#Hellscream OC
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rokishimizu4 · 6 months ago
Orphan almost breaks a Bat rule
(I’m gonna focus more on my second blog when I’m done with Cass, Bruce, and Damian, because I’m in a TMNT faze and want to write some 12! Casey x Turtles) I do ship Cass and Steph and in my AU they act like they are married, but Steph treats the Wayne brothers like her brothers-in-law)Mostly because they are fucken cute together and honestly, Steph isn’t adopted by Bruce. (Cass is because her and Damian, Jason, Dick, and Tim are sister and brothers, don’t @ me)
It wasn’t uncommon for Cass to people watch and targets a certain person, either because the person in question was a BatFam villain, just a threat in general, or did something to her family.
But, the person in question checked none of the marks and she found it almost strange with how often she finds herself following the person in question when she is not on patrol, spending time with family, or on her dates with Steph.
Cue Cass silently following a woman that reminds her of a field of flowers and trees on a warm summer day, with bees and birds relaxing, just listening to the songs that the wind writes.
She keeps the target’s car in sight as she jumps from roof top to roof top, in her full Orphan outfit when she notices that something else was tracking the same car as her from across the street.
The other person seems to notice her, but focuses on the car and even jumping onto the moving, at full speed down the busy street, car without hesitation.
Cue Cass jumping onto the same car and hanging onto it along with the stranger, only to realize that the person is wearing a dark red/purple oni mask with glowing gold horns, and a screaming mouth full of white tiger-like teeth.
However, before she could figure out if the person is a human, demon, spirit, or something else, the car jerks to a full stop and threatens to buck the her and the other person off.
Four armed men pile out of the car and starts trying to shoot at her, in the middle of the still very busy street with a shit ton of innocents to protect.
“Get the kids and take off!!” One man screams at the people still in the armored car as the masked men surround the outside of the car with guns pointed at Orphan and the strange person.
Orphan quickly jumps off of the car and attacks the first man with a batarang and hitting another man’s gun out of his hands with a kick.
However, as she focuses on the men around her, the guns going off near her and the innocents around her, that she barely notices the car trying to speed away from the scene. At least until the car splits in half, horizontally.
The battle freezes for that moment as the strange person slowly pulls a razor sharp electric guitar out of the severed armored car, that was built like a smaller version of an armored bank truck, with ease.
The person then plays a few cords the electric guitar, which was not plugged in anything, and the front part of the car starts to crumble onto itself like a paper ball.
The men surrounding Orphan drop their guns and put their hands up, begging for the person to stop, to let the two men in the car go, that the two men were the only ones of the group to be forced into kidnapping the kids.
The men start to crumble under the invisible forces of the stranger’s playing as Orphan watches in shock and growing horror as the people around her start to crumble as well, grabbing at their ears and begging the person to stop.
But the stranger continues to play, playing note after heavy note until the bad men ears’ start to bleed from the sound.
Orphan slowly starts to hear the music from the stranger’s electric guitar, like first a soft whispering that continues to grow in volume and tone until it starts to sound like a banshee’s song on full blast.
Orphan silently screams in pain as she uses one hand to cover one of her ears, and uses the other to pull out her katana and rushes the stranger, unconsciously aiming for the middle of their throat.
However before her blade could make contact with the stranger’s neck, a black/purple goop rushes out of the severed back end of the car to quickly cover the two of them completely.
Next thing Orphan/Cass remembers, she wakes up on the roof of the Gotham City Police Department with Stephanie shaking her awake and crying her eyes out.
“Cass! Cass wake up!!!”
After returning home with Steph not leaving her side, she learns that the kidnappers and around 50 people were hospitalized for ruptured eardrums, and at least two of the six kidnappers suffered from broken legs as well as ruptured eardrums.
”Oni, Banshee song, ears hurt. No more electric guitars, please.”
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husknoises · 1 year ago
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lialia0213 · 10 months ago
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Since I watched the movie it doesn’t really tell us who is the chief of New Mushroom police department. Now if you’ve watched crime shows and police shows in general there’s a chief in every show and in real life every department. So I took it upon myself to create one! So here’s a sneak peek of the Chief of New mushroom police!
I’ve decided to add my half human/half vampire (Dhampir) OC Simon Van Helsing to the onward universe! But this version is older Simon 😁. Now since Simon is 23 (in the right) this Simon (in the left) is roughly in his late thirties to early forties. So between 38-41 years old. Of course if you’re counting elf and vampire years it’s longer which unfortunately I’m not good at math. 😅
For this universe he’s also going to also be an elf/vampire hybrid and a good close friend to detective Valentine and Corey the Manticore and of course other famous wizards and witches.
This is still a sketch so obviously it’s not perfect. But I guarantee you it will look better once I finish! 
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dezgasting · 1 year ago
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Spending 9 hours on a self-insert drawing is next level but hey I had fun I was so dissatisfied with the previous version, I spent two days on this (sketch took 3 hours, linework and render - 6 hours)
I'm never drawing ever again, cya in WoW
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bruhstories · 9 months ago
summary: solistea lightspear, commander of the horde fleet and advisor to the warchief, is summoned by garrosh for an emergency counsel in his chambers. pairing: garrosh hellscream x afab!oc w&c: uprotected p in v, oral sex (both receiving), vaginal fingering, doggy style, creampie, size kink, breeding kink wc: ~5k
a/n: life's tough, man. here's a smut. crossposted on ao3.
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Garrosh needed someone to secure the new land for the Horde. Furious that the Alliance got there first, the Warchief sent General Nazgrim and his best men to Pandaria. Most of the soldiers were orcs and trolls, with very few exceptions. Amongst those exceptions was Solistea Lightspear, a blood elf that General Nazgrim firmly believed was an orc in a past life. He had never seen an elvish woman so fierce, cruel and bloodthirsty, despite her being a mage. Solistea was a diplomat, a part of the Sunreavers in Dalaran, but she couldn’t say no to her Warchief when he personally asked her to go on this mission.
And so, she did, befriending the Hozen and recruiting them, scouting the mysterious lands of Pandaria, ridding Krasarang shore of Alliance soldiers, and helping build Domination Keep for the Warchief to arrive with a large part of the Horde. It took roughly two months for Solistea to accomplish the task, but once it was all over, and Garrosh arrived at Domination Point, she welcomed him with a fortress, an army of Hozen, and her unyielding loyalty. It was no wonder some soldiers believed the Warchief was playing favourites, especially after Garrosh named Solistea commander of his Horde fleet, and personal advisor to him.
The night the orc arrived at Domination Keep, he clashed with Vol’jin, a conversation Solistea and a few others had witnessed. She could immediately tell that Garrosh was planning something from the look of pure rage in his eyes. And, like the loyal commander she was, she would agree with whatever he wanted to do, but until then, the elf went to her chamber. 
It had been a long two months, and she didn’t get any proper rest, but with her Warchief there to take over, and without him requesting anything from her, Solistea felt that she could take the night off, and rest. From her fingertips, sparks began to fly, and she directed them at the fireplace. Solistea sat on the bed while the water heated up, removing her boots and cloak, carefully folding the latter and placing it on a chair. When the water was hot enough, she removed the rest of her armour - shoulder pads, gloves, bracers, robe - and underwear, and proceeded to dab her skin with a wet cloth. Gods, Solistea missed her little house in Dalaran, and how relaxing it was to soak in her own bathtub, to pour potions and make her entire home smell heavenly, and not have dirt under her nails and matted hair.
The elf did, however, put her alchemy skills to good use when she gathered some herbs native to Pandaria, studied them, and created a Snow Lily perfume to use after washing up. It wasn’t much, but it at least made her feel - and smell - better. With that out of the way, Solistea unbraided her ice blonde hair, and combed it with a jade comb she looted from Widow Greenpaw. Naked, tired, and somewhat clean, the elf almost dozed off while running her fingers through her tresses, but she did not want to fall asleep without clothes on, in case there was an emergency. Always precautious, Solistea dug through her bag and found a silk nightgown she bought from one of the vendors in the Jade Forest.
She could finally sleep.
Her eyelids felt heavy, and the moment her head hit the pillow, she was gone, until a loud knock on her door made Solistea jolt up. It had to be an emergency, for she had no friends in the fortress, and it seemed as though people didn’t really like her that much. She opened the door, hiding her body behind the door, and was met by a female orc, who informed her that the Warchief wanted to speak with her urgently, confirming that there was indeed an emergency.
“Let me get dressed first.” Solistea tried to close the door, but the orc stopped her.
“Warchief Hellscream said it’s too important and you gotta come quickly.” 
The elf nodded. “Very well. Let me at least put my shoes on.” 
When the orc didn’t protest, Solistea grabbed her boots and, despite what the orc said, her cloak. She did not want to walk around the fortress scantily clad, and the cloak covered most of her body. It didn’t take a genius to know that people were talking, whispering, gossiping. No one really believed that an elf got promoted by the Warchief himself for just sheer loyalty and prowess. No, she had to have done something to either impress him in bed, but the reality was that Solistea was just that good, and she understood what the Horde really valued, unlike her comrades, who bent over according to what the Alliance wanted. 
That was the truth - an elf who shared the same views as an orc, an elf who was not afraid to get her hands dirty for her benefit, and the benefit of those who sought power. And Garrosh sought plenty of power, something which Solistea deeply respected. It was why she served under him with such devotion. 
The she-orc guided the elf through the hallways of the fortress, and stopped in front of a massive maroon door, with the Horde symbol freshly painted on it in black. There was a slight hesitation in her gestures, her hand hovering over the doorknob before the orc grunt nodded in approval. Taking a deep breath in, Solistea gripped the handle and knocked, and once she heard her Warchief’s familiar voice telling her to come in, she did.
Garrosh’s chamber was clean and modest, despite his arrogance, but his bed was enormous, made to fit his tall and muscular frame. Everything in his room was doubled in size compared to Solistea’s, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. His armour was neatly folded on a chair, his chestplate and spaulders resting against the wall, and his axe, Gorehowl, on his knee, as the Warchief meticulously cleaned its handle and polished the blade. The only lights in the chamber came from the massive fireplace and the moonlight shining through the window, and Solistea wondered what was so urgent. Garrosh seemed fine, relaxed even, so she didn’t understand why he needed her, when he clearly seemed ready for bed in just his linen trousers.
“Sit.” The Warchief’s voice reverberated in his chamber, as he motioned at one of the chairs next to his bed.
Solistea nodded, and followed his order hastily and with no hesitation. She sat down, awkwardly trying to cover her legs with her cloak. Luckily, Garrosh seemed much more interested in his axe than her legs, and that should have been enough proof that she got promoted for her merits.
“Warchief.” The elf nodded, glowing green eyes following the way his hands worked the handle of the axe.
“Commander Lightspear,” Garrosh formally addressed her, “I intend to murder Vol’jin.”
The nonchalance with which the orc spoke did not surprise Solistea one bit, and neither did the sentence he had uttered. She understood why - the troll seemed to oppose the Warchief’s warmongering that very evening - but it definitely surprised her that he trusted her enough to tell her. The elf nodded, fully agreeing with him, but there was a hint of reluctance in her eyes.
“You do not agree.” Garrosh said, his lip twitching at the idea of her opposing him.
“I do.” Solistea countered, taking into account the twitch of his lip. “Anyone who opposes the true Horde should be eliminated.”
“But?” He looked at his axe, proud of his handiwork. She looked at it, too, wondering how much blood it had spilled.
“But… I fear for your safety.” The elf admitted, eyes trailing away from him and settling on the fireplace, watching the flames dance and flicker. 
The Warchief snorted, finding her concern rather amusing. He was Garrosh Hellscream, Overlord of the Warsong Offensive, Warchief of the Horde. Who would try to touch him? Who would dare to lay a finger on him? Who would dare oppose him?
…Vol'jin did. The troll had no problem telling Garrosh exactly what he thought. And like him were many others. Should Vol'jin find out about the martial law in the Darkspear Isles… There would be a rebellion.
“The troll has many sympathisers.” Solistea broke the silence. “His death would bring nothing but a desire for vengeance from the Darkspear tribe.” She sighed. “And perhaps not just them.”
Garrosh pondered her words, finally setting aside his weapon. He was still sitting on the bed, his septum and eyebrow piercings shining in the light of the fireplace. The elf could not take her eyes away from his body, and how defined his muscles were, as if sculpted by the gods. She couldn't deny that, many times before, she had fantasised about bedding an orc, but she never gave in to those temptations. Her Warchief, however, awakened something within her. She obeyed him without any form of reluctance, not because she was brainwashed, but because she viewed the world the same as Garrosh ‐ something to be claimed by those strong enough to do so.
“If that is all…” The elf got up from her chair, hoping to reach her chamber quickly and fall asleep before her body betrayed her. Before she touched herself at the thought of her Warchief. Not that it would be the first time.
“Sit.” Garrosh spoke, voice low and dangerous, and Solistea immediately sat back down. “What do you suggest, then?”
She knew the question would come. It wasn't the first time Garrosh asked for her advice, only raising more suspicion about her relationship with the Warchief when he named her advisor. With knitted brows, the elf pressed her slender fingers against her temples, thinking of a way to avoid a potential rebellion, or worse, a civil war. There was strength in numbers, and the last thing the Horde needed was to be divided.
“If I were Warchief, I'd play along with what Vol'jin wants.” The elf admitted. “But behind the shadows… I would do what I thought was right. Considering the conflicts with the Alliance, a civil war isn't something the Horde needs.”
As if Garrosh needed any more reasons to believe that he made the right choice in trusting Solistea, she had just given him another one. She was the calming voice of reason when he wanted to act impulsively. Sometimes he wanted to see in her mind and understand why it worked the way it did, and why she followed his lead. He wondered, though, if she would do it blindly.
“Very well.” The Warchief was satisfied with her response, an advice he was sure to follow. She never failed being a good adviser. 
Garrosh lingered, having to dismiss her, but not wanting to. She waited, patiently, quietly, obediently, with her eyes fixed on his abdomen, the exposed v-line, the way his cock seemed to strain against the fabric of his trousers. It was too much, and Solistea needed to leave his chamber before she completely lost her mind. But he just wouldn't fucking dismiss her.
She needed to distract herself while the Warchief picked up his axe and moved it away from his bed. The fireplace, the floor, the window - Solistea looked everywhere but in his direction, squeezing her thighs together in a pathetic attempt to feel some sort of friction. 
“One more thing before you go.” Garrosh walked to the door, making sure it was locked.
“Yes, Warchief?” Her voice dropped an octave as she swallowed the lump in her throat. Was the air suddenly heavier?
“I've dealt with your kind before, Commander, yet no elf followed me so… passionately.”
Oh. Oh, no. No, no, she knew exactly where this was going. 
“I simply must know why.” The orc's voice seemed inquisitive, but she knew him better than that. She knew he was demanding an answer. 
“I-” The elf hesitated, unsure how to answer. She couldn't exactly tell him that she wanted to be impaled on his cock, could she? “Well… I-”
“My, my, I didn't think I'd live the day to see Solistea Lightspear speechless.” Garrosh mocked her, a grin plastered on his lips. “I'm sure you've heard the rumours.”
Of course she did. How she fucked her way up through the ranks, how she was a depraved whore, how she had nothing to offer to the Horde but her cunt. She heard them all and more. It didn’t stop her from proving them wrong countless times before.
“I did, sir.” Solistea nodded.
“And what do you think of them?”
“That they are nothing but filthy lies, and I have the merits to prove it.” She spoke before thinking. “People should mind their own business.”
“They should.” Garrosh agreed, stepping closer to where she was sitting. She could feel his breath down her neck when he reached his destination, and she didn’t dare to move, or speak. 
When he saw no reaction from her, Garrosh was pleased with her obedience once more. He gripped her cloak, which was tied with a loose knot, and tugged on it until it fell down, pooling at her feet.
“I don't particularly care about those rumours.” The Warchief said, having a perfect view of her cleavage in her white silk nightgown. “But I can't lie, Commander, that I want to give ‘em  something real to talk about.”
“What about the gossip? They'll think you're playing favourites.” Solistea couldn't stop herself from talking, lifting her head up to look at him.
“I am.” Garrosh admitted, and she quietly gasped at his words. “You’re my favourite.” He spun the chair around with her in it, as if it weighed nothing, so that the elf could face him.
The Warchief towered over her, his intimidating presence adding causing her to sink her teeth into her lower lip. Gods, she wanted to touch him, to feel how hot his skin was, but she wouldn’t dare lay a finger on him without his permission. And Garrosh could see that in her eyes - the lust, the fire, the desire. It had alway been there, it just took him a long time to realise it. In fact, it was the two months Solistea spent in Pandaria that made him realise just how much he needed her, in more ways than one. 
“Let’s give ‘em something to talk about, yeah?” The orc’s hand travelled up her thigh, under her nightgown. It was large enough to wrap around her thigh, she thought, wondering how it would feel around her neck instead. 
“May I… may I touch you? Please, Warchief.” Her usually assertive voice turned to pleading whispers. Garrosh couldn’t deny that he enjoyed seeing someone as strong and independent as her slowly melting under his touch. He wondered just how much more she would break.
“You may.” The Warchief gave her permission, and when Solistea’s fingers barely ghosted over his skin, up his abdomen, he thought, perhaps, he would break.
And he almost cracked when she got up and wrapped her slender arms around his broad shoulders, gazing into his eyes with so much hunger in hers. If Garrosh didn't know any better, he would've assumed she had always wanted him. But that couldn't possibly be the case. Unless…
“May I kiss you?”
The orc stepped back, and Solistea immediately regretted asking that question. Was it too much? Did she cross a line? She was a bit of a romantic, and Garrosh certainly wasn't one, and so perhaps he deemed kissing as corny and tender.
“Commander, you seem eager.” The Warchief studied her, and indeed she was. But she couldn’t help it. It was a fantasy that Solistea had long dreamed of happening. 
Fuck it. They were at war with the Alliance, anything could happen, and if she didn't admit, she might never get a second chance.
“I am desperate, Warchief.” The words began spilling from her mouth, with an ache of sorts in her voice. “I have been away from you for months, and it only made me realise that I want you- no, I need you.” The elf confessed.
Garrosh listened, surprised by her disclosure. He had always seen elves as arrogant, entitled beings, who wouldn't stoop so low as to bed an orc. And yet, she proved him wrong. He would give her what she needed. But on his terms.
“Show me.” The orc crossed his arms over his chest. “Show me how much you need me.”
That was all the approval Solistea required before dropping down her knees, hitting the hardwood floor with a thud. Her fingers worked on the knot that held together his breeches, pulling on the string and letting them fall down. To say that his cock was big was an understatement. It was thick, veiny, and already hard, and saliva was pooling in her mouth. She had never taken anyone so large, because elves paled in comparison to orcs.
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Solistea poked her tongue out and dragged it up his shaft, all the way to the tip, while her eyes were fixated on his. Garrosh did wonder how it'll fit in her small mouth, but that thought quickly dissipated when she wrapped her luscious lips around the tip, struggling to take him in. He threw his head back when she bobbed her head back and forth, accommodating to his size. His large hand grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her closer to him, and Solistea felt his cock hit the back of her throat, causing her to choke and hit his abdomen with her palms.
He released her, and she pulled back, gasping for air while a string of saliva and precum connected them. The elf coughed, tears pricking at her eyes, and Garrosh was disappointed that she couldn't take all of him.
“Too much for you, Commander?” His tone was mocking, but Solistea shook her head.
“I can take it!” She argued back, determined to prove her worth.
She tried again, this time relaxing the muscles in her throat, and sure enough, inch by inch, she could fit most of him. He was so big, she could feel every vein, every spasm of his cock in her mouth, but no matter how much she tried, the elf couldn't take all of him. And while Garrosh was used to women who could please him and handle his size, watching Solistea struggle ignited a flame in him that he thought was long lost. She was clumsy and a bit pathetic how she choked on his cock, and it made the orc want to both protect her, as well as break her.
The elf, on the other hand, was already a mess. When Garrosh pulled out of her sore mouth, she looked up at him with tears rolling down her cheeks. Her lips were red and swollen, saliva dripped down her chin, and hair was sticking to her face. A beautiful mess, he thought. A sight for sore eyes. A prey.
A guttural growl was ripped from him when he saw her like that, and the Warchief pulled her up on her feet, pushing her closer to his bed. But he wasn't about to fuck her just yet.
“Get on the bed and spread ‘em.” Garrosh ordered her, and she obeyed, hooking her fingers around the hem of her nightgown, lifting it. “No undergarments?” The orc inquired, surprised by her depravity. 
“In my defence, I was getting ready for bed.” Solistea offered him an explanation. 
“Of course.” Sarcasm dripped down Garrosh’s tongue as he grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her closer to him.
It took a moment for her to realise that she wasn't aligned with his cock, but his chest, and before the elf could even blink, the orc buried his face between her thighs, languidly dragging his hot tongue up and down her slit. Garrosh had never done this to any woman he fucked, and Solistea never received this from any man she slept with. She was usually the one using her mouth, and it was a surprising change, one that had her roll her eyes and arch her back when his tongue flicked over her sensitive bud. 
Nothing she ever experienced came close to how she felt when Garrosh lapped at her cunt like a rabid wolf, and she tried to bite back her moans, but clearly the Warchief didn't want her to stay silent when his index finger forced its way past her folds, pumping into her until she cried out in ecstasy. 
“Fuck!” Solistea screeched, immediately biting her tongue to shut herself up.
“Scream.” Garrosh pulled back, licking his lips. “Let ‘em hear you. Let ‘em know who you belong to.” He added another finger, stretching her velvety walls. 
“Oh, anar'alah! Fuck!” She swapped languages when he resumed tasting her, her brain effectively turning into mush. “Warchief- oh, Garrosh!”
In her ecstasy, Solistea squeezed her thighs together, trapping the orc between her legs. The sheer strength of her legs would have probably crushed an elf's head, but Garrosh only grinned as he picked up the pace of pumping his fingers into her, and she felt herself reach a high never experienced before.
“I'm coming! Shit, Warchief, I'm gonna cu- oh, fuck!” Solistea punched the mattress in a frenzy, the bed shaking under her quivering body.
Garrosh barely pulled away from her, her taste lingering on his tongue as he watched her wriggle and writhe in the aftermath of her orgasm. She was a work of art, he thought, with her dishevelled hair and the lust in her eyes, and he felt hungry for more, but he allowed her to regain her composure. Solistea pulled herself together, wiping the sweat off her forehead. Garrosh did all the work, and yet she felt exhausted. The orc realised that he hadn't granted her the kiss she desperately wanted, and so he hovered over her small frame, a hand slithering behind the back of her head to pull the elf closer to him.
“Do you still want to kiss me?” Garrosh asked, unable to taste her anymore.
Solistea nodded. “I do, Warchief.”
Gods, he loved it when she addressed him by his title. It only made his ego grow bigger, if that was even possible, and while other women did that, it felt different when she said it.
“Kiss me, then. You can't expect me to do everything, Commander.”
Garrosh was right, he made her feel pleasure no other man had been able to - the least she could do was kiss him. Weak from her ecstasy, Solistea wrapped an arm around his broad shoulders for support, closed her eyes, and pressed her lips onto his. It was a sweet kiss, but he wanted more. His fingers moved to her cheeks, calloused fingertips digging into her skin, forcing Solistea to open her mouth. It wasn't as if she fought him. No, she gladly let his tongue slip past her lips, and he brutally kissed her as if it was the last kiss of his life. Her hand travelled between their bodies, and she wrapped her slender fingers around his shaft, pumping his cock until he grinned against her lips.
“Eager to please me?” Garrosh pulled away from her.
“I need to return the favour.” Solistea felt her cheeks burn.
“Not like that.” The orc pressed his elbow against her knee, spreading her legs open. “Like this.”
Her breath got caught in her throat when she felt him press the tip of his cock against her slit, and she shook her head.
“It won't fit-”
“I'll make it fit.” Garrosh promised, or rather, threatened. 
He stretched her walls inch by inch, and Solistea arched her back in pain, frowning and whimpering. The orc allowed her to breathe before thrusting deeper, effectively splitting her open, and she cried out when he bottomed out, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Fuck, Garrosh! ‘S too big! I can't, I can't-”
“You can, and you will. Unless you want to disappoint me?” He cut her off, stopping his movement to allow her spongy walls to adjust to his girth.
“No, no! Don't wanna disappoint you…” Solistea sobbed, slowly getting used to the pain. 
And Garrosh was right, she could take him, but it took some time. Other women praised his size before, but he knew with her it was genuine. She was so damn tight, he could finish then and there. But he had impressive stamina in both battle and bed, and he wasn't about to end things so quickly. He moved enough to observe her reactions, and when her face contorted in pleasure rather than pain, Garrosh picked up the pace, thrusting deeper and harder with each breath.
“See? I knew you could take it.” He praised her, and she loved being praised by him, particularly in that moment.
But Solistea couldn't form a single thought or sentence anymore. When the tip of his cock brushed against her cervix, all she could do was chant his name like a prayer, over and over again until she became delirious. It was a lot, even for someone as experienced as her. 
“Shit, you're so fuckin’ tight-” Garrosh growled in her ear, burying his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent.
He pounded into her relentlessly, claiming her for himself, because after tonight, Garrosh would make sure that no one would dare to look at his mate. She was the one for him. And while she would be a disgrace to elven society for fucking an orc, he was the one for her.
The Warchief let his primal instincts take over, and he ripped the nightgown, exposing her chest to him. His tongue flicked over one of her nipples, tusks piercing her soft skin enough to draw blood, and Solistea's fingernails dug into his back, clawing at it like a rabid animal. She became addicted to him instantly, bucking her hips against his for more friction.
“Fuckin’ whore.” Garrosh sneered at her, and she moaned in return. “What's the matter? Can't talk? Too drunk on orc cock?”
“Harder- fuck me harder!” She retorted as if to prove him wrong, but undoubtedly proved him right.
The Warchief knew exactly how to give it to her harder, and he gripped her hips to flip her over, cock still deep in her cunt. Solistea growled in pain, the unexpected change in position causing her to feel uncomfortable until Garrosh had her on all fours, a fistful of her hair in one hand pulling her head back.
“How's this? Hard enough for ya?” He mocked her, his other hand bruising the plush of her hip.
“Yes! Fuck, yes! Oh, just like that!” The elf arched her back, feeling her knees weak.
“Filthy little elf slut.” Garrosh snarled, brutally thrusting into her.
It didn’t take long for her to feel herself on the verge of another orgasm, and he noticed her body shake under him. Picking up the pace, the Warchief slammed into her aggressively, ferociously, until he was also close.
“Shit, gonna cum-”
“Don't pull out! Please, Warchief, breed me, make me yours!” Solistea begged him, her spongy walls clenching around his cock. 
Garrosh couldn’t pull out even if he wanted to, but when she asked him so nicely for his cum, all he could do was give it to her. Pushing her head into the mattress, completely dominating her mind and body, he filled her up, his heavy body falling onto hers. The elf was overstimulated, having finished before Garrosh, and they stayed like that for a minute until he pulled out, hot sticky cum dripping out of her. He surprised her with how gently he brought her closer to him, her back against his chest, one arm draped over her waist. 
“Are you alright?” Garrosh cut her off, stunning her again with the sudden softness in his tone. “Hurt, I mean.”
Solistea looked down at her ruined body, bruises and aching scratches decorating her once pristine skin, but she didn’t mind them, if it meant she belonged to him. 
“People will talk.” The elf came down from her high, her solemn and rational personality taking over.
“No, they won’t.” The orc shrugged. “I will personally remove their tongues.” 
The sentence made Solistea chuckle, imagining her Warchief tormenting those who dared gossip about her. About them.
“Still planning on assassinating Vol’jin?” She turned over to look at him.
“Not tonight.” Garrosh rolled his eyes at her question, a smirk on his lips. “I should probably tell you that was an excuse to get you in my chamber.”
“Yeah, I figured that when I was choking on your cock.” Solistea sighed, mind wandering at how good he made her feel.
The Warchief could see the lust in her eyes, but he knew another round would break her exhausted body. Instead, he laughed at her sentence, really laughed, demolishing all the walls he had built around his heart. 
“Down, girl.” Garrosh nuzzled her hair, kissing her head softly.
“Is that an order?” She tried her luck, a smug smile on her lips.
“Gol’Kosh, you are somethin’ else.” His laughter reverberated around the room. “Sleep - that’s an order.”
Solistea was indeed tired, and she didn’t want to disobey her Warchief. She stretched her body, planting a kiss on his lips before dozing off, and Garrosh watched her chest rise and fall, and how small and peaceful she was compared to him. Vol’jin could wait. The Alliance could wait. He had something better, something good for once in his life.
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celenacallaghan · 2 years ago
It has been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry for the long hiatus, but burnout sucks and my mental health took a swan dive off an impossibly tall structure. I've only recently just managed to wrangle it back into submission. But I'm already working on the next chapter and am hoping to get more done in the coming weeks. Thank you all for sticking with me, stay safe and sane, and I'll see you next time.
NOTE! The tags on the story have been updated, so please mind the tags going forward.
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wowtalesofadventurers · 3 months ago
Daily writing challenge day 3 morose/strength
A World of Warcraft fanfiction that is a surprise entry for @daily-writing-challenge event November day 3 Morose/Strength featuring my orc oc Grammak and Garrosh Hellscream.
The orc warrior Grammak Axeband enter the war room of the Warchef Garrosh Hellscream and the green orc ask his Warchef, "Do you summon me?" and Garrosh said to Grammak, "Indeed, hero of the Horde. For your actions against enemies of the Horde, I want to make you general of our forces against the Allaince." and this taken Grammak by suprise and he said to the bald orc, "Warchef, I don't have the knowledge of war." Garrosh don't seem to like his reply, but he try to be calmed as Garrosh said to Grammak, "I understand that you choose to let someone pick the glory, Grammak. You are the hero of the Horde with your honor of defeating the Lich King and even the mighty that the Alliance can throw at you. I was hoping that your strength would enlighted the troops to carry out, but I guess wrong. You may take your leave, Grammak." and the warrior bow to his warchef and leave while he start to worry about the future of the Horde as Garrosh was trying to forced the Horde to be stronger enough to defeat the Alliance in this war that their high king has forced them into.
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characterrevolvingdoors · 1 year ago
I still love this one
So I finished Wolfheart on Audible...
And this interaction popped into my brain:
-Varian and Garrosh fighting in the middle of the war for Ashenvale- Varian: Pray to your spirits Garrosh: I will...you need a proper guide into the afterlife Rain: -in a tree above them- WILL YOU TWO FUCK ALREADY?! ELUNE'S TITS I'VE SEEN LESS SEXUAL TENSION IN GOLDSHIRE!
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mylordshesacactus · 4 months ago
OC ask Ihz 1,2, 6, 11,13,15!
Does your OC have a voice claim, if so who?
She doesn't! Outside of, you know. Not Whoever Blizzard Normally Gets To Do Troll Voices, Yikes TM.
If she WERE voiced, it would be by someone with a low, raspy voice, using their natural accent.
Who's your OCs best friend? How did they become best friends?
Thorn, she bought him off his abusive owner ;)
Outside of her animals, honestly, Ihz's best friend is her cousin Vazkri. They grew up together--Vaz is just enough older that they weren't really peers or playmates, but they're similar enough in age that they became close friends as adults. They have wildly divergent personalities, and very different lives; but they trust each other implicitly and will always turn to one another first in a crisis.
If your OC is in a fantasy setting, what profession would they be in the modern day?
Either a farrier or, like, an owner-operator long-haul trucker who drives with her rescue pit bull in the passenger seat (and has spent a small fortune on custom safety harnesses for him).
Modern AU Ihz known mostly for responding to supervisors trying to throw their weight around by letting them scream themselves lightheaded and then going "I'm a Teamster." and then continuing to do things the safe way.
(She has Beverly on speed dial.)
What was your inspiration for your OC?
I wanted to play An NPC (TM), both for fun and also because I'd had the thought that it might MASSIVELY improve immersion if I had a character who had a REASON to go on, and be approached for, fetch quests.
Hence: IHZ! It's not annoying or immersion-breaking for her to be sent on stupid fetch quests while the world ends, because she's not An Adventuring Champion who could be doing something better with her time. The fetch quests ARE her job, and the plot that keeps happening to her is the unwanted interruption.
It also really just...enhances the experience, honestly, when you play a mid-rank character. I think most MMOs would be significantly stronger, narratively, if they would lean into that--you're clearly NOT Azeroth's Greatest Goddamn Champion because there are a bajillion of us, so why treat it that way? You can have your power fantasy without being Azeroth's most special little princess man. Rinda, Talet-and-Vel, Vaz, Levaden, Ihz--they feel like PART of the world, not the artificial center, which is why it's so easy for me to slot them into fic.
So, yeah! Ihz is there because I wanted a character who could interact with the plot from a very specific perspective, without feeling jarringly artificial, and where sidequests would feel more organic and compelling. And I got her!
Does your OC have a rival? How did it start?
Uh, I think her primary rival is [checks notes] Garrosh Hellscream??? This would be news to him, as he was completely unaware she existed at any point.
Ihz's true interpersonal rival is whoever wrote the regulations on approved tack choices for the Horde military.
Will your OC ever retire? Do you see them making it?
In order to answer that question, Blizzard would have to have any kind of coherent presentation of trollish lifespans at all.
I think Ihz will always have SOMETHING she's doing to keep herself busy. If she gets to the point where she can't physically do the mail route anymore she'll pivot--really WILL become a farrier (not exactly a physically undemanding job, but the physical requirements are different) or a stablemaster or a horse tamer or a warg trainer or something. Raise dogs in the Barrens.
There's no reason she won't make it. If she doesn't, though, it'll be because she called the wrong bluff. Though, knowing Ihz--she wouldn't call it a mistake. She's only that bold when there's someone she's protecting, so she'd know the risks and decide she had to try.
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lavenderbucket · 6 months ago
Finally... Finally! It's done!
OCs Collection
Group 1 : Vassals X (Second half)
For those of you who can't read Thai, I have translated it under the picture!
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Achina Nobernie [The 12 Sacred Hearts]
Gender: Female (Heterosexual)
Age: 27 years old
Status: Single
Like: Fruit tart, Mom (Tania)
Dislike: Vindaloo, Dad
Margarita Velberg
Gender: Female (Heterosexual)
Age: 4,200 years old (420 in human years)
Status: Married (Edward)
Like: Ham and cheese sandwich, Doing 'special' activities with her husband
Dislike: Alcohol, War
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Rosetté Vērmelhõ
Gender: Female (Heterosexual)
Age: 257 years old (25 in human lifespan)
Status: Engaged (All 3 sons of the Hellscream family)
Like: French toast, Pain
Dislike: Licorice, A curse passed down through the family
Darlene Lopez
Gender: Female (Asexual)
Status: Widowed
*Not specified*
Like: ?????
Dislike: ?????
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noxmachinimafr · 1 year ago
Hi there, It has been such intensive weeks at work. I had no break in two weeks. Not surprisingly, today being my first full day off, I slept for 12 hours! Anyway, BlizzCon announcements are really cool for WoW, although I am that much into the new allied race. At least, several things sound pretty neat, and I am more intrigued than I was for DF story.
I took the opportunity of these quiet days to keep refining the official trailer of Untold Tale of Pandaria. The first version was hastily made to fit a deadline, while, now, I really have time to polish everything. I first worked on the introductory sequence featuring Jiora'Kirh (Kirh) and Karl Whistlewind!
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But the session of the day was dedicated to Garrosh Hellscream. The in-game model is already quite good, and because Garrosh is an emblematic NPC, there is not that much customization I can do. Still, the map is a bit low-def, which gives the tattoo the typical problem of ugly pixelization on the shoulders. And another point is that his necklace (seen in all the artworks and GCI cinematics) is absent! So I have to craft it. Regarding the axe, there are different models in the game files. The original Gorehowl was a bit too low poly and low def, while the upgraded model (dating back to WoD) was the one of the Alternative Draenor, so NOT the real Gorehowl.
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In other words, I had to do the same work I did previously on Dranosh Saurfang's axe that I had made from BFA Varok's axe.
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(I still love this model so much! :3) The work is not fully done yet, but the model got a nice refinement. The leather will be made in 3D. And I will implement his shoulder pads if needed at this time.
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I can now start working on this scene of the trailer. Please appreciate that my OC is nothing but a shrimp compared with the warchief! ^^'
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And, ahhh, look! I need to paint all the panels of the shrine, of course! Plus smallest panels with the pandaren clan portraits that I haven't placed yet. O__O
As I used to say, working on Blender gives a lot of freedom. But choosing to build a Japanese/Sichuan-Pandaren universe means that I have plenty to do from scratch! Hope you enjoy the sneak peek!
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husknoises · 2 years ago
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Even in the most distant, impossible timeline, I would still find you. 
((if you’ve been around since the Unbound AU days i’m sure you qualify for some sort of discount LMAO but thank you ♥♥♥))
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bowtiebuns · 2 years ago
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Something something (guitar riff)
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clawcommanderabsinthe · 3 years ago
DM: You fight 2 Hydras in the Arena
Barbarian PC: *deletes Hydra with a double crit*
DM: That... Shouldn't have happened. Okay. Hydra 2 is still alive.
My Barbarian Groma, chugging a growth potion and getting ready to crit annihilate Hydra 2 as well:
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thereeness · 4 years ago
A Promise Not Forsaken
A Promise Not Forsaken: A Man in Time You’ll Be
Hello everyone, I'm back! Hope everyone had a safe and sane couple of weeks. Life for me has continued unchanged, which meant I got a lot of writing done.....when Shadowlands wasn't stealing my soul. Either way, here's the new chapter and a quick note:
As of right now, Garrosh Hellscream hasn't done much of anything besides be a depressed teenager rejected by his clan's strongest warriors and whispered about all his life by others. We, you readers and me the author, know what he's going to become but Izzy doesn't. To her, he's just a kid in need of guidance, the kind she doesn't feel right giving him. Which is just going to make it hurt that much more when he does start shifting further down the line.
With that said, we're getting close to the end now. I think maybe 3-4 more chapters, depending on how things flow. Then maybe a couple of one shots from other, minor characters (I'm eager to write something with Kav, haha) as well as POV chapters from some of our canon faves.
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you next week!
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celenacallaghan · 2 years ago
As Izzy struggles with the debacle with Garrosh, a schism forms between her and the young Overlord. A decision to leave for Wyrmrest Temple reunites her with an old friend as the strike against the Wrathgate looms ever nearer.
New chapter out and hoo, it was a bit tricky in the beginning, but I got it done in the end. Thank you all so much for your patience, hope you’re staying safe and sane out there, and I’ll post again soon.
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