#hope this helps somebody!! aaaaa
turboweenie · 6 months
I am not a connoisseur or anything but I am a little guy who's sensitive to smell, and I've bought a few of the Baldur's Gate 3 perfume oils from various vendors. I thought I might put together a little post of my likes and dislikes for each of the oils I've tried, in case people weren't quite decided whether or not they wanted to try them out! It might be helpful, it might not. Under the cut features a small selection from Kronos Olfactory, Siren Song Elixers, MadLabs Studios, and Moth & Myrrh.
Kronos Olfactory
Trickery x Key notes: Bergamot, Rosemary (top); Cream, Brandy (mid); Honey, Musk, Burnt Sugar (base)
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This is the first oil I purchased with the intent of finding something subtle that I could wear daily that wasn't just straight clary sage in a carrier oil. It is peppery. This is the only oil in this little series that I've used that's given the more shady characters a peppery undertone instead of just smokey or leathery, and I think it really works well. It's sweet straight out of the bottle from those base notes of honey and burnt sugar. I'm not normally a fan of sweet, and it took me a few days to stop thinking that it was too sweet for me to use. Once it settles on the skin for about a half an hour or so, it becomes more 'burned' than 'sugar', and the pepper really balances it out. It kind of reminds me of well oiled boots, or gear that's a little bit older but well maintained. There's an ambery sort of sweetness to it that isn't my favorite, which I assume is from the honey base, but it works really well with this blend. It was a daily wear for me before I had a few other options to choose from and in terms of quality of materials, candidness of recipe, and complexity of scent, I would say Kronos is a really, really good brand to purchase from. There is no bite of alcohol to this one, for those who are also sensitive to alcohol-based perfumes. My only complaint is that their selection is quite small if you're looking for specifically Baldur's Gate 3 scents. A lot of the other scents look like they are just as carefully blended, though.
Siren Song Elixers
The Pale Elf x Key notes: Bergamot, Rosemary, Brandy
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If you are sensitive to amber or sweet scents the way I am, this is a bit too sweet, unfortunately. If it's something you enjoy, however, I think this would be a really great scent. Out of the bottle there's an almost vanilla sort of undertone to it, which makes me think that the oil they've used for 'brandy' might be the key note in this one. Rosemary and bergamot are both very bright, citrusy and herbal scents; this oil is not that. It's dark, almost fermented. I say this with the intent to convey that it suits the character well. The blenders have done a really good job of nailing the vibe they were going for with this one. In total honesty it won't be in my rotation, but that is not because of the quality of the product, that is due to the quality of my olfactory system. There is no bite of alcohol to these. My biggest complaint with this vendor is that the 5ml bottle is a dauber instead of a roller ball; the 10ml standard, which is the size I purchased for the other vendors, is available! I would have to double check, but I think perhaps this is the priciest of the vendors, which is maybe why I opted for a 5ml dauber when I was not certain I would get daily use out of the oils.
The Devil You Know x Key notes: Palmarosa, Black Pepper, Cinnamon Musk, Rosewood, Amber, Cherry, Salt
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Unfortunately, if the Pale Elf was just slightly too sweet for me, this one was definitely too sweet for me. There is a sort of fruitiness to this one, it is ambery and sweet straight out of the bottle; I would personally describe it as more of a maple sort of sweetness rather than a fruity sweetness, which might be good for some... the fruit is there but it's not quite there. Unfortunately for this perfumer, and through no fault of their own, I sort of associate the saccharine quality of amber with mouse poison (that sort of syrupy sugar smell of a corpse... anyway, if you know you know). That death rot. It's actually pretty funny if you're considering the character it's for, though. When it settles on the skin, there's more of a smoked saltiness that comes up and the maple syrup lessens, but it's still a bit sweet. There is no bite of alcohol base to this one.
Ascension x Key notes: Spiced Brandy, Bergamot, Rosemary, Lavender, Amber, Incense, Black Pepper
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The sweetest of this batch. Unfortunately, I bought the 1ml sampler of this one because I knew there was a good chance I wasn't going to be able to wear it, and I wasn't wrong. There's a sweet sort of vanilla-y kind of creaminess to this smell. It's not a bad smell, but if you are sensitive to scents to begin with, it might be a bit too complex. There is smoke and shadow from the incense, sweetness from the amber, floral notes from the lavender and rosemary -- it's just very complex. It overwhelmed me quite a bit, and unfortunately I was not able to determine what the scent settles into. Hopefully, the pepper comes out a bit more, as that is what I liked so much about Kronos's 'Trickery' scent and was excited to see that this one also included pepper. Out of the bottle, it's not noticeable to my palate. There isn't any alcohol in this one, either.
Mad Labs Studios
Rolan x Key notes: Teakwood, Geranium, Old Books (???), Bitter Orange
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This one is very herbal and citrus out of the bottle; almost a little soapy with the floral notes, very clean smelling. I was a little nervous, as florals are not typically something that I am drawn to, and you can smell the ethanol base on this one when you uncap the bottle. Floral and clean is not how I would describe old books, either. I am sensitive to these sorts of scents; I would encourage the wearer to give it a minute to settle into the skin. Start with a small layer to get your nose accustomed to it. Once it's sat on the skin for about 30 minutes and the alcohol has aired out and the oils have soaked in, the only way to describe this is the smell of a library. Clean, but with a musky undertone that reminds me of old binding glue. The kind you smell in a used bookstore when you're flipping through a collection of Keats from Ward, Lock & Co that's so old, it doesn't have a publication date, but somehow still seems clean, as though it was cared for. I cannot stop huffing my own arm when this one's on. The more you smell it the more the different notes come out. Really like this one. My complaint for the company is the quality of the roller bottles: this seems a fairly standard complaint. There is often minor leakage (all three of mine had leakage), and if you don't rinse them off with soap and water, the carrier becomes sticky on the label. There is also a matter of the mystery shrouding some of the names of the ingredients. I understand that they are probably doing this to avoid having their formulas replicated, but as a shopper who sort of has an idea of what I like and dislike in a scent, I would rather the ingredients be listed candidly. Even so, I will be ordering from MadLabs again. Their products blend well and I've been impressed with the blends despite the drawbacks.
Dammon x Key notes: Clove, Blacksmith's Forge (???), Hot Cocoa, Sandalwood
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This one is very smoke and cocoa out of the bottle. It took a second for my nose to adjust to the smoke smell; when mixed with the ethanol base it has a slight bit of a tobacco-y tone to it from the clove that I wasn't certain I would enjoy, but it mixes well with the chocolate and the sandalwood is a subtle balancer. Clove by itself is something I do enjoy, so I didn't think it would be a problem. There's something kind of metallic to it, like iron. Once it settles on the skin, the cocoa fades a bit to make the smoke the strongest scent, but it's almost woodfire smoke, not necessarily quite so coal/tobacco/iron. That stuff fades into the background. The cocoa that lingers adds a hint of dark chocolate sweetness to ensure that the smell isn't just smokey, and it blends well. There's a slight undertone of alcohol to this one even after it settles, it must just be the way it blends with the other ingredients. I could still wear this semi-regularly and not be bothered by it. The cocoa undertone is really unique.
Raphael x Key notes: Cinnamon, Plum, Labadnum, Black Velvet (???*) (*appears to commonly be a mix of citrus like lemon or bergamot, floral like lavender or rose, and something woodsy like cedar or sandalwood)
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I am obsessed with this one, almost straight out of the bottle, even. I think this might be the favorite. This is what I expected a Raphael perfume to smell like. There is a cloying sweetness from the plum (cherry) overtone but it's not too sugary, like candied cherry or watermelon flavoring. It is the strongest note when you uncap this scent, but it fades to the background after about 20-30 minutes. Even straight on, I still found that it's more of a natural, subtle sweetness that almost presents itself as savory instead of sweet. I don't like sweet perfumes, I am obsessed with this. It's musky and overall more of a subtle scent than what I would presume a cherry-inspired perfume to be, and it settles even more savory on the skin. The fruit mellows out and gives way to the spice of the cinnamon and a muskier floral smell with the very slightest undertone of smoke or leather, which I am assuming comes from the labadnum. It was smart to pick plum instead of cherry, the cherry would have been sugary, or aspartamey. This is part of my regular rotation.
Moth & Myyrh
The Pale Elf x Key notes: Bergamot (top); Leather, Geranium, Rosemary (mid); Brandy, Patchouli, Oakmoss, and Tobacco (base)
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Let me just say, I like this company. I feel terrible, as their scents did not mix well with my needs, and it's unfortunate. The packaging is really nice. Cute, professional, the bottles themselves look very pretty, there was no leakage of product and the rollerballs are smooth, they are clearly using high quality materials to produce their scents. I like this vendor. Out of the bottle, this scent is herbal and soapy. It's very clean smelling, and I might not have been able to wear it long enough to get it to settle, but it didn't seem to mellow out for me at all. It's what fresh laundry from your nan's house would smell like: clean and comforting but a little perfumed. There is a smokey undertone from the brandy but it's overpowered a little by all the other notes, and it translates as very floral. (In the spirit of complete honesty, my brain told me that it smells a bit like someone went out back for a cigarette and spritzed a bit of floral perfume to cover the smell on their clothes when they came back in.) Honestly, if you are the type of person that perfume is often irritating to (like myself), this one might not be for you. I really tried to let this one settle on the skin to see how it mellowed out but I did end up having to wash it off, as it wasn't compatible with my sensory needs.
Raphael x Key notes: Saffron (top), Tobacco (mid), Cedar (base)
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Again, top quality product. Not for me, that's all. I have been trying to avoid using terms like masculine and feminine for something as arbitrary as a smell, but this is what perfumers are talking about when they describe something as masculine. If you've ever smelled a cologne from Bath and Body Works, you've smelled this oil. That's not necessarily a bad smell but it is iconic, and it might be the saffron overtones mixed with the cedar (the Bath and Body Works one might use sandalwood instead). Pretty much what you smell is what you get. I again did not find that letting it sit on the skin changed the tone of it much, it felt straightfoward to me. It's a good, clean, masc smell. It doesn't particularly evoke Raphael to me, though; I might more readily assign this to one of the Zhentarim, like Rugan.
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artistsfuneral · 1 year
The Witcher Scrubs AU 🏥
I know I said this AU is stupidly big and now you may see why, bc this is just me talking about the first few main characters not even the storyline, so: p.2 will be linked here
Jaskier, Priscilla and Valdo are all the new interns, aka JD, Turk and Elliot, but the three of them have all known each other from college and actually applied for KMH (Kaer Morhen Hospital) at the same time in hopes of staying together. All three of them are very close-knit friends, but Priscilla is more of a Mom friend for the group while Jaskier and Valdo have this weird thing going on where their rivalry comes with some heavy sexual tension, meaning during college they've been the on-and-off couple that everyone knew about and surprisingly they're still friends (thanks to Priscilla and their rivalry) but for now they give off heavy “divorced couple” vibes, kind of like Perry and Jordan, but not aaaaas season one toxic. Given is, Valdo will judge and comment on every single thing Jaskier does (especially later when he has a crush on Geralt) and Jaskier will walk around drawing devil horns on every imagine somebody has of Valdo (figuratively and literally).
In the beginning Priscilla would be more of a background-ish supportive character, like I said the Mom friend, who keeps their friend group together, helps Jaskier and Valdo whenever they're troubled, is one of the very few people that isn't immediately scared of Geralt and is usually very level headed (thanks to dealing with her two best friends all the time), even in stressful situations. She will have to go through the usual workplace harassment, being a female doctor and all, for example by patients calling her nurse and wanting a “real” doctor or others telling her she should work less so she can find someone to marry and have kids with.
And although Priscilla usually manages to deal with all of this incredibly professionally, she sometimes gets fed up and just says the darndest, mot scariest things ever. (“Dr. Marx' shift doesn't start until 2pm today and I just can't seem to find any of the male nurses. If you should refuse treatment I can, of course, stand here and wait until someone comes to help us out, but I'm afraid you'll experience cardiac arrest much sooner. Don't worry though, our mortician is male.”) Later on she will have to deal with watching Jaskier and Valdo getting better and better at their job while she starts to struggle in the ICU. As it turns out she's amazing in the ER though. And at the end of the “show” she'd definitely be one of the head doctors in the ER (if that's a thing).
Valdo, much like Jaskier, is one of those rich kids. His grandparents were doctors, his parents were doctors, he is a doctor. He doesn't really have a say in that, but unlike Jaskier, he doesn't mind it that much. He's very easily persuaded by wealth and fame, but he's actually a pretty decent guy underneath his “Daddy's favorite child” persona. He's really smart and has a great eye for figuring out what's wrong with people. But he's very squeamish when it comes to bodily fluids that aren't blood. (It's Geralt's favorite way of punishing him, after he's been an ass.) He will often come off as snobbish, but he honestly just doesn't notice that not everyone grew up with a personal chef. He immediately will know that he said something weird when Priscilla gives him a certain look that he often describes as blank disbelieve. (-_-') Valdo is- Well he's pretty obsessed with Jaskier to be honest. The thing is, Jaskier was his first true love and now he's kinda stuck gatekeeping Jaskier. He doesn't do it intentionally, he's not that much of an ass, it's just kind of part of his perfectionism. Along the lines of “I am perfect at everything I do, but I wasn't good enough to make Jaskier happy, so nobody is good enough for him.” Like I said though, it's very much unintentional and Jaskier has no idea what is going on, but Priscilla watches from afar, shaking her head in disbelieve. (The good thing about Valdo's gatekeeping is, that it has actually protected Jaskier from many stupid mistakes.) This obviously creates a lot of conflict between Jaskier and Valdo (even though they don't fully understand why) and it keeps happening again and again until one day, still at the beginning of Geralt and Jaskier's relationship, when Geralt gets (rightfully) fed up with Valdo's constant bickering. (They're planning on going on a date and when Jaskier asks when/where they're going Geralt will snap at him saying “I don't know, why don't we ask Marx for permission first?!” - “What?” And then Geralt will fall into an angry rant that opens Jaskier's eyes, who then goes to Priscilla who confirms it all and then he will sit down with Valdo and they'll have a long, heart-wrenching talk about it.)
Valdo being somewhat unable to connect with his patients and colleagues on a social level is ironically a really good thing, because while he's definitely not unfriendly, he doesn't take everything to heart. Unlike Jaskier is a lot better at dealing with the fact that they can't always save everyone.
Now Jaskier is obviously our main character, our JD.
As I already said, like Valdo he's one of the rich kids, but he has a way better understanding of the world than Valdo. He's also the oldest sibling and the only boy, meaning he has three younger sisters who he adores. Him becoming a doctor was entirely his parents idea and decision and since becoming a musician was not “acceptable” he kind of went with it, grateful that his parents paid for everything during his college years. In the beginning it really shows that he's not as passionate about this job as some of the others. He's incredibly smart and has absolutely no problem with studying and remembering everything (lucky him) but he's lacking enthusiasm (which is why Geralt initially can't stand him). His first couple of weeks at KMH are very tiring to him. Not because he's messing up a lot of things or isn't brave enough to take action, but because to him it's a very depressing and unfulfilling job and Geralt (and a few other people) seem to be constantly judging and downgrading him. He even thinks of quitting his job altogether, but Priscilla and Valdo stop him. It's only after a particular case where he helps to save the life of a patient he really connected with that he starts to understand how important this job actually is and how much it means. After that he also starts to understand Geralt and his serious attitude a lot better.
He always will have a bit of a problem seeing himself as a doctor, because he initially didn't want to be, but every day he wakes up and tries his best. He's really good at connecting with people, like JD he actually cares for them a lot and will meet many people that'll change his life. He struggles a lot when he isn't able to help someone and sometimes falls a bit too easily into his old “does this even matter?” way of thinking. It gets better with time though, and his friends and his sisters tend to get him out of that particular headspace rather easily. Especially Abby, his youngest. She's 12, like Ciri, a ray of sunshine and plays a big role in his life and kind of idolizes Jaskier a lot. She's rather independent and will visit Jaskier at the hospital or at home whenever she feels like it.
Unlike JD and Perry, Jaskier doesn't really have that much of a mentor, trainee relationship with Geralt, although Jaskier certainly has the same need to prove himself to Geralt. But Jaskier also thinks Geralt is incredibly sexy in his white coat and without it and when he's helping people and when he's arguing with Lambert and when he's berating Jaskier and when- Yeah- Jaskier very quickly develops a huge crush for Geralt after he went through his “do I really want to be a doctor” phase. Doesn't really help that Geralt treats him a bit more kinder after he noticed Jaskier found his will to help others and now sometimes even smiles when Jaskier is in the same room at him!
(and I really want to post this now so I can go watch Haikyuu before bed, so I will add the rest later lol)
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lollytea · 9 months
Hi miss lollytea! I'm the glasses anon, (the one who was feeling insecure bc she was getting glasses and came to u for advice)
So I got my glasses yesterday, and when I looked into the mirror, I thought, "Huh... I look like a cutie"
I think it was mainly bc the entire day I was hyping myself up by rationalizing: "Well even if I look like shit I can't do anything about it. I need these for my sight, and if I don't use them, my eyes will get worse. My friends are all super supportive of me, so they wouldn't be mean, and if somebody I dont care for is acting shitty or rude, I can just bite / slap them. Or yell at them.
Anyway, when I looked into the mirror I remembered your advice and maybe it was just me being a little self-absorbed, I thought, "Wait I look cute???" Like, the glasses frame my face well (I was mainly worried about that bc my face is small), but they look great!" And, weirdly (it might have been a trick of the light) but they seemed to bring my dimples out.
So I was pretty happy (especially when I sent a pic to my friends on the group chat and they all called me adorable)
And, the guy I like was super nice and gave me tips, like how the cloth in the case doesn't really help him, and how to avoid to getting them fogged, and when I complained to him it felt kinda weird bc there's now weight on the bridge of my nose, he was like, "ha, yeah, that'll take a few days to get used to."
So, I wanted to tell you: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! Your advice really helped and lifted my heart, especially bc you listened to my silly little rant. Thank you!! It really quelled my anxiety. (Also, if I may— you also look super cute in your glasses!)
(PS— if this ask seems weird, or annoys u in any way (ik it probably will seem weird, sorry), feel free to delete it haha. Just wanted to say again, tysm!!! You're an awesome person who deserves all the love ever <3. Hope u have a great day / night!)
Aaaaa!!! That's an amazing update I'm so happy for you!!!! <333
Heres cuties
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teddybeartoji · 14 days
hihi mikeyyy, just an answer to your answer to the ask i sent 😚
first of all thank you for all the suggestions i'm going to check them out right now!! i remember sending hayakawalove an ask when they posted something about if anyone would like to read something about geto being called mommy as a name - not one of my proudest moments i admit but you gotta put pride aside for such important matters - and i begged them on anon to actually make a post about it because even if no one else cared me personally i needed it (didn't regret it at all!! i love their suguru so much)
also when you included "ik u like femsuguru" into your answer 🥹🥹 i wanna show some gratitude aaaaa i swear i need a suguru irl, esp since nowadays all my friends are finding love and then there's my lonely soul with high standards just standing here cuz lets be honest where do you even find people like suguru... anyways
also you answered an ask about whiny toji AND !! YOUR TAGS LMAO
"show some enthusiasm or die" I ACTUALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD
so yeah thankful for that as well cuz i am in desperate need of good feelings nowadays
also wanted to conclude on my sleep problem (thank you for wanting to help you're so sweet really), i still have trouble and i have tested asmr (a 7h long history thing if i remember correctly) and the waiting time to be tired was the same as when i'm on my screen or not occupied and just waiting for sleep so? idk what's up with me, but it's fine anyways cuz with school approaching it'll allow me to study more.. but i should try exercising ngl, maybe it'll tire me out faster
thank you for being so kind to me and everyone, happy birthday to your blog (? i think i saw posts about that right? i am forgetful pardon me, but your achievement is incredible and i hope you're very proud of yourself) and never forget to take care of yourselffff 😚
~ ☀️
SUNNYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAYAKAWALOVE MENTIOONNN YEAHHH!! HEHEHEHE I LOVE REMM!!!!!!!!!!!!! and omfg i have been thinking abt this mommy and suguru thing more lately too it's so fucking hot...... mmm yeah i do get the part abt everybody around you finding love and the impossible task of finding an irl suguru and to that i can just say that. suguru isn't perfect either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yk considering all the murdering and all that... there is somebody out there for everybody,, i do believe in soulmates afterall hehehehe
"show some enthusiasm or die" NO BC THESE ARE THE WORD TO LIVE BYYY OKAY I MEAN THATT!!!!!!!! smhhh keeping his moans all to himself alright mr greed damnn😒😒😒😒
WAHHHH maybe school will tire you out too yeah?? i hope so bc you do deserve some good sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i also hope that you're remembering to eat and all that too i can't have you slacking off here!!!!!!!! this is very serious business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was in fact teddybeartoji's first ever bday hehehehe i am very very fucking glad to be able to be here with you and everybody else it's quite literally been a life-changer ngl... ANYWAYY I LOVE YOUUU!!!!!!!!!! SENDING YOU KISSES AND HUGS AND KISSES AND HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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maguro13-2 · 5 months
Adeleine : Hey, Ribbon. I just got something for ya. Do you know what do you like to eat?
Ribbon : ? Something to eat? Why yes, I eating something, it's lunch time, ain't it.
Adeleine : Of course, we're eating our lunch. I just made myself an exquisite appetite and you got yourself a meal and a snack. Hope you packed yourself for lunch. I mean take a look of this brittle. A can of peanut brittle would do a better exquisite lunch than to pack a meal every day twice. Here have some of this can of Peanut Brittle.
Ribbon : Here, have some can of Soda.
Adeleine : Wanna trade places.
Ribbon : sure!
(Scene flips)
Adeleine : Alright! I got yours!
Ribbon : You got mine!
Adeleine : To us!
(opens Soda that spouts her in face)
Adeleine : AHH! What the hell!?
Ribbon : Hahahaha! Gotcha! I got you so good! Now let me open this can of peanut brittle!
Ribbon : Hey, where's the Peanut Brittle! You got me good!
Adeleine : Looks like this prank of ours isn't finished! Hey, I bet we could laugh our selves with other kinds of peanut brittle. I bet someone is very brittle, like peanut brittle!
Ribbon : MMMM, yummy! (flies off)
Queen Ripple : Oh, Hello there, Ribbon, how are you--(panicking) OH GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
(sounds of Queen Ripple getting attacked and ripped apart)
Adeleine : Oh sh**!
Queen Ripple : (in agonizing pain) OH GOD! OW! AAAAA-OWWWW!!! OH MY GOD!!! STOP! MY LEG! GET YOUR F***ING HANDS OFF ME!!!
Ribbon : Where's the peanut brittle, I want the peanut brittle! Where is it! Let me see! Let me see so that I can eat you!
Ribbon : Just give me the Peanut Brittle!
Adeleine : Ribbon, no! Stop! Put Queen Ripple's leg back!
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scattered-winter · 1 year
AAAAA i did forget to say that i love my own tag!! i do love to be qpr anon 😭 and i enjoyed it sm to read your thoughts on the points i sent you, i can only give back a *strongly agree* for everything you said, it's like you took my brain and wrote your reply while using it 😂😂 did not expect my opinions to be received that well, i tried to go for admitting the hard stuff because that is usually more fun, so i hope it's okay if i bounce off more ideas based on your reply!! ♥
firstly...... HELL YES join the bucktalia train with me, the finale really made me love them a lot, and i hope we will see much more of them in s7! i have more thoughts on them specifically but i'll stick to the og numbering so it's easier to follow 😂 (this feels lowkey like school, i am so sorry LMAO)
1.) i totally get that the donor storyline squicked you! i was very worried about buck not being able to move on from the baby, with him buying that firefighter-like baby onesie and all... but WOW his maturity? that he helped them simply "because he could"? buck is just such a good person, i think we were shown again just how much he is willing to do to help others and how his help is unconditional as well 😭😭 it melted my whole heart. the callback to buck's wish to be loved by his parents unconditionally... how he called himself "defective" but called his own son "perfect"... just. wow. WOW. the fact alone that he helped during the birth of his own biological child, and he was so confident while doing so!! a masterpiece. i need fics with delivery nurse AU for buck ♥♥♥
2.) jjjjjjooooooooin the bucktalia train 😂😂 no jk no pressure ofc! but but but, i just really like natalia, and how they did things with the little time they had left this season! the couch stood for buck's agency and his peace with himself – he knows who he is, he knows he cannot force anyone to stay in his life if they do not fully accept him or fit his own values (abby, taylor), he knows that his partner must understand and accept his type of lifestyle and the risks related to it (ali), he knows that he won't be happy by living somebody else's version of a good life (i.e., having somebody else's couch instead of his own, which goes for abby, ali, and taylor). and just!!!! buck slowly learning that he is lovable the way he is and that he would rather be alone than settle for somebody who does not love all of him!!!!! it's so important to me. and i do not understand why everyone is saying he regressed! 😭😭 where?!? with every relationship and new experience, buck is learning a lil bit more about himself and his worth imo. it does not have to be linear, and sometimes it's babysteps instead of big jumps, but that's how development works. real humans do not just snap with their fingers and unlearn all their maladaptive behaviors and coping mechanisms either. give buck time ffs @ the fandom!!
2.1.) i am drinking the hot tea that you just served me, bestie. sip sip sip, you are so correct about everything re the buddie agenda and hivemind!! it's crazy to me because i genuinely feel like they almost gaslight themselves and everybody else with what they do?!?! even scenes that are unrelated to buddie are *used* for buddie purposes (e.g. the scene with chim and his dad, about biological fathers), and it's so damn frustrating to me because the facts get twisted and twisted and twisted 😭 like NO!! these scenes weren't even about buddie!!! or worse, they twist everything around to make canon love interests look like the devil when they are often more innocent than buck and eddie themselves (let's not act as if these two are unfailing gentlemen who always treat their women right, c'mon now). and then the fandom gets excited because they come up with some new elaborate theory again, and then they genuinely expect buddie to become canon every single episode. and are disappointed and angry when they aren't. buddie has much bigger problems than that when in 6 veeery long seasons, there was not a single hint dropped that buck or eddie are attracted to men even thought they had plenty of opportunity to do so fjsdfkdshk;; the fun time with headcanons and theories has ended like 3 seasons ago because of the buddie fandom taking over everything... just, ugh.
3.) i could not have said it better. not adding any comment, you spilled the truth.
4.) YES AAAAAA god i can't, i am full of emotions for bucktalia. and yes, she did help deliver the baby in the sense that she got utensils for buck to deliver it, and she also dabbed kameron's forehead with a wet towel etc!! 😭♥ especially the fact that natalia is a death doula has me sooo intrigued. people who work in such a field just have a completely different relation to death, and with grief, and with life (she called herself an "end-of-life doula", which i need everybody to know and think about – how she emphasized the life, not the death)!!! buck's job, his past death, his coma experience, daniel?!? he experienced death himself, he experienced those of others that he tried to save... i just think, in athena's words, maybe natalia is finally the "specific kind of crazy" that can fully accept what buck's lifestyle truly means. because natalia herself has been there to help those that are at the end of their lives – and so has buck. idk idk idk, their professions are different but also so alike! 😭😭
related to that, i LOVED that she wanted to talk to buck about his death experience! there, i said it, and i hate the fandom for twisting it into smth ugly. BUCK was the one joking about his own death, and natalia responded accordingly. it's literally her profession to deal with death, and to accompany people who will die soon on this last journey of their lives. humans have always been interested to know how death feels like, what comes after death... i find her passion 1000% understandable, and tbh? to think that maybe she was looking for an answer about all this, from somebody who was dead before but came back, so that she could be better at helping others?!?!?! i respect and love that idea. what do you think? ♥♥
5.) indeed!! "fandom illiteracy" is my new favorite word, it's so fitting, yes yes yes. and it's ALWAYS just when it's about buddie or a canon love interest that ""threatens"" buddie canonization (as if THAT is what threatens it lol. not the fact that we have yet to see either of them find men attractive?). also omg i originally called eddie an unreliable narrator in my ask but deleted that again bc i didn't wanna come off as too harsh 😂😂😂 and i must add, eddie did not even meet ana at a call! 😂 they met at christopher's school, and he had immediate chemistry with her, so much so that carla immediately side-eyed him for giving her hearteyes. what's that about *magic* and *chemistry* that eddie talked about again?? they reconnected thanks to a call, yes, but it was eddie's choice to ask for a date, and it was eddie who was burdened by past trauma that he had repressed for years, and it was eddie who was not ready for anything serious. ana said "it's your mess now" after he broke up with her in the most ineloquent way possible, after showing that ana was cleaning up his mess in the kitchen. i did not care much about eddieana overall but like... people put all the blame on ana, even for her calling eddie "edmundo", as if eddie is not an adult who can speak and advocate for himself. like, he is just A GUY. maybe the real issue was all his baggage that he hasn't dealt with yet, and not whether or not he met ana on a call. realistically, eddieana was doomed from the start no matter where they met because eddie was simply not ready for anything serious, emotionally and mentally. he would have also not been ready if it was buck, or marisol, or anyone else. that is OKAY. but i NEED the fandom to stop taking everything these characters say as gospel truth, as you fittingly called it. they are fictional, they are tools to tell a story, they are tools to create drama and evoke emotions! and for this, they often talk bullshit to learn a lesson later on. and well, we saw eddie dealing with his trauma finally, and moving forward at his own pace, and being happy to get a date with marisol!
6.) i agree with you on everything here YES. finale gave such great whump, i loved the action and the hurt and the dirty bloody looks and all!! hen wiping away buck's blood????????????? SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP. i also agree that a bit more time for the recovery part would have been nice. then again, they also did not give us much of that when buck's leg was crushed or eddie was shot. the show often skips parts that would be very satisfactory imo lol. but i love good whump and hurt/comfort so maybe that's just me LOL.
share your fic ideas (ONLY if you feel comfortable doing so) and also i am incredibly sorry this got so long. i will now go hide under a blanket and fangirl about bucktalia dfdfgksdlk;
for the sake of not repeating myself because we've both said stuff like this in the other post I'm just gonna say a blanket statement for all these and say HARD AGREE <33
HOWEVER i do want to individually touch on natalia because OUGH. I FORGOT SHE REFERRED TO HERSELF LIKE THAT. OUHG <33 I love that so fucking much.
also YEAH. justice for ana and taylor and ali and abby and natalia and every other character who was in proximity with buddie and suffered more than jesus for it
AND FOR FIC IDEAS i really. don't have a LOT of fully formed thoughts but idk. jee and maddie visiting chim in the hospital. buck (no broken ribs) driving eddie home and maybe staying over for a few days to help him out while he healed. athena + bobby being tender. hen + karen being tender. maybe all the hospitalized 118 get together in a single hospital room and plan a breakout. who can say <3 (this is only fic ideas to fit into the episode. however i have. uh. 50+ wips and aus for other things in this fandom. i have what you might call A Problem)
AND I'D LIKE TO ADD A LITTLE DISCLAIMER HERE. BECAUSE I'VE BEEN A HATER FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS BUT I NEED TO SET SOMETHING STRAIGHT. i LOVE buddie. i do. i love their tenderness, and their intimacy, and their friendship, and i love what they have, and i love what they could have. i love slowburns, and i love friends to lovers, and i love coparenting, and i genuinely love looking at them through a romantic lens because it sparks joy !! and i also love looking at them through a qpr lens because it sparks joy !! they spark joy in any capacity !!! my gripes with buddie are at the FANDOM LEVEL, not w the sillies onscreen. its because other characters and relationships are shoved out of the way, or twisted, or put down to prop buddie up, and its because its SO HARD to find meta, fic, or anything else in this fandom that focuses solely on any of the other incredible characters, pairings, or themes in this show because everything's always about You Know Who and You Know Who Else. I know I've been kinda spiteful toward them lately but I just wanna say that it's stemming from frustration of watching characters constantly be demonized/ignored/shoved aside so that Buddie Can Work(tm) as opposed to me actually hating the pairing. ty goodnight <3
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
good morning amia !! i decided to see if i could get into the specifics of my idea mwehehehe
for Rui i was thinking when he receives the gift yknow there’s some shock cause like he can not think of anyone who could do something like this for him :]
Nene probably asks him about it but he probably just chuckles and responds with “It’s just a little sweet treat…a nice, treat.”
as for the helping bake afterwards part..possibly helping around mixing ingredients..but it’s mostly him admiring the reader and their technique (I’m a sucker for this aaaaa /pos)
He probably was confused but that confusion quickly turns into awe- he thinks somebody has finally come to notice a future star, so it makes him overjoyed-
if anyone asks, he probably just answers casually that its a reward for trying his best to be the best star he can be I suppose?
as for help baking, he does his best to do whatever is needed, and maybe pours stuff into molds and such- (and lets be real he probably would eat small bits of sweet batter—)
but thats all amia !! i hope you’re doin okay ! >w<
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WGAJDCKLSKCKD OMG OMG THATS SO CUTE HELLO ??? IM SUPER EXCITED TO SEE IT !!!! wishing u a very draw <3 and I am !! I hope ur doing ok too !! <3
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mirabella96 · 1 year
Only Friends ep 8
This series should be named Only Girls are Right
Why do I have to witness this conversation I do no like Sand being sad and he is such a good person and Ray is a little shit (be he knew to look a bit guilty when Sand asked about Mew)
Oh so Ray is aware he is loosing someone
oh no no no more sad
Mew you can parachute or sth do not need to smoke
Go think Mew go go
Bc you are with Mew you stupid sunshine
Is Ray like out of sight, out of mind person
And Sand is fighing but he just cannot say no to him and we are well aware
Oh my Top is going to be the good guy
Oh, so he does miss Top
This is not how love works
Person who thought of puttin Force in this costiume needs a rise
Mew that was unneccesary
Mew lost his mind
In the end Top and Sand will be a couple hahahhahahahhahahah bc at this moment they are only characters I like
Ray get your shit together
Oh my if this was not sad it would be cute
Is this not the second time there is a raid in the series this week
Oh babie
I hope somebody thanked Top for help
Oh next week trailer looks normal and exciting
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elf-ring-system · 2 years
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6
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You passed our GEDs!! Aaaaa!! Super proud of you for working through the issues you have while fronting, it seems really hard but you do a great job anyway. I'm sorry somebody ate your snickers, but I'll buy you a new one next time we're out together
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Spinner ⚔,
I can't believe you pulled Stain. Not in a mean way. I hope you can feel more comfortable with your quirk, I know that's been hard for you
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Spinner 🦎,
Thank you so much, both for this year and the last one. I wouldn't be writing this without you, nor would I be as well-rounded as I am now. Or at least half well-rounded. Even though it lost us Hearth, you still managed for a pretty long time without it. I know it was sort of a sudden end, but you deserve a good long break. I hope when you do come back, you can at least be reassured that we're carrying things on pretty decently
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I know you carry a lot of our problems, but you do a wonderful job of it. Most of us symptom holders are kind of pathetic about it, but you wear them like a fluttering cape of awesomeness. Keep up the good work
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Thanks for helping us keep it together during a hard time. I'm really glad you liked seeing the sharks. I promise to go see animals and art a whole lot more once we can go places
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Thin Man,
I'm really glad you and Mono are able to work together now. I think it's been really good for both of you to be able to meet in the middle a little, and I appreciate your patience with him
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I did like your original name to be honest. It was a little funny. I hope with your new one though you can help yourself come to terms with things a little easier though. Even if it is all for attention, that's not a bad thing to want
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Thank you for getting us into CRK. I guess. I'm glad your sister was nice in your memories
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I love your fanfiction. Please write me more pspsps. For real though, if you'd ever like to talk to anyone about things, I'm always here for you. I hope you can get a bit of space as time goes on
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Touya 🎤,
I really appreciate you keeping Akito calm when things get rough. I know you have your own source trauma to work through, but you're always there when somebody needs your help
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Hello ProdigalDaughter !
Thank you for naming your tumblr on your AO3!
I had another dream about beloved blorbo Creed and needed to let you know.
In this dream, something interrupted Belos whilst he was murdering Creed, enough that he had to leave temporarily. Creed managed to get to his staff and get away, but he passed out before he got further than Darius’s chambers/apartment (this bit was kinda unclear). Darius walks in and sees his bf bleeding out on his carpet and proceeds to freak out.
The dream had a timeskip after that and it moved forward to Creed relearning how to walk with Darius (because of his messed up legs). Darius had a peacock palisman and was lending it to Creed whilst they talked about finding Creed one. I think his was a canid of some sort, but that bit wasn’t clear either. Due to his inflicted injuries, Creed’s voice and legs were permanently damaged, so him and Darius talk in sign, including the tiny little mini abominations.
The dream ended with Darius spotting Hunter and having the same reaction as in the fic canon, until Creed tells him “There was never anyone else, Darius, I promise. Only you.”
And then the dream ended.
Sorry for the ramble, I just thought you might like to know.
Hope you feel better soon, and get plenty of rest,
Hi there I want you to know that you are absolutely making my goddamn day, you seem to have seen my post about being sick but yeah I have a high fever (down from 101.3 to only 99.8 now!) and I’m trying to get my finals stuff done at the same time and this has just absolutely made me so happy. So goddamn happy aaaaa
I love the idea of Darius with a peacock palisman, that suits him so well!!! I love that omg. And I’m such a sucker for the whole slow recovery from injury/adaptation to disability with the help of a loved one thing, I was convinced through most of the midseason hiatus that Raine was going to have significant atrophy from being stuck in Kiki’s cocoon. What a wild dream to have had, thank you so much for sharing with me!!!!
Silver and I have talked a bit on discord about a Self Indulgent AU in which Creed escapes from Belos and somehow ends up stumbling through the door into the Human Realm but then can’t find his way back, and he ends up wearing hats or sweatbands all the time to hide his ears, and he gets a job in a local restaurant in Gravesfield, (he’s worried they won’t hire him because of his hands, but they kind of just look at this massively scarred-up guy with blatant PTSD and no papers and go ”yeah you’re good we’ll get somebody else to do the delicate work” and he slowly learns to cook human food and by ten years later it’s his restaurant, where there’s much less employee turnover than most because he cares about his employees and makes sure they’re paid well and also won’t stand for anybody being assholes to them. He has an (uncropped, undocked) doberman as a therapy dog and Camila vaguely knows him due to her checkups.
The reason I share this is that this morning Silver suggested the kids ending up at Creed’s restaurant after the s2 finale and I wrote a thing and it seems appropriate to share it since you said such nice things <3
They’d been to the restaurant a few times before they actually saw him. The food was good and they could afford it on summer-job pay; why wouldn’t they? When they did see him, the almost-identical stranger wandering out of the back to check on something, eyes had locked, and there had been a moment, and then Hunter had run. Just got up out of his chair and left the restaurant in a total panic. Gus had gone after him, and the stranger had hurried away with a baffled flush across his face. When their food had come, there was also a piece of cherry pie that no one had ordered and wasn’t on their bill, and a couple of take-away boxes. Willow had carefully transferred her, Hunter, and Gus’s food into them, along with the pie, and gone after the boys, Clover flitting ahead to find them and lead her.
It had ended up being a very, very weird date for Luz and Amity, left behind.
They did come back. The others were ready to avoid the place like the plague, if that was what Hunter wanted, but he said he did want to go back, so they did.
They went a little after lunch rush on a Thursday, so the place wasn’t roaring, but it wasn’t empty either. The waitress told them to sit anywhere they liked, so they found their way to a six-top and positioned themselves around it, Hunter at one end, the others at either side. The waitress handed them menus, smiled, asked if she could get them anything to drink, and it wasn’t in any way weird that she disappeared into the back to get those (two lemonades, a cola, an iced tea, and a tomato juice) but it still felt very much like she was going to fetch the stranger.
Which maybe she was, since he emerged not long after.
He looked tired but gentle, a purple fleece beanie pulled down hard over his ears, brow raised in concern. He put a hand on the back of the unoccupied chair, across from Hunter, and waited until he got a nod from him before sitting down. He didn’t quite meet their eyes at first, none of them, looking down at his hands, latex cook’s gloves not quite hiding his crooked fingers or the way they trembled. Hunter sat still as one of the statues outside, staring, waiting, not ready to speak.
“Hannah-Marie scolded me for not telling her I had a son, after you kids came in last time,” the stranger said, and his voice was painfully familiar. “I tried to say I didn’t know what she was talking about, but she saw the way we both— I ended up saying you were my little brother. Hadn’t seen you in a while. But I think—” and here he raised his head, met Hunter’s eyes with his own, that same colour, one mangled lid that it took real effort not to visibly wince at— “I think you can tell me better than anyone.”
Hunter swallowed. Simultaneously, Willow and Luz reached over to put comforting hands on his knees under the table, and he nodded.
“I think… my uncle might have also been your uncle.” He hesitated, searching for the words, for a way to be more specific without saying things it was still almost impossible to say. He settled on tilting his head a little, brushing his thumb across the scar on his jaw, as if to say this was him, he did this.
The stranger nodded.
“I called him brother,” he said, “at least to myself. But I think you might be right.”
And he offered his hand to shake, across the table, and Hunter took it.
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💜💜💜likes, shares, shares to stories, saves/bookmarks and comments are greatly appreciated!💜💜💜 💛suggest me which country i should draw next!💛 9AM POSTING?????????????? HUH????????????????????????😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 For those who know this is a repost pretend it isnt 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 THREE OF THE REQUESTS DONE AAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No the rain was such a pain to do hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... England looks dead inside 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 sorry @qao.juu couldnt make him somewhat hot 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 (Fun fact in my AU he has rain powers bcs lol that one cursed line abt england anyways) I did most of the CH micronesia in the car... yes. THE BACKGROUND WAS SO FUN TO DO THO HELP Tysm @princedoesstuff for requesting! Prob my personal fav ngl 🤌 Last slide is kind of a... shitpost @kailoweenie have this to wish ya luck for ur exams!!!🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃 sorry it was so plain aaaaaaaaaaa Singapore tho..... Uh 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 I swear kale they were in much more cursed positions in the sketch it's horrifying The june holidays have started for me- time to not do homework lol 🕴✌ Expect me to try to draw more often now btw! More content heehehehehehehehehhehehhehheee Hope yall enjoy today's breakfast! Look forward to next week's :DDDDDDD (Somebody help idk how to make captions longer 🕴) 🐕wenomechainsama 🐕tumajarbisaun 🐕wifenlooof 🐕eselifterbraun Have a great day/morning/afternoon/evening/night ahead yall! Tysm for passing by love yall! 💗💗💗 /p 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 Tags (ignore if u wish, unless): #countryhumans #countryhuman #countryhumansengland #countryhumanengland #countryhumansuk #countryhumansunitedkingdom #englandcountryhumans #ukcountryhumans #countryhumansbritain #countryhumansmicronesia #countryhumanmicronesia #countryhumansoceania #countryhumansindonesia #countryhumanindonesia #indonesiacountryhumans #indonesiacountryhuman #countryhumansmalaysia #countryhumanmalaysia #malaysiacountryhumans #countryhumanssingapore #countryhumansingapore #singaporecountryhumans #countryhumansart #countryhumansdrawing #countryhumansfanart #art #digitalart #medibang #medibangpaint #artistsoninstagram (at Felling Happy and Wonderful) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeFWcZQJqI2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cool-island-songs · 3 years
It's the freshprinceofsouthpark, my account just got terminated and i can't post about so i thought i'd message somebody aaaaa i hope they help with my appeal :(((
omg what!!! why does this happen??? i'm pretty new to tumblr so feel free to send me another ask if there's something more concrete i can do to help. i hope you win your appeal - this website seems ridiculous and barely functional a lot of the time?
I gotta say I've spent most of my few months on here deleting swears or words associated with murder so my posts will actually show up in the tags and be seen by anyone in the first place, even before all those tags were banned
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datingdonovan · 3 years
Hi! I’m a big fan of your work :) I hope you’ve had a fab day, and that tomorrow is peaceful and perfect
For the ask game: my signs are aqua sun, virgo moon, and pisces rising; my last relationship ended because both of us were really bad at communication either out of modesty or pride.
Thank u 💐
a/n: aaaaa omg lily!!! thank you SO much this was so sweet and warmed my small heart. whew I hope this one is fun for you to read <3 also you have an interesting chart!! I don't think ive seen aqua sun & virgo moon together before that I can recall so this was an interesting one to think about!!! :)
alright alright alright. I have a man for you who will check every box I swear everyone who meets him wants him immediately he just has such a calming welcoming vibe I mean he's heaven on earth. I met him on a trip with the outing club so let me open that group chat rq and check for his number... alright here he is... the name's... sugawara.
quite honestly I feel like you need somebody who's everything. he has to be funny and dreamy and wacky and down to go on outings at a moment's notice but he also has to be mature enough to know when it's time to chill and cuddle or just leave you alone completely and I swear this kid can do all this and more. he reads the room immaculately and picks up on shifts in people's mood really well I mean it's like he can read minds. and when he can't, he's so communicative. I promise he will be such a calming presence when you're stressed, and he'll help you open up and talk about your feelings in the kindest way possible. I don't think this guy would ever downplay your wants, needs, and even your little eccentricities. he would truly just want you both to feel comfortable and enjoy hanging out together, and he'd never be too stuck up to tell you what's wrong on his end or too selfish to steamroll you when you don't want to talk about what's bothering you. ugh he's just the perfect mix of calm and laidback and fun without ever judging you or letting you go too long without speaking your mind. I promise you he'll bring so much joy to your life and always value your opinion and help you communicate better if you give him a chance <3<3<3
💕ask game: I’m your new wingman B) send me your personality type + relationship woes and I’ll find you a new hq man a la carrie fisher in when harry met sally💕
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malecacidd · 4 years
So... Do you have any fic recs? 👀👀👀
Um????? Vi?????? Yes absolutely?????? Ily????? Kfkzkdnsk 🥺🥺🥺 and aaaaaaa I'm sorry if you've read some of these but!!! Here are some recs 🥺🥺 aaaaa
Chaptered Fics
So I'm splitting this into categories between chaptered and one shots because I can. Also if I know the person has a Tumblr I'll be tagging them too kfkskfks
Turn Your Back on Mother Nature by @siriuspiggyback
Ghosts aren't people. This is something that Klaus learned when he was small. Ghosts aren't people, because people are more than the hate and fear and anger inside of them.
But Ben is different. Isn't he?
/Evil Ben fic that brought me loads of pain/10 chapters/36k words/Rated teen and up with a warning of graphic violence/
This Is the First Day of My Life by @dyll-pickless
There was a stretch of silence. “Fine,” he eventually said. “Don’t get yourself killed.”
Klaus grinned. “I won’t.”
In attempting to find more information on his brother's death, Klaus Hargreeves gets caught up in a lot of trouble with some very powerful people.
/Mob au that I love very very much/14 chapters/40.5k words/Rated teen and up with a warning of graphic violence/
Unfamiliar by @caedi
A sleep deprived Klaus accidentally stumbles into a difficult discussion with Ben. One that's been haunting them both for sixteen years.
This changes a few things for the 1963 apocalypse. Other things stay the same.
/A kind of rewrite of the last few episodes of s2 that broke my heart and I love very much/4 chapters/25.5k words/Rated mature with no archive warnings/
What was Lost in the Portal by @is-jus-me
“Five? What happened?” Vanya asked.
“I- I don’t remember,”
Five managed to successfully return to 2019, but there was a problem, not only did he return to his 13 year old body, but he also lost his memories about the apocalypse and the commission.
Basically, life was shit.
/Amazing fic that I love and beta'd mdnsjd/5 out of 7 chapters posted/4.3k words/Rated general with no archive warning/
last ones standing by penhaligon (on ao3)
Ben's only haunt options are the apocalypse or a cold dark slithering place, and he thinks that the universe must really have it out for him.
/idk how to describe this but basically, 'good' kfkdkdkd it's good/2 chapters/12.6k words/Rated general with no archive warnings/
One shot timeeeee kfmskdks
To Be Or Not To Be by AllThoseOtherWorlds (on ao3)
When Five took them back to the start of the week for a re-do, Ben wasn't expecting to suddenly find himself in Klaus's body, but sometimes things like that happen. Now he has to explain some things to their siblings, figure out Klaus's powers so they can switch back, and perhaps most importantly, convince himself and Klaus that switching back is the right thing to do.
/One of my favorite fics/7.7k words/Rated teen and up with no archive warnings/
A quiet kind of hurt by @whatisthis-whatamidoing
Ben had been having a nice day, eating his ice cream and watching his brothers bicker. Until a friendly dog tried to say hello.
Ben has trauma surrounding animals
/Have you ever wanted pain and sibling bonding all in one fic? Read this jfkskd I love it/2.5k words/Rated teen and up with warning for graphic violence/
don't forget your lines by @zontiky
Dave goes on a lot of dates, and a lot of people die.
/I can't believe I'm reccing this but it's actually good minus the bit of bave/murder mystery shitshow/2.7k words/Rated teen and up with a warning for major character death/
the first day of the rest of our lives by hujwernoo (on ao3)
Klaus should really stop coming to the alley. It's not like it helps anyone. Everyone is probably dead, so all he's accomplishing is making himself feel shitty. This is the last time, he decides. After today, he'll stop coming.
Turns out he's real fucking lucky he didn't decide that earlier.
/s2 fix it or rewrite of Klaus' arc in which he finds Allison at the alley and I love/5.2k words/Rated teen and up with no archive warnings/
Two Presents by @evelinaonline
How does one surprise their dead brother that follows them around everywhere with a Christmas gift? Well, Klaus better figure it out soon, because Christmas is right around the corner and Ben isn't going anywhere.
/GENUINELY IN MY TOP 3 FAVORITE FICS GO READ RN/2.5k words/Rated general with no archive warnings/
Life After Death, Literally by Tremble (on ao3)
Ben Hargreeves is a lot of things. He’s a brother, an ex-superhero and now an ex-ghost. He was dead, but he “lived” over ten years as a ghost. Becoming a living human, or as human as somebody with eldritch horrors living just under the skin can be, is going to take a bit of an adjustment period.
AKA 5 times Ben forgot he was alive +1 time he remembered.
/The cutest most wholesome shit I've ever read/5k words/Not rated with no archive warnings/
The Dead Make Better Company Than The Living Sometimes by Scarlet_Nin (on ao3)
“This is a bad idea.”
“You’re such a worrywart, Benny!” Klaus squints at him, shifting on his feet at the entrance of a graveyard. He can hear the faint howls of screams in his ears, the coldness seeping into his bones, freezing him into place. “It’s gonna be fine. As easy as a piece of cake. Hey, you know what? We should go out and eat cake after this. You love cake.”
Ben shakes his head. “Look at yourself! You don’t even want to do this, so let’s leave.”
Klaus glances down at him, sexy boots with heels and his favorite fur trimmed jacket. “I look fabulous. Don’t know what you mean.”
“You’ve been standing here for the past hour, trembling and trying to talk yourself up to take a single step further and yet you’re still standing here. Let’s go home, Klaus.”
Yeah, no. Not happening. He's here to prove something. Leaving now would be a waste of time. It would prove Daddy dearest right and Klaus hates that thought more than what he's about to do. If it all goes well, Five and the others would stop being so stressed and he'd earn himself some browney points in family bounding. Easy peasy.
Or not. Because ghosts in a graveyard are like rabid dogs fighting over a juicy steak.
/The summary is so long I'm so sorry nfjsjdjs/This fic is amazing pls read/8.2k words/Not rated with no archive warnings/
So, with nothing else to do, Ben drifted. He just didn't expect to be pulled back into where most people go to enjoy their afterlife.
Take Me Home (I've Lost Myself) by @malecacidd
Reginald dies and god pulls Ben up to let them talk.
Okay that's all I'm doing because this is getting long JFJZJDNZNDNSKSK but 🥺🥺🥺 I hope you like these!!
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dabis-devil · 5 years
Shinso, Shigaraki, Kamanari, Shoji and Ojiro share their first kiss with their SO? I look forward to seeing your blog flourish!
Can I kiss you?
Thank you for being my first request aAaAa!! Hopefully this does you well :) since you didn't specify, Ima do some head canons. I love you sm for your encouragement 😓
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Oh boy here we go-
There you two were, outside of the movie theater.
Shinso had asked you to see some thriller movie with him.
let's just say he had a smol (huge) crush, and was finding ways to spend time with you.
Little did he know, the feeling was mutual.
His hands folded into one another, resting near his abdomen.
“ y/n, what did you think about the movie? ” Toshi asked
“ I loved it! What about you? ” you chirped.
Shinso nodded with a slight smirk. “ it was cool. . ”
In wake of the silence, you decided that tonight was the night to shoot your shot!
You tapped on shinso’s shoulder, gaining his attention. You didn't waste a second to press your soft lips against his. Your hands cupped his cheeks, skimming your thumb across his cheek bones. He tasted fruity- probably from the mountain of skittles he ate during the movie.
Shinso was admittedly starstruck for a mere second, but melted into the kiss as his senses kicked in. He moved his hand to your neck pulling you closer. You on the other hand, tasted like butter from the popcorn.
You two shared something that was either a lowkey makeout session, or a high key span of kisses. Either way, both of you were delighted.
Whew! He just had his first kiss! He looooved it!
After the fact, both of you couldn't wipe smiles off of your faces. His were moreso smug & confident, and yours were bubbly and radiant.
Shinso drove you back to the U.A. dorms, the car ride was full of easy going conversations, now that you two were on the same page.
After dropping you off he went back to his own dorm.
His fingers brushed across his lips, and he couldn't help but wear a grin by the reminder that he had been kissed- by you.
Before heading to bed, you got a text from him.
Toshi 🖤 : goodnight kitten, sleep well.
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Poor shigaraki.
He was always so absorbed in his hatred for Hero Society and taking over, he didn't have the time for a significant other; I mean, before now.
Besides the fact that most sane people wouldn't step within a 50 mile radius of him willingly.
Don't worry shiggy, your fans gotchu 😩
You and shigaraki had met during recruitment for the league.
You entered the villains bar in style, holding your head up high.
The way you upheld yourself was just mMmMn mAgNiFiQuE-
Shigaraki began to vigorously scratch at the sentive skin under his jaw, crimson eyes drawn to you.
He wanted you on his team.
“ Kurogiri, y/n would be a fine addition to the league. . Don'tcha think? ” a sinister smile split his lips.
After you settled in, Shigaraki watched your every move. Juuuust to be sure.
It was a few days later that shigaraki began to subtly hint at the fact you aren't absolutely terrible.
“ at least y/n can do their job! ” Tomura snapped at Toga.
To you, this all seemed like something normal for the league.
One night you found Shigaraki drinking by his lonesome at the bar, reluctantly attempting to join him.
Shigaraki jumped, his paranoia driving him to almost decay your face from your skull.
You chuckled in response, and he was a stool over heaving for dear life.
Once he managed to calm his nerves, he took a sip of his drink, turning your direction.
“ y/n, you don't happen to have somebody else in the picture, hmm? ” shigaraki rested his jaw in his fist, his exposed face examining yours. “ that'd be no fun. ”
you scoffed, sipping on your own drink. “ no. I don't. ”
That was the stem of the conversation, which went on for a while. You talked about your ideas (which he took note of), hardships, etc..
Later, you felt as if you knew shigaraki on a completely new level.
You wrapped your arms around the buzzed man's neck, searching in his eyes. Maybe he could be the one? At least for now?
Shigaraki was a tad bit nervous, but that didn't hold him back from kissing you.
Mind you, he hasn't used chapstick since the minute he set foot on this earth- but you know what? We love crusty lips.
You turnt your head to one side, him shifting the opposite direction. His hands lingered around your waist, and the kiss went on for a hasty fifteen seconds or so,
he kept coming back for small seconds.
Shigaraki full on grinned, displaying his preciously goofy smile.
You two had a good night!
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Did denki know he was gonna have a heart attack today? Psh. No.
Denki was head over heels for you, and you knew that.
His cheesy flirting 24/7
Always smiling and waving
You catch his wandering eyes when you're in the room.
Denki sat on the couch located in the lower level of the dorms, working through a sheet of homework. You heard the boy groan of frustration, and plopped yourself onto the couch, right next to him.
“ y/n! ” the aggravated boy exclaimed. “ Heyy! ”
“ hey yourself- ” You giggled, eyes wandering over to his sheet of notes. “ what's got you hung up? ”
Denki shook his head, pushing the notebook onto the table. Now that you where here, it's not the time for studying.
“ oh, nothin. ” he beamed, placing his hands behind his head. Afterwards, crossed his legs, and wore the coolest face he could think of. “ Why? Was I, on your mind, y/n? ” denki’s eyebrows wiggled, hoping his antics would prove victorious.
“ actually. . ” you smirked. You stared at kaminari, the boy just radiating such a sense of silliness. “ let's say- hypothetically- that I knew somebody who had a crush on you. . What would you want me to do?? ”
Denki’s face rose, practically overthrown by joy. “ uh- ” he chuckled cockily. “ send them my way!! ”
It was only after the fact that he realized if you were asking. . You probably didn't feel the same way about him. He hid a frown behind a smile.
‘ let's just see whos been crushing on me! ’ he thought. ‘ maybe they will be cool too? ’
Blush spread across your cheeks, as you leaned towards the Sparky boy, planting a kiss against his lips.
Your heart: !!!
Internally doing backflips^^
This dumbass was too surprised to close his eyes and kiss you back. . The first time.
After you leaned away, denki pulled himself out of his dazed state. He had to make this memorable for him too! This is his first kiss! seizing the moment, He leaned forward to kiss you passionately.
You felt a small shock between your lips and his, probably because he got excited and jumped the gun
In the distance, Mina snuck pictures and videos to preserve this beautiful memory.
Good job you two.
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Shoji had viewed you under heart shaped lenses since he set eyes on you, back at the entrance exam.
Not only are you beautiful, but incredibly skilled and respected.
What's not to love??
Shoji kept to himself though.
Time for romance? No. Time to become a pro hero? Yes.
He held that logic for so long, just admiring you from afar.
That was until you approached him at lunch, sitting with him. You two chatted lunch hour away, everybody else at the table was a little annoyed with the chatiness. Toru even left to go squeeze in with Mina.
The boy watched you head back to class, honestly a bit sad you had to go.
Why couldn't there be no class today?
He just wanted to talk smh >:[
Once Shoji had his priorities in order, his sheepish walls faltered.
From that day onward you saw a lot more of the masked boy.
At your locker, before class, he would say hi while at the dorms too.
When you swallowed the breath hitched in the back of your throat, you invited him to a nearby oriental park.
“ the view- it's beautiful right? ” you chirped.
“ not as beautiful as you. ” he shamelessly complimented you.
The scenery was complete with cherry blossom trees (& trees of other assortments ) koi ponds, elemental buildings here and there.
You pulled Shoji to the bridge that crossed a man-made stream. the two of you watched the water travel down hill for a bit, silence thickening the air.
“ Shoji, ” you turned to match his gaze. “ do you want to go to dinner with me tomorrow? ”
Shoji agreed immediately. . Looks like this was going down the fast trail to being more than friends.
Shoji took the moment to gaze deeply into your eyes, deciding now is the perfect time to kiss you.
Shoji hadnt much of a clue as to what particular part of himself to kiss her with, that ended up being the lips along his face.
Shoji carefully slid down his mask, planting a soft and sensual kiss against your plush lips.
He had two knuckles under your chin to help you look up to him.
While you didn't see this go with the flow type guy to do this, you were glad he did.
Lemme just tell you
He may be calm and composed on the outside,,, despite the soft look gracing his features.
But believe me when I say
He. Was. Screaming. Internally.
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You and Ojiro had been officially going out for a week now
This sweet boy was trying to make everything perfect, just for you.
You are his first girlfriend, and he wanted to make you happy! Duh!
Ojiro had been spending a few hours concealed in his room, and he refused to let anybody else in.
He set up a blanket fort, had all of your favorite snacks, amazon on his laptop to rent a movie. Hell, he even strung up christmas lights.
Ojiro wore an Innocent smile when locating you, blindfolding you, and taking you back to his decorative room.
Some of the other student of class 1-A were receiving a different message, one very vulgar at that.
“ whoa there- ” Mineta mumbled, gawking at the sight.
Ojiro’s tail shook from side to side, as the two of you entered the room. He pulled you down towards the ground, onto the pallette prepared with a few hefty blankets, and topped off by a fluffy one.
“ okay. . Open! ” ojiro exclaimed, holding his arms out to present what he had done.
You were left in awe. All of this, just for you? It was so plush and comfortable against your bottom, the light illuminating both of their faces and the fanned out selection of candy. Your face lit up, a beacon for mesmirization.
At this moment, Ojiro couldn't keep his intent behind the night to himself. He wanted to kiss you, and that's exactly what he did.
Ojiro supported a faint blush as he placed his palm on your cheek, inching closer. He laid his lips against yours, drawing them back shortly after.
Ojiro couldn't be more fluster than he was now, but good flustered!
You on the other hand
You swooned over this boy almost instantly.
The rest of the night was enjoyable, you shared the pallette and watched a comedy together.
You were the little spoon
You took a picture of you two on your phone, which would become both of your home screens.
And don't you worry, you were the best first kiss he could've asked for.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Questions for you (if you're ok answering): what is your favorite fic that you've written and what is your favorite that you've read of somebody else's
Okay, first of all: I love getting questions! I just tend to overshare so I hope that’s okay XD That’s a hard one, though. For one because I have a shit memory, but also because there are so many and I can’t decide. So, this will likely get long and I’ll put it under the cut not to disturb people that aren’t interested!
My favourite one I wrote lately was likely the Cyberpunk AU for the Secret Santa? Because I could write whatever I wanted really and it was the first one in a long, long time that I sat down, had no idea what to write, began writing, was sucked in and a few hours later I was sitting there with a story that I absolutely loved. And that has become such a rare occasion lately because nothing is really fun anymore because Corona keeps me in a constant down phase? Idk. That was cool.
Also, the ���A little distraction” series was fun! It’s an old story from last year and when I reuploaded that one, I was blown away how many people wanted more of that. As this had been planned for a longer story initially I had to condense into a short, it made me happy too, because people would have liked to read the longer version too, maybe? If I had ever written it? It was just really cool.
The Halloween short with Gavin being an eldritch shadow monster most people overlook completely was fun also because of the same reason as the Cyberpunk AU. I got lost in that one so hard. Really fun to write.
My all-time favourite short story  though is likely the pebble series. It started as a joke in my head but when I sat down to write it, it just felt natural. I kinda really projected on Nines in there and I think I like his personality there the most from all the fics I’ve written about him. They are both just really cute in there.
You can also look for the top ten stories in my opinion from last year’s anniversary if you search my blog in the tag #One Year of Stories and I think the real tag was something like #Last year revisited? I’m not sure though because tumblr and searching blog tags is horrible, hence the archive project XD. Should be around June 2020.
Big stories
I would say A Soldiers Purpose, but that doesn’t count as it isn’t a fic anymore while I rewrite it to be an original Story. Plan to publish that as a “real world” book in German and English hard copy as well as eBook and it should be international publishing? I’m not that sure as I’m still comparing self-publishers and some only serve Germany, US and Australia whats weird but okay. Although I believe with ISBN it should be available almost everywhere just not in stores? I always planned to have it ready before I finished my bachelor thesis but we will see if that is happening (I guess not but I will try). 
The Werewolf AU, definitely. It started as a vent fic to get me out of a really bad place (I guess anyone who read Somebody to die for knows it’s pretty dark) and I mean I’m here now and while I’m not happy I’m definitely happier than when I wrote it so... win? But now that I’m writing Wolfheart I really want to give them a happy ending and hopefully once that story ends the whole personal reason I started writing it ends too, so yeah. Maybe a really personal reason but I’m really invested in that story.
My favourite fic I have ever, ever written though will be one you never get to read (thankfully, hopefully). It’s super old, it’s German, it’s uploaded on a different platform I hope no one of you knows, it’s under yet another name of mine and it’s absolutely objectively bad. The writing is bad, the plot is okayish and I literally killed off the gay characters without noticing that as something bad because I was a very different person back then. But I love it to this day regardless because it got me through some hard times.
Also, as a last comment to my own stories I love my longer stories on AO3 far more than these shorts. Not because they are more fun to write or anything but because I feel like I put a lot of effort into them and put a lot of soul into the stories. But yeah, that’s to that.
Other’s works
My favourite fics I read are so, so damn many… I generally write more than I read but with the amount I write I guess it cancels it out. Also some are pretty old because I mostly read fanfic on the bus and now I haven’t really left the house for a year. I’ll try to keep it short. They are not in any particular order I just went through a few sites of my history. Really I just enjoy everything reverseAU, SoulmateAU, Mute!Nines and them all being softies. Also just the dbh stuff because I’m not sure you would be interested in other fandoms.
Accident by sv926 Soulmate AU, I really dig how the personality of Nines and Gavin are displayed and that it isn’t a “We are soulmates all is perfect now” storyline (although I like that too). Amazing.
Traitor by Skye_Willows, Stujet9rainshine If hurt/comfort was a fic. MedieavalAU. I really love the portrayal of manipulation and how Nines tries to save Gavin from it all. Also Nines is a painter so I’m in.
Soft Spot by Headfulloffantasy A story I really regret not reading earlier. Casefic with amazing characterisation and a plot that leaves you on the edge. Every time you think you got an overview of what happened or an idea of how it continues there is another facette revealed that you just didn’t expect. Can’t wait to read the next chapter.
XVIII by Sandara Cuteness overload but also prepare for the feels. It’s an ReverseAU that is set during the game events. It’s so damn well written I just love it.
Feral Nines by Kaini Nines whump. Kinda. I love it so much. Broken Nines is my weakness and also Mute!Nines. You get a lot of feelings reading this.
all the lonely nights in your life by  willgrahamssadness SoulmateAU that hurts but picks you up and shows you all the fluff in the end. I love it.
Safe and sound by a_calipygian Soft Reed900. With a lot of hurt/comfort. Lovely story about healing and found family. 
The Lion Tamer by celexdraw Equally cute as their drawings. CircusAU I didn’t know I needed but it is so well done. It is a happy story but has enough darkness to make me miss my busstop.
Despite it All by Jennilah Another SoulmateAU I absolutely love. Also has Hannor content I think but I didnt get to read that part yet.
Scrapyard Rookie by Pence Reverse AU that caught my heart. Really cute but with a little bastard GV if I remember correctly.
Sleeves by BloodthirstyMerc More Mute!Nines talking about Gavin’s past self harm. Super cute and comforting and aaaaa.
These Violent Delights by MechanicalBones Will absolutely destroy you. Is amazing and everything I ever wanted. Can recommend to those who too enjoy holding back tears on the bus.
Static Truth and Hunter Hunter Hunted by whatsanapocalae Both are super cute, super angsty and so, so comforting. The author has a really nice writing style too. Got to these fics because i wrote their Deus Ex stuff and discovered they write dbh too.
Rewind the Film by connorssock,Sylvestia Allen60. You will cry. And you will like it. I’m happy it was like 11pm on a bus  no one uses coming home from uni when I came to the part that hits you right in the feels. You have to read it.
Heavy In Your Arms by CatiDono More ReverseAU with Gavin whump. It’s also kinda a reset story. I usually don’t like these, but it starts after the reset so we never get to see the Gavin from before, just the onset of “I used to be a person before and there is someone loving me and grieving but I don’t know them but they are nice what do I do?” I really enjoyed this, although it’s kinda a heavy thing to read.
A mute Gavin one I can’t remember who or where it was from. I think it was on tumblr and timewise before the cornpocalypse but I’m not sure. Could be from connorssock? definitely on tumblr and Gavin lost his voice due to injury. I will try to find that again.
Also one from tumblr I can’t remember the name of, but it was homeless Gavin with Nines helping him. I think that one was from dumb-ways-to-deviate?
I could go on, but I already told far to much when you asked for like... 2 stories? I’m just excited to talk about stories XD
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