#how i feel like whether something was a good dream or not is entirely dependent on how the person feels upon waking
moe-broey · 1 month
Concept: Peony bestowing a gentle dream so sweet that isn't reflective of your reality At All, so that when you wake you're like. Feeling even worse actually. Why did you make me dream of closure that's not at all feasible in my reality.
LIKE. LIKE. It was Just Grounded Enough in the circumstances of the situation, that in another world maybe it all DID play out this way. Maybe it truly could have played out like that. And you're going through all these very real motions about it. It's deeply emotional, but has to be done, and on the horizon you know things are rough now but soon. Everything will be okay soon.
But that's. Not at all reflective of your situation. So you just wake up like. You found every little thing in my heart that I longed for. Treated it, with all the care and kindness in the world. But then I woke up and honestly I feel like that was kind of fucked up of you tbh LMFAOOOO
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signanothername · 3 months
Saw your animatic of NIGHTMARE HAS FALLEN, peak comedy right there
also, your art of Killer squshing Nightmare's cheeks was awesome, but also prompted my brain to question "How would Killer interact with Passive?"
On one hand, small child, like Chara, but wow this is really cute and innocent, why the fuck is it considered evil? On the other hand, if he knew it was Nightmare...actually, idk, Killer is pretty smart, so I'm not entirely sure how it would play out
Hahaha thank you!!
Ooooh i love this question
Ok so I feel like it depends on what circumstances they meet, but let’s go with “Killer never saw Passive before and it’s the very first time they meet”
I don’t think the fact Passive being a child would deter Killer at all, cause Passive differs greatly in temperament and character from Chara, I feel like Passive might actually reminds him of Frisk actually (and that on its own opens a whole pack of problems)
But the thing is, just as you said, Killer’s smart, I believe he’ll figure out it’s Nightmare pretty quickly, considering how observant Killer is and how Nightmare’s appearance gives it away
I mean, a child that is basically a copy paste of Dream only has the opposite colors, has a golden crown of his own with a crescent on it?? And is glued to his lil book? Yeah that’s definitely Nightmare, hell his lil belt has “NM” on it, like Killer would have to be an absolute idiot to not figure it out, with one look Killer would immediately know it’s Nightmare, it wouldn’t take any time at all
Now to talk about how they’d interact
Let’s imagine they’re in Dreamtale before it got destroyed
Important thing to think about first and foremost, is whether Dream would be present with Nightmare when they meet or not
For the sake of this ask we’re going to assume Dream has gone to visit the village, so it’s only Nightmare sitting with the tree by himself
I feel like it’s important to keep in mind that this isn’t a one way interaction, it’s not just Killer’s reaction to Nightmare, it’s also Nightmare’s reaction to Killer
Nightmare already has a bad experience with strangers, and Killer isn’t the most friendly looking, so i feel like their interaction is gonna go a bit poorly actually, cause Nightmare would assume this stranger is either A-here to hurt him, or B- here for the golden apples he’s guarding, both not good things
Killer on the other hand would honestly just be curious about Nightmare at first, cause it’s not every day you get to see the king of negativity and darkness, one of the most powerful beings, as a mere helpless and defenseless child, it’d definitely make Killer wonder how the hell was this tiny little creature entrusted to guard something that keeps emotional balance in the Multiverse (not that it truly matters to him, not when he can’t feel anything himself right?)
So Nightmare would be extremely wary and even a bit frightened of Killer while Killer would just stare through Nightmare for a few minutes, but here comes the interesting question…
At what timeline does their meeting occur?? Is it in which Killer is still under Nightmare’s command, or is it after Killer was saved by Color, cause depending on it i feel like Killer’s reaction can differ
If Killer was still under Nightmare, is he in a trigger happy mood or is he feeling chill enough to just not feel like killing anyone, would Killer take this as an opportunity to hurt Nightmare back, or would he not attack him at all? I feel like the latter’s more plausible, cause Killer is usually chill actually until triggered, pushed, or commanded to, plus if it’s Nightmare then he’s not very interested to attack him…. physically at least (tormenting the child mentally seems a bit fun, but he’d file that in his brain for later)
I can see Killer actually taking interest in the apples, I mean they’re literally the twins’ souls… in the future at least, and Nightmare would definitely be wary but REALLY surprised to know Killer isn’t just interested in the golden apples, but his own black apples too, cause no one ever liked his black apples, everyone thought they were evil so why would this stranger not think the same?
I feel like Nightmare while still extremely wary wouldn’t be able to stop the child wonder in his heart and warm feeling blossoming in his little chest at the idea someone actually being ok with the black apples, i can see him take one of his black apples to killer to offer him, i mean no one ever wants to be near his black apples so maybe he finally met a monster who would accept him and his apples?
And Killer is interested yes, but not for the reasons little Nightmare’s thinking about
So you’d better believe Killer would accept the offer, he actually gets to take a closer look at what’s supposed to be Nightmare’s soul in the future? Oh how fun tormenting future Nightmare and Dream would be when he understands how they work
I feel like the apple’s aura wouldn’t have much effect on him except for maybe his soul wavering a bit as it responds to the negativity it’s always been subjected to, a familiar conditioning if you will, and Nightmare would get curious enough to ask about why Killer seems unaffected, only for Killer to tell Nightmare that he can’t really feel anything, and Nightmare just not comprehending that fact, he’d insist that everyone has feelings, and that the balance of those positive and negative emotions is what the tree is for, Killer can’t just not feel anything, that everyone is affected by the apples’ aura, only for Killer to tell Nightmare that he’s a “special case” and would take a lot more than just aura to make him feel anything (cough like tentacles of pure agonizing negativity and the power of 999 black apples taking ahold of the very culmination of his being cough, i can imagine Killer smiling a creepy knowing smile as he looks at Nightmare, little Night doesn’t know what that look means, but he doesn’t like it, he feels like he’s missing so much context)
I can see Killer simply asking question after question about the apples to understand how they work, especially the black apples, and little Nightmare answering only some of them, because a child or not, Nightmare’s smart, he’s not to give info that could give this stranger an opportunity to do as he pleases to the apples, Killer absolutely notices Nightmare’s wariness and his very careful attitude, and Killer thinks Nightmare’s smart for it
Then again that’s the child that’s going to grow to become a tyrant so it’s to be expected that he’d be clever (it’s interesting to see how Nightmare used to be at least)
Killer would definitely try to find a way out after he’s gotten the info he needs (or as much as little Nightmare was willing to provide) and he holds no illusion that threatening little Nightmare would get him to talk, cause if he knows Nightmare well enough it’ll only do the opposite and little Nightmare will not provide anything more, and so it’s time to go cause he holds no deluded attachment to this place or little Nightmare
And I can see Nightmare actually asking Killer what his name is, after all they’ve been talking but they haven’t introduced themselves, that Nightmare has never seen him around here before, and I can see this to be the moment Killer takes the opportunity to be a bit of a bitch and say some bullshit about he’s actually from a different time and how his name indicates his job only to introduce himself as “Killer” and to immediately go “and you’re Nightmare, the king of negativity, tyrant lord of darkness and nightmares” (Killer’s ironically a lot like Corrupted Nightmare in finding joy in the mental anguish of people more so than physical anguish)
Nightmare doesn’t know what “Killer” is talking about, but it sends a shiver down his spine and he’s going to lie if he said he wasn’t terrified not only of the thought of a murderer from a different time knowing who he is, but of the implication of Killer’s comment about his possible future :)
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elicathebunny · 9 months
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Let them be who they are, let them stay where they are, let them think what they think. But remember this, what you are planning is something they could never achieve. Pull through in the new year and do the things you've put aside and neglected so that when you can reflect on what you've accomplished, you can tick off the majority. Embarrassment and shame are real, I understand that. I also go through moments where I'm haunted by the same "embarrassing" memory. But now is when we can both change, we can choose to let go of those daunting memories and live our lives to the fullest. We may have goals that the person next to us could laugh at, but imagine how good it would feel to be doubted at first and then proving them wrong later. Staying strong is difficult, especially if you have wavering faith in your beliefs and actions, and if that's the case, that's exactly what you are going to work on.
Having a belief in something will help you in your confidence exponentially. Whether that is in God, having a strong self-concept or in the universe.
Having faith in something gives you a dependable foundation, offers guidance, and keeps you grounded. Having a belief will also replace the desire for validation from others around you since having that validation will conflict with said belief.
Having a plan will also help your confidence. When others doubt your aspirations, you will only doubt yourself if you feel like you can't achieve them. But if you have a plan, you have no reason to doubt yourself because you know what it will take to achieve your goals, you will know the steps to go through to make your dreams a reality. This will bring reassurance, which will result in boosted self-esteem.
Understand that not everyone will be fond of you, and it's impossible to win everyone over. ("A friend to all is a friend to none" - Aristotle.)
People will act out of jealousy when they see you better yourself, gradually surpassing them. Perhaps they're feeling jealous because you excel in something they don't, or they envy you for achieving what they couldn't. If you take this personally, it means they have succeeded in bringing you down to stay on their level or even below it. If people criticize you for pursuing your goals, take it as a sign that you're on the right track. As you achieve more success, more people may start hoping for your downfall. Beware of these types of people, some may even be the ones closest to you (monitoring spirits.)
Practice mindfulness to stay present and detach from overwhelming thoughts. Meditation can help you observe your thoughts without getting entangled in them. Allocate specific times each day for your worries to surface freely. This prevents them from dominating your entire day. For instance, during a bath, take the time to thoroughly reflect on the day, welcoming both negative and positive thoughts. Allow yourself to fully experience those moments. Once they've passed, release and journal the thoughts and feelings that came up.
Understand that you can't control everything. People will think what they want, and realising you can't control their thoughts is the first step to detaching. Release the grip on issues beyond your reach, and it'll free up your mind. Focus on what you can change, and you'll gain a lot of mental clarity.
Persevering is fueled by determination and desire. If you come out publically with your aspirations and back down, then it gives people more things to laugh at. Let them laugh until they become silenced by your achievements. Let that statement discipline you.
Moving in silence involves taking intentional actions without announcing them to the world. If you fear that others may sway you with their words or that you may back down easily, move in silence. Don't tell a soul about your plans and goals. The less people know, the less that can be used against you. Only tell those who you are certain will be your support system.
Set Clear Goals: Define your objectives clearly. Having a roadmap for yourself will guide your actions.
Stay Focused: Concentrate on your work and avoid unnecessary distractions. Maintain a laser focus on your goals.
Work Consistently: Take consistent, daily actions toward your goals. Small, regular efforts can lead to significant achievements over time.
Avoid Unnecessary Attention: Minimise sharing every detail of your journey on social media or with everyone. Keep some aspects private.
Build a Support System: Share your aspirations with a select few who genuinely support you. Their encouragement can be invaluable.
Let Success Speak: Instead of talking about your plans, let your achievements speak for themselves. People will notice your results.
Learn Quietly: Acquire new skills or knowledge discreetly. You don't always need to announce your learning process.
Embrace Patience: Moving in silence requires patience. Success often takes time, and it's okay if results aren't immediate.
Embody your potential.
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hallowpen · 2 months
There was a lot of destructive criticism surrounding My Marvellous Dream is You, but I actually thought the series was quite good despite its shortcomings. I'm a lot more forgiving than most when it comes to Thai GL series, and that will have absolutely affected my viewing experience. But... every time I would see a comment that just read "This is boring/terrible/stupid" without ever elaborating, I felt very much like Khun Pu's character from Be My Favorite hehe
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*WARNING*: There will be minor spoilers for the final episode of My Marvellous Dream is You, should that be something you wish to avoid.
I will be the first to admit, that I was very skeptical about this series in the first handful of episodes. So let's just get my personal negatives out of the way first... I think, by now, it's no secret that I do not support where a lot of Thai GL adaptations source from. So, this series already had an admittedly disadvantaged subjective expectation from the get go. It wasn't really surprising to see pacing issues within the first 5ish episodes, that seems to be a common occurrence in Thai GLs produced by IDOLfactory. Whether that is a result of the novels the series have thus far been adapted from OR from a choice in direction is up to you. I, personally, think it's a bit of both. Where I believe certain productions struggle in letting their narratives breathe, I find the complete opposite problem to be true with IDOLfactory. There were a lot of plot points that needed restructuring or to be removed entirely in order to have a stronger cohesive story that focused on the main characters' relationship more so than it did.
Now, while I stand behind my opinion that the series could have benefited from tighter and better organized storytelling, a lot of the groundwork was there to make a decent character driven narrative. And that's what I've chosen to focus on. Wan and Kim are both deeply flawed characters. There were so many inferences to be drawn from character relevant visuals and their joint backstory that truly informed their current dynamic.
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One of the most interesting parts of watching a series, for me, is having to pick up on certain character cues in order to understand and delve deeper into the core of their behaviors.
Wan and Kim share a trauma, and it's easy to see how they both became so dependent on one another to fill the void their fathers left.
In flashbacks, Wan is presented as egoistic and headstrong since high school. She is also shown to be extremely protective of Kim before she even realizes her feelings. Kim, on the other hand, is a bit more sensitive. She cherishes Wan's attention and affection to a point where she would be willing to play a little dirty in order to keep it for herself.
All of these emotions become heightened once they are forced into adult life with adult problems. Wan is struggling with her mental health. While trying to balance fame and the repercussions her actions might have on her career, Wan must also deal with her mother's alcoholism... which has essentially caused her to check out from Wan's life. Her need to have Kim by her side, and never leave her, has become less protective and more possessive. Kim's desire for approval and affection has led to an over devotion of herself to Wan and constant worrying about disappointing her mother. She's neglected her own wants and needs for so long, that she's afraid putting herself first would be considered too selfish...too much like her dad. Her mother's cancer diagnosis further pushes Kim to continue to place her mother's wishes over her own desires. Even though comments about Wan and Kim being 'annoying' or 'frustrating' were aiming to be negative... they weren't exactly wrong. The audience was supposed to feel that way. Heck, even the surrounding characters called out their behavior on more than one occasion. Because in an effort to not lose one another, Kim and Wan fell into a cyclically unhealthy dynamic where their actions and reactions were actually pushing each other away. Their inability to communicate their true feelings to each other beyond their (unbeknownst) shared dreams prevented them from making any true progress toward a romantic relationship that they both so desperately wanted, but were each terribly afraid to pursue. Their feelings for each other were put up against the reality that their love being unreciprocated could spell the end of their relationship altogether. There was an added pressure of being unfairly compared to their fathers, where any romance between them might be found 'unacceptable'. Couple that with societal views of same-sex relationships, and you can understand why these two were so hesitant to reveal their truths.
(Quick sidenote: I did not agree with the idea that what Kim and Wan did was exactly the same to what their fathers did. They did not leave and abandon their families. Marwin didn't make it easy for them, and given the glimpse we saw into his family's cruelty, it made all the sense in the world to have him react in the way he did. Kim and Wan were at least willing to stay and face the hard consequences of their choice, no matter the outcome.)
I think them having to work through all of their issues made the moment of Kim and Wan finally deciding to be together that much more satisfying... And that was the point Kru A was trying to make when he explained his direction for their relationship on social media after hearing viewer feedback (He was subsequently rudely criticized by interfans for that decision, to the point where he alluded to the fact that he might take a break from directing... but that's a whole other discussion).
That final scene of them being married purposely not clarifying whether it was in a dream or in reality alluded to the fact that their shared dream world and their real life were no longer at odds, finally. I thought it was very fitting.
The frustration caused by KimWan's lack of communication reminded me of a similar dynamic between Team and Win in Between Us, a series that suffered from a lot of the same problems (not enough focus on the two leads and irrelevant plot points). However, those characters and the actors that portrayed them didn't receive even half the amount of negative reactions. They existed, trust me, but there were a lot of positive reviews to balance it out. I'm not going to get into what that means, because I think you can make the inference for yourself.
All in all, I don't think this series deserves to be completely written off. Is it perfect? No... but an effort was made, and it wouldn't hurt to make the effort in return to understand the vision. Fay and May did an incredible job for their first go around as main leads. And I hope they get the chance to develop their craft further.
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luvonmes-blog · 2 years
hey y’all… so ik i’ve disappeared for a while and dw i am gonna drop that stiles fic!! but i’ve re-entered my avatar phase and i have some head-cannons🤭🤭🤭
contains: all the Sully men, avatar!Jake, agedup!Neteyam, agedup!Lo’ak, smut, explicit descriptions of smut, me being horny for the Sully men😔 i have no shame
i’m a firm believer that lo’ak and neteyam are so close in age BECAUSE jake was obviously a human right?? and before him and neytiri met she was just living the simple life and jake came along then BAM introduced her to new shit.
just imagine like you and jake are about to mate and since avatars mate for life he knows for a fact you’re a virgin and that just does something to him so he’s showing you new shit so he goes down on you and that opens the floodgates
his potty mouth definitely rubbed off on you
to me avatars low key look like cats (their noses!!) and act like them too and i feel like we’ve all agreed they purr but jake definitely takes that to a new level.
like he just lets himself go completely
like imagine he’s fucking you in missionary, head buried in your neck whispering all types of nasty shit you’ve never heard before (“fuck you’re so good for me” “so fuckin’ tight” “lettin me fuck you so good”) and he’s just purringg
vibrates through his whole body
we all know he whines but the first time he teaches you to ride him??? can’t help himself
like you’re trying your best, pace sporadic, movements jerky but you feel so good that it’s all he can do
holds onto your hips sucking on your boobs absolutely whining into your chest
first time he teaches you about giving head??
he can’t help but fuck your mouth
WHAT WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO??? you looked so cute staring up at him all wide eyed he couldn’t help himself
it’s ok though he made it up, fucked you so good you couldn’t even walk straight (no seriously mo’at was concerned)
i wanna be fucked by jake sully so bad😔
this boy right here??? soft dom all the way
he couldn’t hurt a fly how tf could he do that to his partner????
grunts, not a whiner like his daddy but he doesn’t moan either
grunts and groans
whether he’s praising you or you praising him he loves it sm
growing up with a father who’s a dream walker he’s definitely heard some shit about jakes life before he was an avatar
once heard his dad talking about something called “head” upon further investigation (asking norm) he had taken this amazing and i mean AMAZING idea to you
took you guys a while to figure it out but once you do???
has never nutted so fast in his entire life
like i mean he barely had time to register he was cumming just long thick ropes being pushed down your throat
play with his balls??? he’s a goner. lick them, suck them and if you pull just a little bit he’ll yelp🤭
wanna get your way?
sit him down in your shared hut, rub his shoulders get him real comfortable then put his dick in your mouth
he’ll agree to anything (his hands buried in your hair pulling just a little bit “yes! yes i’ll do it- anything- just please, please keep going”)
wanna fuck him so bad it hurts💔
a whiner, beggar, moaner all the er’s
he’s so loud too omfg
when i say beggar i mean BEGS
like his life fucking depends on it. he can’t help himself (“please jus- please! i’ll do anything, please, please, please” drool coming out his mouth)
moans. long drawn out ones too. especially when he’s cumming can’t help it he just feels so good
was definitely there when teyam heard about the whole head thing. took it back to you too and somehow you just caught on so fast
shakes when you give him head. i mean tremors through his whole body whining about how good it feels
favorite position is cowgirl why you may ask? TITTIES!!!
boob guy all the way he loves them sm so when you’re riding him he gets to suck on them. his eyes def roll back
cums too fast. poor baby can’t help it. it just happens and he tries to warn you he tries so hard (“baby slow down please. i’m gonna- you’re gonna make me- fuck!” whines all the way through it)
his tip is so sensitive. you don’t even have to suck him off completely suck on his tip and he’s a goner
his ears too!!! bite his ear just a little bit when you’re riding him and he’s bucking up into you trying so hard not to cum.
dw even if he finishes too fast he never leaves you hanging
he figured if you can go down on him he can go down on you ofc there’s some differences but he learned and he learned well
is lo’ak my favorite? yes. do i wanna fuck him so bad? also yes.
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aihoshiino · 4 months
chapter 151 thoughts
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Entirely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 8
Aqua Hoshigan Status: Black
Kana enjoyers continue to eat good in this new arc, as 151 very clearly parallels what's considered one of the more iconic AquKana chapters from the first half of the manga with a bit of role reversal in the mix. 'Reversal' is sort of the keyword for this chapter for a handful of reasons but we'll get into that when it's relevant.
the usual shout out to mengo for Peak Faces this chapter. my faves were kana's blushy face as she takes off her glasses and aqua covering his blush with his baseball glove… it does NOT get cuter than that.
It's pretty cathartic to see Kana get a similar TV spotlight to BH!Ruby, where she's centered in B-Komachi's success and Ruby is sort of just in the background lol. That said… kinda of hate that OnK is continuing to frame the ShimaD shit!!! I have a lot of complicated feelings about it but I will say that overall, it's pretty fucked that the story made all those correct assertions about sexual harassment in the entertainment industry and how women and young girls specifically are pressured to kowtow to men to retain their place in the industry and then like… not? link any of this?? to what happened to Kana??? Weird and bad!!!!
on the plus side. megarima and maskua <3
It feels like a good step for Kana to confidently assert that they are, in fact, on a date and their shared visible embarrassment is pretty cute. This is what I meant when I said this chapter was a bit of a reversal of chapter 30, which Aqua even calls explicit attention to - running from school to play catch vs running to school. It works well, imo, as a sort of marker of both change and consistency for both of these characters, showing us how far they've come… but at the same time, how much has managed to stay the same. This return to the early AQKN dynamic is really nice… their moment to moment rapport is the one I enjoy most in the series so even though it's definitely jarring to whiplash back to it after the Movie Arc… idk!! I am still enjoying it all the same.
aqua calling her out on it being a baseball date was really funny btw
And their talk about dreams is… Very Shrimptresting. I keep waffling back and forth on what to take from it, because hypothetically I think it's really interesting but whether or not I really end up liking it is going to depend on how things are handled with Aqua going forward…! IDK, this is the obvious pitfall of analyzing the story like this week to week,
I guess all I'll say now is that this falls in line with how I was reading last chapter's framing of Gorou -> Aqua, where Aqua's inheritance of that identity is just that - an inheritance and it's up to him what he chooses to do with that legacy. He can decide for himself what parts of it he wants to take with him into the future and what he chooses to leave behind.
That said: this is still black hoshigan Aqua. Is this just a 'dream' because it's something he wants but doesn't think he'll be able to have? Or is Aqua starting to seriously consider a future for himself past the end of his revenge quest? It was Kana who prompted him for an answer, after all, and he's already had to make a promise to her that he won't 'disappear'. Is he just lying here to put her at ease? Much to consider…….
Kana's side of this conversation is also really interesting. Kana is a person who acts out of genuine love for her craft, yes, but she's also correct that she kind of already got her assumed end goal of 'be a nationally famous actress' when she was a kid and it didn't necessarily make her happy or fulfilled. To a degree, she's been operating on momentum and desperation to cling to the industry so much of her identity was formed around. But if a 'dream' is something she just wants for herself, without her career coming into it… then what does Kana really want?
And the answer, obviously, is Aqua. With another 'oshi no ko' title drop, to boot…!
It's a little sad that even as Kana makes this tentative confession to him, she still downplays herself in favour of Memcho and Ruby but the emotional stakes she's putting on the table are very loaded. This essentially, without either girl knowing it, puts her in direct competition with Ruby who very much seems to still want to milk her sensei's Little Aqua and I don't imagine that conflict is going to go off without fireworks.
Interestingly, though, this isn't the only point on which the two are opposed here: this is what I mean when I said this chapter's keyword was 'reversal'. While Ruby insists that 'Sensei' is her oshi, Kana offers to be Aqua's oshi. This isn't the first time it's happened, either - when Kana talks about her feelings last chapter, she describes them as 本気の恋 (honki no koi), i.e, seriously, earnestly, truly in love whereas Ruby's confession uses the term ガチ恋 (gachikoi), a slang term referring to a fan who considers themselves to be legitimately in romantic love with a celebrity/idol/etc - and specifically says she's gachikoi for Sensei. Gachikoi is also how the first generation of B-Komachi are described in both Viewpoint B and 45510 in the original Japanese text. On just about all fronts, these two are bound to clash going into the final arc of the story and I'm tentatively interested to see where it goes.
No break next week!
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onyichii · 5 months
My Reply to you Cocogum
This is a response to @cocogum post! Since it is SUPER LONG! Imma start doing this instead of reblogging if I have a lot to say.
YES COCOGUM!! I am LOVING YOUR ENTIRE POST! I have a few thoughts to add...
A) I'm happy her hair is growing out too! I hope she eventually has hair as long as her mothers.
I want her to look like a forest goddess.
I think the growth is a symbol of just (as you said) being happy or at peace. In TV/movies people cut their hair as a symbol of change (freedom from the past) and grow it out again (sometimes) when they're at a new happy place. As we have seen, her hair and that green leaf she sports now are a symbol of her new found happiness.
B) I too was not expecting the "adult fun time" scene but i am hoping we get A TON more especially if this series is gonna be 100 chapters. I want more fluff, more hugs, more kisses, more f--ks! lol Put a baby (or three) in her Yugo! Give the Sadida kingdom an heir!
I can see where you are coming from that Yugo was having a wet dream. If that's the case, that is funny because he (presumably) had just pollinated his flower queen and he is dreaming of doing it again! 😀😀 And he called her tireless!? LMAO. Whether it was a dream or they were interrupted before the nut we can agree that they are BOTH hungry for each others touch/warmth (based on that scene alone).
I still think they were interrupted before they...made sap🌳and fell from the air.
I think the "adult fun time" positions you were suggesting are accurate and I can see Yugo switching too. I think it would depend on who initiates it. When she initiates she's top but when he initiates he'd top....sometimes (not all the time because as you said—he loves the view)! lol
C) For the open room. I think the construction of the floor (or level) gives them privacy. Like a long corridor before the room entrance. And at the entrance to the corridor there'd be a magical cotton bell (as seen in s3) that rings when pulled to let the royals know when servants want to enter. BUT if there is no magical door bell (OR ANYTHING) that is bold of them!! lol.
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Rereading your post...if the doorway is open like that it makes me think of this quote (the last quote at 1:40) from the film Scary Movie (watch from 1:30 to 1:42 for context)
D) So I am GLAD people have been bringing up Draconiros. I am not deep into the WAKFU/KROZMOS/DOFUS universe and had NO IDEA who he was nor any of the other primordial dragons.
I got into Wakfu for Amalia. I thought she and Yugo would be cute from all the hugs she gave him. When they canonized a potential Yumalia (in the OVA) I STANNED for their star-crossed lover romance that could never be. I love the whole cast but Amalia's character design is so cute/fun (it drew me into Wakfu).
Anyway, I am curious if Draconiros is ALSO responsible for Nora's daydream in ep 4 of season 4. THIS SCENE ALWAYS THREW ME OFF!
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I feel like this scene was added for two three purposes... 1) to introduce the audience to Efrim (in a foreshadowing way) 2) to add to what Oropo says in episode 1. Questioning Yugo's "good" intentions and actions which have caused (and WILL CAUSE) trouble for the World of Twelve. 3) To sneakily, introduce Draconiros (without the audience knowing).
The reason why I think this is Draconiros and NOT Efrim is because—how would Efrim know any of what was said in that scene? Efrim is in the Necroworld at this moment. He and Nora were in the Krozmos away from the World of Twelve for a long time. There is NO WAY Efrim would know about YUGO's effects on the World of Twelve. At none, that I can think of...
Which also brings to question, how did the Goddess Eliatrope know the Brotherhood of the Tofu and everyones names when they entered the temple? Did I miss something? I mean Quilby could have told them some things. From before his imprisonment...but I digress...
Anyway, I think Draconiros took on Efrims form/voice in s4. And now he is making an official appearance in the manga.
If they had shown Draconiros in season 4, it would be a loose end. And Tot wanted to wrap the animation up without any loose ends. So (to me) it'd make sense not to show Draconiros' true form at all in s4 and have him take on Efrims form/voice.
E) I think this dude is gonna be a problem. But I may be over thinking 🤷‍♀️. And shouldn't he be referring to her as QUEEN Amalia instead of LADY Amalia? Does he have some passive aggressive beef with her? Or is it okay to refer to a Queen as Lady instead. I feel like the Sadida's are more chill about titles (compared to other kingdoms) but...idk.
His character design (in this scene) is just giving...bad guy or pawn to me. If I am right, he could play a betrayal role (if the plot takes that turn). I do not see him being a fan of the Eliatropes either.
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F) And I agree that the Sadida kingodm is tense with it's new residence. I'm glad you brought up the perspective from the Sadida but let's talk about it a little more with a Eliatrope in mind...
The Eliatrope have NEVER had to live with another race before. EVER. They had their OWN PLANET. No other race existed on there but them.
Thanks to Baltazar (in s2) they had been watching Yugo through the Eliacube, but have they been taking notes on the customs of the world around him?
Being on a new planet with so many races must be a SHOCK to them. ADDITIONALLY, they haven't interreacted with anyone but each other for goddess knows how long!!! So the communication, customs, cultures, and everything probably hit them like a TON OF BRICKS. I would assume that they don't (quite) understand what tolerance and acceptance of other cultures is thanks to their isolation too.
However, it is something they are gonna have to learn. Starting with the Sadida race.
Since they're teens I think (...well, I hope) it'll be easier for them to learn and integrate into the world of twelve via the Sadida Kingdom.
ALSO...It will take time for the Sadida's to be comfortable with the Eliatropes too. I mean...people have been trying to take their homeland (via possess the tree of life) for a long time. It's no surprise that they are weary/tense of some alien race residing on said homeland. They may know Yugo, but they don't know his people. They probably think they'll take over....IDK.
But I am here for the tea! 🫖🍵
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dudedudesworld · 5 months
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NSFW HEAD CANNONS (I tried to be gender neutral but it might sound like reader has a penis
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act): She is very caring. Holding you tight and doing nothing but singing praises of the night of passion shared between the two of you. She smothers you with kisses, her hands hovering and touching any part of your body they can reach.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers) Elphelt tends to love everything about her body but if she had to pick something she really liked it would be her thighs. For her partner it would have to their eyes. She heard from a movie that a person's eyes could never lie, so if you simply gave her a gaze filled with love her heart would just explode and she would be left a blushing squealing mess.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it) at first she was a little bit confused about what to do but now she doesn’t mind where it lands or what you would like her to do with it, just make sure it doesn’t get in her hair.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory): Having her partner be more in control. This doesn’t mean she likes to be dominated in a sense but it's more because of how much trust she could have in her lover. Being able to just let go and have someone else care for her it's simply a dream come true for her.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing) her only sexual experience comes from bad smut books and porn. So expect her to do a lot of cringy things the first time, but it's nothing some research and teamwork can't fix.
F= Favorite position: the lotus position. Being able to be held while making love is something she very much treasures. She would be very open to anything you wanted.
G= Goofy (how serious are they) she's a perfect mix of goofy and loving. There's time where she falls over and brings you down with her but she’s simply too into it to really care and shrugs it off with a laugh.
H= Hair (grooming habits) she shaves regularly and even has her pubic hair in the shape of a heart.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty) She's very romantic (obviously). There's no denying anything to do with the bedroom would be anything short of romantic. From a trail of roses leading towards the bed or romantic foreplay beforehand even in the heat of passion she's still a romantic at heart.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often) She used to in her past time but with you around she doesn’t find a reason to.
K= Kink (kinks what they like, possibly unusual) She’s very open to trying new stuff but something new she’s taken a liking to would be anal. She wants to be loved in any way possible and this was just another way to love her.
L= Location (where they like to get it on) She likes to keep it in the bedroom. It's comfortable, nice and romantic. She likes to stay there and wake up by your side.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons) Having her partner be outwardly romantic towards her is her biggest turn on but to be honest she likes anything to do with her partner whether it's you simply being shirtless or saying something smart or witty. She loves you in your entirety.
N= No (turn offs or absolutely won’t do): Don't hurt her or be cruel towards her, not in general or the bedroom. Even if it's a role play her feelings can still be hurt and she's an emotional person so pushing the wrong buttons can and will make her cry, but she also knows her own worth and will put her foot down if you go too far.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are) at first she wasn’t very good with giving oral, it took practice for her to get used to it but she finds the act itself to be very pleasurable and loves to see your facial expressions change as she works her magic. She does definitely love having you go down on her especially if you open up the night by going down on her.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed) depending on her mood and how horny she is she either lasts the entire night and leaves you both tired or gets off very quickly. Depends on how you handle her during foreplay
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard) she prefers having longer sessions at night in the comfort of the bedroom but there are times when she simply can't hold herself away from you and wants to have some quick fun.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things) she likes testing her limits and trying new things out with you. But for the most part it would have to be you recommending the more spicy stuff as she would usually stay around vanilla.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts) she has a lot of stamina thanks to being a valentine but still finds herself tuckered out by the end of the session.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers) She does start branching out and getting more interested in ways to spice up the bedroom life. She would totally wear a trench coat with sunglasses and a mask when entering a sex shop just to not get recognised only to be too flustered with everything in there and would just try to order online.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves) She’s more mischievous than teasing, doing things to get you going but in a more cute way that ends up being just as effective.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk) loud, everything from her moans to her whimpers sometimes she tries to be quiet but it's simply impossible for her. Do expect her to say romantic stuff such as a lots of small “I love you” being whispered in your ear.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort) She sometimes just jumps you. You could be sitting down on a chair reading a book and all of the sudden she's entered the room sitting on your lap making out with you like her life depends on it.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants) vagina
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level) High. She wants to be with you constantly and sex is just another way of deepening your love that she enjoys.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after) she falls asleep after the act but usually while holding you mumbling something along the lines of “I love you”
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7-wonders · 2 years
Kiss With a Fist
Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x Reader
Summary: Normally, Dream is above mortals and their petty quarrels, but when one decides that he wants to play with fire, Dream is more than prepared to burn him. That is, until you have something to say about it.
Word Count: 4.1k
Notes: I've wanted to write something about you pulling a Hob Gadling and fighting off someone wanting to attack Dream for a while now. Here it is. Basically you're a badass and you fight a drunk guy trying to pick a fight with Dream. Let me know your thoughts!
(Reader is referred to with she/her pronouns)
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We begin…in the Waking World, which is not, in his opinion, an ideal place to be.
Though the Burgess lineage has been snuffed out and Dream of the Endless is far too powerful to ever find himself captured by a mortal again, he still feels a touch of trepidation upon his trips outside of his realm. How could he not, after one such visit went so spectacularly wrong and ended up with him trapped for over a century?
Having reminders of the good of humanity certainly helps ease his apprehension, which is why he typically finds himself with some sort of companion when he leaves the safety of the Dreaming. Most of the time, Matthew is a mere stone’s throw away at all times. If not Matthew, then Dream has increasingly found himself seeking the company of his friend, Hob Gadling.
You’re the most “human” of them all; though both Matthew and Hob were, at one point, completely and utterly mortal, that is no longer the case. You, however, are. He would argue that’s perhaps what makes you so fascinating, but he knows that’s not entirely true. There are a great many things that make you fascinating to him, and your mortality is probably the least of those.
It’s his predilection towards you that has landed him here in the first place, at what you called an “upscale bar” for a friend’s birthday party. To be fair to you, it’s not as if you hadn’t given Dream multiple opportunities to decline your invitation. You even bluntly told him, among other things, that it was almost certain he would not enjoy himself at a mortal event such as this and you were perfectly fine going by yourself.
But no, he had to insist that he would play the role of doting “boyfriend” (which he was, though he preferred terms to describe your relationship that sounded much less juvenile) and accompany you to this celebration. After two grueling hours, he can honestly say that he does not understand why anybody would torture themselves by willingly stepping foot into such an establishment. Between the bone-shaking bass of the music that is unnecessarily loud, the patrons whose wildly inappropriate, alcohol-steeped daydreams stick to Dream like molasses, and the harsh lighting that continues to change depending on the beat of whatever garish song is playing, he’s seen enough to last him five human lifetimes.
He tries to hide his disdain, knowing that you’re enjoying yourself and your night. ‘Tries’ being the key word here: after the fifth person who visibly jumps in fear when they see Dream’s piercing glower, it’s evident that this attempt is not working in the slightest. Whether you’ve finally noticed this or you just decide to take pity on him, he’s not sure.
Regardless, you lean into him and ask, “Are you doing okay?”
“I would like to get some air,” he says, being heard clearly by you despite not having to raise his voice above the music. He’s relieved when you nod; Dream was never a particularly social creature, but that desire for solace increased tenfold after he freed himself from his glass cage.
“We can head out, actually. I’ve socialized long enough.”
Dream could actually cheer at this. Since it would be entirely uncouth of him to do so, he continues to look nonchalant. “Do not feel that you need to end your night early on my account.”
“I’m not! I’m tired and I’d rather go home with you now. I’m gonna close my tab, if you wanna go wait outside for me!”
He very much wants to go wait outside for you, and with one last squeeze of your hand, he separates from you and leaves you to finish paying for your drinks.
There’s something inherently calming to Dream about the evening hours. It may be that the world seems to become more peaceful after the sun sets, or that the majority of dreamers enter his realm at this time. It could even be the fact that this is Mother Night’s domain, complicated as their relationship may be. Whatever the reason, Dream is particularly fond of this time of day, and he enjoys the sudden tranquility after such a hectic environment.
Unfortunately, said tranquility lasts only momentarily before a shadow crosses over towards Dream and he meets the bloodshot eyes of a mortal man. He’s average in every way, from the backwards cap to the scuffed shoes stained with unidentified liquids. A ‘frat boy,’ you would call him. Though the shadows warp behind him as he attempts to scare him off as he did to the others inside the bar, this man remains uncowed by his expression.
“Hey, I saw you earlier at the bar.” Dream scowls, for he did have an encounter with this particular human inside the establishment, and he did not enjoy one second of it. “Yeah, I offered to buy your girl a drink, didn’t I? Then you shoved your way in between us, which was rude. I was just trying to be friendly!”
“Silence, mortal.” He’s had enough of this conversation, if it can even be called that, and glances in the direction of the entrance to see if you’re making your exit. In the process, he sees the man’s expression morph into something ugly, something vengeful. He’s not sure why, considering he has not been insulted; after all, Dream simply called him what he is, which is a mortal. 
“The fuck did you just call me?”
Instead of actually bothering with a response, Dream attempts to move away from the wall in order to find you, having had enough of playing this game. The mortal man’s hand lands on his shoulder and stops him from achieving that goal. Dream simply glances at it, deciding that, actually, it has been a good while since he properly frightened a mortal in any realm.
“Why ya tryin’ to leave? I just wanted to have a friendly chat.” The man’s breath reeks of cheap alcohol, and Dream’s lip curls in disgust.
“No, I think not.”
“Hey!” Both heads snap towards the bar’s entrance, where you’re emerging from the door and marching closer towards them. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
The mortal man smirks, finding amusement in the fact that you’re now involved. “Get outta here, bitch. This doesn’t concern you.”
Dream has half a mind to incite his nightmares on this boor of a man just for the crude insult (how dare he even think to disrespect the future consort of the Dreaming in such a way), but you’re speaking before he can properly make a decision. “Yeah it does. Leave him alone.”
The man smirks and rolls his eyes, turning his attention back to Dream. “What, you need your girlfriend to fight your battles for you?”
“I’m trying to protect you here,” you say with a laugh, knowing that Dream doesn’t need anyone to do anything for him. “Take your hand off of him and go.” 
As you walk past him, you knock your shoulder against the man’s, who goes stumbling back with his arms pinwheeling at his sides as he attempts to keep his balance. Either you’re stronger than you look, or the man is drunker than he lets on; Dream is willing to bet that it’s a combination of both.
“I’m not gonna tell you again, dude.” 
Gently, you grab Dream’s hand and pull him away from the wall. He allows you to do so–though he can deny it all he wants, he certainly doesn’t mind when you fuss over him. Sure enough, he watches as you scan him up and down for any sign of injury, seeming to forget that he cannot exactly be injured by a mere mortal.
“Are you okay?” 
Were they in private, Dream would laugh (he’s found himself doing a lot more of that lately–laughing) and assure you that nothing so paltry as a mortal attempting to provoke him had caused him any harm or upset. As it is, he simply nods, taking your hand in his and kissing the back of it.
Unfortunately, mortal men seem to love violence. This should not be surprising, considering his brother is—was—Destruction, but it’s something that tends to slip his mind due to how little time he actually spends among them. When they are robbed of the opportunity to inflict said violence on their intended target, they become enraged. 
This is no different for this mortal man, whose face turns a surprising shade of red in anger. As Dream turns with you to leave, he allows his natural eyes to appear through the blue ones that he wears when in the Waking. Black pits appear in their place, the stars that are normally there completely snuffed out. Petty, but he cannot resist making the last move.
This works against his favor, however, when the mortal man takes a swing at Dream.
For an immortal, anthropomorphic personification, Dream has not found himself in many fights through his long life. He should rephrase that: he has not found himself in many street fights through his long life. Battles, he’s had his fair share. Glorious battles, either those like the Oldest Game where wit is the weapon or those where he was fighting for a purpose, be it love or honor or his realm. 
But battles are skilled; there’s an art to them, an understanding on each side of the formalities and the pomp and circumstance that goes into it all. Though they may be enemies, the foes carry with them a certain integrity that extends to the conflict. In fact, as far as Dream is aware, mortal military campaigns are fought a lot like this as well. Alleyway brawls most certainly do not carry any of this.
Humanity changed, as humanity is wont to do, in the century plus that Dream found himself a prisoner in an English countryside basement. However, the century of imprisonment had to align with one of the centuries that underwent the most societal change. Though Dream very much enjoys watching as humanity evolves, he enjoys watching it as it happens, not learning about it in retrospect. As a result, he has felt woefully behind when it comes to modern standards; a fact which the few mortals or former mortals he knows love to focus on. Not that he wants to sound every bit as old as he is, but before his imprisonment, ladies most certainly did not fight.
All of this is important knowledge to keep in mind for the coming events.
The man’s hit, meant for Dream, connects against your cheek as a result of you shoving Dream out of the way before he can truly process what’s about to happen. He wants to tell you to stop, wants to blow sand in the face of this man and follow through on his silent threat to give him his worst nightmares, but…something stops him. A not-unpleasant warmth in his stomach that begins to bloom as he watches you ball your hands into fists, obviously preparing to fight back against this man. 
A few bystanders audibly wince when you punch your adversary’s jaw, making his head snap back. Curses fall from his lips as he swings again, but you manage to grab a fistful of his shirt collar when you duck and his fist hits your forehead. This advantage means that this will be the last hit he gets on you. 
With a yank of the fabric, the shirt goes up over his head and serves both to blind him as well as to make it difficult for him to move away from you. He’s more focused on attempting to free himself from your hold than he is hitting you again, and when he finally does regain his sight, he sees your fist hurtling towards his face.
The last punch is a direct hit to the mortal’s nose, blood immediately beginning to drip down his face and onto the ground. Both the pain and the shock of it send him falling backwards onto the ground, where he groans pathetically and clutches at his wounded face. From above, you breathe heavily and shake out your dominant hand, a look of disgust on your face as you stare down at the enemy you’ve taken down with ease.
In all, the actual fight lasts less than half a minute. Dream, however, believes that he shall think of said fight for the rest of his eternal fight.
“Bitch,” the mortal spits out again, the insult the only weapon he has left in his arsenal.
“Don’t forget it, either.” You grab Dream’s hand again, this time pulling him away from the small crowd that’s beginning to form on the sidewalk. “C’mon, we gotta get outta here before someone calls the cops.”
Dream demeans himself and actually runs alongside you, but only until there are no more humans in sight. He pulls you to a stop then, taking his sand out of his coat and tossing a handful in the air. Between one blink and the next, he’s safely inside your Waking apartment with you. Shaking your head a couple of times to clear the double vision in your eyes, you finally look over at him.
“I’m so sorry, I really didn’t think you’d get stuck dealing with some drunk idiot who–oof!” 
Dream cuts off your rambling by shoving you against the wall of your bedroom and proceeding to kiss you as though it’s been years since he last laid his lips against yours. You stiffen under him for a moment before your body goes lax, hands curling around the lapels of his coat as you lean into him and attempt to eliminate any modicum of space between your bodies. It’s only when he can hear you beginning to try and take desperate little pants in an attempt to get air into your lungs that he pulls his lips from you, though this doesn’t last for long.
“Do you have any idea,” he pauses to press another series of heated kisses to you, “what seeing you fight that man did to me?”
“...I’m confused. Are you mad?”
“Mad?” Dream scoffs. “How could I be mad, when you defended my honor in such a way. Me, who could have sent the mortal to the Nightmare Realm with barely a glance. I am more powerful than the gods themselves, yet you fought for me without so much as a second thought. No, I am not mad at you. I find myself rather infatuated with you at this moment, in fact.”
“As if you’re not infatuated with me all the time?” He silences your snark with more kissing, which you gladly accept for another few moments.
“Dream,” you finally mumble against his lips. 
When he doesn’t answer, you try again. 
He still doesn’t answer, nor does he make any movement to let you know he even heard you. Finally, you push at his chest to get his attention. 
“While I’d love to continue doing this, my lip is split and it really hurts to kiss you right now.”
Dream steps away from you sheepishly. It’s not often that his control falters in such a way, and it only ever does so when he’s in your presence.
“I apologize,” he says remorsefully. If there’s one thing that Dream hates, it’s causing pain to those dearest to him, of which you are the most dear.
“You don’t have to apologize for anything, you couldn’t have known it hurts. I should probably clean myself up, though.” He follows you into your bathroom, where you turn on the faucet and grab a clean cloth off of the towel rack.
“Allow me to help you with your wounds?” Dream asks.
Healing others is not one of his many powers, and you know that. Still, he wants to be of assistance, and so you point to the closet in the corner. “There’s a first aid kit on the bottom shelf of the closet, if you wouldn’t mind grabbing that?”
Dream hasn’t the faintest idea what a first aid kit actually is, but since he’s trying to be helpful, he simply goes off in the direction that you pointed him towards. When he comes back with the bright red bag (he knows enough from dreams to know that the white cross on the front means medical aid), you’re dabbing blood off of the back of your hand with a damp cloth.
“I did not realize that your hand was injured, as well,” Dream says.
“What can I say? Fucker had a hard head.”
He frowns. “I really wish that you would not use such crass language. It’s very unbecoming.”
“You love it and you know you do.”
Dream’s hands skim over the different medical supplies, unsure of what will help or hurt, or even what each item’s intended use is. This confusion must be rather obvious, for you simply have him hold the kit open as you grab whatever is needed and set it out on the counter next to you. He watches, silently and with utter fascination, while you grab a small cotton round and dab some sort of antibiotic on it before you begin to carefully apply it to your knuckles.
He takes this time to actually catalog the injuries you had sustained while fighting for him. In addition to the webbing of surface-level cuts on your knuckles, two wide bruises are already beginning to discolor your skin, one stretching along your cheekbone and the skin below your right eye and the other on your forehead up into your hairline. The ‘split lip’ as you called it, does look rather painful, and he feels bad to have exacerbated that pain. The skin is quite literally split down both your upper and lower lip, dark red blood pooling on the surface. It’s swollen, and another bruise forms on top of the swelling.
Again, Dream feels his heart, which does not work like that of a human’s, clench painfully. You’ve bled to protect him, injured yourself just to keep him safe. He does not know how he could ever repay you for such a kindness, though you’ll assuredly attempt to convince him that you don’t need any sort of repayment.
For Dream, this repayment starts by being the one to take care of you. Now that he’s watched you care for one wound, he can easily mimic your movements as he takes the washcloth you’re running under the tap water and gently presses it to your lip. You wince under his touch, but allow his hand to remain there.
“Where did you learn to fight in such a way?” Dream asks after you’ve nodded that enough time has passed for him to remove the cloth from your mouth.
You shrug. “I was bullied in middle school and it started to get kind of physical–nothing too bad, just mean girls shoving me around or stepping on my heels so that I’d trip and fall.” It sounds far worse than ‘nothing too bad,’ and Dream almost wants to ask you for the names of your childhood tormentors so that he may give them a taste of their own medicine. “Still, my dad wanted to teach me to defend myself, just in case it got any worse.”
“He taught a child to fight?” Dream scoffs in disbelief, one hand gently holding your chin in place while he uses the other to apply the antibiotic to your lips.
“I was twelve, first of all, and it’s not like he was encouraging me to go up to these girls and knock them out. It was a last-resort sort of thing,” you say when he’s finished tending to that cut.
His hand gently skims along the bruise on your cheek, and you can’t stop your reflexes as your hand darts out to grab at his wrist and stop him. He aborts what he was doing, instead grasping your own hand and pulling you to him as he just barely lays his lips on top of the bruise and lets them linger there. He can hear your breath catch in your lungs as he does so, and it makes him smirk just slightly.
When Dream finally pulls away, your body unconsciously tries to follow him as you mourn the loss of his closeness. He asks, “Might I continue to attend to you, my protector? My warrior?”
“Uh, um,” you stutter, trying desperately to remember how to speak. Dream finds it incredibly endearing. “The, uh, I have ice packs in the–in the freezer. For my face? They’re blue, and they should be stacked on top of each other.”
“Go lay down so that you may rest,” he commands. “I shall be back momentarily.”
You describe items well enough that finding whatever it is you request is an easy task, the ice packs being no different. Perhaps Hob Gadling was right to marvel over human inventions at most of the pair’s early meetings. There is something rather fascinating about the resourcefulness of creating something that can be kept cold specifically to help with injuries. 
When Dream returns to you, you’ve done as he asked as are laying against the pillows of your bed to rest. He’s unsure of how you apply said ice packs, and hands them to you instead and watches as you lay one on each bruise. Though you recoil from the cold at first, you soon sigh and relax under it. 
“Will you lay with me?” you ask. 
Dream is not one to turn you down for most things, and he especially will not deny you of this request. He wraps himself around you, black coat billowing out and covering both of you. He knows that it’s only your face that has sustained the brunt of your injuries, but he still tries to be cautious with you just in case.
It’s not exactly resting when you’re on your phone watching the videos that, while they make no sense to Dream, make you laugh, but you’re safe and in his arms, so he won’t say anything to you about the importance of proper rest. Instead, he allows himself to simply think. About you, about him, about this night.
“You need not have come to my defense,” he says suddenly upon remembering what it is he had wanted to say to you earlier, before he was overcome with the need to kiss you. Distantly, he’s reminded of the last time he said such a phrase, and his lips tilt up at the memory.
“Hmm?” You don’t quite know what he means, his statement coming from out of nowhere.
“I was in no danger, yet you so valiantly defended me from the mortal. Why?”
“Because he was going to hurt you.” You say it as if it’s the most obvious conclusion in the world. The sky is blue, water is wet, you fought the man because he was going to hurt Dream.
“He would not have gotten the chance.”
You sigh. “I know that you’re all-powerful and whatnot, but…when you love someone, sometimes that doesn’t matter. Someone was attempting to attack you, and so I decided that I wasn’t going to let them. You’d do the same for me, wouldn’t you?”
“I very much would. However, it’s a little different for me than it is for you.”
“Why? Because I’m a woman?”
He begins to uncharacteristically stammer in an attempt to explain himself. “No, that’s not–I would never–you–”
You cut him off with a laugh before he can make an even bigger fool of himself. “I’m just teasing you.”
“You are cruel to your monarch, my love.”
“Not my monarch, I’m afraid,” you say cheekily, a smile on your face. “Last I checked, I’m not one of your subjects.”
It will never cease to amaze Dream just how at peace he feels when in your presence. On the rare occasion that conversations start out serious, they devolve into something quaint and full of soft touches and teasing jokes at your hands. Even after he sees you into the Dreaming and has returned the now-melting ice packs to your freezer, he feels this way.
Suddenly, he’s struck with the ‘why’ of it all. He feels at home here. No, he feels at home with you. Being with you is like coming home after a long journey and getting to sleep in your bed again for the first time in months. You’re his comfort, his safe place.
Perhaps, in some cases, the Waking World is an ideal place to be.
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tailsdollr · 2 months
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hi everyone. This is a story I have been working on for a while. I begun working on all of this maybe a month or two ago. So here it all is.
◇ Details of Monochrome Ink ◇
Monochrome was created due to one of Ink's arms being separated from him. It grew into a separate, unstable entity. Since they were made from only an arm, their time is limited. They bleed due to their body collapsing slowly overtime.
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Their design is based off from Ink's own desires and thoughts. His love of colors being obvious in how colorful their deisgn is. Which is ironic since Monochrome as the name implies has full color blindness.
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Ink didn't have good first impressions of Monochrome. An extension of himself, someone to finally relate to, someone like them. They couldn't see colors, but they could feel. They were like them but weren't.
Ink didn't know how to react to this. He was never able to actually create life despite being an artist. Only creators could. And now he did. It was him but the mirror was warped.
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Monochrome was created with no previous memories. No clue what the world is around him and can't see the world for all it's beauty. Despite this and his limited time, Monochrome had fun. He loved seeing all the AU's he got to see. Even if he didn't truly grasp the art behind it.
When his body finally collapses, he turns back into the ink that makes up Ink's body. And by definition, doesn't exist anymore.
If you have any thoughts or questions please share. :) I have more OC's and AU stuff to share. But this is one of the first I've done since I haven't really interacted with this fandom since 2016 ??
Ink has always been a special character to me. His entire existence depends on us creating and loving art. I wanted Monochrome to represent those who love and support art. As humans our time here is limited. Whatever we can create in our time is important.
To those who see our art and are inspired. Whatever it sparks in us. Whether it be our own concepts or just that we love the art. Art is a beautiful form of expression.
Undertale came from a place of love. For love for RPG's and art as whole. And I think all the AU's this fandom has created shows how much we love Ubdertale. We saw art, were inspired, and created something of our own.
Ink - Comyet
Error - CrayonQueen
Dream - Jukoblog
Monochrome- Me
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archivist-the-knight · 6 months
love how the entire slimecicle bg3 gang is like really smart they're also all just. actually im exploring this
xiv is very smart. not only are they an arcane battery, their father likely gave them plenty of books to read about spell-casting. so they're a big thinker. but what stops them from reaching their true potential is the fact that they likely don't allow themselves to properly process their more negative emotions, like rai's death and whatnot. and they're... literally going through this entire adventure after escaping an incredibly toxic and neglectful environment. they're probably trying to push back how their father was a piece of shit as well and its not working because their dream visitor IS their father!! so they know their way around a book but don't know how to deal with their father screaming from the other room :-3
tal i think is very aware of others feelings, and partially emotionally intelligent for himself. he tries to talk rai down before he's forced to kill him, being kind to him in rai's final moments of lucidity. he understand's something wrong with xiv, that there's something they aren't telling the rest of the group, but he doesn't wanna pry. in terms of more "intellectual intelligence" i think he is smart but just... doesn't know how to articulate it. he can do it, but unlike xiv he literally cannot explain it to you. it's like how he mispronounced monotonous; he knows of it, he just forgot the pronunciation. basically him and xiv are kind of inverses of each other; xiv is smart and can explain it, but can't deal with their emotions. tal can recongize his and others emotions, and while being a bit smart he can't explain it like xiv can and forgets the information sometime. another thing i think they have in common is accidentally lashing out in anger. tal doesn't know why (not a violent dog; doesn't know why he bites) and xiv knows but wishes they didnt (violent dog; wishes they didn't know why they bite.)
klip. i'm gonna be honest i think he's the most normal in the group and that is genuinely saying something. he's about average in terms of emotional and intelectual intelligence, but. the way he reacts to rai being weird is touching the book thats glowing ominously, but at the same time checking to see if he's okay. it's like he's barely passed the skillcheck, and thus while it's good, there are aspects of it he's missing. its not the fact that he can't read the room, its the fact that he can read parts of it. the rest of it he realizes depending on the person's reaction. im 50/50 on whether or not he harbors a bit of guilt from not actually defeating that goblin camp but this again. is klip we're talking about. surprisingly the most well adjusted of the group despite the squidfucking.
now rai... i think rai. thinks he's well adjusted but oh. isn't. i think its the book that makes him realize he craves a family more than anything. but its really too late to change anything is it. and just god... rai's death was so fucked man. he didn't even get to learn anything about his parents, we didnt get to learn anything about his parents, before he died. its so... goddd its fucked. anyway yeah. rai thinks he is. the book reminds him so coldly and cruelly that he isnt <333
all of that to say. just because they're dumbasses does not mean they're stupid. also @flammablefaerie the bread is here
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minotaur-asterion · 9 months
The voices, and when they get down with the sickness (long post underneath, please prepare yourself):
I think Hero kind of wishes they could act out that classic sickfic scene where they get to stay in bed all day and someone brings them soup and takes good care of them. Well, it’ll never happen with that nervous attitude, so until they get the balls to ask someone they’ll have to suck it up and take care of themselves. So, so tired the entire time. Poor meow meow
Alternatively, Hero’s a doting caretaker, if not physically distant. Doesn’t want to catch anything… but rest assured, they’re at their charge’s beck and call- they’ll bring food, medicine, heating pads, blankets, the crown of Russia, Russia, and more!
Cold can’t tell until something really noticeable happens, and even then it can be a while before he figures out he’s sick. Oh, his nose is running? It has been getting cold recently, no pun intended. He collapsed? Has to determine whether it was lack of sleep or if he got stabbed recently and that was blood loss; illness just doesn’t immediately come to mind. Might get a little loopy and out of it while recovering. Appreciates the lack of taste if forced to eat
Cold’s really good at treating sick folks, but taking care of them can be 50/50 depending on who it is. If he actually gives a shit he mostly curls up in a chair nearby and chills- again, pun not intended- until they need something. He might even offer the briefest of cuddles, which depending on his charge’s strength might end up lasting a lot longer than he planned
Cheated gets sick a lot- he doesn’t get much sleep so his body doesn’t have a lot of energy to fight it off. It’s total chaos if he gets a fever. Complains soooo much. But he gets very warmly happy if someone throws in the towel to take care of him. Wants to snuggle a lot
He refuses to take care of most of the others. Fuck them! But he’s probably going to get roped into it one way or another, knowing his luck. The only people he’d actually agree to care for is Opportunist and Contrarian since they live together. I’ve always imagined those three as a package deal anyway
Speaking of Opportunist- ey’re used to a little bit of body ache, so ey’re able to power through the less severe colds and such, just take it a little easier than usual, wear a mask to work, you know. It gets trickier when severe sickness aligns with a bad back day, ey don’t enjoy feeling like that while barely being able to move around. Ey’re honored if anyone decides to help, honestly…
Opportunist is a believer in laughter being the best medicine. He likes to talk and talk about all sorts of things just to take his charge’s mind off their symptoms. He also likes to hear himself talk, so it’s a bonus, really!
Contrarian… surprisingly barely ever gets sick. Or, at least, they don’t let on most of the times they do. Maybe they get a little quieter, but it’s surprisingly easy to melt into the crowd for them. It’s probably easier to not expect or ask for anything anyway
But on the contrary, pun intended this time, Contrarian loves to help out and take care of sick folks. God knows he’s not helpful at all with treating the sickness- which makes me think he’d be a good duo with Cold- but he’ll certainly entertain and keep company. “Oh, but you’ll catch something-“ he definitely will, but it’s worth it!
Paranoid is fascinated by disease. Would probably get sick and immediately think “how can I turn this into a zombie-making virus?” Jots down every single sniffle in her journal. Studies the microorganisms that caused it. Just really weird and iconically herself about it. The few times she does sleep, her dreams will be even weirder than usual. I think her obsession with recording the darn thing is overriding the symptoms
It’s much the same with when someone else is sick- pencil to paper, on a scale of one to ten how bad do you feel, describe your symptoms, can I get a swab for totally normal not nefarious reasons. Makes sure to wash her hands after existing in the same room as anyone who’s sick
Broken genuinely doesn’t think it’ll make it. Sure, it’s a really light flu, but it just won’t survive. Most illnesses are similar to a bad pain day regardless of how bad they’d normally be, but the good thing about the whole ordeal is snuggles and attention… Even if it’s out like a light most of the time. Might get weird and horny about it
Broken gets really worried about the others when they’re sick, and usually sticks them in bed if he can even move them there. Perches at the foot of the bed and watches closely. A little creepy, but he means well. So so so worried
Hunted’s surprisingly clean, so it’s hard for it to get too sick. Very pragmatic approach to dealing with it, which includes keeping everything clean during times when it feels better and resting when it feels worse. Doesn’t enjoy it for a second, especially when it clogs its ears and nose, but it’ll survive
Goes a little haywire when someone else is sick. You’ve never bore witness to the kind of strength it can muster to get someone in its nest. Protective as all get out, preens and tries to spoon feed. Will only allow people it trusts with its life- and maybe not even that depending on how feral it is- near the nest
Stubborn isn’t one to get sick often, and even then through the sheer power of, I dunno, muscles or something, he can fight it off pretty well. Just lay off the baking for a bit so he doesn’t accidentally infect anyone… In the rarest cases where he just can’t keep going as usual, he becomes surprisingly tame. Too tired to get all worked up. Sleepy little guy…
They can also be surprisingly helpful, especially with calming down a much stronger personality (cough. Hunted) who’s also trying to take care of someone sick. Makes the meanest fucking soup you’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting. And I say this with Broken definitely in mind, but they get a little affectionate about it. Just a smidge. Not because they care about this person, no! Don’t be ridiculous
Smitten probably gets sick all the time from his flower allergies, but he can’t bring himself to stop gardening. That’s why he got allergy medicine. If it’s not allergies he’s stumped on what to do. Might even get dramatic about it- write his will, eat some ice cream while watching his favorite rom com shows (he knows at least that sugar can help calm nausea), read Shakespeare, uh… I don’t know what else he’d do but it’d be dramatic!
Smitten’s a total sweetheart when taking care of someone else. Breakfast in bed, reads to them (dyslexic, does silly voices), treats them like total royalty. The drawback? Literally never takes care of anyone on a whim. Has to be planned, premeditated. Draws up a schedule of the whole thing
Skeptic likes to take sick days slow. Sit in the butterfly garden. Unless it’s winter. Then he’ll just stay in bed the whole day. Probably hibernates through the illness and wakes up crusty but healthy
He’ll certainly try his best to take care of someone else, but he’s not that great at it. Good at reassuring them about their anxieties though. Gives them a little too much medicine
I have a feeling Meek might be immune to disease. Otherwise she’d fucking die. Sneezes so loudly it’s like a bomb went off
She’s also not great about helping someone through their sickness, but she’ll scoot into their lap and offer them to pet her. The others suspect she might even like being pet… she will vehemently deny it though
Flinching is very shaky when she’s sick. Terrible grip strength. She’ll realize something’s off when she accidentally drops her favorite mug and now has to sadly stare at it on the ground before Doubting picks it up and puts it back together (he made a mug that’s easy to repair specifically for this reason)
Very gentle with sick people, almost as though she’s afraid to break them. Wonderful bedside manner. If she wasn’t so squeamish she would’ve tried becoming a nurse, but alas, just a librarian for now…
Doubting’s vision is usually bleary, but eventually he’ll figure out something’s wrong when he puts his glasses on and he still can’t see well. He’s a good patient, though, and recovers quickly with the right conditions
A lot like Flinching, he’s also good about taking care of others. May or may not be developing experimental treatments for diseases though. Do not touch those beakers
Much like a huge disoriented beast, Obsessed doesn’t do well with sickness. It messes with them badly. Not as clean as Hunted about it but definitely not to be trifled with still. Think like a rabid animal, how they can lose their fear of certain things and just… stare
They don’t live near anyone, so there’s nobody to take care of when sick
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satubby · 1 year
Hello! How are you? I love your account you earned one more followers! I wanted to make a request if it is not too much to ask. Can you be sfw and nsfw headcanons (in a romantic relationship) with Makima in the male version of her? please! I really would like you to attend to my request and I hope you have a good day.
[Note: Am I dreaming? Why if that's the case... don't wake me up, AHHHH!!!! ♡♡♡ Thanks for asking, I rarely (ever) get this and I'm grateful. I hope you like what I wrote because I was lazy to finish the drawing that I had originally planned. I leave you a chibi that I did in the genshin impact style LMAO]
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Well it depends on where you are in your relationship. Unlike Makima, Makime is more openly seductive and is not afraid to use his charm, he is very self-centered about it.
Since I'm based on my fanfic, Makime is your boss in the fourth section of public security and you usually see him but try to stay out of it while hanging out with the boys.
Since you asked for headcanons, I'll go two ways, first I'll do the SFW and then the NSFW because I want to dedicate more time to that one since I suck writing intimate acts.
Tokens of appreciation:
Makime would show her appreciation in a peculiar and somewhat twisted way at worst. He could offer eloquent compliments and sweet flattery, but always with a hidden agenda. His words may be framed in lies and manipulations, it is likely that he seeks to obtain something in return, for example... Your entire disposition and love for him.
If you are at the beginning of the relationship, he would seek to attract you with simple gifts that you would not expect from him, for example: Roses, money or bonuses from your salary. Well, he knows you don't trust him.
If you are already more confident, he could show his appreciation through such simple acts as leaving you with less workload or pairing you up with him so you don't endanger yourself on more important missions [Which is more of an excuse to keep an eye on you and silently study you in case that he still did not declare his love openly]. He would be constantly watching over you, making sure you were safe and removing any perceived threats [Whether he was actually dangerous to you or just out of jealousy].
Makime might offer quirky and unique gifts that reflect her knowledge of your likes and interests. However, these gifts could be more manipulative than genuine intent. Sometimes just looking for a reaction from you, whether positive or not, he just wants you to pay attention.
You are really confused by their actions, sometimes you feel compelled to accept their gifts, good or bad.
Romance type:
The romance with Makime would be an emotional roller coaster. Spending time with him could be exciting and exciting, but also dangerous and exhausting. His cunning and manipulative personality would create an intense dynamic, full of mind games at the worst. Well, since I'm basing myself on the events of my Fanfic: A peach between apples, you constantly doubt the intentions of the red-haired demon since you know its nature from its original version, Makima.
Makime would seek to maintain absolute control in the relationship, although he would secretly like to have sweet moments without forcing you to participate in them, but it will only happen when he is sure that you will not let him. He can be possessive and jealous, showing his darker side if he feels you are slipping out of his control or if you have been a brat to him.
The romance with Makime, as I said, is quite nuanced and since he doesn't know the feeling of human-style love, he grew up in isolation [I guess?] He could make you feel uncomfortable without meaning to but he's still a son of a bitch, so he doesn't care about your reactions a lot, he just wants to see you nervous and/or any other emotion, you're interesting.
He would always be hiding parts of himself and revealing little clues as the relationship progresses or that he already has the certainty that you will not betray him, that you will be his completely. These secrets and gradual revelations could lead to a complicated and ambiguous emotional connection since you don't fully understand their actions.
At times Makime can be cold and insensitive to your feelings, but when he's jealous or vulnerable, he drops his cunning and prideful facade, to be twistedly soft on you. Their gifts in these cases would be more intimate, giving you things that they know you like. In his strange and sadistic way, he gives you someone's heart or kills in front of you, which leaves you quite traumatized because it is not pretty to see someone literally explode or see how their insides turn inside out (that is, the skin and organs come out of the inside ). These cases only occur when he is in a bad mood or wants to punish you.
Types of names and nicknames that Makime uses with you:
Makime's nicknames towards you influence his impressions, at the beginning of meeting you she would call you little employee or lamb, because in his eyes you look like a nervous lamb in front of its predator.
As they are already closer or in a relationship that is not [clearly if] forced, he would call you: Little doll, little rabbit or puppy.
In cases where he is in a bad mood, he usually uses demeaning names like: Pet, my prize, Dumb human or needy bitch [but these last names are more in the NSFW context].
Particularly when he is feeling most intimate and vulnerable, he often calls you my treasure, love (if not very creative) angel or princess.
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You walked the streets of Tokyo, checking your makeup and everything. Makime had summoned you for something, with the control demon you never knew what he would do next or even his intentions towards you. You saw makime sitting down having a coffee, you approached him by sitting on it and adjusting the wrinkles in your clothes.
"Makime-san.... Did you need me for something? Normally I don't expect you to invite me to these types of places without it being for celebration or work reasons, your invitation and interest in me really surprises me" You said something nervous but trying to hide your discomfort or worst case scenario, those many doubts that run in your mind about this situation.
Makime looked at his glass of espresso as if it were interesting, only making you more uncomfortable at his non-response. Then he smiled widely and looked at you, what you didn't know is that this was just an excuse to spend time with you. He could practically see you anywhere and yet he preferred moments like these even if they weren't (if they are) forced. But he just wants alone time without those jerks following you around like roaches attached to food.
The redhead comes out of his thoughts about Aki, Powa and Denji turning to you again looking at you with an amused and calm smile while those piercing golden eyes follow your movements from head to toe, scrutinizing you.
"Sure... *Sigh*, you're kind of right, I invited you for a coffee, there's no problem with that... so just relax and don't try to see the devil's horn in everything, okay?" Here a sip of his coffee, while he smiles, that fucking smile that just gets on your nerves, you notice that he gives you an aura of great power when he sits near you, you start to wonder if there is something else he wants.
You don't want to be by his side, you hate even looking at him because you feel constantly violated and exposed, you hate the feeling and the bastard knows it, he enjoys getting nervous like you can't imagine.
"Makime-san, if you only called me for this I see no point in staying..." You were getting hysterical, you wanted to hit him even if it meant getting killed in the process, you still got up bowing and starting to leave. Yeah If you stayed longer, you wouldn't know whether to hit them out of irritation or the simple fact of wasting your time. Damn, you never understood their actions and that frustrates you, it's like a game of egos between tug and pull.
It wasn't until hands bigger than your arm grabbed you tightly, giving you a sharp twist, making you collide with the redhead's chest. Your face pressed against his chest, feeling the beating of his heart, although thinking about it more thoroughly you didn't know if it was just the sound he imitated to avoid raising suspicions. The breath on the helix¹ of your ear as you inevitably turned red. Instinctively you wanted to push him but he held you tighter in his arms as he whispered your name loving that blush coming from you.
You see him with a calm look, not knowing that you are telling him what he wants to hear: Those beats in your chest indicating that he was the cause of these... No one else and that puts him in a better mood.
With calm eyes, he looks at your lips and back into your eyes, he comes a little closer to you, caresses your cheek tenderly and looks at you with a more intense look. This only makes the knot in your stomach that has been building up for these few minutes increase and become more tangled like the spaghetti you ate yesterday for dinner.
"I just want to see you by my side. Isn't that enough for you?" He says with a sweet and seductive voice, he smiles a little at you, but his golden eyes look at you intensely with mixed emotions. You know that everything has an intention behind it and you don't want to give in to his whims.... But God!!, how you wanted to keep looking and admit that despite being a son of a bitch and a cunning manipulator, he's damn attractive.
You continued to stare at Makime, trying to figure out his true intentions. You felt a mixture of tension and longing inside of you, fighting against your own contradictory feelings. His closeness and his caresses disturbed you, but at the same time they attracted you in a way that you could not help.
"I don't know if that's enough for me," you replied with a shaky voice, trying to keep your guard up. "There are still many things I don't understand about you, Makime-san. I can't just get carried away by your sweet words and gestures. I don't trust you completely and we barely speak to each other."
He looks at you with a 'kind' smile on his lips and sees that his eyes become duller than usual, you avoid looking at them any longer with an insecure look, he knows you're nervous but you don't let him see everything.
"Trust takes time, you will give it to me sooner or later, you will have no other choice"
His gaze only pierces yours and his eyes remain that hypnotic golden color with those rings in them, hypnotizing you and he begins to caress your thigh with his hand.
Then as if something bewitched both of them, their lips slowly approached and he kisses your lips, nibbles your tongue and lips. Loving every inch of your mouth, your mind at this point is blurry and so you let yourself go.
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[Sorry if I don't put the NSFW content yet, but I need to write that part properly and since I have a knot in my head, I need to organize myself with my creative ideas. I hope you liked it and I'm sorry if there are mistakes in the pronouns, my understanding of English is the same as a 3 year old :P]
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15 questions for 15 friends! got tagged by @staghunters.
Are you named after anyone?
First name just because my mom liked it, middle name after my uncle, being-weird-about-gender name after my great-grandmother.
When was the last time you cried?
Earlier today. Money headaches.
Do you have kids?
I have a godson who just turned four. Some day I hope to have kids of my own as well!
What sports do you play/have played?
As a kid, baseball and very briefly soccer. I tried to get into fencing in college but my knees were already too fucked-up by then.
Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, more than I would like.
What's the first thing you notice about a person?
I am not proud of this at all, but it registers pretty immediately whether or not I think they're physically attractive.
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I've never understood people who have firm preferences for "tone" in this way. Doesn't it depend on the story?
Where were you born?
Western Massachusetts born and bred, although I spent my childhood first in Vermont and later in New Jersey.
Any talents?
This is too vague to answer, but, like @staghunters, I too am pretty good at carrying maps and routes in my head.
Do you have any pets?
Two cats!
How tall are you?
Favorite subject at school?
English and woodshop. I've often said that if my interests had developed in a slightly different direction around the age of fourteen or fifteen I probably would have gone a very different life path and being doing some sort of skilled craftsmanship now.
Dream job?
Something in the gallery/library/archive/museum field, partly but not entirely remote, without too many early mornings.
Tagging @eucatastrophicblues @clarascuro @wedding-shemp @marzipanandminutiae @itsallwearecalledtodo
@mayasaura @carys-the-ninth @thatlowdoorinthewall @abigail-pent @maryblackwood
@sapphicscience @lilaccatholic @roseupfromthdead @sagebrushed @itsmybarricade, but don't feel obliged to answer if you don't want to!
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
Okay so I read @musette22 post about evanstan kisses, but I am not feeling wholesome today. I’m dirty minded and that made me wonder. What would be their favorite sexual actions to give and to receive?
I feel like Sebastian loves to suck Chris’s cock. Y’know with the oral fixation. And well who is Chris to say no to Sebastian and not get his dick wet.
Chris is a very handsy person. He loves to touch and make his loved ones happy, so that means fingering Seb till he’s all fucked out.
Anyways now i feel like i’m starting to answer my own question. So byee buyye!
related to this
Maybe I'm insane but I could've sworn I've written something on this exact topic and/or I've seen something in the same vein from one of the writers I follow here on Tumblr... but I can't find it. So. I guess I'm just insane. Whatever, lol. 🤷🏻‍♂️
(If anyone knows what I'm talking about, please link me! Lmao)
Not to be cliché but I like to imagine that Chris likes to give and give and give.
Simply, anything that will leave Sebastian hazy and feeling floaty is his favorite.
Whatever gets Seb off, Chris is gonna go for that. Absolutely. He's a lover and he loves doing whatever will leave his partner wobbly and well-fucked (even if their favorite isn't being fucked necessarily).
Baby feels big, and truthfully, nothing makes him feel better than being able to give Sebastian pleasure. Seeing Sebastian slowly turn to mush, coming apart at the seams, until he's flushed, breathing hard, and weak, unable to do anything but lie there and soak in the feelings, whether it's post-orgasm, drained in the best way, or pre-orgasm, succumbing to the denial... that's better than anything.
Sometimes, when Chris gets Sebastian like that, he doesn't need anything else. He could survive off of it. Just this. Gleaning his satisfaction off of the pleased sighs and overwhelmed gasps of Seb--the open, quiet satisfaction pouring off of Seb. He's an open book and so reactive. It's unbelievable.
Depending on Sebastian's mood, though, the thing that might get him there--the thing that Chris might most want to give him--changes. Sometimes, it's being face-fucked, eyes rolling back; sometimes, it's being rimmed until he cries; sometimes, it's being fingered until he can't help but cum all over himself, making a mess; sometimes, it's being restrained heavily until he can't move, and can't think about anything but obeying Chris; sometimes, it's just being told how good he is, how pretty, and how well-behaved, causing him to glow from the inside out, shivering with the immensity of his arousal.
But, deep down, if he had to pick, I think Chris' favorite favorite to give is when Sebastian is feeling especially needy and sensitive, and he gets so wrapped up in being touched that they never get past making out. So, all Chris has to do is touch him and praise him. Low effort with high reward.
The best.
There's just something so intoxicating about Sebastian in his arms, in his lap, barley holding himself up, barely strong enough to cling to him, as Chris frames his face with his hands, kissing him bruisingly. Demandingly. That mouth. Before he runs entirely out of air and expires from the fire burning through him, Chris breathlessly rumbles about how pretty he is. Right against his wet-dream mouth.
Pretty all the time.
Sebastian whimpers.
But so, so pretty especially when he's blushing pink and shying away from compliments even though he wants them to keep coming. Drowning in the barrage of them. Needing them. Each compliment, each bit of praise, winds him tighter and tighter until he's squirming, and his eyes are too dark and heavily lidded to see any slate blue. Attention that leaves him dripping.
It's beautiful.
He's beautiful.
Chris wants him like crazy when he's like that. His sweet Seb. Eyes dark. Gaze averted. Shy. Mouth parted. Face, neck, and chest pink. And putting out this desperate, squirmy energy.
He is please personified in that moment.
Yet, Chris just keeps petting him and keeps talking. For as long as he himself can stand it. He knows Seb will follow his lead, wherever he wants him to go. But, he'll wear Seb down to a helpless puddle in no time at all. Again, it's low effort. Seb takes to being touched, being praised so easily. Wearing him down and down until the only thing Seb can seem to do is primally grind into him, against his stomach, pitifully choking on pleas but calming instantly as Chris hushes him, telling him to keep being good. Keep taking it, he knows he can. He never needs to beg, as lovely as he sounds as he begs.
Spoiler, Sebastian's also always good. Even when be begs.
Good for Chris.
Soft and sweet under his hands... warm and wet when Chris presses his fingers into his slack mouth; reactive and gasping when Chris draws down his chest and tweaks his hard nipples; twitchy and cute and fucking obscene when Chris wraps his fist around his cock. He's everything.
Stripped down to his bare needs, erotically sucking at his fingers, whimpering around them, and dreamily hanging onto his every word. Every true bit of praise Chris can think of.
Most of the words don't make it into Sebastian's head, Chris knows, but it doesn't matter. It just means he'll get to do this again. He'll get to melt Seb down again and hold him and stroke him and talk to him and make him lose control entirely. Completely overwhelming him.
And the part that really pushes Chris over the edge, making him enjoy giving this to Sebastian the most, is the way he breaks when he cums.
When Chris is finally ready to let him go--all he's got to say is the word, give him the okay, his Seb is so obedient--and he shatters. Chris can pull him back by the hair if he wants to stare at that pretty fucking face as he orgasms, lips open and trembling, and he'll follow, but if he doesn't pull, sebastian curls in, moaning, "ah, ah, ahhh," raggedly as he trembles through the pleasure, hot mouth sizzling against his neck and shoulder, burrowing in deep, fingernails digging into any part of Chris he can reach, he needs strength, and then fully, fully succumbing to the glittering fog. Limp. Chris could move him however he wants. Do anything to him that he wants.
Sometimes, Chris just looks at him. Suspended in--lost in subspace. Gorgeous. A living, breathing statue.
And every time Sebastian cums just from his voice and his hands, laid in his lap, reveling in sweet words for a sweet boy, Chris gets something huge and powerful and shiver-inducing in his chest. Sebastian let's him do this. Sebastian trusts him to work him up, break him, and bring him back.
There's nothing hotter than that.
To continue my theme from above, this also depends...
If Chris is feeling particularly in need of control, deep in his dominant streak--wanting to push, shove, and take--then he's partial to having Sebastian's mouth on him. Good ol', dirty fucking is good, too--it also sure fucking works to scratch that itch by throwing Seb around a little, thrusting into him like he wants to break him, the kind of fucking that fucks moans out of Sebastian weather or not he wants to let them out. Ah! Ah! AH! Hoarse, rough sounds that are punched out. They almost sound painful. But...
Sebastian's mouth.
A fuckin' fool would be the only person to turn that down.
Chris likes to think he's not a fool.
The sound of Sebastian gurgling, choking, and moaning on his dick is what makes the more intense dom in him growl. It's what he craves.
Sebastian is eager when on the cusp of being fucked, of course, he loves being fucked, that's natural, but Seb is a special kind of sub, too--a sub that revels in having his mouth used. And Chris has to exploit that. His Seb is talented. He doesn't plan to waste it.
So, he, too, revels in taking Seb's throat. Fucking it. The feeling. The noises. The obscene look painted over Sebastian's face. Getting pleasure from being used. Getting pleasure from giving pleasure. From serving.
Chris doesn't like to think he's selfish, but there is something about having an eager boy willing to serve him. To give himself over to Chris entirely. To kneel and open and be exposed and vulnerable and beautiful. All for him.
Fucking his mouth only gets hotter and hotter and hotter the more Chris pulls at Seb's hair, eyes rolling to the back of his head, then fluttering shut, the deeper Chris gets into Seb's throat until his nose is smushed up against his lower stomach, and the more Chris makes Seb cry and moan on his cock, sloppy with it.
They both enjoy the fuck out of it. Chris controlling the pace, controlling Sebastian; Sebastian in rapture at being controlled.
If Chris' not feeling the itch to have Seb melt underneath the wave of submission, being totally used and giving up control to Chris, Chris is so fucking here for being ridden.
Again, Chris is handsy. Chris is an ass man, too. Both of those together means he gets the fuck off on having Seb bounce on his cock--taking it like a goddamn champ while moaning for it like a fucking slut.
When being ridden--lounging back like a king and (mostly) letting Seb take what he wants--Chris is greedy. Grabbing with his fingers biting into Sebastian's hips and ass, hoping to leave bruises behind. Growling while he does it.
His grip is preventing Seb from moving for now, holding him down, his dick entirely inside him. Swallowed up. Enjoying it for a moment, Chris grinds up, punching breathy sounds out of Seb as he digs deep into his willing body. Chris carves space for himself in Seb. Then, he slaps his ass. Startling his baby into keeping going, bouncing, rolling, riding, and leaving Seb's head spinning.
They're both spinning.
Spinning and spitting fire.
All the while, as Chris grabs and hits and lets himself roll around in this pleasure, his mouth is running. When he doesn't have to pant and heave and keep going at Sebastian, fucking him, he uses all his breath to tease, to taunt, to talk. Driving Seb up the fucking wall. Chris' voice always undoes him. He doesn't even have to be saying something fucking sexy. He doesn't even have to be turned on. He just has to talk. Rough. Deep. Accented. Masculine. Getting under Sebastian's skin and leaving him breathless.
Greedy; grabbing, slapping, mouthing off.
Having Sebastian on top is so fucking good.
And when Seb is on him, riding him, pornographic, Chris might further intervein, too...
Seb first slides on and Chris might fist the base of the cock, preventing Seb from taking the entire thing tip-to-base until he begs pretty enough to earn the whole thing. Begs or whines.
Whimpering and fixing him with those big, hungry eyes will get Sebastian everywhere.
Or, once he's been at it for a while, getting his body good and relaxed around his dick, Chris might circle that hard working rim, stretched around his thickness, and slip his thumb in alongside with his cock. Maybe both thumbs. Enjoying how Sebastian shivers and shakes and gets stunned by the fullness. Delighting filthily in how he can feel his own hard cock and Sebastian's hot, velvet walls at once.
Jesus Christ. That's a slice of heaven he doesn't deserve to feel. That's a reaction he doesn't deserve to lay eyes on--head thrown back, mouth gaped open, eyes shut, body coiled tight but quivers, and on and on.
He's gorgeous.
There's so much good about having Sebastian on top, riding him. So much. Like how easy it is to guide his hips back once Chris has orgasmed, cum now dripping out of him, filthy, and guide him to sit on Chris' face so he can give his poor, overworked hole some loving. Messy, open-mouthed kisses. And Chris never holds it against Sebastain when he cums quick on his tongue. Come on, how could he? Chris doesn't hold back, he goes in, fucking his hole with his tongue, cleaning up his mess until Sebastian collapses on top of him, making his own mess. By then, more than Seb's thighs are worn out. He's entirely worn out and unwilling to move until he's had at least fifteen minutes to reassemble his brain and get his limbs working again. Chris doesn't mind. It's cute.
Beginning to end, Sebastian riding him is one of Chris' favorites.
I feel like it goes without saying, based on the way the fandom writes and the general concensus about the beauty of Sebastian's mouth, but I certainly think one of Sebastian's favorite things to do to Chris is blow him.
Sucking cock is just 🤌🏻good🤌🏻
The feeling of Chris' cock--heavy on his tongue, thick in his mouth, causing his jaw to start aching with the fat tip of his dick reaching deep into his throat, stretching him open. The taste of him, his pre-cum, cum, and just him. The smell. Masculine and deep and dark. Seb could roll around it in. Instinctual. And, fuck, the way Chris reacts to getting Sebastian between his legs... he's so weak for Seb's mouth, thrusting, fucking, taking, growling, praising, orgasming easy. Criminally easy, almost embarrassingly easy, at the start of their relationship as a result of Sebastian's experience and talent. All of it is intoxicating.
Sebastian could spend hours, days, weeks, mouths worshipping Chris with his mouth. Chris deserves to feel good. He deserves to fuck into Sebastian as deep as he wants. Cum as many times as he wants. He deserves to feel the hot squeeze of his throat around him, swallowing around his length. He deserves to feel wet and sloppy in Sebastian's mouth. He deserves to feel good. Seb wants to make him feel good. Give him everything.
The added sensations, visuals, and sounds are simply a bonus of giving it all up to Chris--a bonus of giving him what he deserves. Good things.
Teasingly, Chris' best angle might be the blow job angle. He looks so damn imposing and powerful, staring down at him over the handsome line of his nose, eyes dark with desire. Big and broad everywhere. Body coiled tightly with pleasure. Waiting to snap. Also, the thick, strong shape of Chris' thighs is always present in his peripheral vision when he's blowing him. Caging him in. Making him feel small. And made to feel even smaller when he loses his finesse as he reaches the edge and hammers down. Even Sebastian can't not choke then. He likes it, though. He likes the fire burning in Chris' eyes, the way his cock twitches, the way he watches him stumble, choke, and moan.
He loves taking it.
He loves being put in his place.
He lives for it.
It makes him feel so fucking wanted. It makes him feel so good, making Chris feel so good that he has to lose it.
Along with blowing Chris there's another favorite thing Sebastian has...
It's very related.
It's just a little bit south of Chris' dick.
It's rimming Chris.
There's no other way to say it than to say it.
Chris isn't always ready for it, literally and emotionally. He likes to have some warning. Sometimes Seb will ask, and he'll decline. Other times, Chris will push Sebastian's head down, past his cock, past his heavy balls, aaaaall the way down to his hole. Painting a picture about what he needs. Showing not telling.
Sebastian likes being shown. Chris spreads his legs, wanton, shoves him around, and pants, "yeah, yeah, yeah." He wants it, no, he doesn't just want it. He needs it.
Anything he needs, Seb will give him.
Chris gets this look on his face when Sebastian has his mouth on his cock; his mouth drops open with some filthy swear, eyes rolling back just a little as his eyebrows draw together, and his face heats up--dusted with pink, high on his cheekbones. The perfect marriage of going slack and rising tension. Nothing gets Sebastian hotter faster than watching him be overrun with pleasure.
And if that's even half as beautiful as how he looks when Sebastian first gets his mouth on his hole... God. Maybe Seb doesn't want to see it. He might explode looking at that. That amount of pleasure. Written gloriously over his breath-taking face.
The clue that Sebastian gets as to what face Chris is making comes from the way he sounds--he goes silent, shocked into perfect quiet first, then he groans. Deep. Vibrating his chest. It's uncontrollable. Hungry and uncontrollable.
Sebastian fucking loves it.
He loves that sound.
He loves pleasing Chris this way. Taboo. Dirty. Sebastian was a lot of firsts for Chris in that he was the first guy Chris was with in a lot of ways. But, y’know, Chris has had his cock sucked before, he's fucked someone up the ass before, etc. Chris had never been rimmed before.
Sebastian was the first one to do that to Chris.
So, sue him if he's a little territorial over it. Have you seen his ass? Anyone would get worked up and possessive.
Chris always sounds like he's surprised at how good it feels. He squirms and moves like he forgets how it feels from the last time they did this. He loses his words for most of it, as if he can't think at all. The only thing left is pleasure.
That's what Seb wants to give him, anyway he can. It just so happens that he really likes using his mouth. Sucking Chris' cock. Tonguing Chris' rim. Using his mouth and getting on his knees. Where he belongs.
Oh, yeah.
Sebastian likes being fucked, he really, really does. His body is sensitive. He enjoys the hell out of bottoming. Being fucked by Chris' dick or his fingers or a toy of Chris' choice, it doesn't matter. He'll take what he can get, literally. Take it. The number of butt plugs and various other insertable toys he and Chris own prove that.
But you add having Chris' fingers in his mouth in any sexual situation and... that might be his favorite thing to feel. It's the cherry on top and yet also an act that's satisfying enough on it's own.
It's wonderful.
Fucked with fingers in his mouth, heavy on his tongue? Fuck yes.
Fingers in his mouth as Chris moves his other hand all over his body, literally petting him like he's a kitten? God, please.
Blowing Chris when Chris works a finger into his mouth at the same time as his cock (maybe getting his finger slick for fucking Seb soon)? YES.
Literally, anything that involves Chris' fingers in his mouth is something that Sebastian lives for.
He doesn't know how, in his mind--in his body, having those thick, long fingers on his tongue, pressing into his throat, stacks up to the thick, hot pleasure of being fucked or rimmed or any overt sexual touch. But it just does.
Fingers in his mouth. Powerful. Pleasurable even though it shouldn't be.
Maybe that's why it's so good, because it's taboo and it shouldn't be so fucking fulfilling.
Sebastian's mind empties with the weight of fingers on his tongue. Whether Seb is simply allowed to suck on them, if Chris is stroking his tongue, fingerbanging his mouth, pinching his tongue, or even tugging on his teeth, propping his mouth open, all of it leaves him dumb. Blissfully blank. Empty other than the white-hot feeling in his skull.
When he goes a long stretch without having Chris' fingers in his mouth, he swears his ears ring the second they slide into his mouth again. One, two, three, or even four if he's really being spoiled. It's an explosion of pleasure that hits him deep in his mind. Animal. Primal. Ancient. Like he instinctively knows he belongs here, between Chris' legs, mouth full.
Yeah, having Chris' fingers in his mouth is special.
Any day that Chris will give him that, it's a good fucking day.
And do not get Sebastian started on how much it turns him to mush when Chris has his fingers in his mouth, pressing until he gags and chokes and starts to cry, pulls them out roughly, a string of saliva connecting them for one, long, agonizing moment, and then fists those fingers around his throat. He squeezes until Sebastian's vision is even more blurred, and he's just beginning to gasp, desperate for oxygen to feed the fire smoldering inside him. The hot, wet brand of his fingers around his throat is indescribably erotic. When Chris lets him breathe again, Sebastian moans hoarsely, crumbling, only held up by Chris' fingers twisted in his hair. The second Sebastian can speak again, he'll beg, voice crawling, for those fingers back. Wrecked.
I hope you enjoyed!
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raehs · 6 months
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misc rey headcanons !!!
gifted with psychometry. it's not something they're typically has control of due to the lack of training she has in the sequels but in prequels au's she was able to be taught things to help her control it. it's also why she gets overwhelmed with emotions so easily.
rey is a very skilled fighter. they're also very intelligent ( knows multiple languages, and understands technology and spaceships very well )
her favorite things include tinkering with things, rain, PLANTS, animals, the ocean, and nature. it might be a force-sensitive thing to be very in tune with nature but regardless, it's something she loves and appreciates ( she's always careful when walking around nature, makes sure to not step on flowers, respect it, etc ). she's also a big reader and will read manuals FOR FUN.
flying spacecraft is one of their favorite things, even if there's nowhere to go. being in the sky is one of the most freeing things for her to experience.
they're very susceptible to the dark side but has always chosen the light.
her fighting style is very messy. this is verse-dependent. she's not afraid to fight, pull your hair, fight dirty. she's a very capable fighter and easily angered so if she feels threatened she might (probably will) attack.
on jakku, it hardly rained. and yet some of her own water supply went to a little plant she had.
on jakku, while there was genuinely nobody looking out for them, i imagine there was this crazy old lady who taught her a few things. like the basics on how to read, maths, a bit of history, survival stuff. she gave rey the basics to let her explore further on her own. in a way, rey taught herself everything from the basics she was given. so rey will likely pronounce things wrong since she had nobody to bounce things off of. she's also fluent in many languages but not fluent in speaking.
they were left with unkar plutt and he basically controlled everything she did. ( i wouldn't say she was ever SOLD, she wasn't a slave or anything like that but he was very controlling ( she was prob more of an indentured servant? bc since her parents didn't come back for her he made her make up the debt / work for him but by the time tfa happens she's independent ) ! but he basically controls all the workers on jakku bc he's the only one around with food, so. it's bc most on jakku are poor and don't have other choices. she was his favorite scavenger so he controlled the jobs she took, and would typically make sure she only took his jobs, the lack of food she'd be given, made sure she couldn't leave even if she wanted to + didn't see her as a person which reflected on rey's identity issues and not knowing who or what she is ). very manipulative, instilled in her head that she was a nobody and nothing and didn't matter in the galaxy. he also made her work right away. so she was like. five years old and working all day in the heat. the few good things he gave her was making her figure out how to survive on her own and he kept other scavengers from bothering her / stealing her stuff. and also was a person she NEVER wanted to become.
rey's name is taken from the dosmit raeh helmet she has on jakku ! but her birthname was kira. kira kenobi.
if rey had a gun tlj + tros wouldn't have happened bc she would've taken down the entire first order with sheer willpower and spite.
rey was visited by various force ghosts as a child, whether she was aware/remembers is tbd.
rey doesn't actually remember most of her childhood. she gets brief flashbacks in dreams but that's the extent of it. she doesn't remember what her father looked like but vaguely remembers her mother.
when rey has her own lightsaber, it's dual-bladed lightsaber staff that can also split in half to form two separate lightsabers. she prefers it in the staff form.
i DO like the idea of rey's parents actually caring for her and they were killed by palpatine / the first order / the sith who wanted rey bc they knew she'd be a powerful force user ! but it wouldn't be bc she's a palpatine who would inherit the sith legacy or w/e but because she's a kenobi. i can't really vibe with parents who genuinely didn't care for rey or abandoned them on purpose.
rey wasn't born on jakku. i think she was either born on coruscant, OR hyperkarn ( her mothers homeworld which is a forest planet.
rey is bisexual, but leans more towards demisexual, potentially grey-ace. she very much needs to develop a deep bond with someone to consider anything.
rey would identify as non-binary, but is very fluid in it. they're ok with typical feminine descriptions ( woman/girl, daughter, etc ). they have a connection to womanhood + girlhood while simultaneously feeling outside of it. ( rey's so me, actually ) so she/they/any pronouns are fine! i will either go back and forth with pronouns or choose one in a thread and stick to it.
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