term goals and if she likes the coven system at all.
It would just work way better if her present day character was anti-coven because it pits people against each other and tears the Isles apart instead of just "It makes you way less cooler than me because I can do ALL styles of magic." As such... It's them acknowledging what a good motivation in the setting and plot would have been but recognizing it too late so they have to add it as a retcon.
And you can only get away with that trick so many times before it feels like your story is a house of cards trying to pretend it's made out of stone.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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darkmatter-nebula · 8 months
Hunter gets temporarily de aged to younger than Colli, and Colli gets to be the big brother for once??
Hi! Thank you for the request!
Drabble: The De-Aging Potion
It was a quiet afternoon on the Boiling Isles. The most inseparable pair of brothers, a certain young Grimwalker and a certain small starboy with otherwordly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold, had homework for the Potion Track class.
Unfortunately, Hunter had a little accident with the latest potion. It blew up in the blonde boy's face and turned him into a four years old toddler! Colli couldn't believe what just happened! The kindhearted eternal little boy, who physically and mentally was six years old for all eternity, was the big brother for once!
Hunter threw himself into Colli's arms and cuddled close to him. "Awwwww!" Colli had a gentle expression on his adorable multi-colored face as he placed a soft kiss on the former Golden Guard's scarred cheek.
No matter what, Colli and Hunter loved each other more than anything. A few hours later, the effect of the potion disappeared and Hunter turned back to normal. "It was very nice to be a child again." Hunter said with a soft chuckle.
Then, he pressed with infinite tenderness his forehead against Colli's. Hunter's precious little brother looked at him with his kind red eyes. The immortal celestial boy loved and adored Hunter just as much as Hunter loved and adored him.
The End
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carpisuns · 2 years
Wait a sec wait a sec belos thinks hunter is dead......... what if when they find him he has a new toddler grimwalker or smthng???
I love/hate this idea and while I don’t think it’ll happen imagine the possibility….i saw a comic abt this on twitter and I cannot find it but. AAAAAA (the other grimwalker was hunters age tho not a toddler)
i just have so many questions about belos’s process for creating them!!! he was clearly already preparing to make a new one before Hunter even ran away bc he sent Hunter out for selkidomus scales at the beginning of s2. so does that mean a new grimwalker was already growing? How long does it take to make one and for them to develop? like do they grow at the same rate as normal witches. If they pop out of the ground do they come out as a baby or at a later stage. If they have to grow for years does Belos have them in process at various stages like a Christmas tree farm so when one betrays him he has another ready to go? Or does he have to go for years without a golden guard until the next grimwalker is ready to fill the gap?
I know this is kind of off topic from your question lol I’m just trying to figure out what is even plausible. these questions keep me up fr one night I had to make up an au called hunter’s mom just to give myself peace of mind. (belos brings the grimwalkers as babies to this wild witch who lives in the woods to raise them until he needs them and then they give the kid a potion to erase/alter his memories and leave him in the woods so belos can “find” and “save” him)
Anyway. I don’t anticipate the show going in this direction. BUT HONESTLY WHO KNOWS. How chilling would that be for Hunter to have to confront the reality of not only all the clones who came before him but also the one who came after. oh my gosh. To see a perfect replica of himself as a child and remember how belos manipulated him and hurt him when he was planning to replace him all along. And how this child will have a similar fate unless Hunter can face and defeat belos. AAAAAA. cries and whimpers in a corner
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ok info dumping about the old au I had. mostly just precanon stuff bc I just wanna get something out so I can sleep but I can talk about the rest tommorow if u want.
so! during one of eda's trips to the human realm, 6 year old luz ends up stumbling across the portal and accidentally ends up getting herself stranded in the demon realm (and since she’s very frightened and confused, she doesn’t go up to eda, so eda never actually realised this happened).
after a while, though, news of a tiny human child does end up spreading, and luz quickly gets caught by the coven scouts. understandably, she’s terrified and she’s convinced she's going to be killed but obviously that doesn’t happen bc y’know. random scouts aren’t going to kill a toddler for existing. that’s not a crime.
when belos hears about her he’s obviously immediately like “another human lost in this world? clearly it is just like me and caleb and i need to protect this sole other human from the Dangers Of This Realm for reasons completely unrelated to me trying to make caleb 2. obviously.” so adoption (derogatory) ends up happening.
and this Isn’t Great for luz for what are hopefully obvious reasons. being raised in an incredibly sheltered environment by a bigoted extremist who's also really fucking abusive isn’t a fun time. luz does try to escape for a while, and while she doesn’t because she’s six she does end up discovering some pretty secure hiding places. and in hiding, she sees and learns a lot she was never meant to.
still, she's being actively indoctrinated into a cult, so despite what she sees, she still trusts and believes in her adoptive father because she doesn’t know any better. she assumes what happens must be normal or necessary. after all, shes just a silly human, regular old luz who just is completely unremarkable in everything but failure. it bothers her a lot that she can’t do much to help.
when she first arrives, our hunter doesn’t even exist yet, and the old golden guard who was dariuses mentor is still around. i mean by old hes like in his twenties max but that’s ancient by grimwalker standards at this point. he sort of becomes this mentor figure to luz, too, and she really idolises him. she wants to be just like him, in how he's able to do so much without magic. she's really close to him.
which means it hits hard when he's killed. especially since, unseen by anyone in an unnoticed corner somewhere, she sees it happen. it traumatises her quite a lot, though she's good at hiding it and never lets it slip she was somewhere she wasn’t meant to be. when the new hunter comes around, though, she does take it out on this weird new young copy of someone who was practically an older brother to her. not intentionally, and not to like, a huge degree, but she's very distant to him at first.
they do eventually grow very very close, due to basically being the only person the other is allowed to really talk to, and luz stops seeing him as some sort of replacement. after all, they might look similar, but they act completely different! the old hunter was always calm, always reliable, but the new one is young and scared and needs a guiding hand through life in the castle, which luz is of course able to provide.
luz and hunter grow up in quite similar ways. luz is allowed to leave the castle much less- after all, it’d be a shame to lose the only other human left in some silly mission- but she's generally physically harmed a lot less too, though she does have a few scars that no one her age should have. both of them are manipulated and emotionally abused frequently, and are lead along by promises of a false destiny.
while hunter, of course, falls into a blind obedience, luz is privately a lot more sceptical. not that she doubts her papa is trying his best and doing the right thing, of course, but she worries he's going about it all the wrong way. while this makes her more easily swayed, she’s also unlikely to give up her views that wild magic is dangerous even if she realises her life was a lie. clearly, he must have been corrupted from a once noble goal.
she's also desperately lonely, and privately longs for friends that she knows she’s not allowed. when she has the time, she reads and rereads all the fiction available in the library, and desperately imagines herself as one of the young witches in them, able to go outside freely and talk to whoever they like and have adventures! but she knows she'll never be like that. after all, what are the odds she'd ever make it on her own, even if she somehow left the castle despite not knowing how.
(until, of course, a freak accident on a mission leaves her ending up unwillingly in the care of the owl lady, who doesn’t know who she is but knows she’s a human and someone who needs help, and surely it wouldn’t be that bad if she spent just a few days with a wild witch, right? surely she could make a few friends among the populace, right? no one would even know.)
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eda-au · 2 years
In two evil dudes and their kid, how did Darius and Eberwolf came across Hunter, if they came across him really young then it might be before Hunter became the Golden Guard, how did that happened?
They came across him during their time at the castle working as coven heads, Hunter was a lil thing about a toddler the first time they met. Darius and Eberwolf gained his trust be tending to his wounds, showing affection, just loving him and getting him toys. Praising him, spending time with him. Telling Hunter that he's not bad and Belos was bad for doing such things to him.
Because of Darius and Eberwolf, Hunter knew how to act around Belos for his own survival but secretly hated him for all the wrong things Belos did to him and when Belos used his manipulating words against him, Hunter would pretend to agree while playing Darius and Eberwolf's words at the back of his head to affirm that Belos is wrong about him.
Ask more!
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Star's Burden
Star's Burden by Desmond0208
"A child? Whose stellar idea was it to choose the embodiment of all our celestial powers to be a child?" "Come on now, they don't look that bad..." "They have a mind of a TODDLER for goodness sake." "Shut up, the lot of you!"
Words: 504, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Owl House (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Other
Characters: The Collector, Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos, King, The Titan, Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Eda Clawthorne, Raine Whispers, Willow Park, Hunter | The Golden Guard, Gus Porter, Camila Noceda
Relationships: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne & Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne/Raine Whispers, Hunter | The Golden Guard/Willow Park, The Collector & King
Additional Tags: The Collector's Backstory, Hopeful Ending, Different Arcs
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44506999
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I absolutely love your Brothers keepers I am rotating it in my mind so here's some ramblings that hold me hostage :)
So in the new update, Hunter is learning all about wild magic so he can "understand" what's going on with his dad, right?. Would he go as far as asking Eda when he starts to be more comfortable there? And would he, by any chance, use that knowledge that he learns in wild magic against his uncle once he finds out just what he's done to his father?
I can't imagine his uncle allows too many books around that let you learn wild magic around. How many books has he gone through? I'm sure it's enough to get so frustrated with it that it fuels his anger towards wild magic even more. Maybe at the end of season one, when Eda gets captured, he finds some time to sneak off to her and demands that she tells him about wild magic.
Oh what if when he goes into his uncles mind, he sees more memories, maybe some echoing conversations with Tera, maybe the collector mentions something, or maybe Hunter finally learns the truth when the memory shifts to his father. What conversation would that be? Maybe it would begin with Caleb asking about the "surprises" in his food, or him asking things that Hunter assumes are just the effects wild magic has on his mind. But he and Luz realize he's very lucid during most of these moments. He starts talking about Eda, about other things he couldn't possibly know about.
Maybe they get to the hallway of all the past Golden Guards, but the paintings on the walls are just a bit different. They all die the same way, but all the backgrounds have the same familiar face, as Caleb reaches out to his family, his sons, in terror and in pain (what happens to the source of a grimwalker when they die? Does Caleb feel excruciating pain when the Golden Guards die? Or does he feel no pain, just an empty feeling, like you've lost a piece of yourself, while he mourns the loss of another son?)
What if the palisman amalgamation leads them away from the inner self to memories Belos wouldn't want them seeing. To memories Belos has no idea they've seen.
What if they get to the final memory they see: the first time Caleb was introduced to Hunter. Maybe as an infant, maybe when he's a toddler, a young child, or however old grimwalkers are when they are born. Hunter sees the love his father has for him, yet there's a sadness in his eyes. Philip says something about doing more than "taking the child away" if Caleb misbehaves. Maybe the Golden Guards are the only reasons he even eats anymore. They move to the table to eat dinner, and Caleb still asks about the food ("Why does he ask about food, Hunter?" "I dont know, I thought it was the effects wild magic had on his mind") and maybe tonight's dinner was a bit stronger than usual. He doesn't even make it to his bed before the effects of Tera's ingredients take hold. The first night he's met his son, only for Hunter to learn early that something bad happened to his father. Then, time shifts to the garden, to Tera, to her retelling the effects her meals had on him, that it's a "good idea to strike fear into the boy early."
Then they finally confront Belos and Hunter is pissed. He doesn't completely understand, not fully, what his uncle is doing to his father, but something within him knows it never was wild magic. Maybe they realize Belos doesn't know what they saw, when he tells them Hunter is a grimwalker over telling them more about Caleb. They still fight, and they still run. Only now Hunter's is even worse when they return to the Owl House. He's scared, scared for his father, scared for himself, and he doesn't know what to do. He runs and hides in the forest for a while, calms down while he thinks. He realized wild magic didnt harm his father, his uncle did. He doesn't run to Hexside. He returns to the Owl House. Because if wild magic didn't break his family, he's gonna use it to fix it. And lucky him, he knows the most powerful wild magic user and biggest pain in Belos's side will 100% help him to bring his uncle down and his father home.
Whew that went on more than I thought it would. You au has trapped me and it's all I can think about now. I still have more thoughts on this and i wish I had the time to write a fic about this. I thought it would be fun to just speculate the possibilities for a way this au could go and I can't wait to see what happens in future updates!!
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Ah, the turntables! Can't believe you're coming on here, my blog of angsty au bs and making me Feel Things
My friend, I know you said you don't have time to write a fic right now, but know that if you ever do I would eat that thing right up, this was so fun to read!
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