#horns and razors AU
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An example
( @quibble-auk your recent post inspired this, Im going to yell to the heavens about it soon I promise but alas, the worms.) Violence, blood gore, angst.
They had found Sunrazor. Found out about Sunrazor to be in alignment with reality. 
Which means they found out that Comet had stolen a sparkling instead of allowing her to die.
Cometeater couldn't hold back his scream when the whip hit his back. He choked and gasped as the force snatched on his tied wrists. Blood had already soaked the ground beneath him, deep in the back of his mind he prayed the gladiators forced to watch the beating wrote off his odd yellow blood and sent it downstream with every other weird thing about him. 
Another lash, the roar of pain bubbled in his throat. He received another twin cut from the handler for not allowing it out. It did escape his tortured raw throat that time. 
He was hazy from blood loss, he could feel it, how long had he been tied here? Since that morning. Yes.  He had overheard the rumors that the higher ups had gotten sick of his, “Flamboyant confidence in disrespecting authority.” That of course had nothing to do with what had been an almost riot the day before, two handlers dead because of some angry gladiators. Convenient, they just decided to have an example made of him that next day.
He felt his eyes start to water as another wave of agony ran up his spine,  He couldn’t hold in his yell as the flesh was stripped off his back.
    Comet had rushed quickly from the dining hall, allowing his old habits from back when he hid in the alleys of cybertron to coat him. In one minute he had Sunrazor.
Three minutes he was in the barred wing of the Arena of the upper quarters.
Five he was frantically shoving a terrified Sunrazor to the only mech he could trust her with.
Theremin hadn’t had time to ask him what was wrong.
Seven minutes later Comet was on the ground. 
Ten minutes later he was an example. 
Then they wouldn’t care about Sunrazor, if he gave them enough of a show.
Those stupid masters would leave him alone.
Comet could hear vaguely past the ringing in his head the master was yelling about insubordination. He slowly opened his eyes as the heat of the sun beat down on him, he met Theremin’s optics. Fear shot through his chest. He weakly grunted straining to look through the crowd, why wasn't he with Sunrazor? Where was his cub? Why- A boot snapped his head back with an audible crunch. His scream echoed through the crowd, his blood splattering in a nightmarish imitation of a halo around his battered body. 
The pretender slowly blinked and hoped the handler wouldn't notice his flesh sticking to the whip.
And that his brothers would forgive him.
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quibble-auk · 4 days ago
Horns and razors AU thoughts.
And some minor world building that I will probably add to a document to put into the official world building thing separately.
Basically your little blurb you wrote got the worms talking and then what you said in the repost got me thinking even more.
Okay, yeah, they would whip people. Just gonna start off with that. They totally would. They are sending children to die for things that were out of their control, they don’t know what morals are. Never heard of them. They would do that. I could see them starving disobedient gladiators or subjugated them to legitimate torture in order to get them to submit.
The gladiators are prideful and arrogant and they need to know their place.
That’s where some of my thoughts are with the them knowing their own personal code to access the BCP. It’s something they are forced to memorize just like their serial number, it’s a reminder that they aren’t actually in control. The arenas don’t care about them, they are just numbers.
It’s also used as a warning tactic. If a guard or handler asks a gladiator that they already know the personal codes of it’s a very clear threat that they need to get back in line. Most guards have a universal code—I’m still working out that part tbh. But it’s a very not so subtle reminder of who has power over who.
It’s also used as humiliation. The codes are something personal to gladiators, it’s a weakness and they don’t want to talk about it. But a gladiator may be forced to share their codes to guards or others in order to humiliate them. They are prideful, what better way to humble them than making them share something that gives everyone the upper hand? Something that they can’t fight back against.
So sharing the code is a big deal. Which only further proves the next thought I have…
Thoughts on Cometeater from the chapter thing. He figures out that there is something going on between Dropmix and Theremin, he’s just not sure what. Imma explain my thought process for this and you can tell me if I’m wrong.
He’s been raised in the Pits for the most part so Comet only really knows how the Gladiators interact with eachother and sees that as the social norm (even if he knows there is more out there, this is all he’s been able to observe) and gladiators getting attached is rare. It’s even more rare for them to get smth like a romantic attraction.
Comet has never seen this dynamic before. Gladiators can be friends, siblings (twins), rivals, sparring buddies, arena partners, even mentor and apprentice. He’s never seen that Cybertronians can have romantic relationships. That’s why he’s just not able to figure out what they are.
Dropmix and theremin share a room, are they family? But they share a bed, that’s weird. Not even the twins share a bed so they are not siblings. But Theremin know’s Dropmix’s codes so they are close, but he doesn’t own Dropmix. Comet knows they are more than friends but he has no idea what that means for them. What do you mean they are married? What does married mean?
Cometeater will eventually get a crash course on relationships.
I am in full support of forcing them to be friends. They will like each other at some point I swear. Thankfully, we have a character that can force them to be friends for us. Theremin is already tired of the standoffish “gotta intimidate this guy” behavior Dropmix is giving Comet. And the shade that Cometeater is throwing back. He’s done. He’s so done.
Man is surrounded by mechs who are constantly five seconds away from throwing each other into a wall why can’t these two get along for like three minutes. He’s going to make them hang out for his own peace of mind. He’s can’t be having Dropmix wake up during any other late night visits and going into “territorial predator mode” when he sees Cometeater there.
I’ve already pictured him making Dropmix apologize later for this. In my mind it goes smth like this:
Someone knocks on the door and the twins answer to find that huge quiet guy standing there awkwardly asking if Cometeater was there. And the twins have no idea what to do because is he trying to be friendly or trying to kill Comet? Why is he holding a box? Who was this guy again? They swear he looks familiar.
Comet shows up before they can interrogate and is like “uh yeah? What do you want” with enough sass to rival teenager Cometeater because Dropmix should not be here. And Dropmix looks like he’s somewhere between embarrassed and ready to kill someone as he explains that Theremin won’t let him sleep on the bed until he apologizes.
Dropmix gives the most half hearted muttered apology like a three year old, shoves the box of in Comets face, asks if he can tell Theremin he apologized and just walks away like nothing happened. The twins are still trying to figure out how who this guy is and how he knows Comet in the first place. Cometeater looks in the box and it’s like a toy ball for Sunrazor to play with.
AND YESSSS! Theremin would try to heal Comet, he’d probably do it in his private room too in order to keep prying eyes away. He’ll make Dropmix go get any supplies he might not have from the first aid area. (Jokes on them he’s been stockpiling because Dropmix doesn’t like to go there either and Theremin has been waiting for smth like this to happen)
So, Theremin would totally help Cometeater out. Even if he got to him and was like “what the heck are you???” He would at least try. He’s attached, this is his child and Sunrazor is his grandchild now. He doesn’t care. He’s been bending the rules in order to try and help him anyway. Theremin will try his best to heal Cometeater, even if he has no clue what he’s really doing. They can talk about the whole alien thing when he’s not actively dying.
“You are my adopted adult child I can’t let you die. Yes, even if you do have weird anatomy and eat people. I married Dropmix and he kills at least three people on the daily. Welcome to the family bud. Dropmix he is our son now, no, you can’t fight him.”
Please do not let anything I yap about here change any plans you may have with the other thing. I am simply thinking out loud.
But you know how I talked about Dropmix randomly remembering medical stuff he really shouldn’t know?
*slams fist on table* HEAR ME OUT. JUST GIMME A MINUTE. LET ME COOK.
What if the medics aren’t allowed to be there while he’s getting whipped—their programming could result in them trying to stop the punishment and they can’t have that happen. So Dropmix is the one to find him after the whipping (and the festering, poor boy) and pick him up and do some emergency first aid—better than he should, and he for some reason knows the basics of this kids messed up anatomy—and then he takes him to Theremin.
The only reason Dropmix does this because he maybe only kinda likes this guy so he supposes it wouldn’t hurt to help him out… just this once. It’s not like he actually cares about this guy after months of forced friendship… Besides, Theremin would probably kick him out if he didn’t. And someone here lets himself get bossed around by a mech he could probably crush on accident if he rolled over in his sleep.
And Dropmix does this before the twins are able to get to Comet. So the twins think he’s been kidnapped or smth by the weird guy with the box. And reasonably, they just start panicking because their brother is going to bleed to death and what if Dropmix took him to the medics and now they know he’s an alien???? And they were still in the middle of being jerks to him. He can’t die before they have a chance to stop being jerks.
So they just start rampaging around trying to find where this guy is while Theremin is panicking because “I knew you were special but why the heck are you bleeding yellow my dude????” And Sunrazor is crying in the corner or something so Dropmix takes her out and is standing in the hallway with her like the good obedient wife he is and the twins see the big guy with the box holding their idiotic brother’s child???
Yeah you get the picture imma stop now before I write a whole crappy chapter on this in what’s supposed to be my thoughts.
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hinderr · 1 year ago
Anyway httyd au Dragon Din enthusiasts I see your Armourwing Din and raise you-
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aphidclan-clangen · 8 months ago
Gym Leaders
Grass type
Psychic type
Fire type
Bug type
Flying type
Dark type
Ground type
Fairy type
Elite 4
Steel type
Poison type
Ice type
Electric type
Fomantis (lvl 15)
Razor leaf
Fury cutter
Sunny day
Ability : Leaf guard
Morelull (lvl 15)
Mega drain
Confuse ray
Poison powder
Ability : Effect spore
Deerling (lvl 16)
Leech seed
Double kick
Sand attack
Ability : Sap sipper
Solosis (lvl 21)
Ability : Regenerator
Ralts (lvl 21)
Draining kiss
Double team
Ability : Synchronize
Espurr (lvl 21)
Disarming voice
Ability : Keen eye
Fletchinder (lvl 27
Fire spin
Ability : Flame body
Houndoom (lvl 27)
Thunder fang
Ability : Early bird
Torkoal (lvl 28)
Lava plume
Clear smoke
Rapid spin
Ability : White smoke
Ninetales (lvl 28)
Fake tears
Ability : Drought
Anorith (lvl 33)
Bug bite
Ancient power
Ability : Battle armor
Centiskorch (lvl 33)
Skitter smack
Abilty : Flame body
Leavanny (lvl 34)
Fell stinger
Razor leaf
String shot
Seed bomb
Ability : Chlorophyll
Heracross (lvl 35)
Horn attack
Brick break
Struggle bug
Seismic toss
Ability : Guts
Altaria (lvl 40)
Dragon breath
Feather dance
Disarming voice
Ability : Natural cure
Staraptor (lvl 40)
Aerial ace
Close combat
Air slash
Ability : Intimidate
Togekiss (lvl 40)
Sky attack
Fairy wind
Water pulse
Extreme speed
Ability : Super luck
Archeops (lvl 41)
Dragon claw
Rock throw
Wing attack
Ability : Defeatist
Pangoro (lvl 46)
Bullet punch
Low sweep
Night slash
Ability : Iron fist
Sableye (lvl 46)
Night shade
Zen headbutt
Knock off
Confuse ray
Ability : Prankster
Zoroark (lvl 47)
Night daze
Shadow ball
Ability : Illusion
Zoroark (lvl 47)
Night daze
Brick break
Sludge bomb
Ability : Illusion
Umbreon (lvl 48)
Dark pulse
Confuse ray
Ability : Inner focus
Garchomp (lvl 53)
Dragon claw
Ability : Rough skin
Mamoswine (lvl 53)
Ancient power
Ice fang
Ability : Snow cloak
Sandslash (lvl 54)
Stone edge
Gyro ball
Poison jab
Ability : Sand rush
Nidoqueen (lvl 54)
Sludge wave
Earth power
Ability : Poison point
Mudsdale (lvl 55)
High horsepower
Heavy slam
Double edge
Ability : Stamina
Clefable (lvl 60)
Meteor mash
Ice beam
Ability : Magic guard
Florges (lvl 60)
Solar beam
Magical leaf
Sunny day
Ability : Flower veil
Gardevoir (lvl 60)
Dream eater
Dazzling gleam
Shadow sneak
Destiny bond
Ability : Trace
Grimmsnarl (lvl 61)
Foul play
Play rough
Nasty plot
Draining kiss
Ability : Prankster
Alolan Ninetales (lvl 62)
Aurora beam
Dazzling gleam
Ability : Snow warning
Metagross (lvl 70)
Meteor mash
Zen headbutt
Hammer arm
Iron defense
Ability : Clear body
Lucario (lvl 70)
Close combat
Dragon pulse
Steel beam
Quick guard
Ability : Inner focus
Genesect (lvl 70)
Metal claw
Bug buzz
Zap cannon
Shadow claw
Ability : Download
Corviknight (lvl 70)
Brave bird
Steel wing
Ability : Pressure
Aggron (lvl 70)
Metal burst
Iron tail
Rock slide
Dragon rush
Ability : Sturdy
Seviper (lvl 70)
Iron head
Ability : Shed skin
Drapion (lvl 70)
Cross poison
Toxic spikes
Ice fang
Ability : Battle armor
Toxicroak (lvl 70)
Gunk shot
Bullet punch
Sucker punch
Swords dance
Ability : Dry skin
Toxtricity (lvl 70)
Shock wave
Gunk shot
Ability : Punk rock
Dragalge (lvl 70)
Poison tail
Hydro pump
Play rough
Ability : Poison point
Alolan Sandslash (lvl 70)
Icicle crash
Metal claw
Leech life
Ability : Snow cloak
Glaceon (lvl 70)
Ice fang
Shadow ball
Ability : Ice body
Weavile (lvl 70)
Dark pulse
Icy wind
Metal claw
Ability : Pressure
Lapras (lvl 70)
Freeze dry
Hydro pump
Ability : Hydration
Walrein (lvl 70)
Aurora beam
Ability : Ice body
Zebstrika (lvl 70)
Wild charge
Eerie impulse
Ability : Lightning rod)
Luxray (lvl 70)
Wild charge
Take down
Thunder fang
Ability : Intimidate
Boltund (lvl 70)
Electric terrain
Play rough
Ability : Strong jaw
Ampharos (lvl 70)
Dragon pulse
Zap cannon
Power gem
Ability : Static
Raichu (lvl 70)
Draining kiss
Iron tail
Focus blast
Ability : Static
Galarian Rapidash (lvl 75)
Smart strike
Psycho cut
Dazzling gleam
Ability :Pastel veil
Mismagius (lvl 75)
Phantom force
Power gem
Dark pulse
Night shade
Ability : Levitate
Steelix (lvl 75)
Ice fang
Double edge
Iron tail
Dark pulse
Ability : Sheer force
Bewear (lvl 75)
Brutal swing
Dragon claw
Abilty : Fluffy
Goodra (lvl 75)
Power whip
Muddy water
Poison tail
Ice beam
Ability : Sap sipper
Absol (lvl 75)
Future sight
Sucker punch
Swords dance
Ability : Pressure
okay. this is fucking awesome. and it’s always interesting to hear your guys’s headcanons/perspectives on the characters.
but “giving non-Pokemon OCs Pokemon teams and imagining their role/jobs in the Pokemon universe” is a very specific hyperfixation of mine. i have been doing this with my OCs for years. and you bet your doggone dollar that i have fuckin OPINIONS on what teams my characters would have and what their roles would best fit. and you know what that means.
(Obviously in this au, they’d all be humans, but I do not have the capacity to make up human designs on the spot for 16 different characters right now, so this is all you’re getting) As always, you play as the player character in a non-descript undecided generation that takes place either in or after Gen 8. You are the newest student of Professor Pearlstar, who is both a man of science studying new Pokemon and the champion of the region. He is regarded as the expert on all things Pokemon and is excellent at taming and raising the creatures (hence why he’s so powerful, and your mentor). He encourages you to go out and explore the region to discover new Pokemon for your Pokédex, and encourages you to do the league challenge while you’re at it. (“but sir, won’t that mean that if i get to the end of the challenge…I’ll be challenging you?” “Yup! Good luck! ^w^”)
Your companion is Lilacpaw. She’s this rebellious preteen brat that you meet on the road, you battle her on occasion but for the most part she’s here to help you out when you need it and continuously check on you as your brand new best friend.
Your rival is Oleander. In my mind, Oleander is too baby to be a gym leader (same with lilac, who in this universe is younger than him. she’s like, 10-13, and he’s 15-16ish), so he’s your rival instead. He bares a resemblance to Gladion in Sun and Moon. He’s a member of the local “evil team,” The Saint Tines, a cult-like organization that keeps stealing and trying to “sacrifice” other people’s Pokemon. You continuously catch fern in the act of participating in crimes that you have to stop by battling him. However, they become your friend over time, slowly realizing how bad news their organization is and leaving it to help you defeat the evil final boss, The Reverend, at the end of the game. The Reverend would be the Giovanni/Cyrus/Lysander/etc character in the game. Oleander and Lilacpaw are siblings that bicker all the damn time
The first gym you face is the Normal type gym, run by gym leader Pigeon.
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For ease sake I’m gonna say all gym leaders have 4 pokemon. Pigeon owns a Stoutland (his prize Pokemon), Tauros, Ursaring, and Diggersby. His Pokemon are early lvl 20s. I wanted to give his team a farm theme, since he lives on a farm. He’s the farmhand countryboy man,,,
Next, the Dark type gym, led by Goldshine.
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Goldshine owns a Mimikyu, Sableye, Absol, and an Umbreon. His Pokemon are mid lvl 20s. I wanted to give him the most emo misunderstood team possible
The fourth gym would be the fairy type gym, run by Titania.
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Titania would have a Togepi, Milotic, Blissey, and a Wigglytuff. She has a very cute and beautiful team, all around late lvl 20s. Shes married to Pigeon and Alder and can frequently be seen hanging around Pigeon’s gym and vice versa. Alder’s role in the game would be closer to a “nurse joy” figure, he continuously pops up around the region throughout your journey, where he heals your pokemon and can sell you various berries and healing supplies. Hes a sweet, traveling old man following the league trail to make sure all those kiddos take care of themselves <3
Next, the Bug type gym, ran by Spiderglade.
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Spiderglade owns an Ariados, Parasect, Scyther, and a Dustox. His Pokemon are early lvl 30s. I wanted a strong poison type secondary theme for him, his gym would be heavily centered around poison, toxicity, and pollution. Parasect for mind control symbolism. He’s very much in touch with his little brother, Blisswhistle, though he hasn’t sent his parents letters in a while… also how the hell would he not have at least one spider pokemon
Next, the electric type gym, ran by Sparkspeckle.
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Sparkspeckle uses a Flaaffy, Toxtricity, Electabuzz, and a Dedenne. Her team are all mid lvl 30s, her gym probably has a stage built-in with a band playing all the time, and it’s all very crazy electric punk (with a touch of cutesy).
Next, the water type gym, run by Stormwhisper.
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Stormwhisper would own a Lapras, Azumarill, Lanturn, Carracosta, all late lvl 30s. He would be a very nice and merciful gym leader, especially in comparison to his siblings. He gives you free healing items before you battle <3
Next, the ice gym, ran by Icesheep.
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Icesheep would own a Snom, Aurorus, Beartic, and an Alolan Ninetales. His team is all early lvl 40s, and he’s very friendly as a gym leader! He does warn you about his sibling, however…
The explosive and intimidating poison type gym leader, Shadebreak.
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Shadebreak would own a Liepard, Toxtricity, Crobat, and a Gengar. All their Pokemon are mid lvl 40s, and they are merciless. They are the final gym leader. ((Spark likes to talk about how they’re “twinning” with the Toxtricity and similar gym themes, but Shade absolutely hates it and makes a grumpy face every time Spark talks about how they’re so totally twins))
Once you’ve defeated all eight gym leaders, you move on to the…
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Gonna be honest, the only two I had actual solid typing in mind with was Gravel w/ Steel Type and Paradiseskies with Flying Type. But Blisswhistle and Firebeetle I had little to NO clue what to do with, so for the most part I decided the elite four’s teams with varied typing in mind for all of them. Gravel is based around dark/steel typing, Paradiseskies is flying/water/fairy based, Blisswhistle is ice/normal/fairy based, and Firebeetle I divided between fire, water, and fairy types because I couldn’t pick between the three.
Blisswhistle, the first Elite Four member you face and the weakest, uses an Aurorus, Cinccino, Frosmoth, Lapras, and a Togekiss. Shes very sweet and loves her gym leader husband very much. ((there really needs to be more rainbow pokemon……))
Firebeetle, the second member you face, owns a Walrein, Primarina, Volcarona, Granbull, and a Centiskorch. He’s happily married to his wife, Gravel.
Paradiseskies, the third and second-strongest elite four member, uses a Florges, Hatterene, Togekiss, Altaria, and a Gardevoir. She’s very happy to work alongside her husband and children.
Gravel the Brutal lives up to their title. A former member of the Saint Tines, she would appear frequently in your continuous efforts to stop the organization, aiding your efforts in taking them down. They use an Obstagoon, a Pangoro, a Steelix, a Garchomp, and a Metagross. All four members are mid lvl 50s to early lvl 60s.
Pearlstar is very proud of you and your progress! You’ve come a long way since you first started your apprenticeship under his wing. But now it’s time for the final test, and stars not holding back. Let’s see if you can handle Pearlstar at his best, hm?
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Pearlstar uses a Clefairy, Gallade, Bewear, Galarian Rapidash, Kengaskhan, and a Starmie. They’re all mid lvl 70s. After you beat him, he happily retires the position and tells you how extremely proud he is of your growth as a trainer.
Then Oleander challenges you. All his Pokemon are early lvl 50s (the phantump probably would’ve evolved into a Trevenant by the end of the game, but for the most part it stays a phantump). He uses an Alolan Muk, a Weezing, a Phantump, a Mimikyu, a Vileplume, and a Decidueye (regardless of which starter you chose). By this point, you’d have gone through quite a lot together, and now this battle is more a triumphant rival-to-rival fight for old times sake. He loses, and takes his defeat in stride, thanking you for everything you’ve done for him and all the wonderful times you’ve had together. He hopes to keep in touch.
And I think that’s everything <3
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blushingdread · 27 days ago
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I'm currently trying to imagine Beast throwing a pokeball, and it's very funny. If this was a full, well thought out AU, it would be cool if Beast and Den had pokemon types and battled you directly. I'd put them in as Nomral Dark types, but that's just me
Btw if you read Umbreon's dex entry, it keeps mention posion, and I read that Umbreon was originally intended to be a poison type, so I'm at peace with not having a posion type Eeveelution
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I gave Beast the pokemon known for eating other pokemon whole XD
Weepingbell is in their second form bc Bellsprout isn't eating anyone lol and Beast has an agenda to keep
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She has evolved her pokemon to eat you better and added Tentacrule (traps you traps you traps you), Scolipede (large poisonous creature with horns that will ram you), and Toxicroak (stabs you with hand knives like their the Razor and this is chapter 2). Good luck!
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Ariados is more of a reference to how Wild's roots (?) Remind me of silk strands and how she connects to everything like the Web(tm)
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rokishimizu4 · 6 months ago
Orphan almost breaks a Bat rule
(I’m gonna focus more on my second blog when I’m done with Cass, Bruce, and Damian, because I’m in a TMNT faze and want to write some 12! Casey x Turtles) I do ship Cass and Steph and in my AU they act like they are married, but Steph treats the Wayne brothers like her brothers-in-law)Mostly because they are fucken cute together and honestly, Steph isn’t adopted by Bruce. (Cass is because her and Damian, Jason, Dick, and Tim are sister and brothers, don’t @ me)
It wasn’t uncommon for Cass to people watch and targets a certain person, either because the person in question was a BatFam villain, just a threat in general, or did something to her family.
But, the person in question checked none of the marks and she found it almost strange with how often she finds herself following the person in question when she is not on patrol, spending time with family, or on her dates with Steph.
Cue Cass silently following a woman that reminds her of a field of flowers and trees on a warm summer day, with bees and birds relaxing, just listening to the songs that the wind writes.
She keeps the target’s car in sight as she jumps from roof top to roof top, in her full Orphan outfit when she notices that something else was tracking the same car as her from across the street.
The other person seems to notice her, but focuses on the car and even jumping onto the moving, at full speed down the busy street, car without hesitation.
Cue Cass jumping onto the same car and hanging onto it along with the stranger, only to realize that the person is wearing a dark red/purple oni mask with glowing gold horns, and a screaming mouth full of white tiger-like teeth.
However, before she could figure out if the person is a human, demon, spirit, or something else, the car jerks to a full stop and threatens to buck the her and the other person off.
Four armed men pile out of the car and starts trying to shoot at her, in the middle of the still very busy street with a shit ton of innocents to protect.
“Get the kids and take off!!” One man screams at the people still in the armored car as the masked men surround the outside of the car with guns pointed at Orphan and the strange person.
Orphan quickly jumps off of the car and attacks the first man with a batarang and hitting another man’s gun out of his hands with a kick.
However, as she focuses on the men around her, the guns going off near her and the innocents around her, that she barely notices the car trying to speed away from the scene. At least until the car splits in half, horizontally.
The battle freezes for that moment as the strange person slowly pulls a razor sharp electric guitar out of the severed armored car, that was built like a smaller version of an armored bank truck, with ease.
The person then plays a few cords the electric guitar, which was not plugged in anything, and the front part of the car starts to crumble onto itself like a paper ball.
The men surrounding Orphan drop their guns and put their hands up, begging for the person to stop, to let the two men in the car go, that the two men were the only ones of the group to be forced into kidnapping the kids.
The men start to crumble under the invisible forces of the stranger’s playing as Orphan watches in shock and growing horror as the people around her start to crumble as well, grabbing at their ears and begging the person to stop.
But the stranger continues to play, playing note after heavy note until the bad men ears’ start to bleed from the sound.
Orphan slowly starts to hear the music from the stranger’s electric guitar, like first a soft whispering that continues to grow in volume and tone until it starts to sound like a banshee’s song on full blast.
Orphan silently screams in pain as she uses one hand to cover one of her ears, and uses the other to pull out her katana and rushes the stranger, unconsciously aiming for the middle of their throat.
However before her blade could make contact with the stranger’s neck, a black/purple goop rushes out of the severed back end of the car to quickly cover the two of them completely.
Next thing Orphan/Cass remembers, she wakes up on the roof of the Gotham City Police Department with Stephanie shaking her awake and crying her eyes out.
“Cass! Cass wake up!!!”
After returning home with Steph not leaving her side, she learns that the kidnappers and around 50 people were hospitalized for ruptured eardrums, and at least two of the six kidnappers suffered from broken legs as well as ruptured eardrums.
”Oni, Banshee song, ears hurt. No more electric guitars, please.”
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crimson-ribbon-queen · 2 months ago
Gangle's new appearance
//In this AU, Gangle has multiple different forms that she can shift between. All of these forms have over 5 miles of ribbons inside of them, as well as approximately 500 pounds of razor-sharp ceramic shards. However, whether or not all of the ribbons and shards are exposed depends on which form Gangle is in. //Her "default" form is the one Gangle is most commonly seen in, and it somewhat resembles her original avatar in both shape and size. The most obvious difference between it and her original avatar is that her "default" form is much bulkier, with solid limbs, a solid torso, and an actual neck and "head". Each of her hands now has four fingers instead of the two little nubs her hands used to have, and her limbs are similar in proportion to Ragatha's limbs. Her body, limbs and neck all have tightly-coiled ribbons inside them that function as internal support, and her "head" is made of a small, tightly-wound sphere of ribbons that attaches directly to her mask. This form is highly adaptable, and Gangle can easily utilize the ribbons and ceramic shards within her to weaponize this form, if such an action is required. This form is approximately 6'1" tall. Like her original avatar, she does not have any breasts or buttocks. //Gangle's "beast" form is much larger than her "default" form, standing at approximately 20 feet tall at the shoulder and nearly 55 feet long. It is, unsurprisingly, far more monstrous than her "default" form, with four large robust limbs, a large barrel-shaped torso, a large head with powerful jaws, and a thick mane of ribbons covering the neck and upper back. In this form, her head resembles a monstrous version of her mask, with her mouth split into a large three-jawed maw and the top of her mask stretching out into two large horns. Her mouth is filled with hundreds of large, razor-sharp teeth. She has five thick fingers and toes on each hand and foot, and her fingers and toes are tipped with large, hook-like claws. Despite its massive size, Gangle's "beast" form is exceptionally agile and fast. This form has a second size option, which is roughly 45 feet tall at the shoulder and roughly 100 feet long. //Gangle's "colossus" form is, for the most part, just an enormous version of her "default" form. However, her torso and limbs are thicker and more robust than the limbs and torso of her "default" form, and she also has long ribbon "hair" that reaches her hips. Her "colossus" form is just under 50 feet tall. //Gangle's largest form is her "unwound" form. In this form, she is basically a 5-mile wide amorphous mass of ribbons and ceramic shards. Gangle will only go into this form if she is severely enraged, and when she is in this form, she is extremely aggressive and destructive, to the point that only Zooble can control her. //Gangle will occasionally use her shapeshifting abilities to transform herself into a colossal spider-like, snake-like, or centipede-like form. These forms are grouped together into a group known as her "Nightmare Forms", and she will only go into these form on Halloween, or if one of the circus members has significantly irritated her. All of these forms are similar in size to the larger version of her "Beast" form, with the "Snake" and "Centipede" forms being the longest. //In the "Spider" form, Gangle resembles a giant Huntsman Spider, but with several large spikes on the cephalothorax and abdomen, two large claws on the end of each foot, and vaguely reptilian jaws along with two large fangs. She can produce webbing in this form, and this webbing is nearly identical to actual spider silk. Her "Spider" form is roughly 60 feet long with a roughly 120 foot legspan. //In the "Snake" form, Gangle resembles a giant anaconda, but with small spikes along the entire body, and a trident-shaped spike on the end of the tail. Her "Snake" form is roughly 115 feet long. //In the "Centipede" form, Gangle resembles a generic centipede, but with a vaguely reptilian mouth with some insectoid features. Her "Centipede" form is roughly 120 feet long, and has 90 pairs of legs.
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copyrightcreep · 8 months ago
Searching Souls (Dreams Of An Insomniac AU) Arc 1
Xeriva looked at their hands. The hands that moments before this had... touched? The creature- they didn’t understand. Couldn’t understand. This creature, in this orange jumpsuit, who had a menacing smile, curled horns, and sharp teeth. This creature, who looked at Xeriva with such sadness. This creature, who had taken Xeriva’s hands before flinching back, then looked in curiosity. Xeriva looked into the yellow, uneven eyes and curiously asked, “Hey, can you talk? I’m Xeriva.” The creature tilted its head. Then it opened its mouth, but out came a child’s voice. “I call myself Clyde. You have my partner’s likeness. They have been missing, and you have their likeness. Have you seen them?” The voice jumped in tone and worry. This creature cared…
…Which made Xeriva certain of their next decision. "Yeah, I uh, I’ve seen them. Bastard of a doctor keeps them as an experiment.” The creature - Clyde’s - posture changed. It became hostile. The child’s voice was now sharp as a razor when it snarled. “How do you know that. And why do you look like Winfrey.” It wasn’t asking questions any more, it was demanding answers.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Xeriva gasped out, slightly panicked. “I got kidnapped by those crazies. They forced me into the room with your partner. They thought that you partner would kill me.” Xeriva hesitated for a bit, then continued their story. “But, I uh, I changed instead. They- they weren’t violent towards me, either. They seemed happy actually?” The moment Clyde heard those words, all the composure it once had melted away, and words spilled out with abandon. Clyde softened immediately, carefully curling its tail around Xeriva’s shoulders. 
“I’m sorry. I get protective of them. But with what you said. It sounds like you are Winfrey’s child, somehow. Which makes you mine.” The child’s voice shifted into one more mature, with a soft undertone meant to soothe them. And it worked wonders on their stress. The stress melted out of their shoulders. Xeriva thought back to meeting Winfrey. They didn’t stop for a minute to think about how their body had changed, how their bones cracked and popped, and how their flesh had shifted into something else, how eyes appeared and opened where they hadn't been before, and how their insides became tendrils. Xeriva had always felt more in touch with their inhuman side. But this, this was insane. They didn't know who they were anymore. But they could figure it out, with their…parents? It seemed like both of the creatures had adopted them, if they weren’t considered their biological parents. 
The weight on their back finally cooperated with them as they slowly accepted their new reality. Which meant they noticed everything, now, all at once. Their horns, their wings, how their eyes had become misaligned, and how their mouth had widened as their teeth had grown and sharpened. They noticed how their tailbone stretched and stretched, and they realized how they probably looked like a monster. But somehow…it felt right. They leaned into Clyde before rasping, “We’re gonna rescue Winfrey right?” Clyde’s smile widened before nodding. 
Clyde led the way, its child following clumsily, still unused to their new body. Xeriva’s tail - similar looking to its own - was dragging on the ground. They had been through a lot, and Clyde’s mind and instincts screamed at it to drag them in a hug and force them to sleep, to keep them safe. But first, it had to let its kids meet, and then save Winfrey. 
They had little time. Lankmann was currently on his way to get Alex. It had no other choice than to drag its kids and go to Simon’s barn; it had to keep its babies safe. 
Xeriva kept stumbling, trying to walk like a human. Clyde had no idea how to teach a veldigun to move. Xeriva and Alex weren’t born veldigun; they used to be human. Instinct probably didn’t come naturally to them like it did to Clyde. It grumbled at that thought, before getting an idea.
Its chest rumbled with a purr as it hooked its tail around Xeriva’s, who let out a small yelp. It picked Xeriva up and started moving faster, letting its instincts guide them out of obstacles, hoping that by showing them, Xeriva would follow. Xeriva was startled, both at being picked up like a toddler and at how fast Clyde was going. Then they realized they could sense objects, way before seeing them. This must be what Clyde was trying to teach them - they weren't human anymore, they had to stop acting like they were.
Closing their eyes for a bit, Xeriva focused on their changed body and new body parts, before opening their eyes and unhooking their tail. And then, they started running alongside Clyde, letting their body use their new parts to help guide them, while using their wings to get speed or make small jumps. Their tail was swinging with abandon and glee - they were so fast! They could feel a rumbling jumpstart in their chest, and heard Clyde respond in kind. 
The two of them must have looked ridiculous, booking it like they were, but they couldn't care less. Buildings, cars, trees, nothing was an issue. Xeriva wanted to laugh at how free they felt. 
After a short while, Clyde started slowing down before coming to a stop at one particular house. Xeriva followed their parent's lead and stopped next to it. Clyde gave a proud grin and ruffled their hair with its claws before knocking on the door. A light clicked on, followed by footsteps on hardwood, and finally, the door opened. Alex had been having a weird couple of weeks. Their house got broken into by an eldritch creature, presumably the Eastridge demon. A pretty darn scary thought, but for some reason, Alex’s first reaction was to offer it a sandwich. And this terrifying horned creature tilted its head, and then just plopped on the couch and started eating the sandwich, its tail - all raised and menacing before - was now slightly swaying and curling. 
It started visiting more often, then they started working together. First on understanding each other, then on the plan to get Winfrey free, and finally to get away from Lankmann. Thinking about their horned friend made them worried. They hadn’t seen it since yesterday, and it was already nearing 2 am. They couldn’t bring themself to sleep, worry gnawing at their mind. They had been lying in their bed when some knocks sounded, way too sharp to be anyone else. They had turned the light on, walked to the door, and opened it to find two horned creatures in front of their door. 
One was Clyde, its orange jumpsuit and yellow eyes and sharp-toothed grin hard to miss. The one next to it was strange, though. Their hair was unkempt and wild, their eyes were yellow like Clyde’s - as were their teeth - and they held a terrifying stature, seeming taller than Clyde (but it was hard to tell with them hunched like this). The creature had multiple eyes, large wings, a sharp tail, and a…hospital gown? And then Alex noticed that their body was softly colored, almost pastel-like, soft blues and purples. 
Clyde quickly zoomed around Alex to go inside their house. The pastel-colored Veldigun quickly followed. Alex took a moment to breathe with their back against the door after shutting it, before heading into their living room. Clyde was watching both the other veldigun and Alex with a sharp eye. Speaking of, Alex looked at the pastel-colored one and asked: “Can you, uh, speak?”
The stranger folded their wings and curled their tail around themselves, before saying, “Hey, uh, name’s Xeriva. Clyde said your name was Alex? Nice to meet you.” A short laugh escaped their lips, and Alex noticed that their voice sounded almost melodic, like melancholy and nerves.
Alex was startled for a moment, not expecting such human manners. Clyde seemed pleased before rasping, “Xeriva is a child of Winfrey. You have to hurry Alex. Our plan needs to happen today.” Its voice was somewhere between maternal and stern.
"Already? Okay, well, I have my bag packed so-” they got cut off when both Veldigun sprung up with alarm, seeming to hear something outside. “Too late,” Clyde whispered hoarsely.
It covered its arms with its hoodie before quickly picking Alex up, snatching their pre-packed bag on the way with its tail. Xeriva disappeared into the kitchen. Clyde jumped out the window, running up the hill near Alex’s house, going to some bushes and depositing Alex near one before flattening to the ground. Alex couldn’t see much but hoped Xeriva was okay. Xeriva acted quickly, they needed a distraction. Upon seeing that Clyde had Alex with it, they bolted to the kitchen, turning up the gas and activating the microwave, oven, and whatever apparatus they could find. Then they filled a plastic bag with mugs, glasses, and random cutlery, before quickly leaving the no-doubt ticking time bomb by now. They grabbed the biggest hoodie they could find, hoping Alex wouldn't mind, to hide most of their inhumanity. After that, they jumped out the same window as Clyde and then ran towards some bushes on a hill. 
Xeriva could tell Clyde was there somehow, and proceeded to quickly crouch down next to Alex. Then Xeriva handed them the bag. “Sorry about your kitchen, saved what I could.”
Before Alex could question them, a small explosion was heard, and several figures were seen storming the house. Alex looked shocked, eyes tearing up a bit. Xeriva understood it probably wasn't easy, and they wished they could hug Alex. But there was no time. Sharing a glance with Clyde, it seemed both of them knew the time to move was now. 
They carried Alex and the two bags to one of the cars parked nearby. Xeriva jumped into the driver's seat and used the tip of their tail to hijack the car. Although they'd never gotten their license, they knew where the gas and brake pedals were, plus a basic idea of how to steer. It would have to do. 
They pressed the pedal and started driving like hell, following Clyde’s cues and directions - its tail pointing left, right, and up ahead - while trying to give it and Alex some privacy.
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sillymaxing · 1 year ago
Idk what to call my AU, but here are some character descriptions and hcs.
CW: mentioned war, mentioned torture, mentioned suicidal ideation, imprisonment, isolation.
When the main 4 were living together, Tord was 25, Edd was 25, Tom was 24, and Matt was 23.
Tord moved away when he turned 26
And then 3 years later he comes back, now 28.
And within a month, He is kicked out cause all of the events in The End.
The invasion happens a year later. When Tord had time to regroup.
Doesn’t show his face. He wears a very silly red armored mask.
He’s an inventor, engineer, scientist. This man is SO smart.
He knew about Tom’s Monster form for a while. Even before he moved out. He just didn’t say anything.
More focused on work than romance or even friendship.
Absolutely no restraint or hesitation on the battlefield.
Very much addicted to smoking. It’s to the point where he claims he can’t think straight if he doesn’t smoke.
Really wishes Edd and Tom were just random people instead of old friends, because now he feels guilt and remorse hurting them.
Paul is like an older brother figure to him.
Patryck is someone Tord met when he moved away originally. They totally met at the gym.
In this AU, Paul is actually a HUGE behind the scenes guy.
The Red Army was his idea originally.
In fact, he was going to be the leader.
But he met Tord, and saw CRAZY potential.
Convinced Tord to move away and train underneath him.
Listen, this man has like maxed out charisma. Convinced this little red guy to leave his entire life behind.
Tord is the face of the Red Army, and the one making most of the decisions. Paul is like his advisor.
Didn’t actually like Patryck at the start, but they work as fine coworkers. They can get along pretty well now.
Paul is 5’10
In his early 40s
Patryck was a regular dude going to college and studying Supply Chain Management and Information Systems.
This guy is a businessman through and through.
Tord tried to convince him to join the Red Army, but Patryck insisted that he finish college first.
And he DID!! But during college, Patryck would train with Paul and Tord. He learned how to handle melee weapons, firearms, etc.
In his early 30s.
He really likes video games. Keeps a Nintendo Switch in his room at the Red Army base.
Really wants to grow out his hair, but Paul and Tord have instructed that it can’t be longer than shoulder length due to safety precautions.
Normally has his hair in a ponytail or man bun.
Okay so Tom’s monster form is like 20 feet tall.
While in his monster form, he isn’t really conscious.
He can kinda control when he turns into his full monster form, but can’t control when he turns back human.
Has this half human half monster form? But it varies. The more monster-like he is, the more foggy his brain gets.
REALLY bad suicidal ideation. He tries to remain strong and tough, but after about a year of being in a lab, it starts to eat away at him.
The most notable traits of his monster form are razor-sharp claws, teeth, a spiky tail, horns, and purple literally everywhere.
He isn’t allowed to talk to Edd. Isn’t even informed that Edd is captured.
Ever since experiments started, Tom’s craving proteins a lot more, and eats a lot more food in general, since he has to maintain his monster form for longer.
Once Tom starts cooperating, he gets little rewards! Like being able to talk to Matt, extra rest time, comfortable clothes, longer showers, even gets to go outside sometimes.
Oh boy.
When Edd abandoned Matt, he ran to start the Resistance.
Edd REALLY misses Tom. Regrets not staying around for him.
REALLY good with melee weapons.
Unmatched rage towards Tord. Towards any Red Army soldier. And now that Matt joined the Red Army, only proving Edd right, he now has unmatched rage for Matt.
If Edd and Tom were actually able to talk to each other, they would plan their escape.
Like actually HATES Tord. Hates him more than anything.
Really misses how things used to be.
Regrets ever letting Tord back in their home.
He feels like all of this is his fault, and that he could’ve prevented it.
Constantly replaying his past in his head, thinking about what he could’ve done differently.
Stays in an isolated cell after his capture. Only a handful of soldiers are allowed to interact with him.
Tord keeps him painfully updated on Resistance survivors that have joined the Red Army since his capture.
First of all, he’s 6’2.
He isn’t imprisoned for that long compared to Tom and Edd. He’s only in a cell for like 2ish months before being let out. This is mainly because he gave up fighting about a month in, but Tord needed to make sure Red Army actually had Matt’s loyalty, and it wasn’t just a lie.
Matt went from the cell straight into duties, becoming an official member of the Red Army.
Matt works as the supply manager?? Idk the right name for it, but he tracks food and water supply. He’s Patryck’s assistant too.
Matt takes on a few other duties here and there. He doesn’t do anything battlefield related.
Matt is also tasked with showing new recruits around the main base.
He has a room right next to Tord’s.
Sneaks away to bring Tom food or to just talk with him.
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@quibble-auk I might be reworking my Tired Dad design for Comet.
I mean he'd look more like a gladiator right?? His mimicry gets better as he gets older. (He still had armor on is exposed stuff though, its just thinner I think, he's not that dumb) I took inspiration from your comic of him, and I'm gonna keep working on it. I may have made him too thick, like dude is supposed to be lean.
Ignore my awful anatomy, I draw too many head shots.
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hopepetal · 2 years ago
A little vampires!au snippet I wrote in a discord dm while I may or may not have been possessed
vampires!au rambles
“You're the little human girl our... friends have taken in?” Doc asks in a tone that makes it clear he is anything but friends with her family, his voice sharp and cold like a razor. Something about it makes a shiver run down Pearl's spine, and she fights the urge to take a step back as her eyes flick between the two standing in front of her.
She can't put her finger on what exactly Doc is– supernatural, most certainly, she's never seen a human with goat horns and green skin– but Ren is a werewolf. She remembers Mumbo reading a book to her when she was younger, about werewolves and vampires and how they absolutely despised each other. Something about a "sacred heart of the moon" or whatever that meant.
Pearl swallows, and takes a deep breath to push out the fear that keeps her rooted to the ground while her mind screams at her to run. “So what if I am?” she asks, putting on a mask of fake confidence as she crosses her arms, smirking slightly. “Don't tell me you're scared. I don't bite as hard as my family does.”
Ren growls softly, and Doc holds out an arm– a silent warning to stay back and calm down, if Pearl's reading him right. The faint starlight glints off the shining metal of the prosthetic, and Pearl finds herself wishing it wasn't a new moon. She felt stronger in the moonlight, probably because she was able to see, but her eyes have long been adjusted to the dark enough for her to make out their silhouettes and faces. “It is just interesting to me. That your family would let a helpless little girl like you wander all alone.” The casual wording doesn't quite fit the mood, and Pearl tenses further.
“Well now, I'm hardly helpless,” she argues, “I can defend myself quite well, thank you very much!”
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clouds-by-me · 2 years ago
Yan!Genshin x winged!reader
Characters; Venti, Scaramouche, Albedo
Gene: Angst, Yandere
Au; winged!Reader, Also implied black reader
Synopsis; Tells have been told...Stories have been sung...and yet most still don't believe that such A creature exist. I mean A winged creature with horns and razor sharp claws doesnt sound believable at all. And yet you exsist. And now that you do, you've gained the attention of someone who really loves you:)
Warnings; passive behavior, obsessive behavior, just Yandere things
•For him to be the god of freedom, he really loves keeping you locked away
•He wants you for himself, I mean why would you want to be with anyone else?
•He is however very clingy, he craves to give you affection
•He really loves you though
•He would try to give you as much freedom as he can, but the moment you do anything, A punishment is soon to follow.
•Please, please PLEASE. Just do as he says, he's the anemo archon. If you ever tried to fly away he could just easily stop you, and prevent you from going anywhere.
•And don't even think about running away. He knows everything. Hes the wind in human form. you won't make it far
•All you have to do, is what he says. And he may just let you keep your wings. In all honesty, he LOVES your Wings. The way they feel when you wrap them around him, and the way they feel. He loves them.
•He won't ever cut them off, but he will hurt your very sensitive wings to get what he wants, so be careful
"Such beautiful wings, for such a beautiful dove..."
•You'd be lucky if he didn't cut those wings off as soon as he got his hands on you.
•He'd actually use them against you. Poking and pricing at them, just to mess with you
•At first he'll let you keep them, but after the first escape attempt, he cut off half of your right wing
•He has this sick way of teasing you about even being with him in the first place, as if you had a choice.
•Once your with him, your stick.
•There's not really any chance of escape. He holds too much power, and has so many people under his command. If do somehow manage to get away which you won't you wouldn't be able to trust Anyone
•He wants you by his side all the time, no exceptions. The rules he has set for you are so strict. He doesn't really understand that you have limits, well he does but he wants to see how long it'll be before you brake
•He can be somewhat decent tho.
•No ones ever going to disrespect you. Not with him around
•And he's always around
•He'll make his subordinates basically worship you. He's the only person that can touch you, or even look at you for too long.
"If only you'd just listen. Then your poor wings wouldn't be getting cut off, now would they?"
•Hes absolutely intrigued by your wings
•Your soft feather filled wings,
•He has so many questions about them, so much he wants to do with them...
•He swears that he loves you, then makes you run test for him until the only thing you know is test
•If you pass his little experiments then he'll reward you with love and praise. Hugging and cuddling you, telling you how good you did, and how much he loves you
•If you fail however, then he'll make you do more until you pass. But they become easier, he understands that your tired, but he needs you to get through this. He wants, needs you to pass so he can hug and love on you in every way
•He loves your wings, and will never cut them off, however he'll find other ways to make you learn your lesson.
•He has his own way of keeping you for himself. All he has to do is keep you occupied. That's it. He is smart enough to make such a elaborate plan to keep you busy and with him for as longs as he wants
•Which happens to be forever
"You did so great for me today love, so great"
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synnthamonsugar · 8 months ago
Synnth's Fic Rec Friday . . . #2!
Inspired by the fic rec listed started by @a-driftamongopenstars and the Friday fic rec series by @flowers-of-io. I thought I would throw my hat into the ring with my own weekly(ish) series. (Tag: Synnth Recs)
A Dance for the Ages
By @endivinity
Read on AO3
Fandom: Destiny | Rating: Teen | Characters: Eris Morn, Savathun, Oryx | Word count: 4,188 | Warnings: None
Eris had been warned, as a little girl, not to go down to the marsh alone after dark. There were lights that bobbed enticingly on the horizon, beckoning her with their charming glow that she knew well to ignore and turn away from; grasping claws that look like lakeweed until an unknowing traveler stepped within their drifting clutches
I have a complicated relationship with fantasy/fae/magic AUs. I think it's easy to simply drop existing characters into a stock magical setting and call it a day. But at their best, these sorts of AUs understand the original settings and characters of a work and map them seamlessly onto a unique new world.
This is fae AU at its best, a fic that respects both its source material and offers a compelling recontextualization of its characters & events.
She is returning, the night of a full-moon. Silver horseshoes affix to her boots, making her steps weighty but for all the howling and hungry eyes shining red in between the trees, she is not bothered. Baskets of herbs sway from the heavy bindle over her shoulder. “Traveler,” an unfamiliar voice croons, so close it could almost be at her ear. “Thou'rt far from home, in this place.” It's melodic and beautiful, and immediately Eris's hand goes to the salt-kissed blade at her hip. She turns slowly, letting a silvered shoe dig into the dry dirt of the path, grounding her with intent: she will not be moved. Her eyes meet those of a woman.
One of the first things I noticed about A Dance For The Ages is the way its style pays homage to classic fairytale narration. There's a rhythm to the narration that's immensely compelling — I could not put it down once I started reading.
“Such busy folk,” a familiar oil-slick voice drips into her ears, and she startles, almost dropping her mug. A goat stands beside her, black hair forming a mantle, black raking horns, black eyes. It chews a stalk of wheat thoughtfully. “You are no mere siren,” Eris says. “Indeed I am not.” “What is it you ask of me this time?” It is a bold question, yet nonetheless accurate. A wight such as this would never appear benignly without purpose. The goat chews and chews the wheat until it is all gone, grain-husks crunched beneath teeth that carry glimpses of being razor sharp. “I bear a craving for fruits of the summer. If thou'rt diligent at pastry-craft, a pie upon the sill,” she requests, swapping to the old-speak easy as breathing. “I offer a trinket, in return.”
The dialog between Savathûn and Eris is such a delight to read, and I love the way the story leans in to Savathûn's status as trickster; always shifting shapes, always offering deals and challenges and cryptic wisdom.
The village did not baulk at her eyes, nor did they stop in their care. It is a comfort, to still be so loved, even after her desperate choices. She saved them, they tell her, as she helps deliver a stuck lamb; the season's first, and a sign of the Fell King's touch upon the land and his theft of their blessing of the coming year. It will take work, but they will work through it. She saved them, they say, and so she deserves to choose to save herself in turn. It is hard. But she is not alone.
I adore the characterization of Eris as respected wise-woman and witch, as someone who makes hard decisions but own them, as someone who faces immense hardship without falling victim.
“Sathona,” Eris whispers, and heedless of the stories and truths of the swamp's dangers, of the mud and the water and the startled frogs, she surges forward. Sathona catches her easily, braced as she is on elegantly sweeping legs and cloven hooves. “Hello, darling,” Sathona says, the smile evident in her voice for all that Eris cannot see it with her face buried in Sathona's midriff with the force of her embrace. “Thank you for the gifts.”
The actual Savathûn/Eris aspect of this fic is wonderfully light-touch and tender, walking the line between platonic love, romance, and some secret other thing. I love the blurring of Eris' and Savathûn's identities — shared struggles and vision — in a way that slots perfectly into their canon.
Genuinely, this is one of the most refreshing and bittersweet and beautiful fics I've read in a long while. What are you doing still reading this review! Go read it instead!
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a-random-fan4444 · 2 years ago
Evil grandpa au headcannon Casey jr gives out compliments that sound like subtle insults. Draxum and the goyles are unsure whether this is purposeful or accidental .
Thank you @orderdchaosthings2 for the Grand-Evil-Pa au headcannon!!! This one’s hilarious!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Casey Jr: “This blanket’s so soft! It’s like rat fur.”
Left Draxum wondering if his real wool exported from New Zealand blankets really were worth the fortune he paid.
Casey Jr: “You both look very youthful for your age.” *
Left Huginn and Muninn looking at How To Stay Looking Youthful magazines.
* Growing up in the apocalypse left Casey Jr’s perception of people’s age warped since most everyone had gray hair from stress and no access to razors to shave facial hair. Yokai’s features were unkept as well, most Yokai’s horn’s grew too wayward or got chipped to hell and back. Bird Yokai’s feathers lost their shininess and grew dull. Overall because everyone was so disheveled everyone looked 10 years older.
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eeveegirl9 · 2 months ago
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This is Constance's Pokémon team in Kanto for my Pokémon x KND AU. Constance and the other member of Sector Z are freed from the Delightfulization after following Erika through an Ultra Wormhole. Erika, having prepared for the day her team would be free and follow her, gives her Bulbasaur.
Bulbasaur -> Ivysaur -> Venusaur Type: Grass/Poison Moves: Razor Leaf, Growth, Body Slam, Mega Drain and PoisonPowder Met: Given as a Starter by Professor Oak PokéBall: PokéBall
Helix Fossil -> Omanyte -> Omastar Type: Water/Rock Moves: Horn Attack, Bubble Beam, Bide, Reflect and Leer Met: Revived from a Helix Fossil PokéBall: PokéBall
Magnetmite -> Magneton Type: Electric Moves: Thunderbolt, Flash, Screech, Swift and SonicBoom Met: Power Plant PokéBall: PokéBall
Growlithe -> Arcanine Type: Fire Moves: Flamethrower, Agility, Roar, Dig and Dragon Rage Met: Route 7 PokéBall: PokéBall
Doduo -> Dodrio Type: Normal/Flying Moves: Fury Attack, Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Mimic and Double Team Met: Route 16 PokéBall: PokéBall
Jynx Type: Ice/Psychic Moves: Blizzard, Psychic, Lovely Kiss, Counter and Double Slap Met: Seafoam Islands PokéBall: PokéBall
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puzzled-pegasus · 1 year ago
So I had this weird AU idea...
A Wings of Fire AU where all the dragons are horse-based. Hear me out!
They all have the base bone structure of horses, with long legs and horse heads and hooves. They still have scales and dragon tails and dragon wings. Their mouths are a slightly terrifying cross between herbivore and carnivore. Some of them have a horn like a unicorn; none of them have two horns.
SkyWings are built like thoroughbreds: Tall, with strong legs and deep chests. They have very sharp hooves, and they have spines on the back of their necks where a horse's mane would be. Their hooves and teeth are razor sharp.
IceWings are built like draught horses, and instead of feathers on their legs, they have icicle-like spikes. They can have a unicorn-like horn on their head, especially common in royal or noble IceWings.
SeaWings are short legged and muscular and barrelly, like Shetlands but not so small. Fins where a horse's mane would be as well as on the legs. Lights in a zebra pattern.
NightWings might have stars in a dapple pattern. Some have horns, some not, but only those with future seeing powers have a silver horn. NightWings can have either black or silver hooves.
SandWings are small and lean, MudWings are big and muscular like work horses. SandWings are the only Pyrrhian tribe to have actual hair for a mane.
RainWings are small and sturdy and very sure-footed, and have long ears and short snoots like a donkey. They kind of climb around on the trees like a little goat. Their prehensile tails provide extra insurance.
All HiveWings have unicorn horns, courtesy of Clearsight. Willow has a flowy willow leaf mane. SilkWings can have either spines or floof.
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