#stanley pines angst
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artisiumstudios · 2 days ago
Stanley has an important role in the grand scheme of things, specifically saving the universe. His role is so crucial that if anything were to happen to him it could lead to not only the destruction of his universe, but also lead the destruction of others. So what would happen if Ford had lost Stanley somewhere during the ten years they spent apart, only for Ford to be met face to face with the time police and what appears to be 2 years old Stanley.
His ears feel muffled as he’s handed the toddler.
Death by asphyxiation
Trunk of the car
Far too late
The child’s timeline was already gone
The fate of the universe
His hands
The baby coos in his arms babbling as he grabs Ford’s pinky.
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voidofthevoidmv · 1 month ago
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Technically the 3rd installment but tahdah- Part 2 of Stan and the AXOLOTL. What could go wrong? Featuring: Little Stanley feeling bad about himself! And what could possibly be to come… We will figure THAT out in the next one…
Sorry am I? Nah.
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djdjdjmk · 28 days ago
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Hide and seek
It's kind of interesting to look at Stan's perspective on closed/cramped spaces. As a child he views those spaces as a fun hiding spot he can burst out to scare his twin, as a teen - a safe haven from everyone, starting with his dad and ending with the whole world.
As an adult both of this outlooks on spaces like that shatter from the trunk accident and everything that followed it. He will never feel safe in there ever again.
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thecluelessdoctor · 3 months ago
week 2: Wanted
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I know this prompt was like. Meant as in 'oh yk. Wanted by the law and shit' but my brain thought 'what if. Hear me out, wanted by the thing he's wanted to love him for so long. His family' and then the other side of my brain said yes and we drew this
Uhhhh stanuary belongs to @stanuary lmao
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eggofthefish · 7 months ago
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it kills me inside that bro spent weeks not treating the burn, he literally just left it alone and completely neglected himself.
How is this man alive :(
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gimmemorecherries · 7 months ago
Here's a controversial question for you gravity falls fans!
So we know how Stan spent 3 decades of his life dedicating to fixing the portal and bringing Ford back,but what if it were Stan that got sucked in instead?
Would Ford,the guy who punched Stan the first time he stepped into his home dimension in what has been 30 years,also the guy that would have NOT opened the portal under any circumstances,who also did not say thank you to Stan until the very end,do the same for him?
Would Ford try to get Stan back ?
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stansangel · 7 months ago
Stan Angst Imagine
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Pairing: Stanley Pines x Reader Warnings: angst, public break up, Stan being mean :( Word Count: 494 A/N: I'M SORRY IT HAD TO BE DONE Y'ALL WERE GETTING TOO COMFORTABLE
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The dim light of the bar cast long shadows across Stanleys' face as he sat across from you, his expression hardened by the weight of the conversation neither of you wanted to have. You could tell he was trying to keep his temper in check, but the tension in his jaw and the way he clenched his fists on the table betrayed him.
“Stanley, we can figure this out,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady despite the anxiety gnawing at you. “I know things haven’t been easy, but we’ve gotten through worse before.”
He let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. “This isn’t about things being easy,” he snapped, his voice rough and edged with frustration. “This is about you not understanding when enough is enough!”
You flinched at the harshness in his tone. “What do you mean?”
Stanley leaned forward, his eyes dark and intense. “You keep pushing, asking me to be someone I’m not! I’m trying to keep things together here, but it’s like you don’t get it. I’m not some perfect guy who’s gonna settle down and live happily ever after. I’m a screw-up, always have been.”
Your heart twisted at his words, but you refused to let him shut you out. “You’re not a screw-up, Stan. You’ve made mistakes, sure, but so has everyone. That doesn’t mean we can’t make this work.”
His expression hardened further, the walls he’d built around himself rising higher. “You’re not listening!” he nearly shouted, slamming his fist on the table. The sound echoed through the nearly empty bar, drawing a few wary glances from the other patrons. “I’m telling you this ain't gonna work, and you’re just sitting there trying to pretend like it’s all fine!”
You felt the sting of tears behind your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. “I love you, Stan,” you whispered, desperation creeping into your voice. “Why can’t that be enough?”
Stanley closed his eyes for a moment, exhaling sharply before meeting your gaze again. “Because it’s not enough,” he said, his voice softer but no less firm. “Love doesn’t fix everything, and it sure as hell doesn’t fix me. I can’t give you what you want, and the longer we keep this going, the worse it’s gonna get.”
His words hung heavy in the air, each one like a nail in the coffin of your relationship. You wanted to argue, to tell him he was wrong, but deep down, you could see the truth in his eyes. This was tearing him apart for much longer than he'd let you know and he was convinced this was the only way things could be.
“So, that’s it?” you asked, your voice trembling. “You’re just gonna walk away?”
Stanley sighed, the anger draining from his expression, leaving only a deep, weary sadness behind. “Yeah,” he said. "I fuckin' am.”
He stood up, not even hesitating for a moment before turning and walking out of the bar.
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oh-great-squid · 2 months ago
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Sometimes even when you try really hard to get yourself to focus on a certain thing and learn it, you just won't
It sucks, doesn't it?
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fimloly · 5 months ago
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poor Stan, doesn’t know his happiness is deserved
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h0nestlynothly · 6 months ago
The portal scene AND this comment is my Roman empire 💔
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artisiumstudios · 2 days ago
I have an AU called A Better World For Stan that I am writing, and like, I decided to symbolize that the characters are kind of the "inversion" of how they are in canon by inverting the color that represents them in their clothes like, Caryn dress Cyan, Filbrick dress Blue, Older Brother Shermie dress Vermilion, Teen Ford dress Blue. What do you think?
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To anon, my apologies that it took this long to respond (Also I was going to respond to the first one but I accidently deleted the first part on my phone, THANKFULLY I also had it pulled up on my computer so I could just take a picture (dont ask why its not a SS) But anyways
Edit: nope I’m just dumb and didn’t realize I posted the other, not deleted but anyways🤦🏻‍♀️
Also I think this is one of the few AU's where ive heard shermie being described as indifferent/aloof brother! A lot of people (including myself) usually write him as either being the baby or even having him be someone who was drafted into the war, or just simply trying to escape his abusive household and start his own family. But I like the idea that perhaps his fathers influence had a bigger impact on him that caused him to feel indifferent to his siblings.
now with that said-
A MODERN AU? Does this mean he is currently living somewhere in present time (or around the time dipper and mabel are from? If so, does this mean he'll have to get accustomed to modern technology? (meaning he has access to the internet and oh look he has daddy issues not a surprise-)
Is Ford still really into anomalies? Will he assume Stan is some kind of anomaly or will he believe that he's from an AU? How will their parents react to Ford bringing in Stan?
I can just imagine Stan's freaking out because if these versions of his parents are any similar to his, Filbrick will not be amused and he doesn't think he can handle being kicked out again.
"Ford are you su-"
The bell of the pawn shop rings as they step inside. Sitting in front of the register is Filbrick, newspaper covering his face.
"Ya back?" He asl, his voice still stoic as always, setting Stan's nervousness through the roof.
"Yup! And look who I brought!" Ford announces excitedly as he grasps Stan's hand preventing him from leaving anywhere.
The newspaper is dropped onto the table as Filbrick stares at Stan, his eyebrows slightly raised in surprise, "Well, that's something new." he stands up, the stair squeaking against the old wood making Stanley flinch. His hands shakes as his father makes his way over, his signature sunglasses helping hide any emotion.
"Uh- I" Stanley stammers looking for an opening or anything to-
"What's your name champ?" Filbrick asks. The nickname causing Stanley's brain to short-circuit. It endearing, so unlike his father. Its tone isn't filled with venom but rather patience, its not demeaning, meant to bring out insecurities or hurt. It's a nickname he's heard other dad's call their son; one he's always hoped to hear.
"It-it's Stanley, sir." e cringes at the stuttering.
"Stanley? HA!" now Stan's really surprised. Laughter, his father is laughing and not in disbelief but a full hearted laugh filled with joy, "How peculiar, me and my wife-"
"My wife and I-" Ford interrupts and now Stan truly is shocked because no one interrupts Pa without getting backhanded but here is Ford standing proudly and almost smugly as Pa just huffs playfully.
"My wife and I, were actually considering that name for a long time. Twins run in our family so we thought that if this one had one we would have named them Stanley and Stanford."
Ford leans over, his hand covering his mouth as he whispers, "They are not the most creative when it comes to names."
"Hey!" Pa roared, "I heard that twerp!"
"Tell me I'm wrong."
And he's not wrong but this is because why is this Pa so loving and caring and- oh. He's crying. Before he knows it he's enveloped in a bone crushing hug being asked if he's okay, the tremors worsen because this is all he's ever hoped for and he doesn't remember the last time his father ever hugged him. He's crying and everything is so wrong and he feels guilty but it also feels right.
I thought about how Ford would find Stanley and what better way than to be on the beach exploring when he finds him and offers to bring him home to clean him up. And Stan who's still dazed agrees without thinking only to realize that his parents must be hope and all of this to happen because holy shit what is going on?!
Also I love color symbolism! Especially because blue can signify calmness, serenity, trust, and stability-- something Stan's OG Filbrick isn't-- but can also represent sadness or depression (maybe this FIlrbick is more opened about his emotions and is much more encouraging of the kids to speak about their feelings and maybe even encourages them to actually seek professional help if they need to. Also I'm a sucker for Audhd Stan so perhaps he can even get a proper diagnosis?)
Cyan is often shown to represent serenity and mental clarity, maybe this means Caryn is more present in her children's life and perhaps is an actual psychic (or if you have the headcanon that she might be one, perhaps in this AU her powers are more present! And perhaps that's why FIlbrick, Ford, or Caryn aren't shocked with Stan appearing.)
But overall I love this idea and I hope you post more about it! And please tag me so I can see it!
(side note because I must know, does OGFord ever find out what happened to Stan? Does he tell their parents? Will they even believe him or do they just decide to believe that he's dead? Do they hold a funeral? What if OGFord still summon bill but instead of being to find out why weirdness travels to GF, it's to find his brother! What if he still falls through the portal? Does he doom his world and is left to travel the multi-verse, or does he still have a home to come back to? Does he eventually find Stan and tries to convince him to return? Does Stan even want to return? So many questions but anyways-)
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piliiiiconfusionf · 5 months ago
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"Guess I was good for something after all"
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Part two of drawing what 10 years old me couldn't ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ now suffer with me
I drew him practically from memory in an attempt to look for my style for him- will probably keep trying XD
You get both versions because I'm not sure which I like more XD
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demonicturtle02 · 4 months ago
So it’s been a while since I’ve attempted a proper edit so please be kind and enjoy if you wish 🙏
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djdjdjmk · 23 days ago
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A Discord Conversation inspired me to an au, where Stan, after the portal incident gained an ability to look at other dimensions/AUs via dreams through the eyes of other versions of him.
The idea that sparked this au goes like this: Stan wakes up, confused and looking for his kids but then he realizes that they weren’t real. He just had one of those very realistic dreams where you hold your children in your arms to then wake up all alone in an empty house cause these kids never existed in the first place.
As it was mentioned earlier he is able to “look” through the eyes of his multiverse counterparts when he sleeps. Time passes differently in his dreams, he can spend a minute there, or even 40 years, yet in the real world time barely moves forward. His sense of time is basically nonexistent, which is why he always has a watch on his person.
Stan easily falls asleep. Because he falls asleep so much he prefers to wear a warm cardigan, since if he gets sick from being cold he won’t be able to work on getting his brother back. 
Has a hard time accepting anything good happening to him, can't shake off feeling that he's still dreaming and he will wake up at any moment now. 
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DreamtravelStan can change his appearance in his dream depending on what he feels like. Occasionally he does that unconsciously, but more often than not he has full control over it.
As time passes and he gets better at controlling his abilities he learns that he can interact with dreams of people, who are sleeping close to him. The radius in which he can use that ability is roughly around the same size as mystery shack. 
In other people's dreams he can appear as whatever he pleases, though most people describe him as an "old guy in pastel clothes”. He can make his own face extremely blurry so that he won’t be recognise
Sometimes he draws people he met in his dreams with cheap art supplies (he feels like he isn't allowed to get anything slightly expensive while Ford suffers in the multiverse). Drawings just keep piling up all around the shack, his room filled with them from top to bottom.
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thecluelessdoctor · 4 months ago
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(again, a note, the fiddleford design belongs to my bud @bebackthen and their Fiddleford blog! Check them out or I will steal your eyes)
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(ignore the fact I forgot Stan's scar, shut up)
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r0adkillz-d3lusi0nz · 4 months ago
Stan Pines — Cold
(Depressing!!! Be warned!!)
Stan Pines x GN!Reader
So I uhh wrote this a few months ago? It was cathartic so it’s very sad, again, be warned!!
CW: mention of suicide, brief mention of sex, depression, and drinking!
Summary: You’re high school friends with Stan, but he didn’t even get to know everything you were going through. And after more than 50 years, he still never really knew…
— 💜
You were fine. You looked fine the last time you talked to him, so why was your body hanging from the ceiling now?
That was what Stan wondered when he walked into the horrific scene. Your body there, your anxiety pills all over the floor, like you’d even tried to avoid this happening but fate had other plans, and the note. Oh, that fucking note. It gave some clarification to your suicide, of course, but that didn’t make Stanley feel any better. He had your motives and last thoughts recorded in that note, where the ink was stained with some of your last tears. But that only made him wonder why.
Hadn’t he made you happy enough? Had he done something wrong? Why did you think so lowly of yourself, that in your note you mentioned how he could and should easily move on? He couldn’t move on, not from this. Not from you. He couldn’t believe that he had never thought the last hug he gave you would be that, the last. The last kiss, the last fuck. He’d been your first and your last. He’d be proud if he wasn’t destroyed by your death. Because the only thing he could dream about at nights was you, your future together when there was still one. He had become accustomed to nightmares, about his brother and about his father, but none of them made Stanley cry harder than when he had those sweet dreams about you two having a nice, domestic little life. He’d dream about walking into the kitchen of your house, the last one you lived in, hug you from behind and sweetly kiss your neck while you did dishes or cooked. Sometimes he’d have wet dreams about you and they made him feel disgusting, disgusting because he’d never feel the heat of your body ever again. Now you were six feet underground and rotting, that was what was left of your body, so he didn’t feel like he had the right to dream about you like that.
The guilt, the sadness, they consumed Stanley. Sometimes he wished you could see him, you could see the damage you did and feel bad about it. But he knew it was useless, you were gone, forever, and he was left behind. Suffering. And he indeed suffered in silence for the rest of his days, the only witnesses were his pillow and a bottle of whiskey, that’s how he mourned you every night, all night.
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