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deepfriedseagullfeet · 11 months ago
put in a pick up order for groceries at 7 pm. time to have anxiety about it for the next 5 hours
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theres-no-you-and-i · 4 years ago
cannot get over how in love season 1 raylla was fbsjfnsl the hand kisses?? the longing stares???? they way they just naturally anticipated everything the other did?????? "waste all that youth and beauty...and fury..." "i hate to break it to you, beautiful" "miss a chance to see you? no way." "you're so beautiful..." "whoever you are, wherever you were, i'm in. no matter what happens, no matter what anybody else thinks, i'm with you." "you know what we should do? we should run away together" "i like doing everything because of you" "i just want to be able to say hi to you wherever you are" "she goes where i go. scylla's my girlfriend." "i have deep feelings for her." "we were supposed to go to the beach. her lighthouse." "this is all you need to know; i love you, raelle." "i believe you. i believe you. i love you. i love you." dkdjkdbz AKSKAJKSK AAAAAAAAAAAA
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lvanter · 5 years ago
note: content??? from josie ??????? never heard of her
warning: swearing, some sexual ,, references,, sdgsjd (nothing bad i promise)
wc: 1.1k
watching you perform. skz
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chan my baby
you had told him about the performance but he hadn’t seen any of it and didn’t know what the concept was
so when you show up on the stage in some fucking silk shirt and glittery makeup he went :o
now,, chan has obviously seen you at different award shows—he's seen you all dressed up and pretty before but idk man your stylist just went fuck chan lives and made you look like a god
chan is sitting like :o before the music even started,,
when the music did start and he realized it was a sexy (sexier) remix of your most recent comeback he froze completely
congratulations, you broke him
he’s in awe
you look and sound amazing ;; he cannot look away from you
definitely gonna show you how much he loves you take that as you want *wink wink*
mr minho pls return my calls you need to pay child support ,,, it’s me,, i’m the child you need to support
when you and minho started dating you made a pact sdfhdjsjsfg
basically it was just ‘show the other 10 seconds of your new song or performance’
the reason for the pact being you were each other’s biggest fans and wanted previews
you had shown minho the 10 seconds but nothing could prepare him for the entirety of the performance
he was blown away,, jaw down on the floor, eyes glued to you moving around gracefully on the stage
like he knew you were sexy ( ,, i hate the word sexy sdgshdjs) as fuck but holy shit you went off and minho didn’t know how to feel
after the award show he found you and gave you a big smooch and maybe something else but i’m not gonna get about that
mr. seo, hello.
not saying he mouthed “what the fuck” when your performance began but he most definitely mouthed “what the fuck” (in a good way sdfgdhgh)
also not saying he got just a tiny bit turned on while watching you work you magic
ew i really typed thatdfhsbddjsj
changbin was just looking at you with heart eyes the entire time
when you showed up on the big screen he felt like his heart was gonna beat out of his chest because like !! that’s you!! his partner!!! you’re his!!! he’s yours!!! what a concept !!!!!!!!!!!!
you’re just fucking killing it on the stage and changbin is just aaaaaAAAAAAAAA
you best believe he’s gonna be talking about this for a loooooong time
he’s just so proud of you bc like youre really out there!!!! doing shit!!!!! and looking hella good while doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fucking hwang hyunjin that demon
hyunjin is a dramatic boy
he is also your biggest fan and will fuking die if you do something
when i say something i mean anything at all,,,,, he’s just so in love with you and finds everything you do adorable (except when you come for his neck and do something seccy)
the first 30 seconds of your performance he’s just sat there like,,,, (♡o♡)
but then after he’s over his holy shit you’re performing he goes into Fan Mode,,,
which includes, but not limited to, screaming, crying, feeling like death, we’ve all been there
seriously,,, he so in love with the way you move on stage ,,,,and in general but especially on stage
you’re so elegant,and hot at the same time and hyunjin is losing his mind
okay han jisung i see u
jisung is your #1 hype man, has been since before you even started dating and he is Proud Of His Title
he hypes you up no matter what you do
you took a bath?? you wrote a song?? you learned something completely useless?? jisung is in the background with a sign that says THATS MY MF BABEY!!!!!!!!!!!! yelling loudly how proud he is
but ,, unfortunately,, he can’t do that doing a award show :(( chan told him no :(( so did his manager :(( :(( sad boi hours
but that didn’t mean he wasn’t screaming in his head but he was calm on the outside on singing along like any other idol would
he’s just !!!!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaAAAAAA YOURE DOING SO WELL!!!!!!!!!!THATS HIS MF BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
you best fucking believe you’re getting a bunch of kithes when he sees you backstage
felix yes hello
felix b like Hello I Am Very Proud Of My MY Baby At All Times No Matter What Fucking Fight Me
he had seen the set list and knew you were gonna perform but HolY Shit he wasn’t ready
the fit! the vocals! the rap! the performance! his baby!!!
he went from (・□・) to (♡□♡) in less than 0.5 seconds
like okay He knew you were a fucking god but AAAAA you look so good!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!!!
you did sosososososososo well and felix was sososososososososososososo proud
he’s trying to keep it lowkey but ultimately failing when you winked at the camera, he felt his soul leave his body
God (Name) Shut The Fuck Up I Have An Image!
rapper!seungmin needs a comeback okay bye
seungmin. yes. king of looking at you like you’re a complete idiot while still loving the fuck out of you. yes.
you, obviously, told seungmin about the performance the second you knew it was happening
so he knew it was happening — he was prepared
of so he thought
he was not prepared. at all.
he malfunctioned. very much.
you! YOU!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jeongin waved his hand in front of seungmins face bc my boy was in a daze
he was soooooo focused on your movement, clapping hard when the performance was done
jeongin stop growing juseyo
jeongin was REEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADY for your performance
he had been anticipating your performance the entire day,, and boy oh boy,, when it happened !!!!!!!!!!!!!
he was almost jumping up and down in his seat, but minho stopped him and held him down :(( minho u bitch
you always amaze him, even when you’re just breathing so when youre on stage,,, doing ur thing,,,,,,, he’s so fucjing in love with u oh my gOD
his mouth is slightly open and his eyes are glued to you, watching very , very , carefully so he can remember everything . e v e r y t h i n g
bruh when you get down from stage and meet him backstage be prepared bc hes not letting you go for the rest of the night
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reaperkaneki · 3 years ago
and now for my opinions on the individual routes! this is gonna get long so bear with me.
i played through the initial routes in the order of riku (blue) -> amakusa (green) -> yosuga (purple) -> kuroba (black). you could probably swap yosuga and kuroba depending on preference, or even insert tokisada between the two as a breather since purple and black have fairly heavy themes.
again, the game is romance-heavy compared to past localized otome. the structure is like this: the first half of a route is dedicated to ‘how the characters fall for each other’, the second is dedicated to ‘who objects to this relationship and also what horrible little facet of the game’s broken caste-based society are we concentrating on today’. so, romance -> antagonism and lore.
i would for sure recommend doing riku first, since his route has the least amount of spoilers for the other routes. at the very least i would definitely not do yosugas route before his because that has some revelations on the antagonist of riku’s route. i went in expecting riku to be my least favorite, but he was super cute and i ended up liking him way more than anticipated. i want to bully him a little bit. again, great for a first route.
i’ll go ahead and say that i didn’t like tokisada’s route very much. he’s only seventeen, so younger than olympia by a year, so he’s very youthful and fun at first and i enjoyed the first half of his route. his character arc is fine in theory; unfortunately, he didn’t really do it for me. he has a lot of complexes that are relatable, and a lot of genuine flaws that make sense given his trauma, but his route seemed to drag on forever and i was constantly caught between going ‘okay, this is an unhealthy but understandable and realistic trauma behavior, i should give him the benefit of the doubt’ and ‘wait this is an otome and i am not a therapist, i want to grab this little twink by the shoulders and shake him’. oh, one surprising thing though: he has a lot of kisses. for the youngest member of the cast, who definitely has no prior experience, he sure does have a lot of service? which is immediately killed by the fact that he calls olympia onee-san aaaaaAAAAAAA NOT DURING THE SPICY SCENES ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
yosuga is more plot-heavy of a route than i expected. all of the routes have some aspect of ‘certain things happened in the past that were covered up for the sake of maintaining the status quo on the island’ but other than the final two, this one has the most flavor of ‘are you sure you want to know’? while the romance was barely there compared to, say, tokisada’s where he drags you on dates for the first half of the route, i think i liked the antagonist in his route the most—they’re complex and while most antagonists in this game have suffered under some aspect of the island’s caste system and strict societal obligations, i felt the most sympathy here.
i expected either kuroba or akaza, maybe even yosuga, to be my favorite when the game was announced solely based on character design and seiyuu, and was a little hesitant when kuroba was described as an older brother type character. then i played the game and basically spent the three routes i did first pining after him. yes, he’s reliable and good with kids, but he’s actually the flirty jokester type with a serious side, and in many of the routes he plays an excellent wingman. truly the brosiest of bros. now that i’ve got my biased opinion of kuroba out of the way, his actual route? i’ve got mixed feelings. on one hand, the date scenes are really fun. kuroba grappling with ethical concerns as a doctor was handled well imo. on the other, the relationship goes through a lot of ups and downs. there are some moments where i wanted to shake him (and olympia!) by the shoulders because they’re both very. hm. guys. seriously. and lastly but most unfortunately there’s some scenes that. well. heavy content warning. sexual violence. not great. it mostly pulls together in the end, albeit somewhat messily.
speaking of plot heavy, himuka’s route is revelation after revelation about the world they live in. which is why it’s locked. (i actually thought while playing it, “what could akaza’s route possibly reveal that himuka’s hasn’t?”) but since i’m trying to keep this mostly spoiler-free, i’ll talk abt himuka himself. i liked him! he’s cute. he gives me orlok piofiore vibes. he’s very intense and socially awkward, and definitely puts olympia up on a pedestal that she doesn’t want to be on. he has very little self esteem, does a thankless job, and is self sacrificing. in short, he’s very, very similar to olympia in some respects, and utterly foreign in others, which makes him a good parallel for her.
akaza is obviously the ‘main guy’. it’s very hard to discuss his route without spoiling anything. i’ll do my best. he’s known as the iron mask, a nickname kuroba gave him as a joke but it stuck. he’s so serious it almost borders on the comical. he’s aggressive in his pursuit of olympia because she tends to avoid his romantic advances out of…. stubbornness and spite; she had a bad first impression of him because he declared he would marry her out of obligation if she couldn’t find a husband and that pissed her off majorly. this would come off as skeevy and ymmv but i think it’s handled decently well because it’s clear very early on in even the common route that olympia understands that akaza is not a bad person, he’s actually a very good, reliable man who hates injustice. akaza is fairly gentlemanly despite being pushy abt getting her to give him a chance—he explicitly talks abt consent a few times and that he won’t touch or kiss her without her permission. he’s blank faced and monotone but a good cook and a romantic at heart. the rest of his route? without spoilers, again, it’s hard. his antagonist is a hit or miss i think. some people might dislike that they’re inconsistent and hard to understand, and i totally get that, but i liked that said character explicitly states that they’ve got conflicting desires and don’t understand it completely themself. it’s paradoxical and that seems in line with their characterization. WAIT HOLD ON ONE MORE THING: akaza takes off his glasses during date scenes which makes his route a 0/10 booooooo we hate you.
my ranking for the guys based on person preference: kuroba > akaza / riku / himuka > yosuga > tokisada
akaza’s design does it for me over riku and himuka’s, riku’s character is cuter than the other two, and himuka has a certain je ne sais quoi that made me like him more than expected. they’re in the same spot because my favorite of the three changes based on what mood i’m in lol
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