#Baron Hades
iobsesswaytoomuch · 5 months
Herculean Cerulean: Part One
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I can totally draw older turtles that are also gods... And crowds... And ancient Greek temples.... Yeah👍
Brother rivalry. That won't be important later! (Maybe. Idk)
Raph was lost and abandoned until big mama found him (I'll make a reference for her later).
Mikey is so done with Zeus's temper.
Donnie has face markings but later covers them up because he's embarrassed about them. And fun fact; those toys on the ground around him were carved by this older Athena worshipper/caretaker/older brother figure. That deeefinitely won't be plot relevant later :)
Also, unlike in Percy Jackson, the gods actually check in on their kids from time to time. I didn't want to try drawing medusa's head on athena's shield so just pretend it's the aegis. Yeah.
Hope you like the first part! I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing :D
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The Ludocrats #2 (Cover art by Jeff Stokely)
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
October 2023 witch guide
Full moon: October 28th
New moon: October 14th
Sabbats: Samhain
October Hunter's Moon
Known as: Blood moon, drying rice moon, falling leaf moon, freezing moon, migrating moon, moon of the changing seasons, shedding moon, ten colds moon, winterfelleth & windermanoth
Element: Air
Zodiac: Libra & Scorpio
Nature spirits: Frost faeries & Plant faeries
Deities: Apollo, Astarte, Belili, Cernunnos, Demeter, Hathor, Herne, Horned God, Ishtar, Kore, Lakshmi & Mercury
Animals: Elephant, jackal, ram, scorpion & stag
Birds: Crow, heron & robin
Trees: Acacia, apple, cypress & yew
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, apple blossom, burdock, catnip, pennyroyal, sweet Annie, thyme & Uva ursi
Flowers: Calendula, cosmos & marigold
Scents: Apple blossom, cherry & strawberry
Stones: Amethyst, beryl, obsidian, opal, tourmaline & turquoise
Colors: Black, dark blue, Dark greens & purples
Energy: Artistic works, balance, creativity, harmony, inner cleansing, justice, karma, legal matters, mental stimulation, partnerships, reincarnation & uncovering mysteries or secrets
It is believed that this name originates from the fact that it was a signal for hunters to prepare for the upcoming cold winter by going hunting. This is because animals were beginning to fatten up in preparation for the winter season. Moreover, since fields had recently been cleared out under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily spot deer and other animals that had come out to search for remaining scraps. Additionally, foxes and wolves would also come out to prey on these animals.
The earliest use of the term “Hunter’s Moon,” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, is from 1710. Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter’s Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, either associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves. 
Also known as: All Hallow's Eve,  Ancestor Night, Feast of Apples, Feast of Sam-fuim, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, Geimhreadh, Hallowmass, Martinmass, Old Hallowmas, Pagan New Year, Samana, Samhuinn, Samonios, Shadowfest & Third Harvest
Season: Fall
Symbols: Apples, bats, besom(brooms), black cats, cauldrons, ghosts, gourds, jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, scarecrows & witches
Colors: Black, gold, orange, silver & white
Oils/incense: Basil, cloves, copal, frankincense, gum mastic, heather, heliotrope, mint, myrrh & nutmeg
Animals: Bat, boar, cat cattle & dogs
Stones: Amber, anatase, black calcite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, brass, carnelian, clear quartz diamond, garnet, gold, granite, hematite, iron, jet, marble, pearl, pyrite, ruby, sandstone, sardonyx, smokey quartz, steel & tektite
Foods: Apples, ale, beef, cider, corm, fruits, garlic, gourds, grains, hazelnuts, herbal teas, mushroom, nettle, nuts, pears, pomegranates, pork, poultry, pumpkin pie, sunflower seeds, thistle, turnips & wine (mulled)
Herbs/plants: Acorn, Allspice, catnip, corn, dittany of Crete, hazel, mandrake, mugwort, mullien, oak leaves, pine, rosemary, sage, straw, tarragon, thistle, wormwood & yellow cedar
Flowers: Calendula, chrysanthemum, deadly nightshade, rue & fumitory
Goddesses: Al-lat, Baba Yaga, Badb, Banba, Bast, Bebhionn, Bronach, Brunhilde, Cailleach, Carlin, Cassandra, Cerridwen, Copper Woman, Crobh Dearg, Devanyani, Dolya, Edda, Elli, Eris, Erishkigal, Fortuna, Frau Holde, Hecate, Hel, Ishtar, Kali, Macha Mania, Morrigan, Nemesis, Nephthys, Nicneven & Rhiannon
Gods: Arawan, Baron Samede, Belenus, Coyote, Cronus, Dagda, Dis, Hades, Loki, Nefertum, Odin, Osiris, Pluto, Woden & Xocatl
Issues Intentions & Powers: Crossroads, darkness, death, divination, honoring ancestors, introspection, the otherworld/underworld, release, visions & wisdom (of the crone)
Spellwork: Divination, fire magick, night magick, shape-shifting, spirit calling & water magick
Related festivals:
• Day of the Dead- (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed & is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. Although related to the simultaneous Christian remembrances for Hallowtide, it has a much less solemn tone and is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember funny events and anecdotes about the departed.
• All Saints Day- is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honor of all the saints & martyrs of the Church, whether they are known or unknown
• Dedicate an altar to loved ones who have passed
• Boil a simmer pot to cleanse your space
• Have a silent dinner
• Light a candle for your loved ones & yourself
• Decorate your house and/or altar
• Release negative energy & cleanse your with a ritual bath
• Pull tarot cards to see what may be in store for you ahead
• Cleanse, clean & de-clutter your space
• Leave offerings to the Fae
• Journal & reflect on your accomplishments, challenges & everything you did this year
•Go on a nature walk
• Learn a new form of divination
• Have a bonfire with your friends and/or family
• Carve pumpkins
• Express yourself creatively through art, music, ect
• Visit a cemetery & help clean off areas that need it or to visit a family member/ ancestor & leave an offering
• Hold a seance
• Bake spooky treats & bread as offerings
• Refresh your protection magicks, sigils & rituals
Samhain is a Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year. Celebrations begin on the evening of 31 October, since the Celtic day began and ended at sunset.
This fire festival is celebrated on October 31st & is considered the Pagan New Year. It is the first Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year, a cross-quarter festival & the third (final) harvest festival of the mundane year. This is the time when the veil between the worlds of the living & those who have passed is the thinnest, which allows greater communication between the two
Some believe this is the time of the Goddess's mourning of the death of the God until his rebirth at Yule. The Goddess's sadness can be seen in the shortening, darkening days & the arrival of cold weather
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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alright but Hades and Persephone retelling with George Russell as the Robber Baron Hades and the Reader as Union-Leader's Sister Persephone
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
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The general concept is that Hyacinthus, the (secret) sixth prince of Laconia is sent to Olympia to help out after the catastrophic earthquake that's completely paralysed the town. He gets there, he's given his land and he finds this cool statue of his Very Handsome Man on his land and would you look at that, the Very Handsome Statue is talking to him and introduced himself as Apollo, how nice-!
In short, it's something of a domestic mystery - much like in Fields of Mistria itself, the earthquake has awakened old magic in Olympia once more due to interfering with the seals far below the earth. Hyacinthus, motivated to help Apollo get his lost memories back and for the good of the town, traverses down the mines so he can break the seals and, in the process, maybe un-statue the really hot guy that's sharing this farmland with him.
Below the cut I'll put the list of the characters I assigned to the townspeople if you're interested <33
Farmer → Hyacinthus
Sent by the Adventurer’s Guild to help repair Olympia. Is the only one that can hear the voice of the Radiant from the statue on his farm. Sixth prince of Laconia, still in contact with his family, wanted to help his people after the disaster. 
Caldarus → Apollo
A God of old Olympia, used to be widely worshipped but is now sealed away deep under the earth. Has lost most of his memories along with much of his power but has recently reawakened due to a disaster which disrupted his seals. Can only communicate to Hyacinthus through the statue on his farm.  
Balor → Hermes
A prolific merchant who excels at delivering quality goods in unorthodox places. Took a special interest in Olympia after the disaster and remained the town’s sole contact to the outside world in the wake of their bridge collapsing. Always smiling and extremely mysterious - he has suspiciously low prices despite the danger of his work. 
Nora → Demeter
Head of Olympia’s Chamber of Commerce and co-owner of the General Store in town. Works closely with both Hermes and Hektor to keep the town running smoothly as well as coordinate the restoration of Olympia after the disaster. 
Holt → Triptolemus 
Co-owner of the General Store and Demeter’s life partner. Extremely reliable but a bit lost without Demeter’s instructions, he’s extremely skilled at cultivating crops and is responsible for stocking the general store with seasonal seeds and saplings. Strictly vegetarian.
Celine → Persephone
Demeter’s daughter and an avid lover of flowers. Constantly busy with the beautification of Olympia when she’s not researching the rare and mythical flora of Olympia’s past. She handles stocking the general store with seasonal flower seeds and furniture. Is in a secret relationship with Hades, one of the merchants from out of town.
Dell → Pelops
Demeter’s ward and a greatly troubled child. Rambunctious with a very vivid imagination, he has big dreams of returning to the capital and taking his rightful place as a Duke. Due to the remote nature of Olympia, it is the perfect place for him to be hidden away from his father’s madness and, luckily, no one in Olympia takes his tales seriously. Demeter worries about him endlessly.
Eiland → Cassandra
The younger child of the Baron and Baroness of Olympia, she is greatly concerned with the history and architecture of Olympia. Extremely perceptive and always on the lookout for more hints about Olympia’s buried past. Founded the History Society so she could more effectively research her current obsession, the scattered steles of a long dead god.
Adeline → Hektor
The elder child of the Baron and Baroness of Olympia, after the disaster struck he dedicated himself to restoring Olympia at all costs. He truly believes in the people and potential of this town and though he has never been particularly superstitious, he has found himself more inclined to pray and pay attention to natural omens since starting this project. He personally dedicates himself to working alongside Hyacinthus for the sake of restoring Olympia to its former glory. 
Elsie → Paris
Older relative of the Baron and a Count, he agreed to look after Hektor and Cassandra in Olympia while their parents were away. Seems to prefer Olympia’s quieter countryside but always has a story or two to tell about his exploits in the Capital. Seems especially fond of a particular man and woman he left behind in favour of coming to live with the Baron and his family.
Juniper → Penthesilea
A foreign woman who has not entirely settled into Olympia. Runs the bathhouse and gym and spends a lot of time on the Eastern Road. Is especially interested in the seals and inscriptions scattered around Olympia but staunchly refuses to join the History Society. Apparently, she is not very fond of Orpheus. 
Valen → Orpheus
The extremely skilled but extremely reserved town doctor. He has a clinic in the town centre and mostly keeps to himself, though he is especially fond of flowers and trees. Doesn’t speak much and instead prefers to write his thoughts down or communicate with sign language. Wears a wedding ring but notably, lives alone.  
Olric → Zephyrus
The older of the blacksmithing duo, a gentle man with a big heart. Part of the History Society and very enthusiastic about life, he was part of a skilled band of adventurers called the ‘Anemoi’ before eventually retiring and moving to Olympia. Spends a lot of his time on high hills and summits and can speak the language of flowers. Is good friends with Persephone.
March → Dionysus
The younger of the blacksmithing duo and undoubtedly the more skilled craftsman of the two, has been working extremely hard to help put the town to rights after the disaster and is a bit on edge because of it. Super welcoming and friendly but also somewhat unsettling due to his intensity, doesn’t actually care much about smithing and would much rather spend his days making wine casks and custom drinking cups.
Hemlock → Asclepius
Co-owner of the Sleeping Eclipse Inn and the town doctor before Orpheus moved in. He’s an anchor of the town and the inn is Olympia’s beating heart. Extremely well-read and a skilled luthier he helps wherever he can. Due to some difficulties with his health after the disaster, his family has been forcing him to take it easy. Cries every time he hears Orpheus sing.
Josephine → Epione
Co-owner of the Sleeping Eclipse Inn and the town veterinarian. She’s a powerful woman, the second tallest person in Olympia and very intimidating on first glance because of it. Despite this, she is extremely gentle-natured and always has a smile for those who enter her doors, works closely with Aristaeus to ensure the town’s internal supply of animal produce isn’t threatened, especially after the massive losses taken after the disaster. Was a ranger before she met Asclepius and still has her horse, Miel.
Reina → Iaso
Eldest child of Asclepius and Epione, was educated in the Capital but came home in a huff due to a major blowout with her boss at the hospital she worked at. Currently studying the healing power of food and cooking and works as the Sleeping Eclipse’s chef while she does her research. Is extremely concerned about her father’s health but refuses to let it show.  
Luc → Machaon
Middle child of Asclepius and Epione, he is determined to become a surgeon and surpass his father’s legend. Very smart young lad and one of the few people in town who completely believes Pelops’ stories, he loves small animals like insects and birds and often tries to nurse any small injured creature he can find back to health. Is fascinated by Pelops’ shoulder prosthetic and hopes to one day be able to make such a difference for someone else.
Maple → Hygeia
Youngest child of Asclepius and Epione, is a  twin but her sister died shortly after being born. Despite never knowing her sister, Hygeia struggles with a deep sense of loneliness and grief that has only recently started to ease with the help of the townspeople. Adores Orpheus and often spends the day shadowing him in the hopes of hearing him sing or play his lute. She is the only one Orpheus talks to about his dead wife.
Ryis → Thamyris
A carpenter who studied music in the Capital, came to Olympia shortly before the disaster at his friend’s request and was trapped after the bridge collapsed. Has a bit of a poor attitude due to once having big dreams of becoming a famous bard but is now too attached to Olympia to leave, no matter how much he grumbles about its backwater nature. Is convinced there’s something singing in the mines but is completely useless with a sword. 
Landen → Hippolytus
Owner of the Red-tailed Stag House of Carpentry (or the Stag House for short) and a very good friend of Thamyris. He gave up on urban life a long time ago and is dedicated to living in oneness and harmony with nature. Strictly vegetarian and kind of a stickler for his views being respected, he’s been on edge since the disaster since there’s been a massive change in the lands of Olympia. Most of the townspeople don’t take him seriously, but Penthesilea seems to think of him as a kindred spirit. He doesn’t work on the 6th or 16th of every month.  
Errol → Eros
Museum Curator, ex-adventurer and all around incredibly offputting guy, despite his open nature and pretty face, Eros seems to know everything about everything yet is unwilling to share that information with the rest of the town. His only delight seems to be the History Society and he is extremely pleased that Hyacinthus has decided to collect old artefacts and explore the mines. Apart from Cassandra, Eros is the only one that acknowledges the statue on Hyacinthus’ farm and occasionally passes by just to stare at it.  
Hayden → Aristaeus
Owner of Sweetwind Farm and the only other farmer in Olympia, Aristaeus has deep roots in this town and his family has lived and farmed here for generations. Skilled with animals and is extremely handy with preserving food, pressing olives into oil and keeping bees, he has almost single-handedly kept the town fed during the worst of the shortages brought on by the disaster despite the losses to his animals. Has a deep aversion to dogs and wishing stars. Seems to know a few things about Olympia’s history that no one else does but isn’t exactly eager to talk about it.
Terithia → Medea
A beautiful woman who lives alone on the beach. Has lived a long and eventful life and refers to Olympia as her ‘jail-cell’, her ‘gilded cage’ and her ‘death-house’ based on her mood. Much like Eros, she seems to know many things but is not inclined to let anyone else know, but unlike Eros, she very openly spins exciting tales of her youth when she was a court sorceress and princess. Though she doesn’t do much magic these days, she still has the knowledge and is always willing to decode some arcane knowledge for a price. 
Obviously there are a lot of liberties taken for the sake of the AU but that's the broad strokes of it. Thanks for asking about it @gotstabbedbyapen !!
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lyorofthequill · 1 month
A problem I have with fan casts is that like. It tends to be A list and B list celebrities - and that goes with every fandom. I've seen a few different fan casts here and there. And I'd like to throw a name into the ring.
Patrick Page (Hades from Hadestown) for Baron Vengeous. No explanation, just go listen to the musical.
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smgoetter · 7 months
I know you and Natalie probably get the question that if there will be a sequel to dungeon critters, and I also know that in the current situation (or at least I think) you two aren’t planning on writing one. But, that left me wondering; did you guys ever think about writing a sequel, or even the plot of a sequel? Did you write the Dungeon Critters thinking it would be a series? Or- maybe what I’m trying to say is: Do YOU think there will be a sequel to Dungeon Critters in the future?
(Natalie helped with writing this, but we both talked about it a lot)
Thanks for writing in! Dungeon Critters is really, really special to us, and we’re both really happy that it continues to find its audience. In a perfect world, we’d be diligently working away on volume 4, and designing the Baron’s minivan that he would use in the climactic fight (I’m serious).
I don’t know how much inside baseball I’m allowed to give about the inner workings of publishing, but basically: we signed a contract to do the one Dungeon Critters book, with the hope that it would sell well and we would get to continue making more Dungeon Critters books. Once we wrapped up the first book we immediately wrote and pitched a sequel that we were really excited about, with lots of ideas for more. However, while our publisher did support Dungeon Critters, they weren’t interested in any sequels. But they did still want to work with us, at least!
Which is where The Bawk-Ness Monster comes in! While we were understandably crushed we couldn’t work on Dungeon Critters, a lot of heart and hard work went into pivoting to a new series. And I’m proud of the work we’ve done on it.
Working full-time, we don’t have the time or resources to draw and self-publish a graphic novel by ourselves, and even if we did, having a publisher gives it better reach, especially ones for kids and young adults. We think there’s hope that eventually :01 might be interested in a sequel for Dungeon Critters, which is why we haven’t posted the old summary and concept art online yet. We’re currently reworking it a bit as well, along with some other ideas…we just have to wait and hope for the best.
All that being said, selfishly, hearing from people who read and liked Dungeon Critters helps us keep that hope. It’s niche and weird and doesn’t explain itself and the most purely self-indulgent and fun thing we could have made. Even if we never get to make another one, knowing someone found it and it spoke to them is really precious to us. Thank you again for asking.
Please know that no one are bigger fans of Dungeon Critters than we are, and we are keeping these characters close to our hearts. 
(Also, (in response to the other message) thank you for the game recommendation! We enjoyed Hades very much when it came out a few years ago hehe. Our current gaming update is that Sara is a normal amount of hours into Balatro and Natalie is looking forward to the new Stardew update.)
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jester-creates · 1 month
thinking about that Mechanisms persona 5 au again. The one where it's the mechs cast in p5. So I might as well put who I think should go where.
This is also a college au. I guess. It just fits better
The phantom thieves- the Mechanisms. This is obvious why. They choose the Mechanisms as their phantom thieves group name first, but after a certain someone kept basically saying to everyone that they were the Mechanisms in public, they made the band as a cover and now they have to manufacture beef between themselves as the band and themselves as phantom thieves and that the phantom thieves definitely stole their name.
wildcard- Jonny D'ville. He's the narrator of the Mechanisms and one of the first members of the Mechanisms. He's up there for most roles over all the albums, so wildcard. I'm half tempted to make his persona Prince Charming because one, it would tick him off to no end and two, it the role he as himself played in ouatis.
0 fool - I think Yog Sothoth or one of the elder gods would make the best fit for Yaldy. No idea who Igor would be though
1 magician - the Toy Soldier. It is the least organic of the Mechanisms which is in line with Morgana's origins. I'd say it was given instructions to find the wildcard and eventually found itself in the first Palace pretending to be a Shadow or something. Haven't decided on a persona for it yet though
2 high priestess - Ashes O'Reilly. They have mob connections (though a lot different from how Makoto's went). Ashes would slso manage to become the student president at their college. Their persona would probably be Hades
3 emperor - Raphaella la Cognizi. She and Yusuke are both eccentric weirdos (/pos) in their fields. She has probably neglected herself and her finances in her focus on science as well. Haven't decided on a persona for her yet
4 empress - Nastya Rasputina. A princess and an Heir to a food company are basically the same thing right? (I almost had her be the futaba of the group due to Out, but I figured that being the Haru of the group fit her better. Plus she deserves to be the most terrifying member of the group. And also a big weapon.) Haven't decided on a persona for her yet.
5 Hierophant- Dr. Carmilla (unless I find someone better). She is somewhat of a parental figure? I'm not too sure on this one.
6 the lovers - Gunpowder Tim. His whole thing with bertie parallels Ann's thing with Shiho pretty well.
7 chariot - Baron Marius von Raum. He seems like he would be the most like Ryuji. He does do the talking about the phantom thieves out loud thing which results in them having to make the band as a cover.
8 strength- the Aurora. As the most inhuman of the crew, she gets to be Jonny's attendant in the Velvet Room. They do figure out that something is up with the VR and rescue her much earlier than lavenza gets rescued in p5. (Aurora and Nastya are together in this au still)
9 hermit - Ivy Alexandra. She would definitely be a Navi type.
10 fortune - undecided maybe loki?
11 justice - drumbot Brian. He gets to be akechi due to the whole 2 modes thing, so two personas. To keep in line with his mostly robot thing I am going to make him a anti shadow weapon (think aigis from persona 3)
12 Hanged man- the pendragon trio (or at least arthur). the thing with mordred could be a good parallel between iwai and his kid
13 death- Oedipus. tae and oedipus are both doctors who do kinda have a similar storyline. plus the image of oedipus in tae's outfit kills me
14 temperance - undecided. maybe cinders?
15 devil - Ulysses. Ohya and them have a very similar starting point when we meet them. And Ulysses is a gumshoe (a detective) so that would take the place of ohya's investigative journalism.
16 Tower - undecided. Maybe Heracles?
17 star - undecided. Maybe rose red? Maybe Guinevere?
18 moon - undecided. Maybe pilchard? (Though he'd do better as a Palace ruler or the Shadow that leads them to the second palace)
19 sun - snow white. She and Yoshida both are politicians campaigning for peace and better stuff.
20 judgement- Lyfrassir Edda. They and Sae are both long-suffering people in kaw enforcement who have to deal with the Mechanisms/phantom thieves and all their shenanigans.
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the-indie-owl · 2 months
My Very First Try doing a Meme List off of DeviantArt to post it here on Tumblr.
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I tend to have a lot of Male Characters when it comes to certain media that I have some Personal Bias Standards to, but when it's a Few Male Characters (either the Ones that I do have a Crush on (ex; Bolok or Poseidon) or just the ones that I think are Handsome and don't have a crush on (ex; Pedri and Ballister)).
Here is a List of some Personal Male Characters from Media that I have seen that I think are Either Attractive or just maybe Born-Handsome.
(And yes, this might be filled with Young Men and also DILFs, so please be very warned about this).
Also, Please Be Respectful and Don't Judge Me just because I happened to have a Weird Type.
Pedri Nanezgani (Ava's Demon)
King Poseidon (SpongeBob SquarePants)
King Neptune (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Lucien Bolok (Space Goofs)
Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Prince Lir (The Last Unicorn)
Viktor (Arcane)
Arktos (Tabaluga)
Hamegg (Osamu Tezuka)
A Tie between Raoul and Erik (The Phantom of The Opera)
Francoeur (A Monster In Paris)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Ballister Boldheart (Nimona)
Howl Jenkins Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle)
Zmey Gorynych (The Last Bride of Zmey Gorynych)
Lord Licorice (Candyland)
Silas (The Graveyard Book)
Jareth (Labryinth)
Hades (Lore Olympus)
Wilson (Don't Starve)
Honorable Mentions:
Captain James Hook (Peter Pan (2003))
Von Rothbart (Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake") (No matter the version)
Tuls Tenebrose (Ava's Demon)
No Heart (Care Bears)
The Baron (Whisper of The Heart)
Not Pictured:
Dr. Habit (Smile For Me)
Sir Carrot (Cucumber Quest)
Cyrano De Bergerac (Edmond Rostand's "Cyrano")
(I might have more than just a few on the list, but if I do think of Another Fictional Male Character, I'll probably continue on editing this list).
Original Meme By Duckyworth
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 3 months
Herculean Cerulean: Part 3
@mintleafkitty72 @froggyphycosis @daboyau @theartofeverything if you want me to tag/stop tagging you, let me know!! :)
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Hoooooo boy this took forever but it's finally done!! I think I'm starting to get better at drawing Draxum *sobs*, and figured out the designs for the fates :D
Maghick oonoh ceards :)
Those of you who wanted a better, full-body reference of Draxum (I know you do) come get your food
start previous next masterpost
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kingofdoma · 1 year
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Yeah, this image owns.
We got two hot and sexy titans ready to take it to the very limit! Let's look at how the last bracket ended!
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Amazing! ... unless I don't post this post, in which case you'll never see this image! I'm prepping this before I leave town for my 5th wedding anniversary and I'm assuming the results will stay the same over the next 46 hours! Woo!
Let's take a look at our final matchup!
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On one side, we have the redeemed dark knight, the future king of Baron, the white haired wonder who's half Mooninite, Cecil Harvey! His has been called a "trans narrative" by the original submitter, so let's see if this icon of SNES FF games makes it to the podium!
On the other side, you have the mysterious ronin of Zanarkand, the ghost with the most who can roast Hades the most, Auron! Though he is only submitted with "[spoiler removed]" as a justifier for his place here, clearly that place is justified for him to have made it so far on so little! Let's see if the (not your father, but your) daddy of Spira can take the crown!
It's been an amazing ride, gang, and I thank each and every one of you for your reblogs and votes! Let's end strong!
Happy Voting!!!!!!!
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vulpine-spectacle · 5 months
I wanted to thank you for providing to us, readers, with such a unique and well-written fanfic <3 I'm going through a very difficult time in my life and reading it at night while lying in bed is something that gives me a little serotonin :D and makes me happy
Awww, my lovely!! I am giving you the biggest hug over the computer right now!! I am so sorry that you are going through a rough time. I am glad that my silly fic is able to give you some levity during this hard time. It's a gift knowing that my fic is helping you!
Here are some headcanons I can give to you, too!!
Feyd is a starfish. When he sleeps, he's sprawled out, and sometimes Eurydice has to wrestle herself under him, but then he goes venus flytrap and coils his whole ass limbs around her.
Eurydice's favorite fruit are pomegranates. And, yes, I absolutely did that because of Persephone and Hades. >:3
If Feyd knew who Eurydice was early on, he would've killed the Baron himself and taken over Giedi Prime for the sole purpose of invading Chapterhouse to secure her. The fifteen year old would have had NO CHILL.
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iasmelaion · 7 months
1,000+ Hours??
Steam tells me I've played over 1,000 hours of Stardew Valley. WILD! In my defense (?), that's over about 7.5 years, so it works out to about 130 hours a year, but still, it's by far the videogame I've played the most, and now that the 1.6 update is coming out in a couple of weeks, I got to thinking about just why that is, and why I enjoy the game so much.
For anyone who doesn't know, Stardew Valley is a farming life sim in pixel art style, where you inherit your grandpa's farm and are tasked with fixing it up and revitalizing the town it's in. It was created by a solo developer, ConcernedApe aka Eric Barone, as a passion project that took him years to make, because he did everything: the coding, the art, the music, all of it, while he had a part-time job and his girlfriend supported them.
It's a hell of an underdog story: solo developer labors away at this passion project for years, and then when he finally releases his game, it becomes an enormous hit. In the past eight years, it's sold over 30 million copies. At around $15 a game, all it takes some quick back of the envelope math to calculate that, even accounting for the cuts various platforms and past publishers have taken, discounted prices, and his overhead now that he has a small handful of staff, ConcernedApe has made hundreds of millions of dollars.
I mention all of this because in a lot of ways, Barone is living the dream. He did it, he hit it big: he worked really hard on this thing he loved, and it was a success, and people love it, and now he's set for life. Of course it came with its own costs: this GQ profile points out that it took a near obsessive dedication to pull off, and obviously, he couldn't have managed it without the financial support of his partner. But like, damn! It more than paid off!
The fanbase almost universally adores Barone: not only is he an incredible underdog success story, but he's released multiple updates for the game for free. Like, dude absolutely could have charged for the 1.5 update, it added a lot of content and the players would've been happy to pay for it, but it was free! He also personally helps people out sometimes, when bugs break their game saves, and he's supportive of the lively modding community (in fact, the 1.6 update includes a lot of updates that are specifically meant to make modding easier).
All that external stuff wouldn't really matter to me if I didn't actually like playing the game. But I do, and as I've thought about why I love it so much, I know part of it is the knowledge that it was, in fact, this one guy's passion project, and very clearly a labor of love that he devoted a ton of care and attention to. It's an inextricable part of what makes it feel good to play the game. (Also, it's nice to know the game isn't, like, evil, lol. No exploitative labor practices [other than the creator's own perfectionism], no microtransactions, no dark patterns meant to make you throw more money at it, though it is for sure an addictive game play loop.)
Anyway, it's been one of my emotional support videogames over the past seven and a half years I've played it. The great thing about my anxiety, to the extent there can be great things about it lol, is that it's very easily distracted, and games like Stardew Valley (and Hades) are A++++ ways for me to break out of an anxiety spiral. Very useful during the Trump times and the pandemic! Also, even when I'm not feeling notably anxious, it's just a super chill and satisfying game to play, one that gives you that sweet, sweet dopamine for accomplishing tasks, plus it's a great game to play while you're listening to an audiobook or podcast.
But like, I'm still kind of baffled about why this game. I've tried a bunch of different games that are similar, and none of them have hit for me like SDV. Like, objectively, I should be sick of SDV! Even with the amount mods add to the game, I've basically 100%ed the game with two different saves (the achievements I haven't gotten are the ones I'm NEVER going to get: never gonna do a Joja run, and never gonna come close to beating the Journey of the Prairie King minigame). And yet, here I am, still playing it!
Other games like it that I have tried, and even enjoyed, but that haven't held onto my attention like SDV has:
Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Like probably everybody else, I downloaded this just as pandemic quarantines and restrictions were kicking off in the US, and it became my Emotional Support videogame while I was stuck in my apartment. It was charming and comforting and cute, and the routine it added to anxious, isolated days was a true gift. It has plenty in common with SDV: farming and foraging mechanics, decorating a house, befriending villagers. But I abruptly dropped it in July of 2020 and just...never went back to it. It served its purpose for me, and while I think of it fondly, I don't really have any desire to play it again.
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom: Not, strictly speaking, in the same genre as SDV. But I've played a lot of it, and it has some of the same vibes, if you will: gorgeous scenery, the ability to play it however you want, foraging, great music, a chill vibe (when you're not fighting monsters). And indeed, I do occasionally come back to these games! They truly are beautiful, and genuinely thrilling at points. But there's not quite enough structure here to make for a comforting gaming experience.
Littlewood: a cute little RPG with some of the same mechanics as SDV. I played about 40 hours of this, but got bored with how grindy it started to feel. SDV also has a fair amount of grind, but I think what keeps it from feeling too grindy is the amount of variety. Littlewood's grindiness felt like it was just about making Number Go Up. With SDV, you have a bunch of different kinds of grindiness: making money, catching all the fish, collecting stuff for the community center, collecting enough resources to build stuff, going into the caves to mine and fight monsters, etc.
Spiritfarer: billed as a "cozy management game about death", and not really fucking around with that description. Has farming and fishing mechanics, plus you get to explore the world by sailing to various destinations, but there's not really any replayability here. Also it is emotionally devastating. Like, you start it, and you're like, oh, the art is so pretty, the music is so nice, how lovely, how charming, there is an adorable cat here as well, and then the game reminds you, hey! you are here to help souls release their earthly burdens and move onto the next stage of the afterlife! And you will cry. Like, seriously, this is the only videogame to have ever made me cry.
Cult of the Lamb: darkly funny little RPG about being an adorable little lamb who's building a cult to your dark god. The vibe here was funny, with the juxtaposition of the cutesy art and the dark humor. I got bored with this, plus it got pretty buggy for me on my Switch, but it was fine!
Sun Haven: farming sim RPG, much heavier on the fantasy and anime vibes than SDV. I gave up on this one after 15 hours. There were a lot of little things that just piled up and annoyed me too much to keep going. Something about the game's balance and pacing also just felt off to me.
Dave the Diver: like, yes, this is about a guy diving into a Big Blue Hole to catch fish for his sushi restaurant, so objectively quite different! But honestly, this was a delight to play. It juggled its various different aspects in a fun way, cycling between the fishing, the RPG stuff, the restaurant management, and even a little bit of farming. The art style is neat, the cut scenes are funny, and it's pretty nice to just swim through the water catching the occasional fish. Again though, not super replayable, and the gameplay loop does get boring once you've played through the main game.
Roots of Pacha: this is basically SDV, but make it prehistoric. I liked the pixel art a lot, and it's a neat tweak on the SDV formula. I had fun playing it! But again, I finished the main game and felt no real urge to go back to it, or to grind out all the achievements.
Wylde Flowers: another cozy life/farming sim, but this one includes witchy elements. An art style reminiscent of Pixar movies, which tbh, is really not my jam in video games. This one stands out though for how it's fully voice-acted, which is a neat touch. Nothing out and out wrong here, I just got bored, and as noted, the art style is not my favorite. I think the gameplay loop here just wasn't as satisfying as SDV.
And finally, Hades: this is nothing at all like SDV, obviously. The only thing they have in common is a fishing minigame. But it and BotW/TotK are the only other games I've played anywhere close to as much as I've played SDV. Hades, like SDV, offers an immensely satisfying gameplay loop, one with enough novelty to keep you playing, and the art is gorgeous. An incredibly fun gaming experience, and yeah, I come back to this one every so often. It's pretty relaxing for a rogue-lite fighting game, at least, once you've gotten the hang of it!
Graveyard Keeper: I haven't played this, but I did watch some Youtubers play it, lol, and counted it a bullet dodged. Not because the game looked bad, but just because it looked the kind of grindy that would CONSUME me but that would be ultimately unsatisfying. Way better to have saved myself ~50-60 hours and just watched Youtubers play through it instead.
After all that, I'm still not quite sure what keeps me coming back to SDV over and over rather than other games in the same or similar genres! I'll keep giving other games like it a try: I'm especially excited to try Coral Island when it comes out for the Switch, and Chef RPG whenever it's released. But for now, I'm super excited for the 1.6 update, and can't wait to start a new save.
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jules-has-notes · 2 months
Queen in 5 Minutes — VoicePlay music video
The late, great Freddie Mercury is often quoted as having said, "Do anything you want with my music, but never make me boring." VoicePlay certainly took that sentiment to heart for this medley of memorable Queen songs, as well as the dramatic visual tale they made to go along with it. A battle for Earl's (after)life plays out in a suitably theatrical setting. Who will win?
title: Queen in 5 Minutes
original songs / performers: all songs by Queen — "Bohemian Rhapsody"; [0:32] "Play The Game"; [0:54] "Somebody To Love"; [1:20] "We Are The Champions"; [2:20] "Another One Bites The Dust"; [2:37] "We Will Rock You"; [2:45] "Under Pressure" with David Bowie; [2:52] "I Want to Break Free"; [3:14] "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy"; [3:32] "Play the Game" reprise; [3:48] "Bohemian Rhapsody" reprise; [4:16] "Radio Ga Ga"; [4:21] "The Show Must Go On"; [4:45] "Don't Stop Me Now"
written by: "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Play The Game", "Somebody To Love", & "We Are The Champions" by Freddie Mercury; "Another One Bites The Dust" by John Deacon; "We Will Rock You" by Brian May; "Under Pressure" by Queen & David Bowie; "I Want to Break Free" by John Deacon; "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" by Freddie Mercury; "Radio Ga Ga" by Roger Taylor; "The Show Must Go On" by Brian May; "Don't Stop Me Now" by Freddie Mercury
arranged by: Layne Stein & Eli Jacobson
release date: 23 November 2018
My favorite bits:
recreating that iconic Bohemian Rhapsody intro
J.None's fantastic control, flipping between chest and head voice as he extracts Earl's heart 🫀 ⚖️
that smooth scoop from Earl on ⇗ ♫ "take a loooOOOK" ♫ ⇗
Geoff going full Chris Cornell at the start of "We Are the Champions" before dropping back into the underworld
J.None shoving the sword into Layne's hands to get him more involved as he sings about ♫ "fighting til the end" ♫
Eli's busting out that rock grit for "We Will Rock You"
Layne beatboxing the iconic stomp-stomp-clap rhythm rather than breaking viewers' immersion in the scene
Earl repelling everyone through the power of belting
the dismissive face Geoff makes at Eli as he continues the "Under Pressure" bass line into "I Want to Break Free" (a more serious take on the "Ice Ice Baby" bit from their "Old School Rap" medley)
Earl's plaintive vulnerability during "Lover Boy" solidifying into defiance for the return to "Bohemian Rhapsody"
the backing vocals pleading with Earl to ♫ "play the game" ♫ so they can guide him onward
ramping up into full concert mode as they form a line at the front of their "stage"
high tenor air guitar! 🎸
Eli and J's subtle counterpoint line from "Radio Ga Ga"
using "The Show Must Go On" to signal Earl's decision to return to the world of the living
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○ The man in the hospital framing scenes is Earl's husband, Nick. He has appeared on screen in a few VoicePlay videos, as well as doing production work on many more.
○ The four avatars of death come from various religious traditions:
Guardian (Layne) is an anthropomorphized version of Cerberus from Greek mythology, the multi-headed hound (hence the fur coat) who protects the gates of Hades.
Anubis (J.None) is the guardian of the dead and assessor of souls in the Egyptian pantheon, often depicted as a jackal.
Yama Nirvana (Eli) represents the Hindu god Yama, responsible for death, justice, and punishment of sinners in the afterlife.
Baron (Geoff) is an interpretation of the spirit Baron Samedi, master of the dead and resurrection in Haitian Vodou.
○ The guys' distinctive makeup and wardrobe were designed by artist Leon King. Of the four, J.None's costume changed the most from concept to execution, but each of them was tweaked a bit.
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○ Leon also drew the central pendant element for the cover art.
○ The YouTube description includes the inscription, "We humbly dedicate this video to the music and memory of Freddie Mercury. The show must go on."
○ Some fans have embraced a headcanon that this video is a sequel to "Panic! in 4 Minutes". They theorize that Earl is in the hopital because he was injured by the explosion, and the avatars of death are manifesting as his bandmates within his unconscious mind. This hasn't been confirmed or denied by any members of VoicePlay, but it's a fun idea.
○ This video reached a million views on YouTube the following August.
○ The streaming audio version is split into two parts, "The Arrival" and "The Return", with the divide falling between "I Want To Break Free" and "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy".
○ The complete track was later included on VoicePlay's "Citrus" album, which compiled most of the songs they recorded from 2017-19. Because the individual songs had already been made available digitally, that album is exclusively a physical item that can only be purchased at live shows or through their website.
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the-butter-churner · 2 years
hang on hang on hear me out
the baron of bricks as hades and rosamund as persephone in a hadestown dynamic
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story-weavr · 10 months
Dresden Clan
A powerful family of wizards & magic-users, some of whom aren’t entirely human.
The clan’s patriarch is Harry Dresden 🔥, the Wizard of Chicago, Warden of Demonreach, the Eye-Killer, owner and head PI of *redacted*, Lord of *redacted*, Founder & Council Member of the Paranet, & all around scary MF.
His scion are nothing to scoff at either.
Margaret “Maggie” Angelica Dresden 🧙‍♀️🍃🌬️ _ Witch of the Ways
Maggie is the eldest Dresden girl, born of Harry Dresden & Susan Rodriguez
She travels the world alongside her sister Bonnie. Where trouble occurs, she is not far behind. She is ruled by her heart, soft & just.
Any who judge her as naive would be a fool. Her cunning and knowledge make her someone never to be underestimated. And she is quite unforgiving to those she deems irredeemable.
Bonea “Bonnie” Silkke Dresden 📖 💀 😇 😈 _ the Nephilim of Intellect
Bonnie is the second-born Dresden, daughter of Harry Dresden and the Fallen Angel Lasciel through a piece of her named Lash. She was originally a spirit of intellect. Bonnie’s father, fearing for his daughter’s freedoms, was able to give her a physical body of her own.
Bonnie travels with her sister Maggie, usually as a skull perched on a wizard’s staff. She desires to gain knowledge in whatever category. That includes experiences which can only be done in person.
She chooses to stay in her skull because, according to others, her appearance “scares the ever-living hell out of people, vanilla or not.” Just looking at her ethereal beauty makes one feel they are looking into the abyss and sensing that something with teeth is grinning hungrily back.
Usually, Bonnie is a quirky and sweet lass with a repository of knowledge she easily shares with those she trusts. But in hostile situations, god forbid she comes out to play.
Faith “Faye” Justine Raith 💗💘💖💅 🌸 🌹 💰 _ Witch of Love
Faye, the daughter of Thomas & Justine Raith, was under the guardianship of her paternal uncle, Harry Dresden, since birth. The reason being *redacted*
Faye is a creature who exudes sweetness, charm, & charisma. Her playful girlish charm, however, is not all there is to her. Her sharp mind and dedication to her craft has allowed her to set up several thriving businesses within Chicago.
Jaqueline “Jackie” Rose Dresden 🗡️ 🩸😈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 👩‍⚖️ _ the Renegade Valkyrie
Jackie is the third-born Dresden scion, daughter of Harry Dresden and Karrin Murphy the Einherjar.
Jackie, despite being 5ft tall, is a force of nature, one who bucks at being controlled. Her blood sings during battle. She does, however, have a softer side. One that loves and desires to protect what matters. One who’d follow someone and something she truly believes in to the depths of hell.
She and her lover turned husband, Hendrick Gard, work as PI’s at her father’s firm. They also act as agents for her father’s less mundane territories.
Warning: ‼️ Below is Wizard Baron
Amanda “Mandy” Beckett Marcone 💀 👻 🥀 👩‍🦽👰🏻‍♀️👸🏻_ Goddess of Death & Rebirth
Amanda was born to Greg & Helen Beckitt. Her normal life was ended when she received a gunshot intended for another. Amanda languished in a coma on death’s door, her only real happiness when her guardian Johnny came.
Then it changed again. She felt better, but Johnny didn’t come as much. She soon however got a visitor.
It wasn’t until much later, after Amanda had woken up and was taken in by Baron John Marcone, that the young woman discovered the identity of her friend.
Zagreus, Greek god of Rebirth, son of Hades & Persephone, married his true love only after a very long, painful courtship. It would have been longer if not for Harry Dresden managing to persuade his consort Johnny to finally let the young couple marry.
The couple took their duties as gods quite seriously. However, they still managed to make frequent visits to visit their friends & relatives in Chicago.
Mandy blossomed under the love and protection of her family. She became a wise ruler with dedication, love, & serenity in her heart.
Malina “Mali” Alessandra Dresden 🌊 🌲🌆_ the Lady of Chicago
Malina is the youngest of her sisters, born from Harry Dresden after an “incident” with his now husband Gentleman John Marcone, Baron of Chicago.
Mali is a witch who feels a deep connection with Chicago. She is also a sweet girl who puts others first, often volunteering at local charities. Sweetness and goodness shine from her dollar bill green eyes.
If she needs to, she’ll fight. She won’t like it, but she will fight.
Very well.
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