#how do i write kev i dunno
ladykakata · 1 month
It’s a nice thought but I don’t think the writers were considering Ian’s medication when they were writing that scene to be honest. They barely considered his medication at all in the last few seasons. He’s always been confused about Mickey and Terry and I think that shows in how cold he acts in that scene
Ian's medication became more background, but it wasn't forgotten; he was visibly taking medication when Mickey and Kev were silently communicating about the 'event' in The Alibi that later turned out to be the surprise wedding anniversary, and in order Carl, Lip then Mickey asked Ian on his wedding day if he had taken his medication, with the notes that the day was going to be stressful.
True, he was a little confused, but at the same time, he did feel pity for Terry; Mickey was initially the one spitting venom at Terry's state when he was first brought home and when asked wouldn't Ian feel the same about a disabled Frank, somewhat surprisingly Ian said he wouldn't wish that on Frank. Bearing in mind Ian has also viscerally hated Frank in the past, and the two have had arguments about whose family is worse.
(Ian, I love you, but I'm sorry, MICKEY wins that fight hands down. Frank has never to my knowledge tried to rape your sisters or murder you for being gay)
I do wonder if they talked later and Mickey reveals that moment between himself and Terry when he was spoonfeeding him and they begrudgingly admit the other might have been half-decent if they weren't who they were. Despite everything, Mickey helped Terry, and Ian helped them both once he got Mickey's permission to do so. The little exchange in which Ian doesn't see why they should use their money to get a nurse for Terry and Mickey sharply countering he'd do it for Ian makes me think Ian realised this was a far bigger emotional issue and he wasn't as flippant in dismissing it.
I dunno, the scene makes sense if we took the anti-depressants into consideration, but it works also if it wasn't taken into consideration as well.
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samwpmarleau · 1 year
WIP Game
Tagged by @thelettersfromnoone to post some WIPs. I don’t have many that I’ve made much progress on, but here a few snippets.
From the Brazil fic:
“Hey, Jamie,” she says, scanning over the lengthy list Angela sent over, “what would you think about staying a while longer? Jamie looks up from his phone. “What do you mean?” “Angela suggested it. She said we should take advantage of coming all this way and do some sightseeing.” “Dunno,” Jamie says. “Don’t you have to be in the office?” “I could work remotely for a week or two, Barbara can handle most of it.”
From a postseries fic:
“Do you remember the gala?” “A bit,” he says dryly. “That’s the night you broke up with me.” “Before that, I mean. I bid twenty-five thousand pounds for you.” “You … want me to write you a check?” Jamie asks, thoroughly lost. “It was for charity, I thought you —” “I’m not asking you to pay me back.” “What are you asking?” “The date,” she says. “We never went on it.”
From a Georgie-and-Jamie fic:
James doesn’t move, but he doesn’t get in their way either, and Georgie lets Kathy guide her out the door into the woman’s beat-up Oldsmobile. “I can drive,” Georgie offers, even as another wave of pain courses through her, “if you don’t want to leave Kevin alone with him.” Kathy screeches the car out onto the road, then puts a hand on Georgie’s knee. “How many times I gotta tell you? You have people who care about you, G. Kev can handle himself.”
Tagging anyone who wants to do it <3
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wexpyke · 2 years
i’m rewatching shameless us and i keep thinking about how there’s just as many gallagher kids as there are starklings… fiona, lip, ian, debbie, carl, and liam vs robb, jon, sansa, arya, bran, and rickon…
it’s hard if not impossible to picture ned and cat ever being anything like frank and monica, but picturing robb as fiona is just so fucking easy. they’re both (mostly) responsible and protective and they love their family so goddamn much they’d kill for them.
the rest of the kids don’t have to be a one-on-one match, of course, because they can just be themselves and it’d still work, as long as they all help out like the gallaghers do — and they do. both families love each other so much and that’s what it all relies on.
i’m picturing jon as more of an ian, what with the whole night’s watch thing and ian wanting to join the military. sansa and debbie seem like a good match: caring, loving romantics. i’m not sure about arya having a match — maybe it’s liam, but i haven’t watched or don’t remember any of the later seasons where he’s old enough to have a proper personality. bran is lip: too smart for his own good, though that doesn’t stop him from getting into trouble. rickon is carl: wild, careless, and angry.
i’m picturing the greyjoys to be like the milkoviches: feared in the neighbourhood for their short tempers and brawling, always getting into trouble. asha is mandy, rodrik and maron are still alive but often in and out of prison. they’d do anything to protect each other.
theon ran away years ago. he sells stolen cars for a living now. he’s the jimmy to robb’s fiona, except that he’s not hiding who he is. robb knows — they’ve grown up together and though they haven’t seen each other in years, he recognises theon instantly. theon is risking a lot by coming back to the neighbourhood to be with robb, but he knows that risking his family’s wrath is worth it to be with robb. he’s as cautious as he can be, but he knows there’s a big possibility of being found out.
i’m not sure who’d work as kev and v, the neighbours and friends fiona relies on a lot. i can’t imagine any couple who’s a few years older than robb who he loves. maybe edmure and roslin, cos why the fuck not, really?
i dunno. this idea first struck me years ago and it keeps playing around in my head as i’m rewatching now. i think there could be something there, an idea for a story, maybe. i don’t think i’m the right person to write it, though.
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mirainawen · 5 years
Little!Adam + Kevin, "We must make more cookies before they come back and find the jar empty!" "No, you just want to eat more." A pout. "Well, I guess we could make more and then leave them one each." "Sounds fair to me. Besides if they asks, I'm telling them you ate them all." "Hey, I thought we were a team. And besides, they'd never believe you, especially with that chocolate all over your face."
So…a million years later…I slowly begin to write again…
What do you call an overwrought prophet and a de-aged half-Winchester? The beginning of a terrible, cosmic joke
He’s certainly seen weirder things, Kevin thinks one surreal Saturday morning in early May. Just…maybe none quite so strange as the one that sat across from him that morning. He wasn’t even supposed to be here and somehow Sam and Dean did what Winchesters do best in his life: railroad it. Dean’d, of course, gotten the last word, slamming the bunker door shut tight as he and Sam headed out, and the silence had hung heavy and bitter over the whole place.
Kevin’s less than thrilled, and had been all night. Sleeping on it hadn’t taken much of the sting out of it, though ‘sleep’ was used loosely. As for the only other occupant, well, nothing had ever seemed to sit well with him in the first place, and now? Now, he didn’t have a clue what to do with the motion-sensitive bomb turned-
“What?” Adam suddenly grumps, staring in disgruntlement at the box of Lucky Charms in his small fingers.
-turned five-year-old.
And wasn’t that the most bizarre thing of all? Nothing he’d seen since the Winchester Intrusion had prepared him for this, and apparently Sam and Dean were just as stumped despite all their years in the business.
Kevin realizes he’s probably supposed to answer, so he manages tightly, “What?” He’s honestly not sure he really wants to approach whatever’s under Adam’s skin this morning with a ten-foot surgical knife. He’d witnessed some impressive fits of temper in his occasional visits the past year of “sabbatical.” Sabbatical? Was that even a thing in the hunter’s world? Or…Men of Letters? Whichever.
“Deh-coder’s gone.” Adam explains, shaking the cereal box to produce a rustle that drops an uncertain prick into Kevin’s stomach. It was half gone at the very least, and hadn’t they opened that box last night? (An uneasy dinner that was still…uneasy.)
Damn, but how much had the kid had already? And how long had he been up before Kevin had stumbled for the coffee pot? Adam hadn’t said a word, barely seemed to acknowledge him, and honestly…that, at the very least, had seemed about accurate for what he’d seen of Adam the past year. But, unfortunately, it had also meant that in his previous fog he had approached the situation with the same manner he’d treated it since Adam first arrived: Adam had alternated quietly disdainful and loudly argumentative, and he wasn’t on Kevin’s radar as long as Kevin wasn’t on Adam’s. And he usually wasn’t unless it was for a disdainful sneer.
But Dean had warned last night to keep a close eye on the de-aged kid, hadn’t he? Sam had seemed a little more lax, just shrugging with an assurance that Adam was fine most of the time. So…what had they gotten him into? Sugar-crazed kids were not his idea of a good time. How had he been tagged into baby-sitting duty? The half-Winchester was a Sam and Dean problem (case, point, name), and he had enough of his own as a stressed out, wanted prophet on the run from a tireless destiny. He was an unfortunate plaything of an indifferent and infuriating fate. Sam and Dean should be the ones giving him a break, not making things worse.
Winchesters bred extra bizarre at an alarming rate, and he wished they’d leave him out of it.
Adam sighs heavily, and Kevin careens abruptly back into the present with a blink. “Hello, prophet-man? What happened to it?”
“Uh…” Kevin scrambles, staring at the sleep-tousled five-year-old in one of Sam’s or Dean’s shirts. The kid stares back pointedly. What were they…?
Adam snorts. “Sam and Dean said you were sooooo smart.”
Taken aback, he realizes Adam had been looking to him for answers. But, “They do?” pops out before he can think about it, surprised.
Adam sighs again, this time heavier and more annoyed. The box thunks softly on the table before he pushes it away. “Yeah,” he grouches, “but they’re kinda stupid so whatever.” He’s glaring down at the bowl with…wait…Kevin blinks, peering closer. Was the kid pouting?
Suddenly he realizes just what he’d started to think the night before: if he ignored the fact that he’d been informed upon his arrival that this tyke was Adam Milligan, half-Winchester, angelic body bag and the stubborn little shit giving Sam and Dean all kinds of grief the past year, he could easily believe that the irritated five-year-old Dean had gotten into a shouting match with at bedtime was actually a next-generation Winchester kid, product of a busted condom and one of Dean’s conquests or something. Adam could rival Dean on his best day even before the kid had been de-aged.
He shakes himself from this ridiculous train of thought before it derails entirely. Pouting though he may be, there’s still plenty of room for the animosity Adam never seems short on.
“Of course,” he snarks in return. But…well, he agrees with the disgruntlement Adam feels, if not the outright sentiment. Plus, he has no desire to set the kid off: Adam had proved he could throw quite the meltdown over the fury and hatred he harbored towards his brothers, and Kevin knows it’s still in that frame, even if it was much smaller now; Adam’s animosity was a lot like cigarette smoke: lingering long after the smoker is gone. No need poking a sleeping grizzly. Last night had proven that.
Adam’s eyes flick to his face, a cutting look that pours ice through Kevin’s veins; he’s seen it a dozen times before, even if the face forming the expression is softer and younger. Shit, what had he said?
Worry over a tantrum vanishes as Adam smiles. “Maybe you’re not stupid.” He grants benevolently, and Kevin thinks sarcastically how nice it is to be let off by a five-year-old. He does not mention that this grant insinuates that Sam and Dean might actually be smart enough to know what they’re talking about then. Adam’s not going to give ground on his brothers, and honestly, Kevin would be shocked if he ever did.
“Now,” Adam pauses, stretching a little before settling deeper into his chair, Lucky Charms softening in whole milk. “The deh-coder is gone.”
“Maybe Dean took it.” He snarks, shrugging around his coffee. He’s not had nearly enough.
Electric blue eyes narrow, something tightening along Adam’s jaw. “Dick.”
Kevin’s brows shoot toward the roof and the coffee stings at the back of his throat as he narrowly avoids choking. Had to be Dean’s influence. Had to.
Well imagining the bitchiness on Sam’s face every time Dean did what Dean did best (and that is, be himself) in front of the kid, he stifles a chuckle at the image.
Adam seems relatively satisfied with Kevin’s answer because he shoots forward and digs into his bowl with all the put-out gusto the kid was known for, twenty-something or five irrelevant. Two charms slide stickily down the outside of the bowl and a splash of milk pulls three pieces of grain with it. Kevin’s suddenly standing in his mom’s kitchen five years previous with his cousins in the process of destroying it and he was in charge.
“Don’t make a mess,” he grumps sharply into his mug, swallowing the horror he feels at having to babysit again.
Adam smacks his lips. “No,” and there it is, the contrary brat is back full force. So much for appeasing the kid with snarks about his brothers.
How had he gotten roped into this?
It’d been an hour and death cannot come fast enough for Kevin. Honestly, when would he be released from this mortal coil? He hated his life, hated it ever since the incident, see, and having powers sucked, and he never asked for any of this. He’s going to kill Sam and Dean slowly and painfully with some trick he’s learned from that angelic tablet, he swears it, while Adam “don’t call me Winchester” Milligan takes a long hike off a short pier.
The kid was a nightmare on steroids with an unhealthy side of late night haunting, and Kevin’s going to lose his goddamned mind again. That would make the third time this year, but honestly who’s counting? (He is. He’s counting. He hates it.)
“Adam!” He snaps for the fifth time in as many seconds. Adam wasn’t listening.
“I’m busy, prophet-man!” Adam snaps, launching himself to the other side of the couch. The kool-aid Kevin most certainly did not get him sloshes dangerously close to the brim of the cup in Adam’s hand. “You’re inner-uping!” Adam starts his count over, hop, hop-
“No, get off the couch with that!” Kevin snatches for Adam’s arm, which is stupid, stupid, on his part; first, that kool-aid’s definitely going overboard; second, Adam’s…Adam’s never taken well to his personal space being invaded. He’s seen Dean make that mistake a few too many times.
He catches air instead as Adam whips to the side to avoid him, overbalances, and there goes the kool-aid down Kevin’s front (not the couch, he thinks thankfully, but still irritated). Adam kicks the cushion, pushing into the back of the couch with a growl.
He kicks his leg out. “Now I have to start again,” he grouches.
“Not with that,” Kevin snatches the now-empty cup.
“Hey!” Adam snaps. “That’s mine!”
“Well it shouldn’t be,” Kevin’s grouching as he wipes the bright red liquid off his face. Now he needs a shower…he shudders to think what would happen if Adam was left unsupervised even for a military one. “I didn’t say you could have kool-aid.” It just pops out, and Kevin shudders harder at suddenly turning into a disgruntled authority figure. Why should he care if the kid has too much sugar?
He remembers Sam’s disheveled appearance at the bunker door last night as if he hadn’t slept in an age, and remembers why.
Sleep was about the only pleasure Kevin had left to him. With few nightmares, courtesy of a mental block Cas had given him. He didn’t dream much, but it was better than being on pills, he supposed. 
“Yeah, well, you’re not Dean.” Adam grumps, and Kevin snorts.
Yeah, thank God. He got to check out as soon as either Winchester returned. Why hadn’t they just called Garth if they needed to check a lead? This seemed way more like a Garth gig than a prophet’s duty.
Kevin��s stomach sinks through the floor, though, as he abruptly realizes he’d said Yeah, thank God out loud when Adam’s face darkens.
“Yeah, well I didn’t say I wanted you here.” Adam shoots back.
“No.” Kevin admits. Avoid the tantrum, is all he’s thinking. Don’t set the kid off. Adam’s fine most of the time, Sam had assured, and so that had to mean that Sam had tricks that Dean didn’t; channel Sam. Keep the peace. “And I didn’t say I wanted to be here, either, kid. Guess neither of us got much say in this.”
Adam’s scowl grows darker. “Don’t call me a kid. I’m not a kid.”
Yes, he’d heard that quite a bit last night during that shouting match. A glance or two at Sam’s pointed look at the far wall had confirmed Kevin’s growing theory: it wasn’t a new argument, and no doubt he’d been hearing it in various forms for far longer than a couple weeks. Say, a year?
“Fine. Just remember, dude, this is your brothers’ doing.” As much as Adam didn’t need much prodding to light that anger he harbored toward them, blaming absent parties seemed the easiest way to diffuse his disgruntlement toward him. The last thing Kevin wanted to deal with was Adam’s temper.
Adam groans, long, hard, angry. “Uggggghh, I KNOW.” He throws himself off the couch. “They don’t like me!”
That’s unexpected, but, well…not surprising. You’ve been a huge pain in the ass since you got back, kid is not going to go over well, even if he substituted ‘Adam’ for ‘kid’. But maybe that was the problem, Kevin thinks abruptly. He is a kid, at least now - and what kid wanted to feel like his own family didn’t like him? Sam had hinted the night before that Adam’s…consciousness seemed to come in and out: in moments he seemed more his old self, but those moments were fewer and farther between. This Adam was young and ruled by emotions he didn’t understand. At least the adult probably did.
Adam pauses and whips back around on Kevin, glaring up at him. “You don’t like me,” he accuses, and Kevin’s brows bounce toward the ceiling.
“You’re not particularly likeable.” He shoots back before he can think.
Adam’s eyes narrow. “You’re not either! You’re AH…noying.”
“You know, I think you said the same thing about Dean last night. Sammy too?” he goads.
“You can’t call him Sammy.” Adam’s voice has turned to venom, and for a moment, Kevin thinks he probably should have quit while he was ahead. He doesn’t know what he’s falling head first into.
“You know something, Adam, I think you think everyone’s annoying because you don’t like anyone.”
Adam’s lips thin into a scrunched, wet line. There’s a kool-aid stain rimming the sides of his mouth, at glaring odds with the fury radiating off his impossibly tiny frame. “Maybe,” he challenges, “I hate everyone cause everyone hated me first.”
That gives Kevin pause, stilling the world for a moment. He can see how Dean so easily gets pulled into arguing with him. There’s something about Adam that dares people to challenge him, something about his absolute certainty in anything he says that demands a retort. No wonder Dean can’t leave it be. And Kevin…well, Kevin’s not really sure why he let himself get drawn in. Channel Sam.
“Nobody…nobody hates you.” His incredulity takes centre stage first. He wouldn’t say that Sam and Dean loved Adam, and feeling obligated is a far cry from caring, but…hate was a strong word. And felt vile coming from a child about his own family. He knows, logically, it’s not a child saying it and blood doesn’t automatically mean family, he’d learned that lesson the hard way a few times over, but something in Kevin wants to reach out regardless.
Saving people. He wasn’t quite to the whole hunting things stage, but maybe he’d always been in the business of salvation. He’d never had faith in a great many things, and even less the past few years, but there were many different forms of salvation. Everyone starts with a soft heart, his mother used to say. Nobody was born angry or hard.
It’s easier not to care. He knows that. But he’d had a few arguments with certain Winchesters about it for good reason. Damn, but he missed his mom unbelievably, all the time.
Adam’s staring resolutely across the room, brow puckered and lower lip matching, but…but it’s not trembling, thank- whatever. (He hasn’t decided.)
“Hey,” he says softly, reaching out to gently put a hand on a bony shoulder. Adam turns to look at him, electric blue eyes cold and lined in red, light bruising across the bridge of his nose from some accident; those eyes seem somehow ancient and dead and lost all at the same time, and the room goes cold to Kevin. “Sam’s very fond of you.”
“Sam left me.” Adam answers in a dull tone that strikes a funny feeling in Kevin’s gut.
Sam left me… Kevin stares into those eyes, but even he doesn’t know what he’s searching for. Answers, maybe. Guidance, oddly enough: a way to help. Kevin feels it pulsing beneath his skin, an alien power to save save save, and-
“It was cold.” Adam offers softly, head tilting slightly. One shoulder rose and fell. “And hot. It was so bright. Always. All the time. And dark. So dark and quiet.” He raised one finger to his lips. “Shh, Sam.” The hand fell in mid-air, the other raising to join its counterpart inches apart with palms curled upward as though he held something in them. “I…” he shudders a breath, and Kevin doesn’t quite know why but he shudders too, a freezing tingle up his spine that needs someplace to escape.
Adam’s eyes flick to Kevin’s again. “Don’t wake up.” He says.
Kevin’s brow furrows, until his mind echoes the shuddery breath, I…don’t wake up. The floor disappears out from under him.
Adam abruptly pushes his hand off his shoulder and steps back. “Only you here, prophet-man.” He says, smiling with something so acrid it, too, is vile on the face of a child.  “They left.”
They left you? Kevin thinks, but can’t speak. Doesn’t even know that he should. He doesn’t know enough, he doesn’t know anything. And what had- what had he felt, prickling along the edges of Adam’s skin, thrumming against his hand? It hadn’t felt…it had been alien. It had felt…no, he doesn’t want to think it. But it reminds him of holding the tablet and he doesn’t know enough.
He takes a second, sits down properly on the floor and stares at Adam. The kid hasn’t stormed off, so maybe there was talking to him.
“You’re mad Sam and Dean left last night, aren’t you?”
Adam’s brow lifts, which is unexpected for a five-year-old. “I don’t care.” He says stiffly, making as though to turn away, but he wavers. He glances sidelong at Kevin with an uncertainty that keeps Kevin’s gears turning wildly. There’s less of that bizarre dead look in his eyes and more of the angry kid he’s been seeing the past some-odd hours. Less chill.
“I think you do.” He says.
“I think you’re mad.” Adam shoots back, squinting at Kevin. “You don’t wanna be here.”
“No, I didn’t.” Kevin admits.
Adam nods. “Then you don’t have to pretend to care about me. I can take care of myself.” He snatches the empty cup from the coffee table. “This is my cup,” he says plainly, and it’s so absurdly young and childlike that Kevin wonders what had been going through his head a moment ago. Kid had some serious nightmares. Nothing angelic about it, barring their source.
“Um, sorry, but no more kool-aid for you.” Kevin gestures pointedly at himself, feels the sticky pull where the drink had dried on his skin, especially his face.
Adam looks at him like he’s plainly stupid. “If you weren’t here, where would you be?” he asks unexpectedly, and Kevin blinks.
“Oh, um…uh…Probably Colorado.” Garth had set him up pretty solidly out in the national forest. It was no veritable fortress like the Men of Letters bunker the Winchesters had inherited, but a cabin in the woods on the river was remote enough to give him some peace of mind. Cas had put some security measures in place, and Kevin had since reinforced them with further tricks he’d translated from the tablet.
Adam nods, turning away. “Then I think you should go back there, prophet-man.” The voice is deceptively light and...sweet.
Kevin blinks. “Yeah, nice try. Your brothers would kill me.”
“No,” Adam executes a turn on his heel. “They like you.” And the way Adam juts out his chin hints at bitterness.
Kevin sighs. “I’m afraid they’d still kill me, Adam. You’re like 2 feet tall and five. Not exactly old enough to be left alone.”
Adam folds his arms. The cup wavers against his side, tilting back and forth as his mind turns. “You sound like Dean,” he finally passes judgement.
“Well, sometimes Dean has like a little bit of sense.” He pinches his fingers close together to illustrate, hoping to draw the kid out.
Adam plucks his empty hand from the crook of his elbow, splaying his fingers as he stares down at them. “I’ve saved them a few times, you know,” he says loftily, and Kevin suddenly wonders if maybe he hasn’t been talking to the kid at all the past few minutes. His consciousness seems to slide back and forth between... Sam’s uncertain voice tapers off.
He doesn’t know what to do, but he finds himself reaching out. Adam’s just at arms’ length and Kevin leans in, closing his fingers around the tiny fist; the fingers are soft and malleable, bending beneath Kevin’s. Adam slowly raises his eyes, but they don’t hold the same look they did earlier: distant, sure, but not a deadly maelstrom like before. Kevin can’t put his finger on this one.
Why had he never had a single conversation with the adult? Adam’s just as lost and angry and terrified as the rest of them, and Kevin thinks they might have been friends.
“What happened?” he asks softly, and something jerks through Adam’s frame.
He tugs on his hand. “It was sup-POSed to be okay. He said…he said…”
“Who said?” he asks gently. There’s that feeling again, of touching the tablet; it wiggles beneath the skin of Adam’s fingers, but it's softer now, not quite as volatile.
Adam looks down, and that feeling passes. It’s a five-year-old hanging his head before Kevin, eyes shut, letting out a breath to his bare feet. “I think...I think I did something bad.” He says softly. “Is that...is that why Sam and Dean are mad at me all the time?” And if there’d been any doubt a moment before, it’s certain now: that’s all child staring back at Kevin, frightened and sad and desolate.
“No,” he finds himself shaking his head, because salvation is first and foremost for lost children, isn’t it? Nobody is born with a hard heart, Kev. Anger is where hurt still touches a tender place. “They were born grumpy.” He pokes at Adam’s stomach, because, well, okay, he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
Adam doesn’t smile, but he doesn’t flinch either.
Kevin stifles a sigh. What did one do for kids who used to be adults who’d been eaten alive, resurrected, thrown into a demonic, eternal cage with the devil himself, then rescued and brought back to the very people who’d only tolerated your existence the first (second?) time and who saw you as an obligation? Dean’s guilt could fill stadiums, but it couldn’t build a damned thing. 
Not that he knows much better, either. None of this was exactly covered anywhere in his past life and there was nothing at all of help in that tablet. 
“Sam’s not grumpy ‘less I wake him.” Adam finally says, softly but like he wants to contribute.
“No,” Kevin agrees, forcing a small smile to tick at his mouth. “You really gotta get on Sam’s nerves, don’t you?”
“And I do.” Adam is speaking to his toes again, and Kevin frowns.
“Somehow, I doubt that.” Kevin lies, rolling his eyes.
Adam’s frown deepens even as it turns on the prophet. “You don’t lie good.”
Well. He stifles a sigh.
“Nobody gets on Sam’s nerves like Dean, even you. Don’t argue with me, I have more experience than you.”
Adam folds his arms. “Yeah, and whose fault is that?”
“Not mine or yours.” Kevin shoots back as he pushes to his feet. “Now, uh...I think dysfunctional family-” Adam cocks his head like he’s puzzled “-means we should have milk and cookies.” Mom always made milk and cookies after a bad day: bad grades, rejection, bullies- you name it. Kevin feels a bit wistful even thinking about carrying on the tradition, but at the same time: it feels...good.
Adam, of course, careens full force into five-year-old and lights up like it's Christmas. “Yes!” He shoots from the room like a rocket, and Kevin startles.
“Hey! Wait!” And chases after the kid.
Adam’s feet are swinging freely in the air as he maws through a cookie the size of Kevin’s fist, reheated just enough in the microwave that they were soft and gooey. Crumbs decorate his lap, the floor, and even the counter on his left like incriminating evidence. His face fares little better, but he’s clearly feeling better. Kevin thinks he can forget all about the chill that had crept up his spine and that tugging sense of urgency to fix. Vivid imagination, right?
“You know,” he says, leaning on the end of the counter. Adam doesn’t turn his head, but his eyes cut his direction. “Your brothers are very annoying, you know that?” He’s ignoring a text from Garth -GARTH!- asking after Adam’s well-being. Damn Sam and Dean haven’t even bothered to check in.
Adam snorts. “You’re tellin’ me, prophet-man. Dean thinks I need supervision.”
Kevin’s jaw drops at the deadpan look the kid, a kid, gives him. Somewhere in there, Adam’s not a kid, but right now- there’s not a trace of anything else, and it is honestly screwing with Kevin’s mind. And his mind has been screwed with a lot.
Adam jams the rest of the cookie into his mouth, takes a big sip of milk before carefully returning the cup to the counter, rimming his messy face with a white mustache. “They mess up your life too?”
“You’re pretty grim for a five year old.” Kevin says instead.
Adam shrugs. “You ask stupid questions for a smarty pants.”
“Touche.” Honestly, at this point, he’s pretty sure he should just get used to it. If this was what adult Adam was like...might be worth making a friend. Wouldn’t that drive Dean up the wall?
Adam half reaches for the empty plate behind him when Kevin says, “That’s it. They’re all gone.”
Adam’s eyes widen. “What?” He stares at the plate, then across the room at the cookie jar.
“Nope. All out.” Kevin confirms.
Adam is quiet for a moment, mouth working, before he looks at Kevin with sudden urgency. “We’ve gotta make more before they come back and find the jar empty!”
“No, you just want to eat more.” Kevin laughs.
Adam’s lower lip protrudes. Pouting.
“Well…” Kevin finds himself hedging. “I guess we could make more and then leave them one each.” He reasons.
Adam nods solemnly. “Agreed. Besides, if they ask, I’ll just tell them you ate them all.”
“Hey! I thought we were a united front against your brothers? They’ll never believe you, especially with that chocolate all over your face!”
“I’ll wash! Can’t stop me, prophet-man!” Adam pushes off the counter, nearly giving Kevin a heart attack as he lands with a rather unpleasant slap of bare feet against the tile, but Adam gets up like he throws himself off of stuff all the time and-
The sound of the bunker door unlocking and opening sounds through the place. Adam’s eyes widen as they land on Kevin.
“We’re screwed.” Kevin announces, just as Sam’s voice carries through the bunker.
“Hey, guys?”
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callivich · 3 years
Originally I was going to post this as a prompt but it kinda got away from me and I thought I might write this for Kinktober. But that didn’t work out, so here’s some dialogue of Ian and Mickey having some roleplay fun…sort of. 😅 This is free to use for anyone who feels inspired. It’s a rough draft - so it is a bit disjointed. 18+ obviously.
“You looking for something?”
“So, I’ve never done this before.”
“What..like ever? You’re a virgin?”
“No, dumbass….paid for sex.”
“Oh, right. Ok.”
“I’m Dave.”
“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”
“Doesn’t suit you.”
“Well, it’s the name I picked so shut up and tell me yours.”
“For fucks sake, Mickey if you’re not going to take this seriously….”
“Ok, ok, calm down. It’s……Johnny.”
“Like…a John? Maybe that should be my name, since you’re the hooker. It would be such a good pun!”
“Nope. Too late. You’re stuck with the dumbass name you picked.”
“Fine. Nice to meet you, Johnny…….Why are you laughing?”
“Nice to meet you? You’re paying to bang me.”
“I can’t be polite?”
“$1000 for sex”
“Uh, I’m really hot so…”
“Yeah, but $1000?”
“Can’t believe you’re arguing over pretend money….price is $2000 now”
“Shit. Fine.”
“Busy night?”
“Yeah, fucked like 11 dudes”
“Maybe that’s too high….7? Or 5?…..Maybe 3 is better?”
“Stop saying numbers”
“So, you seen one this big before?”
“Yeah, all the time”
“Seriously? Those 11 dudes you fucked all had big dicks, did they?”
“Yeah, why not? Maybe I only fuck dudes with big dicks”
“How would that even work?”
“I dunno, get them to show me their dick before I let them fuck me? 7 inches and up or no deal.”
“I thought this was supposed to be a fantasy or whatever? So, I’m making shit up. Just….go with it.”
“Ok, ok……I should get a condom”
“What the fuck? Just get on me!”
“What? You’re Chicago’s most expensive prostitute who fucks 11 guys a night who all have to have big dicks and you let them go bareback? This is getting less and less realistic.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, please go put on a condom, oh wait! We don’t have any! Which is why I said-”
“I fucking know we don’t. But I’m like…pretending.”
“Ok, fine, put the pretend condom on.”
“That’s it? Now who’s not being realistic? Like…mime doing it or whatever.”
“Shut the fuck up. Stop laughing!”
“Ok, how’s….this?”
“You said-”
“Ian. I’m horny and naked, get the fuck on me. Now.”
“Yeah, yeah. Oh shit….that’s…oh. Oh.”
“Fuck…just….right there.”
“I get to pick next time.”
“Got any ideas?”
“I dunno, maybe I’m your boss and I’ve gotta give you an employee evaluation.”
“Hmmm, we can wear our uniforms. Maybe I’ll be an officer and…..”
“You and your fucking army kink, man. It’s my turn to pick!”
“Ok, fine…so?”
“Maybe we’re sharing a cell in prison and…”
“Oh, you want top?”
“No, was thinking…maybe I’m the new guy and you’re the guy doing hard time who tops…”
“Oh. Oh. I like that… You gonna be pissed if I call you my bitch?”
“Nah. Roleplay, right? And besides, you do that sometimes and it’s….it’s…”
“Good? Yeah, that’s obvious.”
“Fuck off. Whatever…..”
“Any other ideas?”
“Could be kinda fun to pretend to hook up at a bar or something?”
“Mmm, I like that. Are you wearing the ripped jeans?”
“Sure, you fucking weirdo. Seeing my knees does it for you, huh?”
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lilxberry · 3 years
‘Evil’ Step-mom - Kevin/Tom Keller (Platonic/Romantic)
Requested by: @thanossexual​
Hi! So if you decide to write for Riverdale parents could I perhaps request Tom Keller x Reader, Platonic! Kevin Keller x Reader , where Y/n is in her thirties and is engaged to Tom and Kevin's friends come over to cheer him up when they find out cause they think that he's mad or sad but he's actually getting along with the reader and gossiping with her about boys and teenage drama and their reaction is just priceless when Kevin tells them that he's basically on best friend terms with Y/n. 😎
Ofc feel free to ignore this request if you don't like it!
I LOVED this request so of course I wasn’t gone ignore. With this, I mainly focused on giving a little detail between Kevin and readers’ relationship and how the girls had assumed that Kevin would be upset with Tom and readers’ engagement.
I do plan on making a part two, where I would focus more on Tom and reader, maybe a slightly prequel about the night they had gotten engaged or the aftermath of their engagement. Maybe a lil’ conflict between whatever Josie’ mom name is and the reader. (I lowkey don’t care. She is just as irrelevant to me as she is hot lmao). Maybe because she’s jealous or something, I dunno, I’m brainstorming rn.
Anyways, I’ve waffled on long enough so I hope you enjoy.
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Warnings: None really, just humour tbh. I’m shocked too.
Words: 777
Pairings: Kevin Keller x reader (Platonic) (Female Reader). Mentions Tom Keller x reader (Romantic)
Kevin’ morning had been a…confusing one at that. At soon as he walked through those doors to enter the school, the girls had flanked him and offered him their ‘condolences’, even Cheryl. His raised eyebrow and utter confused expression were definitely comical and just so him.
They had refused to bring whatever was supposedly upset him up or give some form of explanation to the young man, leaving him with little to no answers and a sore neck from all the shaking he has done through the day.
This continued until, finally, the bell to signify the end of last period sounded, giving the student body the freedom, they had craved all day.
Kevin had no desire to rush, wanting to take his time to put whatever textbooks into his locker and collect whatever he may need until tomorrow. But the girls had other plans. As soon as Kevin had passed the door exiting the class, he was flanked. Veronica on his right, Betty to his left.
“C’mon Kev, we’ve got some shakes to sip at Pop’s,” stated Veronica, clearly showing that he had no say in whatever they had planned. “Cheryl and Toni are going to meet us there.”
Kevin sighed deeply through his nose as he rolled his eyes before offering both of his arms to the girls which they quickly linked with their own. “Fine, but I need to get something from my locker.”
“Come on then, we don’t have all day,” Betty remarked playfully, eliciting a collective chuckle from the trio as they began to walk down the hallway and towards Kevin’ locker.
Being sat with the girls at Pop’s really hadn’t given Kevin any clarity on why they were acting so weird. Weirder that what would be considered standard rate in Riverdale, at least.
“As much as I’ve loved the attention from my girls, truly, can someone please tell me why you’re all acting strange?”
Toni, Veronica and Betty had all simultaneously decided to take another sip from their milkshakes as they adverted their gaze. Cheryl had looked towards each of her female companions before sighing exaggeratedly and turning her attention towards Kevin who sat opposite to her.
“I don’t understand why you would want to bring it up and not just accept how great friends we are being right now. I mean, the amount of support we’re showing you at this terrible time is impeccable,” the red head spoke, slightly trailing from the point.
Kevin gave her a blank stare, waiting for her to finally spill what was going on. She sighed once more before speaking again. “We are simply trying to help you through the terrible news of your father proposing to Y/N.”
Kevin’ eyebrows furrowed; face scrunched up into confusion. Why was that terrible news? He greatly liked Y/N, he loved that she was now finally going to join the family officially. He was even the one to push his father to propose. Hell, he was even there when he had done so.
Shaking his head, he stuttered slightly as he spoke. “I-I don’t understand. Why is that bad?”
All heads at the table had snapped to look at him, all held a look of utter shock, as if he what he had said were incredulous.
“I thought it was gonna be an evil step-mother situation, honestly. We all did.” Toni was the first to break the silence, voicing what everyone had clearly thought was his feelings about you.
Kevin shook his head, a smile now forming on his lips. “No, I love Y/N. She’s awesome and she makes my dad happy, which makes me happy. Plus, we gossip all the time. Half of the drama I’ve know has been because she constantly texts me.”
Veronica smiled at Kevin as she rested her hand upon his arm in a friendly manner. “I’m sorry we got it so wrong. I’m glad, we’re glad, that you love her so much.”
“Yeah. We should have asked. We’re all sorry.” Betty gave him as side hug which he had happily returned.
“It’s fine. But yeah. Maybe ask next time.” They all shared a small laugh, resuming the chit chatting from before, taking sips from their shakes once more.
Quickly finishing off his drink, he looked towards the girls before speaking up. “I should get going, me and Y/N kinda have a movie night planned.”
“And you didn’t invite moi?!” Veronica feigned insult with an overdramatised gasp and hand over her chest. “Have fun, Kev.”
After more farewells from the rest of the girls, Kevin hastily left the diner, on his way to spend time with his favourite gossip guru and soon-to-be step-mom.
Honestly, can we appreciate how quickly I have gotten these last two fics out because holy shit lmao
I really did have fun writing this and hope I can create a good part 2 where I focus on the relationship between Tom and reader
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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miracleonice87 · 3 years
50. putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up with Mr. Hayes? I’m on my bullshit for him and wouldn’t say no to a scene with him and Kate for this if you’re feeling it! Or reader insert, whichever of course!🖤
per K’s perfect and genius request, this is a continuation of Kevin and Kate’s Cape Cod Confessions universe. congrats to Jimmy and Kristen on their newest addition, and big shoutout to them for once again giving me baby fever, especially of the writing sort. I couldn’t resist this one, y’all. I’m just embracing my brand at this point.
50. putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up
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“Oh my god, the Hayes genes are so real,” Kate nearly whined as she cradled her and Kevin’s brand new nephew in her arms for the first time. She trailed her fingertip along Mac’s chin and lips, in awe of the features that so closely resembled his dad’s and uncle’s, only in miniature.
“Tell me about it,” Kristen scoffed with a roll of her eyes, tucking herself into Jimmy’s side on their couch. “We’re lucky we married hot brothers, otherwise the fact that our kids are gonna look just like their dads would be obnoxious.”
Kate glanced up from Mac just long enough to smile at Kristen, Kevin smirking at his wife as he approached her. As he held Kate’s waist from behind, both of them staring down at the newborn, Kate braced herself for whatever baby-related comment Kevin was surely about to make.
“I say we fuck around and find out,” Kevin piped up, as if on cue, his chin resting on her shoulder. “Whaddya say, Katie girl? Who do you think our kids’ll look more like?”
Kate shook her head, trying to play it off.
“I dunno, Kev,” she muttered before changing the subject, though she was sure that that would be far from the last such remark Kevin would make during the visit.
If Kevin had things his way, Kate would have been pregnant by the time they returned from their honeymoon last summer — even before that if she would have allowed it. But she had been insistent upon waiting a few years, settling into life together as a married couple before bringing a baby into the mix.
But with each new niece or nephew that was added into their clan, Kevin’s desire to start his own little family burned brighter, while Kate’s resolve to hold off crumbled a bit more. Staring down at this new baby’s face was testing Kevin’s patience in the worst way, and Kate could physically feel it.
The prodding continued all afternoon. Like...
“This is the sweetest baby on earth,” Kate would murmur, kissing Mac’s chubby cheeks.
“Until we have ours,” Kevin would add.
“You’re great with him, Kate,” Jimmy smiled, admiring how at ease his sister-in-law was as she changed Mac’s diaper.
“‘Course she is,” Kevin piped up. “She was made to be a mom.”
And, with Mac asleep on Kate’s chest, and Beau’s head resting in her lap…
“You look so good with two babies on you,” Kevin mused. “Lemme give you one. Just one! Please?”
Eventually, the kids had both gone down for the night, and Kate and Kevin quietly said their goodbyes and left Jimmy and Kristen to (hopefully) get some rest.
Back at their own house, just a few streets over, the commentary kept coming. Kevin went on and on about how “aren’t those Hayes babies the best” and “we’re not getting any younger, Katie” and “I want my kids to be able to watch me play hockey” and “as soon as you’re ready, you just say the wor-”
It was at that final remark that Kate turned toward Kevin, stood on her bare tiptoes in the middle of their en suite, and covered his mouth with her hand.
“Shut up,” she warned, the smile stretching across her lips softening her tone. Kevin’s brows creased as he looked down at her in confusion. Kate stepped away then, biting her bottom lip as she turned to the side and pulled open the top drawer of her vanity. After a moment of shuffling its contents, Kate retrieved a thin, white piece of plastic.
Kevin’s jaw went slack, and he barely found the edge of the tub and took a seat before his knees gave out. Kate came closer, standing between his legs as she handed the object to him with teary eyes.
“I’m pregnant, Kev,” she stated, clarifying the meaning of the little pink plus sign on the stick in his hand. “I found out this morning when you went to pick up the food for Jimmy’s.”
Kevin chuckled, incredulous, and gathered Kate into his arms, burying his face in her neck. She felt his warm tears against her skin as she held onto him tightly.
“Why didn’t you say anything when we were there?! I kept going on and on about having a baby,” Kevin said, pulling back to wipe the wetness from his eyes.
Kate shook her head. “I didn’t wanna steal their thunder,” she insisted. “We’ll tell them soon. Just not right now.”
Kevin nodded, then cupped Kate’s cheek with his big hand.
“Are you okay?” he asked, searching her eyes intently. “You sure you want this?”
Kate nodded too, quickly and confidently.
“This is exactly what I want.”
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Prep and Landing Mini-Retrospective Finale: Mansion Impossible and Naughty Vs Nice (comissioned by weirdkev27)
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Ho ho ho all you happy people and welcome back to Pop Culture Buffet. I’m Jake, I review stuff and things and today I finish out my quick look at the prep and landing tetralogy. For those just joining us Prep and Landing was a breif series of Disney Shorts and one comic book tie in about Lanny and Wayne, two elves who work in the titular branch of Santa’s elves to prepare houses ahead of time (knock out anyone still awake, make sure the cookies aren’t stale, etc), to help Santa reach his “all the kids who write to me and are good in one night goal”. It was a clever premise.. but I found the first special a bit lacking, while the second, the shorter operation secret santa, was perfect and not just for using the almost 100 years old betty white as Mrs. Claus. 
So I had no idea how this final special or i’ts companion piece, an 8 page comic adventure at the Avengers Mansion , would play out. Would they  be tinsel or a trashfire? The only way to find out is to join me under the cut. ‘
Mansion Impossible: So this is an interesting little artifact. Mansion Impossible was an 8 page story in the back of Marvel Adventures Super Heroes, Marvel Adventures Spider-Man and the mainline avengers book in december of the same year as Naughty Vs Nice. It’s something a lot of people who liked the specials didn’t even know existed and I didn’t even till kev had me covering it. 
I”m glad he did. While I don’t have much to say about this one the premise is brilliant: The Elves have to prep the avengers mansion. For those MCU fans scratching their heads the avengers had a mansion in the comic. They got the tower later, it’s a whole thing. They also had a butler, Jarvis. Jarvis rocks. 
So we simply get some fun gags as our heroes deal with security, the hulks underwear and use a combo of shield surfing and one of iron man’s gloves in the wash to get the job done. Not much to say here honestly: it’s 8 pages with a very simple gag at the core. it works even if I feel it coudl’ve been more avengersy, but hey for an 8 page story clearly meant to hype up a new special, it works. And i’ll never object to elves sliding down caps shield. I do question where the avengers were but they were all seeing that hip new musical working boys I reckon. I don’t know what the timeline for these avengers are, I just know prep and landing has it’s own set. 
It also has it’s own x-men as the ending sets up the boys going to the xavier mansion for a prep, something we sadly never got. Maybe because the writers thought wolverine would stab them, I dunno. They forget that the X-Men are tight with leprechauns, so unless theirs some racial tensoins between elves and leprechauns they should be fine.
Naughty Vs Nice:
So as I outlined last time while the first special wasn’t bad, it did have some flaws mostly piling on Wayne, with both Magee and Lanny calling him out when, while he did screw up royally, they don’t acknowledge, WHY he was being such a dick at all. So you’d THINK the sequel would avoid this, do better and give us a better story where Wayne is either more clearly a dick or just not one and they focus on something else. 
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Yeahhhhhh Naughty Vs Nice dosen’t do that and instead has Wayne have a conflict where he’s treated as entirely in the wrong even though he has some points, and has to learn a lesson.  Yes he’s still a bit of a jerk but ONCE AGAIN you can’t hardly blame him, and at least want his greviances acknowledged.  But to fully grasp why they botched it, we have to go into the story sooo...
This time around we start with something I like as the opening focuses on the Coal Elves, who were seen breifly last time and were one of my faviorite bits of world building. The Coal Elves are Prep and Landing’s oppisite number: While P and L focus on preparing houses for good kids, the Coal Elves double check the bad ones and give them coal. The special even makes the whole lump of coal thing more palatable: The Coal Elves check for comformation the child is still naughty, via evidence they can find and scan, and once they have enough then they send the coal, with a “be better next year” ribbon attached. It shows Santa, true to his words in the previous full special, knows kids can slip and dosen’t WANT to give them coal, but has no choice if they give him none, and gives them every opportunity. 
Things go plum shaped though as the coal elves are assaulted by a mystery child in a mask and her robot dog, whose not only ready for them but takes their fruitcake device. How this child, given the screen name jinglesmells, knows all this ..  is never really explained, and while it’s a bit of a plot hole I can let it slide as she is easily the best part of this special. 
So enter our heroes who are pulled out of holiday shopping (Lanny getting gifts and Wayne getting a sled). And to Wayne’s credit, and to the special’s discredit.. wayne simply has them hold the sled. Wayne gladly dashes away all to go do his job when given a red alert. He has grown.
So Magee gives them the mission along with the smarty pants head of elf intelligence, played by my boy Chris Parnell: they need to stop jinglesmell before she can use the device to hack the naughty/nice database. 
So they go to the coal elf bar.. which has some weirdly cheery song about the coal elves playing. It just.. dosen’t remotely fit the grimy, rough and tumble bar astetic at all. You might as well play this over it
So then we meet our heroes Coal Elf helper, as Magee assigned one.. and asked wayne not to be mad. Turns out he has a reason to as their contact is Noel, who not only bought the sled Wayne wanted.. but is Wayne’s baby brother, just a big bigger than him. 
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Yeah we have as a year before this, we got the Regular Show episode Don where Rigby also had a more successful younger brother whose taller than him and people liked more, but isn’t making his life miserable on purpose and geinuiley loves and looks up to his older brother. 
The problem is Don actually treats the older brother’s concerns with some respect, while still painting him as an ass. In Don, Rigby’s forced to, against his will, call his accountant brother don for help, as the Park’s being audited. He dosen’t WANT to and is stubbornly forced into it by his boss on threat of firing, not unresonably given the park’s future is on the line. Rigby is petty, mean, and agressive to his brother the entire visit before eventually scarring him off. He’s still throughly a dick and his actions nearly get the park repossesed. 
But what makes the episode work is Rigby isn’t being a dick for no reason. A bti MUCH of one. Of course, and that early in the show he did this shit all the time, so i’ts not a huge suprise. But he has a valid reason to resent his brother: everyone PREFERS his brother to him, with even his own best friend taking Don’s side, and Don constantly upstaged him without meaning to. 
But to Rigby’s credit he mans up, explains this to don.. and apologizes realizing he was too much of a dick and finding out his brother really does love and respect him and he was cruel to the poor guy for nothing. The two reconcile, the part is saved from being sucked into the void. Goood ep all around. 
Here it’s about the same.. except unlike Don.. Noel’s not that likeable. While you do get the sense he really likes wayne, even recounting a story about a sled wayne wanted in his youth and how close they were, playing superheroes together, he’s also a boistiorus dick who chooses barging in over stealth and repeadetly botches the mission as a result. Don was just a geninely sweet guy who didn’t MEAN to upstage his brother. Noel dosen’t mean to but he makes his job harder. Noel then accidently gets the device.. and gets the position of elf of the year Wayne wanted from this. Is wayne doing this mission for the glory right? Not especially no. But is wayne understandably upset his brother is set to get an award wayne worked his ass off for and did all the hard work for? Yup. 
And that’s the problem: if like don the obvlious party at least admitted they were sorry or got that they do this all the time it’d work. But instead Wayne hurts Noel’s feelings, makes it very clear ot him WHY he’s so hurt, and .. endds up having to apologize because he goes too far and wishes he never had a brother. Once again Wayne is only the bad guy and the grey areas are glossed over. Merry fucking christmas. 
And I say this as someone whose BEEN like Noel, whose made his brother’s life harder without meaning to. I’ve also been like wayne, a resentful dick. So I empathize with both when the special clearly dosen’t. and that’s what makes it fall apart: once again it only grasps one side of thigns and unlike last time dosen’t have the santa ending to help fix it. Wayne gets what he wants by working with Noel, noel learns nothing, chrismtas is saved. 
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It also seeps into what’s an otherwise GOOD emotoinal arc with our antagonist: As it turns out Jinglesmell.. is just a very smart little girl who simply wants to be on the nice list again, and has only been acting out because she got a baby brother, one who steals all the attnetion, destroyed her faviorite doll and whose crying prevented her from asking santa for a new one. She’s doing something stupid and destructive, but you get why and thus feel terrible for her when her gambti backfires, corrupting the database to make all kids naughty. That, combined with the two idiots above fighting, gets her to realize how far she’s gone and geinley atone for it... as well as realize her younger brother is just a baby and looks up to her. Granted I don’t like this specials message that older siblings should just take all the shit, i’m a younger sibling and even I think tha’ts gross, but overall jinglesmells does the arc better,and her ending, saving christmas and still getting a present from Santa after all. 
I WANTED to like Naughty Vs Nice: it has increased worldbuilding, intresting new characters.. but the main emotional crux drags it down. It just dosen’t CARE what Wayne feels and has an awful unteitonal moral of “Well if your the older siblings you shoudl just eat shit and take what you got because the little one respects you blurgh blurgh blurgh” Look having a sibling can be difficult, I know from firsthand experince.. but the reasl message should be you should love each other, try to understand each other and make things better through commuincation not one side buckling entirely. Overall a disapointment if a watchable one and a downer to end this special on as I really feel this franchise SHOUDL continue. I’d like a movie or a reboot series at some point, I feel it has legs. It deserves another shot even if it’s bigger works.. came out like two large lumps of coal. Happy holidays and thanks for reading
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Summary: Sweet Pea/Archie, the minute Archie saw sweet pea he had a crush on him 
-”Oh my god.” Archie grimaces slightly and Veronica quirks her eyebrow but follows his viewpoint, she gasps as well and Archie rolls his eyes.
“Not the shorter one, the tall one with the glare.”
“I mean the shorter one.”
“God Ronnie, really what is it with you and shorter guys.”
“It’s not as boring, all tall guys act the same.” She grins at him and he chuckles a little.
“Well they’re serpents so talk to Jughead about it, since he’s cozying up with them.”
“Betty would probably be best.” Archie comments and Veronica nods.
“Mhm, that’s why I’m talking to her, oh! Go talk to Kevin since he and Joaquin are still going at it, they’re like horrifically cute, it's a little nauseating.”
“Ah the high school sweethearts award will be going to them senior year?”
“If we all make it there.” Veronica remarks dryly and then leaves the student lounge to look for betty and no donut talk her ear off about the shorter Serpent who’s hovering next to the tall one that Archie has trouble thinking about without choking and trying to remind himself to breathe.
“Hey Archie, Veronica shoved me away from Betty and said she needed girl time, but also you needed to talk to me?”
“The tall Serpent that hangs out near-”
“Sweet Pea. Oh my god you’re face, you’re totally smitten aren’t you, this is hilarious!” Archie glares as Kevin just laughs.
“Kev, seriously I know you and Joaquin are still together, so I was wondering if you could put in a good word with Sweet Pea or like let me know where I can find him.”
“We go to the same school…”
“I dunno how well he’ll react to me confronting him at school.”
“Ah, like when the red circle stuff happened?”
“Yeah.. I was hoping maybe he’s put that behind him..”
“Well sort of, they reasoned it away that you were trying to defend your home and they respect that in an odd sort of way.”
“Well that’s a comfort I guess.”
“The White Wyrm.”
“That bar on the southside?”
“Yeah that’s where he and the rest of them hang out, Tuesdays are usually the best day for that.”
“Why Tuesday’s?”
“Most of the senior members are off on jobs so it’s usually just the younger members so it’s safer for non-serpents to go in.”
-Archie is still nervous when he steps into the Wyrm, he’s surprised no one turns and stares at him like he was expecting but then he sees Kevin and Joaquin talking at a table, Sweet pea’s there as well and Archie reminds himself to thank Kevin after he waves him over.
He loses track of the time talking and joking with Sweet Pea. Kevin and Joaquin have left sometime earlier and the bar is almost empty, Sweet Pea and him still just as content to talk as when Archie came in.
“Archie, what are you doing here?’ Jughead glares a little and Archie grins.
“Just talking to Sweet Pea.”
“Can I talk to you then?”
“Talk to me about what?” Jughead nods towards the back of the Wyrm and Sweet Pea nods back, vanishing into it.
“So?” Archie watches as Jughead slides across him the indifference he had on his face melting off into the faint hint of anger.
“Don’t. Whatever you’re thinking about doing with Sweet pea, or starting with him, don’t.”
“We were just talking Jughead, that’s all.”
“He’s one of my serpents. I tolerate Joaquin and Kevin cause they got together before I took over from my dad, but this fling you and Sweet Pea are playing at isn’t a good idea. Stop it before it goes anywhere and someone gets hurt.” Jughead nods and waits for Archie to nod back, instead he stands and walks towards the door.
“I’m not one of your serpents, Jughead.” He lets it hang in the air as he leaves.
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littlespoonevan · 5 years
Gallavich + facing each other in bed, andd caressing each other's faces before falling asleep :')
sooo i don’t know if this was meant to be a prompt but i made it one lol. i’ve been wanting to write about the aftermath of 4x11 for a long time and exercise my hurt/comfort muscles so here’s my take on what happens after mickey’s coming out scene
enjoy :’)
The walk home is quiet, the only sound theirfootsteps on the wet pavement and their hushed breaths forming little clouds inthe air. Ian doesn’t hold Mickey’s hand, no matter how much he wants to.Tonight has already been too much without something like that pushing him overthe edge. Instead he lets their arms brush with every second step.
It surprises him though when they reach his streetthat Mickey’s the one to reach out and take his hand.
Ian looks at him but doesn’t stop walking, doesn’twant to give Mickey time to try and pull back. Mickey’s expression is hard tomake out in the dark with the dried blood still all over his face but Ian can atthe very least tell he doesn’t want him to say anything. So he squeezes Mickey’shand and tows him toward the Gallagher house.
Kev must’ve text Fiona when shit went down becauseshe’s still up when they come through the front door, sitting braced on thearmchair with a mug of what’s most likely spiked coffee between her hands. Sheflies out of her seat when she takes in the sight of them.
“Holy shit, what-“
“We’re fine,” Ian cuts in, keeping his voice low inan attempt not to wake anyone else up. Mickey doesn’t need an audience rightnow.
Fiona clamps her mouth shut though she looks like she’dmuch rather be talking. She must see something in Ian’s expression thoughbecause her eyes flicker to Mickey and then, briefly to their hands, and shenods. “Want me to call V?”
Ian shakes his head. “S’not as bad as it looks,” hepromises. “We’re gonna get cleaned up.”
Fiona nods again, hesitating a moment before shespeaks. “Terry back in lockup?”
Mickey answers this time and Ian can tell he’s tryingto joke but the bone-deep exhaustion and barest hint of anxiety evident in hisvoice makes it fall flat. “For a long fuckin’ time hopefully.”
And Ian can’t take it anymore, feels a burning needto get his hands on Mickey. To take care of him, to hold him, to salvage thishorrific fucking night. “Night, Fi,” he whispers, slipping his hand out ofMickey’s to grip his shoulders and steer him gently in the direction of thestairs.
It says a lot about how close Mickey must be tobreaking point that he doesn’t even protest, just lets Ian guide him.
Ian lets go of him once they reach the bathroom butonly to close the door. When he turns back around Mickey is standing listlesslyin the middle of the room and Ian nods to the closed toilet seat. “Here, sitdown,” he says, nudging around Mickey to get the first aid kit from under thesink. “You can take a shower in a sec, let me just clean the worst of it first.”
Mickey huffs a tired laugh as he sits down. “You finda new career without tellin’ me, Gallagher?”
Ian bites back a smile and kneels down in front ofMickey so they’re eye to eye. “Picked up a few things when Ned was getting a bulletoutta your ass.”
Mickey laughs again but it’s really more of anexhale. There’s faint smile on his face though. “Fuck, man. My head hurts.”
Ian winces in sympathy as Mickey closes his eyes –whatever the fuck Terry did to his ribs makes his chest ache with every breathso he gets it. “You think it’s a concussion?” he asks softly as he digs out theantiseptic wipes from the first aid kit, keeping one hand on Mickey’s knee –less to keep him steady and more because he doesn’t feel like letting go of himright now.
“Dunno,” Mickey shrugs half-heartedly, keeping hiseyes closed as Ian wipes the dirt and blood from his face. “Probably justfuckin’ tired.”
“Probably,” Ian agrees. “Your nose doesn’t look thatbad. Doesn’t look deep enough for stitches.”
Mickey cracks an eye open and appraises him. “Christ,Ian. Maybe you should become a nurse.”
Ian laughs, gently though – he learned his lessonearlier. “I’d get plenty of practice with you around.”
Mickey huffs again, his almost-laugh. “You want me toreturn the favour?” he asks when Ian’s finished with his face, fingers idlyfolding around the collar of the coat Ian’s still wearing.
“I’m good,” Ian assures him, swaying forward to pressa kiss to Mickey’s temple. “Let’s just shower and go to bed.”
The words look to be a relief to Mickey and he nods,letting Ian haul him up to stand again. Ian sets the water running while theyget out of their clothes, testing it with his hand before climbing in andMickey follows behind him. Ian pulls him under the spray and reaches for hisshampoo, squirting some onto his hand and reaching for Mickey’s hair.
Mickey lets out a quiet breath, closing his eyes whenIan’s hands run through his hair and Ian feels some of the tension in his ownstomach unfurl as he washes Mickey’s hair, working out the dried blood. Mickeyreaches for him at some point, seemingly intent on doing the same for Ian.
His fingers curl around Ian’s jaw at first, thumbshelping the water wash the blood off Ian’s face before he starts working on hishair. Ian’s not sure how long they stand like that until he can’t take it anymoreand closes the distance between them, pulling Mickey into his arms.
Mickey releases a shuddering breath as Ian’s armsclose around him, his own arms twisting across Ian’s back as his fingers clutchat Ian’s shoulderblades. His face is buried in the crook of Ian’s neck and Iancan feel the way his breath stutters. He knows the weight of what’s happenedtonight is finally hitting Mickey full force.
And he can’t help feeling an unbearable type ofguilt. For pushing Mickey, for making him choose, as if anything about thisentire situation has been as simple as Mickey wanting to keep them a secret. Hejust- it’s fucking irrational and stupid but it hurt feeling he couldn’t be with Mickey the way he wanted to, likethere was this whole other life being planned out for Mickey that Ian would oneday be exiled from. It’s selfish and he hates himself for putting Mickey inthis position but he promises himself he’ll do whatever he has to now toprotect Mickey, to put him first with whatever shit they’ve got coming theirway. He has to.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, carding his fingers throughMickey’s wet hair and speaking the words into Mickey’s shoulder. “I don’t knowwhat I expected to happen.”
Mickey shrugs against him, arms tightening just slightly.“Was gonna have to happen sooner or later.”
Ian pulls back a fraction to meet Mickey’s gaze, offeringhim a sad smile as he runs a finger under the cut on Mickey’s forehead. “Notlike that though.”
Mickey looks at him, a resigned look on his face ashe sighs. “Ian, it was always gonna happen like that. Whether there were fiftypeople in the room or just me and him. It was always gonna be like that. Atleast this way there were some fucking witnesses.”
Small blessings, Ian supposes.
“I’m still sorry,” Ian tells him. “I never wanted youto get hurt.”
“I know,” Mickey says, voice quiet as he leansagainst Ian. “Can we crash now? Feel like I’m dead on my feet.”
Ian nods and shuts off the water. Ian finds themtowels to dry off before going into the bedroom to get boxers and t-shirts forthem both. The only one in the bedroom is Carl, fast asleep in the top bunk.Liam must be in Fiona’s room and Ian reminds himself to thank his sister in themorning for giving them some modicum of privacy.
He returns to the bathroom with their clothes andafter changing and shoving their dirty towels down the laundry shoot they maketheir way back to the bedroom.
Mickey completely forgoes his makeshift camp on thefloor to follow Ian straight into his bed and Ian tries not to react toovisibly. Can’t believe this is actually happening. He can count on one hand theamount of times they’ve shared a bed for real. And while he wishes this wereunder different circumstances he’s going to savour the moment for all that itis.
His bed is too small for them to have much space butIan doesn’t care. By the looks of it, Mickey doesn’t either considering the wayhis legs immediately tangle with Ian’s under the covers. When they’re settledIan lifts his hand, smoothing the hair back off Mickey’s forehead before lettinghis fingers cradle his cheek.
He can just about make out the way the corner ofMickey’s mouth lifts in a smile at the touch.
They stay like that for a minute, still except forthe way Ian’s thumb brushes lightly over Mickey’s cheekbone. Then, tentatively,almost as if he’s never let himself dare try this before Mickey’s hand comes upto rest on Ian’s neck.
Ian’s too tired to grin the way he wants to so hejust lets his mouth twist up in a closed-mouth, contented smile. His eyesprobably give him away anyway.
“Did you mean it?” he whispers after a while. “Whatyou said before – about feeling free.”
Mickey tenses and Ian can tell so he keeps his thumbmoving across Mickey’s cheek, twists his legs around Mickey’s even moretightly. Tries to ground him in whatever way he can.
“Yeah,” Mickey says finally, soft and defeated.
And Ian doesn’t want him to think those words are aweakness, not when they’re the bravest thing Mickey’s ever said to him short ofwhat he’d done less than an hour later.
“For me too,” Ian says then, voice quiet and far tootender. “I’ve always felt free with you,” he explains. “Nothing’s ever made mefeel the way you do. Don’t think anything else could.”
He can feel Mickey’s eyes on him and he’s not surewhat Mickey can make out in the dark but eventually, the hand Mickey’s has onhis neck moves and curls around Ian’s jaw. In the next breath Mickey tips theirforeheads together and Ian’s heart squeezes painfully in his chest.
“It’s you, Gallagher,” Mickey whispers. “Don’t knowwhat anyone else has to offer but I don’t want it. Just you.”
Ian kisses him then because he can’t not. Just agentle press – one that he tries to infuse with as much love and devotion as hepossibly can. He doesn’t move away when he pulls back, keeps his foreheadagainst Mickey’s and the scant inch of space between their mouths. It’s barelyclose enough.
The words Ilove you are on the tip of his tongue and he wants to say them. Over andover again until there isn’t a single doubt in Mickey’s mind. But there havealready been so many confessions tonight he’s not sure if either of them cantake much more.
So instead he touches Mickey’s bottom lip with thetip of his thumb, then the corner of his mouth where a barely-there smile stillsits and whispers, “Night, Mick.”
Mickey’s fingers run through his hair before trailinghis cheek until they finally find their way back to Ian’s neck and fall torest.
“Night, Ian.”
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I enjoyed writing this one, random idea that popped into my head last night.
Adam Ruzek x reader
Part 2 Part 3
“I may have ordered a stripper” Niall winked at me as we sat around a table.
“Oh my god you didn’t, Ni do you remember last time one of us ordered a stripper” you laughed at the memory “turned out to be some overweight guy who had to be mid sixties”
“I had to okay it’s your 30th birthday I couldn’t let it pass and plus I know your taste in men so I’ve got you girl” he smirked.
“We like the same kind of men Ni” you laughed.
“Exactly so you can trust me on this one, I promise you won’t be let down” Niall grinned at me. “And I may have requested the stripper be single”
“Really” You huffed knocking back the shots.
“Yes you’ve been single far too long” jade said “so whether it’d the stripper or someone else you are taking someone home and that’s an order”
The lights started to dim and someone walked on stage.
“Ok we have a treat for you tonight” rich the bar owner grinned before winking at me. “For one night only officer adam Ruzek”
“Wait you did not go for a cop stripper” You laughed as rich walked off stage and someone else replaced him.
“We know you like a man in uniform, so sit back, relax and we know you will enjoy” Niall grinned as he turned my head to the stage as the beat of the music started.
“Typical stripper using pony as their song” You laughed
As you was watching the stage whilst knocking back shots, you smirked as the spot light, illuminated the strippers face.
“Damn he’s hot” you giggled.
“Told you I have your back” Niall smirked
“Ok so I’ve been informed that we have a person of interest here tonight” Adam smirked twirling his handcuffs on his finger “a (Y/N) (Y/L/N)”
Instantly my friends started shouting and pointing at me. You don’t know why but as Adam slowly walked over to you, you felt your cheeks burning.
“You are gonna have to come with me” he smirked raking your hand leading you to the single chair that was now on stage.
As the music blared you watched intently as he undid his belt and some buttons on his shirt whilst he maintained eye contact with you.
You couldn’t believe this, as you giggled as Adam undid the remaining buttons of his shirt before placing his hat on your head. You couldn’t help but bite your lip as Adam lost his shirt and was basically straddling you on this chair. “Happy birthday girl” he whispered huskily in your ear as he thrust his hips against yours before he wrapped his hands around your waist lifting you off the chair with ease. You was now laid on the floor of the stage, the crowed was going crazy especially your friends.
The next thing you knew Adam ripped his trousers off leaving him stood over you in just his boxers. Biting your lip as he crawled over you still thrusting against you whilst pinning your arms above your head. Soon enough the show was over and disappointed wasn’t the word. To say it left you hot and bothered was an understatement right now.
“Told you I wouldn’t let you down” Niall winked handing you some more shots as you stood at the bar “also incoming to your right”
“So how was the show?” Adam asked grabbing a beer.
“Very good” I breathed taking in his change of appearance, Niall was right he knew my type. The rough and ready bad boy type “very magic mike”
“Hey it’s my first time stripping I had to watch something” he winked.
“You hanging around?” You asked biting your lip.
“If you want me to” he smirked leaning over you to grab his beer which meant you was now pinned between him and the bar.
“Well let’s get this night started” you giggled.
As the night went on plenty more drinks was consumed and both you and Adam was quite drunk right now as you was straddling him in one of the booths whilst having a steamy make out session.
“What do you say to taking this party back to mine” you whispered against his lips gently nipping them. He didn’t say anything but stood up with you still wrapped around his hips. It took a couple of minutes for him to steady himself.
“Let’s go” he whispered in your ear. As he carried you through the club you headed to the table your friends were at.
“We gonna head out” you slurred as Adam places you back on your feet, placing his hands either side of you hips to steady you as you wobbled on your heels.
As Niall reached over giving you a hug you whispered in his ear “thank you, you are the best friend ever”
“I know, now me and jake expect all the juicy details in the morning” he laughed before pulling away.
“Well you look rough this morning” Kevin laughed as Adam walked into the bullpen in the same clothes he left in last night, sun glasses shielding his eyes and clutching a very large cup of coffee. “Did you even go home last night?”
“Nah I didn’t” he smirked.
“Does it have something to do with you stripping last night?” Kev said trying to contain his laughter.
“How did you find out about that?” Adam asked sheepishly.
“My cousin was at the bar bro” he smirked
“I’m not gonna live this down am I” Adam muttered as he sat at his desk.
“Oh hell no” Kev smirked “also bro don’t let Voight are you are missing your badge”
Reaching down to his waist band, Adam’s heart sunk. He left his hat and badge at (Y/N) and in their drunken state he didn’t get her number.
“Fuck” he muttered under his breath.
“Ruzek why do I have some blondie downstairs who looks just as hungover as you do right now, asking for you” trudy scolded as she walked into the bullpen.
“Urm dunno” he shrugged standing up following trudy.
“Oh I’ve got to see this” Kevin grinned following them.
You watched as Adam came down the stairs looking just as rough as you did.
“Hey (Y/N) what you doing here?” Adam said lowly as he took in the outfit you was wearing smirking slightly at the fact you both wearing sunglasses.
“Well after you left this morning I noticed you left these on my bedside table” you laughed softly “and thought you would need them”
“You are a life saver” Adam breathed as he took his badge from you clipping it onto his waist band. “I had a good time last night”
“Yeah me to” you grinned as he gave you a hug “ive left my number in your hat if you ever want to see how stripping is really done, give me a call”
You stood biting your lip as you tried to suss out his expression.
“I will definitely be taking you up on that offer” he smirked taking the hat off her and placing the scrap of paper in his back pocket.
“Well I will be seeing you around then” you said shoving your hands in your pocket “I’m gonna go sleep this hangover off, which is your fault by the way”
“How’s it my fault” Adam laughed.
“You kept buying me shots” you smirked.
“Yeah well you didn’t have to drink them” he laughed
“I will let you get on” you smiled before turning on your heel to head out. “Don’t forget get call me”
“Don’t worry I will” Adam smirked as you walked out of the district.
As Adam leant against the front desk trying to stop the room from spinning he felt trudy put her hand in his shoulder.
“Adam go home, I will cover you with Voight because right now you smell like a brewery and are possibly still kinda drunk” she smiled.
“Cheers Sarge I owe you one” he laughed as she passed him his bag before making his was out of the district only to find (Y/N) stood leaning against a wall trying to steady herself with a cigarette hanging between her lips.
“Hey” Adam smiled as he got closer to (Y/N).
“Thought you was working?” You asked.
“Yeah my desk Sargent sent me home as I think I’m still a bit drunk” he laughed “come on I know this great litter cafe that serves the ultimate hang over cure, my treat”
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marvinswriting · 4 years
some secrets are harder to hide
prompt: KEVIN AND/OR GRETCHEN MEETING DAMIAN- bear hell yeah, more borrower au. Gretchen POV? mhmmm. Gretchen is very aware of the reader and she just insults Janis a lot, I think you can TELL how much fun i had writing this one
I'm not stupid. A pushover? Sure. A kiss-up? You bet. A follower? Please, I invented the term. But stupid? No. 
I know Janis didn't fight off a cat by herself and manage to find food. But I'm also not one to complain when a solid food supply gets handed to me.
So I didn't question it. 
Until now.
We have a borrowing schedule. Kevin on Sunday, Janis goes Tuesday, I go Thursday and we all go Saturday for more of a lookout rather than for food. 
The schedule isn't set in stone, if we really need food, we all go together. If somebody is sick, someone else will take their day. 
Which is what was going on right now.
"Janis, you aren't actually thinking of leaving." Kevin deadpans. Its Tuesday, and I look up from where I'm sharpening my tools.
Janis was gathering her supplies, swaying on her feet. "I've got a job to do."
"And a fever. You also have a fever." I add.
Janis shrugs. "Never stopped me before."
"It was never this bad before." Kevin counters.
Janis was an unhealthy pale, to the point where she looked a little green.
"We need the food." Janis wasn't the one to budge in our roommate dynamic. Kevin thought reasonably, I was practical, and Janis was stubborn. It was not always a bad thing, but not a good thing right now as she was about to pass out. 
"Janis," Kevin took the borrowing tools away from her. "No."
 "I'm fine." Janis insisted. "I know my own limits."
"Then," I stood up grabbing my own bag. "I'm coming with you."
"No necessary Gretchen," Janis says, yanking her bag back from Kevin. Or she tries too. It's unuseful and she stumbles back a bit, the bag still securely in Kevin's grip. It didn't even look like he was holding that tightly. 
I exchange glances with Kevin, and he reluctantly hands the bag to Janis. "Gretchen is going with you."
Janis scoffs but doesn't fight him. "Whatever, just don't slow me down."
"I get the feeling that it might be the other way around," I say, following Janis to the floor exit. 
"Stay safe." Kevin warns as we leave. 
It's hot in the walls, but the house has AC. Janis shivers, pulling her hand-sewn jacket closer around her. 
Its night, but we still stick by the walls, carefully making our way to the kitchen. 
Janis tries to muffle a cough with her jacket sleeve. Its summer, so it was odd to have such a bad cold. It was also hot out so to see Janis under so many layers was odd in itself. 
"Janis, are you sure you're okay?" I ask as Janis prepares to climb. Her cheeks are red and she's breathing heavily from just walking.
"Mhmm." She says.
"I'm serious." I turn her so she's facing me. She's so out of it she doesn't even notice what bad shape she's in. Janis giggles a bit.
"Why are you so stressed, Gretchen?"
"I don't think you can climb up without falling."
"I've done it before."
"Not in this shape."
"What do you mean, I'm in great shape." Janis strikes a pose with a crooked grin.
Yeah, no. Like hell am I letting Janis borrow tonight.
She's gonna get herself killed, or even worse- caught.
I groan, placing my head in my hands. "Let's go the other way."
I gotta get Janis back to her room without her suspicion. "We can take the route up to the counter directly." I lie.
"But we just got here!" Janis whined. I grab her wrist and drag her back to the wall. 
"It's for your safety."
We reach the living room and I shove Janis towards Kevin, who glances at us, confused. 
"She needs to go to bed. I'll go borrowing myself."
"Hey, Gretchen! You tricked me!" Janis tried to step forward, but Kevin grabs her shoulders, holding her next to him.
"And it wasn't hard. Go to bed, Janis. You'll thank me when you feel better."
"But-" Her protest was interrupted by a yawn. "Okay. Say hi to Damian for me."
Kevin and I stare at her wide-eyed and it takes Janis a few moments before her own brain can process what she said. 
"Ohhhhh." Janis ran her fingers through her hair. "Forgot I didn't tell you that."
"Tell us what, Janis." Kevin sits her at one of the makeshift bottle cap chairs we have, pulling up two more for him and me. 
Janis shrugged. "I may or may not have been caught."
"And you're calm about this, why?" I ask.
"It's only Damian." 
I sigh. Janis clearly is too sick to see the issue and that a simple 'it's just Damian' won't make us understand anymore. 
"When did you get caught, Janis?" Kevin asks.
The girl yawns. "Remember when the cat almost killed me?"
"Janis. That was nearly four weeks ago!" Kevin cried out.
Janis shrugged again. "So? I'm not dead."
Even in her fever-induced whacked-out state, Janis made a point. A weak one, but a point. 
"Yet." Kevin countered.
And Kevin made a good point too....
I was receiving whiplash from how this conversation was going. Yeah, Janis isn't dead, but do we really know Damian? No. Every time Janis spoke, I found myself on her side. But then Kevin objects and I'm back with him again. Frankly, it's giving me a headache. 
"Guys," I lift my hand in defense, trying to defuse the argument going on. "What if we all just went tonight. Kevin and I can meet Damian and come to our own conclusions."
Janis nodded, her eyelids drooping. "Let's make it fast though. I think I might be getting sick."
"No, really?"
Kevin shakes his head. "I think this is a bad idea. He knows Janis and that's risky enough."
"Damian isn't a bad person," Janis said sitting up straighter. 
"That's for us to decide," Kevin says. "Get up, our main mission tonight is food and water, not Damian."
Janis mumbled an okay as we grabbed our bags. We actually did take the other route this time, because I wasn't kidding when I said Janis was in no climbing shape. I went in front of her with Kevin in the back as we made our way up. 
This route was in no way easier, but it was harder to fall and we were less exposed.
Janis, against all odds, made it to the exit with minimal issue. She was still swaying with each step, but Kevin pushed her along, making sure she was far away from the edge. 
 I'm not saying I doubt Janis's judgment but, I definitely doubt her judgment. I mean, Janis wasn't the sweetest little angel there was. For a human to see her snarky personality and not want to kill her probably meant they were good news. But I'm not taking her word for it. I'll see it for myself.  
Kevin pushes open the outlet and Janis tumbles out onto the counter. Literally. 
There's a bit of a jump from the outlet to the counter, small enough that we can hoist ourselves back into the walls, but far enough that you cant simply step out.
Janis lands on the marble with a soft thump and a laugh. 
She is out of it. 
Kevin and I follow Janis out, more gracefully. 
"You good?" I whisper.
She grins, wobbling up. "I might pass out."
"You sound way to gleeful to be serious." Kevin deadpans.
"No, I'm dead serious," Janis said, bringing her hand up to hold her head. "But isn't this fun!"
"No." I deadpan, watching Janis sway dangerously. "I'm no doctor but you may be dying."
"Don't listen to Gretchen." Kevin groans. "It's just a fever."
"Can you die from bad fevers?" I ask.
"I dunno." Kevin shrugs. "If Janis keeps this up we may find out."
"For science!" Janis yells excitedly. Kevin and I shush her immediately. 
"If you don't keep quiet, I swear to god, Janis-" Kevin goes off in a ramble of threats he definitely won't follow through with.
A door opens from somewhere in the house and my hand is instantly covering Kevin's mouth. We're still pretty hidden and close enough to the outlet that we're in no real danger if somebody walks into the kitchen but we don't want to get caught, regardless.
"He's arrived!" Janis sings loudly.
Oh right. 
I guess we kinda do wanna get caught.
"Janis if you don't shut the fuck up-" Kevin pushes my hand away from him. 
Janis runs out from where we're in hiding- or more of ungracefully jogs, to the center of the counter.
"Janis-" Kevin calls out as I rush out after her, Kev following.
To be honest, I wasn't thinking of 'oh she's gonna go meet her giant friend, its no big deal' I was more thinking 'this fucking idiots body is gonna shut down on her at any moment and she's just chilling in plain sight'.
Which, to be fair, both were going to happen. I just wasn't ready for the first one. I freeze as a human enters the kitchen, Kevin running into me.  
I knew that we were gonna meet Damian tonight, but that didn't make me mentally prepared. 
"Janis, is that you?" The lights the kitchen flick on, and I cringe at the intrusion of brightness. 
"Damian!" Janis grinned pushing away from me and walks to the edge of the counter. 
"Are these-" Damian glances at Kevin and I. "Are these your roommates?"
"Yup!" Janis says throwing up jazz hands. "Meet Kevin and Gretchen!"
We both wave shyly under the gaze of Damian. Unlike Janis, we cared about our lives and you're not gonna catch me trusting a human right of the bat.
"Hi." Kevin says tentatively, stepping further out from the shadows, pushing me along with him.
"Hello, I'm Damian."
I'm sure Damiana already knew that we know that, but hey, at least he's polite. 
"Okay, cute, you guys all know each other. I need to get home." Janis said.
"Are you okay?" Damian stepped closer to the counter.
"No, she's not." I cut off whatever Janis was going to say. "She should be home sleeping off a bad fever, but shes instant."
Damian nodded. "I could have told you that last part."
Janis hugged her jacket closer to herself, mumbling something none of us could pick up. She was looking at the counter below her- standing unnervingly close to the edge. 
"Okay, seriously." Kevin stepped past me. "Hate to cut this short, nice to meet you, Damian. We're gonna get this one home."
Before he could reach Janis, she swayed slightly, knees buckling.
The idiot passed out.
To be fair, I told her she needed to stay home.
But nooo.
Oh! And remember how I said Janis was standing on the edge of the counter? Yeah well, when she passed out she fell off the counter.
Kevin rushed forward as I gasped. So helpful, I know. 
Damian's hand instantly shoots out, catching Janis.
"Oh my god." Kevin says softly.
"I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner." I mumble.
Janis's head shoots up from behind Damian's fingers. "What the fuck?"
"You passed out. Told you it'd happen." I call out.
"Gretchen. Not right now." Kevin says. 
Damian looks shaken up and I guess I can't blame him. Kevin and I have been betting on when Janis's body will say no more, he only just got here.
"Jesus Christ, Jan."
"I'm fine!" She protests.
"You literally just fell off the counter." 
Kevin and I watch dumbfounded at the duo in front of us begin to argue over Janis's safety. Damian seemed just as worried about Janis's health as us, maybe more so.
"So," Kevin whispers. "Damian seems trustworthy?"
"We've officially known him for like three minutes, Kev."
"And in those three minutes?"
"Yeah. He's good."
We turn out attention back to an argument Janis seems to be loosing. 
"Damian I'm-"
"Say you're fine I dare you."
"Tired. I'm tired." Janis said, admitting defeat.
Damian carefully lowered the girl onto the table. "Get her home safe. Maybe we can all talk later when Janis isn't burning up by the second."
Kevin and I nodded as I wrapped my arm around Janis, guiding her to the outlet.
"Bye, Damian. Nice meeting you." I called out behind me as Kevin helped Janis back into the wall.
I'll get double food when it's my turn to borrow.
tag list!!! @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce @sourishlemons
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Hello everyone! So, if you’re because you enjoyed my last fic, I sincerely apologize because this one is way worse. Despite being triple the size of my first fic, it’s more horrible. But I promised I would post soon so I’m just going to go with it. I hope you like it! (Warning: very slight nsfw. Also I’m sorry because this is full of fluff, sap, and some angst. But it’s very sappy. You might cringe, I apologize. Also, just a note, I know it seems really lazy that I didn’t write the actual Hell dream. I’m sorry, but I’ve tried writing Hell dreams before and they always sound very cheesy/different from the Hell dream in Book of Mormon. I hope you can look past that. Enjoy!)
Kevin turned around from the shopping list he was making when he heard the door open.
“Oh, hey Arnold! So, how was your time with Nabulungi?”
“Man, Nickelodeon and I had a great time! First we hung out, then I explained the plot of The Hobbit to her, and then she showed me how to text on her device! It was awesome! But I missed you, best friend!” With that, Arnold wrapped his mission companion into a hug.
“I missed you too, buddy.”
Arnold began to explain his night minute per minute to Kevin when Kevin suddenly felt a strange feeling on his rear end. 
Did someone just grab his butt? Kevin looked behind him where he saw Connor grabbing a snack from the cabinet. 
When did Connor get so smooth? Kevin started to contemplate this. Then, he got a better look at Connor’s face and saw that the boy was blushing like crazy. Ah, that was the awkward ginger he knew and loved.
Meanwhile, all Connor could think about was the awful Hell dream that he was going to have for that.
“Are you okay, Kevin? You look a little...out of it.” Arnold said, looking between Kevin and Connor. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine I just…” Kevin watched as Connor hastily went to his room.
“Sorry, I have to do something Arnold.” Kevin began to walk after Connor.
He got into Connor’s room and found Connor curled up on his bed.
“Con...you good?” Kevin looked at the sad ball that was his boyfriend.
“Kevin…” Connor whined. 
“Yes?” Kevin sat down next to Connor.
“I’m sorry…” Connor avoided eye contact. 
“Yeah, what the hell was that back there?”
“I just wanted to be flirty. And sneaky. And sly. And romantic. And,” Connor blushed, “sexy…”
Kevin laughed. “Well, you were adorable, I’ll give you that. But what if someone had seen you? You have to be careful with that Connor. I mean Arnold was right there. Right there. Luckily he was too distracted to notice, but you could’ve outed our relationship...and me.”
Connor sat up. “I’m really sorry...I didn’t think about that.” 
He had gotten caught up in the moment and forgotten that Kevin wasn’t out to the others like he was. After the excommunication with the church, Connor had come to terms with his homosexuality and told the other missionaries. However, this was all very new to Kevin. He wasn’t quite ready to come out and Connor wasn’t going to rush him.
“If it makes you feel better I’m sure I’ll have one heck of a Hell dream tonight.” Connor said, smiling sadly.
“Aw, babe.” Kevin grabbed Connor’s hand and intertwined their fingers. “Do you wanna spend the night in my room? Arnold’s a super heavy sleeper so I doubt he’ll wake up and see us.”
“Oh, I don’t wanna intrude…”
“Please?” Kevin stretched out the word.
“Fine…” Connor said, resting his head on Kevin’s shoulder.
“Now, as much as I’d love to spend the whole day cuddling together, Arnold is going to come looking for me. I’d rather me find him than have him find us. But meet me in my room tonight, twenty minutes after lights out.” Kevin planted a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead and walked back into the living room.
Connor laid down in his bed, considering what to do. He could stay in his room, have a Hell dream, and deal with it alone. Or he could attempt to stay up all night and avoid the Hell dream all together. Or he could sneak into Kevin’s room, like they had planned, and he would have someone to comfort him when he woke up from his Hell dream.
While the third option was the most appealing to Connor, he felt sort of guilty about just barging into Kevin and Arnold’s room. But Kevin had invited him…
Connor considered what would happen if he just stayed in his room. He’d go to sleep feeling upset, he’d wake up in the middle of the night and sob about his Hell dream until he went back to sleep, and the next morning Kevin would be angry at him.
Screw it. Connor was going to Kevin’s room. He only got to be in Uganda for two years. He was going to make the most of it.
Connor looked at the clock. 10:22. It was two minutes after they had planned to meet. Connor carefully crawled out of bed and sneaked into Kevin’s room.
Kevin sat up and spoke a faint, “Hello.”
Connor sat next to Kevin, unsure of what to do next. “So…” he said, anxiously running his hands through his hair.
Kevin giggled. “C’mere.”
Kevin laid down and motioned for Connor to do the same. He wrapped his arms around Connor and kissed him on the cheek.
“Mmhmm?” Kevin said, nuzzling his face into Connor’s shoulder.
“How are you so good at this?”
“Good at what?” Connor could tell Kevin was beginning to fall asleep, as he was mumbling and pushing all his words together.
“Relationships? Like, this is your first one and you’re so perfect at it.”
“I dunno. I’m a natural.” Kevin smirked. “Now let’s get some sleep, mkay?”
“Okay...goodnight, Kev.” Connor kissed Kevin gently.
“Night Connor…”
Connor woke up, covered in sweat. A single tear rolled down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away.
The next thing Connor noticed was his hands. They were insanely shaky and he couldn’t stop them. Next, his breathing. He was breathing quickly and loudly, and couldn’t slow down.
“Mm…” Kevin stirred in his sleep. Connor looked at Kevin. He began to worry he would wake Kevin up. He tried to quiet his breathing.
Connor slapped his hand over his mouth and tried to calm himself, which somehow only made him more upset. His breathing got quicker and a couple more tears escaped his eyes.
Eventually, Connor’s heavy breathing woke Kevin.
“Whoa, hey, Connor, are you okay?!” Kevin sat up and put his hand on Connor’s shoulder.
Connor opened his mouth to speak, but was hyperventilating too much for any words to come out.
“Hey, shhh, I’m here Con. It’s okay. Whatever it was, it was just a dream. You’re okay.” Kevin said, pulling Connor onto his lap.
Connor embraced Kevin and put his head on his shoulder. Kevin rubbed his back until his breathing eventually slowed.
“I’m sorry, Kevin.”
“Connor, it’s okay, you have nothing to apologize for. Do you want to talk about it?”
Connor slowly nodded. He inched off of Kevin’s lap onto the bed.
“Well...it started like a normal Hell dream: Demons everywhere telling me how I’ve sinned, Satan telling me that I shouldn’t be gay, Jesus explaining how I’ve disappointed him, my parents crying about their awful son…” Connor flushed, “you...being cute and flamboyant.”
Kevin smiled.
“A-and then I started to feel guilty for being attracted to you, but then Satan started explaining how I’ve sinned more than I ever have when I grabbed your butt, and he convinced me I was going to Hell, and you started explaining how I ruined your life and made you uncomfortable and how I’m so gross and disgusting and the worst sinner ever, and—“ 
Connor’s rambling was interrupted when Kevin wiped a tear off Connor’s cheek. He hadn’t even realized he had been crying. 
“Connor...none of that is true. I know that doesn’t help much, but I love you so much, and I promise I don’t feel that way.”
“I just really don’t want to go to Hell. And I don’t want to be the reason you go to Hell—“ Connor’s voice cracked and he started to cry harder.
“Hey, shh, it’s okay.” Kevin said, rubbing Connor’s back. “Come here.”
Kevin laid down with his boyfriend, rubbing his thumb up and down Connor’s tear streaked cheek. 
“Can I tell you something?” Kevin cupped Connor’s face.
Connor sniffed. “Yes?”
“When you grabbed my ass—“
“Your butt—“
“Con, I can’t believe that even while you’re sobbing from your Hell dream you’re going to censor me.” Connor smiled. “But anyway, when you grabbed my ass, it was really cute. But not near as cute as the embarrassed look on your face.”
Connor began to blush. “Well, you see, I just—you know I thought that...I just felt—“ Connor sighed. “I love you, Kevin.”
“I love you too, Connor.”
“...also the shocked, concerned look on your face was super adorable.” Connor laughed as Kevin rolled his eyes.
Connor rested his head on Kevin’s shoulder, and eventually they fell back asleep.
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soupncrackwrs · 4 years
Okay so I had an idea for an AFTG fic but again I’m horrible at anything that isn’t hc’s so here we are (feel free to make this into a fic if you want just credit me) *Also all pairing in this are platonic besides andreil and mattdan soo, don’t like get out*
This spawned from that fact that one of my 3 PTP’s (platonic trust pairing) in AFTG is Kev and Neil
This is probably my PTP that has the most popularity in the fandom I’d say (my other 2 are Renee/Andrew/Neil and Neil/Dan which are both *really* hard to find ((at least on ao3)) so that sucks) but you’d be surprised how little it gets like actually focused on
Most times, platonic wise, Neil gets shown bonding with The MonstersTM, Allison, or Matt
I just happen to enjoy neil/dan, kev/neil,and renee/andrew/neil more
So I wanted a fic that really showcased kev and neils relationship
Now onto the actual headcanon
So neil and kevin are like best friends
They've been like that for a while
but they also like fucking despise each other
like they love and care deeply for each other and would probably die for the other if the situation called for it
but will that stop them from almost killing each other 24/7?
so they go to college together
along with all the upperclassmen (so matt+dan+allison+renee+seth) but not the monsters
andrew and neil have been together for a bit
they met around the same time kev and neil did so they've been together for a while (also while we're talking abt relationships, i don't ship renison ((am i the only one who believes that renee is a strong aro gal who don't need no man/lady/person)) but if you wanna make this renison, go ahead)
andrew goes to a different college tho ( for some reason i dunno)
and neil doesn't really like sharing stuff abt his personal life
we all know this
but a lot of the stuff he's done in his life involves andrew
so drew is brought up a fair amount
but when the upperclassmen ask who he is neil kinda just smiles and then moves on so they ask kevin and he's like
oh andrew is like one of my bffls he's a ride or die
(obviously not phrased like that)
and the upperclassmen r like 'ok he can be trusted he's a friend'
(little do they know hehhehhe-)
kev is tryna forget all his issues
so he decides to get hella pissed
wasted like he's never been b4
probably cause thea broke up w/ him last week but we don't talk abt that okay shhhhhhh
so he goes to the next party alli throws and
let's say it together kids
gets wasted like he's never been b4
to the point where the upperclassmen don't really know wht to do with him????
so they call up neil like yo pick up kev he's drunk off his ass like always but we think he's doing it cause he's sad this time'
so neil, being the good and sweet angel (not) that he is
goes to pick up kevin
and like he finds him on a coach almost catatonic just rambling to himself
so neil picks him up and drags him away to his car
and ofc all the upperclassmen r trying to help
so while neil is putting kevin into his car kev randomly just stops talking
(which is weird cause he's kept rambling this entire time)
and he looks neil in the eyes and goes
'i love you neil'
and neil just like takes a second
because he's not used to people showing him love even tho so many ppl rlly do love him (this boy is2g-)
and then quietly says
'love you too kev'
and finishes buckling him up
all the upperclassmen have been watching this going on the entire time and they read into in the exact wrong way
(they're trying their best, my baby dumbasses, but they're just wrong)
and think this is a romantic love confession between frenimies *instead* of the declaration of mutual respect and affection between 2 bro's that it is
matt is the first one to voice this after kev and neil leave and he is
he is super excited that his bro has found someone to love just like he found dan and is super excited to like talk abt love and go on double dates n stuff
and every one else agrees
which is why they're all super disappointed that by the time a week goes by, nothing has changed between them
so dan matt and allison decide to do something about it (renee+seth ducking out because'it's rude to meddle' and 'why tf would i care abt jostens love bullshit')
they try to set up kevin and neil a bunch of different time s
once with the offer of a study session that they all say they can't make it to, leaving neil and kevin alone
another time with the offer of kevin and neil going to the movies w/ matt and dan
(neil ends up busy w/ a skype date with andrew that he can't pass up cause they're always so busy and he has to see his boyf so kevin just ends up 3rd wheeling matt and dan)
and once with allison straight up just telling neil that he and kevin should get coffee some time
which neil respond to with
'we already get coffee together?'
so dan matt and alli are stumped
they don't know what to do with these 'lovesick' idiots
they're problem gets solved tho don't you worry
so the next weekend, andrew is gonna come over to psu and stay for like a week
neil is oVER THE MOON
And kevin is really happy too
so the upperclassmen take this to mean that these boys have finally gotten the hint and asked each other out
so imagine they're suprise when the next time the group goes to get lunch (which they do with each other every wednesday )
a super short blond emo joins them
and no one really acknowledges it?!?!?!?!?!?
until renee is just like 'hello andrew, how are you?' knowing smile on her face
and the upperclassmen are just like 'oh it's the famous andrew, that makes sense' but then they're like 'wait how does renee know andrew?!?!'
they ask and renee is just like 'neil gave me his discord. he thought we'd get along well'
-and then they're just like okayyy renee totally has a crush but well let it slideee
at the end of lunch neil is just like 'oh wait i never properly introduced him-' -cause you're a mess, junkie' -fuck off andrew' then just turns to the upperclassmen and says
'guys this is my boyfriend andrew'
and the foxes just silently freak out
because neil is in love with kevin? it's so clear? why did neil go and get a boyf when he has his love right in front of him??????
so after lunch, matt dan and alli ask to talk to neil privately
(andrew, kev,and renee all talk together while seth like, looks at his phone)
and they're like 'neil why'd you get a boyf??'
and neils like 'wdym?'
and alli says 'why'd you get a boyf if your so obviously in love w/ kevin?!'
and neil just LAUGHS at them
straight up cackles
and then the upperclassmen are like whaaaaattttt????
we saw your declaration of love at the party??
and you're both really close and seem to genuinely like and be interested in each other??
what gives????
and neils like
'me n kev are besties
that was a platonic declaration of love
i'm demi and me and drew have been together for like 3 years now'
and the upperclassmen are just like 'ooooooooooooooooohhhhhh sorryyyyyyyyy'
it's the first time alli has ever lost a bet (it was w/ seth abt neils feelings for kevin)
neil tells andrew abt it and the shortie just snorts and is like 'kevin would fuck a racket quicker than he'd fuck you'
neil is like 'i'm basically exy personified tho, soooooo'
drew tells him to shut up
(he does when andrew asks yes or no, just nods his head and smiles)
renee knew all along and is happy for her friends
kevin just wants to play exy he's been deprived the entire post
So yeah that's the entire headcanon. If you want some music to listen to while you write or just in general i recommend "I lost a Friend" by FINNEAS and "Corduroy Dreams" by Rex Orange County. they don't really have anything to do with the story, they're just real good :) Thanks for reading. see y'all later
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seenashwrite · 5 years
Notes From Nash: Season 15 Episode 2
We're back! And by that, I don't mean back for episode #2, I mean we're back in the little town, same little town we were in for the majority of episode #1. And as far as how ep #2 compares with ep #1.... um.....  
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The writers ain't in no damn rush to advance the plot or further character development, are they? So this is basically ep #1 all over again with some guest star overload as a substitute for those two very important aspects of storytelling I just mentioned.
[stares at date]
They've got *how* many eps to wrap up the show? 
Spoilers below the cut.
Changing it up from last time (see link at bottom), I thought I'd go in order of the ep this post. All right. Let's roll.
From the mom who gets 86'd in the opening------
And, PS: That's not disemboweled. Don't use the word if you (a) don't know what it means and/or (b) won't let make-up/effects do their job.
-----to the rest of the people, I care nothing. There was no point giving all these extras lines and whatever little backstories, I give no fucks. Mainly because, gee, I don't know, I signed up for a show about two brothers goin' out there and gettin' after it, and thus far we've gone about two inches and gotten nothing.
Are we still in this little town?
More questions, borrowing from the dialogue some here:
"Remember when we did the thing with Amara?"
"God's sister?"
"And the soul bomb? And here's how it worked? Remember? Because you participated? REMEMBER?! I'm not just saying this for the benefit of, oh wait, no one, because the chances of brand new viewers coming into the game this late is virtually nil, so everyone - including us, here, in this scene, our characters - already know this backstory, ergo the only reason for exposition anvils is to benefit those viewers, who - as we've already established - likely don't exist. So let's run through this for the benefit of, I have to assume, the writers who don’t actually, you know, watch the show as evidenced by--- well, we’d be here all day."
Nope. No, no. Those aren't questions I had. Because I've been watching the show for a good while now. This exchange should’ve been something to the effect of - “I was thinking - remember how we did the soul bomb, with Amara? Do you think you could pull off something like that? To trap them?” and then Rowena responds with uncertainty but will give it a try, etc. I mean, the writing in this ep is thus far pedestrian.
There's still no explanation for why these ghosts - especially these super notorious ghosts like Ripper and Lizzie and who-fuck-ever - were lingering so close together that they were able to be trapped by the stupidest ex machina spell in the writing world. And what of the others? The entirety of hell escaped. We've seen, what, maybe 20? Could there maybe have been a throw-a-way line to Belphagor something like “Did you corral the worst douchebags together”, or “Is there a bar in hell where the worst douchebags hang out or something”, or “this is just our luck that the worst douchebags landed here” or WHATEVER, just SOMETHING to acknowledge they (the writers) recognize that Convenient Super Bad Ghosts Are Convenient.
I love this character. What a breath of fresh air that snarky piece of ass has been. I hope he doesn't get killed. He will. Because we can't have anything good. But there is some good, which is the Ketch-Rowena flirting. Honestly, I'm fine with Rowena getting action from anyone. She's awesome and she's earned it. Ketch is primo catch, though. (I'm not sorry for that sentence. I am, but I'm not.)
The repeated use of Belphagor's name pleases myself and my podcast co-host. Should you wish to know more about that demon, please do check out our podcast. Don't look him up first, trust us. That they have chosen this particular demon's name is just *chef's kiss*, though I do hope it's not a foreshadowing for how the rest of the season is going to go. Okay fine, I'll spoil it: he's a shit demon. He deals in poo. Literally. I'm not lying. Go forth to the podcast @youtotallymadethatup​ - just about every post links you to where you can listen. /shameless self-promo
Let's hope that wardrobe does her better than that ill-fitting black dress this go 'round, she deserves better.
"You're the darkness, I'm the light."
Are we still in this little town?
Blah blah blah Castiel Dean angst repeating essentially what's already been said at the end of 14 and last week blah. "You know what's real? We are." Not if it's an alternate timeline, my love. 
I keep forgetting just how many spaced-out chains you need to have strewn about your standard meat packing plant and/or factory, well played, set dec and props. That.... that was sarcasm.. (Look, I got no beef with the crew, they're just playing the cards they've been dealt, and their hands are garbage, just a pile of same ol' same ol' stereotypical, unimaginative stuff, so bless them. I hope every single one of them has a job lined up next year, truly. They have more than paid their dues and earned it. Lord knows especially since certain parties took the reins, good night nurse. I've digressed. )
This is dumb. This is actually dumb. In case you didn't see my half-time post, and I quote:
That is *three* in under twenty minutes. Like, it’s episode 2. You’re blowing your wad. Pace yourselves. AND MAYBE SOME STORY ADVANCING, THAT WOULD BE AWESOME
This bullet thing could be hella interesting. It *could* be. I wonder if it will be. 
These ghosts are painfully uninteresting. The guy playing the Ripper is horribly miscast. This needed to be someone who... who.... I dunno, is a good actor. He's not. Sorry, Pops. I mean, even Osric (who is an excellent actor) couldn't elevate that scene.
This episode is painful.
Are we still in this little town?
Ketch got knocked out, left alone with ghost, deffo gonna get possessed. 
Are we still talking to these ghosts? Why? Why is Kevin thinking he can go up against them alone? I'm not exactly sure what threat they are to him, can't he just disappear and whoosh somewhere else? I missed something, I must've missed something. It doesn't matter, none of this matters.
Okay, Belphagor says there's at least a hundred. Still, what would that be, like 1/2500000000th of hell? Why are the Winchesters, of all people, and now Rowena concentrating on this stupid little town----
Are. We. Still. In. This. Little. Town.
---why in the fuck aren't the most renowned hunters of modern time and their angel friend and the powerful witch friend and the friend with immense tactical knowledge regarding weaponry for supernatural shit not at the bunker strategizing and planning and... and... and.... I just.... 
Lookit, I've said this before: especially in fantasy/sci-fi stuff, if you are logical in every possible place you can be, if you nail the simple shit, then the audience is exponentially more likely to buy into the fantastical stuff, and also to be more forgiving (or not notice altogether) when you inevitably whiff, because nobody's perfect, of course. But this show in later years has notoriously screwed the pooch on the easy stuff, and here we are, in some needlessly convoluted mess right out of the gate in the last season ever.
Oh, look. Because of course he's possessed. You left him alone with a ghost. I'm neither a professional writer nor a psychic, I'm just thinking "What is predictable as possible?" and saying that. You try it. It's worked for me so far.
"I tried to heal him it didn't work" - well maybe he's still residually possessed. Or maybe you suck. Sorry Cas, you don't deserve that. It's not you. It's not me, either. It's them. It's the writers. I don't know what this line is about unless they're teeing up Cas to be even more neutered than he already is. I legit don't know, I can't think, I'm so irritated right now. 
"Nothing to hold you anywhere" - what? Really? Seriously? So what are you and Dean? Y'all ain't his family? Let that little badass haunt the bunker. He'd be the most awesome research assistant ever. Now THAT is a good plot point, have ol' Kev be home base, helping coordinate whatever's coming. Oh here we go, swishy swishy hand, magic hole, nobody knows why this demon can do all this shit, and Kevin's gone. Why? WHY. My idea is better. No way Osric would blow your guest star budget, it appears to be shaping up to be immense, especially with all the money you've saved so far on location(s). 
Shoulda kept him rest of season, let him assist, then his final reward is getting into heaven for reals when Cas (they'll probs kill him, tho) or Amara (maybe, seems too obvi a choice tho, and she doesn't give a shit about beng a ruler, we knew that back in whatever season that was) or Jack (because why not, it's the most ridiculous idea, since he's got the mind of a toddler, meaning it's something the writers would think is a great idea) or Billie (wild card guess) is the new God. Or have him brought back to life, fuck, I don't care.
So is the bullet trapping Chuckster on earth, is the question, and if so what kind of all-knowing deity puts a weapon in the hand of a potential enemy that could render him even a *touch* weaker? Where's the long game, there? What could any possible reasoning be? 
Okay, well, the scenes between Emily and Rob have been the best part of the episode, as well as the interaction with Ruthie and DHJ. Everything else fell flat. J2M seemed to be bored and phoning it in, and it's not often that can be said about any of those three.
I swear, if the preview shows that we're still in this little town for episode #3.... wait, is that the crypt from ep #1?.... are.... are we..... 
What have we learned? Other than Chuck, no character development. The plot remains that some ghosts-interchangeably-used-with-souls from hell are trapped in a confined area, and it was via a tenuous spell provided by a demon whose motivations are unknown, and there's something up with that bullet wound. We knew those already.
(There's possibly something wrong with either Cas or Ketch -- or else that's something that will be completely forgotten was ever mentioned -- but we don't know either way and we don't know what it is, therefore we didn't learn anything; if this does ultimately turn out to be something, then we'll count it as a learned item for that episode.) 
So, minus learning that Chuck is weakened somehow and that at least for right now Amara’s not exactly in his corner, we're in the exact same place story-wise that we were in last week. 
And looks like we'll be back there again next week. 
See you next week, I guess.
Past posts, from newest to oldest (and I sometimes do addendums if a response warrants)
Episode 1
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Quit Breaking Up With Me - Fraser x Reader (Black Sea)
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Authors Note: Fraser... Fraser... What can I say about Fraser? I have enough ideas and content for a #ThreePartRetCon? Yes... That’ll do it. I find Fraser to be a mix of Danny/Kev/Andrew in personality with the way I write him. But let me know what you think...!? This is definitely build up for your later two parts... my goodness...! Also also, I’d like to give a quick shout out to Kingston on Thames for the date scene. Bless your river scenery! Fraser is also... his last name? I think? That’s how they all refer to each other... But in this case it’s his first name. Disclaimer: AU/RETCON. I was not about to go through all that to accept the ending. Sorry. Wasn’t happening. You can’t pull a vertical limit on me twice in one day Ben, I won’t accept it.  Characters from Black Sea are not mine! Premise: Ever since he’d saved your life Fraser had been stuck with you. He knew it, you knew it. That still didn’t stop arguments from spiraling out of control... Words: 3500 Warnings: injury/almost death / swearing / angsty arguing every 5 minutes?
You say it's over, with a middle finger But then you're calling before I turn off my ringer And I answer 'cause I love to hear you're sorry for the 400th time Well, You try to leave me, but you can't do it 'Cause I'm the only one who puts up with your (censorship) I know that secretly you love making out with me right after we fight
We're always fixing something that was never broken We're on and off again like sobriety Get back together every time you're done throwing a fit So when you gonna quit breaking up with me? You think by now, we'd finally get along But we only feel right when everything is going wrong And we're back in the habit of cussing each other up and down I hate your daddy, you hate my momma, But one thing we don't seem to hate is all the drama... I don't know where you think you're going Because you're stuck with me forever and you know it!
---  “Come on!!! COME ON!!! Y/N! Breathe! OH GOD! Girl! Come on!!! Y/N!! You can’t die on me!! Not you!” Fraser was panicked. He’d seen diving accidents before but this one was bad. You weren’t breathing, and you were bleeding everywhere. Which to tend to first though-!?! Oh, what the hell was the point in stemming the bleeding if you weren’t going to live-! He took a deep breath, he knew CPR. He could do this! “C’mon..! Come on! BREATHE!!” Taking another of his own, he tipped your head gently opening your airways – he didn’t even think about it, as he pressed his lips to yours and breathed. Interlocking his hands exactly as he’d been taught, he pushed them to the middle of your chest. Okay… okay… He kept his eyes on the watch to time his rhythm. He’d never lost a diver. He wasn’t about to start now. It was only him and you. And you were out here alone. There probably wasn’t a person or phone for miles, and all your stuff was back in a locker on the mainland. He cursed himself for that. You should have something on the boat. Both of you knew the dangers of diving. He refused to let himself get tired as he attempted again and again to resuscitate you. COME ON! DAMMIT---! Fraser was on the verge of tears, when suddenly your watch beeped. It has picked up a heartbeat. YES-! Come on!! Come on!! One more time – he could do this once more. And suddenly you were coughing up sea water and it was disgusting. Ugh-! What!? What had happened. You blinked against the light, and were well aware of pressure being applied to your lower abdomen. You flicked your eyes downwards, only to see Fraser hovering over you. “…Did you…” Your voice was weak and you felt another bout of coughing coming on; sea water did NOT taste good-! He looked to your face “OH GOD-! Don’t try to speak! Geez! I gotta get you back to land and to a hospital! Y/N! This is bad!” You tried again; “I’m trying to THANK you dammit! You just saved my life!” “I KNOW! Will you SHUT up! It won’t be worth it if we don’t get this looked at – it’s pretty deep!” You sighed, coughing again, and then laughed. “IT’S NOT FUNNY!!” “Did you use CPR!?” “What ELSE was I meant to do--! You were dead!” Fraser kept one hand over the wound and moved up your body, trying to get you more comfortable. He looked so worried. “…Oh my god… You scared the life… outta me…” You grinned, and he still didn’t think it was funny “Well, how the hell ELSE was I supposed to get you to kiss me!?” His eyes widened and he suddenly flushed bright red; "W-well now you're just being delusional!” His eyes couldn’t meet yours; and he knew by the beep of his own watch that his heart was racing, and you knew it too. “…T…That’s the lack of… oxygen to your brain and blood loss t-talking!!!” ** It’d been 8 years since that moment. And boy, had it been the longest 8 years of your life. Fighting. Breaking up. Making up. Him in and out of prison. Your countdown clocks... But you never left. He never threatened it, and breaking up lasted all of about 5 minutes before you were chasing after him and telling him to come home. Or tugging his hand and begging him to stay.... That was you and Fraser... You weren’t sure you hadn’t been better as friends; the only problem being you were good lovers. The arguments were always about the same thing. They needed him to do one more dive. But it was always one more dive. And you never understood why he always had to be away for so long. It panicked you, and you had a scar to tell him exactly why. You hadn’t dived properly since the accident; not to those kinds of depths. But it was his job... Sometimes you wouldn’t hear from him for months, and you just had to guess that it was okay. Sometimes you didn't think he was going for the reasons he told you, either. On occasion the dives seemed to be at least half legal. And he would get tech and signals that wavered in and out continuously. You almost felt that was worse though. Seeing him hurt you more. It made you miss him more... Sometimes you wondered if you fought because you both knew the make-up sex would be Awesome. Still that was really no reason to fight at all...   Or you were arguing about the other thing he seemed particularly good at. Getting into trouble. Enough trouble to be arrested; and by now you'd lost count. In fact it’d happened so many times you'd actually got to know the group of officers that always came by your place to pick him up. Including the one time the most senior man had turned to you; “... Don't you get sick of this?” You'd folded your arms, leaning against the door frame, watching the apologetic look Fraser threw you as they loaded him into the car - Yeah right-! If he meant that look, he'd never get himself into these situations - and looked to the officer wearily; “... Don't you?"  Luckily the prison sentences were only ever months at a time too. You didn't think you could take being away from him for years. Would you even still be here if that as the case? You knew you would. That wasn't even a question. You'd wait for him even if it was agony. And it always was agony... ** “Don’t you ever think about coming along...?” You smiled, hand in his, the both of you swinging your legs over the river below; “No!” “Never?” “No!” “...Why?” And you knew he was referring to everything that wasn’t your injury. The accident hadn’t stopped you from diving per se. But only stopped you from diving beyond a certain depth. The didn’t mean you didn’t get cold sweats about it. But even when you did, trying to separate you from your two greatest loves when they were so entwined was far too difficult. The sun was beating down on London today and you’d persuaded Fraser to take you on a date. Open spaces were a bigger deal for him than closed spaces were. But closed spaces with his personality was problematic at best. And even if you’d ever be INVITED as a female, you didn’t want to get caught up in that. Fraser never came back completely intact and neither did his sanity. Still, there must have been something about diving, because he still never lost a man - and they still trusted him like no-one else...  You rested your head on his shoulder with just the tiniest groan; “When do you leave?” “... 2 weeks. It’s a short trip. State of the art vessel! We’ll be able to communicate...” he squinted just a little “Maybe. Probably. God I hope...” You removed one of your hands from his and kneaded his arm gently “How short is short?” “... I dunno. A week. A few days. Guess we’ll meet up soon.” Fraser’s eyes were still cast out over the water; you could feel it already. The tension that always wound him up. Torn between leaving you when he knew how much you hated seeing him go. And diving; about the only thing consistently successful at keeping him out of prison. You probably knew the answer to your question as you kissed his shoulder gently; ‘they need you for briefing next week, but you’ll stall it for a few more days. You’ll blame anything... until you get angry phone calls from every other member of the team and HAVE to go.’ The hour-long argument you were trying not to have with him anymore somehow hadn’t happened yet. Probably because if you DID start one again, this time it wouldn’t help things. He’d not truly unwound yet from the last trip; you both knew that he’d only just come back but now they needed him again. He was winding up. If you added to that then life would be hell on that Sub. And it was bad enough as it was.  You brushed some of his hair back off his face; and he hummed gently as your fingertips grazed his skin. Fraser got paranoid; the last thing you wanted was for that to set in badly 2 weeks before he was due to leave. Maybe you should stop talking about him leaving. You had two weeks. And it was summer, so you could just have quiet days with him like this... It was only a crying shame that you couldn’t be outdoors in your tiny London townhouse. Sure, it had a garden, but really!? You thought on it to yourself for a second; maybe you could get him away for a couple of last-minute days holiday. In the country? Or down by the beach...? No. Maybe the beach would be too full of noise and people. Fraser wouldn’t appreciate that. You ran your fingers into his thick salt and pepper curls with a smile; “Do you ever think about getting a haircut?” He laughed, pushing his head into your hand to encourage you to continue the motion. You know how much he liked you to tangle your fingers in it, always. “No!!! Why would I?!” “I dunno. It’s getting a little long... dontcha think?” “Pfft! You like it that way.” He served you a wink “Otherwise maybe I’d cut it...” His next look caused you to bite your lip; “... Yeaaah… But doesn’t it all get in the way?!” “Nah. Hairband. All set.” “Yeah about that..” “I don’t lose ‘em! Tell me one time I lost one.” “I didn’t say that!” You laughed “I’m just saying you need to invest in your own.” “No. Cuz look...” Fraser shook his hair out as you removed your hands and took them back in his, looking at you seriously; “... if I take yours it’s like having a piece of you out there with me. Okay? Like a piece of you is ALWAYS with me. And, as a function not fashion decision - you’re there HELPING me out!” His smile almost genuinely makes you tear up “That means more to me than a picture by my bunk. Believe me. So I can’t... stop... taking them.” “You’re crazy.” “Yeah well, you knew that for six years and you still decided to date me.” “I’m not sure I decided anything.” “Uh!! Who wanted who to kiss who?!” “Fraser I-” “Who always fights with me EVEN though every time I get half way to the door to let her cool off a little, is dragging me back and begging me not to go?!” He scoffed; “Like I’d leave. Now what, it’s nearly 10 years later and you’re still HERE?!” He finished with a smirk because he knew his point was made. You tilted your head “If you’re SO certain you’ll never leave...” your smile was quiet, he liked that “... why do you argue back?” He shrugged “It’s about getting angry sometimes, isn’t it?” You laughed “It is?!” “Yeah... It’s passionate, that you care so much. Kinda a turn on.” Fraser had you laughing again, with the way he grinned and you placed your hands on his leg, telling him not to joke. He folded his arms with a nod; “Yeah. I like getting angry sometimes… It’s quite therapeutic!” ** “I’m not having the same argument with you for the 500th time Y/N I’m just not!” “But why you!! Why YOU Fraser?! Can’t they get someone else - for ONCE!” “Because they need me... they need ME!” It was bad. Really bad. The kind of argument you assumed people had when the police turned up because neighbours had reported domestics. That kinda thing. And it just didn’t stop; hounding each other through rooms, and stalking each other up and down the flights of stairs. By the time the argument ended, you’d had enough. Enough, enough. It was your breaking point. “THEN F**KING LEAVE!” “I WILL!” It took you all of about 0.5 seconds to start crying. Why had you just---!? Said that!?! To his Face!?! You'd said it plenty of times in your head before and then mentally slapped yourself for it but saying it out loud to his face was on another level. He might have been yelling it at you, but as usual, a lot of what Fraser said was right. So was some of the things you’d said, but crossing the "then leave" line was another level of low... Fraser had to blink a few times, as the door narrowly missed slamming into his actual face. And suddenly the noise level of the house dropped... His ears rang in the silence; because that wasn’t good either. Did you mean it?? No. He didn't think so; but what if you did?? He'd been half way out that door a billion times and you always dragged him back. He waited for you to lace your fingers with his and drag him back but right now, you'd told him to leave. Still you were on the other side of that door. And he had a pretty safe bet that you were crying. And that hurt; he'd made you cry. You'd made yourself cry because he just... Couldn't let go. Fraser could never let go. He obsessed over stuff as much as you did which is why it was always the same argument. Over, and over, and over. And it was like a broken record but for some sick reason both of you always knew it was coming, and both of you lived for the thrill of it. Screaming to get it off your chest was pretty nonsensical and he was sure neither of you ever spoke sense, or could remember what the other said, but when it got physical... Never violent... But physical... When any surface was game -  now THAT was worth every second of whatever had come before. Except today. Today you had screamed at him to leave and slammed the door. And he had to be honest, there was never a point in the argument that he thought it was going to get that kind of physical. He bit his lip, because the thought of you crying was making him cry. And he couldn't, he couldn’t go. Whether you really wanted it, or not, and he was SURE you didn't... But... You had to be okay. For him to be okay. And in that silence, he knew you weren't...  It was amicable of you to cry whilst being able to hold back your sobs. You didn’t want Fraser to hear you cry over something you’d said. It wasn’t his fault. You owed this man your life. And before that, he had been one of your very best friends. And he still WAS your best friend. And sure, sometimes these things didn't work out. But you knew, you knew his mental state. People didn't call him a psychopath for no good reason. And you just pushed his buttons. Whenever he had to leave you, you were jealous enough and selfish enough to push all those buttons you knew he had. God, of COURSE you didn't want him to leave. But you were so awful to him. Always. Because he could die and you knew that. But so did he; he knew the risks of leaving you. But you knew it would kill him to leave what he was so good at. Somehow in all this time it had never blown up like this. And now you were standing on one side of a door and you'd just asked the man on the other side to leave. Unless he had? Would Fraser really walk out, if that's what he thought you wanted him to do...? You placed your head in your hands and shook it vigorously. What the hell was wrong with you!?! You knew him. You KNEW him! You should be looking after him, not doing this!! There was dead silence; you pressed your back into the door. You weren’t sure if he was even still there… If you actually TOLD Fraser to leave, would he actually do it. There was a difference, right?! You weren’t sure how many minutes passed; there was no talking. Both of you were barely breathing. You had to know, you just had to know… Your voice was wavering; Fraser automatically knew you were crying; “Fraser…” “Uh huh.” His voice was shaking too. “I…Don’t… I don’t wanna fight anymore…” The lock clicked and you opened the door. By now you were in tears, and he was on the verge of it. You reached and grabbed him; holding him close. Fraser pulled you in, one hand tangled in your hair; “I know… I know. Baby I know… Me either… me either…” *** Of all the things you didn't hate about Fraser leaving, your favourite was driving him to port. Whether that be sea or air. How he would sit next to you the entire way and just talk and plan. The most random and inconsequential but also the SWEETEST things... They almost always missed off the pre-cursor of 'if I die...' but it was probably sometimes better they did...  This was now another thing you did so often because of him, that you had a pass specifically to be able to take him down to the end of the port, rather than dropping him off and making him walk. “Back so soon!?" "Eh!” You shrugged, glancing back across to Fraser; "No rest for the wicked!" You rolled your car down the road. Time to take it slooooow, so slow. Slow enough you'd leave everyone else impatiently waiting for him. They COULD bloody well wait for him! You spent long enough doing it the rest of the time. But suddenly you found yourself smirking at the man who was walking. You rolled your car up and whistled, winding down your window; “Oi! Reynolds! Wanna lift!?" He was probably your favourite of the regular crew so, you didn't mind sharing your last few minutes with Fraser with him. “Oh god!" he laughed “I would! But there's no way I want to watch you two make out in a car again..." You rolled your eyes "Well enjoy the near 3 mile walk!" "I will!" You laughed "What is this? The Likely Lads? Why doesn't that surprise me." "That's a good band name. Y/N and the Likely Lads. Try it out!" "Yeah, yeah..." you pulled your car forward "Last chance..." "No thanks." "3 miles! You're gonna let Fraser get there before you!?" "Oy!" Fraser smacked your arm playfully because it was always YOU making him late. “Well... That’s still a better prospect than you making out..." "Have it your way..." you sped the car up slightly but stuck your hand out the window counting backwards from 5. You got to two before he ran after you; "Alright! Alright!! I get it! Let me in!" Fraser gave a grin "So you're not THAT scandalised by us making out then?" "Oh god. Can you just do it when I get out please!?!" ** “I’m gonna miss you…”  “I know…” You held him to you by his jacket. Every other word (practically) was followed by a kiss. And as you were leaning against your car, you could help but smirk into Fraser’s kisses watching the rest of them watch you (in disgust. But, screw them!). “Of course I know! We fight about that!” “Not since I-!” “Hush…!” His calm blue eyes swore you to silence; “We don’t talk about that one. Ever. Ok?” “Ok…” That fight had ended it. You hadn’t ever fought over this again. You just begrudgingly agreed to the dives he was called to now. He knew you still hated watching him go.  But he knew you knew he had to… He stepped back, in order to say goodbye, but couldn’t resist the step forward again to steal another. You giggled; “GO! GOOO! They need you, go! Before I throw you back in my car and they lose their best diver!” “I could go for a bit of being thrown in the back of a car to be honest…!” His wink was cheeky and you gasped; “Shut! UP! Fraser…!!” That made him laugh, shouldering his bag he removed his baseball cap and placed it gently on your head; “Look after it, alright?!” You fixed it into place “Yeah. I will.” But still he stood there and didn’t move, before biting his lip with a grin; “Okay…! Okay… ONE last kiss…!” As if. One last kiss, to match his one last dive. You couldn’t help but laugh triumphantly again as you heard the collective groups exasperated groan. This wouldn’t end for at least another ten minutes!
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