#hp hollywood era
kathrynalicemc · 5 months
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Behold: Hollywood Boy™️ now with bonus daughter!
Introducing Darcy Valentine and his teenage daughter Cheryl “Cherry” Valentine.
Darcy was an (largely unsuccessful) actor for muggle Hollywood. He struggled as a young single dad trying to raise his child daughter in Hollywood. He got into a relationship really young and had a child really fast into the relationship which resulted in a divorce when Cheryl was very small. Nearing the early to mid 60s (dates are still up in the air) Darcy decided to take the film industry and introduce it to the wizard world. This was illegal as movies would be a very easy platform to break the statute of secrecy. He eventually opens a speakeasy of sorts as a cinema in Hollywood that is hidden from muggles with spells. He also pioneers magical movie cameras inspired by the moving newspaper pictures the wizard world has.
Cheryl goes with the flow and is here for a good time. She romanticizes life, as one is prone to do when she’s raised by a creative in the film industry. She spends most of her teenage years in record shops and California beaches. Life with her dad was fun in her childhood as Darcy made eating at cheap diners and sleeping at sketchy hotels like a big adventure. As she reached her moody teen years, she started to criticize her dad more. She held grudges about not experiencing a stable and normal childhood with a mother and even started to be annoyed when her father found fame and the reputation of being Valentines daughter followed her everywhere she went.
Lastly, my obligatory note: If I have taken any FCs or names please tell me!! I can never be fully aware of everything so lmk! ALSO: Both Darcy and Cheryl are open for ships. Darcy can have 2 as one will be Cheryl’s mom and another can be a current day interest?
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joannerowling · 3 months
Your response to that clown that actually believes Jo will ever lose her rights over HP is *chef's kiss*. And you are absolutely right, she will never give up her rights to HP, and why should she? It's something she quite literally risked her life to print the pages so she could find a publisher, it's something that got her out of poverty; she'd be a fool to sell it. Also, damn, I didn't know about WB being that much in dept, what losers lol.
Men (and media people in general but especially men) have always been furious about this. I've lost count of the number of articles and comments i've read by smug dickheads, whining about JKR and her "insistance in controlling the ~franchise~", which "doesn't let other creatives with fresh ideas pitch in", would "kill the brand long-term" blah blah blah. I should make a compilation at this point. Plus ofc they're all nerds, so they have the same references and repeat each other constantly, it's so boring. They're all convinced that because George Lucas is a moron everyone's gotta be the same. My man, i don't know how to tell you that Jo Rowing is a smarter business woman than your blorbo + has the artistic integrity he clearly lacked.
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the-outer-topic · 8 months
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1934 Classics at the Air Terminal - Stan Stokes
Stan Stokes, in his painting, 1934 American Classics, beautifully portrays a Hollywood movie star and her pet dog embarking on a chartered Ford Trimotor from the Grand Central Air Terminal (owned and operated by Curtis-Wright) in California. Probably bound for a weekend visit to San Simeon, the palatial retreat of the publishing magnate, William Randolph Hearst, the trip to San Luis Obispo will take only ninety minutes. The early afternoon rains have left puddles on the tarmac, but fair skies have returned to the San Gabriel mountains, and the trip should be a smooth one. During the Great Depression the Packard Company introduced some of its most stunning and high performance automobiles. The 1934 Packard LeBaron Speedster, pictured in the painting, was one such machine. Costing nearly $8,000 the Packard LeBaron Speedster was about two to three times the price of a nice three bedroom house. Only the very wealthy could afford such luxuries during the Depression. Note that the Speedsters fenders are reminiscent of the wheel covers on racing planes during the era of the Thompson Trophy Air Races. The Speedster was powered by a 160 HP V-12 engine which displaced 445 cubic inches. Around this time it is believed that among the Hollywood notables that owned Packard Speedsters were both Clark Gable and Douglas Fairbanks. The Ford Trimotor was introduced in 1926 and between 1926 and 1933 Ford produced approximately 200 of these capable aircraft. Ford Trimotors remained in service long after they were made technically obsolete by more modern aircraft, and it is reputed that one aircraft built in 1928 was still in regular service as late as 1970. Admiral Byrd utilized a 4-AT version of the Trimotor for his 1929 Antarctic expedition. The Ford Trimotor played an important role in introducing commercial aviation to the general public during the years of the Great Depression. The basic model carried eleven passengers and a crew of two, had a cruising speed of 107 MPH, an operational ceiling of 16,500 feet, and a range of 570 miles. Due to its corrugated metal exterior skin the Trimotor was affectionately known as the Tin Goose. The Tin Goose had a wingspan of nearly 78 feet, and was fifty feet in length. In 1930 Transcontinental and Western Air (TWA) began the first coast-to-coast commercial service utilizing Ford Trimotors. The trip took only thirty-six hours, if the weather was cooperative
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femmesandhoney · 1 year
no offense but if they do a hp reboot thinking its gonna be as successful as the movies when that era is long gone...like wouldn't jkr still get profits from them rebooting her work lmao? wouldn't there be a million more people telling you to not watch it for that reason 😭? also how much better exactly do they think it will be than the movies? if theyre expecting like all their headcanons to become real and them to have like a million genderkweer characters or something...unnecessary waste of creative and productive space but isn't that just hollywood for ya
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jfleamont · 1 year
Will you be watching the new HP show?
I haven't really thought about it to be honest? I get my 'fix' from fics, and they're enough for me.
A few years ago, before that POS turned out to be a terf, I had decided to re-read the books for fun and I noticed a few things that really irked me: the way she described Dudley was so fatphobic and unnecessarily mean, and the same thing goes for her descriptions of other characters' physical appearance (a lot of the time if someone's ugly or has unconventional features they're also evil). This is, at best, lazy writing. Tone-deaf for someone who advocates for acceptance and writes a bunch of novels where being different is a good thing and so on. And then goes on and engages in the same stereotypes she was trying to criticise. I could go on but I'll stop here... Point is, that re-reading really soured me on the whole thing and then her transphobic tweets came out and I couldn't handle it anymore and took a step back from HP. Then I stumbled upon a Jily fic in late 2021 and found my way back, sort of.
But this is a project where she's involved, and the more I think about it the angrier I get. There's also the fact that the movies aren't even that old and that it's too early for a remake, and that I have a thing against this Hollywood trend of remakes, reboots, sequels and prequels because god forbid original content existl! Honestly my problem isn't even that the series will never be as good as the films: don't get me wrong, I love them, but they didn't get A LOT of things right and if it wasn't for the reasons stated above I'd be actually excited about it.
To be fair, I just find the Marauders era more interesting at this point in my life and yes, I know I said I was against prequels and I still stand by that, because I don't want a Marauders series either, but I if I had to choose this is what I'd go for. If that were the case, though, I'm sure she'd be involved and aside from being a generally shitty person, I think she has exhausted her talent and can't write anything decent anymore.
Furthermore, I think it's important to reiterate, especially in times like these where trans rights are being threatened all over the world, that a person like her, with the power that she holds, does not deserve a platform.
In conclusion: I'm curious about the show, I'm not going to lie, and I might check it out - illegally, of course, because they don't deserve nor need my money - but I don't really care about it.
I'll stick to fics and fanart ❤️
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eurekadiario · 1 year
Un informante del FBI creó uno de los grupos nazis más grandes de la historia de Estados Unidos
Según documentos llamados "Archivos Federales", un informante del FBI creó el Movimiento Nacionalsocialista, uno de los grupos nazis más grandes en la historia de Estados Unidos.
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Según registros previamente desconocidos examinados por Headline USA, un informante del FBI cofundó el Movimiento Nacionalsocialista, una de las organizaciones neonazis más grandes y antiguas de la historia de Estados Unidos. Esta organización está vinculada a una serie de crímenes e incidentes violentos, incluida la mortal manifestación “Unite the Right” de 2017 en Charlottesville.
Los documentos, que este sitio web ha denominado "Archivos Fed" porque incluyen una colección de memorandos, declaraciones juradas y registros judiciales del FBI, muestran además que se dice que el NSM utilizó informantes en puestos clave durante la mayor parte de sus casi 50 años. año de historia.
El NSM también ha sido acusado de haber sido cooptado por el FBI en una demanda presentada por un ex miembro que actualmente se encuentra tras las rejas. Al NSM se le conocía anteriormente como los “nazis de Hollywood” por sus llamativas manifestaciones y su dura propaganda.
Para este informe, el FBI se negó a hacer comentarios.
Fundación de NSM
Cliff Herrington y Robert Brannen, ambos lugartenientes clave del conocido fascista estadounidense George Lincoln Rockwell (el iniciador del primer Partido Nazi estadounidense en 1959), fundaron el NSM en 1974.
La organización nazi comenzó a sospechar cada vez más en 1976 que Brannen estaba colaborando con el FBI.
En realidad, en abril de 1976 se publicó en el propio periódico del NSM, el National Socialist, un ensayo que desacreditaba las acusaciones de que Brannen era un informante de una organización rival, el Partido Nacionalsocialista de los Pueblos Blancos, o NSWPP. Publicación socialista como un “ataque de difamación imprudente e irresponsable contra la camarada Brennan”.
Pero en términos de Brannen, el NSWPP tenía razón.
Un memorando del FBI advirtiendo que la tapadera del informante encubierto Robert Brannnen había sido comprometida Un informe del FBI de mayo de 1976 advirtió que la tapadera de Brannen podría haber sido expuesta en respuesta al artículo nacionalsocialista, que se había publicado muchos meses antes.
Aunque la identidad del informante se elimina del documento, Brannen es identificado inequívocamente por referencias al artículo nacionalsocialista y las acusaciones que se hicieron sobre él en ese momento.
"La fotografía y la descripción del informante aparecieron en la publicación NSWPP de febrero de 1976 y fue nombrado informante del FBI", decía el memorando del FBI.
El documento decía que la Oficina de Cincinnati estaba tomando precauciones adicionales para garantizar que este informante pudiera ser utilizado de manera efectiva sin poner en peligro su seguridad personal porque la organización del informante, el NSM, había hecho pública una respuesta.
Brannen dirigió el NSM imperturbable durante casi diez años más después de los cargos en su contra, hasta que sufrió numerosos derrames cerebrales en 1983.
Cliff Herrington, el segundo cofundador de NSM, refutó las afirmaciones de su ex colega de que alguna vez había trabajado como informante del gobierno.
“Conocí personalmente a Robert F. Brannen. No estaba tomando dinero”, dijo Herrington en un correo electrónico a esta publicación.
Durante su discurso del lunes ante la Cámara de los Comunes de Canadá, Trudeau acusó a la India de asesinar a un líder sij en Canadá.
Además, Herrington corroboró los rumores de que su esposa, Andrea Herrington, también conocida como Maxine Dietrich, creó Joy of Satan Ministries, una secta satánica. White afirma que una de las razones por las que dejó el NSM a mediados de la década de 2000 fue la comprensión de las tendencias satánicas de Herrington.
"¡Sí! ¡¡Estoy casado con HP Andrea Herrington, de soltera Dietrich!! ¡Muchas críticas de la Ivy League han dicho que ella era digna de obtener títulos de maestría! ¡Oh, ps! ¡ELLA y sus tenientes tienen toda la razón! Herrington dijo en un correo electrónico plagado de errores tipográficos, que firmó: "¡Herrington Heil Hitler!"
Desde el momento del grave derrame cerebral de Brannen en 1983 hasta 1994, cuando nombró a Jeff Schoep para asumir el cargo de líder del NSM, Herrington ocupó ese cargo.
La era de Jeff Schoep
Además, Schoep, que supervisó el NSM desde 1994 hasta poco después de la protesta “Unite the Right” en Charlottesville, ha sido acusado de actuar como informante del FBI.
A diferencia de Brannen, la acusación contra Schoep no está ampliamente respaldada por notas del FBI. Y el reclamo proviene de una fuente polémica: Bill White, un ex miembro del NSM que actualmente cumple condena en la cárcel por varios delitos graves.
En una demanda FOIA de 2017 que presentó tras las rejas contra el FBI, así como en una declaración judicial de 2020 en la que solicitó sin éxito una liberación compasiva, White acusó a Schoep de ser un informante. En la misma declaración judicial, White incluyó la carta del FBI sobre Brannen.
White presentó una acción FOIA para obtener información sobre el NSM, Schoep y varias otras personas que, según dijo, estaban involucradas en un plan de trampa de derecha del FBI.
White afirma que el NSM estuvo bajo la custodia del FBI ya en 2004 y quizás mucho antes. En su denuncia ante la FOIA, White afirmó que el FBI y la ATF “utilizarían el Movimiento Nacionalsocialista para realizar falsas manifestaciones de ��supremacistas blancos'”.
"El FBI-JTTF [Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto contra el Terrorismo] también organizaría contramanifestaciones violentas contra estas manifestaciones a través de informantes en grupos como Anti-Racist Action… La ATF también estaba utilizando el NSM de manera similar", dijo White en su demanda FOIA. .
“Ninguna de las partes reveló que las manifestaciones fueron fraudulentas”, añadió White. "En cambio, el gobierno federal estaba utilizando las manifestaciones para hacer parecer que había una 'amenaza terrorista interna' cuando tal amenaza no existía".
Además, Jesse Morton, un ex informante del FBI que sirvió como reclutador de Al Qaeda en los años posteriores al 11 de septiembre hasta su encarcelamiento en 2011, y Schoep han estado involucrados públicamente.
En noviembre de 2021, aproximadamente un mes antes de que Morton fuera descubierto muerto en una habitación de hotel de Florida, Schoep y Morton participaron en una discusión sobre la lucha contra el extremismo violento organizada por la organización sin fines de lucro Parallel Networks, que contó con el apoyo del DHS.
Schoep todavía rechaza la idea de que fuera un informante del movimiento nazi, a pesar de que ahora colabora libremente con las fuerzas del orden.
“Acusándome abiertamente de ser un informante: vaya”, dijo en un correo electrónico a esta publicación. “Si todavía estuviera en el movimiento, es posible que hubieras recibido una visita por esa acusación, y no una visita de las autoridades”.
Otros federales en el NSM
Aunque Schoep no era un espía del FBI, el gobierno federal se infiltró en el NSM cuando él era su jefe.
Por ejemplo, los procedimientos judiciales de 2007 demostraron que David Gletty, presidente de la sucursal de NSM en Florida, era un informante.
En 2006, Gletty había planeado una reunión del NSM en Orlando. Por ello, causó revuelo en la población negra del barrio cuando fue expuesto como informante más de un año después.
"Esa revelación se produjo el miércoles en una audiencia en un tribunal federal no relacionada y provocó la indignación de los líderes negros, algunos de los cuales exigieron una investigación para determinar si la marcha de febrero de 2006 fue en sí misma un evento organizado por agencias encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley", informó el Orlando Sentinel en el tiempo.
Tres oficiales de la ATF también asistieron a la reunión de Orlando, según Gletty, quien más tarde escribió una biografía titulada Undercover Nazi.
White, un prisionero que también asistió a la manifestación de Orlando, afirmó en su declaración de 2020 que ahora cree que la mayoría de los manifestantes nazis eran espías.
"Estimo que alrededor de tres de las veinte a veinticinco personas que participaron no eran agentes federales: yo, Laura Sennett, también conocida como Isis, y un reportero encubierto de un periódico local", dijo White.
Burt Colucci, que actualmente está a cargo de NSM, reveló a Headline USA que a él también le habían pedido que sirviera como informante.
Según Colucci, rechazó la oferta del FBI.
“Al FBI le gusta jugar sin importar de qué lado estés. De hecho, vinieron a mí y me dijeron que podían ‘complementar mis ingresos’, ofreciéndome; no especificaron qué querían decir exactamente ni cuánto, pero dijeron que complementarían mis ingresos”, dijo.
“Les dije que no quería tener nada que ver con ellos y que hablara con mis abogados, y así lo hicieron; hablaron con mi abogado de Arizona en ese momento”, dijo, y agregó: “Yo personalmente les habría dicho que no *Irse y quedarse con su dinero, pero mi abogado dice: 'Déjame decírselo'. Te lo diré un poco más amable'”.
Sin embargo, Colluci, quien después de asumir el liderazgo de la organización eliminó las cuentas de correo electrónico NSM de Schoep, afirmó que no le preocupa la posibilidad de que su exjefe fuera un informante.
“Todas estas personas desaparecieron hace mucho tiempo, ya sean informantes en ese momento o no”, dijo.
Por el contrario, un jurado determinó que Schoep debía 500.000 dólares y que el NSM debía 1 millón de dólares por sus actividades en Charlottesville en 2017.
Schoep aún está en proceso de apelación en ese caso.
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kahecha82 · 2 years
Inglaterra tomen atención.............. ** niñas les perdono la vida **............ OK Inglaterra ?????
Me presento el hermano mayor pero no soy el príncipe de gales........... rey de Inglaterra osea príncipe de edimburgo.........
Papa juan Pablo iii.......
...... rey de Francia.............( rey de Italia............. rey de Alemania........... rey vaticano católico......... rey de Corea del sur........... rey de Canadá............ rey de Israel............ faraón de Egipto........... dios del sol............. rey de Australia........... rey de chile......... rey de china ............ etc.....)................
Virrey de América........... por ejemplo.......... rey de chile........... rey de Estados Unidos........... etc........
El gran secreto arturo tuvo dos hijos el mayor para reírse del menor de coloco duque y el menor rey........... pero príncipe es más poderoso que duque.........
** lo importante 7 años en el Tíbet era el rey de Suecia **
Planeta tierra soy re cuico........... hasta soy multimillonario.............. pido disculpas yo nunca vine a latinoamerica.......... me pillaron........... la corona ?????......... telepatia ?????........... sueltame la cabeza dios creador.........
Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja JajajajajajajajajaJajajajajajajajaja JajajajajajajajajaJajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja
Dueño de dc cómic y marvel quiere decir dueño de warner bros........... único vicepresidente de los oscar y globos de oro..........
Pero el dueño de hollywood tiene juguetes exclusivo para mi........
Formula 1 .......... mclaren, Mercedes, Ferrari, alpha tauri, red bulls, aston Martin, William, alpha romeo............
Dueño de fifa ........... Sony.......... Samsung.......... Huawei, xiaomi, alienware, hp, lenovo, LG, asus........... channel.......... cartier y tifanny.........
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theliteraryflower · 3 years
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I posted 2,268 times in 2021
11 posts created (0%)
2257 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 205.2 posts.
I added 425 tags in 2021
#literature - 72 posts
#harry potter - 58 posts
#books - 51 posts
#hp - 43 posts
#hogwarts - 37 posts
#hogwartshousefriends - 36 posts
#quotes - 35 posts
#bridgerton - 34 posts
#incorrecthogwarts - 31 posts
#quote - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#also. lily picking up piano and other instruments while in hiding is just something that makes sense to me
My Top Posts in 2021
Rescued by a Viscount
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By Wendy Vella
Rate: 4.5/5
He wasn't like other men, he didn't observe the correct distance when conversing or dancing with a woman, nor did he guard his tongue. In fact, Viscount Kelkirk was the exact opposite of everything Claire strove to be, and she has never known how to handle him. But now she has to learn. And fast.
Miss Claire Belmont’s life is thrown into turmoil when she finds out her brother left something behind in France before he died. Going against her family’s wishes, she is determined to uncover the secret of what it is, and is forced to turn to the one man she vowed to avoid at all costs for help. If anyone can disrupt her well-ordered life and see the vulnerable woman behind the polite facade, it will be Viscount Kelkirk and now they are thrown together, she realizes her fears were justified.
Well this is new. Like this has been a very unique Regency novel. This is part of the Regency Rakes collection and honestly it was quite tame, for present times, but quite scandalous for the Regency era. We meet Claire and Simon, who are the Duke and Duchess of the last books dearest friends. But Claire can not stand Simon. She finds him obnoxious and too forward, if she only knew that he was the only one willing to help her in her time of need. This book touches themes about grieving and letting go and the lengths one would go for family. Also its quite cute how self sacrificing our leads are even if it gets annoying.  Yes, I am looking at you Claire. Stop running away from people who are trying to help you. In the end they all lived happily ever af-oh there is a third book!
1 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 17:28:52 GMT
Match Fit
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By: Amèlie S. Duncan
Rate: 3.5/5
Synopsis: He's cocky, dirty, and demanding. He's a walking wet dream.
He's also mine. Or at least he's pretending to be...
Notorious British bad boy footballer Dylan Pierce is scorching hot...
and he knows it.
With a mouth as filthy as his reputation, linking myself with him could ruin my public image.
But showbusiness is all about risk, and as a down-on-my-luck actress,
this could be the break my career needs.
Brooke Sullivan is my most difficult opponent yet.
Being seen with a good girl like her may give me a chance at Hollywood stardom,
but I never expected to crave this feisty redhead.
I can't lose my focus--I always keep my eye on the ball,
I'm always match-fit.
And winning her is the most important game I've ever played.
Review: Brooke... sweetie... you are in a relationship with your father... let that sit in. Okay to clarify her dad is like super bossy and uses the excuse of "it's what's best...". And our lovely lead Dylan pretty much is the same. So... Brooke are you okay? You sure? Ok. So this is the story of struggling actress Brooke and how her agent arranges for her to be the fake girlfriend of football star Dylan. Whose reputation as a whore has followed him across the pond. My issue is that he like immediately is like I want to kiss your cat and please eat my roster. He was like so sexually aggressive and she was into it. Which is fine but girl... I hope you had fun for the emotional gymnastics you went through. Dylan wants her but doesn't want to change at first which causes a whole other type of drama. Especially with you are mine thing. The seperation was also a curve ball and very enjoyable but I hated the over possession and the shaming of female characters when they act like our make leads. All in all a good read but I worry. Is toxicity worth a good lay?
1 notes • Posted 2021-02-20 06:22:38 GMT
The War of the Worlds
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By: H.G.Wells
Rate: 5/5
When an army of invading Martians lands in England, panic and terror seize the population. As the aliens traverse the country in huge three-legged machines, incinerating all in their path with a heat ray and spreading noxious toxic gases, the people of the Earth must come to terms with the prospect of the end of human civilization and the beginning of Martian rule.
Inspiring films, radio dramas, comic-book adaptations, television series and sequels,The War of the Worlds is a prototypical work of science fiction which has influenced every alien story that has come since, and is unsurpassed in its ability to thrill, well over a century since it was first published.
Why did I wait so long to read this book. Like it was amazing and beautifully written. My first experience with this book was through the Steven Spielberg movie. I wish I could turn back time and read this book first. Though the movie was great, I feel that the original story was a million times better. It was more than just about the alien invasion but rather the Hubris of men. The society presented to us thought that they were the most powerful and thus did not have to worry about it. Then just to be proven wrong in the worst way. Everyone knows the ending so it won't be a shock to know that it was the Aliens own Hubris that causes their downfall. All in all way ahead of its time and most certainly worth the read.
1 notes • Posted 2021-01-10 02:26:21 GMT
Duchess by chance
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By Wendy Vella
Rate: 4/5
Daniel, Duke of Stratton, learns of his betrothal to Miss Berengaria Evangeline Winchcomb minutes before his father’s death. Having gambled his fortune away, all the late Duke had left to sell was his son. To save his family’s honor Daniel agrees to the marriage, but society’s favorite bachelor is no longer a charming easygoing man— his father’s betrayal has left him angry and with a thirst for revenge.
Eva learns she is to wed the Duke of Stratton on the way to the church. Inside she feels a flicker of hope that at last she is to leave her horrid family— however that flicker is short-lived as she faces the cold unyielding man who is now her husband.
Yes.... I'm still on my historical fiction thing. Don't act suprised or like it's not enjoyable. This story was enjoyable but alot more darker than most. Usually, the Lady is a gentle and sweet soul who has suffered very little. Not our Eva. Eva and Daniel didn't know what was coming when their father's decided to play cards. One bad gamble leads to a unwanted marriage between Daniel and Eva. And they didn't know what to expect from each other when they got married but by gosh did they enjoy it. Eva expects more of the same. A hard, cold and abusive husband and Daniel expected  some mousey little chit. They were wrong... so wrong, and with out even realizing it they fall in like and then in love. It was a sweet and at times steamy read. With a new perspective of society and the norms. Great read that again they live happily ever after. 
2 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 17:22:37 GMT
All the stars and teeth
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By Adalyn Grace
Rate: 4.5/5
Synopsis: She will reign.
As princess of the island kingdom Visidia, Amora Montara has spent her entire life training to be High Animancer—the master of souls. The rest of the realm can choose their magic, but for Amora, it’s never been a choice. To secure her place as heir to the throne, she must prove her mastery of the monarchy’s dangerous soul magic.
When her demonstration goes awry, Amora is forced to flee. She strikes a deal with Bastian, a mysterious pirate: he’ll help her prove she’s fit to rule, if she’ll help him reclaim his stolen magic.
But sailing the kingdom holds more wonder—and more peril—than Amora anticipated. A destructive new magic is on the rise, and if Amora is to conquer it, she’ll need to face legendary monsters, cross paths with vengeful mermaids, and deal with a stow-away she never expected… or risk the fate of Visidia and lose the crown forever.
I am the right choice. The only choice. And I will protect my kingdom.
So this is what happens when you put too much pressure on one person. Mistakes happen but... that doesn't mean you can over react either. Amora is preparing to make her performance to prove her worth to the kingdom. But gosh, her support system sucks. You know you aren't supposed to stress people before a big exam. Well these people failed that. So after Amora's presentation goes horribly wrong she gets thrown in prison with the only person on her side is her childhood friend and fiance, Ferrick. Again love him but I am so glad that Amora is straight up with him and us. Love you but not in love with you. Then there is the plots against the kingdom, a very mysterious and sexy pirate and a mermaid who gives me life. So poor Amora has alot on her plate. I loved the world building and though I wished it could have been explored more, I understand that it's hard to do so in a duology. It was a good adventure with various locations and threats and characters that are likeable. Like seriously Vataea, Mermaid queen slaying it up and down. Another thing that I loved that the story was about saving the kingdom it was never about Amora being a girl, or her struggling between Ferrick and Bastian (pirate) but rather her need to save her home. My only complaint is that the end was a bit rushed but still a great read. I can't wait for the sequel. 
12 notes • Posted 2021-03-07 04:10:47 GMT
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emma-what-son · 4 years
I agree. Current EW is very different from HP era EW. I think she is intimidated by Hollywood. It might be a bad timing or bad angle, but I still remember her deer in the headlights expression when she had to attend some awards show after party or rehearsal, can't remember anymore. Then another pic came out showing her and Luke standing near the wall, just the two of them, like some outcasts lol. She def never experienced this in HP bubble.
Right now she’s still the girl from the franchise who is (or was) trying to have a respected career. But when you’re not a strong actor, you don’t have the right attitude and have colleagues who act a lot better than you, then it’s not going to go well. Sure, she’s still famous and has a lot of fans, but when it comes to the A-list actor crowd she’s not that big of a deal.
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airmanisr · 4 years
Lockheed Vega by Robert Sullivan Via Flickr: Amelia Earhart Lockheed "Vega" 5B (A19670093000) at the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum. Photo taken by Eric Long. Photo taken on December 28, 2016. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Lockheed Vega is an American six-passenger high-wing monoplane airliner built by the Lockheed Corporation starting in 1927. It became famous for its use by a number of record-breaking pilots who were attracted to the rugged and very long-range design. Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in one, and Wiley Post used his to prove the existence of the jet stream after having flown around the world twice. Design and development Designed by John Knudsen Northrop and Gerald Vultee, both of whom would later form their own companies, the aircraft was originally intended to serve with Lockheed's own airline routes. They set out to build a four-seat aircraft that was not only rugged but also one of the fastest aircraft of its era. Using a wooden monocoque fuselage, plywood-covered cantilever wings and the best engine available, the Vega delivered on the promise of speed. The fuselage was built from sheets of plywood, skinned over wooden ribs. Using a large concrete mold, a single half of the fuselage shell was laminated in sections with glue between each layer and then a rubber bladder was lowered into the mold and inflated with air to compress the lamination into shape against the inside of the mold. The two fuselage halves were then nailed and glued over a separately constructed rib framework. With the fuselage constructed in this fashion, the wing spar couldn't cut through the fuselage, so the single spar cantilever wing was mounted atop the aircraft. Only the engine and landing gear remained essentially unstreamlined, and on the production versions the undercarriage had teardrop shaped fairings covering the wheels, while only the earliest versions lacked NACA cowlings and had the engine cylinders exposed to the airstream. It was powered by the Wright Whirlwind air-cooled radial engine, which delivered 225 horsepower (168 kW). Operational history The first Vega 1, named the "Golden Eagle", flew from Lockheed's Los Angeles plant on July 4, 1927. It could cruise at a then-fast 120 mph (193 km/h), and had a top speed of 135 mph (217 km/h). The four-passenger (plus one pilot) load was considered too small for airline use. A number of private owners placed orders for the design, and by the end of 1928, 68 of this original design had been produced. In the 1929 National Air Races in Cleveland, Vegas won every speed award. In 1928, "Vega Yankee Doodle" (NX4789) was used to break transcontinental speed records. On August 19–20, Hollywood stunt flier Arthur C. Goebel broke the coast-to-coast record of Russell Maughan by flying from Los Angeles, California, to Garden City, New York, in 18 hours and 58 minutes, in what was also the first nonstop flight from west to east. On October 25, barnstormer and former mail pilot Charles B.D. Collyer broke the nonstop east to west record set in 1923 by the U.S. Army Air Service in 24 hours and 51 minutes. Trying to break the new West-to-East record on November 3, Collyer crashed near Prescott, Arizona, killing him and the aircraft owner, Harry J. Tucker. Looking to improve the design, Lockheed delivered the Vega 5 in 1929. Adding the Pratt & Whitney R-1340 Wasp engine of 450 hp (336 kW) and a new NACA cowling improved performance enough to allow the addition of two more seats, and increased cruising speed to 155 mph (249 km/h) and top speed to 165 mph (266 km/h). The new six-seat configuration proved to be too small, and the 5 was purchased primarily for private aviation and executive transport. A total of 64 Vega 5s were built. In 1931, the United States Army Air Corps bought two Vega 5s; one designated C-12 and one as the C-17. The C-17 had additional fuel tanks in the wings. The Vega could be difficult to land. In her memoir, Elinor Smith wrote that it had "all the glide potential of a boulder falling off a mountain." In addition, forward and side visibility from the cockpit was extremely limited; Lane Wallace, a columnist for Flying magazine, wrote that "Even [in level flight], the windscreen would offer a better view of the sky than anything else, which would make it more of a challenge to detect changes in attitude or bank angle. On takeoff or landing, there'd be almost no forward visibility whatsoever."
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tokupedia · 5 years
Japan World Heroes II Day One Part 3: Double Reds and Hollywood Kaiju Men
Unfortunately, most of my photos of the Double Red panel were either blurry or unable to be loaded and had to be deleted as corrupted files. They suffered the same fate as the time I encountered the beautiful Cadillac Sixteen concept car at the Pittsburgh Auto Show years ago, a digital memory slain by flawed tech. 
I still remember it sitting majestically on a black marble pedestal with soft running water surrounding it, its massive V16 1,000 HP engine purring like a panthress. All the while envious of the guy who got to drive it up to its elegant stone display. But as they say online: pics or it didn’t happen. (even if it did). Sorry, just went on a tangent. Back onto it...
Nevertheless, it was a lighter panel in details than the others from having two guests at the same time (Mr. Sainei and Mr. McLaren). Mr. McLaren (Jack aka SPD Red), stated he was surprised by how DekaPink would take baths when watching a few episodes of Dekaranger in preparation for his role, something like that would never work in the USA. Both of them talked about Koichi Sakamoto briefly and how influential he is on both sides of the Pacific in toku media. They then did a discussion of the Japanese dub of Power Rangers SPD. Mr. Sainei said that he admired Mr. McLaren’s dreadlocks, which was a non existent hairstyle among the Japanese until SPD came along according to him and has since gained small popularity among eastern Sentai fans (that certainly explains Leo in Zyuohger). 
Mr. Sainei says he has the dub of SPD to thank for how Ban is portrayed post-series, as he made his character more calm and mature after doing Jack’s dub voice and finding it was also more reserved and calm than Ban was. Ban’s character is meant to be an upstanding police officer first and a superhero second, using the law to uphold the peace and act on instinct. He also confirmed that any Deka vs. Sentai films are alternate realities that do not fit the Dekaranger or Super Sentai show canon. 
Mr. Sainei said he first got into Super Sentai with Changeman as a child, though he admitted he wanted to grow up to be a pro wrestler when he was a kid. 
Mr. McLaren initially turned down the role of Jack twice so he could star on an ABC show called The Date. The network hated the show and it was doomed from the start, so finally Mr. McLaren accepted the role of a Red Ranger in a Disney backed Power Rangers show. 
Mr. Sainei revealed that to this day in Japanese fan polls, Dekaranger is second only to Shinkenger in terms of popular Heisei Super Sentai shows. This is why the show gets spinoffs long past its original airing such as the Space Squad movies. He also confirmed there are no new Space Squad projects planned at this time or ever unless Toei says otherwise in the future. Mr. McLaren said his agent hasn’t contacted him about the Battle for the Grid video game when asked if he would be in it and if he hasn’t heard of it, he isn’t in it. Mr. McLaren ended the panel by saying that Power Rangers was challenging to work on as you had to build a relationship with the cast over a year and Ryuji Sainei agreed that is the hardest part, especially when starting out.
We got to see Ryuji do his DekaRed morph, but Mr. McLaren left as he had to get back to Hollywood for work.
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Up next were the suit stars of the recent Godzilla: King of the Monsters film. I am ashamed to admit I faded in and out during this one from hunger (mmmm...In-N-Out). 
T.J. Storm was so much of a G-Fan that it resonated from the room. Despite the film’s critical failure, he knows true Godzilla fans loved it from talking to them and that is all that matters to him as he doesn’t care what others think. And he joked that Godzilla loves to take long naps until he’s needed (can’t say I blame the King, he’s almost 70.) 
T.J also said that he doesn’t do his role “professionally”, you are basically a man trying to be a kid again and pretending to be a city crushing dinosaur for fun, that is why he loves his job. He, Richard Dorton, Alan Maxson, and Jason Liles then briefly demonstrated what its like to do motion capture without the suits, with the normally sweet and friendly Mr. Storm getting into character and letting out a terrifying growl and roar.
T.J. also revealed what I posted earlier about his roles and a bit more, he was Rocket Racoon! Apparently he stopped working for Marvel when they refused to credit him for their projects. He and the others are loyal to Legendary Godzilla for their director of the recent film, who demanded the studio give his mo-cap workers credit and they did eventually get it. So happy endings there. They are also working for Netflix, because again, they are actually credited for their work and treated fairly. 
T.J. then told the audience he is an advocate for mo-cap suit actors such as himself and the great Andy Serkis and stuntmen to be recognized at the Oscars, as elites often ignore their efforts for arthouse films in an era where superhero films and action movies are keeping Hollywood afloat financially in terms of the market share of cinema. I asked Mr. Storm how it felt to be part of a 65 year legacy and to follow in the footsteps of people like Haruo Nakajima.
He said he was humbled by it, and he feels he can never fully fill in Nakajima-san’s shoes, but he will always do his best for the fans. He has been a Godzilla and kaiju fan since he was 4 years old when his father took him to the movies to see Godzilla vs Hedorah (Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster), so becoming a thing from his childhood means the world to him. 
Sent my mother home after that when she asked for an Uber taxi as she was bored and hungry. I was a bit peckish myself, but endured for the next panel.
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kahecha82 · 2 years
** el anticristo es corazón al medio........... homosexual.......... le gustan las prostitutas **
Latinoamerica pido de verdad disculpas nunca a venido el rey de reyes a la Latinoamerica............ me pillaron latinoamerica el gran secreto soy un dios por ejemplo telepatia ??????...........
** latinoamerica me presento virrey de América por eso estoy en chile........... **
Pero Gabriel toma atención.......... este es mi elijah comunicado para la academia de artes y ciencias cinematográfica........
** Estados Unidos pasó algo muy malo pido disculpas no puedo asistir a los oscar y globos de oro 2023.............. pero primer latinoamericano ganador del oscar y globo de oro a mejor actor 2021 , 2023 , 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 .......... lo que paso estados unidos era niño pero ahora tengo 44 años y hace un mes atras me informaron que fui coronado........virrey de América............por ejemplo rey de chile y rey de Estados Unidos.......... santo padre papa juan Pablo iii............
...... rey de Francia.............( rey de Italia............. rey de Alemania........... rey vaticano católico......... rey de Corea del sur........... rey de Canadá............ rey de Israel............ faraón de Egipto........... dios del sol............. rey de Australia........... rey de chile......... rey de china ............ etc.....)................ **
Lo importante el secreto el rey de Francia por obligación es corazón a la derecha...........por ejemplo de ojos plomos..........el rey de Francia es apolo osea adán............ esto es normal en un rey .............. la biblia dice que en el apocalipsis osea el final del mundo nacerá el hijo de Jesús............. camu de aquarius............ ** ale ror paseriu nume perito camare ( apolo osea adan )........... te amo mucho Estados Unidos por siempre ............. apolo es corazón a la derecha.............. izquierda tierra ........... al medio infierno............. derecha el cielo ........
Me sentaré a la cabeza de todos y seré el rey de reyes elijah claudio I ( apolo osea adan ).......... **
Estados Unidos prometo que la historia es bonita............ les presento a mis grandes ahijadas pero lo importante son mis hermanas adoptivas por leyes mundiales.............. la princesa delfin osea princesa de gales gal gadot y la princesa delfín osea princesa de gales margot Robbie............ Estados Unidos es un día de fiesta y carrete tienen reynas........... OK??????............ Estados Unidos fideicomiso de 900 mil millones de infinitos de millones de dólares mensuales...........
Estados Unidos el misterio se acabó el dueño de hollywood es un rey católico.............. dueño de dc cómic y marvel quiere decir dueño de warner bros........... osea único vicepresidente de los oscar y globos de oro..........
Pero mis juguetes caros exclusivo para mi..........
Formula 1 ............. mclaren, Mercedes, Ferrari, alpha tauri, red bulls, aston Martin, William, alpha romeo........
Sony............ Samsung........... Huawei, xiaomi, alienware, hp, lenovo, LG, asus.......
Fifa............. channel........... cartier y tifanny........
** planeta tierra llegó el día tengo ahora 44 años arrodillense todos ante mi el rey de reyes elijah claudio I por 5 minutos **
PD:..........lo último.......... estoy feliz............ la realeza no vive de la realeza.............. Estados Unido soy el hombre más millonario del mundo............. pero tengo 44 años y me gusta carretear...........
OK Estados Unidos ?????
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Technology is a lever. Hacker News is an experiment, and an experiment in a very powerful position despite its small size, just as you can't find north using a compass with a magnet sitting next to it. You need to for your own sake. And not just because they'd be a lot simpler. The least ambitious way of approaching the problem is to start from the symptom and hope to fix the underlying causes. You rarely hear of a startup that's working around the clock doing deals and pumping out new features, and dies because they can't help it. The same happens with writing. Art has a purpose, which is the same they face in operating systems: they can't pay their bills and their ISP unplugs their server. It seemed obvious that beauty, for example, that you're going to sound a lot smarter talking about that than the business model. The most famous example is probably Steve Wozniak, who originally wanted to build microcomputers for his then-employer, HP. Because PR firms tell them to stop. In a remarkable coincidence, Ms.
It doesn't add; it multiplies. For products of nature that might work. A lot of doctors worry that if they don't like what they're supposed to, they'll raise the stock price, which is to interest its audience. All of you guys already have the first two. So Yahoo's sales force had evolved to exploit this source of revenue to depend on. If one of the keys to retaining their monopoly. Investors looked at Yahoo's earnings and said to themselves, here is proof that Internet companies can make money. Viaweb's was the Microsoft Word of ecommerce. This is a good instinct; investors dislike unbalanced teams. Much of the time, writing about economic inequality is the inevitable fate of countries that don't choose something worse. In the software business in this respect?
The force of a refutation depends on what works to treat as property. Neither Bill Gates nor Mark Zuckerberg knew at first how big their companies were going to grow into big, beautiful swans. A poor student who could afford only rice was eating his rice while enjoying the delicious cooking smells coming from the food shop. The average trade publication is a bunch of guesses, and guesses about stuff that's probably not your area of expertise. Is counter to the general trend in software development for the last several decades. Even the most ambitious startup ideas are. And, like Microsoft, they're losing. Then there are the tricks people play on themselves. I call the Fluff Principle: on a user-voted news site, the links that are easiest to judge will take over unless you take specific measures to prevent it. They'll just lose the de facto monopoly on certain types of learning that they once had. So for example a group that has built an easy web-based database might resist calling their applicaton that, because it could be shipped to Europe. But boy did things seem different.
It felt like releasing software without testing it. Real estate is still more expensive than just about anywhere else in the country. Instead tastes are a series of concentric rings, like ripples in a pond. It has an English cousin, travail, and what it means is torture. Good ideas always tend to win eventually. So if you want to know what the basic human reaction to a piece of writing and step back and ask whether the author is wrong or right than what his tone is. The good things in a community site come from people more than technology; it's mainly in the prevention of bad things that technology comes into play. And that has a bunch of hackers.
Hacker News needs to avoid: bad stories and bad comments. It's a good exercise for you, too, to sit down and try to figure out how to make money from it. They'll just discard that sentence as meaningless boilerplate, and hope, with increasing impatience, that in the next sentence you'll actually explain what you've made. You can't expect employers to have some kind of paternal obligation that isn't there in transactions between equals. For example, if a senator wrote an article saying senators' salaries should be increased, one could respond: Of course he would say that. If all you have to do is expand it. In Hollywood, these phrases seem to be deliberately trolling, we ban them ruthlessly. Lewis in The Boston Globe. We can, however, which makes images with definite shapes more engaging than mere blur. Not just the first step into a swamp. The theory is that minor forms of bad behavior encourage worse ones: that a neighborhood with lots of graffiti and broken windows becomes one where robberies occur.
Right now, ambitious kids going to art school run smack into a brick wall. Losing, for example. It would be pretty cool if merely by staying in regular contact with us will push you to make things, taste becomes a practical matter. I don't know if this one is possible, but there you face bureaucratic obstacles that would slow down a startup. One of the weirdest things about Yahoo when I went to work at Yahoo. We estimated, based on some fairly informal math, that there were about 5000 stores on the Web. But the reason reporters ended up writing stories about this particular truth, rather than how or by whom. Newspapers and magazines are just as screwed, but they are at least declining gracefully. Maybe it's not a sign of sanity. Maybe options should be replaced with a new protocol. If people are expected to behave well, they tend to repel you. Such messages must be implicit.
But with the arrival of networks, it's as if we've moved to a planet with a breathable atmosphere. Readers aren't the only ones who've noticed the change. But they could not have put into words exactly how their ugly ducklings were going to grow into a giant company? It sounds ridiculous to us to treat smells as property. If anyone is dishonest, it's the reporters. In the channel era, both flowed down from the top. Roughly that you can't fool mother nature. Most startups face similar challenges, so we encourage them to focus on just two goals: a explain what you're doing, and b don't just like whatever they grew up with. But we weren't saying this to be benevolent. Now we have a way of classifying forms of disagreement, and probably also the most common. If you pay them by the hour, they'll work a lot of work. But it will happen, and it would still be just as great an achievement as the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to a blank canvas is that the only thing to interest someone arriving at HN for the first time.
Thanks to Aaron Swartz, Robert Morris, Joe Hewitt, Reid Hoffman, and Sam Altman for their feedback on these thoughts.
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androidmaniaco · 4 years
Quibi, el 'Netflix en vertical' que quería destronar a Instagram y TikTok, anuncia su cierre a los siete meses de su lanzamiento
Quibi, el 'Netflix en vertical' que quería destronar a Instagram y TikTok, anuncia su cierre a los siete meses de su lanzamiento
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A principio de años conocíamos Quibi, una plataforma de streaming basada en el móvil creada por Jeffrey Katzenberg, ex directivo de los estudios Walt Disney y fundador de DreamWorks, y Meg Whitman, CEO de eBay y HP hace unos años. Entre sus peculiaridades se encontraban la posibilidad de ver los shows en vertical u horizontal en el móvil.
Con un debut oficial en abril de este año, y justo un día después del lanzamiento de su app para Android TV, Fire TV y Apple TV, sus creadores han anunciado el cierre del servicio argumentando dos posibles motivos: que la idea no fuera lo suficientemente potente para justificar otro servicio de streaming o el timing.
¿Adelantado a su época?
Quibi se lanzaba como un proyecto de más de mil millones de dólares con la colaboración de estrellas de Hollywood como Chrissy Teigen, 50 Cent, Darren Criss, Kiefer Sutherland o Liam Hemsworth, como un servicio de streaming centrado en el móvil y contenido de corta duración, de menos de diez minutos.
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En Xataka
Las mejores opciones para ver gratis cine y series: ocho plataformas de acceso libre y sin cuota
La idea era consumir este contenido en el móvil en cualquier momento, cualquier lugar y de cualquier forma, y es que el contenido se podía reproducir tanto en vertical como en horizontal, estando especialmente optimizado para el uso en vertical, similar a las historias de aplicaciones como Instagram.
Siete meses más tarde, sus creadores han anunciado el cierre en una larga publicación en su blog, horas después de que The Information y WSJ adelantaran la noticia. Quibi cierra y la compañía está buscando comprador para su contenido y activos tecnológicos.
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En su blog, sus creadores, Jeffrey Katzenberg y Meg Whitman, aseguran haber creado la mejor versión de Quibi que pudieran imaginar, pero insuficiente para lograr el éxito. Entre los motivos posibles se encuentran que no estuviera justificada la existencia de un servicio de streaming con sus características o el timing, con un lanzamiento en mitad de una pandemia.
Irónicamente, el anuncio del cierre de Quibi, llega exactamente un día después de que lanzaran su aplicación oficial para disfrutar del contenido de modo tradicional, en la tele, con la versión para Apple TV, Android TV y Fire TV. En nuestra prueba, la app Quibi nos dio buenas sensaciones, aunque eso no es suficiente para garantizar su éxito y viabilidad.
Más información | Quibi
- La noticia Quibi, el 'Netflix en vertical' que quería destronar a Instagram y TikTok, anuncia su cierre a los siete meses de su lanzamiento fue publicada originalmente en Xataka Móvil por Iván Ramírez .
Xataka Móvil https://ift.tt/2Hq0yi2
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buzzmemes · 5 years
I hate this
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I hate this : Memes
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your passport photo and copy of passport At my school, the homework was to color the picture. So very true... In my school it’s so bad, the teacher projects it on the whiteboard ah, nightmares Soo true XD They say that because you cropped it out. And that is a fact They use plotters I get it! Lol that’s good shit Im sory Toad The homework that steals your time and your lunch money 99% of sane teachers shows u the color image on smart board No teachers want to show u crappy print Just understand it. Color printer is expensive. You’re telling me that teachers give out free black children? Bet, already got three in the basement itsa me, Noir-io Facts tho It'sa me, a-Copyo! We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, Jimbo. Come back in ten years And they pop in a “do you see the ... in the picture” question Why mario on the right looks like he's about to wake me up at 3 am saying with deep demonic voice It's time for me to turn you into my spaghetti Is this the new "We have ____ at home" ? Since im in school this is to relatable The math graphs were the worst though 30 years of saving princesses, 30 years of smashing brown mushrooms. And for what? Cake? Mario!? Why does this remind me of the fearsome Llapp Goch Master. There's a good chance this is unique! I checked 103,921,185 image posts and didn't find a close match Whenever I got bad copies I'd always split the best copies around the room so every student was at least near a good copy and keep a bad one for myself... Remember when you were the chosen one to go out of class and get em papers wonderful If Mario was in Papers, Please AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA printer companies: see you little shits? this is why your printer needs colored cartridges! My name is paublo Yes Is that pablo It's supposed to be not centered Based on a true story Itsa me, Marijuanio! he looks so sad:( NVM took a secound look he looks like he bout to ask me if i wanna buy WEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDD Kinda looks like Hitler though Noah get the Death Star. My kindergarten teacher wife has to print shit at home for this reason. Effectively costs $300/year in paper/ink and another $100 to replace whatever broken down color ink printer we have in a given year. I want her to transition to laser, but haven't been able to convince her. More like the board of Education, principal and superintendents wanting another raise so the kids get B&W copies. At our large school we have 1 color copier, the rest are black and white. More often than not, kids are not getting color copies. Budget. Why is this too true Don't you be knocking LaserJet. Those things were a tank whose toner lasted a long time. DeskJet is what you are looking for. Made with HP LaserJet 100 color MFP Same Mario on the right side looks like sleep paralysis demon, ngl. Mario and Noireio. Top 10 hollywood stars ruined by drug addiction. It looks like if he ran into me he'd try to stuff me into an animatronic suit where I belong Mario looks like he's going to go on a mugging spree Too true Me looking at my paper: HERE WE GOOOO One more gram common u can do it is fentanyl the new drug to go? i only appy the fentanyl patches on them cancer patients at work, so they don't suffer 24/7. a couple of months ago there was a problem at our elderly home, bc some crazies tried to dig them used patches out of our trash..have fun with patches which are covered in shit and piss You should have done 64 or 69 Bro youd die before you even got through half a gram of fentanyl wtf do you even know what fentanyl is lmao A true epic gamer moment God I wish I had some pure fent Issa me, Black tar heroin Mario! Come with me and meet my gang of druga dealers! I really Was expecting a rickroll lmao And this is probably what he's listening to on his alone time https://youtu.be/ijBrulQXE2U It me mrio I jst snrted one mre grm and I jst deid DO IT FOR THE GRAM Go ahead and do another gram just one more gram Legendary The homework that steals your time and your lunch money............... Luigi says: do the coke to get the smoke Betta tell your moms your dads your ministers... WOOOMP WOOOMP WOOOMP!!!! Justa what me the Doctor Mario prescribed Mama mia I a need a more of that a shit YAHOOOOOO!!!! And remember kids - when you do drugs, you go to hell before you die! It’s a me druggooo Mario! I have snorted 68 grams of pure fentanyl and I am going to die. Itsame itsame I’m literally studying for an exam right now and my professor put that on his own notes... like bro nobody gives a shit about your stats notes I had a professor just say “don’t waste your money on the book. Just google book name pdf and it should be the first link.” Then he did in in class go show us And then you have the ones that sell their own 40 page notes in 2 sections for €20 each at the college book store. Or the ones that make class notes and give them out in the first class. Even better are the ones that accidentally send a pdf of their own book that they make no money on due to a shitty publisher to one or two people in the class. my favorite kinds of professors A full commitment is what I'm thinking of A lot of emulators come with a warning like "Use a bios file from your own console. Do not download one for free from the Internet!" I saw something on TIL a while back, during the prohibition era of the United States, some companies sold grape concentrate. They had a warning on them that said something to the effect of "after adding the concentrate to water, do not let it sit for two weeks as it will ferment into wine." As if...they wanted you to do it! That's a pretty calculated statement for them to make. *mobile errors I had calculus profs who would tell us 'I legally cannot advise you to steal copywrited material so under no circumstances should you go to this website and torrent the textbook for free instead of buying it from the overpriced book store and wasting your money' I always love those blank pages that just have in like size i font "Do not write here" for no fucking reason. Then the teacher tells you that they didn't see it I like when it’s in huge, WHITE print in the middle of the fucking page so half the assignment is cut off I like when it says on the side of the paper COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL DO NOT PHOTOCOPY OR DISTRIBUTE BY ANY MEANS Or the "here's a form that was made in Excel, if you could fill it out so that we can input the information back in Excel that would be great." "yeah..." "But the image gets worse!" Work in Japan. Teachers give me a copied paper. "just copy it. They have the file on their damn computer. Which is where we are sitting. -20 points. I can’t even read the damn question At my school, we get lectured for printing a class set rather than just a master. They say it’s about toner being cheaper and the copier cartridges are much much bigger. There are also a lot of places where teachers don't have access to a shared laser printer like that and don't have any option but to make photocopies, so stuff like the OP can be unavoidable sometimes. Genuinely not a problem in my school - we have a fleet of MFDs for bulk printing. We have an admin assistant in charge of the reprographics room who can interrupt jobs if needed as well. It's just an old mindset that they can't get out of. Yeah but then you have to be the asshole that released a print job with 200+ pages while others are waiting to use the copier since this is the only one you can print to. What is full sending? huzzah, a man of quality Have you tried full sending it? From an IT perspective, usually it's not that they want you to know what triggered the problem, they want you to provide concise information on what exactly you were doing up until the issue occurred. Though I do understand that IT technicians are notoriously unsociable lol I'm sure thats a great suggestion but that's the thing is that IT acts like its up to the enduser to already know whats causing the issues and what needs to be done to fix it. Also this doesn't solve his/her issue of getting staples on the copies. Have your IT reinstall your driver and you can select the options that your printer has. likely you are on a global driver, or it wasn't installed correctly! Or if I want staples. We can only select staples on our copier itself. It would be easier if the print queue thing was reliable. But I can't keep running back to my room if it didn't send it, so I make extra copies from my first one. Or if I need front/back from different originals I work in IT support for a school - teachers, for some fucking reason beyond my understanding, seem to print one copy of something, then photocopy it for their classes. Telling them that just printing it for everyone keeps the quality better doesn't sink in. It costs the same, comes out of the same device, and it's less work, but I'm the insane one. Th s rin er se ms o æ run ing lo n ink To the knee And my axe! And my sword! Take mine too! Fuck off take a useless arrow Actually it seems this printer is low on incas. Damn u incas "I'm so sorry kids, our ancient printer is not working properly again" Read the full article
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