#httyd female ocs
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xstatic-12235 · 9 days ago
Tell us about your OC Chervil!! (How do they fit into the httyd world and in turn interact with Krogan??)
Ok ok ok, I have been waiting for this ask hehehe >:)
This is gonna be a ride so buckle up
So her full name is Chervil Blackmoor and she's higher up in the ranks of the Northern Alliance, probably similar to where Krogan would have been but the two have never met before. She is first introduced probably at the end of season 5 in the tent where Johann is revealed to be a traitor.
Krogan is not bothered by her at first, he doesn't know she is from The Northern Alliance. Viggo and Ronan (another OC that I'll probably talk about at some point) are put off by her however. Viggo thinks she's just another self righteous recruit that will just be a thorn in their operations. Ronan flat out doesn't like her, but he isn't really able to tell why until later.
Krogan and Chervil don't really get along until it's reveal that she is a part of The Northern Alliance. She was sent more as a convoy from Drago to Johann so Drago could get another king of dragons faster.
Chervil is like, 5'11" and is between 17-19, so younger than the riders but much more capable at combat/survival skills. She rides a singetail named Sigrün. Sigrün is a daughter of Krogan's singetail. (I'm totally not foreshadowing anything nooo-) (All I will say is like dragon like rider)
I don't want to reveal too much in regards to plotline/backstory and all that good stuff because I do have like- 5 fics (and art) planned for her-
So uh yeah, Chervil is awesome and I love her (and all my other OCs) sooo much :3
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Chapter One: A Lightfury’s Guide to Stealing A Dragon Rider
Pairing: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!oc
Word count: 3.1k
Chapter Summary: When a destroyed fleet of dragon hunter ships wash up at Dragon’s Edge, with all that is left behind are white scales and scorch marks, it leaves some questions to be raised within the dragon riders and what could have caused this. On the other side of the archipelago, a girl that appears and disappears at Northern Markets makes her presence known, planning to stick around until the heat calms down.
Overall Summary: A mysterious new dragon rider has been starting to make their presence known by tearing through dragon hunter ships and leaving nothing in their wake. What dragon they ride is unknown. What they look like is unknown. Why they are hunting the dragon hunters is unknown. The only thing that is known is that they will stop at nothing to destroy every dragon hunter ship at any cost.
N/A: Make sure you check out the prologue for this series! I feel like near the end of the chapter it sort of goes off the rails a bit. Hope you enjoy :D
*Art and gif is not mine.
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Hiccup started his day like any other; waking up relatively early–at least earlier than the twins or Snotlout–and getting Toothless for a morning flight, usually to be met with Astrid as she finishes her rounds of the island, insisting she does a sweep of the island to make sure no hunters had found their way onto the beaches.
Toothless was already awake and bounding around Hiccup’s hut. His teeth were retracted as he watched Hiccup stir awake.
Not waiting for his rider to fully wake, Toothless jumped onto the bed, shaking it as Hiccup startled awake, trying to sit upright only to knock his head into Toothless’ snout. A disgruntled groan left the dragon at the contact.
“Sorry bud,” Hiccup began to say, cutting himself off as the grumbled scorn from Toothless. “What's got you so rowdy this morning?”
A gargling noise rang out from Toothless, flashing his gums before hopping off of Hiccup and his bed before jumping towards the hut’s door, large steps shaking the wooden beams the hut is balanced on. With the rustling from behind, Toothless looked back with a toothless smile to find Hiccup slowly awaking from bed, getting ready for the day on the Edge ahead of him.
“Alright bud, I’m on my way. Don’t worry,” Hiccup muttered with a yawn as he paced after the Nightfury. A steady hand landed on Toothless’ head, pushing him back a few paces so he could push open the door. The sun had started to rise by now, nearly set high enough to commence breakfast. Toothless raced forward, bumping Hiccup with his tail and causing him to stumble forward, a laugh rolling in his chest. “Perfect morning for a flight, isn’t it?”
Before Toothless could rumble a reply, Stormfly came barreling up, Astrid sat on her back as she stared worriedly at Hiccup. “Hiccup, there’s something you're going to want to see,” She announced upon her arrival, causing Hiccup to stumble out of his hut a couple of steps faster.
“What is it?” He hurriedly asked, resting a hand on Toothless’s head, ready to mount his back at any given second to follow after Astrid.
“I think it would be better if you took a look for yourself,” She called out, head flicking around to look down at the docks she and the other dragon riders had built when they first started working on building the Edge.
Hiccup didn’t have to be told twice.
Before Astrid could blink, Hiccup and Toothless were already in the air and flying towards her. His eyes hadn’t yet locked on where Astrid had come from, waiting for her guidance to lead him.
The two of them were in the air for only a few seconds, a quick glide down before their dragon’s claws were touching down on the wooden planks that made up their docks. That was when Hiccup was finally able to see what had Astrid so spooked.
In front of them was a fleet of half-destroyed ships.
Each ship had a number of scorch marks that plunged through the wooden decks, the sails that had the dragon hunter crest torn to shreds. Most of the ships also had discarded weapons and helmets, left behind by the hunters that had sailed on these ships. But something stuck out on one of the ships, the largest out of the lot. There was a variety of cuts and indents in the ship, looking to be placed there by a sword or some other kind of weapon, perhaps claw marks along with a few scales white as snow scattered around the destroyed ship.
“Astrid… what do you think could have done this?” Hiccup questioned, his head whirling around to face Astrid only to find the blonde girl staring hauntedly at the ship graveyard.
“More like who.”
"Ah, if it isn't my favourite customer from beyond the archipelago," A middle-aged man boasts as he sees a young woman walking up to his stall in the Northern Markets, his arms spread wide and a yellowing smile. His loud comments forced many heads to turn as Sindri was one of the best weapons traders within the isle, the man always having something to please any form of customer.
A dry chuckle escapes the girl as she steps up to the stall countertop, her boots digging into the muddy floor as she rests one of her gloved hands on the counter. "You should stop spoiling me with the praises Sindri," She says with a grin, her eyes briefly scanning over the items the man had on display for the day. “Your words might start to get to my head after all.”
"Maybe I'm just trying to make sure I get into Valhalla when my time comes," He says with a booming grin, leaving his prior task behind as he walks up to the girl. "I do after all need a Valkyrie to take me there. Your ego is free to inflate as much as you wish," He comments smugly, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl as he stops in front of her.
"Just because the name Valkyrie belongs to me it doesn't mean I will be flying you anywhere in the afterlife," She chides the man loosely. "And besides, you need to die in battle to be sent there. I don't think selling these weapons counts as so," She says amused at the slight drop in the man's shoulders.
"You might be right there," The man comments, an eyebrow being raised by the girl across from him in question at the might part. "So, what can I help you with today? It's been a while since your last visit to the Northern Markets," Sindri asks, both his hands leaning on the countertop as he waits for the girl across from him's request.
Valkyrie absently looks around the stall, staring at the many weapons discarded around the wooden crates and countertops. "Do you have any more of those Hideous Zippleback exploding boxes? The ones where the gas pours out of it until it gets lit," She asked, going into explanation since she knew that wasn't the name Sindri had given her when he first sold the items to her, and that exploding boxes could be quite vague.
"Of course, I have those in stock! I make them myself, remember?" He asks, grinning wildly as he bends down to reach for something hidden in a crate. Pulling out seven rectangular-like boxes, all made from vast metals and wood. He places them on the counter just in front of the girl’s hands. "Now, Valkyrie, these are the last ones I have in stock since you keep forgetting to bring the empty ones back to me." He says with a slight scold to his words.
"So there worth a pretty penny?" Valkyrie asks, staring up at Sindri slightly sheepish and with her shoulders bunching to her ears as she raises a brow in question, both palms facing up in front of her.
"Precisely," Sindri says with a sharp nod. "Now, I'm willing to trade them off for something, but if not, I'm going to need about two bags worth," He states, his face losing most of its joy as he goes into trader mode, making sure he gets the best deal for himself.
"Two bags?" Valkyrie questions with a huff of air, picking up one of the canisters loosely. When a hum of agreement leaves Sindri, Valkyrie places it down on the countertop rather harshly. "And here I thought I was your favourite customer," She says slightly dejected, pulling out a small pouch of coins from her waist. "How about this? I give you half of this, and the next time I sail in, I'll bring you two double-edged axes?" She offers, loosening the string that was keeping the pouch sealed and flashing Sindri a toothy smile.
Sindri's eyes narrowed at the girl, one of his fists balling as he study's her for a long moment. An air of silence dragged on between the two of them before he came to his final decision. "How do I know you’re not just going to fly off and never return?" He questions with a glower, an opening statement for something further.
A fake mortified gasp escapes Valkyrie's lips as she brings her hands up, resting them on her chest. "You wound me Sindri," She states, closing her eyes like she was crying. Bringing a hand up to wipe at a nonexistent tear, she says, "And here I thought we have built some trust up over the years."
The man across from her rolled his eyes with a huff before he shook his head with a grin stretching across his face. "I’d be in safer hands while wrestling with a Nightfury than putting any trust in you. But fine, I'll take you up on that deal," He mutters. His agreement got a crooked grin slipping onto Valkyrie's face as she raised her chin slightly in accomplishment. "But if you don't return in two moons, I'll be putting a bounty on your head."
The thing with Sindri is that he totally would, which only made Valkyrie grin more. "I'll be back in three then," She said, emptying half of her coin pouch onto the countertop as she pulled another brown bag from her waist. This time the bag was empty, and a lot bigger than the last as she started to load the Hideous Zippleback gas canisters into her bag.
Sindri only looked slightly amused at her words as he tested each of the coins, roughly gauging how much each of them weighed. Valkyrie attached the bag of items back to her hip as he did this, waiting until he had finished the task and put them into his own pouch. "Is there anything else you might need before you vanish without a trace again?" He questions.
"I think this is all I need for the moment," Valkyrie says, her eyes going distant as she racks her brain for any other possible items she could need for the next following days. She couldn't picture any dire situations arising where she would have to prepare for, everything already thought out in her own mind as they had repeated this process a number of times. The only reason she was buying the Zippleback gas was because she would be going in solo and she would be dealing with a larger number the usual.
Sindri gave her a sad nod. "I'll see you next time you decide to grace the aisle with your presence." He comments, lighting up with a grin before he is turning to a new customer—or maybe it was the person he abandoned to talk to Valkyrie.
Turning away from the stall, Valkyrie begins her way back through the trading village. She kept her head high as she began to weave through the different stalls, a steady eye on anyone who decided to get too close for her liking.
A certain thing that came with the Northern Markets is that there is a large number of dragon hunters always running around getting weapons fixed or buying new custom traps to help them capture dragons that they would later sell to a select few from this very island. It never mattered how much she attempted to avoid them when on the island so she gave up long ago, accepting the fact there was no getting around it.
So when a certain hunter clad in dragon hide started to approach her, there was nothing Valkyrie could do except hide her finds and ready herself for conflict.
Keeping her head held up, she planned to walk past the man, keeping her eyes from the mace hanging at his hip where his hand was starting to itch for. But as she passed a hand shot out, fingers enclosing tightly around her upper arm. Valkyrie was instantly on the defence, a hand shooting to her hip where a broken down sword lay wrapped around her waist. With a hiss, Valkyrie spoke, “Can I help you?”
“Do I recognise ya?” The man spoke, spit flying from his mouth.
“I would hope not,” Valkyrie started. “Now, if you would be so kind as to get your filthy hand off of me, I would be glad to let you leave with all your limbs intact.”
The two stood off, neither being the first to back down. As Valkyrie’s hand slid forward, fingers wrapping around the loose handle of her broken-down sword, another hand came shooting out and wrapping around her shoulder. “Why don’t we all take it easy for a second.”
Turning to see who had spoken, Valkyrie’s eyes landed on a tall boy with auburn hair and pale green eyes. He didn’t look directly at Valkyrie, his eyes instead focused on the hunter that she had previously been threatening.
“Mind your own business boy. This doesn’t concern you,” The hunter spoke with a sneer, attempting to pull Valkyrie closer towards him but when Valkyrie didn’t budge, the hold that the boy had on her keeping her grounded, he let go.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry. Of course, this is between you and this helpless lady,” The boy said, releasing Valkyrie as he raises both hands in an act of surrender.
Valkyrie’s head whipped around to face the nameless boy, eyes wide with her top lip curling up. “Helpless?” Her voice rose an octave, once again her hand shooting down to where the handle of her sword rested.
The boy flashed Valkyrie a sideways glance with an almost pleading look on his face before he turned back to the hunter. “It’s just, I didn’t want to see anything break out when it was so clear that she wouldn’t be walking away as steady as she came in.”
The hunter pondered the boy’s words, face slowly starting to light up. “Aren’t you the chivalrous type?” The man huffed out before turning away, casting one last fleeting glance at Valkyrie before flashing his teeth and blending into the crowd and fleeing from Valkyrie’s sight.
Valkyrie glared at the man even long after he vanished from her sight. Only when she was sure he was gone did she turn to the nameless boy, putting an end to his stuttering responses as one of Valkyrie’s hands slammed into his chest. “I could have handled that myself,” She scorned, going in for a second shove where the boy’s hands mixed with hers, trying to deter their path. “And come on, a helpless lady who can’t fight her own battles? You couldn’t come up with a slightly more justifying cause?”
“It’s the first thing I could think of,” Came the strangled response from the boy, his grip tight as he stopped Valkyrie from pulling her hands away where she would most likely go in for another hit. “I didn’t exactly think of a plan when I came over.”
“You clearly didn’t think much if you had the bright idea to come over here in the first place,” Valkyrie snapped, tugging her hands free in a quick pull, making the unknown boy stumble and fall towards Valkyrie.
Valkyrie quickly raised her arms, bracing herself as the boy collided with her. A soft grunt escaped her lips at the close proximity of the two of them. “Uh hi?”
Valkyrie’s eyes narrowed at the boy’s words, their eyes meeting through the gaps in her arms. “Bye,” Valkyrie said in return, shoving the boy back one last time before turning on her heel, not caring for the startled yelp that came from the boy as she walked away. She told herself as she left, ready to disappear from the island and the views of the world once more, “I don’t have time for this.”
“It was nice meeting you too,” The boy called out after Valkyrie and said girl found herself gritting her teeth at the sound of hurried footsteps running after her. As the nameless boy came to her side, falling into step with her as they walked through the markets, he said, “I’m Hiccup by the way.”
“And I didn’t ask for that knowledge nor do I care for it,” Valkyrie said, earning a soft chuckle from Hiccup in return.
“Normally when someone gives you their name, there's an unspoken rule that you are meant to give it to them in return,” Hiccup said, gesturing loosely with his hands out in front of him, quickly drawing Valkyrie’s eyes to them and the leather cuffs wrapped around his wrists. “And, I mean, I did kind of save you from a fight with a dragon hunter.”
“Something which I didn’t ask you to do,” Valkyrie stated. But at the sight of Hiccup's dejected face, one of his hands bounding up to scratch the back of his neck, Valkyrie find herself speaking without her conscious permission. Turning her head straight and keeping her eyes off the other boy she said, “But if you must know, my name is Valkyrie.”
“Like one of Odin’s warriors?” Hiccup quickly questioned, his face lighting up as he put two and two together.
“Yes, like Odion’s warriors,” Valkyrie muttered, shaking her head as she answered the common question aimed her way once she revealed her namesake.
“Did your parents know you would be just as fierce as a Valkyrie when choosing a name for you?” Hiccup asked another question, seeming to have several more lined up for her to answer.
“More like vicious,” Valkyrie commented. “And I think they trained it into me when I was younger. Had to look at the world as a proper Viking one way or another.”
HIccup’s thick brows furrowed but he chose not to say anything. “What brings you the Nothern Markets?” He tracked back, changing the topic quickly. Before Valkyrie could say anything, Hiccup's head swivelled to the side, something catching his attention from another stall. Valkyrie was about to use these few seconds of distraction to slip away when Hiccup's head came swirling back towards her, large green eyes staring at her expectedly.
“Originally, before I got ambushed by two Vikings?” Valkyrie questioned, hiding a smile at the sheepish look that flickered over Hiccup's face first before a stubborn fierceness took over his eyes. Valkyrie quickly cut him off before he could once again go into why he had to help. “I came here for the same reason anyone else would. To trade and gather.”
Hiccup slowly nodded his head, wringing his arms back and forth and preparing to say something before a loud bang caught both of their attention, two heads of blonde hair fleeing from the scene. “Oh Thor, not those two,” Hiccup mumbled, dragging a hand down his face before looking back to Valkyrie. “You wouldn't be willing to wait here for me, would you?”
“No promises,” Valkyrie shrugged.
“Yeah,” A soft sigh escaped Hiccup's lips. “I didn’t think so.”
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scoophilia · 1 year ago
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Now time to share the size difference between these two!
Lines by @arourallisreborn
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 8 days ago
The Favorite - Chapter 3
Summary: Set after Httyd 2. With Hiccup captured by Drago, she intends to be his favorite if it means getting her ticket back home.
Warnings: Slavery mention, Child neglect/abuse
Rating: Mature
Dead Dove: Yes
Words: 1 380
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Drago, Griselda, Ragnar, Chaghatai, Httyd oc (child oc)
Whumpee: Hiccup
Whumper: Drago
Pairing: Dragcup
Author’s Notes: Couldn't update this fic last week because I was sick, lost pretty much four nights of sleep because of it and spiraled and hallucinated as a result of that.
But I'm back now. :)
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dragon-creates · 3 months ago
I commissioned the lovely @glassshardarts on Twitter to draw my oc’s Willow and her night fury Nyx for my upcoming next generation how to train your dragon fanfiction.
These characters mean so much to me and this story has been in the works ever since 2019 after the third films release. I’m so thankful for glass bringing my girls to life for the very first time in art form.
Thank you again glassy and I hope you have a very happy new year!
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(Her account is 18+ so if you’re a minor I will spray you with a water bottle you’re too young!!!)
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jusstya · 1 year ago
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❪ ៸៸ EDITS FOR CAST ▌MY FANFIC ✰ EUDAIMONIA • tuffnut thorston x mildred of sulmoco ❫
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apolalfa · 1 year ago
What if it were the other way around?
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Yes, I didn't mention the color of their eyes, because I think blue suits a night fury more, besides they say that blue sees better in the dark, so don't judge me haha
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im-not-a-sheep · 1 year ago
omg I remember I used to have this dragon oc called Night-shade
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spencerholmesda · 2 years ago
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Hello everyone!! This is my OC Ivah Merikh! They are apart of my Wattpad fanfic Peiskos!!
Do you have an OC that you want to have drawn? I’m willing to give your character a headshot for a dollar or a price! If you don’t like it, then you get a refund! I hope you consider me when it comes to drawing your character!
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xstatic-12235 · 2 months ago
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Got bored. Decided to make RTTE tweets. (Chervil and Ronan are my ocs btw)
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httyd-art-requests · 4 months ago
Hellooo!! I saw a drawing come across my dash recently by you that I believe was original art with your ocs?? I’m a big sucker for httyd ocs and I was wondering, how many do you have? Would you be willing to talk about them maybe??
YIPPEE I love talking about my OCs!! Thank you for the interest, I'm more than willing to talk about my little guys and gals <3 It's probably going to get long, sooo...
OC lore and art under the ominously placed readmore button. smile
The pair you (probably) saw the art of are my self insert, Dreamer, and his Deathgripper companion Draugr. Dreamer is a scholar and healer's apprentice who arrives on New Berk to study dragons in order to better heal them... except he's also terrified of them. Draugr is one of Grimmel's former Deathgripper minions who was stranded on New Berk after the events of (my alternate version of) THW. Dreamer nurses him back to health, and in return he helps Dreamer get over his fear of dragons.
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Dreamer also has 2 Terrible Terror buddies, and they're also the ones who deliver all your asks to me :) They're called Terror Mail for a reason, hehe
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Light Furies
I have a pair of female Light Fury OC named Eclipse and Sunny, who are a mated pair. Eclipse is melanistic and a menace to humans and dragons alike, and Sunny is the only dragon she likes having around her. Grumpy one × Sunshine one.
Eclipse was gravely injured in a fight to defend her territory from another dragon, and would have perished had Sunny not stumbled upon her. Sunny, a young female who recently left her flock to establish her own, refused to leave a fellow Light Fury to her fate- no matter how much of a hassle she insisted on being. And thus, Sunny slowly carved out a place for herself in Eclipse's cold, cold heart, and two of them remained by eachother's sides ever since.
I plan on redrawing them sometime soon, now that my style has changed somewhat
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The Huntsman
The proverbial meat and potatoes of my OC roster. He has the most detailed story out of all of them, and he's one of my favorite OCs I've ever made <3
His name is Iskar, also known by his moniker as the Huntsman. He's the son of a dragon hunter who, after his father's fleet was burned down and pillaged by a mysterious warlord, was raised by the family of a blacksmith on a faraway island where dragons only exist in folktales.
Well, except for one...
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Iskar's Night Fury, Warden, who was kept as a living trophy on his father's ship before it burned. Iskar formed a bond with the dragon, who then stole him away to save his life. The two of them have become inseperable, and Warden is part of the reason Iskar is feared across the Archipelago. As for the other reason...
Iskar also gets involved with Drago Bludvist, following a trail of rumors in an attempt to find his father again. Drago blackmails him into working for him, and Iskar becomes something like a personal attack dog and assassin for Drago. He earns himself a reputation and becomes a wives' tale across the Archipelago, and it isn't until he meets Hiccup, during Drago's siege on Berk, that he's convinced to take up arms against Drago and free himself. Iskar switches sides to help save Berk, gives Hiccup his own world map as a farewell gift, and returns home to his family after nearly 10 years.
In a sort of epilogue / theoretical second movie, Iskar takes his niece, Valorie, to Berk so she can learn to train dragons "the proper way". Needless to say, Berk is not very happy to see the man responsible for almost getting their island destroyed. Iskar acts as a translator between Valorie and the Berkians, as Valorie doesn't speak their language and Iskar does (on account of his travels with Drago), and through the course of their stay on the island, he successfully redeems himself in the eyes of the Berkian population.
Okay she's not actually Iskar's niece. She's the daughter of Runar and Ylva, the blacksmith and his wife who originally raised Iskar, and the ones Iskar returned home to after he was free of Drago. They had her while Iskar was away working for Drago, and she was around 8 years old when he came back home, give or take. She grew up knowing him as Uncle Iskar, the globetrotter and explorer who occasionally came home to bring her cool presents.
She grew up with a Night Fury around the house, so naturally, she became fascinated by dragons and dragon riding- which Iskar definitely didn't help with, considering he engineered Warden's saddle to have a second seat right behind the rider's own.
She eventually bonds with a Stormcutter while studying under Berk's finest (Fishlegs), whom she names Windseeker.
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Valhalla's Gate
Not a character, but an island Iskar discovers during his travels as a free man after Dragos defeat. Iskar is a cartographer by profession, thus the handcrafted world map he gifts Hiccup, which just so happens to contain directions to a hidden island Iskar has named Valhalla's Gate.
It's a dragon sanctuary through and through, built around and on the back of a sleeping Foreverwing which guards the island and all of its inhabitants. You can only approach the island on dragon back, similar to how you could only leave Vanaheim by smelling a certain way to trick the Sentinels in RTTE. A natural defense mechanism, if you will.
Iskar often takes detours on his travels to visit the island, and becomes well known by all the dragons that live on it. Hiccup also finds it thanks to Iskar's map, shortly after Berk rebuilds itself and Hiccup has to suddenly take on a lot of chiefly responsibilities- and what better way to deal with newfound responsibilities than to follow a mysterious map given to you by a guy who tried to kill you? Surely nothing can go wrong. Smile.
There's a lot more to say about all of them, but hopefully this about covers the important parts. I could go on about Ylva and Runar, Iskar's relationship with Eret and Hiccup, Dreamer's relationship with the Berkians, etc etc, but this reply is long enough already lol
I'm always happy to talk about my characters, so feel free to ask me stuff about them if you guys are interested! But, seeing as this is primarily an art request blog, I won't be talking about them much unless someone asks. That's what @wardenofdragons is for!
(He says, knowing full well he keeps forgetting to post on it)
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0viraptoraskblog · 4 months ago
0viraptor - Introduction
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My Ao3: Link
Hi! I’m 0viraptor. You probably know me from Ao3. I’m currently writing “First Time for Everything” (the full story of Ren and Strade’s lives together)
I made this blog for anyone who wants to ask questions or get updates about my writing. Any and all questions are welcome! I’m always up for talking about the characters and games in general too.
I have more stories planned for the future, as well as some one-shots I’m working on. If you like BTD/TPOF, check it out!
(keep in mind BTD is for 18+ only and has sensitive topics.)
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About me:
• 18, female / writer, artist, and aspiring falconer
• Fandoms I’m in: BTD, TPOF, This is Not Romance, Jurassic Park/World, Twisted Wonderland, and HTTYD.
• I love hearing from you guys and I’m always up to answer questions!
• I’m archiving some of Gato’s old answers/canon info by character! You can find these under the “btd archive” tag on my page.
• This is to help fellow writers, or just anyone interested in the characters!
• Main project: First Time for Everything (Ren and Strade)
•Future projects: Sano/OC fic that goes more into depth of the characters, Komodo/Dragon fic, various one-shots
• I do take requests! Although I prioritize the things listed above, so they’re really just suggestions ^^’
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mr-1-2-3-4 · 16 days ago
Since @tw1nkee28 already loves my HTTYD oc, I spent the last hours drawing him the best I could, plus info I could remember from when I made him a long while ago-
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Nives ####-
Height- 5’2
Age- 25
Born In- ####
Gender- Female
Pronouns- He/Him
Language- English
Former- ####
Currently- A crackhead little bitch who fucks with literally anyone…
Personality- Crackhead, but kind
Habits- Treating his dogs more than just simple pets
Disabilities- Has none so far
Scars- One on his face from #### and one on his neck from ####
Backstory- He killed his parents, he doesn’t talk about it. But it had to be done.
Facts- Lives alone mostly in some snowy mountains, He has a snow fury named SweetTooth(it’s been a while since I watch the shows and that’s what I remembering giving him🤷) And two dog/wolfs named Vex and Mase. He has killed for apples many times, how many people you need dead, you need that many apples.
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renstriderthedragonrider · 10 months ago
Night Fury Lore
Thought I'd post my headcanons for HTTYD's Night Furies since we never got proper lore about them. This will probably be updated as time goes on and any OCs I post will adhere to these headcanons. Let me know what y'all think!
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Sexual Dimorphism
Male Night Furies are made for hunting. They tend to be lean and swift with large wings that allow them to fly for extended periods of time without tiring. 
Female Night Furies are made to protect their nests and offspring with their bulkier builds, and are quite vicious when threatened. They tend to be more difficult to train than male Furies as they’re often very distrustful of humans. 
Stages of Maturity
Egg - 0 to 6 months Tiny Tooth - 6 months to 4 years Short Wing - 4 to 10 years Broad Wing - 10 to 80 years Titan Wing - 80 to 100 years
Night Furies reach full adulthood at 15 years of age with females maturing slightly faster than males. 
As they age, male Furies will have more nubs along their jawline than female Furies. Males will have a maximum of 5, while females will have 3. 
Spines lengthen, sharpen, and harden with age. 
Night Furies mate for life. 
Females will lay a clutch of 1-3 eggs at a time, which is why Night Furies tend to be rarer than other dragons. 
Excessive hunting by humans has led to the near extinction of Night Furies. The only stable population known to exist is located on the island of Nóttsheim. 
Night Furies inhabit high mountain caves that open directly to the sky for easy takeoff. Such caves also keep them safe from hunters and other dragons. 
Fish Deer Boar
Night Furies are nocturnal so they hunt at night and sleep during the day. 
Similar to birds, newly hatched Furies will imprint on the first thing they see, which is usually their parents.
Night Furies are the most secretive of the dragon species. They have learned to hide away from humanity to protect themselves, finding refuge on islands like Nóttsheim where they can raise their young in peace and grow old without fear of hunters. 
Night Fury flocks function similarly to wolf packs with the eldest mated pair acting as the leaders. Many flocks will also have a titan wing matriarch who ranks above the mated pair. She is greatly respected by the rest of the flock for her age and wisdom. 
Night Furies can heat their spines up to the point that they glow. This ability is used to communicate with others of their species within pitch-black environments, warm their eggs and hatchlings, and for threat and dominance displays. 
Night Furies are sworn enemies of Whispering Deaths and Skrills. The exact reasons for this rivalry are unknown but it’s believed to largely be due to territory disputes. The species have also been known to destroy each other’s eggs and nests. 
Night Vision Echolocation Glowing Spines
Scale Colors
Common - black, gray Uncommon - purple, blue Rare - white
Eye Colors
Common - green, yellow Uncommon - orange, blue Rare - red, purple
Common - stripes, spots Uncommon - rosettes, speckles Rare - swirls, bursts
Leucism  Melanism Heterochromia Longer claws/spines
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jusstya · 1 year ago
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❪ ៸៸ EDITS FOR CAST ▌MY FANFIC ✰ EUDAIMONIA • tuffnut thorston x mildred of sulmoco ❫
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zzombbiii · 9 months ago
YAAY a httyd oc :D! (I have two! This is one of them!)
This is solveig! (Her name means “the daughter of sun”) She is a female chife who took over as her dad got older n older!
Her ancestors stronger believed in Freyr (God of peace) (still working on that part)! she is very proud of her ancestors.
Despite her strict face and muscular build, she is actually a sweetheart! (She just have a resting bitch face), everyone respects her due to her caring attitude!
She is absolutely horrible at healing stuff but is a good teacher and fighter! Her opinion on dragons are so-so, she likes them but doesn’t adore them. (Ryn my httyd other oc is changing her mind slowly)
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I have redesigned her so so many times😭 I think I like her design rn! might change few things
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