#I have a lot more but aaaaaaaaaaaa
canisalbus · 6 months
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Real fan art is coming one day, but for now I really wanted to see if it was feasible to simplify their gradients into something that would fit a simple style like Bluey’s 😅
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sweetsnidle · 4 months
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class pic #??????? (pt 2/????)
from left to right: hime, tatsu and hana.
(tatsu and hana are owned by @lesbkinz!)
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sketchy illustrations to The Locker Room by TrueColours the fic that makes me UNWELL IN THE HEAD....... (with all the love possible.) also sketches that didnt make the cut.. under the cut !!
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only reason i didnt make it to Actually Messing With The Neck part is that it’s hard to draw and i was getting embarassed by that point and my stylus kept slipping as i turned into slime. btw the repeated use of “of course” in this paragraph is actually destroying me on molecular level
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and this scene follows shortly :3 also very rough sketch and i hate their arms and hands immeasurably but buzz Intense Autistic Stare (tm) i do enjoy.
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ragsy · 1 year
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a little WIP for the evening. another shredded fish person joins the crew
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berryblu-arts · 1 year
Okay! Don't say I didn't warn you asdggkdjdg
Sorry for no character centric shenanigans, you´re getting a basic rundown of the main (modern) world lore and eye color system >:3 (thx for getting me to make this btw, gonna be incredibly useful to have a reference sheet).
So my main OC world in the modern era can probably be categorized as urban fantasy, mythological creatures, aliens, deities, alternate dimensions, void creatures, etc etc exist, but aren't known by the general population.
This used to be widespread knowledge, but 200-ish years in the past, stuff got out of hand, and measures were taken to prevent planetary destruction, now only leaving a relatively small and secluded portion of the (earth´s) population to know the truth.
On earth, as well as on other planets, can be found "guardians" (which are basically benders ngl, this stuff isnt original ashdsfsghd) people blessed by the personification of an element or abstract concept, the planet earth ones being water, earth, fire and air, as well as time, space, sun and moon (though these last 4 aren't *exclusive* to earth).
Once a person is blessed by one of the elements, they will be able to manipulate and sometimes summon it. there is a high chance of their descendants also inheriting that blessing, along with general immunities to it. Additionally, several bloodlines can be blessed by the same element at once, so people with the same element aren't necessarily related. (Though their appearance will gradually lean to some common features, since blessings gradually affect hair and eye color)
The main colors for planet earth are
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Water: blue
Air: mint (greenish, blue-grey?? idk)
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Space:silver (also purple sometimes, bc working with just silver is rlly hard haha)
Sun: yellow
(these last 2 reflect other colors as well if surrounded by them)
Theres also brown: no dominant energy, unlikely to weird an element, though not impossible…
Time and space tend to get confused with sun and moon often, but a way to differentiate them is by looking for a single line of highlight. However if someone has it, it doesn't mean the character is necessarily gonna have time or space powers, it just means there was someone in their ancestors who did. they'll more often than not have one of the basic 4, since those tend to be dominant (and safer, the rarer the power, the more dangerous it is to have and all that).
It's also worth mentioning that a character's initial eye color has no assurance of being a completely reliable way of identifying their dominant element. Time and space colors tend to hide behind other ones until the powers are in use (hence the use of the highlights to identify them).
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Now that that's out of the way, I can talk about pupils :D!
These come in different colors, generally corresponding to the elements, just like hair and eye colors, however! Colored pupils used to be very uncommon before the event 200 ish years ago, where the general population´s connection to the elements was dampened as much as possible. Pupils are an attempt to re establish connection to the original element after it has been dampened.
Once a person is blessed by an element, their energy will be altered irreversibly. Even if they're separated from the source of their powers (personifications function as sources), these will still try to manifest, even if in a weaker and more volatile form. Colored pupils will generally appear in high stress situations, and fade gradually after the danger has passed, however if the user is regularly exposed to enough energy, these will become permanent.
There are multiple reasons why being a real guardian is better than having colored pupils, as stated, the powers gained from pupils are both weaker and more volatile, and can also lead to nasty combinations where the weilder's body doesn't have the right immunity for their manifested element. Pupils also don't generally manifest 'pure' attributes of an element, instead mixing and matching all of the different types of energy within the same person, resulting in stuff like "ink", "smoke", "plasma", etc etc…
Once someone manifests pupils, they can no longer be a regular guardian, even if the pupils fade. And lastly, by giving off more irregular energy than normal guardians, the people who's pupils never faded will likely have to deal with constant void creature attacks. Which can often get them killed if they don't learn to deal with them or find a safe town. So yeah, not fun haha
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The element a character manifests takes into account their environment, upbringing, personality, and energy concentrations. In extremely rare cases, opposite elements of equal power will manifest at once, resulting in heterochromia, ( characters with this trait will more often than not be constantly having the worst time of their lives lmao)
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*disclaimer!! These rules and logic only apply to natives of the main dimension, alternate ones like Twilight Compass have similar rules, but with some key differences. (bottom eyes are form twilight compass, though they do fit into the heterochromia description)
okay, rant over!!! I do not have the time to go into more detail but i will do it one day, that is a threat >:) ... There is… so much o(-(  don´t ever try to develop a magic system without magic at it´s base then add magic anyways, youll end up with a monstrosity like this orz
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
Me waking up from a coma: Oh ChrysiJacks moment??? Real sh*t??????
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chrysijacks moment…,,..,..,.
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deepfriedseagullfeet · 5 months
put in a pick up order for groceries at 7 pm. time to have anxiety about it for the next 5 hours
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cinnamonest · 3 months
Childe is probably gonna force reader to be fully dependent on him. Just move in with him you don't need your own place. Oh job is hard? Then quit. He has enough to support you both
AAAAAAAAAAAA anon you have no idea how much I love the “man gradually pressuring you into quitting your job so you’ll be dependent on him” trope (especially combined with the “have my baby too so you can’t afford to leave” which is also 100000% him)
He presents it, of course, as something benevolent — that he’s willing to let you be fully dependent on him. So many people out there would be so grateful to be able to do that, to have such security. He ensures that he never brings it up without making you feel a twinge of guilt for even suggesting that you want to keep working.
He constantly asks you how your day was, what you did, and skips over all the good stuff, waits for you to mention something negative and latches onto it, asking you more, drawing it out, ensuring you focus on the bad. Casually reminds you that, you know, that thing you're complaining that you can't get done, well, you'd have a whole lot more time to work on it if you didn't work all day. Or that event you wanted to go to together, but couldn't because it interfered with work? Or that out-of-town relative who was visiting your area, but you had to miss out on seeing them because of work?
So on and so on. Negativity ensures that you remember the bad parts, that it stands out more, that it takes the forefront of your thoughts, and soon the whole “be my wife barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen with our ten kids” thing he’s offering doesn’t sound so bad by comparison... and even if you start thinking about the ramifications of that, he'll be sure to overwhelm you with distraction or positivity on the idea anyway.
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eeboshmeebo · 3 months
[Fake Shameless vs Stoic Shameless]
I can't take it. I can't take it no more. I HAVE TO WRITE IT BEFORE IT DIES, AAAAHHH!
Neito Monoma x Very straightforward Fem-Reader
"Hahahahaha! I heard that you've gotten a new member today, 1-A! I'm guessing that they're just as pathetic as the rest of you!"
The classroom door had been left open, the only reason that this boy could've ever opened it without the keys.
This... boy. Short blonde hair. Blue eyes that made you think of both forget-me-not flowers and blue granite at the same time. Perfect teeth. The odd way he bent over. His eyelashes and his lips, vitally noticeable yet unnoticeable like the texture of a canvas underneath the paint. His voice, which you'd normally find irritating on another, seemed perfectly suited for him. The white pupils he had, instead of the 'dead fish' eyes you were reminded of with others, looked like pearls inlaid into a tourmaline and white quartz of some sort.
Oh, you were smitten the moment you saw him. Your classmates didn't seem to share the same sentiment, however.
"So not manly to judge a person before you even met her, Monoma!" said Kirishima. Monoma was one of the few people he didn't get along with, which was a surprise only to you.
"Yeah! Go away, leave us alone!" said Denki after Kirishima finished speaking, looking up from his conversation with Mineta to get Monoma to go away. Mineta wandered off now that the attention was off of him.
"Sorry about that, he comes around often..." said Mina, her lips forming a pout and her eyes slightly narrowed in obvious annoyance.
You knew that she was actually more upset about having her 'conversation' with you interrupted, a one-sided talk with her speaking endlessly while you were completely silent, but you patted her on the shoulder, much to her surprise, and walked up to him
"Oh, what's this, the new 1-A student, trying to fight with-"
"You're cute. Go out with me."
The entire class was silent. Wide eyes, gaping mouths, even Mineta had frozen before he snuck up on Yaoyorozu and promptly got stopped by Jiro.
"W-well, I never! You could be j-joking and trying to trick me, f-f-for all I know!" Monoma stuttered out, pointing his trembling finger at you as he fixed his posture.
Ah, he was blushing... he looked so much better with a blush on- no, wait, scratch that. He looked good all the time. His cuteness was just enhanced when he was blushing and stuttering.
Before he could continue, however, you had unlocked your phone and gently grabbed his hand, placing your phone into the palm of his hand.
"Put your phone number into my calls list. I like your voice."
He blushed even more with that, little half-attempted words coming out of his mouth at how... assertive you were. Did you have no shame, no awareness of the multiple people filming this!?
Monoma, under your abnormally intense, wide-eyed stare that seemed to see through him (you wish), input his phone number into yours and gave your phone back to you.
You intentionally held his hand as you took your phone back, and once you did, he fled...
"I'll get my vengeance for this, 1-AAaaaaaaaaaa!"
He was surprisingly quick but you could hear that he ran into someone down the hallways outside.
You smiled to yourself in your newfound victory.
And, of course, someone just had to ruin it.
"This feels a lot like the story of how my dad and the old hag got together, damn it! I don't want to relive that!"
...Bakugo was quickly silenced by the death stares from a few of the more... gossipy girls. Namely Mina and Tooru. For such energetic girls they sure can silence a man.
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contraryclock · 26 days
stupid ass Don Quixote ramblings
hi this is my first tumblr post but i really wanted a good place to put this
spoilers for all of current limbus company, including Murder on the warp Express, the Don Quixote book (( kinda )), and a musical (( i'll get there ))
please humor this deranged rant about a character i havent read the source book of
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so basically ive had a theory since Don was even teased that she's less so based on book Don Quixote and moreso based on the Man of La Mancha musical which is. an insane thing to suggest but hear me out here (( ive since changed how i word my stance to the much more mild "it will most likely delve into the themes of both works and reference both" because suggesting they would discount the book entirely is TRUE insanity ))
her quote (( from teaser tweets that i cannot find anymore? they seem like they were deleted which sucks )) was "To reach the unreachable star!" or something which is notably not a quote from the original book ((as far as im aware at least?)), and suggests. a lot i think!
One of the most notable differences between Man of La Mancha and the original Don Quixote is their tone and attitude towards Quixote. In the original text, he's shown to be a fool who is ignorant to the vastly more interesting world around him, and prefers to instead sink deeper into his delusions of reality equating to chivalric literature. This makes sense as Don Quixote was written as a parody and mockery of the genre
La Mancha is, notably, much more forgiving on Quixote's character, showing that while still a fool, and his insanity often detrimental to those around him, he is still a good person at heart and that he truly wishes to pursue this justice he posits
I usually say it as "Don Quixote is about how reality is beautiful, and La Mancha is about how sometimes one should strive to make reality a little more fantastical" although i dont know if that. is the most accurate comparison. both Don Quixote and La Mancha have a lot of themes and stuff going on
one of the things that made me scream was learning about "Miguel" being written on don's LCB combat spritesheet instead of her listed name
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which if you've seen or read a summary of la mancha is a huge alarm bell
In La Mancha, the whole thing is shown as a Play within a Play
Miguel de Cerventes is sent to prison, awaiting trial by the inquisition, and is tasked with defending himself in a mock trial with the other prisoners so they dont take his belongings. His defense is Don Quixote, Man of La Mancha! With the prisoners acting out the various roles he assigns them, and him acting as the leading man, Don Quixote himself!
that was most of the things that made me think "Oh, maybe it'll be La Mancha!" and then this happened
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and i sort of lost my god damned mind
because like what if this is miguel... what if shes simultaneously playing out her life as don quixote as a her delusion, and as her dream, but also as a statement...
idk but this isnt JUST about Man of La Mancha bc i think this has a few implications for how don's canto is going to go
In both don quixote and la mancha, they send someone to cure quixote of his delusions
The final thing they try is setting up an act where a "Knight of Mirrors" duels with Quixote, which ends up working.
The Knight forces Quixote to see how he is perceived by others, to see the truth that he is no knight.
ignoring the stuff with vampires and mirrors for a second, i feel like this could be more mirror world shenanigans, where either the knight IS a mirror world don quixote, or is someone who will show her mirror worlds. Whatever that will imply!!! i dont know its exciting!!!!!
Her being absurdly old and powerful, plus bloodfiends having a whole familial adjacent hierarchy makes me think theres a LOT of bloodfiends out there that would want her back
I dunno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im insane!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! i just wanted to get my thoughts out before her canto actually happened so i can say that i did indeed have an opinion on this
-limbus assets taken form Lunartique's asset google drive go look at it -text written by me and not proofread
ok thanks bye dont follow me byeee byeeeeee
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beefslipper · 2 months
Hello! sorry to bother you again. But this thought came to me at 2 am and I need to see your writing on it. How do you think hsr men show their affection? I know Dan Heng would be a man of service but Jing Yuan? Is he going to be like Dan Heng or more open about it? 🤔.
Anyways, I'll be there to eat up the masterpiece. Stay hydrated and Thank you! 💜
Don't apologize! :D
I'll try to do ALL the male characters, excluding MC and Duke Inferno. I thought about it but decided against it cuz AAAAAAAAAAAA. I'm going to cry like a baby if I forget any. Since there are 17 men (I think, I'm half asleep) I'm gonna number them in alphabetical order and just. Go with it.
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Argenti would do everything humanly possible for you. Whatever love language you're most comfortable with, he's doing that all for you and you only.
You like physical affection? Whenever you're okay with it, he's holding your hand, giving you kisses, doing whatever makes you feel best.
You like verbal affirmations? Bro isn't hesitating to never shut up about everything he loves about you (P.S., it's everything).
Gifts? Be prepared to get something from him every time you see each other. He's not gonna hold back at all for the person he loves most.
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Dude's 100% a cuddler. Spending hours with you is his way of showing he cares. He isn't just asking to cuddle to avoid his responsibilities, he willingly spends lots of time with you (and gets yelled at for doing that instead of doing what he needs to).
However, if you're alright with doing little tasks with him, he's bringing you with. You two often walk Peppy together or go to deal with anything that won't get you hurt. You could be like 20 times stronger than him and he'd refuse to 'let you risk getting hurt'. Lol.
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You already know this peacock's buying you everything you want. That cute dress you saw in a shop window? All your's. A new pair of earrings that you don't really even need? Dawg you're getting that and like 50 other pairs. That one perfume everybody's talking about? He's buying the whole company for you.
However! Behind closed doors, he's all about physical affection. Whenever it's just the two of you, he's always clinging to you like a sloth.
No Gif for Bladie cuz Tumblr asked if I was suicidal LOL
Bladie would seem like he hates you in public. Like you killed his pet dog when he was 6 and has hated you ever since type stuff. But when you're alone, he LOVES physical affection. Mostly receiving it, but he's definitely sure to make you feel loved, too. Whenever he's not feeling too good, he sends you little gifts to show he cares since he's not good with his words.
In short, he'd be extremely dedicated to loving you if he didn't have such a negative relationship with love.
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He loves using his words because he comes up with the craziest affectionate names for you. Some that have your eyes popping out of your skull before you even have a chance to get blushy over 'em.
Besides that, it depends on what kinda person you are. Yapper? He's more than willing to sit there and listen to your voice. He'll try to pay attention but it's a 50/50. Listener? He's always got something weird or interesting to tell you.
Dan Heng
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He likes physical stuff the most but to an extent. He refuses to do anything bigger than hand-holding and small, quick kisses while in public. He REALLY shows his love behind closed doors to make up for it.
However. If someone's bothering you in public, he's gonna unintentionally do that 'don't worry kitten, daddy's gonna protect you' thing. He'll be mean mugging the person while holding you because he hates seeing you so uncomfortable from random weirdos.
Dr. Ratio
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As much as I hate 'tsunderes' from cringey 2020 stuff, Ratio's one of them. He'll call you the most offensive names you've ever heard as he makes you the most godly, perfect-tasting meal you've ever had.
Once the two of you have gotten close enough, he'd probably allow you in that stupid bath of his, but if you dare to try any NSFW stuff while he's reading, you're getting a thick-ass book to the head.
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Words and physical affection. Yk that one image of the two blank characters swapping spit? That's you and him whenever you come up with some comeback to one of his teasing compliments.
Anyways, he'd always be holding you while in public. Anyone dares to express concern about it? Bro's throwing haymakers (reference).
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Geppieeee :D Although I wanna do Geppie, I've done some HCs on him on a different post (excuse for me to be lazy LOL)
Imbibitor Lunae
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A plankton drooling and screaming yes gif came up when I searched his name sjfjkldsjf
IL would spoil you with gifts. He'd always be off doing his weird dragon shit, so he'd send gifts from where ever he was. You could get sea shells or flowers that somehow stay fresh for ever. You could even get hairpins or clothing.
He isn't big on physical affection only because I'm sure you'd be obsessed with touching his tail and 'horns'?. Whatever, he's not letting that happen lol.
Jing Yuan
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Physical affection 100%. When he's cooped up indoors doing work, he brings you with him and has you sitting within arm's reach at all times. Or in his lap if you're especially clingy.
He'd try to be verbally affectionate, but he'd use a weird nickname once and forever be embarrassed by it so that's out the window.
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Me rn omg the brain juices are running lower as this post goes on, I'm sure you can see the effort decreasing. My apologies for that.
Luka's probably physically affectionate and really wants that treatment from you, too. I can't imagine how sore he must be, bro punches robots and big-ass monsters all day.
I'm sure he'd also give you gifts and whatnot, but physical stuff > anything else.
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I feel like he'd switch constantly. Without warning. One day he's all happy and clingy and the next he's super distant but leaving you gifts like he's about to leave. He doesn't even have a real reason behind this other than he doesn't know which is easiest for him.
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He'd be all about gifting. I only say this 'cuz of the little side stuff about him having a buncha candy and other little souvenirs. He'd definitely get you something if it reminded him of you.
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I couldn't help myself the gif was too tempting I'm sorry
He'd always be stealing random crap for you. He'd even use his beautiful persona to get you the more expensive things you want.
Besides that, I'm sure he uses lots of verbally affectionate words with you and makes sure you know how much he loves you. Even if he constantly dresses up as a beautiful woman to distract another man LMFAO.
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Literally all of the above. There's nothing he wouldn't do for you. You need to be held? You're already in his lap. Craving anything? Bro's learning how to make it for you as we speak. Need to hear someone tell you that you're worth something? He's got a big-ass 36-page love letter for you already.
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Physical 100%. He doesn't know how to use his words without turning into a blushing tomato. He'd rather hold you for hours on end than try to compliment you. He loves so much about you that he's physically incapable of coming up with a compliment.
no more gifs omfg my computer gonna explode
Gifts and verbal stuff definitely. He'd spoil you with your favorite food and would always compliment you to the point it seemed like he had endless compliments stored away for you alone.
However, you're getting thwacked with a spoon if you dare to try and touch his tail or ears. Cuddles and hugs are a-okay, but touching the sensitive parts? N O
He loves physical stuff... Ignoring his VA's crimes.
He'd probably spend a chunk of the day cuddling you and refusing to get out of bed. Whenever he's not cuddling you, he's making origami things of your favorite animals until you have an army of them, varying in size and color.
Definitely a gifter. He's always making new things to give to you. However, when he makes new inventions, he forces the MC to play with it to ensure it's absolutely safe before it gets into your hands (You're gonna find a way to break it and set everything on fire no matter what LOL)
He sends you expensive gifts, but before he really got to know you and what you want, he'd be sending some weird stuff. Like a cat killing a bird and leaving it on your porch for you or something.
Over time, he got better about his gift choices. He probably goes to Robin to beg for advice on what to get you next.
Holy breaking and entering Batman! That's a lotta yap. And gifs. Good lord the gifs. My computer's hardly alive. I'm hardly alive.
Well, despite the decrease in quality and effort over time, I hope you enjoyed the HCs!
Have a great day, evening, and/or night! :)
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venus-is-thinking · 22 days
A Narrative Defense of Levi Accomplice Theory
Hello everyone! I’m finally back with this post to celebrate the fact that DRDT is back tomorrow! aaaaAAAAAAAA–
For any of you who have no idea what the title means, consider it the second part to my year-old Narrative Defense of Eden Culprit Theory. In this, I’ll go over the narrative reasons why I think Levi being the accomplice (to Eden as the blackened) would make sense and open up interesting opportunities for DRDTdev to explore, if they do choose to go in this direction. I’m not at all trying to prove, evidence-wise, why Levi is the accomplice in this post. 
My thoughts on the functionality of the Chapter 2 murder method are basically exactly what @1moreff-creator (nickname FF) outlines in their A Summary of the Levi Accomplice Theory + How We Got Here post. I STRONGLY recommend reading it, both because I think it’s a great read and because as far as I know, the concept of Levi as an accomplice isn’t really talked about outside of it, so it’ll provide some useful context as to why I believe this is a possibility. 
That being said, I do want to disclaim this by saying that this post will be a lot more open-ended and speculative than the Eden version. Levi accomplice theory, at least in the context of being paired with Eden culprit, is objectively less likely to be true than Eden culprit theory by itself, and I could definitely see a world in which Levi is either innocent or involved in the crime in some other way. 
There’s also the fact that, because I don’t believe Levi will be executed this chapter, there’s a lot more question of where his character is headed. I predicted the trajectory of Eden’s arc to end in a handful of episodes; Levi will hypothetically be facing entirely new motives and twists that I have no way to meaningfully predict, so take all of this with a grain of salt.
Still, I’ve been meaning to make this post for literally an entire year, and I’m not gonna let the “Chapter 2 resumes” deadline pass! So, without further ado, here it is: the long awaited Narrative Defense of Levi Accomplice Theory!
T/W: Murder, blackmail, traumatic pasts 
I’m going to follow roughly the same structure as the Eden Narrative Defense, which means that I’m going to be looking at the following topics:
Motive (Why Levi would choose to help Eden commit the crime)
Story Arc (How Levi being the accomplice fits into the overall narrative)
Relationships (How Levi’s relationships impact this writing decision)
Character Arc (How this plays into Levi’s individual character arc)
Wildcard (A specific topic that I think is relevant to discuss for this theory)
These are listed in the order they appeared in Eden’s narrative defense, with Eden’s Wildcard slot being taken up by her emotional breakdown in the Trial and justifying how that wouldn’t be entirely fake/how it would be possible with her still being the culprit. Hopefully that all makes sense! 
For Levi, I actually think the best starting point is: 
TOPIC 1: Relationships
Because this theory is dependent on Levi helping Eden commit literal murder, I want to start off by examining Levi’s relationship with Eden. 
Interestingly, they don’t really interact much of all in Chapter 1; to my memory, the clearest example of them being highlighted in the same scene is when Arei throws a fit over Eden not inviting her to bake with her, where in the same scene, Arei manipulates Levi after he tries to defuse the situation.
However, we open Chapter 2 on the two of them having a rather important conversation. Notably, Levi gets “good person” name dropped in this conversation. For those who don’t know, beneath the “All That Glitters” chapter title, there’s a faint hidden text of “A Good Person.” Pretty much everyone who is called a good person is incredibly important to this chapter (Teruko, Eden, Arei, David, and Levi), so Levi getting hit with the “good person” right at the beginning definitely flags him for importance down the line. 
Interestingly, what is said here is: 
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Levi is called a good person due to his reliability, which clues us into the fact that Eden might be open to relying on Levi, even if it’s for something important. Notably, here, Levi still wants to help others and try to be the best person he can be, despite his slip-up yelling at Ace in the Chapter 1 Trial. 
The existence of this scene at all, and especially given the fact that it delves further into Eden and Levi’s mental states as the killing game progresses, seems to indicate that this is a pair to watch moving forwards. 
Levi also notably has another relationship that heavily plays into the idea of Levi being an accomplice: Ace. 
Ace has spent the chapter telling Levi to fuck off and leave him alone, holding the fact that Levi said he would strange Ace over his head. To me, Levi’s strong reactions to Ace play very heavily into his secret quote:
I always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. But maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness.
(If you don’t know what the secret quotes are, basically, on everyone’s profile page on the tumblr website, there’s a secret quote hidden that you can find by inspecting elements. This is the one on Levi’s page.)
I’ll get more into this later on, but this is a rather interesting quote when paired with Levi taking the action of threatening Ace, but doing it through words alone. You could argue that he didn’t actually do anything, but that’s not completely true. Ace certainly seems to think he did something. 
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Levi is caught at the crossroads of his words of intent to harm Ace being treated as the true him, but any attempts he makes to reconcile are being treated as “just words.” 
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However, any actions that Levi tries to take are rebuffed. He can’t repair things with his words, and he can’t take action without violating Ace’s wishes, so he’s stuck. This, of course, frustrates Levi.
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This was clearly a big character moment from Levi. It seems like his will to repair things with Ace, at least, is fully gone in this moment. Notably, we haven’t really seen any demeanor change from Levi that I can think of as a result for this conclusion he’s apparently drawn, which raises my suspicions that he’s hiding crucial information from us this Trial.
But, most people who think Levi is set up to be suspicious and giving up on everyone think that he’s going to be the killer. Why do I think he’s going to be the accomplice instead?
Well, a lot of it has to do with the evidence itself, notably the grippy tape and the contraption used in Arei’s killing (see FF’s theory post). But, there’s also the fact that it’s not unreasonable to think that Eden and Levi could’ve gotten scheming here. 
While Levi walks off before Teruko, we don’t know exactly what happens afterwards. It seems like Ace got bandaged up at some point (possibly because Eden helped him?), but either way, I could see Eden and Levi talking afterwards about their opinions on everything that happened. And, of course, about their secrets.
TOPIC 2: Motive
For the sake of this theory, I am strongly assuming that Levi’s secret is “You’re a murderer, and you hold no remorse.” If it isn’t, toss this entire thing out the window, because it doesn’t make any goddamn sense. 
I think there are two conceivable paths to Levi’s motive for helping out Eden here. I know that in FF’s post, they outline one of them: the possibility that Levi would prefer that Eden escape and everyone else die over the continuation of the killing game as-is. This would be based on Levi’s belief that Eden is a good person, and his increased belief over time that everyone else (including himself) is a bad person, unworthy of living.
I certainly think this is possible, but it leaves Levi’s character off in a bit of a weird spot. Like, okay, he decided to gamble it all on Eden and he loses. Then what? It’s only Chapter 2. There are certainly ways for his character to go, but I feel like at that point, he’s either dragging his feet before dying or dragging his feet before he gets to do his survivor arc. I’m not sure if it would leave enough room to explore his character over the course of who-knows-how-many-more chapters. I have to imagine that, if Levi is the accomplice under this plan, he’d make it through Chapter 3, because otherwise, it seems like the message of Levi is that he gave up and that means he died. But, what would he be doing throughout those chapters?
So, I think that’s a possible read, but it’s not the one I favor. The second read is a little more complicated, but I think it makes sense. Give me a bit to explain it.
This theory really focuses in on my interpretation of Levi’s secret quote, which is again: 
I always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. But maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness.
What this says to me, in combination with Levi’s secret, is, “I am only a murderer if I am actively murdering someone.” Sure, Levi was a murderer– but that was in the past!
(Levi makes many cryptic mentionings of his dark past. I don’t know what exactly it is, but I believe that Levi has killed someone, and might not feel remorse for at least one specific killing. It’s also possible that he feels no remorse because that’s just how he grieves– by feeling nothing– which he alludes to in the opening conversation with Eden.)
However, Ace is challenging that belief that Levi has. Can he really change so much just because he’s acting on his best behavior? Besides, it doesn’t really matter; if people think he’s a murderer, what difference is there in how they treat him?
To me, that’s what Levi’s “Why do I even bother?” means. He’s realizing that, with Ace, at least, but also maybe in general, if someone believes he’s a murderer, that’s as good as him being a murderer. In combination with his secret, that means that anyone who learns his secret will treat him as a murderer, immediately burning any relationship they have with him.
It kind of makes me think of the concept of Thought-Action Fusion, which is the psychological term for the belief that thinking about doing something wrong is just as bad as doing that wrong thing. It’s not quite the same, but it’s that kind of idea. Who cares if Levi kills someone or not? If people think he has, he might as well have. 
That, obviously, is a bad thing. It’s an even worse thing when you consider that DRDT seems to be a TV show, and MonoTV is threatening to reveal everyone’s motive secrets to everyone in the whole world if no one kills!
This then creates a bit of a paradox for Levi. The only way to prevent everyone from finding out that he’s a murderer is to murder someone on national (?) television. 
However, there is one out for him in this situation. If someone else kills before the motive timer is up, Levi gets out of this situation clean. And that’s where Eden comes in.
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(For clarity’s sake, I largely think this scene is a joke. I do not think Eden is actually doing anything sinister by “blackmailing” Teruko here, nor do I think either Teruko or Eden would actually think anything malevolent of Eden because of it. However, I’ve noticed that DRDT is very good at slipping relevant ideas or information into jokes, which is why I want to look at this.)
Eden doesn’t need to blackmail Levi, per se. At least, she doesn’t have to actually put the threat out there directly. 
What I’m envisioning is basically that, after helping bandage Ace up, Eden goes and checks in with Levi and sees how he’s doing. Levi explains his frustrations with the fact that Ace is treating him like a murderer even though he hasn’t done anything, and it seems like Ace’s belief that he’s a murderer is good enough to condemn him. In response, Eden lets Levi know that she knows what his secret is.
Arei is the one who received Levi’s secret, but I’d be, like, 0% surprised if Eden knew it. Arei said she’d do anything to prove her loyalty to Eden, and especially considering how Arei overheard the secret Eden received, it would make enough sense if she told Eden about the one she received to “even it out.” 
So, let’s say Eden says, “but aren’t you a murderer? Your secret says so.” Or something like that. Levi is now obviously in a tricky position, because the answer is, yes, that is his secret, but people aren’t supposed to know that. Eden would then loop Levi into her plan to kill Arei, and they would come to a mutual understanding.
Levi has to cooperate with Eden and do whatever she says when it comes to the crime, because if he doesn’t, Eden could easily reveal his secret. To Levi, that’s a fate worse than death, because it means that he will never be able to escape his past. Conversely, Eden can’t throw Levi under the bus and spill his secret, because then Levi would easily throw Eden under the bus and reveal she’s the blackened in turn. By giving Levi a severe secret of Eden’s own– that she’ll be the blackened– the playing field levels out into one of mutually assured destruction, where both of them respect each other enough to take the other’s secret to the grave if they’re the one who fails.
Eden, I think, would be willing to take this risk in the first place, because Levi is reliable. If she understands how his internal logic operates, she can trust that he’ll see it through to the end. Having an accomplice could make it much harder for people to find out she's the blackened, which is a huge advantage.
For Levi, if you follow my read of his character, this makes sense. His best bet is to help Eden out from a neutral perspective, helping her commit the crime but not dying on the hill to help her win. If Eden loses, she can respect the fact that he didn’t out her and tried to help her. Then, Eden dies, taking everyone’s secrets and the motive to her grave with her. Obviously, the secrets ended up being more or less revealed anyways, considering Arei’s body wasn’t discovered until after the motive announcement, but David is proof enough that the students didn’t know that was how it would be ruled. 
Hopefully this makes enough sense! To summarize, I think Levi’s motivation to help Eden is to protect his own secret and survive the motive. The only way to avoid being known as a murderer is to help facilitate a murder without the fact that he was an accomplice ever being exposed. To have his secret revealed is basically death anyways, so risking death if Eden is the killer isn’t the biggest deal in the world. 
INTERLUDE 2.5: Arei’s Glove
So, this isn’t part of the narrative defense, this is me repairing part of FF’s theory. Because, Arei’s glove is missing from her body, and FF’s reasoning ended up being “Levi can drop the glove to frame himself as the culprit mid-Trial if needed.” However, because in my world, Levi is still hoping Eden loses (even if he can’t contribute), that seems a bit far fetched. So, I tried to come up with an alternate explanation of why Arei’s glove might be missing.
One of them kinda sucks, which is that Arei was wearing her glove when the water jugs broke, drenching it. Because the turf is weird, you can count on the turf not being wet by the Body Discovery Announcement, but the glove could still be too wet, giving away part of how the crime was completed. Thus, someone hides or pockets the glove so that it doesn’t give something away. This seemed halfway viable to me before I rewatched the investigation, but between the fish being entirely dried out (non-turf that was definitely very wet at one point) and the positioning of the tape marks on Arei’s wrists (which I think would mean the glove would have to be off her wrists when you taped them), I don’t think it’s especially viable.
There’s FF’s original reasoning from a while ago as to why it could’ve been missing, which is that to get a better grip on the spinny thing (carousel), Levi may have put on Arei’s glove. It could’ve gotten scratched up or stretched out as a result, making it key evidence. This is a bit presumptive, but it works enough.
The weirdest thing to me is that it does seem like Arei’s glove was taken off before her wrists were taped. I’d think taping Arei’s wrists would happen fairly early, considering it makes it harder for her to struggle. But, getting her glove off while she’s struggling seems pretty hard.
The third explanation I have is just that Eden asked Arei to take her glove off at some point before Levi showed up, because it would be annoying to tape her wrists with the glove on. Then, Arei’s glove went missing in the shuffle, or they didn’t have a good place to put it because it would be difficult to put it back on once Arei is hung up. They couldn’t throw it in the trash, because Eden planned on the class reconstructing the note they left in the trash. So, instead, Arei’s glove gets stashed somewhere and they hope no one notices it, because if people stop to think about how Arei’s glove was taken off before her wrists were taped, it could point to Eden.
I don’t love any of these reasons, but combined, I think they’re good enough that it’s not a dealbreaker for this theory, at least. Pick whichever one is your favorite and we can go forward from there.
TOPIC 3: Character Arc
If Levi’s relationships have set him up for this, and he has a viable enough motive, what does it mean for Levi that he’s the accomplice? What is his individual story telling us?
I think Levi’s character is meant to center around the concept of what makes a person good, and what allows a person to properly repent. It really seems like Levi has a not-so-good past, something that’s only heightened if he does have the murderer without remorse secret.
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There’s also the secret quote, which talks about “excuses” for “heartlessness.” Levi is trying to put his dark past behind him, but it’s incredibly difficult. He wants to move forwards from it, but he doesn’t know how.
If Levi is the accomplice, it provides a really interesting opportunity for his character arc: Levi will then be exposed as an accomplice and be publicly known as someone dangerous and possibly, to some, unforgivable, but he won’t die for it. He’ll have to figure out how to navigate the fact that he does carry the burden of his past actions with him, and he’ll have to learn to cope.
If a character is meant to ask how possible it is to repent, doesn’t it make sense to give an extremely concrete in-universe thing that they need to repent for, and that everyone knows they need to repent for? 
I’m not sure exactly where Levi would end up from there. A lot of it depends on the other characters, the motives, and the kill order. I still think it’s definitely possible for Levi to take on the classic Chapter 4 buff curse/sacrifice killer mantle with this, if he decides that the only way to repent properly is to put everyone else above him. However, I do think it’d be interesting to see him fill any slot. 
He could be a victim, if his time runs out. He could be a killer, if he decides that he can’t repent, and his only option is to once again try to outrun his past. He could be a survivor if he figures out that the only thing he can do is try to move forwards, accept his past, and try to do better in the future. I’m actually quite partial to the survivor interpretation, but it’s hard to make survivor cast predictions this early.
Either way, I think this totally makes sense as a direction to take Levi’s character in.
TOPIC 4: The “Murderer” Rule
This is my Wildcard slot for this narrative defense. I don’t know exactly what it’ll amount to, but I think it’s worth discussing. 
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Rule 14: All murderers must be held accountable for their crimes. 
If Levi is the murderer without remorse, I wonder if this rule will apply to him. I also wonder exactly what it means. “Held accountable” doesn’t necessarily mean that whoever is a murderer will get executed.
I honestly think a really interesting way for this to go is if Eden gets found out as the culprit on her own, but they don’t realize that Levi is the accomplice. Then, in accordance with Rule 14, MonoTV reveals that Levi was also involved in the crime, and is also functionally a murderer. This forces Levi to be held socially responsible by those around him.
Another option would be that, whenever his secret comes to light, he’s at risk of some kind of execution. I doubt Levi would actually get executed there, considering a lot of the reason I like Levi accomplice theory is because of how interesting it’d be to further pursue Levi’s character post-murder, but it’s certainly possible.
It could also be something that comes up in Chapter 6. This rule feels like it’s a direct result of the mastermind’s worldview or something. If Levi is a survivor, it’s possible that, at the end, the mastermind will try to execute him or something because he’s a murderer. Hell, maybe every survivor will have a claim to be a murderer in some way or another. That’s when the characters will rise up and say that people deserve a second chance, no matter their past. Or something like that, I don’t know. Again, it’s really hard to theorize about the whole game when we only have, like, 1.75 chapters so far. 
Anyways, onto the last point:
TOPIC 5: Story Arc
Oh boy, time to theorize about the whole game!
Because figuring out the moral messaging and final result of the last Class Trial at this stage is nigh impossible, I’ve been reading the Story Arc category through Teruko. How would it impact the way we see the story through her eyes if Levi is the accomplice?
Well, an obvious point is that it emphasizes how much you can’t trust anyone. You can’t even trust that there’s only one person with killing intent per murder! I’m sure Levi would be somewhat outcasted if this does all play out, and that would likely tie into a greater feeling of distrust. Between David’s heel turn, the sweet and helpful Eden tearfully being the blackened and facing an execution, and the stoic but previously reliable Levi being both a murderer (secret) and an accomplice (crime) out of nowhere, trust throughout the group would be at an all-time low. I think that’s a good thing; as I’ve said before, at this point in the story, I think we’re still validating Teruko’s worldview. It’s too early for a major shake-up, and to Teruko, these patterns are repetitive. They have to repeat at least a little bit for the audience to truly understand why Teruko acts the way she does.
But, even more than that, I think that DRDT has the makings of a central message surrounding fate. 
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Everyone’s fate is already sealed, according to Teruko. The Lucky Student cannot die, no matter what. All murderers must be held accountable. There are a lot of big picture makings of the idea that people’s fates are already set in stone, no matter what they do.
Levi is, in many ways, “fated” to be a bad person. He’s fated to be a murderer. Whatever his past was, it seems like he was set up for moral failure no matter what. Seeing Levi fall into that trap of his destiny, being a murderer yet again after being deemed a murderer, also validates Teruko’s worldview that everyone is doomed because they’re already locked into their slots. Even if Levi didn’t die today, he will eventually.
Except, if he doesn’t die immediately, he also has a possibility to invalidate that worldview later. Levi’s survival to a point and (presumed) attempt to repent again, even after everything, could be something that shakes Teruko’s beliefs in future chapters. I’m not saying Levi would be the catalyst for Teruko’s entire character arc, but I think it’s going to take a lot of instances of Teruko being “wrong” to actually change Teruko’s mind. This is one way that we could set up Teruko being wrong, dating back to Chapter 2, so that when we get the payoff, the seeds have been planted all along the way.
Hopefully this made sense! It’s been a long time since I’ve fully watched the series, and I only had time to partially rewatch Chapter 2 before writing and posting this. But, I remember a lot of the thoughts I had back when I was in peak DRDT brainrot, and I still believe Levi being the accomplice would make a lot of sense and open up a lot of doors narratively.
Obviously, this is what I currently believe, but even if you disagree, I hope you still found it interesting. I think it’s important to remember, going into these next few episodes, a core principle that pushed me to write the Eden Narrative Defense in the first place: we shouldn’t call something bad writing until we see it executed. Please remember to respect DRDTdev’s writing decisions and creative autonomy, no matter how you feel about the result. I’ll do my best to do the same as well.
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edith-is-a-cat · 11 months
Azul Headcannons!
Word count: 288
TLDR: Just some headcannons I have about Azul <3 this all started with me thinking he is sensory seeking
Tags! <3: @weskers-husband (enjoy!!)
Comments: Hehe! I'm procrastinating.. But I love thinking about Azul (Maybe because I can relate..)
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How does Azul behave with his hands?
✦ Warm hands, never clammy. If you need to warm up in the winter, you want to be best friends with him. ✦ His hands are very personal to him, he rarely lets others touch them. If someone it's one of his greatest signs he's close to a person. ✦ He takes very well care of his hands; he has a routine that rivals Vil's skincare routine. (There have been many quiet debates about whose is more extensive.) ✦ He has his nails done, usually just a clear coat but upon occasion he has gotten soft pastels. One of his favorites is a soft blueish purple. ✦ Azul would faint if he even had a tiny bruise on one of his hands. ✦ The only exception to his hands being like a baby's is a writer's callous. (He likes it because it is like proof of how hard he worked to get where he has gotten. ✦ His hands are where all his talent is to him, it may be why he takes care of them so well. ✦ Azul is trying to become ambidextrous, "What if I injure my writing hand? I can't do anything without it?" ✦ His hands take place of his merform's tentacles. ✦ He is very used to a lot of sensory input from his tentacles so he has to do a lot with his hands to make up for the missing input. (He has a drawer in the VIP lounge that just has things for him to mess with.) ✦ Azul is someone who makes very big gestures and generally gestures all the time. It's like watching a performance with how much he moves. ✦ He has to touch everything he walks by in store. One time he almost touched a cactus without thinking. </3
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days-until-burnout · 2 months
Can I just say your writing always sends me to heaven and back
You write so gracefully I get inspired every time I read a post from you
Could you maybe do something with etho x tango? Maybe in a TIES context maybe maybe ??
Ps: youareawesomeyouareawesomeyouareawesomeyouar-
AAAAAAAAAAAA WAIT THNNK YOU SO MUCH. THAT MEANS A LOT. COMMENTS LIKE YOURS MOTIVATE ME TO KEEP WRTING TO WIN WIN IN MY BOOK. this is not my best work but in my defence, i was sick recently so i couldnt write and i already feel rsuty but pls enjoy ;-; _____
📧 Day 46 -
Characters - Etho/Tango Words - 1,109 Time - 45 mins Content - Limited Life
It was an eventful day. After all the adrenaline and thrill and deaths, when the end of session was called, it was like everyone could finally breathe. Everything was still too tense, with side-eyes and murmurs, everyone sticking to their own. Better, but not by much. 
Etho had offered to stay back and clean up their base. Even without that, he had felt a little guilty at all the mess he had caused in trying to protect Tango. It was… a weird moment. He could not directly stop them, though maybe he should have gotten in their way physically. Instead, he had placed blocks that he then had to clean out. So he stayed behind to clean up while Skizz and Impulse went off to mine, and Tango—
Well, Tango already had a grand, exciting day, so he did not blame him if he decided to do nothing until the next session. 
Either way, cleaning did not take as long as he thought, even having time to fill the holes and terraform outside where the Bad Boys had dug in desperation. He giggled, remembering their glares when they realized it was a futile attempt, the realization that he had been lying to them. There had been a small phantom, very faint annoyance coursing through him when Joel looked at him (but they had broken into a fit of giggles when Joel stuck his tongue out, so maybe it was not such a big deal). People had been mad at him, but he had felt pride. 
He brought Tango time, which was the only thing that mattered.
After putting all the blocks back in the chests, he went to tend to the other chores in the base; mainly their crops and chickens. He found some seeds in a chest, and decided to use them up before doing the wheat. As he sat in front of their chicken ‘coop’, feeding the chickens seeds, his mind drifted to potential uses for the seeds. Wheat and composter were the obvious, but surely there had to be other uses, right?
As his mind wandered, Etho did not hear when someone joined him in the base, not snooping but right in the area where he was. Swiftly, quietly but not intentionally so, they began to harvest the wheat, only breaking the silence with a chuckle. 
“You’re thinking.”
Etho blinked, shaking his head back to reality, turning to see Tango knelt on the ground, pulling the wheat off. “Didn’t hear you.”
“I noticed.”
Etho let out a huff, a smile on his lips under the mask, “How are you feeling?”
“Good, good, I think. You?”
“I’m fine.”
“You know, I was talking with Pearl and BigB earlier. We talked about the time exchange thing. How I gave Skizz more time with my death?”
Etho hummed, promptly turning back to his chore. The seeds were light in his hand, a seed so small in between his digits. “We’ll get it back eventually. Just gotta keep it between us, and we might even have a chance to win.”
“You think so?”
“Likely. We are the biggest group, if you don’t count group alliances.”
“Huh, I guess so.” Tango hmphed, turning back to his work again. Soft stems breaking, roots pulled from the ground, the chuckling of chickens, exp, the occasional kneeling. It was peaceful, unlike earlier. “Hey, Etho? Thanks for all that, covering for me. You could’ve betrayed me, or even taken the time for yourself, but you didn’t.”
“What? No! We’re a team, c’mon. I wouldn’t have!”
Tango laughed, making Etho turn to him, staring at his back. That wire-like tail, flicking and swishing its flame. It was mesmerizing. 
“I know, I know. Aside from that absent father thing, you’re pretty loyal yourself, aren’t cha? Is that why you didn’t let me kill Bdubs before?”
Etho never knew he could go speechless so suddenly, throat dry and lips sealed. He stared at Tango’s back, waiting for him to turn around with a stupid smirk, say he was joking and pulling on his metaphorical (even though he very much had a tail) tail. But Tango stayed put, working diligently as Etho made seed dents in his palm. 
“I mean,” Tango continued, nonchalant, like that memory did not bother him even though they both knew better, “it makes sense, no? You love by protecting, or something like that. Loyal, weirdly loyal.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“Dunno. I was just thinking about today. About you, mostly.”
“You did save me.”
“We are a team.”
“Only a team?”
It was a long shot. A very long shot. But they had agreed, only waiting on Etho. And they were a team. Surely Etho would agree too. Matching ties to commemorate TIES. Tango remembered the shields. He could almost remember the weight on his arm when he looked at it long, like it would physically manifest at any moment. But it never did. He was almost glad. 
“Oh? What’s this?” 
Tango jumped, turning around to bump into Etho who was now sitting beside him. He followed his eyes, landing on the thing in his hand. Right. The tie. Etho’s tie. 
“It’s for you. Team TIES.”
There was a flash in Etho’s eyes, and Tango wondered if the same memory triggered in him. It did not matter, not now as he shoved the item into Etho’s hand, abruptly standing almost like escaping. 
“You don’t have to wear it, of course. But since we have, we figured out you might as well have it so you don’t feel left out.” He chuckled, Etho replying with a huff and an eye-roll. 
“I can’t tie ties, Tango!”
“You can’t?!”
It was almost unspoken. Tango sat down again, but Etho did not want it around his neck or collar. On his wrist, where he could hide it under his sleeve. Not that Etho did not care, that went without saying. But this was Etho, nothing explicitly said. How he was. 
They sat in silence for a while after, content in each other’s company. Etho dropped his head in Tango’s, letting out a long sigh. Before Tango could say anything, a hand found his, but not to hold. Fingers traced lines into the back of his hand; burning, bright lines like redstone. 
This was Etho, whether he knew it or not. 
Tango walked over, dropping some seeds in the nearest chest, lightly patting his shoulder. “I’m not going to say it, Etho.”
Before Etho could reply, Tango was gone. It was quiet, quieter. A ringing in his ears as his mind blanked. He looked down, peeking under his sleeve, the color red of the tie. 
not me getting sick right on the weekend. awful timing. terrible timing. anyhow, no more breaks. this is not very daily behaviour of me also, dont mind my writing for the next couple days, i have no written anything and im trying to fight the sad so bare with me for a bit, fank you
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merakiui · 2 years
who else in twst has a breeding kink 🥵?? I think the twins ofc because breeding instincts but doesn't that also mean the beastmen? It's so hot when the normal human cast have a breeding kink though like Neige having a breeding kink hits different
>:) I will list them below.
Deuce - please hear me out with this one. He wants to be good for his mother. He's trying to clean up his act and he's so loyal and devoted. Very polite!! Always respecting women (even if he has trouble talking to them). And wouldn't the best gift to his hard-working mother be to let her know she'll be a grandmother?! <3 wouldn't it be so nice to knock you up nice and good so he can take care of you and start a nice, happy family? Deuce thinks about it often and it becomes more appealing as the days pass.
Trey - need I say more? Trey is so AAAAAAAAAAAA OTL and he deserves a cute, pregnant wifey who he can make lots of pregnancy-safe sweets for!!!!!! I think it's the inner father in him. He's so responsible, so parental, so very husband material. I think he doesn't even realize he has a breeding kink until it dawns on him at the very last minute and suddenly everything makes sense.
Leona - it's the beastman instinct to mate, but I also just think there's a very carnal part of Leona who would love to always fill you to the brim with his cum!!! He wants to see how much you can take and how many times he has to fuck you before you're finally pregnant weeks later. Besides, if he's always knocking you up his brother can stop nagging him about marriage and mates and keeping the royal bloodline extant.
Jack - also beastman instincts, but wolves mate for life and this is the exact bond Jack wants. He only needs one true, lifelong love who he can stuff full of cum. He's very responsible and logical, so I don't think he would want a big family (there's also the toll many pregnancies will have on you and he wants to make sure you will always be okay). But it's very tempting to knot you and cum inside every time the two of you have sex.
Ruggie - beastman instincts, but also Ruggie just loves the idea of foregoing protection and just knocking you up in the most carnal ways. You would look so cute with your round belly and the clothes that hardly fit, and he'd have so much fun putting everything on Leona's tab to buy maternity wear for you. And then with the breeding kink comes the lactation kink. Ruggie will be first in line for that when the time comes. <3
Azul - massive breeding kink for the most massive loser in twst!!!!!!! <3 every spring he gets really weird and fidgety and he's so awkward around you. I like to think the mer instincts are heightened when the weather is warmer and stickier because,,,,, warm weather is perfect for mating in the sea and most merfolk like to mate during the spring and sometimes in early summer. He is not the most focused when spring rolls around because all it takes is a whiff of your scent and he wants so badly to fuck you full. T_T the horny grip is so debilitating that he's actually really snappy and easily irritated (and it's usually because he's plagued with the filthiest dreams that feel so real and he's always suffering because when he wakes up it's in an empty bed with an erection that you should be handling, not him!!!!)
Jade & Floyd - these two...... the eels....... orz the horniest eels in the sea omg!!! it does not matter what month or season it is. every day is breeding season for them. Jade can exercise more control because he likes to be a "polite gentleman." Floyd thinks Jade's cock-blocking himself with his stuffy, snobby gentleman act, but oh well!!! More Shrimpy for him. <3 they want a big, big family. I also just think they like seeing you pregnant all the time. Big fans of lactation, these two, and even bigger fans of pregnancy sex. They also love cumming inside hehe. They probably have a box of condoms stored somewhere in their room, but why use them when the entire point is to knock you up? And even if you don't want them to cum inside, you won't be able to verbalize it when you're screaming your throat raw from back-to-back orgasms. T_T that, and Jade's fingers are in your mouth to play with your tongue. Jade and Floyd are so annoying because when the pregnancy test comes back positive and you're ready to beat them into the ground they give you this look 🥺 accompanied with "but don't you want to be a mommy?" reckless eels... ;;;;
Kalim - also another one who wants a huge family because he loves the energy and the excitement of big families. He comes from a large family himself and his father is always enabling his every desire. Kalim follows his heart (and his dick) and both are saying he needs to give you lots of cum so you can have many, many kids! His parents should not be surprised when he visits home for a break and you're pregnant (again).
Rook - it's Rook. I feel like that explains it. ^^;;;
Malleus - fae instincts and there's the need to produce an heir. But beyond that Malleus just really wants to see you pregnant. He thinks you would look so soft and sweet and pretty!!!! Always horny gripping, but you'll never know because he appears so serious. And since he is such a powerful mage, magic can easily waive most effects of pregnancy so he can make it so that it won't be so strenuous on your body. That means many more pregnancies to come!!! :) you cannot mention pregnancy around Lilia because he enables Malleus's horny grip. orz
Lilia - he really wants to raise another child again. It's so wonderful and so rewarding. Do not let his age fool you. He is always horny. Lots of stamina. Loves cumming inside each time. And he always smiles when you ask what he'll do if you get pregnant. Obviously he'll care for the little one! You needn't worry so much. He has experience, so you can trust him. <3
Silver - please hear me out again. >_< Silver's only sex education lessons came from Lilia and it was probably just Lilia showing Silver animals mating in the woods. T_T so Silver just assumes it's like that for humans and that they have breeding seasons, too. He probably fucks like an animal in heat as well. orz I like to think Lilia never told him about protection, so Silver's lived his life thinking the only way was to either cum inside or pull out and the former is so much more enjoyable. Silver also likes how connected the two of you will be when he knocks you up. He wants to be a good father and he also wants to give Lilia grandchildren, so you are getting pounded into the bed from sunrise to sunset!!!!!!
Rollo - I think he wants to have children with you because you're less likely to leave him, but also because you will be completely reliant on him when you're pregnant and he's heard pregnancy hormones can be quite exciting. A higher sex drive means more opportunities to help you see how perfect a domestic life is. But also there is a very twisted part of him that just loves cumming inside each time even after he's promised he'll be sure to get you a morning-after pill as soon as he pulls out. He's a liar!!!! And he loves to comfort you when the tests come back positive, stroking his hand up and down your back and whispering little assurances about how he knows you'll be the best mother.
Neige - He's taken care of the dwarfs and they're practically his family. Even though big families can be difficult, he'll work hard! Neige loves seeing you pregnant. He loves the idea of having you as his pregnant housewife and filling the home with many kids. But beyond that he just adores how cock-drunk you get and he likes cumming inside because he thinks it's so romantic. And how can he possibly deny you when you're begging him to fill you up? Anything for his one true sweetheart!!
Che'nya - beastman instinct, but I like to think Che'nya is also really horny. And he's always so sneaky! He loves to fuck you when he's invisible hehe. He'll be evasive when you ask the air if he's wearing protection. Maybeeee. Maybeeee not. Who can really say? Che'nya wants to give you an entire litter, so make sure to take all of his cum! He's always so satisfied after each session, humming so cheerily while cum's dripping from your hole. He'll finger it back in; can't waste a single drop, after all. But even if you do, there's plenty more where that came from.
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
GIRL CODED JASON !!!!! HI HELLO OMG TUMBLR USER AND AMAZING AO3 WRITER GHOST BIRD YOUR POSTS AND STORIES JUST ACTIVATE BRAINWORMS IN MY HEAD 😭😭😭😭 holy fuck hi I'm too shy to come off anon but I love the discussions you've been having, so just chipping in !!!
I love the many many looks on how people interpret him being girl-coded, exploring his feelings towards domestic violence, towards victims, women etc, extremely good points that you brought up ! And I'd like to bring up that on a more meta level, the way his character is treated by DC and by people in canon as a whole is also so... girl-coded ? Going to try my best to articulate since eng is my 3rd language 😔😔 Sorry if it's not consise 😭😭 I have FEELINGS AAAAAAAAAAAA
I think the core of this "girl-codedness" stems from a few things, two things I can point to currently are how he's treated as a victim and fridging. Fridging is the easier one to see imo, it's something that's usually associated with female characters but fits Jason a lot. It's not about him and his trauma/pain being feminine inherently (nothing can be categorised in that way honestly) but how it's dealt with by people and the narrative.
Let's take a look at its counterpart which is 'Dead Men Defrosting' trope coined by John Barton. Here's the source for that: https://www.lby3.com/wir/r-jbartol2.html, and a quote from the Women in Refridgerators website I feel is really encapsulates this whole situation.
"...women heroes are altered again and never allowed, as male heroes usually are, the chance to return to their original heroic states. And that's where we begin to see the difference."
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Additionally, the grief that his death bought is made to be even more objectifying than it should have been. It's made to be Bruce's and everyone else's more than it is Jason's. The image of the dead character is, by necessity, distorted and is served as fuel towards a different character. He's reduced to his death and the pain associated with it is milked for like... 16 yearsish??? A perverted memorial, a perverted memory, an altered legacy. He was just 15. A boy. (Still, I wouldn't say Jason was fridged per say, as the term is created in reference to female characters and they have little to no agency in their stories there, but that 'feel' is there. So I understand where the girl-codedness comes from!)
It’s that the way a lot of characters treat him and a lot of the tropes used on him are things that are typically associated with feminine characters. It's also about how he's treated since he's not a perfect victim. Every attempt Jason has made to express his pain and his anger just gets him labelled as emotional, unreasonable and hysterical (which are again, unfortunately terms associated with women.)
There's many different points people have brought up about Jason, such as his bleeding compassion as Robin, the tears at the end of UTRH, and so on. Nonetheless, I think there's a lot of nuance that comes with gender discussions, since these things are deeply personal to people, and there's disagreements to be had. And that's cool !! There's many points loads of other people also being to the table that I love !! Contradictions too !!
All very good points!
I don’t have much to add here except perhaps the argument with the memorial case. You’re absolutely right. I never realized how similar it is to the classic hero trope of protagonist mourning their dead love interest/family and dedicating their entire life to a memory of them, citing the actions they take to be in honor of the dead person.
On one hand, I tend to enjoy that trope. On the other hand with Jason, it all became horribly twisted so very quickly and lead to a hard downward spiral of Bruce having a real assholish phase.
But yeah that’s a whole other can of worms better left unopened for now ksksks.
I’m very happy you’re enjoying this blog 💚 it’s honestly super rewarding to hear people say that when it was one of the main goals to have this be a safe and harmonious space for everyone 💚💚✨
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