#I’m so glad I can be magical back to you
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‘Good. I’m glad you got your fill and enjoyed it.’ Daniel smiled as he got out. ‘Want to go watch some TV?’
‘Good thinking. You’re more than just a pretty face, non?’ Lestat chuckled as he gently patted Louis’ cheek. He then took his hand to lead him towards the bedroom.
‘I can’t help it!’ Jil repeated, the words between a whine and a moan. ‘You’re so sexy and you do things like this to me that feel so magical. How can I resist you?!’ She arched her back into Hannibal’s mouth.
Louis de Pointe Dulac had made the corps de ballet. He stepped into the classroom and quietly sat in the back setting his bag down as he got ready to stretch. He stared around at the other dancers, he saw the other beginner dancers like him as well as the Principal dancers, the best of the company. The teacher walked in and started instructing the warm up exercises.
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Elf Teacher x !Band Director Chubby Reader: Part 1 (18+)
This is my OC Eldrin in a more modern fantasy setting. If you’d like to read his original story, you can find that here.
After three years of playing for a professional orchestra, teaching band in the middle of bum fuck nowhere was far from ideal.
You failed to earn tenure after three years at your old job, and were removed from your position. Instead of getting back on the audition trail, you decided to try something new. You figured with your qualifications, finding a teaching job would be easy. If you had been fired at a more convenient time, maybe it would’ve, but finding a teaching job in January felt impossible.
Still, you had student loans to pay, so you took the first job you could; teaching band and orchestra at an elementary school in a town you had never heard of. It was a small school, around 300 students; maybe not entirely in the middle of nowhere, but still a far cry from the city.
You had been given two keys; one for your classroom, and one for the instrument closet. You opened up the closet, only to see the small amount of instruments at the very back of the closet. The first thing you saw on the shelves was bins of magical components, alongside sets of textbooks with glossy spines; despite the dust in the room, they looked fairly new. You skimmed the titles.
Everyday Magic: PreK-2nd
Everyday Magic: 3rd-5th
4th Grade Mathematics
Life Science: Level 4
You looked out in the hallway; your room was sequestered at the back of the school, only two other classrooms close by. One was another music room, dark and locked away, likely unused for years. The other was a lively 4th grade classroom; perhaps these books belonged to that teacher. You didn’t want to make enemies your first day, but…surely, you’d need the space.
You found the roster of students taped to the wall. You had six students. Not six violins, or six trumpets, or six clarinets, but six students overall. Two violins, a clarinet, a trumpet, a trombone, and a flute. Finding music for an ensemble like this would be an impossible task. You moved towards the stored away instruments. Every single instrument had a name tag and an ID number on it, meaning it belonged to the school. It wasn’t that only six kids had signed up; the school only had six instruments. If you could get permission to order a few more, and get whoever stored their shit here to move it, maybe you could get a few more students.
You heard a door open, followed by the sound of a child trying to stifle tears. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to help.”
“I know, I know,” said a man in a gentle tone; that had to be the fourth grade teacher storing his stuff in your closet. “But it’s alright. Are you hurt?”
“Did anyone get hurt?”
“No, but…I looked stupid.”
You were nosy; you poked your head out the closet door, seeing a tall, Elvish man leaning against the wall.
“No, you did not. I promise you no one thinks that. As you said, you were trying to help. You’re still learning, but spells like that are hard. Although…did it work?”
“Yeah, but-”
“Then that’s something we should celebrate! Healing spells like that most mages don’t learn until middle school. We’ll sweep up the dandelion petals, and that’ll be that. Alright?”
The boy nodded, “okay.”
“Good. Now head back inside, and we’ll talk more about that when we meet on Wednesday.” The boy walked back inside, and as the man went to follow him, he turned around. You weren’t fast enough, locking eyes with him.
He looked you up and down, his eyes narrowed. “…who are you?”
You realized you had left your badge on your desk. “Oh, sorry, I’m the new band teacher.”
His demeanor shifted once you introduced yourself. “Oh! That’s great, no one thought they’d be able to fill that position. Two of my students were in band, and they were devastated when the last teacher quit.”
You skimmed the name on the bottom of his badge;
Eldrin Fairwind
“I’m glad I’m here then,” you smiled. “What did they play?”
“Eliseph played violin, and Alex, the student I was just talking to, played clarinet.”
“Is…everything alright with him?”
“He’ll be okay. Very talented mage, just…a bit unpolished with his magic, as all young mages are, I’m sure you know how it is.”
You didn’t, but you nodded along anyway. You looked at him a little closer; glasses that perfectly framed his face, a soft smile, and kind eyes, you could listen to him talk all day long.
Wait. Was this the guy using your closet?”
“Could I ask you something?”
“Of course. I’m sure it’s quite intimidating, a new school halfway through the year, I can’t imagine.”
“Yeah, I…the instrument closet, I need the space there. Are the bins and books in there yours?”
His eyes widened, embarrassed. “I’m so sorry, I’m in charge of the Young Mages Program here, and I’m a little short on space in my own classroom.”
‘So am I,’ you thought.
“I get it. I just wanted to see if I could get permission to purchase a few more instruments, and they’d need a place to go, so…”
“Oh, that’d be great! The old teacher didn’t seem particularly interested in growing the program, so I doubt you’ll have issues with that.”
“She didn’t want to grow the program? Why?”
“Well-” he was interrupted by a girl walking towards him. She said something to him in Elvish, but he responded in common. “It’s on the board. We’ll sound it out.” He turned back to face you, “I need to go, but I’ll tell you after school if you’re still here.”
“Sorry, I’ll let you get back to it. It was nice meeting you.”
He smiled, “likewise.”
You spent the rest of the day getting your room set up and cleaning what you could in the supply closet, kicking up dust with every movement. Despite having the whole day, you were still cleaning and cataloguing supplies in the closet by the time 3:00 arrived. After the rush of dismissal was over and quiet returned to the hallway, you heard the door across the hall open.
“So,” he started walking towards the closet, “how was the rest of your first day?”
“Dusty,” you joked, patting the dust off your pants. “But other than that, I think we should be good to start tomorrow.”
He looked around, “impressive. Getting a classroom set up and cleaning a closet all in one day is quite the feat.”
You smiled, “thanks. So, what’s the deal with the teacher before me?”
“Well, she was quite old, for one. Even when she started, she was already 700 years old. I heard she requested all sorts of instruments, and that’s what she got.”
“Just six instruments?”
He nodded, “arts budgets in places like this are quite small, usually. This was the first time we ever had a band teacher, so the principal didn’t question it. She kept asking, but kept getting denied. I think after the first few years, she just…gave up, and made do with what she had. We’ve had plenty of new principles within that time, but,” he shrugged. “She had given up at that point.”
“How long was she here for?”
“A hundred years or so. Something like that.”
You nodded, “what about you? How long have you been here?”
“This year will be fifty, I believe.”
Your eyes widened, “that’s…a lot. How long have you been teaching?”
He paused, looking to the side. “A hundred and fifty years, I think? Honestly…I don’t remember. What about you?”
You let out a nervous laugh, “this is my first year, actually.”
“Oh. Well, there’s certainly worse places to endure your first year of teaching,” he laughed. “You’ll be alright. You seem excited to be here, and that’s already an improvement from the last person here.”
You weren’t excited about the job. But you were excited to talk to him. “I’m glad. I’ll do the best I can.”
“Well, if you ever need help, I’m right across the hall,” he smiled. “Did you just move here too?”
You nodded, “just a few days ago, yeah. It’s quite different from the city, but…I like it. So far, at least.”
“Wait until it snows. Then you might change your mind,” he joked. “But if you don’t have anything planned after school on Friday, I could show you around. I like to think I know my way around after fifty years,” he smiled.
Your face flushed; was he asking you out on a date, or was he just being friendly? “I’d like that,” you said before you could think anymore about it.
His face lit up, “I look forward to it. I’ll-” he cut himself off, looking back at the bins on the shelves. “I’ll move my things now.”
Were you seriously going to put up with him keeping his things in your supply closet? Just for the chance of seeing him between classes more often?
“It’s alright. I might need you to move some things if I can get more instruments, but…it’s alright for now.”
Yes. Yes you were.
“Thank you. I appreciate that.”
You couldn’t help but be a bit nervous. Other 4th and 5th grade teachers had stopped by, telling you how excited they were for band to get started again. From the sound of it, even if there were only six students, they were six dedicated students. After all, in a town like this, there wasn’t much to do.
You learned even more from Eldrin the next day. “It’s not that there isn’t interest,” he shrugged as you spoke in the hallway. “It’s that there just weren’t enough resources. The way they decided who got to do band was based on academic performance.”
You raised an eyebrow; you knew plenty of people that struggled in school but were great musicians. “That doesn’t seem fair.”
He sighed, “it’s not. But…it is what it is, I suppose.” He looked towards you with a hopeful smile, “perhaps you’ll be able to change that.”
Each day was different than the last. Admittedly, with such a small program, there wasn’t much for you to do outside of teaching the six students. Still, you were required to be there the whole day With how much time you had, it made sense to meet with them individually, seeing two of them on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. When you weren’t teaching, you kept looking through the supply closet. While you had catalogued all of the supplies, there were still several file cabinets you hadn’t touched. So, you started going through those, making a database of all the music the school had, and what it was for. You managed to keep yourself busy, the week passing quickly.
Yet despite all the time on your hands, you still weren’t sure if your outing with Eldrin was a date or not. Maybe he was just being nice, maybe he was interested in you. Although, if it was the latter, that wouldn’t be wise, would it? You had already hit rock bottom losing the job of your dreams; you didn’t need to add insult to injury by fraternizing with a co-worker you had only known for a week.
When you checked your mailbox after lunch, you found a sealed, unaddressed envelope. You opened it up, a message written on a folded up piece of notepad paper.
I’ll pick you up at 5:00. Let me know where.
You realized you didn’t even have his phone number. Once the school day started, it was hard to find time to speak to him. You could wait until after school, but you wanted to make sure you had enough time to get ready. After all, if it was a date, you didn’t want to still be in your teacher clothes.
That’s when you got an idea.
You grabbed one of the mailing envelopes from the copy room, and wrote a message of your own. You wrote down your address on a piece of printer paper, and contemplated writing something else. A heart? A flirtatious message? You kept it simple, writing only ‘looking forward to it :)’
You sealed the envelope, and waited for your second student of the day. Despite it being her first lesson, Kiri had made a point to find you in your classroom before school and introduce herself.
“My mom works here, so if you ever need help, I can help you! I know how to use the copier. I can even put staples in it,” she had said. She was always enthusiastic about running errands for teachers, and you hoped this would be no different.
As she packed up her violin, you stood up and walked back to your desk. “Could you do a favor for me?”
She smiled wide, “yeah!”
You handed her the sealed envelope. “Could you give this to Mr. Fairwind for me?”
She took the envelope, giving you a little salute. “Yep!”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
Hopefully that worked.
It must have, because he was at your door right at 5:00. You had changed into an outfit that made you look good, but wasn’t too revealing. Even if you wanted to wear something a bit showy, it was far too cold for that.
Although, you had worn a cute set of underwear. Just in case.
It was a bit strange seeing him in a more laid back ensemble, but you figured he might’ve been thinking the same thing of you.
A drive around such a small town might’ve been boring for some, but he managed to make it interesting, regaling you with all sorts of stories about the town. You quickly learned where to go, but more importantly, where not to go.
“Admittedly, there’s not too much to see,” he laughed, starting to take you home. “But…it’s enough. With the chaos everyday brings, boredom is a breath of fresh air.”
“I get that.” You looked back out the window, the stars clear and bright in the night sky. “I haven’t seen stars like this in awhile. It was always too bright in the city.”
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Sometimes you don’t realize what you were missing until you see it.”
“It is…” you trailed off, looking back at him. You noticed he was looking over at you, stealing brief glances whenever he could. You wanted to ask him to take you home, or to come back to your place, but you still weren’t sure if that’s what he was after. He’d been friendly, he’d been sweet, but…he wasn’t that flirtatious. No placing his hand on your knee, no risqué remarks, just camaraderie. Perhaps that was a good thing, but it didn’t fill you with confidence. “Where do you live, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“About half an hour away, why do you ask?”
You bit your lip. It was a risky move; this was someone you worked with. You had known him for a week. Yet his politeness made you want him more.
“I was just curious. Why is that?”
“This is a small town. People talk. I don’t think I do anything that scandalous in my free time, but…” he grinned, “I like not having to worry about it.”
“So you occasionally do things that are scandalous?” You joked.
“Occasionally. No more than the average person, I’d like to think. I might occasionally drink after work.”
“The horror,” you said sarcastically.
“They’ve fired teachers for it before. I don’t think they’d do that here, but I’d rather not take the risk. Besides, it’s nice to not have to worry about running into someone wherever I go.”
“That’s true. I’m sure people would have something to say if they saw you at my door,” you giggled.
“I’m sure they would. If anyone did see me, we’ll hear about it soon enough.”
You saw an opportunity and took it. “Maybe it’s better for the both of us if we went back to your place.”
You heard a quiet laugh under his breath. “Maybe you’re right. I think you spending the night with me would certainly minimize risk.”
“That seems like a good idea. Wouldn’t want anyone to see me walking inside in the middle of the night,” you watched as he drove out of town, the road empty and quiet.
“Oh no, we definitely can’t have that. We wouldn’t want people to think you were doing something obscene.”
“I’d never,” you decided to be bold, setting your hand on his leg. You looked back at him, unsure if it was alright to go further.
He smirked, “oh, I’m sure you’d never.”
You moved your hand further, feeling the outline of his hard cock. You moved your hand back and forth, teasing him as you listened to his breaths start to slow. You leaned over for a moment, undoing his pants and taking his cock out as he continued to drive. You started to stroke his cock slowly; it was hard to see with how dark it was outside, but touching him quickly showed you he was fairly well-endowed.
You started to move faster, listening to him quietly moan from your touch. You slipped out from under your seatbelt, leaning over and resting your head on his lap, his cock resting on your face. You started to lick his cock, starting from the bottom and working your way up until you tasted his precum. You spent some time just licking the tip, sucking on it as you listened to his moans get a bit louder. He took one hand off the wheel for a moment just to pet your hair, before you started to lower your mouth down onto his cock. You took your time, getting it wet before you started to move faster.
You took his whole cock in your mouth, moving your head up and down as you sucked him off. All you could hear was the hum of the road, his soft moans, and the sound of your spit coating his cock.
His breaths started to quicken, and you soon realized the car wasn’t moving. You had arrived, but you were determined to make him cum before he even brought you inside. He parked the car, and rested both hands on your head, savoring the feeling of your throat and tongue. “You’re so good at this,” he moaned, feeling himself getting close. “You-You don’t have to-”
He was cut off by another moan as you made an effort to deepthroat him, fucking your throat with his cock. His breaths got quicker, and he gripped your hair just a little tighter; not enough to hurt, but enough for you to notice.
He couldn’t help himself. He came down your throat, tasting him on your tongue. Every time you were about to stop, you tasted his seed yet again. When he finally finished, you pulled yourself off, licking one last bead of cum on the tip of his cock. “I’d never do anything so obscene,” you smiled, looking up at him.
He was still catching his breath, mindlessly petting your hair as he looked down at you. “No, of course not.” He put his cock away, taking one last moment to come down from the high of his climax. “Well…shall we?”
You both walked inside his home, and he led you to the bedroom. You stood close to his bed as he gently held your face.
“May I kiss you?” The request felt so innocent after you blew him in his car.
You smiled, “please do.”
He pulled you in for a kiss, taking his time even though it was clear he wanted more. “No need to rush. We have all night, after all.” You weren’t sure if he was talking to you, or himself.
You both moved onto the bed, him continuing to kiss you as he hovered on top of you. You watched as he sat up, starting to undress. You started to pull your shirt off, but he stopped you.
“Let me.”
You weren’t going to tell him no. He pulled off your shirt, running his hands down your curves as and belly before pulling your pants off, admiring your body. He ran his hand over your wet, covered pussy. “It seems you had a plan.”
“I might’ve,” you teased.
“Well, I’d say you’ve been successful,” he started to pull your panties off, taking a moment to admire your pussy before unclipping your bra, freeing your breasts. He grabbed both of them, gently groping and caressing them as you watched his cock start to harden once more. His hands wandered, touching your thighs as he spread your legs further. “Let me return the favor,” he said as he touched your bare pussy.
You nodded your head, eager to feel his tongue. He took his time, licking your cunt eagerly as he held your thighs. He started to suck on your clit, your moans only encouraging him further. He moved faster, his tongue moving in and out of your wet pussy. At one point, it sounded like he moaned; “you taste so good,” he mumbled, lapping up your juices with pleasure.
You couldn’t help but hold his hair, wanting more and more of him as you pushed his head down. “I-I’m gonna cum,” you cried out.
He devoured your pussy, gripping your thighs faster as he felt your body shake. “Fuck!” You cried out as you came all over his face.
He came up for air, looking back at you as he wiped your cum from his face. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” Quite the compliment from someone who was three centuries old.
“Thank you. I…I wanted you ever since I saw you, to be honest.”
He smiled, “likewise.” He moved between your legs as you held them in the air. He leaned down to kiss you once more before slowly pushing inside you. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer as he started to move. He moved slowly, you could feel every inch moving in and out of you. He kissed your neck, looking back down at you. “Does that feel good?”
“Yes,” you moaned, “it feels so good!”
It was romantic, the way he took his time, but you wanted more. You locked your legs around him, forcing him deeper. He moved faster, groping your breast as he fucked you. He kissed you again, this time feeling his tongue against yours. He pushed your legs back further, getting even deeper inside you. You cried out in pleasure as he hit your g-spot, his balls slapping against your wet cunt.
He pulled out of you, not wanting to cum again so fast. He pulled your body next to his, and you moved your leg up for him to slide back inside. He held you by your side, leaning over to kiss you again as he fucked into you. He was struggling to hold back, enthralled with your face, your body, your pussy. The sight of your plump ass bouncing against him as he fucked into you was incredible, making him only want to move faster.
He had started off so romantic, and while that hadn’t faded, lust had started to take over. Soft kisses turned to biting at your neck. Gentle strokes turned into pounding into your pussy. Careful touches turned into a tight grip. Still, you loved it. Watching someone so gentle and sweet devolve, fucking you like crazy and becoming hypnotized by your tight cunt; that was almost just as hot as the sex itself.
You could feel yourself getting tight again, feeling yourself getting close. As you gripped his cock tighter, he couldn’t hold back. As you came, you milked his cock for all it had, another thick load shooting inside you, coating the wet walls of your pussy.
Both of you breathed heavily, looking back at each other as you tried to catch your breath. He held you close to him, his limp cock still inside you as he kissed your neck again.
Maybe it wasn’t the wisest option, sleeping with a co-worker you had only known for a week. Yet as you laid in his arms, you didn’t feel a single ounce of regret.
I love him so much
I’m still kinda burnt out on his other story but I’ve had this idea for awhile so. Fuck it we ball. Will prob continue this one but I just. Aaaaa. He’s so. Hhhh. I also think we just need more teacher x teacher stories in general.
Also if you read my other stories, yes, it’s the same Alex. I was writing out his backstory for another project, and he was also mentioned growing up in a small town in the middle of nowhere so. Why not. Obviously this is like, 12 years before tali’s story so yea. L o r e. Also, there was a line that got cut in his last chapter about how he played clarinet in high school. Yippee my universe grows. He’s not gonna be like a main focus here though, I just thought it’d be fun. He might punch a kid idk
Made reader a band director tho just because. That’s all I taught when I was in K-12 LOL. I write what I know, and I will probably end up giving my critiques on the American public school system throughout this. Whoops.
Anyway. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.
Header by @/strangergraphics
#eebeewrites#elf x human#elf oc#elf#elf bf#chubby reader#x reader#teacher x teacher#teacher au#eldrin#x fem!reader#elf x reader#x chubby reader#smut#elf smut#x reader smut#x female reader#fem reader#original character
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Horns and razors AU thoughts.
And some minor world building that I will probably add to a document to put into the official world building thing separately.
Basically your little blurb you wrote got the worms talking and then what you said in the repost got me thinking even more.
Okay, yeah, they would whip people. Just gonna start off with that. They totally would. They are sending children to die for things that were out of their control, they don’t know what morals are. Never heard of them. They would do that. I could see them starving disobedient gladiators or subjugated them to legitimate torture in order to get them to submit.
The gladiators are prideful and arrogant and they need to know their place.
That’s where some of my thoughts are with the them knowing their own personal code to access the BCP. It’s something they are forced to memorize just like their serial number, it’s a reminder that they aren’t actually in control. The arenas don’t care about them, they are just numbers.
It’s also used as a warning tactic. If a guard or handler asks a gladiator that they already know the personal codes of it’s a very clear threat that they need to get back in line. Most guards have a universal code—I’m still working out that part tbh. But it’s a very not so subtle reminder of who has power over who.
It’s also used as humiliation. The codes are something personal to gladiators, it’s a weakness and they don’t want to talk about it. But a gladiator may be forced to share their codes to guards or others in order to humiliate them. They are prideful, what better way to humble them than making them share something that gives everyone the upper hand? Something that they can’t fight back against.
So sharing the code is a big deal. Which only further proves the next thought I have…
Thoughts on Cometeater from the chapter thing. He figures out that there is something going on between Dropmix and Theremin, he’s just not sure what. Imma explain my thought process for this and you can tell me if I’m wrong.
He’s been raised in the Pits for the most part so Comet only really knows how the Gladiators interact with eachother and sees that as the social norm (even if he knows there is more out there, this is all he’s been able to observe) and gladiators getting attached is rare. It’s even more rare for them to get smth like a romantic attraction.
Comet has never seen this dynamic before. Gladiators can be friends, siblings (twins), rivals, sparring buddies, arena partners, even mentor and apprentice. He’s never seen that Cybertronians can have romantic relationships. That’s why he’s just not able to figure out what they are.
Dropmix and theremin share a room, are they family? But they share a bed, that’s weird. Not even the twins share a bed so they are not siblings. But Theremin know’s Dropmix’s codes so they are close, but he doesn’t own Dropmix. Comet knows they are more than friends but he has no idea what that means for them. What do you mean they are married? What does married mean?
Cometeater will eventually get a crash course on relationships.
I am in full support of forcing them to be friends. They will like each other at some point I swear. Thankfully, we have a character that can force them to be friends for us. Theremin is already tired of the standoffish “gotta intimidate this guy” behavior Dropmix is giving Comet. And the shade that Cometeater is throwing back. He’s done. He’s so done.
Man is surrounded by mechs who are constantly five seconds away from throwing each other into a wall why can’t these two get along for like three minutes. He’s going to make them hang out for his own peace of mind. He’s can’t be having Dropmix wake up during any other late night visits and going into “territorial predator mode” when he sees Cometeater there.
I’ve already pictured him making Dropmix apologize later for this. In my mind it goes smth like this:
Someone knocks on the door and the twins answer to find that huge quiet guy standing there awkwardly asking if Cometeater was there. And the twins have no idea what to do because is he trying to be friendly or trying to kill Comet? Why is he holding a box? Who was this guy again? They swear he looks familiar.
Comet shows up before they can interrogate and is like “uh yeah? What do you want” with enough sass to rival teenager Cometeater because Dropmix should not be here. And Dropmix looks like he’s somewhere between embarrassed and ready to kill someone as he explains that Theremin won’t let him sleep on the bed until he apologizes.
Dropmix gives the most half hearted muttered apology like a three year old, shoves the box of in Comets face, asks if he can tell Theremin he apologized and just walks away like nothing happened. The twins are still trying to figure out how who this guy is and how he knows Comet in the first place. Cometeater looks in the box and it’s like a toy ball for Sunrazor to play with.
AND YESSSS! Theremin would try to heal Comet, he’d probably do it in his private room too in order to keep prying eyes away. He’ll make Dropmix go get any supplies he might not have from the first aid area. (Jokes on them he’s been stockpiling because Dropmix doesn’t like to go there either and Theremin has been waiting for smth like this to happen)
So, Theremin would totally help Cometeater out. Even if he got to him and was like “what the heck are you???” He would at least try. He’s attached, this is his child and Sunrazor is his grandchild now. He doesn’t care. He’s been bending the rules in order to try and help him anyway. Theremin will try his best to heal Cometeater, even if he has no clue what he’s really doing. They can talk about the whole alien thing when he’s not actively dying.
“You are my adopted adult child I can’t let you die. Yes, even if you do have weird anatomy and eat people. I married Dropmix and he kills at least three people on the daily. Welcome to the family bud. Dropmix he is our son now, no, you can’t fight him.”
Please do not let anything I yap about here change any plans you may have with the other thing. I am simply thinking out loud.
But you know how I talked about Dropmix randomly remembering medical stuff he really shouldn’t know?
*slams fist on table* HEAR ME OUT. JUST GIMME A MINUTE. LET ME COOK.
What if the medics aren’t allowed to be there while he’s getting whipped—their programming could result in them trying to stop the punishment and they can’t have that happen. So Dropmix is the one to find him after the whipping (and the festering, poor boy) and pick him up and do some emergency first aid—better than he should, and he for some reason knows the basics of this kids messed up anatomy—and then he takes him to Theremin.
The only reason Dropmix does this because he maybe only kinda likes this guy so he supposes it wouldn’t hurt to help him out… just this once. It’s not like he actually cares about this guy after months of forced friendship… Besides, Theremin would probably kick him out if he didn’t. And someone here lets himself get bossed around by a mech he could probably crush on accident if he rolled over in his sleep.
And Dropmix does this before the twins are able to get to Comet. So the twins think he’s been kidnapped or smth by the weird guy with the box. And reasonably, they just start panicking because their brother is going to bleed to death and what if Dropmix took him to the medics and now they know he’s an alien???? And they were still in the middle of being jerks to him. He can’t die before they have a chance to stop being jerks.
So they just start rampaging around trying to find where this guy is while Theremin is panicking because “I knew you were special but why the heck are you bleeding yellow my dude????” And Sunrazor is crying in the corner or something so Dropmix takes her out and is standing in the hallway with her like the good obedient wife he is and the twins see the big guy with the box holding their idiotic brother’s child???
Yeah you get the picture imma stop now before I write a whole crappy chapter on this in what’s supposed to be my thoughts.
#transformers#transformer oc#concepts#thoughts#horns and razors AU#the worms#they demanded I make this#you don’t have to listen to me#this was long#longer than I planned for it#I am also absolutely flattered that you like my writing#and that you get inspired by my stuff cause… uhhhh… like half the stuff I make is based off of what you make#you make ideas and I just play with them#i’m dead serious#I’m so glad I can be magical back to you#you are very magical my friend. I could not think of half this stuff#you are too kind#gonna make me cry and feel feelings#don’t mind me just mentally pinning that up on my motivation wall#gonna be stored for later
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#mika ♡ ajax#WAHHHH i havent made a proper gush post in quite a while but i just. he’s suddenly popped up into my mind so so sooo#i love him i really! do and i just feel kind of off. like i have to prove that i do‚ somehow#i guess its silly given anyone and everyone has probably said the same exact things as me at one point but but. i don’t know#i think i sound a little ridiculous right now but he’s cute and he means so much to me and i’m just glad to have gotten him those 2 yrs ago#if (through some magical device) he ever became Real i think i would kill him asap!#honestly i don’t even know why i love him so much i just doooo!! and sometimes i wish i didn’t!!! fuck you ginger#so conflicted ue ueeee but i’d like to think theres some cross-uni delivery service that goes back n forth#so he can see all my fucking HATEMAIL fuck YOU!!!! (i rlly need more official stuff of him)
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Little dreams - LN4
*:・゚ Summary: Y/N takes her son Leo to his first Grand Prix, where they meet his idol, Lando Norris. Lando’s kindness makes the weekend unforgettable, sparking joy for Leo and the possibility of something more for Y/N.
*:・゚ Word count: 1624
*:・゚ A/N: a few days ago I saw on insta that they now released his merch for kids and I immediately had to write a cute fic about it bc the hoodies are absolutely adorable!!!
masterlist / community / request



The Silverstone paddock buzzed with its usual chaos. Engines roared in the background, journalists hustled between interviews, and fans craned their necks for glimpses of their favorite drivers. Among the crowd, a young boy with a mop of dark hair and a light blue hoodie clung to his mother’s hand, his face alight with wonder.
“Mom, this is the best day ever!” he exclaimed, his small feet practically bouncing with excitement.
His mother, Y/N, smiled down at him, squeezing his hand gently. “I’m glad you’re having fun, Leo. But remember, we have to stick together, okay? This place can get pretty crowded.”
Leo nodded earnestly, his big brown eyes scanning the bustling paddock. At just six years old, he already knew more about Formula 1 than most adults, a passion inherited from his mom. Y/N had grown up watching races with her dad, and now, as a single mother, she shared that same love with her son.
Leo’s favorite driver, without question, was Lando Norris. His room was decorated with McLaren posters, his toy cars all painted papaya orange, and his wardrobe—thanks to Y/N—now included Lando’s newly launched children’s merch line. The hoodie he wore today was his favorite piece, and he hadn’t stopped talking about it since it arrived in the mail.
“Do you think we’ll see him, Mom?” Leo asked, craning his neck to peer around a group of photographers.
Y/N crouched down to his level, brushing a stray curl from his forehead. “Maybe, sweetheart. We have paddock passes, so there’s a chance. But remember, the drivers are super busy, so we have to be patient.”
Leo nodded, though the excitement in his eyes didn’t dim. He clutched the small notepad and marker he’d brought, just in case he got the chance to ask for an autograph.
As they wandered through the paddock, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a wave of nostalgia. It had been years since she’d attended a race in person, but seeing it through Leo’s eyes made it even more magical.
“Mom! Look!” Leo’s voice was a mix of awe and urgency as he tugged on her hand.
Y/N followed his gaze and froze. Just a few feet away, leaning casually against a barrier and chatting with a team member, was Lando Norris himself.
“Go on,” Y/N encouraged softly, her heart swelling at the sight of her son’s hero so close.
Leo hesitated for a moment, his small frame vibrating with nervous energy. Then, with a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and marched forward.
“Hi, Lando!” he said, his voice high-pitched but clear. “You’re my favorite driver!”
Lando turned, his trademark grin lighting up his face as he crouched to Leo’s level. “Hey, buddy! Thanks for saying that. What’s your name?”
“Leo!” he said proudly, puffing out his chest. “And look! I’m wearing your hoodie!”
Lando’s eyes lit up as he took in the light blue hoodie, the logo of his brand displayed prominently on the front. “No way! That looks awesome on you, Leo. You’ve got great taste.”
Leo beamed, clutching the fabric of his hoodie. “My mom got it for me. She says you’re really cool, too!”
Y/N, who had been hanging back to give Leo his moment, felt her cheeks flush as Lando’s gaze shifted to her. He stood, his grin softening into something more genuine.
“Your mom sounds pretty cool herself,” he said, his voice warm.
Y/N stepped forward, laughing nervously. “Well, I’ve been a fan of the sport for a long time, so I guess I’m passing it on.”
“You’re doing a great job,” Lando said, glancing down at Leo, who was now rifling through his notepad. “It’s always nice to meet fans like you two.”
Leo held up the notepad eagerly. “Can you sign this? Please?”
“Of course!” Lando took the marker and scribbled a quick note, adding a little doodle of a race car next to his signature.
As he handed the notepad back, he turned to Y/N again. “Are you two here for the whole weekend?”
“Yes,” Y/N said. “It’s Leo’s first race, so I wanted to make it special.”
“Well, I think you’ve done a pretty good job so far,” Lando said, his tone teasing.
Y/N laughed, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. “Thanks. He’s been counting down the days for months.”
Lando crouched down again, ruffling Leo’s hair. “I hope you have the best time, Leo. And make sure you cheer extra loud for me, okay?”
“I will!” Leo promised, his face glowing with happiness.
As they walked away, Leo clutching his notepad like a treasure, Y/N glanced back over her shoulder. To her surprise, Lando was still watching them, a thoughtful smile on his face.
“Mom,” Leo said, looking up at her. “That was the best moment of my whole life.”
Y/N smiled, her heart full. “Mine too, sweetheart.”
Little did she know, it wasn’t the last time she’d see that thoughtful smile.
The rest of the day passed in a blur of excitement. Leo couldn’t stop talking about meeting Lando, recounting every detail of their conversation to anyone who would listen. Y/N smiled through it all, her heart full as she watched her son’s joy.
But as much as she tried to focus on the moment, she couldn’t quite shake the memory of Lando’s lingering gaze or the warmth in his voice when he spoke to her. It was probably nothing, she told herself. He was just being kind, like he always was with fans.
The next day, Y/N and Leo returned to the paddock, both dressed in their McLaren gear. Leo wore his hoodie again, proudly showing off the autograph Lando had added to the sleeve. The boy was on cloud nine, and Y/N couldn’t imagine how the weekend could get any better.
But then, it did.
As they wandered near the McLaren garage, a team member approached them with a friendly smile.
“Excuse me, are you Leo?”
Leo’s eyes widened as he nodded. “Yes! That’s me!”
The team member chuckled. “Lando mentioned meeting you yesterday. He thought you might like a closer look at the garage. Would you and your mom like to come in?”
Y/N blinked in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. “Are you serious?”
“Absolutely. Follow me.”
Leo practically dragged Y/N by the hand as they followed the team member into the garage. The space was a hive of activity, with engineers working on the cars and team members preparing for the upcoming qualifying session.
Lando was there, of course, leaning casually against the side of his car as he chatted with his race engineer. When he spotted Leo and Y/N, his face lit up with a grin.
“Leo! You made it!”
Leo beamed, running up to him. “This is so cool! Thank you, Lando!”
“Anything for my number one fan,” Lando said, ruffling Leo’s hair. He glanced at Y/N, his smile softening. “Glad you could make it, too.”
“I can’t believe this,” Y/N said, shaking her head. “This is amazing. Thank you so much.”
Lando shrugged, his eyes twinkling. “It’s nothing, really. I just wanted to make sure Leo had a weekend to remember.”
Leo was already engrossed in a conversation with one of the engineers, who was showing him the car’s steering wheel. Y/N took the opportunity to step closer to Lando.
“You didn’t have to do this,” she said, her voice low. “But it means the world to him. To both of us.”
Lando tilted his head, his gaze steady. “I could tell how much this means to you two. And honestly, it’s nice to meet fans who care about more than just the results. You’ve raised a great kid.”
Y/N felt a blush creep up her neck. “Thank you. That means a lot.”
They stood there for a moment, the noise of the garage fading into the background. Lando’s easy smile and the warmth in his eyes made her feel something she hadn’t felt in a long time—hope.
“Mom! Look!” Leo’s excited voice broke the moment as he ran over, holding a small piece of carbon fiber. “They gave me a piece of the car! Isn’t that cool?”
“That’s amazing, sweetheart,” Y/N said, crouching to his level. “You’ll have to find a special place for it at home.”
Leo nodded enthusiastically before turning back to Lando. “You’re the best driver ever!”
Lando laughed, crouching down to Leo’s level. “And you’re the best fan ever. Deal?”
As they left the garage, Y/N couldn’t help but glance back one last time. Lando caught her eye and gave her a small wave, his smile lingering.
The rest of the weekend was a whirlwind of excitement. Leo cheered his heart out during qualifying and the race, and when Lando crossed the finish line in fourth place, he celebrated as if it were a win.
But the real surprise came after the race. As Y/N and Leo were preparing to leave, a McLaren team member approached them again, this time with an envelope.
“Lando asked me to give this to you,” he said, handing it to Y/N.
Curious, she opened it. Inside was a handwritten note:
Y/N and Leo, Thank you for making this weekend unforgettable. Leo, keep being the amazing fan you are. And Y/N, if you’re ever at another race, I’d love to see you again. Maybe we can grab a coffee sometime? -Lando
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as she read the note. She glanced at Leo, who was already excitedly telling a passerby about his piece of the car, and then back at the note.
Maybe, just maybe, this weekend wasn’t just a dream come true for Leo.
*:・゚ Notes; thank you for reading, love’s! Hope you all enjoyed it! If there is something wrong or need to be edited, let me know!
*:・゚tags; @gridprincess-04 , @justaf1girl
#lando norris#formula 1#f1 fanfic#f1 fic#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#f1 x you#formula one x reader#formula one x you#lando norris fanfic#lando norris x reader#lando x y/n#lando norris imagine#lando x you#lando x reader#lando imagine#lando norris fluff#lando norris fic#lando norris x you#lando norris x y/n#lando norizz#lando nowins#f1 fluff#f1 x female reader#f1 x y/n#f1#formula one#paddock#lnfour#ln4
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Danny, being a halfa, falls under the strange category of people who can converse with the dead and act in their names. Most mediums simply convey messages. It was rare for someone to be able to fulfill a ghost’s dying request and have that act tied to the ghost’s core.
Honestly it’s annoying.
He doesn’t get any alone time anymore for homework or hobbies. The dead are constantly pestering Danny to help with their desires - which, sure, it helps them move on which means they’re out of Danny’s hair, but come on!! Give a guy a break! Just because he doesn’t need as much sleep as a fully living person doesn’t mean he can go without entirely!
“No Scott,” Danny repeated for the fifth time, “I am not flying to California tonight. Do you know how far that is? Literally the other coast of this massive continent. Meet me there in August like everyone else on the list.”
Spending the first spring break of college creating a map and calendar for Last Rites was not something Danny expected when he moved to Gotham.
Why did this city have so many ghosts?! It was ridiculous. And he thought Amity Park was bad? At least the ghosts here were mostly Shades. Not visible to anyone unless they were also dead-adjacent or had The Sight or a bloodline curse or a magical amulet… you know what? There were enough of those in this curse ridden city, why couldn’t these ghosts go find one of those people instead? Danny was exhausted.
So exhausted he didn’t notice the vigilante dropping down from the rooftop.
“Hey there kid, you alri-”
“Yeah yeah,” Danny waved a hand dismissively at the voice without looking up. “Wait in line like everyone else. But honestly you’d be better off coming back tomorrow when I’ve had some sleep.”
“Think maybe you outta get started on that sleep now, bud?” the voice behind him spoke in a calm careful tone.
One Danny had heard all too often since dying.
His head jerked sideways to stare wide-eyed at Nightwing, who tensed just a little as if expecting Danny to run or fight. Instead he let out a groan and slumped onto the park bench, rubbing his eyes to ease the burn of fatigue. He’d been coming out to this park at the corner of campus each night to keep the Shades from mobbing him all day long in classes, but they’d spread the word around Gotham that he was here and his precious spring break had become a non-stop line of requests and arguments. Made sense he’d caught the attention of one of the Bats. Should have expected it sooner.
Danny ignored all the voices around him and looked at Nightwing directly as he prattled off his usual list when someone caught him talking to thin air.
“No, I’m not hallucinating. I got all my Rogue Gallery immunizations the day I checked onto campus. I’m not schizophrenic. The only meds I take are for adhd and the occasional Tylenol. I’m not a danger to myself or others. Unless they attack me first.”
Nightwing nodded along, but tilted his head at the end.
“I’m talking to the dead,” Danny answered the unspoken question in a tired monotone, waiting for the usual skepticism or plea for help with lost loved ones.
“Oh. Okay then.”
“What?” That wasn’t expected.
“No yeah, that makes sense.”
Danny was sure his jaw was on the ground. “You… you believe me?”
“Well sure,” the hero shrugged and chuckled. “I can’t see ghosts myself but I know a couple magicians who work with one, and my little brother Robin has a ghost on his team - she’s actually visible most of the time so I don’t know if that’s a special skill or something else going on. But I’m glad you’re okay and don’t need any emergency medication. I know a couple 24 hour pharmacies that would help but it’s nice when they’re not needed. We don’t get a lot of mediums around Gotham holding court at night so you really can’t fault me for checking in.”
Danny was still floating in the relief of not being questioned or doubted. That hadn’t happened since Jazz found out his secret. She’d had plenty of questions about his halfa status, of course, but never called him crazy for talking to things others couldn’t see. Even Sam and Tucker would forget sometimes and give him strange looks before realizing he was dealing with a Shade, Wisp, or Memory.
He didn’t realize he was wobbling until Nightwing’s arms shot out to stabilize him.
Danny blinked up at the pretty face that was trying not to chuckle, held by strong arms, and so far past tired he might be getting delirious after all because his brain seemed to have lost its filter and he said out loud,
“You actually believe me. I think I love you.”
Then the horrifying embarrassment hit at the same time as Nightwing’s laughter. Which… sounded delighted rather than mean spirited?
“Well now it’s your turn to wait in line, cuz that’s the fourth confession I’ve had this week!” They both devolved into snorts and giggles, Danny still relying on those arms for balance, but when they’d caught their breath the vigilante said, “Come on, you’ve really got to get some sleep. I’ll walk you back to your dorm.”
Ignoring the whispers and grumbles of the Shades was easier with someone walking beside him.
This is so incredibly cute oml. It’s so rare to see the bats actually go with the flow and god it isn’t done enough. 12/10 immaculate, glorious.
The entire plot I can see so clearly in my mind dude:
Danny chatting to Nightwing as they walk to his dorm
Nightwing asking some casual questions about ghosts and Danny asking about vigilante work.
Nightwing informs the Bats of Danny as he might be a valuable asset in the future.
Nightwing helps free shades with Danny and he realizes why Danny is so incredibly tired all the time.
Nightwing managing to stumble into Danny every day of his break, slowly getting to know each other more and more and becoming really good friends (perhaps lovers 👀).
Wonderful stuff man ty for the ask!
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For the Birdicts. Part 27
There were gentle fingers in his wings.
Danny muffled the sleepy, hysterical chuckle at that thought into the soft surface that he was tucked against. He really had hoped that he wouldn’t have wings any longer when he woke, but when had he ever been that lucky.
The fingers stilled.
“Danny?” The person rumbled.
Very much did not wanting to be awake, Danny replied with a disgruntled grumble.
A chuckle answered him back. The finger picked back up the gentle touch to Danny’s wings. As Danny’s mind continued to come online, he realized that the fingers were fixing and straightening the mussed feathers.
It actually felt rather nice.
Danny let himself continue to drift for a little longer. Let his wings be cared for. The soft, unflinching touch helped make the new limbs feel less unnatural, even if the weight of them were still heavy on his back. He felt unsteady as he sat up.
The hands moved from his wings to help brace Danny.
“Careful, you might be a little disoriented. It’s been quite a day.”
Bruce. Apparently he’d fallen asleep on top of Bruce. He hadn’t needed to embarrass himself any more that day and yet there he was, falling asleep on Bruce Wayne after a panic attack.
Danny pressed the palms of his hands against his eyes and hoped he wasn’t blushing too horribly. “I am so sorry.”
“For what?” Bruce asked. He sounded genuinely confused.
“Falling asleep on you, apparently.” And really on Bruce it seemed. Even sitting up and back he was still practically on the other man’s lap.
(Worse, Danny really just wanted to curl back up and sleep some more.)
“Oh,” Bruce said with a chuckle. “With how large a family I have, that’s nothing to worry about. I’m very used to being a pillow for others. Besides, you needed the rest and after today it’s more than understandable that you’d want someone close.”
That was… fair enough, Danny supposed. He took a deep breath and lowered his hands to cross them over his bare chest. He offered Bruce an apologetic little smile. “Still…”
“Still nothing,” Bruce said and waved the matter aside. “Now, Jason and Dick are back from your place. They weren’t able to find any clothing that would work around your wings there.”
Danny rubbed at the back of his neck. “Ah, they wouldn’t. I haven’t… it hasn’t been long enough to deal with that even if I knew where to start.”
“Luckily for you, we haven an Alfred,” Bruce said as he leaned forward and and grabbed something fabric from off of the coffee table. “He worked his magic and modified this into something that should work around your wings.”
“Really?” Danny took what looked like just a well worn Gotham Knights sweatshirt and turned it over in his hands. Oh, Alfred really had worked his magic. Danny ran his fingers over the cut and stitched splits in fabric and the snaps under them. “Wow, he just went and made this?”
“Alfred is a man of many skills and not to be underestimated,” Bruce said with a chuckle. “I’m sure that he’ll ask you if it needs any changes before he does any other versions.”
“Other versions?”
“Something to sleep in and another shirt at least ,” Bruce said as if that clarified much of anything. “Since we aren’t sure how long the wings will last and you should be comfortable here.”
“He really—I mean I appreciate it so much,” Danny said as he pulled on the sweater quickly, “but Alfred doesn’t need to put all that effort into this for me.”
“You really can’t stop him. The comfort of people in this manor are paramount to him and he has something in his mind now to improve your comfort,” Bruce said. “He will think that this is the least that he can do.”
Danny blinked at that. “I’m a little scared of what he thinks I the most he can do then.”
“You should be. He is a force of nature. If you’ll turn, I’ll do up the snaps for you,” Bruce said.
Danny gratefully twisted, glad he was turned so that Bruce didn’t see his wince.
“I imagine that your back must be sore from this,” Bruce said, ruining Danny’s hope that he hid his pain. “I will find where one of the heating pads are for you to use later.”
“It’s fine,” Danny said quickly. “I don’t want to—”
“Danny,” Bruce spoke over him. His hands gently smoothed down the fabric under Danny’s wings. “You saved my family today. Even beyond that, my children seem to have become quite fond of you. You aren’t a bother. While you are here to have the help, let us take care of you a little, please?”
Danny chewed on his lip.
“If nothing else, it will help the children worry less.”
There really was no refusing that, was there?
“Only so people don’t worry,” Danny said. “And I do mean ‘people’. Don’t think that you’re hiding your worry.”
Luckily Bruce chuckled a that. “Hiding my worry is something I’m not very good at. And yes, I am a worrier. My children have told me that enough times that I accept the title.”
“Well, as long as you know,” Danny said as he stood. He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks between the conversation and Bruce’s hands against his back and just needed to take a moment to just breathe. The wings shifted with the deep breath, rising and falling into a relaxed fan.
“I know that you have understandable issues with the wings,” Bruce said softly from behind Danny, “but they really are quite stunning.”
Even the back of Danny’s neck felt hot now and he rubbed at it as he cleared his throat. “I, um, thank you.”
Bruce gave a soft hum. He must have stood too because a moment later a hand brushed over Danny’s wings and then Bruce was beside him. “Let’s go track down some of my children so we can make sure they brought everything you need.”
“Right, yeah, that’s a good idea. Lead the way.”
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MOVED TO @seratopia
miguel o’hara x reader (fluff) - jealousy
miguel gets jealous possessive after a new intern flirts with you this is part of the same universe as my call oneshot!
Being 2nd in charge of the multiverse is... honestly not that hard for you. It’s mostly just co-leading, and being a secretary. Lyla helps out a bunch, but sometimes, a sassy AI can only do so much.
Jess informed you of a new intern she recruited. Apparently, he’s having his first day today, which means you’ll probably have to do a quick run-through of things with him later.
For now, it’s your fated duty to sit with Miguel at his desk so he doesn’t get all pouty later. He starts huffing and puffing when you aren’t near, takes it out on the kids sometimes.
Thanks to your suggestion, Miguel invested in a nice desk and swivel chair for the office, so now it looks more like an actual workspace instead of a maniac’s plot room. (either way, he his one lmao)
Since Lyla’s gone for the time being, you’re standing up on the office platform, tapping away at a multitude of screens. Miguel lays lazily in the office chair, swiveled up behind you to rub his face into your upper back, as well as run his hands along your tummy.
“Hun, you gotta let go. I needa tour the intern.” You mutter, closing in on an ID photo of the recruit.
“Well, if I don’t do it, then who will?“ You ask.
“She’s busy on her break. Pregnant women need breaks, you know.“
“Ugh. I don’t want you to leave.“ He whines. squeezing you tighter.
You start squirming out of his grip, pulling his pinky off of your stomach. Inching away, you push Miguel away by his head. Reluctantly, he starts letting you go, lazily running his hands onto the skin of your hips and lower thighs before letting go.
“I’ll see you in a bit, baby.“ You say, scuffing up his hair with your palm. Gracefully, you leap down from the platform, somersaulting onto the floor and skating out the exit. You hop over a few stray cardboard boxes.
Miguel watches you stroll away, and fixes his hair back into place.
Lyla magically appears, phasing in and out with a different sly look each time. She snickers, flickering all around Miguel’s head.
“Shut the fuck up.“
. . .
Miguel’s blood starts to boil as soon as you roll in with that stupid, bastard of an intern. He’s too close to you for comfort, so close to his arm nudging yours... Miguel’s teeth start to clench, his fangs close to drawing blood from his mouth. He’s paying too much attention to you, there’s a vibe he gets that he hates to his core.
Everything about him is aggravating; the blonde hair, the snarky smirk, all of it.
“...and this is Miguel’s office!“ You say, gesturing your hand to the majority of the area.
“Sweet, nice to meet the bossman.“
Bossman, his ass. Miguel would only ever let you call him bossman.
“Miguel! Come down!“ You yell, and his heart warms in his chest. He turns around from his standing form on the office platform, eyeing the intern in order to scare him a bit.
“Hey, what’s up man! Glad to finally meet the man behind the slaughter!“ The intern exclaims, his hands rested on his hips.
Miguel fights every urge to both roll his eyes and tackle the recruit, keeping a somewhat straight face on. He chuckles a little, not a single trace of a smile on his face.
“Heh, yeah? Excited to meet the bossman?“ Miguel taunts, but it looks like the intern can’t tell he is.
“Heck yeah dude! Where do I start?“
Miguel starts nodding a little, plastering on a face smile, chuckling a bit...
Before he throws the entire office chair at the recruit. Not to hit you, though. He’d never, ever hit you.
Instantly, the intern turns away, shielding his body with his hands. In the nick of time, though, you latch your webbing onto the chair, slinging it away to side before it could harm anyone. You cross your arms.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry about tha- MIGUEL!“ You scream.
And he throws a literal file cabinet at the man. Again, you latch it out of way without problem.
“What th'heck, man?! What’s your fuckin’ problem?!“ The intern yells, spreading his arms out.
“My fuckin’ problem is you nagging my wife!“ He roars.
“Wait a sec- she’s your wife?“
Miguel then leaps down from the platform, chin held up high in a sinister glare. Slowly, he steps over towards the both of you, fixing his eyes on the intern the entire time.
Miguel’s tall, really tall compared to the newbie. He pokes his finger to the recruit, leaning in real close.
“Stay at least 5 feet away from my wife at all times.“ Miguel utters, and you kinda feel bad for the new guy.
You cross your arms. “C’mon, Miguel. He’s literally new, take it easy on him!” You say back, and Miguel pouts, whines. Possessively, he reaches over to you, pulling in you in by the hip to try to soothe you. It doesn’t work, and you present yourself from giving into his needy touches.
And then, you turn around back to the newbie. “Gosh, I’m so sorry about that! He’s usually not like this-”
“Man, fuck this.“ The intern exclaims, taking a few steps back in agitation. “Take me back home, I ain’t dealin’ with this shit!“
He storms off, kicking a stray cardboard box on the way out.
“Aw, crap.“
You swerve back around, hands on your hips. “Miguel, that was uncalled for.”
“Yes it was! He was smothering all over you!“ He yells, throwing his hands up in the air like it was the most obvious thing ever.
“Well, now thanks to you, we lost a recruit.“
“One of literally thousands!“
“And now, there’s papers everywhere on the floor!“
“Shhh, honey, I’ll clean it up later.“
Ignoring your frown, Miguel finally pulls you into him, pressing your lower back into his own with a nose into your hair.
“I saw the way he put his arm around you. He was flirting with you too. Hated it.“ Miguel utters.
“When?“ You ask.
“On the surveillance.“ He says, and you sigh. He’s right, the guy was flirting with you for a bit, but you chose to ignore it so you could get over with the tour faster.
“Eh, he gave me the heebie jeebies from the beginning.“ You say, and Miguel automatically squeezes you tighter into him, a deep grumble bellowing from his inner throat.
“I’m never letting you tour anyone ever again.“ Miguel admits.
“After that? Go ahead.“ You scoff, and finally, he sighs in relief.
He tries drags you back to the office platform again, but then forgets that he threw the chair, grumbling in regret. Instead, he just hovers behind you for the rest of the day, occasionally pressing a smooch to your head.
#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel o'hara x you#miguel o'hara x y/n#atsv miguel#atsv x reader#atsv lyla#atsv#across the spiderverse#across the spiderverse x reader#fluff#romance#x reader#reader insert#lyla#spiderman#cosmosis-writes ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎
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love blooms in strange places
When Mattheo was assigned to help you tend to the greenhouse as punishment, he never expected detention could be so pleasant.



Mattheo Riddle x f!Reader | Based on this request
Warning: fluff, one use of y/n, used my creative license to come up with plant lore and magic to serve the plot.
✿ Masterlist | Event Masterlist | Tea Party | 1.7k words
When Mattheo Riddle started his day, the greenhouse was the last place he expected he would be. Yet that’s exactly where he was headed, kicking up dirt as he went.
Snape’s words haunted him as he slowed to the door. “Mr. Riddle, you had been in detention several times just this month alone. If you will not learn by reflection, you will learn by deed. As punishment, you will have to help y/n cultivate plants for a week.”
Before Mattheo could open his mouth, Snape raised his hand. “Any protests and we will make it a month.” He knew better than to talk.
He shook his head as he opened the door, eager to get it over with. He took in pots and plants of various shades of green, color sprouting sporadically where flowers and fruits blossomed. Then there was you.
You saw the curly haired boy approach, Mattheo Riddle, you recalled. Everything about him spelled trouble from the frown fixed on his face, to his askew tie, and the way he strut as if the entire world bent to his will.
You smiled and introduced yourself politely. Your mum after all had raised you to give others a chance. To look beyond first impressions.
Still, it didn’t surprise you when his frown stayed glued to his face. “Mattheo Riddle,” he just stated by way of introduction. “Here’s how this will work. I’m going to stay here,” he said, grabbing a chair at the side of the greenhouse and taking a seat. “I’ll stay out of your way, you stay out of mine. When the time is over, I’ll walk away. Nice and simple.”
“So you’ll just let me do all the work?” You huffed, your fists clenched by your side.
“Glad you’re catching on, darling. Go on. Some would say it’s a privilege to be around me but it’s okay if you don’t see that yet.” He flashed you a shit eating grin and propped his legs up the table across him. Such a shame. He’d probably be handsome if his personality weren’t so rotten.
You caught yourself and your expression turned livid. “No, being around you is punishment. I don’t know what I did to Snape to deserve this,” you mumbled to yourself.
Your mum may have raised you to be polite, but she also taught you to stand up against bullies. You strode over to the arrogant boy, plucking a bearded iris on your way. You crushed it beneath your fingers, muttering an incantation.
When you were close enough, you hurled the crushed petals at his feet. Upon impact, sparks burst. Bright searing sprays of light was accompanied by a loud bang.
Mattheo dodged it, losing his balance. His chair tipped backwards. He crashed to the floor.
The bearded iris was otherwise called the firebreather iris. He should have known better than to challenge you.
You towered over him. “You will help me as Snape intended. It’s bad enough I have to spend time with you. You will make yourself useful or that,” you pointed at the ashes of the firebreather iris, “is just the beginning of what I can do. There are poisonous plants around here like nightshade. I will not hesitate to use them and make it look like an accident.”
He looked at you as if he saw you for the first time. The fire was brighter in your eyes than the spark you had thrown. He was silent for a beat as he recalled what Theo warned him about nice girls. You never wanted to see them mad. They were always more clever and therefore more dangerous.
As much as he loved danger, he very much preferred to stay alive. Besides, things just got more interesting. He schooled his face to a bored expression. “Fine,” he said standing back up and dusting the dirt from his clothes and hair. “If you teach me that cool trick, I’ll help out.”
“Stick around and I’ll teach you a few things,” you nodded, satisfied. You tossed him a pair of gloves. “We’ll start here, plant boy.” He suppressed the smile that threatened to break across his features. It was fascinating how you snapped quickly back to your good natured self, as if you weren’t just threatening him moments earlier. If there was anything Mattheo loved, it was a challenge.
As he put on the gloves, he felt detention wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Threatened by the poison and lured in by the idea of learning plant magic, Mattheo had surprisingly been a helpful herbology partner.
Yes, he was stubborn and annoying. But at the end of the day, he was quick to pick up the steps, memorizing which fertilizer to use for what plant, and how much water each plant needed.
The weeks quickly passed and you found a comfortable rhythm. You just had to put up with those terrible lines.
“Are you a flower bed?” Mattheo asked, his face streaked with dirt as he hauled another bag of soil.
“What is it this time?” You rolled your eyes. You found it impossibly adorable and ridiculous how he managed to get dirt all over his face despite wearing gloves and other gardening gear.
“Let’s pretend you asked me why. ‘Cause I want to lay you down and get dirty,” Mattheo said with his signature smirk.
You tried not to laugh, but you couldn’t wipe the silly grin off your face. Mattheo considered it a win. “That seriously works for you?” You pointed in his general direction. “I’d rather choke on a cactus,” you beamed.
Mattheo chuckled, “then I want to be a cactus.”
“Oh why, because you’re a prick?” You retorted, shoveling more soil to the new pot.
“No, you can’t use these lines against me,” he said, narrowing his eyes, grabbing a handful of soil.
“Don’t be such a weeping willow about it,” you quipped. “And I swear if you throw that lump of soil, you’ll have to clean it up.”
“Why don’t we go straight to the cleaning part?” He teased instead, returning the soil. He grabbed the water hose nearby and turned it on, aiming it directly at you.
Before you could react, you felt a steady stream of water hit you, the cold shocking your entire system. “You really did it,” you muttered uselessly, releasing a string of curses as you gathered your wits about you.
You ran after him, but he was quick to deflect, running off the opposite direction, taking the hose with him. Five steps in, you slipped on the mud and landed on your back. The wind rushed out your lungs and you laid there recovering your breath.
“Salazar! Are you ok?” He asked, running towards you.
“Come here,” you spoke softly and he leaned in to hear you.
“My name is not Salazar,” you declared when he was close enough. “It’s an expressio—“ he tried to explain but in one swift motion, you grabbed the collar of his shirt. The surprise was enough to send him down the floor. He slipped in the mud and joined you. You grabbed the hose from him and sprayed him with water.
He flailed for a few seconds before he caught purchase and rolled over you, yanking the hose away and then switching it off. You both found yourselves in hysterics, bodies shaking from the cold and laughter.
“I can’t believe it. You really laid me down and got me dirty,” you managed to say in between laughter.
“This is not what I meant. But if you want to know what I mean,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. But he was rendered speechless, the words and laughter faded in his throat.
He didn’t think it was possible. But up close, you were even more beautiful with your captivating eyes and kissable lips.
His intense gaze stole the laughter and breath from your lungs. You felt his heartbeat drum against yours, your breaths mingled with one another.
It sunk in then that he was on top of you, gazing at you like he wanted to do a hundred and one sinful things to you. He had a forest full of desires and you wanted to explore every corner of it. To go on an adventure with him. So you did.
You weren’t sure who started it, but the next second you found yourselves kissing each other. It was better than any euphoria plants could induce. His lips felt surprisingly soft and he started off tentative, seeing if you were okay with it. You just needed more and he quickly matched your pace, taking in as much of you as he could.
He was no longer gentle and he ran his hand through your mud streaked hair, holding you just where he needed you, deepening the kiss. You tugged on his hair in return and he rewarded you with a groan, his chest rumbling against you. He licked your lower lip, prompting you to open your mouth as his tongue darted in, exploring until you both needed to come up for air. Panting against each other.
“Why are you looking at me like I just kicked a puppy?” He asked.
You shook your head. “You’re just a boy trying to get through detention,” you stated.
“Darling, my detention was only a week long,” he admitted.
Your eyes widened. “But this is your third week helping me.”
“You still haven’t taught me how to make fire with flowers yet,” he said, kissing you on the nose.
“You’re not afraid I’d poison you?” You narrowed your eyes, recalling your threat.
“I looked it up. The nightshade you mentioned that first week isn’t even poisonous. You never meant to poison me, dear.”
“But you fell for it, that’s what mattered,” you insisted.
“Maybe it’s you I’ve pollen for,” he quipped.
“You’re never gonna stop with the plant puns, aren’t you?”
“No, because you’re ivy and you’ve fully crept in my thoughts. Next, you can creep in my—” you kissed him then to shut him up. He didn’t seem to mind at all. You really had had enough of his silly plant puns, even though you couldn’t get enough of him.
✿ Masterlist | Event Masterlist | Tea Party
#blurb-berry cupcake#emerald’s tea party#amongemeraldclouds follower celebration#mattheo riddle x you#mattheo riddle x reader#mattheo riddle fanfic#mattheo riddle imagine#mattheo riddle fluff#mattheo riddle#slytherin boys#amongemeraldcloudswrites#amongemeraldclouds fluff
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good god your bite post has invaded my mind and it hasn't left since i read it, it's spinning in my brain like in a microwave
all i can think about is shadow milk's little (prey) lover running away and getting somewhat far, thinking they're actually getting away with it until the bite's effects kick in and suddenly it's so hard to think and move and where were they going anyway? what if they just sat down and stared into space for a while? that would feel nice, right?
the magic oozing from the bite squeezing their brain and soul, making everything feel heavy and fuzzy until shadow milk just strolls by, clicks his tongue, teases them a little for trying to leave and goes to pick them up and bring them back
there's no kicking and screaming, they cannot muster up the mental strength to do it, just slight bitter resignation on their part as they can do nothing but accept their fate and perhaps try again at a later date but there's a little voice at the back of their head that doesn't understand why they were running away in the first place, a voice that urges them to melt into their captor's touch (totally not shadow milk's doing guys no it's all you)
mental and magical manipulation? it's more likely than you think!
bonus points if the bite mark's pain gets duller/softer when they behave for their beast
anyway thank you for sharing your thoughts your writing is amazing and if you have more ideas related to the bites i am begging i am on my knees-
AAAAAA I’m so glad to hear you liked it so much! 😭 /VVVPOS
Ooooooo! I quite like this! I can definitely see smth similar happening! Personally tho, I see Shadow Milk taking a more manipulative approach to when he finds his lil runaway darling again. I wrote a lil blurb below to showcase :)
The further you got from the Spire, the more relief you felt. By the Witches… you’d done it! You were free!
You suddenly let out a choked gasp as you feel an incredibly painful tightening sensation in your chest. You fall to your knees, clutching at your heart. Your mind is empty as your body feels like it is being squeezed, your breath continuously escaping, despite your desperation to pull in air.
“Oh, goodness!” You hear his voice exclaim. “What happened to you, doll?”
What happened? What happened?! What… what did happen…? You were running… Yes, you were running from the Spire! But… why…?
Shadow Milk Cookie tuts sympathetically as he gently scoops you into his arms. “Oh, poor dear… Did you get lost? I told Candy Apple Cookie and Black Sapphire Cookie to keep an eye on you and ensure your safety!” He cradles you close to his chest as he makes his way back to the Spire. “Don’t worry, dollface~ Your darling jester, Shadow Milk Cookie, has arrived to save the day! I’ll make sure to get you back home where you belong in no time!” He finishes his declaration with a sweet kiss to your neck, where you can faintly detect a throbbing pain that seems to ease in response to his affection.
Where you belong…? Yes… Yes, right back where you belong… That’s a nice thought…
So why is your heart crying out that something is wrong…?
WEEEEEE! So yes, I can definitely see manipulation being there (it’s Shadow Milk, whaddya expect?), but I can see the magic from the bite invading the mind as it simultaneously attacks the body. You weren’t running for freedom, you just got lost while playing a game. Luckily, your sweet Beast, Shadow Milk Cookie, was able to find you in time before anything terrible could happen to you~! So stay, where it’s safe, and where you’re always within arms reach~
In addition to that, I love the idea of the pain getting duller and duller the more a Beast’s darling behaves for them! I added onto that a lil and made it so that, in addition to that, the only other way for the pain to dull is from direct affection to the bite area by the Beast. This gives further incentive to the darling to be well behaved and compliant for their Beast.
I may try to do lil snippets or one shots for each of the Beasts and their bites going into effect later on, given how much people seemed to like them, but we’ll see! I hope you enjoyed this tho! :D
#Eevee Answers#shadow milk cookie x reader#shadow milk x reader#Beast Bites#crk x reader#Cookie Run Kingdom x Reader#Cookie Run Kingdom
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Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: in which Max is the only lullaby you’ll ever need
Warnings: 18+ content
You stare up at the ceiling, wide awake. The numbers on the alarm clock seem to taunt you, the minutes ticking by as you struggle in vain to fall asleep.
It’s nearly 1 am and Max still isn’t home.
With a sigh, you roll over and bury your face in his pillow, breathing in his familiar scent.
It’s not the same.
Your body craves his warmth, the protective circle of his arms. Sleep just won’t come without him here.
You’ve always been this way, for as long as you can remember. A perpetual insomniac, tossing and turning through the lonely nights.
That is, until you met Max.
The first night you spent together, you were astonished to find yourself drifting off within minutes of being wrapped in his strong embrace. It was like magic. Now, months later, the spell hasn’t broken. Max has become a necessity, not just for your heart but also for your health.
The sound of the front door opening stirs you from your restless thoughts. Muted footsteps make their way to the bedroom and you feel the mattress dip down.
“Hey,” Max whispers, his hand grazing your shoulder. “Sorry I’m so late, the meeting ran long. I didn’t mean to keep you waiting up.”
You roll over to face him, drinking in the sight of his tousled hair and tired eyes. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re here.”
He offers you a soft smile, the one he saves only for these quiet intimate moments, and your heart skips. No matter how many times you see it, that smile never fails to make you melt.
“Let me just wash up and I’ll be right there, okay?” He squeezes your hand gently before disappearing into the bathroom.
You listen to the familiar sounds of him getting ready for bed, a ritual you know by heart. The splash of water, the electric hum of his toothbrush, the soft thud of his clothes hitting the hamper.
When he emerges in just his boxers, you lift up the covers in silent invitation. He slides in behind you and tucks your body against his chest, legs tangled together.
You fit so perfectly, two puzzle pieces made for each other.
His arms wrap around you like bands of steel and you feel yourself begin to relax into him. Here, cradled against him with your legs interlocked, is the only place you’ve ever found true peace.
Max brushes his lips over your hair. “Did you miss me?” He murmurs.
You smile into the darkness. “You know I did.”
“I missed you too, schatje.” His voice is husky with fatigue. “I’m exhausted but I had to get back to take care of my girl.”
You snuggle deeper into his embrace. “My hero.”
He chuckles, low and warm like honey flowing over you.
You talk softly as you both unwind from the day, voices hushed in the intimacy of the night. He tells you about the team debrief that ran late and you fill him in on the book you started today, trading thoughts and details as the fuzziness of sleep starts to seep into the she of your consciousness.
Eventually conversation tapers off, words replaced by contented silence. Max’s breathing deepens and you know he’s nearing slumber. But your mind still buzzes, body fighting against its own weariness.
You shift restlessly and Max instantly tightens his hold. “Shh I’ve got you,” he soothes. “Just try to relax.”
One large hand begins massaging gentle circles on your back and you focus on its hypnotic motion, on the sensation of his calloused fingers tracing delicate shapes.
He starts humming softly, a nameless tune that fills you with wistful melancholy. You’ve never asked where he learned it. It belongs to these fragile midnight moments, when he coaxes you to stillness with his voice and touch.
Between the comfort of his embrace and the lullaby reverberations rumbling through his chest, you finally feel sleep approaching. Your thoughts drift away until only the present remains — Max surrounding you, his warmth, his scent, the combined rhythm of your heartbeats.
Just as your heavy eyelids begin to close, Max shifts suddenly and cages you beneath him. You gasp as he presses urgent kisses under your jaw, nipping at the sensitive skin.
“Max!” You squirm half-heartedly. “I was almost asleep.”
“Not quite yet, schatje. We’re not done.” His voice is gravelly with arousal that makes your belly swoop. “I need you.”
He kisses you deeply until you’re clinging to him, nails digging into the flexing muscles of his back. This man unravels you with barely a touch, your body open and pliant to him like a flower turns to the sun.
When he enters you it feels like coming home. You let out a shaky exhale, overwhelmed by the perfection of his body joining yours. This connection, this wholeness, is all you’ve ever wanted.
Max sets a slow, deep rhythm. His eyes blaze into you, grey flickering with lust and love and possession. “You’re mine,” he rasps, thrusting harder. “This is right where you belong. Under me, surrounding me, taking all of me.”
“Yes, yes I’m yours,” you gasp. The slide and drag of your bodies is maddening, tension coiling at the base of your spine.
Max grips your thigh, hooking it over his hip to drive himself deeper. “No one else gets to have you like this. You only come apart for me. I’m the only one who gets to feel you shatter.”
You cry out as he hits that perfect spot inside, stars bursting behind your eyelids. “Max, please …”
He crushes you closer, thin control fraying. “Please what? Tell me. I’ll give you anything you need.”
A particularly deep thrust wrings a wanton moan from you. You’re so close now, balanced on a knife’s edge of bliss. “Just you,” you manage to say. “I just need you.”
Max smiles, satisfied. “That’s my girl.” Then his lips slant over yours, swallowing your sobs of pleasure as his hips piston faster. The tension crests, higher and higher, until finally it breaks and you’re swept away on waves of dizzying ecstasy.
Max tenses and follows you over with a rough groan, your name a prayer on his lips. He collapses heavily against you, breath coming in harsh pants.
For long moments you just cling together, fingerprints bruising, heartbeats thundering through one another.
Eventually Max stirs, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. But he doesn’t separate your bodies. He knows you’ll rest easier staying connected, so he simply shifts just enough to take some of his weight off you.
You let out a small sigh of contentment, his warmth seeping into every inch of you like a blanket. Utterly spent and sated, you quickly begin drifting off. But before sleep claims you, Max’s quiet voice cuts through the haze.
“I’ll always come back to you. Every night, just like this. You’re my home.”
His words wrap around your heart, a vow and a lullaby in one. You manage to murmur a quiet “love you” before finally succumbing to sleep, safe in the harbor of his arms.
#f1 imagine#f1#f1 fic#f1 fanfic#f1 fanfiction#f1 x reader#f1 x you#max verstappen#mv1#max verstappen imagine#max verstappen x reader#max verstappen x you#max verstappen fic#max verstappen fluff#max verstappen fanfic#max verstappen blurb#f1 fluff#f1 blurb#f1 one shot#f1 x y/n#f1 drabble#f1 fandom#f1blr#f1 x female reader#max verstappen x female reader#max verstappen x y/n#red bull racing#max verstappen one shot#max verstappen drabble
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HI!! Hope you are well! I was wondering if you could do a smau, ferrari!reader (daughter of the ferrari family, like hier to the company? Idk how to explain lol) x max verstappen, where they have known eachother for a while through Jos and stuff, and they are really close, but everyone thinks it's just because they are friends? And then max hard launched reader because everyone is shipping her with one of the ferrari boys? Thanks! <3
hard launch ✧ max verstappen
max verstappen x ferrari! fem! reader
had so much fun writing this! thank you for sending in your request anon <3 (requested)



liked by charles_leclerc and 1.830.616 others
yn_ferrari eat pasta drive fasta 🍝
view all 1.828 comments
scuderiaferrari See you tomorrow boss 🫡
username mother is mothering more than she has ever mothered before 😍
charles_leclerc bet you were drunk after drinking that amount of wine
↳ yn_ferrari stop spreading lies
↳ username never beating the couple allegations
↳ username i ship it🥰
username “CHA” for CHArles?!??! 🥺🥺
↳ username GIRL😭😭
maxverstappen1 🫃
↳ yn_ferrari papa asked you to let charles/carlos win for once🥹🙏🏼
↳ maxverstappen1 As much as I love papa, I’m afraid I can’t do that💙
↳ yn_ferrari nicorosberg please do your magic
↳ username it’s charles😌



liked by carlossainz55 and 1.288.711 others
yn_ferrari always a meaningful race at monza! so glad to be back and see all the tifosi that came to show their support❤️ congrats to carlossainz55 for the podium! (and to maxverstappen1 for breaking the record 😒)
view all 1.172 comments
maxverstappen1 Thank you, Y/N😚
↳ yn_ferrari it’s all your fault! nicorosberg 🙍♀️
↳ nicorosberg Forza Ferrari❤️
↳ yn_ferrari you’re welcome, i guess you deserved it🤷♀️
↳ username is it just me?? but i feel like y/n is so rude to max sometimes :/
↳ username girl chill😭😭 that’s just how they are, they’ve been friends for over twenty years now
scuderiaferrari Lovely to have you and bossman here! Please visit often❤️
↳ yn_ferrari i think i still have to recover, feels like my hand is broken by how hard papa squeezed it throughout the race
username “ferrari fans always in spain (without the s)” SO TRUE 😩
charles_leclerc Are we still on for the family dinner tonight
↳ yn_ferrari you’ve been uninvited, you almost gave papa a heart attack
↳ carlossainz55 😂😂😂
↳ yn_ferrari you too mr. sainz
↳ carlossainz55 THATS NOT FAIR
username i just love the banter between charles and y/n😭 i want what they have





liked by yn_ferrari and 4.716.109 others
maxverstappen1 You still make my heart beat fast, Ferrari❤️
tagged: yn_ferrari
view all 3.166 comments
yn_ferrari i thought i told you to keep it PG😡 5 SECOND PENALTY FOR MAX VERSTAPPEN
yn_ferrari unoriginal caption taken from song lyrics?! 183621 SECOND PENALTY!!
↳ maxverstappen1 I love you🥰
↳ yn_ferrari love you too 😮💨
username i can’t see i’m blind😵
redbullracing SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY?! 😮
↳ scuderiaferrari FORZA FERRARI SIEMPRE!!!🐎
papaferrari Please delete
papaferrari yn_ferrari I think we need to have a little chat
↳ yn_ferrari i’m not the one who posted the pictures😭
↳ papaferrari Okay… Please tell Max not to come to the dinner tonight 👍😁
↳ maxverstappen1 WHAT NO, I CAN EXPLAIN
username b-b-b-but charles + y/n? 🥲
↳ username we lost💔
username a good day to be a ferrstappen shipper
↳ username WAR IS OVER
username THE 2ND PIC I-
charles_leclerc Took you guys long enough🙄



liked by maxverstappen1 and 3.921.551 others
yn_ferrari some things never change
tagged: maxverstappen1
view all 2.419 comments
username okay i guess they’re cute or whatever🙄
maxverstappen1 ❤️💙
papaferrari Can you just give this old man a break…
↳ username i volunteer to be your daughter 🧎♀️
username fell to my knees in the middle of walmart
charles_leclerc 20+ years of this 🫠
↳ yn_ferrari 😬😬😬
↳ maxverstappen1 💪💪💪
username i just need to know papa ferrari’s current favorite grid son, given all the situations happening right now😂
↳ yn_ferarri will always and forever be @/sebastianvettel
↳ charles_leclerc WOW
↳ carlossainz55 WOW
↳ maxverstappen1 WOW
↳ kimimatiasraikonnen Wow.
↳ sebastianvettel 😁😁😁

pictures (c) to pinterest and instagram
#max verstappen#formula 1#f1#max verstappen x reader#max verstappen x you#max verstappen x y/n#max verstappen fanfic#max verstappen imagine#max verstappen one shot#max verstappen social media#max verstappen smau#f1 x reader#f1 x you#f1 x y/n#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 one shot#f1 social media#f1 smau#archiverstappen
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PAIRING: Gojo Satoru x (Fem)Reader WARNINGS: MDNI/18+ ONLY. Succubus!Reader, monster fucking, vaginal sex, marathon sex, slight aphrodisiacs, creampie. WORD COUNT: 1,928 SUMMARY: Maybe he'd learn not to open anymore strange books. Or: You bond your soul to Gojo's forever.
A/N: this is more drabble-esque more than anything. also, i like the idea of monster!readers more than anything

The man whose lap you sat on was sooooo responsive, his hips jutting upwards into your pussy at each twitch of your body and causing a sloppy mess atop his thighs from the combined fluids of you both. Your thighs locked securely around him, promising him with skin that you’d not be leaving him any time in the future, and he wasn’t keen on letting you go with the hold he had on your waist. How many times had it been? You weren’t too bothered to count, focusing on the man below you and promising the pleasure you had been asked to give.
“Slow,” he whined out, too straight and white teeth gritted whenever you rocked a fraction faster to gauge his reaction. He was also incredibly observant, calculating your movements and countering them much to your ire, but you supposed that was what made him fun and had you making sure he kept cumming until you were satisfied.
You giggled and nuzzled your nose into his warm cheek, “You’re such a good boy. I’m so glad you set me free.”
His eyes rolled back at the praise, tensed abs shuddering above rolling hips as another round of cum pulsed free from his cock and coated your insides, no doubt dripping out of you onto the bed and across his thighs. You sighed and kissed his cheek, fingers wisping through his hair in fondness as you stopped for the moment to bask in another successful round.
Adorable man. Really, you weren’t sure what he was expecting messing with an ancient tome.
That wretched, old book had been your personal Hell for hundreds of years, and you had leaped at the chance when you felt someone nosing around in the pages to use your magic to goad them into saying the incantation that would finally free you from your cage. Luckily the poor soul was none the wiser, quickly reciting the words after you had flipped the page using a small gust of wind to get his attention and cheering when he murmured them in the small space of the bedroom. And with a small burst of light, you were free, the limbs of your body manifesting in a lethargic stretch as you lounged across the bed and met eyes with the man who so generously freed you.
The man that had been across from your newly conjured body was irrevocably handsome, and as far as humans went he stood out amongst them with a shock of white hair atop his head and very vivid blue eyes. You complimented him on that as well, telling him that you hadn’t seen a human as beautiful as you in a rather long time, and getting glee out of watching him struggle to not look at your nude body and the compliment you paid him. He was oh-so tall as well, something that was a personal preference of your own and had you pining for his attention (because you never pined for someone, your species had people pining for you), and practically purring in satisfaction when you got it.
“Are you a curse?” he had asked, apprehension clear in his body language and poised to strike if you so much as made a wrong move.
You had tapped a long nail onto the bed, pouting at such a nasty word that was used to describe you and batted your eyelashes, “Hardly. I can be anything you want me to be now that you freed me.” Flexing your throat, you had altered your vocal cords, voice coming out raspier and wanton and gotten your desired response. He was curious about you, sitting down close to you as he questioned you more, and once you had made your… ‘profession’ known, his attitude all but changed and had you antsy for a touch.
Be that as it may, perhaps you were a monster in some people’s eyes, and for that you asked him if he was completely sure of what he desired of you, garnering enthusiastic consent that would make the pleasure all the more mind-blowing for you both.
You liked the way he looked at you as well, something about his eyes that made your thighs clench with impending anticipation.
No one ever made you feel like that.
Your hips rolled as your tail wriggled out from behind you, the tip you maneuvered down to toy with his balls while his hands tightened the hold he had on your waist. Perhaps it would’ve hurt if you were human, yet it was nothing more than a slight pinch, yet you were more focused on the way his dick carved out your insides and the way he was getting drunk off of your titillating movements. You had made sure to mention that your cunt held aphrodisiacs, yet he’d been none too swayed to finally bury himself inside of you once you sat yourself in his lap, letting you hold the reins and ride him until he was burying every last drop of his cum inside of you. Yours was affecting him as well, allowing him to continue as most men weren’t able to keep cumming maybe two to three times in one setting, and your cum also held more aphrodisiacs that affected your partner and you.
It was a nice touch, having cum that would spur on an unfathomable desire to continue having sex for you and your partner, it was probably the only nice part of your body having it. Well, most of your body did, your saliva held it the most, but you weren’t about to kiss him when you wanted his head clearer for what you were doing.
The man below you shuddered and groaned, your slow lovemaking creating tendrils of sweat to slide down your foreheads and bodies, and you hummed in satisfaction with the tip of cock pushed against your cervix and he hissed when you clenched around him. Wings spreading out from your back, you fanned him, nibbling on the corners of his lips as you bounced a little faster in order to chase after your own approaching orgasm. You could tell he was building back up as well, his little chase after you when you moved up to have your cunt suck his cock back in and mold him to your insides so that he could tell of his desperation for you.
You sighed and ran your nails along his chest, tugging a nipple as you went and leaving scratches in your wake until you were tickling him across his twitching abdomen, “You’re gonna make me cum again… Such a sweet boy for me.” Affection coursed through you; you didn’t think you’d be able to let him go after you got free. Then again… who’s to say he wouldn’t want to come with you? You nearly laughed at the idea of you two having so much fun, sticking your face back into his neck and biting the skin to leave a hickey.
He was yours.
He mumbled something after a moment, causing you to raise your head and meet his eyes to prod him to repeat it. He looked slightly embarrassed, cheeks red and eyes glossy before he repeated himself, “Satoru.”
“Hm?” Another hard roll downwards onto his cock and he choked, before wrapping one arm firmly around you.
“My name is Satoru,” he mumbled into your throat, his legs stretching out behind you both and before his thrusts became desperate and punishing, and blunt teeth finding their way onto your ear as he whispered hotly into it while a warm palm pressed down onto your naval, “And I want you say it when you cum.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, branching off into a moan of his name as your world exploded into colors and you came again for nth time that night. Your back arched backwards, breasts heaving into his face as those pink lips latched onto one of your nipples, and you crossed your ankles around his back while your pussy pulsed and clenched around his scorching cock. Tail whipping behind you wildly, you completely missed the hum emitting from the hand he had pressed against your naval, focusing on the mind-blurring pleasure that you only assumed was from your conjoined pleasure. His sounds were nearly drowned out by you and slaps of your ass against his thighs, yet all it took was another sigh of his name and your tail brushing against his balls for him to cum for you again.
Satoru. You were sure you’d get used to saying that name for eternity.
He didn’t last long after you, another whining grunt as his body curled in on itself and he shot another load of cum into you, panting into your neck as you both sat there for a few seconds to catch your breaths. Your recovery time was within a minute, though you knew considering Satoru’s rising fatigue he wouldn’t have been able to go on much longer. It made you purse your lips and configure a plan, deciding against just taking him with you and instead asking him – after all, you didn’t want to potentially lose a new lover.
However, once you moved to pull away from him (perhaps to throw him on his back that time), you paused, an unknown force snatching you back into him and a quick check of your magic had you freezing. You tried to force it free from within you, but it was to no avail, realizing with a quick check in something was anchored to your soul. Carefully you met his eyes, taking note of the smug smile on his face and realizing he had one-upped you. He knew the entire time – How the Hell did he…?
“You –”
Satoru laughed – laughed, and curled both arms around you, one hand reaching down to toy with the base of your tail to make you clench and moan for him, “I just had to be sure. You said you weren’t a curse, but curses can come in all shapes and forms born from humanity, and I figured the tome was a cursed object holding an even worse curse inside of it.” He leant forward and rested his chin atop your shoulder, all but hugging you while he amused himself with playing with your tail, “Don’t get so upset, it was the only logical solution.”
“So, you just… bonded our souls together?” He was mad. Insane. Did he realize what it all meant? You two were practically soulmates and had a combined joint of abilities. But given that he knew exactly what to do to tie you both together, you understood that he knew, and he wanted it. And oh, he made your heart sore. The initial shock wore off, realizing you’d be able to stay with him for as long as you liked since you were all but attached to the hip.
You were his.
“Don’t tell me you weren’t thinking about it anyways.” A bite on your shoulder made you sigh, muscles relaxing and limbs pooling into his hold like liquid gold, “Now… won’t you tell me what you really are? I have a clear idea though.”
You smiled, pulling his face away from your shoulder as you cupped his cheeks and murmured lovingly against his lips, “We have a long time for you figure it out.”
And as the book fell to the floor when Satoru rolled himself on top of you, you watched his eyes follow across the word for what he had gotten himself into and tied his soul to for eternity.

#{🩸} nee fics#gojo satoru x reader#gojo x reader#gojo x you#gojo x y/n#jujutsu kaisen#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk gojo#jjk#gojo satoru#gojo satoru smut#jujutsu kaisen gojo
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Welcome distraction
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Emily Prentiss x reader
summary: Emily notices you're having a hard time working on your assignment, so she decides it's time for you to take a break.
tags: smut, teasing, praise kink, sex
f/f │ 2.9k words │ ao3
a/n: english isn't my first language so all typos and mistakes are mine!
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The room was heavy with the weight of yet another long exhausting day of studying. The clock was ticking past eight already as you tried to use the last drops of your energy on the assignment you were working on. The laptop screen casted a cold blue glow over your desk that was embarrassingly messy compared to what it was usually like. The neatness you were accustomed to was replaced by notebooks, notes, pens and highlighters scattered all over, piled on top of each other, a half-drunk coffee mug being the cherry on top.
Your eyes felt tired. They were burning from hours of reading. The words on the screen had started blurring together what felt like ages ago but you had tried your best to just power through, telling yourself you’d be done soon. But every tick of the clock on the wall next to you felt like a reminder of just how much you still had left to do.
A quiet knock at the door broke through your concentration, making you look up from the screen your eyes had been glued to for hours. It took you few seconds to adjust. You saw Emily standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, taking you in with the warmest of eyes. The softness in her gaze when seeing you made you feel like she had been waiting for this moment, to force you away from your screen.
”Hey”, she said, her voice a gentle murmur. ”You’ve been at this for hours already. How much longer are you planning to go for?”
You exhaled, rubbing your eyes, feeling glad about your decision not to wear makeup today.
”I’m just trying to finish this section, but I still have a lot left. It feels never-ending.”
You thought about the amount of work there was left to do. It felt like you had been writing the same damn sentence again and again for the past few hours, making no progress, because you were exhausted. That was something you couldn’t tell Emily. Nor the fact that you could feel a headache forming in the distance as well.
Emily stepped closer, her gaze sweeping over the mess of notes, school supplies and the stained coffee mug on your desk. You half-expected for her to make a comment, to be disappointed in you and the fact that you hadn’t taken care of it. But instead, she didn’t really show any emotion. She just turned her gaze to you instead of the mess.
”Is the assignment due tonight?”
You shook your head, feeling your cheeks heating up a bit after hearing the commanding tone of Emily’s voice. You could guess what was coming. It was crazy what her voice alone could do to you. You felt nervous all of a sudden.
”Not technically”, you answered with your own voice trembling a bit. You escaped Emily’s eyes by turning your gaze back to the open document on your laptop’s screen.
You heard Emily chuckle softly and could imagine the slight smile forming on her face without even looking at her. She walked to you, her hands settling on your shoulders. You shivered and felt your breath hitching as her thumbs started working into the tense muscles on your shoulders and upper back. It was so easy to melt under her touch almost immediately. Your eyes closed, involuntarily. Emily’s hands made it easy for you to forget about the assignment. Like magic.
Slowly she moved even closer to you and it sent shivers down your spine. You bit your lip, trying to keep your composure.
”Then it can wait, honey”, she whispered, her breath warm against your ear. You couldn’t help but lean against her head a bit to recover from the shivers her whisper caused. ”You’ve been at this all day. The assignment will still be here tomorrow, I promise. But I need my baby right now.”
”Em”, you protested quickly, not knowing if you really even wanted to protest. Your voice sounded unconvincing, even to yourself. You let yourself lean back a bit further when Emily’s hands continued massaging your shoulders soothingly. ”I really should finish…”
Before you could go on for any longer, Emily stopped you.
”Babe, it’s 8 pm”, she said more firmly this time around and the authoritative tone in her voice sent the butterflies in your stomach flying. She was always hot, but this demanding bossy side of her made your brain mush. ”You’re done for the day if I say so.”
You opened your eyes to look at her, torn between your sense of responsibility and the pull of her insistent gaze. You were turned on. She was standing so close you could smell her perfume, feel her warmth. So alluring. For a moment there you forget about the screen in front of you.
”But I’ll feel better if I get a little bit more done today”, you still tried to insist, even though your tough demeanor act slipped away further and further with each press of Emily’s fingers on your skin.
And then she stopped completely.
She didn’t start arguing, didn’t say anything - instead she moved to sit beside you in the other chair in front of your desk, her chin propped in her hand as she started watching you. The determination in her eyes didn’t disappear, it just was quiet now. It still told you that she was willing to wait as long as it took. Emily wasn’t one to give up if she wanted something.
And she wanted you.
You looked at your screen, feeling her gaze glued to you while you did. It was nearly impossible to focus with her sitting so close, her presence so strong, her perfume filling your nostrils. You were screwed, but you couldn’t admit your loss in this game so easily.
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Emily’s hand caressing along her own cheek. Her fingertips tracing the curve of her neck, then dipping lower, coming to rest on top of her breast. The subtle movement was enough to pull you out of your so-called focus, your eyes flicking to her involuntarily as she gently massaged her own breast through her shirt. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
”Emily”, you murmured now wide-eyed, your voice half-pleading, half-warning.
”Yes?” she asked, sounding completely sweet and innocent while her fingers travelled from cupping her breast to her legs, stroking the top of her thighs back and forth. You couldn’t help but steal a look again, right when she moved her fingers closer to her… ”Something wrong?”
”I… I can’t focus when you’re doing that”, you admitted with an unsteady voice, nodding towards her, looking at her fingers now resting on the waistband of her trousers. You needed her to move them inside them, and her panties. To hear her gasp, moan, anything. You needed her so bad your pussy clenched.
Emily raised an eyebrow, her signature move when teasing you. A mischievous smile tugged at her lips.
”That’s too bad”, she said, not taking her eyes off you for a single second. Her other hand came to the collar of her shirt, stretching it just enough to reveal a hint of skin at her collarbone. Her eyes didn’t leave yours. She was fully aware of the effect she had on you and she wasn’t about to stop. You wiggled in your chair, feeling so turned on that it was starting to get a bit difficult to sit still.
You looked back at your screen again, determined to push through the last section no matter what. But you should’ve known it was impossible already. Emily shifted closer, her hand now brushing over your arm, gliding with that familiar gentle pressure that left your skin tingling for more.
”Em, please…” you whispered with your breath catching as she moved even closer, her lips nearly brushing against your cheek now. You expected a kiss. A peck on your cheek. Maybe her hands on your shoulders again? Anything, any contact.
But no. Instead of all that Emily slipped down from her chair, sinking gracefully down on her knees right in front of you. You felt her hands on your knees and your heart rate picked up when she gazed up at you with her big brown eyes from down there. You would’ve done anything for her.
”Emily…” you mumbled her name again. Your fingers came to grip the edge of your chair as her hands trailed upwards, a clear sign to her that you had finally given up. She took her sweet time, not hurrying one bit.
”Yes, baby?” she asked innocently with a smirk on her face, inching even closer to you, her hands gripping your thighs as her eyes remained locked on yours. She stroked your thighs, her hands slowly but surely making their way underneath your night shorts you wore around the house. Easy access. You bit your lip as you felt Emily’s fingers kneading the soft skin, making their way closer and closer to your heated center. You knew you were wet. Without a question. Emily felt the warmth radiating from you and flashed you a smile laced with satisfaction at seeing you giving in.
You opened your mouth to try another weak protest but right when you were about to say something Emily’s fingers touched you through your panties and instead of words, a moan escaped your mouth. With your eyes closed you slapped the lid off your laptop down, no longer giving a damn about the assignment.
”There you go, finally… that’s my girl”, you heard Emily saying, hearing the huge smile on her face from her voice. She won and she was so happy about it.
You moaned, trying to move your hips on the chair so that Emily’s fingers would touch you again. You needed the contact so bad, but clearly she wasn’t done with the teasing yet. She grabbed the waistband of your shorts, ushering you to lift your hips a little so she could pull them off, leaving you in your panties.
”Oh baby, you’re absolutely soaked”, she chuckled when she saw how your arousal had stained your white panties with a wet spot. She touched it with her thumb, pressing the fabric against you to saturate it even more with your wetness. You squirmed. Every tiniest thing she did turned you on more and more.
When you saw her pressing her lips against the wet fabric you had to bite your lip in order to stay quiet. She looked up at you while pressing a gentle kiss on your pussy through it.
”I can stop if you really want me to”, she still dared to tease you.
You felt helpless. You swallowed hard, barely able to hold back another gasp as Emily planted another kiss on your pussy through your panties.
”I… I don’t… please… don’t stop.”
Emily smiled, pressing one final little kiss on the damp fabric before pulling it aside with her fingers and coming in direct contact with your pussy to give it a single long lick. You sighed out loud. Finally.
”Now, just relax baby and let me take care of you”, she whispered as she she settled between your legs properly, her free hand coming up to your breast to grab it. Her fingers didn’t waste any time pinching your nipple in between them, giving it a little twist. You gasped and decided to quickly undress, throwing your shirt off to the floor next to your shorts.
Air escaped your lungs as you looked down at Emily between your legs. The way she was so lovingly looking at your exposed body made it impossible for you to stay still. Her adoring eyes roamed all over your body, appreciating every single part of it. Your hips bucked, needing contact.
Emily looked up and saw the way you begged for her with your eyes. She knew that look. Her hands wandered from your boobs to your lower stomach, gently massaging it, then moving to the insides of your thighs. Before you could say the now familiar word ’please' again, her mouth finally latched on your pussy. She moaned as she tasted you and god, it was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard.
Your eyes closed and your hands flew to Emily’s hair, using your tight grip on it to keep her head exactly where you needed it to be. You caressed her scalp, the back of her neck, her hair. She gave you no mercy and worked around your clit like a game of hot and cold. Her lips came close to it and when your hips thrusted forward trying to guide her mouth to touch it, she pulled away. She wouldn’t stop teasing you.
You whimpered in frustration.
”Patience, my love”, she spoke. She knew you didn’t have it and it was especially torturous right now when she had been teasing you for a good while already.
She pressed her mouth against you again, careful not to touch your clit. Her chin rubbed against your wetness when you started to grind your pussy against her face. Her steadying hand came to your stomach, pressing down on it to make sure you would stay still and not slip further down the chair’s edge you were sitting on. When she made sure you wouldn’t fall she moved her hand to grab yours, intertwining your fingers quickly. You grabbed her hand back tightly - maybe a bit too tightly, but you couldn’t control yourself. Normally you would’ve had sheets to grab, but Emily’s hand was the victim now. You loved it when she held your hand during sex. It made the connection you felt to her even deeper.
”Oh god, just…” you spoke with a trembling voice.
”What, baby? Speak up. Tell me what you need”, she spoke as slowly as she could, making you feel her warm breath on you.
”I need you to… ah! To stop teasing me and just suck my… my clit already”, you whimpered breathily with your eyes closed, biting your lip afterwards. You were sure you would come like this too in no time, but you needed it. Emily laughed amusingly and the next thing you felt was her flicking your clit with her tongue and then sucking it, releasing it from between her lips followed with a wet sound.
You began panting, no longer in control of how your body behaved at all. You wriggled and moved your hips against Emily’s face. She moaned as she ate you out like her life depended on it and it just fired you up even more. Your free hand grabbed her hair again, pushing her closer to your pussy.
Incoherent moans and whimpers escaped your mouth as Emily picked up her already quick pace. She alternated between rapid flicks and bold strokes, which made your head spin. When you least expected it, she suddenly stuffed her tongue inside you as far as she just physically could, causing pressure against your asshole with her chin at the same time.
Your thighs clamped down as a result. Emily’s face was between them and for a second you were afraid you hurt her, but when you opened your eyes and saw from her eyes that she was clearly happy to be right there with your thighs pressed tightly around her head, your worries disappeared. Emily’s tongue flew back to your clit to play with it.
”I’m about to come”, you announced out of breath, your eyes glued to Emily’s.
”Come for me, baby. Feel good and come for me”, she murmured against you, her face buried in your pussy.
And you did as you were told. Panting Emily’s name out loud again and again, your eyes rolled back and your back arched as a strong orgasm hit you. You rode the wave, thrusting against Emily’s face that was now covered in your wetness.
”You look so, so pretty like this… My beautiful girl, I’ve got you”, she praised you when you were trying to come down from your high, your chest heaving up and down. She stroked the soft skin of your thighs, supporting you through the aftershocks and shivers of your orgasm. It was a powerful one, all thanks to Emily’s teasing.
”Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me”, you chanted repeatedly, your breath still coming in stutters. Emily got up from her knees to reach you, her hands caressing the skin of your arms in a comforting manner. They moved to grab your face between her hands and she crashed her lips against yours in a kiss that took your breath away. You tasted yourself on her lips as she kissed you, long and passionately.
”Wow”, you whispered, your forehead against Emily’s. She laughed, the sound warming your heart while you tried to slow down your breathing and heart rate. You wanted nothing more than to give the same back to Emily, so when you had calmed down from your orgasm, you kissed her again. You let your fingers slide down her body and when they touched the waistband of her trousers, she laughed again.
”Oh hey, hey… don’t you have an assignment to work on?” she asked with a huge smirk on her face, letting out a delicious moan as your fingers found their way inside her underwear. You smiled. Fuck the assignment.
#emily prentiss x reader#emily prentiss x you#emily prentiss#emily prentiss fic#emily prentiss smut#criminal minds fic#mine: writing
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Having JJ as your boyfriend was exhilarating. There was never a dull moment. You loved each other with every fiber of your being. The two of you were soulmates, destined to be together. JJ brought out the best in you. JJ wanted to be a better man for you because you deserved the world. You have been dating for a while now. It was nothing short of amazing. Not only did you love each other, you wanted a future together.
Your sex life was truly unbelievable. It was mind blowing. JJ was a expert. He knew your body like the back of his hand. He always made you feel comfortable and listened to what felt good. Having sex with JJ was magical. Two people making love and enjoying each other’s company. JJ did his best to make you happy and focused on your pleasure.
The two of were in JJ’s room at the château, lounging in JJ’s bed. JJ was tracing shapes on your thigh. You were cuddling. Both of you were enjoying the peacefulness of the evening. JJ breaks the silence by saying, “I love you so much baby, so glad I have you by my side.” “I love you too,” you replied. JJ cups your face and leans in for a kiss. Your lips crush together in a messy kiss. JJ feels so lucky to have you. He feels his heart beat faster. Your stomach does little flips and you feel tingly as you make out.
JJ’s tongue slides into your mouth. Your tongues dance together as you kiss. “Need you so bad baby,” JJ pulls back a little and whispers over your lips. You smile at his words and run a hand through his hair. “Can I take this off?” JJ asks pulling at your shirt. “Yes.”
JJ removes your shirt leaving you in your lacey black bra. Then JJ takes off his shirt revealing his toned abs. You place your hands on his stomach and run your fingers over his abs causing JJ to chuckle. JJ starts to kiss your neck sucking deep purple marks onto your skin. JJ pushed your bra straps off your shoulders and unclipped it. He kissed both of your breasts and massaged them with his hands.
You arched your back pushing your boobs into JJ’s hand and let out a soft moan. “Need to be inside you,” JJ pants. You nod your head and remove your shorts. JJ slides his pants off along with his boxers. You lay on your back as JJ hovers over you. He lines his cock at your entrance. “Ready for me baby?”
“Yes.” JJ slowly entered you with a deep groan. He gives you a minute to adjust before he moves. Then JJ pulls all the way out just to slam back in. He sets a brutal pace as he fucks you deep and raw. You squeezed around him and JJ saw stars. “You feel so good,” JJ exclaimed.
JJ easily slid in and out with how wet you were. You could tell he was getting close with the way his dick was twitching. He could tell you were getting close because your walls were spasming. “I’m gonna cum,” JJ breathed.
“Give it to me,” you begged. JJ thrusted again and again as he released deep inside you. “Oh god, baby… Yes… Tiffany… Yes…” JJ yelled as he came. He continued to move through his release drawing it out.
“Who is Tiffany?” You paused absolutely shocked and sick to your stomach.
JJ freezes, realizes his mistake. His eyes widen as he processes what he just said. “Oh god, I’m so sorry Tiffany was my ex. We broke up years ago.” He looks at you with a pained expression. “Please forgive me.”
“JJ what the fuck?!” You were furious. How could he have done this to you. You thought he loved you.
JJ pulls out and puts some sweats on. He starts pacing the room. "I don't know what came over me. It was a slip of the tongue, I swear. Tiffany and I haven't been together in so long. You mean everything to me."
“Hmm,” you speak.
He stands still, running a hand through his hair in distress. "I know I messed up badly. Calling out her name while making love to you... It's unforgivable. I'm so sorry." He looks at you imploringly. "Can you tell me what you're thinking?"
“Im thinking how can you love me when your thinking about another girl. how can this happen? i thought you loved me and only me now i’m not so sure.”
His expression turns agonized. "No, no, baby, please don't think that. I love you with all my heart. Tiffany is just a ghost from my past. I never loved her the way I love you. Please, please believe me. I'm begging you."
“I’ll have to think about it.”
He nods solemnly, his heart breaking. "I understand. I've given you reason to doubt me and that kills me. Take all the time you need to think. I'll be here, hoping and praying that you'll forgive me someday. I never meant to hurt you. You're my whole world.”
You stand up and get dressed. “I’m gonna sleep on the couch.”
He watches helplessly as you walk to the couch, his heart heavy with sorrow. "Baby, please... Don't do this. We can talk, work through this together. The couch is not the answer." He follows you, kneeling beside the couch.
“I think i just need some space.” You admit.
“Oh um okay, I’ll be just in the next room if you need me, again i’m so sorry,” JJ replied sadly. He never felt so guilty and ashamed.
JJ went to sleep that night thinking of ways he could prove to you he loved you and to win you back. He couldn’t loose you and that’s what scared him the most. He didn’t think he would survive loosing you.
part 2
#jj maybank x reader#jj maybank smut#jj maybank#outer banks#obx#jj maybank imagine#jj maybank fanfiction#jj maybank fluff#jj maybank x fem!reader#jj maybank x female!reader#jj maybank x girlfriend!reader#jj maybank prompt#jj maybank concept#jj maybank drabble#jj maybank x reader smut#jj maybank one shot#jj maybank obx#jj maybank outer banks#jj outer banks x reader#jj x y/n#jj x you#jj x reader#jj maybank x y/n#jj maybank x you#outer banks smut#outer banks x reader#jj obx#jj outer banks#outer banks fanfic#jj maybank x reader blurb
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week 1 (oct. 4) | voice kink
✮⋆˙ baby (2.3k)
it's been a long, shitty day and all jason wants to do is call his baby back home. they have a great idea of how to make the day end on a high note
tags: gn!reader, established relationship, guided masturbation, phone sex, voice kink, exhibitionism, sub!jason
⊘ this is an 18+ fic. minors do not interact, you will be blocked
Jason Todd throws himself onto the shitty motel bed and groans with relief. See, normally he wouldn’t collapse into bed right after a shower with his curls still damp but it’s been such a long day that he can’t be assed about flattening them on the cardboard thick pillow. He’s spent enough time since his rebirth to figure out how to make his curling hair look not terrible even after wearing a helmet for hours on end but the 18-metre tall intergalactic monster really killed any desire to make an effort.
Now Jason’s strictly a local guy – a hometown hero, if you will – but Dick had asked with his perfected puppy eyes and sickening earnestness and now here Jason is, all the way on the other side of the country from you and privately wanting a word with Lovecraft over just where he got his inspiration for Cthulu from. Somehow, due to unknown methods of persuasion (Dick’s puppy eyes), Jason had signed himself up to stay behind a second day just to make sure the quasi-scientifical-mostly-magical inter-dimensional crazy glue actually held the fabric of the universe together. So here he is, stuck in the least sleazy motel that had survived the day’s carnage with walls so paper thin he can hear Roy’s terrible singing echoing off the shower tiles. ‘Flawless victory’ or whatever the line is.
Too exhausted to change out of his towel or bother getting up to bang on the wall he shares with Roy, Jason paws at the night stand for his phone. Hopefully it’s had enough time to charge because he’s been itching to call home ever since he left the city boundaries. Listening to the phone ring, he closes his eyes, rests the back of his wrist across his forehead and waits. God he hopes you pick up.
“Hiya baby,” you greet him, voice tinny through the phone’s speakers. “You have fun fighting the creature from the deep? It was all over the news.”
“Remind me never to do Dick a favour ever again,” Jason grumbles. “Give me a crime lord with a hard on for sequins and leather any day. Never again.”
“Good, I don’t have to worry about you suddenly wanting to become a space man,” you snip back. Jason can just picture you nodding along with your words, already mentally discarding a desire that hadn’t even crossed his mind.
“See if I ever leave the state again! I had to spend 30 minutes in the shower trying to get the mysterious space gunk off and I don’t think any amount of washing is going to get my pants back to normal.” Genuinely Jason feels rubbed raw, the cheap bar soap in the bathroom basically doing nothing against the battle wreckage. He’s only glad he wore his second favourite pair of tac pants today. “Shit, I don’t think I even packed any spare underwear.”
“Oh so it’s that kind of phone call, huh?” your voice suddenly drops, low and purring where it was playful earlier.
“Wha– no, I didn’t– I mean,” Jason splutters. The motel room is suddenly boiling, AC probably on the fritz.
“Uh-huh, I’m sure you didn’t, baby,” you humor him. “Calling me up in nothing but a towel and lettin’ me know you don’t even have any underwear on.”
“I just really need to do laundry!” is what comes out of Jason’s mouth in a mortifying mixture of embarrassment and growing horniness.
“All that talk about leather and showering, and you aren’t teasing me, hmm?” Jason can feel his hesitation crumbling at the sound of your voice, all whiskey and sin. “Left me alone for the whole weekend, aching for your touch. But you’re not teasing, right baby?”
“I wouldn’t wanna–“ Jason swallows thickly, adam’s apple bobbing, “–wanna leave you hangin’. But I uh, I don’t really know how to do this.” He whispers the last part like a secret, a confession of his innocence just for your ears.
You laugh with delight, not even the busted speakers able to disguise the richness of it. Jason thinks he’d quite like to bathe in that sound.
“I’ve got you baby, you don’t need to worry about that. You just gotta come along for the ride. Can you do that? Just make yourself feel good with me?”
Jason nods, too lightheaded with how fast this conversation has changed direction to realize you can’t see him.
“Need you to use your words Jay,” you prompt him.
He flushes, embarrassment ripping through him.
“Y-yeah. I can do that. I can be sweet,” voice strangled in his throat. “But gotta– gotta be quiet ‘cause the walls are thin.”
“Okay! We can make quiet work. Baby’s first phone sex,” you say with palpable glee. Jason could swear he hears you rubbing your hands together, scheming. “Are you sitting or standing?”
“M��lying down,” he mumbles. “On the bed.” Jason’s trying to be helpful – he really is! – but the self-consciousness is creeping in, blurring out the edges of his vision. His room seems larger than it was an hour ago, suddenly hyperaware of every inch of space that doesn’t have you in it. The terrible singing through the walls echoes.
“Why don’t you prop yourself up on the pillows, get yourself all nice and comfy,” you direct him. There’s a corresponding sound of rustling coming over your end of the phone as Jason adjusts himself. Tucks two pillows under his back and neck until he’s satisfied that this is probably what you want from him. The cheap duvet scratches at his back, fabric bunching up beneath him.
“What about you?” he asks, sinking back into the disappointingly thin pillows.
“Me? I’m lying in our big, empty bed. It’s a little cold without the blankets, you can see my nipples right through my shirt.” Jason has to swallow back a sudden mouthful of saliva at the image. “Oh! And I put a towel down because I don’t want to sleep in the wet spot later and I plan on you making me messy.”
Jason has to fight the audible click of his jaw to keep the phone balanced on the pillow beside him as his muscles tense.
“Yeah? All of that for me?” he manages to get out.
“Why would I ever wanna do this with anyone else?” Something warm and possessive curls through Jason’s gut. “Now, you still in that little towel you were telling me about?” you ask.
“Uh-huh, still damp too.”
“Bet your skin is all lovely and warm. Poor baby rubbed himself raw trying to get clean, bet my baby’s just so sensitive now,” you drawl.
Jason looks down at himself, flushed torso still beaded with water. The towel, loosely wrapped around his waist, does very little to hide his dick chubbing up. It would be embarrassing, how quickly he gets hard for you with just a few coy words, if it wasn’t so hot. A door slams in another room.
“S’cold here. Feels– feels real nice on me.” It’s true. The working AC blasts directly onto his heated skin, gooseflesh rising across his forearms.
“Good. Can you touch yourself baby – only above the waist – like I’m the one touching you. Want you to tell me as you do it.”
Jason swallows. Hard. Slowly drags a hand up across his torso to press his thumb into the divot of his collarbone. Lips part with anticipation.
“Your fingers are on m’clavicle,” he whispers. Slowly he drags his hand down to cup his chest, nipples tight from cold and arousal. “Now you’re touchin’ my chest. Squeezing. M’skin’s so sensitive, feels real nice.”
“Yeah? You lettin’ me feel up your tits baby?” you whisper and Jason chokes. Feels something hot unfurl in his brain at hearing his chest called something so vulgar.
“They’re not– not– ” he stutters.
“Not what?” you cut him off. “Not tits? ‘Course they are, nice big handfuls too. Want you to cup your tits baby, want you to play with them.”
Jason does, cups each pec in a large hand and squeezes, marvels at how his tits spill out around his fingers even as he feels the blush crawling down his chest. The side of a finger brushes a nipple and he has to bite back a groan at the sensation. Arches his back just to get a better view, imagines your hands are the ones on him. You don’t stop talking the whole time.
“–that be fun? I bet I could make you come just from playing with your tits. But I wanna see that in person so let’s wait on that, hmm?”
If Jason’s brain wasn’t melting out of his ears, he’d be able to tell you exactly how big a fan he is of that idea. As it is, he manages a sort of hrnng in a register he’s never been able to hit without a sharp kick to the balls first. He freezes, but Roy’s awful banging about continues. Jason sighs in relief.
“Oh you would like that. Now, take one of those nice big hands of yours and wrap it around your throat. Don’t squeeze, just hold it there for me baby. Take your time and unwrap yourself for me.”
With his eyes closed, he can almost picture it’s your smaller hand a steadying weight across his collarbones. Idly he trails his other hand down his torso, lets it trace over scars and follows his happy trail down to where it meets the knotted towel.
“Words, baby,” you prompt him and he has to fight the thick syrup in his veins to put a thought together.
“M’undoin’ the towel,” he whisper slurs.
The cold air finally hitting his damp cock is heady. It springs up, already drooling with pre and Jason knows he’s not gonna last much longer with you purring in his ear. He reaches down and grabs hold of himself, has to bite his lip and close his eyes against how raw it feels.
“Holdin’ the base. Gonna– gonna cum if I don’,” he pants.
There’s rustling on the end of the line, slick wet sounds as you start to split yourself open on your own fingers. Something like pride throbs in his chest at the sound, that even all the way over here he can still get you desperate for him.
“Good baby, good,” you praise him and he puffs up at that, chest arching out. “Can take your hand off your throat now, want you to play with yourself.”
His other hand slowly trails down to join the first. Jason huffs when it brushes a particularly sensitive patch of skin, gooseflesh raised. He cradles his balls with it, feels how heavy and tight they already are from just some words and a few light touches. Rolls them in his palm and has to wheeze out a breath between clenched teeth at how goddamn good it feels.
“It’s– m’balls are heavy. Needta– needta come,” he grits out. Begging seems like a good idea, why hasn’t he tried begging yet? “Please?”
“Ye-ah baby,” you say. It’s the first time all night that your composure has slipped and Jason is preening at the slight hitch he put in your voice. “Want you to fuck your fist like you’re fucking me and then you come alright?”
Jason can’t do much more than pant his agreement into the phone, voice stolen by the feeling of that first tentative stroke of his cock. God he wishes it was your hand, or better yet the hot, tight clutch of your body welcoming him home. With his hand slicked in pre and almost painfully tight, he can imagine its you sinking down around him with that cheshire cat grin of yours. Lewd, wet sounds of flesh on flesh fill the motel room as Jason works himself over. Sets a vicious twist of his wrist to the end of each stroke that has him gasping for air, hips bucking up to meet it. His teeth ache with the strength of his desire to come, something hot and heavy gathering low at the base of his spine.
“M’close,” he grunts, wants to give you what you want.
The wet, filthy sounds from your end of the line speed up in their intensity.
“Wanna hear you when you come baby,” you gasp, all pretense dissolved under the building pleasure.
And Jason wants to be good but, but–
“Roy’s– Roy’s gonna hear.”
“Yeah? What’s he gonna hear? You being a good boy for me baby, doing exactly as your told? He gonna hear just how desperate your are to get your dick wet for me?”
Jason goddamn whines, high and wanton and desperate for your approval. The singing from next door abruptly stops. I hope that doesn’t awaken anything in me, Jason thinks hysterically before he stops thinking at all.
He comes babbling your name like a holy catechism, cum spurting all over his fist and belly. Muscles spasming under skin that feels too tight, mouth drier than dirt. Spent and over-sensitive, he lets go of his dick just as he hears your own orgasm take you under. Jelly limbed and feeling better than he has all day, he lolls cum drunk on the bed. Two sharp rapid knocks on the wall startle him but do nothing to cut through the lovely post-orgasmic high. If anyone deserves to be a little out of it in this moment, it’s him.
“Saw you took a pretty bad tumble...” you trail off leadingly, voice lilting upwards.
“Looked a lot worse than it was. Medics gave me a clean bill of health and everything.” It’s odd to be the one doing the soothing, Jason thinks, still fucked out and blinking away stars.
“But you’d tell me if it wasn’t, right?” you press him.
“Course baby, you’d be the first person I call.”
#sunnie’s kinktober 2024#jason todd x reader#jason todd x you#jason todd x y/n#jason todd smut#red hood x you#red hood x reader#red hood x y/n#jason todd x gn!reader#jason todd fanfiction#red hood smut#sunnie writes 🌻
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