#hope u dont mind that i comboed them!
re--feminize-me · 8 months
Hi! I was wondering if you had a top 10 list or something of your fav hypno files. Doesn't need to be about anything specific. The only criteria I'm looking for is that they hit at least one fetish genre and the file itself was one that you happened to respond really well to.
(btw, i saved the ones you did and can't wait to listen to them)
ooooo this is a fun one!!!!! some of these are hard to find so if anyone wants smth off this list lmk ♡
in no particular order, these are some of my favorites and ones that have been VERY effective on me 😳🥰
girling up & feminine conditioning (vive) (2x combo thats great for forcefem and girling up has changed me i think permanently 😳😳😳😳😳)
curse helpless to submission (professorpig) (really hot but be CAREFUL with this one. look it up on WMM before you listen. seriously when it says helpless it aint fuckin around)
melt (hypdom) (great for bimbofication and mindlessness)
choosing denial pt 1 and pt 2(????)(if anyone knows who this is PLS lmk) (guided masturbation and edging which is super hot)
euphoria edging file / paradise (lifeofalibertine) (euphoria is the beginner file, paradise is Edging 402 djjdjdjdjakajd jokes aside ive never made it thru paradise its so hot i always cum 😭 also his other files are worthy mentions!!!)
loud sex conditioning vive (i listened to this one in my sleep for ~1month and now i moan at the smallest things and cant stay quiet hahahahahaha 😳)
dumbing down 2023 vive (this one is brand new and already a fave, doing a great job of dumbing me down ♡)
oblivion vive (GREAT for going deep or going to sleep)
a simple trap for your mind 2 (vive) (def recommend listening to the first one first but i like this one better)
surrender your orgasms vive (if u have a partner who is willing & able to control ur orgasms this file is a solid 10/10 A+, def the way to go.)
i dont want to think vive (this file made me want to think less as is in the name, dumbing down 2023 is more effective but this one is slower and more subtle.)
a relaxing edge for good girls by smolhydra via prettynosferatu (iirc??) (this file i like cuz somehow it CONSISTENTLY gets me to the edge.)
can u tell vive is one of my fave tists hahahahahahha his files are VERY good his inductions honestly inspired mine so i highly recommend checking out his website in general. idk why he isnt more popular?!??!?!??!
also i hope you like my files omg, im thinking about making a new one here soon so be on the lookout for that!!! ALSO id love to hear ur thoughts when u do listen- to my files and/or these!!!!
tysm for this ask dear, have fun breaking your brain 🥰🥰
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superxstarzz · 1 month
I love the ideas you have! <3 <3 <3 Are there any keywords or a way to explain how some of your classes and aspects work?
I understand that it must be difficult to invent all these conventions but I had to ask out of curiosity
thank u sm!!! and thank you for giving me the PERFECT opportunity to talk about these!!! Hope ur ready for a yapfest, because that's what you're getting!!! I'm gonna break this down into two parts to make it a bit more coherent: How they would work in a session, and how I go about naming and combining them
First: How do they work in a sburb/sbgrub session???
While my original intention was for these to be classpects for sprites, I could see them being assigned to regular players too! Sburb works in funny ways, after all.
With powers, combined god tiers would have the abilities of both their classpects. For example, a Parasite (prince/thief) of Unity (blood/light) could steal and destroy both light and blood. They'd have the powers of a thief of light, prince of blood, thief of blood, and prince of light all at once!
Same goes for personality. Of course, personality mostly depends on the specific player, so this is harder to explain. To put it simply, someone with a combined classpect would have traits from both their classpects. That same Parasite of Unity from the previous explanation would act like a thief of light, prince of blood, thief of blood, and prince of light all at once.
Second: Behind the scenes on creation!!
So for the naming, I actually had some help from my bffsie @diehardpaleontologist !! Because of this, I don't have an explanation for every single name, since half of them weren't done by me :P And as much as I'd love to post the explanations behind every single combo name I did on this post, that would make it 3029204820 years long :,) So I'll settle for a more general explanation about them.
For the classes, a lot of them are just titles that we thought sounded cool or funny. Some of them were actually thought out, though!! Like the Supernova, the Gatekeeper, the Hoarder, etc.
For the aspects, we actually did think most of them through!! Some of them are guilty of being less creative... but they sound cool, soooo!!!
My main goal for creating these was making titles that sound interesting. Ones that are either really cool (The Puppeteer of Dreams) or ones that are funny. (The Beholder of Birth)
Now, the design process!!! For each class, I have a specific aesthetic I look to for inspiration. While actually designing them, I try to not only include elements from both classes but also some unique elements as well! I dont want them to just feel like combinations, I want them to feel like actual classes. That's where those inspiration aesthetics come in :3
The same goes for creating the aspects. I do mix the two color palettes as a base, but I typically change around the colors a bit to make a nicer palette (especially in cases where the mix just ends up... blegh (looking at u psyche pallete.)) When I make the aspects themselves, I try to keep them simple while ensuring they have elements of both symbols. The biggest thing I keep in mind with them is, "Would it cause me mental pain to draw this 3028392 times on an outfit?" If the answer is yes, I change the symbol.
While I would love to yap up a storm on every single design choice I made, this post is already getting long, so I'll spare yall.
If you have questions about any specific class or aspect, I will GLADLY answer them!!! A lot of thought goes behind each one of these, and I'd love to share it if yall r curious :) Thanks for reading this far, and I hope u enjoyed my thought dump!!
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adrian-sheppy · 7 months
Sorry if this is completely wrong igore if it is LMAO but I noticed you seem to have different hcs for how mind lost his eye!!! Like in Seattles Going Under it was lost in a vague fight or something, but in art w/ the resonance cascade he lost it prolly during the ambush? I was wondering if you had info to share on it/infodump abt or if its just whatever makes the art more fun!
hehe youre observant and actually right on the money. yup!  so essentially i just have different eye trauma head canons for whichever version of freemind im drawing; since he doesnt actually lose his eye in canon, its up to everyone to fil in the blanks if they wanna use the popular headcanon. i wrote .  a good chunk of stuff .  so i put it under the cut . but heres a picture to be like a . tldr
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I sorta like his eye already being gone before the resonance cascade (in a non-freemanverse scenario). he does verbally say something like "my eyes" in the series, indicating he has two, BUT . well.  its a headcanon. so we can have fun with it . my eye loss pre-rescas freemind stems from my original freemind design (before i ever started posting half-life on the internet) where he had short hair, but i needed a way to distinguish him from og gordon, so I used thr popular one eye headcanon. then I realized him losing his eye bc of the military goes perfectly with martini losing an arm. that bothered me for a while until i realized i could just have multiple freemind designs + headcanons. if theres different variations of Gordon  and martini, why can't there be some of Freemind as well? grins grins
i left it open ended in my SGU because people have their own headcanons and I thought anyone could just fill in their own. if I did every make a canon eyeloss event prequel thing, he would've lost his eye during college in some sort of either freak accident (like tripping on something and injuring himself bad; I like this one because he'll lie and say he was in a fight) or, like u said, a fight . for SGU, college was a low point in his life of him struggling with freedom from his parents for the firsr time, but them and their ideals still holding him hostage. he is simultaneously more repressed and more emotionally volatile than present!gordon. then, when his parents die, hes just given a clusterfuck of emotions. so why dont we add physical trauma? whatever the sgu canon event eye loss was, it was definitely related to substance abuse issues. whether that be he was high/drunk and got into an accident, or fought someone... not sure! yet. the only thing that i can say was that no fire or chemicals were involved, since his tearduct is (unfortunately for him) wholly in tact!
but for freemanverse!freemind, he should lose his eye during the rescas since its like thematic and stuff if (almost) every Gordon Loses Something. also, angst. whenever I draw freemanverse (even in a domestic setting) in my head, i always think of them surviving the rescas together! i have. convoluted freemanverse headcanons. the eye loss is an important freemanverae event because, like martini, it gives him a valid reason to REALLY dislike benrey (but in my au, benrey isnt the big bad, so he "redeems" himself kinda sorta) . and then it ALSO opens up freemind to be upset and vulnerable, which allows him to bond with his fellow freemen.
also I want barmey to tend to his wounds and call his scar(s) badass. im not immune to buttermind and i never was.
honorable mention: sims freemind, who has both eyes physically but only can see from one. this is due to me unable to properly texture a glasses + eyepatch combo, that and i have no experience with 3d modelling (I did try!).
i hope this is a satisfying enough infodump!! I'm sorry if it's a bit vague; a lot of my ideas tend to be fluid. i also like taking inspiration from what other people think! some of you guys are way super smart and have awesome ideas. i am not immune to well articulated essays and thought out headcanons
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munamania · 5 months
not to sit here and weave a story out of nothing like a little protagonist via my quirky online storytelling but i rekindled my friendship with sam who is such an interesting person there are just a lot of stories of all sorts and this is funny timing but truly we just fell into such an easy banter this past class so we were like omg lets hang right so. his roommate really is just like stupid hot right. i could get corny with it but i wont. a face sculpted by the hands of god though. all this prefaced i will now tell u an absolutely nothing story and i really mean that read at your own discretion ((A/N: trust and believe i yapped. putting under keep reading to be somewhat forgivable) (i am not in my best of states rn. okay.)
anyway so we're chillin in sams room im getting caught up on the latest construction projects and shit.. one thing abt sam hes always up to something. they've got an entire work desk #butchrealness. then i hear some singing out in the hallway but from where im sitting cant actually see anyone so convo just goes sam and roommate 'hey' 'hey' and then i peeked my little head out and waved and said hey and they stopped and set down their basket and said 'Hey' and then i did not introduce myself (flop) (combo of cramped room and sam talking and me being wildly awkward) (also keep in mind i dont know if this person has swiped left on me or not been on tinder or if theyd even recognize me anyway and hating that that's even a situation bc i hate that stupid app but just hoping worst case scenario i dont come off as an insane stalker but rather a victim of circumstance) but they just chatted for a sec abt whatever shelf sam needs to fix and that was that. and then they went back to humming which was cute or whatever
to set the next scene we're down in the kitchen and sams cooking and this is a while after we took his homemade gummies so im not rlly high per se but chillin and something about the noise and setup in their kitchen is so overstimulating for me lol when shes cooking im just like frozen. i always offer to help but he always just gets in a groove it's best i dont intervene. one time he had to tell me to go sit down in the other room bc i was freakin out a little lol
so im perched on this single high chair they have in the kitchen right next to their washer and dryer as sams whipping up some food and im kind of obnoxiously saying Unfortch in response to a story he was telling me and he gives me a look so im like UnfortunateLy. and then hes like 'psh i know unfortch i live with this guy' cue roommate strollin in with laundry and theyre just like Whaat and sam explains and theyre like Oh ofc you gotta know unfortch or whatever. forgot to mention that earlier in sams room they said three similar abbreviated words in a row just during a normal sentence and it caught me so off guard i wanted to giggle. so naturally my brain is going through Immediate social response of a semi awk laugh or quippy remark about that but also theyre literally like a foot away from me and im largely nonverbal atm lmfaoo so i just mumble smth to try and go along w the bit but then trailed off cause i was like wtf am i even saying. brain was overloaded
and then i was like um. i literally was just staring around doing fuck all like a perched bird or something but i was fighting a war in my mind of like ok do i introduce myself or look to sam to do so or do we not do that or is that rude idk but also they have headphones on one ear and are doing all their laundry shit and i once again dont want to be like overbearing but also well come on now we gotta feel out the vibe (and i do a great job here.) idk so im like Ok dont just look at them but dont Not look at them just behave like a normal person. you know. the usual. sam comes over to give me a bit of bread with balsamic vinegar and oil and i spilled it on my sweater fuck this stupid baka life (didnt really show. but still they were right there..)
and so after a min of this they were kinda like awkward laugh 'dont mind me' and i once again was very self conscious and had several things that wanted to come out 'not at all' 'dont mind me' 'it's your house' 'these all sound awful abby' then i got anxious that i was in the way the whole time but they were almost done and if i got into a weird apology thing well i would have had to kill myself so i just once again kind of uttered something that would have sounded like 'youresogoodicanmovetoo' and also 'sorry if i just keep like looking over at you' WTF IS THAT SHIT. FUMBLE BOOOOO and my follow up was essentially nothing cause i couldnt decide if i should say 'im just a bit out of it/high' 'im easily distracted (kys)' 'idk what to do w myself haha' 'im useless in the kitchen' (not entirely true) i mean just a few minutes before sam and i had talked about how ill just wander around peoples rooms and observe things to avoid feeling awkward and it's just how i am and so i was kinda just doing that due to the nerves of the sitch but there was only so much to look at. and i just sat there. offputting realness. whatever. so. straight face emoji. and that was mostly the extent of that i dont remember what they said in response just like a lil laugh or w/e. probably couldnt hear my stupid ass mumbling. so im thinking my chances of charming them at all are really stellar
if you read all this i want you to just take note that the events depicted here could not have been more than 3-4 minutes collectively. and yet the yap goes on..
for future reference, what did we learn? probably best to just continue convo with sam, excuse urself to br, or perhaps even attempt a conversation w them if ever in a similar situation again and they talk to you first again. also stop inventing complicated situations in ur head chill the hell out. idiot. says the bitch with the anxiety disorder. feel free to egg me on or tell me to fuck off ok xoxoxoxxo love u
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powerpolyculeshowdown · 4 months
im excited for both tournaments righrgrunkekg BUT for the two poly ships that have been taking over my life:
First of all theres RedCottonTie aka Bodoque x Juanin x Tulio from 31 Minutos!! Another pair of gay latinos... but this time they're puppets from Chile! A weird combo of "AWWW CUTE THROUPLE" and "THEY MADE TOXIC YAOI?!?!"
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Then theres Robot Dreams wich i wont spoil in case you havent watched it... but holy shit they would be the healthiest and cutest couple ever
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gah i had a weird day yesterday (positive) and i saw ur ask but i was busy then i completely forgot i didnt reply, im sorry!!
oh ive seen those gay latino puppets in my dash a few times from a few different ppl!!! but idk if they're well known in brazil? i never heard of them here so maybe we're missing out or maybe i live in a bubble hshdjs still theres lots of cute art, good for them!!
Big fan of the red rabbit design, like i said i never watched it but he has the vibes of a little guy who would commit crimes and id forgive him idk
ive seen gifs for Robot Dreams as well! i didnt know what it was called tho, i rlly like that last pic the dog w the sunglasses has such a powerful energy and the yellow robot looks silly and lovable i hope im right about that, the design is v cute! i also rlly like the art style in general!
That said i dont mind spoilers at all!! nowadays i rarely start new series, and honestly its v rare that spoilers will make me lose interest, sometimes it makes me more curious actually... thats how i got into magnus archives in the first place, for example, and now i got forever brainrot <3 So if u wanna tell me about it feel free too!! ill be sure to tag it as spoilers!
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simplydnp · 6 months
hi i hope u dont mind me asking but which viddy is the gif with pink hoodie dan & purple hoodie phil from? they are so cute :,( thank uuuuuu
no problem anon! happy to help 😊
spicy marshmallow roulette - food fantasy!
the pink and purple hoodies were such a look on them. any time we get dan in colour--especially pink--it's important, but the combo of that pink with that purple on phil w/ the black quiff? genius, really.
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i hope in s2 we get a caitvi scene where when vis wearing that godawful enforcer outfit one of them says like "blue really isnt your/my color, is it?" because IT REALLY ISNT VIS COLOR FFS. like yes she looks good but like... its not the red jackettttt. the uniform looks awkward on her too and also LOOK at how dejected she is. SOMEONE say that blue isnt her color. its obviously caitlyns color. vi's red. thats literally the color combo they have. i dont KNOW like that phrase has been in my mind. i really strongly feel like shes gonna be sympathetic and literally read vi better than just saying "u look great" girl come onnnn do u not see how they are so unbelievably intune with each other. the opposites and how caitlyn is gentle with vi. i can see it. she literally KNOWS its not vi. it does not scream raging lesbian. i just need NEED her to tell vi that blue isnt her color. i can see it.
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kissoflifes · 5 months
I'm trying to put together a basic set of beauty products to keep as staples (I don't think I can afford to try a lot of products and alternate between them) so like a basic skincare regime of a cleanser, serum, toners and then basic foundation, concealer, blush, lip gloss, and then perfume and so on but I have no idea where to start, there's so much information on the internet that seems to contradict itself and they all seem like ads. I've heard people say luxury items are worth it for the quality and I don't mind investing in them but again, so many brands 💖 P.S Thank you for your help!
omgggg i loveee this question and im going to try my best to answer it without oversharing or being over the top 😭 but i would say as a psa that u shouldn't feel pressure to try and have a full routine with at least one of every product in it like u might see on the internet bc its ultimately what works for u and personally like my skincare routine doesn't include toners or any face masks atm and my makeup routine consists of foundation, blush, a lip product and maybe mascara, kohl, eyeshadow if i'm feeling fancy (i've never tried using powder, contour and so on simply bc i too don't know where to start)
anyway as for recommendations 👀 i hope these are helpful
first! cerave hydrating cleanser, my skin gets really tight and dry usually after washing my face to the point where when the skin stretches, it feels like its cracking but i've noticed a massive *good* difference when using this!
and also la roche posay's retinol + hyaluronic acid combo!! i didnt really have anti aging goals in mind at the ripe age of 20 but i use it to for like uneven skin tone and to make my skin seem less dull, u kinda need a strict regimen to stick to it and a LOT of sunscreen (and i mean a LOTTTT bc going into direct sunlight with retinol can lead to burns and i use the anti helios la roche posay one but my sister uses cancer council and says its just as good if not better)
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but also i actually really recently bought the ordinary's vitamin c suspension and i've heard glowing reviews of the product too but i cant speak much for its long term effects just yet bc i havent used it enough but with vitamin c, u shouldn't wear retinol soo
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and then i top it all off with plenty of moisturiser like the cerave ones!!! luckily with these products i dont get pilling 🫡
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since u said u don't mind investing in luxury products, i love the chanel foundation with the beads bc it feels JUST like a moisturiser and not like a thick, cakey texture for me. its super smooth and light and a very little goes a long way for my whole face! but it IS pricey ($117 aud at least) so there's that! also i've been using the dior lip oil for months in shade 001 and it doesn't have a crazy strong colour but it lasts all day for me and smells super good! and for perfume: sol de janeiro has THEEEE best perfumes/mists of all time for me, my sister has the one that smells like pistachios and caramel and i got this one thats meant to be: 'Pink dragonfruit, lychee essence, jasmine, hibiscus, sheer vanilla and sun musk.' and it lasts hours im telling u!
for the rest, i honestly use my lip product as blush 😭 like i got the rum raisin lipstick and i just put in my cheeks and temple and it looks great for me 😭
DISCLAIMER 🚨: if i remember right, dior is on the list of brands to boycott to support palestine (i got mine a while ago but i wouldn't really go for a recent purchase from them) but there are dupes and similar lip oils out there that don't defend illegal occupation :)
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rillette · 8 months
Hi! How's your day been? I hope it was good, I just came to drop by and sat I absolutely love your Carrol Ferris redesign, like she's so princely and awesome!! I never liked her canon look, so I'm just happy with your redesign.
Got a question tho, when redesigning her outfit, did you have a clear vision in mind or did it just happen while you drew it? Also! Got any hcs for your version of Carrol? I'd love to read them, it can be angsty or whatever... Just hcs that you think about a lot lol
hiiiiiii!!!!! my day's been pretty good, ty for asking!! hope u had a good day as well ^_^ <3 and TYSM!!!! glad u like it!!!!
for redesigning her, i wanted to lean more towards the fairy tale and romance novel aspects of her backstory. carol wants a knight in shinning armor to save her because it's what she's supposed to want, but more than that she's jealous of hal's ability to be the knight in shining armor and have grand adventures. she's also very aligned with the classic bodice ripper romance novels, her character in the 60s is pretty dead set on living her romance novel fantasy. i wanted her design to reflect both sides of her backstory, so i gave her the princely vest + flowy shirt combo and a sword so she could be her own romance novel knight in shining armor 😌👍plus the whole romance novel aspect lends itself nicely to the star sapphires in general! i gave her the shorts bc i think it makes her design look a little more dated and it fits my hal design better that way teehee. i kept the star sapphire itself as a crown bc. i dont. really like the mask on her. plus, it makes her look princely.
as for the other parts of her design, my carol is trad goth! i tried to give her the classic siouxsie makeup, and big hair bc she deserves it. i like to think that carol used to sneak out and go to garage shows and alt concerts held in shitty little venues in highschool, and when goth music started coming out when she was in college, she was alll over it. i think that she also likes to wear yellow when she's pissed at hal specifically and she knows she's going to see him that day. i think that her and hal are platonic soulmates. i really dont like the predator retcon, my version of carol is simply transmasc. she/him lesbian.
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sankt-jesper · 1 year
i’ve been wondering about this one you mentioned so i hope u dont mind if i take the opportunity to ask about it?
Fox/Cody/Neyo (and variations thereof) & Dedra Meero
The editor crashed when I was answering this. My post was long af everything's peachy 🤠
Get ready because this is going to be a wild ride, and everything I say should be seen as a rambling prompt >:)
Fox/Cody/Neyo (and variations thereof) & Dedra Meero: Ship It | Don't Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
These combos have practically everything I love. A poor little meow meow (Dedra), cherished blorbos (Cody, Fox, Neyo), the potential for murder and/or disaster, and they're practically the perfect conduit for Marxist and Hegelian forms of alienation. I think if I ever wrote something with them it'll probably be a thinly-veiled essay on Kierkegaardian estrangement in the wars and the stars during the Imperial Era. They just have so much potential for fun!!!!!1!!!
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Fair warning: I have no idea what fanon is like for any of these characters and I'd rather not know, so their characterizations might vary drastically from the usual.
Clones & Dedra
She's fresh and new and so hungry she'll devour the whole galaxy to get what she wants. They're aging and eaten by grief, rage and the urge to do something meaningful. She'll either find them useful or some of her toughest challenges; they'll follow her to hell and back or will raise hell to see her fail. She's the poster girl for Marx's theory of alienation, and the clones encompass Camus' views on estrangement to a worryingly great degree.
Cody & Dedra
Mentor & Mentee. He's going to shape her to become who she is on Andor, and he'll do it so well no one will ever know and she'll surpass him; it'll be too late when he notices. Some sort of build-a-bear story when speedrunning alienation. Favorite mental image: Cody in armor, saluting Dedra while she smiles. He knows she'll try to get rid of him as soon as she can and he's right.
Fox & Dedra
Paladin–Deity. He's lost and depressed and refusing to deal with anything that isn't work or menial day-to-day tasks, and she comes in and becomes his purpose. He tells himself he'll follow her to hell and back, and maybe he will, or maybe someday she'll do something that will shatter his misplaced faith. Favorite mental image: Fox taking her in his arms in a rare moment they'll never speak of, wondering if he can stop her or if it's too late for the both of them.
Neyo & Dedra
Wicked and Evil. They're awful. They're successful. They're having the time of their lives. If one goes too far the other will simply erase the limits. They'll be unstoppable until they crash and burn on an unlucky day. Favorite mental image: Neyo slouching in a chair and lazily grinning at Dedra while she stands next to him. She realizes there's nothing he won't do as long as she's the one giving the order.
They both work with her. They're together; they love each other in their own ways. The problem is that one of them wants to see her succeed but the other knows he needs to stop her before it's too late. Favorite mental image: both of them lying in their bed in a mess of tangled limbs, each staring into space and unable to fall asleep.
Neyo resents how much he loves Fox and Fox can't stop wondering why he doesn't love Neyo as much as Neyo loves him. It's unhealthy and awful and bad for both of them—and Dedra ends up being another way to torment each other and themselves. Of all the combos I think this one is the most likely to be able to leave the Empire unscathed and together. Favorite mental image: Neyo tenderly kissing Fox's palm when they're on their own, because despite everything they still love each other very much.
Neyo is everything Cody is afraid of being and Cody is everything Neyo wanted to be but couldn't become. I'm ngl for me this is a DC's TwoBats variant in which neither can get what they want but still hope they will. By default I'd say Neyo would be the one to do something with Dedra that'd break Cody's resolve, but I think it'd be much more interesting if Cody is the one to take a step too far—because if Neyo can't handle that, then what does that say about the two of them? Favorite mental image: Them sitting at a table, facing one another and looking at each other with unreadable expressions.
All the previous combos smudged together. Which means it's disastrous and chaotic but there's love and hope and good luck Dedra Meero, you're going to need it :) Favorite mental image: the three of them running away from an explosion in full armors, but you can definitely tell Neyo is the only one cackling.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
It's a crime none exist yet!!!!! They should!!!!!!!
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vanillatalc · 11 months
this evening was a bit of a :|
a few hours after clare left benno told me that tmr we're gonna have to have a pub lunch w/ his family so i immediately freaked out bc this additional Thing on top of seeing boops & his gf last weekend + having clare this weekend (after like, 3y of nothing, bear in mind, so EVEN THO i was so happy to see them both it also took a decent amount of time to like stop being anxious + come down from that spike. like im still a little keyed up now. they both follow me on here btw + none of this is news to them i hope lol. i love u both im just insane x)
i got so angry (not at ben but at the situation, through fear) that i juts stopped talking and went away upstairs to lie in my bed to try and calm down alone
a few mins later ben came uptsairs + i immediately was like "i really just want to be alone actually" then realised he was crying so i was like ...ok come in (crying trumps general rage in terms of Need i think)
we think it's a long-term mental effect of the pandemic where he gets rly emotional after a social event ends bc it reminds him of like the 3y where it was just us in this tiny little universe + he panics bc i think he goes like straight to that place in his mind where he's just never gonna see anyone again? like every goodbye feels like it's gonna be forever
so anyway he tried to get me to talk about MY feelings during this time + i was just like sry i cant lol. you know when you're hollowed out inside through a combo of rage / general madness / having to remain compos mentis for someone else who needs you. AINT GONNA HAPPEN
so after that settled down i did message him on discord like "love u, not angry, will talk to you later this eve about MY feelings" (+ did stick to this obvs)
think the general sticking point is that while ben seems to have been a bit traumatised by lockdown + the social isolation i found it incredibly incredibly easy + stress-free, + have found the slow transition to normal life v difficult (and still do find it both difficult + incredible to watch in the sense that we're all just pretending covid is over bc like it's easier ig??). ill just c/p what i said to ben here: "if you found the lockdown unexpectedly traumatic I found it lovely and have found the return to normal really difficult & think people are just pretending we're back to pre COVID times when we aren't and I find that cognitive dissonance very hard to deal with, I also can't stand gatherings based around food anyway as you know and it seems to literally be all that is ever on offer and it struck me in the same way as the pret in Portsmouth or you being invited out for the meal when my sister was here etc busy couple of weeks that filled me with huge levels of anxiety and stress, thought tomorrow might be a bit more low key but no, got to to do something else I fucking loathe just very fed up and tired"
he asked me again to talk to him more about my feelings instead of just suddenly crashing when something slightly unexpected happens - i said yes - i think im just confused by how much he wants me to talk to him about LOOOL like if i told him every single anxious thought or w/e id be talking to him 24/7 and it just feels like i dont know which thoughts are the ones to share + which aren't???
anyway w/e it got sorted out w/ solid communication i think tbh like ben says we wont do the lunch. i said that he could do it if he wants but there's not a chance in hell im stepping foot into that pub lmfao like there are so few things he wants to do that i actually refuse (hopefully if u read my blog regularly you will understand that this is true) but i have reached my limit on Events Not In My Comfort Zone, and idc if he wants to do it, he's welcome to, but i will walk around the village during that time he was like "ok that's not gonna happen sweetie bc they'll think you hate them" so we're just not doing it. i do feel bad but also i literally like cannot do it? like i am just fully comfortable in the knowledge that i cannot do it, will not do it, and am simply not doing it. so if that means ben isnt gonna do it either that's just gonna have to be how it is. like not to be dismissive but ... this is how i am + he picked me knowing that so like.
OK loads more shit happened in the hour i took away from this post, benny thinks it might be worth postponing the woods trip just bc he's worried how to spin the lunch thing (whereas im like if you want to tell them im insane just tellt hem idc) but we had a good chat in bed + i love him a lot lol. i do like how good we are at emotionally comforting each other. i think we should 100% go tmr but he's a bit fragile (see above lol) so ill just defer to him on this one, im not exactly in a position to be like "JUST POWER THROUGH!!" hahahhaha anyway we'll see how he's feeling tmr. he's more cheerful now anyway bc we had a nice chat + committed to making some post-wedding plans as well so he wont feel that giant post-event freakout that seems to be plaguing him atm
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jewpacabruhs · 2 years
i was rlly rlly enjoying that it felt like s11-esque SP again which, my personal fav seasons are like s6-s12 n around there so i was having a blast and then that ending just. pulled down its pants and projectile-shit all over me. it wasnt bad ig it was just. gross which i mean i'd expect nothing less but. yeah idk this is my way of saying cartman nipples ruined a whole special for me. that being said tho that was. probs my fav special yet? ending aside gkfkf
cartman went back to his roots a bit and i LOVED it (pointing guns at people, correctly deducing a situation like a little genius but then drawing a wildly inaccurate conclusion about it like a little moron, I MISSED HIMM), he even bullied butters into helping him like the good ol days n the cartmanbutterstoken combo like christian rock hard made me SO happy theyre such a good trio. cartman w the two boys who call him by his first name... speaking of i love how token calls him eric even tho he hates him.
i love token sm actually he was so good in this special. hes been rlly good lately in general actually, the one good thing to come out of the weed plot has been the black family (...ahh...) getting more screentime and development. tokens highkey the stan of craig and those guys which rlly Makes the rival weed farm parallel bc theyre both just. the normal ass kids next door dealing w insane bullshit. i LOVED his compassion for the little. chuck chuck creature it reminded me of the goonies and it was cute. cartman scoffing in the background was funny but it was rlly sweet n did remind me a lot of goonies which. childhood nostalgia always good. also im a child and the thing squirt-shitting made me laugh KGFKFK toilet humor will always get me bc im a 8 yr old boy ig
it was cool to have an overarching villain again i do think SP handles narratives with like. Big Bads well? idk i never see it praised but i personally enjoy those plots and i liked how it was done here. tho this is a bit morbid, the, er, conclusion of pipi's story reminded me of that ummmmm verruckt incident in kansas (if u kno u kno; if u dont and u google, sorry) and it made me wince. im sure it wasnt intentional but my macabre lil mind drew the parallel n i cringed fff. but i enjoyed the rest of that story
and oh my goodness it was nice to see south park shit on celebrities again FKFKF like TRULY getting back to its roots. felt like classic sp mockery i loved it a ton
ummm what else. OH RANDY oh my lord. when he went back to normal i was like. holy hell i missed this. tht was nice to have back. modern randy can be plenty funny but he's overwhelmingly annoying and played out and the meta behind his plot made me wonder if m&t agree w that sentiment? ik they started using randy as a mouthpiece for themselves once they hit. 40 or 45 or whatever idk when it started but them acknowledging the weed shit was played out (when previous recent eps had had more of a "haha we know u hate the weed shit and WE DONT CARE LOL!!!" stance) was kewl. ik randy reverted by the end but im hoping maybe smth might carry over. and it was nice to see the marshes being. normal n supportive n smiling again. i dont rmr the last time i saw sharon smile ;( and the sacrifice stan made of letting randy do what he needed to do... he sounded so sad. he'd only jus got his dad back. man i luv stan hhh poor kiddo
the karen shit actually made me laugh i thought it was funny. i don't hav any deep thoughts on it it jus amused me
ummm anything else. oh the fucken. cartmans boobs fkfkf just the boob physics. the way they bounced i was so distracted by them FKDKFK that was cursed but also real af tbh
ok thats all goodbye til more sp content luvs
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 months
hi my lovely fang!! ramadan kareem! also happy belated isagi day!! loll i’m tipsy doing my skincare and watching formula 1 + premier league football (<-being delusional abt my teams winning. i’m no better than a m*n) but my mind ran on you so i said lemme go blab in your askbox <33
not day drinking or anything dw. just came back in from a bday dinner and then we ended up at a nightclub ?? for some reason ?? the music was really good and it felt good to be out with friends. idk, the old me wouldnt have even entertained the idea of going out so i hope ur proud of me for socializing even when i got drained like an hour into the whole thing.
hope the spring's been good to you so far. (i for one am salty since this weather still feels treacherously winterlike to me.) and remember to pace yourself for school.
life has been so interesting lately: moved out of a toxic household and decided to establish boundaries with family (got villainised for it), trying to learn an instrument as a hobby, became a deku fan (‼️♥️☹️‼️) and an arthur morgan enthusiast (⁉️), my kitchen sink randomly flooded and my landlord was an ass abt it, finally watched howl’s moving castle,
always always still thinking of oliver tho. atp i mentally chant his name like my own personal litany against going apeshit in law school. i think u were talking abt songs that remind u of him and i would like to add for ur consideration: that tyler song w/ pharell? called “ifhy”. also DONT LAUGH but i cannot hear anything off the wiped out album without some association to him. some russ songs too. idk what it is abt that bastard but i enjoy putting him in mental aus he has no business being in: like we both know he’d be a regency AU scoundrel or like a rake or smth and yet i’ll be on the subway crafting it in my mind palace LMAO
back in the day i used to depression-watch the encore westerns channel so those scruffy ruffians u have been read dead posting abt are making my ears perk up a little (a lot).
if i was actually writing you as a legit penpal i would decorate your letter and use different coloured ink and stickers and send u a polaroid and stuff. i am so fond of you like whoa. hugging and squeezing and pulling you 🫂🫂🫂🫂 like taffy!! have a great day and an even greater eid !!
-resident oliver gremlin xoxo
RAMADAN KAREEM EVEN THO I AM ANSWERING POST EID AS SOME KIND OF FOUL BEAST!!!! and happy belated isagi day to u twin i hope it was wonderful
i actually heard alot about the f1 stuff from beloved mutuals posting and general internet circulation!!! lots of . stuff going on in that place from what i can tell . i hope ur special sports guys won i love u !!
also glad ur not drinking too much. a birthday dinner and nightclub feel like a random combo sdjhsdkfj but sometimes u just dont want the night to end so i really get it. im not a club girl either it is so overstimulation for me in a way i have a hard time with so im SO proud of you
i feel u abt spring it is so midwest core how cold it fawking is rn fdkjkhdjfkg. but its fine we ball
ALSO SO PROUD OF U!!!!! setting boundaries w fam is sooo dogshit but u did right by yourself and thats all that matters. iA it becomes easier. also instrument, deku fan, and arthur....... ohhh anon it has been a busy and fun life i see.
I MISS OLIVER SOOO FREAKING MUCH IM HAPPY U BRING HIM UP. i agree ifhy by tyler suits him so much im going to throw my guts up fkgjdffgklsd. also no he is very russ song actually.... best on earth ft him and bia.... i will eat glass. im glad his horrible and annoying ass can support the bad beautiful shorty u are thru law school... the most he is capable of im afraid. ALSO WAIT REGENCY AU KIND OF EATS...... WILL BE SIMMERING ON THAT ..... i think him being a sleazy powerful noble who's been enaged a billion times and broken up with even more chasing u a mean noble girl who hates him ohhh .. ohhhhh
ALSO IM GLAD U LIKE MY RDR POSTING. i am. completely out of my mind about them forreal its actually notfunny anymore JKFDJLKS. but thats alright.
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
hi ! hope everything is fine with you. for the tarot reading- id like to ask if ill have a glow up in 2024 or 2025 ? ( both body and mind ) you know, b popular, new friends / romantic pursuers / new connections ? 🤔 wish i was more outgoing in the nxt 2y lol
2nd question : id like to ask if ill find the three lost pictures ive been searching so desperately for or if i shl just give up n move on ? 😭 ab the pictures : two of them are with my mother from whn i was a kid, one is us standing infront of a horse, the other is us sat on a motorcycle and in both ive worn a black jacket. the 3rd one is of me as a infant, ive worn a white and blue combo clothes and have worn a cap i think, im laying down in there. i am ajsu ♑️, mother is sushila ♉️
one fact about me is i have two pets. a dalmatian and a cat.
TYSM in adavnce for ur time ! ⭐️💗🤗
ps can i request you to answer in private if u dont mind pls ? 😔😓
Sorry but I'll answer it here, it's more suitable for me and i hope you won't mind. 💓✨️
1. In 2024, a lot of burdens would be lifted off your shoulders. You'll glow up physically as well as mentally. You'll stay away from people who let you down. And your thought process would change a lot. You'll be moving away from a lot of baggage and things will start to calm down. You'll definitely glow up physically with the queen of wands. Things will happen the way you want.
2. I'm seeing the photograph in some sort of a drawer or below the creaks of the drawers. It's in your own house though. You'll find it in like 6 - 7 months randomly.
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kiddo-characters · 1 year
ive been rlly loving these reqs AOOGHHG EHDBEUDBN /POS
i hope u dont mind me requesting alot i dont find alot of blogs that make idol type agere content much agshednjed - yayohiiro anon 💛🔮 (the name combo isnt shipping btw JNSXUBSXJN its just the theme of my two idol agere blogs is all :3)
lol ur good !! im more than happy to do them ! :3 its a lotta fun. glad youre enjoying my stuff🩷🩷 sharin the love for idols<33
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loverboy-ish-fr · 1 year
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I hope you don't mind but I was messing around with your hatchling because I love messing around with genes to make odd color combos work and I think I got something pretty good. Also looks night and day themed. I might try some other different breeds especially ancient ones since they have special genes that others dont
i absolutely Do Not mind this is actually very sweet of you thank u <3 yes i'm answering these in reverse order whoopsie i didn't see them all before <:3
also ur so righth it does have a night-and-day thing going on :0 cool! i really should try different prim/sec combos instead of always leaning towards the Matchy-Matchy so thank u this is fantastic :] <3
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