#sheriff keller x reader
lilxberry · 3 years
Why Didn’t You Tell Me? - Tom Keller / Platonic!Jughead
Requested by: @bad-for-omnitraxus-prime​
Hey, could you possibly do a fanfic for Tom Keller? Maybe the reader is Jughead's sister and a couple years older than Kevin and the gang but they find out about Tom and the reader being together? I loved your Tom Keller fanfic. Thank you.
I left the age and how long the two had been together up to the readers, not specifically mentioning numbers or dates. Other than that, I followed it as best as I could. I threw in just the tiniest bit of conflict in there so I hope you don’t mind. Also, sorry about the wait!
(Should I continue watching btw? I stopped after the first episode of season 5 because I was bored waiting for a new episode every week lmao)
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Warnings: The tiniest bit of language. Smidge of angst. Fluff. Age gap! (I think that’s it lmao)
Words: 2,756
Pairings: Tom Keller x Jones!Reader / Jughead Jones x sister!Reader (platonic) (female reader)
“Well, hi there, Sheriff,” you greet in subtle flirtation.
“Miss Jones,” Tom responds, a glint in his eye. “Another late shift?”
The Diner was quiet, comfortably so. Pops was still in the back whipping up meals for any customer to sit themselves down whilst you were working the floor and residing behind the counter, greeting customers, taking orders, and giving refills.
The only other employee apart from yourself was currently topping up a lone mans’ coffee in the far back corner.
“It appears so.” The forlorn sigh was clearly feigned, easily spotted by the small smile gracing your lips.
The man chuckles as he moves to seat himself at the booth opposite the counter near the door, removing his thick jacket and folding it in his arms to place beside him in the booth. “Slow night?”
You hum as you move to grab a coffee pot and a mug before walking to his booth, setting the mug down on to his table. “Very, But I’m not complaining,” you speak as you pour his drink.
Once filled, you pull your hand away, allowing Tom to reach for the mug, pulling it up to his lips and taking a slow sip. “Thanks, angel,” he speaks behind the rim of his cup as he sends you a small wink that, a handful of months ago would have had your knees literally buckling underneath you, although the pet name and the way it rolled off his tongue in such a deep tone had you wishing he’d repeat it over and over.
“So, what can I get for a hard-working man like yourself, Sheriff?” Your hip popped out to the left ever so slightly.
His smile was dazzling as he told you “The usual”, leaning back into the comfy red leather seat of the booth.
“Coming right up.” You turned on your heel only to feel a large warm hand clasp gently around your wrist, tugging you back softly. Looking behind you, you raise an eyebrow in amusement as Tom pulls you even closer, and eventually down towards him. “Anything else Sheriff?”
“I want to see you when your shift ends, angel.” His lips brushed against yours as he murmured to you. “When are you finished?”
You look into his hazel eyes and with a smile, happily told him, “I finish in an hour. Do you think you could possibly restrain yourself ‘til then?”
“I’ll be sure to try my hardest, angel.” You continued to smile as you pressed your lips to his, something quick but long enough to leave a lingering feeling of you against him.
Pulling away, you spin and make your way to the back to tell Pops of the new meal order, a little skip in your step and an extra sway to your hips, only to entice the Sheriff further.
Tom’s jacket felt snug around you, even if the thing was certainly too large for your body. It engulfed you with its size and warmth and even if the man wasn’t sitting beside you in the drivers seat, you would still only smell him.
His hand rested comfortably on your leg just above your knee, his thumb running back and forth slowly as he drove, the radio was turned low, but it created the perfect environment to feel relaxed. His presence and the drive calmed you.
It felt all too perfect.
“So,” Tom’s voice came. “Kevin and the others are all staying over at Archies’.”
You looked over to him with a playful and teasing glint in your eye. “Are you inviting me over?”
He deeply chuckled and gave your knee a short but gentle squeeze. “I certainly am.”
“Well, I would love to, Sheriff.” You smiled as your leaned over in your seat, planting a kiss on his cheek.
Night flew by and morning came quickly and before you knew it, it was midday.
Both you and Tom were somehow still in his bed, covered up by the large cover, entangled in each other’s limbs. Tom wore only his grey sweatpants while you were simply covered by a t-shirt of his, too large to be a perfect fit, just like his jacket.
“I know we both have the day off, but shouldn’t we at least finally get out of bed?” You asked, head still lazily resting on Tom’s chest.
You felt the vibrations in his chest when he grunted at the idea, clearly not wanting to move. “I don’t see why we would ever have to.”
You softly giggled at his reasoning as he placed a gently kiss to your forehead. “C’mon now, Sheriff, wouldn’t want me to die of starvation, would you?”
He sighed. “That would be pretty terrible.”
Placing another kiss to your forehead, he carefully moved you off of on top of him before sitting up, swinging his legs around and standing, stretching his muscles out. He turned to face you, standing tall with his hands on his hips, allowing his bare chest to unashamedly be on display, allowing your eyes to wander as much as they pleased without care.
“C’mon angel, you’re getting up too.”
You smirked mischievously. “Actually, I think I’ve changed my mind. There all the sudden seems to be a great view from right here.”
There was a pause before the covers were thrown from off your body and the morning air hit your bare legs. You threw your head back with laughter as Tom grasped your ankles and pulled you to the edge of the bed before bending, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder as if you were weightless.
You laughed and squirmed in his hold as he carried you away from the bed and down the stairs towards the kitchen, sitting you atop the counter, the cool surface raising goosebumps along your skin and sending a small shiver down your spine.
You sat and watched as he meandered about the kitchen, getting set to start cooking a breakfast for both of you to enjoy. He turned towards you and placed a kiss on your forehead before pulling away. “Put some coffee on, angel. Just gonna grab a shirt.”
“Okay,” you breathed out in a dreamy haze, a smile on your face with your bottom lip entrapped between your teeth, eyes hooded as you watch him leave.
Sighing out, you hop off the counter and walk your way over to the coffee maker, turning the radio on beside it to let music fill the air after switching on the coffee machine and leaning against the counter, softly nodding your head along to the music.
With the sweet tunes on the radio and the noise of the coffee machine surrounding the kitchen, you failed to hear the front door open and close, the noise of multiple footsteps and the hushed whispers between Archie and Veronica.
“Hey dad-“ Kevin’s voice fell short as he turned the corner and spots you stood there after quite the scare his voice gave you, eyes wide, two coffee mugs in hand clutched to your chest which below, holds your heart that beats erratically from the fright.
The others had stepped behind Kevin, all with a different emotion forming on their features once they realise what they had just walked in on.
Veronica held a look of something akin to proud, even a subtle look hinting that she already had some suspicion. Either way, the smirk was still present.
Betty seemed in complete shock, eyes wide, jaw dropped open. If it were even physically possibly, you were certain her eyes would’ve popped out of her head like you see in the cartoons.
Archie looked confused, as if his mind was withholding information that he should really know at this moment. His brain was working it out, slowly. You could almost hear the gears in his head turning.
Kevin, well, you couldn’t really read Kevin for once. It seemed as if he was in denial yet had already accepted it all in one go.
But Jughead, he was the easiest to read out of them all. Your little brother was angry, beyond belief.
To confirm what most already knew, Archie was still working it out, Tom came into view, pulling a t-shirt over his head, freezing when he notices the group stood there and your frozen frame.
After a moment of silence passes, you finally come to your senses and groan.
Jughead had stormed out of the house silently and went God knows where, leaving yourself, Tom and the other four remaining in the house.
“So, this is why you’ve been so happy recently?” Kevin muttered. He glanced between the two of you and it seemed the denial of the situation had faded from him entirely, now leaving just the acceptance, and possible happiness.
“Look, son-“ Tom started but was swiftly cut off by Kevin.
“No, it’s fine. I’m not gonna pretend I’m over the moon about it but I can accept it. You’re both adults and she clearly makes you happy, and I really hope you make her happy.” Kevin turned his attention to you. “Does my dad make you happy?”
Sending him a small smile, you nod without hesitation. “Yeah, he really does.”
Kevin smiled back at you. “Good. You’re a really good friend of mine Y/N/N and you two are a part of the handful of people I really care about and want to be happy.” He moved to hug you which you easily returned, sighing out in relief. The embrace lasted a few second before he pulled away, moving towards his dad to also give him a hug, to which Tom returned the warm embrace, whispering to his son a thank you and patting his back once before the two separated.
Kevin looked between you both again and his smile turned teasing. “If this gets like marriage level serious though, I am totally not calling you mom.”
The tension had eased further as you all shared a small laugh. Well, except Archie, who gasped in shock and gaped at you and Tom, finally working out what exactly he had missed. “Wait, you guys are together?!”
Everyone left after grabbing what they needed and congratulating the two of you, even if they were all still trying to wrap their heads around it. After the shock wore off, even Archie had said he was happy for his ‘big sister’, which delivered a bittersweet feeling since even though you had always seen Archie as a little brother, it reminded you of the brother who had reacted so badly.
It had dampened your mood considerably, but Tom was there to help cheer you up, giving you words of encouragement and sweet praise.
The two of you continued to make and eat breakfast, even if you had lost a lot of your appetite.
Tom could sense the shift in your mood, but he felt as if he couldn’t really do much in this situation, the only thing that could really help is if you were to seek out your brother and work things through.
Archie had told you to just give Jughead a little space and time before going after him, even if you had already known that. But it still felt difficult to not allow thoughts of your brother hating you for the rest of his life consume you.
But you tried. You tried and allowed yourself to be somewhat happy for the rest of the day spent with Tom, actually smiling every now and then, enjoying his company, his touches, his words, his kisses, his smile.
By 10, you knew you should go after him finally. He had enough hours of acting out childishly. He may be stern and stubborn, but those traits were strongest with you. Must be a firstborn thing, you always joked with him and your father.
Exchanging sweet ‘goodbye’s and ‘see you later’s with Tom, you left the Keller residence and walked the distance over to the Andrews residence, Archie having told you he had turned up at his house an hour or so ago.
Tom wasn’t ecstatic about letting you walk alone at such a late time at night, but you argued that you really could use the time it took you to walk to calm yourself down and think through what you had wanted to say.
And you did. The entire length of the walk, you had mulled over and planned and practiced what you could possibly say to your baby brother that would make him hate you just that little less.
Even when you knocked on their door and Fred had answered with a somewhat understanding smile, not that he actually knew the full extent of the situation, you worked on your grand speech. Even when you slowly made your way up their stairs and passed Archie on the way, him giving you a comforting squeeze on the shoulder and a reassuring smile. Even when you opened Archies’ bedroom door and found Jughead sitting there quietly.
Everything you worked out in your head dissipated when he looked up and met your eyes for a brief second. Gone.
You stared at your brother from the doorway whilst he went back to looking at the wall opposite the bed, his hands clasped in front of him, arms rested on his knees.
“Hey Jug.” He barely spared you a glance but still, he uttered a small “Hey,” back.
You took caution when moving towards the bed, sitting down beside him slowly, all whilst keeping your eye on him.
“It’s nice to see you have clothes on,” he weakly spat. As much as he wanted to be, he always found it difficult to be angry with you. Just the same as when you found difficulty in being angry with him.
You sighed. “Jug-“
“Why?” He started. “Why did you choose our friends dad?”
“I don’t know. I’m just- I’m so happy, Jug,” you answered quietly.
“He’s our friend’s dad. He’s old enough to be your dad,” Jughead spoke whilst standing, beginning to pace the room, his voice slowly raising in volume. “He’s the same age as our dad. They went to high school together!”
You were beginning to feel fed up of how he was acting, wanting to explain but believing his behaviour was more childish than it should be. “God, Jug, why can’t you just be happy for me?”
You sat wide eyed at your brother, his shout surprising you, his words even more so. “What?”
He sighed and slumped down against the wall opposite where you sat on the bed, his head falling into his hands. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked quieter.
You sighed too, realising what his overreaction and outburst had really been about. You moved beside him, sliding down the wall, and wrapping your arm around his shoulders. “I don’t know. I was scared,” you started, his head lifting to look at you. “I was scared you’d react badly. Kinda like earlier,” you gave him a look and he had the decency to feel somewhat sheepish.
“You always tell me everything, just like I tell you. I just, I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I didn’t feel right that I found out like the others did.”
“I know.” You hugged him tighter. “I’m sorry, okay?”
“I’m sorry, too.” Jughead turned his body, wrapping his arms around you awkwardly in a hug which you returned, giving him a squeeze.
You pulled away, looking down at him with a small smile. “Can you stop being mad at me now?”
Jughead returned the smile. “Only if we get something from Pops’, your treat obviously.”
You laugh to which he joins in. “Sure thing, Agatha Christie.”
He stands and offers you his hand, which you take, and allow him to pull you back up to your feet. You snort as you swing your arm over his shoulders and around his neck, causing him to grumble and shove you off of him, chuckling afterward.
He steps through the doorway of Archie’s bedroom first, you following behind. You both make your way down the stairs and towards the door, calling out to Archie and Fred if they wanted to join you both.
Whilst waiting by the front door for Archie to join you two, Fred calling that he’d be okay but thanking you anyways, Jughead looked towards you, a mischievous glint in his eye and the corner of his mouth being upturned slightly.
“You do realise you still have to break the news to dad, right?”
You paled.
I would’ve had this out a lot sooner but I’ve been so caught up with college work and had a bad case of writers block lmao
It could’ve turned out better
Could’ve turned out worse
It’s mediocre
If you wanna be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Riverdale taglist:
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uniqueimagines · 6 years
First Kiss
Paring: Sweet Pea x Reader
Requested: Yes, “Could you write something where reader is very shy and innocent(like hasn't had her first kiss yet) but she's dating sweet pea who isn't like her and he always teases her for her innocence but he doesn't know other people do too so she feels kinda pressured to give her first time to him bc of his teasing and other ppl at school so she asks him but he knows that's something is weird so they talk? Also if it's not too much could there be a really fluffy makeout scene” @sardonicsweetpea
Description: You have been dating Sweet Pea for a few weeks and he likes to tease you about how different and innocent you are compared to him. When people a school start teasing you as well you feel pressured to go further with Pea so he won't leave you. When you bring it up with Pea he has the opposite reaction you had thought.
Warnings: Mentions of sex and virginity
Word count: 1,121
You and Sweet Pea had started dating just over two weeks ago and it was a surprise to anyone, you most of all. You were a year younger and the polar opposite of Sweet Pea. While Pea had hooked up and dated a number of different women you haven't even had your first kiss and get flustered whenever anyone talks about anything sexual. You lived very close to Riverdale High and you walked to school every day and met Pea at your locker. Today you chose to wear high waisted skinny jeans and a tank top tucked in with one of Pea’s blue flannels over it instead of a jacket.
You got to school a little earlier than normal and began putting your books in your bag when Sweet Pea walked up behind you grabbing your hips and hugging you from behind whispering softly in your ear, “Hey, Baby. You look really sexy in these skinny jeans and my flannel.” You gasp and your cheeks instantly get flushed and Pea can feel the heat radiating from your face. Sweet Pea steps back spinning you around and giggles a little brushing his finger over your reddened cheeks before kissing your forehead. The warning bell rings and you are still too flustered to speak as Pea takes your hand walking you to your first period class.
Your last period you don’t have with Sweet Pea, but it has a couple of guys that failed the class the year before. You were paired up with one of them for a short story assignment in which you did all of the work. While you were working your phone buzzed on the table between the two of you. The jock looks at your phone and it is a message from Sweet Pea that reads, *I’ll meet you at your locker after class. Are we still on for movies at my trailer tonight? ;P*  “So you and Sweet Pea… He taken you v-card yet” You look up at the boy as you make a high pitch squeal and your cheeks turn tomato red, “W-what? H-he…. Shut up… Don’t look at my messages!” You grab your phone shoving it into your back pocket. “Hey he won’t hold out forever. You know how much he used to get it,” the boy winks at you making you blush harder and use your left hand to shield your face from his. You finish the assignment in silence and rush out of the class as soon as the bell rings.
You run to your locker putting your stuff away and lean against your locker nervously pulling the sleeves of Pea’s flannel over your hands. Sweet Pea walks up noticing your nervous deminior and asking, “Baby Girl, what's wrong?” You look up and give him a small smile, “Nothin, I’m good. Is Fangs and Toni still coming tonight?” Pea nods happily wrapping his arm around your waist walking you outside to his bike, “Yeah they will be there in about an hour.” When the two of you get to Pea’s trailer you sit on the couch. As Pea walks to the hall, “Mind if I take a quick shower before the others get here?” You shake your head, “Of course not.” Pea winks at you before walking to the bathroom.
Pea takes a 10 minute shower and comes out in just jeans holding his shirt as his hair is still dripping wet. You look up as he walks into the room and bite your lip nervously. The whole time Sweet Pea was in the shower all you could think about was how sexual of a person Pea was and worrying that he may leave you if you didn't have sex with him. You take a deep breath before blurting out, “Do you wanna have sex before they get here or like after they leave…” You pull the flannel sleeves over your hands again as you wait for Pea to respond. Sweet Pea looks down at you for a moment with a blank face before furrowing his eyebrows and asking, “Baby… what's goin on?”
You look down at your hands still playing with the bottom of his sleeves before responding in a quiet voice, “Well… you talk about how sexy I am a lot and I know you are used to having sex in your past relationships and… and some guy in my last class said if I don’t have sex with you then you will break up with me…” You keep your head down and feel the couch shift as Pea sits beside you. He rests his hand on your knee and tilts your chin up giving you a small smile, “Baby Girl, I don’t expect anything from you at any point. I am not gonna leave you because we aren’t having sex. I would like to eventually but I know you haven't even kissed anyone... I am not gonna rush you into anything. I want to do whatever you want whenever you want.”
You nod and take a couple deep breaths as you relax and give Pea a smile letting him know you are feeling better. You bite your lip for a moment as your cheeks turn a soft pink and you ask, “Kiss me?” Pea can't hold back a small laugh and he pulls you to sit on his lap, “Close your eyes and don't be afraid to stop me at any time.” You give him a small nod as you take a deep breath and close your eyes. Pea cups your cheek as he gently presses his lips to yours. Your skin tingles as goosebumps spread across your body and you press your hands to Pea’s chest.
Sweet Pea pulls back for a moment and asks, “Do you want me to stop?” Your cheeks get flushed as you shake your head pressing your lips back to his. Pea smiles against your lips as he slides his hand from your cheek to hold the back of your head. He parts his lips and you mimic his actions as your lips move together in unison. You pull away and shift to straddle Pea’s lap and your cheeks are pink. You slide your hands from his chest up to his shoulders and gently tracing your fingers over his serpent tattoo. Sweets holds your chin pulling your face closer and pressing his lips back to yours. Sweet Pea genly slides his tongue over your bottom lip and you gasp gently scratching his shoulders. There is a sudden knock on the trailer door making you jump off Pea’s lap. Sweet Pea stands and pulls his shirt on before leaning down and giving you final quick peck and whispering, “You are an amazing kisser, Baby Girl.”
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NSFW Alphabet: Sweet Pea
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Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
VERY NSFW!!!!!!!!!
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editorandchief · 6 years
This Just End |Sweet Pea
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Summary: Reader is a popular social media star (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat whatever you want) and is reporting on the injustice of the raid at southside high.
Sweet Pea x Female!Reader
Warning: None
“Hello my loyal and lovely fanbase this is Y/N Y/L/N reporting from riverdale once again.” You greeted your fans. “Where here at Riverdale High it is just a normal day.” You say walking down the hallway.
“While just moments ago on the southside the police lead by Riverdale’s own mayor was raided and many students wrongfully arrested.” You expose walking into the student lounge. “Now it’s no secret that the government in Riverdale has been corrupt for years but some say that the deception has reached an all-time high with the arrival of the Lodge family.”
”umm excuse me?” Veronica's voice sounds from behind you.
”ah, Veronica Lodge.” you smiled turning the camera. ”Do you feel any remorse for the student at Southside high that were arrested today?” you asked.
”Absolutely not, the Lodge family strongly believe that committing a crime deserves to be punished. And drugs are a serious offence.” she smiles at the camera.
”Yeah, that why Mr. Lodge is pushing for a prison on the southside. Archie added.
”that's interesting.” you said reaching for your tablet and pulling up a video. ”because this video would suggest your stance on drug use is completely different from your previous statement.”
‘Calm down Nicky, I’m just getting going.’ Veronica’s voice plays.
“Which show you and many of the people in this very room consuming the highly addictive and illegal drug know as jingle jangle.” You exposed.
Around the room you could see the shocked faces of those in the room.
“Where did you get that?” Archie asked reaching for the tablet causing you to pull away.
“An anonymous source.” you replied tucking the tablet back into your bag. ”but fear not you'll be able to see the whole thing when I post it later.
”what you have nothing better to do with your life than this?” Kevin asked.
”I would watch it, Keller this video has also been sent to the District Attorney's office. Bringing into question why an unlawful raid was performed at Southside high when the children of Riverdale, who were actually caught doing the drugs, have nothing but community service.” you inform.
”also Reggie Mantle who admitted to, and I quote, ’hooking it up.’ with said drugs.” you continue. ”only Betty Cooper had the common sense not to partake in the devil's sugar.”
Turning the camera back to yourself.
”so there you have it riverdale a town with a system so corrupt even the major and sheriff would arrest innocent teens to protect their own children, while it appears nothing is being done about the serial killer on the loose.” you said. ”this has been Y/N Y/L/N wondering when are things going to change? Until next time keep it Sweet like the water.”
Turning off the camera you turn back to Kevin
”Nothing personal but something had to be done.” you said.
”something like my dad losing his job?” he asked.
”if your dad was doing his job, you and your friends would be in jail.” you replied. ”not a group of serpents that did nothing wrong.”
”that's not our fault.” Archie argued.
”oh it never is, is it? Nothing is ever your fault when you shift the blame to others. I'd watch out Archie your Lodge is showing.” you shot.
”No one conspired to do anything.” Josie said.
”really so your parents didn't have a secret meeting to discuss the event of the part organized to entertain the son of a deathly inverter for the Lodge prison?” you asked. ”If it were anyone else an appropriate punishment would have been issued.”
”why do you even care?” Reggie asked.
”Well unlike you people I'm sick of the corruption and injustice in this town, and I'm gonna do something about it.” you answered. ”its just a shame that instead of being a solution some of the most powerful families in this town is apart of the problem. Now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be.”
“Maybe you should be more careful, Y/N that speak is sounding very Black Hood to me.” Veronica added.
“Oh silly Ms.Lodge know that if i were the Black Hood it would be you that would want to be careful.” You smirked. Taking your leave.
“What is it today Ms.Y/L/N?” The sheriff asked as you walked into the station. “Did you see the Black Hood J walking?” He joked.
“Very close but no,” you said with a fake smile. “But funny you would mention the Letter ‘J’” you said pulling out your phone and showing a snippet from the video you had shown previously at school.
“Correct me if I’m wrong but is this it is this not you sons Mr. Kevin Keller consuming Jingle Jangle?” You asked the rhetorical question. “Yet I dont recall him being dragged out of school like many students on the southside this morning, care to explain?” You asked pulling a tape recorder out of you bag and holding it to his face.
“What do you want?” He asked getting straight to the point.
“ release the Serpents. Now.” You said smile being wide off you face as there was no longer any need for false plesentries.
“Wow, Sweet Pea when you said Y/N had it handled I didn’t think it would accually pan out.” Toni said walking out if the sheriffs station with the rest of the serpent.
“Well that’ll teach you never underestimate my girl, she can be scarier that any serial killer out there.” He bragged slinging his at around your shoulder. “That’s why I always say if you only have one phone call, call Y/N.”
“Noted.” Fangs said falling into two beside you and sweet pea.
“Oh you haven’t seen ow scary I can be, but you will.” You said. “After what they did to you guys I’m bout to rain down a hell storm like non Riverdale has ever seen. Now lets head to pops I’m sure you guys must be starving.” You offer.
“Wow, She’s a mind reader to lets go.” Toni said quickening her steps.
You say all in all today was pretty productive, now all thats left is to down some cheese fries and then destroy the upper class and governmental system of a small town. You’ve had better days but this one was okay.
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Repetitive Treatment: Chapter 5
Words: 1835
AN: I can't believe people are still into this! Wow! Thank you so much!!!!!!! Please let me know what y'all think!!!! (Y/D/N) = Your Dad’s Name; (Y/M/N) = Your Mom’s Name; Also, the law enforcement part is probably inaccurate, I’m not in law enforcement, and the medical part is probably inaccurate, I’m not a doctor so just going off what I know. Enjoy!
 Warnings: Abuse
Sweet Pea wonders what Sheriff Keller is referring to. But he also wants to know if this is the reason you had stopped lecturing him on violence, and the impact of his actions. And now that his mind is travelling down that path, he questions how many times he has unwittingly scared you with his actions in the last couple months. How many times had you been standing next to him as he swung a fist into the wall, or someone’s face? How many times had you felt the desire to shrink because he lost his temper? His heart breaks even more for you, the girl who’s helped with the Picken’s Day stand, who’s bandaged him more times than he can count. Sweet Pea’s eyes are drowning in unshed tears. And these thoughts break the dam.
As your parents, FP, and Toni enter the room, they see tears cascading down Sweet Pea's face unchecked. Then they notice the sheriff, who tells them about Alex.
FP listens to the sheriff and he knows you are so much stronger than what Alex thought. He knows you’ll get through this and come out like a phoenix from the ashes. And he has absolutely no doubts that Fangs, and Toni will be there for you every step of the way. FP recognizes that Sweet Pea is going to take some time from the Serpents so he can help you with everything, and Sweet Pea is going to settle down a bit. He hopes that last part happens for the kid. As fun as it can be to watch Sweet Pea be super volatile, FP understands that his volatility can be bad for people, including his family. He looks over at your parents, who are both grief-stricken at Keller’s words. They are paling and the looks on their faces, especially your mother’s, reminds FP of the look on someone’s face when they can’t believe what is happening.
Your dad is ready to explode. Explode in fear, anger, relief. He looks down at your bruised body, and the tears that finally stopped begin cascading down his face again. He feels fear that you’ll be angry with him when you wake up, that you won’t be his little girl anymore. Anger consumes him because he couldn’t protect you, that he couldn’t stop this from happening to you, and isn’t that a parent’s worst fear? But relief swells below that, and it comes and goes like the tide. It’s because you are safe, and the person who hurt you in ways a person in his position never should, is now where he belongs, in jail. His world stopped when he heard those words over the phone from Sweet Pea. He heard the quiet anger in the boy’s voice, and he knows that Sweet Pea is just as angry as him. He is ecstatic that you have such amazing friends. Your dad knows most people wouldn’t describe the Serpents this way, but he recognizes that part of the reason he’s never had an issue with the Ghoulies or Serpents. Because as much as the Northside hates the Serpents, your dad thinks the Northside is more screwed up than the Serpents have ever been. Suddenly, he hears the stomping of what seems like a hundred boots, and a small smile ghosts his face amidst the tears due to the sound.
Toni looks up at the familiar thundering of boots stopping, and leading the charge is Fangs, followed by several, maybe all of the Serpents, but she can’t tell. She looks at those she can see, and she sees overwhelming grief on some faces, and burning rage in others. Hog Eye has both. He stands right behind Fangs, and Toni wonders if he’ll say anything. Toni watches as Sheriff Keller’s eyes widen at the sight of so many Serpents in one space at one time. She almost forgets why they’re all here, and nearly smiles. And then Toni’s mind travels back to the second time you’d travelled to the Wyrm. You had walked in, boot cut jeans, a teal shirt with elbow length sleeves, and a smirk on your face. You strode right over to the bar, as if without a worry in the world, and asked Hog Eye for a Shirley Temple. He opened his mouth, undoubtedly to make a smartass comment, when you looked him dead in the eye, and told him not to ruin your innocence. Hog Eye had nearly doubled over laughing after responding, “What innocence?” You had raised your eyebrows and a smirk resettled on your face. The bar had been quiet enough for her to overhear the rest of your conversation. And Toni still thinks that Hog Eyes views you as his surrogate daughter. To him, most kids were just kids, another Serpent, or a Ghoulie. But you had never been just another kid, another Serpent, or another Ghoulie to Hog Eye. A lot of Serpents thought he would never love again once he healed from the grief of losing his daughter to the Ghoulies' drugs, since he became the Serpent’s bartender. But Toni watched and she knew that Alex would be facing an almost literal hell if he went to prison. She hopes he would find it excruciating for him to know that all he had to do was ask for help, but was too prideful, or scared to ask. She is okay with that statement, as her cruel side once again comes out to play. She knows it reflects in her eyes.
 Hog Eye feels a lump in his throat at seeing (Y/N) in the hospital bed. He can't believe you'd allow a stupid boy to put you there. He can feel the familiar sensation of tear welling in his eyes, but he blinks them back. All he wants to do is hold you close, and promise you that everything will be okay. He wants to keep everything harmful away from you. This was too close, the hospital, you laying unresponsive in a bed, tubes coming out. It was all just too damn familiar to how he lost his daughter, and suddenly, he can't handle just standing in the doorway. Instead he makes his way over to your free side, and gently lays one hand on your shoulder.
 The first thing you feel is a warm hand holding yours. You feel the monstrous pain next, but you also feel a rough hand gently laying on your shoulder. You hear an incessant beeping, and you wonder briefly where you are. While your eyes are closed, you run through what happened: you remember Alex hitting you-not stopping, you remember looking for your phone, and you remember calling Sweet Pea. He must've found you. You decide to open your eyes, as the beeping doesn't stop. You open your eyes briefly to slam them shut, and hear a whisper.
"Lower the lights." You try again. This time you see a slew of faces surrounding you. You see FP, a man you admire deeply, you see your parents, tears streaming down their faces, and your mother's hand wrapped up in your eyes. You see Sweet Pea, a cold, quiet anger burning in his eyes, and it breaks your heart. You notice Sheriff Keller with a small smile, and you see the beginning of the Serpents starting to enter your small room. You look up by your shoulder, where Hog Eye stands and you see tears trying to break his walls. You smile cautiously at him.
"He… Hey." You try and have to clear your throat before getting it out. You hear an overwhelming sob come from the corner, where Toni sits. FP chuckles.
"Hey, kid. How are you doing?" He raises his eyebrows.
"Well, I could be better."
"I bet." FP shakes his head in amusement, which glimmers in his eyes as well.
Your mom stands up from the chair, and steps closer to the bed, "Sweetheart, I need you to know we aren't going anywhere. Dad and I are going to run to the cafeteria with a few people so you can visit with everyone." Your parents never ceased to amaze you with their generosity. Most parents would demand that everyone leave. You nod in understanding, very slowly though, to avoid more pain. Sweet Pea, Toni, FP, and Hog Eye follow them.  After they are gone, you make your way through the Serpents, starting with Fangs.
"Girl, we're glad you're okay." Fangs grins. "But the rest of us won't stay long so you can rest. Which you absolutely will do." He leans down and whispers, "Since you're always telling us that, now we can obtain revenge. But seriously, don't let this happen again. Okay? You need help, then you ask us." Tears well up in your eyes at the sincerity in Fangs' eyes.
"Mhmm." You hum in agreeance, through the tears. You make your way quietly through the Serpents before getting to Keller. "Sheriff." You greet. You take a deep breath in, which hurts like an SOB.
"Hey, (Y/N). Glad you're awake. Fangs is right. You can't let this happen. There's a reason my job exists." You hadn't thought anyone caught Fangs' whisperings. You nod shamefully. "Why didn't you tell anyone, sweetheart?"
"I was scared. Alex told me…." your voice drops at the end of the sentence, and you don't know if you have the strength to get through this. You clear your throat and try again, though. "Alex told me, that if I told anyone, Sweet Pea, Toni, my parents, you, anyone, that I wouldn't live to see the next day. And I am very prone to believe a threat like that after things he's done." You clasp your hands and look down at them, afraid to see pity, or worse blame in the sheriff's eyes. He lays his larger, warmer hand over yours.
"(Y/N), you won't have to worry about him for a long time. Trust me. He admitted to the abuse." Sheriff Keller says in a patient voice. You forget your fears and look up at him with wide eyes.
"Seriously? I- I didn't think he would do that."
"Well, he did. So you just worry about getting better. I'll keep you posted on the case, and I'm also going to recommend no bail."
Relief floods you, "Thank you so much, Sheriff Keller."
"Of course, sweetheart. Looks like your parents are back, so I'll get going." He makes his way to the door. But you can't focus on anything other than the fact that Alex admitted to the abuse. Due to this you don't hear Sweet Pea.
"(Y/N)?" You finally hear him ask.
You look up at him, "What?"
"I said are you okay?" Concern masks the anger that you can still see simmering in his brownie eyes.
"Sorry. Yeah. I just- It's just that- Did you know Alex admitted to the abuse?" You ask, shock still running through your system.
"Yeah, Keller informed us while you were out."
"Holy shit." Your eyes are still as wide as saucers.
Chapter One; Chapter Two; Chapter Three; Chapter Four 
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sweetpea-cc · 6 years
☼ Sunshine (Part 2) ☼
Summary; After yet another terrible and finalizing fight with your father, Sheriff Keller, you end up at the Whyte Wyrm once again, only this time you’re more than ready to become part of the infamous Southside Serpents, but will you make it?
Pairing; Sweet Pea x Keller!Reader
Warnings; Language, underage drinking
Word Count: 2.748
Notes; Part 2 as requested by @warsintothestars , @sweet-dolans , @that-idiot125 , @livexlovexlaughxdreamxx , @vececev , and anonymous :) <3 (SORRY I TOOK SO LONG I LOVE YOU ALL)
Special thanks to @inyourwildestdreamslove for her unending help :(( <3<3
(PART 1)
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They say that time heals all scars, which when circumstances are unfortunate, you should give it time. Time; it was such a funny concept because while it did have the capacity to make conditions better, there were only some wounds that time could not erase. One month. One month, that was how long it had been since your last fight, the same one that led you to experience one of the most amazing sights you had ever seen.
Words flew from your mouth, ones that you never thought you'd ever even think, let alone say out loud. You knew instantly from the look in his eyes that they'd hit their mark. It was in that instant, your relationship with your father shattered into glassy shards. Nothing would ever be the same again.
Tom Keller's face mottled crimson, his eyes popped and his neck strained. His words were spat out with the ferocity and rapidity of machine gun fire. Never bothering to wipe the spit from your ashen face, you leaned closer, perfectly composed and uttered just three words;
"I don't care."
His fuse simmered and fizzed like a firework in a chill autumn breeze, and then he exploded with unrestrained fury. You, however, remained as still as a cadaver and just as pallid, unblinking against his onslaught. Then with a barely concealed smirk, you turned on your heels and walked out of the house as if strolling in the park on a beautiful day, ignoring the frigid cold and being careful not to fall in the five-inch deep snow. You kept walking and walking, ignoring your father's calls behind you until they became nothing but muffled cries.
You and your father fought with each a lot, probably more than your average and sometimes you were able to create some semblance of forgiveness but this time, your father had gone too far, and you weren't sure if you would ever forgive him. You couldn't be in that house anymore, it was suffocating, and often, you felt it draining the life out of you.
During this time of the day, Pickens Park was covered in a thick blanket of white; the famous General Pickens statute peeked out under its new white caps, footsteps and paw prints crisscrossed each other around the labyrinth of paths. Aside from the brown of the denuded trees, the only different color was the vivid saffron staining around the base of each lamp post, tree, and shrub. Even on the coldest days of Winter, the sun was bright in the sky, bringing a forgotten joy to your heart. The snow had a purity which elevated your spirit, and the world made as pristine as a book ready for brand innovative stories. Who knew? Perhaps the events that happened today would create a new one. Despite the cold, it felt refreshing, and you welcomed it with open arms, your body cozy inside a warm jacket.
You sat down in the park gazebo, admiring the sight before you. For the first time today, you felt like you could breathe as you wrapped your arms around your body, closing your eyes and enjoying the sweet silence. However, that silence was interrupted by the loud sound of laughter that echoed across the entire park. You jerk your eyes open, and almost immediately they land on a group of leather-clad teenagers whose jackets adorned a familiar Serpent symbol. You watched as they were seemingly lost in their world as if nothing could touch them, you sight resting on one in particular. Your mind danced back to the night you met, and you faintly recalled the conversations, laughs, and jokes that you shared with him How invincible that must feel.
You watch from a distance as the Serpents sparred with each other, their laughs ringing in your ear. Your mind drifted to the fight that you had with your dad, and all you could think about was how damaging that fight was to your relationship with him, assuming one still existed. There was no doubt that your father could be a proud man, disciplined, not to mention sometimes strict and could be short-tempered. You remembered during the fight how every time that your father opened his mouth, you only became angrier.
“Loyalty?! Are you kidding me? You know nothing about loyalty if you could do this!”
At first, you had considered swallowing your retort, that it would be best to smile and move on but it was his comment about respect and loyalty that sent you over the edge, made you snap. All the rage that had been boiling underneath came out faster than magma and just as destructive. You had watched as he shriveled before you but you kept going, stopping short of physical violence. There was no doubt that your words were causing more damage than a punch or a slap ever could. You had never meant to be so vengeful or cruel, and your father never expected to wind you up so tightly. In the end, it was always things that neither of you intended to happen. You continue to absentmindedly watch the Serpent lives their lives, secretly admiring the way they seemed to be more like brothers and sisters than fellow gang members. That was what you wanted; to feel a part of something unbreakable and earth-shattering.
At this point, there was only one place you could think of going; the Whyte Wyrm where you were more than confident you would probably find FP. It was amazing how different the Southside looked in broad daylight, it was far from empty, and if someone didn't know any better, it would have just seemed like an ordinary neighborhood. Of course, you stuck out like a sore thumb, sneering glances from every other person that you passed because, in this world, Southsiders and Northsiders were nothing short of enemies.
Cautiously, you walk into the Whyte Wyrm where it's surprisingly empty, although the younger Serpents had filled the room. You watched as the group of them walked over to the pool table and begin a game, taking zero notice that an outsider was currently standing in their hang out spot. They continued to enjoy a good conversation, the sound of loud, boisterous laughter filling your ears. Pulling your eyes from them, you found it surprisingly easy to spot Hog Eye; he was where you had expected him to be; at the bar where he was cleaning whiskey glasses and straightening up his little station.
"Hey, Hog Eye, is FP here?" Hog Eye looked up from the glass and squinted at you for a brief moments before raising his eyebrow in realization. Your voice must have triggered a memory because behind you, Sweet Pea's head jerked upright and his eyes focus on you and his face furrowed in confusion. What were you doing here? He had half of the mind to walk up to you but who was to say you even remembered him?
"He's on the job right now, but he'll be back soon. You wanna wait for him til' he gets here?"
"If that's alright with you." Hog Eye shrugged his shoulders and went back to his business as you sat down at the bar, taking in your surroundings. The smoke from the cigarettes twisted in its artistic way, forming curls in the gloom, illuminated only by the age-speckled bar lights. Along the wall was every hue of amber liquid in their inverted bottles; no doubt a vice that many people this bar had probably been ordered to avoid.
You sat at the bar with your legs crossed slightly, rapping your nail your thigh while absentmindedly nodding your head along with the music that played softly in the background. Slowly, you watched as the Whyte Wyrm started becoming more and more crowded, the smell of leather and musk filling the air. Your phone was currently going off with calls from your father and timid texts from your brother Kevin, but you ignored each one, not particularly in the room for a further scolding. The sound of Hog Eye roughly clearing his head captured your attention as you spun around on the bar stool just in time to see FP stroll through the door, his facial expression wolfish but it quickly shifted to confusion as his eyes land on you. Fp walked through the growing crowd, slipping a few smiles and cheers to his fellow Serpents before he reached you, resting his elbow on the bar.
"What are you doing here, Y/N?"
"I want to join." The tone of your voice told FP that you were one-hundred percent seriously, but he still needed to make sure he heard you correctly. After all, you were just a girl who was trying to defy her father's wishes. Or so that was what he thought.
"The Serpents, I want to join."
"Now, you listen to me, joining the Serpents isn't something you do just because you want to rebel against your dad. It's a for life kind of deal; you know what I mean?"
"I do know, FP and I'm not changing my mind."
Before FP got another sound out, your eyes lit up as a familiar face appeared behind him, slapping his large hands on FP's shoulders, as if to congratulate him or something. Followed close behind him was a short, spunky pink-haired girl who struck you as someone that took no bullshit from anybody. Sweet Pea's eyes linger to you, and a small smile forms on his face as his recollection evokes the night you two met. FP focused his concentration on the pink-haired girl, and you took this moment to observe her closer, noting the way she stood tall and proud, perfectly unabashed and you loved her spirit.
"Nice to see you're back, Sunshine. Miss me?"
Sweet Pea's voice was deep yet angelic, and it was so absurd that the sound of his voice made you smile on the inside. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks and look down, finding your nails the most exciting thing in the world. FP was quick to send a slap on the back of Sweet Pea's head, and you fought the urge to laugh. One thing that you observed was the way that many of the Serpents looked up to FP, saw him as a father or brother figure and all you could think about was how honorable the man seemed. The spunky girl moved around Sweet Pea and was now standing directly beside FP; her attention focused on him entirely.
"Toni, meet our new initiate. You'll take her through the process."
You watch as Sweet Pea's eyebrows perk up, he was interested in what provoked you to join. The towering Serpent stood behind Toni with a little grin plastered over his face, and you could feel his dark gaze burning into you, but strangely enough, you welcomed it. However, Sweet Pea wasn't the only one who had eyes on you, Toni, but her gaze was more of inspection as she looked you up and down; it was as if she was determining if you had what it took to be a Serpent. Was it possible to tell that sort of thing just by looking at someone?
After what felt like an eternity, a smile crept across Toni's face, and you assumed that you had passed her test if there ever was one. With complete ease, the girl linked your arm in hers, leading you out the front entrance of the Wyrm, with Sweet Pea following close behind. As you door in front of the Whyte Wyrm, you spotted larger gatherings of Serpents of all ages hanging around, laughing and just simply enjoying each other's presence. It indeed was an incredible sight; seeing all of these people who came from different backgrounds and had unique life stories come together as one. She guided you over to what looked like a smaller hang out spot, and you took this opportunity to appreciate the area.
A brick wall graffitied with a Serpent design, a broken down couch being held together with duct tape and a metal tin that was currently ablaze, the glowing embers vaulted and whirled in a fiery dance, twinkling like stars in the chilled atmosphere. You were surprised at the lack of snow in this particular area as Toni plopped down on the sofa, crisscrossing her legs in the process and patted the seat next to her and at first, you were a little reluctant but eventually sat down next to her, mimicking her moves. Your eyes wander to Sweet Pea who easily leaned down, resting his arms on his thighs as he looked up at you, his curiosity growing by the minute.
"I have to ask, why would a Northsider want to join the Serpents?" For a moment, you were surprised at her bluntness but quickly recovered.
"You know, all over the Northside, it's all how bad Serpents are, how they mean nothing but violence and chaos. What they never consider nor think about, is how you're all like this dysfunctional family that stands by each other no matter what and I want that. Plus getting kicked out of your own home one too many times kind of sucks." You let out a dry laugh at your last comment, not finding it funny but more ironic. Toni's lips turn upside down slightly but not as to frown but as to indicate that she understood where you were coming from and you sincerely appreciated that.
"You can join, but you have to survive the initiation first." Your ears perk up at Sweet Pea's voice as you averted your gaze from Toni to him, remarking the way he perpetually had a little curl that fell to the middle of his forehead and a cocky grin that was somehow completing his entire look.
"I'm tougher than I look."
"I don't doubt that."
The next four days were an exhilarating blur, Toni had walked you through the entire initiation process, being kind enough to let you stay with her and truth be told, you were a little terrified to go through with it. Had it not been for the quick friendship that you developed with Toni, inevitably you would have been lost. She had helped you memorize the laws which you had come to love and on top of that, you adored taking care of Hot Dog and didn't mind the idea of doing so again. As for grabbing the knife out of the rattlesnake's cage? You were scared shitless, similar to when you had witnessed Sweet Pea do it weeks ago but in the face of the crowd, seeing his faint yet encouraging smile somehow managed to wipe away any fear that you had. All that was left was to do the Serpent dance, not that you were precisely keen on doing it but a few encouraging words from Toni and her comment on how the dance would be over relatively quickly did indeed help toss a few worries out the door.
It was incredible how right Toni was about how quick the dance would be over. Though your nerves shot through the sky as you felt a hundred pairs of eyes resting on you, miraculously you managed to get through it without so much a hiccup and all you could think about in the short moment after you completed the dance was how thankful you were for those endless dance lessons when you were little.
Your breathing was heavy but calm as FP moved from the crowd and climbed on the stage, standing next to you with his head held high. In one swift movement, FP held his hands to the air, silencing the entire bar and only the sound of heavy boot shuffling against the wooden floor could be heard. You gingerly watch as he held his arm out to someone in the crowd who came forth carrying a Serpent jacket in mint condition. Your breathing picked up, mostly from anticipation as FP turned to face you, a small smile curving its way to his way. Once again, his authoritative voice rang out.
"Serpents! Let's give a round of applause for our newest member, Sunshine!"
Cheers, hollers, and whistling filled your ears as FP held the jacket out for you to slip into. Contemptuously you smiled as it felt like a second skin, this was where you belonged. From across the room, you spotted a familiar pair of eyes that read nothing but mischief and a smile that called for trouble. You could feel your heart slam against your chest as you centered in on his cheers alone. 
Tag; @glambyoko // @fafulous // 
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abigailtopaz · 6 years
If I wrote something that was not requested, like a (smutty) one shot, would y’all want it to be x reader or x OC?
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lilxberry · 3 years
‘Evil’ Step-mom - Kevin/Tom Keller (Platonic/Romantic)
Requested by: @thanossexual​
Hi! So if you decide to write for Riverdale parents could I perhaps request Tom Keller x Reader, Platonic! Kevin Keller x Reader , where Y/n is in her thirties and is engaged to Tom and Kevin's friends come over to cheer him up when they find out cause they think that he's mad or sad but he's actually getting along with the reader and gossiping with her about boys and teenage drama and their reaction is just priceless when Kevin tells them that he's basically on best friend terms with Y/n. 😎
Ofc feel free to ignore this request if you don't like it!
I LOVED this request so of course I wasn’t gone ignore. With this, I mainly focused on giving a little detail between Kevin and readers’ relationship and how the girls had assumed that Kevin would be upset with Tom and readers’ engagement.
I do plan on making a part two, where I would focus more on Tom and reader, maybe a slightly prequel about the night they had gotten engaged or the aftermath of their engagement. Maybe a lil’ conflict between whatever Josie’ mom name is and the reader. (I lowkey don’t care. She is just as irrelevant to me as she is hot lmao). Maybe because she’s jealous or something, I dunno, I’m brainstorming rn.
Anyways, I’ve waffled on long enough so I hope you enjoy.
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Warnings: None really, just humour tbh. I’m shocked too.
Words: 777
Pairings: Kevin Keller x reader (Platonic) (Female Reader). Mentions Tom Keller x reader (Romantic)
Kevin’ morning had been a…confusing one at that. At soon as he walked through those doors to enter the school, the girls had flanked him and offered him their ‘condolences’, even Cheryl. His raised eyebrow and utter confused expression were definitely comical and just so him.
They had refused to bring whatever was supposedly upset him up or give some form of explanation to the young man, leaving him with little to no answers and a sore neck from all the shaking he has done through the day.
This continued until, finally, the bell to signify the end of last period sounded, giving the student body the freedom, they had craved all day.
Kevin had no desire to rush, wanting to take his time to put whatever textbooks into his locker and collect whatever he may need until tomorrow. But the girls had other plans. As soon as Kevin had passed the door exiting the class, he was flanked. Veronica on his right, Betty to his left.
“C’mon Kev, we’ve got some shakes to sip at Pop’s,” stated Veronica, clearly showing that he had no say in whatever they had planned. “Cheryl and Toni are going to meet us there.”
Kevin sighed deeply through his nose as he rolled his eyes before offering both of his arms to the girls which they quickly linked with their own. “Fine, but I need to get something from my locker.”
“Come on then, we don’t have all day,” Betty remarked playfully, eliciting a collective chuckle from the trio as they began to walk down the hallway and towards Kevin’ locker.
Being sat with the girls at Pop’s really hadn’t given Kevin any clarity on why they were acting so weird. Weirder that what would be considered standard rate in Riverdale, at least.
“As much as I’ve loved the attention from my girls, truly, can someone please tell me why you’re all acting strange?”
Toni, Veronica and Betty had all simultaneously decided to take another sip from their milkshakes as they adverted their gaze. Cheryl had looked towards each of her female companions before sighing exaggeratedly and turning her attention towards Kevin who sat opposite to her.
“I don’t understand why you would want to bring it up and not just accept how great friends we are being right now. I mean, the amount of support we’re showing you at this terrible time is impeccable,” the red head spoke, slightly trailing from the point.
Kevin gave her a blank stare, waiting for her to finally spill what was going on. She sighed once more before speaking again. “We are simply trying to help you through the terrible news of your father proposing to Y/N.”
Kevin’ eyebrows furrowed; face scrunched up into confusion. Why was that terrible news? He greatly liked Y/N, he loved that she was now finally going to join the family officially. He was even the one to push his father to propose. Hell, he was even there when he had done so.
Shaking his head, he stuttered slightly as he spoke. “I-I don’t understand. Why is that bad?”
All heads at the table had snapped to look at him, all held a look of utter shock, as if he what he had said were incredulous.
“I thought it was gonna be an evil step-mother situation, honestly. We all did.” Toni was the first to break the silence, voicing what everyone had clearly thought was his feelings about you.
Kevin shook his head, a smile now forming on his lips. “No, I love Y/N. She’s awesome and she makes my dad happy, which makes me happy. Plus, we gossip all the time. Half of the drama I’ve know has been because she constantly texts me.”
Veronica smiled at Kevin as she rested her hand upon his arm in a friendly manner. “I’m sorry we got it so wrong. I’m glad, we’re glad, that you love her so much.”
“Yeah. We should have asked. We’re all sorry.” Betty gave him as side hug which he had happily returned.
“It’s fine. But yeah. Maybe ask next time.” They all shared a small laugh, resuming the chit chatting from before, taking sips from their shakes once more.
Quickly finishing off his drink, he looked towards the girls before speaking up. “I should get going, me and Y/N kinda have a movie night planned.”
“And you didn’t invite moi?!” Veronica feigned insult with an overdramatised gasp and hand over her chest. “Have fun, Kev.”
After more farewells from the rest of the girls, Kevin hastily left the diner, on his way to spend time with his favourite gossip guru and soon-to-be step-mom.
Honestly, can we appreciate how quickly I have gotten these last two fics out because holy shit lmao
I really did have fun writing this and hope I can create a good part 2 where I focus on the relationship between Tom and reader
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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Opposite Direction [Part Three]
Title: Opposite Direction [Part Two]// Teen Wolf and Riverdale
Summary: Escaping a program similar to the Black Widow program you begin a new life in a town where you’re aware isn’t exactly normal. Working in the Beacon Hills Sheriff’s Department places you in the eyes of Stiles but when Black Widow finds you with Captain America will you return the favour to her?
Characters: Reader x Stiles Stilinski , Sheriff Noah Stilinski (mentioned) , Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Archie Andrews, Ms. Grundy (mentioned), Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Sheriff Keller.
Words: 2665
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel. Nor do I own Riverdale when it does appear. This means I do not own the characters from these shows/movies either.
Warnings: Swearing, injury, past mention of Archie and Grundy.
Requested: @fandomnationwhore
Author: Caitsy
A/N: This is the end of Opposite Direction. I have to say I’m pretty damn proud of this short series. I’ve just moved back to my university so things are about to get hectic. Thank you for all the support you give our blog. We love you. Seriously.
Prompt List
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Your eyes landed on the cell you used for your legit job in Beacon Hills to see that you had a message from an unknown person. There were few people that had that number seeing as other than work you didn’t talk to many people. Flipping the phone up in the air to catch as you shoved a piece of food in your mouth you unlocked it.
From: Unknown Hey Y/N, it’s Stiles. Um just wanting to know if your alive? You haven’t messaged my dad or emailed anyone. Your cards haven’t been used and you have no social media so uh…let me know?
From: Pest Stilinski It’s Stiles by the way.
From: Pest Stilinski Wait I said that already.
You rolled your eyes at the pain of boy that obviously didn’t see the wrong in breaking laws to find things out.
To: Pest Stilinski 1. I’m alive even though I don’t see how that concerns you. 2. I’m on leave. Your Dad knows if he needs me to contact me. 3. Did you seriously have to hack my stuff?? You’re a pest.
From: Pest Stilinski Oh thank god! It’s just out of nowhere you decided to leave without a word to me. You should really make a facebook account so I can make sure you’re safe.
To: Pest Stilinski I don’t see why I have to tell you and even if I made an account what makes you think I would send you a follow?
From: Pest Stilinski Friend request.
From: Pest Stilinski You’re thinking of twitter and Instagram. That’s where you follow people and Facebook is send friend requests.
You rolled her eyes placing your phone back on the small desk in the room you were staying in for the last little while. The house was now staged to fit the ‘normal girl’ act you were putting on for the town of Riverdale and if you were honest you had designed it to fit what you would have had if you were an everyday person.
In the week and a half you had been off duty you were itching to do something but following Steve’s orders were the biggest. You needed to prove to them that you weren’t the same person they fought before you faked your death. You could be afflicted with the team for sensitive missions.
“Guess it’s time.” You muttered sliding your arms into the dark denim jacket. You used to wear a leather jacket before it was destroyed and it was pretty cliche.
Everybody has to wear the leather jacket. It’s something that goes hand in hand with fighting and angst ridden people.
You silenced your phone from vibrating as you set out to stake out the suspect in the murder of Jason Blossom. You were pretty sure that one of the serpents had killed him in retribution for his family. FP Jones was the prime suspect with an unidentified accomplice.
“Steve? I’m going after Jones tonight.” You muttered into the phone to leave a message. You had managed to find a way to show Steve it was you. You would call three times quickly before staying on for the fourth time.
“Jones? As in Jughead?”
You blinked stunned that Betty Cooper had managed to successfully sneak up on you. You were rusty.
“No. I meant Jessica Jones.”
“No you didn’t.” Betty retorted with anger, “Either you meant FP or Jughead and I want to know why.”
“I don’t know what your talking about but I hope they chain you up.” You snorted twisting the key to lock the door only to see little knicks on it, “So is it a thing that you break the law often?”
“What are you talking about?” Betty nervously said.
“Trying to break and enter into my home?” You spat, “I think I need to make a call.”
“You can’t prove that it was me.”
“That muddy footprint can and fingerprints help also.”
“Please don’t.” Betty began to plead already seeing colleges react to the criminal record.
“No.” You stated firmly, “I do not let things go like this. Cheating on a test or making fun of a friend is different then violating my privacy.”
You dialled the police on your cell without looking as Betty gulped and looked around for an out to this situation. She had managed to get into your house only to discover the normalcy in it as expected from a new resident. There were boxes still and paint buckets were in the living room. Nothing was out of the norm and it irritated Betty but it seemed her suspicions weren’t true.
“Hi. I’m Adaline Kingsley and I came home to my home being broken into. I’ve only opened the door but it has knicks on the doorknob which is strange because it’s new. There are muddy footprints on the entry way but I haven’t gone in any further. I have the suspect beside me and I won’t let her out of my sight.” You explained to the dispatch.

“There’s an officer on the way.”
You kept your eyes on the girl as the patrol car rolled up flashing their lights to see you and Betty standing on your dilapidated porch. You scanned the new arrival to see that it was Sheriff Keller.
“What seems to be the problem, Ms. Kinglesy?” He questioned climbing up on the porch.
“Betty Cooper here broke into my home.” You stated staring at the girl.
“Is this true Betty?” Sheriff Keller asked shocked.
“Um…yes sir.” Betty sighed.
“Why don’t we go talk to your parents about this Betty. You should know better than to do this.”
“Sorry.” Betty muttered playing with her sleeve. Sheriff Keller gave you a tight smile before walking Betty next door with a stern talking to.
“So how did a teenage girl manage to break into the house?” Steve questioned from behind the door. You jumped again for the second time that night.
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“You really are rusty.”
“It’s been a long day.” You groaned walking into the house ensuring to avoid the areas of footprints, “You hungry?”
“There’s food on the table. I managed to hid it in the stove and hide before she caught into the kitchen. She’s very determined, would be amazing police officer.” Steve replied turning the faucet to wash his hands off, “How’s the mission going?”
“Well other than Betty i’ve managed to build friendships with the other ones.” You replied setting your jacket on the back of a chair, “It’s shockingly easy to gain trust from them. All I had to do was join the cheerleading team and I became great friends with Veronica.”
“Nat did some research about this group. Veronica is the daughter of the incarcerated Hiram Lodge and his loyal wife Hermione.” Steve said pushing a file towards you, “Archie’s parents are nearly lawfully divorced, Fred being a construction company owner and Mary being a lawyer in Chicago. Kevin is the son of Sheriff Keller and has more…modernized relationships.”
“He’s gay.”
“So different from my time.” Steve muttered shaking his head, “Okay, Betty has an older sister that was sent away to a home for troubled youth. With some digging we found out that a lot of teen pregnancies are dealt with there. Polly is pregnant with Jason’s child giving Betty’s family motive.”
“Jughead Jones, odd name by the way, is the son of Forsythe Pendleton II. Parents are divorced with his mom living in Toledo with their daughter. They call his FP and he’s the leader of the Southside Serpents.”
“Wow. Is this tofu?”
“I needed a change. Wanda said it’s extremely good.” Steve hummed making a face when he tasted it, “But I fail to see the greatness in it.”
“Do you think that FP Jones is the murderer?”
“No. He’s a drunken gang member of a gang that deals low level drugs. I don’t see him actually shooting the gun.”
“Do you think Hydra is involved somehow?”

“That’s the interesting part. I don’t.”
“So I’m free to go back to Beacon Hills.”

“No. I want to stay in the town for the remainder of the month.” Steve said scooping more rice onto his plate with a fury. You were confused at his response before he smiled a little, “I know you didn’t get the typical high school experience.”
“I don’t want that experience.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“Have you seen teenagers? They tear into each other emotionally if not physically sometimes. I swear I saw a freshmen girl flip out because seven more people were wearing the same colour.”
“High school is better than taking on an army of Hydra.”
“No.” You furiously shook your head, “Not at all. The only evil in this town so far is the Serpents and this preppy boys murder.”
Steve sat there for another hour as you ate planning out how you would finish out the month and the amount of paper work that was in your future.
“You know as a member of the Vipers I never had to do paperwork.”
Steve gave you a cold look at your words before he grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair and slid his thick muscles into it. It was kinda like watching a sleeping bag being stuffed into the casing which somehow seemed like it had shrunk? Steve cleared his throat as he gripped the nondescript ball cap in his hand with an awkward smile.
“I’ve never had such a relaxed supper with a female before.” Steve chuckled, “Call if you need anything kid.”
“Take care Steve.” You whispered watching as the only adult concerned about you walked out the back door, “I should get a run in.”
The music was only lightly played into the earphones to lessen the potential hearing loss and keep you able to hear everything around you. It was your favourite time to run with it being dark and lonely outside to keep everyone one. That and every parent in the damn town refused to let their children out once the sun started to go down.
That didn’t stop you from seeing Archie Andrews running in the street with nothing other than his boxers on. Sweaty ones that too.
“Jesus christ.” You wrinkled your nose, “I feel like a fucking criminal. How am I almost the same age? Seriously, he makes me feel like an adult with a toddler in front of me.”
“Adaline!” Archie exclaimed shocked almost stumbling in his bare feet, “What are you doing out so late? It’s not safe.”
“Dude, this is the time I like to run. Besides I don’t have a helicopter parent.” You stated, “Oh and Grundy isn’t home at the moment.”
“W-what?!” Archie screeched almost, “I don’t know what your talking about.”
“Uh huh. See you at school.” You grunted. Shaking your head at him.
The next week or two were slow without any action going on. Seriously you were thinking bailing the entire mission before the first bite happened. Firstly it was winter when Grundy fled Riverdale without any prior behaviour indicating she would. Next you saw the Coopers were a little more cocky and with their heads up their asses just a little. Thirdly, Jughead Jones was the son of an incarcerated Serpent being charged with murder.
“Did you hear? Apparently Kevin is dating a Serpent.” Tina whispered to Chloe, another one of the cheerleaders. The entire squad was animated about the gossip.
“They should mind their own business.” Veronica huffed fixing her necklace of pearls again.
“That’s the thing I hate about high school.”
It was odd that you could almost feel that a plot twist was on it’s way in the form of words you overheard between Kevin and his boyfriend. There was a jump drive hidden away in a jacket in the woods and you were betting that the Riverdale Crime Fighters would be getting their quick.
“Alright Natasha. How do you want me to do this?” You urgently whispered into the earpiece resting in your ear.
“Didn’t you do this?”
“Yeah but after we did the item was destroyed via viruses.”
“Remember how you found the jump drive before you insert into the right side of the tablet. It’s the one that won’t show any detection of use on the item. It will take a few minutes so be patient and vigilant.” Natasha calmly said.
“Okay. I’m just waiting for the-“
“This is it guys.” The familiar voice of Veronica said echoing through the woods.
“Shit.” You grumbled rushing to finish the program.
“Wait. There’s a light near the jacket.” Betty hissed dropping low into the grass, “Someone’s here and I think I know who it is.”
“A maniac with a gun?” Jughead retorted, “Seriously we should get out of the woods.”
“No.” Betty said quickly.
You returned the jump drive back into the hole at the bottom of the pocket before slinking off out of the area. You knew they had seen a sliver of you and would immediately peg you as the person. That’s why you returned to your car before watching the short clip depicting something you wouldn’t have expected.
Jason Blossom was murdered by his own father before FP cleaned the mess up and went on to hold a secret.
“Damn.” You grunted forwarding the intel to Steve and Nat before driving off to the one place you needed.
The Sheriff’s office.
“I already know what’s on this.” Sheriff Keller said tucking the jump drive into the evidence bag and out of sight, “I would like to know how I’ve managed to get two jumpdrives the same night.”
“What do you-“ Veronica began.
“Adaline Kingsley.” Betty breathed shocked.
“She’s actually Y/N Y/L/N.” Sheriff explained moving a sheet up on the desk.
Dear Sheriff Keller,
My name is Y/N Y/L/N but you would know me as the high school student Adaline Kingsley living on her own. I’m not a criminal, anymore actually, as I was recruited by Steve Rogers to find out in Jason Blossom was killed by Hydra. It came to our knowledge soon that it wasn’t but by the time I was being released from the mission I found out about the jump drive. I’m sure somehow Betty Cooper will get her hands on this but I plead with you to leave my name out of everything. I was part of a bad group before I faked my death. I wouldn’t even be telling you this if it was a month before now but Steve’s made me to do this thing where I own up for my actions. This is me doing so. The number I gave you Sheriff is if you ever need my help. For free. Take care Riverdale teens because the storm’s only just beginning.
Steve’s number to corroborate my information: (xxx)-xxx-xxxx
Y/N Y/L/N.
“That’s a plot twist I didn’t expect.” Jughead muttered gripping Betty’s hand in his, “It’s so obvious though.”
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You felt at home sitting back in front of your desktop computer with a file opened concerning a teen that had burglarized a house last night. Beacon Hills hadn’t had any action in the time you had been gone but you were sure that Stiles had calmed down on his advances. Too bad because he was growing on you not to mention your short high school experience had shown that he was a lot more mature than you remembered.
“Hey.” Stiles said beside your desk, “Dad wanted me to give you this.”
“Thank you.” You smiled at the man before taking the envelope with Riverdale stamped in the return address.
“So would you like to get a coffee? Talk about how you know about Scott?”
“Sure but how about dinner?”
“li…like a date?” Stiles gulped shocked.
“Yeah. A date Stiles.” You smiled at the blushing guy in front of you, “Unless you don’t want to.”
“Hell yes!”
Forever Tag List
@cityofsobbingfangirls @tas898 @barbidollash @trustnobodyshootfirst @winchesterfanfiction @deanwinchesterisamazing @oh-my-hecky-padalecki @padackles2010 @msimpala67 @deangirl5509 @heyitssilverwolf @therealme13posts @petlaufeyson @professionally-crazed @winterhurricane @tearsandbloodofmyenemies @blackwidow-romanoff @crazybarnes @marvelofcourse @takemetothefictionalworld @destiel67bellarke @ohmy-sammy @fightinthepain @vivabucky @waituntilthedustsettles @daydreaming1393 @cumonbucky @inhumans-of-shield @basicwhiskeyprincesss @soulfull-ofevans @spookass @glitterintheairblog @girl-with-wild-dreams @frickin-bats @darkestgrungeuniverse @shamvictoria11 @buckyappreciationsociety @sammysgirl1997 @fly-f0rever @archer-whovian-violinist @jenn0755 @anamarieswift2194 @unicornofdanger @ifyoudie @jealousbitxh @stormin-thru-glitter @sparklyaura @stilescstilinski @curlyxtomato @katshrev @its-sanaa-k @theoismydad @im-a-light-child @tmriddler @flirtswithdanger @divide-supermarketflowers @arkhamasylumpatient-blog1 @introverted-fandom-human @jennylj16 @potterandbucky
Riverdale Taglist
@n0average @ateliefloresdaprimavera @sgarrett49 @jarchiee @casismyguardianangel @supernovares @juggie-sprouse @an-enigmatic-avenger @leah-khaleesi @rax-writes @shameless-danni @rapunzxl @peetapansneverland @peetapansneverland @sebby-staan @katshrev @zachmantle @30inlovewiththecoco1 @semoremohhh @gilly-grantgustin-the-flash-glee @roses-are-bae @jackyfrost01 @cheytheredhead @my-baby-daryldixon @ladyfairenvale
Teen Wolf Tag List
@kitschkylo @zachmantle @30inlovewiththecoco1
Marvel Taglist:
@bellastellaluna @crownie-sr @casismyguardianangel @kitschkylo @hollycornish @katiedreamy @scarlettsoldier
183 notes · View notes
uniqueimagines · 6 years
Daddy Is Calling
Paring: Sweet Pea x Reader
Requested: Yes, “Sweet pea x reader based on this. You and fangs were doing whatever and you get s call fangs goes “hey why do you still call your dad daddy *laughs* you answer hey sweets what’s up. Fangs jaw drops he’s like wtf and then somehow sweet pea comes in and they keep teasing fangs or something” @xserpentlife
Description: When you get a call from Sweet Pea during lunch with Fangs and he sees the caller ID he thinks it’s your dad. You and Toni tease him more about the name Daddy during movie night.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 566
You had been a Serpent for years and shortly after you turned 19 you and Sweet Pea began dating. You were extremely close with both Toni and Fangs and the four of you had a movie night every Saturday. You and Fangs were having a late lunch around 3 at Pop’s. Toni and Sweet Pea were working to set up the bar for the night before meeting the two of you at Fangs’ trailer. You finished your food and drank the last of your soda before standing and telling Fangs, “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna use the restroom before we go back to the trailer.”  As you are walking back from the bathroom your phone begins ringing and Fangs grabs it looking at the caller ID. When you sit down he holds your phone out to you as he chuckles and asks, “Hey, your dad is calling. Why do you still call him Daddy?” You chuckle taking the phone from him and swiping to answer.
“Sweets, what’s up?” Fangs jaw drops and his eyes get wide as he stares at you while you speak. When you finish talking to Pea and hang up the phone Fangs finally shakes the astonished look off his face as he asks, “What the fuck?!” You laugh lightly and completely ignore the question and state, “Toni and Sweet Pea got off earlier than they expected and are already at the trailer. We gotta head out.” You stand from the booth pulling on your jacket and tucking your phone into the pocket before heading outside to your bike. When the two of you pull up Sweets and Toni are standing outside the trailer waiting.
You park your bike and run up to Toni whispering in her ear, “Fangs just found out that I call Pea Daddy and he is all freaked out about it. Let’s have some fun.” She nods and the four of you go inside. You sit on Pea’s lap with Toni beside you and Fangs on the other end. Half way through they pause the movie for a pee and drink break. Fangs walks into the kitchen to grab himself a drink and Toni calls, “Hey, Daddy can you get me a beer?” You and Toni burst into laughter when Fangs whips his head around the corner of the kitchen to see the two of you laughing and glares, “Shut the fuck up, both of you.”
Pea pulls your hips closer so your back is pressed to his and he whispers in your ear, “Baby Girl, does he know that you call me Daddy? If he does know, why?” You laugh lightly and turn to sit sideways so you can look into Pea’s eyes, “Well he found out because my caller ID, he grabbed my phone when you called. Even if he hadn't seen that we are loud enough most nights he would have heard us eventually.” Pea rolls his eyes which makes Toni laugh. “Calm down Pea. It's really not uncommon and we only really really only brought it up because it made Fangs uncomfortable and it was really funny.” Pea relaxes and Fangs walks back in with drinks for everyone. Fangs starts the movie back up and you curl up in Pea’s lap and whisper in his ear, “I love you, Daddy. I promise I will make it up to you after we get home tonight.”
239 notes · View notes
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Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: FP Jones II x reader
163 notes · View notes
editorandchief · 6 years
Cheated | Veronica Lodge | Part 3
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Cheryl walked into the student lounge where Veronica, Archie,Betty,Jughead and Kevin were all sitting looking worried.
"Wow the sad breakfast club actually looks sad today." Cheryl said with fake sympathy.
"Not now Cheryl." Betty said.
"Awww what's wrong, wait nevermind I don't care." She said heading towards the door.
"(Y/N) didn't come home last night." Veronica said sanding from her seat. "No one knows where she is or when she's coming back. Do you care now?" She asked crossing her arms across her chest.
"I do." Cheryl replied.
"You do what." Archie asked.
"Know where she is." Cheryl smirked. 
"Well were?" Kevin asked.
"Not that's it any of your business but, she staying with me and my parents for awhile, she couldn't stand to be in the same house as you." She said pointing to Archie. "As for when she coming back, that I don't know. It's like we are having a never-ending sleepover, not that we do a lot of sleeping." She smirked.
"Let me get this straight? You expect me to believe (Y/N) would sleep with you?" Veronica asked stepping closer to Cheryl.
"What's so hard to believe....but if you need proof."
Cheryl lifted her phone and started a recording of someone moaning. 
"Oh wow. Cher that feels amazing. Oh my god yes right there."
Veronica and the others stood shocked at your voice coming clearly through the phone.
"I wouldn't expect her home anytime soon, she's being treated very well at my house." Cheryl told Archie before giving one final smirk and turning to make her exit.
Before she could make it to the door she was pulled from behind and dragged to the floor.
Just then you walk into the lounge to see Veronica on top of Cheryl screaming at her.
"What the hell?!" You yelled and helped Kevin and Betty pull Veronica off of Cheryl.
"Cher are you okay?" You asked kneeling beside her.
"Yeah she just attacked me." She said getting up with your help.
"What the hell is your problem?!" You yell at Veronica.
She flinched at the harsh way your word hit her.
"Did you sleep with Cheryl?" She asked ignoring your question.
You were shocked by the question by answer nonetheless.
"That none of your business." You said before grabbing Cheryl's hand and leaving the lounge.
You walk all the way to an empty classroom and close the door.
"Did you say we were sleeping together?" You asked. 
"I never said that." She said innocently.
Flashback/The night before: 
"Thanks for letting me stay here Cheryl you too Mrs. Blossom." You said placing your bags on the floor of Cheryl's room.
"It's no problem dear. After you told me what happened I think this is the best place for you to be. Beside you know your always welcome here."  Mrs.Blossom said. "You girls have a good night."
"Moms right your always welcome here." Cheryl said sitting on the bed.
"Thanks I just didn't want to have to look at his face." You said sitting next to her.
"No need to explain, I just hate that your so stressed out because of them. I have an idea how about a massage?" Cheryl asked.
"That sounds great Cher." You said laying face down on the bed as Cheryl began one of her amazing massages. 
"Oh wow. Cher that feels amazing. Oh my god yes right there." You moaned.
"Anything for my best friend." Cheryl said.
End of flashback
"Are you sure?" You asked.
"I never SAID we slept together." Cheryl said.
"Okay we'll we better get to class."
300 notes · View notes
Repetitive Treatment: Chapter 4
Words: 2013
Warnings: Abuse
A/N: (Y/D/N) = Your Dad’s Name; (Y/M/N) = Your Mom’s Name; Also, the law enforcement part is probably inaccurate, I’m not in law enforcement, so just going off what I know. Enjoy!
Sheriff Keller arrives at the crime scene and walks into the open door, announcing his presence to the presumed empty home. He looks around at the disaster in the living room and he can picture you being thrown against the wall where the hole is, and Alex's fist flying into the spot where the smaller hole is. He stares in disbelief at the mess in front of him. He has never understood what possesses someone to beat the person they love to a near death. He turns and gives orders to his deputies to secure the house. As they begin to do so, Keller pulls out his cell to take pictures of the crime scene, as the crime scene technicians were an hour out. Half an hour later, Sheriff Keller has all the evidence he needs, minus the victim's statement, obviously. He hears shouting coming from the direction of the front door. He trudges over. Arguing with a deputy is Alex Arbin. 
"Sheriff, what is going on? Why are deputies milling around my home?" He demands.
"Son, you are under arrest." Keller pulls out his handcuffs from their holder on his belt and listens to them click as he carefully tightens them around Alex's wrist.
"What am I under arrest for?" Keller listens as Alex yells.
"Domestic abuse. Possibly more." This shuts Alex up, and Keller is grateful. He is still coming to terms with the fact that a kid he has known for years, hit his girlfriend.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as they have been stated to you?" Tom asks.
 Alex answers in the affirmative, but he is in shock. He thought he had threatened you well enough about going to the cops. Apparently not. Although, this should be over fairly fast, after all, Alex has known Mr. Keller for years. So, he waits. He'll play the game. He pulls out his, "I'm a young person, what is going on, I don't understand" mask.
 Tom Keller asks a deputy to drive Mr. Arbin to the station before climbing into his own squad car and following them. When they arrive, he follows the teen and the deputy into an interview room.
"With your rights in mind, are you willing to talk about why we're here?"
"Yes, sir."
"Okay. Other than the charge, do you know why you are here?"
"No, sir. I don't. What's going to happen?" Alex asks, a slightly frightened look on his face.
Tom sighs and rubs his hand over his face, "You have accused of domestic abuse."
"What?" Alex's voice hitches, and his eyes dart to the left before once again landing on the sheriff. Tom catches this movement and starts to catch on to Alex's little act.
"Yeah. And that's the thing, I suppose. You're living room is trashed, and (Y/N) is in the hospital."
"I didn't lay a hand on her." Denial spews from Alex.
Tom decides to play along to Alex's performance. "Yeah. I thought so, but tell me, what really happened, Alex?"
"I don't know. We were watching some TV and then she made a comment about how ugly the character on TV was, and I know that behind the characters are real people, so I argued back saying that she didn't need to be rude. And then she blew up."
"Oh?" Tom knows he hit the sweet spot where Alex was going to do nothing but talk and not think about what he said as Alex continues.
"Yeah, she started throwing things are the room. Pictures of us, a vase my mom loves. Everything. I thought she was going to hit me, so I left because I didn't want to get injured and have to make a report."
"But what did you hit the wall with?" Keller doesn't hesitate on anything in the question or asking.
"My fists. Bloodied my knuckles." Alex stops for a moment, then glares at the Sheriff. "Wait a minute."
"You just admitted to hitting the wall, what else did you hit?"
Alex knew he was busted. "Damn it. Wait. Don't you have to wait for my parents to be here before you can question me?" Alex smirked. He thinks he has Tom in a corner.
"Alex, when was your birthday?" Alex tilts his head confused.
"Two days ago, why?"
"You're legally an adult. You turned eighteen two days ago, didn't you?" Tom shrugs carelessly.
"Fuck." Alex looks at the table. "Yes." He murmurs.
"What else?" Tom asks in frustration.
"What?" Alex doesn't quite understand the question that Keller is asking.
"Since you already admitted to hitting the wall, what else did you hit?"
 Alex realizes that Sheriff Keller knows what happened, and that he is lying. "I hit (Y/N)." No point in denying it now, Alex thinks. He wonders how this is going to end.
 "How long?" Tom growls, attempting not to slam his hands down on the table in anger.
"What?" Alex isn't trying to play the innocent card, but legitimately doesn't understand the question.
"How long has this been happening? How many times have you gotten mad at her, and used your fists or something more solid to express that emotion on her? How long have you been painting her skin with purples, blues, greens, and yellows? As if she's your own personal canvas." He growls in explanation.
"Three or four months. Maybe a little longer. I-I'm not sure." Alex's eyes had widened at the way the sheriff describes his act and the disgust Keller has for the young man almost seems tangible to him. Sheriff Keller thinks briefly that Alice Cooper would be proud of the word vomit. Tom feels disappointment, relief, and anger rush through him, the former two battling for being the winning emotion. Disappointment at the fact that Alex thought it okay to hit another person, much less his girlfriend. Relief that they wouldn't have to go through a lengthy trial and he could inform (Y/N) of this as soon as she woke up. And anger. Anger that Alex, a kid he's known and loved for years, did something this stupid and violent. Tom stands up from the table, and walks out the door. He can't be in there anymore without doing something stupid. It's kinda funny though, Tom thinks, he was so adamant about not being questioned without a parent present, yet he didn't ask for a lawyer. He chuckles humorlessly as he walks away from the interview room.
 He walks to the sally port, where his squad car remains. He crawls into the driver's seat and rests his head on the steering wheel for a moment. He wonders when small town life became such insanity. Children beating up their significant others, serial killers running around town. Fathers murdering their own children. Those same children solving mysteries better left to the police. Drugs running rampant due to a particular gang. Another gang that causes more violence, but avoids the drugs. The upper class of town creating those drugs and hiding them in maple syrup. The rival of that upper class family blackmailing the mayor. His life has become so chaotic, and suddenly, all Tom wants is to be young, in love, and have no worries again. Those had been the days. He wishes that he could turn time back sixteen years ago, when Kevin was little and the worst harm that could come to him was something extremely simple. When the worst thing Kevin worried about was when he'd get fed next, or what toy he'd play with next. With this nostalgia, came a stronger sense of relief. This was for the fact that he had not had to complete a death notification, and that he didn't have to notify your parents at all. He was glad that he'd not been standing on your door step telling your parents, people that he'd been friends with for years, that you were in the hospital and he was still investigating the cause. Because had someone else found you, he knows he would have arrived to the situation your best friend had found himself in. And Tom knows that would've been the final moment as a Sheriff for him. Seeing you on the ground, bleeding, limbs twisted at odd, unnatural angles. That would've been the case he solved only to walk away from the job to go hug his girlfriend. He has no doubts about it. He sits up, because he has good news for a broken girl and her parents. He did the one thing to help that he could. He caught her abuser.
 As Tom drives to the hospital, he wanders the dark path that is your case, though. He wonders why you never said anything, why you never spoke up, even to your best friend. Scratch that one. He understands why you never said a word to Sweet Pea. That kid was 6 feet of intimidation, especially when he was angry. Damn, that kid could melt an iceberg with his anger.  Tom knows the stereotypical reasons for someone to remain quiet about abuse. But you knew you were loved, and he thought your parents had taught you it was never the victim's fault. He finally arrives at the hospital. He parks the Crown Vic, and heads toward the main entrance. He's in uniform so the receptionist at the front desk doesn't question his presence. Until he stops at her desk. She looks over her dainty black glasses at him.
"Can I help you, sir?" she asks.
"Yes, ma'am. I was wondering if (Y/N) had been admitted?" He questions.
"Oh, yes. She has. Do you need the room number?" She chuckles quietly before answering her own question at Sheriff Keller's raised eyebrow. "Of course you do. Otherwise you wouldn't have asked. She's in room 118. Down the hall to the left."
"Thank you, ma'am." He tilts his hat down at her in gratitude. He subsequently pulls it off in habit. He follows her directions down to your room. When he stops in the doorway, he sees you laying in the bed, casts, bandages, and tubes running over your small expanse. He doesn't see your parents, but notices Sweet Pea asleep in the chair next to your bed. Sweet Pea's hair is messy, and sticks out in odd places. He walks quietly over to your bed and grasps your hand gently. He doesn't notice that Sweet Pea slowly awakens, having felt his presence in the room.
"Sheriff?" The young man asks, almost like he's afraid a spell's been cast over the room, and he doesn't want to break it.
"Hello, Sweet Pea."
"What are you doing here? Don't you have an investigation to complete?" Sweet Pea digs.
Tom ignores the dig, and responds, "It's done. He admitted to doing it. Didn't take much to break him." Sweet Pea doesn't respond. Tom turns and lets go of your hand, but not before gently tucking back into your side. As Tom meets Sweet Pea's gaze.
"How-" Sweet Pea cuts himself off, as if he can't stand to hear the rest of his question. Tom knows exactly what he's asking.
"Alex said three or four months. Maybe longer."
"Fuck." Tom admires the self-restraint the boy shows by not immediately storming off.
"I was surprised to find him alive and well, not to mention one piece." Tom raises an eyebrow.
"Couldn't very well just leave my best friend alone and fighting for her life. She lectures me enough on violence. Not lately, but I guess, before." Tom knows exactly what Sweet Pea means. He likes what he is reading between the lines. "Son, give her a few months and then give it a chance. Be gentle. You won't be able to be the rough and tumble type you are right now. You'll have to slow down a bit, and quiet down. But eventually, you'll both get there."
 Chapter One; Chapter Two; Chapter Three 
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smolbeandrabbles · 3 years
A Masterlist Excerpt
What you might call a ‘Capsule Collection’ of my fics. My favourites of the bunch.
Bloodline Danny Rayburn: Sway (Complete) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6  / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Animal Kingdom Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody: Sirens / Everybody Gonna Talk / Be Kind (Request) / Ready For It? - x OC
Australia Emmett Dutton: When She Says Baby / Living Proof
Beautiful Kate Ned Kendall: Somewhere On A Beach / Play It Again / Come What May (Holiday Fic + Soulmate!AU)
Black Sea Fraser: Quit Breaking Up With Me / Keep The Girl / Makin’ Waves / Hurry Baby / We Were Like Captain Marvel Talos / Director Keller: Science & Faith 1 - x OC
Director Keller: Still - x OC
The King Henry IV: Hail To The King (Platonic)
Knowing Phil Beckman: End of the World The Land of Steady Habits Anders Harris: Paper Rings
Lost River Dave: Speechless / Undisclosed Desires / Getaway Driver / Le Bien Qui Fait Mal (Request)
Mississippi Grind Gerry: Moderation
The Outsider Ralph Anderson: Sure Be Cool If You Did / Bienvenue From Hell, Mon Amour / Cold Night / My Last Name / Trouble - Platonic (Request) Halfway Home / Control / How Not To - Shifter!Reader (Complete)
Prime Mover Johnnie: End Up With You / My Oh My
Ready Player One Nolan Sorrento: Sugar  / Spice [by @mandy23bwrites]
Loser Like Me (Intern!Sorrento) / Video Games / Nolan Baby (Holiday Fic)
Robin Hood (2018) Sheriff of Nottingham: Selfish (Note: Unfinished) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Young God Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Director Krennic: My Eyes / Champagne - x OC
Next Contestant / Cross Me / I Do Now / Grace, Too (Requests) I Think He Knows / Hero / Protector / I Know Places (Request Series - Complete)
Secret Men’s Business Doug Peterson: Good Goodbyes
Spies in Disguise Killian / Tristan McFord: Mine / Blank Space / Feel Somethin’ / Glitter Makes People Happy / Fresh Start Fever /  The Scientist - x OC / Penguin, James Penguin (Holiday Fic)
Dangerous Kind Tangle Vince Kovac: Love The Way You Love Me  - x OC
Untogether Martin: I’ll Name The Dogs (Request)
— Full List —
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jugxbets · 7 years
Archie's Little Sister: Chapter Eight
A/N: ok so idk how to describe like violent scenes or anything so i tried. also, i’m not a doctor so IDK ANYTHING ABOUT IT, ITS FAN FICTION OK, JUST ENJOY IT LMAO also, i changed the number of days that went by when Moose got jumped so yeah. idk if that made any sense but if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Feedback would be much appreciated!
Warnings: cursing, violence, mild angst
No Summary.
Tags: @myboyjarpad @zook7430 @goneghost123 @fiftyshadesofjug
(Let me know if you want to be tagged.)
“The Outsiders”
Alex was in bed. Trying to sleep.
Trying was the key word.
The video games Archie and Jughead were playing, was keeping her up. They wouldn’t lower the volume.
Then they would talk over each other. Loud.
She had to fight the urge to barge in there and tell them to keep it down.
Despite the fact that he was ignoring her, having Jughead around wasn’t so bad. He helped with the cooking and usually cleaned after himself.
The only thing that bothered her was that he was always loud when he was with Archie.
Archie hardly paid attention to her now that he had a roommate.
She heard their dad go into their room. She took that as a chance to peek her head out her door and give them a piece of her mind.
“Dad, tell them to shut the fuck up!” She called out.
She slammed her door and got back into bed.
After that, they didn’t make another sound.
They had school the next day.
They were at their usual hang out, the Student’s Lounge.
Oddly enough, Cheryl was with them.
It was probably because Betty was talking about Polly.
Alex was getting annoyed of all this talk about Polly.
She began distancing herself once she noticed that Betty and Jughead were a real thing.
She stopped trying to play detective with them. They only kept her updated on things now anyway. There would be no difference.
Alex tuned them out. She was done talking about Polly.
“What if my mom and I were to host a baby shower?” Veronica suggested.
Alex groaned. If she threw a baby shower, she knew she would have to go.
“Count me in.” Cheryl smiled.
“You want Polly to feel loved and supported, right?” Veronica asked Betty.
“Yeah, but ideally by her own parents.” Betty shrugged.
“Okay, so, baby steps, girl.” Veronica continued. “Get Polly and your parents in the same room in a public setting where they can’t fight, and voila, let the hearing begin.”
Alex sighed. It wasn’t a terrible idea, but she just didn’t want to go to Polly’s baby shower. She knew Veronica would make her.
“Am I expected to come to this thing?” Jughead asked.
“Of course! You’re Betty’s boyfriend, so..” Veronica took a sip of her coffee.
Betty and Jughead shared a look.
Alex couldn’t help but feel the burning in her chest. And all she could do was feel it.
“Oh, my god, you guys relax. It’s just a word that starts with the letter ‘B.’” Veronica laughed.
Alex rolled her eyes.
Betty and Jughead smiled at each other.
“Betty, what do you say?” Veronica smiled.
Before Betty could say anything, her mom barged in.
“Elizabeth Cooper.” Alice sternly said.
Everyone was taken back.
“Mom?” Betty said, confused.
“I need you and you.” She pointed at both Veronica and Betty.
“Right now.”
She led them out of the lounge.
Everyone was confused. They figured they’d ask later.
The bell rang and they all went their separate ways.
Archie went on a date with Val after practice.
They invited Alex but she didn’t want to be a third wheel.
Instead, she asked Archie to bring her back some pizza.
When he got home, he texted her and told her he brought her the food.
She got up and walked downstairs.
“I’ll get back to you, Don.” Fred said as he saw his kids staring at him and listening in on his conversation.
He hung up the phone and went back on his notepad to write something.
Alex walked into the kitchen and started eating the pizza.
“What was that about?” Archie asked.
Fred put his notepad down.
“It’s all good.”
“ya sure?” Alex asked, before taking a bite.
He nodded and turned to Archie.
“How was your date with Val?” Fred asked, trying to change the subject.
“Spare the details, please.” Alex said as she ate the second slice.
Archie laughed. “It was good. I got you guys some slices.”
Alex paused. “Oh, this second one was for dad?”
“It’s fine, i’m not hungry.” Fred said, walking over to the fridge and grabbing a beer.
“Did something happen at work?” Archie asked as he sat down.
“Cliff Blossom made my crew an offer they couldn’t refuse so they walked.” Fred responded, opening his beer. “Every last one of them.”
“What? That’s such bull.” Alex said with a mouthful.
“Screw ‘em, dad.” Archie joined in. “Anyone who’d rather work for Clifford Blossom than you is crazy, dad.”
Fred didn’t say anything.
“Dad?” Archie tried to get him to respond. “What is it?”
He chugged half of his beer.
“Oh, this must be bad.” Alex said as she tossed the pizza to the side and sat down.
“The business… It’s in trouble, guys.” Fred finally said. “Has been for a long time.”
Both Archie and Alex were taken back.
“Big jobs are just few and far between.” Fred continued. “That’s why this SoDale thing is so important to me. I can’t break a ground without a crew so everyday day i’m hemorrhaging cash.”
He sat down as he kept explaining.
“We’ve got equipment sitting there, supplies, bills that are past due.”
Alex scoffed.
“Dad, why didn’t you tell us? We had no idea.” Archie got up, upset.
Fred sighed. “It was never suppose to get this bad. You work your ass off to build something, and in one step, you could lose everything.”
“Are we losing everything?” Alex asked, concerned.
“No.” Archie answered for him. “We’re not. We can’t let that happen.”
Archie walked over to him.
“We’ll figure this out.” Archie assured them.
Alex took a deep breath and nodded.
“Okay. Yeah.” She agreed, unsure.
Fred didn’t say anything. But they could both tell he was hopeful.
It was the next day.
Alex was doing sit ups when Archie knocked on her door.
“Come in.” She called out as she stood up.
“You doing anything today?” Archie asked as he opened the door.
Alex took a sip of her water and shook her head.
“Dad needs us, Alex.” Archie simply said.
Alex’s face twisted in confusion. She stood up.
“I hope you’re not suggesting what i think you are.” Alex said.
Archie shrugged. “We have to help him at the construction site.”
Alex groaned. “Nooo…”
“Oh, come on, Alex.” Archie tried convincing her. “Think about everything dad has done for us. For you.”
“Archie..” She whined.
“Alex.” He said sternly as he gave her a look.
She sighed. “Fine. But it’s not gonna be just you and me.”
Archie laughed as he finally got her to give in.
“Way ahead of you. I got Jughead, Kevin, Moose, and some other dude from the football team on board.”
Alex scoffed. “If you have them, the hell do you need me for?”
Archie glared at her.
Alex rolled her eyes. “Alright, alright. Let me put on something comfortable.”
Archie groaned. “What you’re wearing is fine! We gotta go.”
Alex scoffed as she followed Archie downstairs and out the door.
Archie already had tools in the back of Jughead’s dad’s truck. They just needed to pick up the rest of the crew.
When they did, they drove up to the construction site.
They arrived and everyone got out.
They put their hard hats on and went to the back of the pickup truck to get the tools.
Fred and Hermione heard them and came out of their office.
“What is this?” Fred asked with his tone filled with amusement.
“Your new crew, reporting for duty.” Archie responded.
“I appreciate it, i do, but isn’t there something more important you need to be doing?” Fred asked. “Like going to school, playing football? Cheerleading practice?”
“Probably.” Alex shrugged.
Archie glared at her. She put put her lips together and looked down.
“We can work after practice and on weekends until you find a new crew help keep things on schedule.” Archie insisted.
Alex turned to him. “What? I didn’t agree to that.”
Archie glared at her once again. She sighed.
“Alex doesn’t seem into it.” Fred kept trying to find an excuse.
“That didn’t stop you from making me help you last summer.” Alex shrugged.
Fred chuckled.
“I don’t know, guys.” Fred shrugged.
“Come on, dad. We worked for you the whole summer.” Archie kept trying to convince him. “And these guys..”
“We’re bruiser studs, Mr. Andrews.” Moose assured him.
“At least some of us are.” Moose continued as he turned to Jughead.
Alex noticed.
“Yeah, agreed.” She hinted at Moose, while she looked at him hard.
Everyone snickered. Moose went poker faced.
Fred still seemed unconvinced.
Archie nudged Alex for her to say something. She sighed.
“Dad, you know you need us. We’re working with you, whether you like it or not.” Alex shrugged.
“Come on.” Hermione joined in on the convincing. “Desperate times, Fred, huh?”
Fred sighed.
“All right. Here we go.” Fred finally gave in.
They walked off to get started.
They began breaking ground. Carrying rocks to wheel barrels and banging their sledgehammers.
It got hot fast. Alex paused. She lifted her hair and started fanning herself with her hand.
When that wasn’t enough, she took her tank and tied it above her belly button.
“If looks could kill.” Kevin said, as he carried more rocks to the wheel barrow.
“What?” Alex asked.
Kevin nodded towards Jughead.
She turned around to see him doing nothing. Just carrying rocks and tossing them into wheel barrows. She got distracted when she saw his muscles flexing.
He’s so hot.
Once she realized what she was doing, she shook her head and turned back to Kevin.
“I’m confused.” Alex chuckled.
Kevin scoffed. “Jughead was staring at you. Like hard.”
Alex had on a small tank and some shorts. That probably got his attention.
She knew it was true because she caught him a couple of times but she denied it.
“He was not.” She scoffed as she got back to work.
“He totally was. I’d consider that cheating, but..” He trailed off as he shrugged.
“Don’t throw that word around like that!” Alex said with her eyes widened.
“He wasn’t just staring though. He was like putting things into his head. Dirty things. I could tell.” Kevin insisted.
Alex scoffed once again.
“You’re ridiculous.” She said as she tossed one more rock into the wheel barrow.
Kevin tried to lift it and wheel it to the other side of the site, but when he couldn’t, Alex made him step aside so she could do it.
When she did it with no problem at all, the guys were impressed.
“Damn, little Andrews.” Moose began. “You’re looking buff. We should get you on the team.”
Alex chuckled. “No, thank you.”
“I’m pretty sure if she did, she would kick Archie’s ass.” Kevin laughed.
“Haha.” Archie laughed sarcastically as he tossed a couple of rocks onto Alex’s wheel barrow.
She groaned when the weight of it almost made her fall down. She glared at him.
“Asshole.” She snarled as she kept pushing it.
Archie laughed and walked away.
They kept at it until the day had come to an end.
They all went back to Fred’s office to freshen up.
“Hey, guys, you were a life-saver today.” Fred said as he went through his documents. “I appreciate it.”
He pointed across the room as everyone went inside.
“Hard hats go in the bin, and there’s sodas in the fridge.”
Everyone went to throw their hard hats where Fred told them to and got a soda.
Moose paused when he didn’t feel his phone in his pockets.
“Crap! Hey, guys, I forgot my phone.” He tossed the hard hat to the side and almost walked out when Alex stopped him.
“Hey, i forgot mine too, could you get it for me?” She sipped on her soda.
Moose scoffed. “Come get it yourself.”
She rolled her eyes and followed.
They walked outside.
They paused when they saw thugs damaging Fred’s equipment.
“Holy shit.” Alex whispered.
They got closer.
“Hey! What the fuck are you doing?” Alex shouted.
The thugs turned around and started running towards them with their weapons.
Alex gasped. “Oh, fuck. Run, Moose.”
They tried running back.
One of the thugs stopped them by throwing his crowbar at Moose, causing him to fall.
Alex stopped running when he saw him on the floor, groaning in pain.
“Fuck.” She looked back.
Moose looked back at her and saw the fear in her eyes. He knew what he had to do.
“Go, Alex! Go!” He tried getting her to keep running.
She had to choose in the matter of three seconds whether she would go back to help him or keep running. Her time ran out.
The thugs caught up.
The thug grabbed his crowbar and beat Moose with it.
The other one ran up to Alex and grabbed her to pin her to the ground.
“Get the fuck of off me!” Alex tried to fight him.
Moose heard her scream.
“No! Don’t hit the girl, hit me, but let her go!” He shouted at them.
“Shut the fuck up!” The thug swung his crowbar at him, making him grunt in pain once again.
The man on top of her chuckled. “Lights out, princess.”
He swung his wrench at her head, making her black out.
They beat both of them black and blue.
“As long as you guys keep working here, we’re gonna keep coming back. Keep that in mind, pretty boy.” The thug shouted at him.
When the other thug saw Alex unconscious, he thought she was dead.
He decided to quickly drag her body to the dark where no one could see her for the night while his friend kept beating Moose.
Fred and other guys went running outside to see what all the commotion was about.
The thugs ran back to their truck as fast as they could, and drove away.
They all saw them drive away.
Moose was on the floor, grunting in pain. They all ran to him.
Fred got on his knees beside him to check on him. Kevin did the same.
The others hovered around him in shock.
“Moose, are you okay?” Archie asked.
Moose groaned in response.
“Stay down, we’ll get you some help.” Fred said.
Archie looked around. He didn’t see Alex.
“Hey, man, where’s Alex?” Archie asked, trying not to freak out.
“They.. They beat her too… Dragged her body somewhere…” Moose grumbled.
Archie gasped. Fred turned to look at him. They shared a terrified look.
“Kevin, stay with Moose while we look for Alex.” Fred tried his best to keep it together.
Fred got up as fast as he could to search for her.
Archie and Jughead followed. They were all terrified. They heard the word “body” and thought about the worst case scenario.
They called out for Alex, to see if she would respond.
She didn’t.
They kept searching when finally Archie found her behind a pile of rocks.
“Over here!” Archie called out to both his dad and Jughead.
He fell onto his knees and carried her onto his lap.
He called her name a few times and shed tears when she wouldn’t respond.
Fred and Jughead caught up.
Fred got into the same position Archie was in and tried getting Alex to respond.
Jughead tried to hold back his tears when he saw the state Archie and Alex were in.
“Alex, please wake up, sweetheart..” Fred whispered.
She began to stir in her father’s arms.
She groaned softly at the pain she was feeling all over her body and head.
“Ssh, honey, we’re gonna get you to the hospital right away.” Fred’s voice broke as he stroked her hair.
Archie and Jughead could tell he was relieved that Alex responded. So were they.
Alex opened her eyes. She was confused.
“What happened?” She groaned.
“Nothing, baby, just stay down for a moment…” Fred pecked her forehead.
“Dad, it hurts.” Her hand flew up to her head. She had a massive headache.
“I know, it’ll be okay.” He whispered.
They finally got her up and helped her go back to where everyone was.
She was confused. She didn’t remember running to where she was a second ago.
When they got there, Moose was sitting down on a big tire with an ice pack to his head.
“Oh, thank god you’re alive.” Kevin said as he went up to Alex to hug her.
She groaned softly at the fast movement.
He helped her sit next to Moose and covered her with a blanket. He gave her an ice pack of her own.
She jogged her memory and remembered what happened.
“Fuck, Alex. You scared us.” Archie took a deep breath.
“I’m so sorry, guys. I tried to get them to stop..” Moose started apologizing.
“This wasn’t your fault, Moose.” Fred assured him.
“Do you know who did this to you guys?” Archie asked, desperate for answers.
“It all happened so fast..” Alex whispered.
It broke Archie’s heart to see her in pain.
“Yeah, plus it was dark. Could’ve been anyone.” Moose shrugged. “But they said if we kept working here, they would keep coming back.”
“I just remember one of the guys running up to me and pinning me against the ground, but i don't—” She was interrupted.
“What?!” Archie asked, making sure he heard correctly.
“Oh, my god.” Fred was trying hard to keep it together.
He wanted to hurt them. As bad as they hurt his little girl. No. Worse.
She furrowed her brows. “I’m fine, guys.”
“You clearly aren’t, Alex!” Fred shouted at her.
“Don’t yell at me, please.” She whispered.
Fred sighed. He called Sheriff Keller.
“After we’re done talking to the Sheriff, we’re taking you both to the hospital.” Fred turned to both.
“I’m fine, Mr. Andrews.” Moose assured him.
“So am I, dad.” Alex tried convincing.
“You guys are not fine. We’re going to the hospital, end of discussion.” Fred shouted once again.
Alex sighed. She was trying not to cry. Not in from of them anyway.
She felt dizzy and the headache wasn’t helping. Maybe she did need medical attention.
Moose looked at her and she could tell he felt really bad.
She looked at Jughead and Archie who were in tears.
Jughead still hadn’t said anything. To Alex, anyway.
They were all in shock. Kevin stayed by her side, with his arm around her to comfort her.
Everyone sat down and waited for Sheriff Keller.
Sheriff Keller arrived.
He got out and approached everyone.
“What the hell happened?” He asked, looking around as he put his hat on.
“Moose and my daughter, here, they caught a couple of guys working my equipment with a crowbar.” Fred explained. “And then they got a drop on them.”
“Who were they, vandals?” Sheriff Keller asked, trying to get the story straight.
“Cliff Blossom has made it clear he would love nothing more than see this whole project belly-up.” Fred continued.
“I doubt that Blossom’s gonna hire some thugs to bust up your site and beat up some teenagers.” Keller scoffed.
“It wasn’t just some teenagers, those bastards almost killed my daughter.” He shouted.
Sheriff Keller looked at Alex. She was pretty beat up. Moose seemed to have a couple of scars on his face too, but Alex looked worse.
“Maybe it wasn’t him.” Archie stood up.
“I mean this is Serpent territory, right?” Archie implied. “Maybe it was them. Pissed that they had to leave 'cause of this project.”
It got Jughead all worked up. Kevin got up and walked over to his dad. Probably because his boyfriend was a Serpent and he didn’t want his dad finding out.
“Serpents?” He doubtfully questioned.
“Yeah,” Archie simply responded.
Jughead approached them to defend the Serpents.
“When I worked at the drive-in, the Serpents never bugged me.” Jughead began.
“Did you guys see any snake tattoos, anything on their jackets?” Sheriff Keller asked Moose and Alex.
Alex shrugged. She wasn’t into all of this. She wanted to go home.
When Archie noticed, he walked over to Alex and hugged her for comfort.
“It happened pretty fast.” Moose shrugged.
“All right, i’ll talk to Blossom, but i mean i don’t think we’ll get anywhere unless we can ID these guys.” Sheriff Keller said.
“That is such bull.” Archie called out as he kept hugging his sister. “If this was Clifford Blossom asking for help, you would say yes.”
“Archie.” Fred sternly said.
“What, dad? It’s true.” Archie scoffed.
“It’s also not helping.” Fred responded.
“Can we please go?” Alex whispered to Archie.
All the shouting was making her head worse.
Archie sighed. He walked off angrily with Alex and helped her to their truck.
He opened the door for her. She walked in and got to the back. Archie sat on the passenger side while he waited for Jughead and his father.
Moments later, everyone else went their separate ways.
Kevin left with his dad.
Moose got taken to the hospital by his team mate.
Fred and Jughead started walking towards the trucks.
Once Archie saw them, he got into the back with Alex.
She snuggled against him.
When Fred got into the truck, everyone could feel how upset he was.
Jughead still hadn’t said a word to Alex.
The drive to hospital was silent.
It took hours before they attended Alex.
They were sitting in the emergency room, waiting.
Alex’s head was leaning on Fred’s shoulder. There were times where she almost fell asleep but Fred wouldn’t let her. He was scared that she would fall into a coma.
She tried to ignore the fact that her body was in terrible pain.
The pain was intensifying as the minutes passed by. She tried not to whine and groan in the waiting room so she wouldn’t worry Fred or Archie.
“Alexandria Andrews?” The nurse suddenly called out.
Fred got up in an instant, helping Alex to the room the nurse was escorting them.
Archie wanted to follow but the nurse told him to wait.
They arrived at a room where the nurse made Alex sit on the exam table and started giving her a normal check up.
She checked Alex’s ears, mouth, blood pressure, temperature, and hate rate. Everything was fine.
“The doctor will be here shortly.” The nurse assured them and walked out to attend another patient.
“Does anything hurt?” Fred asked.
Alex nodded. “My head and body.”
Fred sighed. “I’m so sorry. This shouldn’t have happened. I should have never let you work on the site.”
Fred was almost in tears. Alex noticed.
“This wasn’t your fault, dad. It’s not anyone’s. It just happened.” Alex assured him.
He sighed once again. “It was those bastards fault. When i find out who they are, i’m gonna—”
“You’re not going to do anything.” Alex interrupted. “We need you, dad. Don’t go getting locked up.”
Fred scoffed. He was angry. But he knew he had to let it go for the sake of his children.
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” He reached in for a hug and pecked Alex on the head.
She hugged him back.
They pulled away when the doctor walked in.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Blackwell. I will be your doctor for today.” She smiled as she shook Fred’s hand.
“Alexandria, is it?” She asked Alex, as she looked at her clipboard.
She nodded.
The doctor could clearly see that she was beaten up.
She walked over to Alex and started examining the bruises. “What happened?”
“She was jumped.” Fred responded. “She blacked out for a moment.”
“Does your head hurt?” The doctor asked Alex.
Alex nodded.
“I think she might have gotten a concussion. We’ll run some tests to see if it’s serious.” The doctor continued to examine her body.
She ran her hand along her chest, back, and ribs.
“We might also need to do some x-rays, to see if she has any broken bones.” The doctor told Fred.
He nodded.
“Does anything feel out of place?” The doctor asked Alex once again.
“I don’t think so.” Alex groaned at the doctor applied pressure to her bruises.
“Alright, well, we’re gonna have our nurse escort you to a different room and take the x-rays in a couple of minutes.” The doctor said before scribbling some notes on her clipboard and walking out.
Alex sighed.
Moments later, the same nurse from earlier walked in and took Alex to a different room. She sent her back with her dad when they were done.
It took a couple of hours but the tests came back. So did the doctor.
“Alright, so, she had a very mild concussion. No broken bones.”
The doctor began explaining. They both sighed with relief.
“I recommend that she gets lots of rest.” The doctor continued. She looked at Alex. “We’ll prescribe you with some medication for the pain and some ointment for the bruises.”
She scribbled on her clipboard some more. She tore a piece and gave it to Fred.
“You’ll have to pick them up at the pharmacy.”
Fred nodded.
“It was nice meeting you. You were both very lucky.” The doctor smiled and walked out.
Fred helped Alex out. She was feeling fine enough to walk by now but he didn’t want to risk anything getting worse.
They went outside to the car with the boys following.
Fred explained to them what happened, since they were dying to know. Or at least Archie was.
They arrived home. All Alex wanted to do was sleep.
Fred still insisted on helping her. Alex wasn’t complaining. She hadn’t gotten this much attention from her father in a long time.
It was the day of Polly’s baby shower. It had been a couple of days since the attack.
Alex hasn’t gotten out of her room since that night.
Alex was in her bed, thinking what would’ve happened if she hadn’t survived.
Archie barged into her room.
“Come on. Get up.” Archie rushed in and pulled the sheets of her body.
He gasped when he saw her bruises. She was in a tank and some shorts.
He had gotten use to the ones on her face, but he hadn’t seen the ones on her body.
Alex glared at him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
She snatched the sheets back up onto her body and turned around so her back was facing Archie.
He sighed. “If you don’t get up, you’re gonna get depressed.”
“Too late.” Alex shrugged. “I’m not letting anyone see me like this. You and dad are the only ones that have seen my face. I’d like to keep it that way.
“Not even Jughead?” Archie asked.
She shook her head. He scoffed.
“Just go somewhere with Val and leave me alone.” Alex said.
Archie sighed. He decided to tell her the real reason why he wanted her to go out with him.
“We’re gonna go find the bastards that did this to you with Moose. We need you so you can identify these guys.” Archie explained. “Just don’t tell dad.”
Alex scoffed and sat up to glare at him.
“Are you fucking kidding me? It was dark, Archie. I don’t even think Moose saw their faces. Just leave it. It’s a terrible idea and if dad finds out, that’ll be it for us.” She harshly whispered.
She sighed. The headache that was gone had returned. She took the bottle of pain killers, got a couple and took them with some water.
Archie sat on her bed beside her. His mood changed.
“Alex..” He began. “I thought you were dead.”
Alex looked away.
“I saw you on the floor and you looked… dead.” His voice broke. “In that moment, i told myself i would do anything to get you back. Man, my mind was so set on you not being alive anymore. It scared the shit out of me.” He sniffled.
Alex looked at him with soft eyes.
“I can’t keep talking about it or even thinking about it. I have to do something.” Archie assure her as he wiped the tear that sneaked its way down his face.
Alex nodded. She knew that if the roles were reversed, she would want to do the same. She hugged him.
“I’ll go.” She whispered. “If not for me, for you.”
Archie smiled softly.
He got up and left to let her change.
She stood up. Her body didn’t hurt as much anymore.
She was scared of looking at herself in the mirror. But she needed to.
She took her clothes off and left herself in her bra and panties.
She walked over to her tall mirror and looked at herself.
She gasped when she saw all of the bruises on her body and face. All the cuts and scrapes.
She had a black eye, with a huge scrape at her temple, going all the way to the side of her head. Both on her left side. Her bottom lip was slit. A long cut on her jawline. She had bruises all over her chest and stomach. Her arms had hand shaped bruises, where the thug applied pressure the most with his hands to keep her down.
She shed a tear. She’s never felt this self conscious about herself since grade school.
She knew that not even makeup could cover the marks.
She quickly wiped the tear away and threw her mirror to the side, causing it to fall loudly.
She quickly got dressed in some jeans and a t shirt with a leather jacket over it.
She looked through her drawers for some shades. She found them.
She slipped on her converse and walked downstairs.
Archie noticed that her mood had changed.
“Are you okay? What was that noise?” He asked.
“Nothing, lets go.” She walked out, putting on the sunglasses.
Archie followed, not asking any questions.
They were going to Pop’s to look for Jughead. He wasn’t answering Archie’s texts.
He explained the plan on the way there.
They arrived.
“I’m waiting out here.” Alex mumbled.
“Why?” Archie’s brows furrowed.
“Because of my face, Archie. He’s probably with Betty. I don’t need their pity. Just don’t take too long.” Alex sighed.
He hesitantly nodded. “I’m just gonna get Jughead.”
She nodded.
She waited. She got impatient and decided to walk in to hurry him up.
She walked in and scanned the room. She spotted them and approached them.
“Archie, what’s taking you so long?” She whispered.
Everyone got quiet.
Alex looked around the table to see Veronica and Betty giving Alex sympathetic looks.
Alex groaned in frustration.
“Stop looking at me like that.” Alex snarled.
“Alex—” Betty began.
“Don’t. I just came to get Archie.” Alex kept snarling.
They all sighed.
“Are you coming or not?” Archie asked Jughead.
Jughead didn’t say anything.
“Thanks for having our back.” Archie scoffed.
Alex’s frustration was growing. “Dude, just leave it. Let’s just go.”
She walked out the diner with Archie following.
They met up with Moose, Kevin and his boyfriend, Joaquin.
The plan was for Joaquin to sneak them in and see if Moose or Alex recognized any of the gang members. If they did, they would leave and call Kevin’s dad.
They walked into the Whyte Wyrm, acting casual.
Alex wasn’t into it at all. She liked the music they were playing, and the whole aesthetic vibes they were giving off but her headache had returned.
They walked in deeper into the bar.
“Moose? Alex? Anything?” Archie whispered.
Alex rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Not yet. Not that I see.” Moose said.
“We’re all gonna die.” Kevin said with a tone full of fear.
“I sure hope so.” Alex sarcastically responded.
Archie glared at her.
Alex took the shades off, causing everyone around her to gasp at her marks. She rolled her eyes and shrugged it off.
“How does that not hurt?” Kevin asked, in complete disgust.
“It does.” Alex simply responded.
Kevin sighed.
To keep the casualty up, they started playing pool.
Joaquin was winning. Alex wasn’t really trying.
“Pay up.” Joaquin held his hand out to Kevin.
Kevin sighed and reached into his pocket.
“I’m gonna get this back, right?”
“You wish, Preppy.” Joaquin smirked.
Alex chuckled.
Moose nodded towards one of the serpents.
“Is that one of them?” Archie asked Moose.
Alex looked at him and tried to jog her memory. He didn’t look familiar.
“I can’t tell.” Moose responded. “He looks kind of familiar.”
Archie started walking up to him.
“Ah, shit.” Alex said under her breath as she passed her pool stick to Kevin. She followed Archie.
“Archie, this wasn’t the plan. Stop.” She tried holding him back but he shook her hand off.
He kept walking.
“Oh, god.” Kevin said as he set down the sticks on the pool table and went after Archie with Joaquin.
“Hey.” Archie put his hand on the Serpent’s shoulder. He aggressively made him turn around to look at him.
“What? You got a death wish?” The Serpent snarled.
“Archie, back off.” Joaquin tried to stop whatever was about to happen.
“What the hell is this?” The Serpent asked, unamused.
“You like beating up teenagers?” Archie got in his face.
“Archie.” Alex scolded.
“This ain’t the first time one of you Bulldogs has come in here, looking to cause trouble.” He growled before he shoved Archie.
Moose was about to throw himself at him when two more Serpents came out of nowhere and held him back.
Kevin was doing absolutely nothing, but some other Serpents held him back anyway.
Alex got angry and was about to shove the guy back, when Joaquin held her back.
“Don’t, Alex.” He whispered into her ear.
She was breathing heavy, trying to control herself.
“Let me go.” Alex demanded.
Joaquin ignored her.
Archie tried shoving him back, but the Serpent picked him up and slammed him against a pool table.
Alex felt so helpless.
“Ugh, Joaquin, let me fucking go!” Alex started shouting.
The Serpent raised his fist but didn’t punch Archie. Someone interrupted.
“Hey!” A familiar voice called out. “That’s enough, Mustang. Let 'em go.”
Everyone paused.
Mustang got off of Archie, while the Serpents holding Moose and Kevin back, let them go as well.
Joaquin let go of Alex when she wasn’t struggling anymore.
She groaned at the sore feeling she was getting from her upper body, thanks to Joaquin.
Archie got up from the pool table.
The Serpents walked away.
Archie and Alex looked at who stopped them from getting their asses kicked. It was FP.
Archie was more shocked than Alex was. She saw him in a picture with Veronica’s mom but didn’t want to believe it was him.
“I’ll take care of this.” FP said as he approached them.
They took it outside.
Moose and Kevin ran off into the distance.
Archie and Alex tried following but FP stopped them.
“Not you, Red and Red’s sister. You stay.” FP called out.
Alex sighed and turned on her heel with Archie to face FP.
“What the hell are you guys doing here?” FP growled.
“Looking for the thugs that trashed my dad’s equipment.” Archie growled back. “We figured it was the Serpents, angry for getting kicked off their land, but now that i know you’re a s Serpent, I’m thinking this is personal.”
“Archie..” Alex whispered, trying to get Archie to stop.
He didn’t listen.
“Going after my dad, his company, his own daughter, that’s payback, right?” Archie raised his voice. “For when he fired you?”
“Man, you’ve got a bigger imagination than Jughead, and that’s saying something.” FP chuckled unamused.
“This isn’t a joke. Alex almost died. My dad could lose everything.” Archie shouted.
“You think i’m responsible? That i’ve been, what, waiting all these years for a chance to get back at your old man?” FP shouted back.
FP looked at Alex, who was obviously filled with anxiety.
“What happened to you? Did one of my guys back there do that to you?” FP asked, observing Alex’s face.
He looked like he was ready to go back in there and take care of them.
“Possibly!” Archie kept shouting.
Alex sighed frustrated. “Shut up, Archie.”
He scoffed.
“No, when some guys were trashing our dad’s equipment, i happened to be there and i tried scaring them off with Moose but they just jumped us.” Alex explained.
FP sighed. He turned her head to see all the marks on her face.
“Listen, if i find out it was any of my guys… i’ll take care of them. Alright?” FP assured Alex. “Even if it wasn’t, these bastards are not getting away with this.”
She nodded.
“You’re like a daughter to me, Alex. I would never want anything bad happen to you. Or Archie, here.”
Archie rolled his eyes.
FP reached in for a side hug with Alex, to which she returned.
“Stay safe, kiddo.” He pecked her head.
They pulled apart when a familiar truck pulled up. It was Fred.
Alex cursed under her breath, terrified what her dad will do when he finds out she’s not on bed rest.
Fred stepped out of the truck.
“I called him the second you set foot in the bar.” FP told them.
“Get in the truck, guys.” Fred demanded.
He was definitely pissed.
Alex groaned. They did what he asked.
Or at least they made him think they did.
Archie walked to the passenger side of the truck. He was about to get in but then shook his head.
“No. I need to talk to Jughead now.” Archie whispered.
“Arch, he’s at the baby shower. We can talk to him tomorrow. We can’t piss dad off anymore than we already have.” Alex whispered back.
Archie walked off.
Alex groaned softly. She was beyond frustrated at this point.
She followed him.
They walked all the way to the Pembrooke, Veronica’s apartment building.
They walked in.
Archie practically barged in. He made his way to Jughead.
“Archie!” Alex whispered, trying not to disturb anyone.
She walked in and laughed nervously when all eyes were on her. They gasped when they saw her face.
Alex rolled her eyes and followed Archie.
“You were protecting him. That’s why you didn’t tell me.” Archie got straight to the point.
Alex caught up. “Archie, not here.”
“Relax.” Jughead whispered. “What happened?”
Betty and Veronica walked over to them.
“Did you know Jughead’s father is a Serpent?” Archie told Betty and Veronica.
Alex scoffed. “Archie! That is not your information to tell.”
Jughead eyes widened when he told them. He was scared of what Betty would think.
Betty and Veronica were shocked.
“No..” Betty simply responded.
“That’s why he tried to stop me from going to the bar, so i wouldn’t find out.” Archie kept going. “After everything my dad has done for you..”
“Archie, stop it.” Alex sternly said.
“Archie. I can explain, okay?” Jughead tried his best to keep his cool.
“But not right now.” Veronica whispered. “This is Polly’s day, so you two need to check yourselves. I mean it.
Alex rolled her eyes and sighed. "I’m going to the bathroom.”
She walked off.
She stayed in there, trying not to go mad. Everyone had been frustrating her lately. With their pity, or them just not listening to her.
She took a few deep breaths.
She was in the guest room’s bathroom. She walked out and saw Polly on the bed crying.
Alex was taken back. She tried walking back to the bathroom, but that would’ve been dumb. Instead, she tried walking out of the room.
“I-i’m sorry, i’ll just go—”
“What happened to you?” Polly sniffled.
Alex hesitated to answer. She sighed.
“I was jumped.” She shrugged.
Polly gasped. “That’s terrible. Are you okay?”
Alex was shocked and confused. She made her way to sit down on the bed slowly.
“Why are you talking to me?” Alex said, not taking her eyes off her.
Polly swallowed. “I’m not sure.”
Alex’s eyes softened.
“Im sorry, Polly. About Jason. About everything.” Alex began.
Polly nodded.
“Jason told me about you.” Polly sniffled. “He told me after i told him i was pregnant. I already knew though. We always argued about you.”
Alex sighed. “I’m so—”
“Stop apologizing.” Polly interrupted.
There was silence for a moment.
“Polly.. What Jason and I had wasn’t real. It wasn’t serious. With you, it was. If anything, we never had anything. I see that now. He was so ready to run away with you and raise your baby. I bet if i had gotten pregnant, he would’ve left and said it wasn’t his.” Alex’s voice broke.
“I fell in love with him for the wrong reasons. I’ve always felt guilty and i just really want you to know how sorry i am.” Alex sobbed.
Polly went closer to Alex and hugged her.
Alex sobbed into her shoulder.
“It’s okay, Alex. I understand. I was angry for such a long time. It gets tiring. Jason wasn’t perfect. I see that now too.” She pulled back, but Polly held both of Alex’s hands. “I was mostly insecure. You were younger and prettier. I just never understood why he cheated if i always gave him what he wanted.”
Alex was confused. She didn’t know she was such a threat to Polly.
“If i had an answer, i would give it to you. But i always asked myself the same question.” Alex shrugged as she sniffled.
Polly smiled softly at her. They hugged once again.
“I hope we can be friends now. Grudges can tire you out mentally.” Polly smiled.
Alex nodded and wiped her tears. “I would like that.”
Polly didn’t seem so sad anymore.
They both got up and went back to the party.
Mostly everyone had left. Archie had been waiting for her outside. He was still pissed.
She said goodbye to Polly and walked home with Archie.
They got home and saw their dad sitting at the table, sipping on a beer.
“Alex, can you go upstairs? i need to talk to Archie alone.” Fred said to Alex.
She nodded. She walked up the stairs and into her room.
She took her jacket off and sat on her bed.
Moments passed by, she heard Archie walk into his room.
She walked out of hers and into his.
“Are we in trouble?” She asked.
“No. He’s just trying to keep it together like the rest of us.” Archie said as he took his jacket off.
He sat down at his desk while Alex sat on his bed.
“And Jughead?”
Archie shrugged.
She sighed. “He’ll explain, Archie.”
“Not like he has a choice.” Archie scoffed.
“You’re not exactly innocent. You didn’t have to out him in front of Betty and Veronica.” Alex hissed.
“Oh, what do you care? I’m sure you would want nothing more than for them to break up.” He rolled his eyes.
Alex scoffed. “That’s not me. It’s you.”
He didn’t say anything.
“I knew it!” Alex stood up. “You’re mad because he has Betty. Because he took her attention away from you. Because you can’t take her for granted anymore. I’m not the one that wants to see them break up. It’s you.”
Archie groaned in response. “Can you please go?”
Alex shook her head. “I’m waiting here to see what Jughead has to say. I actually want to hear him out, unlike you.”
Archie scoffed.
They waited in silence. Both of them on their phones.
Archie eventually got bored and picked up his guitar.
He started strumming it. Playing some chords.
Jughead walked in. Alex noticed and perked up. She put her phone down and nudged Archie.
He turned around and saw Jughead.
Jughead sat down next to Alex.
“I should’ve trusted you. Both of you.” Jughead began.
Archie put his guitar down.
“There’s no excuse.” Jughead continued. “I was afraid that the Serpents and my dad were the ones doing these messed up things. I didn’t wanna believe that was true.”
Archie still hadn’t said anything. Alex was nodding.
“I mean..” He sighed. “He’s my dad, guys.”
“I get that. I do.” Archie finally spoke. “But, Jughead, you can talk to me about anything.”
“Us.” Alex corrected. “We’d never judge you.”
“Yeah,” Archie sighed. “You’re like…”
Archie paused. Alex looked back at him.
“You’re like my brother.” Archie mumbled.
Jughead smiled. “Nice bro-whisper, Archie.”
Alex scoffed. Archie laughed.
“You are my brother.” Jughead corrected.
He didn’t say anything about Alex. He just looked at her.
“And i’m here for both of you and your dad.” Jughead continued. “So what can I do?”
“Pray for a miracle.” Archie simply said.
Alex got anxious. She sighed.
Jughead nodded.
After a moment of silence, they headed to bed.
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lilxberry · 3 years
A Grouchy Sheriff - Tom Keller
A sweet moment in the morning with your fiancé Tom.
Basically a sequel to ‘Evil’ Step-mom but can definitely be read as a standalone. 
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Warnings: Just fluff man.
Words: 422 (short ‘n’ sweet)
Pairings: Tom Keller x Reader (female reader) (Fiancé!Reader)
Large hands land on to your waist causing you to jump and squeak in surprise at the action, The deep, barren chuckle that sounds from behind you allows you to relax. You continue to set your focus on cooking the food sat on the stove whilst leaning into his touch subconsciously.
“Good mornin’,” Tom rasped in a low tired, voice laced with sleep still.
“Good morning.”
The small-town Sheriff plants soft kisses on your shoulder and neck as he admires the small ring sat around your left-hand ring finger glinting when it catches the light. You feel his lips curl up into a smile against the smooth flesh of your neck as he continues to litter your exposed skin with pecks.
“What?” you ask quizzically although certainly not fighting your own smile that easily works its way at widening.
“Just happy you said yes.”
Shaking your head, you place the spatula down beside the frying pan and lower the heat before turning in his grasp, wrapping your arms around his neck as his settle for hugging your waist. “And why is that so shocking? Hm?”
“You’re young and beautiful, yet you want to marry some boring, grouchy Sheriff with a kid.”
The way you roll your eyes reminds him of the time he first met you a couple years back and it makes his heart swell and his smile widen, threatening to split his cheeks from the corners of your mouth and upwards.
“For starters, I’m only a couple years younger than you Tom,” you start but then lean in up close to his ear to playfully continue in a whisper. “And you’re certainly not boring. I’m very certain that last night is proof enough.”
You pull back and just catch the smallest glimpse of his tongue darting out to wet his lip, the beginning of a smirk showing on his face. “Okay, so what about me being a grouchy Sheriff with a kid?”
“Well, I love Kevin, so I certainly have no issue with that. I can’t object to you being a grouchy Sheriff though. I can’t lie to the cops.”
You feel a sharp pinch on your behind causing you to squeal and laugh as Tom brings closer before crashing his lips on to yours, silencing you apart the satisfied moan that escapes you. Pulling back, he looks down at you with a loving smile.
“I love you,” he whispers quietly against your lips.
It’s now your cheeks that threaten to split as you smile widely. “I love you too.”
I mean, I have nothing to really say about this so
If you want to be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Riverdale taglist:
@thanossexual​ ?? 
(I honestly, for the life of me, cannot remember if you had asked to be added to this taglist. If you could remind me which ones you had asked to be added to, that would be wonderful, thankful.) 
(Thought I’d tag you anyways since this is related to the fic you had requested a while back.)
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