#hunger au updates
definitelynotshouting · 4 months
lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart) | Chapter 10
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It’s only as dawn begins its dove-soft advent on the horizon that Mumbo’s voice halts in its tracks. There’s no taper, no sleep-heavy stumble of a warning; Grian, teetering on the barest knife’s edge of a proper doze, jolts back to full awareness within a heartbeat. Mumbo’s precise, meticulous cadence had been a balloon, swelling up to satiate the room with nostalgia; without it, everything— from the ill-fitting planks in the walls, to the thinning shadows scurrying over themselves across the floor— shrinks back in, creeping forward until the very air threatens to suffocate him. When Grian finally musters the energy to glance up, Mumbo’s eyes pin him right back down to the mattress, brows arched and leaping for the summit of his hairline. “What?” Grian rasps after a moment, dragging his head back from the tender pillow of his shoulder. Pins and needles explode from the ball-joint; Grian bites back a hiss as his blood resumes flowing, jittering with each sluggish pulse through his veins. The corners of Mumbo’s lips curve down by a fraction. “Dude, this is like, the fifth time you’ve yawned in a row. Why aren’t you asleep, I’ve been—” and the chuckle that escapes his throat bubbles up like cool water from a fresh spring, saturated in good-natured chagrin— “I’ve literally been trying to bore you to sleep right now, this entire time!”
[ben affleck smoking meme] scoob we out here.
Hi gang i live!!! Sorry for the long wait, but here is the next chapter at last :] once again i have decided to split it, so this one is a bit shorter than usual, only about 3.2k, but the next chap is slated to be an absolute beast so hopefully this will be a nice appetizer. Thank you to everyone who wrote very nice comments both on the fic and in the tags, as well as to my lovely anons, yall truly have motivated me like nothing else to keep me working through this tough period. Also yes i know this picture is of red onions but it was the best visual equivalent for spider eyes that i could come up with, you're just gonna have to use your imagination while looking at them sjdbsjdj 😌😌😌
As always, reblogs and comments in the tags will net you my eternal gratitude and a place of honor on the refrigerator (the validation channel in my priv server). Hope you guys like the chapter, cheers!
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Edwin, Charles, and Monty Finch-Rowland (Amnesia Fic)
Occasionally memories surface and dissolve across his brain like melting candy floss, sometimes not even full images or scenes but instead sensations.
At the mention of exotic fruits in the garden, Edwin tastes pineapple juice on his mouth, despite the fact that Edwin has only drank it the one time. When saxifrage is mentioned, he remembers tucking a flower behind someone's ear, the petals and their curls soft against his fingers. When someone casually mentions the King of the Underworld sending yellow roses, Edwin remembers a flash of righteous anger and the memory of Thomas King being nowhere near the wedding.
Edwin remembers pain and these two- these four- being his relief.
He doesn't know why the memories are only coming now, when they didn’t when he was believing the wrong things, when he was terrified beyond compare and needed the relief far more.
Is it because his brain isn't running on panic and fear and dread 24/7?
Is it because he feels safe?
-aletterinthenameofsanity, can still hear you saying (you would never break the chain)
Do you love me anymore? Does my memory remain?
Lord, I know I've made mistakes but I am different now, I've changed
When I open up your door, will you know me from the rest?
Will you let me lay beside you? Will you grant me my request?
I swear this time around I'm gonna stay
When I dream I'll only dream of you
I curse the goddamn day that I went and left you
-Lord Huron, Love Me Like You Used To
@deadboy-edwin @icecreambrownies @anonymousbooknerd-universe @ashildrs
@tragedy-machine @just-existing-as-you-do-blog @orpheusetude @mj-irvine-selby
@pappelsiin @itsbitmxdinhere @rexrevri @sweet-like-h0ney-lavender @saffirez
@the-ipre @sunnylemonss @days-light @agentearthling @helltechnicality
@tiredghostby @sethlost @catboy-cabin @secretlyafiveheadeddragon @vyther15
@anything-thats-rock-and-roll @queen-of-hobgobblers @every-moment-a-different-sound
@nix-nihili @holvivum
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fanficallergy · 2 months
Um... Hi.... I has an update. It's only been 8 years.
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“We need to talk,” I tell him. Might as well get this over with. 
He nods and takes three steps toward me then stops. His whole body sways like a tree in a storm, lurching this way and that. He clutches at the doorframe, but it’s just out of reach.  For a moment, he stares at me before his eyes roll back into his head, and he stumbles and falls to the floor in a heap. 
I fly to his side only to immediately get doused with the contents of Peeta’s stomach.
As I wipe the foul-smelling liquid from my chest, I say, “You know, if you didn’t want to talk, you could’ve just said so.”
It's been a hot minute, hasn't it? Oops...
You can find the chapter on FFnet or Archive of Our Own.
If you want to start from the beginning, Spectator is where you want to be. (FFnet or Archive of Our Own) I recommend Ao3 since everything is in a collection in reading order.
Thanks for sticking with me and supporting me!
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bluebellcup · 4 months
aqua teen apocalypse au news!!!
hello! I'm bluebell, and here i bring you updates!!!
Tomorrow, i will bring the designs of Frylock, master shake and meatwad! :D
I'm planning to do comics or animatic for tell the story of the au
And also i'm making the story ^^
So, thats all :D
See you all tomorrow and Sorry for lack on posting, byeeee
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hutchhitched · 22 days
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September 11, 2001, was a beautiful late summer day in New York City. Horrifying terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center marred the city’s landscape and changed the nation and the meaning of 9/11 forever.
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I began this story in 2015 for the Farewell Tour of @promptsinpanem. At the time, I intended and expected to expand it. For years, I've watched every video and documentary and read every book I can find on September 11, 2001. Some of that information has made its way into this updated chapter and is included in the subsequent ones. Most of it became information I used to process a day I couldn't understand at the time. There are minimal edits and changes to this first chapter.
When I tried to continue the story, I got stuck, but I finally figured out the structure. Each chapter is based on the prompts from Peeta's Paintbox, Round 6 of Prompts in Panem. The first chapter is from the Day 7 prompt (black and white). The subsequent chapters are from the five other prompts I didn't use during the rounds of Prompts in Panem. The epilogue is a reuse of the only prompt I did use during the original round 6 (blue).
Big thanks for the @wipbigbang for the push to finish this.
The story will conclude on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
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mollywog · 4 months
When the Stars Align
Start from the Beginning | Part 5
He jolts from his seat on the chaise. She’s so quiet he hadn’t heard her approach, “Katniss.”
It’s evening now, well past dinner. She must have dined at the Abernathy’s. He’s had hours to review their initial encounter, too much time to dread and anticipate a reprise.
“I didn’t know you’d be here. I requested some milk from the kitchen.” She waved her hand in the direction of the hall, “I can ask Sae to send it to my room…”
“No, please stay.”
She eyes the door wistfully, before nodding and slipping into a seat across from him, “please let me apologize for earlier. I was surprised by your arrival. I’m sure it’s not the welcome you expected.”
“I do not expect anything, though I must admit I was surprised to find you here as well.”
She flinches, sinking into her seat, a worry line creasing her forehead, “I can leave if you wish to have your home to yourself.”
“That is not what I meant. This is your home as well and you are welcome to come and go as you please. It is only that you have not been to town these last two seasons.” As soon as the words leave his lips he wants to kick himself.
Katniss frowns, “you’ve been keeping track of me?”
“Sae’s letters were full of you.” He waves his hand flippantly. If she only knew how those fleeting mentions of her had fed his soul these past years, “Haymitch’s as well, as were the solicitor’s and tenants’. Everyone was eager to tell me how well the estate was managed in your care. I trust my thanks we’re conveyed?”
“Funny you never thought to write me yourself,” she scowls.
It’s not an unreasonable critique, but his temper flares all the same, “And I suppose all your letters to me were lost in transit?”
The arrival of a steaming pitcher of milk breaks the tension and Katniss readies two mugs. He’s missed watching her perform little tasks. Whether pouring tea, listening intently, or singing, she’s mesmerizing. He watches her hands elegantly move from milk, to honey, to spice, to spoon until she’s satisfied with her concoction.
She’s careful not to touch him as she passes the cup, but his skin still buzzes just the same at her proximity. He closes his eyes as the milk hits his tongue. It tastes like coming home.
“I am sorry,” she says barely above a whisper, breaking his trance. “I should have written. But by the time I’d felt ready, I’d convinced myself you would not want to hear from me.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. “I am sorry as well. I-”
“I’ve missed you,” she’s not looking at him as she speaks and he watches her profile as she swallows back feeling.
A mixture of joy and shame surge through him, that he was cared for enough to be missed and that his absence caused her pain. “And I, you,” he says. If this had been two years ago, he might have taken her hand in friendship and reassurance, but now she’s seated herself far enough away to be just out of reach. He’ll need to move slowly to regain her trust.
“Will you tell me of your travels? Not tonight of course. You must be weary… but soon?”
“Only if you will tell me of all your rambling walks at Bakerston and your objections to the new vicar.”
She raises a brow.
“As I said, I’ve heard much of you through my correspondence.”
She smiles this time, small but genuine, before rising from her seat, “I accept, though it is an uneven trade as you can hardly avoid hearing my qualms with Mr. Heavensbee. But that will have to wait. You’ll excuse me if I retire?”
He nods and she moves to leave, but pausing before she disappears behind the door, “welcome home Peeta.”
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residentbeano · 7 months
Chapter 1: The Lake
The beginning of the end.
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crispyjenkins · 2 months
i'm actually plotting this gd fic now you mfuckers
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Guess who’s back, back again with a new fix-it AU. Feels like I’m sitting down for the first time in a week so while I scramble to write the next chapter of Didn’t Think I’d Care (But I’m Not Letting Go) I’ll grace you with this… this.
From the second they looked each other in the eyes, all tributes knew. None of them were dying this year. Their plan wasn’t elaborate or complicated, if anything it was laughably juvenile, but that’s exactly what it needed to be. Because the Capitol thought they were so smart, the most intelligent of all creatures on earth, and they’d undoubtably assume they’d be able to crack any code the tributes may come up with. Well, they could keep looking for it, because it didn’t exist. The simplest solution is often the one no one thinks of, after all. They give the Capitol as little possibility to record their face as possible. Every shot with them is positioned in a way where their defining features are hidden. How would anyone find them if no one knew what they looked like? As for the actual plan…
Whenever they sleep, they make sure they’re hidden from all peacekeepers. Predictably, the peacekeepers yell for them to come out and do a headcount to make sure they’re all still there. Equally predictably, they start slacking off in their efforts the more it happens. It’s not like the tributes can go anywhere…
So when the day before the arena tour is supposed to happen rolls around, the peacekeepers don’t even bother with it. They shrug and continue trying to pass the time. None of them notice the way the shadows seem to shift just the slightest bit. Idle prattle and late-night drowsiness hides the jingle of stolen keys and the creak of an opening gate, and the empty zoo enclosure… well, the tributes are never visible at night, but they’ve always been there. This time would be no different.
It’s only when the tributes are supposed to be taken to the arena that their absence is noticed. It’s far too late by then. There are searches, of course. Plenty of them, long and extensive ones. Hasty ones and thorough ones, but…
How could anyone find them? No one even has a good picture of what they look like! There’s so many kids in the districts anyway, none of the peacekeepers knew which ones were reaped.
So how would they know if some returned?
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definitelynotshouting · 11 months
lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart) | Chapter 8
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The thinnest hours of the morning creep in slowly, stealing into the hermits' base with a calm patience Grian wishes he could emulate. Instead, his nerves jangle in his wrists, flexing through his fingers when he stretches them out and gives them a hard shake. The water bottle Tango had given him hours earlier lays cool and listless in his lap, balanced carefully to avoid spilling; he's been sipping at it slowly as the night crawls on, trying to savor every last drop. After all, it’s the little things: the crisp slide of water down his throat; moonlight scattered across fraying threads; chipped nails rasping over the mattress; the subtle burn of his eyes as they shift, resolute and unblinking, around the room. He won't have this for much longer, and so he dedicates himself to appreciating it all, for as long as it lasts. The others have long gone to bed; even Pearl slunk in like a mulish cat some time ago, shutting the door softly behind her. Four sets of footsteps, four separate bodies retreating into the room across the hall— the only person missing is Mumbo.
HI GANG WE'RE BACK AS PROMISED<3 yes i had to split the chapter again no dont look to closely at that I JUST HAVE SO MUCH. TO SAY. ALL THE TIME. anyway o7 to our favorite bird. get pummelled idiot<3
as always, likes are appreciated, reblogs are incredible, and commentary in the tags or on ao3 will grant you a lifetime supply of pictures of my cat. hope you guys enjoy the chapter!!! :D
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Dead Boy Detectives Hunger Games Victor AU!
Here y'all go: a Dead Boy Detectives Victor AU ft. Edwin, Charles, Crystal, and Monty as Victors from different Hunger Games with an exploration of all of the traumatic fallout and complications that would come from that.
Monty gets up on the interview stage and it doesn’t matter what the other tributes have to say, because Monty tells Caesar Flickerman that the boy he fell in love with is the very Mentor trying to save him from the Arena.
It’s a dangerous move, but it just might save Monty’s life in the Arena and his body post-Arena. It might just keep him out of the same deal that Esther made for Edwin.
A familiar hand touches Edwin’s wrist backstage. Charles’ hands gently pry Edwin’s fingernails away from the bloody crescents they are carving into his palms.
“It was the only way I could protect him,” Edwin says, trying to plead with Charles to understand, because Edwin has to do anything he can to protect just one of his tributes.
Charles gives him a small, sympathetic smile. “You could’ve told me.”
But Edwin twists his wrist slightly so that Charles isn’t touching him, because he knows where this is going even if Charles does not. He knows whose life lays on the line if this plan fails, and it’s not just Monty’s.
(Years ago, the President made Edwin kneel and told him that Charles’ life was forfeit if Edwin ever disobeyed. And he won't risk that, even if it means breaking both of their hearts.)
Here's the link for y'all!
Also a playlist for those interested!
@anything-thats-rock-and-roll @icecreambrownies @anonymousbooknerd-universe @just-existing-as-you-do-blog @thelettersfromnoone @orpheusetude @magpiemarten @mj-irvine-selby
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optiwashere · 11 months
I'm always so amused by how frothingly horny the bg3 fic fandom is
I thought Kinktober would've quelled the starving hordes, but instead it's almost as if the constant smut has made them crave more (gasp)
There really is no rest for the wicked
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goodnightmoonz · 10 months
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All That's Fair
by goodnightmoonz
They are just kids, all of them and they are fighting -- killing -- for their lives. Who thought peacetime could be so deadly?
-------------------- 100 years ago Sozin’s genocide of the airbenders did not go as planned what followed was a total war that lasted two decades and was only ended by a deep famine. The world seemed to be over, millions upon millions died and fighting increased. Then 49 years ago that ended with the power of one person. The war brought rapid technology improvements and the world was modernized. What came next was The Hunger Games. What came next for Katara… well you'll see
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diazevan · 1 year
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To reach their sanctuary in District 13, they must survive the journey out of the Capitol.
Read The Final Chapter now.
Taglist: @madneysjee @mellaithwen @madneyporchengagement @hippolotamus @piningeddiediaz @mandzuking17@mcdannoxo1 @mrapril @emi1yrebecca @queenjenniferlove @matan4il
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startanewdream · 2 years
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In which James and Lily Potter fall in love, defeat a dark lord, and rebuild the world (and how only one of these is true).
One month before the first anniversary of Voldemort’s defeat, Dumbledore summons them to ask their opinion, as one might ask if it will rain tomorrow or not, how they feel about announcing their engagement to celebrate the date.
And just like if it will rain tomorrow or not, Lily knows their thoughts on the subject won’t really make any difference.
Chapter 2/4
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… uhm… ok, so hyperfixation cut off midway through a thingy… it’ll come back around eventually, but until then, Tsams Hunger Games is on hiatus for now. Probably still gonna post bits of it as we go along, but… uhm…
My Hollow Knight obsession kicked in rather quickly and suddenly.
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