fierce to his last breath.
2K posts
ARCHIVED. now at atlaslain 
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
This blog is officially archived and has been remade at @atlaslain ! You’re more than welcome to follow me there if you wish.
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
This blog is officially archived and has been remade at @atlaslain ! You’re more than welcome to follow me there if you wish.
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
This blog is officially archived and has been remade at @atlaslain ! You’re more than welcome to follow me there if you wish.
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
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             indie | highly selective | private | 18+ | returning blog, remake of atlaslain. * personals, do not reblog.
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
y’all im nearly done revamping this blog --- all that’s left is to archive this one, shift a few posts over to the remade one, shift my url over and then promo myself!! IM EXCITED TO WRITE MY BEST BOY AGAIN 
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
hey can a bro get a smooch
Cloud’s so distracted in tallying out delivery receipts and deposits in his books that he doesn’t notice when Zack (supposedly) swaggers into the bar, even though the bell Tifa put above the door does register somewhere in his mind. He jumps in a fashion—straightening out his shoulders, sitting up with eyes wide—when the other man leans against the counter next to him, says what he does. He chews on the end of his pen as he judges Zack’s dopey grin, the one he’s always had for as long as Cloud’s faulty memories allow him to recall. It warms something in his chest, and suddenly he’s antsy to be out the door and in open air, open space.
Still though—Cloud’s stingy, a curmudgeon on some days, and he’d hate to break from his namesake personality all for a little unearned mercy. He takes the pen out of his mouth, taps his receipts book with it, and doesn’t break the leveled gaze with which he challenges Zack’s casual vibrancy and affectations. The silly man’s eyes are sparkling, and Cloud fears he’s growing ridiculously fond ridiculously quickly. “Y’gonna pay me? S’fifty gil.” 
He falters like Cloud expects—jolting into a slump, an exasperated ”Aw, c’mon, Cloud!”—and he warms further, cheeks dusting pink, a laugh in the back of his throat that he swallows down. 
He gives in, though. He can’t resist—he’s never been able to resist. He turns into Zack’s space, curls a hand into his shirtfront, pulling him down and into himself. He slots their mouths together, soft, gentle, quick. Pulling back to breathe a simple sigh, and his hands rest themselves along either side of Zack’s face as he kisses him again, a little deeper, a little more assertive, unmistakably devout. 
“I guess I could bill you…” he mutters, letting go and shifting away, fingertips touching his lips, reveling in the ghosts of sensation—and all at once the low bar lighting becomes too dull, the air too thin, the space not enough for everything he’s feeling. Like the world needs more of him, more of Zack, more of the both of them together. A sweetly cloying guilt of selfish ambition burdening his morale. Zack is almost too much trouble. He huffs, and can’t keep the smile from his face, so he stands and turns toward the door, work left forgotten as his heart races.
“Hm. You know, debts are for schmucks, and I’m hungry.” He throws the suggestion over his shoulder, peering back at Zack with the kind of stubborn insistence he first learned at his ma’s knee. “So——you can pay me back, now.” 
Maybe he’d thrown in another smooch for free, later. 
if u don’t take me out we’re gonna have Problems™ @atlaslain
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
me [calling mall security]: check your security cameras right now mall security: there’s a guy doing squats, but I don’t see much- me: yea that’s me, critique my form
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
my dumbass brain: log into ur zack blog me, immediately remembering that i would die for zack fair, the love of my life, my reason for existing, the best boy in the world: o h
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
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the arrow has left the bow of the goddess.
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
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                               DEMYX OF KINGDOM HEARTS, as written by kit.                                               ( private / selective / semi-active ) — so, i’ve had a lengthy break from tumblr and i’m hoping to get back into rp. starting back out with an old favourite character seemed like the right way to go. lookin’ forward to getting back into this. feel free to give this a like / reblog if you’d be down to rp.
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
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me:   i didn’t really miss tumblr user @atlaslain that much– *trips* *hundreds of pictures of atlaslain spill out of my pockets* listen okay these aren���t mine i don’t even know who atlaslain is i’m just *tries to gather them up frantically* listen i– just listen *thousands of pictures of atlaslain fall to the ground* fUCK i’m just holding them for a friend okay just LISTEN
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
i’ve been going back through my old posts ( from over seven months ago, holy shit, it’s been a long time ) and i’ve made myself sad now. i miss all the writing i used to do so much, oh my goodness. and all those writing partners i haven’t spoken to in forever. i hope you’re all doing well!!
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
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                               DEMYX OF KINGDOM HEARTS, as written by kit.                                               ( private / selective / semi-active ) — so, i’ve had a lengthy break from tumblr and i’m hoping to get back into rp. starting back out with an old favourite character seemed like the right way to go. lookin’ forward to getting back into this. feel free to give this a like / reblog if you’d be down to rp.
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atlaslain-a-blog · 6 years ago
so, um. i’m alive ahahahahaha. i haven’t been on here in..... wow, months. and that was purely unintentional but life just.... happened. i don’t want to go into great detail here but things got wildly bad and i just didn’t have the energy to be around. i needed that break tbh. but i’m doing okay now! i’m trying to slowly ease myself back into tumblr rp but i now have a 40-hour-per-week job and i’ve been... generally really fucking exhausted. i’m gently getting used to that.  but uhhhh the thing is, i really don’t feel prepared to hop back onto zack’s blog just yet? i have so many unanswered threads and they’ve all gone stagnant and i just. it’s a lot. so i’ve actually created myself a new blog in the kingdom hearts fandom over here at disharmonics and you’re all very welcome to follow if you’d like. if not, that’s absolutely fine! nice to be back!
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atlaslain-a-blog · 7 years ago
UPDATE. YIKES HELLO. i... did not mean to vanish like that. i’ve been having a tremendously Bad Time. don’t wanna go into too many details but it’s... been bad. and i’m honestly still not particularly okay. i’m absolutely going to be back here as soon as i’m able! i’m really missing you all and missing writing my boy tbh.  for the moment, i’m going to just announce a small HIATUS. just a little one. maybe a week? y’all can catch me on discord if you need me until then and pls be safe and remember i love and support you. <3
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atlaslain-a-blog · 7 years ago
reminder that ily and support u all
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atlaslain-a-blog · 7 years ago
sorry i’ve not been around much! i’m stressed & suffering nonstop stress headaches to go along with it. hopefully around tomorrow. 
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