#horse harassment
nopjeee · 1 year
I am being harassed??? i have summoned the entire star stable fandom and I've only been using this godforsaken website for one day! WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE????
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proselfshipsafespace · 2 months
I'm convinced recovering proshippers are just going back into the closet and depriving themselves of happiness for the trade of not losing people who don't even care for them enough to look past what they enjoy in fiction, i feel sorry for antis as well as recoverers
theyre probably stuck in a toxic enviroment and i feel really bad . i really do hope they get out of there
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thefirstknife · 1 year
rip gambit you will be missed 😔
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Don't even know what to say tbh.
For those that don't know, the big State of the Game article came out detailing incoming changes and adjustments and all the big stuff. Gambit was mentioned! But at what cost. Basically, they are ceasing any kind of support for Gambit. What we have now is what it is. We will get the Dreaming City map back in TFS and they will add Shadow Legion and Lucent Hive as enemy factions in TFS. That's all.
Full text:
As many of you have noticed, we’ve been quiet on Gambit since last year’s overhaul that launched alongside The Witch Queen. In that revamp, the team made significant changes across five categories in Gambit: core activity fundamentals, Primeval tuning, invasions, ammo economy, and rewards. Unfortunately, these updates didn’t move the needle for player engagement. Although we know our Gambit fans mostly care about new or returning maps, this is an area of the game with lower engagement that would take resources away from more popular parts of the game to shore up.   While we don’t have plans to dedicate more resources to significantly transform Gambit, we do have a few updates planned for the year of The Final Shape. These include porting the Cathedral of Scars map and its beautiful Dreaming City setting into the latest version of Destiny 2, as well as adding the Shadow Legion and Lucent Hive enemy types. 
I don't know how to tell you this Bungie, but the reason "engagement is low" in Gambit is because Gambit sucks. Ever since half of it was removed with DCV, it just sucked. It has no variety, the gameplay is largely busted, it's not sufficiently updated, ammo changes suck, invasion cycle sucks (why is the enemy even getting a portal when their Primeval is at 5% health and the other team is still in mote collecting phase is beyond me), there are no cool armour sets to chase (just look at Iron Banner and Trials stuff, imagine dedicated cosmetics) and finally there are simply no weapons that are worth anything. Both Vanguard and Crucible have more weapons and also adept versions. There is zero reason to go into Gambit without major changes to Gambit. And now with the further changes to how playlists and challenges will work, there will be even less reason to go into Gambit. Observe:
Before then, we’re making Gambit entirely optional to maximize your rewards unless you’re looking for a piece of gear that’s specific to the mode. Gambit will continue to serve as a source of Exotic engrams via weekly challenges, though as we mentioned above, you’ll be able to complete all your weekly challenges in any ritual you’d like starting in Season 22. If you want to stick to Vanguard or Crucible challenges without touching Gambit, now you can.  We’re also reducing the number of Gambit-specific Seasonal Challenges starting in Season 22, so players won’t need to bank motes to be able to earn that big purse of Bright Dust for completing nearly every challenge in the Season. Finally, we’re adding Fireteam Matchmaking to Gambit next Season, which will replace the Freelance node and should result in faster, better matchmaking by combining both Gambit playlists. We’ll keep an eye on reception and player engagement after these additions take place, and we hope you’ll visit ‘ol Drifter next Season to get your hands on his new Void Machine Gun. 
Ngl, but I don't think anyone besides like a total of 6 people will play Gambit next season. The incentive to go in there is completely removed. You won't even have to go in there for pinnacles or for challenges. The Void Machine Gun will not be enough of an incentive because the chance of that gun being better than two recently available craftable Void Machine Guns (Commemoration and Retrofit Escapade) is very low. And besides, once you get it at the end of your first match, you can leave Gambit forever.
This is the feedback loop that just reinforces the idea that people don't like Gambit. And I mean. Who would at this point. I'm pretty sure that if Crucible had stayed the same as it was at the start of Beyond Light, engagement would be low there too. But you know. Crucible has received major updates pretty much every season since with multiple new modes, several Trials overhauls, Iron Banner overhaul, competitive overhaul, new armours and weapons added and YES, even new maps. God forbid even 5% of these resources went into Gambit.
Anyway, this is the whole section about Gambit in 6500 words. It's basically a "you guys aren't playing this so we're doing the bare minimum of keeping it in the game as is, no new work will be done on it ever." Thanks I guess.
And for the record, something I also added while having a rant in my discord, I want to make it clear that I don't want anyone to spiral into a Bungie hate train. Even for this. I understand perfectly well what's the community attitude towards Gambit and what it's been for years now. People just don't like it and they're not incentivised to like it and they're actively encouraged to hate it. Spending resources into a game mode on the hope that maybe you can change people's minds would be insanity. Like, the amount of change Gambit would need to MAYBE start appealing to gamers would be beyond any reasonable time and resources Bungie can put in. And if you could guarantee that people would love and play Gambit then, fine. But you can't. Most likely, even if major changes happened, people would still just do their weekly stuff and bail. It's simply not worth it. In order for people to like it, it needs to be completely and thoroughly overhauled in a way that would need more time and effort than the entire Light subclass overhaul and it's just not a reasonable expectation, nor is it guaranteed to work. So I get it.
I'm still disappointed and annoyed about it because I believe it wasn't given a fair chance at all. I also know how good it can be and how Gambit Prime could've been improved upon over the years if they tried. Instead, it got removed and that was honestly the death sentence for Gambit. It's unfortunate. It's my favourite game mode that could've been so much better was it given even a fraction of attention of Crucible.
I'll still be playing it. You will find me in the Gambit queue waiting for 2 hours to find 7 other lunatics to play with, don't worry about it. But I'm absolutely incredibly sad about them being basically forced to axe the potential of the whole game mode that is incredibly creative and fits with the type of game Destiny is perfectly.
There's other interesting stuff in the article and some upcoming really cool improvements and changes to the game. But if you're a fan of Gambit in any capacity, this is a death certificate for the mode. I suggest coming to terms with it quickly because Bungie changing their minds about this is highly unlikely.
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etchif · 2 months
People who think public transit is beneath them are some of the most annoying people on the planet
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ghost-qwq · 4 months
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It just hit me that I never posted this... ermm oops
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What's with the influx of people blazing posts recently...? Am I just Blazed Post George, somehow getting hit with an above average number of blazed posts on my dash? Every time I scroll it feels like there's five new people putting random shit on my dash... and for what? 9 times out of 10 you're getting blocked for being so intrusive. I can understand when it's small businesses but it's usually just random posts. Where the hell is this coming from? Is blazing posts suddenly the hot new thing (well after it was added as a new feature)?
(These are rhetorical questions but feel free to reblog + add on)
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
Frankly I think Alistair being mildly shitty to that mage in Ostagar seems pretty in-character for the guy he is before the massive, life-altering trauma that is the Ostagar massacre wherein he sees all of his Grey Warden comrades, his beloved mentor/father figure, and his beloathed half-brother/convenient-target-of-projection absolutely torn to shreds by literal Thedas boogeymen. IIRC Morrigan and Flemeth both comment on his wack behavior after Ostagar and then by the time we get to Lothering Alistair just fully surrenders any and all responsibility (and, frankly, agency) to the player's Warden for the foreseeable future. It can then take anywhere from a couple IRL hours to the entire second act of the game for him to retake almost any amount of it back. And depending on the player's choices in dialogue, and especially whether or not they choose to romance him, we may only see flashes of that guy we met at Ostagar before he potentially morphs into almost someone else entirely (hardened!King!Alistair). All that to say, I don't actually think it's a useful criticism of "characterization" to bring up Alistair's glibness as compared to his behavior in the majority of the game because from where I'm standing (looking directly at his snottiness about Cailan, his complaints about being assigned to the Tower of Ishal, his Templar-esque focusing on Morrigan and Flemeth being apostates, his generally pretty brusque manner with the Warden recruits) it seems fairly in-line with the rest of his behavior at Ostagar.
#like seriously he's a bit of a dick (more than what becomes usual) while at ostagar#before his world is shattered and his brain (and personality) is completely rearranged by seeing everyone important to him slaughtered#he clings so hard to the warden as a lifeline that he kind of goes full-on fawning mode for a little bit there#just giving up the reins completely and following orders as (imo) a method of coping with massive loss and trauma#throughout the course of the game he recovers somewhat and goes back to being kind of a dick#and/or growing up pretty extensively and becoming a much better and more tolerant person as a whole#but the idea of him being a dick to a mage because he's being moved around like a chess piece rather than a person#by someone who should NOT have the authority to do that and that fuckin ANNOYS him and then this dude's getting all up in his face about it#as if this was HIS decision and then being accused of harassing this random ass dude he could not give less of a fuck about for funsies#and thus him going full obnoxious shithead teenager about it is somehow OUT of character?? for ALISTAIR??? wack#like nah bro i know we all love ali but our vision is being obscured by that love and also how sweet he is in a romance#just being besties with him unlocks an incredible amount of unfiltered BITCHINESS that is fully in-line with ostagar!alistair's shenanigans#dragon age: origins#alistair theirin#by apples#da meta#anyway there's been disk horse on my dash for the last couple days and this is my take on it
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wandering-wolf23 · 3 months
Also, Instagram's hate boner for doodles is... concerning. People harassing rescue dog owners, "kick a doodle day", telling people to kill their doodle, telling people their vet hates them and wants them to kill their doodle, the "doodles don't deserve rescue bit", "exterminate doodles", threatening to kill people's dogs...
Are dog people okay? Seriously. Because that is some weird ass behavior.
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novantinuum · 6 months
lmao biggest L to the person who’s been spamming and harassing SU artists with passive aggressive links to a post about writing image descriptions and stalking certain posts to send this spam to anyone who interacts with it for pointedly skipping Over my main blog (which is the only blog I interacted with a related post with) in favor of spamming a link to my art only side blog that’s linked in my about, bc Guess What, my sideblog has anon activated but my main Doesn’t.
chicken lol.
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nopjeee · 10 months
ok so i might be the one who started the horse harassment and i want to apologize,
back when you responded to an ask from your friend the post popped up on my dash bcus it had a startsable online tag which i followed, and i thought it was funny that you didnt want to play starstable so i sent a few asks saying you should play starstable, just trying to be funny(i havent played sso in over a year, i think its understandable you dont want to play lmao)-
but then you got more asks and idk if they were from your friend or someone else but i didnt make them. i thought they were funny and i hope you thought they were funny too but if you just think they were annoying, im really sorry that i accidentally sent the starstable online community after you to try and make you join the cul- i meant game.
to make amends i will offer you 6 Months Free StarRider on StarStable Online And 2000 Starter StarCoins! All You Have To Do To Claim Your Reward Is Register A Free Account on https://www.starstable.com And Join The Horse Family Today! See You In Jorvik!
(ps. im actually a horse boy :-9)
I would start a gaming channel just for you
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
🚨 A harasser calling the Police on a trans artist over Warhammer 40k BDSM porn art and genshin impact 🚨
The harasser seems to be on Tumblr as well so be careful. Situation is very new and currently still ongoing and people is talking about this
TW and CW for the contents below:
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Okay so someone on Twitter is harassing, stalking and doxxing, making false bigotry accusations and calling the cops on an artist over Warhammer 40k art and stuff about genshin impact that person seems to be very upset that the artist is drawing bdsm porn gore Warhammer 40k and they don't like art about Childe x Xiao?...
And they don't like art about Childe getting fucked by the tentacle monster or tortured or shipped with "the wrong person and not their fave"
This is the harasser Twitter account and Tumblr sock puppet account btw. I have no idea if the harasser might have a main Tumblr blog but could be hence why I'm posting this here because the harasser can be anywhere on Tumblr especially on Genshin
Edit: *sighing roll my eyes. Of course it's the people like this always. I had to update the tag now to include pro vs antis stuff... lord...*
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As you can see the harasser is making these unhinged accusations about the artist and calling them racist slave owner Nazi (yeah probably the harasser is one of those people who believes that if you like Warhammer 40k then you are a Nazi)
I haven't seen any evidence of the artist doxxing a poc so far while the harasser literally calling the cops on other people over shipping and fan art
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MissingOldRose has been harassing the artist for MONTHS both on Tumblr and Twitter, made concerning and threatening comments about the artist pets and also countless false accusations.
Also accused an SA survivor (the artist) as a rapist over personal vent and fan art. I can't do it anymore with modern fandom. Especially with the fact that cops was called to arrest a TRANS PERSON over fan art. LGBTQA+ people are often the target of police brutality and unfair treatment both from the legal system and that's happening in the western world that supposed to be progressive countries.
In my country LGBT people have no protection
Another important detail
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Yeah fyi for some people who wanting to call the cops or swatting other people over ship/art/ stupid ass shipping discourse, as quoted:
"Anyone has free artistic expression and they (the cops) don't find anything wrong at all with my art"
Thats a false report and you won't go to jail over Genshin Impact shipping and art.
The situation today still ongoing
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Remember the harasser is on Tumblr, last time i check the soc account is still exists and they MIGHT have main blog on Tumblr as well especially on Tumblr Genshin (but who knows just careful)
If you know MissingOldRose on Tumblr and Twitter or you know if they have main Tumblr account please be careful. @abusiveartistsfuckoff account as listed above is used for harassing and stalking on people Tumblr. Even if this situation doesn't impact you directly. What if that person (especially if you are on Genshin Impact fandom) doesn't like your ship or you art then threaten to do the same to you?
Also have some compassion for the artist please
Sorry for tagging this with genshin, doesn't mean to polluted the fandom but it's just an awareness since the harasser is on Tumblr and also a part of the Genshin community. It's really sucks because the game itself is really fun but by god some people in the Genshin fandom often went too far...
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chaiaurchaandni · 10 months
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"We emerged from under the rubble! We are the children you did this to! We are not scared of you!" - young Palestinian children who survived israeli bombing campaigns
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uncaught-coolfish · 3 months
saw an old ass post saying shit like “can adam fans like stay away from all women and children please— or actually— just people in general” and I regret to inform you all that. i am no longer my own gender nor my own person. i’m not even a person anymore. i’m caught-uncoolfish now
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deityofhearts · 3 months
i do not trust anyone who is a self proclaimed discourse blog especially if they write it like “disk horse” like you just know that’s going to be the most miserable person in the world
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like genuinely this is sickening. asking a woman to abuse her child over a Joke when she nearly had custody taken from her bc of false abuse allegations, weaponising the rape, abuse, and death threats against her family her and her, and continuously harassing her over something she had no involvement in just because she’s supporting her son. this is legitimately one of the worst things I’ve seen stans publically do it’s vile. Absolutely vile and awful.
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an-ruraiocht · 2 months
the problem with making a new blog due to privacy/harassment concerns is that you can't post on your old blog saying "hey i made a new blog can you follow me over there" because. well. everybody else would also be able to see that post including those you are trying to shake off and that would defeat the point. and you also don't wanna completely disappear on your old blog bc then the people harassing you will think they drove you to delete it and you don't want to give off that impression. so you just have to keep up the impression of being normal over there while also like... drop heavy hints by ostentatiously using the same tags on the new blog when you reblog from former mutuals and occasionally go begging in their inbox. very demeaning. don't get me started on trying to figure out how to approach people who aren't my mutuals but who are Valued Followers
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