#stinky stinky trolls
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terrifiedtrinket · 4 months ago
TW. YAPPING!!!!! and i think i say cum once or twice probablie
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i feel like at most they smell neutral??? or however tf bugs smell
but especially like while and before they play the game?? at the very least they dont smell traditionally nice.
they dont smell like flowrrs and nice things
like no hate to the person who said she would smell like sour candy but like….. why?
i feel like if the troll blood castes were scented, olive blood would have a more natural scent and they wouldn’t be sweet
the meowrails stink. i love them. but they stink.
equius smells like BO and motor oil and nepeta probably smells like cat piss.
ALSOOOSODOSOSOSO i feel like it’s really weird when people imply or headcanon that the trolls have flavored cum?? like tht feels weird
i feel like even if they did it probably wouldnt be human flavors like chocolate
i dont even wanna think about what i think their cum would taste like tho so im not even gonna try to form an opinion. you do u mann(or do the homestuck trolls ig bc clearly thats ur thing)
i mean clearly not all of their smells are unbearable because clearly the humans dont mind it too much(or at least dont say anything) but also a lot of the biggest offenders are dead so
gamzee smells like drugs. and. dead trolls.
he’s the only i can maybe see smelling sweet because of all the faygo
ik if they were humans they would stink too
like vriska would lie about taking showers i just know it. vriska would drench herself body spray and claim she showered.
trolls wouldn’t smell sweet at the very least
they come from murder land
they don’t smell like vanilla dream
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zivazivc · 4 months ago
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drew this when we had a few of those rainy foggy autumn days in a row, which you just wanna spend inside, being cozy and doing nothing
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pilkypills · 4 months ago
Remember how Thorin got everyone to play along when Bilbo was doing his parasites bit but still went all “oooh no thanks to your stupid burglar” after gandalf saved them?? 🤨 what was that all about? Did he get what Bilbo was doing or not???
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hey-hey-j · 10 months ago
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future!AU doodles from this week.
They got into Barb's eyeliner 😔
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kailings · 15 days ago
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✨The Magnificent Marvus✨
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i-ate-a-purse · 7 months ago
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threbe · 4 months ago
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So I finally got around to watching the final season of moomin valley 2019 and I have to say it was real hard to get through this season for several reasons I think one of the main reasons at least for me is because I wasn't ready for it to end there are so many more stories they could tell with this show especially if they're basing it off of the book
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or especially the '90s cartoon which I can tell they took a major inspiration from when doing a lot of this show but another thing is is that it kind of felt like luster a lot of the plots that happened felt like something that should have happened in season 1 the way moomin troll acted in a few of the episodes seems like how he would act in the first season when he wasn't is yours confidence himself but he did show his character development and other moments that did seem like they were in character for him or at least raise here should be,
I also noticed that with other characters they seemed more in character where they should be with their character development especially characters like snufkin especially in the comet in moomin valley episode moomin troll wanted to go on the adventure alone by himself and usually snufkin would have just let moment have his own space and do his own thing and let him go on the venture by himself but this time we see snufkin trying to tag along with moomin it's kind of like their roles have reversed and I think it's kind of nice that way where we're seeing one character who used to be real extroverted and wanted his space be more open and we're seeing another character who although he was extroverted and really open try to break out more and do things on his own and appreciate his own form of solitude similar to his friend
It really is kind of like they're parallel in each other and I really did enjoy the final moments we did get to see what these two characters I was kind of really disappointed when we got the episode where was The mid Winter bonfire originally in this episode you could tell that snufkin was just looking for a place to lay low with his thoughts by himself during the cold cold winter but then he accidentally woke up moomin troll
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I think if they hadn't been interrupted they actually probably would have just enjoyed each other's company we saw in the last season when they were both on the lonely mountain that moomin did learn to respect snufkin want for peace and quiet at certain times so I'm sure there would have been quiet and peaceful moments between them yet still may have fun moments as well I honestly was hoping that it would just be an episode of them
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at least part of the episode where it was just them both having fun together since we haven't really gotten to see that and what feels like a while or at least that's how it feels to me since there was such a long wait between seasons
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And even though this is the final season it just doesn't feel like it like I said maybe it's due to the fact that some of these episodes just felt like episodes that would have been better suited for the first season maybe the second
There are a lot more episodes with sniff who I'm going to be honest is not one of my favorite characters I'm sorry if you like him I just can only tolerate him so much on screen without him whining or trying to scheme to get some prize
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surprisingly I did like the episodes with stinky in it they were actually kind of fun and enjoyable stinky is actually always been an enjoyable character and the '90s and this adaptation I'm glad we got to see him some of the episodes I could have really did without like the one about the vampire bat that could have just been like a side b plot for another episode and I'm going to be honest even comet in moomin valley felt real lackluster to me
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not because it was the end it's just how it was done just felt like it could have been a bit more original or I don't know some of the adventures even if they're blatant copies of what we got in the '90s show at least a bit more fun this just felt like they were making this episode just to make it because it's always been an important part of the show and the series itself
I don't know maybe I should give it a rewatch and maybe my opinion will change but right now this is just my opinion for that episode there are a few other things I like but like many others I'm really salty that we finally got to joxter and like in the 90s he and snufkin never get to meet which sucks they were right near each other
Maybe we'll get a special episode one day and they'll meet but
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What was the point, I think another thing I also kind of felt like wasted time with the season besides the episode with the bat and Moomin papas former caretaker from the orphanage like that bad episode in the caretaker thing could have all been want episode and again it's not like I'm not excited Joxter
In person actually interacting with the characters in current time instead of in flashbacks like the 90s version but it felt like he was just there as fan service for for us and that's it
I wish they had maybe had him do a bit more even though he comes off his relaxed days are cool and tired and honestly like a stoner I wish they had like showed him doing like a bit more like the episode with the seahorses when they were looking for the boat and stuff could have just been combined with his episode it all could have came together and all of the characters could have just met all together while dealing with the seahorse thing and the boat and the kraken squid or whatever it was and met joxter there
Sorry this just seems all over the place this isn't really meant to be a review I'm just posting my thoughts and seeing what others felt about the season as well I did really like little my and snork maiden this season , like I said earlier in the post they really felt like they were in character with how they developed so far except for the episode with the seahorses and snork maiden was falling for their BS usually she seems more a bit level-headed but this also did kind of seeming character if I think about it with how she's active before and some episodes like I said I'm going to have to give these a rewatch at some point and then maybe give another opinion
I really do that hope that at some point we do get more moomin valley I'm really going to miss this show I really looked forward to seeing the new seasons that will come out I got into this show I believe in 2022 and by the end of the show was already up to season 2 and I had the 90s version and other material to look at but I really am going to miss this version it was a fun reboot that they did for the show maybe if I'm lucky in 10 years we'll get another one or maybe if I'm lucky they'll put out some more video games and we can all just combine the cutscenes and those can be like a new season or a show or episode cuz I've seen people do that on YouTube and considering the animation in the show it would do good to have it it's like a video game where it had different levels and stuff and maybe different interactions with the characters could level up what character you're playing and how they develop I don't know that's just an idea
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daisukerine · 2 months ago
they said not to say more cause you’ll evict them. But erm. They said you cheat at board games what the flip man.
you’re not sigma, I bet you cheat at block blast too to impress nobody >:( next thing you’re gonna say is you use axe body spray you smelly cheater smh smh
(Alsoooo mod, for mor music recommendations, I recommend tally hall, panic! At the disco, Chappell roan, Penelope Scott, Bo burnham, and Jack Stauber. I know that’s a lot and kinda basic but like they’re good trust)
— 🌟🎀
HEY, NOW WHAT??? WHO SAID THAT??? that's an actual FUCKING LIE, i don't do that shit, i swear on my overalls! ACTUALLY BRO... whoever snitched, i swear, i'm gonna actually cork them... they're trolling, i swear.
and dude??? what do YOU know about being sigma?? i'm like, TOTALLY the sigmaest of them all. when i go look at the mirror, i see an absolute hunk of a chad. like, i'm LITERALLY the definition of sigma sigma on the wall. watch what you say... i bet you're like, a total beta.
HOLD ON HOW DOES ANYBODY EVEN CHEAT??? AT BLOCK BLAST???? i'll have you know i got 36k as my highest score FAIR AND SQUARE. pun intended but i bet you didn't catch that did you??? that's cause your HEAD'S UP YOUR ASS, and the only smelly thing you're smelling isn't my axe body spray, but yourself. BE ASHAMED.
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demonicnarwhale · 6 months ago
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FINALLY I HAVE FINISHED THESE MFS OAUGH YIPPIE (looks at all the other trolls i got in line) but it feels so good that all their icons have the same theme (for toyhouse and spotify yay)
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soda-kazoo · 1 year ago
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ratsnatcher2000 · 6 months ago
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Stinky's first hike.
This has been a ratsnatcher2000 production, ratsnatcher2000 out!
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readythefanons · 2 years ago
I don't presume to speak for ALL fanfic writers, but I'll happily go on the record and say that I LOVE getting comments* on my fics, regardless of how recent they are. Posted today? Posted months ago? Posted 7 years ago? YES PLEASE.
Old fandom? Current fandom? Random one-off? Yep yep yep.
For me, getting a comment on an old fic is like bumping into an old friend and seeing that they're doing well. It's just lovely that this thing I put time and love into is still out there, still being found, and still being enjoyed.
I encourage people who are unsure about commenting on "old" fics to give it a try. You might make someone's day!
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hey-hey-j · 1 year ago
me on March 28, 2023: oh cool a new Trolls movie, yeah I guess I'll check it out in November
me on March 28, 2024:
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kailings · 1 year ago
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GAMZEE!!!! 🖤💜💚
Like also go check out my other socials! (Their in my bio!) But yeah I love the skinny old fandom that is homestuck with my stinky favorite purple character!
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i-ate-a-purse · 6 months ago
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lizzstarkiller · 10 months ago
Happy thinking abt how What if confirmed my headcanon that Hela isn’t Frigga’s daughter
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