#huggin and muninn
turtleunderyourhouse · 5 months
Day 3 with Huggin and Muninn! I love how they are somehow the worst and best henchmen at the same time.
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jadetheblueartist · 2 days
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Ew it looks so blurry sgdjdklshdhdkagaahskfj
Teenage Mutant Ninja Sharkies Draxum!!!!
Fun fact: moths often represent transformation and going to the light which I think suits Drax’s character development and going to the light side very well. I also didn’t find this out until after I decided just based on vibes so yay happy coincidences also draxum is a mint moth (in the first pic he’s wearing wing armor)
The goyles are the same just bc 🤷‍♀️ I dunno if I’ve drawn them before but they’re so hilarious I love it
I’m also imagining Mikey just staring at his wings one day and just saying they look like pizza and Draxum has a slight crisis hahaha
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cray-cray-anime · 1 year
No joke, like why isn't there meatsweats specific tags
Like this dude could be so villainous
1. He tried to eat them, and almost did w donnie
2. Tried to poison his competition
3. Tricked mikey into thinking they're friends before betraying him
4. He was going to eat Huggin and munnin who were coming to him for a job
He just has like alot of potential to be downright evil like both manipulative and messed up
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risewriter · 2 years
ROTTMNT: Weakness
Huginn: It’s just you and us, turtles!
Leo: What ya gonna do, gargoyle? Hug us to death?
Muninn: No, this! *Throws plastic bottles and wires to the turtles*
Mikey: Ow! Hey! What gives?!
Huginn: We did research, and it said that pollution and plastic kills turtles!
Donnie: Well, yeah? If we were swimming maybe.
Huginn: Darn.. Well, that’s not all we researched! *Sprays black paint on the wall* Fear the dark colors, turtles!
Mikey: *Cries* Why.. WHY?!
Huggin/Muninn: It’s working!
Leo: Yeah, because you’re a jerk who clads over my little bro’s graffiti!
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thedawningofthehour · 8 months
I don't know about you, but I must say I'm glad it was a quiet chapter, after the shock that was last chapter I don't know if I could take any more anxiety.
Since a few days ago I have a little theory that Cass is going to be quite essential for Galatea to discover the truth, the girl is not subjected to the same kind of brainwashing as Donnie and you can already smell the doubts, and hey! Draxum may not want Galimatia to spend too much time Raph, but he said nothing about Cass~.
Pax! *She chuckles with a forced smile* I was actually surprised to see him in this chapter, though now that we'll be concentrating more on Galgimesh's point of view I guess it was a matter of time. So he had a fight with Draxum because of Raph. Interesting. I'm still adamant about the kid spending at least a few months in prison, it's not fair that Bella has to spend time in stuck with the cops while this kid can come and go from home just like that.
Huggin, Munnin, your stupidity is astounding.
We'll do anything to avoid calling him Gal-wah.
Bella's fine. She would have been back by now but there was so much going on in those last few chapters of Book 2 that it would feel cramped to squeeze her return in. She's just been playing strip poker with the prison lesbians, she's having a blast.
Hey, Huginn and Muninn are just trying to be nice! Same as they did with Donnie when he was on The Table. The circumstances suck, but they can make it a little better.
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 4 months
Herculean Cerulean: Part Two
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School is finally out and I finally finished it! I can't draw huggin, muninn, or baron draxum to save my life. Just a one page, baron Hades-centered update.
The fates are fox yokai. They can see the future so they'll play uno because I said so.
You probably need to click to read the smaller words, sorry😅
start/previous next masterpost
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troublesjunkyard · 26 days
And Then There Were Five.
Chapter one: Subject-5
(The chapter name might change. Idk yet tho.)
“Subject-5! It is time to start your training for the day.”
Subject-5 didn’t want to get up and train today; he hurt. His muscles were sore, and the wounds from his last training session were healing.
S-5 huffed before getting up to greet Draxum. “Do I have to? Can’t I take a break?”
“No. Your brothers had perished in the lab explosion caused by your DNA donor, Lou Jitzu. As such, you must train to take their place.”
“Yes Draxum.” S-5 gave off a quiet chirp before following Draxum obeyingly.
Once S-5 grabbed his scythe and entered the pit, Draxum released one of his failed experiments into the pit with S-5 to fight.
The creature that entered the pit with Subject-5 resembled that of a wolf. The wolf was way bigger than the average size. It had sharp horns on its head and spikes protruding out of its body going down its back. The wolf growled at S-5, and S-5 returned it with his own growl.
The wolf immediately charged at S-5, slamming them into the wall. It was a lot faster than S-5 had expected.
“What are you waiting for? Fight back.”
S-5 growled before using his scythe to slash at the wolf. He didn’t need Draxum to tell him that he needed to fight back against this wolf thing! He already knew that he had to fight back! The wolf barked in pain before trying to ram S-5 into the wall once again. S-5 popped into his shell to avoid the attack, causing the wolf to slam into the wall. Subject-5 took the opportunity and pounced onto his target before using his scythe to cut the wolf's throat. The wolf let out a whine as it fell to the floor, bleeding out and dying.
“Well done Subject-5. That is a new record. If you keep this up, you will be ready in no time.”
S-5 huffed. He didn’t want to do this anymore. He wanted the pain, the suffering, the hunger to just stop. He wished that his brothers hadn’t perished in the explosion, leaving him alone. He wished that he had four other brothers who could lessen the pain and suffering.
“Go get cleaned up, then come back to me; I have some errands I want you to run.”
By the time S-5 returned from his errands in the hidden city, as per Draxums' request, Agent 64 had been captured and secured in a cage he couldn’t teleport out of. A human was also in one of the cages; S-5 could see them from the other room; he hissed at them.
“Good, you are back. I expect that you got everything that I requested?”
“Yes, Draxum.” And he had. S-5 had even double-checked that he had gotten everything. He had to. The last time he ran an errand for Draxum and forgot something, he was punished for it. He didn’t want that to happen again.
“Good. The last thing I need right now is for you to forget something.”
As S-5 handed Draxum the things he got from his errands, Draxum got to work.
Draxum walked into the other room with S-5 right behind him; they stopped in front of the cages.
“If you’re the guy that keeps calling about the calamari, fine, it’s pig butts! But the crab cakes are real.”
“I assure you, I have no interest in your petty cakes of crab.”
Huggin and Muninn leap from Draxum’s shoulder onto the front of the cage.
“But we would love to hear more about those pig butts.”
“Ah!” The human yelled, startled by Huggin and Muninn.
Draxum Squats in front of Agent 64’s cage and reaches inside. “So nice of you to return my vial.” Draxum yanks the vial off their neck and approaches the delivery guy again. “You are about to be part of an experiment that will change the very nature of humanity.”
Subject-5 huffed. What was he there for, then?
“All right!” The human seemed awfully calm about the situation he was in– stupid human.
Draxum uncorks the vial and pours the mutagenic contents into a giant tank full of Oozesquitoes. Mutagen flows up to the cylinder, and electricity begins to spark in tubes.
The mutagen multiplies in size, and the Oozesquitoes begin drinking it. Draxum extracts one of the Oozesquitoes from the container and returns to the caged human.
“So…” Draxum gestures, and cage walls turn into vines that wrap around the human and lift him up. “is this gonna hurt?”
Seriously! How stupid could a human be?
“It will... if I’m doing it right.”
The oozesquito latches onto the guy’s face and injects mutagen into him. It leaves a red dot on his forehead.
“Hey, that wasn’t so– oh, ow. Okay, this part hurts.” The human began transforming. “This part– oh! This part hurts. Ah, that hurts! Oh!”
The human transformed and made gurgling noises.
“I just got used to acne. Now this?” The human, now a fish mutant, screams and runs out of the room.
Muninn laughs as the former human runs off. “Should we go after him, boss?”
“The mutation worked, just like it did all those years ago.”
S-5 looked up at Draxum. What has he for if Draxum was just going to turn humans into mutants? Would the humans even be a threat any more if they were turned into mutants?
Draxum stands over Agent 64’s cage. “I’ll deal with you next.”
Huginn was poking Agent 64 with a stick, laughing.
“Finally, after all these years, I can continue my work.”
“Then what was I–”
A loud banging sound startled both Draxum and S-5: four turtles and a human fell through a large pipe.
“What?” Draxum looked at the intruders.
“All right, you incredibly, unusually buff bookworm and other turtle, give us the little guy, and you’ll walk out of here with your horns still attached.” The snapper, Subject-1, said.
“Shouldn’t we also stop him from creating crab-men?” The slider, Subject-3, asked S-1.
“Good note. Okay, give us the little guy, stop creating crab-men–”
“Imitation crab-men.” The softshell, Subject-2, was the one to interrupt S-1 this time.
The human sighed in exasperation.
“Okay, good note. Stop creating imitation crab-men…”
The four other turtles– S-5’s brothers– start talking all at once. Something along the lines of, “And a ride home, and a limo, with a hot tub and pizza!” could be made out of all of the talking.
Draxum looked at the other turtles with stars in his eyes. S-5 looked at them with renewed hope. His brothers had survived! He can escape from Draxum and stay with his brothers, who were alive!
“Stop creating imitation crab-men and you’ll walk out of here with your horns still attached.” S-1’s voice made itself known.
“You’re… beautiful.” S-5 growled quietly at that statement. He was the one that Draxum had raised, trained, and took care of!
“Raph, why don’t you take it from the top again?” S-3 had suggested.
“Here goes. First, you apologize to the dog thingy–”
“Let’s do this!” The human leaped off the balcony, swinging her club. “April O’Neil!”`
“Omigosh! She just ran in.” The box turtle, Subject-1, pointed out.
April landed on Agent 64’s cage and began chewing on vines, straining and grunting as she tried to free him. Huginn and Muninn grab her and fly around the room with her, trying to beat them off. Draxum throws giant purple vines at the turtles.
S-3 slides around on the vine. “I hate this! I hate this! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Gah!”
Draxum throws down pellets, and a giant mystic robot emerges from the floor.
“Whoa, whoa!”
“Dude, seriously?”
“Ah! It looked at me!”
Subjects 1, 2, 3, and 4 made sure to voice their complaints about the mystic robot.
The robot grabs all vines together and shakes them, flinging turtles off. The turtles lie on the floor, groaning and whimpering– the robot roars.
“This one’s got a little spice.” S-2 said.
“Capture those specimens!” Draxum had given those orders to the robot, so S-5 continued to stay near Draxum and watched the four other turtles fight the robot.
The robot charged towards S-1. “Cowabunga!”
The turtles all charge the robot. S-3 swings his sword and slices through a leg. It roars and grabs a handful of boulders from the floor, throwing them at turtles. S-4 and S-1 dodge each missile.
“Hot soup!” S-1 smashed face-first into the robot, knocking it down. “Whoa! Whoa!”
S-2 was wearing a metal shell over his soft shell. The metal shell opened, and rotors deployed. S-2 flew overhead and opened rockets on staff, but they started spinning him. “No, no, no. No, no, no, no.”
“Look out guys! Whoa! Whoa!” S-4 had warned.
S-2’s staff smashes into the robot’s head and spins his whole body, then sends it crashing to the ground. “Ha!” S-2 catches his staff. “Nailed it!” He sat down on the mystic robot’s body, using a device that S-5 did not recognize.
“Accidentally impressive. With a little bit of training, you could be as formidable as I’d hoped.” S-5 understood why Draxum said that, but it still made him mad. Was he not good enough?
April, still flying overhead with Huggin and Muninn, had passed near the group. “It’s okay! I got this!”
S-3 coughed. “Okay, well, great, and since you’re surrendering…”
Draxum Laughed.” Baron Draxum does not surrender.”
“Okay, well, when he gets here, we’ll deal him– oh, ho, ho, I see. You’re doing that whole ‘sinister talking in the third person’ thing.”
“Only Raph can use the third person! All right, guys, time to put our training to use.” S-1, Raph? had said.
“What training? You guys have been training?” S-3 had asked.
The turtles all rush to attack Draxum. His arms grow huge, and he blocks all their strikes. Draxum hits the ground with both fists, and the concussion throws the turtles back.
“And that’s why Baron Draxum–” Huginn Fell from above and hit Draxum on the head. “I’m sorry, boss.”
April lands on the ground and, beats on Muninn, and grabs Huginn in her teeth. She shakes Muninn loose from her leg and stomps on him, giving the turtles a thumbs up. Draxum shoots a web-like material at her, and it wraps her in a cocoon. S-5 hissed at her.
“You did not just do that to our friend!” S-4 throws the end of his kusari-fundo at Draxum, but it goes past him and then hangs in the air, the round end spinning. The weapon starts to laugh maniacally.
“They got into the weaponry.”
“I noticed, S-5!”
“Whoa. Magic weapon… Ah!” S-4 yelled as the mystic kusari-fundo yanked him forward and then flew around, taking him on a wild ride. “Whoa! Whoa!”
He hits a section of the ooze tank and breaks it. S-4 yells and screams, as the end of his Kusari-fundo still laughs and turns into a flaming face. Draxum jumps aside just before it hits him, and S-4 lands hard on the ground.
“Mikey, that was awesome. How’d you do that?” Raph had asked S-4, Mikey?
“I don’t know, man. I was just swinging my weapon, like this, and all of a sudden… The kusari-fundo is lit on fire, and the laughter begins once again. “Just like tha –a-a-a!” It seemed that S-5’s brothers weren't very smart when it came to mystics.
“Let me try. Magic weapon, magic weapon, magic weapon, magic weapon!” Raph kept hitting his tonfas together, and the tonfas started to spark. “Aw, yeah! Magic weapon!” It explodes and knocks him down. “Mine works, too.”
“Can’t wait to find out what mine does!” S-3 starts running, and his sword begins to spark and shift. Draxum lifts his arm to block him, and Leo swings without connecting. “Ya!”
Draxum looks surprised. “Hm?”
S-3 laughs uneasily while sweating. The sword lifted overhead, sparks some more, and a portal opens beneath S-3’s feet. He starts to fall. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!” The exit portal opens overhead, and he falls through, going through the first portal again. “Whoa! Ah! S-3 continues to fall through the portals over and over again. “Get… me… off… this… ride! Whoa!”
S-5 watches the three of them struggle with the mystic weapons they have stolen. “They aren’t very good at this.”
“And that’s why I like fighting the old-fashioned way, with impossibly futuristic high-tech weaponry.” S-2 had said.
S-2 begins attacking Draxum, who blocks his strikes. The end of S-2’s staff forms a rocket, and when Draxum swings at him, S-2 ducks so that Draxum hits his staff. It bounces up and smashes him in the face, knocking Draxum backward.
“Just like I planned it!” S-2 jumps into the air while spinning his staff.
“Look out!” Mikey smashes into S-2.
“Oof! Ah! Oh! Ah!” Both Mikey and S-2 voice their complaints.
“You fight like untrained buffoons, but under me, you could become true warriors! Like S-5 here!”
Draxum throws pellets that form cocoons around the turtles. S-2 and Mikey are cocooned together.
“We don’t spend enough quality time together.” Mikey had said that while snuggling up to S-2.
“Oh, please, not now, Mikey.” S-2 complained.
“How are we gonna save the dog thingy now?” April had asked.
“Donnie’s on it.” S-2, Donnie? Had said.
Donnie lowered his goggles and peers around the lab.
“Wait a second.” Draxum and S-5 approached and startled Donnie. “Ah!”
“Turtles, why are you trying to stop my plans? We are all in this together!”
“Ah, hey, I don’t know if this is part of your plan, but the lab’s about to explode.”
The turtles and April start hopping around in their cocoons. The ooze tank sparks some more and then starts exploding.
“Aw, nuts.” A boulder lands on Draxum. “S-5! Help me!”
Draxum had finally given off a proper order, but S-5 didn’t want to follow it. He wanted to escape with them. S-5 looked between Draxum and his brothers. If he was going to escape, now was the time.
The tower buzzes and starts falling. All of the Oozesquitoes escape. A tube hits Agent 64’s cage and breaks it; he portals away and lands on April’s lap.
“Little guy! Can you do your thing and get us out of here?” April had asked.
Agent 64 grins and S-5 runs to his brothers before Agent 64 could portal April and the turtles out of the lab. They wind up just outside Draxum’s stronghold as it explodes. They all looked at S-5 and drew their weapons on him; Agent 64 hissed at S-5, and S-5 hissed back.
“You have a lot of explaining to do!” April yelled at S-5; he hissed at her before sinking to the floor.
“Please, take me with you.” S-5 looked at his brothers, his tail thumping nervously on the ground.
“Uh yeah, and why would we do that? You're a bad guy! You were keeping that dog thingy captive!” S-3 had said.
“I didn’t capture Agent 64! And he stole the mutage ooze from Draxum!” Agent 64 hissed at him, and he hissed right back.
“Agent 64?” Mikey had asked.
“That is who they are known as.” S-5 had informed them.
“Back to you. Why should we take you with us?” S-3 asked again.
S-5 gave off a whining chirp. “Because I don’t want to go back! I’ll be punished for not doing as I was told! I want the pain and suffering and hunger to go away!” He gave off another sad chirp. “I want to be with my brothers– with you!”
They all stood there, stunned. S-3 had lowered his sword from where it was pointed at S-5’s head.
“You’re our brother? We have another brother!?” Mikey was the first to break the silence.
S-5 chirped quietly and nodded.
Mikey quickly hugged S-5. he gave off a startled chirp, not expecting the hug.
“Raph, we have to take him! We can’t leave him here!”
“Sure we can. We don’t even know the guy! And did you forget that he was just with that Draxum dude!?” S-3 asked Mikey
“Raph doesn’t know… Leo does have a point.”
Mikey gave off his best puppy dog eyes as tears started to fill his eyes. S-5 buried his head into Mikey and gave off a scared chirp. He didn’t want to go back; he didn’t want to get punished.
Raph watched the scene for a few seconds before breaking. “Okay, fine. We’ll bring him back home with us.”
“Are you serious!?”
Mikey cheered as Donnie and S-3, Leo? Had voiced their complaints.
“We can’t bring him back to that Draxum guy, and he does seem desperate.”
“Raph and Mikey are right. It just doesn’t seem right to leave him here.” April reached out a hand towards S-5 but quickly recoiled when he hissed at her.
“Woah! What was that for?” Mikey asked.
“She is a human! Humans are dangerous!” S-5 informed them. His brothers weren’t very smart, but he could fix that.
“Well, that’s April; she’s a good human; she’s our best friend!” Mikey squeezed S-5 just a little bit harder when saying that. “She won’t hurt you, I promise.”
S-5 nodded. “Okay.”
“Great!” Mikey released S-5 from the hug. “So what’s your name? I’m Mikey, That’s Raph, Leo, and Donnie.” Mikey pointed to all of them accordingly.
“My name is Subject-5 or S-5.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yes. You are Subject-4, Leo is Subject-3, Donnie is Subject-2, and Raph is Subject-1.”
“Wait, If you’re Subject-5, and I am supposed to be Subject-4, does that mean I’m older than you!?” Mikey asked with stars in his eyes.
“Yes. You are older than me by four months.”
“Mikey’s not the baby!?” Everyone shouted the question out loud.
“YES! I’ve always wanted to have a younger brother!” Mikey cheered. “Oh! But you need a proper name! We can’t just call you Subject-5; that’s just wrong. Mmmmm… How about Kai?”
Subject-5 thought about this for a moment before nodding his head. “Yeah, I like that name.” Subject-5’s Kai’s tail started to wag as he started to feel something that he hadn’t in a very long time: happiness.
“Come on, we should get home and let pop’s know that we have another litter brother!” Raph had said.
“Alright!” Mikey quickly draws an M symbol on a nearby wall, and they jump through it when it opens. The turtles and April land safely topside and they start to head home with their new brother.
(This is the longest chapter I have ever written on any story!)
3154 words for the first chapter! Not bad!
It's nice how you implemented it in the canon events!
Will we see more adventures from Kai? Will Draxum search for him and kidnap him back? Which other secrets will we find out?
Stay tuned in the next episode of: "Hey, let me show you what fine work I wrote!"
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january-summers · 10 months
Yeah I watched 98% of the entire series (so much PSA and extras) but I keep coming in late like:
I’m sorry who got court-martialed pre-series?!
Ha! Rooster Teeth literally means Cock Bite
Ohhhh, Texas knew what “happened” at Sidewinder even though it never happened because she was standing literally right there when Church was telling the story.
Wait, are Huggins and Muggins a reference to Huginn and Muninn, the magical companion ravens of Odin?
What else will I discover 20 years later next?
We could start a drinking game at this rate with the things that are slow to click in my brain re: RVB
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red-rover-au · 2 years
Do you have any headcannons or cute stories of the Poison Eaterz turtle tots? Did Huggin and Munnin babysit them?
I'm just thinking it might be nice to think about that when the rest of the story inevitably breaks me.
I dont have it in me to draw anything but
They LOVED pretending to be pokemon trainers!!! "Draxum naming them after colors is so impersonal those aren't real names yada yada" respectfully I direct you towards little Purple, Orange and Red walking around the hidden city with toy pokeballs and pretending everyone they meet is a pokemon. Absolute nuisances from day one. And you KNOW that Red was super smug about being the only one with a canon trainer name, no way in hell he didn't constantly point at the manga pages and go "ME, im the best trainer!"
Mikey figured out he was gay at like 5 yrs old because Draxum (also gay) was watching his yokai soap operas and Mikey wandered in. Not much of an event or story but it firmly happened in my mind lmao
I think during their infancy and into their early toddler stages, Draxum still didn't recognize that they were developing like human children and saw them as soldiers/weapons. So when Draxum was out he kept the infant turtles in cages like the other exotic creatures, but when they reached toddler stage and started having behavioral issues, Draxum tried to change up their environment. Started letting them wander the lab, immediately had to childproof all the outlets when Leo grabbed a fork, and from there Draxum started taking them with him to learn about the outside world/hidden city. He had them with him most of the time to see how they reacted to different situations/environments. Once he finally realized they were more like human children than yokai children, that's when he left them with Huginn and Muninn more often. So.... short answer.... yes they eventually babysat the turtles dhssjbd 😂
I also have the story of when they started calling their trio the Poison Eaterz but i haven't decided if that's gonna make it into the fic yet so for now i keep it secret
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
*clears throat* Will Leo get Therapy from the hidden city? And will we get Leo being torn between and relief seeing his fam cuz on one had Usagi on the other it’s been months since he’d seen his family
Hello!! Thank you so much for the ask!
For Therapy. I hope Leo get therapy at the end of all of this. I will not be writing it as I have never been to one (probably should) and therefor I couldn’t do it justice. There will probably be a mention of one at some point and the fact that’s it’s helping, but that would probably be the extent of it. I worry I would fall into a lot of stereotypes and that wouldn’t be fair to people who actually go. Does that make sense?
For the family vs Usagi debate. Oh boy. There are a lot of emotions in there.
On one hand Leo is going to be ecstatic to be back. He has missed his family so much, and they him. Going home is the one things he’s wanted for so long and now he’s back.
But Usagi’s not with him.
And that is heart breaking. He loves Usagi so much and they had so many plans together. He didn’t even get to say goodbye or process the fact that they were going to separate. He’s shattered. Not to mention Gen and Kitsune were also left behind and he didn’t get to say goodbye to anyone at the Tenshu. There is a lot of sadness in that.
This is going to be a big emotional arc for not just Leo but his family as well. I don’t want to say to much but here’s what I will say.
1) Leo was just separated from the love of his life with no warning.
2) the way he was separated cause a flashback of his time with the Krang.
3) the family has not read the letter yet. They haven’t even noticed. To focused on the katana being there and then Huggin and Muninn calling for them. They have no clue of Usagi’s existence.
There is going to be a variety of responses to what Leo has been up to. And that’s all I can say right now.
Hopefully this was helpful. Once again thank you for the ask.
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lieutenantbiscute · 1 year
Ok so with my recent leap into GOW (2018)/ GOW Ragnarök content i find it funny how there are a few hidden Norse mythos gems in ROTTMNT!
First one being Huggin and Munnin! More correctly written as ‘Huginn and Muninn’ They are by origin, Odins ravens. Tasked with flying over the land and gathering intel back to Odin for him to hear.
Huginn and Muninn are both ‘thought’ and ‘Memory’ respectively and I how in Rise has them be gargoyles who collect intel over the people of the Hidden City. Or course returning back to Draxum (Odin) to relay said information!
Another one id like to add it Garm and Freki! Two wolves in Norse mythos with one being Odins (Draxum’s) guard; Freki which means ‘ravenous’ and Garm; who in mythos is the sort of Hound of Hel/guard of Hel in a way.
Both being wolves of high statue. I find it very funny how Draxum hasn’t dubbed himself ‘Odin’ yet.
But! This also helps to kinda assign characters like Leo to Norse god archetypes, like Loki. Big Mama could be a loose fitting for Frigg/Freya and maybe Splinter as Tyr?
All in all I just love the small details of mythos that were thrown into the show.
Its as well helping me figure out some small character traits/arcs here and there. Especially in terms of Draxum/Odin GOW RAG. style.
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ivaldisonsforge · 9 months
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Raven ring
Raven is the holy bird around Odin. In Norse mythology, Huginn and Muninn are two ravens kept by Odin. The name Huggin means “idea” while Muninn means “memory'. Every morning they fly to the human world at dawn, and report back to Odin in the evening.
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lokis-wager · 1 year
I just remember you made huggin human in your fic as Atreus roommate, how does he look psychically?
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Here he is! He's Odin and Freya's son, Baldur's brother.
Bonus Muninn:
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coleyo · 2 years
"Sensei, Donatello!" Casey would almost shout before Leon covered the others mouth.
"I thought i told you three to--"
The ninja paused, his attention shifting towards huggin, muninn, and Angelo. Maybe the others being present wasn't the biggest issue..
   Leo let go of Casey and sighed, before the kraang suddenly spoke.
"Last Chance, 'Hamato." The alien growled, The mutants gaze shifted onto the floor, he'd contemplate before mumbling..
".. We do not have time for this.." Said Donatello, as he suddenly took his bo staff from the back of his battle shell, "What are you doing?" asked Leo. Donnies grip on his bo staff tightened as he sighed, "..Helping, of course." "what are you going to do? What do ya' have in mind?" The gecko asked, peaking over his shoulder. "..Crafting a bow and arrow would be an efficient way to distract the kraang." Donnie said with a smile before Leo spoke up, "A bow and arrow? What could you possibly do with that?" "I mean, we could --"
   A sudden voice would interrupt Donnie, causing him to jolt.
The kraang growled, as it would approach sensei Angelo with a grin. The mutant squirmed as he grabbed ahold of Angelo's throat, "I'll just have to force it out of you" the alien gripped tighter before letting go, practically tossing Angelo to the side as if they were nothing. Sensei Angelo coughed out both saliva and blood, their breathing would quicken by the meer passing seconds. The kraang would make their way over to a nearby lever, gripping onto it. Before the kraang could pull the lever, an arrow shot through their tentacle, causing the alien to screech, almost. "GO!" Donnie shouted, but felt someone, or, some thing grab a hold of his leg and drag him back. "DONNIE!" Mikey screamed as the man was dragged into the darkness, his bo staff being dropped during the process.
    Leo's eyes widened, but just as he were to leave, he'd look back at the three, they seemed frightened..
It was either Donnie, or Angelo and the others.
"..what are you waiting for guy', get Donnie!" Mikey demanded, as Leon looked down at him. "B- but -- Angelo, i-.."
"We've got this.." Mikey paused before grabbing donnies bo staff.. "We'll meet with you outside of the barriers when sensei is home free!"
"..Damn it.. just-- Fine! Don't get yourselves hurt! That thing is extremely dangerous.." Leo backed away, an alarm suddenly went off.. red lights began to flash as some kind of barrier began to rise from the ground, separating Leo from the others. "MASTER LEONARDO!"  Casey screamed before numerous footsteps could be heard.. "No, no.. we have to go!" Said the gecko..
"You three are not going anywhere.." a voice echoed from behind.. Casey eyes widened as he whipped his head around. The kraang ripped the arrow out of his tentacle and pulled the lever, causing Angelo to wince and scream, they would squirm endlessly as flames began to form. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM!" Mikey screamed, whilst mondo and Casey pulled him back. Tears fell from mikeys cheek.
"Extracting his power. With abilities like his, I'd.. we'd be unstoppable.." the alien grinned before crushing the arrow with his tentacle. Casey released Mikey before seething his weapon. he'd furrow his brows and grip onto the object, "Let sensei Angelo go at once.. and-- well-- the gargoyles too!"
  "How cute.. unfortunately, I do not think that will do." The alien snickered as few humans cornered the mutants not a second to soon, whilst the kraang approached. Mikey whined and held onto mondo, though the gecko was actually as frightened.. Mikey clenched donnies bo staff and took a deep breath.. how does one use it?.. Mikey shut his eyes, blocking every disturbance out.. what could've been of use, atleast right now..?
A shield maybe..
"You." Said the kraang, his gaze shifting onto Mikey and donnies bo staff. Mondo growled, defending Mikey. "Leave him be.. y-- you don't want to mess with us!" "Oh really? Maybe I can get two for the price of one.."
The alien raised its tentacle, shooting it towards mondo and Mikey. Both Casey and mondo shut their eyes, in hopes for something, anything to stop this.. and fortunately, something did.
Casey's eyes fluttered open and to his surprise, an orange force Field like barrier protected the three,  the impact of the kraangs hit bearly even damaged it. Mikey opened his eyes slowly, a small gasp would escape his mouth before he'd smile. "Mikey! How'd you-- d- doesn't matter!" Mondo shook his head and smiled, hugging Mikey tightly. A nervous giggle came from the mutant before Mikey cleared his throat. Mondo let go and let them work their magic.
  "..What strange power. Maybe you can join that.. monster." "He is NOT a monster!" Mikey shouted before raising the staff,  shoving the end onto the ground. Suddenly, the force Field would almost pop, the impact of the blow wiping out most of the humans, it would even stun the kraang for a bit. "Move out!" Casey demanded, they began running towards one of the barriers that weren't closed..
..."w- wait, sensei!" Mikey backtracked, before he could turn around, mondo grabbed his arm, "We will have him, right now, we need a real plan! We can't defeat all of those guys on our own, trust me.." the gecko gave a reassuring smile. Mikey gulped, putting most, if not all of his trust into mondo.
"..okay..o- okay, yeah-! We'll save him!.."
"..Well, what are you standing here for!? Get them! Bring the orange one to me.. I'll deal with that one myself." "Yes sir.." said one of the humans, before the rest left. flames still emerged from Angelo's hands,  they were getting exhausted..
"Let's speed this up, shall we?" Said the kraang, pulling the lever to its highest, yet most dangerous setting. Angelo screamed in pain as they'd fall to their knees, the kraang was obviously testing Angelo's most indefinite limits.. unfortunately, the kraang didn't think the fire was anything to worry about and just.. left.
What a horrible move..
A few items in this, isolated room caught fire, and it spread... All the way to the rope huginn and muninn were practically hanging from, hovering over the tub of acid..
That's... Not good.
  "Donnie.. Donnie!" Leo called out, until he heard a groan not too long after. "..Donnie!" Leon gasped, traveling towards the source of the sound.. sure enough, it was Donatello.  "...There you are." "'Nardo, hush.." Donnie would whisper, it was only then Leo noticed that he was covered in pink and purple goop. The man winced before whispering, "what happened.. who, o- or what grabbed you.." "..the sister kranng, she--...she's gone now.. where are Casey, mondo, and Mikey!?" "We were separated and I had to choose between you or Angelo, but they said that that could handle it!" "you TRUSTED them!? And left them with the k-- what the hell is wrong with you!?" Donnie exclaimed, giving Leo a frustrated look. "We're not trying to put these kids through the shit we went through when we were younger! We have to find them immediately.." the purple one stood, brushing himself off. "..Be glad I chose to come save you--" "well you shouldn't have!.. Angelo is more important. Let's move.." said Donnie, shutting his eyes. "..Then what was I supposed to do, I.." "Look, I understand that you must be under alot of pressure but--.." Donnie paused, staring into space. "..Wha what wrong, what happened?" "Do..do you smell that?"
Leon looked around before he froze,,
".. smoke."
Huginn pulled an arm from the ropes and ripped off the tape. "ANGELO! Listen, bud, you have to calm down!" They gargoyle urged, taking the mask of tape off of the other. "Yeah, you'll kill all three of us--" the rope suddenly snapped, almost killing the poor guys..
"He won't listen.. muninn, try to get the rope off!" Huginn said, tugging on the object. Everytime they'd struggle, the rope seemed to get more and more loose, they both weighed as one so it was harder.. "huginn, the fire!" Muninn whimpered, it was getting close.. suddenly, huginn stopped struggling.. "its no use, we're going to fall!" "N-- no don't say that--..Dang it, I didn't even get to do too much before death!" Muninn sighed. Huginn frowned before a smile formed, "hey, atleaset I get to go out with my bestest Friend.." "awh.. me too, bud." Said muninn, before the rope, so suddenly, snapped completely..
Angelo clawed at the chains, tugging at them and practically ripping them off. Luckily, with enough force it worked, but formed a nasty bruise.. Angelo was desperate, so, of course, went through with it.
Finally, they were free of their chains, but couldn't seem to calm down. Angelo looked at their hands , tears pricking at the corner of their eyes.. the damage was already done . Sensei Angelo turned around, yet huginn and muninn were no where to be seen.. this power really was a curse.. they were right.. Angelo really was a monster. Angelo limped towards the barrier and practically broke it down, and dear god..  it was a mess out there. Several humans were screaming as the fire quickly spread.
"..The others!" Angelo thought.. what if Angelo hurt them? He couldn't let that happen.
"DONNIE!" Mikey would shout, as they'd finally meet up. "Dude, I did really cool stuff with your staff!" "Yeah, cool, proud of ya', BUT WHERES ANGELO! This whole place is coming down!" "I- don't know, we had to leave because the kraang, i-..." "..damn it.. Look, I'll go get him, you guys escape! I'll meet you at the base." "What-- no we can't do that!" Mikey objected, taking a few steps back. "..what are you doing?" Leon asked before Mikey sighed, "i- I'll go get him!" "Mikey you can't!" Mondo said, grabbing his arm, tightly. "I can, And I will, mondo! He's my sensei and I should be the one helping him!" "Says who!" Mondo argued. Mikey glared at him before pulling away. "I- I'll be back!" Mikey scurried off as mondo yelled his name, the gecko clenched his fist and groaned. "Why is he making this so difficult!" Mondo muttered before running after him.
"A- ARE YOU KIDDING ME! You.. two, go. ACTUALLY leave. I will be the one getting him, like. We. Planned." Leo was hesitant, but nodded.
"C'mon, Casey.." Leo placed a hand on his shoulder. Casey whined before nodding, following Leo's lead.
  "MIKEY!" Mondo yelled, as the flames got more and more agressive. The fire crackled around him, smoke infiltrating his lungs. Mondo groaned as his vision became foggy, looking out for Mikey. Soon enough, mondo spotted them. They looked confused, as they were calling out for sensei Angelo. "Mikey!" Mondo yelled, catching his attention. "Mondo!-- what are you doing!" Mikey approached him slowly, "you're supposed to be with the others-.." "i- ...I had to come find you.." mondo huffed out, and suddenly, fell to his knees. The boy coughed out droplets of blood, causing Mikey to freeze. "-Mondo!" He'd shout, stooling down to his level in order to comfort him. "what happened..?"
"Where are those rodents!?"
A voice would echo, Mikey flinched before Mondo placed a hand on his. "Y- you need to leave! Now.." "..But you're hurt.." Mikey mumbled, "..i-ill be okay. Right now you really need to go." Tears began to dwell in Mikey's eyes, as he slowly began to regret his decision.  "-It'll be fine, I'll be fine! I promise.."  mondo reassured, holding onto his side. Mikey would notice blood coming from under his shirt, causing him to wince. "..How did you..." "-It must've been from the blow of the force Field, something.. happened.." mondo groaned. Mikey inched closer and whimpered, "I can't loose you, mondo.. we- we just.. please don't do this.." mondo smiled before kissing Mikey's cheek, without a word. Mikey's expression softened, before they were spotted by sister kraang.
Mikey stood and clenched his fist, "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!" they'd yell as tears fell down their cheeks, the alien laughed as she came closer. "Mikey, leave!" Mondo urged, doing everything in his power to stand. "..do you trust me?" Asked mondo. "..yes." mikey replied, "then go!" He'd shout,
The mutant backed away before closing his eyes and running away, praying that Mondo was okay.
Mikey called, and suddenly heard a voice. "-Mikey? Kid..?" "S- sensei-!" The boy gasped, venturing towards the source of the sound. Just as he'd expect, Angelo was there, though horribly scared he was okay! "Pa'!.." Mikey almost immediately hugged him, holding him tightly. "Mikey.. where are the others?" Asked Angelo, "They're gone, I went back for you, mondo tried to help b- but.." Mikey paused, "..huginn, muninn..what about them." "..i-.." Angelo was left speachless, Mikey assumed the worst. ".. Everything will be okay, right..?" "..right." Angelo suddenly felt a chill up his spine,
   "You little pest.."
The kraang growled from behind. Angelo immediately got into a defensive stance, "Mikey, go.."
"..No, no! I'm not doing this, I cannot leave you again.." he'd argue. Angelo shut his eyes before he spoke, "What do you want."
The alien grinned, "you know exactly what I'd like.. for years, I've been trying to harvest your power.. look what you've done, you cause NOTHING but chaos  As I see it, we're doing you a favor.." Angelo sighed, "If it's my power you want, it's what you'll get.." flames sparked from angelos fist.. "They always do it that hard way.."
"ANGELO, MIKEY!" Donnie yelled, approaching the two. The kraang glared before raising his tentacle, shooting it towards Angelo. Angelo's eyes widened, flinching . But..
Nothing haopened, yet again.
".. Donnie?" Mikey gasped.. it went straight through donnies chest, he'd freeze, looking down. "DONNIE!" Angelo yelled, before furrowing his brows. He'd use his chains to grip onto the kraang, practically throwing the alien across the camp grounds.
While Angelo was distracted, Mikey approached Donnie as he fell to the ground. ".. Fuck--.." the man coughed out as blood fell from his mouth. "..Y- you'll be okay, i-" "-Mikey..I won't, really." Donnie laid his head down on the ground, placing a hand on his chest. ".. I'm so sorry. I- if I would just-- this is all my fault.." "..Er'..maybe, but--..hey, it's fine.. I've longed for this moment."
"..After April and big mama went ...i--.. just couldn't handle it. Just do me a favor." "..Anything!" "..Be good for Angelo, alright?" Donnies removed his goggles, handing it to Mikey. "..i-...okay..I promise." Mikey sniffled, before Angelo placed a hand on his shoulder. ".. we've gotta go. Now." Angelo said with a firm tone of voice. "He's down for now."
Mikey looked up at Angelo, only to see goop and blood  covering his body, it was most certainly not his. "..Jesus dude!" "-Thats my brother'.." Donnie smiled before closing his eyes. Angelo sighed and helped Mikey up. Mikey held onto Angelo's back as he carried him throughout the fire..
Mikey looked at the damage caused and noticed that, where Mondo was last left, he was gone.. blood stained the area. Mikey teared up, digging his head into Angelo's shell.
  The two made it out of the camp and heard a loud crash, and then, an explosion it seems.. Mikey flinched before finally, crying.. Angelo held back his tears, there was no time for pity emotions.
"Angelo, Mikey!" Casey shouted, Leo waited beside him..
"Where's mondo and Donnie -- and the gargoyles!"
"... they're gone, Casey." Angelo muttured and continued to move. Mikey held onto Angelo tightly, whilst Leo and Casey followed.. they were all silent, aside from Mikey's occasional sobs and whines. Finally, he fell asleep on Angelo due to exhaustion..
They made it back to the lair, safely..but.. was it really worth it?
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blue-champion · 2 years
This is a fictionkin blog for my (Rise) Leonardo canon!! I’m Dannie (he/vim/they; 24 years old) but you can also call me: Otus, Leo, Leon, Leonardo. Really don’t mind what name you use for me on this blog!!
All of my information can either be located on my blog or, to make it easier on mobile users, can be found attached to this post. If you ever have a question about something, don’t be afraid to ask!!
Important information
Before you follow (made specifically for this blog. Please check this out first!!)
About me (this is a link to my main carrd!!)
My canon (all possible triggers are mentioned at the top!!)
This blog is a side blog so @tinyghostotus will be the blog that follows back!!
Blog tags
General tags
These are tags for basic stuff such as me talking, my art, etc!!
Shell.txt || answers/me just talking
kin stuff || things related to by canon (memories, kin stuff, etc.)
neon blues || aesthetics
tiny doodles || my art
Donnie’s Gifts || Tony’s art
home graffiti || Other’s art (art made for me)
Interaction tags
Tags for blogs/anons I actively interact with on here!! Mostly will see tags for those who kin from the same canon as me
purplegenius || My Donnie!!
Appearance tags
Tags for general appearances, such as - for example - April appearing in fanart or Piebald in screenshots/gifs from the show
face man || Leonardo
boss man || Raphael
don tron || Donatello
miguel || Michelangelo
- || April
- || Piebald
- || Splinter
gram gram || Karai
- || Draxum
- || Huggin
- || Muninn
- || Big Mama
- || Frida (Big Mama’s Assistant)
- || Cassandra
- || Casey Jr.
- || Foot Clan
- || Shredder
chewed bubble gum || Krang
I have a kin playlist on spotify
My other kin blogs: @blue-robro (Aki Light), @digitalsoul (Rockman.EXE), @gcldenhunter (Hunter/Golden Guard), @spectral--punk (Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom), and @blue-swords (IDW Leonardo)
My dA for none kin related art!!
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avalon-princesss · 3 years
Tumblr media
Viking Ravens 🖤⚔
Inspired by Norse mythology, Huginn from Old Norse "thought" and Muninn, Old Norse "memory" are a pair of ravens that fly all over the world, Midgard, and bring information to the God Odin 
Available for purchase here
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