#oracle rp fanart
ludrii · 5 months
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School scribbles
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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soft7 · 5 years
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I don't know who I am,
But now I know who I am not.
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telesthisia · 4 years
🍍 🍎 🍉 🥭 !!
Ooooo, right off the bat with very interesting questions I will try my best not to ramble in these!! 
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🍍: how comfortable is my muse in their body? how do they feel about their height, weight, strength, and body type? how important is being attractive?
She’s comfortable enough in her own skin with some minor grievances that she’ll bottle up to the public but in private ask why the goddesses have forsaken her hJKA!!! I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT BODY TYPE ASDE FROM PETITE?? UH I guess she has more of a petite pear shape? Where the shoulders and bust are small and narrow but the hips are a little wider than the shoulders! Yeah... pear sounds about right. Let’s go with that! But height tends to vary in her family but for the most part, the family on her father’s side have all been tall and she was counting on genetics to work in her favor but welp unfortunately thanks to a chronic health problem she wasn’t able to grow much aside from 5′0″ and even worse for her the form of anemia she has is a rare one that’s combined with the epic combo of heart issues affects things aside from height and that’s strength and stamina. Zelda is very, very upset at her low stamina more importantly with strength coming a close second. She can’t wield bow and arrows let alone the bow of light due to her poor strength and well, I call her a glass canon for a reason because while she has the amazing OP bloodline of goddess blood and seven wise sages coursing through her veins along with light force, it’s the fact that her magic stamina is super low that kills it for her because it’s the result of poor health issues. I swear these headcanons worked before smash came along but more or less why she didn’t fight back against Agahnim despite probably being stronger than him and why Twinrova managed to catch her so easily in the Oracle series! She feels weak, and she hates how weak she feels because she feels that she doesn’t have the amazing strength of the royals in the past to protect her beloved kingdom and people; it most def affects her self-esteem in that regard now that I think about and only adds to the problems of her being a ruler with lots of self-doubt on her abilities despite her ambition in leading her kingdom to the golden age. 
BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER!!!! That’s more or less her thoughts on beauty in the first place and how it affects the whole “attractive” angle of the question. Truth is, while she puts time to look tidy she doesn’t care about how attractive she may seem which is rich since all Zeldas are beautiful goddesses sO SADHJVBSK! She’s more of someone who likes what’s on the inside, the personality being more of merit than the outside. Although like anyone else she would admire pretty people but that’s about it really it doesn’t go beyond what you’d normally think of a celebrity or something! :>
🍎: how stable is my muse’s mental health? have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses / and or conditions? do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and / or conditions? do they or should they attend therapy. 
WHEW WELL OK!!! As someone who has diagnosed MI, gives my conditions to my own characters or rp muses, I still make sure to do tons of research and for the most part the history of mental health and how it was treated or looked upon... was not at all good back then. It’s downright horrific in some cases and depending on societies actually, so in Zelda’s time she would be undiagnosed with depression along with the trauma she’s faced in ALTTP and being kidnapped in oracles series. She has a lot of baggage to deal with but she tends to bottle things up because as ruler she cannot show any sign of weakness (weeps feeding into her insecurities of not being able to use magic as well) and well, tends to emotional detach herself to numb out whatever feels she may feel. It’s sad and I have to say hard yes that she needs to attend therapy to better herself but welp ;v; again middle ages so that’s unlikely. 
🍉: which of the four seasons suits my muse best, and why? 
FALL!!! I’m not saying that because spooky holiday... ok well that’s part of it actually. But in every fanart I see with her, there’s always inclusions of apples and usually fall time is best season for apples/apple picking. It tends to get a little cooler too up north so I can just imagine her wearing sweaters and enjoying hot cider after a long day of work. There’s a beautiful nostalgia to this season, along with that symbolism of change due to the drastic transformation before seasons melt into winter and I feel that encompasses Zelda best. It’s the end but also the beginning, sometimes change is scary but it’s not at all a bad thing and well I feel that mentality fits her best, esp given for her admittedly edgy romantic outlook on life. uvu
🥭 : how important to my muse is their hometown, or where they’re from? are they proud of it, or considered a hometown hero? did they move away, or do they wish to? 
Cries, Zelda’s love for her hometown is the same love that could spread throughout the tiny villages dotting the maps of Hyrule SHE LOVES THE ENTIRE KINGDOM MAN!!! So while Hyrule Castle Town is important to her for sure the same could be said for the tiny villages throughout Hyrule. As such, she views each settlement in the kingdom just as important as the capital Castle Town, she feels the same pride and love and joy for the towns as she does for Castle Town that said she can’t really move away at the moment and while she wishes she can settle in Kakariko because quiet life appeals to her, she’s comfortable in the city too! She loves seeing people from all walks of life. Wants to hear their stories and man she just has a lot of love in that tiny body hweoh. NOT SURE IF SHE CAN BE CALLED A HOMETOWN HERO GIVEN HER CANON STATUS AS HOPE OF THE PEOPLE  ;v; while the people of Hyrule sees her as hope and anything bad happening to her is killing off hope itself; she more or less views both everyone in Hyrule and the castle as a better symbol of hope than her because tfw low self-esteem due to perceived weakness and she feels she didn’t really do enough to be considered “The Hope of Her People”. 
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bluering8 · 6 years
for the dnd meme, i'm gonna send you the same prompt someone else sent me: prime numbers!
2. Your favouritecharacter that someone else has played.
My favourite character was probably Pax! Her player is nolonger around because Reasons, but I still love Pax. She was hilarious and anabsolute delight, top-quality belligerent homeless drunkard with more arms (four)than brain cells.
Favourite character who is still active is maybe… Glitz??That’s a really hard choice because I particularly love the entire Navarenegroup, the Glitz-Levin-Aradi trio is super fun for me to watch interacting becausetheir personalities bounce off each other in really entertaining ways.
3. Your favouriteside quest.
I don’t think we really… do side quests… Numenera iskind of like Side Quests: the RPG, the whole point of it is that you’resupposed to explore and get distracted by random shit and race off in twentydifferent directions at once.
5. Favourite NPC.
Ssenofyn Srelthyn Syntysus! Ssen’s hilarious to me because he’sso consistently deadpan in the face of wacky shenanigans and questionablesocial skills. He cares only for science and it’s delightful. It also means he’sreally good at the job of Being A Party NPC: all he wants is for the party tokeep running around and exploring, so he’s content to stand in the backgroundand only help out when asked. He lets the PCs do all the Fun Stuff, and it makes sense for his character that he’d act that way.
7. Your favouritedowntime activity.
We don’t really… do downtime either… I mean, we could do downtime, but I’m a veryimpatient man and want lots of things to be happening at all times. Okay, wejust jumped out of a plane after encountering/rescuing a new PC and there’snothing immediately important happening, this would be a really good time torelax and take stock and have some RP where we get to know our new teammateright? Well, we could do that, or wecould investigate this weird space lego in a nearby pond let’s do thatinstead!!
11. How often do youplay and how often would you ideally like to play?
We play pretty irregularly? Mostly as a side-effect of wowthere are so many different time zones and conflicting schedules at play here.We’ve switched to play-by-post rather than having actual sessions, which has helpeda lot with the scheduling issues, but we still don’t play very often. I’m like68% sure we’re maybe on hiatus until the new books come out?
13. Introduce yourcurrent party.
There are three!
Draolis party: Tom Sideways (Charming Jack who Works theBack Alleys), useless layabout on a quest to locate a gun which fires weird timebullets and also an occasional pawn in his crime lord brother’s scheming; Aeli(Clever Glint who Crafts Illusions), a con artist who got herself involved inOracle’s political shenanigans; Styx (Ultraterrestrial Glaive who IntegratesWeaponry), a boisterous adventurer from the Timelands who found herselfstranded in the Ninth World by accident and is seeking to repair her worldlineshifter; Oracle (NPC), an overdramatic “””terrorist””” who likes to yell aboutpolitics a lot.
Navarene party: Enodyne (Perceptive Nano who Abides inCrystal), an imperious supervillain with a mysterious backstory; Levin (WeirdNano who Rides the Lightning), Aeon Priest, mom friend, and also an avidknitter; Glitz (Manipulative Jack who Possesses a Shard of the Sun), a fancyboy who wears impractical shoes and is super Extra at all times; Aradi (GuardedSeeker who Manipulates Force), a Gaian who is just here to explore ancientruins and doesn’t know why these strange people keep talking to her like shetolerates them.
Techhunter party: Mote (Mystical Jack who Fuses Mind andMachine), a space ape from space on a quest to find her lost god; Flux Dynamo(Mercurial Glaive who Employs Magnetism), who is ADHD as hell and loves spaceso much you guys so much; Ssenofyn(NPC), who is just here to do science.
17. What are somehouse rules that your group has?
Anyone who draws an art gets an experience point, AKA therule which lets Hap advance at approximately the ten times the rate of everyoneelse put together (I’m not deliberately spamming art specifically for the purposeof XP gain, I’m just Like This). The GM insists this is fine.
The new books are gonna be introducing Player Intrusionsalso, which presumably is gonna mean players get to spend an XP to make goodthings happen to themselves. The GM’s said that if there’s no mechanism to letplayers make bad things happen tothemselves they’ll houserule it in just for me, which on the one hand I feelkind of offended but on the other hand shit yes time to shoot myself repeatedlyin the foot!! I promise to use this power responsibly and only cause disastersfor myself so I don’t ruin the game for other people. On the gripping hand thisshould go some way to correcting the ridiculous amount of XP I’ve accidentallyaccumulated with my constant fanart, so it all balances out in the end I guess.
19. Do you or yourparty have any dice superstitions?
Nope! Except that back when we were using physical diceinstead of a dicebot Jack’s dice hated them, which was less superstition andmore objective fact because one time we had a session while they were visitingme and they borrowed a set of my dice and suddenly they could make non-shittyrolls.
23. Do you usepremade modules or original campaigns?
Mostly original stuff I think? Don’t look at me, I only haveaccess to the character-creation books, I don’t know how much of what goes on is canon and how much the GM makes up on the spot. Fortunately all my characters areeither foreigners or complete idiots so my relative ignorance of the NinthWorld doesn’t matter super much.
29. Do you prefer RPheavy sessions or combat sessions?
As a GM? RP sessions, mostly because the game I’m GMing usesa ridiculously ruleslite system so there’s not really anything interesting youcan do with combat. This might change if I ever get organised enough to runsomething with more than a single page of rules. But also, when the players are RPing and treating their PCs like characters instead of sticks to solve problems with, that’s super super pleasing for me because it feels like they’re enjoying themselves and getting engaged with what’s going on.
31. What is yourfavourite class? Favourite race?
My favourite type is jack! They seem to be, like… the bestset up for interacting with the world in the way I want to interact with it. Ilike having the variety in what I can do and I’m not super bothered by the lackof high-powered/specialised skills. It looks like the new book’s going to bemaking jacks their own Thing instead of just being a nonspecialised mishmash ofall the other character types so iunno, we’ll see how that one shakes out.
Numenera doesn’t really doraces the way DND does races. You get races, but they’re in place ofdescriptors rather than a separate trait. I ain’t give a shit about function orbuilding a mechanically-optimised character, if you tell me I can either pick aspecies trait or a character trait I’ll pick the character trait. So I guess Iprefer the default “race” (which is… not necessarily human, Mote’s a spaceape but she still counts as the default mechanically) because then I can picksomething else interesting to have going on. I did super enjoy playing an ArtificiallyIntelligent character one time, but the GM let me pick two descriptors so I wasAI/Mad and honestly if I could’ve only picked one, Mad all the way.
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ludrii · 7 months
When you have 2 empty classes in school
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I'm so normal about this guy
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ludrii · 5 months
I forgot to post this?????
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He made himself a prosthetic wing >:3
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ludrii · 10 months
Another guy living in my head rent free
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ludrii · 5 months
The final waltz
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ludrii · 3 months
Did I forget to post again? You bet I did
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Have some more lore art, as a treat, featuring my character Quilliam and my friend's character Odessa :}
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ludrii · 5 months
I wanted to draw something happy and kinda failed
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"Looks like the secretary bird giggled" - my friend's reaction to this
He indeed giggled
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ludrii · 7 months
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this bird man
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ludrii · 7 months
Them :}
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Krane (the frost troll) belongs to my friend
Quilliam (the birb) is mine :}
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ludrii · 5 months
🎵 We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners in crime 🎵
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I am so normal about them
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ludrii · 10 months
The them >:}
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I cherish these two sm
Sharx (the gremlin) belongs to my friend
Quilliam (bird guy) belongs to me
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ludrii · 3 months
I forgot to post again oop
Have Fern's last moments
Our party really had no mercy for her lol
[tw blood, injury]
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