#however. if i was out there and someone said 'a fire just started nearby'... i would ROCKET out
crimeronan · 2 months
why get stressed about online discourse when you can instead google the current wildfire situation in your area and discover that hikers keep fuckin' walking onto trails that are specifically closed..... Because The Woods Are On Fire.
you will experience the same sharp rise in blood pressure. with none of the queer infighting!
anyway. this warning SHOULD be even less necessary than the one i gave a few weeks back about checking the summit conditions when you hike unfamiliar mountains, BUT:
IF you live in fire country.
please. Please.
do not.... go hiking.
on a trail.
that is actively on fire.
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blueboybot · 3 months
In Your Cold Dead Arms
I don't care! I need to show yall one of my weird pairs.
Twigs and dry leaves snapped under feet that were in a hurry, wind blowing violently enough to feel as though it was one more step from uprooting trees and flinging them carelessly about with its strong might. Rain droplets fell from the dark and cloudy sky, rapid rainfall increasing with every droplet that hit skin and cloth, each one harsher than the other.
Some might find struggle with this kind of weather condition but for him it was way nicer than dealing with someone who could manipulate the weather at will. Luckily for him it was simply an act of nature, no powerful foe was attacking him and he could appreciate that once he got out of said rain.
As he ran his eyes continued to look out for shelter, something he could only hope to find in an area like this. More trees and plants overtook his vision, his temper starting to flare as rain fell even harder, almost feeling as if it were lashing him. Thunder boomed from above and lightening soon followed after, clouds lit up and illuminated the area for a few seconds.
On que, lightening striked next to a tree he was close to making him instinctively dodge out of the way. The tree took major damage, its base split in two and some of its green leaves burnt black. Fire appeared for a quick second before immediately being quelched by the rain. However with the destruction of the tree he was able to see a path, and further in the distance some kind of structure.
With the discovery of shelter he headed straight for the building, his legs picking up speed with the promise of soon being out of rain. Getting closer he saw that the structure was a mansion, an abandoned mansion at that. Not one to be picky he pushed open the gates with overgrown vines, finding them unlocked and bolted straight towards the front door, ready to use his body to force it open only to find out it was also unlocked and opened when his hand pushed on it.
Entering the mansion his first red flag came when he laid his eyes on the interior of the place. It was much nicer on the inside than the outside, the floors were clean and shiny, a chandelier lit up with flames hung high from the ceiling, red carpet and wooden decorations greeted him from where he could see them. Overall, the mansion gave off the vibes that it was well kept and that meant he may have just broke into someone's home.
He expected someone to come rushing out of a door, cursing him or attacking him for entering their home as an unwated guest but he got nothing.
"Please tell me I didn't walk into some kind of haunted house." He mumbled.
Arsenal stood near the entrance door, wiping his boots on the mat and trying to dry himself with the warmth of a nearby candle. He tried to contact the team but something was blocking his signal, so for now he was stuck here until the rain stopped, but judging from the sounds outside that may take a while. He himself think back to how he got into this situation in the first place.
They were flying in the bioship when they got attacked, while trying to manuver through the air the ship got hit and plunged into the sea. He remembered exiting the bioship to look at the damage, only to be swept away by a current that appeared out of nowhere. He ended up on a beach and tried to contact the others but his communicator didn't work. Leaving the beach to explore the rest of the island storm coulds appeared, then it started raining so he ran to find shelter. Now, he was here in mansion that may or may not be haunted.
With a hesitant first step he continued to explore the mansion, going up the long steps that lead to the second floor. Turning left he was met with a hallway, dark brown with a few candles lighting up the way from which they were positioned from each door. Peaking inside, he saw a room with the same dark brown wood, but this time there were elegant designs carved into some of the walls, soft looking chairs and a rug lay in the center surrounded by bookshelves on the wall, a window showcasing the rainy outside world.
The sound of something falling against the floor in another room caught his attention. He whipped out his bow and readied an arrow, cautiously, he drew nearer toward the sound, stopping infront of the third room on the right that was slightly open. Slowly, he pushed open the door back, coming to halt when he saw nothing but furniture covered in white sheets.
He didn't lower his bow though, and his theory of something being in here was proven correct when movement came from a sheet close to the window. Arsenal stepped closer, arrow aimed directly at what he assumed was its head, whatever is under there could be dangerous for all he knows and he wasn't taking anymore chances. He wasn't about to lose another arm or any other limbs for that matter.
The rustling stopped and the sheet pulled back, revealing the face of someone that was definitely close in age to him. Hair so dark as if it was trying to mimic the void of space looked wet, strands clinging to their forehead. Freckles dusted over their cheeks and nose like they were carefully placed by the gentlest of hands. Blue eyes stared at the bow and then him, looking at him with a hint of curiousity only to turn to fear a second later at remembering that there was a weapon very close to their face.
Those blue eyes intrigued the red head. They were unlike any blue he had seen before, mesmerizing in a way, tempting him into their hypnotic trance. Looking away was becoming more of a challenge the longer he continued seeing into something so enchanting. They reminded him of the ice and a burning blue star. So out of this world that he swore his body was beginning to tingle as those eyes gaze back into him. He was locked in a view so breathtaking that the word did little justice to describe how he felt as he stared.
His trance was broken when the teen scrambled away from him, hitting hard against the underwall of the window, and likely hurting his back if the way he winced was anything to go by. The other boy quickly got up an moved to side, hitting his head into a piece of covered furniture that reverberated with a clang sound.
Aresenal winced, deciding he needed to step in and do something before the teen knocked himself out while trying and failing to get away from him.
"Easy easy!" He put away his bow and arrow, looking at the boy on the floor with his hands up to come across less dangerous "I'm not going to hurt you, I was just curious as to why I heard a noise coming from this room."
The teen looked at him with those blue eyes, accessing him to see if he was lying. He must of taken a gamble and decided to somewhat believe he meant no harm because the boy rose to his feet once again, looking at him with slight caution now.
"Do you live here?"
"No, I was trying to escape the rain and came across this abandoned mansion." He replied, looking away from Roy and opting to stare at the carpet.
"Got a shy one." Roy thought looking over the boy and his body language.
His clothes looked a little too big for him. A white t-shirt with short red sleeves and an oval pattern in the middle, black cargo pants, and red shoes with white lacing. There was also a metalic looking wristband the boy wore on his left hand. Overall, Arsenal took him for a pretty boy who wasn't used to these sorts of situations, one who doesn't do much except for sit in quiet with the popular kids and have everything handed to him without much of a resistance from other teachers or students.
"So do you have a name or do I just call you boy?" Roy asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"I'm not a child!"
Oh he was going to have fun with this one.
Roy's face split into a grin as he waited for the boy to reply. The other teen rolled his eyes at him.
"My name is Danny." Danny looked him up and down, "Did you just come from a cosplay party or something?"
He raised an eyebrow, "I'm Arsenal!"
This time Danny raised an eyebrow at him.
"Protégé of Green Arrow."
The boy's face remained the same as Roy's changed.
"Part of the Young Justice team."
Still no look of recognition.
"The Justice League."
"I literally don't have a clue on what any of those are, is it like some kind of sports team?"
"How do you not know the Justice League?"
"I'm from a small town, a lot of outside media doesn't get through to us." The boy mumbled something with a hint of annoyance at the end.
Roy groaned in frustration, putting his hands up to his masked face. He silently wondered if he was going to have to tell pretty boy here about the existance of aliens and meta-humans.
"Woah!" He heard the boy exclaim, feet that barely made a sound ran up to him. "Cool arm!" Roy spread his arms apart from his face to look at him, seeing that the boy's focus was entirely on his prosthetic.
"What kind of lights did you buy for this?"
" Lights? What no— This is how it is." He growled out the last part, remembering what Lex did still left a sour taste in his mouth.
"No. Way!" Danny's eyes seemed to sparkle with awe. "Can I touch it, please?"
Roy let the other teen poke at his arm, watching as fascination filled those blue eyes. The only other person that showed this much interest in his arm was Bart and the little menace would always ask to look at it or try to wrestle him, resulting in him always winning because there was no chance of him losing to someone with those kind of arms.
"This is amazing, can you wiggle your fingers for me?" Roy did just that and watched as a smile etched onto the boy's face.
"INCREDIBLE! The black metal, the desgin, everything was made to fit you. But, I bet I could do a way better job."
"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow.
"My parents are inventors and scientist, I obviously picked up a thing or two from being around their equipment for so long." Danny placed his two hands on the prosthetic, providing Roy with the knowledge that he was two inches taller than Danny.
The vigilante catalogued the information given to him for later. Even if Danny meant him no harm that didn't mean he trusted him right away, sue him, but the other's parents being scientist that built enough inventions for Danny to alledgedly make his own made him wary.
"You're not a bad cosplayer." Danny said, leaning his head against the metalic arm while looking at Roy.
Those too blue eyes pierced his soul. Danny had to be a meta or alien of some kind, there was no other explanation for his eyes.
"It's not a cos—"
An unholy noise screamed out, sounding like a high pitched call and simultaneously a warning from whatever creature it came from.
Roy quickly grabbed Danny by the waist and pushed the boy behind him, shielding him as he armed himself once again.
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e-m-ma-lmfao · 1 year
PLS YOU NEED TO WRITE MORE FICS ABOUT ASTARION the one you did was so good and cute ☹️☹️ i love it
Let Me Clean Your Wounds
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pairing : astarion x (fem) reader
summary : a long week of hard work leaves your party tired and injured. you offer to clean astarions and to your surprise, he accepts.
warnings : talk about blood.
a/n : thank you anon :0 i STILL have not played baldurs gate (so i apologize again for my lack of knowledge).
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It had been an incredibly long week. 
It started by someone in the party pointing out that you had no more money left. So you had to spend your days doing odd jobs for people in the nearby town. 
However, a few of them had failed to mention the fact that their job requests could end up harming you in more ways than one. An easy job, like gathering fruit for an old lady who can’t venture out that far anymore, suddenly turned into fighting a hag in the woods for trespassing on her property. 
The compensation received was hardly enough for the injuries you and your party would gather on your bodies throughout the day. 
As powerful as your group was, being caught off guard by some giant creature in the woods left you at a disadvantage. And when calmly mentioned to the people of the village, suggesting that their pay be higher for sending you to do such strenuous tasks so they wouldn’t be attacked themselves, they threw their arms up to you. 
Calling you greedy and saying you were trying to steal their gold. Of course that didn’t sit well with the nearby guards, and while jumping to conclusions without any investigation, you were thrown in a cell. Not all your party, just you, as the leader. 
You weren’t released until a member of your party persuaded them, using the gold you had just earned from the townspeople’s ridiculous jobs. 
So you packed up your camp, and ventured out to find another village. One where you hadn’t been put behind bars for scheming and trying to steal gold from the elderly. 
When you found a nice spot, and a town that looked to have more than enough gold to go around, you set up camp in the nearby woods. The townspeople were less than friendly, but at least they were honest about their jobs. 
They made it abundantly clear that they would not be handing out charity and that you had to work for the gold you earned. That turned out to be a challenge after a few jobs had been completed , and it had clicked that your party has been consistently acquiring injuries over the last few days. 
Your party was down in power. You were lacking in energy, and it was showing in the way your attacks would fly but often miss or hit with not much force behind them. 
So after completing one last job, and buying some fresh meat from the town, you decided to rest. Finally caving into the exhaustion, you felt almost weak when Lae’zel complained about stopping. But nobody else seemed to have any complaints. 
Lae’zel was hasty to eat, along with almost everybody else in the party. They got a fire started and the warmth hugged your body, but while scanning over everyone’s face you realized just how rough your condition had become . 
Everyone seemed to be holding up all right, you weren’t too worried, but as you looked in closer you noticed Astarion was seated farther away from the fire picking at his skin. 
Curious, you left the warmth of the fire and wandered over to him. 
“Mind if I sit?” 
“No, well, not much. But I don’t think you’d listen if I said I did.” You shook your head at him before taking a seat beside him. 
His face was pretty bruised up, cuts on his cheek and lip. And his arms were covered with scratches that it was continuing to pick at. 
You took another glance before standing up and walking back over to your own tent to grab some bandages, your flask of water, and a rag of some sort to wipe his wounds. When you came back he stared at you with amusement in his eyes. 
“What exactly are you planning to do with all that, darling?” 
“You're covered in cuts, have to clean them up so they don’t scar your pretty face. Let me clean your wounds?” You tried not to let the pet name have any effect over you, but you were sure your thoughts were showing through your cheeks. His hand moved to touch his cheek, as if he didn’t believe that he truly did have any injuries, wincing as his finger brushed against a larger cut. 
“You’re seriously worried about me when you’re in the same condition? For the love of the gods , you were thrown in a cell this week and you're truly worried about some cuts on my cheeks?”
“May I?” You held the rag up in your hands, pouring some water over it. He nodded, hesitantly of course, but he allowed it anyway. 
Gently, you placed the dampened rag over his cuts, wiping away at the dried blood and layer of dirt covering his pale skin. His brows furrowed, the sight causing you to let out a giggle. Usually, Astarion was very closed off, so being this close to him and him allowing you to help him was sort of new to you. 
“Why are you laughing? I’m in pain and your ..giggling?” He tried to be stern and serious, his usual facade, but a small smile was playing at the corner of his lip.  
“I’m sorry,” You let out another giggle as you swiped away at his skin and his eyebrows furrowed once more, “It’s just cute, I’ve never seen your face scrunch up like that.”
He seemed to pause, his mouth slightly agape as he stared at you. You were being serious. You thought he was cute, when he was covered in blood and dirt. Him showing a little weakness , you thought it was cute? 
“What? I know my face is probably dirty.” You rubbed at your cheek with your free hand, conscious of your appearance as his gaze lingered on your face. He didn’t care though, he was too busy thinking about your words. 
“Cute is an absurd word to use when describing someone like me. I’m too handsome to be described in such ..simple terms.” His smirk returned to his face, your mouth now agape unsure of whether he was serious or not. 
“C’mon now Astarion, I never said you weren’t handsome. I just said you were cute with your face all scrunched up like that.” The rag sat in your lap, his face was clean, his cuts just needed a little cover up. 
“So you do think I’m handsome?” He leaned in closer , his voice captivating. 
“Well I never said that either.” You placed your hand on his chest to distance yourself , ripping off a piece of the bandaging in your hands and manipulating it into place on his cheek. 
He wore a subtle pout on his lips but when you moved in close and kissed his cheek, in a moment of boldness,  it soon fell away. 
Astarion’s hands brushed against your own, taking the damp rag and pouring more water onto the other unused end. 
“My turn, darling.” The rag, making contact with your skin, made goosebumps appear on your skin. It was colder than you expected, and you knew there had to be small cuts littering your face by the way it stung. Your face must have tensed because he took his turn to laugh at you. 
“You know, you are very beautiful, even with your face all scrunched up.” He was mocking you. obviously, but his voice mixed with his compliments made your cheeks flush. 
A final swipe along your cheek and he pulls the rag away, “There. All clean, my dear.” 
His hand reached out to cup your cheek, but before the act became too intimate, he changed his course and ran his hand along the side of your hair to flatten it down. 
“You really are quite pretty .” He knew his words had such a serious effect on you, as you never tried to hide the fact that your feelings for him were far from platonic interest. It was so weird seeing him be so friendly, and flirty in a way that wasn’t meant to manipulate.
“Would you stop? It’s not nice to tease y'know.” 
“And who told you I was teasing, my dear? Was it Lae’zel cause I’ve always thought she might have a thing for me.” He laughed at the end of his sentence, joking. “I would never tease a woman as pretty as you, that would be very cruel of me.” 
“Do you want to join me by the fire?” His gaze shifted to look at the group seated around the fire, he seemed to ponder before looking back at you with furrowed brows. 
“I can smell their horrible odor from here.” You huffed, pushing his shoulder. He looked once more, and seemed to ponder some more but his face was hard enough to read when he wasn’t looking away from you. 
Astarion groaned, ringing out the wet rag still sitting in his hands. “That is not an answer, Astarion. I’m cold, and the fire looks so nice.”
“Fine, if we must, we can go,” You smiled down at him as you stood but it was replaced with a look of shock when he pulled you to sit back down, “On one simple condition.” 
You rolled your eyes, “What could you possibly want from me?” 
He stayed silent for a second, but as he noticed you becoming increasingly impatient he began to speak.
“A kiss. Not a petty one, and not on my cheek. I mean a real one.” You were flush in the face once more. He seemed totally serious, a permanent smirk painted on his face, but his eyes stared into your own without any sign of humor. You honestly thought he might be mocking you. 
“Okay. I can do that. Easy, but only if you’re nice and say please.” 
“Now who’s teasing.” You only stared at him, sternly. If he wanted to act like a child, and demand rewards in order to complete simple tasks, then you could tease him like one. “Fine. Please…pretty please.”
Your eyes widened, you didn’t think you had ever heard him say please to anyone, let alone add in a “pretty”.
 He didn’t move, he was entirely dead set on this. His face was close enough to yours that you didn’t have to shuffle very far. As gently as you could, in case he decided that he was joking and pulled away, you placed your hands on his face.
One hand cupping his cheek, fingertips rubbing at the hairs falling delicately in front of his ears, the other near the bottom of his cheek and holding onto his jaw. Slowly, you pulled him in until your lips met his. You still weren’t entirely convinced that he was serious, but when his fingers entangled in your hair and pulled you in deeper, you had a hunch that he might not be joking. 
He didn’t let you pull away until he was entirely satisfied. Your breath was heavy, and your skin was hotter than before in multiple ways. 
“I haven’t had a meaningful one in a long time, darling. Thank you.”
“Should we go sit by the fire?” You stood up, legs wavering before stiffening, and you offered him out your hand. He took it in his large one, following you to the fire, sitting beside you. There was a heavy silence, causing you to look around and see everybody's eyes already on you. 
“If you guys are gonna keep sucking each other's faces, could you please do it in a tent? You made me lose my appetite.”
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koolades-world · 4 months
Congrats on 2k followers! 🥳
Can I request MC say prompt no.15 to Lucifer? MC was mad at Lucifer about something and tried to ignore him (obviously MC failed).
thank you!! first event request and starting off strong
not exactly sure how i'll organize it but if i get enough i think i'll make a separate masterlist for them! if not, i think i'll put them with drabbles :)
enjoy <3
prompt 15 w/ Lucifer
"Mc, I'm sorry." Lucifer trailed after you, wringing his hands nervously. You were silent with your arms crossed and walking away from him with a mission. You looked over your shoulder to give him a lethal glare: something he taught you. His brothers watched the two of you as you led him around the house while you attempted to complete regular tasks. For once, they felt bad for him but were glad they weren't the ones under fire of your scorn. They weren't about to intervene and take the fury themselves.
"I didn't know that the coffee was yours. Really, I'm sorry." He placed a hand on your shoulder, but you shrugged it off, still quiet.
"I'm ignoring you," you said with a sharp exhale. You made your way to where you originally intended to be before your interruption, the library. Lucifer watched as you plopped down on one of the armchairs and grabbed a nearby book. He wasn't sure if it was yours to begin with because he thought he'd seen Satan reading something similar, but you opened it to where the bookmark was and started reading. With a sigh of his own, he left you alone in the library.
As soon as you heard the door of the library shut, you looked up from the book. You could tell from the way he looked at you that he knew that book wasn't actually yours. He could see behind the facade. It was hard to pretend to stay mad at him. But, you seriously had been looking forward to drinking that coffee. You just hadn't expected Lucifer to have been the one to had taken it. Perhaps he'd assumed it belonged to one of his brothers. Later you'd have to find him and apologize.
In the meantime, you meandered through the library, raking your fingertips over the spines of book likely older than you, searching for something interesting. You tried to read the titles, but eventually got lost in thought. You'd never heard Lucifer sound so defeated or genuinely sorry. It just proved how much he really cared. After wandering for you weren't sure how long, you finally selected a book about potions. It seemed interesting enough, and you might learn a thing or two. Besides, it gave you something to talk to Solomon about next to you saw him.
As you made your way back to where you were seated before, you noticed things were not they way you'd left them. A plush looking blanket was thrown over your armchair, and the fireplace was now lit, causing the room to be cast with a warm glow. However, the one thing that caught your attention the most was the mug sitting on the coffee table. Steam curled over the lip and it was in Lucifer's favorite mug. As you got closer, the distinct smell of coffee flooded your senses. Finally, the man responsibly for it came back into the room holding a small plate of cookies. When he saw you, an apologetic smile tugged at the corner of his mouth; that was rare sight.
"Ah, Mc. I was hoping I had more time to set up. I didn't realize you were still here." He set the plate down next to the mug. "This is for you." He gestured towards what he'd brought. You couldn't help but smile yourself. The effort he'd went to wasn't something you'd expect out of the avatar of pride himself. He really did care.
"Thank you. I'm sorry for overreacting." You set the book down.
"You reacted in an appropriate way. I should not have just taken what belonged to someone else. There is no need to be sorry." Before he could continue speaking, you threw yourself onto him and pulled him into a hug. You felt him chuckle while putting his arms around you in turn.
"You make it impossible to give you the cold shoulder, you know that, right?" You deeply exhaled, but this time, it was a happy one. His smile turned a little cheeky at your remark.
"Come enjoy your coffee before it gets cold." He took your hand and led you towards the chair. This side of Lucifer wasn't something he exposed often, but you loved it.
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alotofpockets · 9 months
Spilled coffee | Natasha Romanoff
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Prompts: "Here, let me help." & "Take my jacket."
Warnings: Bad work environment, and a slightly suggestive ending.
A/n: A special thank you to @catasha for helping me with the direction of this fic 💗
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 2.7k
Whoever made it so that you would be in charge of getting the staff coffee before the Monday morning meeting with the big bosses, was currently your worst enemy. The line at the coffee shop was long, and moving slowly. You were looking at your watch every five seconds, knowing that you were going to be screwed if you were late to the meeting. 
Finally it was your turn, “Hi, sorry, I have a big order.” The barista shrugs, “I’ll be here all day anyways, what can I get for you?” You read out all the orders from the note in your phone, and she starts working on them right away. You thank her and with five minutes on the clock, you exit the coffee shop, two trays filled with coffee cups in your hands. 
Out of nowhere someone's body runs into your side, it takes all of your focus to keep the coffees in your hand from spilling. You manage to successfully keep the eight cups upright without spilling a drop, however that couldn’t be said about the person that ran into you. Their coffee dripped from your shoulder down the sleeve of your blazer. The thickness of the blazer luckily prevents the hot liquid from touching your skin. 
You look up to apologize to the stranger. You hadn’t seen them coming, so it might have been your fault, despite the fact that you were the one covered in the spilled coffee. “Watch where you’re going.” He nearly shouts your way before rushing off, the now empty cup thrown on the floor. You shake your head at the angry stranger, as you look around for somewhere to place your trays. 
“Here, let me help.” The voice is coming from behind you. A woman approaches you with napkins in her hand, she must have seen what happened. She takes the trays from your hands, and gives you the napkins in exchange. “Thank you.” You smile at the stranger, her kindness a stark contrast to that of your previous stranger encounter. “Which direction are you headed in?” She asks as you throw away the napkins, and the empty cup that the man had dropped, into a nearby trash can. “The offices in that direction.” You point in the direction of your office building. “Oh, me too. Can I walk with you?” The woman intrigued you, so you told her, “Yes, of course, I am kind of in a rush though.” She smiles and hands you back only one of the trays, carrying the other one for you. “All good, we can talk on the way.” 
The walk was short, you hoped to spend more time with the beautiful stranger, but you also knew that if you were going to be any later than you already were, you would most likely get fired. You arrive in front of your office building, seeing your reflection in the glass makes you sigh loudly, “My boss is going to actually kill me.” Without a second thought the woman places down the tray she was holding on the steps to the building. “Take my jacket.” She was already taking off the jacket before you could decline her offer. Just as you put on her jacket, you’re buzzed into the building. “I’m sorry, I have to head in right away. Thank you so much, and it was really nice to meet you…” - “Natasha.” She fills in. “Y/n.” You say with a smile before rushing in with the two trays of coffee. 
You rush up the stairs, careful not to spill the coffee, as you quickly make your way to the meeting room. The meeting had already started when you walked in. All eyes were on you, “I’m sorry there was a long line.” Your boss sends you a stern look, “Don’t let this happen again.” You nod, and take your place amongst your coworkers. 
It wasn’t until your lunch break, that you realized you had no way to give Natasha back her jacket. Besides knowing her first name, and that she worked in the same general direction, you didn’t know much about her. You sit down at your desk for the first time this morning, opening up your laptop to start working on one of the cases you were assisting on. 
When you felt like you had gotten a lot of work done, you decided to take a short break, stretch your legs and get a snack. You pocket your wallet and phone, and decide to take a small stroll around the building. The weather was nice out, so it was nice that you were able to take a moment to enjoy it. At the small corner store down the block, you head in and grab a few snacks. As you take out your wallet something falls out of your pocket, you reach down to grab it realizing it’s a business card holder. You pocket it quickly so you can pay, and not hold up the line. 
Once you’re outside, you take the business card holder out of the pockets again, hoping that it would maybe give you a clue as to where to find Natasha. The case was engraved with the letters NR, you open the case and pull out one of the cards. You freeze when you read the card.
Natasha RomanoffCEO, Romanoff Resolute Law
The woman that helped you was the CEO of one of the biggest competitors of the law firm you work at. She had walked you to your office, so she definitely knew you worked for the competitor as well. So, you decide to call the number at the bottom of the card nonetheless. 
“Romanoff Resolute Law, this is Laura speaking, how may I help you today?” You pocket the business cards again, and continue your walk back to your office. “Hi Laura, I’m y/n, is there any way you can transfer me to Natasha? I have some items that I need to return to her.” Laura asks to put you on hold for one moment. You’re almost back at your office when she gets back to you. “Thank you for holding, I’m transferring you now. Have a good day.” You thank her and wish her a good day as well. “Hi y/n, glad to hear that your boss hasn’t killed you.” Natasha jokes on the other side of the phone. You laugh, “Yeah, you’re a total lifesaver, thank you. So, since I was in such a rush this morning, I totally forgot to ask for a way to return your jacket. Luckily I found your business cards in your jacket pocket. So, yeah, I was wondering how I could give you your jacket back.” Natasha smiles at the idea of your face when you saw where she worked. “Well, I’m really glad you found a way to contact me. Would you be down for dinner tonight?” Your heart started beating faster at the thought of having dinner with the beautiful woman. “I don’t usually go out for dinner with the competition but I guess I could make an exception for you.” You joke back with her. “Great, well let me give you my personal number so you can text me when you’re done, and I will pick you up at your office.” 
When you were nearing the end of your workday, you were excited to meet up with Natasha. The woman intrigued you, and no matter if this dinner was just a dinner or a date, you knew that you wanted to get to know her better. You were about to text her when someone knocked on your door, “I need you to go over this case, and have it on my desk by tomorrow morning at 9am, with your notes, and possible strategies to take.” You grunt when your boss is out of the door again before you can even object. Not that objecting would help, you had tried many times, saying that it was unreasonable to let you stay late to do the work. 
Y/n: Hey Natasha, I have to stay later to finish up some work. Maybe we can reschedule? 
Natasha: Hi, not a problem at all, I still have some work to do as well. Text me when you’re done and we can see if we can still grab a bite then?
Y/n: Sounds good, I’ll let you know.
An hour and a half later, you have finally finished all the notes on the case and had two different strategies prepared. You shoot Natasha a quick text to see if she’s still down, and you get an answer almost immediately, telling you that she will meet you in front of your office in ten minutes.
“I know a great place around the corner, want to go there?” She asks after you have greeted each other. “Honestly, I’m starving, so I’m down for anything.” Natasha guides you to the restaurant, it wasn’t anything like you were expecting in this part of town, but you loved it. The restaurant had a homey, and warm feeling. One of the waitresses heads in your direction, “Hey Natasha, it’s good to have you back. Table for two tonight?” Natasha smiles in her direction, “Yes please.” The woman leads you to a table near the window and hands you both a menu. “Thank you, Morgan.”
“So, on a first name basis with the staff, that’s impressive.” You start the conversation back up. “Yeah, I’ve spent quite some long nights at the office here for a quick bite. They have the best food around, in my opinion.” She points out her favorite menu items, and you decide to go for one of them. The two of you order, and fall into conversation easily.
Natasha is the first to ask you about your work. “So, what kind of work do you do for the firm?” You set your glass back down before you answer. “I’m an associate attorney.” Her brows furrow, “What is an associate attorney doing getting coffee for the office?” You shrug, “The secretary quit a week ago, and they haven’t found a replacement yet. Somehow I was assigned to pick up those tasks.” Natasha shakes her head, “That’s horrible, you have your own work to do. They can’t expect you to pick up the secretaries' work as well.” It was nice to finally hear someone being on your side. “Yeah, I’ve been telling them that too but they just won’t listen. Honestly, I get so frustrated by them. I’m working my ass off, even performing tasks outside of my job description, and still I’m the only one not getting promoted.” Natasha listens to you rant about your frustrations, having started out in smaller first herself, she recognized the behavior you were talking about all too well. “Come work for me.”
You freeze at her words. “What?” Maybe you hadn’t heard her correctly. “I mean it, you deserve a better work environment. I’ve been where you’re at, sexist bosses, and all. I believe that I have created a better environment over the years, and we’re always looking for passionate and hard working people. Come work for me.” You cannot believe that she is actually offering you a job right now. “You’re actually being serious?” You ask, still a bit weary. “I am. I would hire you on the spot but I don’t have the right paperwork with me.” She sends you a cheeky smile. You laugh, “I cannot believe a spilled coffee led to a job offer at one of the top law firms in the city.” 
“You’re interested then?” Natasha asks after thanking Morgan for bringing out the food. “Yes, yes I am.” You confirm. “I know today has been a long day but if you want I can give you a tour of the office, see if you’d actually like it, and talk about what we can offer if you decide to sign.” You agree to the offer. But first you enjoy the delicious food, and get to know Natasha better. 
At Romanoff Resolute Law Natasha shows you around the office space, while she tells you a bit about the people that work there. You can instantly tell that she knows these employees as people, and not just as people that work for her, and it gives you a good feeling. “So, that’s it.” She says as the two of you enter her office once more. “Great, so where do I sign.” Natasha laughs, “Don’t you want to hear about salary, and benefits before you sign?” She jokes back. Natasha told you that she could offer you a position as an associate attorney for the time being, with a higher income that you were currently getting, just to get to know the company a bit more, and that if things went well you would be promoted to senior associate attorney in no time. She had listed all the benefits, and honestly it was an offer that you simply couldn’t refuse, even if you were wanting too, which wasn’t the case. 
“There’s one more thing.” Natasha says, once she has written down everything you had just discussed. “I hope that you coming to work for me, doesn’t mean that I can’t ask you on a second date because I would really like to take you on a second date.” You smile at the way she has worded her sentence. “I would really like a second date as well.” 
Four months later, you are thoroughly enjoying working for Romanoff Resolute Law, the work environment was great. Everyone looked out for one another, and you all worked together to get extra work done instead of piling it on the desk of one person. Things with Natasha had been going good as well, after a couple of dates she had asked you to be her girlfriend. Your work environment was so great, that the rest of the employees were simply happy for the both of you. None of the employees assumed you were going to get better treatment since you were in a relationship with your boss, which showed how good of a boss Natasha was to all of them, giving her employees the confidence that they were always treated fairly. 
Laura walked up to your desk, “Natasha wants to see you in her office once you have a moment.” You smile and thank her for letting you know. A little over five minutes later you knock on Natasha’s door. “Y/n, hi, come in.” She smiles and points at one of the chairs for you to take a seat in. You and Natasha had always kept a professional relationship on the workfloor, both agreeing that that was the healthiest way for both your relationship and the company. “I know we’ve already spoken about it in private, but for legal reasons, I want to ask you in a professional setting as well. How are you enjoying your time here?” You tell her that you have loved working for the company, and about how you had found your love for the job again. Natasha listens to you with a smile on her face, so happy that she was able to provide you with a healthy working environment. 
“That’s very good to hear. I want to let you know that we are very happy with your work as well. You’ve shown great progress with the clients and your knowledge of the company, therefore I would like to officially offer you the senior associate attorney position.” Your jaw dropped, of course Natasha had mentioned that if things went well, the promotion would be a possibility, but you had not expected it to be so soon. “Thank you so much, you don’t know how much this means to me.” Natasha nods knowingly, “I’ll have Laura bring you the papers later today. Congratulations, y/n, I know you will continue to make me, and the company, very proud.” 
You stand up, feeling like you’re on cloud nine, you are finally able to accomplish your career goal of climbing up the corporate ladder. Before you open the door to leave Natasha’s office, she comes to stand by your side. “Let’s celebrate tonight, I want to show you just how proud I am of you.” She whispers into your ear, her voice low and lustfull. Her words leave you flustered, as she opens her office door to send you on your merry way. 
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theres-a-body-here · 11 months
Scumtober- Day 24 (Tender Sex)
Night's Cavalry x Male!reader
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You look back as you walk down the Mistwoods.
Yep, he's still there. The Night's Cavalry Rider, Beor.
How do you know his name?
Because he wrote it down on a scrap of scroll and placed it on your face as you slept for you to find in the morning. Said note also contained a love letter professing his love.
You sigh as you keep walking. He's been following you ever since he knocked your helmet off your head during battle. The thing that bothers you most is that he's out of his Lord's territory. You're fairly certain Margit didn't allow his men to travel this far out. You wonder if hes disobeying orders by following you all the way out here.
The moon rises over the land as you decide to make camp. You set up a bedroll and make a fire. You sigh as you hold your hands out to warm them up.
As you sat by the heat of the campfire, you couldn't help but feel uneasy knowing someone was watching. You glance around, trying not to be too obvious, and spot Beor hiding behind a nearby tree.
Damn it, dude! Just come out already!
You roll your eyes and turn away, deciding to ignore him for now. After all, he hasn't done anything harmful yet... just really creepy.
Suddenly, something hit your head. It's a crumbled ball of paper. you picked it up and turned to glare at Beor, who had quickly hidden behind a tree after throwing it. You straighten out the note.
The message read: 'I can't take my eyes off you.'
Good Gods. You had to do something.
Sighing heavily, you called out to Beor, "Alright... Come sit with me." You then added sternly, "But don't be creepy!"
Reluctantly, Beor approached slowly, almost like a timid animal. Once he reached you, he hesitantly took a seat across the fire from you. His entire demeanor reeked of nervousness.
Relaxing slightly, you began rummaging through your bag, searching for some jerky. However, you soon noticed Beor shifting closer to you, his posture tense as he tried to act casually. When you looked up, he was caught red handed, his gaze darting away guiltily.
This guy...
Going back to rummaging through your bag, you finally found what you were looking for – jerky! With a satisfied grin, you lifted your head, only to be startled by Beor practically breathing down your neck. He must have moved while you weren't paying attention.
Startled, you let out an undignified yelp and dropped the food. The jerky lands on some mud. You look at the jerky, to Beor, to the jerky, and finally back to Beor.
Both of you stared at each other silently before he leaned forward and grabbed the dropped jerky, which was now covered in mud. Hesitating for a brief moment, he held it out towards you.
You shook your head and sighed. "Thanks, but no thanks."
Trying to regain composure, you turn back to the crackling fire, hoping to ignore him. To your annoyance, Beor continued to scoot closer until your bodies pressed together.
Awkward silence hung heavy between you two.
Feeling movement against your side, you glanced over to see Beor holding out his closed fist. Curiosity piqued, you watched as he opened his palm, revealing a Miquella's Lily that had been crushed beyond recognition. Wordlessly, he motioned for you to take it.
Without thinking much of it, you accepted the gift.
Inspecting the fragile petals of the delicate flower, you couldn't help but feel touched by such a rare gesture. Although it was crushed, it still held significance. You brought the bloom close to your nose, savoring its faint fragrance.
Silence stretched between you again as Beor simply watched you appreciate his offering.
Nodding to yourself, you carefully place the crushed Miquella's Lily inside your bag for safekeeping. The silence returned, making you uncomfortable enough to break it.
"You can have..." You paused, feeling embarrassed at your own words. "...One kiss."
Beor tensed up and immediately started nodding vigorously, his helmet producing loud clanks with every enthusiastic movement.
Groaning internally, you prepared yourself for whatever was coming next. Beor eagerly closed the gap between you, anticipating his reward.
"Aren't you going to remove the helmet?" You asked curiously.
In response, he shook his head forcefully. Guess that means the helmet stays on.
Shrugging it off, you decided to leave his choice alone. Leaning closer, you press a soft kiss onto his helmet where his cheek would be. Instinctively, his hand clenched so tightly that you could hear the leather of his gauntlet creak under the strain. You pull away.
Good Gods, all you did was give him a peck on the helmet, and this was his reaction? No wonder he acted so skittish; he definitely was whipped for you.
Deciding to test how far you could push him, you leaned in again, this time tracing a line along his helmet with your tongue. Beor visibly trembled, accompanied by a muffled groan from within his helmet.
Oh dear, this man was putty in your hands.
Unfortunately for you, your actions didn't leave you completely unaffected either. Feeling your own arousal building, you felt your member hardening within your pants. Blushing profusely, you tried to reason with yourself.
"I know I said just a kiss," you started hesitantly, "...but..."
At the sound of your voice, Beor's head snapped in your direction, desperate to catch whatever suggestion you may have for him.
Letting out an exaggerated groan, you tried to continue, "You know..."
To your utter mortification, Beor pointed directly at his crotch, seemingly confirming whether that was indeed what you wanted. Covering your face with your hands, you berated yourself for getting into this situation.
Fuck it. You raised your head and gave him a decisive nod.
Beor seemed ecstatic at your response, eagerly beginning to remove his protective codpiece. Underneath, his cock stood proudly erect, ready for action. With a deep blush spreading across your features, you followed suit, taking off your pants and underwear. Your own manhood sprang forth, mirroring Beor's excitement.
Eager to get things started, Beor laid flat on his back, slapping his armored thighs invitingly as if asking you to climb aboard.
Rolling your eyes, you muttered, "You're an idiot," before complying with his request. Straddling Beor, you could feel his hardened length pressing against your ass.
Lifting yourself up slightly, you slammed back down onto Beor's lap, eliciting a muffled groan from within his helmet.
"You better be gentle," you warned him. In response, Beor nodded his head furiously, the clinking of metal echoing throughout the campsite.
Leaning to the side, you retrieved your bag, pulling out a small container of oil created from melted mushrooms. Resting on Beor's chest, you reached back and took hold of his throbbing member, liberally applying the slippery substance all over it.
Beor released a muffled moan as you positioned his lubricated tip at your entrance. With a deep breath, you pushed downwards, impaling yourself on his rigid length.
Letting out a soft moan, you sank deeper and deeper onto Beor's impressive girth. "Fuck, you're so big," you muttered, unable to believe how well he filled you up.
Meanwhile, Beor was clearly enjoying himself, his head thrown back as he panted heavily and trembled with pleasure.
Upon fully sheathing himself within you, Beor let out a low whine of delight. You sighed contentedly, feeling both their combined weight bearing down on you.
Before you could react, Beor shifted positions, wrapping his arms securely around you as he sat up. Now, instead of riding him, you were nestled within his embrace.
Closing your eyes, you leaned your head against his cool, metallic chest, reveling in the sensation of being enveloped by him. Softly, he ran his hands up and down your spine, sending shivers through your body.
Gradually, Beor began to move within you, maintaining a slow, steady rhythm. Making sure to support your weight, he kept you cradled in his arms as his helmet nuzzled against your face.
Moans escaped your lips as Beor thrust into you with a gentleness you hadn't expected from someone so large and intimidating. You rubbed your aching cock against the smooth metal of his armored abdomen.
As he continued to plunge into you, Beor rubbed his helmet against your face affectionately, reminding you of a cat seeking comfort from its owner. Simultaneously, one of his hands found yours, entwining your fingers together as if they belonged there.
Whimpering as you neared release, you bucked your hips harder against Beor's armor, leaving streaks of precum.
"Sorry....your armor," you apologized sheepishly for making a mess on his black armor.
However, Beor didn't seem bothered by it at all – if anything, he appeared more amused than upset. Using his free hand, he gently petted your head reassuringly, letting you know that he didn't mind.
Reassured by his response, you wrapped one hand around his hip while using the other to resume stroking your own needy erection. Precum continued to flow freely, coating Beor's armor in a sticky film.
Beor released a pleased noise from within his helmet, picking up the pace ever so slightly as he continued to thrust into you relentlessly.
With a whiny cry, you finally succumbed to your release, splattering Beor's armor with thick ropes of semen. As your orgasm subsided, he gently rubbed your back.
Now that you had cum, it was Beor's turn. Still buried deep within you, he reached behind his back and removed his cape from his armor. Carefully laying it on the ground, he leaned forward until you were lying on top of it.
For a moment, Beor held your thighs aloft, offering them a brief yet comforting massage. And then, without warning, he suddenly changed tactics, pounding into you mercilessly. Unprepared for such ferocity, you cried out in surprise, your moans matching the speed of his brutal thrusts. Holding your thighs tightly, he showed no signs of stopping or easing up.
Still not letting up, Beor pressed your thighs together and rolled you onto your side. From this new angle, he somehow managed to increase the intensity of his relentless pumping, driving his cock deepr into you.
The air filled with the sounds of his labored breathing and the wet squelching of flesh meeting flesh as he continued to claim you.
As the tempo increased, you could do little more than issue a series of whimpers and mews, overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through your veins. Beor took full advantage of your vulnerable state, leaning over to pin you down with his considerable bulk as he pressed his helmet against your face.
"Fuck, fuck, fuuuccckk!" you cried out, unable to contain your mounting euphoria. Every forceful impact of armor against flesh sending fire down your body in waves.
Beor reached his breaking point. With a guttural grunt, he drove himself all the way home, his warm seed flooding your hole. Wrapped in his strong arms, you basked in the afterglow of your shared release.
Breathing heavily, you allowed Beor to nuzzle your face with his helmet.
"You're still a simp," you muttered sleepily, too exhausted to muster up any real zingers.
Scumtober 2023 Masterlist
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
Hi! I have been reading you for a long time and would like to ask you something for the first time… The last message flow to the Lethal Company from the Nutcracker was WILDLY SWEET, however, it hurt me from the bracken that was shot through the lytic…. May I ask the bracken and the reader where the bracken constantly goes behind the reader's back…. JUST TO HUG! Someone from the team warns about the danger and the bracken gently takes the reader in his arms to his lair for even bigger hugs!
Bruh you have no idea how soft i am for brackens hfghhs (when I first started playing LC, they were ALWAYS killing me...but now they just like to pop out and scurry away when I look at them, so I consider us to be pretty chill)
Anyways woe Bracken fluff be upon ye <3
Of all the creatures you've encountered during your time with the Company, Brackens were certainly the most complicated.
Even though there's been countless documents and reports of employees scanning, studying, and dying to these aliens...they were still seldom understood. The data on the terminal said so.
There was one in particular who had such a unique behavior pattern that remained a mystery to you.
And he lived on Experimentation, which was supposedly the "safest" moon to land on and gather scrap from.
Most of the time, however, that was a load of bullshit...as you and your crew had many encounters with aggressive lifeforms such as hoarding bugs, Thumpers, spiders, and turrets that were placed in the most inconvenient spots...
Hell, even an Earth Leviathan showed up and nearly consumed your entire ship.
As of right now, though, you were on-track to making the third profit quota's deadline. So a trip to Experimentation was an order, as you could grab minimal loot and still gain enough leftover money to buy some much-needed ship upgrades and tools.
Or maybe new suits or jack o'lanterns.
None of you were good at managing your budget.
But during this trip, you were less focused on getting loot and more eager to see....a certain someone.
Hopefully, he hasn't forgotten about you or mistook you for another random employee.
While two of your coworkers headed into the facility's main entrance and one stayed behind on the ship, you ascended the stairs leading up to the fire exit--armed with nothing but a flashlight and a walkie-talkie.
[Nearby activity detected!]
"Oh come on...can you be anymore vague?" You huffed, slightly annoyed that your scanner displayed the message before you could even touch the damn door.
"Activity" was awfully broad and could mean literally anything was waiting for you on the other side..
It could be a bunker spider or snare flea waiting to drop down on you and catch you by surprise.
It could be a Hygrodere spreading itself all over the floor, anticipating you setting one foot into it before drowning in its slimy body.
It could even be a simple turret ready to turn you into swiss cheese.
However, there's the possibility that it could also be the one entity here who didn't wanna give you a painful death, and you hoped to god you were right.
So you took a leap of faith and entered.
Surprisingly no danger was immediately present, although you did find a lot of good loot inside the room and smiled. "Oh sweet!" You grabbed the rubber ducky and Rubik's cube in the nearest corner, pocketing them. "This should set us way above-"
"Something's behind you!"
All of the sudden, a pair of large arms wrapped around you from behind, pulling you back and causing your oxygen tanks to be pressed against the creature's chest-
You only knew one Bracken that did that, and you couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my gosh, you scared me! You know you can't keep doing that!"
"Krrrrrr.." The entity purred softly, nuzzling his face against your neck as its leaves rustled with happiness.
With a chuckle, you patted his arm affectionately. "I've missed you, too, buddy. I told you I'd be back."
Knowing it was this Bracken, you felt safer than ever. He had a habit of greeting you this way: by sneaking up behind you like the rest of his species typically did, and attacking you.....not by snapping your neck like a twig, but by embracing and nuzzling you.
Of course, nobody in your crew believed that you've got a dangerous alien predator on Experimentation who always waited for you. Who loved you like a dog and would kill a Thumper for you.
If only they could meet him...but then again, he was shy.
"Don't tell me it's that damn Bracken again...did you tame it or something?"
The staticky voice of your coworker over the walkie-talkie startled the poor Bracken out of the hug, as it dropped you and flared its leaves out, wondering where they were.
"Relax, we're cool." You huffed, annoyed that they spooked your friend. "I gotta conserve my battery so...signal me when it gets close to midnight."
"....fine. Just don't die. Over and out."
After switching off the device, you turned back to him and smiled apologetically. "Don't worry. They're far away, so they won't bother us." You removed your helmet for the moment.
He nodded in understanding, crouching down to get a better look at your human features.
For some reason he never minded prolonged eye contact with you--and that was a good thing....otherwise, you would've been dead a long time ago.
You smiled and patted the top of his head, before he suddenly sprung up and scooped you up into his arms, lifting you completely off the ground. "Woah! Hey! Where are we going?" You asked as he carried you out of the room, taking you somewhere further within the facility.
Considering the Bracken knew his way around, you weren't too concerned with getting lost.
On your way to this unknown destination, you spotted a hoarding bug skittering down the hallway, eyeing the brass bell attached to your belt.....only to freeze as the leafy entity glared at it.
Luckily it understood the appropriate time to make eye contact with a Bracken, as it eventually looked away from him and decided to leave for another part of the facility.
It seems most of the creatures were knew who was the alpha.
'Man, whoever's tracking me must be so confused right now..' You thought to yourself as he continued walking.
Eventually you both arrived at a place many employees dubbed the "Bracken Room": a large open illuminated space with yellowish walls that looked out of place in the facility.
After setting you down on the floor, you looked at the Bracken with confusion, wondering why he decided to bring you here....until he brought you into another hug, wanting to sit down and have you in his lap.
You just smiled and wrapped your arms around him, giggling as he tucked his head underneath your chin, wanting to listen to the sound of a human's heartbeat.
Now you understood.
All he wanted was to take you to a quiet, safe place away from all the other monsters and employees. A place where he could have you to himself...at least for a couple more hours, anyways.
You knew the ship wasn't leaving anytime soon, so you didn't mind keeping him company.
While other Brackens are among the top three reasons employees hated their job...this one made you love it.
You feel so lucky, you'll consider buying a lottery ticket if you ever returned to Earth.
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corruptedcaps · 7 months
Wedding Hells
Abby was happy she finally managed to convince her best friend Lindsay to not marry her fiancé James. Abby had learned that James was secretly the head of the crime family in town and was involved in every dirty deal going.
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As happy as Abby was, James was pissed. When Abby came over to pick up some of Lindsay’s belongings he made she sure she knew.
“Well if it isn’t the do gooder little friend who tricked my fiancé into leaving me. I hope you’re proud.” He said with venom.
“Tricked her? I told her the truth of who you really are you creep and soon I’m going to tell everyone as well. Your days not behind bars are numbered.” Abby said straight to his face expecting to see him bubble up with rage but instead he broke into a smile.
“You have a fire and strength in you I had noticed before. You’ll do just am fine as my wife instead.” He said walking over to Lindsay’s never worn dress.
“You’ve lost it now, good luck with your life, or should I say you’re 25 to life.” She said turning on her heel. However within a feel feet she felt the white fabric of the wedding dress draped over her head. Within seconds it seemed to come alive and squeeze down her body.
“What... the... hell...” Abby said trying to rip it off her but found it was too tight.
“You see Lindsay never knew about who I really was but she was going to be my second in command in my growing criminal empire. I had big expansion plans but needed someone I knew would be loyal and ruthless. That’s where this magic dress came in.” James said matter of factly as Abby continued to struggle.
The dress had started to push off her clothes and toss them aside as it enveloped her body and sealed her in. She was quickly dressed as a bride to be but that’s when the real changes began.
The dress constricted her stomach making it hard to breath for a second. However Abby soon felt her belly shrink to match the tight waist of the dress. It actually felt good.
“Oh what are you doing to me you bastard! It feels... it feels... so goooood.” She moaned as her chest heaved outward as two massive tits grew outward from her modest pair.
“You don’t think I became kingpin without the help of the dark arts do you? Soon you’ll understand. When you become the Queenpin.” James said laughing.
Abby should of been furious with him but for some reason she was more turned on then ever before. The word Queenpin making her wet everything she thought it.
“Oh fuck I hate you James you big dick fuck! Once I’m free of this I’m going to fuck your brains out! Wait noooo! I don’t want that! I neeeeed that. No this is wrong!” She said moaning again as her conflicted emotions fought each other.
“You’re right, this is wrong but doesn’t it feel so good to be bad? No more morals, no more caring what anyone thinks? Just taking what you deserve, which is everything! Embrace it Abby, embrace being a bitch!” He said, tempting her.
Abby’s body continued to change as her mind was at war with itself. Her skin took on a healthy tan, sexy makeup was applied generously to her face. Her hair became thick, long and luxurious.
If there hadn’t been a mirror nearby that day, she might have saved her soul. As her eyes made contact with her reflection she found herself drawn into the cold, permanent bitch faced, goddess that was staring back. James was right, she thought, why should she not have everything she ever wanted? A beauty like her deserved the world and if wasn’t going to be given it she would need to take it.
As the good parts of her psyche were replaced by her new meaner, more cutthroat persona her struggling ceased. Her posture straighten into a classical pose and all resistance faded. Her lips curled into a wicked smile as she eyed James not with disgust any longer but with desire.
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“Abby? That’s such a childish name. It’s Abigail from now on. Do I look like some immature child?” She said arching herself against a wall so she could shove out her butt. James mouth was agape.
“Sweetheart you’ll catch flies looking like that, how about you come over here and use it on more expensive tastes?” She said with a purr dripping in lust. James didn’t waste any time as he quickly grabbed her and kissed her deeply. Abigail moaned softly as he did, loving how he tasted. Lindsay had always said he was a good lover and now she was about to find out.
Removing the dress, Abigail found herself in some sexy white lingerie, a by product of the magic dress. She pushed James onto the nearby bed and posed sexily for him.
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“When we fuck darling, I don’t want to hear Abby, or Abigail come from that mouth of yours. I want to hear only Queenpin, understand?” Abigail said authoritatively, making James get harder.
“Of course… Queenpin.” Her growled making her as wet as he was hard. Strutting over to him she took out his impressive cock and lowered her tight pussy on top.
“Mmmm a perfect fit… Kingpin.” She purred as she started to rise up and down.
The next few hours were a blur of sexual juices, screaming and grunting. By the time they were done Abigail had forgotten ever being Abby. In her mind she had always been Abigail, a tough and brutal but also outrageously beautiful crime boss.
James had planned on telling his men to fall in line and treat her like a boss too but she slipped into the role so easily that they were too scared to disobey her. Within a week she had doubled James’ profits with her ruthless ways. While James was a perfectly cruel and calculating leader, Abigail was literally created to be bad. She was the model of evil.
However not everyone was as impressed as James, namely his ex-fiancée and Abby’s old best friend, Lindsay. She confronted Abigail one day on the street and pleaded with her to tell her what had been done to her but Abigail just looked at her coldly.
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“Do I know you? Regardless no one speaks to me like that, I am Queenpin of this city and I could have you disappeared like that.” She said snapping her fingers. When she did, her two burly bodyguards seized Lindsay and threw her into the trunk of Abigail’s luxury tow car.
Sliding in Abigail smirked as she heard the muffled banging of Lindsay.
“It’s no use dear, even if anyone heard you they’re all too afraid to say anything. You don’t have that fear but you will soon. Once I break you you’ll be employed indefinitely as my new live in maid and sex slave. You’re exactly what I need to help me prepare for my upcoming wedding.” Abigail said callously as she put on her designer sunglasses and her driver headed towards her mansion.
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bananadramaaa · 4 months
Idk if you’ve got any ideas or backstory for Alastor’s sisters, but I love the designs for them and have kind of taken some ideas about them and ran with it, mostly about the eldest, Adeline, though:
• Adelice was definitely a protector of the whole bunch. Alastor helped protect the younger sisters and worried a lot about his older sister, but Adelice would make a target out of herself to make sure the younger kids faced as little of their father’s bad days as possible.
• Leonore and Bertilda (the younger two) still experience a lot of the family drama, but it’s a little less than what their older siblings do since they try to keep them out of the fire, so while the older two seem to mature way too quickly, the younger two stay kids for a bit longer. This, however does piss off their father, who takes every moment to ridicule them on their inability to act like their older siblings when their older siblings aren’t able to keep them out of the fire.
• Adelice also gives off Tiana from Princess and the Frog vibes. She’s got a Dream and she’s gonna work hard every day to make it happen.
• Alastor Worries™️ and thinks she’s pushing herself too much, taking on the brunt of their father’s anger, taking on so many jobs, and trying to get as much of an education as she can for as cheap as she can get it. So he becomes her Distraction, constantly dragging her off to parties and out drinking and listening to music. Anything to get her to chill tf out.
• He’s also a hypocrite though, considering he takes on a ton of “side jobs” by the time he’s 15 before he starts working in radio to try to help out their maman. He somehow manages to get all the fun jobs though. She’s out here working in restaurants and factories and he’s playing piano at the speakeasy and working at a nearby gator farm during the summers. And even the jobs that shouldn’t be fun, he manages to turn into a blast, like apprenticing at the butchers or working the graveyard shift at the cemetery. He thinks he’s so damn funny, while his bosses low-key wanna strangle him. This somehow makes him more likable as a radio host.
• Eventually, Adelice manages to find herself a nice, rich, Creole man who she and Alastor run through the wringer trying to test just how wholesome of a man he is before she’ll accept his hand in marriage. This man is confused, but he is dead set on winning her heart. He offers her the money to achieve her dream, he offers her the happy and stress-free life that New Orleans won’t afford her, he offers a life where she’s free and not trapped by anybody, himself included, and most importantly, he offers to take her whole family away from their father and the impoverished life that keeps them with him.
• Their maman can’t fathom a life without her husband, but she can see why they’d want to leave.
• Alastor doesn’t want to lose his sisters, but he knows someone has to watch out for their maman and he’s far to attached to New Orleans to leave it now.
• Before all his sisters leave, Adelice jokingly says she’s gonna name a son after him and he politely declines the offer.
• They move to Alabama or something and he never sees them again, but Adelice has a bunch of happy children that she loves who know all about him :)
• Bertilda also gets married, but Bertilda and her husband find themselves unable to have kids so they adopt a cute little red-headed girl and her green-eyed little brother.
• Leonore dates a lot of people before she finds the perfect gal for her and they move in together as “friends.” Their maman was a bit progressive in some ways and taught them not to judge, where most others would do when Adelice and Bertilda don’t make a big deal out of it when they find out about it.
• All three of them keep an eye on the news regarding New Orleans and whatever can be said about their famous radio host brother from far away.
• The only times the lot of them return to New Orleans is when they hear about Alastor’s death and their maman’s death.
I've talked briefly about them in this ask :3 And I really enjoyed reading your version of their story. It seems more wholesome compared to what I have in mind for them (like Adelice definitely won in this one) XD
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skyof-atlas · 9 months
Pairing(s): Cyno, Tighnari, and Candace x afab!reader 
Warnings: breeding, pet names, fingering, oral, usage of the term “mommy”, biting, dumb-fucked, cuddles, whimpering. 
Summary: It was supposed to be a simple commission for easy Mora. You were coming back from taking photos and gathering relics for the person who commissioned you. (Supposedly they were busy with something else). A sandstorm abruptly swept through forcing you to take shelter. However your savior(s) have come to help.
A/N: describing things is a thing i'm working on and hv no clue how. I imagine it…wait..i can just dra–! 
I can’t write for men…Apologies. I’m a woman enthusiast but won’t mind writing for men. 
words: 2k
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Cyno happened to run into you just before the sandstorm hit. He led you to a cave nearby and said that it was best to stay in until after the sandstorm passes. 
Both of you started chatting about many things. You asked about how he like being mahamatra and he asked you about you life as an adventurer. 
Somehow the conversation ended up about relationships and how you weren't really looking for someone who couldn’t keep the same pace as you. 
He could relate. You admitted that you had a crush on him back when you were both students at the Akademiya.
From there everything is a blur…
“Cy..-Cyno-“ you moaned. His cock buried deep into you as you clawed the floor.  The heat from his body was warming you up more than the campfire. He had a grip on your thighs and refused to let go. 
He kept thrusting in and out. He kept hitting that perfect spot making you see stars and arching your back. The sandstorm didn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. 
His grunts and the sound of skin slapping was echoing through the cave. You were close to coming again and he might be as well, due to the now slow and hard thrust he’s doing. He pulled out making you whine and flipped you over on your belly. 
He quickly lifted your hips higher and closer to him, making to face the cold ground. You turned your head to look at him but he pushed your head back to the ground. 
“What the He— nghh- ahh..” He entered his cock back into you. 
Everytime he thrusted you can feel him gently hitting your cervix with how deep he’s penetrating you. 
“I-…I’m c-..coming Cyno..” 
“Go ahead baby..” He was grunting and his breaths were heavier. 
Fuck. You could feel every part of his cock with how tight you were. You came all over his cock as his cum filled you up. He kept it in order to prevent any of his cum from spilling out. Oh dear Archons he wanted you knocked up. 
“Good girl~ taking it all in” Your pussy tightened around him even more hearing those words. Your were tired and sweaty from the heat. It took him a while to pull out because of how tight you were holding onto him. He then made sure to clean you up and let you sleep after that. 
You should bring him with you more often.
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Tighnari insisted on coming with you and reluctantly you said yes. Now both you were stuck in a cave waiting out this sandstorm. 
“It’s going to be awhile until the storm passes.” Tighnari said as he added more sticks into the fire. 
“Ah. Damn, at least the photos are safe.” You said checking the photos to see if they were actually safe.
“Hey ‘Nari I’m gonna take a nap.” He nodded and you laid down and decided to take a nap. 
You don’t know how long it’s been since you fell asleep but you woke up to a whine and grunts. 
“Tighnari?” you called out for him. The fire was slowly dying out but still provided enough light to see his outline. 
You kneeled beside him and carefully turned him over to see him. His ears were flat down and you could tell he was breathing heavily. 
He curled himself into a ball and whimper. 
“Tighnari? Are you ok?” You asked, worried about his health.
“It’s just a lit–little fever…no worries..” He said trying to maintain his composure, but clearly that wasn’t working. You didn’t believe that it was a fever. 
You placed a hand over his forehead to check for his temperature and instead of a kind response from him, he grabbed your wrists and pinned you down. (dear lord). 
“Please…” He practically moaned. The archons were testing your self-control cause you were about to ravage this man the moment he said please. 
This fine ass man was dry humping your thigh looking for some friction as you laid on the ground dazed. You quickly snapped out of it and you pressed your thigh closer to him. 
“What a pretty sight to see.” You could tell he was getting close to his high by the way he was moving slower but humping harder, but you wanted to have a little more fun with him.
You removed your thigh and stripped your pants and underwear off. You made sure you placed it under you. He understood what you were doing, slightly annoyed at you for stopping but he followed as well. 
You laid him down and positioned yourself on top of him. You started off slow, coating his dick with your own cum. You were going painfully slow, watching him writhe around and while like a cute little dog, it got you excited.
 He was getting annoyed with your antics and forcefully grabbed your hips to lift you up and slam you down straight into him. You moaning loudly at the sudden feeling of being penetrated, but how he filled you up. 
Every thrust made you see stars as strings of moans left your mouth. Your hips started moving on their own, at this rate you could feel the knot in your stomach tighten. 
“I-I’m close” Tighnari grunted out. He clawed into your thighs leaving you crescent shaped moons which made you wince. 
A few more thrust and you came all over him. It wasn’t long until he came inside as well. His cum felt warm and you could feel it dripping down your thighs as you got off him and collapsed next to him. 
He pulled you closer to him and hugged you. 
All you could hear was a thank you and love you as you cuddled him for the remainder of the sandstorm. 
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It’s been a couple of hours since this sandstorm started and you took shelter in a nearby cave that had some abandoned stuff. 
You rummaged through the things to see what you could find, not much but there was a couple of books, food, and sticks. You noticed a broken cup and decided to move it out the way. As you picked up the shards and placed them in a box, a small shard cut your hand.
“Fuck! Ow…whatever..” 
You weren't far from Aaru village, but this sandstorm would sweep you away if you tried. 
“Y/N?” You heard someone call your name from the entrance of the cave. You turned your head towards the person calling your name and found Candace standing there. 
“Candace? What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Looking for you of course..I got worried when you didn’t come back and assumed you got stuck in the storm.” She said, as she walked over to where you set up a little fire and sat down next to you. 
“How…? How did you get through the sandstorm???” You were hella confused on how this woman managed to find you in this crazy ass sandstorm.
“My shield helped and I know my way through the desert.” She smiled and looked down at your hand. 
“Your hand is bleeding.” She took your hand and noticed some gauze in one of the boxes near you and took it. 
“Oh. I accidentally picked up a broken vase and cut myself.. No big deal.”
“Y/N! You could’ve gotten an infection. I don’t like when you get hurt, you know this.” Candace spoke with a gentle soft voice that made your heart flutter. You chuckled and looked away embarrassed. 
“Yeah I know…sorry Candace…It won’t happen again” You felt her finish wrapping your hand. You were going to check out your hand to see the job well done, but she grabbed your chin and made you look at her. She stared at you intently, looking at every feature you had. 
“C-Candace??!” You stuttered out. It took you by surprise and your heart rate increased. 
“Making sure your pretty face isn’t injured.” You were now staring at her with a flustered face. 
Your eyes trailed down from her gorgeous heterochromic eyes down to her lips. It seemed like she caught on at where you were looking at because the next thing she did was lean into you barely brushing her lips onto yours. Her hands cupping the back of your neck and finally kissing you. 
The next couple things were a blur as clothes went flying and her mouth latched onto your neck. 
“Nghh—- wa-wait!” She pushed you back flat to the ground. 
“So wet already? Just for me?” You could feel her breath close, you threw your head back and covered your eyes in embarrassment. 
She noticed this and grabbed your arms and placed them near your side holding them there. You could see her look up at you from her position, her eyes were filled with lust and admiration. 
She gave a quick kiss on your thigh before diving into your soaking cunt. 
“Such a good girl for me. What a divine taste.” She ate you out like it was her last meal. Her hot tongue played with your clit, gently sucking and biting it as you bucked your hips into her face and hands tangling into her hair. 
For each passing minute, your orgasm was nearing. Her tongue was doing some damage but not enough for you to reach your high.  
“Please— i need moreee” Your voice came out as a whine. Eyes were glossy and drool was dripping down your mouth. 
“Mmm what the magic word darling?” She asked with a sly smirk plastered on her lips. Her fingers teased your entrance and you moaned out. 
“Ngh-ah– M-mommy…pleaseee~” Now your face is completely red. It didn’t even register in your head what you said until it came out. You didn’t care, all you wanted was to cum all over her fingers. 
Her 2 fingers slipped into you easily and started pumping in and out, hitting that sweet spot. Moans and screams of her names left your mouths like a prayer on repeat. 
She added a 3rd finger and pumping harder but slower, making you go stupid. 
“My good slut~ taking it all in easily~” She said in such an angelic voice. She left marks all over your inner thigh. Pretty purple colored your thighs now. 
“‘ s’good…mommyyy!” Praises flowed out of her mouth which made you even more wet than before. 
All you could hear was the sinful sounds coming from your cunt. Her mouth latched back onto your clit, providing more stimulation. Your brain turned to mush and it was no longer moaning of her name but just babble. 
“A-aahh... Ahn... Candace—!!!”  Her fingers kept moving and her mouth sucked. Not a single moment did she stop. 
“O-oh…AHH- COMING!!” Suddenly the knot burst, coming all over her face. You were near passing out but still felt her fingers leave and her tongue licking up all your cum. 
Your vision was blurring and your body felt like jelly. She sat on your lap and sucked on your neck leaving marks. This women had a mission to mark you. 
“That was a nice appetizer, but I'm ready for the main course~” She said, licking her fingers while smirking. 
Archons bless you because you won’t be able to walk, but it will be all worth it. 
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emelinstriker · 10 months
{Eternal Servants AU} Red Son ♡ Offering
Art drawn by me + the AU itself is mine.
It's still my birthday (November 14th) in my time right now, so might as well post it since it just fits- Peeps voted for fluff, and I wanted to make something with Red Son's cooking, and boom, idea. :D
[TL;DR] Red Son bakes a cake for you.
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
"Maybe this one..? No... This..? No..."
Red Son was flipping through the pages of a book for a recipe and hadn't even started anything. Just because he couldn't decide on which type of cake to bake. It needed to be perfect. It was his Master's birthday after all. He wouldn't be worthy of his title as one of your champions if he managed to fail at such an important task. And he'd rather not be a disgrace to his Master and the other servants.
He did think about asking another champion for some input, but he also didn't want to tell anyone he wanted to bake a cake for you. And he was aware that some champions, which shall not be named, weren't exactly the most quiet about keeping plans for their Master a secret. So putting his trust into the others wasn't much of a safe option... Though, maybe he could ask one of the more quiet ones for help, such as MK.
The red champion hummed in thought before letting out a rather tired groan. He wasn't tired of doing this for you, he was tired about possibly having to rely on another champion again and splitting the work credit. Much like Macaque, he enjoyed your full praises, but having to share the credit would only give him half of your attention and affection.
Suddenly, he snapped his fingers with a little smile as he exclaimed, "I've got it!"
Red Son then flipped through the book for a recipe on (Favorite Cake). Upon finding the page, he read through the required ingredients and grimaced... He knew for a fact he was missing some things from the list. The palace's kitchen was big but was usually low on ingredients after. Half of the palace didn't need to consume food after all. The kitchen was mostly there for their Master if they enjoyed cooking or wanted to try out cooking without the fear of setting anything nearby on fire. And now it was mostly occupied by Red Son so he could develop his own cooking skills more.
Sighing, he decided that he would have to actually go out and collect said ingredients. He wrote down the items that were missing before he closed the book and carefully hid it away in one of the cabinets again. It was best if he kept his plan a secret.
The red champion then picked up the list he wrote with his left hand and quietly made his way out of the kitchen. He had to be quiet yet also casual about how he moved, otherwise Macaque or someone else would-
"What are you up to, Bull Boy?"
...Oh, for fuck's sake.
He grumbled in slight annoyance as he turned to face a certain pink celestial. However, he seemed to be accompanied by MK. "I'm... Just taking a stroll. That's all", he replied.
Nezha crossed his arms as he raised an eyebrow. "Really? By rather suspiciously observing the area while walking, as if you were being hunted?"
Red Son's pursed his lips as he tried to hold back from saying any sassy comment that could trigger the celestial's anger. Instead, he awkwardly cleared his throat while looking away from the other two champions. "...I suppose so, yes."
The yellow champion next to Nezha tilted his head, humming as he noticed the folded up piece of paper in the bull demon's hand. "What's that?" He asked, pointing at it. Red Son nervously took the piece of paper into his right hand, hiding it behind his cape.
"That- That is none of your concern. Just... a shopping list, I guess."
"Then you wouldn't mind if I-" Suddenly, Nezha swiftly flipped up the red champion's cape before snatching the paper from his hand. Due to Nezha's speed, Red Son couldn't even comprehend what was happening until it was already over. And once he saw the celestial open the list, his heart dropped in his chest. There went his chance at getting extra affection from you.
The pink champion skimmed through the list's contents and blinked in surprise. "Wait. You weren't kidding. But then why were you so sneaky about it?" He then handed the list to the yellow champion.
And before Red Son could come up with any excuses, MK spoke up. "Isn't this a recipe for Master's favorite cake? For today. I can't forget today."
Nezha did a double take as he looked over MK's shoulder and at the list again... After re-reading the ingredients listed and confirming the young monkey's suspicions, he gave Red Son a rather offended look. "...Were you seriously trying to bake a cake behind our backs? And for Master's birthday nonetheless!"
The celestial glared daggers at the young demon. But before he could scold him or physically harm him, MK stepped in front of him, blocking him. "Let's help. It's Master's birthday. No fighting on Master's birthday."
Pausing, Nezha thought about his words and reluctantly let out a sigh to calm his anger. "You're right", he said before turning back towards the red champion, still seemingly annoyed at this form of betrayal, but he's holding it all back quite well. "Do you perhaps need help retrieving those things on the list?"
Red Son slowly shook his head. "...Uh, no thanks. I'm... I'm pretty sure I can just get it all quickly for Master's cake by myself-"
Suddenly, a shadow portal opened next to the red champion, startling him. And out popped Macaque with an excited grin on his face. He was practically vibrating as his tail happily swished around behind him from what he just heard. "I heard about a cake you're making for Master's birthday from the other side of the palace! I wanna help too!"
It wasn't noticeable, but the others could tell Nezha had a shit-eating grin beneath his mask as he spoke. "The more the merrier, right? Bull Boy over here could have us get the ingredients he needs so he can bake." At this point Red Son could most definitely not talk his way out of it. And he hated this fact.
He cursed a little under his breath, which probably only Macaque caught but brushed off, before reluctantly agreeing to it. "Fine. You can help me. I know you wouldn't stop asking me about it."
"Wonderful! Now, what's on the list? What do I get to collect for Master?" Macaque asked eagerly as he clasped his hand together.
Nezha snorted as he eyed the purple champion. "Better give him an item he won't have to get lost over. Or one where he can't accidentally piss off every demon in the vicinity like last time."
Macaque huffed as he placed his hands on his hips, giving the celestial a little glare. "Listen. I'm not that reckless when it's not a task Master told me to do."
"But it's still a task for Master's birthday", the celestial retorted. "So I hope I can trust that you won't get caught up in a random side task again and vanish for longer than needed. Not on their special day." 
While they kept arguing about Macaque's inability to keep things simple without doing extra work and getting into trouble in the process, Red Son was already assigning MK to grab an item. The yellow champion gave him a happy salute despite his blank expression before walking away to get said item. He wants to make his Master proud!
Macaque and Nezha very soon noticed the young monkey's absence and they turned back towards Red Son, who was seemingly trying to sneak away.
The pink champion scoffed as he crossed his arms again, "Where do you think you're going, Bull Boy? You still haven't given us any ingredients to look for."
Red Son was most definitely rolling his void-black eyes before turning around to face the remaining two champion, who have been trailing after him to catch up. "Will you leave me alone if I let you each pick an ingredient to get?"
The dark-furred simian nodded with a happy expression. "Yes! I just wanna help make Master's birthday the best of the best birthdays for them!"
"...Fine. Here, just take the whole list. There's only two ingredients left anyway since MK already went off to find one of them", the red champion said reluctantly as he shoved the list into Macaque's chest. And of course, Macaque quickly took the list, ignoring the way Red Son shoved it into him. He finally could help with Master's special day, which was all that mattered.
The two of them then noticed Red Son walking away, looking like a deflated a balloon. Nezha felt a bit of sympathy for him since he knew how much this meant to him. But he genuinely wanted to help the younger demon. Meanwhile Macaque didn't feel such sympathy. The monkey in purple was all too busy being eager helping out, but just to get pets and kisses from you.
The red champion soon returned to the kitchen, leaning with his back against the now door as he sighed in disappointment. Now he had to share that credit with three other champions. Fun. And all he wanted was some extra attention from you just this once...
And of course, considering who all was given the task of retrieving the ingredients, it didn't take long for the three other champions to return and bring the missing items to the kitchen. It was most certainly surprising to see MK actually return with his task complete since he usually forgot things. However, Red Son figured he remembered this task since it's a task for their Master's comfort. And while he usually forgot about what he did, he never seemed to forget about given commands and objectives. He would only question what he did afterwards.
However, thanks to the other servants' work, Red Son was able to focus on his own task of baking a birthday cake. But this time he would not have another servant take his credit. So he told the others to get out and let him work on it himself. And despite Macaque's persistence in helping him further, the red champion wouldn't budge and wouldn't start anything. At least until the monkey left the kitchen through a portal while pouting. And he knew Macaque didn't know how to bake a cake, so Red Son was confident that the simian wouldn't dare try baking one unless it was absolutely perfect on his first try.
And finally, due to Red Son's skills in the kitchen, the bull demon was able to create the perfect cake. Which was also your favorite cake. Just to top it off, he added a birthday candle and lit it up with a little flame in the palm of his hand. He smiled as he proudly glanced over the cake. There was no way you wouldn't enjoy it, he was sure of it.
But then of course another servant just had to startle him by standing behind him without even saying a word. He turned and saw a certain blue champion, just standing there, yet his presence was menacing.
Shit. Macaque probably told him about the cake.
"Oh- Wha-... W-What is it, Wukong? Did you also w-" Red Son tried to question him, but quickly cut himself off the moment he witnessed the quiet simian just casually taking the cake's plate with his hand and walking away. He didn't even bother giving the red champion a second glance.
Red Son just watched silently in disbelief as the monkey walked away towards presumably their Master's bedroom. He could feel his eye twitch in frustration at how, again, yet another champion was stealing more of his credit.
But whatever.
At this point he was already convinced that he'll be pushed to the side again just so the others could get more love and attention from you. Wouldn't be the first time. He groaned a bit before following Wukong. The simian was indeed headed for your bedroom.
Upon reaching your bedroom, Wukong gently knocked with his free hand on the door while still holding the cake in the other. When he heard you tell him to enter, he opened the door and bowed his head. Red Son moved past the simian in blue and also bowed his head. Then he looked up and saw you in bed with Macaque, MK and Nezha already present either on or around your bed. Macaque was the one in the middle of receiving pets from you. Meanwhile you looked very much tired, as if you had just woken up about a minute ago.
Wukong held up the cake in front of him as he said with a little, rare smile, "Happy Birthday, Master."
Which was soon followed up by the other champions wishing you a Happy Birthday. Including Macaque, whose wishes were muffled due to him snuggling into you. You smiled tiredly, still seeming very much confused for a moment before you realized what was happening. "Aw... Thanks, guys", you said. Then you looked at the cake in Wukong's hands. Your eyes lit up a bit at he sight. "Is... Is this (Favorite Cake)? Did you guys make this... for me?"
Red Son remained silent, knowing the others would just claim all the glory and- "Actually, Red Son made it, Master. We didn't do much this time", Nezha quickly responded with a genuine smile underneath his mask. "We just helped out a bit, but the idea and execution was all his doing."
Red Son slowly turned towards him with his void-black eyes wide open in shock. Did... Did Nezha just make up for earlier? And knowing your attention was no longer on your pink champion, but on your red champion instead, the celestial gave the bull demon a knowing wink. Which made the red-haired boy smile with gratitude. He was given the spotlight for once.
Wukong seemed to have understood what Nezha was doing and decided to chime in, which seemed to encourage the bull demon again. "It's true, Master. He did most of it himself."
Your mouth formed an 'o' as your head turned towards Red Son, who was now blushing a little in embarrassment. You reached out your arm and pat your leg, which was still covered by your blanket, beckoning him over while Macaque scooted a bit away to give the bull demon space to sit on. "C'mere, Red. I wanna thank you properly."
His blush only became more noticeable as he approached your bed, seating himself on it. Then you pulled him a bit closer towards yourself and placed a little kiss on his cheek. This only resulted in his blush becoming worse, and you could swear his entire body began to heat up as his tied up hair turned into flames for just a moment. You gave him another kiss on his reddening cheeks once again before smiling at him.
"Thank you, Red."
He smiled back despite his embarrassment as he nuzzled into your chest.
"You're welcome, Master... Happy Birthday..."
"...Hey Master, where is Mink?"
"Um... I'm not sure actually. Probably still with the Oracle. He came in last night and wanted to borrow the scroll for something involving some lion, I think...? But he said he'll bring back the scroll some time later today."
[ Masterlist ]
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silvernyxchariot · 1 month
Helloo :)
I was wondering if you could do Childe x Reader oneshot/ scenario where the reader gets injured and Childe helps or protects them. (Also if you don't do Childe, Kaveh would be good instead. And if you are more comfortable with doing headcanons instead then idm either)
Childe x GN!Reader
Synopsis: Reader is injured in combat, and Childe takes care of them
⚠️Warnings: sickeningly sweet/fluffy at the end, 2nd person pov⚠️
Word Count: 845
~ ~ ~
~ ~
What did he do this time? Wait, no. How did a Geo Vishap get into a Fatui base!?
For you and Childe, this was at best a mop up job, killing an elemental beast that threatened many of the other agents’ safety. Childe had been instructing his subordinates to exit the facilities and to get outside. However, his bow was ready, at his side and in hand. He trusted you to hold back the ferocious beast until he got there. “Don’t hog all of the fun for yourself now,” he said before unlocking the base. The doors to the outside world popped open.
Metal dropped down, shaking the base and resounding echoes, and scalding steam spewed from each broken pipe. The blocked your vision somewhat, but the massive beast flailing around made it all the easier to strike. But its armor and hide prevented you from causing any major damage. The Geo vishap swatted your attacks away like they were fruit flies, small and annoying.
A spray of cool mist crept up behind you, “Duck down,” Childe commanded. He leapt over you with a jet of water and fired Hydro arrows into the Geo vishaps eyes, blinding it. The beast roared and slammed the ground with its armored fists. Stalagmites thrusted out of the ground. They distracted you long enough. “Watch out!” Childe turned to you at the last second.
It struck you from the back. The Geo vishap controlled a chain of rocks and whipped it around like a tail. Bones crackled and snapped causing internal damage. You coughed up blood and got slammed into the wall. The impact on your head knocked you out and the last thing you could see were Childe’s boots, bow at his feet, and blades of Hydro energy manifesting into his hands before losing consciousness.
In the darkness of your consciousness, it felt like floating in the depths of the ocean. The weight of all the water around you kept you from moving or lifting a finger. But it wasn’t cold as one would expect.
The creaking of a wooden chair and the crackling of a fire nearby woke you from your slumber. You were buried under a thick mink blanket. Your torso was wrapped in bandages and dried blood. Someone was changing your wrappings while you were unconscious. When you opened your eyes, the décor indicated you were still in Liyue. Childe was sitting in a simple wooden chair, his hands behind his head, one leg over the other, and his eyes were closed.
“I knew you couldn’t be kept down by a little push.”
‘A little push’ was an understatement. Your body felt like it was dropped from the very top of Qingyun Peak. You groaned as you tried to move, but Childe placed a hand over your chest to restrict your movements. A little smile on his face teased you in your weakened state.
“Hey now. You’re tough, but I’m tougher. You’re not ready to start moving around.” Childe shifted your blankets and helped you sit up in the bed by stuffing pillows behind your back. “Three broken ribs,” Ajax raised his fingers as he counted your injuries, “a little crack above your orbital, and some ripped muscles. But we can always retrain them.” Ajax seemingly lifeless eyes softened, and a little shine appeared. He scooted into the bed with you, facing you with intimacy.
Ajax kissed the bandage that covered the healing wound above your eye and caressed your cheek delicately with his gloved hand. “Don’t worry me like that again,” he said with less authority or teasing. His soldier-like seriousness dissipated, and he gently placed a arm over your stomach area, avoiding your recovering ribcage.
“If you ever need to retreat, just know that I’ll be there to finish the job.” Another kiss but to your temple, “But you did well to hold off a Geo vishap until I arrived. It was unexpectedly larger and all the moodier than any normal vishap.”
“Ajax,” your sore throat let you croak out. Childe offered you a small cup of water from the nightstand by your bed, gingerly placing it against your lips.
“I’ll bring the world to its knees for you,” he said simply, like it was an everyday mantra, “you know that. And besides, not everyone can be a strong as I am.” A little hint of his usual over-confidence shined through. Ajax rested his head on his arm and sighed contently while he snuggled into your resting form. “Now rest,” he said sternly, “I’ll be here when you wake again. It’ll be easier to change your bandages when you can hold yourself up.”
Ajax pressed his nose to the top of your head and gave you a long, sweet kiss and trailed down to your cheek. A gloved hand cupped your cheek, a gentle finger dragged down until it was under your chin, and he tilted your head until you looked into his sapphire blue eyes. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to yours before tucking the both of you in.
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A/N: Teeheehee, 👉👈 I suppose this is repentance for my angst earlier.
On a side note, I really like how the CHN and JPN voiceovers are supposed to have a more "dutiful soldier" vibe for Tartaglia. The playboy mischaracterizations are just... disappointing but not at all surprising coming from the Genshin fandom.
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the-orange-tabby-cat · 3 months
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A Lesson In Nature
Dieter Bravo x fem!reader
Summary: A hike with your handsome co-star made you believe two things: 1. Your agent would be fired as soon as you got signal, 2. Dieter was a full pain in the ass. Forget about having the starlet breakout of your dreams, you were about to murder whoever cast you both together. But first, you need to survive this.
read on AO3 | masterlist
Rating: Teen - no allusions to sex, just fluff
Warnings/Tags: enemies (but not really) to lovers, fluff, soft!Dieter, co-stars, power imbalance, mention of irritated skin and that's all, No use of y/n
Word count: 4,2k
Tabby note: Part of the Summer Lovin' 24 Challenge by @pedgito, under the hiking category. It was so much fun! 🧡 I wanted to write a Dieter fic for so long and it was the perfect opportunity. Go ahead and check the other works too! 🐾
GIF by @miguelo-hara
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You were certain of two things: 1. Your agent would be fired as soon as you got signal, 2. Dieter was a full pain in the ass. Forget about having the starlet breakout of your dreams, you were about to murder whoever cast you both together.
Your dismay started when you found out about a script that would be directed by an awarded director: two astronomers stuck in the middle of the Atacama desert, unable to fully leave the lab region after a strange meteor affected the nearby community in a modern adaption of The Color Out of Space by H. P. Lovecraft. It was a serious project and you wanted to be seen as a serious actress, not only fit for a romcom.
After convincing your agent to make a call and book an audition, you got the job and shed some relief tears.
God forbid being 30 and still cast as a teenager, there was a limit on how many times you could look like a 17 year old and the clock was ticking. This is why you still accepted the part even after being told that the chief astronomer, an older and tortured man who avoided intimacy with his younger partner at all costs, would be played by Dieter Bravo.
“He isn’t as bad as it sounds, you know? Met him at a Vanity Fair party a few years ago, harmless. Just stay out of his way and you’ll be fine,” your agent guaranteed as you analyzed the studio offer.
Fuck it, this was your moment: you said yes.
You were excited about many things as the pre-production started. Being in Chile for a few months, getting to see the ALMA observatory out in the desert, and proving yourself to the director and executives. Fuck, even acting with Dieter was something that you were looking for.
However, you felt something off during a meeting with the production team.
“For most of the story, it will be only you two. I know we still have some time before production starts, but I need you to get used to the harsh conditions of the desert.” The director said on a Zoom call with the executive producers, HR, Dieter, and you.
These calls were a regular thing, even more so when discussing working conditions. And yet, Dieter looked a little scared.
“What exactly are you proposing, Alan?” He questioned while scratching his beard, his sunglasses hid most of his stare.
“A hiking. Nothing too intense, enough for you to get used to the lack of humidity. The producers believe that will help preview how your body will react to the extreme conditions; this way we can prepare the set better for the real thing.”
Dieter just nodded, still a little zoned out. You pondered about it, he hadn’t spoken a word towards you since being cast, except a “congratulations, doll” on the email announcing it to the studio. For someone known as a party animal, he seemed worn out.
“And when will we be hiking? The Atacama weather will be pretty mild when we arrive there, right?” You frowned just to gain a chuckle from one of the producers.
“We’ll be shooting during South American spring, in a few months. We must do all pre-production until then: get all licenses, the costumes, the usual. We can’t wait for a similar weather, you’ll go hiking this week.” His hands were typing something on his phone, a smuggle smirk on his face. You fought the urge to roll your eyes.
Unless they were able to recreate the driest place on Earth, you doubted that it would help that much. A hike? With quiet and problematic Dieter? A nightmare. You and him, however, weren’t able to say anything as the meeting continued. 
“Also, if you allow me: the director has a special request for both of you. It isn’t mandatory in any way, but it would be nice if you could consider and give us an answer by the end of this week.” The HR manager smiled in a silent plea, catching Dieter's attention.
“In the script, the astronomers have known each other for years, they can communicate with just their eyes. They have a high level of intimacy that has been constructed over time. It would be fantastic if you could share a room when we arrive there.” You and Dieter opened the mic to reply, but he put his hand up in a quick motion asking to finish his proposal. “The room will have two beds, of course. We have an intimacy coordinator in the set as required, I don’t want to create any stress, just allow you to get closer so these characters can show up better on screen.”
Dieter huffed and you got offended. You were the weakest link here, he had an Oscar and a name in the industry, this was your first big role. Why the hell did he huff at the idea of sharing a room with you for a few weeks?
“Again, no need to give us an answer now. Just food for thought.” HR was getting under your skin, but fine, you could discuss it later with your agent.
“Whatever, what about the hike?” Dieter asked as he lighted up a cigarette and played the asshole so well.
And this is how you ended up in the Sonoran desert on a Saturday afternoon, you and your co-star. The sun was unforgiving, the air so dry that your lips were about to get chap if you didn’t reapply the balm now and then (if this was unforgiving, imagine the real thing). 
You wanted to prove to the studio you were star material so you kept to yourself every possible complaint as the van crossed the desert. Dieter seemed a little happier, a sweaty mess of curls. Inside the van, you caught him staring at you a few times.
Because you were sneaking glances at him too. How could you not? His broad shoulders on a tight t-shirt that got loose around his waistline, his neck glistening from sweat. God, you wanted to bite him there and taste his skin. Acting like a gentleman, he was carrying the backpack the studio provided for you two in an unusual kindness.
As you left the van and walked out, you felt the dust filling your lungs and hated yourself for accepting this absurdity. Dieter immediately put on his sunglasses, trying to shut down his discomfort. Great, at least you weren’t the only one suffering.
The fitness coach for the production team gave you some instructions as he put a map and a satellite radio in Dieter’s hands.
“Pay attention ‘cause I’m only gonna say it once. Your task is to do this hike as smoothly as possible without much equipment. The trail is marked on this map, see that mountain over there? We’ll be waiting for you behind it. The radio is for emergencies only. Any questions?”
Of course, why not make it in fucking Survivor style?
“How much time do we have to complete it?” Checking your surroundings, you could see mostly flat surfaces with eventual rocks and yellowish green, mostly cactuses and small shrubs. The mountain was rocky in an orange undertone, you could do it without much worry, even if you were pissed off.
“Four hours. Good luck!” And just like that, the coach jumped back on the van and left you and Dieter alone.
You were still incredulous at how the studio cared so little for your well-being by pushing their cast like that. Why the hell would a simple hike take four hours? Looking at the man, he seemed so fucking lost at how the trail was marked.
Scratching the nape of his neck, his eyes trying to make a way out of his map-reading skills. His mouth was slightly open, the tongue placed in a corner. You could be turned on a little by the sight, but instead noticed that the map was upside down.
Without much patience, you got from his big hands (not without gaining a little “hey!” as a response) and put it in the right direction. A muttered “oh” came from him and you started to walk.
“That was impressive,” he tried to get chatty following your step, eyes still on the map.
“Identifying the right side of it?” His cheeks got warmer and he nodded, you were starting to believe that maybe he was just shy.
The truth is that you never paid much attention to Dieter Bravo. You knew that he got an Oscar a few years ago, that he did a horrible blockbuster franchise that later turned into a cult classic winning documentary, and that TMZ loved to tease about his drug addiction.
His bigger than life persona seemed so fake after meeting him in flesh and bone. Your agent told you that Dieter had been clean for longer than it seemed by the public eye — hadn't used again since the rehab post-divorcing a woman who was 20 years younger than him. That for sure would be enough to wear anyone out.
“Do you want to keep it? You’re clearly better than me at it,” he tried with a soft voice after a few seconds of silence. A hand offered you the map while his eyes avoided yours.
“Not really. C’mon, show me the way,” you smiled trying to be friendly.
Trying, that’s the word, because the second he saw your smile he scuffed again. In a second, he started marching down not waiting for you to follow.
Something was off, maybe he wanted someone different for the role? Perhaps an actress more known by the public? Maybe a friend? It didn’t matter, you wouldn’t allow him to get under your skin.
A few feet into the track, there were no words between you. A scorching day, way too hot for your taste, and he was the one carrying the backpack with your water bottle.
“Stop.” You hissed, the angry tone getting out before you could diminish it. He immediately dropped everything and turned around to you with round eyes. “Could you pass me the bottle, please?”
“Oh, sure. Sorry.” 
His big hands opened the backpack quickly in a clumsy way, as he found the bottle you extended your hand so he could carefully place it there, his fingers caressing a little yours (or that was what you imagined).
“Why did you say sorry?” After a big gulp, you asked without thinking, just curious.
Dieter, on the other hand, was panicking a little bit. Scratching his beard, poking his tongue out as he processed his answer. 
“I-I don’t want to invade your space,” he sounded genuine, waiting for a response from you but your only reaction was to shoot your eyebrows, “I mean it. I was once too fresh meat and the studio executives are vultures.”
With sunglasses down his nose bridge, his eyes twinkled beautifully and you felt your knuckles relaxing with the conclusion that he wanted to say something more, but wouldn’t. He swallowed dry waiting for your response.
“It’s fine. We’ll be shooting together soon and this is the first time we’re talking. Can’t we just start over?”
Dieter had a dimple, a cute one even that only showed up when he smiled lopsided. In the first minutes after your proposal, you found out that he wasn’t exactly shy, he was talkative.
You don’t know how he was doing it, with the dry weather and the relentless heat. And yet, he had one hand holding the backpack strap and the other moving in the air as he explained the benefits of doing yoga with baby goats.
“And they are so, so fucking soft! Have you ever touched a baby goat fur?” His eyes got bigger as you shook your head, incredulous even. “That’s it! I’m booking us a session when we arrive at the set! Trust me, it's the best thing ever!”
“I don’t know if it’ll be that easy considering we’re shooting in the middle of the desert,” you chuckled and he nodded very seriously.
“You’re right, I might need to fly them there. Should have put it on my contract…” He replied lost in a train of thoughts that made sense only for him.
“Uhm, Dieter, haven’t we walked by here before?”
Either the sun made your mind play tricks or you were sure that you got lost. The mountain wasn’t any closer, the vegetation around was in a similar pattern too… Oh fuck.
“Let me see the map, please,” he pouted as if you didn’t trust him.
And damn right you didn’t, the map was upside down again.
“We’ve been walking all this time in the wrong direction! You said you could show the way!” Snapping at him, you raised your voice and immediately felt guilty looking into his puppy eyes.
“I told you that you were better than me at it!” He didn’t shout or raise his voice, simply pouted sadly.
Grumply, you defined a new route and got quiet once more. Dieter followed you a little shyer than before, you pounded his words in the back of your mind, “I don’t want to invade your space” and realized that the same way he hadn’t spoken with you properly, you weren’t treating him courteously.
“I’m not mad, fyi. Just angry with the heat, that’s all.” Without lifting your eyes from the paper, just nodding your head in his direction.
“Thank god, ‘cause I couldn’t take the silence anymore!” He sighed dramatically dropping his head like a diva after a minor occurrence. “You’re really good at it, what’s your secret?”
“Not a secret, I grew up in a road trip kind of family. I’m the shotgun.”
That and being a girl scout, but you were terrible and it was a long time ago, he didn’t need that information. Even more when his deeply furrowed eyebrows confirmed that he had enough food for thought.
“What is the strangest thing you saw on the road?” No teasing in his voice, he was an oddball.
“I don’t know. Oh wait, I do know: a cookie cutter museum.” His face lightened up immediately.
This is how you learned, again, that Dieter is a chatterbox. The difference is that you also learned that you liked to hear his deep voice so close to your ear. Sometimes he would get so excited that he would bump into you, the first time you got goosebumps, but now you were craving his body heat.
He was slowly showing you his true colors. Milk chocolate was his favorite. The triangle tattoo on his arm was an inside joke with his dad who used to say that his mind was lost at the Bermuda Triangle. He painted in his free time, it relaxes him and he would love to make a portrait of your orange cat after shooting.
For someone so inside his head, he also enjoyed learning about you. What was your first word? Are you a salty or sweet kind of person? If the world ended tomorrow, what would you do for the last time? Do you think technology will eventually kill us all? Where do you want to eat after the hike?
You don’t remember the last time someone wanted to know you as a whole. Dieter almost fell as you walked because he was too busy bumping his shoulder on yours and looking into your eyes whenever you opened your mouth. Clingy and adorable.
“I’m getting hungry, can’t believe that the studio didn’t pack food. SAGA must have a rule against it or something,” he mumbled as you traced a plan for crossing the mountain.
The terrain was rockier than you imagined, a little too risky for his clumsiness. If you were to go by the sides, it could take longer than expected. You decided to go little by little up the rocks, at least you wouldn’t have to climb it.
“Dieter, eyes here,” you pointed to yours and he happily obliged, “we’re going up this mountain. You can’t slip, alright? Mind your step.”
He nodded quickly and did his best following you closely, watching where you walked by. It was quiet as he tried to concentrate, contrasting to the constant rambling from minutes ago.
Step by step, you go up the mountain getting dizzier. Your nostrils on fire, your throat getting raspier as you started to breathe with your mouth. Stopping for a few seconds, you signed Dieter to stop walking.
For someone in recovery, he was surprisingly in better shape than you. In his clumsy way, he opened the backpack to grab you water (without you having to ask, he learned your signals) but got the zipper stuck.
“Damn it, hold on,” he mumbled, cutting you before telling him to stay out of the border. He wasn’t fully looking at where he was and you had less than a second before he almost fell.
Right there, at the path border. Up high. He was about to become one with the desert, if not for your grip on his hand pulling him towards you.
His chest was up close to yours, you could smell his sweat mixed with expensive perfume. His hands were displayed on your waist by impulse, but it didn’t matter, you could feel all his fingers in your body. His eyes were no longer covered by the orange-tinted sunglasses, they were instead boring into yours.
“I told you, be careful. Do you have a death wish?” You whispered like a small prayer, not moving.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered back, putting pressure on your waist before you realized that the backpack was no longer with him.
“Dieter, where is the backpack?” His eyes got bigger, his eyebrows shot up.
“It felt. It rolled down the mountain. Sorry.”
Shoving his body from yours, you took a look at the mountainsides and couldn't find a single trace of the damn backpack.
“No, no, no… Where is the map? And the water?” You looked at his hands that were caressing your body so sweetly seconds ago with anger. “DIETER!”
His face was a deep shade of pink.
“You were so tired, I wanted to give you water, but the stupid zipper wasn’t working an-” you screamed and he shushed.
“How are we supposed to cross this fucking mountain now? Huh?” He shrugged self-consciously as you scratched the top of your head. “Fuck. Fine, pass me the radio, I need to talk with the studio.”
His face was a deeper shade of pink.
“Are you kidding me? Oh fuck, I can’t believe it!”
Taking a deep breath, you looked at the sun's position and tried to force any memory of what you were supposed to know from the scouts. You could see your shadow, your body proportions were almost right, which means it was pointing to the east, right? How the fuck people count the hours with shadows?
Your dilemma was over as soon as you noticed Dieter wasn't anywhere near you. Where the hell was the man? Did he just leave you alone and try to find the way by himself? Worst, did he fall and you didn’t notice?
 This is the exact moment when you decided two things: 1. Your agent would be fired as soon as you got signal, 2. Dieter was a full pain in the ass. Forget about having the starlet breakout of your dreams, you were about to murder whoever cast you both together.
Maybe you already murdered Dieter, who knows!
In a pure panic, shouting his name to the four corners of the wind, you hear a muffled sound coming from the shrubs. You scan the area until you see there, at the bottom of the mountain, a big hand waving the radio at you. So not dead, just stupid, that’s better.
“No! Don't... Touch that, for fuck’s sake!” You yell at him once you think you recognize the type of plant he was just now. He is oblivious to your concern, laughing mischievously as he finds a way out of the shrub that you are sure to be some kind of poison ivy. “You have a minute to come up here!”
It takes more than a minute, but his clumsy feet find its way to you. His skin looks fine, you never claimed to be a good girl scout, below average in fact. He is smiling big with the backpack in his hands. You want to scream at him, but he shoves the water bottle in your hands.
“Drink it, then you can yell at me,” he says with a smirk, the dimple showing up in its glory.
“I thought you fell! You need to tell me things!” You shout angrily but drink the water anyway. Your eyes never leaving his, as if he would disappear once more.
“Don’t be dramatic, I made a mistake, I fixed it. You’re the brains, c’mon, look at the map!”
His hand is anchoring you to the ground, thumb casually caressing your shoulder. You melt into his touch before finding your exact position. Okay, not that bad, still on time. Deciding it was good news, you look at Dieter’s face and panic once more.
A rash was slowly appearing on his tanned skin. From his neck to his arms, like a new tattoo. Dieter managed to make you worry more times in one day than the whole previous year by yourself. Not a great moment to feel proud about your girl scout skills.
“Please tell me that you looked around that shrub before recovering the backpack,” you urge looking closer at his skin, he huffs, but now in good humor.
“What do you me- OH FUCK, NO!” You show him his arm and he emits a guttural howl surprising you. “DO SOMETHING!”
“Who is the dramatic now, huh? Calm down, we just need to finish this mountain first. We are stuck, remember?”
His breathing is irregular, he is holding tight to your hand. His face screams discomfort. Your heart breaks a little. Thinking fast, you decide to act a little silly just like him.
“If I kiss it better, will you go up this mountain so we can get into the van AC?”
The twinkle from his eyes is back, the shyness too as he nods and moves his head towards yours. Before you can process it, Dieter Bravo is giving you a sweet kiss. The type of kiss that makes you thankful for bringing a lip balm with you, because his lips are so soft on yours. His hand holding your jaw delicately like you are fine china, his mustache tickling your skin deliciously. Fuck, his taste is addictive.
“Finally! I couldn’t wait any longer,” he confess on your lips still.
“What do you mean? You couldn’t even look at my face until I proposed a truce,” you question and he rolls his eyes before putting a little more space between your bodies, but still holding your face.
“Have you ever heard about being professional? I wanted to kiss you since I saw your audition video. You were the best by far, it was an easy choice for casting, but terrible for everything else.”
He knows you are about to complain about what he means with “everything else”, so he kisses you once more and continues as if nothing happened.
“You are a talented actress, didn’t want to make you feel like you haven’t earned your place by shameless flirting with you. Even if you made it really hard by being so nice and hot.”
“For context, “kiss it better” was about kissing your hand.” His smile drops as his eyes get bigger, now it is you who kisses him before he can say something. “But I like your version better, though. And I’m not nice, I yelled at you at least three times today.”
“Oh, sweetheart. You are such a type A. You have no idea how much I enjoyed that,” he smirks and you huff, but pleasantly.
If before he was clumsy and clingy, now he is double and you don’t mind at all. After roughly three hours and half, you arrive at the studio van, just in time to see Dieter explain awkwardly how the radio got broken to the fitness coach, who is putting some kind of lotion on his rashes.
You follow your co-star to the van’s seats, sitting by his side as he opens his phone and puts all his focus there. Maybe you wouldn’t fire your agent, just ignore the next time he says something is harmless: Dieter is a walking hazard and a pain in the ass, but a very enjoyable one.
“Ha! They don’t have a baby goat yoga class, but I found a duck one. I’m gonna book it. It’s a duck farm, you can even hold the babies, look!” He is shoving his phone in your face and you must admit, the babies are indeed cute.
“We have months until the shooting, wouldn’t be better to wait until we arrive there?” Shoving his phone back in his pocket, he looks very seriously into your eyes. You shiver, thinking it might be the AC in your sweaty heated skin, but knowing it is Dieter being sure that he will still want your company down the road.
“Let me be the shotgun this time. You point the direction and I plan everything else, have you already decided where do you want to eat? ‘Cause my only plan is to follow your lead.”
You have no idea about where to eat tonight, but you are sure that the two beds the director promised won’t be necessary once you and Dieter get a shared room.
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make-me-imagine · 11 months
Scaredy Cat
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Request: "telling scary stories around a campfire" and she gets scared and gradually moves closer to him until she's almost on his lap and he's all cocky and everyones teasing them?? Maybe a kiss and some cuddling at the end (to ward off any lingering ghosts ofc!) < turned gn!reader
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Nothing! Though, this is not super Halloween themed, just a cute story :)
Words: 750
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The cold ocean breeze blew past the fire, as a shiver crawled up your spine. You weren't sure if it was because you were cold, or if it was the story Rooster told from across the fire. His voice was low, and everyone was slouched, eyes trained on him as he recanted the story.
All you could hear was the cracking of the fire and the ocean waves rushing nearby.
In most situations you were brave, I mean, you flew military jets for a living, you got caught in fire fights, you had nearly died on more than one occasion. All of that was relatively easy for you.
But scary stories in the darkness? Apparently that was your limit.
You hadn't even realized that you had slowly been creeping closer to Jake, who had been sat beside you. He however did notice, and he was loving it.
As Rooster lunged forward with a loud yell at the climax of the story, you jumped back with a gasp. The others groaned and started laughing as Rooster cackled at the reaction his antics received.
You let out a deep sigh as you lowered your head, before you froze, when you felt Jake's breath in your ear.
"Who knew you were such a scaredy cat."
Looking up, your breath caught as you realized just how close you had gotten. In the moment you leapt back in fear, you had unknowingly grabbed Jake's arm, practically throwing yourself into his lap in fear.
"Shut up!" You whispered forcefully as you repressed an embarrassed smile as you pushed him away, though only lightly.
He grinned and you felt him wrap his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You felt his lips connect with your temple, as he smiled into the kiss.
Pulling away, he whispered just enough for you to hear, "Don't worry, I got you baby."
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't ignore the way your heart fluttered. You and Jake hadn't been in a relationship for too long, so his flirting and teasing still affected you heavily. Though you didn't particularly mind it.
As the others slowly rose to wander back to the hotel, you and Jake lingered around the fire. Glancing back at the water, you felt goosebumps tingle up your arms as Roosters story repeated in your head. Of course he would have told a ghost story centered around the ocean, while you were sitting on a beach at night.
Jake caught your stare at the water, and he smirked before tugging at you suddenly and gasping. You flinched and let our your own gasp before he started to laugh.
Groaning, you smacked his shoulder again "Jake!' You almost whined, making him laugh even more.
You tried to pull yourself away from him in retaliation, but his grip simply tightened around you.
"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He apologized, but the smile was still bright on his face. "I couldn't help it, you're so cute when you're scared."
You rolled your eyes at him, "I'm not gonna be so cute when I'm drowning you, am I?"
He laughed as you continued to playfully struggled against him. But when a loud splashing was heard behind you, you both froze.
Your eyes both darted towards the water, which you could barely see in the darkness as the fire started to die out.
"What was that?"
"Fish." Jake said simply but you could hear the uneasiness of his tone.
"Right, fish."
Before your nerves could settle, you were both startled as someone ran out of the darkness with a loud yell. Yours and Jake's yells of terror where drowned out by the cackling of Rooster and Coyote as they cackled nearby.
Jake cursed at them as you held your face in your hands.
"I hate you guys." You grumbled, just loud enough for them to hear as the continued to laugh as they ran off towards the hotel, proud that their prank succeeded.
Looking up at Jake, his frown faded as you smiled at him, "Now who's the scaredy cat?" You teased.
He repressed his own smile, but you saw it tugging at his lips. "Shut up."
You giggled as you took his had in yours, "Can we go back now, before I have another heart attack?"
Hearing another loud splash in the water behind you, you both tensed as your eyes locked.
Jake quickly tugged you along, "Yep let's go."
You both jogged towards the hotel, refusing the look back at the water.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @onuen, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Top Gun/Jake Taglist: @malindacath, @hotch-meeeeeuppppp, @sarcastic-sourwolf, @stargirl-05, @persephonesportal, @springflwer07, @pockyandme, @iceman-kazansky, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @linkxneptune, @creativitybeware, @callsignmaverick5, @merlin-dahlia, @blueoorchid, @oliviah-25, @writerfulltime, @readingwithatorch,
@phoenix1388 (I lost part of the tag name? Is it you who requested a top gun tag??)
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selfishlove-tf · 2 years
5th Annual TF Story Exchange - for Jockifyme
G’day :) I wanted to challenge myself so I entered the TF Story Exchange to force myself to write something. The author I got for the exchange was @jockifyme​ so please enjoy. I hope I met your requirements @jockifyme​ .
I’m an accountant and sometimes we audit High Schools. We make sure that the donations or funds received go places they should be going to, we check payroll and budget; we call it “cash stuff” in the office because “expenses” and “finances” start confusing our smaller-minded Gen Z workers.
From that “defame our younger generation” comment alone, you should be able to tell that I am older – not too much but I feel myself reaching the other end of my thirties really quickly. Luckily, the stresses of older age haven’t touched me too much; I have my curly brown hair, though it is fading in colour just like my eyes which used to be emerald, now swamp. Got my height from my mum, she was six-three and she gave me my current six-one. Got my metabolism (or lack thereof) from my dad whose genes garunteed no weight would be gained – I was skinny, a measly one-forty pounds.
The lights in the schools office behind reception showed my touch-of-sunburn off more than I wanted to, my skin naturally pale like a ghost flared up with areas of red where I misapplied my sunscreen. I, however, didn’t feel the burn so the sun must’ve been somewhat lacklustre that day. Sunburn was the last thing on my mind anyway. Numbers, numbers, numbers. I enjoyed the numbers and I did well in maths back when I was in school some blah blah blah years ago – I’d rather not say how long – and was in the top ten of students in my school who graded highly during the final exams before graduation. The only part I hated was listening to the administration guy who lightly flirted with the teachers as they walked by. They couldn’t see it but the “that dress fits nice on you” and “did you forget your glasses because those eyes are shining today” commends he has said in the past ten minutes were dangerously close to the line of being fired should someone actually pay attention to him.
I continued my counts and record-checking and, soon enough, the admin guy was talking to me about football. I never got into that kind of thing, my focus was more on work and work and work. I didn’t need to watch a bunch of men running into each other, the idea was stupid to me. Yet, despite my disinterest in the topic, the admin guy continued to drone on about it.
I looked at my watch; I had only been here for an hour. All the kids were in their classes so, gladly, I decided to quickly take a break and get a drink. Stupidly, I forgot my water bottle and I didn’t want to deal with more dead conversation from the admin guy and, as I recalled, I remembered there being a bubbler/water fountains near the building facing the oval. With a quick “I’ll be back” to the admin guy, and a swift exit, I was out the door and headed towards the oval, a quick hello and hi to some teachers passing or students that were supposed to be in class. Reaching the bubbler, there was footsteps nearby and voices loudly talking. I leaned down, pulled the lever and started drinking, footsteps getting closer. The closer it got, the more I heard the topic of conversation.
‘I don’t know what we’re gonna do, man,’ one started. ‘Tyler’s out for the game tonight and we got no backup since Harry left.’
‘Cool it, Reid!’ another cut the first off. ‘We’ll find someone or deal with a short team no matter what coach says.’
‘Yeah, but where are we gonna find something so short notice, Jay?’ A third asked. I had become invested in the conversation that I didn’t realise that they were now walking behind me as I was still drinking from the bubbler until they stopped.
‘How about you?’ Jay asked.
It took me a minute to realise he was talking to me. I stopped drinking and turned around and was greeted by four teens in football gear. ‘You talking to me?’
‘We are looking at you,’ pointed the fourth.
‘Smart kid, though I don’t go here clearly.’ I gestured to my whole figure, hoping they weren’t dumb enough to think I was any younger than thirty-five.
‘Not a problem with us.’ Jay, who I assumed was the leader, stepped forward. ‘I’m Jay, and these are my bros Reid, Mikey and Kyle.’ He gestured to his friends as if I was interested in knowing them. Jay was short, wide and brunette; Reid was tall, thin and blonde; Mikey was tall, tan and built; Kyle was the shortest, brunette and athletic. The group did seem like the perfect popular boys of school, they just lacked more arrogance.
‘How would you expect to fix that?’ I questioned. ‘Compared to you guys, I’m weathered. Y’all haven’t even touched hard work yet.’ That comment seemed to irritate Reid, subtly puffing his chest up.
‘Hard work? Football is full time!’ Reid arched up.
‘Reid, not another word,’ Jay snapped. ‘You’ll only scare him away, and we’re already about to get scary.’
‘Oh, I’m shaking.’ I teased before rolling my eyes and started walking back to the office.
‘Take him,’ I heard Jay mutter.
Soon, three pairs of hands were on me and started to pull at me, dragging me in the opposite direction. I started shouting to let me go and, for a moment I thought why it was suddenly so quiet at the school; no students or teachers were walking by and no one seemed to look out the windows at the commotion I was causing. No matter how much I shouted and wriggled, the guys’ strong hands had firm grips. I looked behind me to where they were dragging me and found that they were taking me to the locker rooms. They barged in, pushed me to the bench and sat me down, Reid and Kyle holding me down while Mikey went off to grab something.
‘We’re gonna make sure you’re ready for the game tonight,’ Jay said matter-of-factly.
Mikey returned with football gear which I began to question myself about how stupid they really are. Jay motioned to Reid and Kyle as Mikey came to stand behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. Without warning, Reid and Kyle started to pull at my clothes, tearing my button up off and yanking my shoes off before pulling off my pinstripes. I tried to fight back with all of my strength but Mikey was stronger than he looks, making sure to hold me in place during the process. At the end of it, I was left in my briefs.
‘Let me go you freaks!’ I shouted. ‘I don’t know what you plan on doing but it needs to end now!’
Jay motioned to the football uniform and gear and Kyle and Reid moved almost immediately. Reid began with what looked like compression shorts, sliding them up my legs until they were on properly. I felt immediate embarrassment being dressed as if I couldn’t do it myself. When the compression shorts snapped into place, my legs felt like they were burning although bearable. No sooner did my legs start burning that Kyle had put on long socks and oversized football boots, and the burning spread down until it reached my feet. My whole lower half was on fire and, sure enough, when I looked down, I saw why. My thighs started to plump up, calves sharpening and I felt my toes touch the end of the boot. Soon as that began, Reid grabbed a compression singlet and slid it over my head and over my torso, Kyle soon following with the shoulder pads.
I was panicked, my whole body starting to feel like I’d worked out for hours, and my body was catching up. My torso bulked up, a bit of muscle showing as my chest puffed up and my biceps blew up. My flexed forearms had a roadmap of veins as my increasingly meaty hands gripped firmly on the bench. I was beginning to tire myself out through all the strain and flexing I was doing due to the pain of the growth. At some point, Jay told Mikey to let me go because he knew I wasn’t going anywhere, not that I could because of the amount of pain I was in.
Soon enough, as it had started to die down, I looked over myself while out of breath and saw how toned I got. I was in shock; something completely impossible just happened. When I looked up to the group, there was glee in their eyes, but mine saw red. I had no energy to do anything, though, exhausted from the growth.
‘What the fuck did you do?’ I gasped between breaths.
‘It’s not over,’ Jay said. ‘Look at me.’
He grabbed my chin and lifted my face to look at him directly in the eyes. He smiled before swiping some black paint onto my cheeks, and then he let go of my chin and stepped back. There was a brief moment where nothing happened, but it hit seconds later. I gripped my head and squeezed my eyes shut as images flashed across my vision of school, football, training, hanging out with the bros. Bros? No, I was an adult. I was here for an audit. No, that doesn’t sound right? I was on the oval with my bros talking about the game. No! The admin guy, we were talking about football while I was doing work… work? No, I was skipping class. My brain went back and forth and soon enough, the school-kid persona was taking over. All the games my bros and I played, the games we won and the after-parties we went to. My body, face, and mind were all getting younger. My hair turned a darker brown, keeping the curls, and my eyes had regained their shining emerald green. My sunburn cleared up and my skin looked tanned from spending weeks in the sun. Although keeping the muscle on, my body shrank a little and smoothed out. After all of a few minutes, my head cleared and my body no longer felt like it was burning. I felt completely painless, in fact, I had a lot of energy.
‘You good, Jack?’ asked Reid.
I looked up at the group, a brief pause before nodding my head. ‘Still mad Tyler can’t make it.’
‘Well, we gotchu at least,’ Mikey pointed out. ‘We’ll sure win tonight.’
‘We always win, bros!’
‘That’s the spirit!’ Jay cheered. ‘Now let’s get practicing! Don’t forget your jersey, Jack.’
I looked down at the bench where my jersey was. I grabbed it and slipped it on, unknowingly sealing the transformation. ‘Do we gotta wear the shoulder pads during training?’ I complained.
‘Shut up and get out there!’
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broadwaybalogna · 4 months
So I was think of pining Katara I desperately need more pining Katara fics. So the prompt is pining Katara in Ember Island being just a tennager trying to make sense of a pretty boy
Hey Anon! When you said “ember island” I’m sure you meant during the ember island players. HOWEVER, I think the headcanon that Zuko dropped Katara off at Ember Island after TSR and her realizing her feelings THEN would also be hella cute!
“You sure you’ll be alright by yourself?”
“Yeah, I just need some time alone.”
“Alright… I’ll be back with the others by sundown.”
Zuko began to walk back to Appa, who had just groggily woken up.
“Zuko?” Katara called, once he was secured on the flying bison. She didn’t turn to him, she barely even acknowledged him. But she still called out to him.
“Thank you.”
“Of course,” and with that, Katara could hear the sound of Appa leaving the ground and flying away. Now, she was by herself, alone with only her thoughts. She had at least twelve hours to herself before Zuko came back with the rest of their friends.
Hours one and two:
Katara decided to spend the first two hours or so walking along the beach of ember island. The sun was still rising in the horizon, which was able to give Katara some sense of calm. She continued to walk until her feet started to hurt, then she walked all the way back to camp.
Hour three:
Katara sat at the edge of the dock massaging her feet and stretching her legs. She hummed an old hymn her mother used to sing to her when she was little.
Then she remembered Yon Rha. And after hours upon hours of her night already thinking about him and what she could’ve done, she cried.
She cried louder than she had ever let herself. No one was around to hear or judge her, so she cried even louder. She cried until her eyes were as sore as her feet, and then, when she finally gained control of her body again, she cried some more.
So many emotions that she had left under wraps for years came bubbling up and exploded, and she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t stop to the point where it physically hurt to continue. Even more, she couldn’t stop because it felt so good to let it out.
Katara came to the conclusion that she was an ugly crier.
Hour four:
Once Katara had finally calmed down, she walked into a nearby lake to wash herself off. The ocean was too salty for her to feel like she was properly cleaning herself, so she found an abandoned lake to lay in. She sunk under the water until she was only breathing out of her nose and closed her eyes.
An image of Zuko flashes across her mind, if only for a second, and Katara shot up. Why would she think about him now of all times?
She scowled and got out of the lake, it had been ruined now anyway.
Hour five:
Katara decided to make herself lunch by the beach. She caught a fish and used Sokka’s fire starting technique to cook it. She thought about how much easier it would be to cook if she had Zuko’s fire.
Hour six:
She just couldn’t get Zuko out of her mind! What was wrong with her!?
Maybe it was because he actually encouraged her to face her mother’s attacker instead of telling her to just forgive him. Maybe it was that he empathized with her pain instead of separating himself from it. Or maybe it’s just that he was there when she needed someone to be.
Hour seven:
She felt really bad about what she said to Sokka, she needed to apologize to him when they got back.
Hour eight:
She can’t stop thinking about that one time she grazed Zuko’s lips while in the catacombs. How she had laid her hand on his scar in sympathy and grace, and how her thumb had just lightly touched his lips, and how soft they felt.
Hour nine:
She wonders what Zuko might’ve looked like had he been in the lake with her washing off.
Hour ten:
She stares up at the sky and the changing of the tides by the beach. She smiles.
Hour eleven:
She thinks about confronting Aang and Sokka when they get back. Also Zuko, maybe a little bit too much Zuko.
The more she thinks about it all, the more her face hardens. She wonders if Aang and Sokka will understand. She wonders if they’ll listen.
She goes to the end of the dock and holds her arm in her hand.
Hour twelve:
Zuko, Toph, Aang, and Sokka all arrive not long after the twelfth hour has passed. Aang goes up to her and tells her he’s proud she chose forgiveness.
“You’re wrong. I didn’t forgive him, and I don’t think I ever will.” She pushes past Aang who stands alone and climbs up Appa. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Zuko walk up to Aang.
“You were right-“
She turns her head around and blocks their conversation out.
She can’t cry now.
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