#hopefully it came out ok
chaotikanvas · 2 years
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I can’t animate, but I made this!
A little doodle for @madame-mongoose because now I have this song stuck in my head on loop and I love it lol
Based on Our orbit is elliptical by @sycopomp and her!
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aelswiths · 1 year
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Eadith in 4x06
For @jeynepoole
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kitamars · 17 days
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doodles as i relive my spideyman phase from eighth grade
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Another Les Mis musical connection that's making me feral: Jean Valjean uses the same melody with which he sings to Cosette, "Believe me, / Were it within my power, / I'd fill each passing hour-- / How lonely it must be, I see, / With only me for company"...
When he sings "You are free, / And there are no conditions. / No bargains or petitions! / There's nothing that I blame you for. / You've done your duty--nothing more" to Javert.
In my journey to map out the various leitmotifs in the show, this one really flung me for a loop because what does it meannnn?? This is the only time we hear the melody in the show, and it's applied in two very different circumstances, where the relationship Valjean has to the characters involved could not be more opposite. What connects them?? But I think I have it.
It's a reluctant release. Not of the people, but of his own desires regarding them. Let me explain.
Valjean very distinctly wants things from both Cosette and Javert, which he sings about on the rising part of the melody. With Cosette, he wants to be the center of her life: "Were it within my power, I'd fill each passing hour;" on the other hand, he desperately wants Javert to leave him alone. When he has Javert at his mercy, he absolutely does want to trade lives, which is why he sings it on the rising part: "And there are no conditions, no bargains or petitions." He does want these things--but he's letting them go.
And that's where the falling part of the melody comes in. In both situations, Valjean knows he can't have what he wants. So he gives up that desire. He accepts that Cosette wants someone else, and doesn't blame her for it ("How lonely it must be, I see, with only me for company,"), the same way he accepts the situation between him and Javert ("There's nothing that I blame you for. You've done your duty, nothing more."). That's why immediately afterwards, he tells Javert his address, and why shortly after that, he prays that Marius be brought home to Cosette.
Cosette is his biggest security, and Javert is the biggest threat to his security. But in this little melody, he sets them free (Cosette metaphorically, and Javert literally). He acknowledges what he wants, and accepts that he can't have it, even though it hurts.
And if that ain't the most Jean Valjean thing, I don't know what is.
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lilmeowmrow · 7 months
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because i always do:
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ratchetsboyfriend · 9 months
Welcome back to transformers fanfic (I found your blog during your hiatus, and I love your older work). Since requests are open, could you possibly write some soft MTMTE Drift headcannons of him watching a movie with a human reader? I’ve been a bit down recently, so I would really appreciate it.
Drift is willing to watch all of your favorites, even if he doesn't quite see the same appeal in them that you do. Depending on what your comfort movies are, he's gonna react differently. 
He's not sure why a brutal horror movie would be comforting, especially if you spend half of it cringing and hiding behind your hands, but hey if it floats your boat. Comedies aren't a bad choice to watch with him, some jokes don't land as well without the context of having lived on Earth, but some things are universally funny so he enjoys them enough even if some of the humor is… questionable. If you watch some of the more heart wrenching romantic movies he gets fairly invested, but the cheesy one's he'll good-naturedly tease you for liking even if he did enjoy some of them himself. Intense, dramatic movies that feature journeys of self-discovery and have more open endings are a particular favorite of his if you happen to put them on.
To ensure the best possible viewing experience, he sets up a projector in his hab suite so you can enjoy a more private viewing. There are movie nights for the whole crew but they can get pretty rowdy and that's not the kind of evening you two are looking for. More than one movie night has ended in a brawl.
His berth is lined with a plethora of cushions and blankets that have been sourced from various planets you've visited. Drift has plenty of money and he's more than happy to splurge on creature comforts like these and it's nice to go shopping for them together. He's also spared no expense on getting your favorite treats for the night, regardless of how much effort it took to source them. The way you light up when he presents them to you is worth every penny.
Whether you start out the night sitting next to him in a heap of blankets or nestled in his lap surrounded by pillows, you will end up sprawled across his chest by the end of the night. He lays out plenty of your soft cushions and blankets atop himself so that you can maintain maximum comfort while cuddling against his much harder frame. It's hard not to fall asleep like that in the middle of the movie since he'll absent-mindedly start stroking your back.
He doesn't mind talking during movies and will happily discuss the plot as it's happening, but if you're too focused on the story to speak he's just as good with silent viewing. He's particularly fond of when you get excited and point out your favorite scenes, making sure to pay special attention to those parts of the movie.
If you want to make watching movies together a regular occurrence, he'd agree immediately and would be delighted to help you pick what to watch in the future. Rewatching movies you've seen before or finding something new to view are both fine with him, it's spending quality time together that's important.
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purple8cat · 8 months
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i mean they're not. the exact same but they are very similar to each other!!
Also this could just be me but I feel like that these two have a lot of parallels. Break's family are the Rainsworths, who are not his biological family. Johann's family is Dante and Riche, who also not his biological family.
When someone they care about dies/gets threaten their first instinct is murder. When the Sinclairs died Break killed 116 people to bring them back, and when he thought Reim had been permanently dead he killed Fang. When Vanitas had threaten to kill Dante, Johann told him that he'll kill him if he meddles with his family.
Another thing they have in common is that there both, how do I put this, angry in some way/some point in their life? Break had been bitter and depress after returning from the Abyss but then learned to smile again because of Shelly. Johann... Okay, I can't say much about Johann because not much has been revealed about him yet BUT he definitely is sketchy!! With how the Dhampirs are treated it wouldn't be far off to say he would be angry at the world/society. He also has been shown to not like Noé much. Johann has also been shown to be very protective of Dante and Riche, so it's possible that he could've been similar to how Break had acted in the past, and now has something to live for and would do ANYTHING to protect it.
Another thing I'm just now realizing and probably should've brought up first but they have similar vibes/atmospheres. Though Johann is more flirtatious and Break is more... Weird. I guess. Eccentric, if you want a fancy word. They're also have this whole... How do I explain it? They're good at observing/analyzing things is I guess the best way to explain it?
I think I'm gonna stop there, there was something else I kind of wanted to talk about but I think it was a little bit of a stench fkdjgfjdf. I could be wrong about some of these, I didn't mean to write this much so basically all of it I wrote on a whim. Whatever my brain thought of I wrote down which resulted in this (which reading over it might be noticeable considering this post is kinda a mess kgjkfjgjfj). There's also the fact that some of the Johann stuff was just speculation, which could 100% be wrong. But I do think some of it I'm right about!!
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Oh bitch
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spaghett-onaplate · 1 month
responses to rehearse bc i'm seeing my grandparents tomorrow and they have a tendency to ask weird questions about the whole trans thing:
that's a personal question
that isn't your business
that's a weird thing to ask
you don't need to know that
i never said that
i don't know why you think that
#ok tomorrow should be fine bc theyre just coming over afternoon-night and other people will be around the whole time#but i DEFINITELY will need to rehearse those for when i stay with them myself for 6 days in september#wish id had these mantras last december 😔#i do have more ground to stand on now that im back at school and everything they have much less room to judge#but they have been a tad weirdddd about the whole trans thing#and will continue to be even now that im back at school i expect#anyway ill also have a conversation with my mum later about the misgendering thing bc when i saw them in december they did not get the#pronouns correct ONCE they did not even try lmao#july before that the first time id seen them since coming out they tried a bit more#thing is i just dont correct them at all never before in my life have i corrected anyone#until one customer the other month when the cards fell exactly in my lap to do so#but anyway hopefully ill have the courage to correct them myself i think i should#i did actually correct my dad the other week! surprised me a bit he called me 'she' it was a bit hurtful but ig it's just good he hasn't#much at all since he started calling me oscar when i came out to extended family#anyway ok i dont want to think about all that too much it gives me a headache#ill have a conversation with my mum and hopefully shell have the courage to correct them but if not i will do it myself#hopefully maybe#for now im gonna go and watch 911 lone star with my mum#wahoo shes enjoying it
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fisheito · 2 months
I tried to animate sappyass yakuei in Sketchbook and it bugged out, corrupted the file, and wiped all my other WIPs inm gonna 😂🤧😭
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hi-there-buddies · 5 months
Dude, nothing could’ve prepared me for when I read Superior Spider-man (2019), the first comic run I’ve genuinely loved in YEARS, only to get fucking BLASTED with that idiotic OMD ending
Like I’m gonna rip my hair out
Why the FUCK did the writers think that was a good idea
“I liked the idea of Otto being too petty to admit his heroics came from Peter”
Like, words can’t describe how unfathomably angry I am, because if you’ve followed me for long enough, you know One More Day is the comic runs I despise the most
The writer who made the decision even ADMITTED he liked a One More Day style ending for Otto (yknow, the comic book that’s widely regarded as one of the worst things produced by Spider-Man writers)
How out of touch can you be?
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thissmycomingofage · 10 months
The thing is that the tgw deluxe tracks are the regular tracks' kids and there's actually a family tree :
Holy revival : coming of age/tgw
Yoko : two weeks ago/wendy
The Song: watch/lost the breakup
Guy On A Horse: yjab(aiktm)/BSC
Truth is : therapy/there it goes
The last one : the band & I/history of man
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rosicheeks · 20 days
how is the sale going?
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kal-thas · 26 days
guys when the disability is disabling 👎
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max1461 · 2 years
made pie. will post pie image.
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