#thank you for your compliment by the way!
fastandcarlos · 22 hours
Best Nurse Ever : ̗̀➛ Lando Norris
summary: after a nasty crash over the weekend, lando is relying on you to help him get better again
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As the door shut and you waved goodbye to Oscar, the smile on Lando’s face disappeared. Laid out on the couch, leg upright, Lando couldn’t help but stare with envy as the two of you walked through your apartment with ease, Oscar free to go outside again, whilst Lando was stuck within the same four walls. 
When he injured his leg you knew he wasn’t going to take it well, bedrest was the worst scenario Lando could’ve dreamt of, and now here he was, barely able to move himself off of the sofa without screaming in pain. 
The figure before you was one that you didn’t recognise, all his energy and enthusiasm had gone and was replaced by frustration and desperation. You were trying your best for him, doing what you could to help Lando’s recovery, but it was going to be a long way to go before he was back to his usual self. 
You walked through the apartment, sitting on the end of the sofa as you placed your hand against Lando’s foot, making sure that you were careful to not catch part of the foot that would end up causing more pain for Lando. 
“Everything good?” You asked, offering Lando a faint smile. 
His head nodded as he wore a weak smile, but you could see straight through it. Recovery was already proving to be a lot harder than Lando could have ever imagined, he was used to living life at two hundred miles an hour, and now he was barely moving at one. 
“Shall I give you some space?” You offered as Lando remained quiet. You could tell he was trying to keep it together, and with you clearly more able to move than Lando, you didn’t want to sit somewhere that you weren’t wanted. 
Lando’s head shook as he tried to encourage the smile on his face to grow, not wanting you to ever feel as if he didn’t want you around. He loved having you there, even if he hated the fact that you were having to run around after him. 
You could tell he was lost in thought still, his eyes staring down at the floor debating whatever was going on in his head to himself. “It’s going to get easier you know Lan, each day you’re already starting to make good progress.” 
“I’m not used to just sitting and doing nothing,” he sighed, snapping himself out of his thoughts. “These exercises are killing me, usually they’re like a tame warm up for a workout.” 
“I know it’s frustrating, but that’s what’s helping you heal,” you reminded him, reaching out to take a hold of your hand. “Everyone is here to help you; they care and want to see you get better.” 
“I hate it,” Lando huffed, “I’m the one supposed to be taking care of you.” 
Your head shook as Lando spoke, “we’re a team and we take care of each other. It’s far from ideal to be injured, especially with how fast paced you usually are, but we’ve just got to crack on. Sure, it’s a little bump in the road, but it doesn’t mean everything just comes to a stop.” 
“How do you manage to make even this sound positive?” 
“Because we can’t change it,” you chuckled, moving closer towards Lando. “There’s no point sitting and dwelling on something you can’t change; we’ve just got to try and be positive about what comes next.” 
“Thank you,” Lando whispered, stretching his leg out slightly to try and wake it back up again. “I know there are some pretty cool nurses at the hospital, but as far as I’m concerned, you’re the best nurse ever.” 
Your eyes rolled at Lando’s compliment, nudging your hand against his other leg. He chuckled back at you, knowing exactly how you were going to react before he even said anything, never failing to catch you out with his cheeky remarks. 
“You’re going to heal and be alright Lando,” you assured him. 
“I know, I just wish I could be alright now, not weeks down the line,” he frowned, squeezing against your hand. “I need to remember to walk before I start running though.” 
You nodded in agreement, “you need to stop being so hard on yourself, these things happen.” 
Lando knew that you were right, despite how stubborn he was. He didn’t ask to get injured, but there was very little he could do about it now. “The first race is on Saturday; do you think we could do something? I don’t feel like sitting and watching it knowing that I can’t be there to complete.” 
You immediately nodded, anticipating this from Lando. As the build-up for after the summer was starting, Lando was finding it harder to listen to the headlines and watch the videos knowing that he wasn’t able to be there and be part of it. 
“What sort of thing did you have in mind for us to do?” 
“I was thinking cuddles and pretending that only we exist.” 
“We can do that,” you laughed, watching his eyes light up. “I’m sure that Oscar would still like to know that you’re cheering for him though. The constructors is still on, and regardless you’ve been a part of getting the team there.” 
“I’ll text him,” Lando promised you, “but I can’t bring myself to watch knowing that someone else is driving my car. I only want to be involved in F1 when I can be part of it, I don’t want to watch it knowing that I’m just going to sit here feeling jealous of everyone else.” 
A sympathetic smile appeared on your face, “let’s spend that time focusing on your recovery instead and getting you back there even quicker.” 
“I’d like that,” Lando mused, watching as you stood up, moving to sit beside Lando instead, allowing your hand to brush through his messy hair in front of his face. 
“I’m proud of you for handling this so well, I can’t begin to imagine how tricky this is,” you told him. “I’m going to be right here with you getting you through the next few weeks, you’re going to be sick of the sight of me nagging you.” 
Lando’s head shook in protest, “I could never get sick of the sight of you, being at home with you is the only pro of having this stupid injury.” 
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” you chuckled, as Lando nodded, assuring you that that was how it was intended. “I can’t believe an injury is what it’s taken for me to get you all to myself.” 
“I’m always right by your side,” Lando assured you, “only now it means that I get to annoy you much more than usual.” 
“You’re right...you are pretty annoying,” you teased. 
Lando’s eyes went wide, “hey...I’m injured, you’re supposed to be being nice to me.” 
“I’m always nice to you Lan.” 
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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mariclerc · 3 days
Meant to be (pt.2) | cl16
Summary: where you dream about a life with a guy you don't know yet.
Warning: fluff, soulmates!au, interlinked dreams.
Part 1
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Sunlight streams through the window, casting a warm and golden glow over your now shared bedroom. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and pancakes fills the air. You and Charles have been dating for a couple of months now since that meeting at the gala, and the truth is that it has been quite an adventure, getting used to his constant presence every day or the absence when he has to travel for the races, but he always comes back to you, it's like you two were connected by an invisible thread or something like that.
“Mmm, that smells so delicious.” you say while yawning.
You sit up in bed and stretch, as you rub your eyes, you get up and brush your teeth and so on, when you go out to the kitchen you notice a male figure in the kitchen. You smile when you see Charles, shirtless and wearing sweatpants and an apron, making breakfast for the both of you, to you, he looks so domestic and cute, it's like he's used to doing this every day.
“Good morning, Charles.” you say softly.
He turned around. “Oh good morning, beautiful! Did you sleep well? You had good and sweet dreams, hm?” he asked softly.
“Yep, I did! Thank you darling.” you smiled while nodding.
He smiled. “That's good to hear, princess.”
You walk up to him and wrap your arms around him from behind, enjoying the warmth that his naked torso gives you.
“Mhm, you smell so good!” you say while you stand on your tippy toes to nuzzle his neck.
He chuckled. “Hmm, is that a compliment or a statement of fact, love?” he smiled at you.
You giggled. “I guess it's a bit of both.”
Charles turns around and kisses you softly on the lips.
“You know, I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but you beat me to it... It's okay.”
“Well, I couldn't resist the smell of pancakes and coffee!” you say while pouting playfully.
Charles giggled and he sets the plate of pancakes on the counter and pours you a cup of coffee with milk and sugar, just the way you like it.
“Here you go pretty princess.” he says softly and you blushed a little.
“Well, thank you, handsome prince.” you say and he smiled.
You sit down at the kitchen table and start eating, Charles sits beside you, watching you with such a loving expression on his face.
“You're so beautiful.” he says in a soft whisper.
You blushed at his words. “Oh, stop it, you're making me embarrassed!”
He smiled once again. “I can't help it, you're the most amazing woman I've ever met.”
“And you're the most amazing and handsome man I've ever seen.” you say while taking his hand.
You and Charles continue to talk and laugh as you finish breakfast. After you've cleared the table and do the dishes, Charles suggests going for a walk in the park.
“So... What do you say, love?”
You smile. “I'd love that, it will be fun.”
You and Charles grab your coats and head out the door. As you walk through the park, you feel a sense of peace and contentment.
You sighed. “This is so perfect.” you say while looking at the sky.
He takes your hand. “Yes, it is babe.”
You and Charles continue walking, hand in hand, lost in the moment. You just can't believe how happy you are with him.
As you and Charles continue walking down a few streets, you both stop as you pass a pet adoption center. You stop and look at the animals in the window.
“Look, Charlie. There's a kitten!” you say while looking in awe at the window.
He smiles as he looks at the kitten. “It's so cute.”
“Should we... You know, go in and take a look?” you say a little hesitant.
“Oh yeah chérie, why not?” he says while smiling softly. (darling)
You and Charles enter the adoption center and start browsing the animals. You see a variety of dogs, cats and hamsters, all looking adorable and friendly.
Suddenly you start pointing to a small kitten. “Look Charlie, there's the kitten from the window!”
He smiles at your excitement. “It's even cuter up close.”
You walked through the adoption center and you two approach one of the kitten's cage and gently pet it, the kitten purrs and rubs against your hand. It's like this kitten already knows who you two are, feeling its touch, it gives you chills down your spine is like having a deja vu.
You approach one of the volunteers with curiosity and shyness. “Hi, ehm, can we meet her?” you say referring to the little kitten.
The volunteer smiles. “Of course you can meet her! Her name is Luna.” she says and you gasped softly, that was the name of the kitten in your dream.
You and Charles follow the volunteer, who holds Luna, to a small room where pets can play and interact with their potential owners. You sit down on the floor and let Luna explore you.
“She's so sweet.” says Charles softly while looking at Luna.
You smiled and nodded. “I know, it's unreal, it's the same kitten from my dream.”
“Oh, baby, I know! The universe brought us here.” he whispered to you and you giggled softly.
As you two are playing with Luna, you hear a somewhat familiar bark. You look up and see a golden dachshund sitting in a nearby cage with a label on top of the cage that said: Leo.
You gasped. “Charles, look! It's a dachshund. He looks so cute!”
He looks at the dachshund. “Babe, it's just like the one from our dream! It's the same one! Oh my god.” he sighs contently, while you two approach the dachshund's cage and gently pet it, the dachshund wags its tail excitedly.
The volunteer, noticing your gaze, opens the cage where the little dachshund is so that he can come out and play with you two, you sit down on the floor and let Leo and Luna explore you.
“My god, they're so adorable.” says Charles with a smile on his face. “So cute!”
You smiled at the two pets who are now playing with each other. “I know, darling.”
As you're playing with them you can't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. It's like you're living out a dream, it's like they've been waiting for you two for a long, long time.
You looked at Charles and smiled shyly. “It's like our dream is coming true.”
He smiled too. “Oh, princess I know... It's destiny!”
You and Charles spend more time playing with Luna and Leo. In the end, you decide to adopt both of them.
Charles smiled as he gave you a peck on the cheek. “We're going to be such good parents to them!”
You smile at him. “I know baby, I can't wait!”
As you leave the pet adoption center with Luna and Leo, you feel a sense of joy and fulfillment because your dream has become a reality.
You and Charles are now back home with Luna and Leo, the little pets are now exploring their new surroundings, sniffing everything in sight.
“Well, they seem to like it here... I guess.” you say sitting on the couch.
Charles sit next to you. “I think they do, amour.” (love)
Suddenly, Luna climbs onto your lap and you pet her, Leo does the same and climbs onto Charles' lap, causing the green-eyed boy to giggle.
“You know? I can't believe we actually found them. It's... So surreal.” he says while petting Leo.
You nodded while smiling. “I think it was like fate, babe!”
Leo gets off Charles' lap and Luna does the same, and they start chasing each other around the room while happily wagging their tails. You giggle as you watch them.
Charles' giggled. “Oh god, baby. They're so cute together!”
“I know! Our little fur babies.” you smiled.
You and Charles watch Luna and Leo play for a while, when they finally settle down, you get up and start making dinner.
Charles comes to your side. “Let me help you, gorgeous.” he says and you nod while blushing.
You and Charles work together to prepare a delicious meal while talking and laughing, with him you can talk about anything, even the most mundane thing in life, and you will never get bored. When the food is ready, you set the table and sit down to eat.
You close your eyes as you take a bite. “Oh my... Babe! This is so good!” you say and he blushes a little.
“I'm glad you like it, chérie.”
After dinner, you and Charles clean up the kitchen. Then, you sit down on the couch and watch a movie.
“Ah, this is so perfect.” You say as you snuggle closer to Charles.
Wrapping his arm around you. “I'm so glad we're together.” he kissed your cheek. “I'm so glad we find each other and our pets, of course.” he giggled.
You and Charles spend the rest of the evening watching the movie and cuddling while Leo and Luna are finally asleep. As you drift off to sleep, you can't help but feel a sense of peace and happiness because your dream... Your dream together is slowly becoming a reality.
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jjenthusee · 3 days
Pairing: jason todd x reader
A/N: i burnt my arm making baked potatoes and i wanted to write a drabble on that lol ENJOY :) comment ur thoughts
Summary: Nothing gets past Jason and you don’t mind a caring man at your side. You don’t know how baked potatoes led to an intimate conversation between you two, but anything for the man willing to drop everything for you.
Tags: potato troubles, fluff, hurt/comfort if u squint, soft jason, trigger warning: slight description of burns
Word Count: 1.4k
You stared wordlessly at the burn, oven mitts still in your hands.
You had seared two areas of your arm. It hadn’t hurt when you had accidentally touched the edges of the hot oven, but looking at it made your face scrunch.
The pain had only started once you looked at the damage. Two thin lines of seared skin, still slightly pink from the sudden heat.
You just wanted baked potatoes and you were going to place them on the rack, but at the cost of your lack of coordination, you grazed the oven with your arm.
The sound of water from the bathroom had shut off, Jason appearing in the corner of your eye as you stood there.
You were tired and another problem had been placed in your hands, or on your arm.
“What you cookin’ sweets—“ Jason lazily walked, trying to rub out the knots in his neck from a late-night patrol.
When you stood there, wordlessly holding oven mitts, had Jason sensed something was off.
Like the analyzer he was, his head perked up, a moment before he was assessing your entire body and kitchen as he briskly walked to you.
Despite being in his leisure clothes, he was ready for any sort of intrusion, but before he could pull out any sort of weaponry mounted to the underside of the kitchen table, did he spot the burns.
In a delicate motion, he turned your arm. You held onto the festive oven mitt as he adjusted your arm.
“Oh, sweets.” Jason softly whispered.
Judging by the preheated oven, potatoes, and the oven mitts you loosely gripped, Jason had put the pieces of events in the correct sequence.
“Lets get this cleaned up and then I can apply a cream.” Jason grabbed the mitts from your palms. “Then I’ll get you some medicine, in case it still hurts, sound okay?”
You nodded, looking down at your own mistake before you sighed.
“Yeah, thanks Jay.” You squeezed his forearm in a quiet thanks.
In a softened gaze, Jason rubbed your hand in return.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before. I’m gonna grab the first aid, you wanna sit on the couch?”
You let yourself sink into the cushions as Jason cleaned up what wasn’t already placed inside the oven.
He sat in front of you, his sheer size leveling out as he sat on the floor, removing the cap off the burn cream you kept in the first aid and placing a cool towel over your arm.
“Isn’t the floor cold?” You watched Jason focus on addressing your arm, first aid kit right by his side. His eyebrows firmly in a line—his concentration contorting his face.
It made you smile.
“It’s not.” Jason intently kept his eyes down, his lashes angled to his cheek.
You raised your free arm to play with his messy hair. It had fallen onto his forehead, spread in clumps.
“You’re lying. My feet were freezing earlier.” You continued to smile as you played with his hair strands, twirling his white streak in between your fingers. “Weather is getting cold, you might have to stay over every night to keep me warm.”
Jason had been growing out his hair the longer the two of you stayed together.
Partly from a passing comment that you liked his hair long and from how he felt comfortable enough to focus on his appearance for once.
He had struggled looking in the mirror for more than a passing glance, but with every reassuring compliment, cheek kiss, and late-night holding had he started to open up to the idea of treasuring his appearance.
Maybe it wasn’t initially for himself, but you wanted to lift him in the ways he had always worshipped your own skin, your heart—your entire self.
Jason’s chuckle interrupted your thoughts. Your eyes lost on the smile lines appearing on the edges of his mouth.
Your heart fluttered at the thought of how they would age as he did. How you can make him laugh and smile to make deeper lines.
You hand slowly drifted down to his eyebrow, to his cheeks, down to small scars littering his face.
Rubbing each blurred skin, sealing the past in a lightened patch.
Your hand drifted again.
Jason flinched at the feel of your subtle fingers at the edges of the misshapen “J” that littered his face.
Your eyes widen at the realization of your thoughtless movements.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t—“ You pulled your hand away.
“No, it’s—it’s fine. Really.” Jason clasped onto your fleeing hand with his own. Your cluster of hands hanging in the air.
In one breath, Jason slowly moved your hand back to his cheek. His eyes closing just before your finger touched back onto his scar—like he was bracing for the same sting he felt all those years ago.
You sadly watched the vulnerability of the man sitting on the floor in front of you. His large hands, gracefully aiding you to touch a deepened hurt that goes past the barriers of his skin.
As soon as he let out the breath he was holding, did you move your fingers again.
The trust he had in you, to touch him so casually made your eyes burn.
When you got hurt, to the smallest of cuts, he was always adamant in first aid, taking all precautions to make sure you were fine.
It worried you how he needed to make sure he checked all the boxes before he could be rest assured, so he didn’t toss and turn as much as he usually did.
You expected as much for tonight, knowing deep in your bones he was going to come back tonight after patrol to check up on you.
But what really made your heart sting was the sloppy care he gave himself. Not giving himself the time to heal in the ways he deserved.
You leaned forward, not caring about interrupting Jason’s work, before you rested your forehead on his hair.
You could smell his shampoo as you rested your eyes, breathing as you cradled his face and leaned your head.
Curling over him like a shield.
“Sweets, it’s okay.” Jason mumbled into your shirt. Despite his reassurances, he had leaned into your warmth, resting his face into the center of your heartbeat, counting each pulse.
“I know, I just…get sad. Not at you, but at the fact I want to grab onto every single being who made you hurt and hurl them into the sketchy dumpster outside.” You rubbed your head against his, tickling your face with Jason’s hair.
“If that’s how you feel sad, I don’t wanna see you angry.” Jason rested his hand onto your waist, rubbing circles into your side.
His words were playful, but you could hear the slight strain as he listened to your protective words.
You smiled to the feel of his hand and the bundle of limbs you created with the gentle man sitting on your cold floor.
“Gotham wouldn’t be able to rest until I’m done.” You kissed Jason’s head, still gently soothing the ache of his scar with your words and hand. As he subtly shook under your touch.
A moment of silence before you felt his warm breath on your chest.
“And I’ll be right next to you.” Jason barely whispered, his grip tightening on you. Your shirt wrinkling at the desperation.
You held Jason as he tried to hide in your embrace, suddenly feeling overwhelmed at your words—the angry protectiveness you held over him.
As you rubbed soothing circles on Jason’s back, you lifted you head at the realization that the oven was still on.
“Jay, I forgot to set the timer.” You gazed at the oven.
Jason lifted his head to look up at you.
“My potatoes.” You quietly murmured. “I didn’t get battle scars for me to not get a single cooked potato.”
Jason smiled as he calmed, slightly pulling out of your embrace while letting all his emotional tension slowly wisp away at your potato conflict.
“It hasn’t been that long. Probably still needs a couple more minutes.” Jason lifted himself to kiss your cheek, to soothe your potato burdens. “I still have to wrap this, so it should be ready by then.”
You sighed into Jason’s hair again. His messy stands moving at your breath.
“I’m going to lie to Roy that I fought off an intruder and saved us both.” You laid your head on top of Jason’s as you gazed at the enemy, your oven.
“And you got a burn mark?” Jason chuckled.
“Yes, a miscalculated punch.” You sighed deeply again.
“Whatever you say sweets.” Jason kissed the top of the bandages, rubbing your skin around them and then leaving a final kiss on your forehead. “Let me get your potatoes.”
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mandhos · 2 days
I just wanted to say how much I love your art, your coloring especially is gorgeous!!! The way you draw Maeglin is absolutely how I've always imagined him and he's perfect, absolutely perfect🖤🖤
Thank you very much for the compliment, it is always a pleasure to draw ah! I'm glad you like Maeglin because he's also my favorite (… I reread a little about the fall of Gondoli and cough cough… it's horrible but he's a child, less than 200 years old)
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itneverendshere · 19 hours
hii i love your writing !! so i saw your comment on said it a million times, only stay with you one more night where you said that rafe is catching feelings only to fuck it up all over when he ignores her in public and i was wondering if you could write a second part where that happens ?
hiiii! thank you sm for the compliment and for the request 🫂 Hope you enjoy ❤️
been busy digging out her grave - r.c
pairing: bitchy!pogue!reader x rafe
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working at lila’s restaurant was something you usually tried to avoid, but since she was short-staffed today and needed your help, you figured why not? it wasn’t like you had anything better to do. plus, you owed her a favor. so, there you were, tying your apron on in front of the mirror in the back, trying to pep talk yourself into surviving a day dealing with kooks and tourists.
the air inside always smelt of fried food and coffee, the kind that clung to your clothes no matter how many showers you’d take. you slid out from the back, letting the swing door creak behind you as you moved to the counter, mentally preparing yourself to smile at whatever entitled ass came through the door.
it wasn’t until about halfway through your shift, wiping down the counter and refilling coffee cups, that you noticed them. and by them, you mean him. rafe.
you stopped dead in your tracks for a second, the plates hot in your hands. your breath caught in your throat like you’d swallowed an entire lemon. he strolled in with his pack of kook friends like they owned the place—probably felt like they did too. topper, kelce, and a couple of girls whose names you couldn’t be bothered to remember followed him, laughing loudly, taking up space in that obnoxious way only people like them could.
he didn’t even glance in your direction as they settled into one of the corner booths. not even a look of recognition, but you’d told him you were working here for the day.
just last night, he had you pinned against his bed again, telling you, again, how much he wanted you to stay, whispering that shit in your ear.
now? he acted like you were invisible. un-fucking-believable. one minute he was texting you at 2 a.m., asking you to come over, and the next, he was pretending like you didn’t exist. all because he didn’t want his perfect little kook world knowing he was messing around with a pogue. and that was okay before. until he started asking you to stay, and you did.
apparently, you were a fucking idiot because here you were, pissed off that he couldn’t even look you in the eye.
you grabbed the menus, biting back the urge to roll your eyes, and walked over to their table. “here are your menus,” you said flatly, shoving one in each of their faces without the fake cheer you’d reserved for the tourists.
the girls barely acknowledged you, too busy giggling at something topper said. kelce glanced up briefly, offering a half-assed smirk, while rafe kept his eyes locked on the table, fingers playing with the edge of his napkin like he hadn’t spent the last few nights wrapped up in you.
you caught one of the girls whispering something under her breath. “didn’t know they let just anyone work here.”
her name was sloan or something equally forgettable, always draped on topper’s arm like a chanel bag. she didn’t know you, but she knew enough about you to judge. she was wearing sunglasses indoors, for fuck’s sake. the other girl snorted, and you felt your fingers tighten around the pen.
you had half a mind to snap back. if you were outside, on the street or at a party, you would’ve ripped into them without hesitation. you’d read them for filth in a way they wouldn’t forget. but here? in the middle of the restaurant? lila didn’t need you starting shit, and you didn’t need to lose a good payment over some entitled brats.
rafe said nothing. just sat there, tapping his fingers on the table as if you weren’t even standing right there.
you forced a smile. "you guys ready to order?"
and there it was.
he finally looked at you, but it wasn’t how you wanted him to. his eyes slid over you like you were a stranger — not like the girl he’d kissed breathless hours ago, or the one he had been whispering 'stay' to. he looked at you like you were just…some waitress. 
“coffee. black.” his tone was curt, clipped, like he couldn’t stand to speak to you.
you fought the urge to throw the fucking pot at his head.
“coming right up,” you chirped, giving them your best fake grin before spinning away and stalking back to the counter.
you busied yourself with the coffee, pouring it so forcefully you nearly overflowed the cup. unreal. he had the nerve to sit here, in your space, with his little kook posse, pretending like he wasn’t the same guy begging you to stay wrapped up in his sheets. and for what? to keep up his dumb little façade?
you used to be able to ignore it, pretend it didn’t matter because you didn’t care. you were just having fun, right? it was never supposed to be more than that. except, somewhere along the line, it did become more. he’d made it more, pulling you in deeper with every touch, every late-night call. and now, standing here in this sticky-ass diner, staring at his stupid, perfect face as he chatted up some girl who probably didn’t even know your name? it made you want to set the entire place on fire while they were still inside.
you slammed the coffee cup down a little harder than necessary when you returned to their table. “anything else?” you asked sweetly, practically daring him to say something. but of course, he didn’t. just took the cup without even looking at you. typical.
“uh, yeah, can we get some pancakes?” kelce piped up, completely oblivious to the tension radiating off you. “and bacon. like, extra crispy?”
“sure,” you bit out, scribbling it down before turning away. you made your way back behind the counter, slamming the order slip onto the kitchen window with a little more force than needed.
“everything okay, sweetheart?” lila, the owner, called from the back. she was probably picking up on your mood from the way you were practically shaking in irritation. “you look like you’re about to spit in someone’s food.”
you glanced back at the corner booth where rafe sat, laughing now at something topper said. “nope,” you lied through gritted teeth. “just having a great time.”
“mm-hmm,” lila hummed, giving you a skeptical look before disappearing into the back.
you busied yourself by wiping down the counter—again. anything to keep yourself from glaring over there and blowing your cover. because he wasn’t worth it, right? he wasn’t worth losing your cool over in front of a bunch of stuck-up kooks. he was just some guy.
except, some guy didn’t have you falling asleep in his arms one night, then acting like you were nothing the next. ugh. you clenched the rag tighter, scrubbing hard at a nonexistent stain on the counter, gritting your teeth as his laugh rang out again. 
he knew exactly what he was doing. sitting there, ignoring you, acting like you didn’t matter—like you hadn’t been sprawled out on his bed while he kissed his name into your skin.
“girl, you’re gonna break the counter.”
the sound of a familiar voice snapped you out of your spiraling.
you looked up to see your friend phoebe leaning against the entrance, one eyebrow raised. she must’ve popped in on her break or something. great timing. you shot her a look.
“don’t even start,” you muttered, tossing the rag down with a little too much force.
she peeked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes, a scoff escaping her lips. “oh, them,” she said, voice dripping with disdain. “what, rafe can’t keep it in his pants for a whole day?”
“he can’t keep his ego in check.” you crossed your arms, eyes moving over to the corner before you could stop yourself. he still wasn’t looking at you. the way he leaned back in the booth, one arm slung over the backrest, talking to the girl next to him—like he didn’t have a care in the world. like you didn’t exist.
phoebe followed your gaze, her expression turning incredulous. “are you serious right now?” she asked, lowering her voice. “what happened to just hooking up for fun? ‘don’t care what he does when ’m not around,’” she mocked lightly, using your own words against you.
“yeah, well, that was before he started acting like a complete dick,” you shot back, cheeks flushing.
“started?” she snorted, “he’s always been a dick. so have you. you gonna be okay, or am i about to see you dump coffee in his lap?”
the thought was tempting. really tempting. but you forced yourself to shake your head. “’m fine. he’s just… being rafe.” you hated how flat the words sounded. like an excuse. like you were giving him a free pass to treat you like this.
phoebe didn’t look convinced. “uh-huh. well, if you need a distraction, ’m here. want me to spill something on topper’s head? just say the word.”
god, you needed her right now. “as tempting as that sounds, lila would probably kill me. then i’d really owe her more than a shift.”
she shrugged. “worth it. but fine, i’ll behave.” she straightened, sending you a knowing look. “but seriously, babe. don’t let him get to you. rafe cameron’s just a bored little rich boy playing games.”
you knew she was right. of course she was right. but that didn’t stop that feeling from creeping up in your chest. like you’d expected better, even though you knew you shouldn’t have. because this was still rafe. and rafe was never going to be anything but a complication.
“i just…thought maybe…” you trailed off, words sticking in your throat. thought maybe what? that he’d change? that he’d stop being a total asshole just because you were starting to want more?
“yeah, well, stop thinking,” phoebe said bluntly. “he’s not worth it and he’s sucking the personality out of’ya.”
you swallowed hard, nodding. she was right. he wasn’t. and you needed to remember that. but just as you were about to say something, movement caught your eye.
rafe was standing now, making his way to the counter, his long stride unhurried as if he had all the time in the world. 
phoebe stiffened beside you, “you want me to stay?”
“no.” you forced the word out, squaring your shoulders. “i got this.”
“okay.” she gave you one last look before slipping out the door, leaving you alone behind the counter just as rafe stopped in front of you. he stood there, all six feet of arrogance staring down at you with that expression that made your skin crawl.
“can i help you?” you asked, voice dripping with forced politeness. you met his eyes, refusing to back down, even as your heart hammered against your ribs.
he moved, leaning forward just enough to close some of the distance between you. “need the bill,” he said flatly, like he wasn’t currently tearing your already frayed nerves to shreds.
that’s it? the bill?
you’re just the waitress now. wow. this was rafe. rafe, who couldn’t even look at you, who couldn’t acknowledge what the hell was happening between you beyond those late-night calls and tangled sheets.
“of course,” you said sweetly, forcing a smile even though you wanted to scream. “i’ll be right back.” you turned away without another word, fighting the urge to hurl the fucking notepad at his head. you busied yourself at the register, punching in numbers with way more strength than necessary, imagining it was his face.
once you were done, you looked up to see his back was to you as he fished out his wallet, sliding his card into the reader. you kept your face neutral, biting back the million things you wanted to scream at him. the receipt printed out, and he leaned down, scribbling something quickly before straightening up.
and just as you thought he’d turn and leave like nothing had happened; he did something that made you freeze in place. he dropped a couple of crisp bills onto the counter—more than a couple, actually—and then slid the check over to your side without a word.
what the hell?
you blinked, staring at the pile of cash. that was way more than the standard 20%. fuck, it was enough to cover your rent for the next month, let alone one meal’s worth of shitty coffee and bacon. 
“what the fuck is this, country club?” you blurted out. he stilled, eyes snapping up to yours, that mask of indifference slipping just the tiniest bit. “what, trying to buy me off now? think i’ll just smile and say ‘thank you, sir’ because you threw a couple hundred my way?”
“stop,” he muttered, eyes darting around like he was worried someone might hear. “it’s just—”
“no, you don’t get to ‘just’ me,” you hissed over the counter, “you don’t get to pull this shit like you’re being generous.” you shoved the bills back toward him, nostrils flaring. “take your fucking money. i don’t want it.”
but he didn’t move. just stood there, jaw clenched, blue eyes boring into yours. “it’s not—” he cut himself off, scrubbing a hand down his face, looking almost frustrated. “it’s not like that. ’m just trying to—”
“trying to what?” you shot back, “make yourself feel better? or make me shut up and go along with this bullshit like a good little pogue?” the last word dripped with contempt.
he flinched, the reaction so quick you almost missed it. almost. “’m just giving you a tip. it’s what you want, right?” his tone turned biting, “for your work, I mean.”
your mouth dropped open, stunned. “wow. you’re such an asshole, you know that?” you shoved the wad of cash back at him with a force that sent the bills scattering across the counter. “keep it. use it to buy yourself some decency, because clearly, you’re running low.”
his eyes narrowed, but he didn’t say anything, didn’t try to pick up the money. just stood there, jaw ticking, like he couldn’t decide whether to fight back or walk away. it made you want to scream. you wanted to claw at that cold, emotionless shell of his until something—anything—broke through.
“you’re overreacting,” he muttered. and that was it. kust those three stupid, dismissive words.
overreacting? after everything?
“get out,” you said flatly, hands shaking. “get the hell out.”
without another word, he turned on his heel and walked out of the restaurant, leaving the crumpled bills scattered across the counter like the mess of your emotions. the door swung shut behind him, the bell chiming softly. you stood there, chest heaving, heart pounding so hard it felt like it might crack your chest right open. and for a second, you almost reached out, almost scooped up the cash just to throw it at his retreating back. but you didn’t.
instead, you swiped the bills off the counter, crumpling them up into a tight fist and then, with a furious exhale, you chucked the whole wad into the trash can.
because if rafe thought he could buy your silence, your compliance, you, with a handful of cash, then he didn’t know a fucking thing about you at all.
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tsukiflwr · 2 days
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𝓅airing ∿ maknae line! enha x f!reader ᰔ 𝒽eadcanons ; fluff, friends to lovers 𝓌; none that I know of! 𐙚 𝓌c 852 ᝰ.ᐟ 𝓇oro's note. I’m actually obsessed with making cutesy layouts like the blue is so prettyyyy﹒ ꒰ 𝓁ibrary ꒱ + 𝒽yung ver
KIM SUNOO ∿ the compliments he gives you
sunoo was a sweetheart. he was kind, caring, and attentive; all things that made him such a wonderful friend. he’s always been like that, even when the two of you first met as kids. he gave you a certain type of reassurance you have never felt from anyone else. he was always there to notice the small things no one ever did, always complimenting you and making you feel good about yourself. but his compliments started to feel more than him being a good friend . . . 
“that looks so good on you, that's definitely your color” he would muse with a smile as he softly touched the collar of your shirt, the way his fingers would ‘accidently’ graze your skin while doing so, never failing to make you a flustered mess as you thanked him. or compliments like, “your lips look so pretty with that on” he whispered in your ear as he pressed his body up against your side as you put on your new lipgloss – a gift from him of course. 
he didn't just compliment you on physical things, he complimented you on your intelligence, your kindness, how proud he was of you etc. and those – made you flustered than any other, because he really saw you like no one else. sunoo wasn't blind, he could see the effect his words had on you, he loved making you feel loved and special, and seeing how flustered and cute you were when he did was definitely a plus 
YANG JUNGWON ∿ always wants to spend time with you
when you first met jungwon in middle school, you had no idea how clingy he was, but you were quick to figure it out. it wasn't just you he was clingy with, so you thought nothing of it for a long time. but it was clear to everyone but you, that he spent most of his time with you. and you only found out once some of your shared friends brought up the fact that he was skipping out on playing ball with them on the weekends, so he could spend time with you. 
they were not upset about it, if anything they took that as a chance to tease you about him, asking if the two of you were dating, but you were always quick to shut them down, saying that you were just friends. but once you got home and really started to think about it you realized that your friends weren't just messing with you, that they were not imagining things. 
he really did always spend time with you, he was there to cuddle up in your bed on his phone while you studied at your desk (just so he could look at you), going grocery shopping with you so he could push the cart and pick up the heavy things (he loved when people mistook you as a couple), he loved coming along with you to your family gatherings (he loved how shy you would get when one of your family members asked if the two of you were dating yet) as you looked back on the years it was hard to not to realize how jungwon was by your side for almost everything, making you start to look at him in a different light . . .
NISHIMURA NI-KI ∿ how he treats you differently than his other friends
for the longest time you refused to believe your own thoughts of him liking you more than a friend. it was scary falling in love with your best friend, and it was even scarier not knowing if he felt the same way, for all you know, he wasn't even aware about how differently he treated you than his other friends. he didn't tease you like how he did with the others; he didn't have that competitive nature with you like he did with the others, he much preferred seeing you win and how happy you would get. 
when his other friends would ask him to grab them a water he would playfully complain and tell them to get it themselves (he would always end up getting it for them) but with you, you didn't even have to open your mouth and he was bringing you one back, rolling his eyes at the teasing smirks your shared friends sent him. when your friends would tell terrible jokes, ni-ki would always tease them about how bad it was, but with you he always laughed; even if he didn't think they were funny. he always saved you a seat next to him, and while he could never remember any of his other friend's orders, he had yours memorized. 
it wasn't just the sweet actions that he shared with you, but it was also the intimate moments where the two of you would talk about your emotions, having deep conversations and listening to music. those moments that you shared always had you overthinking. but while you were worrying about him liking you are not; he was trying to think of ways to make his feelings for you more obvious . . . 
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𝓇oro's note. this is so much shorter than the hyung line so so sorry about that 😭 i really hope you guys like it !! 𝓃av
which member was your favorite?
likes, reblogs, comments and feedback are heavily encouraged !
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rafecameroninterlude · 11 hours
hey girly may i please request rafe and bitchy!kook!reader who see each other at a party after a breakup, and they can’t help but sneak off together? some arguing and hot make up sex pleaseeee. thank you!
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warnings: ex!bf!rafe, exes to lovers, slight angst, arguing, cussing, mentions of anger issues, descriptions of violence, rekindling, a little bit of jealous!rafe, oral (f. receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, just a little bit of fluff
a/n: i kinda went off the request here and made them go home instead of really ‘sneaking away’ i hope that’s okay! i was heavily inspired by the song ‘best mistake’ by ariana grande <3 beware! this fic is a little long..
no contact. rafe wanted to smash his phone when you texted him that fateful night a little over two weeks ago, saying you were never going to talk to him again unless he apologized for getting angry and acting out of line. while he truly was sorry for yelling at you and breaking everything in his sight, he had too much pride to admit he was wrong. and it was because of that pride that you decided to dump his ass and ignore the hundreds of calls and texts he sent your way.
despite having to block his phone number, you couldn’t help but look at all the pictures and videos of you two, sad because you missed him, but pissed because he couldn’t just get his shit together and make things right. eventually, with a lot of convincing and even a little bit of bribing with a new purse, your besties had managed to get you up and into your hottest outfit yet before they took you to a party where they refused to tell you who was hosting.
after you basically obliterated rafe’s ego by not only ignoring him, but blocking him too, he told himself he wouldn’t be fazed if he saw you turn up at the end of summer party that topper threw every year. however, all thoughts of being nonchalant and giving you the same treatment back flew out the door when he saw you walk in with your friends, your mini dress hugging your thighs in a way that made his jaw tick. he would’ve had no problem with your outfit if you two were together.. but you weren’t.
which for rafe, that only meant he would be spending the night smashing faces in if he saw anyone looking at you. he kept his eyes on you the whole time, taking swigs from his beer until finally he ran out and was forced to go inside the kitchen. “hey, y/n.” you looked up. jeremy, a frequent visitor at the country club had approached you. he was sweet and very easy on the eyes. maybe a little too easy, he had a baby face and was a little too much of a pretty boy in your opinion.
“oh, hey ‘jer.” you smiled, calling him by a nickname you heard your friends say a while back. “you look great..” he complimented you. noticing your dress had ridden up, you pulled the hem down before thanking him. “that’s nice of you to say, thank you.” you laughed awkwardly as he seemingly stepped closer. “hey, uh, i heard you and rafe broke up, is that true?” at the mention of your now ex-boyfriend, you blinked. “i.. yeah. but i’m not looking for anything right now.” you shook your head.
“neither am i.” your eyes widened slightly as you felt his hand graze yours. wanting to change the subject, you backed away slightly before clearing your throat. “so what are you drinking?” noticing your discomfort, jeremy flashed you an apologetic look. “this? oh i just got water-” before he could say anything else, you gasped when he almost lost his footing, having been nudged super hard by none other than rafe himself. “woah, you gotta watch out there, man.” rafe winked at you before walking off, the man in front of you cursing under his breath.
“that was a lame move.” he scoffed. you looked past jeremy and at rafe who had his face turned. “i’m sorry, can you give me a sec?” you didn’t wait for him to reply before you followed rafe outside. as if he recognized the clack of your heels behind him, he spun around, making you stop as you two glared at each other. while his gaze slightly softened, you could still make out the roughness in his expression. “you did that on purpose.” apart of you was glad he did, since it gave you an excuse to get out of conversation with jeremy. then again, that was rafe’s intention.
“what are you talking about?” just then, a girl in a bikini walked by, rafe shamelessly eyeing her backside before giving you his attention once more. oh, okay. you smiled at him, arching a brow as he blatantly acted clueless. “you know what? i have someone waiting for me inside. ‘just wasting my time out here.” you whispered the last part, scoffing as you attempted to walk away. rafe dragged you to the side of the house, your hands coming up to shove at his chest.
“who’s waiting for you inside, ‘jer?’” rafe mocked jeremy’s nickname. “yeah, actually. why don’t you go and get the girl who’s ass you just stared at?” you shoved him again, this time making rafe take hold of both of your wrists as he backed you up against wall. “i was fucking with you,” he scoffed, “you’re the one that wants to go back inside to a guy who drinks water at a fucking party!” he laughed incredulously, like he couldn’t believe you would give that guy the time of day.
you swatted his hands away from your own. “i’m not doing this here. you’re acting like you aren’t the one who owes me an apology.” rafe pinched the bridge of his nose. “y/n..” you shook your head, feeling defeated as he stared down at you. “just leave me alone, rafe.” just as you were going to walk away, he spoke up. “then let’s not do this here! let’s have a serious conversation, i mean it.” you shifted, glancing up at him briefly. “and go where?” you arched a brow.
deep down, you knew where this was heading but you so badly wanted to hear what he had to say. rafe got close, resting his hand on the small of your back. “tanneyhill. the house is empty for the next couple of days, so if you want to yell, fight and scream, be my guest.” you sighed as if you didn’t want to go, walking past him and to his truck where he opened the door for you. your friends were definitely going to give you an earful after this.
the drive to rafe’s place was quiet and a little awkward everytime you had to pry his hand off of your thigh, his excuse being that it was just a habit. rafe knew when you broke up with him, for the thousandth time, that it wouldn’t be too long before he saw your catty self walking up the stairs to his bedroom. “i would like to be home by a certain time so get to talking.” you sat down on the edge of his bed, clasping your ring clad fingers together.
rafe shut the door, leaning on the hardwood as he took in your outfit. there’s no way you showed up at that party tonight with the intention of going home alone when you looked this sexy. strappy heels, a black lace dress that that showed a bra and thong underneath, your hair and makeup done so perfectly, he itched to ruin all of it. “you look stunning.” he crossed his arms over his chest, catching the way you swung one leg over the other.
“we’re not here for that.” you leaned back, resting on your hands as rafe nodded. “fair enough..” he started, “look, i’m really sorry. it was wrong of me to take my anger out on you and have no regard for your feelings when i was in the spur of the moment. i should’ve never yelled in your face when you were only trying to make me feel better, i should’ve never broke your things when you told me to leave, from the bottom of my heart, y/n, i’m sorry.” he kneeled down to your level, a silent act of submission. you stared at him.
rafe had a pleading look in his eyes. “i can see you’re sorry,” you barely reached for his jaw, stroking the side of his face softly before you withdrew, “but what are you going to do to fix it?” rafe had missed your touch so much, he swallowed thickly when your warmth disappeared. “would you believe me if i said i was giving anger management classes a try?” you narrowed your eyes at him. “no. do you have a confirmation email or something?” rafe laughed, knowing you wouldn’t be easy to convince.
handing over his phone without any hesitation, you typed in his pin, your birthday, before going to his mail and checking for yourself. sure enough, he had confirmation for not only one class, but an entire course that would take him approximately three months to complete. “please come back to me, baby. i need you.” rafe hesitantly placed his hands on either sides of your hips, your eyes softening as you gazed up at the man in front of you. god, you missed him so much, these past couple of weeks had been the worst.
“i need you, too.” you whispered, both of you leaning in at the same time before your lips melted against one another. cupping rafe’s face, you brought him up from the floor, your back relaxing against his sheets as he hovered above you. rafe had been dying to feel your hands on him, craving your touch like never before. with your dress rolling up your thighs, rafe looked down at the supple flesh there, wanting nothing more than to bury his face in your cunt.
“i was so mad when i saw you walk in looking like this.” you took your bottom lip between your teeth, propping yourself up on your elbows as rafe’s fingers hooked through the soft material of your thong. you watched as he slid the undergarment down your legs, your head falling back as he pinned your thighs to the tops of his shoulders. “rafe-” you reached down, your fingernails running across his skin. he hummed, cupping your soaked pussy as a gasp fell from your lips.
“use your words.” he traced your glossy folds, cursing to himself at the sight. “my heels— they’re still on.” you blinked hazily when you felt his thumb tease your sensitive bundle of nerves. “yeah? they’re gonna stay on.” you moaned when his tongue finally made contact with your clit, your back arching off the bed as he splayed a hand across your tummy. letting out a cry, rafe ate you like man starved, which in a way he was. two weeks was too long, and he was going to unleash all his pent up frustration on you in a way that would have you writhing in pleasure.
rafe knew your body like it was the back of his hand, and he didn’t hesitate to use that to his full advantage. while still lapping at your clit, you fought the urge to shut your thighs around his head when two of his fingers prodded at your entrance. he groaned when he thrusted them into you, your pretty sounds serving as music to his ears. the coil in your stomach only grew tighter until rafe had your thighs trembling, your first orgasm of the night making all the air leave your lungs.
you cried out, rafe appreciating the way your hips stuttered in a poor attempt to chase his tongue. you blinked up at the ceiling when you came down from your high, rafe wasting no time in flipping you over and grinding his erection into your backside. with one hand, rafe gathered your hair in a makeshift ponytail and with the other, he grabbed a pillow, placing it under your hips so he could shamelessly rut against you. leaning down, he kissed you sloppily, both of you moaning as you tasted yourself on his tongue.
taking himself out of his jeans, he wrapped a veiny hand around your throat, thrusting into you without warning. “oh my- fuck!” you squeaked out, your walls fluttering around his cock. rafe shut his eyes, his mouth ghosting over yours as he fucked into you hard and slow. “did you miss this?” rafe went deeper with each thrust, balling up your dress to pull you against him. “yes. yes, i missed this so much!” you whimpered, meaning every word. rafe never wanted to be apart from you ever again.
the discomfort from having your heels on was slowly but surely melting away as rafe replaced that feeling with pure bliss, your walls stetching deliciously around his length. for two weeks, the only thing you could imagine feeling was the warmth of rafe’s body against your own, your heart blooming in your chest at finally having that back. “fuck, i need to see your pretty face..” he rolled you over, slotting himself between your thighs before picking up his pace.
you gazed up at him, already looking fucked out as he groped your tits through your dress. “all this breaking and making up, i don’t wanna do it anymore, baby,” rafe tucked a piece of hair behind your ear before stroking your chin, “m’gonna go crazy if you leave me like that again.” you nodded at his words, your eyebrows drawing together in pleasure. “promise. i promise i won’t do that anymore.” you started moving your hips, meeting his thrusts as he groaned, leaning down to bury his face in the curve of your neck.
wrapping your legs around his waist, you didn’t leave him any room to pull away, his toned stomach slapping against your clit as you two rolled your hips in desperation to feel the other finish. “ah, fuck,” your nails clawed against his skin when you felt his teeth nip at the sensitive spot of your neck. with the way you were moaning rafe’s name in his ear, and your pussy swallowing him whole, it wasn’t long before you two started shuddering as the waves of euphoria washed over you both.
he never failed to make your head pound with your orgasm, quite literally stealing your breath away as you made him lose all train of thought, his ability to hold himself up nearly impossible with your greedy cunt milking him for all he had. “shit.” rafe breathed out, pressing a kiss to your temple before pulling out. you hissed, whining shortly after at the empty sensation. as much as you wanted to feel his arms around you, you wanted a hot shower and a wardrobe change more than anything else.
as if rafe could read your mind, he carried you to the shower where he undressed you and bathed you. he continued apologizing for the way he treated you weeks prior to tonight. even after he had you in nothing but one of his t-shirts, he spent the night inhaling your sweet scent while telling you how perfect you were for him until you fell asleep in his embrace.
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 days
Is it too much to imagine enjoying time with Ford out on the porch, dressed in one of his turtlenecks that you defiantly didn’t steal from him, while Dipper, Mabel and Stan were giggling as they ran through heaps and heaps of golden brown leaves.
‘I love the autumn weather.’ You mentioned casually as you admired the hanging skeleton lights you and Mabel had put up earlier.
Ford puts down his drink and smiles at you softly. ‘For any particular reason my darling? Other than stealing my clothes of course.’ He says playfully as he gestures with his eyes at the red turtleneck that complimented you perfectly.
You smiled cheekily. ‘Guilty as charged, but other than that I love this,’ you gestured to Mabel, dipper and Stan, who were making leaf angels at Mabel’s insistence and having a genuinely good time together. ‘It’s moment like these that make me thankful of the people I’ve let into my life because I know I chose the right people to enjoy life with.’ You finished as you rested your head on Ford’s shoulder, feeling him stiffen a little before relaxing again as he placed a hand on your thigh, thumb stroking your skin comfortingly.
‘I wish that was a lesson I learnt sooner than I have.’ Ford admits as he watched his family with fondness and pride. ‘But I’m glad that I’m not too old nor stubborn to learn new things with some help from people along the way.’ He adds as he presses a lingering kiss to your temple, smiling. ‘Thank you my dear.’
You shrugged, the warmth coming from him and the domestic of this moment was enough to make you a little drowsy and calm as the sound of laughter made you smile. Just as in the same moment that Stan, Mabel and dipper began to throw fistfuls of leaves at one another, or shoving them down the other’s shirt/jacket. ‘It’s my pleasure sweetie,’ you replied, ‘I’m just glad you finally get to live the life that you wanted to, albeit a little later on in life but still you got there finally.’ You cuddled closer to Ford when a cold breeze passed by as he squeezed your thigh reassuringly.
However not a moment afterwards, out of the blue the both of you got a face full of leaves, followed by the sound of laughter.
‘Bullseye!’ Mabel cried.
‘Nice aim pumpkin!’ Stan cheered as the high five.
You couldn’t find it within to be annoyed and instead you laughed in response as you picked leaves from your drink and turtleneck, while Ford plucked them from his hair and trench coat.
‘Our lovely little family.’ You cheekily said, nudging Ford in the side.
‘Our lovely little family.’ Ford replied as he brushed a leaf that you missed before kissing your forehead softly.
You truly loved autumn and this was why.
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reidsbabyhoney · 2 days
opposite | s.r.
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the one where spencer has a new girlfriend, and she couldn't be more different than you.
pairing: spencer reid x bau!reader category: angst, fluff during the flashback but mainly angst cw: spencer not using his 187 IQ, reader feeling like their not enough, self deprecating thoughts. wc: 3.3k a/n: thought a great way to start my spencer masterlist was with angst! no I'm kidding, I was listening to 'opposite' by sabrina carpenter and felt very inspired, will probably make a part two where they have a happier ending (pls don't yell at me for this) I imagine season 6 Spencer for this, but you can imagine him however you want. this post is long overdue, I hope you love it! (also its not proof read at all so i'm sorry in advanced)
masterlist spencer masterlist
Falling for your coworker was probably the worst thing you could have done, especially when that coworker is Dr. Spencer Reid.
You had a crush on the resident genius since you had joined the team a year after Spencer.
In your mind, there were two scenarios that would happen in the case that he did find out about your infatuation with him.
Either you told him you were in love with him, he rejects you and you have to live with the embarrassment seeing him everyday at work, or you tell him you're in love with him, you start dating and the relationship doesn't work out, living with a Dr. Reid shaped hole in your heart. So you lose either way.
About a year and a half ago you finally decided to tell Spencer how you felt about him. A result of one too many drinks at a bar you were both dragged to.
"You know you look really pretty under this lighting Spence," you say, clearly affected by the alcohol in your system.
A light sheen of sweat covered his forehead, a few stray hairs sticking to his face. He was flushed from the few glasses of alcohol he had consumed that night, but regardless, you thought he never looked prettier. Though, that might be the alcohol you consumed talking.
Spencer's cheeks redden a bit from the compliment, his brain working in overdrive to figure out how to respond to your compliment.
"Ah, um, thanks, you always look beautiful y/n," he says, a bit shy with his words.
You blush at his words, looking down towards the glass in your hand.
"It's a bit loud in here, do you want to go outside?" he asks, a bit of hesitation in his voice.
"Well I was just about to leave, will you walk me out?"
"Of course," he quickly responds.
"Okay, let me just grab my purse," you say, putting the glass down on the table behind you.
You grab all of your things, quickly letting the team know you're both leaving so they don't worry.
As you make your way around the bar to say goodbye, the girls give you suggestive glances, and you just shake your head and laugh at their antics.
After saying your goodbyes, you both make your way outside.
Standing right outside the door to the small bar, you shiver as the cold air nips at your skin.
You hear Spencer shuffling next to you, and suddenly he's handing you the cardigan he was wearing.
You're about to respond saying that he'll get cold, but he quickly shuts you up.
"No, no, take it. Between 700 and 1,500 people die from hypothermia in the United States annually. Though you might not think it's not that cold for you to get hypothermia here, it can occur in temperatures above 40°F if someone is chilled from rain, sweat, or cold water. I also just really don't want you to be cold," he finishes his sentence by putting the cardigan in your hands, not letting you say no.
"Thank you Spence, I just don't want you to possibly get hypothermia either," you say with a small laugh.
"Well that's a good concern to have, because men are 9-10 times more likely to get and die from hypothermia. This is because men are more likely to be exposed to the necessary conditions to contract hypothermia, so, I-sorry I'm rambling aren't?" he says, his cheeks turning to a deep shade of red once he realizes that the information continues to spill from his lips.
"No don't worry, I like listening, I always do," you say, a blush of your own covering your cheeks at the confession.
"Yeah, I've noticed, you're really the only one who pays attention to my rambles when were on the plane, or anywhere for that matter," he says, now noticing how the moonlight glows against your skin.
"I've always found it really interesting and kind of attractive that you just have all of this information stored in your head," you say looking up to the stars that littered the sky, completely oblivious to the effect your words had on the genius.
"Attractive? I didn't think you'd ever use that word to describe me," he's a bit stunned at your sentence, because no way the girl he's had a crush on since he laid eyes on her is telling him this.
"Well you don't get the nickname Pretty Boy from just anywhere do you," you say, a teasing smile falling across your lips.
There's a moment of comfortable silence between the two of you after that. Though that doesn't last long.
"Y'know I've had the biggest crush on you since I met you four years ago, I just never thought you felt the same," realizing what you just said, your eyes widened and you quickly turned towards Spencer, about to take back everything you just drunkenly confessed.
"y/n that's not something funny to joke about," he says, completely serious.
"I, no, I'm being serious. I've had the biggest crush in you since I joined the team. I'm pretty sure everyone but you knows, or well that used to be the case."
And just like that the biggest secret that's been resting on your shoulders for the past four years fell from your lips.
"Are you being serious right now?" he asks, as if he truly couldn't believe the words coming from your mouth.
"Spence, you can just reject me, you know. You don't have to play dumb."
Embarrassment wraps around your words, clearly upset that it seems that Spencer is trying to let you down easily.
"y/n, no. I-I like you too. I have for the longest time. If anything, I thought you were the one that wasn't going to feel the same if I'm honest," he says with an awkward smile covering his lips.
"You're serious?"
"Of course I am, I've had the most absurd crush on you since your first day you joined," his blushes a bit at the memory, "I'm surprised you never caught on."
You look down at your shoes, the alcohol seemingly left your body and now you're unsure about how to respond to him. You're about to speak when he interrupts you.
"I, um, I have to go soon, the last train is going to leave in about 27 minutes, but I was wondering if would you want to get coffee with me sometime?" he painfully stutters through his sentence, but you find it endearing, knowing its not due to the cool air outside.
"I would really love that Spence, yeah."
Leaning up to plant a shy kiss on his cheek, you say your goodbyes and make your way to you car to drive home.
Turning back for a second, you see Spencer with his hand on the spot that you gave him a kiss. Almost touching it to keep the warmth there to ensure that it truly happened.
The entire car ride home was bliss, you couldn't believe you told Spencer how you felt, and he actually shared those feelings.
Once you arrive home you realize you never gave Spencer his cardigan back. Wrapping it around yourself a bit tighter, you take your phone out of your pocket, feeling the buzz of a text notification.
From: Spence
Hi y/n! It's Spencer, I just got home. Please let me know when you're home so I know you made it back safe. I'll see you at work on Monday :)
Your face splits into a smile that nearly hurts your cheeks. Realizing you are home, you send him a quick message before getting ready for bed.
To: Spence
Hi Spence, I just got home, thanks for checking up on me. I'll see you at work on Monday, sweet dreams. ♥️
You shake your head at the memories. Looking up from the book in your hand, you spot the exact cardigan Spencer gave you that night across the arm of the couch, almost taunting you.
The year you were together was a dream you never thought would come true. You really thought your nightmare of Spencer deciding you weren't good enough and breaking up with you was never going to happen.
Though life isn't all fairy tales.
The job got to you, as people said it would. You both grew stressed and agitated. There never seemed to be enough time in the day, hell in a week, for you two to find time to spend together.
Even though you worked together, you rarely found time to actually separate your relationship from work.
The day you both realized that was the day you mutually came to the decision that it was best if you stayed friends. Or whatever word is used to describe still working with the person that you were the most vulnerable with and knew you inside and out, better than anyone else in the world.
The breakup happened six months ago. It wasn't messy or anything of the sorts, but it definitely created a drift in your relationship with the genius. Everyone in the office could tell, and you both knew that the relationship you shared before you started dating would never return.
Now, months after the breakup you were trying to become the person you used to be before Spencer. Though that seemed like an impossible task. You didn't realize how much of an effect he had on you until he wasn't there anymore.
It was the first Friday that the team wasn't completely swamped in work, so naturally Rossi invited you all to his mansion for one of his infamous pasta nights.
Declaring that we needed to spend time with people other than each other, he also extended the invitation to anyone the team felt like bringing along.
Wrapping your coat around you tighter, almost as a safety blanket, you knock on the door. You're sure not even a second goes by before you’re met with the face of Emily. Though she looks a bit distressed, like the evening has started out disastrous already.
"What's up with the face? Did Pen interrupt while Rossi was explaining how to perfectly cook pasta again?"
Letting out a small laugh at your own joke, you look up at Emily's face and realize something must be seriously wrong if she didn't even fake a smile at the lame joke.
"We need to talk," she says, grabbing your arm and dragging you into the house. You walk off into a hallway where both JJ and Penelope are waiting for you.
"Woah, what's wrong? Why are we having some kind of intervention?"
Looking at the both blondes, they keep their lips shut and look towards Emily, practically begging her to break the news to you.
Your voice is small, barely above a whisper when you say Emily's name, worried for what she's about to tell you. Taking a shaky breath, she finally speaks.
"Spencer brought his girlfriend."
As the words came from Emily's mouth you basically felt your entire world collapse around you.
He was dating someone? The same Spencer, who was nervous to even talk to a woman before you started dating, was dating someone else? Just after six months of being broken up he found someone else?
"Emily, please tell me you're joking or I might throw up on Rossi's floor right here," you say, completely serious, feeling your lunch already making its way out of your stomach.
The three of you hear footsteps coming your way and you start praying that it's not the person you want to see least right now.
Mystery person clears their throat and you're met with the face of a concerned looking Derek Morgan. Once he spots the tears in your eyes he opens his arms to give you a hug.
"Oh princess, I'm so sorry," he sighs, rubbing your back affectionately.
"I'll go knock some sense into him if you really want me to."
That gets a small laugh from you, but you quickly shake your head and step out of Derek's arms.
"No," you breath in a shaky breath before saying, "it's okay, seriously. He deserves to move on."
Knowing the words leaving your mouth are a complete lie, the tears return to your eyes and JJ is quick to take Derek's place and bring you into her embrace.
"Oh sweetheart, it's okay, we can stay here for as long as you want okay? Or we could even leave and pretend like you never came in the first place."
Attempting to take a deep breath, you give her a final squeeze and leave her arms.
"No, I'll be fine. I'm a big girl, I can handle my ex having a new girlfriend."
They four of them share a weary glance, knowing those words are the furthest thing from the truth.
Penelope is the first to speak as she grabs your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "Let's do this angel face."
With that the two of you walk hand in hand to the backyard, greeted with the faces of the rest of your team and their families.
Walking over to the tree where Rossi and Hotch are standing, seemingly deep in conversation, Penelope makes her presence known when she lets out a happy squeal seeing her margarita glass was magically refilled.
"Well, I'll leave you in the hands of the host my love, I see a margarita calling my name," she plants a quick kiss on your cheek before making her way to the table her drink was sitting on.
Knowing that was just Penelope's way of making things a bit more normal for you, you shake your head and laugh at her antics.
Finally turning towards the two men, you see the pity in their eyes and let out a disappointed sigh.
"Seriously, you guys too? If all of you keep looking at me like that he'll definitely know something is wrong and will realize I'm the crazy one for not being over him yet."
Once you finish your sentence Hotch moves to say something but quickly shuts his mouth. His eyes are fixed just right over your shoulder.
Shifting to see what -or better yet who- he was looking at, you turn and find the new couple sitting on the bench near the opposite side of the yard. Your eyes fix on the woman sitting next to Spencer and you’re met with a woman with striking features. As you looked at her closer, you began to realize she looked nothing like you. In fact, she was the complete opposite of you.
Is that what Spencer was looking for this whole time? Did he want you to be more like her? Was he holding out with you just to find someone better?
These thoughts continued to swirl through your mind for the rest of the night. The team was obviously trying to distract you and make you feel better about the whole situation, acting as if it wasn't happening. JJ even asked you to watch Henry for a bit even though neither her nor Will were busy.
Finally the moment you were dreading had arrived, dinner.
Rossi, one for tradition, had a massive dining room table that somehow fit the entire team plus the extra guests.
Opting to sit in between JJ and Emily, you hoped that you could stay quiet all of dinner and quickly leave once it was finished. Really you hoped you didn't have to see Spencer and his girlfriend any longer than you had to.
But your luck seemed to have run out because she took the seat directly across from you, causing Spencer to sit next to her, directly across from Emily.
Looking down at your food you try to ignore them as best as you could, that was until you heard her voice.
"Hi, you must be y/n. I'm Maya, Spencer's girlfriend."
Her voice reaches your ears like nails on a chalkboard and you try your hardest to not physically react to her high pitched voice. God, what was Spencer doing?
Though you quickly rid yourself of the distaste you already have for her and give her your best fake smile.
"Yes, I'm y/n. It's…nice to meet you."
It's almost like the entire table was holding their breath to see what your response would be. Morgan nearly chokes on his drink as you pause to find the words to describe your feelings for meeting her.
The silence continues until Spencer clears his throat. At the sound you look up at him. You realize that was the worst thing you could have done when he doesn't even look at you. Instead he's looking at Maya with the expression you thought was only reserved for you.
Emily is the first to speak after the interaction, some reason directing the conversation towards the couple. Did she just want to see you suffer tonight?
"So Reid, how long have you two been dating?"
Though the question is directed at Spencer, Maya is the one to answer. "Oh me and Spencie? We've been together just over a month!"
She basically screeches the words and you have to hold yourself back from rolling your eyes.
The table goes quiet again. No one has anything to say, quietly eating their food.
"Hey Uncle Spence, when are you and Auntie y/n/n going to be like that again? I remember you used to hold her hand and give her kisses all the time!"
Oh God. Poor Henry didn't know what he just caused. You nearly spit out your drink at his questions, coughing down the wine you basically inhaled.
JJ's eyes widen, going to apologize for Henry's words until Miss chalkboard decides to speak again, except this time it's her awful laugh that makes an appearance.
"Oh my goodness! That is such a funny joke, little Henry. Kids and their imaginations, am I right?"
Her eyes dance around the table waiting for anyone to respond to her. When no one does she continues with a delighted smile on her face.
"Don't worry y/n, there's no need to say anything about that. I know my Spencie, he would never go for someone like you."
As she finished her sentence the entire table grew silent. The profilers actively deciding if they could get away with the thing they put people in prison for.
Your chair is what breaks the silence this time, screeching against Rossi's wood floors.
"Well I really wish I was a good liar and could say it was nice meeting you but I'm not. I hope you and your Spencie have a wonderful relationship."
For the first time all night Spencer finally talks to you. Though it breaks your heart even further. And it's not the words that come from his mouth, but rather the way he says it. All he says is your name, though he speaks as if he's disgusted that you would say something like that.
Letting out a dry laugh you shake your head and click your tongue, hoping he doesn't see the tears in your eyes when you lock eyes with him.
"I'm so glad to know that our year together meant nothing to you Spencer," you say, turning and leaving the room.
You make your way through the hall to collect your things before leaving. You don't even bother with saying bye to everyone, hoping they would understand.
Closing the door to the coat closet you see JJ standing behind the door, looking at you with eyes full of worry.
"y/n/n, are you okay. Both of them were so out of line, and I'm so sorry about Henry I didn't-"
You effectively cut off her short lived rant by giving her a short hug, knowing if you were in her arms for any longer you would be a crying mess before you even stepped foot out of the house.
"It's fine Jayge, really, you didn't know I don't blame you. And I'm fine. I just really need to go."
With that, you finally make your way out of the house and into your car.
There's only one thought that consumes your mind the entire drive home.
He was just holding out to find the opposite. 
likes, comments, and shares are always appreciated!! loving you always xx
tags: @clairoscharm @agent-nobody-knows
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daydreamerwoah · 1 day
Family Tree (Chapter 12)
tw: slight drinking
Simon x Y/n <3
Steamin Jesus... 
That was something Johnny had said a few times you had been around him, and you were definitely saying that while waiting for Simon to pick you up. That morning, you got a little nervous and told him you wanted to take the bus to work because you needed to go somewhere before clocking in. While he tried to convince you, he'd take you wherever you eventually got him to wait and pick you up when you'd go to his place. You had nothing you needed to do... you were just nervous as hell. Facing him after confessing that you liked him the previous night. So nervous that you didn't even want to face him until that evening. 
But now that you were dressed and waiting for him to arrive, you were saying what Johnny always said. It was quite comedic; you pacing around the living room, biting your nails and hyping yourself up. 
Simon: Outside 
You were cursing yourself out as you grabbed your wallet and headed to the door. Taking a deep breath, you opened it and walked outside into the cold night air. There the man was, standing at the passenger door, waiting for you to walk up so he could open it for you. There was no way he would always do that, right? 
"Hey," he said, a hidden smirk under his balaclava. 
A sheepish smile on your lips, "Hey," you responded as he opened the door and you hopped in. 
The 10-minute ride to his place was comfortable, although your heart was thumping in your chest. But so was Simon's. Even though he wanted to see you earlier in the day as usual, he was almost grateful he had to wait until the evening. He was stressing about the food he chose to get for the two of you all morning... even asking Kyle what would he get if it was his first date with Ella.
Was this even a date?
He wanted it to be... but also, he knew pasta on his couch with the TV on was not what he wanted your first date with him to be like. He should have suggested taking you somewhere like a nice restaurant.. not the small loft of his apartment. 
Too late.
He pulled up to the building, and the both of you got out as he led you through the small complex. When he stuck his key in the lock, he felt the need to apologize, "Sorry. M'place is uh.. a bit of a mess. Didn't have time to clean up after work."
"No it's okay," you smiled as he opened the door and let you walk in first. 
It was funny. After taking your shoes and coat off and making your way to the living room, you weren't expecting it to look so... minimal. He said the place was a bit of a mess, but you couldn't find anything where it showed it. The furniture might have been the reason for it. A lone couch sat against the wall, and a TV was mounted on the opposite wall. The coffee table and one side table weren't modern by any means, but it wasn't ancient either. However, that wasn't what caught your attention. The two plates filled with dinner, two candles that were lit, and a bottle of wine placed on the coffee table stood out. 
"Not a five-star restaurant but-" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck as he walked over to the couch.
"It's perfect," you cut him off. His eyes met yours, and you softly smiled, "Thank you for dinner," you complimented as you walked over and took a seat on the couch. 
Thank Kyle, Simon thought to himself. He would buy the sergeant a bottle of his favorite liquor for coming over and setting up everything while he went and picked you up. He even swore to keep it a secret because he knew Ella couldn't hold water to save her life, and it was a special - although small - moment for the both of you to enjoy the surprise. 
The food wasn't homemade by any means, but Simon did buy it from a really good restaurant that made food from scratch. But you didn't care about that. He could have picked up McDonald's for dinner, and you would have been just as happy. It wasn't about how much he spent to impress you, but about wanting to even spend time with you. It was cozy and intimate. 
Simon sat down next to you and opened the bottle, pouring both of you a glass while you started eating. The chicken alfredo was amazing as you took the first bite, humming in appreciation before putting another helping in your mouth. You had been so focused on how good the food was you hadn't even noticed that Simon hadn't taken a single bite yet. You glanced at him, suddenly embarrassed with the food in your mouth. In an attempt to hide the redness on your cheeks, you took a few sips of the wine before glancing at him again.
"Sorry," you nervously giggled. 
A deep - but very low - chuckle rumbled in his chest, "Don't be, sweetheart. Glad you're enjoying it."
You peered down at his plate, "Not hungry?" a curious look in your eyes. 
He was. In fact, he was starving. But eating in front of you felt different this time. It wasn't like he hadn't before, but usually, when he did, he had the comfort of the rest of 141 there. You also tried not to stare at him as he ate. Each time, he'd have to lift his balaclava or mask just to take a bite before lowering it again. Sure, you'd seen it happen a few times before, but you never wanted to make him feel uncomfortable being around someone new. So you kept your eyes to yourself. 
To be honest, you'd never really seen his face except for those dark brown eyes.
You somewhat frowned a little as he glanced at the food and then back to you. An uneasy look formed in his eyes. He seemed... worried. 
"I can turn my back," you offered, changing positions so your back was facing him. 
"Don't have to do that," he said, a tone in his voice you couldn't figure out. 
Not turning around, "It's okay. I want you to eat comfortably," you smiled even though he couldn't see it. 
It was silent for a moment, and you almost peeked around to see if he was staring at the back of your head still until you heard the rustling sound of him picking up the plate and possibly lifting up his balaclava. To help him not feel too awkward with the way you both were eating, you tried to make conversation with him; asking about his day, where did he get the pasta from, and the wine tasting good as well. Even if it was unusual, he seemed to open up a bit, and that's all you wanted; for him to be comfortable around you. 
After you finished eating, you found yourself finally focusing on the living room. Of course, there wasn't anything on the walls, but somehow, the place just seemed like his style; plain. Yet, you liked it nonetheless. 
A soft hand touched your shoulder, and your muscles tensed just slightly, "Can turn around now," he said. 
You did, seeing the balaclava back over his face. Glancing down at the plate in his hand briefly, you smiled, "Knew you were hungry," you teased, making a soft huff leave his lips as he laughed - sort of.
"Enjoy the food?" he asked, making you nod.
"And then wine?" 
You playfully shrugged, "It was good. You know I'm more of a Bourbon girl."
While you would have left the joke there. Simon's eyes lit up as you said that, "Think I have some if you want.
"Yes!" came your immediate response with a huge grin on your face. 
Things seemed to settle more in the small apartment as he poured you and himself a glass of Bourbon. You tried helping him clean off the coffee table, but he made you stay seated as he picked up everything. Once he was done, he sat back down next to you and asked you about the pipes again. 
"Sure y'don't need me to come take a look?" 
You took a sip as you thought over his question, "I don't think you can replace all the pipes," you joked, "But I appreciate it."
"Why...." he paused before continuing, "You said y'needed a second job. Is it the pipes?"
Nodding your head with a small frown on your face, "Yeah. But also my dad-" you took another sip (more like a gulp), "-my dad took out a loan. And because he still had the debt, I now have to pay it. Used all my savings to help get the amount down a little.... so yeah, between that and the pipes, which is probably gonna cost over six grand, I have to get a second job," you sighed.
It was silent for a few seconds before he responded to your explanation, "Sorry you're goin through that sweetheart," he placed his hand on your arm, "Let me at least be there when the plumbers arrive. Can make sure everythin goes smoothly."
You warmly smiled. It was a small gesture from him, but he knew it was going to take more than that to open up and let him in; to let him be there for you.
When he took you home, you didn't think he'd get out of the truck and walk you to the front door, but there he was doing it. He promised he'd come by in the morning when you texted so he would be there before the plumbers.
And then you two just stood there... silently. God, it felt like you were a teenager again coming home after your very first date....
Was this a date?
Simon looked at you, debating on if he wanted to act on what his mind was telling him before he stepped closer to you, "Close your eyes."
For a second, you just looked back at him, eyes wide, before you closed them. Your heart was pounding inside your chest so loud you just knew he would hear it. But all of that became quiet the moment he slowly leaned down and kissed you tenderly on the lips. It was soft; delicate. But fuck did it have the heat rushing down to the pit of your stomach.
Had to be the Bourbon and wine.
When he pulled away, your eyes remained closed. Afraid he might quickly leave if you opened them too fast. His hand reached up and cupped your cheek, running his thumb over the soft skin. 
"You're beautiful," he quietly said. That got your eyes to open, and you found him gazing into yours; the balaclava back on. He looked lost. Utterly lost in your world, and he never wanted to come back down to Earth, "I'm... It's been a while since.. I've been in a relationship," he confessed all too quickly. 
You didn't know what a while meant, but you were grateful for the honesty. The way he said it made you melt as you raised your own hand up and placed it over his, "We can take things slow okay?" He nodded, making you lean more into his touch, "Night Simon."
He leaned in again, this time kissing your forehead through the cloth, making you blush like a crazy person, "Night love."
You unlocked the door and stepped inside, saying bye to him before he walked back to his truck and got in. The both of you were definitely on cloud nine that night. 
Work been kicking my ass this week, but finally got finished with this cute chapter :) What do we think about them finally kissing? lol
Like, comment, give allllll the feedback :)
Taglist: @simp-4-masked-men @dayrin085 @jessicab1991 @kylies-love-letter @kalypsoox @brownlee-22 @firefoxkairan @whatyouseeyoumightnotget @romanceloverrrr @strawberrygato
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bibuckkinard · 2 days
(and by 🪓 I meant lumberjack lol)
Okay, Cia, I kinda twisted it a little bit, but I hope it's still okay. ❤️
Buck always thinks Tommy's hot, but right now? He's out back of their cabin in Vermont, chopping wood to throw onto a fire. He's so glad that they chose to do this in the spring, where it's beautiful but still cool enough outside, because he did not expect Tommy to be in a ratty hoodie, worn jeans, lugging an axe around.
Buck frequently wants the man, but he also acknowledges that he also finds Tommy hot when he's waking up next to him, drooling into his pillow.
He loves Tommy, so sue him.
He wraps himself in his own hoodie, grabs both mugs of steaming hot coffee, and makes his way outside.
Tommy chops another piece of wood with another thwack! before standing up straight and turning to Buck as though he senses him coming. Tommy's smile is soft and affectionate, and God, Buck loves him so much.
"You've really got his whole hot lumberjack thing down," Buck says, handing him the coffee.
Tommy laughs, takes a tentative sip before leaning forward for a kiss. "Thanks?"
"It's a compliment," Buck assures him. "Can you believe this, though?"
Tommy smiles. "What? That I'm chopping wood or that we're on our honeymoon?"
"Mmm," Buck hums. "Both. You married me, Tommy. Like, really, you hitched yourself to me for the rest of your life."
Tommy sets the axe down and moves to wrap the arm not holding the coffee around Buck's waist. "I can say the same about you, you know."
Buck kisses him again, can't help it. "Well. You're hot, so..."
Tommy laughs again. "Back at you, sweetheart."
"Thank you, husband," Buck mutters, holding him close.
Tommy gives him a squeeze. "My pleasure."
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prodagustd · 2 days
the road not taken 05 | myg
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part five: new year's eve
Summary: The timer is counting down and it's finally time to confront Yoongi.
<part four
—pairing: lawyer!yoongi x actress!oc
—rating: +18
—genre: brother's best friend, one sided pinning (or both?)
—warnings/tags: slow burn, angst, FLUFF ❤️‍🩹, eventual smut, sexual tension!!!!! flashbacks, mentions of sex 👀Btw english is not my first language!
—words: 12.2k
—a/note: hi friends!!! i know i said i was going to go crazy with the word count but i had to divide the chapter because this part was going to have 25k words otherwise?? anyway!!! i went through ten different mental breakdows while writing this, i doubted myself like fifty times, but i enjoyed writing it sososo much, i hope you enjoy reading it as well!! like always, you are invited to discuss this part in the asks, feedback is always welcomed 🤠.
series masterlist | teaser | playlist
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Four years ago.
New Year’s eve. 
You had lost count of the amount of times Minnie rolled her eyes, groaned or threw her hands in the air in the last two hours, but you were sure it was the same amount of times that you closed your eyes and sighed, trying to remain calm. She was sitting at the desk of your room, finishing her make-up for the New Year’s party as she listened to you list every detail of the last time you saw Yoongi, two days ago. 
Minnie, not minding being hyperbolic, openly expressed that she thought that “Yoongi was a psychopath” for inviting to watch When Harry Met Sally, a movie whose main premise were two friends who are in love with each other but do not realize it. Then she proceeded to call him similar things, like he was crazy for grabbing your hand on the way home and borderline insane for not kissing you when he left you at the door of your home. You tried to agree with her, but you were too busy trying to keep your food down, fearing that you might vomit at the thought of confronting Yoongi tonight. 
Needless to say, you were nervous. You had promised Minnie that, for your own sake, you would finally tell Yoongi to stop playing games and tell you what he really wanted with you tonight. You invited him to the party, hoping he would turn you down, thinking he probably had better plans with other friends, but he said yes, and now you were obligated to stand up to him. 
“This is not my size.” You complained, observing yourself in the mirror as you pulled from the hem of your dress, attempting to cover your butt. 
Your friend looked away from the tiny mirror in her hands to scan your body. You turned around, showing her the tiny black dress she let you borrow. 
Minnie looked at you like you were joking. “It literally fits you like a glove.” She said, standing up from her seat to take a better look at you. 
The dress was fine, it hugged your waist, your hips and every good part of your body, but you were too aware of it, you weren’t used to wearing dresses like this. 
“What about my boobs?” You asked, covering up your chest with your hands.
“What about them? They look beautiful!” She exclaimed, and grabbed your hands to out them away.
You laughed “Aren’t they too out?” 
“They’re perfectly out.” She responded, taking a good look at them “Like, enough, not too much and not too little, you know? If I had your boobs, I would display them just like that.” 
You smiled like that was the biggest compliment a girl could ever hear. “Thank you Minnie.” You said, a little more relieved “I don’t know what I would do without you here.”
“You would be completely lost, I’m telling you.” She said, grabbing her jacket from her bed and her bag “Are we ready to go now?”
You reached for your phone, hoping to find a message from Yoongi saying that he was already here but it was not necessary, a second later you heard the motor of his car being parked in front of your house. 
“That’s him.” You informed your friend, making her jump in her place like a little kid. 
“Fine, let’s waste no time.” 
You grabbed your jacket, already knowing it would be of no use in the freezing cold of the night, and left your house to meet Yoongi. 
When you closed the door, you heard Minnie let out a little gasp, which made you look up at her.
"What?" you asked her, feeling her elbow dig into your ribs as she pointed at the sidewalk with her chin.
You turned around, meeting the sight of Yoongi, casually leaned over his car as he waited for you in the dark night. He was wearing his long black coat with his signature shirt, this time in black, his hair was slightly messy, the way you’ve always liked, and when he caught the first glimpse of your face he smiled, waving at you. 
“Oh, my…” Minnie sighed, bringing her hand up to her face, fanning herself.  “Is that the man who’s taking you home tonight?” 
"Shut up," You muttered through gritted teeth, waving back at Yoongi. 
“Is your mom coming home tonight, sweetheart?” She kept going “If I were you, I would tell her to stay somewhere else. You know, in case you and your boy…”
“Minnie, he’s gonna hear you.” You warned her, but she just laughed. 
Still, in the back of your mind, you considered Minnie’s concern; no, your mom wasn’t coming home tonight, but you didn’t need to be thinking about that at all. 
“Looking nice, ladies.” said Yoongi as you were making your way to his car.
“Likewise, gentleman.” Minnie answered “Do we have a resolution for the new year?”
Yoongi smirked, “Yes, we do.”
Your friend clicked her tongue, winking at you both and got into the back seat of Yoongi’s car, leaving the two of you alone. 
There was a moment of silence, like he was waiting to hear the sound of the car door closing, and then, he whistled. “You’re all dolled up.” He noted, sneaking his hand under your jacket and grabbing you by your waist over your dress, pulling you closer to him. 
“Is that bad?” You frowned, pretended to be annoyed. 
“Maybe.” He considered “What if someone tries to steal my date?” 
You snorted, softly punching his chest. “Oh, shut up.” You sassed “I can’t get rid of you, I’ve tried already.”
Yoongi bit his bottom lip, failing to hide a smile. “You look very pretty, that’s all I’m saying.” 
By now, you’d think you could handle these kinds of comments—his lingering touches, or the way his eyes seemed to silently ask for a kiss—but you couldn’t. Your heart still jumped, your palms still grew sweaty, and your face still burned. Yet, you forced a smile as if you’d heard it a thousand times from countless men, as if he was nothing special.
“Well, you don’t look too bad yourself.” You patted him on the back, pulling away from him to go around the car to the passenger seat. 
Yoongi’s gaze trailed over you as he turned to face you across the roof of the car, his eyes following every movement.
“By the way,” He wondered, stopping you before you could open the door “What do you mean that you’ve tried?”
You stopped for a moment, trying to understand what he meant, but you were immediately reminded of your previous comment. How clueless he was, he had no idea the amount of times you tried to exile him from your life with no success, the thought of him always crawled back to you as if he belonged there. Tonight you should be in your bed, or going to some other party to drink your weight in alcohol to try to fulfill the purpose of banishing him from your mind, but, like a thousand times before, you were with him. 
You ignored his question, bursting into laughter as you got inside the car. 
Yoongi stood there for a moment, hearing the echoes of your laugh across the street, tempted to chase the sound. What a shame, if you hadn't gotten into the car so quickly, you might have seen the stars reflecting in his eyes, the look that only a fool would mistake for anything other than love.
The thing about small towns like yours was that they hardly ever changed—like the park in front of Minnie’s apartment, with its wooden benches and the path of trees leading to the fountain in the center, which had stopped working years ago. The never changing look of your hometown was one of the main things that made you want to leave it behind, it was ridiculous to admit how relieved you were now that everything was still the same as the last time you were here. 
You set your bags down on the floor of your friend’s home and gazed out the window, watching the wind drag yellow and orange leaves, swirling them across the street until they crashed against the tall wooden doors of a building you recognized as The Alley. You remembered how, when you were younger, Minnie used to live fifteen minutes from there, but once she became an adult, she jumped at the chance to move directly across the street, staying as close as she could. You figured that people in small towns hardly ever changed either.
There was not much difference between the Minnie you knew when you were a teenager and the Minnie you knew in the present, she was still always at The Alley, except she was the one who called the shots nowadays. Over the years she gained the trust of the owners and now she was in charge of keeping everything in order, helping organize every activity and every area every day of the week, so you frowned when you saw that it was closed, especially in October, which was the most exciting month in The Alley; the Halloween plays, the Halloween movies and the Halloween parties were your favorite part of the year. 
“Is The Alley closed?” You asked, turning around to see Minnie as she stuck her head in her fridge trying to look for something to eat. Your friend let you stay at her apartment for as long as you needed; it was the least she could do, considering she always crashed at your place in the city and acted like it was her own whenever she had to work there. 
“Uh… yeah. It’s a whole thing.” She sighed. “It has all of us stressed out.”
“Why, what happened?” You walked over to her, sitting on one of the stools of her kitchen. 
“The building’s having some issues with its infrastructure for some time now and it’s costing a lot of money.” She explained, grabbing a cup of yogurt and a spoon to place it in front of you as if that were dinner. “We thought it was just a few things, like the electricity and the plumbing, but the more we look into it, the more problems we find.”
Your frown deepened, more confused than before. The Alley had been an old building for years and years, there was always a thing or two that had to be repaired, but you never thought it was that bad. “That’s why it’s closed?” You continued to ask. 
“That’s not the only reason. We had three inspections since the beginning of the year and none of them looked any good, we’re suspecting the town council might want to close it.” She rolled her eyes, but you could feel the hurt in her words. 
“Close it?” You repeated it, feeling something stung in your chest “Just like that? Is it that bad?” 
“Well, yes.” She affirmed, trying to appear composed but the discouragement filled her voice “Unless we fix the whole place, of course, but the repairs cost too much, so it’s going to take some time.”
“That sounds ridiculous, Minnie. What does Sid think?” You inquired. Sid was one of the owners of The Alley and the only one who was active in the community, he trusted Minnie with the management of the place more than anyone else. 
“That prick.” She bitterly spat “Don’t even mention him, he’s acting like a jerk lately, he’s too old and too tired of running the place, he’s leaving everything to me. I’m trying to handle it with some other people but it’s too much. That’s why we’re closed, we’re opening just three days a week but that’s slowing down the process of collecting money.” 
“Oh, Minnie. That’s horrible.” You lamented “Why am I just finding out about this now? Why didn't you tell me anything?” 
“It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s not your fault.” She tried to wave off “You were busy and too sad to hear any of my problems, I didn’t want to bother with stupid stuff.”
“What are you talking about?” You said, shaking your head “It’s not stupid, are you nuts? I could never be too busy or sad to hear you. How come you’ve been carrying all of this without telling me?”
The feeling of guilt flooded your chest, filling with regret your whole body. You knew you were being a bad sister and a bad daughter, but you didn’t realize you were being a bad friend as well. If closing The Alley sounded horrible to you, you couldn’t imagine how bad must’ve felt for Minnie, who had dedicated most of her life to the place.”
“I mean it, baby, you don’t have to feel bad.” She assured you, squeezing your hand “My head’s been a mess lately, I was going to tell you eventually.”
“But it’s not okay, Minnie.” You insisted. “You could’ve told me how you were feeling, I mean, The Alley is your whole life, there has to be another way.”
“Yes, that’s what I keep telling myself, there has to be another way! And I’m trying to think of one, but when I think I’m close to finding a solution, my head starts to smoke.” She huffed. 
You felt your heart clenching, Minnie was always trying to see the good side of things, you’ve never seen her so let down about something, especially something she cared about deeply. You both went silent, processing all the information for a minute. You wished you could do something, not only for your friend, but for the place where you had grown up, you couldn’t phantom the idea of The Alley disappearing, it was home of so many outcasts, it was your home for most of your teenage years, you felt like part of you was still on those walls. 
“Have you thought about talking with a lawyer?” You asked, like some lightbulb lighted up above your head. “You know, I can talk with my brother if you’d like, he could help you save time.”
Minnie’s expression suddenly changed, she raised her eyebrows and slightly opened her mouth in surprise, but it wasn’t because of your offering, it was for something else, you just didn’t know what.
“Oh, no, honey. Don’t worry, it’s not necessary.” She rushed to say. 
“How come it is not necessary?” You questioned. “Minnie, a lawyer is essential for this kind of stuff. I’m sure that Simon could give you some advice, if the situation is not good he could arrange a meeting with the council or something like that.”
You could see her doubting, the hesitating look on her face, looking at her hands as she tried to say something but couldn’t.
“You know that money is not a problem, I could talk to him about it.” You insisted, assuming that money was the reason for her doubt, she already said that they were struggling with the repair, you assumed that hiring a lawyer was too expensive to even consider. 
Minnie pursed her lips, “It’s not about the money, actually.” She said, looking away from you. “And thank you, baby, it’s just that… uhm, we already consulted a lawyer.” 
You sat straight in your chair “Oh, really?” You uttered, surprised. “What did they say?”
Your friend stood up from her seat, wandering around the kitchen while looking for something in the cabinets “He’s going through the documents for now, handling the legal stuff.” She trailed off, and you felt she was leaving something out. No, you didn’t understand a thing about law, but you could use a bit more information about the situation.  
“How did you meet him?” You asked, curious. “Do you know if he’s any good? You know, I don’t trust lawyers.”
Your comment meant to be a joke, but the girl in front of you didn’t seem to catch it. Her tone suddenly changed  “The only reason we have a lawyer is because it is a voluntary thing, so we don’t have to pay him. Otherwise, we would be lost, we couldn’t possibly afford a lawyer.” She went on, avoiding your question. 
“A voluntary thing? You mean he is doing it for free?” You frowned, dismissing the fact that she didn’t answer what you asked, or even laughed at your attempt at a joke. “Why?”
“He’s from… here and really likes the place, I guess.” 
“He’s from here and really likes the place?” You repeated, confused, you didn’t know many lawyers, but you were sure that was not reason enough to work for free. Minnie just hummed, not caring much to explain. “Do I know him?” The question resonated in the room, followed by a dead silence. As your friend pretended to be busy, taking the glasses out of the dishwasher and putting them back in their place, your words hung in the air, unanswered. “Minnie?”
“Yes?” You heard her voice. 
“Who is he?” You asked again, but your gut told you that you already had an answer for that.
She turned back, looking at you with a warning look. “If I tell you, are you going to be mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad at you?” You questioned, already feeling upset. You knew way too many reasons to be mad at that question.
“I’m not telling you, then.” She said, taking your answer as a yes.
“If you don’t tell me who you hired as a lawyer, I will start screaming.” You threatened like a little kid, pointing at her with the spoon as if it were a gun. 
“Okay, no need to scream.” She tried to persuade you.
“I’ll tell you, but you must know that it wasn’t my decision alone.” Minnie took a step back from you, with her hands in the air. “And that I would have never said yes if we had to pay him, we barely have any money! How could I say no? Besides, he helps on the weekends with the repairs, he’s great with plumbing and everyone likes him, the guys adore him, the girls love him, everyone had already agreed before I could say a word, you understand-?
“Minnie!” You stopped her, waving your hands in the air “You are rambling, what are you saying?”
The redhead in front of you took a deep breath, composing herself. “You’re right, I’m sorry.” She breathed out “It’s just that Yoongi offered to advise us for free, and then he went on to…-”
The name ringed in your ears the same way it did when you mother mentioned the dinner the other night, the same way it did when you brother couldn’t stop mentioning his name the night you stayed at his house, the same way his voice interrupted the silence when he came looking for you in your mother’s backyard, only this time it came from your best friend’s mouth.
“Yoongi!?” You suddenly yelled, making her flinch. “What do you mean by Yoongi!?”
Minnie took another step back, afraid that you would use the spoon in your hand to take her eyes out. 
“God, don’t be mad at me.” She pleaded, with her hands clasped together and her fingers intertwined as if she was begging for forgiveness.
You crossed your arms over your chest, shaking your head in disbelief. One thing was not to tell you of the fact that the town wanted to close The Alley because she was stressed and too tired to talk about it, and a completely different thing was not telling you that Yoongi, the only man who ever broke your heart, was involved, trying to ignore the fact that it was the place where you grew up. You couldn’t believe your friend didn’t tell you that Yoongi was trying to help to save the place that was directly connected to you and him. 
“Is that why you didn’t tell me?” 
“No, that was not the reason.” She tried to deny, but the second you raised an eyebrow, she backtracked “I mean, not at first, but I was telling the truth!”
“Half the truth!” You accused her. 
“Okay, fine!” She threw her hands in the air, resigned. “Half the truth, I admit it.”
“But why?” You insisted.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart” She cried “ I don’t know… I was afraid you wouldn’t like the idea of him being involved in it.”
“I mean, it doesn’t sound thrilling, but I would want to know that it was happening, I don’t care if Yoongi was helping you with it.”
“I know, I know…” She trailed off, but there was still something she was keeping from you. Her gaze was fixed on her hands, she didn’t dare to look you in the eye. “It’s just…”
“What?” You kept asking “C’mon, Minnie… You don’t seriously think I’m still hurt by it, do you?”
The words came out of your mouth afraid to sound unsure, and the look she gave you finished to confirm it.
“Well, no-”
“Are you kidding? It’s been years, how could you think I’m still resentful?”
She raised an eyebrow the same way you did a second ago to accuse her, wondering if you were joking or not. “Don’t play dumb with me, you hate his guts.”
“I don’t hate his guts.” You scoffed, doing a very bad job at lying. In front of you there was the same woman who saw you crying for Yoongi all those years ago, the only person who you could talk shit about him with, you couldn’t pretend you were suddenly the most forgiving person when she was the only one who knew how much he hurt you. 
Minnie laughed, making it clear that she didn’t believe you one word. “Yeah, sure.”
“Okay, maybe I still hate his guts.” You conceded “But that doesn’t mean I can’t tolerate him.”
You could feel Minnie’s eyes scanning every feature of your face, you could feel the weight of her doubt in the air. How could you convince her that you weren’t annoyed by Yoongi helping her when you didn’t even know the answer yourself? “Is that right?” She said, taking a step closer to you. You just nodded, but you didn’t know if that was even true. “So you wouldn’t mind, let’s say, being in the same room as him?”
“Of course not.” You replied right away, trying to appear confident. “Wasn’t I in the same room as him just a few days ago?”
“Yes, you were, you’re right.” She acknowledged “In that case, let’s say I believe you.”
“Yes, because I’m telling the truth.” You said in the same condescending tone she was using.
“And let’s say that I believe that you are more than capable of putting aside everything that happened between you and Yoongi just for the sake of The Alley.”
“That’s right.” You nodded, with your arms crossed over your chest. 
“And if I were to ask you to help me with The Alley because you’re famous and you would help us raise a bunch of money, would you say yes even if Yoongi is there, helping too?”
You scoffed, a nervous laugh escaped you, thinking she was joking. But as you scanned her face for even the slightest hint of jest, a cold realization settled in your gut—she was completely serious.
“You have to call my agent for that kind of stuff, you know that?” You tried to joke, but she was not backing down. 
“I’m not joking!” She pleaded “I was planning to ask you for a long time, but I didn’t know that you would want to do it since Yoongi is always around, but if you’re telling me you don’t care about him…”
You close your eyes shut. “It’s not only Yoongi- I mean, it’s not about him at all” You corrected yourself “I would love to help The Alley in all the ways I can, but I’m not sure if I want to play the superstar role right now.”
She nodded, immediately understanding “It’s fine, I get it, but I’m not asking you to play the superstar role, I’m asking you to be the girl I knew all my life, the one who’s passionate about theater and loves The Alley as much as me.”
A genuine smile spread across your face, feeling a warm feeling blossoming in your chest. “And the girl who’s also famous and would help you raise a bunch of money?”
She scoffed, “Well, you happen to be all of that too, isn’t that great?” You rolled your eyes, trying to hide a smile. “Look, I’m not saying that you should say yes right now, but you should at least go with me this friday and I can show you some of my ideas, what do you say?”
Friday was just four days away, that was not enough time for you to decide anything, but because you loved Minnie, and you loved The Alley, and honestly, because you didn’t have anything better to do, you agreed to think about it, only for now. “Fine, Friday it is.”
Four years ago.
New Year’s eve. 
The last night of the year always felt as if something was about to change, even if it never did. You clung to that feeling of hope, as if time were real, as if the sun and the stars ruled your life and you weren’t the only one capable of controlling it, at least that way you weren’t able to blame yourself for feeling like something was missing when you came home at six in the morning, drunk and hopeless. 
Change, future, and love were becoming curse words in your vocabulary, and if you saw a shooting star tonight, you would wish to forget any meaning you had ever learned about them. But if you stood in the street tonight, shaking in the cold winter air as you looked up at the dark sky, waiting for someone to give you all the answers, you feared your life would be wasted. Your life wasn’t ruled by the stars, it was ruled by you, it was about time for you to realize.
Tonight you didn’t need the universe to tell you what to do, what you needed was a drink or two to gather the courage to confront Yoongi, but the second you entered the silver room with the silver lights, you heard some sappy song from the 2000’s and for a second you almost forgot about his hands holding yours, or perhaps you were just desperately trying to. 
“C’mon,” He called you, grabbing your hand to walk you to the dance floor “you must dance! Or they’ll kick you out.” 
You laughed and rolled your eyes, but followed him as he made his way through the sea of people to reach the center of the dance floor. The room was packed, it smelled like cigarettes, weed and perfume mixed together, there was a huge contrast between the cold weather outside and the heavy and humid air from inside. Minnie was lost somewhere else, she was part of the committee that organized the party and wanted to check that everything was exactly as she planned it, so you and Yoongi were now alone, again. 
Time spent with Minnie had a way of dissolving the anxieties that once clung to you when you first visited The Alley after coming home, you were no longer afraid of being recognized, in fact, when you came here the other day to watch When Harry Met Sally and some old friends recognized you, you didn’t try to run away, you took a second to hug them and catch up, you were also surprised to find out that none of them hated you like your imagination made you believe they did. Turns out, people grow up and grow apart and there was nothing bad with that. It was always a desire of yours to run away from this town, but only if you could make sure that you could return to The Alley anytime you wanted, it was a relief to know that now you could. 
You had missed it, the parties, the music, the ten disco balls on the ceiling and those moments where the room was so dark no one could see how badly you were dancing, except those few lights that were were still shining in your eyes the same way your dress did every time Yoongi twirled you around. He didn’t miss any of that, he was paying attention, he observed your eyes, your nose, your lips, the way the straps of your dress rested gently on your collarbones, your body and your waist, his hands on your hips, how he couldn’t keep them away from you and how you wished you could just ignore it.
Yoongi was not shy, he was never shy when you were alone and tonight, even if you were in a room full with people, it felt like you were. He was dancing like you were the only one watching him, he laughed, he winked at you and drew you closer to him to whisper things in your ear in the middle of songs. You danced in the only way you knew: shamelessly, and when Yoongi said he needed some air you promised him to go outside with him for a moment, you were sweaty, your hair was sticking to the back of your neck and you knew you needed to check your lipstick in a mirror, but only after finishing dancing to Rock ‘N’ Roll Star by Oasis. 
If there was a way in the universe that could stop the turmoil of your mind, that would be dancing, and it was working like a charm.
When the song was about to end, you began making your way out of the dance floor, but you immediately changed your mind when you heard the first chords of Sex on Fire blasting from the speakers. You stopped in your tracks, yanking Yoongi’s hand and making his body crash into yours. 
“Stop!” You yelled “We can’t not dance to this song.”
“Pinky…” He whined, trying to complain, but you were already beginning to walk backwards, intertwining your fingers with his.
“You have to dance with me!” You insisted “You know this one!”
His lips curled into a mischievous smirk, the kind that could only promise trouble. 
How lucky you were that Minnie wasn’t around. If she had seen the way you were looking at Yoongi at that moment, she would have slapped you in the face to snap you out of it. You were aware that you had an initial plan and that you weren’t anywhere near to pulling it off, you were aware that you were running off of excuses and that time wasn’t going to be on your side for much longer, but was it too much to ask for a few more moments like this? Those glimpses of something else, those evanescent instants where you didn’t have to wonder why you were dancing to this song with someone who was supposed to be your friend, with his lips threatening to brush with yours, his fingertips on your back, and his gaze fixed on you. You could hear your heart begging you to kiss him and your mind pleading you not to, but the only thing you understood was the way Yoongi sang each word to your face, so close you could explode. 
You giggled and jumped to the rhythm of the song and sang back, forgetting all the words you practiced with Minnie, and all the things Minnie said and all the things you promised to do tonight. If you were to put an end to this now, you could at least have this moment. 
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“What is that?” Yoongi asked, observing you approaching him with a drink in your hands. 
Going back to your own words, you hadn’t had much to drink tonight, you were too busy dancing or maybe it was the unbearable knot in your stomach that didn’t allow you to even think of alcohol before ending up throwing up. Ultimately, you decided to stay sober, this was only your second drink of the night and it was offered by Minnie, who you just encountered at the bar a few minutes ago. She yelled at the bartender, ordering a drink for both you and Yoongi. With a wink, she added two straws to the cup and playfully nudged you back towards the dance floor.
“It’s sex on the beach.” You mumbled without making eye contact with him. At least no one could say Minnie wasn’t funny. “A present from Minnie.” 
“Two straws?” Yoongi said, leaning forward to sip the drink through one of the straws. “Isn’t she a matchmaker?” 
Well, he had no idea. 
“Buddy, if you want another drink you should buy it yourself.” You scoffed, drinking from the other straw. “You are the one who’s been drinking water the whole night.”
“I have plenty of things that I need to do tonight, I have to be sober.” 
“Plenty of things?” You questioned “Like what?”
You joined Yoongi as he leaned against the wall, holding the cup between the two of you. 
“Like driving you home.” He replied “What would Lila say about me if I show up drunk.”
“You never get drunk. You have the highest tolerance.” You laughed. “And even if you did, my mom would say that I was the one who got you drunk.”
“And maybe it would be true,” he snarked, leaning in with a playful grin, his lips brushing close to your ear. “I would tell her that you forced me to dance so much that the only way I could keep up was by drinking all the beer from the bar.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” you huffed, digging your elbow into his ribs to push him away. “But I bet she would believe anything you say.”
Yoongi smiled, cocky “I bet she would, yeah.” You rolled your eyes, taking another long sip of the drink before feeling your throat slightly burning. “What’s up with the slow music?”
You looked around, seeing a few couples slowly dancing in the middle of the room. The lights were red and Fade Into You by Mazzy Star was playing softly, the dance floor was less packed, you thought it could only mean it was about to be midnight. 
You grabbed Yoongi’s wrist to draw it closer to your face so you could check the hour on his watch. “It’s about to be midnight.” You announced. “They start playing love songs before midnight.”
“Why love songs?” He questioned.
 “So you can find the person you want to give your first kiss of the year.”
“Isn’t that a bit cheesy?” he teased, tilting his head with a smirk.
“Of course it is.” You said, chucking  “That’s the point.”
Yoongi nodded and set his cup down on a nearby table, extending his hand toward you. “Fine, let’s dance then.”
You observed his hand extended to you, a bit hesitant. “You slow dance, too?” 
“Tonight I do.” He revealed. You had no other option but to take his hand.
You’ve never been to a New Year’s party at The Alley, but since Minnie was heavily involved in the preparations you knew a thing or two about how it went down. When the lights turned yellow and Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer suddenly began playing, you knew you were just a few minutes away from the New Year. 
You had never been much of a slow dancer, so you were not sure what to do, but Yoongi seemed to have no problem with it, he led the way without making you look pathetic. You knew he had more experience with romantic scenarios than you, and even if you’d had your share of romantic relationships, it all went down to boring boyfriends, bad boyfriends, and boys who didn’t want to be your boyfriend at all. As he laid his hands on your waist and his soft gaze upon you, you couldn’t help but wonder if this was a romantic moment at all—nothing had ever been as close as this.
“So… did you have fun?” You asked him, grabbing his shoulder in an attempt to keep yourself steady.
“I am having fun.” He emphasized, “Why are you asking as if the night is already ending?” 
“I don’t know.” You said, a playful glint in your eyes. “I guess because... I always get the feeling that you’re about to slip away.”
He raised an eyebrow, moving slowly to the rhythm, pulling you with him. “Slip away?” he wondered.
“Oh, you know, you’re the kind of guy who slips away.” You smiled softly, enjoying the look of confusion on his face.
“I don’t know what that means.” He laughed.
“I mean… the guy who people always expect but always leaves early.” You tried to explain, but that didn’t do much for Yoongi’s understanding.
“Do you think I always leave early?” He inquired, making you laugh. 
“You leave early sometimes.” You confirmed “Most times.” 
“Well, I don’t quite enjoy parties.” He confessed, but you already knew that. When you were younger, you always followed Simon to parties. He tried so hard not to get annoyed at his little sister; annoying him was supposed to be your job. And as fun as it sounded, you were never really there for Simon, but to catch a glimpse of his best friend. Of course you soon learned that hanging out with Yoongi at your house was much more entertaining than observing him flirting with the prettiest girl of the party just to watch him leave with her an hour later. If you ever found Yoongi at a party, it was most likely because Simon dragged him to it, you guessed you weren’t so different from your brother. 
“What about this one?” You teased him “Are you leaving this party early?” 
 “Mmm, no.” He shook his head “I won’t be disappearing tonight.”
“Is that so?” You asked, and he nodded, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his touch lingering for a moment. “What’s different tonight?” 
For an instant, Yoongi's gaze drifted around the room, as though searching for a reason to stay, before finally settling back on you.
“You, maybe.” He asserted calmly, his voice steady.
You laughed nervously, feeling your chest tighten. “What about me?” 
“Nothing, you look really pretty.” He simply said. “I wouldn’t leave a party if you’re looking this pretty.” 
Your breath got caught in your throat “Yoongi…” you whispered, but he could hear your voice just right. 
“Hmm?” He hummed.
“Stop that…” Your voice came out weak as you placed a hand on his chest, attempting to create some distance between your body and his. Yet, with his hand resting on your lower back, he gently drew you closer once again.
“Stop what?” he dared to ask,
That—this, whatever you had going on, whatever was happening between you and him—had gotten to a point of no return. All the cards seemed to be on the table, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to give a name to it. Yes, you could see it, you could feel it, but you were still afraid.
“Nothing, never mind,” you mumbled, avoiding his gaze.
“C’mon, tell me,” he coaxed, cupping your cheek with one hand. A teasing smirk danced on his lips, making you want to punch him, but the hand you meant to push him away with gradually glided down his chest instead.
“That thing you’ve been doing.” You murmured, tilting your head to lean into his touch.
“What?” He scoffed, “What thing I’ve been doing?” 
“Exactly that.” You pointed out. “Stop playing dumb with me.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said with a mocking tone on his voice. 
You slightly punch his chest with your fist “That, too.” You pouted, feeling his thumb grazing over your jaw. “You’re trying to drive me crazy, stop that.” 
“Am I doing that?” He smirked, the amusement in his eyes clear as he watched for your reaction.  “How exactly?” 
“Don’t piss me off…” You threatened, as if your threats had any value when you were wrapped in his arms, when your voice sounded so weak.
“You’re incredible, really.” He said “Aren’t you the one who’s trying to drive me crazy?”
You blinked, clearly not grasping the situation.
“What are you talking about?” You demanded to know. 
Yoongi bit his lip, holding back a smile “Pinky…” He said like it was obvious, but everything was a blur, a cloud of smoke surrounding the both of you. 
“Yoongi…” You spoke in the same tone as him. 
“What? Am I insane or am I just imagining you pulling me in just to push me away later?” His words didn’t sound harsh, but there was a hint of resignation in his voice. You couldn’t help but frown deeply, bewildered. 
“Are you serious? I’m not doing that.” You said, feeling your cheeks burn in embarrassment. The truth was that you weren’t even sure if you were doing that or not, but you were not willing to admit it. “You’re the one playing games with me.” 
He chuckled, shaking his head in denial “I’m not playing any games with you.” 
“Really?” You snickered, bitterly, but he was quick to deny it. “Not one?” 
“No, not one.” He assured you, confidently.
“Yeah, sure.”
“What games am I playing, you say?” 
“You know what I’m talking about.” You tried to dismiss it, too embarrassed to say it out loud. 
“You are not being very communicative with me, Pinky.” 
You scrunched your nose, it was only a matter of time for him to start annoying you “You…-” 
You rolled your eyes. “You know what you did.” 
“I actually, no, I don’t know what I did.” He jested. 
“Yoongi, you tried to kiss me!” You blurted out, your words tumbling over each other. “Before Christmas, you tried to kiss me and a second later you acted like nothing happened.”
“No-” He tried to defend himself, but you were quick to interrupt him. 
“Yes! You acted like I imagined everything.” You kept accusing, “You keep leaving me stranded, wondering if I just went mad!” 
You felt your heart racing with each word you spoke, but Yoongi was unphased, completely calm, you could even see a glimpse of amusement sparkling in his eyes.
“Pinky, I did want to kiss you.” He admitted with a tranquil smile, as if sharing a simple truth “You weren’t imagining it, I wanted to kiss you so many times, I still do.”
It was like someone was playing a bad joke on you; the proximity of his face, the weight of his words, his gentle touch all over your body, it only made your breath hitch, your heart skip a beat, you felt like you were floating in the air in a different dimension, because this could not be real. It was like a force of habit, you couldn’t believe something good was happening to you even if it was right in front of your face.
“Then, why didn’t you do it?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, surprised that you had mustered the courage to wonder that out loud. “Why didn’t you come looking for me after?”
“I always come back to you, are you kidding?” he replied, chuckling softly, though his gaze held an unexpected seriousness. “But you looked horrified, that day in your grandmother’s house you stormed out, you ran away, what was I supposed to do?”
You couldn’t recall that day without feeling a chill running down your whole body. The sole memory of your bodies pressing against each other, his deep voice, his dark eyes and the embarrassing moment when you had to open the door to find your mother standing there was enough to keep you awake at night. The only option you had was to run away, you thought it was only logical, but now you felt your whole face burning red as Yoongi accused you of running away from him.
“Well, because you…! “ you dug your finger into his chest, exasperatedly trying to find the right words to put on a good fight. “You confuse me!”
“Do I?” He mocked you. “Am I confusing you?”
“Yes, you do!” you argued, ignoring his implications “You say and do all these things, you grab my hand, ask me to run away with you, you try to kiss me and then-“ 
“And then what?” He snapped, making you swallow your words “And then I give in, don’t I?”
“No!” You protested, squinting your eyes. “You disappear, you come back, you leave, you leave me hanging, you confuse me. How can I know what it is when I don’t know what you want, when it seems that you don’t even know what you want?”
“I’m not trying to confuse you, I know exactly what I want.” He laughed without humor. 
“And what’s that?” You demanded, frustration boiling over.
“Pinky, I know that there have been people around you that tried to make you believe that you weren’t good enough, but that it’s simply not me.” He said “I want you, is that so difficult to believe?”  
You opened your mouth to respond, but your thoughts were a mess. “That’s not- Thats…!” Your words tangled, and now you were barely making any sense.
“That’s the truth, I grab your hand, try to kiss you and when you push me away I come back home just to dream of you all night, convincing myself that I’m not completely insane.” He paused, his gaze locked onto yours, as if begging you to understand.
You squeezed your eyes shut, shaking your head as if that would somehow clear the storm of emotions swirling inside you. His confession was overwhelming, every word sinking into your chest. You felt your head spinning, you couldn’t process all those words, not when your heart was threatening to escape from your chest and his hands were still on your face, demanding you to look at him. 
“Because that’s what I’ve been doing since last summer, asking myself if I lost my head” He continued “And, Pinky, that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is that I have to be okay with it. Because I would rather watch you all night wearing that dress, wishing that I could take it off, than having nothing at all.” 
A lump formed in your throat, your breath hitching as you tried to form a response, but no words came. You simply gulped, utterly speechless, trapped between disbelief and the wild beating of your heart.
“Yoongi…” you whined, barely managing to get his name past your lips. The words you needed were nowhere to be found.
And then, in the least convenient moment, the countdown started, the room filling with the sound of people shouting numbers.
He leaned in, his breath warm against your lips, his voice barely above a whisper. “What? What should I do, hm?” His lips grazed over yours, so soft that it felt like a question in itself.
“I can’t handle this,” you murmured, biting your bottom lip in an attempt to steady yourself. “This is too much. I can’t.”
He paused, his eyes searching yours, and then, as if trying to make sense of the situation, he asked softly, “Should I turn around and leave?”
You shook your head, quickly, repeatedly, without a second thought.
“Tell me, then.” He pressed, his voice almost a plea.
Still caught in the hazy blur of the moment, you could hear the countdown approaching its end, yet he still hadn’t pulled away. It felt as if you were under a spell, frozen in place, unable to move. You were breathing heavily, overwhelmed by the lights and the music and the people chanting, overwhelmed by his words, his body and his gaze fixed on your lips. The fleeting feeling that you were dreaming hit you for a second, but when everyone around you started counting four, that thought quickly vanishedYou heard three, and the realization that he was waiting for your response hit you like a bolt of lightning. You heard two and you got the feeling that if you didn’t do anything about it now, you wouldn’t do anything about it ever, you heard one and, against every rational thought, you pressed your lips against his, kissing him. 
It was not a soft kiss, it was rushed, rough and messy. You closed your fists around his shirt, pulling him closer as he opened his mouth to search for your tongue in desperation, the way his fingers gripped your hips burned right through your clothes, driving you to the edge. You could hear people yelling and laughing, you could hear the fireworks outside, the song that started right after the countdown, but you were completely absorbed by him, by his lips, by the way he held you, no one had ever kissed you with such determination, with such dedication. 
You had spent years dreaming about kissing Yoongi, but you never thought it would be like this—like your lips fitted just right with each other, as if in this universe he was made only for you. The moment was electric, igniting a fire deep within you, and all the doubts and fears that had held you back melted away, leaving only the warmth of his presence and the sweetness of his breath against your skin.
His feet carried him to the nearest wall, dragging you along until he pinned you against it, never breaking the kiss. For a fleeting moment, he pulled back to catch his breath, his gaze lingering on your lips before he devoured them once more. His hands traveled down your back, tempted to listen to his thoughts, to touch your body in the way he really wanted. 
You laid your hand on his chest, gently pulling away “Is this what you wanted?” You whispered, excitement filling your voice.
His lips curled into a teasing smile. “Not even close,” he murmured, his voice low with amusement. 
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There were only so many ways you could imagine the night ending, that was what you thought before leaving your house earlier tonight. If you were lucky enough, you would’ve come back home in one piece, sober and with your heart intact, that would’ve meant that you didn’t dare to take any risks, you would've let the night finish its course without rushing it, finally accepting that you were a coward. If you were unlucky, you would’ve come home crying, drunk and with your heart shattered; that would’ve meant that you did take risks, but the universe simply wasn’t ready to take your side yet. You could’ve laid in bed and fantasized all you wanted, but none of those scenarios would’ve ever looked like this one. 
As Yoongi opened the door of the entrance of his building, you caught a glimpse of the hour in the watch on his wrist. It took him half an hour and more than a few kisses to ask you to leave the party with him, two minutes to pick your jackets from the cloakroom, and only five minutes to drive to his apartment, and yet it felt like the longest car ride of your life. You thought that after twenty one years of life of never getting what you wanted, the universe should at least grant you the wish to skip the car ride to Yoongi’s apartment, because you had never felt so much tension before. You sank in the passenger seat and tried to avoid his gaze as much as possible, the mere thought of being alone with Yoongi was starting to give you goosebumps; the seat belt and the fact that he had to keep both hands on the steering wheel were the only things that were keeping him away from you. 
The scenario was displayed right in front of you; he opened the door, letting you inside first and walking to the elevator with a cheeky smirk on his face. It wasn’t in your plans to leave less than an hour into the new year, and yet you were there, following the person you tried to forget so many times into his apartment, feeling like a handful of nerves.
You observed him opening the doors of the old elevator and then ran to get inside before him, crashing your back against the wall so it could keep you as far away from him as possible. You still didn’t understand what the fuck you were doing going into his apartment. 
Yoongi got in after you, staring at you like you went mad, and honestly, it kinda felt like you did. You wanted to punch him when he laughed at you as he closed the doors, curiously raising his eyebrows. “Are you running away from me?” He asked, pressing the fourth button on the wall. It only took him one step to be as close to you as he was. You breath hitched, not feeling as confident as you felt when you were surrounded by people. “Still?”
You felt the sudden shift as the elevator ascended to the fourth floor. Yoongi and his mom had always lived in the same old building. The hallway walls were a dull brown, and the elevator had heavy accordion-style metal doors that folded inward and had to be closed manually. When you pressed the button to go up or down, the whole thing shook as if it was about to break down—but it never did. The mirror inside was old and smudged, you caught his reflection in the corner of your eye but you tried to ignore it, his presence alone was making you shiver. 
You shook your head, unable to utter another word. 
“No?” He kept insisting. He was teasing you, he had been teasing you for the whole night and you weren’t sure if you could take it anymore. You were tired of playing nonchalant, you just wanted to kiss him again.
He took a step forward, grabbing your waist to pull you closer to him. His fingers found each other in the small of your back, pressing you against him and taking you by surprise when he caught your bottom lip between his teeth and kissed you deeply. He slowly opened your mouth to slide his tongue past your lips, making it difficult to breathe or to even think. 
You grasped his shoulders with your fingers in case he wanted to pull away but there was no need. You weren’t sure how many times you had tried to decipher whether you were caught in a dream or if this was reality, because there was no way Yoongi knew exactly how to kiss you to make every logical thought on your mind disappear, but when the elevator shook again you were pulled out of your trance, you were not dreaming, somehow this was real. 
“Who knew this was the only way to get you to shut up.” He murmured, brushing his lips against yours. 
“Fuck you.” You whispered, and you hated it because it doesn’t come out as an insult at all.
He chuckled, “Oh, there you are again.” 
He took your hand to drag you out of the elevator, leading the way to his apartment door at the end of the dark hallway. 
For Yoongi, your house was almost like his second home—but you could count only a couple of times you had been to his, like when your mom picked him up because Simon and he were going to a comic convention for the first time. You were ten, already with the worst attitude, mad that you had to go with your nerd brother and his nerd friend to some nerd convention. But when you arrived at Yoongi’s apartment, he took you to his room and—attempting to change your mood—showed you the keyboard his mom had gotten him for his birthday. You remembered that a few weeks prior, he had told you he was teaching himself how to play, and you asked him if he could learn "Last Night on Earth" by Green Day. That morning, before leaving, he played it for you under one condition: that you stop being mad.
When you walked through the door and saw the living room immersed in complete darkness, you couldn’t help but wonder if he still remembered how to play the song.
“Do you still have the keyboard?” You asked, unsure how to act around him alone. The air felt heaving, and nerves were still fluttering in your stomach. You had never been nervous to be alone with a man ever; it was usually the other way around, but not with him, never with him.
Yoongi smirked, not believing you were thinking about that. “Is that why you’re so quiet? You’re thinking about my old keyboard?”
“You’re pissing me off.” You warned him, digging your finger on his chest, but he’s quick to pull you close to him again, laughing at you. You, who were always so cocky and quick-witted with your insults, now you were standing there, struggling to find a retort. There was no way you were this nervous to be alone with a man you’ve known literally all your life. 
“It’s in my room.” He whispered, brushing his thumbs over your waist. 
You swallowed, feeling your heart drop to your stomach.
“I…” You tried to say, but he was still looking at you the same way he was observing you back in the car, it was probably the same way he had been looking at you during these past weeks, but you couldn’t help but feel it was different. “I didn’t mean that.” You managed to finish your sentence. 
He quietly chuckled, shaking his head “You want to see the keyboard. What else could you mean?”
You pressed your lips together, holding back the urge to curse him again. Ignoring your red cheeks, he took your hand before you could say anything back, making his way to his bedroom. 
Yoongi’s home hasn’t changed too much, except for the frames on the walls that now had pictures of a much older Yoongi, or when he graduated high school and pictures on family holidays. You took a second to look at them as you walked towards his room but you were distracted when you felt his fingers on your chin, gently turning your face towards him.
“I like that picture.” You pointed at your left, a picture your mom took when both him and Simon graduated. It was Yoongi and Nari, his mom. Yoongi had a fresh cut and some square black glasses that he changed as soon as he got into college. “I was really sad when you left.” You confessed suddenly.
You weren’t intending for your words to carry a touch of sorrow, but they still linger with a hint of sadness in the air. 
“Were you?” He murmured and you nodded.
You had always wondered what would have happened if you and Yoongi had grown up at the same time—what if it had been you instead of Simon? You wouldn't have had to see them leave together; you wouldn't have felt so disappointed when they came to visit every other weekend. Maybe you would’ve grown up less angry. You came to accept what you had, Yoongi was there for every important moment of you life; he taught you how to drive, helped you pass your math tests, he was the one who talked you out of your relationship with your asshole ex boyfriend, he was there for your graduation, to send you off to college, he was everywhere but you, on the other hand, were just a tiny piece of his life. 
He cupped your face, chasing away all those swirling thoughts as he kissed your lips softly. He walked backwards, guiding you into his room while deepening the kiss. As the door closed behind you, a quiet certainty settled in your heart: your past had led you to this moment.
You sighed, feeling the ghost of his lips when he pulled away to search for something.
The dim light of the lamp next to Yoongi’s bed didn’t do much to illuminate the room, but provided enough lighting to observe how much it changed since the last time you were there. It didn’t look like the room of a teenager anymore, most of the posters were no longer there and the action figures were replaced by books now, but his keyboard was still folded next to his closet. 
Yoongi grabbed it and carefully put it at the feet of his bed. He sat on the edge, inviting you to sit between his legs.
You narrowed your eyes at him, hesitating. “You…” 
“Shut up.” He rolled his eyes, tugging at your hand and guiding you to sit on his lap, your back against his chest as you faced the keyboard.
And, by the way, have you mentioned how nervous you were? You took a deep breath, dreaming, hoping, wishing he wouldn’t notice, but you were a fool if you thought Yoongi couldn’t read you like the palm of his hand. 
“Do you do this with all the girls?” You dared to ask, but the truth was that you didn’t want to know the answer. 
He kissed your exposed shoulder, resting his chin on it. “C’mon, you’re the one who asked to see the keyboard.” 
You turned your head to him, a bit offended. “Is that a yes?” 
“That was a no.” He retracted himself, he knew you well enough to know that he shouldn’t play with you unless he wanted to see you walk through the door. “What about the keyboard?” 
You decided to ignore the swift change of topic. “Do you still remember how to play?” You asked, touching the keys and jumping a bit when it sounded a bit too loud. 
“I’m a bit rusty, but sure I do.” 
“Do you remember when… I asked you to learn a song?” 
“Yes, I remember that,” He said, chuckling. “I also remember that the day I played it for you you were really pissed because your mom couldn’t find a nanny and had to hang out with me and Simon. You called me a nerd, very cruel.”
You squeezed your eyes shut. “God, I was such a terrible kid back then.” 
“Well, yes, maybe.” He admitted “But you were also a really cool kid. You made us listen to My Chemical Romance the whole ride. I remember that your mom hated it, but it was the only thing that could keep you happy.”
You bursted out a laugh, remembering how big of a fan you were of My Chemical Romance, you still were. Your mom thought you were too young to be listening to that, but Simon bought you their second record for your birthday and she knew you wouldn’t take no for an answer, she had no other option but to let you keep it.
“I don’t know how my mom put up with me,” you said, shaking your head with a grin. “It probably drove her crazy.”
“Mmm, you always had that effect on people,” he teased, a mischievous smile dancing on his lips. “In both good and bad ways.”
“Is that really the impression I leave on you?” You shot back, raising an eyebrow playfully. He hummed thoughtfully, admitting it without hesitation. “And in what way is it for you?”
“In both ways,” He replied, his tone light and teasing.
You bit your lips, trying to hold back a smile. “You’re so whipped, it’s ridiculous.” You said “I wanted you to play the keyboard but I rather hear you compliment how cool I am.” 
“Oh, shut up.” He huffed, gently slapping your thigh “What did you want me to play, again?” 
“The song I told you!”  You reminded him. 
“Oh, right!” He laughed, “I remember it, it was easy to learn.” He said and began to play the first chords “It reminds me of you, how could it not?” You smiled, watching his long fingers make the room full with music, you sang the song in your head, being hit by a sudden wave of nostalgia. “I want you to play it with me.”
You frowned “But I don’t know how.” 
“I know, dummy.” He replied, grinning as he halted the music and pulled his fingers away from the keys. “Like this, see?” He gently took your hands, aligning your fingers with his, his palms covering the tops of yours as he began to play.
You laughed, fully aware it sounded awful—nothing like when he played solo—but your heart had never felt so at ease. His laughter danced through your hair, his body shaking beneath you, and you lost track of when the sound might end, as if it were a never-ending loop. All you wished was for it to last forever. 
After two minutes, he intertwined his fingers with yours, bringing the song to a halt. “You’re good with the keys,” he joked. “Not as good as me, but you’ll get there.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing as you turned to wrap your arms around his neck. It felt a bit strange to be so close, but when his hands glided up and down your exposed thighs, and he looked into your star-filled eyes in the dim light, it suddenly felt just right.
His eyes were shining under the dim lights, biting his lips as he grasped your hips to keep you in place. 
“What?” You asked. 
“Nothing, it’s just…” He said, somehow pulling you closer “I missed you while I was gone, that’s all.”
How much? you wanted to ask him, and when, for how long? And why? You wanted to know everything, to dive into the turmoil of his mind, to see yourself through his eyes.
You wanted to make an effort to hide how easily you melted when it came to him, but then again, why hide it? If you had the chance to grab his face and kiss him, that was exactly what you should do, and that was exactly what you did. 
Your tights hugged his waist, and you tried not to flinch when his hands gripped your waist, slowly running his palms down the curve of your ass. He kissed you slowly, fingers tracing the line of your jaw as he deepened the kiss, slow and intoxicating. Each movement was controlled, filled with intent, as though he was savoring every second, every breath you shared. The warmth of his lips, the soft hum of desire between you, built gradually. His fingers teased their way under your dress, but they stopped there for a moment, as if he was playing with you. He pulled away, leaving a peck on your lips. “You aren’t so shy anymore.” He teased you, brushing his nose against yours. 
“You’re so annoying,” you squinted your eyes at him.
He smiled, leaning in to kiss your cheek. “And…” his lips moved to your jaw, “…you are…” then to the curve of your neck, “…so pretty.” Taking advantage of how lost you were in the moment, he gently flipped you over, positioning himself between your legs, now hovering above you. 
Yoongi sighed, feeling completely defeated. He, more than anyone, knew how beautiful you were: you were beautiful in the mornings, with messy hair and sleepy eyes; when you wore mismatched socks and a hoodie; in your pajamas; when you stumbled over your words,when you were shy and flustered, when you were angry and looked you were about to kill someone. Even if you hid in crowded rooms and always sat in the back of the class you couldn’t hide it, you had grown up beautiful, but specifically tonight you seemed to have stars in your eyes. All your makeup was smudged, half of the product of your lipstick was on Yoongi’s face and the dark shadow in your eyes was a mess, but he had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life.
“You have the prettiest eyes, you know that?” 
You felt your cheeks flush, heat creeping up your neck. “Are you trying to make me nervous?” You asked. 
He kissed your lips before answering “Why, is it working?” 
You shook your head in denial, lying shamelessly. You ran your hands from his abdomen to his chest, not knowing what to do next. Your mind and heart were racing, if you thought twice about it you didn’t even know what you were doing there, laying under him as he caressed your thighs, as he kissed your neck, as he pressed his body firmly against yours. 
“Can you tell me something?” You whispered.
He gently brushed a few strands of hair away from your face. “What is this?”
“What was that thing you said about last summer?” You asked “What did you mean?” 
Those words were still ringing in your mind since you heard them; that's what I’ve been doing since last summer. You wanted to know what he was talking about, but instead, he squeezed his eyes shut, groaning. “C’mon, tell me…” you chuckled.
“I was not supposed to say that out loud.” 
“Why?” You insisted “Are you embarrassed?”
“I’m not embarrassed.” He firmly said “But there’s some things I should keep to myself.” 
You rolled your eyes “Yoongi, tell me now…”
“Fine, okay, I’ll tell you.” He said, surrendering to your tactics, which consisted only of a warning glance. “Last summer we spent some time together, some time with Simon, some time alone, but always together. I began to see you differently, you were different, but I couldn’t help but feel guilty about it.”
“Why were you feeling guilty?” You cautiously asked. 
He stopped for a moment, trying to find the right words. “Mmm… I felt I wasn’t supposed to look at you differently.”
You tilted your head, curious. “Exactly how different?”
“Well, different,” he repeated, a hint of playfulness in his tone. “I don’t think you’re going to like it.”
“What was it?” You frowned “Was it my eyebrows? I laminated my eyebrows for the first time last summer. Everyone said I looked prettier.”
Yoongi shook his head, amusement dancing in his eyes. How could you think it was your eyebrows?
“It wasn’t your eyebrows, but they suit you nicely.” He complimented, making you smile. 
“Well, thanks.” You happily said “But then, what was it? I don’t remember being particularly diff-”
“It was your bikini, Pinky,” he interrupted, his confession coming out suddenly. Heat rushed to your cheeks as you tried to process his words. You blinked a few times, searching his face for any hint of teasing, but he looked serious—almost too serious. “There was this weekend where you were wearing a bikini with strawberries on it and… I gave you more than a few looks and felt like I was beginning to go crazy…” His expression remained sincere, almost thoughtful.. “I thought it would go away, you are a pretty girl, I supposed it was only logical to feel attracted. But then, I started to dream about you and that made everything worse, but that’s too much information.”
“No, I want to know.” You kept insisting, teasing him “Tell me what you were dreaming about.”
“You don’t want to know.” He brushed it off. 
You reached for the buttons of his shirt, with a gentle touch, you unfastened the first button. “But I do want to know.”
Yoongi leaned in, kissing your lips softly as if that could make you forget the topic of conversation, but of course it didn’t, you were still looking at him, eager to know. 
“Dreams, Pinky, of you…  in that bikini… without a bikini, in my bed.” He said in a soft breath as he swept his palm on his face. He didn’t look embarrassed but you could tell he would rather not share that information. A single flashback of one of those dreams was enough to drive him to the edge. He thought that after leaving they would stop, but you keep appearing in the back of his mind like some kind demon, sent to earth just to torture him.  You weren’t embarrassed either, you wished he could tell you more. “And the worst part is—that wasn’t all. I wish it were that simple. I wish I could just say that I’m only a man, and trust that at some point my dreams would stop. But even outside my dreams, you were still there, and you were funny and smart and you seemed to be the solution to all my problems. I don’t know, I keep wondering if I was nuts.” 
You could only gaze at him, with your eyes wide and soft, absorbing every word. You had spent the whole summer with Yoongi and yet, you haven’t noticed his change at all. Yoongi wasn’t like other boys, he was composed, he knew how to controll himself, but you found yourself wondering what would’ve happened if he didn’t. You bit your lip, smiling. “And what about now?” You asked. “Did you come to a conclusion after all?”
“Yeah, a few” He nodded “I think I wasn’t crazy for dreaming of you, but I will be if I don’t take this dress off you.” 
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taglist: @kingofbodyrolls, @overtherainbow35, @namin13, @p34rluv, @moonchild1, @yoongisoftface , @namgihours @idkjustlovingbts , @yoongisducky , @bangtansmauyeondan , @tarahardcore @wobblewobble822 @secfir @ot72025 @baechugff @heroinanne @mortal-body-timelesssoul @hiii-priestess @wii-wii @jungkookies1002 @busanbby-jjk @acquiescence804 @yoongibaybee @hsbongwater @ot7stansthings @curiouslioncutie
83 notes · View notes
damiansgoodgirll · 2 days
hi girly i love your writing honestly i get so excited when i see you posted!
Can you do a damian priest x reader where reader goes for a night out with rhea and gets to drunk and damian comes to “save” her and is all protective. like reader asks “why do you care?” and damian is like “because i love you”
damian priest x reader (romantic) / rhea ripley x reader (platonic)
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!!
‼️drunk reader, feels, a little angst and lot of fluff
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monday night
“should we go right after the interviews?” rhea asked as you were finishing retouching your make up.
“absolutely” you smiled back “i think i’ll be done in thirty minutes, what about you?”
she looked at the clock and thought for a moment “probably twenty minutes, i have to finish some interviews with damian and then i’ll change…”
before you could reply, damian entered rhea’s locker room, definitely not expecting you there “rhea are you done? oh - hi y/n” he awkwardly smiled, making you chuckle.
“hi…” you blushed under his gaze.
you’ve always had a crush on him but you knew he saw you just as a friend. you tried to give him hints but he never seemed to understand or maybe he did but wasn’t interested. you couldn’t tell but either way, you got tired of waiting for him so even if it hurt, you were okay with being just friends with him.
“yes i’m done” rhea replied to damian “thirty minutes y/n, okay?”
“perfect, see ya!” you quickly excused yourself and met jackie for a quick interview.
rhea smirked seeing how damian reacted being in your presence and she couldn’t help but wonder when he was going to confess to you.
“what you girls doing in thirty minutes?” he asked, curiosity getting the best of him.
“oh, nothing, y/n wanted to try this club she saw on her way here and i’m going with her? you wanna come?”
he was honestly shocked. you weren’t for clubs. you always hated them and he knew so he didn’t understand why all of sudden you wanted to try a a club in a city you didn’t even know.
“no thanks…i’m going straight to the hotel after we finish our interview” he thought for a moment “plus, who goes to a club on monday night? it’s gonna be so boring…”
rhea scoffed “people who wanna have fun and not be bothered by too many people”
the older man laughed “okay, fair, let’s get this done so you can get ready and have fun with her…”
somehow, he was jealous of the close bond between you and rhea. you were amazing friends and it was thanks to her if he got the opportunity to meet you. he tried to spend as much time he could with you but it wasn’t enough. rhea was with you almost of the time so there wasn’t much time for him to spend with you alone.
rhea saw the side eye damian gave her and she knew she had to act quick because you were both two idiots in love and she couldn’t stand the glances and flirts you gave each other without realising that you both had feelings.
once you finished your interview, you ran back to your changing room and put on some clothes you brought for the club. nothing too excessive but you felt comfortable in that short dress you got. it was one of your favourites and you always looked for an occasion to wear it. pairing it with matching heels, you were done, ready for rhea who was taking longer - as usual.
as you walked towards her changing room, your eyes met with damian. shyly smiling, you waved at him.
you were breathtaking, the most beautiful person he’s ever seen “the dress looks good on you” he complimented you. he was genuine, you could tell it from his smile “rhea’s almost done, sorry we took so long with the interviews”
“thank you…” your face was heating up, not used to being complimented so often and especially not by the man you had a crush on “and no problem with that, i get, interviews can be long sometimes” as you were both speaking you saw rhea making her way out of her room.
wearing a black top and a black pair of jeans, boots and a black purse, she was more than ready.
“ready girl?” she smirked at you, making you nod your head.
“have fun girls” damian smiled - or at least, he tried. he walked with you to the parking lot before getting into rental and driving away, back to the hotel.
of course rhea had to pick metal music for the ride but you didn’t mind it as your mind was thinking of the latin man. you wished you had a closer bond with him, like him and rhea, or maybe even more but in your mind he was way out of your league. you saw the women he was interested in and none of them looked like you. those were models, tall and beautiful, and you were just, well, you. you knew that damian would never think of you like that but sometimes you wondered how it would feel like being loved by him.
you saw it with rhea. how caring he was towards her. how he cared for her, always making sure she was okay - especially since the judgement day broke apart - how he always texted her if she was okay or if she needed anything. you thought about the woman he would fall in love with one day and how lucky she was would be.
“…earth to y/n…” rhea snapped her fingers in front of your face trying to wake you up from your thoughts “are you here?”
“oh sorry, i was thinking…are we arrived?” you asked and she nodded.
seeing the parking lot loaded with cars, maybe this club was full seven days a week, you thought. making your way into the place, you were both met with the flashing neon lights and the disco music echoing inside.
a lot of people dancing and some at the bar, but it was nice and cool, no drunk men dancing and trying to catch girls attention, bodyguards securing the area. it wasn’t bad at all.
“i need a drink first” you laughed as rhea followed you to the bar as you both ordered some cocktails. rhea decided to stay light with her drink, knowing that she would have to drive you back to the hotel while you tried a vodka and tequila mixed cocktail. it was strong but not enough for you. you never really liked alcohol but tonight you were testing yourself.
“is it good?” rhea asked seeing how quickly you drank that.
“yup” you giggled “i’m gonna get another one and then we can dance?” you weren’t really waiting for an answer from rhea but she wasn’t expecting to see you getting a second drink in less than ten minutes.
once your glass was full again, rhea dragged you to the dance floor. maybe it was the music mixed with the taste of alcohol burning in your mouth but everything was spinning and you loved that sensation.
you couldn’t even tell how much time passed but your legs were feeling heavy. you needed to sit for a bit. rhea agreed and she pointed out a small booth at the end of the club.
“my feet are killing me” you laughed, exhaling trying to let go of your pain.
“i told you multiple times to not wear heels when you’re dancing…but you never listen” smirking, she pointed out at your red feet.
“yeah i know…” as you were both joking, a barista came to your both and offered you two shots of tequila.
“it’s on the house” she gently said before leaving.
“oh i can’t drink that or i’m not gonna be able to drive back” rhea said but she didn’t mind. she wasn’t a fan of alcohol, in fact she always tried to avoid it. you took both glasses and shoved them down your throat. feeling the burning sensation, not helping your head who was still spinning from before “okay girl, take my glass too, i guess” rhea laughed.
two shots and two cocktails later, you were now sipping wine as rhea blurted out how happy she was with jey.
your head was spinning, laughing from time to time.
“girl, you still with me?” rhea asked waiting for a reply but all that came out from your lips was a drunk laugh “y/n?”
“i’m okay…” you whispered.
not sounding so sure, rhea rolled her eyes “stop drinking that wine”
“i rather drink than face my problems…” you said looking everywhere but rhea.
“what problems?” she laughed. of course she knew anyone had problems but you never mentioned anything with her so she was pretty surprised to hear those words coming from your mouth.
you took a deep breath “damian…he’s my problem…i think i love him” you were sure you loved him.
rhea then got a big idea “stay here, and don’t drink your wine, i’ll go to the bathroom real quick”and in fact, she went to the bathroom, sending a quick text message to damian, knowing that if you needed help, he would be on his feet in less than ten seconds.
hey dam! i hope you’re still awake. y/n is drunk and i don’t think i’ll be able to bring her back to the hotel. can you come here and help me please?
as damian saw that text, he took less than five minutes to wear a pair of shoes and texting rhea for the address. rhea always told him how you weren’t much of a drinker so he got worried, fearing someone tried to get their way with you.
“where did you go?” you asked rhea with a disapproval look “you left me alone so i started talking about my problems with the barista…she offered me another shot” you pointed out at the empty glass in front of you.
rhea breathed “i called back up…we’re going back to the hotel…” she next to you.
only fifteen minutes away rhea spotted damian inside the building. waving at him she showed him where you were both sitting.
“rhea, what is he doing here?” you drunkly asked.
“you two need to figure out what you feel for each other…he’s gonna take care of you” she whispered as she saw damian approaching the two of you.
before you could contest her words, damian saw how lost your look was and eyed rhea, asking for questions but she simply shook her head.
“i called back up” she laughed seeing damian “thanks for coming” she greeted him as he nodded his head “he’s gonna help you…i’m gonna get back to the hotel”
damian was shocked with rhea’s words “wait what…you’re leaving?”
“yeah…that’s why i called you…you two, figure it out” she said before leaving.
as you both watched her leaving the club, you were wondering what did you have to figure out with damian. he was there just to help a friend - rhea, because she called him - and that was. nothing more.
he softly smiled at you “let’s get you into the car” as he gently helped you on your feet and guided you back to his car.
he made sure tu buckle your seat belt and he start driving. it was clear to anyone that you were drunk and he tried to drive cautiously, not wanting to make you sick.
“why are you here?” you asked, your eyes looking outside the window.
“rhea texted me…she was worried about you. you usually don’t drink and seeing you soo…drunk made her worry and honestly i worried too…” he spoke, his eyes still on the road.
“worried? you? worried about me?” you chuckled “why? it’s not like you care about me…we don’t even know each other that well…” you didn’t want to be so rude but your drunk thoughts were coming out and you didn’t know how to stop them.
damian was hurt by your words, but he knew that you were drunk and you didn’t mean what you actually said “i care about you…more than what you think” he whispered low just enough for you to hear it.
you heard his words, you just didn’t know what to say. you pretended nothing happened and he kept driving towards the hotel. once you arrived at the building, damian walked you through the long halls and reached for the elevator. you didn’t even notice that he pushed the bottom for his floor and not yours. you realised it only when you reached his room and you met with the welcoming feeling of his perfume and cologne.
“damian this isn’t my room…” you whispered as he sat you down on his bed.
“i know…i’m not leaving you alone tonight. you’re too drunk and if you get sick at least i’ll be here to help you” he said while throwing his shoes somewhere in the room.
was he serious? no - maybe he was just pitying you. he was doing this because rhea asked him, not because he really wanted. that was all your mind kept telling you while in reality damian wanted to take care of you. wanted to have you in his arms, cuddle you and making you feel safe. hell, he was going to hold your hair up in case you needed to throw up. and he never done that for anyone.
he sensed your hesitation “i meant it…what i say before, in the car, i meant every single word i said…” he said sitting next to you.
“but why?” your mind told you to stop asking him stupid questions and and savour the moment but your heart needed to know all the truth on my he was so caring with you. because, maybe, there was going to be a chance for you.
he gently cupped your face in his warm big hands and he smiled “because i have feelings for you. i love you and i always will…i care so much about you. and the fact that we are not even so close kills me because i never know if you’re okay or if you need help, if you’re happy or sad…i wanna be part of your life and i wanna be a part with being more than friends” his soft fingers stroked your cheeks making you lean into his touch.
“that’s all i’ve been waiting to hear…” you whispered. your confession surprising him. sure, you were drunk but not that drunk to say stupid things “i always liked you but i never thought you would like someone like me…”
“someone like you it’s all i want…you, it’s all i want…” he smiled, looking up at your eyes, searching for any sign of discomfort but when he saw none, he leaned his lips over yours “i wanna kiss you”
“i might smell like alcohol but i wanna kiss you damian…please” you almost begged, making him laugh.
you felt his hot breath over your lips, gazing and teasing before he gently lowered his head down and finally kissed you. he was soft with you, his hands moving from your face to your hips, holding you closer as your hands lost in his long hair.
you both separated to catch breath and as you were staring in each other’s eyes you realised how stupid you were. two idiots in love - as rhea often said - that couldn’t understand that they both had feelings for the other.
“stay here tonight and let me take care of you…” damian whispered making you nod your head “i told rhea that monday nights at the club can be boring…i can’t believe you got that drunk” he smirked making you chuckle.
“it’s gonna be a long night, my head is about to explode” you joked, throwing yourself back into the bed.
it was a long night indeed. you complaining how bad your head hurt and being nauseous all the time but damian had you safe in his arms - and your hair safe in his hands as you threw up in the bathroom - you knew that you were going to be fine.
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Mockingjay - Part 2
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Hi guys :)
This is the second chapter for the the crossover between Woso and Hunger Games.
Please let me know what you think about it :)
And of course, enjoy!
TW : Hunger Games world, bullying.
Chapter Before
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“Come on Ona, you can do better than that.”
Ona groans when she hears Tony’s comment. They are in one of their first training, this one is actually focused on the physical things. Ona is fighting against Tony for now, even if, in fact, Tony only is avoiding her tentative hits. They are wearing a stupidly molding onesie, supposed to prevent them from having any injuries. It was added to the training since one of the tributes hurt himself during a training session and almost died before the beginning of the Games, some years ago.
She finally manages to hit Tony in the jaw, making him step back a few steps under the surprise.
“Ok that wasn’t that bad. Let’s just hope your opponent won’t try to hit you while fighting.”
“Fuck you” Ona mumbles, making him laugh.
She takes advantage of that moment to have a look around the room. Almost everyone is fighting or training. There only are the twins from the 1 who are looking at the room with a predator smile. When Ona crosses the eyes of the girl, she sends her a devilish one.
“They need psychological help” she mumbles.
Tony follows her look and arches an eyebrow, before turning again in Ona’s direction.
“Their state of mind will probably help them to fight in the arena. Keep focus, would you?”
Ona sighs and takes the sword Tony’s reaching for her. She takes it in her hand and it’s at this moment that Lucy Bronze’s figure comes just behind Tony. Ona has already seen her this morning and she’s even more breathless than she was in that pictured She isn’t the only one who figured it out, of course. The way her partner from her district is watching her can speak for him.
Ona lost herself in the contemplation of Lucy for some seconds, frowning when Tony came to stand just in front of her, hiding Lucy now.
“Focus, Ona.”
The latter bites her lip not to answer anything bad at him, she doesn’t want to have a fight with her partner. She sighs again when Tony puts himself in a fight position, mimicking him. She doesn’t see that at this time, Lucy is looking at her with a little smirk on her face.
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Ona is looking at herself in a mirror, slightly frowning. Her outfit is pretty amazing to be honest, nothing cringes like what the stylists dressed the tributes of her District those recent years. She kind of likes it, to be honest. It’s just… not her.
“You look good” a voice comes from behind her.
Ona doesn’t turn to face Alexia, taking advantage of the mirror to look at her like this. Alexia seems genuine in her compliment, making her smile softly. She wasn’t fond of the idea of the parade, but it’s clearly better than what they will have in two days, the TV show with the presenter.
“Thanks” Ona finally answers. “Leila did an amazing job.”
She’s happy that Alexia has the right to be here, the blonde’s presence being something comforting for the younger girl.
“She did, but you’re pretty, Ona. Leila has nothing to do with that.”
Ona frowns, looking at Alexia. She never finds herself pretty, even if she already received this compliment several times before. From her parents, brother, friends and her ex-girlfriend so she’s not sure that it counts. Ona’s frown seems to make Alexia giggles, and she takes a sit in a couch in the room.
“We have some time while they take care of the horses. How are you feeling?”
“I’m nervous” Ona sighs, sitting on another couch. “I know we don’t have to talk to anyone now, but still. How did you manage to go through that?”
Alexia shrugs, looking thoughtfully at Ona. She doesn’t share a lot of her experiences during her Games, the only thing Ona knows is that it's because she asked for it. Alexia chooses to make her mentoring based on their personality. Which is probably a good thing, to be honest.
“I just… I promised to my mother that I’ll come back, you know? We already lost my father, and I just couldn’t let her alone with my little sister.”
Ona nods softly, thinking about her parents. They will still have Joan if she doesn’t come back. They will still be three. But on the other hand, if it was Joan at her place, she would be destroyed. Just like she was when it was Jana here.
“I did what I had to. I made the choice not to make any alliance with anyone, which lets me out of the really big fights. I choose to focus on surviving, not fighting. It worked for me; I had some luck too.”
“Your fight against the girl from the 2 has nothing to do with luck” Ona points, unable to hide her admiration.
“She was more tired than I was. But when you face those kinds of things, you don’t think anymore. It’s just like… Your survival instinct is taking over.”
There is a moment of silence before someone knocks on the door. Ona lets Alexia answer for them and before she can breathe again, they are taking her for the parade. Tony is already here, waiting for her in their carriage. It has the same color as their outfit.
She doesn’t listen to Leila, Tony and Alexia talking, her eyes are suddenly busy looking at a delightful figure in some carriage before her. Lucy Bronze is here, and she’s stunning. Dressed like a Greek Goddess.
“Fucking hell” Ona whispers for herself.
“What is it?”
Alexia’s voice makes her jump and she’s grateful that Tony and Leila don’t hear Alexia’s question. Ona blushes suddenly and hurries to look away.
Alexia’s smirk makes her roll her eyes, a light red still on her cheeks. The blonde doesn’t say anything though, even if she seems to have understood what was happening. Ona is glad for it; she doesn’t want Tony to know this kind of thing. Even if she can’t explain to herself why.
When everything seems finally settled, Alexia and Leila have to leave, and Ona finds herself alone with Tony. Well, alone with all of the other contestants around them. Ona chooses to look in front of her and it has nothing to do with the fact that she has a perfect view of Lucy’s back like this.
“Do you want to… Hold hands or something?” Tony asks.
Ona barely holds a grimace of disgust. Once again, she doesn’t want to have a fight with Tony but there is not a single world where she would want to hold hands with him.
“No” she just answers.
She doesn’t have time to study Tony’s reaction because it’s suddenly time to go. Trumpets announce the start of the parade and Ona takes a big breath. Time to shine. She grabs the edge of the cart with one of her hands so as not to fall when it starts moving.
The crowd is separated in two on each side of them and the presidential gallery is facing them. Each char faces the tribune, with the president nodding his head at each tribute.
Ona bows to him with a second of delay from Tony, having forgotten this part of the protocol. With the noise of the crowd, she has trouble understanding what the President says, but she knows that her family is looking, and she just wants them to be proud of her. Everything still seems so unreal for her.
She feels like floating when they are going back, almost tripping when she gets off the char. She accepts with pleasure when Leila gives her a bottle of water.
“You were great” the brunette says happily. “I’m very happy the way your clothes were shining without them being too bright.”
Ona smiles softly for any answer, still feeling a little bit out of it. Alexia isn’t here so Ona just follows Leila to get out of here. She wants nothing more than to go back to her bedroom.
Ona is so lost in her thoughts that she doesn’t see the person a few meters away from her, before she shoves her.
“Oh, I’m sorry”
She raises her eyes on the face in front of her, just to be lost in deep green eyes. In all the people around them, she finds herself almost falling on Lucy Bronze. To keep her balance, Lucy has to grab her waist and she feels her skin burning through her clothes.
“No problem. You’re alright?”
Ona nods and swallows her saliva with difficulty. For some reason, Lucy hasn’t released her yet. And the look-in-the-eye exchange they had would be described as intense by Ona.
It lasts long seconds, before someone scratches their throat behind them. Ona turns around to face Lucy’s District Partner, looking at them, squinting his eyes.
“Uh. I better have to go” Ona mumbles without looking at anyone.
She manages to find her team pretty quickly, this time feeling herself floating for a total other reason. She never experienced a physical attraction like this. She only had a girlfriend before and with Jana it was more like a slow burn. They might only have been 14 and 15 at this point but Jana definitely is her first love. She will always be.
Ona feels a little ashamed of her attraction for that girl she doesn’t know when she thinks about her ex-girlfriend. She was still lost in her thoughts when they finally arrive at their big apartment.
Ona excuses herself to the others and goes to her room as soon as she can. The shower she takes helps relax, but not to deal with all of her thoughts. Was she imagining things when Lucy was still looking back at her rather than just letting her go? Even if it was the case, it’s stupid of her to give that moment any importance, in less than a month at least one of them will be dead.
She wasn’t surprised to find Alexia on her bed when she comes back to her room. Ona decided to wear comfortable jogging and a very smooth hoodie. The texture of the clothes here has nothing to do with the clothes she was wearing in District 8.
“When did you come back?” Ona asks.
Alexia didn’t come back with them earlier; it was just Tony and her with Leila and her assistants.
“Some minutes ago. Just the time to change my clothes.”
Alexia is in fact wearing comfy clothes, nothing to say which ones she was wearing during the parade. Ona comes to sit next to her, like they took the habits of those last days.
“Where were you?” the brunette asks, taking an orange juice from her personal fridge before offering one to Alexia.
“Am I under control now?” Alexia asks with a smirk.
Realizing that she might have been rude or intrusive, Ona blushes and almost chokes in her bottle.
“No! I didn’t mean… I wasn’t…”
“I know, Onita, breathe” Alexia laughs.
She seems proud of her little joke. They got pretty close those last days, so the nickname wasn’t really surprising for Ona. She doesn’t even react to it. She doesn’t know how the other mentors are, but she’s glad to have Alexia.
“I was with the Sponsors, trying to learn what they think about the Tributes. You, especially.”
“Not Tony?”
“Yes, Tony too.”
There is a moment of silence, stopped when Alexia turns her head to look at Ona. The younger girl was looking right in front of her, once again lost in her thoughts.
“Don’t you want to know what they think about you?”
“Only if it’s good”
Alexia smiles softly, affectionately tapping her knee.
“They don’t seem to have a bad idea of you. They are waiting to see what you will do during the interviews and the private training sessions. Which is good, because when they start to dislike you, you don’t have any escape.”
“I don’t know what I will do during the private training sessions. I’m not good at anything” Ona sighs.
“Bullshit. Everyone is good at something.”
Ona sighs once again and lets herself go against the pillow behind her. She puts the bottle on the nightstand to avoid dropping some liquid in her sheets.
“You are fast. And agile. Show them what you can do in a parkour.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Ona sees Alexia rolling her eyes before lightly slapping her foot with hers. She loves the fraternal dynamic between both of them.
“Stop pouting, or I ask you about the girl who made you swear in front of everyone.”
Ona blushes once again and she slaps Alexia back on her arm.
“Shut up! I can’t believe you heard that, you’re the only one.”
“What can I say, I’m very attentive to my proteges.”
She smiles once again when Ona bites her bottom lip. She’s not expecting her to spill the beans like this. And she doesn’t want either to make Ona uncomfortable. The blonde has had a real soft spot for Ona since the beginning. Their bond allowed her to understand that there is maybe something more behind Ona’s hesitation.
It isn’t hard for her to understand what.
“You have the right, you know? To feel yourself attracted to someone else.”
“I know it’s just… I feel like I’m betraying her” Ona whispers.
“You’re not. Come here.”
Alexia offers one of her arms to Ona, who doesn’t hesitate very long before going against her Mentor for a hug.
“I didn’t know Jana; I had hardly met her when she was here. All I’ve heard of her is that she was too young and too sweet to be here.”
“She was. It’s hard to be where she was before… the end.”
Alexia hums softly. Ona’s mind started to spiral once again, but this time it was to wonder if Jana slept in this bed. Or if she was seated where she seats. How scared was she here? Did her Mentor make her such as ease as Alexia? There are too many questions without answers.
“Someone sweet like her would only want what’s best for you, Ona. And if it is by having a good time with someone else, you’re allowed to do it.”
“It doesn’t make any sense anyway. We are all going to our death, and I don’t even know if she already had looked at me one time.”
Ona is sure that she doesn’t, if you don’t count the time where she almost ran into her. She can always feel her hands on her. Pathetic. Alexia chooses not to insist on the subject, to Ona’s relief.
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“It’s stupid Tony, why would you do that?”
It’s the first time Ona stands up against her partner, but this time she has a good reason. Stubborn and stupid Tony tries to make her come with him while he chooses not to listen to Alexia’s suggestion about classes. He prefers to go train his strength rather than take survival classes Alexia talked about.
“Because I know better what is good for me! Alexia doesn’t know me!”
“She knows better than you how everything here is working. You need this class; you need to learn things to survive.”
“I don’t need to learn which plant I can eat! I need to improve my value, and you need it too.”
Tony points at Ona with his finger and she impatiently slaps his hand away. She hates a little more everyday how he seems to think that he knows everything better than anyone.
“I’m not coming with you.”
Without letting him the time to add anything, Ona takes the opposite direction with a decided step. With his antics, he almost makes her late.
She looks around her with curiosity when she enters the room. There aren't a lot of tributes, one of each career District. She feels butterflies in her belly when she realizes that Lucy’s already here. The brunette raises her eyes on her when Ona enters the room and they lock eyes for some seconds, before Lucy’s partner takes her attention once again.
Ona chooses to sit next to one of the youngest kids of the year. He’s from District 11 and is 12 years old. Which is particularly sad if you want Ona’s opinion. He smiles shyly at her and Ona smiles back, before turning her attention around the room. There is a place where you can see trees and some vegetation, another with a river and another where they probably will be able to learn how to make fire. It’s a little bit strange to have all of this inside a building, to be honest.
This session is pretty relaxing, to be honest. Ona stays focused on the explanation of the different people who come to explain things to them. They don’t know for now how the arena will be, but she looks closely at the plants she can eat and the ones she can’t. She learns how to make a fire with nothing but sticks and grass, how to cook a bird without taking the risk to die and how to secure herself in a tree to sleep.
She’s hungry when it’s time to leave and she says goodbye to the instructors before leaving the room. The journey to the apartment she shares with her team is pretty easy to remember, so she’s a little lost in her thoughts when she starts walking. It was before suddenly facing someone after turning into a corridor. This time, it’s not Lucy Bronze who is facing her.
It’s the girl of the 1 and the boy of the 2, looking at her with a scary smile.
“Your bodyguard isn’t with you today?” the girl of the 1, Lilith, asks.
Ona chooses not to answer, just shrugging before trying to continue her walk to her apartment. But it seems like they don’t hear things like that. The boy, Camden, puts his arm against the wall to keep her from passing.
“What do you want?” Ona asks, crossing her arms on her chest.
She’s uneasy in this situation, but she doesn’t want to show them. They probably can’t do a lot to her right now; Tributes aren’t allowed to get in fights before the Games. Ona isn’t high, the others are easily at least one head higher than her.
“Oh, I don’t know” Camden smirks. “Maybe you can tell me what you want to give to us?”
While he was talking, he came closer to Ona who needed to take on herself not to back down. From this close, his perfection isn’t so perfect anymore. He looks scary, empty beauty. Ona doesn’t understand what he means by his statement, but she doesn’t have time to think any longer.
Ona turns in the direction of the voice coming from behind her, just to see that it’s no one but Lucy Bronze coming in their direction. She’s frowning, walking quickly. Camden retries his hand and takes an annoying face.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Nothing, Sweetheart” Lilith laughs.
Her laugh makes Ona shiver, clearly not in a positive way. Lilith’s answer doesn’t seem to satisfy Lucy, who raises an unimpressed eyebrow.
“Two against one in an empty corner? Your parents must be so proud of you.”
There is suddenly no sign of a smile on the faces of the two career districts. Camden even goes a step further, but Lilith prevents him from going any further by placing a hand on his arm.
“Yeah, that’s right. Go to hell” Lucy says, arms still crossed on her chest.
She hasn’t flinched or even moved from a centimeter during this strange fight. Ona’s gaze travels between Lucy and the two others who are suddenly leaving them. Lucy waits for them not to be visible and even audible for turning herself in Ona’s direction.
“Are you alright? What did they want?”
“I don’t know” Ona frowns.
She’s still a little lost about this encounter. What did they want? She didn’t understand what Camden said, she doesn’t have anything to give to them. She turns her eyes on Lucy, their gaze locking for some seconds before Lucy talks again.
“But you’re alright?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I am.”
Lucy looks at her for a little bit longer before nodding slowly. The higher girl bites her bottom lip softly before talking again.
“I’m sorry if I overstepped here, but I hate this kind of thing. Two people intimating one another.”
“It’s okay” Ona says softly. “I’m glad you did”
Lucy suddenly seems way more relaxed, making Ona smile. She doesn’t know what to add, however. It’s the first time they are talking to each other, she doesn’t know it would happen. If she had known, she would have prepared something.
“Do you want me to take you to your quarters?”
“Yeah, gladly”
Ona blushes and hurries herself to hide her red cheek behind her hair while she starts to walk in the right direction.
“I saw you with Teagan earlier. It was cute how he was looking for you.” Lucy says, mentioning the little boy Ona seated next to earlier.
“He’s cute” Ona confirms with a small smile.
He doesn’t have anything to do here if you wanted Ona’s opinion, but Lucy probably thinks the same so it’s not useful to say it out loud, isn’t it?
“Why wasn't Tony here today?”
“He chooses to go to the gym” Ona answers, rolling her eyes.
“Mh. Bad move” Lucy comments.
She seems to think the same as Ona, but the younger one only nods for any answer. She doesn’t want to share more about her partner, after all Lucy could use any information against them at any moment.
“And you? Where have you left your Partner?” Ona asks back.
“Oh. He wanted to ask some questions to one of the speakers. I can leave without him for several minutes.”
Ona laughs and shakes her head softly. She hasn’t talked to any tribute before today and she even has trouble remembering the name of Lucy’s partner.
“He totally has a crush on you” Ona mentions while they are arriving next to her quarter.
Lucy arches an eyebrow at her and Ona shrugs. Saying that was almost admitting that she was looking at Lucy and Declan maybe a little too much, she realizes it only now. She hopes that her answer will distract Lucy from this information.
“It’s hard not to notice” Ona shrugs.
“He might have tried to hit on me one or two times…” Lucy finally admits.
No wonder, Ona thinks.
“What?” Lucy says.
Oh my god. Did she think out loud? If you want to use your poker face, it’s now or never, Ona.
“Did you… Never mind.”
Ona takes a breath she doesn’t know she was holding when she realizes that Lucy will not insist on the subject. They are in front of the lift giving access to the different quarters anyway.
“Uh. Thanks, for your intervention earlier. And for taking the time to walk me here.”
“No problem” Lucy dismisses with her hand. “Be safe, yeah?”
Ona nods and smiles softly at the other brunette. She hesitates some seconds before finally entering the lift waving Lucy goodbye. Lucy waves back and waits for the door to be closed before leaving.
Thanks to the lift being in glass, Ona is able to watch Lucy walk while she goes to her quarters. It looks like Lucy isn’t really the asshole Ona wanted her to be. But she’s not sure that she prefers it that way. Her crush seems to be one-sided anyway…
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mattsmunchkin · 1 day
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bed chem
paige bueckers X south carolina!reader
contains: smut, draft paige, use of y/n, cussing, lots of plot (i hate smut w/o it)
word count: 2.7k
a/n: this is my first time writing smut so please bear with me and give me feedback because i am unfortunately a virgin. this also would've been out sooner but college is beating my ass so this took over 4 days to write.
you check yourself out in the bathroom mirror as your makeup artist adds some finishing touches. you're dressed in a long sheer dress with your undergarments slightly visible. the dress is skintight and hugs your curves in all the right ways. your hair is pulled back in a slick low ponytail with your long curls draping along your exposed back.
with one last look and approval from your fashion team, you're heading out the door and down to your limo outside.
to say you're nervous would be an understatement. you're projected to be the top pick, but with caitlin clark right on your neck in stats, tonight could go anywhere.
obviously, you would be happy with whatever pick you got, but once the mock draft came out a few months ago, it's all that you could think about. not to mention, social media has been non-stop sharing their opinions about who they think should get the top spot.
"how you feeling, l/n?" your manager, morgan, asks from beside you.
"ready to get tonight over with." you laugh nervously.
"tonight is supposed to be fun. no matter what happens." she grabs your hand and squeezes it. you give her a small smile.
"i know. i'm just ready to be back on the court." you look out the window at the passing lights of new york city. how have you never visited this place before?
"that makes two of us," she lets go of your hand as she leans her head back with a sigh, "this offseason has been beating my ass. i don't think i can spend another day sitting in an office."
"sounds like i need to scout for a new manager." you tease as she lightly punches you in the arm. you two share a laugh as the car pulls up to the venue.
the entrance is lined with paparazzi who anxiously wait for the next attendee to arrive. you take one last deep breath and shake the nerves as you step out of the door that was held open for you. you thank the man as you follow morgan towards the entrance of the building. she steps aside as you stand in front of the cameras and pose for some pictures.
as you begin to walk away you hear commotion from behind you. you turn and see a woman dressed in a full white louis vuitton suit posing confidently for the cameras as they shout multiple commands and compliments.
"who is that?" you ask morgan who is on her phone trying to figure out where to go. she follows your line of vision.
"paige bueckers. she's a red shirt senior guard at connecticut and projected to be the number one pick in next year's draft. she's a powerhouse." she goes back to her phone as she takes a call.
you're not sure how you haven't noticed her before. south carolina played uconn, right? you suddenly can't think straight as the woman 10 feet in front of you has captivated your thoughts without even trying.
lost in a trance, you didn't even realize that she's now standing in front of you.
"hey beautiful." she stares down at you with a smirk on her face. her eyes stealing a quick glance at your body.
"hi." you smile up at her as you stare into her blue eyes. a blush creeping onto your face, the chemistry between you almost instant.
"i'm paige." she extends her hand towards you. you're taken aback by the formality, but your hand quickly meets hers.
"i'm y/n."
"the gamecock?" she asks, earning a nod from you. "i've heard a lot about you." your hands disconnect as she puts hers into her pockets.
"oh yeah? like what?" you smirk, crossing your arms.
before she can answer, morgan is calling your name saying that the ceremony is about to start. you glance back at paige who is also being called by her team. you two share another look before going your separate ways.
once in your seat, your nerves start to hit you all at once. mixed with the flooding thoughts of the woman you met not even 5 minutes ago, you're not sure how long you'll be able to sit through this.
opening remarks are through and the indiana fever takes the stage to make the first-round pick. you take a glance around the room and see paige seated a few rows back in the crowd. she winks at you before bringing her attention back to the stage.
"with the first overall pick in the 2024 wnba draft, the indiana fever select y/n l/n from the university of south carolina!"
cheers erupt around you as a smile takes over your face. you instantly pull morgan into a hug before making your way onto the stage to take a picture with the fever jersey.
you thank the woman on stage and wave at the crowd as you head back to your seat.
the rest of the night drags on as they go through the rest of the draftees. you and paige steal frequent glances throughout the ceremony as tensions grow between the two of you.
you were absolutely captivated by her at first glance and with the smirks and winks she's sending your way so frequently, you could feel the desire between your legs growing by the minute.
afterwards, you are outside on the carpet once again as the media broadcasters interview the stars of the night. you are bombarded with questions ranging from growing up playing basketball to what you're looking forward to the most as a part of the fever.
during one of your interviews, you feel a hand brush against your waist as someone passes behind you. you look and see paige smirking back at you before she turns and walks out of the venue. you bring your attention back to the interviewer and pray you don't look as flustered as you feel.
before you know it, you're back into the limo you arrived in. you let out a long-awaited breath you didn't know you were holding.
"you haven't even been a part of the team for a whole day and season tickets are already sold out." morgan says with a grin on her face. you smile and shake your head.
"you think that would make me feel better." you lean your head back and close your eyes.
"remember, you don't have to prove yourself to anyone. you earned your spot. all you have to do is keep doing what you've been doing the past 4 years." she reassures, placing a hand on your bouncing knee.
you flash her a small smile before returning your gaze to the city lights outside.
the rest of the ride is silent as your social battery died a little too early in the night for your liking. you were ready to get back to the hotel and take a long shower to...debrief.
once you've said your goodbyes to morgan and your team, you walk to your room as fast as your feet can take you. you close the door behind you and lean against it with a sigh. your phone buzzes with a notification from instagram.
kamoreaarnold wants to send you a message!
your brows furrow at the unfamiliar name. you click the notification and open the chat.
KK Arnold
hey girly pop! i gotta question for you
do i know you?
KK Arnold
don't worry abt it
yk my girl paige?
what abt her
KK Arnold
so basically she's like obsessed with you and wanted me to ask you for your number
why didn't she ask me herself?
KK Arnold
she scared
so is that a yes?
*your number*
you send your number to this kk girl and get ready to get in the shower. you glance at yourself in the mirror and look over tonight's outfit. trying to convince yourself that you're no longer a gamecock.
before you can let your emotions get the best of you, you open tiktok to distract yourself. you scroll mindlessly until a video pops up that makes your eyes go wide.
an edit of paige somehow made its way to your for you page consisting of multiple clips of her from tonight. you watch the clips flash on your screen to 'so anxious' by ginuwine. you feel like the wind got knocked out of you at the way she was so confident in front of a camera. it's like she knows the affect she has on people.
as if it was planned, a call from a random number takes over the screen. you smirk with the hope of a certain person being on the other side and quickly collect yourself before answering.
"hey pretty girl." you hear the same intoxicating voice from earlier, only this time it's low and husky.
"hi paige." you say sweetly. you bring your legs closer together at the instant effect she had on you from purely her voice.
"how you feeling? about getting drafted and what not."
"oh i'm feeling great! just ready to be back on the court and stuff." you curse yourself at your awkwardness. you barely know this woman and all of a sudden, she has your thoughts in a knot.
"oh yeah?" you can hear the smirk in her voice. the two words making your head spin.
"mhm" seems to be the only thing you can push out right now.
your thoughts are everywhere at once and you can't seem to focus on whatever paige is talking about. you curse yourself for how easily you're allowing yourself to be enthralled by her at such a high level. you keep picturing her lips and how she would wet them with her tongue every so often. you can only imagine how soft they are and how good they would feel-
"y/n?" her voice brings you back to reality as your eyes shoot open. you realize you didn't hear a single thing she had said.
"yeah! sorry, i uh...what were you saying?" you pinch the bridge of your nose. why are you fumbling this woman so hard right now?
"what y'thinking about, baby?" the pet name rolling off her tongue effortlessly fills your head with sinful thoughts. you can hear the smirk that never seems to leave her face and the hushed tone in her voice.
"can you come over?" the question leaves your mouth before you can detest, and you hope it doesn't backfire. you couldn't spend another moment separate from this woman.
"i'll be there in 10." she responds almost immediately. she hangs up before you can respond. your mind starts to race as you think about having paige bueckers in your hotel room, all to yourself.
the next 10 minutes could not have come any slower. you spent them pacing your room and only thinking about her hands all over your body. how her lips would feel. her breath on your neck and down your body.
God, you hoped she was still in that damn suit.
you hear a knock on your door and immediately jump up from your seat on the bed and walk towards the door. with a deep breath you open the door and are met with the same paige you met on the red carpet 3 hours ago.
her lips are immediately on yours in a heated kiss. her hands set on your waist pulling you closer as yours find their way to her neck. your lips move together harmoniously, as if they've done this a million times before.
a muffled groan escapes her lips when your teeth sink into her bottom lip, her grip on your waist tightening. she moves her hands to your backside signaling you to jump to which you oblige.
she carries you over to the bed and sets you down, the kiss never faltering. her lips make their way to assault your neck as your breathless moans fill the room. it's music to her ears. your hands have been roaming her body when they tug at her top.
"take it off." you breathe out. she smirks before leaning up and tugging the top off, leaving her bare. you lean up to kiss her stomach as your tongue runs up her abs not breaking eye contact.
"fuck baby." she croaks out. she reaches behind you and begins taking your dress off. you lay back down as you lift your hips to allow her to completely strip you. her eyes roam your naked body, taking you in. "you're so beautiful."
her lips reattach with yours. her hands play with her belt buckle, undoing it and sliding her pants off. you wrap your legs around her waist and pull her closer to you.
"need you." you say between kisses. you buck your hips forward needing to feel something.
"you want me?" she reattaches her mouth to your neck, leaving more marks. you hum a response. your mind is fogged with anticipation and desire. "use your words baby."
"yes, fuck, yes i need you paige." she removes her lips from your neck and looks into your eyes with a lust-filled gaze.
"ride my face."
you're taken aback by her words. she lays down next to you and you waste no time crawling on top of her. you hover over her before her hands grab your ass and bring you to her mouth.
you moan out at the sudden contact. your hand snaps to her head and tugs at her hair, earning a muffled moan from her that vibrates against your core. her tongue runs through your folds and circles your bundle of nerves.
"fuck paige," you grind your hips on her tongue as you two hold eye contact, "so good baby."
you lean back onto your hand as your other makes its way to her work on her core. your fingers work in quick circles as she moans out, throwing her head back before reattaching to you. her tongue slides into you while her nose slightly rubs against your clit as she does so.
you bring your fingers to your mouth, sucking on them before returning them to enter her. you curl them while moving them in and out as your thumb rubs her bundle of nerves.
"holy shit y/n," she removes her mouth as she moans before replacing it with her own fingers. quickly rubbing your core as your pace quickens with hers. you're both a breathless, moaning mess. your eyes squeeze shut with your mouth agape as the knot in your stomach builds. "you're so beautiful baby," she husks before returning her mouth to your heat.
how can she talk so sweet when doing such bad things?
the way her constant moans would vibrate against you and mixed with her mouth moving in ways you could only imagine, you weren't gonna last long at all.
"m' close paige." you moan as your pace in her quickens to a speed you didn't know you were capable of. her mouth somehow finds a way to match as she hums against you, signaling that she was too.
after a few more quick thrusts, the knot in your stomach snaps as the two of you moan out loud whines and profanities, not caring about people hearing. you work each other through your highs before pulling your fingers out and bringing them to your mouth. you suck them while maintaining eye contact with the breathless girl under you who kisses your core before pulling away from you, her face glistening from your orgasm.
you move off of her and plop down next to her as you both catch your breath. she wraps her arm around your waist and pulls you in. she pulls the covers over the two of you as you share a kiss, this one gentle and sweet. you pull away and rest your head on your hand as her fingers run through your hair.
"that was so much better than i imagined." you lightly laugh as your legs intertwine with paige's.
"you imagined it before?" she asks in a teasing tone. you lightly slap her arm as she lets out a laugh.
"don't make it weird." you wrap your arm around her as you lay your head on her chest as sleep threatens to take over your body. there's a moment of silence between you.
"i hope you know this wasn't a one-time thing." she speaks up, vulnerability lacing her voice. you smile against her.
"well i look forward to the next time then." her arms tighten around your waist as she pulls you closer. she places a kiss on the top of your head.
"goodnight beautiful."
"goodnight p."
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sonamytrash · 3 days
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Choso x reader
⚠️ Corny flirting, suggestive themes, sex, p in v sex, AFAB reader, anal mentioned, big boobies implied, but all boobies are welcome, unprotected sex, multiple orgasm, descriptive squirting, mommy kink, breeding kink, daddy kink (mentioned once) size kink, Choso has a big cock.
Happy kinktober! Here's one with a few kinks. I'll post a water sports version to my AO3 if anyone's interested. This one is heavy on the mommy breeding kink. You have been warned.
Banner is curtesy of @cafekitsune
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You stepped out of the shower, the warm water cascading down your body like a gentle waterfall. You towelled off, your skin glowing from the steam that filled your bathroom.
The walls of your apartment were thin, and the faint sound of laughter from next door wafted into your ears. Your neighbours, Choso and his brother, Yuji, enjoying their breakfast. You couldn't help but bite your lip at the thought of him. Choso Kamo, the mysterious and dangerously handsome man who had moved in a few months ago. His rugged charm had captured your attention from the moment you laid eyes on him, and the flirtatious banter that had developed between the two of you was electrifying. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks as you recalled his eyes lingering on your chest or the way he'd always compliment you. The tension between you was palpable, a silent symphony of unspoken desires that danced in the air whenever you were near.
The doorbell rang, a sudden interruption to your morning ritual. You wrapped a silk robe around yourself, tying it loosely, and padded to the door.
Peeking through the peephole, your heart skipped a beat. It was Choso, his broad shoulders and muscular frame filling the doorway. "Hey," he called out, his deep voice sending a shiver down your spine. "I've got a package for you, it arrived at my place by mistake." You felt a tingle between your legs and took a deep breath to compose yourself before opening the door. His eyes met yours, and for a moment, the air seemed to thicken with anticipation. "Thanks," you murmured. You watched as his gaze dropped to your barely concealed cleavage.
He cleared his throat, averting his eyes. "No problem," he said, his cheeks flushing slightly. "It's a big one, I almost didn't fit it through that little letterbox of yours." The innuendo hung in the air, and you couldn't help but smirk, biting your lip feeling the heat between you growing stronger. You stepped aside, allowing him into your apartment, his almost metallic, manly scent creating an intoxicating blend that made your knees wobble. "You can just leave it on the counter," you said, nodding towards the kitchen, trying to sound nonchalant.
As he placed the package down, his eyes roamed over your living room, taking in the cozy space. His gaze lingered for a moment on the floor-to-ceiling window that revealed a panoramic view of the cityscape, the sunrise casting a warm glow over the room. "Nice place you've got here," he commented.
"Thank you, It's more than enough for me." you replied, "Coffee?"
Choso's eyes lit up at the offer. "That would be great," he said. You led the way to the kitchen, your hips swaying gently with each step. His eyes followed you, tracing the curve of your ass, and you knew he was imagining peeling that robe away and bending you over the counter. The anticipation was delicious, a sweet torture that had you squirming with excitement.
He followed you into the kitchen, his eyes never leaving your swaying hips. "How do you take it?" you asked, turning to face him with a knowing smile. The air was charged with sexual tension, as if the very walls were aware of the dance happening between you two. "Black, no sugar," he replied, his eyes darkening. "Thought so." You teased as you poured the coffee, the sound of the liquid hitting the porcelain mug echoing in the silence of the room. As you handed it to him, your fingers brushed against his, sending a jolt of electricity through both of you. "I like mine with a bit of cream." You say flirtatiously.
You both knew what was happening here. The flirty banter was a game, a dance around the inevitable. "Is that all you like with a bit of cream?" he murmured. You felt a shiver run down your spine as he devoured you with his eyes through the thin fabric of your robe.
"Maybe," you replied coyly, leaning back against the counter. You took a sip of your own coffee, watching him over the rim of your mug. His eyes dropped to your full, red lips, and you had a pretty good idea what might be running through his mind. The silence was thick, heavy with unspoken desire. "It's a caramel blend, might be a little too sweet for you." You comment.
He took a sip of his coffee, his eyes never leaving yours. "It's nice." He replies, his eyes narrowing as you take another sip of your own drink and lick your lips, "But I can think of something that I bet tastes even better," he said, his voice low and hungry. The air between you crackled with energy, and you could feel your pussy getting wetter inbetween your legs. You licked your lips, a silent invitation, and he took the bait.
He set his mug down and placed his hands on either side of you, caging you in. His breath was hot on your skin as he whispered, "Do you want to find out?" You asked. Without needing any further encouragement, his lips crashed into yours, the taste of coffee mingling with the heat of your mouths. His tongue demanded entry, and you eagerly granted it, your tongues intertwined.
The kiss grew more intense, his hands roaming over your body, feeling the softness of your skin and the firmness of your breasts. You moaned into his mouth, and he knew he had you right where he wanted you. His thumbs traced circles around your nipples, making them harden against the fabric. You arched into his touch, your hips pressing against his growing erection.
Breaking the kiss, Choso reached for the tie of your robe. "Let me see what I've been dreaming about," he whispered, his eyes filled with lust. You bit your lower lip, your heart pounding in your chest as you nodded. The robe fell open, revealing your nude body. His eyes widened, drinking in the sight of your breasts. "Fuck, you're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice strained with desire.
With a wicked smile, you leaned in close, your breath tickling his ear. "You like what you see?" you whispered. You admitted, the words rolled off your tongue as easily as the sweet nothings you'd shared in the hallway. His eyes blazed with passion as he stepped back, giving you room to let the robe slip to the floor. You stood before him, naked and unashamed, your body begging for his touch.
"Fuck yes," Choso growled, his eyes devouring you like a starving man. He stepped closer, his hands reaching out to cup your breasts, his thumbs flicking your hardened nipples. You gasped, the sensation sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. "You have no idea how many times I've fantasized about these," he murmured, his voice a dark promise of what was to come.
As his fingers danced over your sensitive flesh, you felt his cock pressing against your thigh. You reached down, grabbing his shirt and pulling it over his head, revealing the sculpted abs and broad chest you'd often caught glimpses of. His skin was warm and firm to the touch, and you couldn't help but run your nails down his stomach, making him quiver.
He stepped back, his eyes never leaving yours as he unbuckled his belt, the sound echoing in the small kitchen. His pants dropped to the floor, revealing his boxer briefs tented with his hardened cock. You licked your lips, unable to wait any longer. He stepped closer, and you could feel the heat radiating from his body.
Your hands reached up, wrapping around his neck, pulling him down for another kiss. This time, it was you who took charge, your tongue invading his mouth with a fierce passion. His hands roamed over your ass, squeezing and caressing as he lifted you onto the counter. The coolness of the marble sent a shiver through you, but it was quickly forgotten as his mouth found its way to your neck, kissing and nipping as he tasted your skin.
Choso's hands slid up your thighs, his fingertips grazing the soft, wet folds of your pussy. You spread your legs wider, inviting him closer. He groaned against your neck, his breath hot and ragged. "Fuck, you're so wet for me," he murmured, his voice filled with need. His finger dipped into you, and you threw your head back, crying out as he began to stroke you gently.
Your hands found his hair, pulling him closer as his touch grew more insistent. "You like my wet cunt, baby?" you moaned, your voice thick with desire.
"Yes Mommy," he whimpered the words slipping out before he could stop them. It was a term that had been bouncing around in his head every time he jerked off to thoughts of you, and now it was out there, hanging in the air between you, raw and potent. A wicked smirk painted your lips, you felt a thrill at the sound of it, your pussy clenching with excitement, he felt it too around his fingers. "Can I call you that?I like calling you that." he admitted, his voice strained.
You leaned into his touch, your eyes never leaving his. "Tell me, Choso," you whispered, your voice a siren's song. "What dirty things do you want to do to Mommy?"
He plunged another finger inside you, "I want to fuck you senseless," he said, his eyes burning with desire. "I want to fill you up and make you scream my name." The words sent a bolt of lust straight to your core, and you felt yourself getting wetter.
"Is that all?" you teased, a playful smile on your lips. "What about my ass, baby?" You moaned. His eyes darkened, and his grip grew more possessive. "I want to fuck that tight little ass until you beg me to stop," he said, his voice a low growl. "But I'll never stop. I'll keep pumping until you can't walk straight." You bit your lip, your knees weak at the thought of his thick cock stretching you open, claiming you in the most primal way possible.
"You want to breed Mommy, don't you?" you whispered, your voice a soft purr. His eyes flashed with excitement, and he nodded. "I want to feel you cum deep inside me, Choso." Choso's free hand moved down to your hips, his thumbs grazing the sensitive skin of your lower stomach. "You're going to be such a good breeding slut for me," he breathed, his voice filled with desire.
"Mmmmm, yes," you moaned, leaning into his touch. "I want to feel you, every inch of you." Your hands moved to the waistband of his briefs.
Choso whimpered. "I want to fuck you until you can't think straight," he said, your hand dipping further. "I want to hear you scream my name as I pound into your sweet pussy, filling you up with my seed." His words sent a shiver down your spine, your body aching for the reality of his fantasy. "I want to see you swollen with my child, your belly round and full, your tits heavy with milk."
You gripped his cock as he continued to move his fingers roughly in and out of you, uttering filthy nonsense.
"Is this all for me?" you purred, "All for you," he said, his voice thick with lust. "You're going to take it all, aren't you?"
"Oh, I'll take it," you assured him, your eyes glinting with mischief. "But first, tell me more about how much you want to fill mommy up." Your hand tightened around his cock, and you watched as a bead of precum formed at the tip. "I want it," he groaned, "I need it."
"You're going to be the best mommy," he continued, his hand moving to your ass, squeezing the firm flesh. "Our baby will be so lucky to have you." You felt a wave of need wash over you, your pussy throbbing at the thought of his cum deep inside you.
"Fuck me, Daddy," you breathed, your voice needy. "I need you."
"I want to taste you first," he said, his voice strained with lust. You nodded, your breath coming in shallow gasps. He dropped to his knees, his eyes never leaving yours as he kissed your inner thigh, his breath hot against your skin.
His tongue traced a line up to your pussy, and you felt yourself quiver with anticipation. He parted your folds with his mouth, licking the length of your slit with a fervor that made your toes curl. You watched as his eyes closed in pleasure, his tongue swirling around your clit, tasting your sweetness. "Fuck, Choso," you moaned, your hips rocking against his face.
He groaned, the vibration sending another wave of pleasure through your body. His tongue grew more demanding, flicking, and sucking with expert precision. Your hands tightened in his hair, urging him closer as the pressure built. His strong, broad shoulders flexed under your grip as he feasted on your wetness.
You felt so full already. His fingers curled inside you, hitting your g-spot with unerring precision. Your legs trembled, and you leaned back against the counter for support. "You're going to make me cum," you moaned, your eyes rolling back in your head. "Cum for me, Mommy," he urged, his voice a dark command that sent you spiraling closer to the edge.
The sensations grew more intense, and your breath hitched as you felt your orgasm building. "C-choso," you whimpered, your voice a plea. "C-cumming." His fingers moved faster, his tounge pressing against your clit in a steady rhythm that had you seeing stars. And then it hit you, a powerful wave of pleasure that crashed over you, leaving you gasping for breath. Your pussy clenched around his digits, and you felt the warmth of your juices coating them and his mouth as he licked up every drop.
The next thing you remember is the softness of the bed beneath you as he laid you down, his body pressing into yours, his weight both comforting and exciting. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and he kissed down your neck, his teeth grazing your collarbone before he leaned back, your breasts heaving with each breath, your eyes never leaving his. Aligning his cock with your opening, he was huge, a testament to his inhuman heritage. "Tell me you want it," he breathes, rubbing the his cock inbetween your folds.
"Yes," you moaned, "Choso, please." He pushed into you before you could say another word, inch by inch, filling you up in a way that was both painful and exquisite.
He groaned, his hips bucking as he claimed you fully. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer, feeling his cock stretch and fill you completely. "Fuck me like you mean it," you whispered, your voice a mix of challenge and need. "Like you've wanted to since the moment you saw me."
"Oh, I've wanted this for so long," he breathed, his eyes locking with yours. "Your tight cunt around my cock is everything I've dreamed of." His strokes grew faster, his hips pistoning into you. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure crashing through your body, making you whimper with need. "You like that, don't you, mommy?" he said, his voice a gruff whisper.
"Yes, baby," you gasped, "fuck me harder." The dirty talk spurred him on, and he slammed into you with renewed vigor, your breasts bouncing with each impact.
"You're going to make me cum again," you moaned, your nails digging into his back. "Cum in me, baby," you urged, the words leaving your mouth like a prayer. "I want to feel you fill me up." Choso's felt his rhythm faltering for a moment as your words hit him like a punch to the gut. He picked up his pace, his balls slapping against your ass with each deep, powerful stroke, his hips pistoning as he claimed you with each thrust. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, a symphony of desire and lust. Your breasts bounced with each impact, and he leaned down to capture a nipple between his teeth, tugging gently. You moaned, your nails digging into his back, urging him deeper.
You felt yourself getting closer, your pussy clenching around him as if trying to milk every drop of pleasure from his cock. "You're going to cum for me, aren't you, mommy?" Choso grunted, his eyes locked on your bouncing tits. "Yes," you moaned, "yes, I'm going to cum for you."
With a final, desperate thrust, you felt him hit that magical spot again, and you shattered around him, your orgasm ripping through you like a tornado. You threw your head back, screaming his name as wave after wave of pleasure consumed your body. Choso's eyes rolled back in his head as he finished inside of you, his hot cum filling you up as he claimed you completely.
You felt something else building inside you, something you hadn't anticipated as your overstimulated body begged for release. The feeling grew more intense until it was all you could think about. You looked down at Choso, panting heavily, his cock still buried deep within you. "I-I think I'm going to..." You gasped, unable to find the words.
His eyes widened in realization, and he smirked. "Go ahead, mommy," he urged, his grip on your hips tightening. "Let go for me." You felt the last shred of your control slip away, and with a whimper, you did just that. A hot stream of liquid gushed from you as you came again.
You watched as Choso's eyes glazed over with arousal, his own orgasm still pulsing through him. He didn't pull out, instead he held you in place, his cock buried deep within your soaking wet pussy.
As the last of your stream trickled out, you collapsed, breathing heavily. His cock remained inside you, still semi-hard. "Fuck, that was hot," he murmured, his voice filled with wonder. You couldn't help but giggle, covering your eyes with your arm to conceal your bright red cheeks, realisation of how filthy some of your exchange was in the heat of the moment. "Which bit?" You reply playfully. "All of it." He smirked.
"I didn't know those were kinks of yours," you admitted, your cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and excitement.
"They're not usually," he confessed, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "But with you, everything feels like a kink." He leaned in to kiss you again, and you melted into it. "So, does this mean we can do this again?" he asked, his voice hopeful.
You nodded, still reeling from the intensity of the experience. "Yes," you breathed, "As often as you like." Choso's smile grew wider, and you felt his cock twitch inside you.
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