#homestuck rant
paradubolical · 4 months
you don't know what I'd give to be the age I am now during this time period
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imagine getting to go out and meet people who were just as crazy about your interests as you
that's like the sort of thing I only get to do online. ugh. i have one friend irl that read homestuck and liked it and one that's in the process of reading it. and it's the best. but they're not like as batshit obsessed as me it's just not the same
like imagine I get to talk with friends about all the cringe aspects of Homestuck like the fantrolls and my genuine love for the series
i would just pass away
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vampiric-kitty · 5 months
Vrissy/Tavros yap session
I don't think in the comic there's ever been a healthy show of kismesises besides these two. They are fated rivals and they care about each other.
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In both these instances Vrissys attention is on Tavros. She tells him to skedaddle so they won't get caught even though she says earlier that he'll be ok because he's a Crocker. She wants him to come with. The narrator mentions that she can't lose him which is the whole reason she helps carry Gamzee's corpse in the first place. In the second picture she talks about the time John tried to kidnap him. Tavros thinks she's saying this so he'll do what she wants but looking at how her quirk is (she's getting more stressed and angry) she's being genuine about it.
When Tavros comes to pick up the Vriskas, he kicks Gamzee's corpse. Vrissy says he'll get a kick out of seeing him dead. Vrissy knows how he feels about Gamzee. When Tavros is distressed afterwards Vrissy does her best to try and confront him. Vriska just stands off to the side and pretends like nothings wrong because she doesn't care. She actively puts both Vrissy and Tavros in dangerous situations just as she did with Tavros (Nitram) and kind of expects Vrissy to do the same to Tavros (Crocker) but she doesn't. Unlike Vriska, Vrissy does care. She cares a lot. She knows Tavros and respects him.
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When she sees Vriska trying to manipulate Tavros into helping her discard Gamzee's body because he's a huge pushover she immediately butts in and says "Tavros, don't listen to her." Her concern is always somewhat on Tavros no matter what the situation is. When Harry Anderson starts getting mad at Tavros and calls Jane Tavros's hitlermom, Vrissy defends Tavros. In Tavros's side he knows when Vrissy is upset. Like he can genuinely tell when she's angry or upset. He knows what makes her upset and what doesn't. (Ex: knowing that when someone other than him calls her uncool or unmoots her she gets upset even if she doesn't visibly show it.) They do care about each other.
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It's obviously shown that Tavros is a huge pushover. Despite having Crocker immunity he's still scared, when they're hiding from the special police and news reporters from inside Roxy's house they have a conversation where Vrissy tries to lighten the mood with a relationship base joke
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She tells him explicitly that it was to lighten the mood because she can see he's sweating nervously. She does also say that she genuinely hates it when he does that but she could just be trying to keep her cool girl status in front of him. When Tavros worries about being rude Vrissy says it's ok and she doesn't care. Yes, they aren't the best example of kismesises but they are the healthiest example. Like Vrissy does use her mind control thingy on him but literally just to occasionally make him do a silly dance. Ok that's it I'm crazy bye
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every moment in homestuck that anyone* mentions roxy (( *dirk )) whats said is "shes the only one of us who realized she had a problem and actually stopped it.." yet people still only draw her with wine glasses in her hand that is just fucking sad, god forbid women have character development that isnt silly and cute to draw
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skybluesocks · 1 year
Hi I don't know what the fuck im talking about here is a weirdly personal ramble about Tavros from my homestuck rotten brain I sent my friends from the fucking hairdresser:
Im having such complex thoughts on tavros while the pink dye is being applied so I put them here rather than subject my poor hairstylist to them: im just thinking about how like, he's a "late bloomer" so to say. Like, he still plays childish games, he's obsessed with fairies and pupa pan and games. His life sucks, and just keeps going downhill, and it makes him retreat into these sources of escapism, but its not actually solving the problem. I think about him telling Jade "the only fun I ever had playing this game is when I was asleep" a lot. He's a heartbreak feeling left behind by your peers. I see a lot of 20 such year olds freaking out over how they have friends getting married and having careers, but its also something so entrenched in puberty. You feel left behind socially as kids around you start getting their owns complexes to disregard and abandon "childish" things. This is seen so many times, a lot in Vriska but also a lot of the other trolls and even the kids, and a lot of them expressthis *to Tavros* . But tavros doesn't abandon this things, they're like, the best things in his life. Like, ni wonder he didn't know what to do when vriska kissed him, or when gamzee offered to make out, I would have had the same reaction at that age. Meanwhile I have heard people directly talk to me in 8th grade about having make out session in previous years. This doesn't have a point, im just having a lot of thoughts I can even imagine how long this is by now oh boy I guess its also like, I know I keep hammering home how the story seems to forget how young its own characters are, but tavros very much feels his age.
Yeah anyways I may be unpacking further why I relate (me at 13) to tavros. I was always friends people younger than me, I was into "childish" things, absolutely massive prude, I didn't even start my period until 8th grade. I understand how he's feeling, especially being pushed so much by vriska to grow up. She has that part talking about how he's always too late. Sorry "l8" "too l8 to kiss me. Too l8 to kill me." And everything she does doesnt work, if anything it does the opposite. She says she wants to make him stronger, but she's the reason he's disabled. She wants him to grow a spine, to fight back at her, but all of her lashing out only tears him down more, she wants him to kill her when she ascends to godhood, but he can't and its implied he was ashamed and horrified and he slept so much to escape thinking about it. He's falling behind, and he's not able to help his team the same way, I won't deny that, but can you *really* blame him? Hes a sad, scared, lonely kid, and his life frankly kinda sucks my poor little meow meow out in the rain. But like yes he does very little to actually fight back and improve his situation. He's very passive, things really just happen to him. Wow ok for surface level tavros is my son, but also he *is* pretty annoying, but also he's me at 13, but also a wet cat in the rain and its a lite his fault but thats gonna be a whole other tangent becauseI haven't even gotten into how well he maintainsa smile, but also fuck vriska a little bit, she's **really** not helping
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strawberrynightmere · 3 months
I have to confess something.
I do not like dirkjake. And before anyone jumps me, let me explain why.
The whole premise of their relationship was "if johndave did happen, but it was angsty and sort of homophobic." Like both of them had their own problems to deal with, and it affected their relationship. Speaking of which, whenever it came to their relationship, neither of them wanted to work through it. They avoided each other when it became too much, Dirk isolated himself, and Jake bothered Jane about their relationship. I'll repeat, Jake bothered another friend of his (who also had a crush on him) about the romantic relationship that was falling apart.
Since I'm already mentioning Jane, let me tell you how badly she was treated by the fandom because of this ship. Like any female character that is close with one or both of the male characters, the fandom had named her a heinous bitch for "getting in the way of the gay couple" (in some cases Roxy was too). And don't ever look at me in the eye and say that when the said couple neglected everything around them with their relationship. Jane blowing up at Jake after listening to him whine about Dirk for the umpteenth time, was in my eyes justified. imagine, ending up playing a game tho reset the universe and your dad who has protected you from assassination attempts is missing, you died at one point (and probably saw your own corpse and the corpses of your best friends), finding out offscreen that your alien friend got killed by her twin brother for dominance over the body they both possessed and then making a birthday party to hold some sort of sanity in your life and here calls that friend you had a crush on complaining about his relationship again while forgetting that it was your birthday, again.
Even when they broke up, they needed Jane and Roxy to pick up their slack and get them to be friends. I hoped that when Jane and Dirk talked about Jake that I would have probably liked the ship or found it tolerable.
But fucking NO! The Homestuck Epilog came out and the early 2010's Homestuck bullshit. Jane became an alien-hating-fashist (I don't care what anyone says. It's was very out of character) and made Dirk and Jake some kind of "tragic, uwu couple that are still pining for each other."
There was a lot I didn't like about the writing in Homestuck, but the retconning of the characters (Vriska and Gamzee included) was too much.
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cadavercanine · 6 months
Tried reading the candy homestuck epilogues and almsot fucking killed myself
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k3agn · 2 years
Quick Theory Rant Brain Ghost Dirk
Wanted to do quick coverage of this fleeting idea in my head (fitting) since I’ve been back on a Homestuck Theory grind thanks to my brains inability to leave it alone. So…here we go?
So with the release of the Extended Zodiac Aspect descriptions, Hope has been unequivocally linked with Imagination. Brain Ghost (BG) Dirk goes on to explain that two factors help make him responsible: Pages having a lot of untapped potential (that’s all the class is basically, is how he puts it), and that Hope is an especially potent combo (something something holy shit). The only other major relevant factor with this could be Dirk existing as a collection of splintered consciousness, and that the splinter exists more easily in Jake’s head than anyone else’s due to the aforementioned factors.
Now BG Dirk isn’t a fraymotif, but the combo nature of it initially makes me think of the tag-team moves we saw in Collide. In reality, it seems more to me like Jake’s imagination is just real fertile soil, not unlike Skaia. To deliver on my promise of brevity, there’s two major takeaways I got: Hope acts as a medium for making the imaginary into reality through belief and conviction - as a defined part of the skill set, and that Pages are largely undefined by design, making a long challenging journey towards power similarly to a pawn on the chessboard.
So the tl;dr of this idea before I take the time to make full on dissections is this: Between the Blank Page and Imagination bits being real cool for the sheer lack of detail they can inherently provide, it seems not only plausible to me but likely that Pages have this sort of flexibility inherently like how a Pawn can choose what piece it is to become when it reaches the other end of the board. Minor supporting evidence in the form of Jake’s two big power ups happening at the end of their respective “arcs” for lack of a better word (GAME OVER, the fight with Caliborn’s production), and being able to create an imaginary copy of his god tiered Heart player, make them real, and then the copy have access to the full range of Dirk powers that hadn’t been used by the real Dirk yet.
Bonus Section I guess?
- Hope Symbol is a core chess color
- at the end of their respective narratives (in this case GAME OVER Jake), both pages are able to amass pretty substantial armies of angels or ghosts (although I guess Aradia is able to have an army of doomed bots so grain of salt here ig).
- Knight also being a cool chess piece known for its unique tactical pattern.
I’ll probably come back to this idea in greater depth as I try to figure out the classes better because I can’t leave well enough alone. Hope someone else enjoys this pure string of chaos.
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pastabaguette · 17 days
look guys i don’t like to argue but i hate it when people portray equius and nepeta like this:
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i mean, they’re both just thirteen, come on.
equius is not her parental figure, and nepeta isn’t a fussy baby that can’t eat her fruits and veggies! equius isn’t some malicious evil guy, he’s just a stupid little teenager. that goes for eridan too (and i guess like, all of the trolls, but especially those two). nepeta’s not some innocent little baby. she’s the same age as all her friends. she kills huge wild beasts on the regular for consumption.
a lot of dubs i’ve seen, too, make nepeta sound like a toddler, and equius like a whole grown adult man, and i don’t really like it because neither of them are those things. (granted, i don’t watch too many dubs, so maybe i am wrong on this)
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terraco-07 · 5 months
My current Homestuck hot take is more people need to like Kanaya and actually think about her and until then you need to stop writing her. Girl who has so much going on but gets reduced to Rose's wife, passive observer, or hot violent alien girl. I need a special Bechdel test. Can you write Kanaya doing something totally on her own away from Rose while talking to someone without mentioning Rose. You can substitute romantic interest in for Rose if you write her with someone else.
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foreversagacious · 25 days
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lil hal save me lil hal…
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1mlostnow · 2 months
HEY! Hey. hey. hey..
If you’re an mlm shipper. Listen to this…
It is blatantly homophobic. To always make. One of them. The twink. And one. The bear. It is homophobic. To always make. One of them. Feminine and sub. And one masc and top. Quit doing that. It’s. Just. Homophobic. To always want one to be the ‘woman’, and another to be the ‘man’.
Yk how most gays hate being asked “who wears the pants in the relationship?” Yeah? Think about it. That’s exactly what you’re doing. This goes out to many different communities. And also applies to wlw/gnc relationships.
Will Graham is not as feminine as fics and Art like to make him seem. Neither is Castiel. Or James Wilson.
There doesn’t always have to be a ‘man’ and a ‘woman’ in queer relationships. That’s the whole fucking point. RB if you agree because I am so mad rn.
An edit to the original post : please check out all additions and reblogs. I have made multiple edits and adjustments through rbs after receiving feedback on this post :))
Another insert : key word is always. We see it less recently, but it’s still prevalent and still a harmful stereotype to push queer relationships into.
Third and hopefully final addition : please don’t explain your kinks to me. I’m a minor.
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stimpry · 1 month
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mad scientist eridan au doodles + sprite edit i gotta write all my ideas down for this or something maybe make a fic abou tit who knows i just really really like this au i made check the tags for my ranting about it
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slavhew · 24 days
Consider drawing.. a Dirk with longer hair. A mullet, mayhaps. Maybe with Dave. The Mullet Brothers.
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finally scraped into my askbox this stream- ive never drawn mullets before so i hope this is close enough ahah :'D
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pastacrylic · 2 months
i hate homestuck fans for the way they constantly treat and misgender andrew hussie. so much. they keep saying "arent [they] like 40" as if you have to stop being queer after you turn 25 or something
they want sanitized rosenaya lesbian relationships where everything goes well and everyone is happy and acts straight not real actual queer people expressing themselves
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 months
DIRK, thinking out loud: …I hate the way you walk, the way that you talk, I-
[Awkward silence…]
DIRK: [Kisses Jake]
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atomic-sludge · 4 months
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Hehe funni homestuck
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