powernappin · 1 month
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oh, huh, what's that? it's my fav headcanon npc romance for our 4+ year d&d campaign...?
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tearofisha · 6 months
Rate Your Muse (?/10)
Rishaeron, Aelinor and Eldrin with little notes inbetween,
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Compassion: 5/10. 4/10. 8/10.
Bitterness: 8/10. 6/10. 3/10.
Rishaeron is the only one of the three to still carry a grudge. (Against an Ork Shaman that killed his original Rangers.)
Happiness: 7/10. 6/10. 5/10.
Politeness: 7/10. 5/10. 9/10.
Chivalry: 7/10. 3/10. 7/10.
Pride: 8/10. 6/10. 4/10.
If asked what or who they were by a stranger, only Rishaeron would first describe his best and most proud qualities.
Honesty: 7/10. 3/10. 9/10.
Aelinor is not actively deceptive, but has not mastered the ability to be honest with herself. What she wants, and for why are things that elude her only because she isn't totally honest with herself.
Bravery: 9/10. 7/10. 6/10.
Recklessness: 9/10. 7/10. 2/10.
Ambition: 3/10. 8/10. 2/10.
While not seeking power or influence in a traditional sense, Aelinor seeks to be more than she is right now, for better or for worse.
Loyalty: 8/10. 6/10. 9/10.
Love: 8/10. 5/10. 8/10,
Only Rishaeron has experienced both romantic and platonic love, Eldrin has felt strong platonic love for many and Aelinor wishes hard to feel either but hasn't had the experience yet.
Sense of family: 7/10. 2/10. 5/10.
Eldrin and Aelinor both have professional ties with their peers, Aelinor could only tenuously call the other two family.
Attractiveness: 7/10. 8/10. 3/10.
Not accounting for confidence, of course. Swap Rishaeron and Aelinor if demeanour counts.
Agility: 9/10. 8/10. 3/10.
Sex drive: 7/10. 6/10. 1/10.
Rishaeron is a happy flirt, and quite sex positive. Eldrin is a comfortable asexual and poor Aelinor is a hopeless romantic demisexual with little to no experience.
Thanks for the tag, @witches-and-weirdos! I'd like to tag:
@dracite-aeril and @every108years
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ludrii · 6 months
Happy New Year from Oracle!!!
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aveisure · 1 year
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Rimidalv ❤️ 🔪 👁️
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eldritchforezt · 2 years
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image description: two identical flags next to each other. they have nine horizontal stripes. the middle three stripes are thinner than the others, the fifth stripe being the thinnest. in order, the colors are dull blue, light dull blue, pale dull blue, dark purple-magenta, dark grey, dark purple-magenta, pale dull blue, light dull blue, and dull blue. end image description
• beingitle - a gender label under the perceitle system. it’s related to wanting to be referred to as “the being”, to the point of it affecting your gender.
tagging @magitoki , one apologizes if this was already in your queue or to coin list . .
[PT: tagging @/magitoki, i apologize if this was already in your queue or to coin list.. :PT END]
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eurovision-facts · 7 months
Eurovision Fact #493:
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Georgia's best ranking was 9th place in the Grand Final, which it achieved twice in a row, first in 2010, then in 2011.
Sofia Nizharadze's "Shine" and Eldrine's "One More Day" were the successful songs. However, Nizharadze placed 3rd in her semi-final, and Eldrine placed 6th.
Georgia, Eurovision.tv.
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ventureawaybitches · 1 month
I found the royal who's who hand out on patreon which I've never seen for some reason and I'm not sure how much still fits in with canon but there were rumours that the Tsarina and Phin were lovers and that's why he was made a duke and she tolerates his antics even though he's human and obnoxious. And I think that's amazing.
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delmorii · 9 months
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pumpkin catte
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solitaryelf · 1 year
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i just know that dreadwolf is going to make me sacrifice him and it is going to be the most soul destroying thing i will ever do to myself </3
this is just a quick sketch i coloured in to de-stress but thinking about his possible future just stressed me out more lmao. also i forgot to add the stray strands of hair but i'm too tired to go back.
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zannolin · 7 months
girls will make up one fake constellation for worldbuilding in one fic and then put it into every single other fic for that fandom ever
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ustalav · 8 months
my gaming pc is finally up and running (sort of. still need to find a few things in boxes) and I made my dwarf idea in bg3 immediately and then turned it back off lmao
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powernappin · 26 days
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um.....happy pride month from these freaks in my head
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tearofisha · 2 months
Eldrin Endrithon (Later Shadewalker) Shattered Spiritseer Torn Between Worlds.
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Personality: A personable, kind and patient individual, Eldrin is a man not well suited for the violent universe he occupies. Preferring to spend his days consoling the dead, educating the living and brew his impressive collection of teas rather than concern himself with matters of war. That said, he is an incredibly loyal friend and a dedicated leader, one who has sacrificed the wellbeing of his body for his Wraithguard and Aelinor on more occasional than can be counted.
Physical traits: 6"2. Asexual. Tall and sinewy, with greying black hair, Eldrin has suffered through many wounds that would kill most others but finds himself now suffering as though his age were significantly older than he truly is. Beneath his skin, a translucent crystal glow exists, and joints that were once healthy are now beginning to seize and cause visible discomfort.
Biography. (In short)
Born into a dwindling family of prestigious heroes, Eldrin walked the Path of the Seer as soon as he was able and would have been amongst the countless talented Farseers and Warlocks, had his older sister and Autarch Illithria Zephyrstorm not died in battle before he completed his path.
Heart broken by grief, Eldrin spent many hours in the Infinity Circuit communing with his lost sister until becoming a Spiritseer became the natural choice. Centuries of civil and military duties followed, and the Spiritseer never led his Wraiths to battle without himself alongside them in the thickest of the fighting. Later aligned with rookie Farseer Aelinor Llacharni, Eldrin guided the young Seer in fighting the Shadow War and personally slew the Freebooter Captain at the climax of the fighting.
War and old wounds have badly taken their toll, but the Spiritseer remains a stoic, reassuring presence both on the Craftworld and on the battlefield.
Aelinor Fatereader, an apprentice of sorts. A lot of the Farseers' early career was advised and supervised by Eldrin, and on many occasions, he intervened personally in duels and fights to keep the blades from striking her. In recent years, Aelinor has come to appreciate and adore the kind soul in a way she never did as a leader.
Shana, a mysterious human that somehow ended upon the back of Ulthwe, Eldrin has become a cultural guide and protector of sorts. Her respectful nature, warm personality, and kind heart have formed a bond that's quickly becoming like that of father and daughter and the Spiritseer would go to great lengths to protect her.
Dracite Aeril, and her court. Having met as ambassadors to an Exodite world, the Spiritseer became fast friends with the Ynnari and fought beside them to protect the world from Slaaneshi attack. As befits a lonely man who makes few friends, he thinks of them all fondly and often sends little gifts of tea when he can.
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pluviacuratio · 2 months
@ebresos || ♫
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{ ♪ } -- Her eyes shimmered as he challenged her with the fact that a hint would take away the mystery of it all. Perhaps it would, but that didn't dampen her excitement in the least. New knowledge was just sitting at her fingertips, but she couldn't understand it.
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The initial offer of just explaining it to her was honestly enough, but she lit up as soon as he mentioned teaching her the language. It would take time to learn, of course, but that was hardly a problem. In fact, it felt absolutely thrilling.
"I'd love to learn!" She chirped happily. "And it's written by your father? Did he share a lot of this sort of thing with you?"
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escdivasph · 6 months
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A happy rockin' birthday to Sophio Toroshelidze (Georgia, 2011)! Cheers for another life and having more music... 🎂🥳🎊🎁
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eldritchforezt · 2 years
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image 1: a flag with 7 horizontal stripes. from top to bottom the widths are medium, narrow, narrow, much wider, narrow, narrow, medium. from top to bottom the colors are red, very pale yellow, pale yellow, dull pink, pale yellow, very pale yellow, red. horizontally across the middle is a wavy band of pale pink. there are rows of ovals in a slightly darker pink running across the top and bottom of the band, creating the impression of overlapping transparent curves. end image 1.
image 2: a flag with 11 horizontal stripes in several slightly different widths. from top to bottom the widths are wide, narrow, narrow, medium, medium, wide, medium, medium, narrow, narrow, wide. from top to bottom the colors are red, very pale yellow, pale yellow, dark pink, pink, pale pink, pink, dark pink, pale yellow, very pale yellow, red. end image 2.
• a gender tied to being a corpse possessed by an angel
requested by ( 🎀 ) anon
• coined by eldrine
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