#sorry this got reaaaaally long
jfleamont · 1 year
Will you be watching the new HP show?
I haven't really thought about it to be honest? I get my 'fix' from fics, and they're enough for me.
A few years ago, before that POS turned out to be a terf, I had decided to re-read the books for fun and I noticed a few things that really irked me: the way she described Dudley was so fatphobic and unnecessarily mean, and the same thing goes for her descriptions of other characters' physical appearance (a lot of the time if someone's ugly or has unconventional features they're also evil). This is, at best, lazy writing. Tone-deaf for someone who advocates for acceptance and writes a bunch of novels where being different is a good thing and so on. And then goes on and engages in the same stereotypes she was trying to criticise. I could go on but I'll stop here... Point is, that re-reading really soured me on the whole thing and then her transphobic tweets came out and I couldn't handle it anymore and took a step back from HP. Then I stumbled upon a Jily fic in late 2021 and found my way back, sort of.
But this is a project where she's involved, and the more I think about it the angrier I get. There's also the fact that the movies aren't even that old and that it's too early for a remake, and that I have a thing against this Hollywood trend of remakes, reboots, sequels and prequels because god forbid original content existl! Honestly my problem isn't even that the series will never be as good as the films: don't get me wrong, I love them, but they didn't get A LOT of things right and if it wasn't for the reasons stated above I'd be actually excited about it.
To be fair, I just find the Marauders era more interesting at this point in my life and yes, I know I said I was against prequels and I still stand by that, because I don't want a Marauders series either, but I if I had to choose this is what I'd go for. If that were the case, though, I'm sure she'd be involved and aside from being a generally shitty person, I think she has exhausted her talent and can't write anything decent anymore.
Furthermore, I think it's important to reiterate, especially in times like these where trans rights are being threatened all over the world, that a person like her, with the power that she holds, does not deserve a platform.
In conclusion: I'm curious about the show, I'm not going to lie, and I might check it out - illegally, of course, because they don't deserve nor need my money - but I don't really care about it.
I'll stick to fics and fanart ❤️
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ceo-mochee · 5 days
Right I'm gonna say it cus I've seen and heard enough.
If you ship something toxic, Do NOT complain when people hate it.
(NOTE : Do NOT send me hate asks/comments if you choose to read this, cus I really do not gaf if you hate me for this. It's just my opinion and I wanted to get it off my chest.)
If the ship your shipping is a healthy pairing and people are hating you for it, then sure you have a reason to be upset. However if you're shipping something like Romesse, Aidesse or I don't know...... AXDEN.... (which are pretty toxic ships in general (my opinion)) then yeah people have a right to hate the ship.
I will agree on some part that attacking people is not a good thing, and this goes to both sides. People who don't like your ships shouldn't have to force you to change that, but at the same time if people hate on the SHIP itself (and are NOT namedropping people), then why should you be so worried? I literally watched one of my moots get attacked by someone because they wrote about not liking Axden.
Hell I'm even gonna take a quick minute to slander this ship now. Why? Cus it's pretty toxic- Aiden bullied Axel and tried killing his friends, do you reaaaaally think Axel would be friends with someone like Aiden, let alone get in a romantic relationship with him?? Yeah I don't think so either.
Here's the thing tho, this is just MY OPINION. If you disagree, COOL! But making a huge fuss about it and attacking others who disagree is only fueling that belief that "its not the ship itself, it's the shippers that are the problem." Getting pissy cus you CHOOSE to read someone's opinions and decide that because you disagree, and believing that you should go send anonymous asks attacking said person is also just making yourself look real pathetic.
I'm sorry, but if you're gonna get sensitive over a fictional pairing getting hate, then I don't know what to tell ya. s
I, of course, may or may not be the one to talk. I've shipped Axel and Lukas together for a long while and I may or may not have been hurt by some people's opinions myself, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go off with my pitchfork and torch and bombard someone with hate asks/comments, you know how much easier life is when ya just silently disagree with one's opinions and move on? It's amazing lemme tell ya.
So far I've only seen this happening with the ship Axden (Axel x Aiden), which is pretty damn bonkers if you ask me. Why can't y'all just accept the fact that no matter how much you preach, self project onto characters, or fuss about your own opinions, not every single person is gonna agree with you. My ass already got turned into a damn PTSD trigger to one person (who I'm of course choosing NOT to namedrop) cus I disliked that ship.
"I know Aiden bullied Axel but... but I made it to where he redeemed himself!!!"
Okay??? Still doesn't change the fact that you're getting upset that people are understandably uncomfortable with that ship mate... do you understand how happier we would all be if you'd just BLOCK people who disagree instead of burning an innocent user at the stake because they dislike a toxic ship.
Like seriously if you're gonna get upset and attack someone for not liking a (pretty toxic) ship that you like and not just like- Idk- BLOCK them... then you're probably already a lost cause my friend.
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emimii · 6 months
Share your mistoffelees brainrot?? ( ´ ▽ ` )
okay so sorry this took a while to answer anon had to let my thoughts simmer to make sense lol
first things first he has autism cause iii have autism. hes my fave so he gets to be projected onto (but tbf its already a semi-common hc i think)
like from the autism headcanon he tends to go non-verbal often esp when hes exhausted physically or mentally so like at the end of a long day some will try n talk to him and he just stares at them
the autism is genetic btw alonzo has it too but in a different flavour, i think like a difference between their spots on the spectrum is the misto is the hyperexpressive autism and his face is reaaaaally easy to read while alonzo doesnt tend to have his emotions show on his face and also has a more monotone voice
on the topic of alonzo and family im a big monochromatic siblings enjoyer i definitely think they r so so silly, i like to imagine that victoria is hard of hearing and so they’d all know sign language liek… jsl…. jellicle sign language
i mentioned in a couple posts too bustopher is their uncle to me!!! the way in the 1998 film mistos constantly tryn like touch him n everything is so cute hes so excited to see his uncle…
bustopher is like his rich cool uncle who stayed single and unmarried his whole life so hes got a bunch savings and excess cash that he just uses to get crazy gifts for his nephews n niece
i like to imagine misto (and also other magical cats in general) have their powers somewhat connected to the moon so like during the jellicle moon they can achieve crazier feats, like the amount of magic misto does at the ball is a lot more than his average and its also done more easily
i also think mistos one of the shortest if not the shortest cat w the exception of a handful of kittens, and out of pure spite hes always tryna make up with this fact by getting good at everything else
heavy lifting? got it he could princess carry tugger. climbing? easy he can climb on anything. running around? hes fast as hell u see him one side of the room and all of a sudden hes on the other side
i also wish people made misto like somewhat competitive more solely from the one 1982 old gumbie cat performance where he has a tap off with jennyanydots bcuz i think thats fun and silly
i feel like hes an extrovert and myyyy reasoning for this is that he loves talking to people and he craaaves interaction hes just not really good at it sometimes in contrast to tugger who is an introvert to me, just an introvert w unbelievable swag and charisma so everyones around him (which is why you see him off at the side away from everyone at times hes recharging!!!)
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chans-room · 1 year
hi i'm back… most to least likely in skz to do a couples costume? and what are the costumes (solo or coupled)??
Oooo that’s a good one Sunny! 👻 I think a lot of it has to do with who’s coordinating who’s going along with the couple costumes too but here’s my list:
Most likely
Hyunjin. And he’s coordinating it. He’s been planning your outfit for weeks and you do not have a say in it. You will wear what he tells you to if you know what’s good for you. I think he would choose something like Howl and Sophie from or Jack and Sally. Something that makes him look good first and foremost, but also he’s got nothing but compliments for you all night.
Jisung. He’s just happy to be involved lol he will wear whatever you give him but when you make sure your outfits are at least somewhat to his interests, he’s very happy. Anything from an anime for sure but I’m particularly soft about him being Tuxedo Mask to your Sailor Moon.
Bang Chan. He’s a simp, and he’d do anything you want to do. So if you have an idea for a couples costume, he’s down. But I mean… good luck getting him out of the studio for long enough for someone to see it tho. I think he’d like something with Pokémon, where he’s Ash and you’re Misty or pikachu if that’s what you’re into. Or he’d be into something like the Big Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hood.
Felix. He’s also a simp and is down to match with you if you want. The only reason he’s below Chan is he’s got a LOT of opinions on what he’s gonna wear, and if your idea isn’t a vibe for him, he’s gonna let you know. I think he’d like the classic romanticism of Romeo + Juliet (the Leo and Claire Danes movie obv) or Link and Zelda!
Jeongin. He thinks it’d be fun to coordinate but doesn’t mind if you don’t! If you’re super into it though, he’s down as long as you guys work together and choose something that pleases you both. He’d get super shy day of Halloween and almost back out, but he goes through with it. I think for him, he’d be into Spiderman and Spider-Gwen and he’d reaaaaally appreciate that Spiderman mask when you start getting too much attention. He’d also be into Beetlejuice and Lydia imo.
Changbin. He’s only this low bc he’s not necessarily excited to match with you, he more just expected it to happen. But if you suggest a non-couple costume he is 1000% throwing a fit bc how dare you suggest not matching??? Are you his baby or not??? He’s also the only one of them who’d be down to be something spooky or scary with you, like any killer and final girl, or if he’s feeling super romantic, he’d be the Gomez to your Morticia.
Lee Know. He’s not opposed to it, but he’s not gonna put in a whole lot of effort to coordinate. He’s also stubborn so if he already knows what he wants to do, he’s probably gonna stick to it. Once the time comes, he finds it really cute you put in so much effort just to match with him. He’d be into being Anakin and Padme or some Harry Potter characters with you. But fuck that antisemitic terf ass jkr.
Seungmin. Tsundere ass would not try to coordinate with you. In fact, he tells you it’s a little embarrassing and he does NOT wanna wear something he doesn’t like. He also just doesn’t seem like someone who’d love the whole dressing up thing anyway so he’s doing something simple and dressing up like a baseball player. It’s an outfit he already has, so why not? But jokes on him, you dress up to match bonus points if it’s from the baseball scene in Twilight. He wants to be embarrassed but really, he thinks it’s hot you put that much effort into it. He goes around telling everyone you matched on purpose even though he initially hated the idea.
Least likely
sorry most of these m/f costumes, trust me I know how hard the queer costume search is, but I tried to give some gender neutral options as well. Also you have no idea how hard it was to limit myself to 2. I’m a Halloween fiend. 🦇🎃
Send me requests for Spookyfest
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mychem1calbr0mance · 1 month
I'd like to hear more about Adam x Amanda
!!! coming right up
tbh i started shipping them based on vibes alone but then i started to reaaaaally think about them and i went a little bonkers. i don't consider them canon or try and find any proof that they are, i think it's just fun to think about!!
so in order to become the next jigsaw, amanda had to be willing to give up everything, right? Can't remember exactly what peepaw said but it was something along the lines of she had to give everything she was to him in exchange for his legacy. and we know he meant everything. and we saw how much amanda was struggling with that.
i like to think they started going out before adam's game, but during the time amanda was supposed to be scouting him. a classic "fake dating turned real dating" when she started to catch feelings. maybe she did show up to adam's friend's concert that night and the two hit it off really well? or maybe they met again at another time and she decided to give it a shot? (im aware the concert thing is probably supposed to be the night he got captured but this is saw, we can play with time djensjwj + we know how long jigsaw can take planning and executing his games)
and maybe this relationship started to distract her from her apprenticely duties? after giving up a lot of what made her "herself" and inherently made her miserable for becoming the next jigsaw, a lot of doors probably opened for her. one of them being the chance to have a stable, healthy(-ish) romantic relationship. she's still dedicated to jigsaw's cause, just not as desperately as john is because she has other things going for herself. and here's where the "You must give up everything" part comes in.
she's distracted. john recognizes that. so, he makes her role in this all the more crucial to really get it through her head of what her life is going to be like once he's gone. of course she was always going to help, but now she had to drag her unconscious (ex)boyfriend into a shitty bathroom, chain him up, and dump him in a bathtub. whether they were together or not during adam's game? idk lol. them being broken up adds to the angst factor + it does explain how 'careless' she is whenever it comes to setting up his game,,, i like it either way!!
now, adam's "death." (im an "adam in saw xi" believer). it was her forcing herself to truly give up everything. she had to get comfortable being alone, and doing these horrible things to people she very well may know, since who knows what the future games will consist of? so, she goes with suffocation, an easier death, and gets the job done. and we saw how much that broke her
UH sorry if this made no sense i just woke up 👍 i just think these two have really good angst potential + the "very rockstar" scene lives in my head rent free and i wanted to incorporate it in canon somehow
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sammisafetypin · 1 month
if i send Henryk for the character ask will you hurt me
Sexuality Headcanon: You know what? I’ll be bold. I think Henryk is a bisexual icon. He just seems like the type of guy that messed around in college and doesn’t reaaaaally label himself, talks about hot girls all day but like the fellas aren’t too bad either if you know what I mean bow chicka wow wow.
Gender Headcanon: I DONT KNOW MAN. THATS HENRYK. I think he’s very simply cis and doesn’t really know what being transgender is besides like, seeing Bugs Bunny crossdressing. Has it explained to him and is quiet for a very long minute during which you’re afraid he’s going to say something wicked transphobic and then he just goes “OK I’m still a guy I decided :)” and goes back to his grill.
A ship I have with said character: Henryk is probably the only character that does not actively annoy me in some way to see shipped with Pav. Sorry to all the Pav guys. It’s not you. It’s Pav. Anyway, I think the idea of him dragging Henryk around for free food because he thinks he’s too good for the shitty barrel meat pies is really funny, and funnier still if Henryk is like “whoa……….. a LIEUTENANT …….. I need to respect him or he might shoot me…..O_O” when Pav has only actually shot that gun like three times total and once was because a possum scared the shit out of him. They’re in a sexy soldier porno plot and neither of them know it. They keep getting into comically compromising situations and Henryk gets flustered about being stuck in a tiny elevator shaft with a B-B-BOY >////< while Pav is like Henryk If You Don’t Get Us Out Of Here I’ll Kill Us Both.
Also once I saw a picture of Abella femdomming him with a pipe wrench and it kind of affected me deeply.
A BROTP I have with said character: I saw a headcanon once about him and Daan being drinking buddies and I think that’s sweet. Henryk I imagine is very overly responsible and concerned about Daan’s drinking to the point that it’s kinda condescending, but then he gets wasted off of like one drink and Daan has to keep him from drunk cooking sweet sundae ramen because he would cry when he got sober and realized his crime. Daan is an immensely social drunk so they bounce off each other very well when buzzed and still pretty well when sober. Henryk tries to give life advice to Daan and it’s just kind of a comedy routine every time they talk. They should go on stage together they’d be a hit.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mmm, nothing really? The fact is that there’s not enough people invested in Henryk for there to be ships that I actively dislike. I think when people are overly straight about him and Abella it’s pretty lame and annoying. You can’t just play it straight with him being a womanizer you gotta have an actual dynamic going on beyond that or else it’s just kinda like “oh wow daring today aren’t we”.
A random headcanon: He’s kind of a music snob on top of being a food snob! He’s really into country, soul, that sort of thing, and very specifically swamp rock. His swamp rock opinions are vast and numerous and he’ll be damned if you say you like “everything except country music”. You HAVE to let him show you his favorites you HAVE to or he’ll get SAD.
General Opinion over said character: I’m of two minds about Henryk. One is that I’m really curious about him and the scraps of characterization we get. What’s going on with his parents? Why is melee proficiency one of his skills? Why is he so paranoid as to be capable of moonscorching on day 1, or snapping on day 3? Is it just that he’s so normal that he’s easily mentally broken, or was he paranoia-prone before? I don’t think he’s got as morbid of a backstory as like, Karin or Levi or Daan or anyone, I imagine him more on the Abella level of “has problems but doesn’t need immediate psychiatric intervention,” but I’m still curious what’s rattling around in that weird head of his. On the other hand? Henryk is inexplicably HILARIOUS to me and I LOVE the fact that he’s literally just some guy that got thrown in here amongst the most insane crowd imaginable. Watch this video and understand that it’s destroyed my friend circle. https://youtu.be/QbIOicu10P4?si=0QhsHyye_t6ahtg-
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prettyflyshyguy · 2 months
absolutely loving your infamous playthrough and fanart and it's SO nice to see someone who loves cole and gets all the little humor and nuances of his character, i love him dearly. please continue posting. consider playing prototype (just the first one. we don't talk about the second one) too so you can join us in the even more niche overlap of protofamous crossover! also cole's scar is explained in the tie-in comics that are surprisingly great, they bridge the gap between infamous 1 and 2 and are not too hard to find on the internet!
Hell yeah gamer I'm glad my adventures discovering a new franchise are fun to see! I'll definitely be posting more, got a long list of things I want to draw for the two games so far and like finishing 2 has just left me more desperate and itching for shenanigans between these characters. They're all living rent free in my head. I need to start charging them. They can't just park on my internalised mind-palace rooftop.
I want to check out the comics as I was saying to Kings that after wiki deep diving they explore some facets of his character that I felt was missing somewhat from the games, which is siiiick, but also I'm sorry if he gets his scar from a 'cool' way I'll be so sad - I already got it set in my head that he stacked it after he fucked up a jump and slammed his face into a metal sheet. He would 100% lie to people however and each time it's a different lie on how he got it.
Ironically Prototype 2 is a game I've played before, never finished. Luckily I paid little to no attention to the plot at the time and was really only there for the gameplay. I was watching a series retrospective the other day and... oof... aahh.... Hmm.. They sure did go places with the narrative didn't they. Hmm.
I've played a little of prototype 1, again years ago. Endlessly amusing to me that somehow these two fandoms are joined at the hip - maybe I'll chuck a P1 playthrough on yt at some point.
In the meantime my brain won't quit and I will be doing more drawing (and maybe writing if you're reaaaaally lucky) for this
And a fair warning
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heylittleriotact · 2 days
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
Thanks you for the tag @preciouslittlebhaalbae - sorry this took absolutely forever to get to!
When did you start writing?
As soon as I was taught that a story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. I was the weird savant kid in first grade that was writing far above the level of my peers, but my teacher became concerned about the content of my writing because it was all really graphic, vicious, violent horror stories that included scenarios like two girls walking home from school and finding a severed head on the playground - complete with a vivid description of its dead eyes and the gravel sticking to the gore and strips of flesh and viscera at the base of the neck. I got sent for some counselling sessions and was told by the adults in my life that I was a very talented writer, but that I should write nice stories that are happy and make people feel good. Clearly that didn't stick. Thank fuck for that.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I've been very lax on reading for the past ten years or so. I haven't been able to get into things or maintain focus on novels long enough to get properly into them, but I do enjoy a good biography or autobiography.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I'm very paranoid about my voice sounding too much like someone else's. I've been reading more recently than I have in years and it's reaaaaally screwing with my confidence when I start putting things on paper because I start questioning if it sounds derivative and has been subliminally influenced by the author I'm currently reading. I have been told in the past more than once that my style is reminiscent of Ne*l G*iman which is a compliment that has aged like milk, sadly.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I focus the best at work lol. I just chuck in a headphone, queue up some music, pull out my notebook and my fountain pen and away I go. I have a big, beautiful white marble topped reception desk and massive windows that look out into downtown. The reception area has nice warm pot-lights on dimmers so I don't have to suffer under fluorescent lights like everyone else. Overall 10/10 super cozy.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Music is a big one. I make character playlists for almost every major character I write with a mix of lyrical and instrumental music. It really helps me nail down motivations, personality, flaws, and how they feel.
Aside from that, going out and doing something always helps. Participating in something, observing people - all really great ways to find little pieces of life to cannibalize and turn into words.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Alcoholism/substance abuse
Many other mental illnesses
Death and mortality
Magic as an entropic force that is largely misunderstood by those who study it
The first time I clocked the recurring nature of these themes I was like "huh" and now I just embrace them.
What is your reason for writing?
It's something I've always been compelled to do. As an abused child, it was very much an escape when I was young. As an abused adult, it was very much an escape when I got older. Writing has always been a great way for me to work through things that I've otherwise felt I have no control over. I can literally do whatever I want and it's very liberating.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
All of them. Any of them. The fact that anyone would take the time to not only read my writing, but also take the time to comment on it and give me their thoughts about it, how it made them feel, what they liked etc. is so meaningful to me. I write for myself and I don't change plots/directions based on what I think or know readers would like, so to have people trust in my vision and the direction it's going in and still come along for the ride is huge for me.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Hmmmm. I've never really thought about it. Mysterious and sexy, but pleasant and supportive seems like a nice way to be perceived.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I've been told that I have a knack for battle/fight scenes, violence, and gore, which is unsurprising when one considers my tendencies when I wrote as a child.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I'm glad to be doing it again in the first place. I stopped altogether a few months into 2017 because I had used it as a coping mechanism for various abuses and traumas over the years, and then escaped the abuse and no longer required a coping mechanism. Anytime I tried to pick up a pen after that I just triggered myself and felt reminded of all the horrid reasons that I wrote in the first place.
Such a long gap has fucked with my skill and writing style and it's extremely noticeable when you hold up what I was working on in 2017 next to what I put out these days, but it's not necessarily a bad thing: the me that wrote like that doesn't exist anymore and that's okay. I'm having fun getting to know how I write now.
I very much danced around writing explicit sexual content for years on account of my face turning red and me giggling like a twelve year old every time I tried for years, but this year I've put serious effort into writing more smut and getting better at it. It's by no means perfect, but I'm really proud of how confidently I can approach sexual content these days.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
If I get too hung up on what other people want or might like I literally feel my characters cease to be mine and start to become weird gaseous inconsistencies in my mind. My stories deal with heavy themes, darkness, and personal struggles that I try to convey in a realistic way and that's not for everyone. Sometimes I wish I could just write nice happy stories like they told me to when I was a kid, but I feel like forcing myself into a box that isn't for me would be a betrayal to myself and this odd talent with words that I have.
Smut though? That's all about people-pleasing. Smut is written for me to enjoy, and you to enjoy, and anyone who comes across it to enjoy.
My brain is sore now so I won't tag anyone, but feel free to steal this if you'd like to!
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cellularis-pokelabs · 13 days
odonata again! Sorry for the long wait, everyone, got caught up with some…. Science-y business! Yeah! Definitely that, and not me forgetting! Yeahhhhhhh. Anyways, jasper keeps pushing me to talk about the work we do on the lab, but i think that’s a stupid idea, so I’m not gonna do that! Plus, codon probably bores you all with the work talk anyways, so why not switch it up a little? So, us here at cellularis labs are located in the Danaai region, yeah? And it has come to my attention that hey, maybe not everyone has heard of danaai! So amaryllis suggested I talk about it, a much much better suggestion than jasper’s. So!! Let’s talk about danaai! so danaai’s a pretty small region, yeah. We don’t really have many pokemon unique to here, and those that are are pretty damn rare. We have a pokemon league, technically? It’s not very popular though, we haven’t had a proper challenge in years! It’s not bad by any means, just… overlooked, yeah? I actually attempted a challenge a few years before I started working here, though I didn’t reaaaaally get too far. It was still pretty fun, though!! I keep telling codon he should try it, he’s got some crazy strong pokemon and knows how to use them! It’s wild, man, I don’t see him battle often, but he, like, gets into this zone, yknow? I’m sure he could make it all the way to champion if he tried! Ooother than that, though, we. Uh. Don’t really have much. Our whole contest scene died out years ago, and danaai based media tends to be pretty overlooked. That on top of our colder climate makes us faaaar from a tourist hot spot, we’re really no alola, yeah?
thoughhhhh, just between you and me, if any of you ever find yourself in vacuent city, I know a ton of great local spots I’d love to share!! Pay us a visit if you’re ever close, yeah?
not really much more to talk about, to be honest. I’ve heard danaai has some crazy mythology, buuut I don’t really know much. That’s more codon’s thing, he’s been getting real into that lately. So!! There’s my post for today, and a much better topic than jasper suggested. Take that, jasper!!! >:D
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biscuityskies · 8 months
3 4 7 :)
tyvm for the ask <33 sorry it took a bit for me to get back to you (tysm for asking when i requested!!!!) but i am here now!!! (also. also while i've got you. i love your handle. it brings me joy every time i see it.)
3. do you share fic ideas or keep them to yourself?
I am apparently physically incapable of keeping things to myself and i have to immediately share ideas with other people - both to gauge if it's a viable idea to write (i.e. if there are any holes in my plan) and to see if it's something that people would actually read. (the kicker is... i don't really write plot?? so i have a couple of fics that are directed by plot that have yet to be written. they're still outlined, but i'm sort of saving them until i become a better writer lmao.) the frustrating second part of it is that if i share with too many people, then i'll be like "well the idea is already in the world, no need for me to write it" so if it's something that i REAAAAALLY want to write then i try to share as few details as possible while still maintaining the writing viability and the reading interest. (this doesn't always work.)
4. how do you choose which fics to write?
the fics that i write - especially of late - are generally prompted by either events hosted on tumblr.com in which case i try to do my 45-hour-a-week job and instead come up with ideas, or they're canon fix-it or additions. mostly it's stuff that haunts me, that sticks around in my head even after i, say, sort of attend a beach boys concert, or total my car (two events mostly unrelated).
7. post a snippet from a wip.
behold! a wippet! this is from chapter 2 of admiring from afar! (proof that i'm working on it i AM i PROMISE)
And Cody - sweet, kind Cody - knows him so well, can probably hear him overthinking, even over the waterfall. “How are you doing?” is his first question.  Obi-Wan nods slowly, his brow furrowing with it. “I’m okay,” he replies.  Cody just levels a look at him. “And how are you, really?”  Damn it all to hell, they’ve been working together for too long. Cody knows all of his tells at this point, clearly. It may be a boon on the field of battle, but it’s not great for Obi-Wan presently. Cody’s lovely warm eyes search his, scanning for any hints that Obi-Wan may give.  “I’m fine, my dear, honestly,” he says, a little dishonestly. “In the span of two days I got married and moved to a new home with my new husband, so I’m a little disoriented, but otherwise genuinely fine.” He takes up Cody’s hand. “And how are you?”  Cody snorts and breaks eye contact, instead watching the water cascade down the precipice. “Same as you, sir, disoriented as all hell. I’m living a life no vod can have without deserting.”  “Oh, Cody,” he muses. He brushes his thumbs along the back of Cody’s hand. “I am sorry, darling. I have no basis of knowledge for married couples, and I still genuinely believe that you and I are the best set for the job.”  Cody’s brow furrows, and he looks back at him with an expression Obi-Wan can’t quite describe. “You do know about… Skywalker? And his senator?”  “Allow me to rephrase: I have no basis of knowledge for normal married couples who aren’t trying - and spectacularly failing - to keep things secret.”  Cody’s responding grin cuts through whatever farce he’s put on. There he is.
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kquil · 11 months
are you still taking 🧁/matchups? if you aren’t, ignore/delete, no pressure :)
i’m 5’5, green eyes and brunette. my favorite color is green and i’m a little bit of a hippie. i love messing with my significant others and just being a little silly. i also reaaaaally love cats. my guilty pleasure is reality tv and i’m a slytherin primary/raven law secondary :)
don't worry darling, i saw your additional ask with more traits about you and i tried to include them here, i hope that's okay
im sorry this took so long to fulfil as well but i still hope that you enjoy the ship i came up for you ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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I ship you with Regulus Black 
i. you met regulus in his animagus form (a black cat), you thought he (as a cat) was so beautiful and, even though he didn’t react to your cooing, you grew a quick fondness for him anyway. not knowing that it was regulus as an animagus, you took him back to your dorm, where you treated him like a normal cat with cuddles and kisses and affection that regulus was not used to…although, he could get used to it. after that day, you never saw the handsome black cat again but gained the attention of a slytherin prince you never thought would ever look in your direction. 
ii. people never would have paired you two together but, stepping back, you and regulus balanced each other out pretty well. he tolerated your silliness because you made it look cute and you enjoyed messing with him because his reactions, no matter how minute, were amazing to witness — and they were all reactions you got out of him so they were all meant for your eyes only. 
iii. regulus’ favourite colour is green too so getting each other gifts is quite easy to do. you two both have green items of clothing that you liked wearing in your free time and you would unintentionally match clothes and sometimes even aesthetics. it was a flawless match each time and since neither of you planned for it, the two of you heated up in the cheeks because of it.  
iv. He was surprised to find out your favourite genres of music, although he grew a slight liking for them through you. likewise, through him, you grew an ear for classical music and jazz. you listen to a special playlist composed of yours and his favourite songs while cooking together in the kitchen; you would cook the main dish while he baked a dessert — as a perfectionist, he was amazing at baking and it fascinated you because you were so horrible at it. when you confessed that fact aloud for the first time, it made him laugh; you awed at how pretty he looked when he laughed but when he     v. when you found out he was the black cat you had taken in and coddled one night, instead of being angry, you begged him to turn into an animagus more often so you could cuddle in his cat form. he didn’t know whether he should have been offended or happy that you weren’t upset with him. because he couldn’t resist your puppy-dog eyes and because he loved you so much, he relented each and every time so you could cuddle and pet him as a cat — he definitely didn’t enjoy it to the point that he was purring, curled up in your arms and drifting off to sleep… (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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flowerslut · 3 months
13, 27, 28, 30
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you to write about? What is easy?
this might be a boring answer but I’m not too sure just yet! there is a LOT that I haven’t tried writing about (just as there’s a lot of topics I have tackled in some way or another) so until I actually do more writing or expand the topics I tackle then I just don’t know! I’ve always been very good at tapping into varying levels of hopelessness and how that may present within different characters (caused by trauma, circumstance, mental illness, etc) so writing about that has always come easy, although it does come with its own unique difficulties (basically the affect that writing for long enough in certain mindsets can have on my own mental state)
but there’s so much I haven’t written about!!! so I think that my goal for the next year might be to try and do more actual writing exercises! for someone who wants to improve I don’t nearly do enough. shit, I might even just go back to accepting prompts and forcing myself to churn out drabbles and one-shots all year. who knows!
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
sakura fucking haruno. and she was only ever stressful because of the story she’s in and the way the fandom acts towards her. in any scene where you write her as level-headed then she’s an out-of-character self-insert! if you write her emotional then it’s just par for the course for that useless fucking crybaby am I right? and god forbid you do both to give her the rounded-out characterization that she deserves because then you’re reaaaaally just waving the red flag in front of the sakura haters who Can and Will Find You.
sakura is one of the most mistreated, underutilized, and widely-hated characters I’ve ever seen in any fandom and I will always be biting biting biting all of her haters when they make their presences known in my ff.net reviews. sorry that I want better for that phenomenal bitch (affectionate) and forgive me for being someone who is an expert at mining the potential of neglected fictional characters, it absolutely will happen again </3
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
this might come as a surprise to anyone who has read roots but I am SHOCKEDDDD with how easy it was and how much fucking FUN I had writing maria. sure I’ve written her before (who better to subtly remind readers in cotn that jasper absolutely has unresolved mommy issues 😌) but I’ve never written from her POV and gotten in her head like this before, and holy shit, who knew that writing a completely unrepentant petty bitch would be one of the undiscovered joys in my life??? I want to write so many controversial characters now. and not to make them less-controversial (because that’s so boring to me) but to really show how far they’d go to reach their goals/etc. ugh. learning how much I love to write maria was such a gift from roots. perhaps the only real gift I got the entire time 💀
30. Talk to me about the role dreams play in your writing life. Have you ever used material from you dreams in your writing? Have you ever written in a dream? Did you remember it when you woke up?
while I'm not a bitch who usually remembers her dreams, nor am I someone who has dreams that're coherent enough to translate into fic, I'm 100% positive that I have written-out dreams as fic before. I can think off the top of my head a naruto fic that was literally a dream I just wrote down and elaborated on, but I can't find it for the life of me (it was a war-arc one shot floating around here on tumblr somewhere). the main role that dreams play in my writing life nowadays are the ones that are inspired/caused by the things I write, as opposed to the other way around.
weird questions for writers!
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maleyanderecafe · 8 months
Wahh, just wanted to say I checked out your latest chapter (the extra) and the coloring looks reaaaaally good!! Maybe it's just me but I see massive improvements all around!! cx Just wanted to cheer you on and let you know I enjoyed reading through it again.
Hello again! And thank you! That was just something I threw together really quickly because I was really obsessed with playing Tomadachi Life (Thella and Emil actually got married and had a child which was wild) but I ended up losing my save for it. Maybe I'll end up remaking them.
Sorry for taking so long with the next chapter. I am having such a hard time with introducing Desmond for some reason, I feel like I drafted like five different versions of it. That and I have been working on my game which I'm trying to pull together the last bits for. Once that is done I will try to get that next chapter out!
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xilianx · 8 months
AO3 ASK GAME DO THEM ALL DO THEM ALL NEOW ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 (pls)
Just saw these 20 Questions for Fic Writers and decided I wanted to do it so ....... here it is! Lmao.
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
513,741 words…oh lawd
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve written for Godzilla in the past but now I write just for Bayonetta! More will come eventually…if my hyperfixation can be dethroned lol
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Witch of Causality (Bayonetta 3 reimaging/re-work)
Some Words Left Unsaid (AncientBayonetta AU where shit almost went reaaaaally bad for BayoJeanne)
Down By The Red Poppies (Sequel fic to “Where the Lobelia Would Grow, more Bayonetta AU)
Where The Lobelia Would Grow (First ever fic I wrote for the Bayonetta fandom!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I try to at least. I love getting comments on my fics (i mean, what fic author doesn’t???) And I love all the support that’s given and the fact someone takes time to leave me a comment, long or short, just makes my day 😭😭 I’m sorry to those who comment that I hadn’t replied too or haven’t too yet. I promise you I appreciate them so much ❤️
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooooooo….I wanna say either ‘Vessel’ or ‘Forgotten Visage’. Both have pretty harsh endings that only insulate that it leads to more pain later. ‘Vessel’ is just straight up a Soulsbourne boss style fight with all the tragedy of a Soulsbourne boss fight tied in, and ‘Forgotten Visage’ is just sad AU of what evil Balder was doing right after Rosa died…so yay, they don’t go anywhere sad. BUT IF I HAD TO CHOOSE….I’m gonna throw it at Vessel lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Idk if I’m gonna get some hate from certain oomfs from this, but I’m gonna say ‘Down By The Red Poppies’ has one of the happiest BECAUSE of everything that had happened to all the characters throughout the fic (And even the first fic!) and making it in the end. There was def a lot of hurt and pain and angst throughout Lobelia and Poppies, but I think the ending the fic made it all the worthwhile and despite the pain/tragedy, it’s gonna be okay 🥲
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, not really. Not that I’ve ever seen!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written smut ONCE!...It was the last half of one chapter out of a 117,000 word fic…HAVE I ATTEMPTED TO WRITE MORE SMUT SINCE, YES AND I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO FINISH IT YET!! The smut in Red Poppies was my first ever smut and it was, like, tender and sweet?? But the Balrosa smut that I have a low simmer is def meant to embarrass that fucking twink lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven’t, and don’t plan to!! Not my thing, to read or write.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so, not that I am aware of…
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Another one that’s; if any of them are, I’m not aware of it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven’t done anything like that yet! Would be cool to do it, if given he chance!!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
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15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ohhhhhh hohohho hahaahah AHAHAHAHAAHAHAA!!! There’s so many lmao I have so many that are stuffed in folders and forgotten about. There’s a few multi-chapter ideas I wanted to try and do, but with Witch of Causality going on rn (and going on for awhile now) I doubt I’ll ever start them for long long time… (Chinese BayoJeanne AU fic based off of Causality, etc).
But if there is a KING of unfinished WIPS…it’s my now long forgotten Godzilla Final Wars fics from years prior. Sucks because I got to fic 3 out of the trilogy, but I’m just not in it anymore…wish I had the willpower to finish it, but alas, never will.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Lots of my oomfs say all my fight scenes actually ‘feel’ like what Bayonetta fights, so I wanna say I write fight scenes pretty well!! I would say characterization, but I’m only comfortable with a few, not all…
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
looks at long list of comments and notes from my beta reader for the the insane amount of grammatical errors, structure errors, and sentences that just make no sense uhhh….so yeah, I kinda fuck up the actual writing aspect a lot asdjkasdsda
But seriously, I think sometimes (at least for recent, larger fics), I’ve had to pull back on the amount of filler that’s not necessary or structure of a chapter to make it actually make sense…(THANK YOU KELS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT, YOU KEEP SAVING MY ASS!!)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think if you’re not super well-versed in the language, definitely consult or check with someone who knows!! Or do a bit of digging, especially if you plan on using quite a bit of it!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
GODZILLA!!! Funny enough, I have literally only ever written fics for the Godzilla fandom and Bayonetta fandom. I have read quite a bit for other fandoms, but Godzilla is my dear yee ol faithful!! (Funny enough, it’s specifically only for Godzilla Final Wars as well lol)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
This one is actually hard…hmmm…It would have to be a tie between Lobelia/Red Poppies. I kinda put them in the same box, even tho they are 2 different fics. Honestly, it was just so fun coming in blind to a new fandom and just slapping together whatever I wanted to do because I really wanted to tell the story and had fun with it. I don’t even think it’s my best stuff, but damn nothing beats crashing into the Bayo fic community with a fic that just (spoilers) kills little Cereza in her own story and I have no regrets ASKJDSADHASDHA
THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME IN THIS KELS!! I'm so late with this, and I feel like this has been tagged to other oomfs, so I will just leave this open to anyone who wants to do it!!
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drunkjaked · 2 years
Omg I'm kinda embarrassed I know you said it's not bad to reply late but this is getting out of hand... how did your presentation go? I ended up not going to the other concert because my brothers got sick and he's was my ride 😔 but I was supposed to see barns courtney he's super good live it would've been so much fun 😔 I got the necklace!! I think it's called the ballina necklace? But it's basically just the logo with a pearl in the middle it's so pretty I love it like it's my own child <3 your Spotify wrapped... miss ma'am... like that's so valid of you but damn top .005% like I can't even imagine that I just. Wow. But again so valid I love that for you <3 I don't use Spotify so I don't get all the fancy graphics and data and all that but I do get my top songs of the year and my top artist of the month which is cool but I do kinda wish I could participate 🥲 it's fine though I like the app I use! I hope you're doing well, and I hope that school isn't too bad cause lord knows it can be -_- do you have any plans for the holidays? And yeah honestly matching boba and mcdonalds I think we were meant to meet <3 I hope you have a wonder amazing day/night and that every day gets better and better <3 -💕
hey 💕💕💕don't worry about it really !!! just glad to hear from you at all <333
wow.. the presentation.. i absolutely fucked up my 7 seconds of speaking time .. humiliating, but the rest of the group did so well and im really proud of them for staying calm and getting shit done <3 im also in love with one of the boys that was in the group and we all went out for drinks after doing the presentation and i drunkenly told him that i hoped the two of us would still keep talking after finishing the pres even though we don't have to and he like .. reciprocated my hopes and told me that he thinks im cute so .. that is .. just lovely.. anyway sorry for dumping all that out in here, my bad..
sorry that you couldn't go, i hope your brother is feeling better though !!! and omds that necklace is so SO pretty.. please keep an eye on it because people (me) can just be .. downright evil these days and like.. take your things from you 🤷🤷🤷.. especially the ones that they think are really beautiful and also want to possess.. haha,,, happy for you. 🙁.
my spotify wrapped.. i was like asking other people about theirs and like .. my friend's top song was a song she listened to 64 times THE WHOLE YEAR??? like i just .. was so impressed because like every song until my top 6 has 1k plays MINIMUM like .. im so jealous of people who can consume media in appropriate quantities.. it was down from last year though, my total minutes last year were 169k .. yikes .. who was your top artist and what was you top song? if you don't mind answering, also the thing about wrapped is like it's so colourful and full of patterns that it feels a little overwhelming.. like im grateful for the stats but the package it comes in is .. too much AND ITS SO LONGWINDED LIKE IT TOOK 150K MINUTES JUST TO SEE EVERYTHING OH MY GOODNESS 👎👎👎.
i'm doing pretty good honestly.. now that my presentation is over almost all of my school related stress has gone with it, i just have two more things to hand in and i'll be able to just relax and do nothing until january when classes start up again !!!
my holiday plans are pretty tame, my siblings (2 brothers and a sister) are going to come home and we'll spend time together for like a week or something before they all leave but EXCITINGLY.. my birthday is coming up (dec 17) and i'm so excited.. my birthday is literally my favourite day of the year so im reaaaaally looking forward to it even though my plans aren't particularly special 🥳 !
how are you doing? how are your classes treating you? especially around this time of the year oh man.. any holiday plans of your own?
im happy that we did get around to meeting and i hope we can be friends for a long time !!! thank u for the well wishes, as always im hoping the same for you and that you look after yourself and have lots and lots of fun ! all my love 💕, great catching up w u as always <3
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frickingnerd · 6 months
Sorry for making you wait, I just read the chapter were all the mess happen about Hotaru's former friend aka the bastard b*tch (and also finished ranting to myself because i went crazy haha)
I want to give you my opinion and sorry if is too long, is just that it was a really amazing chapter!!!
First of all, I think i go more to Saki's side, maybe what he tried to do wasn't the best buuuut he does have a point, that b*tch idiot was trying to apologize just to easy the guilt she felt, I don't really think she was sincere with her apology AND SHE IS INCREDIBLY COWARD!! I mean, she wanted Saki's help to practically do the job to apologize for her!!!
And, honestly, I was hoping for Saki to actually cut her hair, it would be satisfactory because that idiot deserve it
I got reaaaaally mad when she run into Hotaru's arms when she opened the door, like b*tch who you think you are????
Even Yao was waaaaay to kind to her when he make her company
Waaaaaahhhh I got soooo mad by it (but I totally enjoyed reading the chapter)
honestly, i was team "cut her hair" too, but i do like that saki didn't actually do it! it just shows that he's mature enough. though i am glad he pretended like he'd do it, just to show her even a fraction of how hotaru must've felt, while still showing her that hotaru must've felt even worse than she does now!
also, that chapter just showed that saki has peak yandere vibes! he'd be such an overprotective yandere who would not let anyone lay a hand on his beloved partner and i love him for that <3
i'm genuinely excited for the next few chapters (getting to read the newer chapters myself & seeing your reaction to the next few)! i stopped reading at such a big cliffhanger and now i have another scene i need you to see, so we can fangirl and lose our minds over it together haha :')
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