#hope you all understand
stagefoureddiediaz · 4 months
HI Everyone.
Just wanted to give you all a little heads up. I'm going to need to take a bit of time away from being fully active on here for a couple of weeks. I've just been assessed for Autism (already had a diagnosis, but it was never official official so this was just dotting the i's and crossing the t's) and I've had a much stronger reaction to it than I thought I would and I want some space to process.
I've found the fandom of late to be increasingly fractious and toxic and trying to navigate that (which wouldn't normally bother me) whilst processing is going to be more than I can cope with I think and I have to look after my mental health first and foremost.
I will still be watching live and putting out my costume metas, but they may not come as quickly as you'd be expecting (I plan on them being posted before the next episode airs but I'm not going to put pressure on myself to get them out in a certain time frame as I have in the past).
I won't however be responding to any asks in my inbox - it will still be open and I do love reading your thoughts and comments but there are some of you who post anonymously who really need to work on how you word your asks - they come across and demanding and inconsiderate (not to mention the fact I've had a death threat in my ask box recently which was not a fun thing to read) so please take a moment of self reflection to re-read what you're sending before you click the ask button on anyones blog not just mine. I'm only human and a flawed one at that and your tone or what you say can affect me. I also work a full time job and I create art, sew and am trying to write fanfic for the first time in my life - so I don't only blog on here.
I'm not asking for pity etc, I just wanted to let you all know where I'm at and explain why I might be more M.I.A than I have been recently.
Wow this ended up being longer than I'd thought!
Sending you all love and many hugs and thanks for being understanding and for bringing joy to my life over the past few years - I'll be back before you know it!
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dontvap0rdawave · 9 days
I really love your pink and blue comic
(just finished watched poketom dubbed it)
But I have a question a few questions
Is the comic going to continue?
When is the next chapter/pages
Love your artwork keep up
First off, thanks for enjoying it! Poketom did a great job dubbing it (specially as time went on) and, as I've said previous times, you should support and be nice to him, he's a genuinely nice guy!
Second, and something I need to leave clear on here too (not just my DA), the comic is on hold for now as I:
1- Manage my college time, and soon enough my working time as well, not only because I am having more responsabilities and not a lot of free time now, nut because I also am starting to care for the story 15 yo me was trying to write as I am now properly scripting pages, revamping character redesigns, and all of that. And
2- Have been getting so overwhelmed by people asking me to continue it almost every. single. day, that I´ve honestly just decided to focus on new proyects that come up and giving this one a rest for now. That and I also want to be recognized as more than "That cringy OC JSaB comic" woman and not be harassed by it (fair, it's not as bad as before, but it's still tiring considering everything going around in my life/country).
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xnoodle-armsx · 11 months
I’m all for another superwholock, but personally I don’t think it will happen because all the shows now have actually queer rep, and superwholock was simply queerbait. Also, if we do superwholock again,we’re gonna have to get real weird real fast
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fruitsoxs · 4 months
I've been pretty silent recently, but I feel like it's time to finally update everyone.
As of now, I plan to move all my longer fics onto ao3. I will link to my account once I actually start doing it. If there are any fics you desperately want to be moved please let me know- because any that aren't moved might be deleted. You can just send me an ask with the title. I'm not abandoning this blog, I will post updates of fics I write with links to my ao3. I will probably use this blog for requests too.
Tldr; I'm moving my fics to ao3. Please let me know if there are any fics you want moved so I don't accidentally delete them from existence
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frost-queen · 11 months
If I appear "inactive" these following days it is because since we aren't going away on a holiday, we decided to enjoy our summer holiday here at home with small trips which means coming home late from a trip or so. That is the reason I'm not uploading daily a fic. I'll see when I can and upload but consider this my "time off" to finally enjoy my summer as I haven't done sh*t yet to enjoy it. Cause my parents still had to work.
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seamayweed · 1 year
I love everything about your Tumblr, you also like most of the shows I have seen and appreciate, and thank you so much for all the Nam Seon Ho Gifs!!!! Love it!! ❤️ I too am obsessed with Nam Seon Ho and Woo Do Hwan in general!!
Ahh a mostly HotD & Aemond blog! Love your icon of our boy!! Thank you so much for the kind words and reassurances ;___; <333 After a brief bout of insanity and some IRL stuff that upset my equilibrium, I def feel better now! My natural state of being is that of a hermit and lurker, and I feel like I’ve been spreading myself a bit thin trying to keep this small fandom alive and active in any way I can. I was starting to feel a bit unmoored in my interpretation of Nam Seon-ho too, but reading some of my favorite MCTNA fics fortunately reminded me again of who he is and what he means to me. I also tend to get very miserable and go a bit crazy when I haven’t written in a while, so the time spent away from tumblr to focus on only that was very much necessary and I feel a lot happier now! 😊
Yaaay a fellow Nam Seon-ho & Woo Do-hwan fan who’s obsessed with him!! *high-five* Again, thank you for reaching out to me in my time of need. You are the best 🥺💙💙💙
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
If you're drinking soup instead of eating it with a spoon, it's a beverage
>He has decided to ignore you
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sndrewacott · 11 months
this is just a public apology post to my followers who were here before my Joker Out phase, you guys are so strong for hanging on in there
This will continue god bless
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cowboyx2 · 2 years
face reveal. this is me
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crneliastreetagain · 4 months
i had a new 9k+ words josie/isabel one shot almost finished (literally planned on posting it in like a week) that i accidentally permanently deleted so i’m sorry if i don’t post anything for them for a while. it’ll take some time to re-do and to feel like i even want to do that. i do have plans for the spider!hazel au and a new fic for the bear though so i might just focus on that for now
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periwinklemoonlight · 1 month
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i finished the first season of nbc hannibal and instantly knew i had to draw desert duo
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dishsaop · 4 months
i like Raphael bg3 but unfortunately i dont think its for the same reasons anyone else does. he swoops in so fucking confident like "hello my baby mice (/derogatory) you wish you could kill me. you fucking wish. anyway sell me your soul or die in an unsexy tentacle explosion."
and then he sort of follows you around for like 3 acts. all quiet. spying on u. hoping youll call him. waiting by the phone. and then when you finally do run into him hes like "haha so, you miserable worms (/derogatory), have you considered i can save you and i have this really cool donkey kong hammer you want? sell me this insanely OP crown and ill give it to you. please. haha it isnt like i need you or anything, baka."
and then you break into raphaels house. hes cucked bc his girl Hope wont get with him, and she looks at you for 2 seconds and decides youre it instead. you run into his sidepiece, who is literally just a horny mirror of himself, and you can either kill or fuck the horny mirror of himself. the pathetic horny mirror of himself will absolutely tell you raphael is shit at sex. you lie to raphaels librarian, kill all his guys, rob his house, break out his girl, steal his head henchman to your side, and then fucking kill him. youre like, four sadboy adventurers with worms in your brains and you were level one like two weeks ago, and you straight up obliterate raphael and leave his house to his angry girlfriend in the will. you steal his fucking diaries. and you dont even die in an unsexy tentacle explosion.
raphael is trying so hard to be cool and hes absolutely not. he sings his little song and stalks around the shadows, but hes so uncool i think im a little obsessed actually.
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blackstar044 · 1 year
I try to be optimistic for the future but I really ain’t doing it for tonight.
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
If there is only one thing I would want to tell all trans people, it is this:
Please make it. You are worth it to see a better future; we will make this world kind. You are so needed, you are so wanted. We will make this world somewhere worth our light. I hope you can be by my side forever, I hope we can bask in the beauty of this world. I love you, trans person reading this.
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inklore · 1 month
i’ll just be having a normal night and then i remember how the first time colin kissed pen you can hear him panting into her mouth and then i’ll remember how every time he’s near her after that he can barely breathe or you can hear his heart pounding and then i’ll remember how he couldn’t even tell her his feelings during the ball because he literally could not breathe with her right there in front of him like she was stealing all his air again and the way he looks down at her mouth was like he so desperately wanted her to make his head stop spinning and fill his lungs with her because she’s consumed him and then i’ll remember–
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d0d0-b0i · 4 months
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you could say im a fan
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