#how inaccurate subtitles are
Being a hearing person who uses subtitles truly makes you realise how shit subtitles are
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salvadorbonaparte · 1 year
Posting only a snippet to protect the person's identity and because I don't want to attack them personally but comment on the many similar opinions I have seen:
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[ID: a screenshot of a tumblr post reading "Don't get me wrong. But translating a poem loses it's meaning and soul."]
No one is as aware of translation loss as translators themselves. No one is as aware of translation gains as translators themselves either.
On tumblr, there are many posts about how reading something in translation "can't make you grasp the original" or how subtitles or dubs are "inaccurate". This is incredibly unkind to translators who work very hard and usually get paid very little to make books or audiovisual media accessible to you at all (not even to mention all the other areas of translation you're not even aware of).
Of course, some translators make mistakes. But writers make typos too and some make it into published books. Of course, there are cases of manipulation or censorship, I wrote my thesis on this, but more often than not these cases were caused by outside forces not the translators themselves. There are bad translations like there are bad novels or films.
I want more people to think of translation as a creative process that has nearly infinite strategies and choices. Translations differ because they are made by humans. They differ because there are as many ways to translate something as there are to write something. A translation will always necessarily differ from its source because, and it sounds really silly saying this out loud, it's in a different language. And at the same time, the translator is in a constant dialogue with the author and audience, trying to bridge a gap between them.
Translation is not meaningless and not soulless. It adds to the original the soul of the translator.
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womenaremypriority · 1 month
Interested in linguistics? Want to watch a bunch of lovely, everyday women talking with not much else happening? Do I have the youtube channel for you!
This one is too short 😭 ^
The woman here talks at the start but spends most of the video singing, it’s beautiful
Thankfully this video is so long!
This one is so surreal for me because the rhythm and tone and whatnot are so English-sounding but it’s very much not English.
This is so soothing. She reads a book near the end and the way her voice drifts from English to Shetlandic is soooo lovely.
This is so long! I knew this channel was a blessing but most videos are quite short, it’s so amazing when they’re able to get a lot. Unfortunately only a few of these have optional subtitles to turn on, either in the language being spoken or English. There are auto-generated ones but I’d imagine those are quite inaccurate. I believe they’re looking for more translators to help, however.
This is an odd post but I genuinely just love these videos and watching them. Especially when they’re women, I love how different and interesting women are. I had to share because I know radblr is full of smart women who are interested in supporting other women.
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AITA for refusing to translate things for my mother-in-law?
I {27F} am a Spanish-speaker born and raised in a Spanish-speaking country. Studying basic English was okay, however I became able to actually understand it and speak it fluently by watching shows and movies in English with Spanish subtitles, as well as listening to music in English. My English is good now so don't worry, I'll be able to understand your replies if you write any. It took many years but I'm proud of myself for learning a language that is so different from my mother tongue. Keep in mind that I DO NOT work as a translator though. I am not a professional Spanish/English translator.
However my English is so good that people often ask me to translate stuff for them out of curiosity, especially my mother-in-law {57F} and I was always happy to do so. I love translating things, especially for the older generations who grew up without the internet and therefore had somewhat limited access to knowledge of any kind.
Something you've probably noticed if you speak Spanish and English like I do is that words in English are generally shorter than words in Spanish. So at some point, when my mother-in-law would ask me to translate short sentences in English and I translated them to longer sentences in Spanish, she would chuckle and say in a condescending tone "how can it say all that?" "no way it says all that" "either you're joking or you're not translating it well because what you're saying is much longer than what's written here" (all of this in Spanish) etc. It's not that she did this once or twice; she has been doing it very, very often recently. I tried explaining to her that 1. words in English are shorter, therefore sentences are shorter too, and 2. I gain nothing by lying to her or giving her an inaccurate translation. But she still chuckled and looked at me as if I were making up translations on the spot.
The problem is not that she asks me to translate things, because as I said I will happily do so; the problem is that she is dismissive and condescending when I translate things for her. It makes me wonder why she asks me at all. So the other day when she asked me to translate something written on a shirt, I refused and told her I won't translate things for her anymore because she doesn't believe me when I do. I told her she can make use of translator apps or start to learn English by herself. Looking back I was kinda snappy about it and I want to know if I am the asshole because if that's the case, I will apologize to her. Díganme gente, ¿me equivoqué al hablarle así a mi suegra?
What are these acronyms?
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the-devils-library · 10 months
At Satan's Altar: A Collection of Prayers, Chants, Affirmations, Hymns, and Rituals by Marie RavenSoul
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Title: At Satan's Altar: A Collection of Prayers, Chants, Affirmations, Hymns, and Rituals
Author: Marie RavenSoul
Publisher: ‎ In Satan's Honour Press
Publishing Date: February 28, 2018
ISBN-10‏: ‎ 1775262405
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1775262404
Last post was a popular atheist text, so I suppose it's appropriate that now we move on to a popular theist text.
Marie RavenSoul is a modern Satanic author and youtuber, her channel can be found here. Her website, In Satan's Honour, can be found here. To my knowledge she is not affiliated with any group but her dedication in this book gives thanks to a "Brother Nero," who I believe may be the same Brother Nero who authored Satanism: A Beginner's Guide to the Religious Worship of Satan and Demons.
At Satan's Altar's subtitle is an apt summary of its content. RavenSoul is not here to provide moral counsel or wax poetic about philosophy, but to provide the tools of a theistic Satanic practice, including hymns, prayers, and rituals. The cover and interior also feature several illustrations, by artists Amanda MacNeil and Letitia Pfinder.
The book is divided into two sections, the first half being dedicated to devotional writings such as chants and prayers, and the second half being more instructional, revolving around rituals and practices the theistic Satanist might partake in. The instructional portion may prove useful to newcomers who have basic questions, such as how to pray, or how to structure a ritual. The Nine Days of Solitude Devotional may be difficult for anyone who is young or in a controlling environment, but could prove beneficial for more experienced Satanists who wish to do something more intensive than daily prayer or a one-off rite.
It is worth noting that RavenSoul calls Satan by other names, such as Lucifer and Baphomet, which some theistic Satanists may consider to be separate demons, rather than other names for Satan himself. She also refers to Satan as "father," a dynamic which may or may not ring true for other Satanists. At Satan's Altar is available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. [DISCLAIMER: The Devil's Library is not affiliated with any of the previously mentioned groups or authors. It is an independent project by a single Satanist. Do not mistake my mentioning of an author or group as endorsement for their beliefs and practices.]
Click below for my personal thoughts on the book.
RavenSoul is a talented writer and her dedication to Satan is admirable. While her rather fatherly interpretation of Satan isn't for me personally, I'm sure those Satanists who do see our lord as a father figure would take great comfort in certain pieces of her writing.
However there is an aspect of the book which rubs me the wrong way personally, and that is the matter of cultural misappropriation. RavenSoul conflates Satan with religious figures from a couple of other faiths, namely Iblis and Tawûsî Melek (spelled Melek Ta'us in the book). While I can see why someone would compare these figures to Satan at first glance, my research tells me it is inaccurate and perhaps unwise to do so. Iblis comes from Islam, and while he is a fallen angel and the leader of devils, equating him with the Christian Satan is ignorant and potentially appropriation. More seriously, equating Tawûsî Melek, the peacock angel of the Yazidi religion, to Satan is directly racist and harmful. Yazidis have a history of persecution, and being wrongfully accused of being devil-worshipers is part of that history. Furthermore, Yazidism is very much closed to outsiders (one cannot even marry into the religion, but must be born into it), so making use of their religious figure for Satanic writings is rude and inconsiderate, at the very least. RavenSoul doesn't just make use of Tawûsî Melek's name and image, but references the Al Jilwah, a book which claims to hold authentic Yazidi scripture, but is of dubious origins.
In addition to these comparisons, RavenSoul also conflates Satan with gods like Pan and Set, and while those gods come from open religions, some may not enjoy such comparisons.
I know RavenSoul's work is popular amongst my fellow theists, and I never aim to tell my readers what to do in these review sections. These are my thoughts and only my thoughts, not instructions on where you should draw the line on which books you will or won't make use of.
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One thing that interests me on the QSMP is the level of multiculturalism (or lack thereof) involved and how that impacts player interaction, enjoyment, and sometimes even the plot.
There are four major languages on the QSMP: English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Lore usually happens between the hours of 12 noon and 7 pm PST because that is when the Brazilians and Badboyhalo are on- they are the major driving force of the current "plot." Anyone who streams at other times is often "out of the loop" and thus their streams are focused almost entirely on the egg quests and being goofy/daily life on the server.
Of the French, Baghera is the one who streams the latest and is most caught up on the plot. Etoiles is a major grinder and also streams during that time so he gets caught up in plot too (sometimes a little against his will, lol). Aypierre does not prefer to stream at that time, but he will if there's major lore he's caught in.
Most of the Spanish streamers are in the wrong time zone or are disconnected from the bulk of the current lore, with maaayybe the exception of Maximus and Roier.
How does all of this impact multiculturalism?
The language.
Almost all major lore happens in English, love it or hate it. And not everyone speaks English well, nor does everyone want to stream in a language that their chat is disconnected from. You do get exceptions, such as when it's two players of another culture speaking to one another, or three people speaking their language with a fourth just following along with the subtitles and staying quiet. But the bulk of it? All English.
The reason for this is that, again- love it or hate it, English is a common lingua franca. When you have a collection of people with three different languages between them, you either need to put in the effort to learn all three, you try to make due with subtitles that may be inaccurate and slow, or you all agree to speak one thing. And the dominance of the English language through its past colonial impacts and its current hold on culture through Hollywood/media and industry make it an easy pick as a bridge.
What this means is that rather than have a server where everyone speaks their own language all the time, people will speak English if they want to be involved in major lore or stream with others (a staple of streaming, viewers love interaction) and will only speak their own language in private, with others of their culture, or with their eggs.
Multiculturalism is thusly limited in that regard.
This brings us to the eggs. The egg you are given is guaranteed to speak your language and acts as a person you can stream with for much needed interaction. A common thread for people in the wrong time zone who also don't have an egg- or even people who are disconnected from the current lore and are eggless- is that they don't know what to do with themselves.
As a streamer on the QSMP, your options are either to join in the lore and speak English, a language that may alienate your audience, or work with people who speak your language and do your own thing. Doing your own thing without an egg? Exponentially harder to make content out of.
This is why so many of the Spanish-speaking streamers aren't very active, there's no one for them to talk to.
Time zones also play a role in this. Instead of streaming at times that are reasonable, Baghera and many of the French stream at midnight, 1, 2, even 5 am their time. Not everyone can do this, or would want to, when it wouldn't be profitable. Vegeta and Luzu could theoretically stream within that 12 noon to 7 pm PST time slot for lore, but why would they when it wouldn't be in the language that their audience is guaranteed to know? Their viewership would drop and if it doesn't, it's being padded with people from other countries that speak in chat in languages that the moderators may not know and thus can't police.
In exchange for staying up late and speaking a lot of English, the French players get to be part of the most exciting stuff and aren't lost about what's happening. That's a risk vs reward that each player calculates every day and for each player, the answer Is different. For the French, this risk is lessened because Europe, by default, is a place where you travel three hours in any direction and you can find yourself in a place speaking something entirely different. Lingua Francas and code switching- the act of changing how you speak based on who you are speaking to- is more common. Their audience is also more likely to be used to it, so their numbers won't suffer beyond what streaming at 3 am does to them.
This is why you see the French online more than the Spanish speakers, even though collectively, the Spanish speakers have more eggs alive per parent.
This whole thing creates a feedback loop- multiple players want to be involved in lore so they speak English so no one is excluded from the conversation. However, not everyone wants to speak English for half a stream, so they don't get involved in lore. The time where the most lore is done, it is inconvenient for anyone not from Brazil, Mexico, or the USA, making it not worth it to stream because it's late/very early and their chat won't understand the primarily English lore. People who speak your language aren't on, so even if you have stuff to do outside of lore, it's either alone or with your egg.
And the plot is intent on killing eggs.
However, there are some mitigating forces at work here that increase the multiculturalism levels of the server and help to get people more involved. I'll be leaving that to another post though.
In the meantime, what are your thoughts on the matter? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Let's reblog this and make a discussion of it. :)
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parlerenfleurs · 3 months
Interview with the vampire is exquisite and they paid so much attention to detail, and authenticity, and care so much about immersion and quality.
Which is why it is extra disappointing when, once again, they can't be bothered to hire actual French-speaking people even for secondary roles, or to at least check the authenticity, and we are left with weird, profoundly inaccurate horrors such as the coven calling Claudia "puce", for some reason (no French speaker would EVER say that. It's either "ma puce", or, if you stretch it a little, maybe "la puce", but "puce"? Excuse me?), or, far, far worse.... Lestat nicknaming Nicolas "Nicky".
Nicky. A French guy nicknaming another French guy "Nicky". With the ck and the y and everything, like, you know, the quintessential Anglo-Saxon arrangement of letters, and the thing that does not exist in French.
I can understand not hiring an actual French guy for Lestat, he's a main character, it's probably easier for them to hire him, and he's magnificent and, I'm sure, doing his best (I'm glad for the subtitles though because it is sometimes very hard to understand). Armand has the best pronunciation, sometimes his accent even disappears for a few moments.
Buy as always, Americans don't give a flying fuck about being accurate about other languages. Makes me wonder how the others were handled.
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basingstokemercury · 4 months
Minute detail analysis: Death At Dawn, after the saloon speech
I was planning just to look over the final shot, but things spiralled as I watched closely and Pernell Roberts is just too good an actor for me not to follow every nuance of his decisions. So uh here goes, it'll be long because I'm going through just about the whole scene.
The blocking and cinematography in this moment always breaks my heart just as much as the dialogue and acting (note that Tubi's subtitles are slightly inaccurate but it doesn't change anything major). But let's start from the beginning.
Hoss is genuinely trying to understand here, but Adam's inner conflict is bad enough without having to try and analyse his own state...
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And when the topic shifts from "why are you so adamant (lol) about this" to "are you sure it's the right thing", he's trying so hard to keep control - avoiding eye contact, hiding his expression, speaking in a flippant way that means "if I put emotion into this I'd break"...
Just look at the way he's gone from looking down (thoughtful) at the beginning of the scene to diagonally up (staring at something else to keep himself together) when Hoss starts the new line of questioning - and when he himself speaks, staring straight ahead, completely disconnecting himself from Hoss's eyes...
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And then the final direct question is just too much even for that. He snaps, his voice breaks, he can't stay in the conversation.
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This is the first time we even see Joe's face in this scene, looking after Adam with concern. He and Hoss exchange looks as they follow, both feeling the gap and neither of them knowing how to close it...
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And Adam sets off across the square, the static shot's composition accentuating his loneliness by showing only him in frame, with a long shadow stretching ahead towards the desolate late-night streets...
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Even though the others follow, they're at a distance. He's already disappearing down the street by the time they come into view - and before we see them, we see their shadows. Somehow just those shadows behind him, clearly recognisable but without their owners in sight, make the scene feel even lonelier than when he really was alone.
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This scene (and episode) captivated me ever since I was ten and watching for the first time. I'm just glad I can finally give it the attention it deserves, with the knowledge to understand what makes it so great.
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poochiray · 5 months
Babii v Polca
I want to first start this off by prefacing: I’m a babii first, Tay fan second. So, clearly I have a bias. Take what I say with a grain of salt. But the Babii 24/7 concert blew the Polca Time Traveling concert out of the water.
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Stats at a glance. OffGun’s concert lasted 2.5 hours and their group performed 22 songs. TayNew’s lasted a little past 3 hours and they did 25. OffGun had 13 songs they performed together (just them), and each had a solo song. TayNew had 12 songs they performed together (just them), and also each had a solo song. OffGun had 9 different outfits, TayNew had 7. OffGun had 8 guests: Neo, Aungpao, Fourth, and the five members of Lykn. TayNew had 7: Gemini, Ford, Mook, Sing, Janhae, Junior, and Mark. Neither concert’s tickets sold out at the venue, but I want to say OffGun had about 20ish tickets left, and TayNew had 12. They both sold out of their plushie keychain at the venue.
Now onto my analysis. These concerts can easily be broken into three different moments. It’s usually a song, or a transitional phase with music or a fun video clip, followed by chatter to allow for change in set designs and costumes. After watching TayNew’s concert, I am almost positive they had more chatter than OffGun’s. I went back through my recordings of both concerts and these are my findings.
When I timed “chatter” I specifically only counted moments when there was no music. I did not include the fan videos at the end of their shows within that time, but I did count the talking to the audience afterwards. I usually don’t mind chatter but when subtitles are so delayed or inaccurate during a live performance, I tend to lose interest. So for me personally, it can affect how I view the concert flow. 
OffGun had about ~52 minutes of chatter. Of that, there was ~12 minutes dedicated to their OffGun Fun Night segment. Which, if you understand the premise of their show…that’s the whole point. They host a talk show. There’s supposed to be chatter. But to try and be more fair, I did include those 12 minutes in my total time.
TayNew had ~68 minutes of chatter. The difference between their chatter and that of OffGun’s seemed significantly noticeable to me. Perhaps it was because most of the chatter involved was on a blank stage with a wide cast. TayNew got lost in the group for me at times. Whereas OffGun’s longest chatter segment (the OGFN part) was hosted on a bed with Fourth. So it made it more fun and interesting for me.
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Which, the bed. This brings me to another point. I feel like OffGun had more time to come up with the concept of their show. They utilized props more. The idea of a convenience store for the 24/7 theme was brilliant. Their hosting of a “ribbon cutting” scene in front of their store to begin their concert was perfect. Then having a shelf with products they could flirt against was a nice touch. I’m trying to remember what outside props TayNew had and can only come up with the Polcasan robot thing, a few chairs, and a picnic bench. It seemed like OffGun gave more consideration to their theme and stuck with it. There were even three songs within their set list that had 24/7 in their lyrics, further bringing up the concert's title.
So, all in all, I’m giving this one to OffGun guys. The concert flow was tight, the songs coincided with their theme, their outfits were above and beyond, props too. I also loved that for their closing song they jumped down from the stage and walked through the audience to sing. To me this added another personal touch and really showed how much they love and appreciate babiis. 
Yes, I’m biased. But there’s a reason for it. I think OffGun are creative geniuses and their concert proved that. 
Will I rewatch TayNew’s concert? No. 
Will I rewatch OffGun’s? Honey, it’s been seven days and I’ve seen it three times already. We already know the answer there. 
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mini-jiminie · 10 days
many translators have been explaining the subtitles were not accurate. they didn’t say they haven’t talked and only met for the show, and it was obvious Jk was teasing Jm. A lot is lost in translation, and inaccurate or unclear subtitles have been happening many times in the show, even I with my poor B1 level in Korean noticed some weird translations several times. the confirmation bias works for both jikookers and non shippers let s be honest.
and about the video i never understood how jikookers kept denying it at all costs when it was pretty much obvious from the beginning that it was legit. but it’s interesting to see how the same footage would have been interpreted a while different way if the other person wasn’t a woman and was a certain person, let’s be honest too here.
sorry but i feel like both sides are hypocrites. we don’t know what’s going on in the members private lives no matter what we think and perceive of them. as for me for jikook it’s 50/50, i don’t see how both sides claim to be right when there’s just no way we can know right now.
Yes, I think jk bringing up the whole 'you didn't call and that's why we didn't meet' was definitely said through a teasing tone. He was chuckling while saying it too. However, I do think there was a little tiny undercurrent of bitterness to it. It could've been the awkwardess of being under the scrutiny of the cameras that made it come off that way but, I do think he might've been a little hurt by them not spending as much time together.
And I'm pretty sure the subtitles were correct when jm kinda huffs and dramatically snarks back at him with: 'well that's why I came to you. so we could spend time together.'
Anyway, I don't think it's worth mulling over the car conversation too much and letting it completely define their relationship. That was just one conversation out of the many they've had throughout the episodes. If anything, it's healthy that they're talking about any frustrations they might have.
'it’s interesting to see how the same footage would have been interpreted a while different way if the other person wasn’t a woman and was a certain person'
Hm, I would have to agree with you there, anon. I think part of the reason jkkrs get so up in arms about that video is because, it's not that certain person. A lot of shippers like projecting their own fantasies and opinions on two very real-life people. If there are instances that don't align with those opinions, they simply don't exist and cannot be real.
I would understand not acknowledging that video out of anger for its such a violation of jk's privacy and something that we simply weren't meant to see. But, these past anons have been dismissing it because it doesn't align with their narratives of jkk.
At the end of the day, there is a large part of their private lives that we just aren't privy to. That's why I hesitate when judging their relationships based on absolutes. We don't have a full picture and that's fine. That's the boundary we have to respect as fans.
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sfxsubs · 7 months
开心超人 Happy Superman Translations
Or rather, translation notes.
To those who've seen the show with English dub (not sure how you found that), or inaccurate English subtitles, you've probably noticed how some of them are a bit clunky/don't convey the meaning that great. Most of these are due to the difficulty in translating things from Chinese to English, with a fair few things lost in translation.
This post is just a bunch of notes on some of the Chinese things which might be weirdly translated (at least for Chinese speaker me).
花心/Huaxin/Smart Superman
Huaxin's name isn't translated accurately in any of the English translations I've seen. Smart S. (The green superman with yellow hair) is how the English dub/official sub puts it as, but that's not remotely correct, as it also doesn't match up with his behavior. 花心 itself is a Chinese phrase which describes someone who is not devoted to love, or playful. A more fitting translation would be Playful Superman.
伽罗 Jialuo's home planet. It's romanized directly from it's pinyin in Chinese, so that's pretty simple. Putting this directly into a machine translator gives names like Adri or such, which is presumably just an English translation thing.
Jialuo is translated into Kalo/Garo for the English dub/sub, because that's what the machine translator gives. I assume Kalo came from similar reasons.
The red Adelian, for those who forgot, because he hasn't shown up since a flashback in Season 11. I think the English translation makes it Arcas, which is probably just because of how phonetically close it is to the romanization of his name, Akasi.
大大怪/Da Da Guai/Big M.
General 大大怪, or General Big M. as it's known in the English translation. The M is short for monster, just like the S. after the supermen's names being short for superman. There's another translation of it, as General Biggy, which is probably just another name change thing.
Same thing applies to his subordinate, 小小怪/Xiao Xiao Guai/Little M. Their names literally mean "Big Monster” and "Little Monster", respectively.
桃子姐姐/Tao Zi Jie Jie/Sister Peach/Peach I./Miss Peach
The simple gist is that her name is Peach, and in Chinese you can address workers who are young men or women by Big Sister or Older Brother if you're younger than them, which the Supermen are since they're kids. The general thing is that everyone around her is basically just addressing her as Miss Peach.
I have no idea what the I. stands for. Interviewer?
I think that's all the major ones.
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iwonderwh0 · 9 months
Watching John Wick for the first time and commenting in real time because I'm watching alone.
Spoiler: I HATED it. Below I just bitch about how much it sucks.
Oh, Green Goblin!
What a cute dog, I hope nothing bad will happen to her (unfortunately I know it will)
Is it even safe for dogs to eat cereal with milk?
(speaking Russian) <- man those people speak with such a horrendous accent I wouldn't even recognise this language if it wasn't for subtitles.
Stop speaking "russian" it's so bad! It's not even just accent, it's grammatically so terrible it doesn't make any sense 😭
It always buggs me when some multi-million budget movie inserts some characters that speak languages other than english and do such a shit job at making it actually be the language they're trying to use. Like come on, is it so hard to find one person who speaks the language you want to use to ensure that it actually sounds accurate? I wonder if it is as bad with movies where side characters speak Chinese/Japanese or is it just European/Slavic languages that get this treatment.
Man, this is painfully bad. I mean, if a character speaking foreign language has this amount of active presence on screen why would you as a producer/director allow it to be this bad, it sounds like simlish. It's goofy.
I can't watch it seriously hearing them speaking.
I too get an urge to kill while cleaning up the floor.
Those subtitles are wrong, it's not what he said. He made some incomprehensible nonsense of noises.
I feel like I'm having a stroke hearing them.
I love multilingual movies, but this is not it. If it's so hard to find someone speaking Russian, make them speak some other language that you can actually show accurately.
Of course they drink vodka what else.
Fuck off, this is lazy.
"Baba Yaga" my ass, do you even know what it means? It's a folklore creature of what essentially is an old woman. Not just a boogie man. It's kind of a weird nickname to have as a man.
Fuck, even when they speak actual words they make inaccurate subtitles. THAT'S NOT WHAT HE SAID. This song isn't even about "Baba Yaga" you fools
This is what happens when people go for vibes of foreign countries instead of actually doing any kind of research.
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I can't watch any kind of media in peace, dbh brain rot will find me anywhere.
Maybe it's because I'm now holding a prejudice, but even outside of this absolutely terrible job at making character portray Russian, this looks like a parody of a blockbuster rather than a blockbuster in itself
They're singing a fucking lullaby in a pool party 😭😭😭 just normal russian-villain behaviour
I'm sorry I just didn't expect it to suck this bad
Okay, that action sequence isn't that bad.
Maybe this movie would be better if they would just fight without ever attempting to talk out loud. Just grunting and moaning.
I'm not a medic but I suspect it's just as infuriating for them to watch this movie as it is for someone who understands Russian or at the really least knows what it sounds like.
You're telling me, a sniper with a fixed target missed? I'm starting to suspect that maybe it's not that John Wick is invincible but just the people who are after him are all incompetent morons.
"You were always a pussy" <- that was so unnecessary and goofy.
How the hell is this movie rated as high as it is, it's "The Room" of action movies, I swear. So bad to the point of almost going a full circle and becoming good.
Even as an action movie it's not that good either.
Other than Keanu Reeves there are literally no interesting nor likeable characters on screen. Everyone else are unremarkable and bland. Except for Marcus.
Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe I should be looking at it like a comedy, a parody. Because it really isn't good in itself.
I mean a dude literally got a headshot with a "wasted" gta sound effect.
Well, it was bad. It's a meme, but it's not really a good movie. Or I just don't think it is.
Surprisingly, "comedy" isn't listed among genres.
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namesisfortombstones · 9 months
From watching Son of Godzilla on TCM today: Criterion Subtitles: "That'll show him!" "We're not watching wrestling. Let's run while we can!" Actual dialogue: "Well, look at that!" [said in a mocking manner like Kamakiras should've known better] "This is no time for rejoicing. Let's get out of here before we get hit!" I don't ever want to hear another word from this fandom about how inaccurate Video Daikaiju's subtitles were ever again. Criterion ought to be ashamed of themselves.
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Your blog is incredible, I love it. Are there any books about Elisabeth that you absolutely recommend? I know films and series about her are not the best but are there any that are ok?
Hello anon, sorry it took me so long! And thank you so much for your kind words. I've already mentioned some books available in English that I believe are a must to learn about Elisabeth on this ask.
I would add to the recommendations Sissi ou la fatalité by Jean des Cars; while I found des Cars prose a bit too dramatic for my liking and I didn't agree with all his takes it's still a nice and solid biography of the empress. It was written originally in French and it also has translations in Spanish, Italian, Czech and Romanian.
I have another ask in queue about the films and series, but as a general answer for now: most of them are ok. The main problem with them is just how inaccurate they are, some over-romanticize her life and turn her into a fairy tale princess (Sissi Trilogy), while others modernize her to the point of making her unrecognizable to the historical woman (Sisi 2021, The Empress). But they're not unwatchable: for exemple, the Sissi Trilogy is a visually-lavish, feel-good coming of age story, Sisi 2021 is a hot mess but can have its moments, and I hated The Empress but every person that doesn't know the history that watched it said that they loved it, so it must have its charm.
Personally I recommend the German-language musical Elisabeth (which just happens to be my fav musical ever) and the 2009 mini series Sisi (not to be confused with the 2021 series). The musical covers her whole life since she got married until her death, with two particularities: first, that it's Lucheni, the man who assassinated her, who tells her story, and second, that Death is a character that lurks through out the entire show (and sings absolute bangers). It's only two and half hours long so a lot of things about Elisabeth are left out or simplified for dramatic purposes, and yet it is still one of the more nuanced portrayals of her life that exist. Meanwhile the mini series is the closest thing that we have to a historically accurate representation of Elisabeth's life; honestly I think its only major flaw is how short it is for the time period it covers (fourteen years in only three hours!), it feels rushed and some moments don't land because of how crammed the timeline is. But there was a real attempt to follow history and I appreciate that. Plus the costumes are gorgeous. You can find both of them on Youtube with subtitles in English.
Thank you for your question!
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aroanthy · 11 months
akio 'private car rides with his students' ohtori
im so mad rn bc this one is probaby most faithful to the original peter 'two holidays' mannion sentiment. im going to take this as an excuse to explain the joke and context behind it bc im autistic and this is MY sideblog.
[video description: a clip from sereies 3, episode 3 of 'the thick of it'. nicola murray, olly reeder, and glenn cullen all sit exasperatedly around a beige hotel room. malcolm tucker paces around them.
nicola: right, all we've got is mannion's second holiday, we need to take the piss out of that.
olly: okay, how about, uh, 'he's called peter two-holidays mannion'?
malcolm: glenn?
glenn: um, he's, um, works really hard (.) at... planning his holidays.
end description.]
so the guy they're talking about here is a massive wanker there are a million ways to dunk on him but im just absolutely obsessed with these characters' inability to come up with Any jokes at his expense. he's called peter two-holidays mannion. i talk about akio in this exact cadence all the fucking time i find it hysterical. like just saying whats on the tin. he's called akio private car rides with his students ohtori. on the floor in hysterics rn
anyway sorry for exposing people to ttoi, and dont mind iplayer's egriously inaccurate subtitles (they dont even spell the characters' names right </3), if i had more time i'd probably email them and volunteer to fix them all. peter two-holidays mannion. godbless.
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frankencanon · 11 months
if you ever wanna know how accurate (or inaccurate) a dub is just watch it with the translated subtitles (not the cc)
or, if you're familiar with the original language, watch it with the original audio and the closed captioning for the dub
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