#humility brings freedom
we are the most free when we are truly humble.
We are the most free when we are genuinely humble. How is that? Here’s how. Humility restrains the ego and frees us. True humility involves letting go of our ego and surrendering to God. When we consciously choose to embrace humility, we are no longer controlled by our pride and insecurities. We no longer need to prove ourselves to others. This freedom from our ego allows us to be more…
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
Mistress snail I had a dream and I fear I can’t let it go
In theory, a devil fruit could do anything, right? The dream was that maybe Katakuri (or King) accidentally got affected by a devil fruit that could shrink things- and I think you know where I’m going with this
Like obviously at first he’s annoyed and confused- he’s gone from over 15+ ft to let’s say 8/9 but then it dawn on him that he can finally feel his darling in the most intimate way without stressing about killing them. I imagine he’d RUN home and just would not be able to leave them alone until the effects wore off
OKAY BUT THIS IS AN AWESOME CONCEPT!! I have been thinking about someone with either the ability to shrink others or grow themselves. Could you imagine if you had a devil fruit that could enlarge yourself to a gargantuan size, and Big Mom clocks it immediately.
Masterlist Here
Word count: mini-fic
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"Finally! A worthy partner for my children! Time to set a trap, bring them home, and have them produce all of the heirs for each of them. An army. Finally, an army." And you are forced to run while you're being tracked by Big Mom and her legion of hunters.
But what if Katakuri is sent after you to bring you in, and you're running from him as fast as you can? He can see the future, he knows where you're going and what you're doing. He knows you can take him in a fight, and he'll likely be rendered defeated in any circumstances...
...So he runs to you to help you get away.
He wants you to have a free life. He doesn't want this life for you, the life of rearing offspring of monsters with him or others as your mate and spouse. He would rather help you escape than bring you home to meet his mother.
And when he does catch up, all you're met with is calming sweetness. Laying down arms, kneeling beneath you, lowering his head and exposing his neck to you, for you to do as you will. You're taken aback and test his submission by placing a blade to the back of his neck. He's not worried, he's seen the future, he knows it's just a test of his humility.
"Let me help you run from beyond where my sister's sight can reach," he'd say with all honesty and submission, "You deserve a life worth living away from Cake Island. Let me help you."
And you accept, and he does.
But what if he gets injured protecting you? Are you going to stay and care for the man who you owe your freedom to, or are you going to take this opportunity to run?
Of course not. You'll stay and help your saviour in leather armor. You'll patch him up, soothe his skin, cleanse him of all ailments. And when your eyes meet with his ruby orbs, your breath hitches as his shroud is partially exposing his teeth.
A monster, large teeth in a mouth split up his cheeks. A monster with the heart of an angel, the skills of a knight, and those beastly eyes that will haunt your dreams with the expression of gratitude and, almost, love? Love in those ruby orbs, reflecting your own expression of love within.
You finally make it to the mirrors' edge. Brulee can't see you here, and Big Mom is livid about it. Katakuri will take any punishment from his mother, so long as you're happy and free to live a life that belongs to you. As he presents his arm out to you, gesturing for you to flee on a ship to the east, you shake your head at him.
Lowering your gaze and bowing your head, you placed your hand over your heart and grew yourself to a humble twenty feet tall, far taller than Katakuri. Looking up at you, his lips part in surprise and cheeks dusted with the glow of a pink flush. Stepping sheepishly closer, you take his extended hand and lace your fingers with his own.
"Thank you, Lord Charlotte," would exit your lips, looming over him with your great height, "I will not forget your kindness."
"Nor I will forget you. -I-I mean, the kindness of your own," he would stumble, truly at a loss for words by feeling dwarfed by you.
Leaning down, you'd press a sweet kiss to the top of his head. A kiss that is sweeter than any dessert he'd ever consumed. A kiss that would haunt him on his journey back to Cake Island alone. A kiss that he so wished to reciprocate before you fled from his grasp and hid yourself beyond Brulee's reach.
But you were gone. You were finally free to live a life that was truly yours. A life free from his mother, and belonging to you completely. He was thankful for that, and should you truly desire to see him again, he would welcome it fully.
The only place he would ever see you is when you visit him in his dreams, replaying that final moment in his mind's eye each night he slumbered.
Just my thoughts on the matter.
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williamsonarssnal · 4 months
𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | L.W (part.1)
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SILVER SPRING ⸻ leah williamson x swimmer!reader.
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warning: angsty, mentions of marriage, heartbroken (L & R), confused (R). English isn't my first language!
In London, the vibrant city that pulsated to the rhythm of football, Leah Williamson shone like the Sun, illuminating the Emirates Stadium with her grit and talent. Y/n, on the other hand, an Olympic swimmer, was the Moon, gliding through the crystal-clear waters of the pool with the grace and strength of a celestial body.
Leah, the fearless captain of Arsenal, was admired by crowds, her radiant smile and unwavering leadership making her an icon of the sport. Y/n, on the other hand, conquered the world with her perseverance and discipline, each stroke bringing her closer to Olympic glory.
Though Leah and Y/n admired each other from afar, their worlds seemed to coexist in different orbits, like the Sun and the Moon. Leah, always surrounded by spotlights and applause, craved a quiet and cozy love. Y/n, dedicated to her passion for swimming, saw marriage as an obstacle to her freedom and dreams.
One day, fate brought them together at a charity event. Leah, enchanted by Y/n's beauty and determination, approached timidly. Y/n, admired by Leah's strength and humility, felt an unexpected connection.
"Hi, I'm Leah," she shouted over the loud music.
"Y/n, nice to meet you, England captain."
"The pleasure's all mine, gold medalist."
Over conversations and secret meetings, Leah and Y/n discovered a deep and sincere love, a feeling that transcended societal expectations. But, like the Sun and the Moon, they also carried their own dreams and ambitions.
Leah, wanting a future with Y/n, proposed marriage. Y/n, overwhelmed by the love she felt, found herself in a dilemma. Her heart belonged to Leah, but her soul longed for the freedom of the water.
"I can't, Leah."
"I can't focus on starting a family with you right now."
Leah was still in shock by the woman in front of her's response. She was sure Y/n loved her with the same intensity. She was sure she was doing the right thing, the woman just got up and walked towards the door, since clearly the movie had been ruined. Y/n, on the other hand, sat on the cold living room floor while her shared dog lay on her legs trying to comfort her. Marvin was a Golden Retriever that Leah had given her for her birthday after finding out how much she loved the breed, he was a constant reminder of how much Leah cared about her and how they were already a family. This crazy decision of hers was already affecting their son.
She was already regretting her actions and how she was being arrogant putting her career above her perfect relationship, but now it was too late and Leah was probably at Lia's or some teammate's house. Tears streamed down her face, she was feeling so stupid for letting the love of her life walk away.
Days went by and Leah still hadn't spoken to her or even sent a message, she was living on autopilot. She entered the club without greeting any teammates and just changed in silence, training non-stop. In addition to taking advantage of the times when Lia asked to pick up Marvin to stay with Leah for a week and since the dog was shared she agreed immediately starting to accept the end of her relationship. Lia was angry at what she did to her best friend, but sad to see her state as she packed the dog's things.
"You're an airhead, girl," she said, and you just shrugged, trying to ignore the woman's words, just smiling faintly when your dog barked trying to get your attention. "Don't ruin your family, he needs you two together." You looked at her a little surprised, not knowing what to say, just lowering your head as you both walked away.
It was exactly a week after Marvin left and without the dog at home you spent more time training until the peak of exhaustion, doing several laps of different strokes each time wanting to break your record. Your cell phone was on silent so no one could disturb you, you were swimming butterfly and it was clear how much you liked the stroke, your favorite, you had such a great facility. The adrenaline was pumping through her veins, pushing her to surpass her limits. But then, a sharp pain shot through her calf. A relentless cramp seized her, paralyzing her movements.
Panic took hold of S/n. She tried to fight the pain, but it was futile. Her arms grew heavy, her legs refused to obey. She began to sink, the crystal-clear water turning into a suffocating nightmare.
In her last moments of consciousness, images of her life floated through her mind: the Olympic glories, Leah's love, the promise of a future together. Anguish and regret gripped her. She had sacrificed everything for her dream, but now, with death lurking, she realized that Leah's love was what mattered most.
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dmitriene · 2 months
cw: dead dove, kidnapping, physically hurting, ghost is a broken man that breaks.
ghost kidnaps you because you're the freedom he lacks of, because you have long, delicate unclipped wings that makes him jealous, because he lost his own long ago, a rooted, scorching scars on their place, filling him with hatred, a need to take and ruin until your wings rip off.
you can fly anytime you please and chirp high pitched, soothing songs until your throat wouldn't feel sore, no one is able to stop you and deny you of your freedom and possibilities, but it's the broad shouldered man that hides in the dark corners of the pub, watching you, a ghost.
the one that can get you caged down, fluttering from one side of the metal bars to the other, and you no longer would see the outside world, wouldn't be able to lift your arms and roll your hips against the beat of the music, flutter your wings out and flash an coy smile in the corner where he hides.
the bird in you is dying, chirping desperate, incomprehensible pleas, because birds can't talk, and ghost doesn't let you, he seethes when he hears your sweet, gentle voice, wants to rips not only your wings, but your vocal cords as well, because he expected, wanted you to cry and scream, bleed on the cold concrete floor, snuggled in the corner, but you won't.
you still chirp, talking his ears off, buzzing questions that make him snap at you, the darkness of his eyes is menacing, steelingly cold, and even through you meet gazes with him, you won't stop pressing up, and he feels the smoky, acidic taste at his tongue, rising up from within his gut.
you won't stop smiling, won't stop talking, won't stop meeting his eyes without a humility in your own, you act the same as before you ended up full of the cheap, spiked cocktail and in the harsh realm of his basement, but your wings are clipped, ghost is sure of it, he tugged and ripped at them himself, locked you in this handmade cage, ruined your life.
even when he makes you cry, relishing in the saltiness of fat tears that roll down your cheeks, in pained sobs that escape your bleeding lip, a fleeting snap ghost let slip out, harsh surface of his calloused palm meeting the sensitive flesh of your cheek, you still continue chirping.
you ask him why he did that, and he manages to find his words through gnawing bile in his throat to tell that it's a punishment, and when you ask him what was the reason for punishment, he can't tell, and he couldn't never tell after, he just hopes you wouldn't ask again.
you sleep almost peacefully on the thin, uncomfortable matrace he placed you on, your face relaxed and body ain't curled in itself protectively, you're completely calm, a bird ain't of any kind, and ghost can't sleep, doesn't even manages to close his eyes even when they're burn, sitting beside your sleeping form till the dawn clocks in.
he can't understand, and neither can ask, he can't bring himself set you back free even though you didn't quenched the oppressive jealousy in him, or you did, but in the way that isn't seems right to ghost, but you won't act the way he expected, and it makes him confused, unable to let you flutter out until he understands.
main masterlist. quidelines.
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helplesslypurple77 · 11 months
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Day 15- Step Dad!Mori/Reader w/ Spanking & Daddy Kink
Notes: Mori is becoming dangerously tempting to me. It's scary actually. Also kinktober is almost over!! Im almost sad, even though it's been an interesting kind of hell(wouldn't trade it for the world though)
As usual art is from pinterest
Your mother had always wanted a girl. And when you were born after three boys you were almost sure to be spoiled. Your father died soon after your birth, and your mother and brothers turned their grief into passion, turned their attention on you and spoiled you rotten. 
You were the baby of the family. The first girl of three older brothers and spoiled rotten. Their little princess, and could have anything she wanted. A new playhouse? Already done. A fancy doll? Sure, whatever you want sweetheart. A fluffy cat? Done, in a heartbeat. You were their princess, dressed in pink and pretty to boot.
You were everyone's princess really. People would stop your mother on the street, and coo at how cute you were, ask to touch your hair and flatter your mother. You had that air about you, the air that drew eyes everywhere you went. 
When you got older, your brother's protectiveness kicked in. You could still have anything you wanted, but now you were a sheltered princess, locked away in her tower. You wanted to go to a party? No princess, but you can have a new necklace. A boy you liked asked you out? No, boys are wolves darling, here’s a new dress. 
Your mother was your only consolation. She understood your desire, your curiosity, and she allowed you the little freedoms she could, trying her best to reign in your brothers. And at first it worked. You were allowed to go to parties, and you even got a boyfriend(Brad was kind of stupid, but he was tall and muscly and kind and you loved him.) 
With your father long gone, your mother did her best to instill in you a sense of humility and kindness, and she did succeed, although you were still spoiled. But you grew up happy, surrounded by your doting brothers and kind mother. 
You grew up into a pretty young lady, sweet and genuine and just a bit naive, but happy and loved. And then when you turned eighteen, your mother got remarried.
Your step father was a nice man, who coddled you just as much as your brothers. Mori would bring you pretty dresses and new devices when he visited your mother, and after they got married it was always the same. He would pat your head reassuringly, and call you a pretty girl, and you like him a lot.
Your mother liked him too, and you sometimes heard the moans and screams that came from their bedroom. You closed your eyes and tried not to listen.
At the tail end of your senior year, your mother fell into a coma. She was on the way back from a dinner, and her car fell off a cliff, and as you and your family rushed to the hospital, she died holding your hand. Your mother had been our rock, your kindness, the one person who listened to your problems and offered you small freedoms. You almost broke that day, clutching her still warm hand while the doctors and nurses tried their best to console you. The room was full of them, all drawn by the sound of your cries of your unhappiness. Even when your brothers arrived, they could only watch on helplessly, not used to tears. They were a little emotionally stunted, your brothers. 
You were inconsolable in your grief. You would cry and cry and cry, and no material objects from your brothers could stop the waterfall of tears that fell from your eyes. And then your step father arrived. Mori took one look at the scene, your mothers cold body on the bed, the flatline of the heart monitor, your brothers wringing their hands in the corner and gently pulling you into a hug. He was silent, for ounce, just letting you soak the fabric of his expensive italian silk suit, and stroking your hair. 
He was stable, familiar, and cooed ressurences into your hair that you barely heard. And slowly, as the nurses and doctors leaked out of the room and your brothers left(each with one last look of worry), it was just you, him, and your mothers body. Your tears had stopped to a trickle, and still he simply held you against his chest, stroking soothing patterns into your back.
“What am I supposed to do now?” You whisper, the words slightly muffled in his suit jacket. O
“You don't have to do anything.” Mori had said, whispering it into your hair, along with a kiss. “I'll take care of you princess. Your brothers will too.”
He smelled like jasmine and bergamot and as you breathed in his scent, clutching at his back desperately like he would fade away if you did not, the seed of a dangerous tree was planted. A seed, that if watered, could change the dynamic of your relationship forever. 
Mori soon became your rock, much like your mother had been, in a way. But at the same time, your relationship was quite different. He was much more protective of you, and the partying stopped, Brad was scared off, and a curfew was enabled. You didn't mind, not really. Brad had been a run distraction, almost like an accessory, a purse. But you were a little sad about the curfew, and the parties. 
“It's for your own safety, princess.” Mori would say, patting your head. “We wouldnt know what to do if we lost you too.” 
You liked feeling valued, feeling prized. You liked it when he called you princess. You like it when he treated you kindly. You like him a lot. You loved him. 
You did miss the sex, the one thing Brad was good at. He used to fuck you down stupid into the bed, face down ass up and screaming. And you missed that, you were feeling pent up and horny. Your parents wouldn't allow sex toys, and although you were nearly nineteen you would never ask. And so you simply beared the horny haze that surrounded your thoughts, the dirty thoughts and inappropriate fantasies. 
And soon, Mori became the star. He treated you so kindly and had big rough hands that you wanted on your skin. You knew he would treat you good, make you scream and cum all over his fat cock. You fuck yourself with your fingers late at night, imagining the things he would do to you. It's wrong, it feels so wrong but also so good, and you find yourself not wanting to stop. 
And you know he would never want you that way, and that you're dishonoring your mothers memory like this, but you want him so badly you're delirious, and this simply can't go on. 
So one night, when Mori and your brothers are out at some sports thing, you sneak a boy in and finally get fucked dumb like you desired. It was good, not amazing, but good, and it curbed the dirty thoughts for a couple days, but then they came back with a vengeance. So you started sneaking out past curfew and going to parties. Sneaking boys upstairs when your family was out. But you knew it couldn't last forever, and one day it was all going to come crashing down around you. 
The hallway is dark as you quietly slip off your shoes, abandoning them by the pile of fancy heels your brothers gave you. You slip off your coat, hanging it on the rack with barely a sound.
The party was fine, but someone called the cops before you could get fucked like you desired and you were forced to run three blocks in pink sparkly pumps and a miniskit that barely covered your ass. All that exercise and not the kind you wanted. You were slightly out of breath, flushed and a little dizzy as you leaned against the wall, catching your breath. 
Along with your pumps and miniskirt you're wearing a shirt but it barely counts. It only reaches a little below your boobs, and your pink Victoria's secret bra is clearly visible. It's your favorite, one part of a matching set. The underwear is rubbing against your clit every time you move, the g-string jammed up your butt. You look sexy, and you didn't even get dick. It feels like a waist. Hurriedly, but on silent toes you move down the hall, dipping into the kitchen to grab a quick glass of water.
Your brothers are at a three day football sleepaway, but Mori is home, albeit asleep, and you need to be extra quiet. The thought of Mori makes that familiar heat in your gut twinge, as you settle against the kitchen counter, taking another sip of water. 
The whole point of sneaking out tonight was so you could get dicked down and hopefully banish any dirty thoughts about your step father. He’s more than twenty years older than you for god's sake, and yet that doesn't deter you in the slightest. 
(Based on the dreams you had awoken from, ‘daddy’ on your lips and your pussy throbbing. There were others too. Dreams where he punished you, spanked your ass until it was raw and then fucked you doggy on your mothers old couch. Or the ones where he made you suck his fat cock, fucked your face ruthlessly until you were drooling and then made you ride his thigh until you came. The dirtier the dream the more sorry you became, until you started sneaking out in an effort to get your libido under control. It was only somewhat working.)
Your pussy starts throbbing as you remember the dreams, and you slowly lower your water glass into the sink, tiptoeing into the living room. The stairs lay just beyond this room, and the second floor houses your bedroom respectively. But as you step into the room, your footsteps muffled by the shag carpet on the floor, the light switches on with a click. 
“Name, I'm disappointed in you.” Mori says, from his place in the gray couch across from the tv. He’s still wearing his work clothes, although he’s hung his suit jacket over the back and has his reading glasses on. He tuts disapprovingly, eying your outfit. 
“Where were you, and what are you wearing?” He says. You sigh, avoiding his eyes and twisting a strand of hair around your finger. 
“I was at a party…” You mumble. There's no point in lying, he’ll just be more mad. He tuts disapprovingly, running a hand through his hair. 
“Name, what did your brothers and I say about parties? This is the third time this month.” You hate how his anger turns you on, how the thought of what he could do to you makes your poor pussy clench. You rub your thighs together. 
“And you wore that to a party? Name, I can almost see your ass.” Mori says, laying his newspaper down beside him. You sigh, even though the thought of him seeing your ass makes your pussy throb. “It's not even that bad…” You say, your voice trailing off at the end. 
“Not that bad? Name, it's basically a swimsuit. You let all the nasty frat boys see you like that?” He sounds almost angry, or dare you say jealous. You bite back your smile, knowing that expression wont do any favors with him. Mori sighs, running a hand through his hair again. 
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” He sounds like he’s expecting something, and when you don't speak he sighs. “You're obviously not sorry.” Mori says, patting his lap. “I'm sorry princess, but I'm going to have to punish you.” 
You look up in shock. You’ve never, ever in your nineteen years of living, been punished. “Punish me? Mom never punished me.” Your outrage is clear on your face. Mori just stares you down, meeting your eyes head on until you relent with a sigh. 
“Come here princess.” He says. You do as he instructs, standing before him on the couch. He yanks you right off your feet, your world spinning until your tossed ass up over his lap, face buried in the couch. Your pussy throbs as you feel a harsh slap landing on your ass cheek. You're already wet, and although he’s slapping you over the poor excuse for a mini skirt you know you’ve soaked through the pathetic crotch of your panties. You bite the couch with a wine, thrashing a little on his lap. 
“You’ve been such a bad girl lately.” Mori says, landing another slap on your ass. You bite your lips to keep in the moans. Mori continues. 
“Going out to parties, letting dirty frat boys touch your perfect skin. You obviously need to be taught a lesson.” A moan leaks out, and another few slaps hit your ass. The sound echoes in the almost empty room. You want him to slap you harder. You want him to roll up your skirt and slap your dirty pussy and call you a bad girl while he fucks you unto the couch, your moans echoing thourgh the house. Another slap lands on your asscheek, and you thrash on his lap with a whimper. 
“You're usually such a good girl Princess.” Mori chuckles, gripping the edge of your miniskirt and pulling it up so your bare ass is visible. You clench down around nothing, wanting your pussy stuffed more than anything in the world. He would fuck you so good, spread your legs out and fill you with thick cock until you were a good girl. You were a bad girl right now, a bad girl who needed to be punished. You needed your daddy to punish you good. 
Mori tuts as he takes in your victorias secret, another harsh slap landing on your ass. “Name, where did you even get this kind of underwear?” He sounds almost outraged, gripping the g-string and pulling it against your clit. You bite back another moan.
“Princess, I'm asking you a question.” He says. His voice is harsh, demanding. It teases your arousal, the urge to call him ‘daddy’ nearly irresistible. You hold on, at least until this torturous punishment is over. Another few slaps land on your ass and you answer, doing your best not to moan. 
“They were a gift from Brad.” You say. At that name, an extra hard slap lands on your ass, and your back arches with a moan. You hope he thinks it's pleasure. 
“Why were you going to a party princess?” Mori tuts, his big hand making soothing motions over your stinging ass. “Be honest.” He chides, when you open your mouth.
“I wanted to.” You say. This answer lands a harsh slap on your ass, and you cry out against the couch. “Honest, Princess.” Mori says, soothing your ass with his hand again.
“I was horny.” You whisper. Mori sighs above you, running a hand through your hair. A slap lands on your ass, but this one is softer, but you still bite the couch. Your ass is stinging now, and you know there’s red marks on each of your ass cheeks. The thought that he’s leaving his mark on you makes your pussy clench around nothing. 
“So you went to be fucked dumb by some frat boys?” Mori says. He fraises it like a question, and when you nod he slaps your ass again. Hard. You whimper, hair falling all over the place, lipstick smudged. Your pussy throbs again, and you subtly bring a hand up, twisting your nipples in your top. 
“You're such a slut Princess.” Mori says. You moan, the degrading name sending bolts of pleasure straight to your clit. Mori chuckles cynically, and a slap lands on your ass, one for each cheek. “You don't even deny it huh. You're not supposed to enjoy your punishment Princess.” Mori says, his voice turning gravelly as his big hand leaves your ass, rubbing your crotch through the thin fabric of your undies. You moan, gripping the edges of the couch. You can't believe this is happening, but you're not going to test your luck and say something to stop him. You want his cock more than anything. You want him. 
“I'm sorry daddy.” You whimper out, and to your satisfaction something jumps against your thigh at that nickname. Mori chuckles, his hand leaving your pussy. “You don't sound very sorry princess.” He coo’s, and then a harsh slap lands against your pussy. You arch your back with a cry, a moan of his name.
It takes a minute for you to come down, and when you finally do another harsh slap lands on your ass, another for your pussy. You whine at the overstim, bucking on his lap.
“Did I say you could cum, princess.” Mori says, soothing your ass with his warm hands. “Apologize.” You whimper out your apology, whining as you feel his hot length against your thighs. 
“I'm sorry daddy, I came without permission.” Your voice is wracked with sobs, and full of arousal as his thick fingers play with the lips of your pussy, smearing the arousal around. There's none of your defiance left, it leaked out with that last orgasm. Now all you want is his dick, his kiss, his cum. You want him. You love him. 
You squirm against his lap as he fucks you open with two fingers, the occasional slap still landing on your ass. Everytime he hits it you arch up, as the arcs of pain are almost instantaneously transformed into shots of pleasure, driving you stupid until your panting, begging for his cock. Mori laughs at you. 
“What do you want, princess? My cock? Well beg for it then.” He teases, playing with your clit as he brings you to another orgasm. 
“Want daddy’s cock.” You pant, ass up over the arm of the couch face burried in teh gray upholstery, as he stands behind you, fucking you with anything but his cock. 
“I'm sorry princess.” Mori coos, sleeves of his fine italian suit rolled up. “Only good girls get daddy’s cock. Are you gonna be a good girl?” He asks, as if you wouldnt do anything for his cock and he knows it. You nod furiously against the couch, even though he can't see it very well. “Yes Daddy, ‘m gonna be a good girl, promise.” Your voice is a moan, your worlds slightly slurred. Mori chuckles, worshiping your ass with his hands. 
“Alright Princess, you beg so pretty.” His hands leave you and then your pussy is being bullied apart by a thick cock. He spreads your insides like butter, gripping your hips as he shields himself all the way inside, not even giving you time to adjust as he sets a brutal pace. He grips your hair in one hand, your waist in the other as he fucks you over the couch, cooing little whispers of intimacy in your ears.
“You're a good girl aren't you Princess.” Mori coos, landing a slap on your burning ass as you scream. “Such a good girl for your daddy. A pretty fuck toy.” His voice is gruff, the only sign of his slipping composure, the sweat lining his hairline and the fire in his eyes. His hair is pulled back in a ponytail for work, and the strands have started to slip from it as he fucks you, still wearing most of his suit. The top few buttons of the shirt are undone, and the tie is wrapped around your wrists, binding them in custom silk. His cock bullies your g spot as his hands let your hair go, flicking your clit meanly. 
“Gonna cum, princess?” He grunts. You nod furiously against the couch, doing your best to hold back your impending orgasm. 
“Gonna cum daddy, can i?” You whimper, gripping desperately for anything, and finding purchase on the gray pillow that sits on the end of the couch. “Want daddy’s cum, give it to me please?”
Mori chuckles roughly at your words, hand smoothing over the red marks on your ass. “You can cum, Princess. Go ahead, let go for me.” He says. You cum with a cry, clenching down around his cock as he fucks you through it. He pulls out, watching as you scramble around, and take his cock in your mouth.
He grunts as you do your best to take it all, choking as the girth fills your throat, robbing you of air. Mori chuckles. “Such a good girl. Will you let me fuck your face?” He says, hands finding purchase on your hair. You nod, whimpering as he fucks you face roughly, bullying your throat.
Spit falls from your lips as you let him take control, eyes stinging with tears at the corner. Mori coo’s praises at you. “Such a pretty girl, so obedient for me.” Mori says, his stuttering and rhythm getting more inconsistent. “Gonna cum down your throat pretty girl. Can i?” He asks. You nod.
He shoves his dick down your throat one more time, and you stay still as he shoves your head down, forcing you to swallow. You do your best, swallowing the hot liquid that races down your throat until he pulls out, patting you on the head.
“Did I do good?” You question, your throat raspy. Mori nods, stroking your hair and whipping your tears. “Yes, pretty girl. And there’s no need to go to parties anymore.” He says, pulling you to your feet. “Daddy can just fuck you whenever you want.”
Endnotes: so, uh, yeah. Ok cool, daddy kink go brrrr
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saylessastrology · 6 months
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The North Node, also known as the "Dragon's Head," represents our karmic path and soul purpose growth areas in astrology.💫
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1. Aries: Focus on individuality, courage, and self-discovery. Learning to initiate and assert oneself confidently.
2. Taurus: Emphasis on stability, material security, and cultivating self-worth. Learning to appreciate the value of patience and persistence.
3. Gemini: Emphasis on communication, curiosity, and adaptability. Learning to express ideas effectively and embrace versatility.
4. Cancer: Focus on emotional security, nurturing, and family connections. Learning to trust intuition and create a sense of home.
5. Leo: Emphasis on self-expression, creativity, and leadership. Learning to shine authentically and pursue passions confidently.
6. Virgo: Focus on service, organization, and attention to detail. Learning to embrace humility and find purpose in helping others.
7. Libra: Emphasis on relationships, harmony, and diplomacy. Learning to cultivate balance and cooperation in partnerships.
8. Scorpio: Focus on transformation, intimacy, and depth. Learning to embrace vulnerability and let go of control.
9. Sagittarius: Emphasis on exploration, philosophy, and expanding horizons. Learning to seek truth and embrace freedom of thought.
10. Capricorn: Focus on ambition, responsibility, and long-term goals. Learning to develop self-discipline and strive for achievement.
11. Aquarius: Emphasis on innovation, individuality, and humanitarian ideals. Learning to embrace uniqueness and contribute to collective progress.
12. Pisces: Focus on spirituality, compassion, and creativity. Learning to trust intuition and connect with the divine.
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1st House ♈: When the North Node is in the first house, it indicates that your destiny lies in becoming your most authentic self. This placement encourages you to embrace your individuality and express yourself boldly. You may feel a strong urge to break away from societal norms and follow your own path. 🌟 #BeYourself #Individuality #Authenticity
2nd House ♉: The North Node in the second house suggests that your destiny is tied to your values and self-worth. This placement may bring financial opportunities or a deeper understanding of what truly matters to you. It may also prompt you to let go of material possessions and focus on inner abundance. 💰 #SelfWorth #Abundance #FinancialGrowth
3rd House ♊: With the North Node in the third house, your destiny involves communication and learning. This placement encourages you to share your thoughts and ideas with the world and to constantly seek knowledge. You may also feel a strong pull towards writing or teaching. 📚 #Communication #Knowledge #SharingIdeas
4th House ♋: The North Node in the fourth house suggests that your destiny revolves around creating a strong foundation for yourself and your loved ones. This placement may bring a desire for home and family, as well as a need for emotional security. It may also encourage you to connect with your roots and ancestors. 🏡 #EmotionalSecurity #Family #Ancestry
5th House ♌: When the North Node is in the fifth house, your destiny involves creativity, self-expression, and joy. This placement encourages you to tap into your inner child and follow your heart's desires. You may feel drawn to artistic pursuits or activities that bring you pure joy. 🎨 #Creativity #SelfExpression #JoyfulLiving
6th House ♍: The North Node in the sixth house suggests that your destiny lies in service to others and self-improvement. This placement encourages you to find fulfillment through helping those in need and taking care of your physical and mental health. It may also bring opportunities for career growth and success. 🤝 #ServiceToOthers #SelfCare #CareerGrowth
7th House ♎: With the North Node in the seventh house, your destiny involves partnerships and relationships. This placement encourages you to find balance in your relationships and to learn from others. You may also feel a strong pull towards finding your soulmate or fostering deeper connections with those around you. 💑 #Partnerships #Relationships #SoulmateSearch
8th House ♏: When the North Node is in the eighth house, your destiny involves transformation and deep emotional connections. This placement encourages you to let go of old patterns and embrace change. It may also bring a fascination with the mysteries of life and a desire for intimate connections. 🔮 #Transformation #EmotionalDepth #Mystery
9th House ♐: The North Node in the ninth house suggests that your destiny lies in expanding your horizons and seeking higher knowledge. This placement encourages you to explore different cultures and belief systems, as well as to pursue higher education or spiritual growth. 🌎 #ExpandingHorizons #HigherKnowledge #SpiritualGrowth
10th House ♑: With the North Node in the tenth house, your destiny involves career and public image. This placement encourages you to strive for success and recognition in your chosen field. It may also bring a strong desire for leadership and making a positive impact on the world. 🏆 #CareerSuccess #Leadership #MakingADifference
11th House ♒: When the North Node is in the eleventh house, your destiny involves community and social connections. This placement encourages you to surround yourself with like-minded individuals and to contribute to society. It may also bring a desire to work towards a greater cause and make a difference in the world. 🤝 #Community #SocialConnections #MakingADifference
12th House ♓: The North Node in the twelfth house suggests that your destiny lies in spiritual growth and self-discovery. This placement encourages you to let go of past traumas and embrace a deeper understanding of your subconscious. You may also feel a strong pull towards helping others and practicing acts of compassion and forgiveness. 🙏 #SpiritualGrowth #SelfDiscovery #Compassion
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13lunarstar · 6 months
The 10th nakshatra
Degrees: from 00°00' to 13°20' in Leo zodiac
The ruler of nakshatra: Ketu (South Lunar Node)
Nakshatra's guna: tamas
Magha keywords: royalty, authority, ancestors, lineage, traditions, ambitions, recognition, pride
Symbol: a royal throne or a palanquin, representing authority, power, and the regal demeanour
Magha in various planets
Sun in Magha: These individuals often display a regal demeanour and a commanding presence. They possess a natural aura of authority and respect and may effortlessly assume leadership roles in various aspects of their lives. They have a deep reverence for tradition and cultural heritage and take pride in their ancestry and family lineage. They may have a deep understanding of their roots (due to Ketu's influence, which indicates past karma) and may feel a sense of duty to honour the achievements of their forefathers. This connection to their heritage provides them with a strong sense of identity and purpose.
Moon in Magha: brings to individuals a deep-seated desire for recognition and respect. They seek validation for their accomplishments and may strive to achieve prominence and influence in their respective fields. Moon in Magha natives are ambitious and determined individuals. While they may appear confident and self-assured on the surface, Moon in Magha individuals also possess emotional depth and sensitivity. One challenge for those with Moon in Magha is managing their pride and ego. They may struggle with feelings of superiority or entitlement, which can lead to conflicts in their personal and professional relationships.
Mars in Magha: signifies courage, determination, resilience, and drive for power and recognition. Individuals with this placement may be ambitious and competitive, striving for success and authority in their chosen field. They may exhibit strong leadership qualities but may need to temper their power with humility and reduce impulsiveness and possible aggression. Good placement for competitive sports, large businesses, or other fields where they can assert their dominance. Highly value their independence and may resist authority or restrictions that limit their freedom.
Mercury in Magha: brings intellectual ambitions and drive to acquire knowledge and information. Natives have a thirst for learning and may pursue higher education or specialized training to enhance their skills and expertise. Good placement for education, research, or academia. These individuals may have a keen understanding of power dynamics and may use their intellect to navigate hierarchical structures in society or the workplace. Moreover, people have a deep respect for traditions and cultural heritage. They may value intellectual pursuits that explore history, ancestry, and traditional wisdom, seeking to preserve and uphold these values in their own lives. Individuals have the ability to inspire and mentor others through their knowledge and expertise.
Jupiter in Magha: signifies optimism, wisdom and spiritual growth. Individuals with this placement may have a deep respect for traditions and may seek guidance from ancestral teachings or spiritual mentors in the early years. They may also be drawn to philanthropic activities that benefit their community or society as a whole. Also, this placement helps to excel in leadership roles within spiritual or academic fields. These people have a natural ability to inspire and motivate others through their wisdom and knowledge, and they may serve as mentors or teachers who help others on their path of personal and intellectual growth.
Venus in Magha: brings magnetic charisma, elegance, luxury and grace. Natives have a royal appearance and may radiate an aura of refinement that commands attention and admiration from others. Strong drive for recognition. Venus in Magha also embodies creative expression and artistic talents. These individuals may have a natural gift for music, art, or design, and they may excel in creative fields where they can channel their refined sense of aesthetics into beautiful and inspiring works. These people are somewhat romantic idealists who believe in the power of love and romance to transform their lives. They may have high expectations for their relationships and seek partners who embody qualities of nobility, grace, and refinement.
Saturn in Magha: emphasizes deep respect, responsibility and duty towards one's family and lineage. Individuals with this placement may feel a sense of obligation to uphold family traditions and values. They may also experience challenges or delays in achieving recognition or authority but can ultimately benefit from their perseverance and dedication. Individuals are ambitious and may seek recognition and respect for their achievements. They are willing to put in the hard work and effort necessary to attain positions of authority or influence where they can showcase their leadership abilities. One of the challenges for this placement is that these people may hold conservative values and may be cautious or resistant to change. They prefer stability and security in their lives and may be wary of taking risks or venturing into unfamiliar territory.
Rahu in Magha: amplifies desire for power and control. Individuals with this placement may be driven by hidden agendas or may engage in manipulative behavior to achieve their goals. Natives may struggle with feelings of ego and self-importance. They may have a sense of entitlement and may expect special treatment or recognition for their talents and accomplishments. These people often have an unconventional approach to achieving goals and are willing to take risks and explore uncharted territory in pursuit of their ambitions, often thinking outside the box and defying convention. While Magha itself is associated with traditions and heritage, Rahu's presence in this nakshatra may manifest as a rebellion against traditional values and norms. These individuals may challenge established authority and seek to break free from societal expectations and constraints.
Ketu in Magha: signifies a deep spiritual quest for truth, wisdom, and liberation as well as a connection to ancestral wisdom and spiritual lineage. These individuals may feel a strong resonance with the teachings and practices of their ancestors, seeking guidance from ancient traditions and spiritual teachings. These people often possess intuitive insights and psychic abilities. They may have a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies and may receive guidance from the spiritual realm through dreams, visions, or synchronicities. This placement brings opportunities for karmic healing and release. These individuals may confront unresolved issues from past lives or ancestral karma, leading to deep healing and transformation on a soul level.
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 7 months
Hi, I was wondering if u could do Felix (skz) ideal type 🫶🏻 ty
Of course!
Quick disclaimer: His exact birth time is entirely unknown, so I calculated his natal chart with that in consideration. As such, this is not going to be as accurate as it could be, but as accurate as it can be with what I have to work with. This is all for fun, and not confirmed. I can be entirely off, as astrology isn't...An exact art when it comes to these things, but this is just based on astrology. This is not meant to be malicious, and take this with a grain of salt. With all that out of the way, please enjoy! Also i'm so sorry for how long this took it took me forever to start this then I had to rewrite it in my new format so...yeah.
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First off, with his Virgo Sun. A Virgo Sun looks for a partner who possesses a strong sense of responsibility and reliability. They are attracted to people who can match their level of commitment and dedication. Someone with a well-organized life and a structured approach to their goals and aspirations will catch their attention. He appreciates a partner who can handle their own affairs with efficiency and precision. Intelligence and intellectual compatibility are highly valued by him. He wants a partner who can engage him in deep and meaningful conversations, stimulating his mind and inspiring his analytical thinking. Wit, a thirst for knowledge, and a rational mindset will captivate Felix's heart. He can appreciate a partner who can challenge their intellect and offer new perspectives.
In matters of emotions, Felix looks for someone who can provide stability and emotional security. He is drawn to individuals who are emotionally mature, grounded, and have a good handle on their feelings. A partner who can navigate through life's challenges with a level-headed approach and a calm demeanor will be deeply appreciated by the Virgo Sun.
Attention to health and well-being is paramount to him, and he seeks a partner who shares this value. A physically fit and health-conscious individual will be highly attractive to him. He appreciates someone who takes care of their body and mind, and who understands the importance of a balanced lifestyle. Felix also values humility and a certain level of modesty. He is not fond of big displays of ego or arrogance. Instead, he is drawn to people who have quiet confidence, understated achievements, and genuine humility. A partner who can appreciate the little things in life and find joy in simplicity will resonate with Lixie's practical and down-to-earth nature. He seeks a partner who shares his desire for personal growth and self-improvement. He is attracted to individuals who are constantly striving to better themselves, both intellectually and emotionally. A partner who is open to self-reflection, willing to work on their flaws, and constantly evolving.
Now with his Aries Moon, he wants a partner who exudes confidence and assertiveness. He is attracted to individuals who are not afraid to take charge and pursue their desires with unwavering determination. Someone who can stand their ground and meet their passionate energy head-on will definitely win his heart. Independence and a strong sense of individuality are highly valued by Felix. He wants a partner who can maintain their own identity and pursue their own interests, while still being able to come together and create a dynamic and exciting partnership. Freedom and autonomy are important to him, and he appreciates a partner who can respect and support his need for personal space and self-expression.
In matters of emotions, Felix looks for someone who can match his intensity and enthusiasm. He craves a partner who can keep up with his emotions and engage in passionate exchanges. An adventurous and spontaneous spirit will bring out that fire in him, and someone who can meet his emotional needs with equal fervor will earn his admiration. Felix is drawn to individuals who embrace challenges and are not afraid to take risks. He looks for a partner who can share his thirst for excitement and novelty. Someone who can push his boundaries, encourage him to step out of his comfort zone, and embark on thrilling adventures will win the Aries Moon's heart.
Honesty and directness are highly valued by the Aries Moon. He appreciates a partner who can communicate openly and transparently, without beating around the bush. He wants someone who can match his straightforward approach to life and relationships, as he has no patience for hidden agendas or manipulative behavior. Felix also values loyalty and commitment. He wants a partner who can be his rock, someone he can rely on through thick and thin. A steadfast and devoted person who is willing to stand by his side and support his ambitions will earn his respect and admiration.
Furthermore, Felix is attracted to individuals who possess a strong sense of self-belief and are not easily swayed by others' opinions. He wants a partner who can inspire and challenge him, someone who can match his fierce determination and encourage him to reach for the stars. He looks for a partner who can handle his occasional bursts of anger or impatience with grace and understanding. He appreciates someone who can diffuse tense situations and help him find balance when his emotions run high. A partner who can provide a calming influence and support his emotional growth will be deeply cherished by him.
With his Libra Mercury, he is attracted to individuals who possess beauty, charm, and can have intellectual conversations. His ideal type would be someone who is not only physically attractive but also intellectually stimulating. He wants a partner who can engage in deep and meaningful conversations since communication is very important to him.
In terms of personality, Felix is drawn to individuals who are diplomatic, fair-minded, and cooperative. He wants someone who values harmony and believes in compromise rather than conflicts. He is attracted to someone who can bring balance and stability to his life.
Felix also values partnership and seeks a relationship that is built on equality and mutual respect. He desires a partner who understands his need for balance and supports his quest for harmony in all aspects of life.
In men, their Venus can show what they're attracted to. With his Libra Venus, Felix wants a partner who embodies beauty, grace, and elegance. Physical attractiveness plays a large role in catching his eye, as he appreciates refined aesthetics.
However, it's not just about appearances for him. He wants a partner who has inner beauty as well. Kindness, compassion, and a gentle nature are traits that he values deeply. He wants someone who can bring balance and harmony to his life, someone who can be his equal and complement his own harmonious nature.
Intellectual compatibility is also important to Felix. He is attracted to individuals who can engage him in stimulating conversations, and who have intelligence and wit. A partner who can challenge him intellectually and share his love for art, culture, and beauty will surely capture his heart.
In relationships, Felix looks for fairness, compromise, and mutual respect. He values a harmonious partnership where both partners have the freedom to express themselves and make decisions together. He wants a relationship where both parties feel heard and understood, and where conflicts can be resolved through open and honest communication.
Now with his Leo Mars, Leo Mars men are known for their fiery and confident nature. He wants a partner who can match his enthusiasm and share his zest for life. He wants someone who can ignite his passion and keep up with his energetic spirit.
Physical attractiveness plays a significant role in catching the attention of a Leo Mars man too. He is drawn to individuals who exude confidence, radiance, and a strong presence. A partner who can command attention and carry themselves with grace and style is likely to capture his attention.
Beyond physical appearance, Felix values a partner with a magnetic personality. He wants someone confident, charismatic, and has a strong sense of self. A partner who can stand beside him as an equal, supporting his ambitions and encouraging his creative pursuits, will truly win his heart.
In relationships, he wants loyalty, adoration, and unwavering support. He wants a partner who can appreciate his need for attention and admiration, someone who can shower him with praise and affection. However, it's important to note that he also values reciprocity and expects his partner to have their own passions and ambitions.
Intimacy is an important thing for him, both emotionally and physically. He wants a partner who can match his intensity in the bedroom, someone who is open-minded and willing to explore new experiences. Emotional connection and passion go hand in hand for a Leo Mars man.
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With Mercury sextile Chiron, Felix has a keen intellect that is both insightful and sensitive. He is drawn to deep conversations that touches the soul and wants a partner who can provide emotional support and understanding.
The Jupiter opposition Pluto aspect indicates a powerful magnetism to him. Felix is attracted to intensity and transformative experiences. He wants a partner who can match his passion, someone who is not afraid to explore the depths of their own desires and ambitions.
The Mercury sextile Pluto aspect further enhances his allure, as he has a magnetic charm and persuasive communication style. He is attracted to people who possess depth and a mysterious aura, someone who can engage him in stimulating intellectual exchanges.
The Sun sextile North Node aspect suggests a sense of purpose and destiny in his relationships. He is drawn to partners who inspire growth and help him fulfill his potential. A supportive and encouraging partner who shares his aspirations would be his ideal type.
The Mars trine Ascendant aspect gives him confidence and assertiveness. He is attracted to individuals who exude strength and independence. A partner who can stand alongside him as an equal, supporting his ambitions while pursuing their own, would be highly appealing to him.
The Venus trine Uranus aspect adds a touch of excitement and unpredictability to his love life. He is attracted to unique and unconventional people who challenge societal norms. A partner who embraces their individuality and is open to exploring new experiences would captivate his heart.
With the Moon sextile Neptune aspect, he has a sensitive and empathetic nature. He is drawn to partners who are emotionally attuned and can create a deep emotional connection. A compassionate and nurturing soul would be his ideal match.
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ramu-ego · 2 years
ramu !! what do you think about cocky bastards getting caught being treated like total mutts? Just imagine their humiliated faces.. 😮‍💨
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(nsfw) HUMILATE HIM :: xfemdom!Reader
yes yes and more yes?! also I'm so sorry for being absent then I got sick so excuse me while I just go off on humiliating pretty men for their pervy behaviors ♡ - requests open cw: fem!Reader, dom!Reader, bully!Reader, humiliation kink, degradation, blackmail, cock slapping, collaring, pet play, cross dressing, etc, unedited word count: sloppy headcanons character(s): Michael Kaiser, Chigiri Hyoma, Alexis Ness
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CATCH HIM STEALING YOUR THINGS :: like a god damn maniac he's caught red handed stealing your workout clothing because you're the only woman who won't say yes to him! - No one says no to the star yet your rejection drives him crazy. And not subtle Kaiser gets caught sniffing your gym clothes like a junkie getting a fix. If he wants dirty clothes so bad, why not just get it from the source? Sit on his face and rub your cunt on him. Pull his hair and tell him if you aren't satisfied with how his tongue cleans your panties then it's straight to team officials about their little nympho freak breaking the rules. Humiliate him and remind him you don't even want him but mutts need to be punished if they're going to scrounge around like this. Pretty boy face smeared with your juices and dreamy blue eyes reduced to nothing but hazy versions of themselves because he's drunk on your pungent scent. Kaiser can't deny maybe being caught red handed by you isn't the worst thing that could happen. Not if you keep making him suck on your panties and bring him to his knees.
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CATCH HIM WEARING HIS SISTER'S CLOTHES :: like a little perv who gets off being called a girl so you have no choice but to show him off like one! - No you can't leave it alone when you find him modeling himself in his sister's clothes. Cross dressing is one thing, but wearing his sister's clothes on top of it? Chigiri was bound to be discovered eventually! Lucky it was just you though. He can keep his dirty little secret as long as you get to play with your new dress up doll. But why stop at every day clothing? Have him trying on riskier and riskier clothes! Lingerie in every style! Smoosh his soft cock in the silkiest laciest panties you can find. Coo at him and make fun of him when his flat little chest looks so good in that babydoll. Call him names and twirl his hair on your finger when you're talking down to him. Because after all he is just a dirty little perv previously hidden away in his room trying on his sister's clothes.
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CATCH HIM IN A COMPROMISING POSITION :: at the end of practice when everyone else is gone and he's sweetness is for nothing when his hands are down his shorts! - If he's going to act like an untrained mutt in public then what choice do you have? It's not your fault you walked in on the German teams sweetheart jerking himself off feverishly on one of the benches. Legs spread like he wanted someone to walk in on him. He'll deny it and fight it! But you can't have untrained team members wanking themselves whenever and where ever they want. That's what they make collars for of course! A collar around his neck won't do as much good as a collar on his cock. Cage him and hold the key close to your heart. Let Ness unravel like a pent up little whore until he's begging you to give him some release. Promising to mind his manners isn't enough. Training him to only get off to you though, that's a much much better idea. Your scent or your voice or the disgraceful act of cumming from simply rubbing his cock against your foot. Make sure Ness needs you and only you to cum. Then a well trained mutt can earn his freedom from a collar.
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sensualnoiree · 4 months
astro notes: daily transits 5/13
The Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus is a significant astrological event that occurs on 5/13. This conjunction represents a powerful alignment between the Sun, which symbolizes our core identity and vitality, and Uranus, the planet of sudden change, innovation, and liberation.
In astrology, the Sun represents our sense of self, ego, and life purpose, while Uranus is associated with breakthroughs, rebellion, and unconventional thinking. When these two planets come together, there is a potent energy that can disrupt our usual patterns and bring about unexpected developments in our lives.
Taurus, the sign where this conjunction takes place, is known for its stability, practicality, and desire for security. It values comfort and material pleasures, seeking to build a sense of stability and security in life. Uranus in Taurus can challenge these values by shaking up the status quo and pushing us to break free from stagnant or limiting situations.
This conjunction can manifest as a sudden awakening or realization that changes our perspective on life. It can bring about a desire for freedom and independence, urging us to embrace change and try new things. While this can be unsettling at first, it ultimately serves to liberate us from outdated ways of thinking and being.
On a personal level, this transit can lead to breakthroughs in areas where we've been feeling stuck or stagnant. It can inspire us to take bold new actions and pursue our goals with renewed vigor. However, it's important to be mindful of the potential for arrogance or self-righteousness that can come with this energy, and to approach any changes with humility and openness to new possibilities.
The Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus is a transformative alignment that can bring about significant shifts in our lives. It encourages us to embrace change, embrace our individuality, and embrace new opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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marvelstars · 9 months
Tolkien LOTR vs George Lucas STAR WARS
Disclaimer: talking with mutuals about Tolkien and Lucas this came up and wanted to share.
I believe both Tolkien and Lucas were anti imperialism(represented by the ring/empire respectively) and anti war but their takes is completely different because they lived different times.
Tolkien story of the lost kings who died for nothing seeking power represents pretty well the story of the first World War in which the imperial powers of Europe became excited over their new hability to put ot test weapons and made a local conflict into an all out war between countries exploiting the nationalism of the people to push them towards war, the tirednes and dissapointment over fighting a war for men who only wanted power is excelently interpreted in the Lord of the Rings in which the only solution is to destroy the ring and try to live peacefully with each other and support honest work and protect lives the best way you can, with wise kings and wise elves who care about people and it´s well being. That´s what I see Tolkien going for, he also tackles the idea that no matter how noble or peaceful like Fredo or Bilbo we could be, power still can corrupts us if we expend enough time around it. Power can corrupt everybody and the best we can do is try to not make it the most important thing in our lifes like Aragorn did when he became King.
Lucas wasn´t a soldier like Tolkien so he is much more idealist than him, he grew up and became excited over the protests for the war of Vietnam in the US and the consequences of WWII with the creation of the atomic bomb. So Star Wars battle in the OT isn´t just about greedy people trying to get power by any mean neccesary, the first trilogy is about a fair war fought agaisnt the imperial power who offered peace in exchange of freedom, which is another face imperialism can take and the death star(atomic bomb) is the one weapon they believe can “end all resistance” "end all wars" but they are wrong because just like in a New Hope, the Death Star only makes other people more nervous about it´s use and most will seek how to oppose it with similar means or with different kinds of resistence.
Star Wars presents the problematic dilema of war not being good on itself but becoming neccesary when your opponent will not engage in dialogue by any other means, so just like in LOTR the kingdoms have to join to form a military, the rebel alliance is there to fight the Empire.
The Jedi Order in the OT represents the old order, estatus quo that the Empire defeated to put their own Order, they are not evil by any means but by presenting a “ends justifices the means” philosophy by lying to Luke and forgetting about Anakin´s humanity and existence in exchange of dehumanizing him and seeing him only as a machine like Obi-Wan did, this doesn´t bring them the victory, mostly their plan gets revealed and rejected by Luke, the main hero of the OT, the fandom may have a very different take on the Jedi but Lucas definitely didn´t write the Jedi as flawless beings but as a tragic order that after the zenit of their power fell along with Anakin, literally and espiritually too. Otherwise Lucas would not talk about Anakin being a victim of the system who lost his mind trying to do the right thing, he wasn´t just part of the Republic but also part of the Jedi Order.
Luke, while dealing with his own feelings of anger, need for revenge for his murdered family and wish for freedom along with his friends, also learns humility by losing his first fight with Vader but also empathy, he has feel the darkness inside himself, he was told his father wasn´t always like that and he has felt Vader´s twisted love for him so he humanizes his enemy instead of dehumanizing him and seeks to save him from the darkside, because this has become the only way to defeat Vader and the Emperor while they are together and also because Luke wants Vader to be his father just as much as Vader wants Luke to be his Son.
So in the end family is the thing that saves the universe in Star Wars just like friendship, care, empathy and appreciation of the simple and beautiful things saved the people of LOTR. The Jedi imo in the PT and OT were not evil, they had their own wisdom and brought good things to the story like honor and duty but they were wrong to try to force Luke agaisn´t his father, they were wrong for keeping Anakin away from his family and they were wrong to forget love in exchange of duty.
This is also why I believe Luke doesn´t just brings back Anakin from the darkside, he did the same with the Jedi Order, he became the kind of Jedi Anakin always dreamed to be, with enough freedom to act with kindness, love and caring as well as honor and duty, a more balanced Jedi Order.
So it´s a complete shame disney missed the memo and makes more merchandise of the Jedi because they are more marketable forgetting the deep message of the story. Luke in the Mandalorian and ST isn´t ROTJ Luke, but a badly done PT Jedi style of Luke and that´s a complete tragedy imo because it misses the main message of the story, that you don´t have to reject love and family to support ideals and do your duty. They make you whole not less the person you are.
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beemovieerotica · 1 year
How do you think Davy Jones and Calypso met? What do you think about their relationship ?
HWOAGGHH okay so let's get right into it
Supplemental POTC sources talk about Davy Jones basically being this incredibly skilled sailor likely from wealth and means who was able to impress Calypso and gain her favor through his seafaring abilities
It's a cool origin story and I've played around with it in fic, but I've always wondered what SPECIFICALLY about him caught her eye, because he wasn't the only great sailor of his time---like, he'd have to have done something absolutely bonkers in order for the goddess of the sea to take notice
I love hearing headcanons about this, but the flavor of origin story I've ascribed to him in most of my fics is "humble beginnings" / tragic war history / desertion / escape to sea
In my stories, what Davy Jones brings to seafaring and captaining his own ship that is interesting to Calypso is both a humility about his place in life and an obsessive devotion to the sea as the one thing worth living for / keeping him alive
He's not in it for profit, he's in it for survival and ends up aiding others---I have the Flying Dutchman (visually of Dutch design, 16th century, built like a slave trading ship) taken from Dutch slave traders at the height of their operations and the captives freed, both as a practicality on Jones' end (incredibly useful type of ship that balances speed and firepower) but more importantly as a compassionate act. There has to be a reason why Calypso chose him for the most compassionate role in the world, the most essential job in easing the dead into the next life.
I don't think that it's a coincidence that Calypso appears in the mortal form that she does, I think that witnessing men's greed as the soul of the sea has made her particularly sympathetic to the atrocities of the stealing and transport of West Africans to other parts of the world, countless of whom drowned and chose to throw themselves into the sea rather than face a life of subjugation. THIS resonates with her, this makes sense to her, her entire story is about having her freedom taken from her, and for that I deeply appreciate the casting and characterization choices they went with canonically, because it lends itself to such rich meta analysis. A lot of fan characterizations of Calypso paint her as completely discompassionate, uninvolved, and uncaring about the world of men, but I do not agree with this, I see her interest in humanity being much more complex, with hate, reverence, love, and disdain all mingled together
And that's ultimately why Jones stands out to her first, because he is one of the few/only people at sea not for profit, his freedom is wrapped up in the sea, and he has enough of a broken past that makes any kind of devotion he displays deeply and overwhelmingly all-or-nothing
It's this that lends itself to the imbalance of power and lack of compromise between them, which then leads to the betrayal, etc etc. But they are at the core of their relationship the two people who understand each other more than anyone else in the world could, but they are still mired in misunderstandings because they are a human and a god, because those relationships are doomed by nature of what they are, because you can never fully understand someone whose concepts of time, devotion, and reality are so fundamentally different to your own.
I love thinking about how terrible they are for each other and how no one else in the world fits better together than them. Their story is the most pivotal and interesting piece of lore to the trilogy, and ultimately the reason why I think P4 and P5 fell flat---because the writers kept scrabbling for something mystical and fantastical to try and replicate this, but nothing came anywhere close to reproducing that same love and meaning of the Jones/Calypso Elizabeth/Will contrast. Which I could also go on and on about but I'll stop here!
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elisabethbabarci · 1 month
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Freedom represents perseverance, strength, focus, determination, boundaries, discernment, ambition, resilience, achievement, sovereignty, and is the epitome of manifest destiny. It allows us to scale to new elevated heights to flourish in the complexities of life. It is a state of moving beyond limitations. It is patience, compassion, understanding and never encompasses recklessness.
Within this life, what must be concentrated on is an individuals lack of humility. Arrogance, domination, sequestering, curtailing, and controlling others freedoms and liberty is the root of control.
Disregard for others and sense of entitlement are represented in a young soul, whose evolutionary journey has stagnated to recognize the importance and value of others and most importantly the collective conscious community. Derived from selfish mindset — If the root is untreated, it manifests itself as greed, jealousy, overly comparing oneself to others, and to the farthest extent, envy. False humbleness is a lack of awareness, for the action does not to bring peace instead, seeks to create a facade of compassion.
Discernment is fundamental when deciphering an individual’s true nature. We must always listen to our intuition when we recognize when the actions do not align with the spoken word.
Each individual within this lifetime is worthy, valuable, humble, sincere, authentic, unique, and genuine, with a tapestry of history that motivates and inspires others to become stronger from their lived experience. Their strengths are not imperfections, as they embrace and accept who they are. No labels, societal pressures, norms, words, statements can create barriers on the human spirit, without their consent. When we walk and live our truth , we maintain inner peace as we are secure in who we truly are.
When we evoke discernment, we analyze and observe the action rather than the spoken contract. Building this characteristic enables self awareness, self respect, self compassion, self understanding, self patience, and self empathy. To see beyond the veil is not a cause for concern, it is a strength. Maintaining boundaries, evoking limitations on what goes against our fundamental moral judgment, and to stand up on principle are attributes of true leadership.
To assist and serve others during their spiritual awakening, growths, evolution, and journeys enables us to heal aspects of ourself that might be fragmented.
Discernment also means recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, exhibiting empathy, questioning your experiences, and most importantly listening and observing without expectation of a desired result.
Within this lifetime, to follow instruction blindly without question is irresponsible, reckless, and demonstrates a quick cure for long term systematic foundational issues.
To be methodical, patient, strategic, systematic in your practices and approaches creates wisdom, as you present and aware, which is a virtue. To be orderly, planned, structured, will enable you to evaluate situations with a calm and rational mind.
Discernment is a form of self love, self respect, self acceptance, and self awareness as you are listening within of what is true and aligned with your principles. When we compromise our principles we go against our integrity.
The framework of structured routines creates a strong foundation as you honour and respect traditional approaches while incorporating new innovative ideas.
Boundaries enable us to analyze our triggered responses. It is due diligence and essential. Boundaries set a tone to demonstrate what you are comfortable with, and what you are no longer able to accept. It enables us to see beyond disillusionment and uncertainty.
Discernment is knowledge with confidence. It is respect for oneself, trust, peace, faith, and most importantly compassion for yourself and others. Discernment enables us to see patterns, belief systems, societal movements, roots, then we extract the information and discern if it is safe, humane, and honourable. It is emancipation from destruction for you have the choice to not partake in what devalues or degrades your existence. You always have the choice to chose better actions, decisions, thoughts, and words. Inner peace is sacred, and must be preserved at all times as you embrace the essence of existence.
Never diminish your principles for the here and now, always forecast into the future to predict how your actions will impact others. It is not just a personal decision, it is a conscious collective decision, for being a good human being.
Boundaries and principles are not selfish, they are protection for what is sacred to you and your heart. If it does not feel right, do not get encapsulated within it. Just because everyone is following a certain direction, does not constitute that you have to adhere blindly. Always ask, is this the best decision best for humanity? Is it in alignment with my core principles? Have I examined all the information before proceeding? Am I acting on impulse or self reflection? Is this a peaceful resolution?
Allow your light to guide others, and be a guardian for future generations. Navigate new beginnings with compassion, kindness, patience, acceptance, and understanding.
There is a powerful quote “You can not achieve happiness by bringing other people misery.” If we cause harm to others, or allow individuals to inflict their projections and negative attributes onto us, what karmic cycle do you feel will be the response? The universe always responds to our frequency.
Mindfulness and a positive mindset to seek the best responses, solutions, and resolutions, enables us to mitigate the complexities of life. If it will not cause a good outcome, do not do it. If it will cause harm to yourself internally or externally, do not allow it.
Reclaim your life, rise from obstacles, and do not allow obscurities to create cataracts on your eyes within life. See beyond the veil, and propel forward. Make considered decisions, and hope for sensible peaceful outcomes and results.
Situational judgment of assessing ones own environment will enable us to make evaluations to avoid calamity. Do not succumb to the principle that there is only one resolute answer for a situation, always enable Socratic method of analysis in your daily life. Question everything. To be mindful and present enables us to question, experience, and extract wisdom. Boundaries enable us to love and respect ourselves. If someone is projecting their expectations and views onto you, gently remind yourself that you do not have to be who they want you to be. You are unique, sovereign, abstract, and independent. You hold the pen to your life.
Observe how others treat individuals that can do nothing for them. Do they discard their support system easily? Are they obsessed with triangulation? Is warfare mindset their solution? Are they present? Are they peaceful? Their actions, are they supportive and nurturing? Do they seek to make meaningful connections or to use? Do they take accountability? Are they mindful and aware of their actions? Are they compassionate, kind, open, respectful, understanding? Are they loyal or only loyal to what serves their highest interest? How is their relationships with those closest to them — their emotional connections? Do you feel gaslighted? Do you feel silenced, abandoned, rejected, breadcrumbed?
“The hardest battle is who you are now and who you want to be.” — Unknown
Self exploration, internal healing, and positive mindset to seek resolutions, will enhance your structural foundation for healing, life, and relationships. Allow your soul to be at peace. Speak less and impact more. Listen — universal guidance and assistance is always directing you for your highest good. Evoke personal boundaries to enhance your freedom, safety, and protection.
Always be mindful that our environment is also the words, thoughts, actions, that we intake on a daily basis. Is it in alignment with your internal compass? Seek individuals that will honour and respect your chapters. Be strong enough to stand alone at times.
“Unconditional love does not mean unconditional tolerance.” — Unknown
Do not allow those that are conflicted with their direction make you question your existence, worth, or value. Beyond what you feel, remember what you deserve, and what is in alignment for you. Do not go to war with your internal compass for others — if you have to — it is not your path. Never devalue yourself on the basis of individual constructs of you, you define yourself in this lifetime. Seek natural transformation through peaceful measures.
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“... do you know why it is so important to know the names and meanings of all the flowers? It’s because before we hobbits had a language, we used to communicate with flowers instead of words! If you were happy you could show it by wearing a dandelion behind your ear. If you were sad, you could let others know by putting a Lilly in the Valley by your heart. When we developed our own language, Old-Hobbitish, which eventually was influenced by Westeron…we were able to use words alongside flowers to convey our meanings. It is said that flowers are so important in the life of Hobbits, that the colors in your eyes are from the flowers that most represent you! So, you, my dearest little one, have beautiful hazel eyes. You’ve flecks of gold like yellow Yarrow in a meadow! It means everlasting love, courage, healing, and good health. Then there is the beautiful green, which reminds me of moss…that has many meanings as well. One meaning is hard work, and the other is “you are the heart of your family” because moss can grow and hold fast even without roots, keeping families and friends together. Then you’ve even got some flecks of Tweedia blue, I’d say…which means harmony and tranquility…I believe all of these suit you perfectly, my dear. You’ll grow up to be a wonderful, loving, brave, hard-working, and harmony-bringing hobbit. That I can say for certain.”  -Belladonna Took, Chosen Horizons, chapter 7.
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Forget-Me-Not: faithful love, remembrance, memory, humility, resilience, and the desire for loyalty.
Cornflower: romance, patience, refinement, hope in love, life, resilience, and freedom. “Be gentle with me”...
Larkspur: love and affection, strong attachment, and a desire for laughter.
Blue Poppy: Imagination, magic, luxury, success
Lungswort: joy, devotion, and admiration. “You are my life”...
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Ladies and gentlemen, eighty years ago today, Field Marshal Montgomery – Commander in Chief of the Allied Ground Forces – wrote in his message to all soldiers on the eve of D-Day:
‘To us is given the honour of striking a blow for freedom, which will live in history; and, in the better days that lie ahead, men will speak with pride of our doings’.
Today, we come together to honour those nearly one hundred and sixty thousand British, Commonwealth and Allied troops who, on 5th June 1944, assembled here and along these shores to embark on the mission, which would strike that blow for freedom and be recorded as the greatest amphibious operation in history.
Those who gathered here in Portsmouth would never forget the sight. It was by far the largest military fleet the world has ever known.
Yet all knew that both victory and failure were possible, and none could know their fate.
Aircrew flying overhead, sailors manning warships; or troops in assault craft battering their way through the stormy swell to the shore; whether dropping by parachute, landing in a wooden glider, or taking that terrible leap of faith onto the beaches... all must have questioned whether they would survive and how they would respond when faced with such mortal danger.
The poet Keith Douglas, who was killed in action three days later, wrote of the embarkation:
"Actors waiting in the wings of Europe, we already watch the lights on the stage and listen to the colossal overture begin.
For us entering at the height of the din, it will be hard to hear our thoughts, hard to gauge how much our conduct owes to fear or fury."
At this remove, eight decades later, it is a near impossible task to imagine the emotion of that day:
The pride of being part of so great an enterprise, the anxiety of in some way not coming up to scratch, and the fear of that day being their last.
I recently myself spoke to veterans who, to this day, remember with such heartbreaking clarity the sight of those many soldiers lying on the beach, who drowned before they could even engage in combat.
The stories of courage, resilience and solidarity which we have heard today, and throughout our lives, cannot fail to move us, to inspire us, and to remind us of what we owe to that great wartime generation – now, tragically, dwindling to so few.
It is our privilege to hear their testimony, but our role is not purely passive:
It is our duty to ensure that we, and future generations, do not forget their service and their sacrifice in replacing tyranny with freedom.
Our rights, and the liberty won at such terrible cost, bring with them responsibilities to others in the exercise of that liberty.
The Allied actions of that day ensured the forces of freedom secured, first, a toehold in Normandy, then liberated France, and ultimately, the whole of Europe from the stranglehold of a brutal totalitarianism.
And as we remember, with humility, pride and gratitude, let us never forget that the soldiers who fought in the campaign launched from this place came from thirty nations, from across the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and Allied countries; while elsewhere in Europe, Allied forces continued to make vital progress in their successful Italian campaign; and while halfway around the world, at that same moment, the critical battles of Imphal and Kohima raged on in what was then Burma.
The 1944 Victoria Cross roll of honour includes Sikh, Muslim and Hindu soldiers – a reminder that events that year shaped our world then, and the society we share today.
While it was the frontline troops who faced the greatest personal dangers, the privations and sacrifices of war were endured by so many more.
The Allied victory was a truly collective effort, born of the fortitude and hard work of those who remained on the Home Front, toiling in factories, under our land in the mines, out in the fields, or working in secret – men and women alike.
Their collective industry, ingenuity and commitment helped our soldiers, sailors and airmen to prevail.
So, as we give thanks for all those who gave so much to win the victory, whose fruits we still enjoy to this day, let us, once again, commit ourselves always to remember, cherish and honour those who served that day and to live up to the freedom they died for by balancing rights with civic responsibilities to our country. For we are all, eternally, in their debt.
Source: Royal UK
A speech by The King at the UK's National Commemorative Event in Portsmouth to mark #DDay80
5 June 2024
The King addresses veterans, serving forces and and members of the public at the UK's National Commemorative Event in Portsmouth to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
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cliozaur · 1 year
In this chapter, we encounter THAT famously long sentence spanning 760 words in original. Truly impressive.
We have already encountered Louis Philippe in the gamin digression, where he was portrayed as a pleasant and self-ironic man whose only flaw was his status as king. Hugo's perspective on him remains consistent. Although the 1830 Revolution didn't result in a Republic, it did bring forth a decent man as king. Given Hugo's critical stance towards monarchy, it's rather peculiar that he invests effort in highlighting Louis Philippe's humility, modesty, and unroyal demeanour. Probably, part of Louis Philippe's appeal to the French population was his experience, having endured exile with its attendant challenges — financial loss, loss of status, and his entire family needing to earn their livelihoods. He also possessed a revolutionary past, having been a member of the Jacobins' club and personally knowing Mirabeau and Danton.
Though not explicitly mentioned in the text, it's worth noting a point in Louis Philippe's later biography that parallels Hugo's own experiences — spending the last years of his life in exile in Great Britain. I suspect that Louis Philippe's futile fight to abolish the death penalty was also a point of resonance for Hugo. “One day, he said to the same witness to whom we have recently referred: “I won seven last night.” During the early years of his reign, the death penalty was as good as abolished, and the erection of a scaffold was a violence committed against the King. The Grève having disappeared with the elder branch, a bourgeois place of execution was instituted under the name of the Barrière-Saint-Jacques; “practical men” felt the necessity of a quasi-legitimate guillotine.”
However, at times, Hugo tends to exaggerate Louis Philippe's accomplishments, such as in the case of press freedom: “While he reigned the press was free, the tribune was free, conscience and speech were free.” Well, to some extent… No outright censorship was enforced, but a 1830 law of libel functioned as a form of censorship.
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