#hope that answers your question :D
daydreamerwonderkid · 4 months
Your opinions on superman?
Sorry for taking forever to respond. I was trying to find a way to properly explain how I feel XD
I am absolutely in love with Clark Kent. There is something so amazing about how the core of Clark's character is that he genuinely wants to do good because he simply believes it's the right thing to do.
I give a lot of credit to Ma and Pa Kent, obviously, for instilling that in him at a young age. But I also believe that Clark was always naturally inclined to be a kind person. He displays an impressive level of emotional intelligence and empathy for nearly everyone he meets. He's not perfect, but he makes an effort to understand other's motivations and actions.
I also appreciate how much he adores and respects Lois. Clark can never run out of things to say about her. I find it refreshing that a main stay of his relationship with Lois is that he admires and acknowledges her skill as a journalist/reporter. He never tries to undermine her or discredit her. In fact, one of the main reasons he's attracted to her is her dedication to her career. That and her bravery in the face of any danger she encounters. Even when she really should have bowed out forever ago XD
I also think it's very telling that of all the members of the Justice League, Bruce's best friend (other than Diana) is Clark. To me, that right there shows even further what a fantastic person Clark is. Because despite being someone as notoriously private and often irrationally paranoid as Bruce is, he is still able to let his guard down around Clark. I find it heartwarming and sometimes even hilarious that Clark is able to get away with giving Bruce absolute shit and Bruce is, more often than not, willing to tolerate Clark's teasing or even his serious reprimands. They both value the other's opinion and trust each other with their lives.
What I think more recent adaptations of Superman have forgotten, is that Clark never has had an interest in being a god or in using his abilities to establish himself as something superior to mankind. It's the opposite. Clark has such a high degree of self control over his own powers because of just how perfectly aware he is of how easily he could hurt someone if he wanted to.
But Clark doesn't have a desire for power. He genuinely wants to help people because he has the ability to do so.
Tldr; The reason Superman is so great is because Clark is a great person.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 6 months
I saw this series of quotes and why do you think that hat has three stabs from buggy? Is it truly connected to shuggy? Could shuggy really be that important???
so, here are the tweets in question. (one of which is from @goingbuggy! hi there! this is, what, the third time someone’s asked me to talk about your tweets? i guess at least one of my anons is a fan.)
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i have wondered a time or two whether in oda’s early planning it might have been buggy who gave shanks that three-slash scar. (i’ve heard that oda originally had a five year plan for one piece, though i’ll admit i’ve never sought out a direct source for that.) in that case, the slashes through the hat might have been intended as foreshadowing.
but since buggy wasn’t the one to make that scar, instead it leads us to draw comparisons between these characters who both have wielded three blades on one hand. and maybe it’s just because they were both written as foils to luffy, but i find comparing buggy and blackbeard very interesting!
former warlord of the sea/current emperor of the sea
devil fruit user
served on a big name’s crew back in the day
intentionally went under the radar/overlooked for years
doesn’t really buy into concepts like “loyalty” or “honor,” happy to turn on a crew mate or backstab an ally if it’s to his advantage
used to wield three blades but these days prefers explosive-adjacent weapons
not happy to see red-haired shanks at marineford
fell into those positions by chance/years of plotting to get into those positions
a devil fruit with zero combat utility (besides avoiding damage)/possibly the devil fruit with the most combat utility? (though, unusually, he can take damage while wielding it)
their reasons for going under the radar (fear of being hunted down/working towards a secret goal)
the consequences for overlooking them (for shanks: losing buggy/losing to bb, or at least taking a very bad wound from him; for others: misinformation on a global scale/the literal paramount war)
buggy is a strong believer in the captain-crew bond, which bb absolutely does not buy into
type of three-bladed weapon (three throwing daggers, suggests flexibility, hidden motives, a preference for distance fighting; claw weapon, suggests light-footedness, straightforwardness—you know when a claw wielder is about to start fighting, he’s gone and put the claws on)
type of explosive weapon (bombs, suggests pre-planning, a preference for distance fighting, maximum damage for minimum effort; guns, suggests a flexibility on distance vs melee range, a willingness to threaten rather than kill outright)
why they didn’t want to see shanks (ugh, that guy pisses me off/i think that guy might literally kill me lmao)
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tio-trile · 1 year
Did you hate the season 2 finale? Are you still looking forward for season 3 because of it or are you turned off of looking forward for any tv show good omens from now on?
What season 2 finale? Good Omens has never been adapted into a TV show. I love the book tho!
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doink-boink · 29 days
wait so Zoey is not a zachbot with a disguise? like the ones in the episode Let the rhinos roll
she was actually built with human anatomy? :O
Yeah!! Maybe not FULL human anatomy, not really comfortable with that concept as she's a child, but yes!
She was made with the express purpose of being an android! Though she still possesses the ability to turn INTO a modified version of a Zachbot. Like that Zachbot in disguise in Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus! But that's just. Her "default" skin other than the human one ^^
Photo examples of that child in the episode so you don't have to go looking lol
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daz4i · 1 year
ohh if you do a character design analysis, i'd love to read one on atsushi and the removal of his beloved (to me) black stripe. could just be laziness but it's always been very strange to me
oooooo yeah i think the removal is out of "it would be a pain to add this to every frame he's in" D: same as the chain on chuuya's hat 😔
but as a general design analysis! atsushi actually has a lot going on!
lore wise, we know from some manga omake that 1 his hair looks like this bc he got a haircut from the kids in the orphanage 2 his clothes are a collection of stuff from the ada, each member got him a different piece
first off that's adorable. he's so cute. second i think it goes to show how affected he is by those around him - everything you can see on him besides his actual face was someone else's choice. i don't think it's entirely out of wanting to please others, more like being grateful to those who help him and are there for him, as well as not having enough of an established identity to make these choices on his own
atsushi's whole driving force for a good chunk of the story is to help others, so he can earn the right to live. and i think this is a good reflection of it! he is very dependent on the people in his life to confirm even the most basic of things (that he's allowed to live), and so it makes sense it'll be reflected in his design c: even if it ends up being mismatched or a mess of a haircut, he'll keep it this way, because that's physical proof that someone else gave him this permission, on him all the time
in addition to that, his design is mainly white with some splashes of black. that is ofc to oppose akutagawa's design, with the whole ying yang thing they've got going on
and ofc! to mirror the tiger! that's also why he has the black stripe in his hair, i think. black stripes on white fur hehe. as well as mirroring the smidge of white in akutagawa's hair imo! really hammer in the ying yang thing :P
it's interesting how his eyes are yellow and purple, usually a mix but sometimes with one overtaking the other. i think i read once that they're yellow when atsushi's more... protective and ig "good"? and purple when he's being vindictive or petty, but i could be misremembering/the thing i read might've been inaccurate, so pls take this with a grain of salt 🙏
still, whether or not that's true, i think this mix of colors is very interesting. to get into interpretation (which, tbf, this whole post is just that lol) it might be related to the time of twilight, governed by the agency? a connection between night and day, darkness and light. in a way, atsushi himself embodies that, by being the key to finding the book that every group in the story is looking for, that is the connecting force between everyone in the world due to its reality altering powers, but i like the idea that it's a subtle way of saying atsushi definitely belongs in the agency, and always has.
that's all i have now! i encourage others to offer their own takes, or cover anything i might've missed in the reblogs 🫡
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
Micro story: 33 Matsushima for the birthday boy!!
Micro Story Prompts: Saccharine
It's five o'clock on a Thursday afternoon when Yasuke writes in what will be Ryoko's notebook and hopes that Junko won't notice. Then, later, he goes to the ice cream shoppe and waits. Ten years ago to the day, his mother took him here and bought him the biggest, most extravagant something in the entire shop; he thought it was a reward for being good, but it was really a distraction from something bad. Junko stopped eating here when she became a model - something about needing to maintain her figure - but he remembers cotton candy stuck in bright red hair, chocolate smudged around saccharine lips. He waits four hours; when he despairs and stands to leave, hands shoved into his pocket, the bell dings at the door, and those old red eyes find his with a bright smile. (She'll stain her shirt. He doesn't care.)
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sass-squat · 1 year
Have any of the other Links seen Legend pull on his feathers? If so how did they react to seeing it for the first time? Also if they do know that he pulls when upset do they try getting his mind somewhere else like Warriors teasing him or the others allowing him to preen them?
Hello my friend! Excellent question! The answer is yes, everyone in the group has seen Legend pull at his feathers at LEAST once because it's kind of second nature to him now. Now the level of extremity they've seen of his plucking does vary between different Links however. For example, Time and Sky are the main ones who see him when he's REALLY bad to the point where he needs physical intervention because he's literally shaking and bleeding from it, whereas the younger members like Wind and Four usually only ever really see the "fidgeting" side of it.
You can basically compare his everyday feather fiddling as the equivalent of somebody biting their fingernails or repeatedly picking at a scab wound. It's usually not too bad, and it's a minor inconvenience at worst, but the severity of it can change depending on circumstances and can become a real problem if left alone.
As for how the others reacted to seeing his plucking for the first time, it actually wasn't that exciting or significant of an experience! The only one who was really concerned from the beginning was our resident bird lover Sky, mainly because he's had experience in seeing how that behavior can escalate into a real problem in both Loftwings and Hylians alike.
Now this is not to shame or underestimate the observational and emotional skills of the other Links by any means! In their defense, when they first saw Legend fiddling with his feathers it seemed to be a very casual, normal experience for him and they genuinely saw no harm in it. Again, it's like watching somebody absentmindedly biting their fingernails or picking at a scab. You don't usually put much thought into it.
However, once they witnessed his first really bad "episode" since joining the group, their opinions regarding the matter completely changed. Now, whenever the others start to notice him spiraling, they often act in many of the ways you listed! Whether they're teasing him or simply offering to spar with him, their ultimate goal is to distract him and keep his mind and hands busy. Any other efforts such as forcibly trying to make him rest or forcing him to talk about it usually just results in more yelling and fighting than actually helping, so they try to focus their efforts more on distraction rather than confrontation. This has resulted in many preening sessions that were...harsher than they needed to be and resulted in a lot more discomfort rather than actual helping, but the others are more than happy to make those sacrifices for their brother.
Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you again for all of your questions!!! I'm always more than happy to go into more detail if you have any further questions or theories! :D
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teratart · 1 year
to @fossilprep :
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At first, hello to paleo enthusiasts from the other side of the planet!
In October, we are waiting for the arrival of experienced paleontologists – Pavel Skutschas and Alexander Averyanov. I'm sure they'll be able to say more about who it dino was. And yes, we are going to make one or two sections from this specimen for histological analysis.
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sleeplesstories · 1 month
haii for the fanfic asks- A: How did you come up with the title to "Broken Ends and Twisted Seams"? (that tittle has stuck out in my head.. I like it a lot hehe) :3 !
Im glad you liked that one!
Whenever I can't easily come up with a title I brainstorm by listing out a bunch of word and phrases with vibes I think fit the fic (they're usually from song lyrics or stuff mentioned in the fic)
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For this one I sort of combined a few things since I couldn't make a decision lol.
Thanks for the ask! ♥️
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cogaytes · 1 month
I’ve been searching for a post for like twenty minutes about how saying Tam Song is emo can come from racist stereotypes and idk if the post in yours, but I did see you briefly mention that in your post about “the woobifiction of Tam” so I was hoping, if it would be too much trouble, if you could go into detail about that specifically? If not that’s 300% okay, no pressure, I just want to know what stereotypes and stuff to avoid, because I want to draw him as punk but idk if those sort of stereotypes overlap in the two genres etc. Sorry this is so long! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
yeah! i think i worded the original post badly; for me it's more people's stereotypes of what it means to be emo (being "repressed" and "moody" and "hiding their emotions") intersecting with stereotypes of asian men being repressed and not showing their emotions. the emo subculture is actually all about being sensitive and emotional, but i don’t think people necessarily know that, so people's ideas of emo get projected onto tam in ways that align with stereotypes imo. i also just in general think tam is more punk than emo haha
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cherryys · 2 months
I'm probably going to sound stupid but whatever i have been wondering about this since i started the series and idk who to ask:
So back at the start of the series, when we are introduced to the idea that you are responsible for the consequences of saving someone, yuji asks megumi why he saved him. This confused me even back then because to me it didn't feel like that was the case, even back then i didn't think Gojo would have let yuji just die like that. And i still think that Gojo would have saved Yuji from execution.
Yet, when Yuji and Megumi talk about it it's explained as Megumi saving Yuji from execution. Not only at the detention center, but also when Sukuna told Yuji that people would die because of him, Yuji's first though was that he didn't want Megumi to know.
Is this like, a matter of Megumi and Yuji genuinely thinking Gojo would have let Yuji die? or is it less about the actual act, and more about the intention, about Megumi thinking Yuji is someone that deserves to be saved? but that one doesn't explain Megumi being presented as partly responsible for the damage Sukuna does in Yuji's body.
I'm not joking when i say this has been driving me insane, please save me from my own lack of reading comprehension
Hi anon!! I'll answer to the best of my capabilities.
Yes, when Yuuji talks about Megumi saving him, he does mean when he told Gojo that he didn't want him to die. It is mostly about intention, and about their characters as a whole. Let me explain.
Megumi wanted to save Yuuji because Yuuji is a good person and he didn't want to see a good person die. That's why he told Gojo to save him from the execution. For Yuuji, that simple act of Megumi believing in him to be a good person enough (despite knowing him for like half an hour tops) to want to stop an execution (and go against regulations) is what it means for him that Megumi saved him. And for Megumi, that act of telling Gojo he didn't want him to die and to "do something about it" because Yuuji exactly fit the bill of the type of people he wants to save, is what it means that he saved him.
Megumi's character is very rooted in bearing responsibility and the burden of your actions, that's why because he made such a big decision to advocate for the walking time bomb that is Sukuna's Vessel, he shoulders the burden of that decision by bearing responsibility to anything Yuuji (and by extension, Sukuna) does.
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That's why he says our fault at the end of Shibuya. He holds himself responsible for any and all damage Sukuna makes because he was the one that chose to keep Yuuji alive, that chose to go against Jujutsu Regulations to save him just because he's a good person (and a decision he's yet to regret). To him, the moment he chose to save Yuuji, they were in this together. They both shouldered the burden of Sukuna. (Though currently in the manga, this became more real lol)
While Gojo did have his own agenda of why he wanted to save Yuuji (foster powerful allies) Megumi's request had a sizable sway in his decision. Seeing his student that normally follows the rules of being a Jujutsu Sorcerer and who (probably) never actually went out of his way to request something from Gojo (considering we know they rarely ever train together) affected the decision greatly. For Gojo, seeing Megumi want to save someone so much so he wants him to avoid execution, meant that he saved him.
The situation is not so literal, as Gojo was the one who did save him from the execution, but Megumi wanting Yuuji to live and asking that of his teacher means, to all three of them, that Megumi was the one that saved Yuuji.
If i were to make an analogy, I'd say Yuuji is the defendant, Megumi is the lawyer, and Gojo is the Judge. Sure, the Judge is the one who decides to save the Defendant from a death sentence, but it's the Lawyer that presents their case to try and get the Defendant off of death row. The defendant doesn't say "the Judge saved me" when they get pardoned, but they say "my Lawyer saved me" does that make sense? Im really terrible at analogies sorry lol
I hope i explained it well anon!! sorry if i kept repeating any points / or didnt make sense in some areas (╥_╥) if its still confusing you let me know and ill try to explain it in a better way idm!!! i want people to understand the source material as much as possible so ask away!!! (No powerscaling stuff though i suck at that...)
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sneez · 2 months
sorry if you already answered it before, but where did the quote in your profile come from? Also why did you choose this exact quote? ^^ i love you btw :,D
i love you too!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ not a problem, it has been a long time since anyone has asked :D it is a fryderyk chopin quote! i love chopin (i had a very intense Chopin Phase a few years ago which some here may remember) and i find it very poignant. i can't remember the context in which it was written so i wouldn't want to impose any kind of 'objective' reading upon it, but i try very hard to be as appreciative and positive a person as i can be in the world and the quote touches me for that reason. i shall at the very least always strive to have green in my heart :-)
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initforthelolzz · 11 months
When will part 6 of goddess x god hunter au will come out? Also if law was in danger by akainu I'm just curious to see what would happen
If you’re talking about the next part of the drawn Godslayer au, it will come out as soon as I can find the time to draw it. I do have sketches at least! But finals are coming up and my life has gotten SUPER busy because of it, so it might be a hot second. This is still a top priority of mine and I’ll get it out asap. I’m planning on releasing multiple pages at once, too, so there will be more next time!
However, if you’re absolutely dying to know what happens next, I have posted this same story in written format on ao3 if you wanted to check that out. I’m much better at writing than I am at drawing so there is much more of the story in that format atm! (I titled it “Godslayer,” how creative.)
Both written and drawn updates are on hold rn due to lack of time 💔 BUT I will get them out as fast as possible
As for your other question, Akainu would have been alive in this universe during the Age of Chaos, when Nika got imprisoned 1,000 years ago.
He is dead in this timeline, BUT IF HE WAS STILL ALIVE AND LAW WAS IN DANGER, then I feel as if it would play out like this:
Godslayer revolves around Law freeing Luffy instead of killing him, and in return Luffy will destroy a certain man for him. The two of them grow close as they pursue this mission together, and if Akainu was on the table then he would most definitely be out to get Luffy and put him back in his prison. But Akainu is no god, and would have to resort to underhanded tactics to have even the slightest chance at Luffy.
Naturally he turn to Law, Luffy’s one and only weakness. He’d likely hold Law hostage in an attempt to get an opening on Luffy
But Luffy is a god, and Akainu would be foolish to assume that he could ever get the better of someone so powerful
Naturally, Luffy would shift into his god form and instantly destroy Akainu without a second thought, saving Law from danger and proving a level of commitment and human connection that is uncharacteristic of the gods this world has grown to fear
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zerozeroren · 5 months
I personally love how many jobs Sophie seems to have but I gotta ask -- what does Sophie do for work?
So outside of being an actress (she became a full employee at the local musical theatre at the end of Attitudes), she is also a voice actor.
This is her primary occupation tbh. It is what she's been doing since she was 4: she voices various ads, audiobooks, cartoon characters (her favourite), video game characters, dubs, etc. She's really good at it, and there's always work for her out there. After some soul searching in her adult life she even realises that she prefers voice acting to being on stage in person.
Additionally, she's doing some freelance work by performing at different events, restaurants, venues and so on. You know, these events with life music where the music is mostly there for the atmosphere/ambiance. This type of work is usually one time or seasonal, so she cramms it in between other stuff she's currently doing. But by the end of Attitudes she desides to stop: she was wearing herself too thin and needed to drop something in order to not drop dead from exhaustion.
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OH I DO ACTUALLY HAVE ONE QUESTION IM CURIOUS ABOUT & i dont Think it'll be big spoilers? feel free 2 ignore if it is. but like wheree is rockfall/newhaven/surrounding area, like, geographically. assuming the country they're in is somewhat analogous to the usa. r they east coast west coast midwest.... i wanna knoww... 👀👀👀
OH OH UHHHH. THERE IS ACTUALLY A MAP theyve neber posted it because its pretty much just taken directly from the mutants and masterminds rulebook with a handful of names and places changed (i cannot send it to u yet bc there are a few places u havent heard of yet so remind me to do that later) BUT. IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY. rockfall is either slightly north or south of new haven, new haven is on the east coast, [other big city u dont know the name of yet] is also on the east coast "a few territories away from new haven" so like. a couple states i guess (?), deadwood is pretty far away to the west, like. roadtrip/fly in a plane length away .
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ectoplaasm · 1 year
📓 muahahahaha >:D
FOLLOW THE CHAMPION OF UNOVA AS SHE (not Iris) EXPERIENCES THE WONDERS OF SINN--huh? You mean to tell me that the Champion of Unova keeps sleeping in the patch of grass outside of the Valley Windworks? Because she thinks Sinnoh is boring?
This is, like, a retelling of the Team Galactic arc in DPPT but instead of Dawn/Lucas meddling it's the Unovan Champion (again--not Iris--just an OC of sorts). Here, Team Galactic is less obviously evil and doing things far more lowkey than in the actual game. Champ keeps napping outside of the Valley Windworks because no one goes there and she's drained from celebrity status in Sinnoh. Cyrus (who owns the place in this AU [I guess is what we'll call it]) starts walking by bc he's doing work for power there; he notices that a random woman is constantly passed out outside of his "establishment" and they talk. After an eventual heated battle (that Champ wins) he asks if she wants to be his bodyguard because his Galactic operation is starting to get dicey and he requires intimidation at business meetings. Champ is unaware that Team Galactic is evil-evil at this point, so she agrees because Cyrus' weird personality interests her and also she is bored. After a few days of working and collecting information, she relays the info to Cynthia during their weekly check-in and Cynthia is like "Sounds suspicious. Keep spying since you're a foreigner" and Champ is like yes MA'AM and so keeps spying. As the Champ continues to learn about Cyrus' twisted view on the world, she starts to connect some of the dots between the research she is privy to and Cyrus' mindset, and decides she's going to "befriend" him to prevent him from going through with the Brand New World thing. She thinks it'll work because he has a Crobat (which she noted was treated far more kindly in their battle than the rest of his Pokemon).
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