#honestly i don’t even know why i love him so much i just doooo!! and sometimes i wish i didn’t!!! fuck you ginger
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salsflore · 2 years ago
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 3 months ago
ARIARIARIARIARIARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sunlight & cinnamon for ariver, heaven sent & mocha for arisae aaand heaven sent & strawberry for areo please please pretty please:333333333333333333 - @teddybeartoji
you’re out . for my life (i love you)
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sunlight <3 - what does a perfect saturday morning look like for the two of you?
………. you and your targeted ass questions </3 MORNINGS WITH ARIVER MICKEY I WILL SOB….. tbh i think it’s just a lazy morning. we talked about it a bit so as you know i doooo see oliver as being kind of groggy in the mornings even if he does wake up early (and i think he does on work days)…. but !!! if he can sleep in :3 he does just that . i also love sleeping in on weekends but even if i didn’t i don’t think he’d let me leave the bed. i could try but he’d just tug me back into his arms and shush me if i protest :///
when he stops being all groggy and snoring into my ear (save me) he’ll get up and make us both coffee or tea + order some breakfast, and then come back to bed so we can nap some more :3c
cinnamon <3 - what pet names do they call you? what pet names do you call them?
……….. SIGHS . you’re evil :((((((
😞😞😞 well . i have told u this before but ………….. his favorite is b*by . coughs up blood ….. he abuses it so severely that his friends sometimes (jokingly) ask him if he just forgot my name ://// other than that ….. like u suggested !!!!! angel …………… SIGHS . he uses that one a lot more sparingly thank god but i think that’s exactly why it makes me crumble lmao . i doo also see oliver as being a loving user of my sweet girl/boy……… my sweet baby . maybe (dies)
:((((( mickey i don’t wanna think about this PHDLDBDDK I’M EMBARRASSED . I WOULD BE SO EMBARRASSED TO CALL HIM ANYTHING . i’m shy with petnames in general but with him especially it’s like …… he’s gonna tease me . so i can’t ….. it would inevitably end up slipping out though . when i’m in a good mood i end up calling him ’sunshine’…. just slips out . other than that i stick to his name !!! to me that’s more intimate than anything :’)) (i hate him btw)
heaven sent <3 - how did you and your lover meet?
AHH ……….. hhhh you really made me think with this one . honestly areo truly has no lore so i can’t say much about that 😭😭 but !!!!!! with arisae ……..,,,
i’m not sure where we meet but i do know that it’s very much outside of anything football related!!!! maybe we run into each other at a park he jogs at often? . maybe he saves me from a creep and that’s our first time speaking …. the important part is that i do Not know who this man is LMAO and i think that’s why he doesn’t mind talking to me. like. i am not into sports at allll and can never remember celebrity faces so ? i’m just like. nice guy at the park :3 (<- sae itoshi famous football guy) PJFDLBDKD ……
have nooo idea where the relationship goes from there but !!! it’s a sweet little meet cute <3
mocha <3 - what was your first kiss like?
dies and goes to hell . Okay
TAT MICKEY I’M SOOOOOO . okay okay … i have a very clear idea about this actually but it’s sickening . hhhhh . i think the first kiss he gives me is on the forehead ……….. serial forehead kisser . it’s the big brother instinct i’m sorry . he does it without thinking very casually and i just implode </3 alternatively i trip and hurt my knee and he patches it up + gives it a little kiss (ONCE AGAINN big bro instinct) :(((( ….. and that just spirals into little forehead kisses here and there . eventually starts kissing me on the lips after dates / before leaving for work and i’m just ???? okay ……….. he’s so sick mickey please save me. forehead kisses are for sureeee his favorite though
strawberry <3 - who’s the big spoon? who’s the little spoon?
🥺🥺🥺 GOLDEN BOYYYYYY save me from these awful men …… mickey he’s the cutest in the world :< wants to be the big spoon all the time because it makes him feel protective and reassured (that i’m not going anywhere </3) …. and i’m fine w that. however . i think we switch a lot :33 because sometimes i just wanna cling to his back like a koala + sometimes he really needs to feel small too . small and safe in my arms . it’s almost a little like a trust exercise ? either way we always sleep very safely and soundly <33
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aalissy · 4 years ago
Anddd day 30 is doneee!! Be warned this DOES contain spoilers for Optygami so if you haven’t seen that episode pleaseee doooo!! It’s suuuper good! Anywho, if you have seen it lemme know what you think of this chapter <3
“Do you trust me, purrincess?” Chat asked, his hands running through her hair as they cuddled together. Her pigtails were out and his fingers were playing with her long locks as they spoke with each other.
“Hmm,” Marinette hummed, letting her eyes fall shut at the nice massage. “Of course I do, kitty. You’re one of my best friends.”
“Good,” he murmured back, “Because I almost revealed my identity to you today.”
“You did what?!” she screeched, her eyes popping open wide as she jumped out of his arms. Staring at him in astonishment, she ran through the events of today, wondering how he could have possibly had the time to reveal his identity to her. He couldn’t possibly know that she was Ladybug and she didn’t remember him being alone with Marinette. Shaking her head roughly, she demanded, “Why would you possibly do that, Chat?! I can’t know your identity! It’s dangerous!”
Marinette shoved away the tempting thoughts that she would probably be able to guess his identity and instead tapped her foot nervously. She continued to stare at him in shock as he looked back at her rather sheepishly.
Chat gave her a small grin, rubbing the back of his neck. “It was for a good reason, I purromise! We were sort of... trapped.”
“Trapped?” she asked, her brow furrowing as she once again thought about their day. When had she gotten trapped with Chat Noir?! Scrubbing a hand down her face, Marinette once again shoved away her thoughts, instead saying, “Nevermind. I don’t want to know. You shouldn’t be telling me these things.”
“But, purrincess,” he said cautiously, standing up and taking a few steps close to her. “I really think this could be a good idea. I trust you and you just said that you trust me! It would be really helpful to have someone who knows who I am help me out every day. You could be like my pawtner in crime!” 
Marinette’s cheeks turned pink and she looked away from him, worrying on her lower lip. Swallowing a lump in her throat, her gaze was drawn over to where she kept all of her kwamis. How could she explain to Chat that she honestly couldn’t know who he was? Even when part of her wished that she did know so that there would be no issues like this morning where he was away from her for most of the fight. 
“Kitty... I...,” she started, hoping that she’d be able to say something when he cut her off. 
“I don’t think Ladybug will mind that much, either,” Chat said with a bright grin. “I’m purrety pawsitive she already told Rena Rouge her own identity so I don’t think it’d be wrong if I had someone looking out for me too.”
Immediately, Marinette winced, clenching her eyes shut as she exhaled harshly. How had he known that? She had thought that she and Alya were being careful and yet Chat already seemed to know. That was definitely going to be a conversation she would need to have with him in the future. He deserved to know why she trusted Alya first.
Pinching her brow, she muttered, “I still don’t know if this would be a good idea for us, Chat. What if something goes wrong and Hawkmoth akumatizes me? It just seems so risky.”
“I’ll just need to keep a better eye on you, then,” Chat winked, “He won’t be able to get you if I’m always around to keep away those pesky, little akumas.”
He wiggled his fingers at her as he shot her a cheeky grin. Marinette felt her heart stumble in her chest as she glanced away from him again, her cheeks turning pink. 
Pinching her brow, she sighed lightly and shook her head. “You won’t be able to be around me forever, Chaton. I do have school, you know.”
“Well...” Chat trailed off, moving his head from side to side as he tried to keep an innocent expression on his face.
Marinette’s mouth fell open as she gaped at him. “What?! You can’t be serious? We go to the same school?!”
He didn’t say anything, simply shrugging his shoulders as he gave her a shy smile. She practically choked on air, wondering how they had managed to keep their identities secret for so long. Rubbing her eyes, she muttered, “Wow, you really have thought this through then.”
“When we were trapped together today, I didn’t even think about the repercussions that could come from me telling you. After the fight, I wondered why I felt like that. I realized that it’s because I trust you, purrincess. Completely. You’re one of the few people I’d want to share my identity with.”
Again, Marinette choked on nothing as Chat placed his hands on her shoulders slowly, squeezing them. How could he possibly have so much trust in her? Both as Ladybug and as Marinette? What had she done to deserve a partner as amazing as him? 
Blinking a pair of watery blue eyes, she eventually nodded her head. After all, having Alya know her identity hadn’t brought on the end of the world. Maybe it’d be fine if she knew his. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to be able to find him if she needed to. Sucking in a deep breath for courage, Marinette eventually said, “Okay, kitty. I think you’re right. It might be good to have someone watching your back.”
A giant beam slid across his face as Chat asked eagerly, “Really? You really think so?”
“Mhm.” She nodded her head, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. Her palms felt shaky as she trembled slightly, realizing that this was something she had been waiting for years for. 
“Plagg, claws in.”
In a flash of green light, a pair of shy, anxious emerald eyes greeted her. Marinette felt her mouth drop open as she stared directly at Adrien Agreste. Pinching herself sharply, she wondered why she hadn’t woken up yet. Surely this must be a dream. 
After a few moments of silence, she hesitantly spoke up, “A-Adrien? I-Is that really you?”
“Yeah,” he scratched the back of his head. “It’s me.”
“S-so, the elevator today...” Marinette said, immediately getting thrust back in time as she realized that they had both turned to say something to each other today. She had been about to reveal her identity at the same time as Adrien. Unable to stop herself, she began to giggle madly.
“Marinette, a-are you okay?” he blinked at her in confusion.
Gasping in a few deep breaths, she finally waved a hand in the air. “Yes! I’m fine! Completely fine. I just hadn’t realized how close you were all this time.”
She felt a faint sense of satisfaction as Adrien flushed, giving her another shy grin. How had she never noticed they were the same before? They had the exact same expressions.
“So you did remember the elevator today. I thought for certain you had almost heard me call on my transformation,” he said.
Marinette shook her head. “I had been a little distracted at the moment.” 
She thought back to her memory of today, remembering how surprised and nervous she was when she thought Adrien had heard her about to call on her own transformation. Shoving her memories aside before she could get completely lost in them, she placed a hand on his arm, squeezing it gently. “Anyway, I’m glad I know who you are now, kitty. I’m sure this will help Ladybug a lot. Especially with how close we are.”
He gazed down at her hand before looking back up at her softly. “Thanks for trusting me, Marinette.”
“N-no problem,” Marinette’s cheeks turned red as she stared into his green eyes. “I promise to do my best not to let you down.”
As myself and as Ladybug, she added mentally, determined to make certain that he could trust her.
“I know you won’t.” Adrien beamed back at her. 
Soon, Marinette promised herself as she grinned back at him. Soon she’d tell him her own identity as well. And, maybe then, after Hawkmoth’s defeat... she’d be able to tell him how much she loved and adored him as well.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years ago
2, 9, 13, 20 for the specific ship asks for Jackson x Monty & Batticus? 🥺❤️
2) The song that plays when they realize they like each other
Jackmon ~ *SNOOOOORT* Helpless from Hamilton. Eliza's part is Jacko to a friggin' tee when it comes to his crush on Monty, and I crack up now whenever I hear that opening "Oooooh~! I do, I do, I doooo~!", imagining my poor lovestruck showman swooning over his precious Montelimar. (And honestly, even on Monty's end, I think when he first realized he was crushing on Jackson, he had quite a bit of that whole "then you walked in and my heart went BOOM" feeling too, LOL.)
Batticus ~ Looking Through Your Eyes from Quest for Camelot! I think in their original lifetimes, it kind of took both Bat and Grim by surprise when they realized just how much the other had come to mean to them, over time. And I'm sorry, the line "here in the night, I see the sun / here in the dark, our two hearts are one"?? Just?? Bat's a vampire, so he and Grim just about only meet at night, so that's when they get to spend time together and just -- I'm sorry, there's something in my eye 😭
9) Character A is fighting in battle side by side with Character B. Why are they in battle? What’s the song that plays while they kick ass together?
Jackmon ~ Oh My Love by the Score. I know this band is both one of our favorites, but yeah, I just think so many of the lyrics suit these two, talking of changing the world together and not playing by any rules "but you." I could see them kicking arse together when Grindelwald’s supporters try to crash some Ministry function Jackson’s involved with and Monty just happens to be there, with Jackson being all flashy and throwing out bad-ass one-liners and Monty actually being the more competent duelist who actually takes most of these guys out. 😂
Batticus ~ Maybe it's just because of the Reincarnation AU where I totally see Reincarnated!Bat and Grim fighting side by side in the Second Wizarding War together, but I love the idea of them both kicking Death Eater tail to Moondance by Nightwish. Moondance is one of my character themes for Bat, and it just has both the action and the reflection in the middle of it. These two are both warriors, but they are scholars as well, so they don't battle or kill blindly -- they never turn their brains off and they understand the gravity of the choices they have to make, in order to protect what they love...especially since by the time they're adults in the modern era, they've both already lived and died before.
13) Character A is dying in Character B’s arms. How did this happen? What song plays, causing the audience to sob profusely?
Jackmon ~ Monty is dying of old age (well-deservedly), but Jackson has a lot of trouble envisioning a life on his own without his precious Montelimar. Jacko is holding Monty in his arms all the way until the end and, upon realizing Monty has passed on, the song that comes on is If Tears Could Bring You Back to Me by Midnight Sons. 💔
Batticus ~ *throws herself off cliff sobbing* EHHHHHH -- you already know what the set-up WOULD be for this! 😭 Accompaniment would be Remember by Josh Groban. 
20) Character A is secretly an incredible musician. What song are they playing when Character B strolls in and hides so they can listen, inevitably falling for Character A?
Jackmon ~ In this scenario, Jackson would swoon over Monty after hearing him practice a solo on the violin for an upcoming event that Jackson’s organizing (probably with his BFF Adelia @thatravenpuffwitch, because let’s be honest, Jacko isn’t the “organized” type). Maybe the solo is something like this cover of A Million Dreams by Taylor Davis? 💙
Batticus ~ LOL, I actually DO see a scene in the Reincarnation AU at some point where Bat hears Grim play the piano at school and actually gets really choked up and has to leave the room quickly to hide his tears because it reminds him of when he used to love listening to Grim play in their first lives! I could see Grim playing something that’s technically complicated but also very emotional, like this piano cover of Yuri on Ice performed by Tehishter. Ironically though, I also envision a similar situation the other way around where Grim hears Bat sing for the first time in their second lives, remembering subconsciously how soothing he found Bat’s voice when he had trouble sleeping in the past -- in that case, Bat’s mother went behind his back and invited all three of his friends to Christmas dinner without telling him, which required them to stop by Christmas Eve church service where Bat was performing a song commission for the minister to make some extra money...so Grim reacted strongly hearing Bat sing O Holy Night for the congregation. 
Song Ask!
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Mud is Thicker Than Blood:
Sick Day
Summary: I said i’d put all the little shorts I have about the Mud Dogs and Donnie in one story, so here it is!
Gift for: @void-inked-pen birthday a while back. They are a amazing friend and a source of inspiration for me
Characters: Donatello, Loathsome Leonard, Mickey, Dastardly Danny, Myra, April O’Neil
Pairings: You’re in luck! all the pairings for this fic are just past this door [gestures to wall that has a badly painted door under it and the laundry basket above it that’s suppose to be some sort of trap]
“What is this supposed to be?”
Even though Len had been using as polite of a tone as possible, Danny still gives him a heated glare. He uses his spatula to scrape the blackened flat pastry off his frying pan and onto Len’s plate with the consistency of a dried brick. ”They’re called crespelle’s. My Dads used to make them for me and my siblings all the time.”
“Are they supposed to be…” Mickey pokes it with his flipper, “rocks?”
Danny lets out another angry huff. “I couldn’t remember the ingredients, alright??” he says, flipping another burnt disc onto a plate. Len uses his chopstick to poke at the burnt food. For someone who had known the sting of hunger many times and learned to not be picky, he finds himself wondering if he can sneak out back and compare the taste of the burnt disk to dirt.
The sounds of footsteps tells him the last member of their little family was coming down to join them. “Morning,” Danny calls. ”I got a nice big breakfast for my only grateful family member with taste!” Danny says as he starts stacking another plate.
Donnie is pulling on his hooded cardigan as he reaches the bottom step, eyeing the breakfast with a concerned eye. “Doooo I want to know?” he asks before looking to Len with a look that clearly says ‘remember how I never forget ‘best parents day’? you owe me’. It takes more than a little willpower to keep from laughing but manages to duck his head to hide his grin before turning to Danny.
“How about we spare my kid this time? He’ll never hit his height goals if he eats this.”
Danny unties his apron and stomps over and pours himself a cup of coffee all while grumbling about ‘uncultured swine.’ This time Len can't stop the snort that escapes him this time but when Donnie takes his spot at the table his smile falters as Donnie pours himself a cup of hot coffee. Leaning over the mug with a sigh, his normally dark jade complexion feels a shade lighter than usual and more than Len’s comfortable with. “You feeling ok?” he asks, moving his chair to Don’s side of the table. He puts an arm around Don's shoulders and without waiting for an answer he presses the back of his hand to Don’s cheek. The teen squirms at the contact but was unable to pull out of his grip.
“Dad, Dad, I'm fine I just didn’t sleep well. I had a bad dream again.”
“Why didn’t you come get me? You could have slept in my bed.”
“You got home late last night, I didn’t want to wake you,” Don says, still trying to twist his head away from Len’s hand.
“I’m the Dad here, Donnie. I’m supposed to worry about you, not the other way around.” But when he’s unable to find anything close to a fever he pulls away. He looks to Danny hoping he’d see something Len missed but the rat shrugs at him.
“Is it still ok to go tutor April today? Please? I’ve been cooped up here all winter.”
Len wants to say no, but sighs at the pleading look Donnie gives him. It had been a longer winter then usual, he didn’t blame his son for needing some space. He was no longer a five year old but he still had a hard time telling him no for no good reason. “Yeah, but if you start feeling sick you come home ok? Or ask Myra to help you home.”
“Yeah, yeah I know.” As Donnie downs his last bit of coffee he stands back up. Len had turned to poke at his breakfast again when he feels Don's arms wrap around his collar bone and rest his cheek on Len’s head. “I love you Dad. Thanks for being obnoxious and worried.”
“Aw. Love you too, silly gecko.” Len pats his arm in reciprocated affection. Donnie grabs his shoulder back and hurries out the front door. “Have fun!” Len calls after him. Only then did he look back to Danny. “He looked pale right?”
“Yeah but honestly it could have been the breakfast,” Mickey says, picking up a disc, “I even felt sick when I saw it.”
“First of all screw you,” Danny points at Mickey with his spatula, “Second of all, if he’s not feeling well he’ll come home. And third of all, next time you all can make your own crespelles.” Danny drops his last disk onto a plate when the shattering of ceramic fills the air. The three thieves blink at each other for a sec before Danny raises up the food slowly to show the plate underneath had been cracked in half from the sheer force of the crepe. With a defeated sigh, Danny drops his spatula. “Ok whose all for throwing these at trees and seeing if they shatter??”
Len and Mickey both raise their hands with a grin.
Despite the softness of April’s voice Don jumps so hard his elbow hits the stack of April’s school books. It’s only by his reflexes that they don’t join the rest of April’s dirty clothes on the floor. It takes him a few moments to regather his scattered thoughts before looking to April. ”Did you say something?”
“Yeah, your name, like five times.” His oldest friend peers at him from over her glasses. “Are you sure you’re feeling ok?”
Donnie would have rolled his eyes if he wasn’t painfully aware of the migraine that would return if he did. Unfortunately, it had been haunting him ever since he woke up that morning. “For the last time yes. Uncle Danny made breakfast and it's just hurting my stomach. Now, the compound would be 23.6% more effective if you set the witch fire to exactly 129 degrees cinder.” He scribbles on the paper for a few moments before sliding it over to her. April casts him a suspicious look before looking over the paper again.
“If you ever convince your Dad to let you go to school, my Alchemy teacher would cry tears of joy. Again.” She pauses “They cry a lot.”
Don tries to smile but his aching head only allows him a half grin. As April starts adding his notes to hers he reaches for his yunomi of tea, not thirsty so much as needing the warmth for a subtle cold that clings to his skin.
There’s the sound of a door opening downstairs followed by the sound of a woman shrieking and dozens of items hitting the ground. ”A-April dear!!! I could use some help!” calls the unmistakable voice of the Mayor of witch town.
April was already out of her seat. “Coming Mom!” she calls hurrying for the door. “Don’t do my homework Dee!” she calls behind him.
“I would never!” Donnie says [even though he had already been reaching for her note book]. A few years ago he had the brilliant business idea, in lieu of being able to go to school himself, to do students' homework for them for a small [not so small] fee.
Of course before he could even launch his venture his Dad had found out and outright forbade it.
This time he’s unable to stop himself from rolling his eyes. The effect is instantaneous as the lights in the room become painfully saturated. He tries to cover his eyes but his world is already spinning.
It’s the last thing he feels before he blacks out
“I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed,” Len says in a tone that can only come from nine years of parenting experience. It does its job on Mickey who’s shoulders bunch up to the sides of his head, and even though Danny is trying to pull off ‘I don’t know how you think you can guilt trip me’ by leaning back in his seat. But it's hard to look innocent when the two of them are covered in mud.
“IT WAS DANNY’S FAULT!!” Mickey shrieks pointing at the rat. “After we knocked over a tree with one of his crepy things he told me that he knew alchemy that would make mud into chocolate and-and-“
Danny’s ‘calm bad boy’ dis option went out the window (which was also broken because of a wayward flying crepelle). “Who the hell raised you to be a snitch?!” the rat hisses.
“You did!! I learned it from watching you!”
The rat opens his mouth to argue before thinking. “Ok fine but I always taught you to get paid first.”
Len slaps a hand down his face. Normally he and Danny have reversed roles but he should have recognized that wild look in the rats eyes when Mickey was using one of the leftover crepelles as a tool sharpener. But Len, forgetting they were not in fact grown men but children pretending to be adults, had left them to their own devices.
There is a knocking on the door that makes Len sigh again. ”I have a fourteen year old and he has more common sense than you two.” He says in a way that is probably supposed to make them feel ashamed, but Mickey snorts loudly with his flippers over his mouth.
He opens the door to a flash of light that forces him to cover his eyes for a moment before his eyes adjust to the familiar form of the mayor of Witch Town. “Myrah?” He rubs at his eyes. “What’s going on?”
“I need you to come get Doniel, he has a fever and passed out while tutoring April.”
Len felt as though a cold chill had passed through his body, it was the only reason he hesitated. “Y-yeah just give me a sec.” He ducks back into the house, where Danny is already waiting.
”Len what’s-“
“Donnie passed out, I need you to come with me,” already the air of lighthearted teasing and jabs went out the window. Len is back down the stairs with a quilt from Donnie’s bed as Danny is grabbing his coat and tossing Len his. He almost feels bad for Mickey who can only watch on as the two exit. Myra waves her wand, the bright light from earlier returns, creating a portal in front of them. Len barely waits for the portal to form before stepping through. A moment later he is standing in the familiar oversized living room. He had been to the witch family house many times and each time was always surprised how disproportionate all the furniture was, (which made sense considering how tall Amaranth was).
The child in question was lying on the bright pink sofa under a thick blanket. There was a washcloth hovering over his head, every few seconds wiping at his brow. April looks at them when they enter with panic in her eyes. “I don’t know what happened Lenny, I went to help mom with groceries and-and when I came back-“
“Its ok April, it's not your fault.” Len takes her place by Donnie. His son's brow is furrowed underneath a layer of perspiration. Even though he already knows the answer, he presses the back of his hand on Don’s brow. His already racing heart is now beating so fast it almost hurts in his chest. He replaces the blanket Myra had given him with the one he had brought, wrapping him up in it before scooping him up into his arms.
“I’m sorry Len, if Amaranth had been here she could help but...” her fingers tap together anxiously as she watches the child in his arms. Len was always touched by how much Myra and Amaranth cared for Donnie. He never felt the need to have a partner (though he and Donnie both made enough ‘mom’ jokes about Danny to last a lifetime) it warmed his heart to know someone outside his family loved Donnie almost as much as he did.
“I know, thank you.” He moves past the mayor to where the portal was and in another flash he's back in front of his house where Danny is waiting. The rat reaches out and takes him around the shoulders and herds him inside. “He’s burning up Danny, I-I don’t know what happened, I felt his forehead his morning and he was fine, you saw me do it.”
“I know, I know.” Even though Danny claimed that he didn’t remember any of his medical training he’s already looking over Donnie. Trained eyes looking for anything that could tell him what was wrong. After a few moments Danny says to Len, “Get him into bed I’ll be there in a sec-“
“Ah-shouldn’t we put in him some ice?”
“No, the last time we tried that he almost went into shock before I stepped in. He’s a turtle, he can’t handle it.”
“I-I know.” Len unconsciously cradles Donnie closer to his chest protectively. He could still remember the terror of the time when Donnie got the Fall Flu and had a fever that burned his hand. They had gotten so desolate they had put him in a tub of ice to combat it. They had thought it was working until Don had fallen into a deathlike stillness. It was only then Danny had realized Donnie was going into shock and pulled him out so quickly they had knocked over their makeshift tub.
Now Len couldn’t tell if the shivers he was feeling were from Donnie’s sleeping form or from his own fear. Not until Danny put a hand on his shoulder and forced him to look into his eyes. “Can you get him to bed please? I’m going to mix together some medicine that Amaranth taught me and I’ll be right there, ok?”
Len nods “Ok, ok.” He lowers his cheek onto Don’s scalp as he carries him upstairs. It's only when the parent and child are out of sight does Danny let out a shaky sigh, running a hand over his scalp under his hat and forcing himself to calm down. He had never realized how much he depended on Len keeping a calm head. He hadn’t realized just how much he depended on that til they brought Donnie in. During missions Len had an eerie calm about him that he thrived off of. But it was moments when anything threatened the health or happiness of his child that threw Len in the deep end and forced Danny to step in.
“Mickey,” he says without looking behind him, knowing the poor eel was fluttering around not knowing what to do. “Will you please go upstairs and keep Len calm? Help him how you can til I get there.”
“Y-yeah ok.” The eel hurried to do as he was told. In that moment Danny allowed himself one more sigh before reaching under the cabinet and pulling up an old beaten box, filled with herbs and remedies he had swiped from houses over the years. He pulls out a notebook he had filled with some of Amaranth's recipients and pulls out a mortar bowl and pestle. Picking through a few jars of tiny shards and grinding them together before taking out an empty incense holder and pouring it inside. He made sure to secure the lid and take up the glass bottle under his arm before hurrying up the stairs.
A part of him had been scared that Len’s own fears would drive him to ignore his warning about the ice, but he entered Don's room just as Len was pulling a blanket over him. “Good job.” Danny moves past him to kneel by the bed, turning and handing the incense to Mickey. “Can you light this please? It’ll help clear the bacteria out of his lungs.” As he was twisting open the glass bottle he heard Mickey spark behind him before the smell of lavender filled the air (he ignored Mickey gagging behind him). He tips the tip of the bottle to test how much liquid was inside. Luckily, they still had enough for Donnie (he’d have to steal more later). He dabs his thumb with the light pink liquid before running it across Don’s burning forehead. ”There.”
“Is he ok?”
Danny had to commend Len on not asking him a million questions. He reaches back and pats his old friend on the knee. “The Willow Extract should help take his fever down, but if It doesn’t help in a few hours we’ll go to witch town.” He doesn’t get a response, but when he turns to look at him, he sees Len staring at his son. His dark eyes full of concern and fear that only a father could have. Danny stands up and steps back. “Len why don’t you sit with him for a bit, and I’ll make you some tea.” He makes eye contact with Mickey and jerks his head towards the door. After taking a moment to pat Len on the shoulder he follows him out the door.
Len finally lets his face drop into his hands with a shaky breath before the sound of a weak cough reaches him. When he looks up again he was filled with relief to be looking into Donnie’s feverish dark pink eyes. “Hey,” says a weak voice.
“Hey baby boy,” Len sits up on the edge of his bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Like someone tried to kill me with one of Uncle Danny’s devil pancakes.” He barely has enough wind to finish his sentence before he has to gasp for air. “Will you sit with me please?”
Len can't help but smile, holding the side of Don’s face with his hand for a moment before climbing over him and laying on his other side. Don turns his head and tucks his head underneath Lens chin. “I’m s’rry,” Don mumbles, “I-I didn’t know I was sick.”
“I know you didn’t, you’re not a good liar remember?” Len lowers his cheek onto his scalp. “You get that from your Uncle Mickey.”
“And you?”
“Nah, I’m a great liar,” he smirks down at Donnie, “I’m not going to teach you how to lie though until you turn eighteen,” he pauses, “Hundred.”
Donnie lets out a laugh that sounds more like a raspy balloon, but Len can tell he’s trying not to fall asleep again. He rubs Don’s arm over his blanket. “Get some sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.” The teen gives a nod of acknowledgement before rolling towards him. A few moments later he's fast asleep again, breathing easier than he had been a few minutes ago.
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bokutosbiceps · 4 years ago
I'm not sure if you have a fandom limit but how about Imayoshi, Wei Liu, Bokuto, Kuroo and Oikawa being jealous? What kind of things make them jealous and how do they react? (If I can only request from 1 fandom at a time then you can just do it for the Hq boys)
i absolutely can write this !! i love jealousy hcs for any fandom so lets doooo this :3 i did some s/o related + some general
bokuto koutarou
just about anything having to do with you hanging around others guys will make him pout
he’ll want to stay attached to you throughout the entire day just to make sure guys don’t talk to you, smile at you, look at you, breathe your same air, etc etc
he’ll get super pouty + start being a baby about it
like he knows that you love him + would never even think about cheating on him but sometimes his knee jerk reactions get the best of him poor bby
when he gets like this you should just be really gentle with him + remind him of how much you love him + that will make him perk right back up
also a little bit of praise wouldn’t hurt either ;)
not pertaining to an s/o, but he gets a lil jealous when he’s in the gym + he sees someone lifting heavier than him or running faster than him
he will go out of his way to show off to anyone who’s watching by immediately loading more weight onto the bar or cranking the speed all the way up to infinity
he ends up overdoing it and feeling like shit afterwards but he’s secretly pleased because he beat that person lolol
imayoshi shouichi
not many things make imayoshi jealous tbh
honestly, i think the only thing,,,or PERSON,,,that could make him jealous is hanamiya
they are honestly like brothers because they hate each other but also look up to each other at the same time
hanamiya + imayoshi always try to outdo each other + they hate when the other succeeds
imayoshi’s whole life purpose is to just annoy hanamiya to tears
that is all
kuroo tetsurou
kuroo HATES when other people are smarter than him or can come to a solution faster than he can
he will relentlessly shoot little snarky one-liners at that person until they give up + leave, making him the winner of the conversation
he basically is the debate king (master debater lolol) but cannot stand when people can keep up a volley of snarky comments
he also gets suuuuuper jealous when he gets compared to someone else
he’ll be like ??? yo wtf why are me + that person even in the same sentence ?? i am obviously way better than them
in a relationship though, he’ll kinda get jealous of your friends if you spend more time with them than you do with him
he’ll start to kinda insert himself into your friend group until he’s best friends with your best friends, then he can kinda control when you hang out with them
but overall, it doesn’t really bother him--it only bothers him if you like NEVER hang out w him or ditch him to hang out w your friends
liu wei
he especially gets jealous tho, when someone can make you laugh more than he does--he loves seeing people smile so he’s always got a pun or deadpan joke up his sleeve--pls laugh @ his jokes thx
oikawa tooru
honestly, just about everything makes this little shit jealous
he hates when people are better than him at anything
he hates when you spend more time with others than with him
he gets jealous if you smile at someone else more than you do at him
he gets jealous if you look at someone differently than you look at him
you name it, he’s jealous--but it’s mainly just for attention
you can kinda make it a game to make him jealous just so you can see his cute little pout, but you always bring it back in with a hug + a kiss + a sincere “i love you” + he’s completely fine again
but the times that he ACTUALLY gets jealous, he will cross his arms over his chest, puff out his cheeks, and give you the silent treatment until he’s had enough, you get upset, or you pamper him until he’s satisfied
he’s insufferable but definitely keep him lolol
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toxicpineapple · 4 years ago
now im just curious abt rantaros relationships w the v3 cast.... mwahaha spill everything 🦟🦗🦟
hi anon! sorry for taking so log to reply to this, i knew i’d have a lot to say and i didn’t have the spoons to go off until now. FLKDJSFLkj here we go!
hehe! okay. so just as a preface, i’m like. REALLY into rantaro pairings. like. the only rantaro pairings i don’t like all that much are am*cha, rantaro/himiko, amaguuji (sorry lgbt community), and ranmugi. the rest i’m either open to or obsessed with. so like. bear that in mind when you read this.
i’m going to rank rantaro relationships by how much i love them so i can get an order to this (and also so i can do amamota last because i have a lot to say).
rantaro + korekiyo (2.5/10) oh gosh. kiyo, i’m so sorry a dumb bitch like me would do you like this. listen, amaguuji is a good pairing, just, objectively. i used to be super into it. but then the fandom crabwalked all over me with their amaguuji hurt/comfort fics and i got so Tired of seeing rantaro get treated like a security blacket... eugh. amaguuji is a good ship. i have written amaguuji, and would write it again, without prompting. i’m just... so tired.
they’d get along! obviously they would get along, we’ve seen their canon interactions, we’ve all slurped up as much rantaro tdp content as we were able to get, we know the tea. rantaro is passive and not easily creeped out, so he’d be able to look past all the unsettling things about kiyo, and similarly, kiyo is understanding and not pushy, so rantaro would be able to vibe around him without being asked about his secrets, or his travels, or anything that he doesn’t want anybody else to know. i like the aesthetic of them sitting around and drinking tea together, just, vibing like bros. kiyo infodumps to rantaro. rantaro fucking loves it. they’re best friends.
also like. they travel together. or whatever.
rantaro + kiibo (4/10) to be clear, i’m like, they’re cute, it’s just. i don’t have very strong opinions on kiibo as a whole FLKDJSFKLJDSFKDF kiibo is one of those characters who i kind of close my eyes on because to me he is just, he is very boring! he is very boring and i am so sorry to the kiibo stans who follow me, i have so much respect for you, i just have never had a kiibo thought in my life. they’re fun to write, though, i’ll tell you that.
kiibo is one of those characters who i think engages with you based on how you engage with him. i don’t mean that he’s a code switcher, (at least not a notorious one), but he’s emotional, and he’ll give back as much as you put in. if you treat him poorly, he’ll respond with anger and indignity. if you treat him with kindness and respect, he’ll respond similarly. which is why i think he and rantaro would really get along! rantaro is relaxed and kind and non-judgmental, and kiibo is the kind of person who needs chill vibes, so i think they’d have a lot of fun hanging out. rantaro is also the type of guy to get his friends a lot of gifts, and i think kiibo would be overwhelmed at like, the thoughtfulness that goes into that, and would grow really fond of rantaro accordingly. they’re sweet! amiibo rights, even if the first time i saw it my gut reaction was “wait, huh?”
rantaro + ryoma (5/10) this is another one of those ones where the rating was cucked because i don’t see a lot of them interacting and there’s not enough fandom content for me to really be in love with it. five is like, a solid neutral rating. i could swing either way. probably more for the positive though; i fucking love ryoma.
another one of those duos where they kind of just, vibe. honestly i don’t know if they’d get too close, if only because rantaro is gone so often he doesn’t really have the time to work on tearing down ryoma’s walls, and ryoma similarly is so tired he’s like, he doesn’t have the energy to try and figure out what the fuck is up with rantaro. unlike with amamota, rantaro and ryoma both have things that trouble them from their past, but the difference is that like, ryoma is so open about it? he’s not closed off. he won’t let people get close, but sure, he’ll tell them exactly why they shouldn’t. rantaro is the complete opposite, all sunny smiles and subject changes. this isn’t to say that they wouldn’t get along! i think they’d get along fantastically. sometimes when rantaro is just feeling so fucking tired, he’d pop by ryoma’s dorm for a candy cigarette and a casual conversation, and they’d chill. or maybe rantaro tells people to let ryoma have his space sometimes. just. vibing in solidarity. they’re bros! they’re bros.
and sometimes they kis--
rantaro + miu (6/10) full disclosure: i love them. leila i am so sorry that a dumb bitch like me would do this friendship like this. i’m just looking at the list and thinking “oh no i love them all” and when it comes to like, my favourite characters, unfortunately, miu had to go on the chopping block. i love them. feel like shit just want egg rp miu and rantaro back.
god! this is another one of those where like, rantaro isn’t judgmental (but he is firm!) so he and miu would get along really well. rantaro is really patient and he like, goes with the flow, so he and miu would be able to have conversations and he’d either shut down or tune out the sex jokes, actually carrying the conversation based on what she’s saying. miu is pretty chill, like, at least i feel like she’d be a really chill friend? so rantaro would be able to make insensitive jokes about how he just got stabbed and miu would be like “KYAHAHAHA you’re such a fuckin moron come to my lab i’ll make you a drink or some shit” and they’d just be cool. they’d just be cool! i want them to be best friends. please. just. two pals who spill tea and come to each other to make dark jokes. also miu cries into rantaro’s shoulder sometimes and he braids her hair fuck you i doooo what i want.
also sometimes they k--
rantaro + gonta (7/10) hey! it’s SO fucking homophobic that the only amagoku fic on ao3 is fucking porn! i hate it here can you please give me some actual food? please? i’m dying. i’m dying here and you’re doing me like this. these two have so many rights! they have so many rights. i just, two special boys? thank you. thank you for them. i care them. if there was more fucking CONTENT for these two i would have given them a higher rating but i guess! i’ll fucking die!
damn i’m actually like... really tender, thinking about them. i just think they could take care of each other! that’s all. i feel like rantaro would be really patient with gonta but he would also treat him like! a real, intelligent person! idk! like not infantalise him despite being sweet and comforting. i don’t know! i think that’s important can you guys STOOOOP infantalising coded autistic characters that would be really sweet </3 but anyway. i headcanon that rantaro likes insects! or at least, he thinks they’re pretty neat! he thinks they’re neat and he likes them and even more than that he likes listening to gonta info dump, it’s just, it’s important. idk. i think rantaro would be really psyched by how excited gonta gets about insects, and of course gonta would be thrilled to have a friend who wants to talk to his insect friends.... hhhhHhh... and of course gonta would take care of rantaro, too, just, he’d respect rantaro’s boundaries and not ask him any questions, he’d offer space and let rantaro just, exist, and be. gonta is soft and he gives good hugs! and i think that he would just be able to let rantaro cry one out on his shoulder and that’s SO important to me.
also gonta is such a sweetheart so it would be like, hard, for rantaro to lie about stuff? i dunno, like, he’d do okay, and then gonta would ask him a question or something and rantaro would be hit with the Guilts... also like, rantaro employs a mix of like, slight coldness, and airheaded subject changes in making people back off, and i doubt he could really do that with gonta. why would you!!! he’s a soft man, just the softest!!!! these two soft green men :) i care them so fucking much can you imagine rantaro taking gonta to places to see bugs PLEASE they have so much potential can we fucking talk about this
rantaro + tenko (7/10) this one would be higher, but i deducted points because of how the fandom always sees rantaro as “fixing” tenko’s man hatred. that’s literally so gross can you shut up? please? i hate? men?
okay n e wayz. i like them! i think they’re neat, i think they’d be great friends... eventually LFKDJLKDSF like listen, okay? i think tenko really does have real fear of men. think about her backstory, like, her master dripping poison in her ear all her childhood, and then the way he had her working as a fucking VIGILANTE? HELLO? like tenko probably saw some horrible traumatising shit as a child that strengthened these beliefs. this is entirely her master’s fault and he is such a, clenches fist, i can’t even articulate this beanie has better master hatred thoughts than i do, but god he sucks? wow. and fuck tenko’s parents too, sending her off to a temple because she had anger issues. you ever heard of a therapist, chabashiras? hello?
i got distracted, but the main thing is, tenko wouldn’t like him at first. not even reluctantly! like rantaro very much looks like a playboy and that’s the epitome of the kind of guy tenko is against. obviously rantaro isn’t, but tenko isn’t getting close enough to see that! if a man so much as touches her she’s responding defensively, don’t you even think rantaro is going to get past that. and i don’t think rantaro would try Too hard, i mean, like, i think he’d be endeared to tenko because of how much she protects the girls, and how sweet she is when she’s like, not actively thinking about it, but i don’t think he’s so ready to get his ass kicked, y’know? FKLDSJFLKSDFJ
but then maybe like! an accident will happen, and tenko falls over, and rantaro reaches to help her but she freaks and grabs his arm and flips him over and then BOOM!!! neo aikido magic things and she sees all his fucking stress, all his distrust, just how much he really blames himself for everything, how afraid and angry and tired he is, and we all know tenko is super compassionate so i think she would absolutely be worried about it. and then i think she’d like! keep an eye out for rantaro, at the very least try and get confirmation on all those emotions because this pretty boy soooo does not act like it, and then maybe one time she sees him getting grilled on his travels, or he comes back injured and tenko finds him, and she bails him out, begrudgingly, and then they start to become friends.
idk! i think they have platonic potential. i think rantaro would see her as a sister and i think tenko would eventually ask rantaro if he’s really a guy. (which he would laugh off, if he was cis, but if this is nb rantaro.... i’m just saying, the potential for tenko to help rantaro with gender awakening.... fantastic.) get into these two as friends. do it.
if some MOTHERFUCKER reblogs this post with am*cha in the tags i’m going to kill. i’m going to KILL. i won’t even hesitate /hj
rantaro + tsumugi (8/10) (looks at ibuki poster) oh mioda, we’re really in it now. and by that i mean, god it’s so fucking hard to choose favourites from here FKJDSLFKJ i have almost all the girls just, up here, because i’m so fucking fond of their relationships with rantaro. and i know i said i don’t like ranmugi or rantaro/himiko, and it’s true, but i am obsessed with their platonic relationships with him. ESPECIALLY when tsumugi and rantaro are one-sided enemies.... that’s such good shit, holy crap.
okay, let me explain. i feel like rantaro and tsumugi can swing both ways, here. they can either be really good friends! like, rantaro is mellow so he lets tsumugi put him into cosplay (i think rantaro would make a really good n off the top of my head since they’re both green FLKJDSFKJ or light yagami..... handsome men) and since he loves listening to people info dump he just... lets tsumugi go fucking OFF about anime sometimes FKJDSLKFJ i think it would be sweet! i think tsumugi could give rantaro a place to unwind, because she’s so like, hard to phase, i guess? like tsumugi and rantaro share that trait where if you hit either of them in the face with a pie, they’d just go “oh, funky” and go to wash their clothes LMAO. power duo! they’re brother and sister! and i headcanon mugi as a lesbian so she talks to rantaro about ~girls~ sometimes. also u already know tsumugi got tea to spill so rantaro helps with her hair for a cosplay while she gossips KFJDLK honestly why aren’t she miu and rantaro a trio? i just think they’d be neat. good friends! best friends.
or tsumugi absolutely fucking detests rantaro with every fiber of her being. she couldn’t even tell you why! he’s just, he’s a normie! he’s a normie, and he’s like the flirtatious pretty boy stereotype except he isn’t even flirtatious, he’s just genuinely nice and he takes care of people and god tsumugi hates it when anime tries to be subversive! there’s a reason tropes exist, y’know! and he’s so smiley and innocent when obviously he’s hiding some kind of shit, why else would he be going on travels all the time, not that it matters because everyone knows how much she hates rantaro so they wouldn’t listen to her anyway... on rantaro’s end, he really doesn’t have a clue why she loathes him so much, like, he’d like to be friends? but wow she hates him, huh. well, whatever. rantaro’s got more important things to worry about.
in other words, i fucking love them in any form, please give me content of these two they’re so fun.
rantaro + angie (8/10) i love these two and these rankings are? so difficult for me, i am going to cry, you guys get the idea about me being a rantaro stan, right? i hope you do because god i love him so much. and i love him with angie! man. okay. okay.
so like. first of all. angie climbing onto rantaro’s back? perfect. she’s in need of piggy back rides and rantaro will gladly give them. rantaro is so patient and like, hhh i don’t want to use the word pliable because of horny people but that’s the best one i can come up with? like, he just goes with the flow, y’know? angie is so high strung, platonically i think she works really well with people who are patient and indulgent. i don’t know if rantaro would be much for her as far as fulfilling her loneliness, because angie is sort of looking for someone who Wouldn’t indulge her that much, but i’m absolutely weak for their dynamic. just, angie bringing up wacky ideas, rantaro responding with mild skepticism but also listening to her. i think she’d cause some trouble and he would be entirely here for it. bless them, honestly.
also angie painting rantaro’s sisters? please they’re so cute
rantaro + shuichi (8/10) before you come at me like “but toxic! amasai is your otp!” it’s not, okay? it used to be. but due to negative associations i can’t really write it (or shuichi ships as a whole) that much anymore and it’s really frustrating so uh, yeah. amamota supremacy.
that being said, god the potential of these two. they’re a great balance. shuichi is anxious and rantaro is laid back, shuichi is reserved and rantaro is outgoing (to an extent; he definitely doesn’t have any issues voicing his opinions). i think rantaro would be really gentle with shuichi! he matches the quiet, less overwhelming vibes, and just. feels inclined to take care of him, y’know? and spend time with him. i think they’re sweet! i think they’re really cute. the other part of the amasai dynamic that i used to be obsessed with his shuichi’s natural curiosity. shuichi would be so curious about what’s going on with rantaro and why he’s traveling, and rantaro would want so badly to tell him, but he can’t risk it happening again, he can’t... oh!!! rantaro is is really good at comforting people i think so he’d be able to like, support shuichi when he’s upset, and shuichi has great communication skills! or at least i like to give them to him. so shuichi would nudge rantaro into being honest, and talking about his feelings. i just want to see them do well together, that’s all! i think that shuichi is earnest and emotional and he cares very dearly for his friends, and he would try really hard to take care of rantaro. he would also probably worry a lot about rantaro after figuring out he gets injured a lot in trips, which, like, FLKDJSFLKJ rantaro might not be so big on but honestly? the guy needs someone to worry about him.
also they FUCKING TRAVEL TOGETHER!!!! shuichi is a detective!!!!!! he can help rantaro search! cue post-salmon mode amasai slowburn as they travel the world together finding rantaro’s lost sisters. i really need to finish writing search, it’s been four months.
rantaro + kaede (9/10) hhh. oh man. oh geez. amamatsu, huh. amamatsu. i just. think about kaede having a little crush on rantaro after he painted her nails, because he’s so reassuring and patient and observant, and she knows he’s sketchy but she believes in him anyway because he has to be trustworthy, he has to, and then she sees him dead and is at first betrayed, horrified that he was the mastermind, only to realise he wasn’t, and she just killed an innocent person for no reason...
now that that’s out of the way, GOD I LOVE THEM! there are things about this relationship that prevent it from working out in the long term (at least in my opinion) but i don’t even care they have such a lovely dynamic and they look so good together... hhhhh i’m also so into them, just, platonically? god. okay. they just! like they already have that canonical dynamic of like, kaede bringing concerns to rantaro and him reassuring her or providing insight, and it’s so tender! the way he talks to her about miu or kiyo or kiibo (depending on who you choose) is so like, i dunno! he doesn’t judge her for having bad first impressions but at the same time he calmly looks a little more into why they behave the way they do? it’s just sweet! it’s just sweet, and i think rantaro can really help kaede like that, and help her to let her barriers down a little and feel not so pressured to be like, perfect all the time, y’know? to be a leader and take care of everyone 24/7. kaede really needs that.
and kaede! believes in him! she believes in him and looks to him for guidance and that’s so important for rantaro too, just, feeling trusted and knowing someone has faith in him... i really genuinely think kaede would encourage rantaro to keep on looking for his sisters, and urge him to trust other people and believe in himself, and it’s that same thing where she wants him to trust and open up to her and he wants to as well but it’s so difficult.... hhh!!! i think they’re so good!!!!! i just think they’re so good. they would take care of one another.
(the reason why i don’t think they’d be sustainable in the long term is because kaede like, she worries. and not in the way shuichi does? i just feel like she needs more stability and vulnerability than rantaro can actually bring to the table. i think kaede would try so, so, so hard to get rantaro to open up, and try so hard to take care of him and make sure he takes care of himself, and rantaro wouldn’t be putting in the same effort, because he can’t, and i don’t think kaede would blame him for it, but i do think that eventually she’d see it’s not. healthy. and it’s making her upset all the time. and she can’t keep up like this. they hurt me but i love them so much and i live in a world where they’re forever teens and never have to break up.)
also love them platonically! sorry i have amamatsu brainrot at all times but i really do love them as friends! i love rantaro painting kaede’s nails and doing her hair and kaede teaching him a duet on the piano, and she comes to him for advice and he brings her souvenirs and kaede makes sure he’s welcome in the class, and saves him cake after parties... also he calls her a brat and ruffles her hair a lot HEHEHE.
rantaro + maki (9/10) what? what? two people who never interacted and who have almost less interactions than gonta and ryoma do with rantaro? why, tox? why?
... because i’m a simp. that’s the only reason! that’s the only reason. i think they look good together, i’m really weak for maki and rantaro, and that’s the only reason. that’s the only reason! i have a crush on them both and i want to see them interact. there it is. boom. get your “make fun of tox” juice. before i ramble about how much potential they have, i just want you to know how utterly biased i am towards them.
there! that’s out of the way! biases admitted. i think rantaro and maki have the potential to really balance each other out. rantaro is really mellow and maki has a bit of a temper, rantaro is airheaded and maki is focused, rantaro is sociable and maki is closed off. at the same time, though, they like, handshake on a lot of things, y’know? they’re both secretive and distrustful, they both don’t want to let other people get close out of a fear of losing them, they’re both so FUCKING sad please i just want to hold them. i think there’s a lot of potential for them to be like, coming back to hope’s peak late or something, rantaro coming home from a trip and maki coming home from an assassination, and to run into each other and both be curious but also neither of them asks anything because they’ve both got so much to hide...
(that’s actually the exact premise of my amami week day one oneshot, stay tuned, gamers.)
but!! then it happens more often and they start seeing each other a lot more, and slowly they start to get like, a sort of companionship? like they’re not close or anything, but they’re united by their like, distrust of other people. and maybe maki tends to a wound of rantaro’s, or like with tenko tells people to lay off of grilling him, or maybe RANTARO tends to a wound of MAKI’S, or sticks up for her in a conversation. and fuck!! maybe a mission goes wrong and maki is upset and she trusts nobody at this goddamn school (because kaito hasn’t taken her on as his sidekick yet) so she goes to rantaro for, fucking, something, for comfort, and it’s embarrassing and vulnerable and absolutely terrible but he’s so gentle and sweet maki can’t help but let her guard down for just a second. also love the aesthetic of like, rantaro coming home from a trip disheartened and running into maki and she calls him an idiot or something and he just starts crying while maki stands there, not sure what to do, before stepping forward and awkwardly patting his arm FKLDJSFKJd i just think they’re neat. strictly speaking he’s not maki’s type (read: optimistic and stupid) but i love them for each other.
love them as friends! love rantaro to be maki’s go-to friend when she needs her empowering haircut, and them tending to each other’s wounds is not an inherently romantic thing, and they just stick up for each other and vibe... hhhhh.
if none of this happens then idk rantaro is a bit intimidated by maki, and maki thinks he’s unreliable and untrustworthy. that’s probably more likely FLKDJSFKJ BUT I CAN DREAM OKAY? CRIES
rantaro + himiko (9/10) these two are brother and sister, full stop. there’s nothing morally wrong with shipping them, it’s more just that like. i don’t know! himiko is so childish, like, the epitome of a younger sister, and rantaro is the epitome of an older brother... they vibe so hard platonically and then romantically my brain just restarts itself. but anyway!
magic is himiko’s special interest!!!! it means a lot to her and she’s very adamant that it be called magic and not tricks, like, even to the point of slowing down a trial and making herself look guilty in chapter two. i think rantaro is very used to playing along with his sisters’ stuff, and i think he would absolutely humour himiko. and like, they both know it’s not really magic, but it’s the effort that himiko appreciates, and in like, a no-pressure way like rantaro does it? yes please.
i think he would give her piggyback rides. like in chapter five when they’re climbing the stairs to kaito’s lab and himiko goes “someone give me a piggyback ride!” you already know rantaro would be volunteering. (side note: read whattheskyknows’ fic “missing (isn’t always so bad)” because it has that scene and i’m emotional.) i think he’d really take care of her! idk i know i’ve said that about a lot of these but rantaro is very caring. he’d look after himiko and make sure she’s taking her depression meds and carry her to her room when she falls asleep and tell people off when they overwhelm her and hhhh... and himiko would support him too! like with his travels and stuff, she wouldn’t really care about knowing why he’s traveling because it’s not her business and also like, asking about that stuff is a pain, who cares, if he’s gonna travel he’s gonna travel. rantaro would buy her books about magic while traveling and read them to her if she wants, and she would perform magic tricks for him and remind him of what it’s like to have a younger sister again. they matter to me. they should matter to you, too.
rantaro + kirumi (9/10) now i KNOW you weren’t expecting me to put amatoujou any lower, do you know who my favourite person in this fandom is? you are legally obligated to go check out Storyflight’s ao3 and read all of their amatoujou fics because they’re phenomenal and story is too. story ilu. amatoujou week is coming up on october third. participate or die.
anyway! i just think like, in general, rantaro has a lot of respect and appreciation for kirumi. she takes care of everyone! she works so hard all the time and she can really do anything and she’s so composed and calm all the time, and she has this sweet smile and this little laugh and this relaxing, patient energy, and hhhhhhh. rantaro respects her so damn much! so damn much. and maybe he simps a little regardless of whether they’re romantically involved because she works so hard. they get along! pseudo-parents of the group as people always make them. rantaro wants kirumi to kick back every so often, y’know? she matters to him and he’d like to see her being true to herself and enjoying herself. i also think he’s pretty stern with people when it comes to her, and just like, respecting her boundaries, the kinda guy to calmly and casually go, “hey, ouma-kun, she told you not to call her your mother, maybe you’d better respect that?” and kokichi goes “simp” but nevermind nevermind, i’m covering oumami on the next bullet.
idk! i think they’d look after each other! i think rantaro would make sure that kirumi is actually Taking Care Of Herself and of course kirumi would notice him coming in injured all the time and she would absolutely tend to his injuries without asking any questions at all. she would make sure he’s eating and if he requested, she would even tell everyone to Back The Fuck Off on his secrets and leave him alone FKJDSKFj i think she would always emphasise to him that she’ll do whatever she can for him if he so much as asks, as is her duty as a maid or whatever, but rantaro will refuse because like!!! hell’s no, he’s not about to feed into her complex my dude!!!!! but anyway.
i think it would... i just think it would be neat if he told her about his sisters! that’s all. kirumi is a fucking powerhouse, even if rantaro didn’t request it, she would totally help him find all twelve of them and bring them home. honestly? prime slowburn material, just, rantaro requesting that she help find his sisters and they slowly fall in love along the way... hhhhh if i wasn’t a fucking coward i’d write it myself, what a fantastic multi-chapter concept. i am so smart.
rantaro + kokichi (10/10) romantic oumami i go back and forth on but these two are really high at this specific moment in time because i love them SO much platonically, my god.
kokichi is a fucking brat! he’s such a brat, just, an absolute menace, a troublemaker and buffoon. i care him a lot but he’s so tiring to deal with, and if you don’t have the patience it’s hard to like, try and understand him? like with the shorter fuse members of the class (read: kaito and maki) it would be really hard to actually, get to the point where you can see past his bullshit KFJSDLFKJ but rantaro is patient! he’s a patient boy, and he’s hard to menace, and he grew up with twelve younger sisters. twelve!!! he takes care of them, bro, he can handle a little shit gremlin in his life. i think he’d be endeared to kokichi because of this reason, like, the immaturity, it just reminds him of his sisters, and if kokichi pulled out the “onii-chan”... hoo, it’s over. rantaro will do whatever this guy wants. just, a total enabler. absolute goon and enabler. i love them so much.
on a more serious note, they both have a lot of baggage, and similar to harumami it’s like, they’re both really distrustful! they’re distrustful, they just deflect in different ways. i think they’re both observant and intelligent enough that they could bounce off of each other really well. i do think kokichi is a bit smarter than rantaro is, if only just because it’s really hard to be smarter than kokichi, but i still think rantaro could keep up with them. and i think they could be a safe haven for each other! like rantaro gives him a place to truly feel safe, y’know, which is SO rare for kokichi the way he believes everyone is out to get him, and kokichi could give rantaro a place to just, stop smiling. unwind and be himself a little bit. be a little mean! bitch a little! be openly distrustful!
they take care of each other is all!! care them.
rantaro + kaito (20/10) you think you know a simp’s rating system and then she pulls one of these. i’m honestly a little worried about how long this will be because i’ve literally been writing this for three hours but KFJDSKJFDK i’m going to try my very, very best! so here goes :3c
kaito and rantaro have... so much in common. look at these two emotionally constipated, constantly smiling, constantly putting on a brave face, never letting their guard down, never relying on anyone but themselves, always taking care of other people, always taking the burden onto themselves... yeah. it’s like looking in a mirror. and in some cases that’s a really terrible foundation for a relationship. but with these two, when their unhealthy similarities are so reliant upon the other person being willing to just let themself be helped... it works out.
because they’re sweet! they’re sweet people, and rantaro will probably notice the way that kaito takes so much crap from people, including his sidekicks, while working so hard to take care of everyone, and kaito will of Course notice how rantaro is gone all the time, and how he kind of takes himself out of group interactions and makes himself an outcast, and how subtly closed off he is... there’s interest! and they’re both so inclined to help each other i feel like they’d get close! kaito would probably have a bit of a squish on rantaro anyway because he’s the fucking ultimate adventurer and what the hell, that’s so fucking cool, kaito’s destiny obviously lies in the stars but knowing someone who’s going to conquer the earth... that’s awesome. he probably sees rantaro as an equal even before they start getting close. (aka he thinks rantaro is totally above him in every way, like, the ideal almost, but “an equal” is something the luminary of the stars would say, so there he is.) and rantaro thinks kaito is a little silly, but he’s sweet! it’s sweet how much he takes care of other people and just, like, looks after them. rantaro’s weak for a good dork.
and maybe kaito asks rantaro to train with him sometime, or challenges him to a fight, and of course rantaro goes for it because he’s a Man or whatever (and if they do fight it’s homoerotic as hell FKLDSJFK) and plus he’s been meaning to get to know kaito anyway, and then they make a habit of it and start like!! spending time together. and kaito drags rantaro into the larger group and makes him interact and rantaro quietly tells people to lay off kaito, or else makes sure that he’s actually taking care of himself, and then they’re both trying so hard to just, help each other, and they keep like deflecting it back onto the other person, and it’s frustrating! and rantaro is sitting there like “man i really wish momota-kun would open up to me!!” before realising fucking... wait. i do the same thing. like how can he expect kaito to open up to him if he wont do the same thing, y’know? and then he ponders that, and is like, well maybe the relationship just isn’t worth it like vulnerability is for gay losers, but rantaro is, inevitably, a gay loser, so...
there’s just something about seeing your own flaws magnified on another person who you really, really want to take care of, that makes you realise how uncomfortable that is. obviously kaito doesn’t realise he’s upsetting people by pushing them away, not until rantaro closes the door in his face during a breakdown, and then he seriously needs to reevaluate the way he takes care of other people.
idk! i think they’re fantastic. i think kaito’s fervent belief in people would lend itself well to rantaro’s task, like, who doesn’t want to be believed in, y’know? and kaito is so strong about it, even when rantaro doubts himself he’s so encouraging and it’s nice. and rantaro gives kaito space to stop being the hero for a second and just! be kaito! and kaito can tend to his wounds and rantaro can take care of him when he’s sick and hhhHhHhHhhhhHh i care about them SO fucking much.
also? amamota baking sessions? absolutely fucking flawless. these two are so important to me.
hahahaha. sorry for such a long reply, anon. i have a lot of feelings about all of these guys. especially rantaro :) thank you so much for the ask, this was a lot of fun to answer. hope you’re doing well.
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pikemoreno · 5 years ago
New dad Marcus pike?? Doooo ittttt.
you want to hear me talk about Marcus Pike as a new dad? Well... you asked for it...
-based on what we already know about Pike and how eager for commitment he is, I think it’s pretty obvious that this man really wants to have a family
-so whether the beeb is planned or not he is freaking excited
-absent father? Marcus has never heard of him
-he had a really great relationship with his dad who passed away when he was in his 20s. and he just wants to be like him and make him proud 🥺
-we all know he is the ultimate soft™️, but I also think he doesn’t cry easily. not because he thinks it’s bad, it’s just hard to make him cry
-but when he holds his kid for the first time? Yeah he definitely cries
-they’re just so little (that man has really big hands anyway, but it feels like even more so now in comparison)
-he definitely is one of those parents that everyone looks at and is like “ugh, he’s a perfect parent, I am inferior”
-and of course being Marcus he’s like “of course not! There’s no such thing as a perfect parent! I’ve definitely had bad moments.”
-but then he genuinely seems perfect? Even to you?
-he’s the type to be more than willing to be the one out of bed for the dreaded 2:30 wake up call because “you had to deal with that child for 9 months already, this is the LEAST I can do”
-so he’s ALWAYS ready to jump up in the middle of night, no fuss (but if you actually WANT to for the ~quality time~ he won’t stop you of course)
-and it works out pretty well too because he’s also totally a baby whisperer, they just l o v e him as much as he loves them and will generally go back to sleep in 10 minutes or less iif he’s holding them
-sometimes he still passes out in their room though and as much as you love waking up next to him, that is the best sight in the world, your two favorite people so at peace (finally)
-and obviously he’s not getting great sleep but he’s still seemingly never grumpy
-everyone at work is kind of terrified like “dude you have a new baby how are you even functional right now, much less actually smiling?”
-and of course he’s tired, but why does that mean he shouldn’t be happy?
-“I’ve wanted this for so long. It doesn’t make it easy, but it makes it worth it.”
-even sometimes you’re like a little insecure about it honestly because he’s just on top of everything all the time AND going to work while you’re on maternity leave still and he’s still so much better at it and happier about it and how can you get this kid to like you as much as they like him because you can almost never get them to sleep that quickly.
-he finds you in tears about it one day and it makes you cry even a little harder when he’s there comforting YOU too because “you shouldn’t have to be doing this”
-he doesn’t listen to that.
-he reassures you that you’re doing so amazing and, he laughs, he’ll even “hold back a little on being so great if it makes you feel better”
-you give him a playful swat
-but then he looks at you seriously and reminds you that you’re a team and it’s not a competition and you’re both killing it at this whole parenting thing
-you hear him whispering to the baby one night to “be nicer to your mom. you’re stressing her out, kid. and we both know she’s amazing, but I’m gonna need you to help me remind her ok?”
-and you don’t know if the baby actually understood that, but it does all seem easier after that.
-(but you guessed it was just the confidence boost… you think)
-(maybe he really is a baby whisperer)
-either way, between the two of you, that kid is the most loved kid around
-don’t even get me started on how much fun he has with a toddler… whew boy...
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morgana-ren · 5 years ago
alright we're all thirsty for shiggy up in this Chili's, personally I would choke on his dick until kingdom come, but do you have any soft headcanons for him? does he like to snuggle? Is he easily flustered? Etc, etc.
Oh I doooo, I do I do. Something about being sick has made my normally disgustingly lewd brain all mushy and soft, so I’ve been thinkin’ a lot about soft babie Shig. Don’t get me wrong, this boy is H O R N Y but he is also very vulnerable and needy, even though he’ll never admit it. 
🎮 He will berate you for clinging to him in public or around the crew. And by ‘berate’, I mean he’ll say “knock it off” and brush you away halfassedly while secretly hoping you just latch right back on. Not only does he like the way it feels, he likes it that everyone can see how much you like him.
🎮 This boy is like a magnet. He’s constantly being yanked inward by your gravitational pull. If you fall asleep watching a movie together, his head always ends up on your shoulder. Laying together in the same bed? He ends up curled around you, tangling his legs with yours. Just sitting on the sofa together? You eventually end up pushed all the way to the edge because he keeps scooting closer and closer, practically squishing your body.
🎮 He wakes up multiple times a night in a cold sweat, terrified he’s accidentally decayed you in his sleep. He’s aware of his tendency to practically suffocate you with his limbs even when he doesn’t mean to, and with a quirk like his, that could spell disaster. One of his greatest fears has become hurting you. He could never forgive himself if he did.
🎮 Eventually because of this he just... stops sleeping. Naturally, that doesn’t fly for you. To try and make him feel better about it, you start taping two of his fingers at night, and then covering two more with some tablet gloves you bought.
🎮 “I feel like a lobster.” “A very cute lobster.”
🎮 Yes, he’s going to complain the whole time, but he’s also a little relieved. He doesn’t like that he can’t feel your skin when he sleeps anymore, but he’ll take that over the possibility of harming you.
🎮 This boy is like a cat. He loves massages and scratches, but he refuses to ask for them. Instead, he just starts rubbing his head on your fingers or wacking your hand with his arm. Honestly, he just likes being touched by you in general.
🎮 He is A LOT stronger than he looks. Unnervingly so. He can literally just pick you up like a suitcase and walk off???
🎮 He has very, very soft hair. You like to sit behind him and just run your hands through it.
🎮 “Why do you keep touching my hair so much?” “I dunno, I like it.” “You’re weird.” “Fine.” “I didn’t say you could stop.”
🎮 When you think he’s not around, you like to wear his coats and play around in the mirror. Think being the keyword here.
🎮 “My name is Shigaraki and I can KILL heroes with my FINGERS.” “Wow.” “WUUUUUhELLO BABE HOW ARE YOU THIS FINE DAY.”
🎮 He has zero boundaries. Not even in a sexual way. He’s just all or nothing. If you’re taking a shower, he just kinda walks in and sits down on the floor and starts talking. He’s not even trying to sneak a peak or anything. He’s just bored when you’re not around.
🎮 Sometimes because of how he is with you, it’s easy to forget that this man is a terrifying force of nature.
🎮 “Here, I got you a cup of ramen.” “Ow! Why did you chuck it at my head?” “I thought you’d dodge it.” “I didn’t know you were going to throw it!” “Git good.”
🎮 He drools in his sleep. Snores too.
🎮 He likes to sneak pictures of you. Just dumb little candids that remind him you’re his. He has a hidden photo album on his phone that’s just nothing but photos of you. He will never admit it though.
🎮 You’re the only one that’s ever seen him cry. Not necessarily seen, but felt. He gets overwhelmed and feels like a failure, and he doesn’t relax until you’re squeezing him like a boa constrictor, reassuring him over and over.
🎮 He has the worst sense of humor. Just hands down the worst. It’s either edgy, dark humor or laffy taffy jokes and there’s no middle.
🎮 You two start picking up each other’s mannerisms. He starts using words you use and you start mimicking his body language.
🎮 He hates it, but he feels awful that he can’t ever take you nice places or show you off in public. For special occasions, he always toys with the thought of taking you to dinner or something, but he knows the chances you’d be caught are too high. He makes marks every time he wants to do something special, and he’s planning on paying every single one back to you when he becomes the King. He thinks you deserve better than to be cooped up in the lair constantly, and even though he knows you don’t mind, he still wishes he had the option occasionally.
🎮 He takes you on little walks though, and if it’s dark enough, he’ll sit with you in the park.
🎮 God HELP anyone who gets handsy with you.
🎮 “You really ought to keep your hands to yourself. You never know who’s watching and what their hands might be capable of.”
🎮 “Holy fuck, Tomura, you killed him!”
🎮 “He touched you.”
🎮 He’s very possessive, but he trusts you implicitly. He knows if he doesn’t maim the person, you probably will.
🎮 He struggles with saying it, but he loves you. He knows he does, and it scares the fuck out of him. Love tends to end in tragedy for him, so he feels like those words are cursed. He feels like if he tells you he loves you, he’s dooming you to a terrible fate. Instead, he tries to show you as best he can. You are one half of him.
🎮 “Tomura...!!” “What?” “You’re... crushing... my ribs!” “Oh, sorry. Wait. No, I’m not.” “TO-MU-RA PUT-ME-DOWN!” “No.”
🎮 “Get a room, you two!” “No.”
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surveys4ever · 4 years ago
Section 1 – Who were you?
Think back as far as you can. What is the first memory you have? I think meeting my (now) dad for the first time when he and my mom were dating. I was very upset because he was short and that’s not what dads were supposed to look like in my 3 year old eyes since my bio dad was super tall.
What is something you remember enjoying very much as a small child? Playing Barbies, watching Barney, Happy Meals, being with my grandma.
How old were you, when you made your very first friend? Probably preschool.
Are you still friends with this person today? Facebook friends, yeah. Real friends, no.
Was there a story somebody read or told you that has stuck with you? No one ever read to me after I learned to read for myself so one day I was sick and I came home and curled up with my mom on the couch and asked her to read me a Little Mermaid book I had and she did, even though I had to get up to go shit myself halfway through and it meant a lot to me at the time.
What is something you get an immense feeling of nostalgia from? Hannah Montana for some reason. It was my favorite show and we didn’t get the Disney channel so whenever we went to a hotel, nobody could tell me fuckin NOTHING because we were watching Hannah Montana whether they liked it or not.
As a child, were you a sore loser or a sore winner? I was the only child for 8 years and then the oldest after that so I never lost at anything and now when I do, I feel like I'm the biggest piece of shit loser there’s ever been. So that’s fun.
Did you go through the "naked phase"? I learned that you didn’t have to sleep in pajamas and you could just sleep naked so I did it for a while but then realized that I much preferred pajamas.
Which television shows do you watch the most as a child? I loved TV so basically all of the 90′s/early 2000′s shows there were.
Did you play with siblings, neighbourhood kids or by yourself? Either with neighborhood/school kids or by myself. I didn’t ever really have siblings who weren’t my kids, if that makes sense.
Is there something you really miss from your childhood today? I miss back when everything was simple.
Section 2 – Likes and interests  
Would you ever like to try competitive pinball playing? Ummm, no.
Do you knit, crochet or cross stitch? I’m trying to teach myself to crochet.
Have you ever, or would you like to attend a gaming or comic convention? No thx.
What's your opinion on online multiplayer games? I really liked Among Us for a while there but I don’t really enjoy how rude everyone is on online games.
Do you like to go cycling? If so, where? Uh no.
Have you ever tried woodturning? If not, would you like to? Never tried it, don’t really have any desire to, but it can be relaxing to watch!
Do you enjoy drawing? If so, what do you usually draw? I do! I usually draw graphics for YouTube videos or doodle over Instagram photos, draw things to put on shirts with my Cricut, etc. I use my iPad for so many things.
Have you ever attended a painting class? If so, what did you create? I haven’t but I would like to!
How about a creative writing course? If so, did you get any feedback? I took Creative Writing literally every year it was offered in high school and I always got awards for having the top marks in the class.
What is your favourite form of exercise? No thank you.
Section 3 – People  
Who is the most important person in your life (besides yourself)? My husband.
Do people generally approach you easily? I think so!
Do you get along with people well? If not, what's the problem? Yeah! I’m pretty friendly and easy going.
Do you enjoy being in crowds or do you prefer your own company? I would much prefer my own company than crowds.
Which one of your friends have you known the longest? I still talk to the girl I was best friends with in the 6th grade on occasion so like 17-18 years?
Do you find it easy to make friends now? If not, what makes it difficult? As an adult who works from home, making friends is hard as fuck. 
What is something about people that annoys you? Something I've noticed in recent years is just how entitled and greedy everyone is. Everybody wants something from you or for your skills to benefit them without them putting in any work or paying you for your time. It’s just gross.
What is something about people that you really like? We have really, really harsh winters and if you ever find yourself in the ditch for whatever reason, there will be a lineup of cars stopped behind you to help you push it out or let you chill in their car while you wait for a tow truck. On the really bad blizzard days, there are groups of men in big trucks that literally L I V E to go around and help pull people’s cars out of the ditch. It’s the only time I feel like there’s actually a sense of community around here.
If you live alone, what would be your criteria for a roommate? I honestly would never have a roommate because they could either be your friend or a stranger and living with friends is a good way to ruin a friendship if your living styles aren’t similar and living with a stranger just sounds like a nightmare.
How about criteria for a spouse, if you're single? I am married but my criteria was honestly that I just wanted him to be kind and funny and I got that tenfold with my husband.
In general, what's your attitude towards people? I can’t stand to be around grumpy people. If all you do is gripe and complain about literally everything, I’m out. No thank you. Why is your hobby being angry? Take up knitting or something for christ’s sake.
Section 4 – Habits
What is something you do every day without fail? Baby talk the dog and snuggle with Beebs.
What is your typical breakfast? I’m a leftovers for breakfast kinda gal but lately I’ve been having a bagel and watermelon.
Which article of clothing do you like to wear the most? I loooove me a good baggy T-shirt and booty shorts.
Is there a TV show you watch habitually? We’re currently watching Unhhhh while we eat dinner every night, haha!
Where do you usually spend most of your day? I really only sit in 4 places--bed, the couch, my makeup/work desk, or my sewing desk. Depends on the day which one I’m at.
Is there a product that you do not want to run out of? Moisturizer. I’m a dry son of a bitch.
What is your preferred mode of transport? Car!
Do you usually have something playing in the background when you're home? Nah. I’m in silence a lot of the time.
Where do you usually get your groceries? Walmart for the bulk of it, a local grocery store for the specialty items, and Target if we ever run out of something midweek because I cannot handle Walmart more than once a week.
How often do you go to your local park? Like once or twice a month in the summer!
Which of your hobbies do you indulge in most often? Sewing and Sims currently!
Section 5 – Favourites and dislikes
What is your favourite fruit? Watermelon!
How about your favourite berry? Strawberries are the only berry I like.
Which food do you highly dislike? Fish. It’s all disgusting.
What is your favourite song, and why? I hate this question. Who can pick one definitive favorite song out of the bajillions of songs that have been written??
What is a movie you cannot stand? Anything with Seth Rogen in it, any movie that's got a 3+ after it (looking @ you, Fast & Furious), and all the fuckin’ superhero movies that have the same ‘ah yes, this undefeatable bad guy that we have absolutely no chance against and will undoubtedly kill us all--but we’re going to pull through at the last second with the power of friendship!’ plot line.
Which trait in a person do you find most appealing? I don’t know how to describe it--certain people just have that spark and you can always tell right away if they’ve got it or not and those are my favorite kind of people.
Which trait puts you instantly off? If they’re religious it’s an instant no from me, dog.
Who is an actor/actress who you dislike so much you can't watch them? I really, really dislike Tom Holland. I honestly think he’s a terrible actor.
What colour are your favourite shoes? White!
What is a smell that disgusts you to no end? B.O., on me or others. I just can’t deal with it.
Which door handle/door knob do you like the most in your home? They’re all the same.
Section 6 – Culture
What is something very typical to the culture of your home country? Apple pie and baseball are the only things coming to mind atm.
Do you enjoy art? If so, which form of art is the most enjoyable? I do! But I prefer art that you can look at and know the artist is incredibly gifted and/or has put in a ton of time and effort to master their skills. None of that million dollar paint smear on a canvas shit.
What is something about another country's culture you don't understand? I feel like other cultures take their family and their family’s approval way too seriously. That might be rich coming from someone who doesn’t have a very good relationship with their family but I just don’t understand what the point of making yourself miserable to make your family happy is.
Do you ever attend the theater? If so, which play did you see last? Last thing I saw in a theater was Shangela perform a drag show, haha!
How about the opera or the ballet? Nope.
Which dance troupe do you enjoy, if any? ...they still do that?
Do you attend concerts or gigs? If so, which band did you see last? Not as much as I’d like to as no one good really comes here very often. Last band we saw was X Ambassadors and Paramore!
Are you interested in foreign food? I’m not uninterested but I’m not super interested either.
If so, which country's cuisine do you enjoy the most? Chinese...albiet probably a very Americanized version of Chinese.
Do you enjoy stand-up comedy? If so, who is your favourite comic? I doooo! Bo Burnham and Drew Lynch are my favorites.
Do you contribute to culture in some way? If so, how? I try to? I’m an influencer so I definitely have a platform of a couple hundred thousand people. Not sure what exactly I contribute tho.
Section 7 – Charity
Do you volunteer your time to anything charitable? If so, what? Newp.
Do you donate money to any charities? If so, which ones? No. I don’t trust a lot of charities, to be quite honest. A lot of them are very shady and I’d rather donate money directly to someone who needed it rather than it getting tied up in a charity where it might never actually see the people they claim to be helping.
If you have pets, are any of them rescues from shelters? We adopted our dog from one of my husband’s coworkers but she probably would have gone to the shelter if we didn’t take her.
Do you donate your old clothes, linen etc. to charitable organizations? Yes! We almost always have a bag of donations in our trunk that we always forget to take to the thrift store when we go.
If someone you know is in need, is it in your nature to offer help? If I can, yes!
Have you ever donated Christmas presents to children of poor families? We used to do that when I was a kid.
Have you ever had to rely on other people's charity? One Christmas when I was really young I remember my parents signed up for a sponsorship through the Salvation Army where a family adopted us and bought us Christmas presents and Christmas dinner or whatever.
How do you feel about donating to charities endorsed by celebrities? I would never donate to a charity simply because it was sponsored by a celebrity but I guess its the easiest way for a charity to get the word out that they need donations.
Is there a charity you absolutely never ever will not trust? PETA, Salvation Army, Goodwill, and that breast cancer one with the horrible CEO.
Have you ever donated to a cause that had a person going door to door? No. I extra wouldn’t if someone came knocking on my door asking for money.
In general, what is your opinion on charity? I already did my rant about them, haha.
Section 8 – Entertainment
Which was the very first video game you remember playing? Ocarina of Time I believe!
Which was the very first film you remember watching? That I don’t remember. Maybe that Barney movie with the magic egg?
What is your go-to form of entertainment? TikTok usually.
Do you have a large collection of DVDs/Blu-Rays? Nah. We have a drawer but we usually stream everything.
How about music albums? Beebs collects vinyls!
Do you prefer to have your music on vinyls, tapes, CDs or digital? I prefer digital and Beebs likes vinyl.
When and where do you like to entertain yourself usually? Either the bed or the couch.
Do you ever binge watch shows? If so, what are you binging now? Usually! I’m sadly in between shows rn.
What kinds of books do you like to read, if any? I honestly don’t read anymore.
Is there a book series you're currently collecting? ..
Is entertainment something you prefer to enjoy alone or with someone else? I have my shows and then we have shows we watch together. So there’s a time and place for both!
Section 9 – Internet 
Do you always have access to the Internet, wherever you go? If not, why? Yup!
Which website do you frequent the most? Website website? Google. App website? Instagram or TikTok.
Which search engine do you prefer and trust the most? Googs.
What do you use the Internet the most for? Social media or entertainment.
Do you judge people who have their phones out all the time? If so, why? Random people? None of my business. But if we’re spending time together and I’m trying to have a conversation with you and you're not paying attention to me because your nose is glued to your phone, I’m gonna be pissed.
If your connection goes down, what do you do? Go do something that’s not on the internet?
Is there something you wish you could do online that isn't possible yet? I still wish you could smell things through the internet.
Do you remember the first time you used the Internet? When was it? Yes! I believe the 2nd/3rd grade?
What was a website you used to frequent that doesn't exist anymore? I loved the Disney website with all the games.
Do/Did you ever have your own website? That was the thiiiing back in the day.
Isn't it great how much knowledge and info we have at our fingertips? It’s great but also overwhelming.
Section 10 – And finally...
What is something you consider to be highly controversial? Politics, apparently.
What kinds of jokes do you like the best? I love a good pun.
Is there a person who makes you laugh effortlessly? Oh definitely.
Which part of your body do you like the least? My eyes.
What's something random, out of context you remember from your past? I don’t do well with really vague questions.
Do you wear shoes indoors? No, I’m not a heathen.
What's the silliest thing you've worn on your body in public? I don’t think I usually wear silly things.
What's the most important thing in your life right now? Just spending time with my fam. Trying to get over this anxiety.
What is the most distant point on the planet that you've been from home? Florida.
Do you enjoy trivia games? If so, which one's your favourite? We love some Trivial Pursuit in this house!
Are you more logical or emotional? My emotions take over and then my logic brings it back in. Equal parts, baby.
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cullxtheherd · 4 years ago
Dirty headcannon game: J, A, C, O, B for Jacob
thank u for this ask anon - it gets a little rambly but in my defense i haven’t had coffee or sleep so ksjndksf we maaake doooo with what we haaave hebjhdfrdesfkjn
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Dirty A-Z headcanon game!
J - Jelly (what kind of lube are they using? is it flavored? have they tasted it? do they prefer to use something other than real lube during sex?)
anon i think, personally, that if Jacob Seed has access to any kind of personal lubricant it’ll come in a sour flavor- green/apple, lemon, etc. i just don’t see him as a sweets type of person? maybe you feel differently idk. but to be honest with you i doubt lube is in massive stock or quantity at saint francis. and without being... Too Dark™: i’m pretty sure if Jacob Seed is making use of any form of lubricant (even spit) he likely has some type of feeling for his partner- other than convenience, that is.
A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?)
hoo babey i think Jake is definitely a guy that masturbates, but i think he is the type of guy that has that?? ingrained Religious Guilt™ about it. which lanskjndjkfns it’s funny to me because he has zero to little guilt at all about anything else he does i just think that?? based on my own interpretation of his childhood: he likely spent whatever years that weren’t clouded by abuse and addiction on his parents part, under the thumb of the Bible. i have theorized in his timeline [x] that the Seeds were likely Baptists due to the majority Religion in Rome, Georgia at the time of Jacob’s birth. i personally headcanon that his father was likely a Preacher before being overcome with alcoholism and after i believe he was likely a bible salesman who dragged his eldest son along. i believe that being ruled by a heavily religious iron fist, especially with strict doctrines about repentance and sinning??? y e a h. i think if he is rubbing one out it’s probably a quick, base needs experience: no toys, etc and probably followed by feeling Super Wrong About It Because God (even though he doubts the fuckers existence at all®). anyone who is catholic can confirm ksjndkjnfdjdnf
C - Crying (is it a turn on? a turn off? do they cry during sex? have they cried during sex? what was the reason?)
oof that is a grim thought to be honest and?? i doubt Jacob Seed cries during or has in the past cried during sex. now i’m not sure on the turn on/turn off situation because honestly i think it depends on the circumstances. i could certainly see during an unhinged and violent episode it being a turn on (in the sense that it is something incensing to an attacker, generally), but!! i just don’t write him as meanly in the bedroom as most people do, so: in a sane mind state no i really do not think it is a turn on for him. i think although he was raised roughly and rudely that ultimately he was/is a Southern Boy; as in: he loves his Mama despite her massive faults, he holds doors open for women (these days mostly in the PEG unless out of town), he is sweet on his sweetheart, he knows the lyrics to every Elvis song and Southern Nights by Glenn Campbell, he eats peaches (no not Staci, yes sExUaLlY), he likes his grits tacky not RUNNY, he haS A STNRNFSDJ SOUTHERN ACCENT???!?!?!?! UBISOFT HELLOOO??
you know what im done with this question my friend :)
O - Outdoor sex (have they ever done it in public? would they? where?)
yes very much yes. i think any sex that jacob seed is having these days is likely a spur of the moment act of convenience and is probably subject to back alley bangin’ more than he would ever admit. the game and the devs have told us a lot that the boys don’t really follow their own core doctrines and since Jake tells us plainly that he’s not so sure about God?? i’m certain he abuses his power as Herald to bend the rules for himself and often. but same applies here i think he likely suffers a big heap of Religious Guilt afterwards, even despite his doubt in religion and faith.
B - Bondage (do they like it? do they not? do they prefer to be the one being tied or the one doing the tying?)
ebhjgdfdfjdgk okay so if you go to the several places (grandview, surrounding cabins, etc) where Jacob “trains” people you will find that most, if not all, of the beds/couches/etc have leg and/or ankle cuffs affixed to them and some even have a chain and leash bolted into the floor. i think Jake is big time into control in all aspects of his life, especially the bedroom. i do think that the confinements in the training rooms are more used as a system of degradation, though and not solely nsfw purposes. i have said in the past that in my interpretation this man absolutely hates being nude in any form in front of others due to his extensive scarring/rashes and i just don’t think his object is to absolutely rail the shit out of the poor souls coming through his doors- although, don’t get me wrong i’m sure on occasion it happens, but also skjkdfj let’s not forget that when Jake has left his men/soldiers to do things in the past (THE COOK IM LOOKING AT YOU) they often go? over the edge and get way out of control  aND honestly if you haven’t read the notes where the cook is: they say jake needs more bodies/soldiers but that the cook decides to burn these sinners anyways; it’s a direct avoidance of orders- this likely happens all over the whitetails and it is likely something Jacob doesn’t take kindly to. why? well when you’ve trained your flock on a cocktail of abuse and torture you don’t exactly instill absolute trust in your soldiers- some will, eventually, disobey and i’m sure with a bunch of half crazed, militarized guards around....sexual assault is going to happen, unfortunately. i do think that if there is some kind of? consensual/sexual relationship going on that restraints can and likely will be a part of the bedroom - maybe not always because Jacob strikes me as the kind of guy that prefers to? work with his hands. annnddd now for the part we aren’t ready for: i think if Jake really trusts his partner that he will allow himself to be bound in certain ways (he’s going to need a quick way out of any PTSD inducing scenes for everyone’s safety). just imagine this man has his partner in the cowgirl position and he says:
“𝑷𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒌 .”
bye im leaving 
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what-a-messsss · 4 years ago
1x10 rewatch
Ok, let’s get back to Walt Longmire: Disaster Boi of S1 and finish this season off with a...something.  Pleading look to the heavens, maybe?  
How do I keep forgetting that Lizzie is a thing, even after our decision to find her some nice Smitten Cowboy to be with?  Holy hell, but why are you still keeping your dead wife’s ashes in the kitchen?  At least you kept Lucian in your fucking truck.  In a coffee can.  What is with you and breakfast beverages??  We all know you need lots of therapy, but this seems like a kind of niche issue.
“Trust me, you don’t, uh, you don’t want that tea.”  Buddy.  
Poor Lizzie.  She really is so nice.  And he’s such a fucking disaster.  “You seem weird,” she says, in reaction to him going bug eyed from having to convince her not to drink his dead wife without her realizing that’s what he was doing.  Sweetie, you have no idea.  And she really does like him.  
This is.  So.  Gloriously awkward.  And Lizzie’s there in her bare feet.  And all we need is for Branch to show up and we’ll have a full house, and aaaaahahaha, Walt is so trying to freeze time with the power of his brain.  Staring off into the Not Here place with his mouth pressed just so...  Awwwww, suffer.
I had forgotten that Ferg was the one who actually did the body work on the Bronco!  Even did the paint work, because that old truck has never looked so good.  I know Omar loaned Walt his truck while the Bronco was “in the shop,” but I like that the writers gave Ferg the skills to do that.
“If anybody... has something they want to say, I suggest you think twice about it.”  We don’t need to say anything; we’re too busy laughing at you.
Oof, and then Lizzie hearing Martha’s voice still on the message greeting.  She’s really quite a good actress.  Lizzie isn’t a terribly subtle character generally, but she gives her these really fine microexpressions that give you occasional glimpses that there is more going on under the surface, and she’s not just an open book.  : (  Making me actually like her and feel bad, not just cringe when she comes on.  Dang iiiiiiiit.
Ok, that does NOT look like Sharpie.  I’m sorry, but that looks like a paint pen or lipstick more than it looks like a Shapie on the dead kid’s forehead.  Even if it were one of the jumbo Sharpies, they don’t write like that, they aren’t that colour on skin, and the thickness of the lines are all off.  Which is not really relevant, but it buuuuugs meeeee.  Pedantic little shit that I am.
Ope, Branch is basically past the angst about Walt not liking him and straight into just giving him nothing but attitude.  Which, while I can hardly blame anyone for giving Walt shit, does get old pretty fast.
Walt, you are So Bad at talking to people, even when it’s for the damn job!  Yeah, it’s fine to have Ferg fill Vic in, but at least acknowledge that she’s there, damn.  Honestly it would have been good for both Vic and Ferg for Walt to tell her to follow Ferg’s lead on this one.  He knows the case, the local history, the players, the situation, and probably more about archery than her, and she could stand to take the reminder that working 5 years in big city homicide still doesn’t make her the senior deputy and that she needs to be ok learning from even Ferg.  Shit, I keep finding more and more reasons to be annoyed at Walt.  Is he even really that good of a sheriff?  I’m shaking the ol’ Magic 8 Ball here, and signs point to frickin’ NO.  Ugh.
Five HUNDRED dollars says that he didn’t check with Mathias before going on the Rez for official police business again.  Jackass.
Can’t really blame Viho for being super bitter.  And Ayasha is so sweet.  This whole family dynamic is so well done.
Aw, Ferg is so excited about the gum wrapper.  “Still minty!”  How are you such a sparklebunny?  Bless.
Detective Falessssss.  His opening line is so great, but uuuuuuuhg, he’s as bad as Walt with his singlemindedness about the case.  
“Talk to Ruby.  She runs my life.”  She runs the department, bucko, and you’d be lost without her!  Lost, I say!  But you treat her like your personal social secretary, and that’s crap.
In Fales’ dubious defense, you were just super weird about that whole encounter.  
Omar!  You creepy little lecherous jackass.  Why am I still fond of you?  It’s really rather galling that I enjoy your character at all, but I doooo.  Thank gods he has the beard now; cleanshaven was just wigging me out.  “Vickie’s never shot before--”  “That is the second-to-last time you will ever call me that.”  And I chortle myself to distraction to the point that I have to rewind to catch the lines that I missed.  With her horrible plans when she gets drunk (I’m still cringing at that flashback of her with Travis) and her obvious thing for older men, I’m honestly kind of surprised she didn’t end up having a deeply regretted something with Omar at some point.  They do have good chemistry in an antagonistic way.  And he does so enjoy tugging her pigtails.  ...ew.  Why is my brain like this?  
“A little bit of practice, even a girl can make that shot.”  Aaaaaaand we’re back to kick him in the nuts.  Not that we ever really left there.  Such a butthead.
Boy oh boy, it sure is great the tone that all these shitty rich white people take saying “Indian.”
“That is what a normal person would do in your situation.”  Henryyyyyy, I love you so much.  Why can’t we spend more time with him in the early seasons?  Why are you drinking a Rainier?  Nooooo, please have better taste in beer than your boyfriend!  You have expensive tastes in bourbon, why can’t you have decent taste in beeeer?
Walt, what is the point of practicing darts when you are FIVE FEET from the board?  Seriously, you’re supposed to be like...  (a google later)  7 feet 9.25 inches away!  That’s...  That’s an oddly specific measurement.  Wtf.  No quickly apparent reason for that specific measure.  Resisting the pull of this particular rabbit hole to continue the ep.  
Aaaah, that’s right, this is still when Walt thinks that Henry may have killed the guy for him.  And BestDad Henry talked to Cady after the blow up about Branch, and he is a wonderful human being.  “It’s really none of your concern.”  Hoooooow dare you.  It is clearly a function of being bffs with that butthead that Henry just smiles (somewhat bitterly) at this instead of tripping him into the bar or shoving his head into the cigarette machine.  (Is that a cigarette machine?  Wtf is that thing with the yellow lit up portion towards the top? [14:05])  
“What a rich inner life you must lead.  From time to time, you should consider sharing some of it with the rest of us.”  The sass!  Swoon.  Henry.  Marry me.  
“I’ve got other problems.”  Buddy, you are other problems.
I wonder how many people/places Ruby just has on speed dial so that she can zoom through her list of “Where the hell is Walt now” to get in touch with him.
Aaaaand we’re back to Branch getting a bit big for his britches.  Whee.  Better fight about it like Big Boys.  Ffs.  “Go ahead.  Give me your best shot.”  ::Pat Benatar starts playing in the background::  Oh holy shit, I wish so damn much that I had any know-how about making vids.  I would be beyond amused by a spoofy hate vid of Walt and Branch being assholes to “Hit Me With Your Best Shot.”  Ooo, oo, or “Hit Me Baby One More Time!”  Aaaahahaha, these fucking losers and their fragile masculinity.  Get rekt.
Children.  Childreeeeen.  Stop it, or you can’t go to Timmy’s birthday party next week.
The irony of Vic being the one who is actually calling them on their shit and getting to do their damn jobs.  Well shit, they actually have a warrant this time.  Will wonders never cease.
Damn, Viho is smart.  Politically savy, pointing out the election coming up.  He’s got the wrong end of the stick this time, but the fact that he’s seen these angles and considered a bunch of things about the consequences already is telling about how smart he is.
Ruby is so pleased to see Henry.  She sounds tired (dealing with Walt and Branch and the sheer volume of bs that is accumulating in that office, no wonder) but still fond.  And the look she gives him.  I love her so much.  She puts up with so much.  And I love Henry continually calling Walt and the department on their shit and just being a dedicated activist for his community.
Fuck right off, Branch.  “Woah.  I know you’re Walt’s friend, Henry, but you don’t have any particular rights here.”  You are sliding into being a full on trashbag of a human being so fast, Brancheroo.  Reminding a young man of his rights and helping him avoid getting railroaded by your biased ass isn’t a bad thing, you rusty wingnut.
Ok, it might not be Glasses!Henry, but cowboy boots!Henry with the glow of righteousness upon him is also quite A Look.
Aaaaahahaha, for once Vic’s unholy yelling saves the day.  Being able to shout over a mass of raucous teens is usually reserved for teachers, camp counselors, and stage managers.  Looool and using detention as the threat.  And then jail.  Heeeh.
This is soooo weeeeeird: I’m starting to genuinely like Lizzie.  She just showed up and I remembered that it’s for dropping off that present, and then Vic is such a butt about it, and this poor lady is just trying to date a guy that she really likes and even gave him about 5 different outs that morning and he pointedly didn’t take any of them and dammit, Lizzie deserves better, too.  Fuck, Walt, you are such a disaster zone.  And Vic is a whole other disaster area that’s looking to, uhhhh, share a border.  Yike.
The present is definitely more Lizzie than it is Walt, with the wrapping and everything, but it’s still a sweet impulse.  AND THEN VIC, who told Walt how many times that he should call her?? gets all up in her business?  Poor Lizzie trying to figure out what the fuck this has to do with Vic or how it is even on the same planet as any of her business.  She does have some issues from her previous marriage, but she owns them.  And her BS meter is actually pretty finely tuned.  Sure picks up on Vic’s awkward boner for Walt in no time flat.  Not that it’s particularly well hidden, damn.
This kid is a rapist and a murderer and The Bad Guy, but at the same time, he is a high school kid, chances are he’s a minor, and Walt is talking to him alone in his office without any parent, much less a lawyer.  What the fuck.  
“Because Ayasha Roundstone told me so,” is a good line, solidly so.  And Walt’s all in The Righteous Hand of Justice mode or whatever, with the gravelly voice and standing over the kid, staring him down.  Effective.  (But where are that kid’s parents?)  Ah, that’s right, his dad is taking a shot at whatshisnoodle to make it look like he’s the killer.
Awww, Cady.  Honey, how long have you been waiting for you FailDad to show up?  Fuck.  Right.  This was how she found out that Martha was murdered.  He lies to her so much.  He manipulates her so much.  He passes all of this off on it being Martha’s wish, but he even acknowledges that Cady had a right to know and he chose not to tell her.  He denies Cady her own agency again and again.  He makes decisions for her without ever giving her a chance to choose for herself, and punishes her when she makes a choice that he doesn’t agree with.
It’s not “protecting” her from the pain.  “Protecting you from the pain,” is not a father’s job; it’s to teach their child how to manage it, help them live through it, and how to grow past it.  You’re damaging her.  Into the suuuuuuun, Walt!  Into the fucking SUN.
But fuuuuuuuuuuuck, her delivery of that same line, “Well, let me relieve you of that burden,” is sooo good.  You done fucked up, buster.  And you just keep fucking up.  I would say in new and exciting ways, but it’s generally in the SAME DAMN WAYS, dammit Walt.
This flashback is really difficult.  
They’re right about that technically being kidnapping, too.  Wyoming  § 6-2-201 specifically includes defining kidnapping as unlawfully confining another person, with the intent to “facilitate the commission of a felony; or Inflict bodily injury on or to terrorize the victim or another,” with unlawful confinement defined as “accomplished (i)  By force, threat or deception; or (ii)  Without the consent of a parent, guardian or other person responsible for the general supervision of an individual who is under the age of fourteen (14) or who is adjudicated incompetent.”  Meaning that not only could Walt charge Jake with the kidnapping of Rich, but also probably of Ayasha, since she was ruled an unreliable witness and would more than likely be legally considered a “mentally incompetent person” according to the states’ legal definitions.  
Not... that I have the Wyoming State Criminal Code downloaded on my computer.  >_> Certainly haven’t skimmed about 80% of it trying to figure out what charges would most make sense to be levied against Jacob at the end so that I don’t have to deal with him going in to a Federal prison on RICO charges.  <_<  Or what Cady probably should have been charged with after that mess with Tate and Catori.  Nnnnnnope.  Sure don’t, didn’t, haven’t. o_o
This is about the only time I can remember there being a legitimate reason for Walt not to have backup.  Since they’re off checking other locations.  Also, damn, that was some classic Old West quickdraw shit, Walt!  Noice!
“Why did you stop me?”  Because you have to testify, you little shit.  HE is not terribly bright.
Ooooooo, somehow I forgot that it was Branch who went to Jacob.  But that makes total sense; I can’t really see Jacob seeking Branch out, but once he walks himself into his office, Jacob will certainly play those new cards for all they’re worth.  Ooooooooo, and the Hotamétaneo’o headdress!  I’d forgotten about Branch seeing it, too!  Nice call back and foreshadowing to finish off S1!
“You will not find a chili cheeseburger of this caliber anywhere in Colorado.”  And now it’s 4:30 in the morning and I want a chili cheeseburger.  Thanks, babe.   Some daaaaaay, I will figure out which is my favourite Henry, but it is not this day, because godsdaaaaamn, the red checked shirt with that vessssst, is *chef kiss* a wonderful thing.   And the director knoooooows it = that pan down Henry’s back as he turns after saying, “I said nothing,” for noooo reason other than to have Henry’s ass on screen.  Seriously.  He says his line, it pans down, we get a primo shot of his jeans, and then it cuts away.  Solely a pan for Henry Butt.  Who directed this, and where do I send the fruit basket?  Dang, it was Nelson McCormick, and this was the only ep of Longmire he directed.  Huh.  In S1, there’s only one repeat director, who did eps 1, 3, and 7.  Interesting.
Focus, kid.  You are less than 3 minutes from the end and you’ve had it paused for over 5 minutes to wander around IMDb.  No wonder it takes you three flipping hours to watch one of these episodes.  What a mess, indeed.
“We all process grief in our own way.”  Buddy.  You have not processed.  You are a human <BUFFERING> screen.  You’re a walking loading symbol.  Walt, he gives you some basic vital statistics on the guy, but...  You haven’t even asked who it was.  Walt, you are so bad at this.  Fffffffff---  And there’s season 1.  lawd.
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wait... you like kenjaku?
i feel like not many people do...
with kenjaku...
one thing that always bothered me was kenjaku's past life?
what was kenjaku's first host like? who was it?
i can't get the idea of kenjaku's first host being kenjaku's lover—a way of preserving his lover's memory by being inside their body literally.
and kenjaku knows it inside out, but now, kenjaku truly knows what it's like to know it inside out.
do you think it would make kenjaku cry? i'm not sure. i don't know if i have a good handle on kenjaku's character yet.
but i find this thought to be interesting.
it occupies my mind from time to time. (i think it's pretty romantic, too...)
(and the potential of kenjaku preferring some bodies over others? potentially missing the original body kenjaku used to possess? a sense of dissociation, perhaps, too? or nonchalance? i'm not sure.)
and since my humour is a little bit too raunchy for my own good, i keep on making myself laugh by thinking of kenjaku having a partner who just calls kenjaku an 'ancient brain with teeth leaking fluids' or 'you're just a brain—suguru's the one who's pretty' and kenjaku would be like, 'yeah? is that so? well i'm the one fucking you with his dick.'
ANONNNNN I’VE READ THIS ASK OVER AND OVER AGAIN LIKE A MILLION TIMES you have nooo idea how ecstatic i got seeing it !!! I DOOOO LIKE KENNY I LOVE KENNY he’s my fave jjk character hehe <333 (stsg excluded … 👉👈)
i don’t even know where to begin because i have sooo many thoughts abt this… it’s such an interesting aspect of kenny’s character that i think a lot of ppl don’t tend to discuss (partially bc he isn’t the most popular character in the first place…) SO THIS IS THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY FOR ME TO RANT A LIL buckle up my sweet anon >:33
first of all!!!!! TYSM FOR SENDING THIS IN it’s not often i get the chance to talk about kenny 🥺🥺 and honestly this is one of my favorite things about him; his identity crisis <333333 it’s soooo obvious and so so interesting and i can’t get enough of it. immortality as a trope is one i really love when it’s done well, and in kenny’s case i think it definitely is!! (but i still want akutami to explore it more in depth 😞)
in addition to that, jjk’s theme of love is so interesting when it comes to kenny because he canonically feels his vessel’s emotions, has their memories — so surely he must feel their love for people too? this is something i really hope akutami digs into more. like… did kenny love yuji when he was growing in his womb? when he was born? did he love jin? when he took over geto’s body, could he feel his love for gojo? it’s so fascinating to me.
buuuut to actually dig into your own thoughts and questions….. anon. i am in love with you. THE IDEA OF HIS FIRST HOST BEING HIS LOVER IS SO GENIUS HELLOOOOO?????? i lost it a bit when i read this ask IT’S ABSOLUTELY ROMANTIC!!! you have no idea how much i agree…… it’s a lil niche i think but!! i’m so so weak for characters who cope with the loss of a loved one by becoming them, either literally or more figuratively… i don’t see it in fiction super often but when it appears it always hits. (there’s this one game i adore where an npc you meet names herself after her dead lover and i just :(( i think it’s so romantic.)
BACK TO KENNY THOUGH …. oh anon i just adore this hc. it’s canon to me now!!! the idea of him feeling closer to his lover by taking over their corpse… it’s so twisted and desperate and it feels so fitting for him somehow. i think that kenny’s emotions are severely dulled after living for so long, but if it was his very first host, then i definitely think he might’ve cried :((( to feel your lover’s presence, to see them in the mirror, but to know they aren’t really there…. yeahhhh. fucked up </3
overall i just. really really want to see more glimpses into kenny’s previous vessels… his past…. to see him show more genuine emotion !! a big reason why kenny vs takaba is one of my favorite jjk fights is because his range of expressions is so wide, and they feel so real somehow….. there’s just sooo much about him that we don’t know yet. it’s hard to discern what parts of him are borrowed and what parts are authentic, and that makes him so intriguing as a character….. i just. love him a whole lot 🥺🥺
(also, anon… honestly… i think kenny might be in a permanent state of dissociation :’3 that might be why he’s so desperate to find some sort of meaning to it all…. unhinged little mad scientist meowmeow <33)
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physcoticfrog · 5 years ago
A/n: Uhh I don't really know what I'm doing right now honestly 😂 I just came up with it on the top of my head. (Btw I will be using she/her pronouns)
Think of it as a shit post I guess lmao
Description: y/n is a new student at UA, getting in on recommendations as a second year for the hero course. Many have vaguely seen her quirk, but few (except for the teachers) truly know what it is.
Pairing: Denki kaminari x reader
No warnings, just fluff and slight angst I guess 🙃
Sparks fly
You were on your way to school first thing in the morning, and you texted your best friend since elementary school for advice. "K so we have a problem. Sho, I don't know what to doooo. You go here, so can you meet me at the gate, please?"
It was sad, almost pathetic, you could hear the desperate tone in your voice through text.
"Yeah, I'll meet you there. Give me a sec"
You immediately walked up to the gate, expecting to see Shoto, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. Once you have it a few minutes, you finally see a familiar white and red haired boy walking your way.
"Hey! Jeez, I thought you were gonna leave me here." You said, sounding pretty much exhausted despite it being morning.
"I thought about it. But I decided against it. After all, who would I be to do that to you." He said, pretty much nonchalantly. You looked offended, but just playfully chuckled.
Later that day
It was lunch time, the cafeteria being almost full, despite it's insane size. A boy did catch your eyes though, his hair looking adorable, with a small lightning bolt looking mark on his left side. His smile was almost intoxicating yet inviting, pulling your own lips into a smile.
You were so lost in thought, you didn't even realize the tap on your own shoulder, until you got violently spun around to find a very familiar pair of grey and blue eyes.
"Oh, hey Sho. What's up?" You said, trying to play off the fact that you were staring at someone.
All he did was chuckle and say "What's up with you? We should go sit down once you get you're food."
He held true to his word, you two grabbing a table to eat and talk. He asked you what that whole staring deal was about, and you just brushed it off and changed the subject.
Two months later
Training was biting you in the ass, but you continued through your day as any other one. School had been easy to adjust to, and you had made some pretty great friends. Even Denki Kaminari, who you'd learned was that very cute guy who you had stated at the first day.
It still shocked you how you still remember that day so vividly, almost as if it had happened that day.
Later on during quirk training you had been watching, learning from some of your peers. Kaminari had caught your eye though, and you realized just how powerful his quirk could get. He had sent a very high voltage blast into the rocks and metal, causing it all to spasm, but that's not what caught your attention. No, it was the fact that he had looked like some deep out of a comic. It was actually adorable, since he looked like a dork.
Apparently, this time Bakugou had come up to you. He smirked and chuckled, pointing at the boy in question, saying some sort of snarky comment about how he had a "short circuit". You couldn't help but laugh too, listening to him call Kami a dunce face.
You two laughed so hard you snapped out of it when Aizawa yelled at you two to continue your training.
You started to notice that many people thought you had telekinesis, but little did they know your quirk literally is actually control. Control of basically anything and everything. You can control objects, people like a puppet, minds, the air, the elements, the ability of your own mind to create things from your own imagination.
But it was deemed by society to be dangerous, and those with it should be killed immediately. That's why most have been told you have telekinesis. In order to save you. Legends surrounded it, but for good reason, it was never once mentioned in the news or anything of the sort. That's why you've been dreading today.
While you were about to go back to your dorm room, you were abruptly stopped by a familiar form that you had grown fond of. Looking up slightly to see none other than Kaminari. You two had become really close, and he even got you to join into the bakusquad.
"Hey, can we talk?" He had asked you.
"Yeah, sure. Right now orrr-"
He stopped you before you could say anything else "Right now."
The look in his eyes was almost intimidating, not his usual friendly looks.
You lead him into your room, and you grab a blanket and tell him to go out into the hallway for a second while you changed, and once you were done you let him back in. You could almost feel the electricity waving off of him, making your hairs stand up, and the smell of lemony battery acid filled your room.
"So, what's up?" You asked him, truly curious to know why he wanted to talk to you so bad.
"I want to know about your quirk". That made you freeze.
"What about my quirk?"
"How come you only use it when you need to? And it's obvious your not using it fully, you can see yourself holding back. Please, tell me." He was pleading like a dog with a plate of food in front of them.
"I said no"
"Fine, Kami. But just know you might look at me entirely different when I should you my quirk". You basically warned him, knowing full well that you will regret what was about to happen.
"What do you want to see?" You asked him, wanting to know if he would tell you now that you two were at an almost unknown lake behind the dorms.
"I want to see you use your quirk, y/l/n. You've seen mine, I don't get why it could be so bad." You almost winced at his words, knowing that he doesn't understand what's about to happen.
"Do you trust me? Do you absolutely promise that you will not leave me? That we will stay friends, no matter what?" You asked him. Uncercertainty painting your voice.
"Yes, yes, and yes. I promise you". It was weird seeing him like this, not smiling and giddy. His voice almost shaking in anticipation.
"ok" you said almost blankly.
Moments later, Denki felt his mind go almost completely blank, fuzzy and fogged. He didn't understand what was going on. All he could hear was y/n's words.
"walk towards me, and stop when I tell you to" is all she said. Immediately, he felt his body move against his own will, not wanting to move, but unable to stop himself. Once again, when she told him to stop, he stopped, and then she released her hold on his mind.
"Woah. So your quirk is like Shinsou's?" He asked, warily.
"Not really. There's more." She said. Right after, his body moved in sync with hers, but his mind still being his own. She move her right arm, he moved his right arm. And then she stopped. She moved the rocks on the ground, along with the leaves. Not stopping, she took a pen from her pocket and lazily sketched a square, with a circle in the top, and when she close her eyes and held out her palm, there was a flash of light and then that tag with a circle at the top was in her hand.
Kaminari stared in shock, not yet realizing what was going on.
"Wait, what is your quirk?" he asked, a quiver in his voice.
"Control." Is all you said back, and his eyes instantly widened in surprise.
"B-but I t-thought that it d-doesn't exist" he stuttered, head scattered.
"I know it doesn't make sense, and there's still more that I can do, that's just a fraction of my quirk. The only reason I'm alive right now is because the government thinks I have telekinesis, because if they knew- I would be dead right now."
"Are you happy now? You know. There." You said, eyes at the ground.
When he didn't reply, all you could do was ramble "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you... I should've kept to myself...wow way to make a great impression of your quirk..." You continued.
"And I know that you deserve better and I don't deserve you as a friend, and as much as it would be great I don't deserve to ever even think of you as mine," your mind didn't seem to catch up with your words yet, especially with Kaminari still staring at you.
"not that I see you as mine, it's just you're really cute and amazing and dorky and-" You cut yourself off. Face immediately turning tomato red taking in what you just said to him. Your last words being
"I'm sorry" before you turned away, too embarrassed to say anything more. Kaminari titled your chin up, wiping the tears searing down your face with his other hand.
"Calm down, ok? You're quirk is amazing, and I mean amazing. " He said, serious but playfulness seeping through.
"I know you well enough to know you are better and stronger than anyone, and I will be damned if you let that get to you". He said. Straighting his posture and plastering his goofy grin on his face.
"Thanks Kami, you know you really are amazing. As much as I didn't want to say it, I meant what I said". You didn't have to say what you were talking about, he already knew.
"I'm- " before you could apologize again, you felt warmth flowing through you. Your body being enveloped by a warm figure. And before you could say anything, he turned his head and yours, bringing your lips down to meet.
The gentleness yet passion in his lips were amazingly intoxicating, just how you imagined it to be.
"Stop. Seriously. Don't apologise. I haven't told you this, but I love you for you. No damn quirk can change that."
You couldn't believe your ears. He just confessed to you, and you couldn't even stop the tears from falling anymore.
"And two more things, one; can I take you on a date? And possibly make you my girlfriend? Two; call me Denki."
You nodded your head, temporarily unable to form words. Since you couldn't, you decided to go into Denki's mind and tell him that you wanted to be his girlfriend, especially because of the raging crush you have had on him for a while.
Right after, you removed your head from his and then his lips immediately locked with yours. He spoke volumes through that kiss, telling you how much he meant his words, and you were incredibly thankful.
Quickly though, he pulled away and then made himself short circuit from the excitement.
"alright time to get you home" you chuckled watching your braindead now-boyfriend walk with you, but you had to keep him steady on his feet, so you just had to put your mind holding back on him, keeping his legs from giving out.
Everything's going to be fine, and from that day forward, you knew you were going to be better than you ever have been before.
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makeste · 6 years ago
BnHA Chapter 172: Festival Planning and New Attack Training
Previously on BnHA: We spent some time with Gentle, our New Villain who commits chivalrous crimes to punish the worst scum of society, such as guys who sell expired pudding. He’s not as popular as that trendy League of Villains because he’s not big on violence. But he does have a new project up his sleeves! Meanwhile at U.A., class A got to work planning their cultural festival program. Jirou was in need of a drummer, and Bakugou somehow ended up getting volunteered. Turns out he’s actually pretty good, but he was reluctant to perform because he overheard some jerks from the department of gen ed talking shit about class A and blaming them for starting trouble all the time. So he wasn’t keen on the idea of performing to indulge these people. However he is on board to aggressively “knock them dead with his sound”, whatever that means! Everyone was like “...well all right then!” And everything was looking up. And then we found out that Gentle plans to invade U.A. during the festival. Because apparently we can never have nice things.
Today on BnHA: Jirou recruits the rest of the band members: Momo on keyboard, Tokoyami and Kaminari on guitar, and her own self on vocals. A handful of kids -- Todoroki, Kirishima, Sero, Kouda, and Aoyama -- are assigned to the “staging” team in charge of making everything look cool. And the rest of the kids are assigned to the Dance Team, including IIDA FUCKING TENYA, because when I tell you guys this manga always delivers everything I want, I mean ev.ery.thing. With that settled, Deku meets with All Might the next day and discusses his recent progress (or lack thereof) with One for All. All Might tells Deku he needs to develop a long-range attack, and they head out to the woods for some training. Deku learns that 20% Full Cowl gives him enough power to unleash wind pressure attacks. And with a little nudging, All Might gets Deku to realize he can create a new attack by activating 20% OFA in specific parts of his body, the way he did back before he mastered Full Cowl. Then to end the chapter, we cut to Aizawa and Mirio, who are bringing Eri to visit U.A. for the very first time.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 199 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
look who knows how to play the piano because she’s so stinkin’ rich!
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oh my god look how cute she is
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look how cute they are. GOD THIS IS THE BEST
Jirou says she’s gonna be on bass, so they just have guitar and vocals left!
cool cool. they can get literally anyone to do those and I’ll be happy. anyone EXCEPT Iida, that is. because Iida needs to be on that dance floor you guys
lol Todoroki
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I’m fucking dying. Todoroki is nailing that space alien combination of “knows just enough to ask oddly specific questions while still somehow being totally naive and clueless”
Mina is explaining to those unaware that “staging” refers to things that set the atmosphere, such as disco balls, sparklers, streamers, etc.
I wonder if putting Aoyama in charge of that would lead to success or disaster
ooh, apparently Aizawa made arrangements to borrow the gym! so they’ll really have room to go nuts
I have no idea what’s going on in Mina’s head you guys but omg
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yes. yes. I can see it now
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this girl has a fucking VISION and she will not be deterred
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okay so I’m fairly convinced now that Mina might actually be a creative genius and they should really let her loose more often in training. let that imagination go wild and see where it takes you. she could come up with some extremely unpredictable strategies. I’m serious
amazingly, no one is even arguing this except for Aoyama lol. he’s standing there all “I’m the disco ball?” while the rest of them are all “oh is this what you meant by teaming up? cool beans”
(ETA: no one argued it because this is literally what they ended up doing. pretty sure the staging team had one planning meeting and were all “okay, so basically just do all that stuff Mina said?” and agreed on it and then spent the rest of the month playing on their phones while pretending to work real hard. they didn’t even bother to work out the actual logistics of it until basically the night before. this is why Deku hadn’t checked that fucking rope you guys.)
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I want to save this panel and use it as a meme reaction image omg
and that clack you see is the sound of the intern kids finally returning from their supplementary courses!
they’re excited to also get in on this!
Ochako is surprised that Jirou’s not singing!
-- oh no
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when I said “literally anyone” I should have been just slightly more specific huh
oh thank god they’re making these guys try out first
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I can’t fucking wait to see this in the anime omg
Hagakure says that Jirou’s singing is actually amazing and she thinks she should be on vocals
but Jirou really doesn’t want to and says it’s just gonna complicate things
but they’re all encouraging her!
oh my god she’s gonna do it!
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can’t fucking wait. omg. it’s gonna be like a whole year, but hopefully it’ll be worth it
so now Jirou says they need two guitarists
Kaminari is volunteering which is GREAT because Jirou and Momo are already there, so yeah
but Mineta is also volunteering which is. less great
oh my god
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at this point the list of people I ship Bakugou with is significantly longer than the list of people I don’t ship him with, I think
sometimes Horikoshi does nice things. I’ll admit
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Mineta is sulking and the girls are taking pity on him, and honestly I don’t mind it. weirdly. because it’s one of the few times he’s not being a little troll. he just looks small and sad
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MAYBE I’M JUST FEELING GENEROUS TODAY. Mineta, you can exist today
like, even when Mina offers him a “harem part”, he doesn’t turn completely gross, he just kind of goes red a bit. I’m completely fine with this. Horikoshi can write this toned down version of Mineta and I’m cool with it. but I’m sure it won’t last though. alas
(ETA: my biggest problem with Mineta is that he beat Mirio in that goddamn poll his character has no purpose other than being obnoxious. he literally has no other personality traits besides “pervert.” if Horikoshi made even the slightest attempt to tone down that bullshit and actually try to do more with him I’d probably make more of an effort to at least tolerate him. but alas, that ship has sailed I think.)
holy shit how late did they stay up planning this??
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you actually got Bakugou to stay up 5 whole hours past his bedtime. incredible
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do you guys think Bakugou knows how to do that thing where you twirl the drumstick around on your fingers
also if he doesn’t get to shout “WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB!!!! ONE TWO THREE FOUR!” then I will forever be upset about the opportunity wasted. in fact, it’s happening in my mind whether Horikoshi likes it or not. that is canon. prove me wrong
(ETA: I have my own mental version of this entire performance and let me tell you, it is very specific)
I’m gonna play some Yeah Yeah Yeahs because right now that’s kind of my mental image for what the band might sound like lol
so now we’re cutting to the break room the next day and Izuku is having some tea with dad
it’s very cute but also All Might’s wondering if Deku had something he specifically wanted to talk to him about, since he’s meeting up with him at such a busy time
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geez All Might can’t a boy just have some TEA with his DAD without being INTERROGATED, GEEZ
but also he’s 100% right to ask, and he does it so gently so that Deku can either take the invitation to talk, or decline politely if he so chooses. All Might really is the best
sure enough, Deku does have something on his mind!
he’s telling All Might about how he was able to bring out 20% of OFA under duress, but only for a short time, and even then it put a ton of strain on his body. not only that but it wasn’t even enough to win
so he’s trying to figure out how he should fight in the current situation, since he can’t master 100% yet
um whoa
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say what now??
I mean like, obviously yes, that would be ideal. but are you implying that there’s some sort of obvious long-range move he should be able to figure out?
Izuku says he wants to learn how to do a weather-altering technique (and I forgot All Might could do those; has he even done it since the opening chapter?), but right now he’s not able yet
but All Might says he has “a few other...” and then he trails off
and he’s saying they should change locations
omg. I’m so hyped!?!
so now they’re in a forested area on the school grounds, and Deku has changed into his gym uniform
is this still during school hours. and Deku still has those supplemental lessons on top of that. All Might doesn’t have any classes he’s supposed to be teaching either? just drop all of your fucking responsibilities then why don’t you
All Might is telling Deku to break out 20% full cowl, and Deku is hesitating
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“YEAH!! IT’S FINE!” lol okay then
so here we go!
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this is always so badass. and I appreciate it so much more when it’s not in the context of a super dragged out fight coming on the tail end of 40 chapters of nonsense
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:D what’s he gonna doooo
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Deku is wincing though and he’s saying “but in any case, my body’s...”
but All Might is wagging a finger in a knowing way and he’s telling Deku to look back at his journey
damn we got like a powerpoint and everything
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does Deku’s mind just naturally think this way. because he’s trained it through all of that obsessive note-taking. I realize this is mostly for our benefit, but it really wouldn’t surprise me if his thoughts actually were this organized
anyways his eyes are widening, because he’s clearly drawn some conclusion from this pattern that I have yet to see! I don’t have a big hero brain like you Deku
All Might says he wasn’t always bringing out 100% himself??
oh shit
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so since he is capable of holding 20% briefly without doing permanent damage to himself, then if he combines points two and six -- drawing out 20% OFA to a specific part of his body -- then he can utilize this badass new air attack!
though All Might says it’s gonna be harder than it sounds, and that it requires significantly more nuanced control
so Deku’s thinking that he’s gonna practice with his fingers
oh god
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I’m still traumatized from that fight against Todoroki honestly. I look at this and can’t help but think “oh shit he’s gonna snap them all one by one” oh my god. it’s making me very uncomfortable even though I’m fully aware it’s not actually going to happen. Deku you’ve fucked me up
oh snap and we’re fast-forwarding to the day of the cultural fest!!
(ETA: lol no, I just thought this because I saw Eri there. jumped the gun just a bit)
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oh my god. I’m so excited oh shit
IT’S ERI’S PROFILE YOU GUYSSSSS. I’m gonna link to it over on aitaikimochi’s tumblr! here!
THIS OUTFIT IS THE CUTEST EVER. I’m gonna gush over it some more in tomorrow’s recap too. it’s just so cute
the clothes Aizawa got her just go to prove that no one is perfect. having some flaws just adds to his charm though
I also want to see Eri eating apples with Tokoyami now
so she is indeed six! my approximate guess was right! however as of where the manga currently is, she’s just about to turn seven. she’s getting so big! they have to figure out what to do about school for her. although her dad is a teacher so
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Mud is Thicker the Blood (1)
Sick Day
Summary:Compilation of Donnie growing up being raised by his adopted family the Mud Dogs
He had been feeling fine that morning, but thankfully he has a family to take care of him
Gift for: @void-inked-pen birthday
Characters: Donnie, Loathsome Leonard, Malicious Mickey, Dastardly Danny, April O’Neil, Myrah
Pairings: You’re in luck! all the pairings for this fic are just past this door *gestures to wall that has a badly painted door under it and the laundry basket above it that’s suppose to be some sort of trap*
yes this is the same story twice. but this one shows up in the tags so it stays
“What is this supposed to be?”
Even though Len had been using as polite of a tone as possible, Danny still gives him a heated glare. He uses his spatula to scrape the blackened flat pastry off his frying pan and onto Len’s plate with the consistency of a dried brick. ”They’re called crespelle’s. My Dads used to make them for me and my siblings all the time.”
“Are they supposed to be…” Mickey pokes it with his flipper, “rocks?”
Danny lets out another angry huff. “I couldn’t remember the ingredients, alright??” he says, flipping another burnt disc onto a plate. Len uses his chopstick to poke at the burnt food. For someone who had known the sting of hunger many times and learned to not be picky, he finds himself wondering if he can sneak out back and compare the taste of the burnt disk to dirt.
The sounds of footsteps tells him the last member of their little family was coming down to join them. “Morning,” Danny calls. ”I got a nice big breakfast for my only grateful family member with taste!” Danny says as he starts stacking another plate.
Donnie is pulling on his hooded cardigan as he reaches the bottom step, eyeing the breakfast with a concerned eye. “Doooo I want to know?” he asks before looking to Len with a look that clearly says ‘remember how I never forget ‘best parents day’? you owe me’. It takes more than a little willpower to keep from laughing but manages to duck his head to hide his grin before turning to Danny.
“How about we spare my kid this time? He’ll never hit his height goals if he eats this.”
Danny unties his apron and stomps over and pours himself a cup of coffee all while grumbling about ‘uncultured swine.’ This time Len can't stop the snort that escapes him this time but when Donnie takes his spot at the table his smile falters as Donnie pours himself a cup of hot coffee. Leaning over the mug with a sigh, his normally dark jade complexion feels a shade lighter than usual and more than Len’s comfortable with. “You feeling ok?” he asks, moving his chair to Don’s side of the table. He puts an arm around Don's shoulders and without waiting for an answer he presses the back of his hand to Don’s cheek. The teen squirms at the contact but was unable to pull out of his grip.
“Dad, Dad, I'm fine I just didn’t sleep well. I had a bad dream again.”
“Why didn’t you come get me? You could have slept in my bed.”
“You got home late last night, I didn’t want to wake you,” Don says, still trying to twist his head away from Len’s hand.
“I’m the Dad here, Donnie. I’m supposed to worry about you, not the other way around.” But when he’s unable to find anything close to a fever he pulls away. He looks to Danny hoping he’d see something Len missed but the rat shrugs at him.
“Is it still ok to go tutor April today? Please? I’ve been cooped up here all winter.”
Len wants to say no, but sighs at the pleading look Donnie gives him. It had been a longer winter then usual, he didn’t blame his son for needing some space. He was no longer a five year old but he still had a hard time telling him no for no good reason. “Yeah, but if you start feeling sick you come home ok? Or ask Myra to help you home.”
“Yeah, yeah I know.” As Donnie downs his last bit of coffee he stands back up. Len had turned to poke at his breakfast again when he feels Don's arms wrap around his collar bone and rest his cheek on Len’s head. “I love you Dad. Thanks for being obnoxious and worried.”
“Aw. Love you too, silly gecko.” Len pats his arm in reciprocated affection. Donnie grabs his shoulder back and hurries out the front door. “Have fun!” Len calls after him. Only then did he look back to Danny. “He looked pale right?”
“Yeah but honestly it could have been the breakfast,” Mickey says, picking up a disc, “I even felt sick when I saw it.”
“First of all screw you,” Danny points at Mickey with his spatula, “Second of all, if he’s not feeling well he’ll come home. And third of all, next time you all can make your own crespelles.” Danny drops his last disk onto a plate when the shattering of ceramic fills the air. The three thieves blink at each other for a sec before Danny raises up the food slowly to show the plate underneath had been cracked in half from the sheer force of the crepe. With a defeated sigh, Danny drops his spatula. “Ok whose all for throwing these at trees and seeing if they shatter??”
Len and Mickey both raise their hands with a grin.
Despite the softness of April’s voice Don jumps so hard his elbow hits the stack of April’s school books. It’s only by his reflexes that they don’t join the rest of April’s dirty clothes on the floor. It takes him a few moments to regather his scattered thoughts before looking to April. ”Did you say something?”
“Yeah, your name, like five times.” His oldest friend peers at him from over her glasses. “Are you sure you’re feeling ok?”
Donnie would have rolled his eyes if he wasn’t painfully aware of the migraine that would return if he did. Unfortunately, it had been haunting him ever since he woke up that morning. “For the last time yes. Uncle Danny made breakfast and it's just hurting my stomach. Now, the compound would be 23.6% more effective if you set the witch fire to exactly 129 degrees cinder.” He scribbles on the paper for a few moments before sliding it over to her. April casts him a suspicious look before looking over the paper again.
“If you ever convince your Dad to let you go to school, my Alchemy teacher would cry tears of joy. Again.” She pauses “They cry a lot.”
Don tries to smile but his aching head only allows him a half grin. As April starts adding his notes to hers he reaches for his yunomi of tea, not thirsty so much as needing the warmth for a subtle cold that clings to his skin.
There’s the sound of a door opening downstairs followed by the sound of a woman shrieking and dozens of items hitting the ground. ”A-April dear!!! I could use some help!” calls the unmistakable voice of the Mayor of witch town.
April was already out of her seat. “Coming Mom!” she calls hurrying for the door. “Don’t do my homework Dee!” she calls behind him.
“I would never!” Donnie says [even though he had already been reaching for her note book]. A few years ago he had the brilliant business idea, in lieu of being able to go to school himself, to do students' homework for them for a small [not so small] fee.
Of course before he could even launch his venture his Dad had found out and outright forbade it.
This time he’s unable to stop himself from rolling his eyes. The effect is instantaneous as the lights in the room become painfully saturated. He tries to cover his eyes but his world is already spinning.
It’s the last thing he feels before he blacks out
“I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed,” Len says in a tone that can only come from nine years of parenting experience. It does its job on Mickey who’s shoulders bunch up to the sides of his head, and even though Danny is trying to pull off ‘I don’t know how you think you can guilt trip me’ by leaning back in his seat. But it's hard to look innocent when the two of them are covered in mud.
“IT WAS DANNY’S FAULT!!” Mickey shrieks pointing at the rat. “After we knocked over a tree with one of his crepy things he told me that he knew alchemy that would make mud into chocolate and-and-“
Danny’s ‘calm bad boy’ dis option went out the window (which was also broken because of a wayward flying crepelle). “Who the hell raised you to be a snitch?!” the rat hisses.
“You did!! I learned it from watching you!”
The rat opens his mouth to argue before thinking. “Ok fine but I always taught you to get paid first.”
Len slaps a hand down his face. Normally he and Danny have reversed roles but he should have recognized that wild look in the rats eyes when Mickey was using one of the leftover crepelles as a tool sharpener. But Len, forgetting they were not in fact grown men but children pretending to be adults, had left them to their own devices.
There is a knocking on the door that makes Len sigh again. ”I have a fourteen year old and he has more common sense than you two.” He says in a way that is probably supposed to make them feel ashamed, but Mickey snorts loudly with his flippers over his mouth.
He opens the door to a flash of light that forces him to cover his eyes for a moment before his eyes adjust to the familiar form of the mayor of Witch Town. “Myrah?” He rubs at his eyes. “What’s going on?”
“I need you to come get Doniel, he has a fever and passed out while tutoring April.”
Len felt as though a cold chill had passed through his body, it was the only reason he hesitated. “Y-yeah just give me a sec.” He ducks back into the house, where Danny is already waiting.
”Len what’s-“
“Donnie passed out, I need you to come with me,” already the air of lighthearted teasing and jabs went out the window. Len is back down the stairs with a quilt from Donnie’s bed as Danny is grabbing his coat and tossing Len his. He almost feels bad for Mickey who can only watch on as the two exit. Myra waves her wand, the bright light from earlier returns, creating a portal in front of them. Len barely waits for the portal to form before stepping through. A moment later he is standing in the familiar oversized living room. He had been to the witch family house many times and each time was always surprised how disproportionate all the furniture was, (which made sense considering how tall Amaranth was).
The child in question was lying on the bright pink sofa under a thick blanket. There was a washcloth hovering over his head, every few seconds wiping at his brow. April looks at them when they enter with panic in her eyes. “I don’t know what happened Lenny, I went to help mom with groceries and-and when I came back-“
“Its ok April, it's not your fault.” Len takes her place by Donnie. His son's brow is furrowed underneath a layer of perspiration. Even though he already knows the answer, he presses the back of his hand on Don’s brow. His already racing heart is now beating so fast it almost hurts in his chest. He replaces the blanket Myra had given him with the one he had brought, wrapping him up in it before scooping him up into his arms.
“I’m sorry Len, if Amaranth had been here she could help but...” her fingers tap together anxiously as she watches the child in his arms. Len was always touched by how much Myra and Amaranth cared for Donnie. He never felt the need to have a partner (though he and Donnie both made enough ‘mom’ jokes about Danny to last a lifetime) it warmed his heart to know someone outside his family loved Donnie almost as much as he did.
“I know, thank you.” He moves past the mayor to where the portal was and in another flash he's back in front of his house where Danny is waiting. The rat reaches out and takes him around the shoulders and herds him inside. “He’s burning up Danny, I-I don’t know what happened, I felt his forehead his morning and he was fine, you saw me do it.”
“I know, I know.” Even though Danny claimed that he didn’t remember any of his medical training he’s already looking over Donnie. Trained eyes looking for anything that could tell him what was wrong. After a few moments Danny says to Len, “Get him into bed I’ll be there in a sec-“
“Ah-shouldn’t we put in him some ice?”
“No, the last time we tried that he almost went into shock before I stepped in. He’s a turtle, he can’t handle it.”
“I-I know.” Len unconsciously cradles Donnie closer to his chest protectively. He could still remember the terror of the time when Donnie got the Fall Flu and had a fever that burned his hand. They had gotten so desolate they had put him in a tub of ice to combat it. They had thought it was working until Don had fallen into a deathlike stillness. It was only then Danny had realized Donnie was going into shock and pulled him out so quickly they had knocked over their makeshift tub.
Now Len couldn’t tell if the shivers he was feeling were from Donnie’s sleeping form or from his own fear. Not until Danny put a hand on his shoulder and forced him to look into his eyes. “Can you get him to bed please? I’m going to mix together some medicine that Amaranth taught me and I’ll be right there, ok?”
Len nods “Ok, ok.” He lowers his cheek onto Don’s scalp as he carries him upstairs. It's only when the parent and child are out of sight does Danny let out a shaky sigh, running a hand over his scalp under his hat and forcing himself to calm down. He had never realized how much he depended on Len keeping a calm head. He hadn’t realized just how much he depended on that til they brought Donnie in. During missions Len had an eerie calm about him that he thrived off of. But it was moments when anything threatened the health or happiness of his child that threw Len in the deep end and forced Danny to step in.
“Mickey,” he says without looking behind him, knowing the poor eel was fluttering around not knowing what to do. “Will you please go upstairs and keep Len calm? Help him how you can til I get there.”
“Y-yeah ok.” The eel hurried to do as he was told. In that moment Danny allowed himself one more sigh before reaching under the cabinet and pulling up an old beaten box, filled with herbs and remedies he had swiped from houses over the years. He pulls out a notebook he had filled with some of Amaranth's recipients and pulls out a mortar bowl and pestle. Picking through a few jars of tiny shards and grinding them together before taking out an empty incense holder and pouring it inside. He made sure to secure the lid and take up the glass bottle under his arm before hurrying up the stairs.
A part of him had been scared that Len’s own fears would drive him to ignore his warning about the ice, but he entered Don's room just as Len was pulling a blanket over him. “Good job.” Danny moves past him to kneel by the bed, turning and handing the incense to Mickey. “Can you light this please? It’ll help clear the bacteria out of his lungs.” As he was twisting open the glass bottle he heard Mickey spark behind him before the smell of lavender filled the air (he ignored Mickey gagging behind him). He tips the tip of the bottle to test how much liquid was inside. Luckily, they still had enough for Donnie (he’d have to steal more later). He dabs his thumb with the light pink liquid before running it across Don’s burning forehead. ”There.”
“Is he ok?”
Danny had to commend Len on not asking him a million questions. He reaches back and pats his old friend on the knee. “The Willow Extract should help take his fever down, but if It doesn’t help in a few hours we’ll go to witch town.” He doesn’t get a response, but when he turns to look at him, he sees Len staring at his son. His dark eyes full of concern and fear that only a father could have. Danny stands up and steps back. “Len why don’t you sit with him for a bit, and I’ll make you some tea.” He makes eye contact with Mickey and jerks his head towards the door. After taking a moment to pat Len on the shoulder he follows him out the door.
Len finally lets his face drop into his hands with a shaky breath before the sound of a weak cough reaches him. When he looks up again he was filled with relief to be looking into Donnie’s feverish dark pink eyes. “Hey,” says a weak voice.
“Hey baby boy,” Len sits up on the edge of his bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Like someone tried to kill me with one of Uncle Danny’s devil pancakes.” He barely has enough wind to finish his sentence before he has to gasp for air. “Will you sit with me please?”
Len can't help but smile, holding the side of Don’s face with his hand for a moment before climbing over him and laying on his other side. Don turns his head and tucks his head underneath Lens chin. “I’m s’rry,” Don mumbles, “I-I didn’t know I was sick.”
“I know you didn’t, you’re not a good liar remember?” Len lowers his cheek onto his scalp. “You get that from your Uncle Mickey.”
“And you?”
“Nah, I’m a great liar,” he smirks down at Donnie, “I’m not going to teach you how to lie though until you turn eighteen,” he pauses, “Hundred.”
Donnie lets out a laugh that sounds more like a raspy balloon, but Len can tell he’s trying not to fall asleep again. He rubs Don’s arm over his blanket. “Get some sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.” The teen gives a nod of acknowledgement before rolling towards him. A few moments later he's fast asleep again, breathing easier than he had been a few minutes ago.
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