#horoscope of the week
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babygray · 11 months ago
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Your day at a glance:
The soul is too heavy to carry alone.
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sheena-isa-punkrocker · 1 year ago
need a fanfic where reader and eddie are playing those 80s teen magazine quizzes with eachother
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belleandsaintsebastian · 2 months ago
despite the fact that it has failed me many times and is terrible for my anxiety i lowkey soo want to check my horoscope :')
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theseeingsage · 11 months ago
week ahead
career & finances ☆
☆ aries: new life. getting a fresh start or perspective. receiving a job offer. moving into a new home.
☆ taurus: dealing with a tense situation. needing to practice tact & hear others out. this is worth the work.
☆ gemini: making new connections. creating new opportunities or brokering a deal. big $$$ deals.
☆ cancer: termination. 222. starting your own business. leaving your job & changing careers.
☆ leo: a stroke of good fortune. resources & wealth improving. pay attention to the lessons. lucky break.
☆ virgo: clashes with your boss or coworkers. feeling trapped in a job. looking for other work.
☆ libra: following your calling. putting together pieces of the puzzle. paying attention to the signs & leaping.
☆ scorpio: divine timing is at play. seeking advice about your next moves. doing $$$$ rituals. 333
☆ sagittarius: 234. acknowledging your own genius. leaving your 9-5 for entrepreneurship. independence.
☆ capricorn: leaving a dead end job. following your passion. experimenting with different ventures.
☆ aquarius: divine guidance. following your intuition. stepping in your destiny. getting your dream job.
☆ pisces: getting answers to your current job situation. unique ways to make money. new opening with more job security.
check your sun moon rising venus & north node ☆
take only what resonates & leave the rest.
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plutobutartsy · 9 months ago
i hateee when ppl on here act all high and mighty for being on tumblr. "haha we're so much better than the tiktok fandom god they're so chronically online lol annoying" like ooh yeah youre so quirky and special. i bet you bring books to concerts. should we tell y/n
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ioniansunsets · 10 months ago
hello feeling a little stressed with work and a small fuckup with my heartsteel cosplay (luckily thats solved) and then my heartsteel merch got stolen (thats not solved at all rip) and then theres a defect with the jhin doll i ordered (idk how to fix this yet) does league of legends not love me im so sad rn > Please talk to me about your league ocs and how you ship them with your biases! I like listening to stuff like that we can talk about our children together (ask or dm is ok or even just replying to this post) i just wanna listen to fluffy happy things..........(or show me art!!! i like.....selfships......this is why im a x reader writer fr)
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robertsbarbie · 21 days ago
co-star gave me two days with no trouble in sex & love and then decided that was enough!
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patricida · 1 year ago
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really tickling me like their star signs are already canon and crucial to the game. sorry that they're called stuff like Suffocated one. Tormented. Dominating soul. etc.
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alloutofgoddesses · 7 months ago
I would put less stock into astrology if the timing of things didn’t perfectly align with when stars and planets are up to shit
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megp08 · 8 months ago
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My horoscope actually confirmed my plans for the day!
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lalalaugenbrot · 1 year ago
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years ago
do we have any updates on the nuge/yam omegaverse fic?
no significant updates in the doc unforch, but you DO get a life update if you so choose:
in the past week:
finished 2 summer internships
moved once
worked my on-again off-again job the four days between moves
finished up & submitted 10 apps in that time span!! i am so poor now!! wrote like 8k in personal statements and essays and edited more than that!!!
moved again
mandatory training before work for fall & spring job
in case you were wondering what it’s like being in my docs, it is exactly like being here even for professional writing:
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elytrafemme · 2 years ago
recently i’ve been trying a new approach in which instead of trying to use diagnoses or possible conditions to explain my symptoms, i just tell myself that everything is normal. there might be merit to this idea but as of right now i’m just getting really confused 
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theseeingsage · 11 months ago
week ahead ♡
cancer scorpio pisces • sun moon rising venus
take only what resonates in your soul. energy is ever-changing.
♡ overwhelmed with too many choices. refusing to choose. assessing things & finally making a choice.
♡ stuck in the past. reminiscing on heartbreak & pain. cleaning up the messes, focusing on a better future.
♡ overthinking, psyching yourself out. negative thoughts manifesting. back & forth energy, in & out. immature male air sign.
♡ experiencing good luck in your relationships & family dynamics. receiving much needed help without having to ask.
♡ unfaithful lover or disloyal family member. standing your ground and confronting this person.
♡ dealing with a woman that’s divorced or widowed. needing her help yet possibly not getting it. dark-haired, no morals. not honest or fair. seductive.
♡ telepathic communication with someone. seems like you just get each other. you & them against it all.
♡ upgrading someone’s life or them yours. bringing the best out of each other. love confessions.
♡ being a safe space for someone or vice versa. shedding the past & feeling vulnerable yet loved.
♡ a wedding. could be an elopement or intimate ceremony. meeting the one & entering a love union.
♡ traveling somewhere, friends or family. baecation. distancing yourself & setting boundaries. someone far comes closer.
♡ romantic feelings turn into a full blown relationship. falling in love & feeling happiness. commitment.
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plutobutartsy · 10 months ago
bought a florence + the machine cd just to find out our car doesn't have a cd slot. god wants me dead
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pynkhues · 11 days ago
I know nothing about astrology, so how does he seem Pisces-like? :)
Hahaha, I mean, take this all with a grain of salt, of course, but Pisces are a water sign (largely considered the most sensitive of the four element types) and ruled by Neptune, but they’re also the last sign of the Zodiac, so they’re thought to be the most emotional (both complimentary and derogatory), because they’ve absorbed the emotion and knowledge of the 11 signs that came before them. Allure’s write-up is actually really good. Here’s their intro:
“It's symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the constant division of Pisces' attention between fantasy and reality. As the final sign, Pisces has absorbed every lesson—the joys and the pains, the hopes and the fears—learned by all of the other signs. This makes these fish the most psychic, empathetic, and compassionate creatures of the astrological wheel. With such immense sensitivity, Pisces can easily become swallowed by emotions and must remember to stay grounded in the material realm (appropriately, Pisces rules the feet).”
They’re also often said to be pretty attune to the arts by nature of that sensitivity, and overall being pretty dreamy. Ethereal mermaids! As that article calls them, haha. It continues:
“Pisces feel everything—including emotions that don’t even belong to them. Energetic sponges, Pisces will metabolize others’ experiences, which can be incredibly overwhelming. Accordingly, Pisces' deep empathy and sensitivity can sometimes lead to escapism, challenging anxiety, and erratic mood swings. Often, Pisces need to retreat into a fantasy world or engage in avoidant behaviors to manage the deluge of psychic stimuli and escape reality's harshness. Grounding exercises, like learning how to set (and maintain!) healthy boundaries are extremely important for aquatic Pisces. Protecting their emotional energy and being discerning about who they trust are also extremely important practices for this gentle, ethereal sign. Every Pisces must learn to balance their compassionate nature with self-protection, ensuring they care for themselves before tending to others. After all, we can’t pour from an empty cup.”
Kind of hilariously, Lestat’s actually a water sign too (Scorpio), and both Jacob and Louis are air signs (Jacob’s a Gemini, and Louis’ a Libra) [wild given there are only 3 signs per element]. It’s especially funny given water and air signs are generally considered not very compatible, haha.
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