#site org
the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Rules of Engagement
What with the ongoing Twitter influx, I figure it's a good time to lay down some ground rules around here. I'm generally amiable and open to interaction, but I do have some boundaries and quirks:
🔞 Please do not follow me or interact with my mature-content posts if you are a minor; you will be blocked. This is for everyone's protection!
🚨 I do make a good-faith attempt to tag common triggers (in trigger cw format so that term itself can be regexp filtered). Here is my taglist.
⚠ This is a fandom sideblog! I don't generally follow back unless we have been regularly interacting in some fashion.
😩 I am terrible at keeping up with my dash - if there's something you think I should see, feel free to tag me, DM me, or send it in an ask/submission!
💖 Please do spam like/reblog! It makes me happy to see somebody dig through my archive with their little raccoon hands to discover things they enjoy.
💰 I try to boost commission posts I see within the fandom, and will happily do so if asked nicely.
❔ While I'm generally open to render suggestions, I only take actual render requests during a Renderpalooza. The queue is loooooong.
⛔ I will not ship OCs with anyone under the age of 21, due to the regular presence of BDSM, alcohol, and occasional drug-related themes in my work.
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reimenaashelyee · 4 months
Midcareer Artist/Author Tip: Save a copy of any interviews or reviews about your work because who knows if the outlet where that was published will completely collapse
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I'm really grateful I'm sorta shameless enough to archive copies of interviews and especially nice reviews of my comics because if I hadn't, this particular interview with the British Library would just be gone forever. I've put up a copy in the Alexander Comic website, so at least this piece of my webcomic's personal history is intact and accessible.
Late last year the British Library experienced a huge data breach / cybersecurity attack that completely evaporated the digital archives. Blog posts, the manuscript/illumination archives, web pages, exhibition catalogues, ... they are still down months later. It's wild to me that such a thing can happen to a PUBLIC infrastructure - a NATIONAL library and archive!!! Decades of information gone like that. Its been months and months of barely anything coming back online.
As an artist from outside the UK, I literally CANNOT access any of the European manuscripts of the Alexander Romance in their collection - meaning the British Library as a resource is impossible for Book Two. Which is wild cos the Library was like almost 50% of the bibliography and art references for Book One. As someone whose dayjob is to build, manage and audit workflow / data infrastructure this stuns me in disbelief at how lax the library was about backing up their website and digital infrastructure. They don't even have offline, offsite copies?? I'm talking about basic things here, not even the high level security and data engineering stuff. (all this being said with the knowledge that the British Library itself keeps getting their budget cut)
Anyway idk, this whole thing is a big lesson on archiving things online (and always backing up your stuff). Cos the Internet isn't forever apparently.
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todaysbird · 1 year
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what does this possibly mean
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craycraybluejay · 17 days
why, because i said on my completely unrelated social media account that exisisting as a non-offending paraphile isn't evil?
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quaranmine · 7 months
like ships passing in the night: the girl who sat next to me on the train going home this evening was reading on ao3. we didn't speak though, and i don't think she realized i was also reading fanfic. i hope she's doing well.
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selamat-linting · 2 months
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Gaza solidarity encampment in front of the US embassy building, Jakarta (10/05/24)
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months
I love you opensubtitles.org, I love you subscene.com, I love you srt time shift, I love you .srt to .ass
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pagesofkenna · 5 months
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y'all please look at this official website for this borough in pennsylvania
we got
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lumpy kiba
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motto in the style of 2003 forum signature
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population: the size of my high school campus
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chynandri · 5 months
A few useful links since last time I posted about this:
Something non-Canadians can do! Petition to release a Palestinian-Canadian journalist from the IDF
Canada and a lot of other countries have cut funding to UNRWA so it’s up to people to donate directly
Bisan shared a very clearly written handbook on how to advocate better for Palestine
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thesocklesswonder · 1 year
The Discord username change is even worse than we thought. Check out this article on reddit.
From the article:
"We were also informed that the team that pushed for usernames was very small and non-communicative with the larger Discord team as a whole to prevent staff gamifying the name system, and that the entire name program was relatively rushed to release with little notice. To quote them, "That group had a vision, and wanted to see it happen." [12:01 PM] "Update (05/20 10:53am PDT): A friend recently showed to me that Discord staff members are scooping up multiple vanity usernames. We were under the impression that they were only allowed to claim usernames on their staff accounts. Here is an example of a staff member taking steve on their staff account and taco on their personal account. You can validate this claim yourself by sending friend requests to these two users, then checking your Pending tab. This means that Discord is not only reserving names for staff, but they are actually unseating other users from their would-be reserved names, in order to give them to the personal accounts of staff members."
Here's a petition to sign if you want to let them know you hate this and want them to stop the name changes!
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
FAQ: My 3D Models
How the hell do you make these?
I create my models in DAZ Studio, largely via extensive kitbashing, remixing, and customizing of various assets I've collected over time. I pose and render them in DAZ as well. I use Blender and Zbrush to adjust the geometry and create new stuff as needed.
How do I get a 3D model of my OC or fave LI?
Unfortunately, I cannot be commissioned for various reasons (mostly disability income rules), and in truth it's hard to put a price on the amount of time I spend making them. What usually happens is that I think someone's OC is super cool, and if I can get hold of the right resources to make them, I'll suddenly appear in your DMs and ask if I can make them.
I also do art trades for models, on occasion, but this is rare because it can be hard to figure out an equivalent trade. (For instance, I am currently making an OC model in trade for an art doll!)
Do I have to ship with you to get a model made?
Nope! Your OC just has to grab my ADHD-ridden brain in a way that makes me willing to stare at their face for hours on end while I try to capture their vibe in a 3D model. 😅 But you do not owe me anything for it!
(Of course, if we are shipping, I already think your OC is really cool, and am liable to try and make a model of them at some point!)
Who has control of how my OC's 3D model is used?
The OC belongs to the creator. Period. If I create a model, how it is used is up to you! You can request renders during a Renderpalooza, or request an art trade at any time. If someone else requests a render featuring your character (it does happen!), I will check in with you first to OK it. If I get a sudden inspiration for a render with your OC model, I will check in with you first.
You can also request that I delete your OC model if you're leaving the fandom, tumblr, etc. I will then delete the model, its customized resources, and its backups entirely (so be very sure!).
Can you make a model and then send it to me for posing and rendering?
That would require having your own license to all the resources I used to make it. Most resources come from other hobby and indie artists, and I don't want to undercut their licensing agreements.
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kanenites · 22 days
dont ask why im awake Anyway i finished the landing page for my nekoweb site. :)
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mynarco · 11 months
OMG I LOVE UR ART *Explodes and dies/j*
Anyways, any hcs about kiryu? I’d like to see em because in my eyes he’s the character ever
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Ah, Kiryu! The ultimate Just Some Guy in Lapistoria! I don't have too much in the way of HCs for him but I can try to think of a few...
The former student council president. Once Hiumi came to Lapistoria, she pretty much captured the hearts of everyone (and her prior experience was very appreciated) so she got voted in. Kiryu does respect her, but is still prone to snapping at even her...
Childhood friends with Miyu. They're tea enthusiasts.
In general he enjoys fine arts and classical music- one might find him listening to some of the latter if he's particularly stressed.
Probably aroace.
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fangmich · 8 months
why is tumblr too dumb to earn money??
you have so many talented and creative people on this shit site which you could use to not only promote them but also the site itself
I guess everything would be easier if this wasn't a fucking company
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lapis-maid · 1 year
the whole twitter thing is an absolute shitshow but i genuinely cannot think of another place i can go to be an unabashed Freak Weirdo
considering that, many places who claim to support Freak Weirdos, still have policies against some of the shit i'm into. what's even the fucking point then of Supporting Freaks if you're going to pick and choose who the Acceptable Degenerates are!
the message in many places and from many people, very transparently, is that there is a recognized ""correct way"" to be a Freak Weirdo Degenerate which is both completely missing the point and a quick way to ensure you're gonna get fucked over by fostering a "better-than-thou" attitude in the people who do fall into the "Acceptable Degenerate" category
degeneracy requires unity or we're all gonna end up fully fucked over by the sanitation of the internet! no, following the "Socially Correct Way" to be a degenerate won't spare you from this garbage, believe it or not, your hyperinflation anthro wolf giantess vore is not going to be magically protected because it's unrealistic. they WILL come for you all the same
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misterradio · 2 years
DOES ANYONE KNow where i can watch the spanish 1931 dracula filma, Drácula, directed by george melford. please
edit: found it on soap2day but it demands i make an account to watch it. can i get a website that does not do this.
edit: THANK YOU pop-goes-the-weasel, here it is on Archive.org ::-) !!
[Universal Monsters Legacy - Dracula]
[Subtitles options on OpenSubtitles.org]
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