#homeless signs
luetta · 2 months
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hyenagurl · 2 months
yeah yeah compassion for homeless people and addicts and psychotic ppl but im kind of running out of patience for crackheads now. especially after seeing this dude chase a girl into a carls jr and wander around screaming his head off afterward. literally shut up…
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larrylimericks · 11 months
Hairless Edition Many tears, like the curls, have been shed. “He’s acting!” “He’s balding!” they’ve said. At U2’s Vegas home: A shiny, sleek dome ... Not the Sphere — Harry’s freshly shorn head!
Homeless Edition The internet’s taking-the-piss-ing: Harry’s house and his hair have gone missing. Ol’ Ben’s attic shuffle’s Now hotels with Russell, While his husband squawks on about chicken.
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 2 months
contracts, clauses, and causes for action
It seems to me that the ball is entirely in the gods court. Like the only way for Ludinus to become compelling is if the gods leapfrog over the divine gate, rendering their word null and void.
Then there's a cause for action because the mortals will realize "hey, we have no way of keeping you honest, there's no consequence that we can enact when you fail to fulfill your oath". Like a contract is only binding if there's way to enforce it - when you pinky promise to take your kid to disneyland, is that a valid contract or just performative? because if you break a pinky promise, the only consequence is your kid loses faith in you - is that penalty enough?
and the thing is: the divine gate is proof that yeah, the gods do believe that's penalty enough. the one thing that downfall managed to reinforce (which granted we already knew but deeper context only further supports) is that the gods are capable of acknowledging their harm (however unintentional) done to mortals. And not only are they able to acknowledge it, they are able to correct themselves.
and so far, thats holding true. they are demonstrating their discipline and willingness to follow through even if the mortals remain powerless and hold no leverage against them, they can keep themselves beholden to their word because they are in fact Good.
so literally, the only way Ludinus can be proven somewhat compelling is if the gods decide to hop the divine gate. then we'll have some proof that their word is not that ironclad but even then its not to the level of "all gods must die". Thats more on the level of "all gods need to come to the table and renegotiate this contract so theres clauses to allow you exceptions". because absolute contracts tend to force people's hands anyways.
and the only implication that a god hopping the divine gate gives is to reintroduce the idea that the gods are not beholden to mortals in any way and there is no way to keep a god honest - that mortals will have to rely on a god's inherent Goodness to keep themselves honest. but again - what the fuck have the Prime Deities done in this world that has ever pointed in that direction truly? (and no, dont attest the workings of their mortal followers when the gods have banned themselves from interference).
the gods would have to break the contract twice - once to stop predathos, and a second time for less dire purposes - in order to really showcase that they arent trustworthy. thats a Fucking Lot to mess up. and again they dont seem willing to even break the divine gate for Ludinus so what is even the problem here?
the problem, narratively speaking, is that the current world is built by fairly Good gods who really havent done anything of significance to showcase tyranny. none of them is on the level of Marika, from Elden Ring, whose personal history has led to death and discrimination of innocent children - which she actively campaigned for and did to her own children. (No slander on Marika btw)
Matt has not made any of the Prime Deities bad and sure, the Betrayers are bad and sure, maybe the mortals would prefer to have them entirely eliminated. but like mortals live under so many threats with less protections against than they currently do against the Betrayers. That deprioritizes them from the level of "eliminate at all costs". There's nothing dire or urgent that hasnt been manufactured by the Big Bad himself.
the gods are traumatized yes. theyre stuck in a toxic family situation yes. but none of that toxicity has affected their desire to protect mortals. and the only time a mortal became worthy of destruction by divine hand was when those mortals nearly unleashed oblivion? like come on man.
the gods are in their lane and the mortals are thriving and ludinus needs fucking therapy plus a better hobby.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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27% of Americans are skipping meals, surely this is not a sign of trouble.
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its-a-beautful-day · 5 months
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A donation doodle for Bea! Thank you so much for supporting me and helping raise funds to help get me back on my feet 💖
Request a doodle by donating +$10 here!
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b1uedcollar · 4 months
“seth, what IS cody’s faceclaim?”    i don’t know! the guy at the gas station holding three hot dogs and a bigassicecold diet coke.   just the ugliest pitch around. idk!
#and he’s staring at the candy aisle so long that a bystander makes a face because she thinks he’s gawking.#but he’s ACTUALLY looking at them sweedish fishies. that straight ASS candy that his grandfather loved.#and he misses him so he yanks them off the shelf.#yapping away with miss penny behind the counter the whole time he’s in line.#she’s got a new do. (lookin’ good!) and she’s telling him all about her grandson’s homerun from the weekend.#and twenty minutes later he hands the dogs to the homeless guy outside the door#(and his pal chico. even though that’s dawg on dawg crime in some parts.)#shakes his cup and takes a long sip. before yelling cross the way to that gal at the air pump#no way her daddy was around because she ain’t doing this shit right.#(and he knows he wasn’t because she’s someone he graduated with. divorced and back in town. the usual.)#and when he’s done making sure the rest of them tires got enough air#(and hearing the gunshots from his phone signaling the it’s me! text as she’s leaving the lot)#he gets back to his vehicle. tanking up and waving at sixty nine people who pass by.#he’s gotta drop off them green beans he got for maw. an exchange for them empty glasses clanging around on the floor#(he’s bottling up some blackberry wine for boss this weekend)#gonna make a stop at the cemetery to share that damn box of fishies with pop.#and then he’s got the audacity to straighten that no trespassing sign on the fence#before pulling into the long shell driveway to his “boat”house.#but anyway! yeah .. he ugly.#𝙲𝙾𝙳𝚈 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙿𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙴𝚁. 〈 🔩 〉 screwball.
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whatthefishh · 2 years
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Honestly idk if any of this is useful/cute for anyone but this is what I got and I’m cherishing it 💗💗💗
Oscar after the Saturday night show for The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
Generally love how Apple White keeps going on about her happily ever after and how Raven is so important to it due to what Raven does and even says she needs her, but never once does she consider what Raven's ending will be, because guess then that means Apple's views on legacy and happily ever afters and who gets them would be shattered instantly.
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An anthropologist (Dr. Margret Mead-article) said civilization started when the first human femur ( thigh bone) was broken and then healed. That means someone had to carry that person out of danger, feed them, bathe them, make a splint, care for them, protect them from the dangers of the outside world for months...
But now, most of humanity would shoot our brethren if it meant we would survive. Funny thing is, you'd shoot them in the leg, so the enemy (let's say a bear for ex.) will take your guilt away because it actually killed the victim. Even though the shooter is to blame 99% for their demise, since that person could have had a chance if they weren't incapacitated.
A great example is not giving money to a homeless person because "they'll just spend it on drugs." So honourable of you to ignore a fellow in need. But they are poor, therefore not your equal and must be on drugs. Not like the economy has anything to do with people being homeless. Can't buy a house, can't rent. What do you do?
We went from being civilized to unwrapping civilization and saying people are better than others.
The ultimate human design failure is human egoism. To be better than those who are different and want destruction of differences so the destructive sides beliefs are safe.
I am half Jewish, half aboriginal. My families on both sides have been oppressed, taken from their land, beaten, abused, forced into different cultural beliefs, Christians stealing people like my grandmother as a child and taking everything about her Cree culture away from here, including language. Same with Judaism for my mother's side.
And for the colonists, yes I think the land should go back to the indigenous populations, but then again, that will never happen.
How can you have a both colonial view and one of indigenous people? You don't, actually. You're just colonists. The type of people who savagely abused all of my ancestors.
Fuck colonists, fuck the "finders keepers attitude". You're also not better than anyone else.
We are all human.
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mangoofthesea · 5 months
How many things do you think need to be set on fire to disrupt capitalism enough to create a livable society? Asking for a friend
#mango rambles#capitalism#watcher#dystopian society#just watched a speech about how terrible the overturn of roe v wade is#keep hearing how companies are canning movies as tax right offs or strangling the life out of diverse content before it gets made#fucking governments fucking everything up#looking at uk and us#fucking joke on the tv tonight about how nhs staff shouldn't be bothering with making 'signs showing 23 genders' because cancer isn’t cured#was a sign with pride flags on#some of them genders some sexualities#i hate the british media#feel bad for not donating to causes because i could but where am i supposed to draw the line?#is this the right one to donate to?#i don't feel comfortable donating to multiple because I'm trying to cling desperately to my money and any little advantage or safety i have#but im not giving other people that same courtesy#because which one do i donate to?#the person who can't afford food?#the family getting out of a warzone?#the family trying to get their son or daughter or father or aunt or sibling out of a warzone#the person who needs their cancer stricken cat to get surgery#the homeless content creator#the homeless single parent trying to be a content creator to gain any money#the people trying to raise money for dying relatives they adore#its not even doomscrolling its because i watch one video of people suffering to hear them out#give them time to speak so their video gets views#read their post becuase there are capitals and red letters and begging and i don't want to reblog or repost something that spreads misinform#ion#nothjng is nice nothing is pleasant#everyone is mean
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callmeblake · 7 months
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Posted Ferbuary 27th, 2024 by thgchoir
Welcome back to another Episode of Weird New Jersey. Today’s journey takes our Favorite Pennsylvania boi Derek Zanetti on a wild and fun filled adventure to New Jersey (where the grizzly bears eat your trash!) to hand deliver art to long time friend, tour buddy, and all atound champion of weird and bizarro art @frankieromustdie . It was a wonderful reunion. We laughed and hugged, went to a tattoo shop, a record shop and then we laughed and hugged some more. Frank took me out to support him on-tour for the first time almost TEN YEARS AGO! Holy smokes. Since then We’ve toured all over the US together, in Europe a handful of times too. And he is one of my favorite people to tour with, always supportive and loving and encouraging.Also!!!!!! Guest surprise cameo by OG tour mate @tipgiblets ON A MOTORCYCLE! (((Calvin, you smell like french fries!!!!))) Because of my Friends, Im the richest person on Earth! Thanks Universe Today was just what i needed.
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vohannesvotrov · 9 months
oh yeah you’re a progressive business?? then why are your bathrooms for customers only, bitch
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wittyworm · 8 months
i dont know what to do
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shiningneedlecastle · 12 days
So like. Maybe it's an ironic joking thing, but sometimes the tags on your posts/reblogs make me feel concerned, so like. Are you doing ok? Do you wanna talk about it?
yeah it's not really ironic joking, not gonna lie i'm doing quite badly irl what with how badly the american education system is structured (especially medical education and how particularly hellish it can get). i don't wanna burden you with the sheer weight of all this horrible shit and i don't spend much time on here anymore. but thank you for the offer though, sincerely
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savage-rhi · 9 months
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