#also the rags are making a story happen about his being homeless again
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larrylimericks · 1 year ago
Hairless Edition Many tears, like the curls, have been shed. “He’s acting!” “He’s balding!” they’ve said. At U2’s Vegas home: A shiny, sleek dome ... Not the Sphere — Harry’s freshly shorn head!
Homeless Edition The internet’s taking-the-piss-ing: Harry’s house and his hair have gone missing. Ol’ Ben’s attic shuffle’s Now hotels with Russell, While his husband squawks on about chicken.
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lady-literature · 5 years ago
Accidental Crime Boss Marinette
Okay so,, I have this AU in my head, right? (not surprised) and I’m lacking any real direction for it (still not surprised) but it basically goes like this:
Marinette moves to Gotham.
She’s drawn there for whatever reason and the kwami are saying something about balance and being a Guardian and her sacred duty and something but Marinette isn’t really listening. She’s too busy trying to find a shop front where she can open a bakery without having to worry about getting mugged every time she steps outside.
Chloé comes with her, obviously, because they’re friends and Chloé has a business degree she puts to good use actually running Mari’s bakery and online boutique while Mari gets to bake and fuck around basically. Adrien, Luka and Kagami are not there, but that’s mostly because they travel too much to settle down and keeping an empty apartment in Gotham is just asking for trouble.
Kagami is a world-renowned fencer and Luka travels the world for his music company. Not touring, but soaking up cultures and ways of life so he can make soundtracks to movies and tv shows. Providing the background and life to a film is more his style than touring the world ala his father, Jagged Stone.
Adrien is having the time of his life being Kagami’s trophy husband. He has no pressing responsibilities he doesn’t take on for himself and he gets to fuck with the world’s elite with little to no consequences. He spends most of his days donating far too much money to charities and orphanages and then causing minor scandals that land him on the cover of magazines.
He has much the same kind of ‘dumbass with a heart of gold’ persona to the media as Bruce Wayne does, only without the playboy bits.
(There is a wall in the back of the bakery, where Chloé and Mari carefully cut out and frame every headline and ridiculous picture Adrien has. He is very much delighted when he learns about his ‘wall of fame’.)
Anyway, Marinette finds herself with a bakery not overly far from crime alley, much to Chloé’s chagrin.
(“What do you mean it ‘just felt right’?! I swear to kwami, DC, you’re going to get us robbed and sold into slavery.”)
They do not get sold into salvery.
In fact, despite their less than stellar choice of locale, they do pretty well for themselves. The only problems they have (according to Chloé) is the army of children Marinette accidentally attracted.
When asked, Marinette tells everyone that it was an accident. Meanwhile, Chloé, standing behind her, will shake her head and insist there was literally never any other option for them the moment that first kid came in looking to nab some cash and a few pastries.
Mari lives by the phrases, ‘kindness breeds more kindness’ and ‘do unto others’ and all that other nice person shit. Chloé just lets Mari pseudo-adopt her strays and makes sure that they don’t steal anything too important in the time it takes her to gain their loyalty.
The kwami stay staunchly out of any arguments involving the kids (and eventually the homeless all along their street and every working girl in a five-block radius). They do so with a special brand of amusement that never means good things for either of them. (After all, the last time the kwami looked that amused, they moved to Gotham.)
The first kid is named Serrure, as Marinette comes to learn over the next month after he returns again and again, getting closer and closer like a feral cat. Other kids come during that time, all of them too small and too thin and too guarded for Mari's tastes. She wants to wrap them all up and tuck them into bed but she can’t. She has to be patient, has to be gentle. These kids are just as likely to bite her hand as they are to accept help.
Serrure becomes an almost permanent fixture at the bakery after that first month. Mari’s not quite sure what she did to get through to him, but she did, she supposes. He can’t be much older than eleven and looks nine, but after getting settled, she and Chloé discover this little slip of a boy is just as mischievous as Trixx and has all the dramatics of their favorite black cat.
The kwami, when talking about him, only refer to Serrure as Loki, even after Marinette scolds them for it. She eventually gives up trying to correct them, it’s not like Serrure talks to them anyway(yet)((that she knows of)).
There’s an apartment above the bakery, which is where Chloé and Mari and all her strays that grow to trust her enough live. It’s three bedrooms, and at first, Mari just buys as many bunk beds as she can fit into the spare room and calls it a day. The kids feel safe in her home, which isn’t too surprising. Everyone thinks the bakery feels safe, feels like home or comfort or whatever else eases their minds.
And Marinette should hopes so. She certainly put enough time and effort and magic and energy into the wards around this place for that to happen. To protect her and the children and all her strays that no one else will help.
But, she eventually amasses too many kids to fit into the one room. Chloé throws a fit about having to share with Mari again—“I had enough of that in university thank you very much”—but she relinquishes easily enough.
Mari buys more bunk beds, and Serrure has taken to sneaking into her room to curl up in her bed anyway, and sometimes the smaller kids who have nightmares will come in and pile on as well.
(There are only a few that Chloé will allow to do the same with her. It is considered a high honor and breeds a playful kind of jealousy that Chloé finds amusing. Mari scolds her for pitting the kids against each other.)
That only lasts them another two months.
“This is getting ridiculous,” Chloé tells her one day before the kids wake up. Mari is at the stove, cooking and baking for a small army while Chloé balances the books. “There’s not enough room for us all, DC, and the only reason someone hasn’t come barrelling down on us about the abundance of children is by the grace of your absurd amount of luck.”
“Well I can’t just kick them out, Queenie! What do you want from me?”
“Either we need to buy more real estate in this city—which I’d rather not do—or you open up the grimoire and start building pocket dimensions. I know you can. I’ve read the chapter.”
Marinette looks at her. “That is such a bad idea.”
They do the idea.
And then Mari adds about a thousand more wards to the bakery, carved into the wood and counter and anything that’s a permanent fixture. Doorways become particularly ward heavy, what with them being the entrances and exits to the hidden realms and children’s’ rooms.
The apartment above the bakery isn’t quite infinite but it gets pretty damn close some days.
This also means, of course, that all the kids definitely know about magic now. Some of them—Serrure—have known about it for a while she knows, but it’s different now. The kwami followed her around most of the time and she doesn’t keep them trapped in the Miracle Box like Fu did, but now that the kids know, they don’t bother staying hidden.
The children, at least, love them and the kwami adore them with all the ferocity a god can give. After Chloé gets over her ‘ew children’ phase, she throws herself into their education (on top of actually running the businesses Mari keeps, mind you). She has the help of the kwami, who act as personal tutors to the children, and it’s not long before the kids start to joke about her being the Principal.
(Some tried to call her Warden, but that joke didn’t last long.)
Marinette has also been telling the kids bedtime stories ever since this started. Old stories of the Guardian and Chosens who fought back the darkness, she shares all she knows of the Orders history with these kids and it’s not until Wayzz points it out to her does she realize what she’s doing.
“Ladybugs are known for renewal. It is no surprise that you are rebuilding what was lost.”
Rebuilding the Order using children was certainly not her intention but, well. She supposes there’s no place safer for her kids than what is shaping up to be the new Miracle Temple. It’s the only haven where they can learn to harness their Gifts and powers, it’s the only place where they can be surrounded by others like them without being thrust into superhero-dom.
Context: about a month into this whole circus, Marinette had realized there was a significant—almost all of them really—amount of metas and Gifted in her little hoard of strays. Which is… odd. Especially with how few metas there are in Gotham.
She had asked the kwami about it, and they have that amused look again. “You are their guardian.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re their guardian. True, you are the Guardian of us, of the ancient ways, but you are a guardian at your soul too. You protect what is yours, and they are yours whether you realise it or not. The children can sense that, so they flock to you.”
And, huh. She supposes that makes sense but that’s also really kind of strange and weird and she doesn't want to think about that anymore actually.
So things are… fine, Marinette supposes. The bakery is doing well, and she has about two dozen-plus helpers running around underfoot to help tend to the customers or run to the store or help in the back with the baking. And every kid of hers has new clothes, their street things thrown out for being too ragged and replaced with something fresh made by Marinette’s own hands.
She embroiders little fairy wings into the clothes normally, because that’s what her cloaked wards look like most times and the kids like it and its technically the logo for the bakery and there’s a million reasons she does it.
It is, perhaps, her first mistake.
(“It was certainly not your first,” Chloé will snark one dayin the future.)
Because now Marinette has an army of magical children learning to wield their powers and not fear them and they’re all wearing what can be considered her insignia and uh oh, it looks a lot like Mari is some sort of up and coming mob boss who uses kids and prostitutes and the homeless as runners. People on the street start calling her the Pixie, start referring to Chloé—her second in all things just as Chat had been her equal—as Wasp, as Yellowjacket, as the Unseelie.
(They cannot seem to pick a name for her, but Pixie is all but engraved in stone. Mari is not sure who coined it, and she doesn't think she wants to know.)
The first time the whole situation is brought to her attention, she punches the idiot who dared even imply such a thing so hard she knocks him out.
Because look. The kids are hers right? And she watches out for the people near her, makes sure the working girls are treated as well as they can be and offers the homeless extra food and a dry place to wait out the storm. She offers her hand and gives them all a place to rest, to eat, to exist without expectations or consequences.
She does that because she’s kind, because it hurts her to see people in need, to see them suffer, not because she’s hoping to gain something from it.
The fact that most of them repay her in gossip or information or bend her ear about the newest goings on in the corrupt elite or filthy underworld is strange, yes, but it’s nice to know what’s going on in the city, she supposes. And one time, Kathy, who works on the corner of Brookes and Gilmore, warned her of a drug raid that saved her an unnecessary trip to the police station so it’s not like it doesn't have it’s uses.
But mostly, Mari doesn't really think about all the information that’s unintentionally or otherwise passed onto her. She remembers it all, because it’s rude not to listen when people talk to her, but nothing comes of normally.
Not until Serrure—now twelve and well versed in the magic of illusions and glamors and knows almost as much about this city as her or the Bats—bursts into the bakery one day and grabs Mari away from the front counter right in the middle of a customer ordering. She should, perhaps, be a little angry at that but Tony, one of the older boys and just shy of sixteen, steps into her place almost immediately, so.
And then Serrure speaks and everything is pushed aside in favour of the next words to fall from his lips.
“Someone took Sophie,” he says and she nearly sees red.
After Serrure, Sophie has been here the longest. She is the youngest of them all, only seven, but oh so clever and kind and while she looks nothing like her, everyone calls her Mini-Mari. If Serrure is her beloved first son, Sophie is her treasured daughter.
She’s out the door in the next moment, storming her way to their base. She has Sophie and a handful of extra kids back by sunset, a little frightened, but no worse for wear. She doesn’t make a big deal out of it, besides making sure that the idiots who dared cross her never do so again, but word gets out.
Soon, her kids and teens and adults begin giving her more than just information, they begin giving her problems. Ones she’s meant to fix because she’s Pixie. She’s safety, she’s protection, she’s the one the people start to turn to for help.
And enter stage left, one Jason Todd who’s all snark and charm and smiles wrapped up in a nice leather bow and tall enough that Mari likely could climb him like a tree. If that was something she wanted, she guesses.
(She wants. She just won’t admit.)
He becomes a regular at the bakery and befriends most of her kids.
Mari’s wary when he first takes an interest in them. They’ve been hurt and a lot of them are still adjusting to being safe and it doesn't matter that this man is hot enough to burn, if he steps even a toe out of line with her kids she’ll make him wish he was never even born.
But, she stops worrying eventually. The kwami like him well enough, but seem to think something’s odd about him—but its Gotham, who isn’t strange?—and both Serrure and Sophie take to him like ducks to water and they’re both good judges of character.
There’s a certain intuition they both have that reminds Marinette just a bit too much about herself and pure magic. Not for the first time does she wonder if they got such strong magic from their parents or if it cropped up in them randomly, fostered by fortune and chance and the magic that’s so deeply seeped into the bones of her bakery it’ll be here long after she’s gone.
And, okay, so she was a little right to be wary because Jason was mostly there to investigate her. Far too many people respect her and are loyal to her and she has a veritable orphanage in her pocket and also Harley and Ivy like her and it just- it doesn’t look good right?
But Jason’s a good detective and it doesn't take him long at all to see that Mari is just as sweet and kind and loving as she appears to be. Not long after that, Red Hood declares Pixie and all of hers, under his protection. She, of course, is more than capable of taking care of her and hers, and the underworld knows this, has seen it, but he does it anyway.
The news, of course, gets back to Mari and she is… confused. Why would the Red Hood do something like that? She’s heard talk of him being sweet on kids, but to claim her? They’ve never even met.
Bonus points for Jason being there when she’s told about it. He kind of raises his eyebrow at her because, huh, that was fast, and then spends the next few minutes talking up the Red Hood to her much to her utter bafflement.
He actually keeps doing that too, talking up the Red Hood. Mari thinks he has a crush on the man for the longest time because of it. Until he reveals he is Red Hood, then she just wants to punch his stupidly handsome face for being such an idiot.
Shit happens from there and things go down and the two spend a couple of months dancing around each other and intentionally and unintentionally ruling the criminal underworld and at one point Marinette definitely punches Bruce and Batman in the face—separately, much to Jason’s unending joy—and she also definitely adopts Duke/Signal as well because that poor boy needs to know he’s not alone.
And it’s just them being domestic and badass and lowkey raising an army of children and falling in love while the kwami and the kids and Chloé are all in the background just yelling at them to get together already!
Which, they do. Eventually. After all the secrets come out and Jason knows about the magic and Order and meets Mari’s other friends, ie Kagami, Luka and Adrien who are all intimidating for wildly different reasons. And Mari finds out that Jason died and came back (which earns him the nickname firebird btw) and that he was a Robin once upon a time but is now Red Hood and oh my kwami it all makes sense now.
Jason confesses like three times via classic Victorian romance novel quotes because he’s a fucking literature nerd but it’s not until he basically spells it out for Mari does she really understand. it’s all very sweet and heartwarming and then the pair duck into one of the empty pocket dimensions they have lying around and aren’t seen for three days.
(No one really goes to look for them tbh)
Chloé definitely teases them about early honeymoons and things but besides the two being even more ridiculously lovey-dovey than usual, life goes back to normal. Or as normal as it gets for them. 
And they all live happily ever after the end.
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sinistershepherd · 2 years ago
-Story format again cause it’s easier. Also, I am separating them in this cause I can-
Sun and Moon have seen PLENTY of teenagers walk into the daycare- asking for jobs, to volunteer, or even for prices so that their younger siblings had a place to go while the rest of the family was busy.
Every once in a while, however, someone comes in with a particularly hopeless look in their eyes, covered in ragged, worn clothes. Both brothers usually quietly discuss who should approach them first, but today, the kids are being especially quiet and calm, so both of them decide to question the teen.
“Helloooo dear friend! What brings you to the Superstar Daycare?” Sun asks first, leaning forwards expectantly, as Moon hangs back with a concerned look on his face. The teen pauses, looking dubiously at both the attendants.
“Just…um…here to help clean up, I guess.” They reply mindlessly, setting their dirty backpack down behind the security desk.
“Oh! I didn’t know we had a new hire!” Sun exclaims, rays spinning excitedly. Moon moves forwards, hand coming to rest on his brother’s shoulder as his eyes narrow into thin red slits.
“We don’t.”
The teen freezes at that, like a statue caught moving in broad daylight.
“I-I just applied this morning and- they got back to me fast, so-“ Suddenly, words rush out of their mouth in a frenzy. Their eyes are wide, scared, as if they have been caught doing something, being somewhere they shouldn’t.
“You don’t need to lie to us, friend.” Sun’s voice is softer now, a complete contrast to his previous cheerful, boisterous tone he used only a few moments ago. The teen fidgets nervously under the twin’s keen stares, as if regretting some monumental decision that neither brother would ever understand.
“How old are you?” Moon’s voice is curt. Speaking as if this adolescent is his equal.
“Nineteen…” They reply in a timid tone, earning Sun’s sympathy and Moon’s curiosity.
“What’re you doing in a daycare then, silly? You should be out there doing…um…adult-ish things!” Sun is not convinced that this young person is aware of where they should be going. This must be so confusing. He may not understand much about kids their age, but he does know that this part of the growth process is fairly complicated.
“I’ve been…struggling to do ‘adult-ish things’ lately.” The teen replies, crouching down in front of their backpack, looking through it with a carelessness that Moon deciphers as a distraction.
“Struggling how?” Moon’s question makes the teen give pause. They simply kneel there for a while, silent, letting the gears turn in their head as they try and find a good explanation, answer, anything.
“My college application was rejected. My parents kicked me out last year. I’ve been in and out of jobs for the past few months, and haven’t lived in a house for at least six months. Finding food and fresh clothing is becoming difficult. I heard that employees here get free lunch and a company issued t-shirt, so…I was going to apply.” Mumbled, sad, and so, so defeated. Sun frowns the longer he listens, and Moon becomes frustrated. How can the rest of the world just sit and let this happen, such a young person, struggling so much this early on?
“We need some new security. Think you can do that?” Moon speaks before Sun even has a chance to think of an appropriate reaction. The teen looks up with the most heartbreakingly hopeful expression.
“Really? You- yeah, yeah I can do that! I can defiantly do that!! I’ll even do extra hours if you need me too- promise, I’ll always be on time and- and I like never get sick, so that won’t be an issue either-“ They start to ramble, but Moon cuts in before they can finish.
“Don’t worry about all that. There’s applications there on the desk, fill one out and pick a room.”
“A room?” The teen looks absolutely stunned.
“Yeah, a room. Employees without housing are provided with a company issued apartment a few blocks from here- you’ll have it payed off for the first few months, but after that you are required to move out and find somewhere else to stay. Shouldn’t be a problem though, we know all sorts of realtors in this area. Just ask if you need some recommendations.” Moon explains, and the longer he speaks, the more this poor kid’s eyes light up like stars. It looks like this is the best news they’ve heard in a while.
“Oh, yeah! Those protocols are so nice, you know? I don’t think they have a name for them yet, but I just call them the Happy Houses! Always seems to put a smile onto someone’s face!” Sun adds, earning a warm smile from his brother.
“When do I start?” The teen asks in a rush, standing up as if waiting to be told their first duties. Moon chuckles.
“Sign the papers first, kid. You’ll start after training.”
Moon’s smile turns devious.
“I train the new security guards.”
The teen blinks. Once, twice, three times. Then, they offer the world’s most nervous smile, under the eyes of their new employers.
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michals · 4 years ago
Klaus and Luther during the time the latter is in a coma so he's kinda a semi ghost maybe?
Congrats, you get the long one!
When Luther opens his eyes it takes a moment for him to realize something’s off. Something’s…wrong. The last thing he remembers is an explosion and an intense, burning pain all over and then suddenly just, nothing. He recognizes the ceiling above him, he’s in the infirmary. So he had been hurt, but he feels fine now. Fine enough even to sit up, swing his legs over the side of the bed and get to his feet.
Only he doesn’t, he can’t have because he’s looking down at himself still on the table, asleep. That’s definitely wrong. There’s a strange prickling in the back of his mind, a thought that can’t break through the wall of cotton wool in his head. What he does register is that the him on the table’s beard is too shaggy and his hair at least an inch longer than it should be. He never lets himself go like this, he needs to ask mom for a haircut.
His skin’s different too. There’s patches of scarring across his chest, shoulders, all the way down his torso and up his neck but the texture’s not right, and it looks almost gray. And his muscles don’t really look like that do they? They look too bulky, deformed somehow.
He looks down at his hands, his hands, not this sleeping version’s. They’re too large, too blunt, too strange. He thinks he should be concerned; maybe behind the wall of wool there’s a spark of panic trying to catch but it just…doesn’t. Maybe dad’s around, he’ll know what’s happening.
The house is dark as he walks the halls, the clock in the foyer tells him it’s nearly 3 A.M. So dad’s asleep, Luther shouldn’t bother him. And mom and Pogo are sleeping too. It’s fine, he’s not worried. He doesn’t think he’s worried.
He stands in the foyer, in the spill of light from the streetlamps through the windows, when he feels a strange sensation in his chest. It’s as if something’s pulling him, not roughly but firm, like there’s a rope around his heart. It doesn’t hurt, just feels odd, but it’s the strongest thing he’s felt since he woke up. It wants him to do to the door. He’s not sure why he goes, he just knows he should. When he reaches up to turn the doorknob his hand phases through it.
Oh. That’s wrong.
The rope gives a tug, he steps through the door.
He doesn’t know where he’s going, just follows the lead, putting one foot in front of the other. He’s barefoot. He hadn’t noticed that. The ground’s wet but he doesn’t feel it. He knows that because of his powers he doesn’t get cold or hot like normal people, but he should be able to feel puddles. Concern scratches distantly at the edge of his mind, sharper now. It’ll make sense when he gets where’s he’s going, won’t it?
The streets are mostly empty, only occasionally does he pass someone waiting for a bus, a man sweeping the sidewalk, a couple of homeless people sleeping in doorways. No one notices him.
He’s got to be pretty far from the house by now. He doesn’t know the city but the pull’s getting stronger; he’s close to wherever it is he needs to be. It leads him around the corner of an alleyway, a dim lightbulb burning over a backdoor to a convenience store where a figure stands hunched over, trying to light a cigarette.
“Fucking useless thing,’” the man mutters, trying to hold the lighter still with shaking hands.
The rope drops away, a knot untied. Luther knows him.
Klaus looks up, peers at Luther from behind the greasy curls in front of his face, then turns back to the uncooperative lighter. “Sorry man, don’t have anything for you, last five bucks went to this pack.”
Luther takes a couple steps closer, hesitant. He hasn’t seen Klaus in at least…5 years? Has it been 5 years? “Klaus, what’s going on?”
Klaus looks up again, irritation on his face until he pauses and actually gets a good look at him. “Luther? That you?” Luther just nods. Klaus barks out a laugh that echoes in the alleyway.
“What in the hell are you doing here?! Didn’t figure this for your kind of scene, if I’d known you were coming I’d have cleaned up a bit.” He giggles again, high and giddy. Luther takes another step into the light and Klaus squints at him, rubs his own chin. “Looking a little scraggly there though bro.”
Luther reaches up to touch his beard. He’s surprised he can actually feel the scratchy texture of it.
“Lose your shirt too? And your shoes?” Klaus asks, then teasingly, “Aah! Have you been gambling Luther Hargreeves? What would daddy say?”
“No, no, it’s not that,” Luther says. “Something else happened. I think.”
Klaus flicks the lighter again. Finally it catches and he gives a little cheer of triumph as he lights his cigarette. When he turns Luther’s way again, face now lit by the glow of the cigarette, Luther can see how his eyes are glassy, pupils wide.
“You weren’t, like, looking for me were you?” Klaus asks.
No, Luther wasn’t. Actually: “No, you were calling for me.” Because he realizes now that’s what it was, what was leading him here.
Klaus’s face scrunches in confusion. “Huh? No, don’t think I was.” He points this thumb towards the door that goes to the store, “They don’t let me use the phone in there anymore and besides, I don’t have two nickels to rub together.” He turns out the pockets on his ragged jacket to prove it.
“No, it wasn’t like that. Something pulled me, it was you-” Luther shakes his head again, wishes he could clear it of the haze inside. It’s not as bad as when he woke up, if only he could break through it, if that spark could just burn away the wool…
Klaus stills, his eyes go wide and skin paler than it already is. He holds out shaking hands. “No. No, hold on, wait. Luther – fuck – Luther what was this thing? This-this thing, the something else happening thing?”
“There was an accident,” Luther says and there’s a faint sensation of stinging across his chest, a vague memory of shocking pain. “An explosion-”
“No,” Klaus slouches like his strings have been cut, “Oh fuck no. Come on! Not you too! This is-” He clenches his hands in his hair. “This is bullshit! You can’t be…you can’t be dead too!”
Wait, no, that’s not right- “I’m not dead,” Luther says. “I- I’m pretty sure I’m not.” How can he not know?
Klaus looks at him with narrowed, cautious eyes, takes a step forward and holds a hand out in front of him. He doesn’t touch Luther, stops just a few inches away but the fear and panic washes off his face, replaced with confusion again.
“You’re not,” he says. And with that Luther knows he isn’t either. A sudden certainty.
“You’re not like the others,” Klaus continues, “I can just…tell. Also usually when I’m this far gone I can’t even see-” he stops, eyes darting around the alleyway. He shakes himself. He gestures to Luther’s chest, “What is this by the way?”
Luther looks down at his chest, at the off-color, coarse skin. “I don’t actually know.” A spike of concern, finally. Each second that passes he feels like his mind’s coming back to him.
Klaus sighs heavily, scrubs his hands across his face. “So you’re like, visiting? Or some out of body shit. Or this is a very weird trip I’m having. You came because I called for you?”
“Yeah, it was like,” Luther pauses, “like you reached out for me.” It had felt nice, actually; he woke up so confused but the pull had felt so secure.
Klaus pauses, the cigarette slowly turning to ash between his fingers. “You know, actually- come here.” He tilts his head and gives Luther a wave indicating for him to follow.
Klaus’s boots splash in the puddles pooling in the holes in the asphalt, Luther walks through them and doesn’t even create a ripple. Klaus stops at the mouth of the alleyway, points across the street.
A yellow and orange sign announces the modest little diner sitting there as ‘Griddy’s’. Luther hadn’t even realized he’d made it this far through town.
“I saw that,” Klaus says, leaning against the wall of the building, “got hit with a whole bunch of memories.”
And so does Luther now. Images of him and his siblings crowded around a box of doughnuts at a cheap laminate table, arguing over who got the last one, making up stories to the waitress about their uniforms and why they were out so late. He can even hear the chiming of the bell on the door clear as anything.
“And the one I thought of most,” Klaus says, watching Luther from the corner of his eye, “is after that fight with the Murder Magician that I fucked up. Remember? Almost got shot?”
Luther remembers. Klaus had missed his cue in the plan, a henchman got the drop on him. But Luther’d gotten there quick enough, knocked the guy across the room, but he’d rode a wave of adrenaline and dread for the rest of the night at the thought of Klaus being shot.
Klaus continues, “And dad laid into me as soon as we got home. He was so pissed.” Klaus puts on a mock Reginald accent, “He said ‘what do you have to say for yourself?’ But before I could say anything you said…‘I’ll try harder next time’.”
“Because I should have,” Luther says without even thinking, just like back then, “I didn’t explain the plan well enough, I was supposed to make sure you knew what you were supposed to do.”
Klaus tilts his head against the wall, something breaking through the mist in his eyes. “You threw him off so bad, he didn’t know what to say. So he just sent us to bed without dinner. In all the years that was the only night that it was your idea to go to Griddy’s.”
Klaus had walked next to Luther the whole way there and back, made sure Luther got first pick when the box came to the table.
A low roll of thunder comes from far off, heralding the first few drops of rain. In moments it becomes a steady drizzle. Klaus pulls his jacket up over his head, looks around for any kind of cover, makes a dash for an awning up the block. Luther follows slowly, still can’t process the fact that he can’t feel anything, the rain falling right through him.
Klaus stumbles as he hits the stoop of the building, flails unsteadily on his feet before catching himself. His head wavers dizzily. Luther almost reaches out but knows he won’t be able to help.
“Why that memory?” he asks.
Klaus gives a half-hearted laugh, waves his hand flippantly. “Oh ya know, no real reason. Not like I’m bothered when some shrink calls me ‘hopeless’ anymore.”
The rain gets stronger, louder. Luther doesn’t know what to say.
“Same old same old. Guess he got sick of me. When they kicked me out of the rehab he said, ‘what do you have to say for yourself?’” Klaus finally looks at Luther, “Then I came across Griddy’s. Guess it made me wish you were there.”
The haze in Luther’s head is turning into static now, not enough to choke his emotions anymore. When Klaus says that a stab of emotion shoots through clear and sharp. It’s something like regret. Regret that he hadn’tbeen there, but of course he couldn’t have been.
“How’d it happen?” Klaus asks, “the accident?”
Luther takes a harsh breath in, but his body tells him he doesn’t actually need to. When he speaks he’s surprised to his hear his voice is rough, “It was a mission. Chemical factory, a vat exploded. I didn’t move out of the way in time.”
Klaus’s brow furrows. “A mission? You still go on those?”
“Of course. I’m still in the Academy.” He is the Academy.
Klaus opens his mouth but stops, he sways on his feet again. After a second he comes back. “By yourself?”
Luther just nods. He looks out into the street, at the convenience store, at Griddy’s, at the way the rain hits the tops of parked cars. His mind is settling, like the rain’s washing away the rest of the static. He feels far away from the him back in the infirmary, asleep on the medical table. He rubs his thumb over his knobby knuckles, thinks again that something’s wrong.
“Well maybe next time I’ll tag along,” Klaus says, “Dad’ll let me, right?”
He absolutely wouldn’t and asking would go horribly, but still Luther feels himself smile.
Klaus sees this and grins wide, “Tell you what! We’ll do the same thing: I’ll distract the vat of acid and you take it out.”
That makes them both laugh, but Klaus’s is high and manic and he throws himself so off balance he falls back hard on the concrete stoop. Luther drops to a crouch next to him, concern replacing amusement.
It takes a minute for Klaus to settle, for his eyes to refocus. The smile he gives is loopy but there’s guilt in it. “Lu, I have to be honest with you. Just before you showed up I, eh, took something, and it’s starting to kick in. I’m probably gonna lose you here soon.”
Oh. Luther nods. He looks back out into the rain. Wishes he could walk out and feel it. He’s never stood in the rain on the street.
“Hey, hey,” Klaus says, pulling his attention back, “how about I call you for real? Like on the phone, not in my weird ghost-y way.”
Luther doesn’t know why his heart constricts so suddenly and painfully. He’d like that. A lot. “Tomorrow?”
Klaus nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, tomorrow. Dad never answers the phone anyway, mom or Pogo will definitely let me say hi.”
“Okay, yeah, tomorrow,” Luther says. His voice is shaking. Why’s his voice shaking? Why’s he so scared all of a sudden?
Klaus’s eyes are glassy again, his cheeks are red, he smiles weakly but he’s already getting further away. “Alright Lu.”
For a second the world seems to stop, Luther sees blue light at the edge of his vision.
Grace works quickly to administer the antibiotics into Luther’s IV, checking the line and the intravenous fluids. She’d noticed his blood pressure drop earlier, took care to take some tests. When they came back there was too little oxygen and too much acid in his blood. Sepsis, no doubt from the nastiest wound on the left side of his chest. She’d caught it just in time and she reassures herself that he’ll be alright, and besides the serum Reginald gave him will surely heal that completely soon. Luther doesn’t wake up tomorrow, or for four more months.
Klaus passes out on the stoop, gets woken up at dawn by an angry tenant shoving him to the ground. He’s just barely cognizant enough to find his way to a shelter down the street. Someone else shoves him into a bed. He wakes up hours and hours later to Ben berating him. He’s been on a bender, he hasn’t seen Ben in days. Klaus rolls his eyes at him, almost says something that’s on the tip of his tongue, but whatever it is he can’t grasp it.
It was a weird dream right? A weird trip? He’d been talking to someone he couldn’t possibly have been talking to, whoever it was. And there’s something he’s supposed to do. It might have been important. It bothers him for the rest of the day but he never remembers.
Neither of them ever remembers.
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magmahurricane · 5 years ago
Assorted IDW thoughts
Let me preface this by saying Ian Flynn is not a perfect writer. 
I personally believe his greatest weakness is in writing this long, spanning arcs. We’ve seen this even in Archie with the Mecha Sally arc, and in post-reboot with the Shattered World Crisis arc. And it’s reared it’s ugly head again with the Zombot arc in IDW.
He also has a habit of favoring certain characters and trying a little too hard to argue why they’re good/likeable - this was especially a problem with Sally in his early run. 
With that said: I mostly enjoyed the Zombot Arc. I am someone who has been absolutely exhausted by media’s fixation on Zombies, but I found the Zombot arc... endearing, actually. 
The Zombot concept was a fun, fresh take and arguably more nightmarish than the average zombie, in that they were largely indestructible and you’d only need the slightest touch to be infected. And again, they couldn’t be put down.
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An unfortunately common criticism I hear about the series is that this arc was “too dark” for a Sonic the hedgehog comic, which I find to be an odd take.
The Sonic series has always dipped its toes into darker concepts. We have the bad ending from Sonic 2, and far less implied is the death of Maria Robotnik in Sonic Adventure 2 - in which we witness, as part of Shadow’s backstory: an unarmed, terminally ill 12-year-old girl being shot and killed.
In that same game, Eggman acquired a super space Fuck You cannon and destroyed a part of the moon, and made a very clear threat to fire it at the Earth.
Sonic Adventure 1 showed us an entire civilization that was wiped out after harming a bunch of innocent Chao and angering a god. Perfect Chaos leveled an entire populated city - even if you make the argument that an evacuation was put in effect and nobody died (which I don’t believe), that’s still an entire city’s worth of people who are now homeless.
There was also Sonic Battle and Emerl’s entire plight, which saw the entire main cast coming together to raise this robot like a sibling, who all loved him and were loved by him in turn, and ended with Sonic having to kill him. 
Sonic and The Secret Rings had Shahra die on-screen. I mean, she got better but still.
And don’t get me started on all the fucked up things that happen during the events of  the Shadow the Hedgehog game.
The point is, the Sonic the Hedgehog series has always had these bleak, dark moments. I don’t feel like the Zombot Arc was any darker than what we’ve already seen in this series. We’ve seen these characters backed into corners, we’ve seen on-screen deaths, we’ve seen these characters break before.
I feel like this criticism is misdirected; I think when people say the arc was too dark, what they mean is that it’s too long.  If we’re counting the Zombot saga starting at issue 15 (when Rough & Tumble got infected), this story arc has been going on for... 14 issues. With delays in mind, this arc feels like it dragged its feet horribly. 
Now, with regards to Characterization...
I think we all can agree SEGA’s recent takes on Shadow’s character are ass. There, I said it. Taking away all the development he had over the course of SA2, Heroes, ShTH and other instances - and making it so he apparently doesn’t consider Rouge and Omega his friends - is such a mind-numbingly stupid move.
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Ian usually writes a good Shadow (seriously, Sonic Universe arcs “The Shadow Saga”, “Treasure Team Tango”  - both pre-reboot arcs - and “Shadowfall” + “Total Eclipse” from the post reboot were really good!) but these mandates on Shadow’s character kill me. 
But unfortunately, Shadow isn’t the only character who suffered during this arc. Eggman started off the arc really well, but his choices and lackadaisical attitude towards how rapidly his plan spiraled out of control was so wildly OOC and frankly, dumb. It was frustrating to read through and didn’t feel like Ian’s usual mastermind Eggman.  It read as though Ian hit a bump in which he realized he needed a work around for why Eggman wasn’t doing anything about losing control over the Zombots and  decided to just have him not care. I can’t remember if a reason for this characterization was ever given. 
 Now, this on the other hand...
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This is a scene I’ve seen people rag on for being OOC for Tails, and even comparing it to the abysmal portrayal we got in Forces. 
Here’s the thing: I don’t think this was OOC for Tails. 
Lets look at Tails’ characterizations in, say, the Adventure-era games. His entire character arc in both was him realizing his own potential as someone who can stand on his own two feet, without needing to rely on Sonic. And he did it! By SA2, Tails has achieved his own independence. 
When he believes Eggman has truly killed Sonic, Tails is sad, but he’s also determined to stop Eggman, to keep fighting no matter what and hold his head high, because he knows he can do this. He won’t let Sonic’s faith in him be misplaced. 
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... But this isn’t like that situation, now is it?
Lets review Tails’ ploy over the course of this arc: He studied Sonic to the best of his abilities to try and discover how to cure his friend. He was confident and certain he could figure it out.
But the infection kept spreading. People - innocent people - were being claimed by the outbreak, and the pressure began to build. People Tails knew and cared about were being turned. The situation was growing more and more desperate. 
All the while, they slowly lost faith in Sonic, who was showing signs of fatigue. We also know from when Tangle was infected that the transformation into a Zombot is uncomfortable, if not painful. 
People around Tails were suffering, losing loved ones - and we, as the audience, knew that nobody was actually dead from this, but the characters don’t. Silver came from a future where the whole world became infected.
And just as soon as Tails came close to solving everything, it was all cruelly ripped away. Every time they thought they had a solution, it was lost. 
When the Zombots reached Angel Island,Sonic was at the point where he could hardly fight the infection off anymore. Zavok was advancing. They’d lost poor little Cream. They lost Knuckles. 
And Tails was slowly succumbing to the infection. 
I don’t think this was OOC. I think it made perfect sense, because the world was literally falling apart right in front of Tails’ eyes, and unlike SA2, there was nothing he could do about it at this point. He’s being infected and watching his friends fall while knowing that Silver’s future is a possible outcome.
He’s having to resort to pleading Sonic to succeed because this poor kid has watched the world fall before his eyes - and worse yet, he came so close to having the means to save it. 
I don’t agree that strong characters breaking makes them OOC. I think this serves to show just how broken Tails is by everything that’s happened, how bleak the situation is, and how genuinely scared he is. And who could blame him?
In conclusion, I think IDW Sonic has its flaws - Ian has some serious faults as a writer, but he’s also really good and has a clear passion for the series and characters. 
I enjoyed this arc for the most part - I just wish it had been trimmed down some. 
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snarkwrites · 4 years ago
09 | gangsta; sweetpea
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SO.. I uhh... Got super into writing this recently. I just really liked where it was heading after part 7. Yes. Yes, I realize that literally no one asked for more of this but.. I wrote it. Might as well share it.
I warn in advance. There as a graphic and detailed fight in this chapter. Also. There is a LOT going on in this chapter. A LOT.
This is the second of four parts I have already written and waiting to go. I know, I know.. Literally no one asked for this. But you’re getting it anyway.
loosely canon compliant - this is the biggest warning, so if you’re into things that follow exact canon plot you are… definitely not going to like this. angst & slow burn, heavy sexual tensionstarting now, actually - this is just so everyone who started reading this thinking the smut would transpire in a hurry knows that apparently, it is not. violence / swearing & fighting, possible underage drinking and other shenanigans- look.. it’s high school. shit happens. also apparently, my ofc Alyssa uses the word fuck like all the time?…eventual sexual content / a virgin original character- this one is self explanatory. yes, i plan to write a smutty chapter in this at some point. when? i don’t rightly know. it’s got a while before we get there.
Andrews!Sibling OFC, Alyssa x Sweet Pea
Other Parts:
[ one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight -   soundtrack ]
Other Stuff:
[ faq - tag list doc ]
@brithedemonspawn​ is the only person on my Riverdale tag list. If you’d like to be tagged for this story by all means.. Please let me know. Please, I beg. It’d make me super duper happy!!!
“What do you mean Hiram asked you to go cut their chains? Archie, this is not your place. They’re trying to fight back against this bullshit. Because that’s what this is, in case you’re wondering.”
“You need to make other friends. Literally anyone but them, Al.” Archie answered calmly. I glared at my brother from across the dining table. My father surprised me when he spoke up.
“You’re still friends with Jughead, right? How is that any different than your sister, being friends with Toni? Or that Fogarty kid? Or the other one, the moody one.. What’s his name?” my dad asked.
“Sweet Pea?” I questioned, taking a few more bites of my cereal. Grumbling about Hiram Lodge as I did so.
“He’s trying to help this town.” Archie muttered.
“What he’s doing is making people homeless. I bet you wouldn’t say that crap if he were trying to run anybody on this side of town out, Archie.” I snapped, pushing my chair away from the table, standing abruptly.
“Okay you two.” my father warned, glancing from me to my brother. Adding quietly, “Your sister has a point. That’s exactly why I’m going to talk to Hermione today about terminating the contract to build the housing.”
“Dad, you needed that contract.” I protested. Going quiet.
“I don’t need it bad enough to watch people gettin run out of their homes, tiny. I can find other jobs.”
“Dad..” I started, but he shook his head. Judging by the way his jaw was set, he’d made his mind up on this. I sighed, going quiet. Assuming that it was probably my fault he even made the decision that might just cost him the construction company in the first place. I think he could tell I was worried, because he caught me on my way out the door for school after Archie had stormed out, bolt cutters in hand to go and do Hiram’s bidding.
“I chose to do this on my own, okay? I just want to make sure you know that, Al.” my dad searched my face, waiting on me to give confirmation that I understood. I wasn’t entirely sure it was true, because for the past twelve hours, the fight had been ongoing between my brother and I.
“Actually, it was your mom who kind of reminded me what getting mixed up with the Lodges might bring on me. Has nothing to do with you and your brother fighting. But I wish you two would sit down and talk.”
I nodded, sighing. “I wish I knew he’d listen. But he’s changed so much since he started taking up with Hiram…” I shook my head. For the first time ever, I was actually kind of disappointed with my big brother.
If he weren’t under Hiram’s thumb right now, I have no doubt in my mind he’d either be helping Jughead with their protest, or he’d be doing everything he could to call attention to the issue.
“I know. Happens sometimes, tiny. All we can do is hope this whole thing is a phase and it doesn’t backfire on him. Be there for him when it does backfire.” my dad advised, pulling me into a hug.
As I went to step out, my dad tossed a brown bag towards me and I caught it. He smiled and shrugged. “Pretty sure when your friends get to school today, they’re gonna be starving. FP said they hadn’t eaten since 8 last night. This was some kinda hunger strike. Tell Fangs to share the bacon. I know he’s a growing guy, but shit.”
I laughed and smiled, doubling back to hug my dad. Really giving him a good squeeze.
“I love you too, kid. Now you need to get going.” my dad laughed when the hug broke, walking to the door and leaning in it, watching me til I got to the end of the street.
I spotted Cheryl waiting at our usual spot as of late and I made my way over. Opening the bag and letting her take out a biscuit. “Dad sent food for the others. That is, if Hiram doesn’t insist that my brother, idiot he is, escort them all straight to the police station.”
“Has your mother gotten back to you at all on the legality of what Ms.McCoy did before she stepped down as mayor?” Cheryl asked. I shook my head. Watching the sidewalk from the direction that Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea normally came from intently.
“Where are they?”
“Toni texted me a few minutes ago. They’ll be here.”
“So Hiram didn’t make my brother and the other guys on the wrestling team take them to the station? Because if he thinks for a second I won’t dig into my college fund to post bail, my brother’s a bigger idiot than I ever imagined. Because I will.”
Cheryl was smiling at me. Giving a soft laugh as she bit into the biscuit she’d taken from the bag in my hands. “ Take deep breaths, lioness.”
I took a deep breath, deadpanning at Cheryl, “Happy?”
“It will suffice.” Cheryl’s grin broadened when she caught sight of Toni.
I let out a ragged breath when I saw our friends heading our way, fuming in anger. Sweet Pea seemed to be the angriest, arguing loudly with Jughead and Fangs about how they should’ve just let him go and not held him back or tried to stop some fight.
Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea came to a stop in front of Cheryl and I. I held out the bag to Toni and she grabbed it, not wasting a single second. Grabbing a biscuit and groaning as she practically inhaled it. Then grabbing a few strips of bacon. “Oh my god, I love your dad too.” 
“There’s enough in there for everyone. Fangs, he said you had to share the bacon, man.” I laughed at the way this made Fangs pout a little.
I stopped in front of Sweet Pea who was still angry, almost shaking at this point. I grimaced at the bruise forming on his jaw. Stepping a little closer. “Are you going to eat, Hulk, or nah?” I teased, shaking the bag at him.
“I’m too fuckin pissed right now, Cherry.” Sweet Pea answered, a harsh tone. His jaw setting.
“Oh.” I muttered. I realized just how close I was standing to Sweet Pea and suddenly aware of that, I stepped away a little and let Fangs take the bag because I was tired of holding it. As we started to walk to school, I found myself walking right next to Sweet Pea all over again when Kevin Keller caught up to us and chose to walk next to Fangs, putting me in between Sweet Pea and Fangs by the time we’d all sort of formed a line.
“Kevin, don’t you own a car?” I teased gently, giving him a knowing smirk. I’d kind of picked up on the fact that he might or might not have himself a little crush on Fangs.
“It’s broken right now.” Kevin answered my question, nodding towards Sweet Pea covertly as he smirked at me. I bit my lip, glancing over at Sweet Pea as I shook my head. Because I knew what Kevin was about to assume and I knew that at best, Sweet Pea only tolerates me because of Fangs and Toni.
“Dad’s supposed to take me out to let me try getting used to driving his truck this weekend.”
“I’ll be sure to let my dad know so he’s on standby.” Kevin taunted, making me stick out my tongue at him. “I’m not that bad.”
“I’d like to agree, but I have Snapchat, so I know about your driving. I saw the go-kart thing. I had no idea  you could make a go kart drift, if we’re being honest. You drive like a lunatic, woman.” Kevin taunted. I pouted at him, folding my arms. “I do not! I just wanted to win.” I pretended to be annoyed, holding my hand up at him.
Sweet Pea’s hand brushed against my other hand and I glanced down. Curling my pinkie around his. Giving it a squeeze. I didn’t dare to look up at him as I did this, of course. When he didn’t pull away, I didn’t either.
He was upset. I considered him a friend. I tried to tell myself that my hopes in doing what I was doing were to calm him down. Nothing more.
But deep down, I was starting to realize that this might not exactly be the case. That maybe I felt things…
Things I knew he’d never feel in return.
Things I knew I needed to get over.
He bit his lip when he felt her finger curl around his. A glance over at her revealed that she wasn’t even looking at him, instead, she was buried in something Kevin was showing her on his phone. He’d almost swear that she didn’t even realize she’d grabbed hold of his finger again, but then, she gave it a little squeeze a few seconds after she glanced up from Kevin’s phone.
She still hadn’t looked at him. Or let go of his finger.
Every part of him knew he should let go but he didn’t want to. And he kept telling himself that more than likely, it wasn’t anything more than just her, trying to be a friend because he was madder than hell and it was obvious.
Oh but he wanted it to be so much more than that.
Their sides brushed again and his breath caught in his throat a little.
Fangs had a good point the night before when they’d been talking. It was getting harder and harder to hide the way he felt.
The fight he’d gotten into with Alyssa’s brother came back to him and he used Archie’s words as a reminder as to why he needed to forget the way he felt.
Because Archie did have a fair point when he pointed out that Sweet Pea wasn’t good enough for her and sooner or later, Alyssa spending so much time around them was going to get her in serious trouble or worse yet, hurt somehow.
But then what Fangs and Jughead both insisted the night before came back to him too and their advice made him want to fight. To act on the way he felt. To prove her brother wrong. To be with her. Be the guy who made her laugh. The guy she cuddled up with on a rainy Saturday to watch her horror movies. The one she came to when she was hurt or scared or just needed him.
They were making their way across the parking lot and she still hadn’t let go of his finger. To be fair, he hadn’t let go of hers yet, either. The connection was keeping him calm. Giving him other things to think about beyond the way he wanted to lose his entire mind over the fact that he was losing everything and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
He felt powerless. He hated the feeling.
But the way she linked her finger through his and left it there gave him something else to focus on for a change.
And now, thanks to it, all he could think about was just how hard it was getting to keep his feelings himself.
“Yeah, Kev?”
“Are you going out for the play? Come on, you have to.” Kevin pleaded.
Alyssa mulled it over, shrugging. About to shake her head before Kevin frowned. “You have to.”
“I’m not good at the whole getting up in front of people crap. We’re lucky I can manage cheering at the games without freaking out, Kev. Or have you forgotten the fairy debacle from Kindergarten?”
“It wasn’t that bad!” Kevin was giving her the pleading face.
“Kevin. I left the stage and ran to my dad. In front of the entire school.” she shook her head, laughing. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. Besides, me singing? The sound of cats dying. I am not going to put people through that.”
“Oh come on.”
“Nope. Not happening, man.” she shook her head, smiling.
“Toni and I are thinking about it.” Cheryl spoke up.
Toni raised a brow, laughing as she nodded. “Thinking is the key word here, babe.”
Sweet Pea took a deep breath. Willing himself to either let go of her finger first or push things a little further. Maybe grab hold of her hand. Or brush his hand against her hand. He grumbled in frustration when he couldn’t make himself do either thing.
After a second or two, he managed to find a way to graze his hand against her hand and make it seem as if it were an accident. To his surprise, before he could pull his hand away, she’d linked her fingers between his.
She glanced up at him for a second or two, licking her lips. Giving his hand a little squeeze. They were almost to the doors of Riverdale High by this point. He figured she’d let go of his hand, but she hadn’t yet.
Everyone else split off, going to their own classrooms. He let go of her hand to push open the door, letting her step into the room as he held it open, letting it close behind him. As they took their assigned seats, she sank down in her chair, digging around in the pocket of her jeans.
Holding out a pack of chewing gum to him. Sweet Pea took a stick of the gum, unwrapping it. Popping it into his mouth.
After opening the text books, their teacher spoke up, addressing the class.
“We’ll be doing a bit of a different assignment. We’ve been studying genetics and I feel that it would be interesting to give this a try. You’ll be given dice.”
Sweet Pea chuckled when one of the other Serpents in class with them muttered an audible, “Finally, somethin I fuckin know about.”
Mr. Keaton glared at the other Serpent, silencing him. And then Mr. Keaton continued. “You will then roll these dice to determine what physical traits that offspring between yourself and your lab partner would inherit. You will chart the results and write a detailed summary. If you choose, for extra credit, you may draw this offspring.”
Sweet Pea coughed, shifting around in his seat awkwardly. Because all this entire project brought to mind for him was a mental replay of a particularly dirty dream he’d had about Alyssa not too long ago. The silent acknowledgement that he felt this magnetic pull to her and the harder he fought it lately, the more it refused to stay buried. The way it felt when her finger curled around his or the way it felt when he’d taken hold of her hand on their walk to school.
Every single touch, accidental or otherwise as of late.
Alyssa fidgeted a little herself, he noticed. He found himself wondering if she was fidgeting because she was suddenly regretting being paired with him for the term, or if she was fidgeting for the same reason he’d been fidgeting.
,, There’s absolutely no way she’s into me.” his mind taunted.
Mr. Keaton passed out dice and once they’d gotten their dice and the list of physical traits that Mr. Keaton compiled they’d be rolling for, Sweet Pea cleared his throat.
“Wishing you’d made a fuss about now, hm? Gotten switched to work with no brains over there?” he said it only half jokingly.
“Why? Are you?” Alyssa asked, gazing over at him, a brow raised. Laughing softly. “It’s just an assignment, Sweet Pea. And you’re not like.. You’re not a leper or something. I mean, I could do a lot worse.”
“If you’re fine with it, what the hell.” Sweet Pea shrugged, chuckling to himself quietly. Trying to fight back the sliver of hope that chose that exact moment to rise to the surface. The fact that she wasn’t switching, while surprising, didn’t necessarily mean anything. He had to keep reminding himself of that.
From the back of the classroom, Reggie spoke up. “Mr. Keaton, I’ve been thinkin… Maybe I should switch partners with Sweet Pea.”
Sweet Pea tensed.
When he knew Alyssa wasn’t looking, he shot Reggie an angry glare.
Reggie smirked at him, daring him to say something.
Mr. Keaton looked from pair to pair, rubbing his chin. “Amanda? Alyssa? Would either of you want to switch?”
Mandy was just about to speak up. He felt Alyssa tense up beside him and heard her mumble to herself, “Not today, Satan..” as she turned in her seat, giving Mandy an angry glare.
Mandy glared right back at Alyssa before giving their teacher the sweetest smile she could muster. “I’d love that, Mr. Keaton. Reggie’s an idiot. I’m sure even that Serpent is so much smarter.” 
“The Serpent has a name, bimbo. You wouldn’t like it if I only called you bimbo, right?” Alyssa whirled around in her seat to snap at Mandy before she could stop herself. “Anyway, Reggie’s no stupider than you. Kind of a perfect fit if I do say so myself.” 
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes at Mandy, but he cleared his throat, tapping Alyssa’s shoulder so she’d turn around before she got into trouble. He found himself super focused on the way she got heated just now because Mandy hadn’t bothered saying his name.
“If he makes me switch, I swear to god, I’m unleashing my wrath.” Alyssa grumbled to herself. Making Sweet Pea take a shaky breath or two.
Why did this matter so much? 
Sweet Pea found himself a little surprised. He honestly thought she’d be jumping at the chance. He assumed she’d be happy to get away from him.
“Alyssa? Your thoughts on the matter?” Mr. Keaton questioned.
“ Nope. I refuse to have that absolute pig be the  father of  my non-existent children, sir. I’m fine where I am.” Alyssa answered, turning to shrug at Reggie as she said it.
Reggie pouted a little.
Sweet Pea smirked, shrugging at Reggie when their eyes met. Reggie glared at him, finally turning around when Mandy cleared her throat.
“You could’ve switched, Cherry.”
“ I realize this. But I didn’t want to.” Alyssa answered, finally meeting his gaze. Biting her lip. “Unless you wanted me to switch?”
“No, no. Fuck no.” Sweet Pea’s answer tumbled out in a rush. Alyssa laughed softly, managing a little smile. “In that case, we should probably get started. This is a pretty long list. Oh, while I’m thinking about it.. We’re trying to avoid my shitty eyesight, red hair and skin that burns at even a hint of sunlight.” she muttered, glancing over at him.
Sweet Pea caught himself doing it again, getting caught up in her eyes. Staring like an idiot. He nodded. “Okay, since we’re going there, Cherry. We’re trying to roll with the hopes that this kid doesn’t knock their fucking heads off every time they walk through a door.”
“I mean, it’s better than climbing shelves and counters to reach things your idiot brother puts out of your reach deliberately, but hey.. Go off I guess.” she teased gently, smiling at him. Holding out the dice.
“You roll first. I am.. Not good at dice.” Alyssa pleaded. Sweet Pea chuckled and shook his head. “Oh no. No, you first.” he smirked at her, he couldn’t resist it.
Alyssa pouted but  took the dice and rolled.
“Okay, so.. Doubles..” Alyssa announced when both the dice settled on the side with one dot.
“Twins.” Sweet Pea consulted the list. “We were rolling for a number of offspring just then, right?” he asked.
“They better have given me good drugs.” Alyssa joked, filling in the chart. “I’ll roll for one, you can roll for the other?” she asked. Sweet Pea nodded. Silently hoping to god she hadn’t noticed him staring yet again. He answered in a daze, “Yeah.” as he took the dice to roll again. This time they were rolling for hair color.
“You better roll again, sir. Remember? We’re trying to avoid red hair.” Alyssa nodded to the dice settled on the top of the desk between them.
“Actually, no. I’m not. You are, but I’m not.” Sweet Pea smirked, the smirk growing when he saw her pout a little about it. “Deal with it, Cherry.”
“Well, we’re off to a great start. Can’t even agree on hair color.” Alyssa teased, noting that they’d gotten the red hair trait from her.
She took the dice back. “Come on dark brown and functional brown eyes..” she muttered, smiling when she rolled for Sweet Pea’s eye color, but scowling a little when she managed to roll that yes, they’d have vision trouble. “Poor kids.” she shook her head, laughing. Holding out the dice to him.
Sweet Pea had been in a daze yet again. Luckily, he managed to pull himself out of said daze when she placed the dice in his hand. He rolled. Grumbling when he got himself for the height gene.
The bell rang a few seconds later. Alyssa gathered her books and started for the door. Sweet Pea caught up to her. “Wasn’t so bad.” he mused. Carefully.
Alyssa smiled, shaking her head. “No, it wasn’t.” hiding a laugh as Reggie and Mandy made their way past in a very heated and angry argument. She nudged Sweet Pea, nodding towards them. “Some people should never be allowed to procreate.”
“They really shouldn’t.” Sweet Pea answered, swallowing down a lump as it formed in his throat. Letting his gaze linger for a few seconds. “Hey, if you want.. We can finish this tonight at the Wyrm.”
“You’d be okay with me showing up at the Wyrm.” Alyssa eyed him carefully.
He shrugged. “It’s not any different than all the times you came with Toni.” 
“I’ll be there, then. Oh and Pea?” Alyssa turned back to look at him. He chuckled. “What?”
“Your name is coming off the top of the Mortal Kombat leaderboard. Tonight. Better bring your A game, sir.”
He bit back a groan at what she said. There was just something about the look in her eyes just now.. Teasing and playful… that combined with her calling him Sir definitely gave him a reason to need the walk to his next class.
Because he needed to pull himself together. He needed to get his head around everything and more importantly, he needed to really stop and think if he wanted to keep fighting whatever was starting to happen between them.
Because he’d been fighting it since he’d seen her around town for the first time. And he just couldn’t anymore.
Fangs caught up to him. “Didn’t you hear me yellin at you, man?”
“I was thinkin.”
“Maybe you were right. About what we were talking about last night?”
Fangs smirked. “You’re gonna go for it?”
“I want to. Doesn’t mean I will. But I can’t keep saying I don’t.. Ya know.. When I do. Because it’s driving me fucking insane, man.” 
“Want her?” Fangs filled in the blank, snickering when Sweet Pea gave him a dirty look but nodded. As they made their way into class and took their usual seats in the back, Fangs leaned across the aisle. “For what it’s worth… I think she’s into you, man.”
“Yeah. I doubt that.” Sweet Pea looked at his best friend as if Fangs were losing his mind. He wished that were true. He wanted it to be true. But he doubted that it was.
“You’re blind.” Fangs chuckled, turning his attention to the note Kevin had slipped into his locker. Chuckling and rubbing his chin in thought as he debated on what his response was going to be.
Practice had just ended. I made my way over to my locker in the girls locker room and I opened the door, thinking I’d grab the clothes I bought to change into after practice. Clothes that were nowhere to be found.
I grumbled to myself, annoyed. A quick glance around the locker room put me onto the fact that Mandy and her little army of skanks were circled up, looking at me. Whispering and laughing. Mandy was bold enough to call out, “Missing something, are we?” as she held up my clothes, laughing… Slinking over to the door that lead into the hallway.
Tossing my clothes right out in the middle.
I turned and glared at her. “You bitch.”
“Aw, are you upset right now? What are you gonna do, Alyssa? Go cry to big brother? Go sic your Serpent trash loverboy on me? I’m so so so scared.” she nudged her friend Kaylie. “I bet she doesn’t do anything. I bet she just sits there and fumes like usual. I’m surprised she had the nerve to call me a bimbo earlier in class if we’re being honest.” Mandy smirked as she said it, glancing at me. Nodding towards the door. 
“If you want your clothes, sweetie, they’re right there! All you have to do is go get them…. Unless you’re afraid? Don’t flatter yourself, Alyssa. Nobody wants to see you in your underwear. Absolutely no one.”
I clenched my fists and took a deep breath or two. Mandy and her friends were all staring at me, waiting. Gazing from the hallway, where my clothes were piled up, back to me. Smirking and laughing because they were starting to think Mandy was right. That I wasn’t going to do anything. That I’d just turn and ignore Mandy’s attempts to goad me into a confrontation and shove down all my anger like I usually did. 
,, she wants you to turn the other cheek like you’ve been doing until lately. If you do that, you’re basically telling her she can get away with this crap.” the thought came and rather than shove it out in favor of being the bigger person, I leaned into it.
Because today was not the day and I was not the one.
I stood and walked out into the hallway. Right as the bell to dismiss final class for the day rang and the hallway was starting to flood with students. One of them being Sweet Pea. We locked eyes as I walked past, calmly going to the Riverdale crest on the floor that she’d tossed my jeans in the center of. Bending to pick up my jeans. Sweet Pea’s arm shot out.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, out here like that, Cherry? Have you lost your mind entirely?”
“Nope. I’m getting my fucking clothes. Since Mandy the thundercunt scattered them all over the hallway.”
Sweet Pea growled quietly, his fists clenching and unclenching. He took off his Riverdale polo, holding it out to me, but I shook my head, biting my lip and smirking as I did so. “Oh no. No.. see, if I don’t do something major now, she’s never going to fuck off. So thanks but no. Now put your shirt back on before you get in trouble.”
Sweet Pea eyed me. Shaking his head. I tapped my foot impatiently, holding his gaze. “Sweet Pea… Put the goddamn shirt back on. I know what I’m doing, okay? This is to prove a point.”
“What good is that gonna do when you’re caught by a teacher and you wind up in detention, huh? Take the fucking shirt, Cherry. Take it now.” Sweet Pea used his firmest tone, but I was too angry. It didn’t do anything to me.
“Put the shirt back on, Sweet Pea. Now.” I muttered firmly. A hand on my hip. “Do it. I’m willing to stand here until a teacher spots me if that’s what it’ll take to keep you from doing something that we know might get you expelled.”
“Goddamn it.” Sweet Pea gave up arguing, finally realizing I wasn’t going to budge one way or the other. Not until I’d done what I came out to do. And the less he argued with me, the quicker I could get it done and get back in the locker room.
I spotted my favorite Motley Crue crop tee near the girls bathroom. And totally zoned out, so angry that I was actually shaking a little, I paid not one single bit of attention to the fact that a few people were staring.
I was too pissed to be embarrassed and that is probably a good thing. Because if I wasn’t so pissed, I’d have wanted the floor to open and swallow me whole.
I spotted the red and black plaid shirt I’d been wearing over my tee shirt hanging over the rim of a garbage can and I calmly walked over, plucking it out. With my clothing gathered, I went to step back in the locker room, ignoring the one or two whistles and the Ghoulie who felt the need to comment something so gross that I debated heavily on walking over and twisting his dick in my hand until it twisted off.
I flung the door of the locker room open wide and when I did, it connected with Mandy’s face because she’d been standing there. Probably recording the whole thing to post on her socials later.
Because that’s totally something girls like her do for funsies.
She stumbled back, holding her nose as blood began to slowly pool between her fingers. And before she had a chance to react, I was slamming her against the lockers immediately to the right of the door. My forearm against her throat to hold her there.
“You’re going to erase whatever video you just recorded. Don’t fucking test me, you diseased thundercunt. Erase the video. I know you recorded the whole thing.”
“You little bitch, you broke my nose!” Mandy slammed her head into mine, causing me to drop my forearm from her throat and grab for my own nose. Once she was free, she threw a punch. I ducked it and came up swinging. Connecting with her jaw. And before she could even recover from the punch, I was grabbing her by the hair and shoving her head at the locker door.
She charged at me, knocking me on the ground. I grabbed hold of her face, trying to go for her eyes and once she was trying to block that, I flipped it and reversed it so that I was straddling her hips now. The first thing I did was grab hold of her phone and throw it on the floor a few feet away as hard as I could. When she tried to reach up and choke me, I choked her back and she rolled us so that she was on top this time. Fists were flying again. The benches that ran the middle of the locker room were being moved out of place. Lockers were being hit as we made full use of the floor in the girls locker room.
Her friends tried to rush over to help but Veronica and Cheryl stopped them from getting close as Cheryl called out to me, “Get her! It’s about time!” and she told Veronica firmly, “Lock the doors. Nobody gets in or out. Amanda has had this coming for a while now.”
Veronica nodded, locking the door to the locker room. Betty held off Mandy’s friends with Veronica and Cheryl’s help. Determined to let the fight keep going. At least until one of us or the other calmed down.
 I stood up, pulling Mandy off the floor. Pulling her towards the showers.
Turning on the water full blast and as cold as I could get it. Shoving her into it and as soon as I had her cornered, I leaned down to her level. Grabbing hold of her white and yellow Riverdale Vixens ringer that now had blood spattered on the front of it.
“You better hope that video got erased, Mandy, or this is just a preview of what your life’s gonna be like, honey.”  I said it quietly and calmly. “And if you think for even a second about messing with me again… Remember this.”
“You’re actually insane.. You crazy little bitch. Just wait. I’ll get back at you. This isn’t over, Alyssa.”
“Oh, I’m counting on that, you diseased mega skank.” I shrugged as I walked away from her, facing her. My middle finger up in the air. “You might want to clean yourself up, Amanda. We can’t have anybody thinking we were up to no good in here, now can we?” I challenged.
A teacher was pounding on the door and it started to click into place what I’d just done. I sank down on the nearest bench, panting to catch my breath. Trying to calm down. Letting the anger and everything subside.
Cheryl made her way over, Veronica and Betty in tow. Stopping to unlock the door as they went. Whatever Cheryl told the teacher had the teacher satisfied that nobody was up to anything bad in the locker room and leaving and once they had, Cheryl shut the door quickly. Leaning against it with her hand over her heart. “Whew. That was so close.”
Veronica sank down on the bench in front of me, the first aid kit we kept in the locker room open and across her lap.
“This is going to hurt, Al. I’m sorry in advance.” Veronica winced as she started to apply hydrogen peroxide to the few scratches on the side of my face and cheek.
All I could do was nod. Because I was still coming down from the adrenaline.
“If she messes with you again after this, she’s clearly an idiot.” Veronica spoke up after a few seconds. I shrugged. “Oh, she’s not done with me yet. But it’s okay.”
“I’m sorry we couldn’t stop it before all hell broke loose.” Cheryl spoke up, wincing as I looked up at her and laughed it off, shaking my head. Trying to flinch away from Veronica as she came at my face with a cold and damp washcloth to clean the blood away from underneath my nose.
“Cheryl, trust me. I’m fine. I can handle myself. You guys were trying to count the votes, it’s not a big deal. Besides. I needed to stand up for myself.”
“I know, but if I’d been in here, I could’ve stopped her.” Cheryl butted in, gently but firmly.
“I should’ve stood up to her way before now, if I’m being honest. Take the high road, they said. It’s better in the long run, they said. That’s a load.” I grumbled. 
“Ouch fuck ouch hey.. Can you wipe less painfully?” I pleaded with Veronica.
She grimaced and muttered an apology.
“I can’t wait to hear about this crap later. Or try explaining it to my dad and Archie. Archie’s going to take the chance to spin this so that somehow, it’s anybody’s fault but mine.” I grumbled, shaking my head, disgusted at the thought.
“He’s just being a protective brother.”
“I wish sometimes he’d not do that.. So much. Did you know that he just stood back and let Reggie and Sweet Pea fight earlier when the team went to cut everyone loose?”
“I’m still angry with my father about that.” Veronica muttered, adding a second later, “But, that’s typical of him, though. He’s not happy until he owns everything and everyone.” Veronica fumed, shaking her head with a disgusted look on her face.
I bit my lip, nodding. Keeping my own opinions on the subject to myself. Because it’s not like she can control what her parents choose to do. And she tries to be better, she tries to make it so that there’s a very clear and obvious difference between herself and her parents, but with parents like hers, you wind up having to get your hands dirty sooner or later.
I’d just finished getting dressed and stepped into the hallway, finding Sweet Pea leaning against the wall.
“What the fuck was going on in there?”
I shrugged.
Mandy walked past with her friends and Sweet Pea looked from Mandy back at me. Grimacing as he caught sight of my face. Stepping closer. 
“Did she do that?” he eyed me in concern. Tensing up a little. The soft edge to his voice had my heart fluttering a little, but as fast as that started, I was quick to shove it down. Reminding myself that Sweet Pea only tolerated me because we happened to share two friends in common. His hand raised, gingerly touching at a bruise forming along my jaw. Hissing as he shook his head. I tensed a little because now that the adrenaline was completely gone and the shock I’d been in or whatever for the duration of my fight was wearing off too and now everything just plain hurt.
“Mhm.” I answered quietly, swallowing down a lump as it formed in my throat. Gazing up at him. I blinked when my body brushed up against his, not aware that I’d stepped closer to him.
“Did you do.. All that?” he nodded to where she stood at her locker in the hallway, glaring daggers in my direction, her friends flocking her.
“I hope you’re prepared to pay for Amanda’s broken nose, you crazy witch.” Kaylie called out calmly. “Her mother is going to make sure you pay for the fight.”
Mandy smirked at me. “I can’t wait to tell my mother everything. I’m almost as excited to talk to her about the way you’ve been bullying me as I am to post the video of you wandering the hallway of our high school in underwear.”
I tensed, taking a step away from Sweet Pea and forward in the hallway. Sweet Pea reached out quickly, grabbing me up and away by my hips. Putting me behind him as he eyed Mandy calmly. “You really don’t value your life at all, do ya?”
Mandy eyed him, gulping.
“It’s a simple question, Mandy.” Sweet Pea shrugged, smirking a little.
“What are you gonna do, Serpent? I can make one call and have you arrested.”
I growled from behind Sweet Pea. “Try it you fucking gremlin. Try it.” I threatened.
“Enough.” Sweet Pea’s tone was calm and firm as he looked from Mandy to me, folding his arms over his chest. I went quiet and Mandy’s lip quivered a little as she gazed up at him. 
“What you’re gonna do, Mandy… Erase whatever you recorded. If you don’t, you’re really not going to like what happens.” Sweet Pea stepped closer to her, giving a menacing scowl as he towered over her.
Just the way he said it had a slow and lazy heat settling in the pit of my stomach. Had my breath catching in my throat because of just the tone he took… You’d think he was my actual boyfriend. He was acting more like one than any of my past boyfriends, Reggie included.
If I were more hopeful, I’d almost want to say he meant every word of the threat he made to Mandy.
Mandy hurried off and Sweet Pea turned, settling his gaze on me. Eyeing my nose critically and grimacing. “It’s not broken. What the hell happened?”
“She was practically leaning against the damn door so when I threw it open, it hit her in the nose. She went to swing at me, I threw her against a locker… Then it kind of spiralled out of control from there?” I shuffled my feet, going fidgety under his intent and concerned gaze.
“Who locked the door?” Sweet Pea asked, admitting a few seconds later, “I tried the handle when I saw Mrs. Ellis heading for the locker room. I heard all the yelling and every time somebody hit a locker or the wall, so I figured something was going on in there… I was gonna warn you...”
“Oh, that was Cheryl. She wasn’t going to risk anybody going to get a teacher to come in and break it up.” I gave a soft laugh, shaking my head. I nodded towards the doors at the end of the empty hallway.
“We should probably get going. The last place I want to be locked in overnight is here.”
“Yeah, I was waiting on Fangs, but apparently, he ditched me.” Sweet Pea shrugged. I raised a brow, because that wasn’t like Fangs. Usually if he said he’d be somewhere, he was there.
“I haven’t seen him since lunch, come to think of it.” I spoke up after a few seconds.
“He probably bailed. He’s probably already at the Wyrm.” Sweet Pea shrugged. I nodded, agreeing.
“So.. ready?” I asked. Trying my best not to get my hopes up. Preparing myself for Sweet Pea to suggest going to my dad’s or to Pops instead of going to the Wyrm. Shocked more than a little bit when Sweet Pea smirked and nodded.
“Yeah. Just so you know, Cherry… If you think for one second you’re wiping me off the leaderboard, not gonna happen.” he chuckled as we walked down the hall and he paused to push the door open for me.
About halfway to the Wyrm, my hand brushed against his. I glanced down, biting my lip. Debating heavily on just grabbing hold of his hand.
Because friends held hands, right?
I mean.. I held hands with Cheryl and Toni all the time.
Except deep down, I knew that was not even remotely the real motive behind holding Sweet Pea’s hand. The simplest truth was that I just… Couldn’t stop myself from doing something. Anything.
I took a deep breath and carefully, I slipped my hand into his. Gazing down for a second or two after I’d done it. Shocked I’d actually had the damn nerve to go through with it. Even more shocked when Sweet Pea didn’t immediately scowl, tense up or let go.
Instead, his fingers laced with mine.
And like this morning, neither of us really mentioned it. But that tension that seemed to hang around us like a heavy cloud recently?
It got so very much thicker.
He pushed open the door to the Wyrm and I stepped under his arm, into the building. He stepped in behind me, nodding to a table with two chairs towards the back. Where it was a little quieter.
“We should be able to get everything finished back there, Cherry.”
I nodded. My eyes darted around. Finding it odd that the same people staring at me currently never even gave me a second look when I wandered in with Toni and Fangs.
I shoved the thought out of my head.
We were just two classmates.. Two friends.. Meeting to finish an assignment for school.
We made our way to the back of the bar, taking a seat at the table. At one point, while we were deep in rolling and making notes for the chart we’d been given and for our report we’d have to write later, FP wandered past.
“That’s good kid. Nice to see you actually takin school seriously. Don’t give Alyssa a hard time, buddy.” he flashed Sweet Pea a smirk and Sweet Pea nodded. Smirking right back at FP.
“People are looking at us like you’re doing something wrong.” I leaned in and whispered when I just couldn’t take the way people were watching like a hawk anymore and it had me curious.
Sweet Pea glanced up and around, shrugging. “ Most of the older guys think it’s impossible to be friends with a girl and won’t bring one around unless they’re involved with her. Is it bothering you?” he gazed at me, that concerned look in his eyes again.
I shook my head profusely. Taking a sip of the wild cherry pepsi that FP had brought over to us to drink earlier and wanting to kick myself for even mentioning it, because I had a feeling I’d probably just made things awkward.
And that was the very thing I was trying to avoid. 
We finally finished rolling for genetic traits and I finished up the sketch I’d been doing.
“Okay. If you laugh I swear to God.” I gazed at Sweet Pea nervously as I shoved the sketch pad across the table to him.
“Did you just do this?” he asked, staring at the sketch.
“Yeah. I’m not the best.”
I reached for the sketch pad. But not before it flipped a few pages and settled on a drawing I’d done of Sweet Pea when he hadn’t been paying attention one day while we were all hanging out in here, playing the Mortal Kombat arcade game.
Lucky for me, he saw that I’d done sketches of Toni and Cheryl sharing a Twizzler at lunch one day and Fangs working on his motorcycle in the parking lot before school one morning. When he got to the sketch I’d done of Reggie, he scowled a little.
“I wanted to burn that too but Cheryl convinced me if I ever decided to actually get off my ass and apply to art school after I’m done with Riverdale High, it’d be good for my portfolio. She literally tried to throw herself on the fire to stop me from burning all the sketches I did of Reggie.” I laughed quietly, wincing as I shook my head.
Every time I caught myself thinking about the fact that I’d been taken in by a charming smirk and flirtatious mannerisms and the charisma of one Reggie Mantle, it only reminded me how gullible I was. How soft-hearted.
You’d think that getting involved with a guy who all but stalked me and tried to spread nasty rumors and suggestive pictures of me that I never should’ve sent in the first place when I finally got smart enough to break it off with him before leaving Chicago would be enough to teach me.
Apparently, it wasn’t. Because I came here and what’d I do? I got involved with Reggie Mantle. And now, that was over and I was starting to feel things for Sweet Pea, a guy who probably only tolerated me because we shared friends in common.
That was another huge reason I was not keen on opening myself up too quickly all over again. I might not always make the best choices, but even I had the common sense to know that I needed time… I needed to bounce back. Figure things out on my own.
And all of that was another  huge reason I was determined to keep whatever I was starting to feel for Sweet Pea close to the vest. The more I could keep whatever I felt at bay, the better off I’d be. Because realistically, I just didn’t dare hope.
I was starting to realize I just couldn’t trust my own judgement when it came to emotional things. Until I got to a place where I could, I was doing the best thing I could for me.
Something tells me this is going to be so much harder than I could ever imagine though.
The door to the bar flew open and Toni barged in. Over to the table Sweet Pea and I were sitting at.
“Have you talked to Cheryl at all this afternoon?” Toni asked in a rush. 
“I tried to call her earlier but it kept going to voicemail. And we were just saying earlier that Fangs is MIA too…” I rubbed my  temples. I had the sneaking suspicion that I knew exactly what might have happened to Cheryl, because not so long ago, her mother had kind of caught wind of her relationship with Toni. And her mother was not thrilled.
I grumbled, digging in my jeans pocket for my phone.
It clicked for Toni that Sweet Pea and I had come to the Wyrm. Alone. Without her or Fangs present to act as a buffer.
“You’re here together, fuck. I’m sorry. I’m just.. I’m freaking out right now.” Toni glanced from me to Sweet Pea and then back again. “Are you two finally going to stop being snipey assholes and get along though?”
Sweet Pea shrugged, giving me a teasing smirk. “Maybe she’s not so bad… For a princess.”
“Maybe you’re not so bad either. For a giant grumpy asshole.” I teased right back. Feeling my cheeks burn hot just a little at the look in his eyes and the way he put emphasis on the word princess.
Because no, that did not help my current ongoing mental dilemma at all.
“You’re staying with me until we figure out this situation with Cheryl, right?” I asked Toni. Toni nodded, stealing a sip of my Pepsi. “I swear to God, if her mother’s hurt her…”
“If her mother’s done anything to her, she’s going to answer to both of us. I’ve got your back, Topaz.” I spoke up, giving Toni a reassuring look. I tried to call Cheryl again on my phone, but it went straight to voicemail too. I frowned at it, putting my phone away.
Toni eyed me and then glanced in Sweet Pea’s direction as if she were indicating that she wanted details later tonight when we were back at my dad’s place. Mouthing to me, “Well?”
I shook my head, shrugging. “We were just finishing that thing for Biology.” I mouthed. Glancing at my cell phone. I was not getting a good feeling at all. And the more Cheryl’s phone rang and went to voicemail, the more that bad feeling grew.
“It’s going to voice. He’s normally here already if he ditches.”  Sweet Pea swore to himself and shook his head.
“Wait.. he got called to the office right after lunch.” Toni spoke up. Swearing when she tried to call Cheryl yet again and the call went to Cheryl’s voicemail as it had just done for me. She shoved her phone into her pocket and took a few deep breaths. “Maybe she just went to sit with her Nana. They haven’t let her out of the hospital yet, I don’t think.. That has to be it.”
The door flew open again and this time, my brother and Jughead were rushing in. Stopping to talk to a few of the other Serpents we went to school with who were present. Whatever Jughead told them had them rushing out the door in a hurry. I eyed them but quickly turned my attention back to the situation at hand involving our two missing friends. Trying to retrack the events of the day. I remembered it then, Fangs had been called to the office during lunch and after that, I hadn’t seen him again.
We had the second to last class of the day together. He hadn’t been there. 
“You guys have to get out of here. Get everyone out of here and out of this side of town now. They’re about to raid the Wyrm.” Jughead and my brother rushed over to us. My brother let out a ragged breath when he caught sight of me. “Thank god. There you are. I was worried when I couldn’t find you. What the hell happened to your face, pixie?”
“It’s a long story. I’ll explain later.. You guys. Explain. What the fuck do you mean we have to get out of here? Archie, what’s going on? What have you let that jackass talk you into this time?”
“Nothing! It’s something I overheard, okay, look. I know you’re still pissed at me. But you guys need to get everyone together and get the hell off of this side of town, okay? Just trust me. Do it. I told Dad what was going on and he said that we could put people up until FP figured something out.”
Sweet Pea eyed my brother with a wary look. I eyed him too, wondering briefly if this were some kind of a trick that Hiram put him up to. Wondering how the hell he managed to get Jughead in on it if it were.
“What the hell is going on tonight?” I wondered aloud after a few seconds.Not even ten seconds later, one of the older bikers wandered in, getting a hold of FP, taking him to the back to talk.
“Are you makin this up, Andrews? Is this a trap? Because to me, that’s what it feels like.” Sweet Pea tensed. His fists clenched at his side and my brother shook his head. “No. This is me. Trying to make up for all of the other stuff, okay? Look. Hiram set the whole thing up this afternoon after he got done arranging to have Fangs arrested earlier.”
“He’s not lying. I just went down the the station, man. Fangs is there. They’re holding him for questioning and they won’t say a fucking word about why he’s even there. And while I was there, I heard some of the guys in the break room joking about how fun it was going to be, cracking some Serpent skulls tonight. If we leave now, they have nothing. They don’t get any evidence, they can’t make any arrests.” Jughead explained impatiently. “We have to go. We needed to be gone ten minutes ago, if you want the honest fucking truth, Pea.”
“Dad really said he’d let them hide in our house. You’re not lying.” I questioned my brother, gazing up at him. Standing taller. “Because I swear to God, Archie, if this is a trap.. If any more of my friends get arrested because you have a burning desire to be Hiram Lodge’s long lost son or whatever the fuck it is you want to accomplish.”
My brother cut me off. “I’ve been working undercover. I wasn’t supposed to tell you anything. I wasn’t supposed to say anything to anyone, actually. Getting close to Hiram is… for the greater good.”
“Uh huh.You mean like the actual greater good or the oh look, pops bought me a ferrari for christmas because I’m a good little fucking stooge greater good?” I questioned, a brow raised and my hand on my hip.
“Al, we can finish this argument once your friends have their shit and they’re heading back to our side of town. I’ll gladly finish this discussion then. Dad sent me and Jugs to get everyone away from here.”
“I don’t know..”
Sweet Pea cleared his throat. “I’m not saying I trust you, Andrews. But I’m willing to take what Jugs says with a grain of salt. He is one of us now.”
Toni and I exchanged a surprised look, but then everyone started to rush around and gather their things as quick as they could. And as soon as we were all out in the alley behind the Wyrm, the first of at least six police cars came flying by, blue lights flashing and sirens blazing.
I let out a ragged breath and glanced up at Sweet Pea. When I caught on to the fact that he was both angry and silently freaking out, I reached down, gently grabbing hold of his pinkie finger with mine. Giving him a weak smile when I glanced up at him.
He didn’t smile back, but as we rounded the corner and promptly had to find another alley to go down to hide because another cop car rushed past, I felt him squeeze my pinkie finger with his more than a time or two.
Almost the second we crossed over into the North Side, I realized just how eerie and quiet it was.
Too quiet.
Nobody was saying anything. We were all too tired from running. Hiding. 
At one point, Toni reached down and grabbed the hand of mine closest to her, giving it a squeeze as she muttered into my ear quietly, “I hope Cheryl is okay.”
“We’ll get up to my room and figure something out, okay?”  I promised in a whisper.
And on the other side of me,  I felt Sweet Pea’s hand lazily close on mine. A squeeze so light that I honestly didn’t think he even realized he’d done it.
It took a few seconds, but I dared to glance down. Eyes fixing on the way his hand engulfed mine. His fingers laced between my fingers. Before I could stop myself, I dragged my thumb knuckle lazily over his palm. Gave his hand a similar light squeeze as I glanced up at Toni to pretend I wasn’t aware I’d done it.
Once we were all in my dad’s house, FP showed up. Explaining that he was currently trying to figure out somewhere everyone could go. Letting people who’d gotten separated from family during the whole scramble to leave whether their people made it and were incoming or at another place that FP had taken the other half of South Side to keep the cops from finding everyone at once or whether they’d been caught and were going to need bail.
My dad and Archie took over the kitchen with the help of FP and Jughead, making food for everyone. Once everyone else was set up and occupied and there wasn’t anything else I could do to help my dad and my brother, I went to go find Toni and we slipped out of the chaos downstairs, retreating up to my room.
The second the door was closed behind me, Toni spoke up.
“You don’t think Penelope killed her.”
“Toni, no. But I do think that she’s keeping her somewhere. Remember Cheryl telling us that she needed to tell us something important? I think that whatever she was going to tell us is the reason we can’t find her right now. Her mother makes Joan Crawford look like a fucking saint.” I fell back across my bed and stared at the ceiling. Sitting up a few minutes later.
“Hey, that girl in my English class… her mom’s a nurse. I can ask if Cheryl’s been there to sit with her nana.”
I dug my phone out and texted the girl in question. Frowning when the girl answered that she’d been there earlier, but she’d left to go home.
“She’s not there. Okay, I do not like the way this feels.”
“Me either.”
We sat in silence on my bed for a few minutes, trying to figure out a way to find out what happened to Cheryl. As I tried to think of places she might have gone or hidden at, I texted my mom about Fangs being kept at the station.
She texted me back, asking if I knew why they were holding him and I texted her back that we were trying to figure out why and we were hoping she’d call and scare someone into giving some form of an answer.
I frowned when she called a few minutes later and explained that she hadn’t been able to get anything. She asked what the hell was going on in town tonight, telling me that while she’d been talking to the secretary at the station, she’d heard a lot of yelling and angry chanting from outside. And a lot of whispering and hushed laughing.
I told her about the raid and I told her about Midge’s body being found during the school play. I told her that people had been starting rumors for whatever reason that Fangs might have done it, because Midge and Fangs had something going on.
“You’re staying out of trouble though, right? With your brother going through whatever it is he’s going through, sweetie…”
“About that.. I kind of got into a fight. But none of the teachers know. Nobody saw it.”
My mom sighed and I frowned, tensing up a little at a possible lecture incoming. When it started, I sat there with the phone away from my ear, letting her go on for a few minutes before I explained calmly, “I’m not going to stand back and be a doormat either, mom. And since Archie is doing all this and showing his entire ass, I need to take care of my own problems. Mandy was a problem, I solved it. End of discussion.”
“First of all, don’t take that tone with me. Second of all.. Does your father know? Did you tell him any of what you just told me?”
“No. I only told you what I just did to get you off my back. Mom.. I’m.. I love you and I’m sorry. I can’t be perfect and I can’t be something I’m not.”
“I’m not asking you to be perfect. I’m asking you to stay out of trouble.”
“It doesn’t feel like that though.”
We exchanged tense goodnights and goodbyes and I ended the call, tossing my phone at the top of my vanity as I flopped back against my bed.
“Ever feel like the black sheep?” I wondered aloud. Feeling bad about it after I said it, because I realized that Toni literally only had the Serpents, Cheryl and her grandfather and me. I palmed my face and shook my head, ashamed. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I get it. My grandpa and I argue a lot.” Toni gave me a sympathetic nod. 
I shook my head at myself. “I swear, my mom and I are constantly butting heads. It’s part of the reason I never understood why she insisted I was the one to go to Chicago with her and that Archie stay here in Riverdale with Dad.”
“Probably because trust me. There are some things that men are not equipped to deal with.”
“I mean, true, but…”
Toni laughed quietly. Stretching a little. “Maybe Cheryl just wanted some space. I haven’t found anything out from anyone else.”
“All I know is what she told me before she left practice. She was going to see her Nana Rose again.”
“Yeah, she told me that too. But she’s been jumpy all day. Like she’s scared.”
“I noticed too.” I agreed, nodding. “Maybe she’ll be at school tomorrow. If she’s not, we’ll ditch and try to find answers or something.”
“Yeah. I’m too wiped to think anymore right now and if I do, I’m going to drive myself insane. And if I do that, we both know I’m going to go off and do something fucking dumb.” Toni admitted as she pulled back the cover on the other side of my bed.
“You’re cool with sharing a bed? I mean, all things considered.”
“Please,I know you have a very specific type of red-head and it ain’t me... Besides. You’re my friend. I’m not making you sleep on the floor.” I answered, gathering my things because I figured that everyone who was planning to shower tonight had probably done so already.
I made my way down the hall, reaching for the handle to the bathroom door right as Sweet Pea pulled it open from the other side. With a towel wrapped around his waist. I spun around, immediately going red in the face. “Shit, fuck. I’m sorry, I.. I thought everyone had already gotten a shower and gone to sleep?” I called out without daring to turn around and face him.
He cleared his throat. “Nah. I told Archie to go before me. I’m the one staying in your house. Didn’t want to intrude.” he tapped my shoulder when he’d pulled on his jeans and I turned around. He took a step forward to come out the door at the same time that I took a step forward to go in the door. We wound up body to body in the hallway. I gazed up at him, licking my lips.
He grimaced as his eyes settled on the bruise on my jaw from the fight earlier in the afternoon. “Did you show your dad? That looks a lot worse now.” His voice took on a concerned tone. 
I shook my head. “Nope. I already had more than enough lecturing about it from my mom earlier when I called to get her to see if she could find out anything about why Fangs was arrested and being held.”
Sweet Pea raised a hand, dragging it through damp hair. A droplet of water trickled down his forehead. Then dropped onto his nose, rolling down it’s slope. When it dripped down and rolled down his lips, my eyes were glued to it’s movement.  He cleared his throat, repeating the question that he’d asked me I apparently hadn’t heard. “Did she find out anything?”
“Just that they’re holding him until they have to let him go. If I had to guess though, it’s because people were saying crap about him and Midge having a thing going..” I muttered quietly. Shuffling my feet against worn wooden floorboards. 
“At least you tried.” he muttered quietly, gazing down at me. His eyes darted to my bruises and scrapes from my fight with Mandy earlier and he cleared his throat. “You should go tell your dad what happened. Just in case she is dumb enough to upload anything she might have recorded and we can’t coerce her into taking it down on our own.”
“If she does, she does. Won’t be the first time something like that happened.” I blurted it out, going quiet as soon as I realized I had. Tensing a little because I really hoped that he didn’t pay it any attention. Or that he didn’t push to know what I meant.I wasn’t even sure why it slipped out. I fidgeted a little, nervous. He eyed me, but luckily, he didn’t ask for further details.
The last thing I wanted right now was for him to know exactly how stupid and pathetic I was and still am. If he knew I’d been dumb enough to sext Dave and Dave had turned and used the photos against me or any of the other shit that I got into in Chicago… I pushed the intrusive thought out of my head.
“Cherry?” Sweet Pea muttered quietly. His eyes fixing on mine. Hints of a smirk playing at his lips. As quickly as the thought came ,, he has literally no idea just how devastatingly handsome he really is, I swear to God.” I hurried to shove it out. Bury it way down deep. Try to ignore the way I felt the slightest flutter of my heart. Or the way my throat seemed to close up when I realized that we were migrating closer to each other and that his hand was brushing against my hip just barely.
“Yeah, Pea?” I finally managed to pull myself together enough to get out the words. Gazing right back up at him, falling in right over my head and virtually powerless to stop it from happening.
“Night.” he yawned as he stepped out of the doorway, making his way back downstairs. From the sound of it, my brother had dragged out one of his old gaming systems. And apparently, he and a few other Serpents were sitting up, playing some long forgotten game. I made my way away from where I’d been peering down the stairs just to make sure that things weren’t tense between everyone and I turned, slipping into the bathroom.
Turning on the hot water and leaning against the wall, letting it cascade down onto my body from above. Just… trying to process the entire craziness of the day so far.
By the time I slipped into my side of the bed, Toni was already asleep, wearing my black velvet eye mask over her eyes. I found one of my other ones and slipped it down over my eyes.
And it seemed like in literally no time, I was out like a light. Exhausted from everything that had gone down in one day.
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starring-movies · 4 years ago
Killing Eve: Episode Analysis
Season 3, Episode 6 - End of Game
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The episode begins by continuing on with the storyline that got left off in S3E4, and we find that Niko has survived the ‘pitchforking’, is on a ventilator and is not able to speak. We also find out that Niko’s father, Maciek, doesn’t like (and has never liked) Eve because he thought she would be a “great big ball ache” for Niko - which turns out to be an understatement, considering everything that he’s been through since being with Eve.
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We then carry on with Villanelle, who we find out is back from Russia, and attending the meeting with a representative from The Twelve, which Dasha told her about in S2E4.
When Hélène (the representative from The Twelve) arrives, she’s in the middle of a phone conversation with her daughter. From their conversation we are told that Hélène’s daughter fell off her scooter and hurt her “minou”, but Hélène says to her mother that she doesn’t “have time for this”, that her daughter is just “doing all this to get our attention” and she should just “put some cream on it, that’ll calm her a bit”.
This conversation that Hélène has with her daughter is a reflection of how she, and The Twelve, are choosing to deal with Villanelle. Villanelle is equivalent to Hélène’s daughter, who is in their opinion “doing all this to get our attention”; and so they “put some cream on it” by only pretending to promote her to a keeper, just so they can placate her and “calm her a bit”.
Hélène’s conversation, with her mother and daughter, is obviously also a sensitive subject for Villanelle, who is still dealing with having just returned from killing her mother. Listening to Hélène’s conversation (with three generation’s of her family’s women: the grandma, Hélène herself and Hélène’s daughter), will remind Villanelle of the maternal gap in her life; and Hélène will especially remind Villanelle of her own mother, due to the lack of concern and understanding that she gives to her daughter after falling over.
In this scene, it’s also clear that Villanelle is not her usual self, not only from her ragged appearance, but also as she asks Hélène up front, “are you trying to seduce me?”. Ordinarily, Villanelle would revel in the attention that she’s getting and join in with any flirtations. However, the blatant way in which Villanelle just asks Hélène if she’s trying to seduce her, after thinking that she might be, demonstrates how she’s not in the headspace to want to partake in or enjoy any games and is just looking to get straight to the point of the meeting.
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When we return back to Eve, who is now back at Bitter Pill investigating who pitchforked Niko, we get a little glimpse at how much Eve and Villanelle have come to know and understand one another. Jamie asks Eve if Villanelle would have stabbed Niko “to torture” her, but Eve says “not like this”.
Eve never even entertains the idea that Villanelle could have been the one to harm Niko, because she knows Villanelle well enough now and she knows that Villanelle knows she’s not allowed to harm Niko - she also knows that Villanelle knows that this is not to torture her, as she’s been torturing her since they met and she knows that her “torture” of Eve is more flirtatious and like a game between the two of them.
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Out of anger and frustration, Eve then goes to the building’s vending machine to buy an out of date muffin, and as she’s assaulting the machine for a KitKat, Bear tells her that “sometimes you need to just let it win”. Bear is referring to everything going wrong in Eve’s life - that she was tricked into going to Poland just to watch Niko being stabbed, that she’s alone, that she’s homeless and that her friends are dead - but his advice can also be applied to Eve’s darkness and her acceptance of it. Eve’s been fighting off and pushing away the existence of her darkness for the last two seasons, but like Bear says, “sometimes you need to just let it win”, which is what Eve is finally able to do at the end of S3E8.
After Bear gives Eve the advice “to just let it win”, the KitKat finally falls out of the machine. It wasn’t Eve’s persistent battering of the machine that made the KitKat drop down; but it was her submitting and letting the KitKat win, after Bear told her that that’s what she should do, that led to her getting the KitKat. In the same way, this scene suggests that once Eve gives in and is able to accept her darkness, which she finally does in S3E8, everything will similarly ‘fall into place’ for her.
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We then see Konstantin and Villanelle discussing Konstantin’s escape, and Konstantin asks her if she realises she will have to leave everything behind, “the clothes, apartment, and her” and Villanelle tell him “I know”. We can see from this that Villanelle values her freedom above everything and now (after everything that happened in Russia) considers Konstantin to be her only family; and she’s willing to leave Eve behind forever, if it means that she has her freedom.
It isn’t until S3E8 that Villanelle realises that there is no-one that cares for her as much as Eve, and so she decides that Konstantin is not her family and by not choosing to leave with him, she makes the decision that Eve is worth sacrificing her freedom for.
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When Villanelle goes to visit Irina at school, she asks “is he a pervert” about Irina’s mother’s new boyfriend. This is a little reference to S1E8, when Irina asks Villanelle “are you a paedophile”.
We can also see the influence that Villanelle has on Irina and how alike they are becoming. Villanelle frankly suggests to Irina that “if he’s that bad kill him”, but she is the one who takes Irina driving (to try to find out where Konstantin is planning to escape to) and Irina ends up killing her mother’s boyfriend by running him over in a car.
Another small detail is that In S1E8, Irina tells Villanelle “I don’t know yet” when she is asked if she’s a “bad person” - it seems the answer may now be becoming apparent.
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We then move on to Carolyn’s interrogation of Konstantin, concerning his involvement with Kenny and Geraldine. After Konstantin tells Carolyn that Kenny supposedly asked him if he was Kenny’s father, ‘Dido’s Lament’ (aka. ‘When I am Laid in Earth’) from the opera ‘Dido and Aeneas’, starts playing. The opera is based on the epic ‘The Aeneid’, by the author Virgil. The story is about Dido who falls with Aeneas and kills herself from grief, when she is subsequently abandoned by him.
Carolyn’s silence after Konstantin reveals this to her, suggests that there’s a possibility that Konstantin is Kenny’s father. We know from S3E8 that Konstantin went to go see Kenny because he had been investigating The Twelve’s amounts, but it’s still likely that Kenny also did ask if Konstantin was his father (just like how Konstantin tells Carolyn that Geraldine kissed him, which was true, but omits that he perused her to find out information on what Carolyn was doing). ‘Dido’s Lament’ was also used in S3E2, to portray Carolyn’s grief over losing Kenny as well as her guilt at being unable to investigate his death. Whereas in this scene, the song is used once again to portray Carolyn’s grief, but it’s also used this time for her probable guilt for Kenny being Konstantin’s child and her not telling him.
We also get the parallels of two interrogations taking place in cars. Villanelle takes Irina driving, in order to find out that Konstantin in planning on escaping to Cuba; and Carolyn takes Konstantin for a drive, in order to interrogate him about his involvement with Kenny and Geraldine. The choice for Villanelle and Carolyn to use cars (cars are thought of to be fast and dangerous) to get the information they’re looking for, highlights the urgency as well as the danger and risk, that is linked with the information that they’re trying to find out - Konstantin’s escape plan is risky and Konstantin associating with Kenny and Geraldine is dangerous for them.
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When Eve goes to Barcelona, to have a game of bowling with Dasha and ask about Villanelle, Dasha tells Eve that Villanelle is a “perfect killing machine, that’s all she’s there for, that’s all she knows” and be says “I don’t think so”. Just like Eve’s comment to Jamie - that Villanelle wouldn’t torture her “like this” - her comment that killing isn’t all Villanelle’s good for, or is all she knows, again emphasises how much more Eve has come to understand her.
Before Dasha leaves, she tells Eve that it’s the “end of game”, which is the title of the episode. This is a triple entendre: for Dasha saying that it’s the end of Eve’s game with The Twelve because she will never be able to win against them, for it being the end of their game of bowling, and it also signifies the end of Villanelle and Eve’s cat and mouse game because they eventually decide to accept that they have to be a part of one another’s lives.
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After Villanelle’s disastrous kill in Romania, Dasha finds her back in her Barcelona apartment, where she’s having a breakdown and trying to attend to the stab wound in her arm. Villanelle tells Dasha “I don’t want to do this anymore”, which she said exactly in S1E5 and again repeats to Eve on the bridge in S3E8, saying in similar words “I don’t want to do it anymore, any of it”.
We also get an overhead shot of Villanelle as she’s sitting on her bathroom floor, contemplating where her life is leading her. The shot evokes the imagery of the tarot card, the Hanged Man. The definition I found here was, “The Hanged Man calls you to release the old mental models and behavioural patterns that no longer serve you so you can see your world from a new perspective and embrace new opportunities that would have otherwise been hidden from you. The Hanged Man can sometimes reflect that you are feeling stuck or restricted in your life”.
From this we can see that the choice to use this imagery, is to show us how Villanelle has come to a point where she wants to move on from her old life and what used to make her happy, as she has a new perspective. However, because of her working for The Twelve, she is stuck in her situation and can’t see a way to break out from their control over her.
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We then get a short scene of Eve choosing to visit Niko in hospital one last time and then presumably leaving him forever, which is what Niko asked her to do at the beginning of the episode. The scene is very short but has a lot of symbolism in it.
We see a shot of Eve, from outside the hospital room, as she watches Niko sleeping and then turns and leaves. Her reflection can be seen in the glass of the hospital room wall, as if there is two of her: her past self (or an alternative self), who is in the hospital room with Niko and looking back at her; and then there’s her actual self, who stands outside the room, separated from those on the other side by the wall.
Her reflection in the glass is washed out and faint, showing us how her past self was merely a shade of the person she actually is; whereas her actual self is obviously much more vibrant (because it’s real), showing us how this is who she really is and who she’s always been deep down. Her decision to walk away from Niko and her past self is a very significant one, as it marks her active decision to move away from her old life and her final acceptance of the person that she has been trying to push away, for her whole life.
When Eve decides to let go of Niko, the song playing over the scene is ‘Boy and Girl’ by Unloved. The lyrics that can be heard are:
“There was a girl,
Who loved a boy,
And then they lived,
And then they laughed,
'till the time they cried,
So they fell,
Out of love,
To the depths,
Of the sea,
Where lovers tears,
Swell and swim,
Together for,
The lyrics that we hear communicate the journey of Eve and Niko’s relationship and how it has run it’s course. They were once happy and fell in love with each other, but then they gradually grew apart to different paths and fell out of love.
You can read my previous Killing Eve posts here:-
First Introduction to Villanelle
First Introduction to Eve
S1, E1 - Nice Face
S1, E2 - I’ll Deal With Him Later
S1, E3 - Don’t I Know You?
S1, E4 - Sorry Baby
S1, E5 - I Have a Thing about Bathrooms
S1, E6 - Take Me to the Hole!
S1, E7 - I Don’t Want to Be Free
S1, E8 - God, I’m Tired
S2, E1 - Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?
S2, E2 - Nice and Neat
S2, E3 - The Hungry Caterpillar
S2, E4 - Desperate Times
S2, E5 - Smell Ya Later
S2, E6 - I Hope You Like Missionary!
S2, E7 - Wide Awake
S2, E8 - You’re Mine
S3, E1 - Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey
S3, E2 - Management Sucks
S3, E3 - Meetings Have Biscuits
S3, E4 - Still Got It
S3, E5 - Are You From Pinner? [Part 1]
S3, E5 - Are You From Pinner? [Part 2]
S3, E7 - Beautiful Monster
S3, E8 - Are You Leading or Am I? [Part 1]
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animemangastuffidk · 5 years ago
All of the Touya theories
So for a while I wanted to sort out all the touya/dabi theories I could think of and state the evidence supporting or going against them. I’ll be separating this into two sections, the first being how did Touya “die” and the second being what happened after (What’s he been doing until now).
 I’ll state a couple of base assumptions first, that being Touya died at age 12-14  and for some reason became involved with Enji after being tossed aside as a failure. (The evidence for this being: 1. His school uniform 2. Everyone thinks Enji killed Touya and 3. Enji implied he trained Touya as a kid, but he’s seen to be playing with the other ‘failed’ siblings.)
also! Just a reminder that all this theory crafting is for fun and shouldn’t be taken too seriously, I don’t expect any of these to be 100% accurate.
So how did Touya die?
Theory 1: He was pushed too hard by Enji during training and died from his flames
Evidence supporting this: 
Natsuo saying “Touya has always told me” (maybe he’s talking about the abuse/unethical training?) 
Dabi’s scars match Enji’s flames, possibly a result of a failed technique Enji tried to teach Touya.
Evidence against this: 
Todoroki’s flashbacks imply Touya was not being trained at the time of his death. We know the death happened shortly after Todoroki got burned, and in the flashback we see Touya playing with his siblings. The only way this could make sense is if Touya himself asked to be trained (maybe in place of shoto after the burn incident), or if Enji suddenly decided to train Touya again, despite knowing he was a failure.
Wouldn’t the police have investigated Enji if he trained Touya to death? A death would need to be explained to the cops, especially if he was burned. This wouldn’t count if the police were that corrupt or if Enji told them it was suicide.
Other than Natsuo, the other siblings don’t seem to have strong emotions tied to Touya’s death, which doesn’t make sense if they witnessed it as a horrifying training related accident.
How could Touya escape if he was confirmed to be dead? The only plausible answer is if when they brought Touya to the hospital, the doctor lied to the family and gave them a fake body. That could tie in directly to Ujiko. (this also applies to theory 2)
Theory 2: He attempted or or faked a suicide by his flames
Evidence supporting this:
We have never heard Todoroki mention his brother, even when talking about how horrible Enji was to Deku in season 2. If Enji killed Touya through training, it would make sense to mention that when talking about his backstory but he didn’t. 
The entire Todoroki family has avoided Touya’s cause of death when talking about him. Suicide in the family can be a pretty taboo subject in Japan, and it makes sense that they would avoid the subject.
 Natsuo believes Enji killed Touya, but the other siblings have seemed to have moved on. This can be explained if Natsuo believes that Enji drove Touya to suicide instead of Touya acting on his own, like the rest of the family seems to believe. Fuyumi even mentions that Rei has “gotten over it” which wouldn’t make sense if it was some sort of mysterious accident. I think she would have wanted more answers.
A suicide would also explain why the police haven’t been involved.
Evidence against this:
(The last point in Theory 1 also applies to this one.)
If Touya actually attempted suicide instead of faking his death, how did he get emotional support after? 
Something that’s important to note: this can be combined with theory 1. It’s possible that he was pushed too hard during training and set himself on fire as a result.
Theory 3: Enji sent him to the HPSC and he died there
Evidence supporting this:
Dabi knew Hawks’ name, in which there are only a limited number of ways he could have known. Hearing it directly from Hawks is one way. If they were friends, it might also explain why Dabi let Hawks in the LOV despite not trusting him. 
We know the HPSC is secretive and shady, so they might have used quirk enhancing drugs on Touya, resulting in his scars. If Touya escaped, The HPSC wouldn’t want to be exposed so they sent the Todoroki family a fake death report. 
The Todoroki’s haven’t specified how he died and talk in vague terms, this would make sense if the death happened out of the house and none of them witnessed it, so none of them know what really happened. They just know that Enji was the one who sent him there. Natsuo is the only exception for this.
Evidence against this:
Why and how would Enji know of the HPSC’s special program? They could have approached him first, but without knowing more about the HPSC this part of the theory gets a bit hazy.
Why would the HPSC agree to train Touya if his quirk was defective? I only see this happening if Enji asked them to “fix” him, and gave them a bunch of money.
Wouldn’t the HPSC recognize Dabi as Touya if Touya succeeded in escaping? They would probably send someone like Hawks to capture him so they can keep their cover-up a secret.  
What did Touya do after?
Theory 1: He became homeless and lived on the street
Evidence supporting this:
Dabi has a “lone wolf” attitude, he likes to go off by himself, it could be a force of habit if he’s lived by himself since he was 14-15.
It could explain his cold attitude, and ragged clothes we first see him in.
Evidence against this:
How did he get all his piercings? Even if he’s homeless people still need money to survive and he doesn’t seem like he would ever beg for money. So how did he make money? 
Theory 2: He lived with Doctor Ujiko
Evidence supporting this:
If Ujiko was the one who faked Touya’s death, it’s possible he kept Touya around for the reason that he was Enji’s son so he could be used as blackmail or turned into a powerful nomu.
If Touya was on the brink of death, or in fact did die, Ujiko is the closest person that could revive or heal him. He could also get piercings safely if he was with Ujiko. (Seriously how did those not get infected)
Dabi not remembering Ujiko could be explained by Ujiko erasing his memories (although there’s no reason to do so) or by Touya escaping once he was healed, and never actually interacted/seen the doctor much.
Evidence against this:
There’s no evidence suggesting that Ujiko and Dabi even knew each other before the events of the Liberation arc, nor anything hinting at it. Unless they wanted to keep it a secret? Horikoshi is the type to really build up plot points so I doubt this is the case
Why would Ujiko keep Dabi around if he didn’t experiment on him or turn him into a nomu? Again, maybe Dabi escaped from Ujiko and then forgot about him.
Theory 3: He lived with Thief Takami (Keigo’s dad)
Evidence supporting this:
There is a chance that Takami actually cared about his son, but once the HPSC found out he was a criminal, they forcibly removed Keigo from his care. This guilt could have motivated him to take in Touya since they’re the around the same age.     
This is another way Dabi could have known Hawks’ name, if he heard it directly from Keigo’s dad. This could also explain why Dabi let Hawks into the LOV despite not trusting him, maybe he felt like he owed it to his father, or was simply curious as to what Hawks was like.
Takami was arrested by Enji 7 years ago, which would make Dabi around 18 if he is 25 now. This would mean Takami took care of Dabi during his teenage years and by the time he got arrested, Dabi would be old enough to take care of himself. Since Takami was a thief, he could have left some valuables to Dabi in which he could use the money to live off of.
Since Takami was arrested by Enji, it would fuel Dabi’s anger towards him even more, seeing how he took away an actually good father figure. There would also be a parallel with Hawks’ being close to Dabi’s father and Dabi being close to Hawks’ father. 
Takami is from Kyuushuu, however was arrested by Endeavor who seems to only work near the fictional city Musutafu, where bnha takes place. This could mean that Takami followed Keigo to Musutafu, (assuming the HPSC is also located there) which would allow Takami and Touya to meet.
It’s possible this is why Dabi refuses to get too close to anyone in the LOV.
Evidence against this:
Dabi has never mentioned anything alluding to this, nor has anything been hinted at this in the story.
Dabi almost killed Hawks, which wouldn’t make sense if he was on good terms with his dad. It’s possible Dabi never intended on killing him (For a person that can incinerate people instantly he was taking a long ass time), or he was too angry over Twice’s death. 
So this last one got a bit long because it had the most potential but I doubt we’ll be able to guess what actually happened but it’s still fun to try! Let me know if I should add something
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duker42 · 5 years ago
Can i plz request yandere levi x shy reader where levi just finds her almost starving to death in the underground city but he’s just amazed by her beauty and shyness and becomes possessive over her and stuff but the reader is just quite and submissive to levi so levi decides to take care of her even after he becomes a captain he keeps her next to him all the time fluff and smut plzz (i hope my request wasn’t too much and thank youu sooo much for all the stories you write your writing is amazing)
Sorry it has taken me so long!!!! Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoy it!
The first time Levi saw Y/N she was half staved and huddled in an alley. He had been about to pass her by, there were plenty of homeless kids wasting away in the Underground. She looked up dejectedly and he caught a glimpse of her face.
She was beautiful. Even dirty as she was, her eyes captivated him. He had thought she was younger when he pulled her to her feet and pulled her away from the filth and despair of that narrow alley.
She didn’t speak the entire way to his house. Every time Levi looked back she averted her eyes from him shyly. He knew she was curious about this, was wary of him, but her timidity provoked something protective in him.
It wasn’t until he had drawn a bath and ordered to to strip those dirty rags off did he discover she was more woman than child. The baggy clothes had hidden a beautiful albeit malnourished figure of a woman, her breasts small but high. Her hips bony but had the feminine curve Levi liked. With decent meals, she would be stunning.
Over the course of the days to follow, he found himself more and more possessive of her. Isabel and Farlan has teased him, but Levi refused to let Y/N sleep anywhere other than his room. He had already decided she was his woman.
When they were captured by the Survey Corps, Levi had nearly killed the one to touch Y/N. When he finally yielded to Erwin, his one stipulation that Y/N was to stay with him at all times.
The day Isabel and Farlan died, Y/N had been by Levi’s side, him unwilling to let her out of his sight for a moment while outside of the walls. In the end it was her salvation as their entire squad was wiped out, their friends killed.
“And this is Y/N. Before you get any ideas about hitting on her, she’s Captain Levi’s second in command, but most importantly she’s his woman.” Ness explained to the incoming recruits that had chosen to join the Survey Corps.
Y/N smiled and took the cadets from there, showing them the various areas of the base that they would utilizing, all while very aware of a pair of grey eyes watching carefully.
When she got back to their quarters that night, she smiled as she entered the room, the bath was already running.
She quietly stripped off her clothes, placing them in the dirty bin as she moved to join Levi.
“Strip down, brat.” Levi looked up and smirked. She was so good, already anticipating what was to come.
He lead her into the bath and began to wash her, sitting behind her in the hot water. As his hands and the soapy rag trailed over her skin, he asked his question.
“Find anyone better among those brats?” His voice was gruff, the vulnerability behind them lost in his tone.
“No, Levi. No one could be better than you.” Y/N murmured, aware that his jealousy had come out to play. It happened every time new Scouts were brought in. He would be careful to make sure that no one bothered her, his own personal brand of possessiveness.
He scooped water over her hair and lathered it up, enjoying the soft sighs of contentment that came from her. He wasn’t stupid, he knew that Y/N was aware of his need to control. Her own submission being a perfect fit for the pair. He would calm down once those brats were aware they shouldn’t fuck with what was his.
His cock hardened against her back, just like it always did when she was in his arms. Tonight would be passionate and rough, his marks clear for all to see throughout the day. Y/N didn’t seem to mind, letting him do whatever pleased him.
He started with her neck, harshly biting and sucking the skin. A combination of red blood blisters and purple bruises left in his mouths wake. Both sides were marked up for the world to see, hard to hide beneath her uniform shirt, not that he would let her.
His hand slithered down to reach in between her legs, pleased to find her already slick like always. Two fingers swiftly pierced her core, drawling a delicious gasp from her as her head fell back against his shoulder.
As her one and only lover, the past ten years of sex had taught him everything about her body, no portion of her left unexplored.
As he pumped those fingers in and out, his other hand came up to roughly palm a breast, his calloused hands causing her to shudder against him. Pinching and pulling the nipple, she jolted, causing water to splash out of the tub.
He picked her up and sat her down on his cock unceremoniously, her arched back and throaty cry signifying her pleasure at his invasion. He hiss at the tight feel of her around him, the walls pulsing around him enchantingly. She also knew what he liked after so long and began to flex around him.
He began to thrust up, his hands on her hips, directed her pace as the water splashed all around them. He didn’t give a shit about the mess at that moment, just his and the woman in his arms pleasure. She arched against him, her breasts thrust in his face as she put her arms around his neck.
He latched on to her chest, nipping and sucking wherever his mouth could may purchase, happily marking her skin as his. She was his obsession, a fever in his blood that even if he knew how to cure it, he didn’t want to.
For long minutes the room was filled with the sounds of splashing water and her moans rising above it. His grunts were quieter, muffled by her skin and his own need to let her voice ring out louder. Her hips circled over his waist, riding him like the siren she was.
He throbbed as she pulsed, their motions and pace in sync as they crested the wave of pleasure together. Her walls tightened around him, as he pushed into her deeper. Her cry was loud, his name ripping from her throat for anyone nearby to hear. He gasped as he came, teeth clamping down on her shoulder, his hand pulling her down against him harder as he rose to meet her. He released deep inside her, marking her again as his.
One day when those shitty Titans were gone, he would plant a child in her belly, maybe. He didn’t know if he was willing to share her, even with a child of their making.
Holding her against him, he whispered. “I love you, Y/N. You’re mine. Forever.”
He smiled against her neck as she whispered back. “Forever, Levi.”
Mobile MasterList
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nejitenforlife · 5 years ago
NejiTen Month 2020
Day 11 - Pirate AU (Part 2)
Please read part 1 if you haven’t already, before reading this part of the story. The final part will (hopefully) be out tomorrow. I hope you enjoy this part of the story! 
Word Count: 2,612
Tenten instantly felt the change of temperature upon awakening. Where she was warm in the storeroom, she could not stop shivering in this new location. After opening her eyes, she realized she had been moved to the brig, a revelation that angered Tenten more than frightened her.
How dare the captain put her behind bars! She was a lady—a woman of station—and he had no right to show such disrespect to her person. Of course, she knew she didn’t look like a woman at the moment. No, she looked more like a homeless person from the streets, not the wealthy young lady she was.
Which was for the best. Tenten refused to give her real identity away to this man—even if he decided to torture her for it. Telling him would equal death—not just her own, but his and his crew’s as well. Not that Tenten should care one bit about what might happen to him or his crew members, but she didn’t want to be caught up in more of her father’s—and his—mess than necessary.
Tenten wondered if the captain would be willing to let her go once he reached his destination in exchange for her working on board. It would be preferable than being kept in this cold, damp cell. But even if she must remain here, if he promised to let her go once they reached land, she wouldn’t complain. Hell, she even contemplated warming his bed for the duration of their journey if that was what persuade him to let her leave without harm. For surely by now her fiancé knew of her absence and was rallying his men to find her.
Tenten would take her chances with these pirates over being handed back to that man.
So no, she would not tell the captain who she was, and she would do everything in her power to leave this ship and make a new life on some unremarkable small town, somewhere her fiancé would never find her.
“Are you awake?”
The voice startled Tenten and she jumped, her head whipping around to find the speaker. A man stepped into the dingy lamp light, holding a tray in his hands.
“The captain asked me to make sure you had enough water, since you seemed dehydrated,” he said, letting himself into the cell and placing the tray in front of her with a kind smile. “He also told me to get you some food. I’m sorry it is only basic. The captain would flog me if he found out I fed you anything other than what he told me to.”
Tenten didn’t care. The piece of crusty bread and watered down soup looked like heaven compared to the raw vegetables she had been eating every day. She would have loved some stew, or something with chunks of meat in it, but she wouldn’t complain. This was more than she had expected to receive from the pirate captain, and she would be an idiot to be ungrateful for it.
“Thank you.” Tenten smiled at the kind pirate, wondering how such a man found this sort living.
“My name is Rock Lee, but you may just call me Lee. I am the first mate to captain Neji Hyuga of the Crimson Night. What is your name?”
Tenten had heard of the Crimson Night. The crew weren’t as vicious as other pirates, but they were still ruthless, and they revelled in looting other ships, pirate or otherwise. Tenten supposed she was fortunate to have found herself onto a ship that took captives instead of killing all their enemies, and she had never heard of stories of the crew of the Crimson Night raping people. But just because she hadn’t heard of it, did not mean it didn’t happen…
“Your name, miss?” the first officer asked again, watching her with shrewd, guarded eyes. Tenten got the feeling that although he was kind to her, he wasn’t one to be trifled with.
“I’m nobody,” she replied. She grabbed the jug of water off the tray and took a huge gulp, not wanting to keep eye contact with the pirate. Although the water tasted slightly stale, she felt as though she could cry as it ran down her throat to settle in her belly. Nothing had ever tasted so nice.
“Even so, you must have a name.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to say.”
“If you are unwilling to say, I can only assume that you are a lady of means and you are afraid we will recognise the name and hold you for ransom. That, or you are running from someone and do not wish for us to spill your secrets to them.” He spoke in an amused tone, as though he was just making it up, but Tenten knew he meant the words, and she had to stop herself from panicking at just how close to the truth he had come—on both counts.
“Does it matter what my name is?” she snapped, using anger to hide her fear. “You can only be planning to either kill me or let me go, and I don’t see why my name is relevant in either case. If you want to kill me for stowing away on your ship, just do it. I’d rather not have my imminent death dragged out. And if you’re planning on letting me go, then we won’t see each other again so what’s so important about knowing it?”
Lee held her gaze and Tenten had to fight not to squirm under his perusal. There was no way she was going to back down from this. As soon as they knew who she was they would attempt to benefit from that fact. And yes, she realized she could have lied, but this man seemed smart—smarter than perhaps he let on to others—and she wasn’t a very good liar to begin with. It was best for her to just keep her mouth shut so as not to incriminate herself any further.
“Very well then.” He stood up, gave her another long look, then nodded. “I must go. Maybe you will feel like telling the captain.”
Tenten didn’t think a sentence so innocuous could be said in such a threatening way, and she decided to re-evaluate the nice-guy image she had in her head of him. Of course he wasn’t a nice guy. He was a pirate for goodness sake! There was nothing good about pirates.
The first mate locked the cell behind him, taking with him the only lamp and leaving her in complete and utter darkness.
“Captain,” the female captive said from her place on the floor. She was still wearing men’s clothes, and it allowed her to move freely inside the cell, instead of being encumbered by so many layers. Still, Neji wouldn’t mind seeing her in her usual attire—clothes that would hug her body instead of sitting like a shapeless rag.
“Lady,” he nodded in reply, coming to stand at the outside of her cell door.
It had been two days since she was taken to the brig, and Neji had to admit that she was looking better. Not a lot cleaner—he had only allowed her some water and a rag to wash her face and hands, and was still yet to see a bath—but her face held colour once more and she seemed brighter, more alert than when he had found her.
“Is it lunch time yet?” she asked, eyes darting behind him in case Lee was following with a tray of food.
Neji wanted to snort at the gall of her. She was his prisoner; she would be fed when he deemed it appropriate. Hell, he had every right to withhold food from her since she was withholding information from him.
“Lee will bring something shortly,” he replied instead, unable to deny her.
Neji had been visiting his prisoner since the first day she had been transferred to the brig, and each day he found himself looking forward to seeing her. She was a breath of fresh air on this testosterone filled ship, and she didn’t seem intimidated by him. More than once he found himself butting heads with her, but he found her wit and intelligence attractive.
His captive smiled, and not for the first time Neji wondered what those lips would feel like against his. “And a bath too?”
Her eyes were twinkling as she asked, but he detected the hopeful note in her voice. A smirk tugged at his lips. “You get a bath when you tell me who you are.”
She pouted, her shoulders slumping under the blanket he had provided for her on her first day in the brig, after he had noticed how her body shivered in the dark room.
“I’m kind of hoping you get so sick of the stench of me that you have no choice but to order me to take a bath,” she admitted with a grin.
Neji raised an eyebrow at her. “I was not aware that I had the ability to order you to do anything.”
She laughed at his words, the noise feminine and utterly enchanting. “True. Not many people can get away with telling me what to do.”
Not for the first time, Neji had to tell himself why it would be a bad idea to enter the cell with her. He wasn’t worried she would attack him, but he was worried about his own reaction to being so close to her, seeing as though he already felt attracted to the mysterious woman. He pulled up a chair and sat by the door, knowing he would be there a while despite his mind telling him he had more important things to do.
“Captain,” Lee appeared at his side, too early for lunch to be served.
“What is it, Lee?” Neji didn’t want to be annoyed at his first mate, but he also didn’t like being disturbed when he was speaking with his captive.
“Kiba has spotted a ship in the distance, travelling in our direction. It could be nothing, but he wanted to make sure you knew either way.”
“Pirates?” If they were, Neji would be more than happy to fight them head on. Otherwise, he would rather continue undisturbed, not only because their arrival at their destination was time sensitive, but now because he didn’t want to risk any harm coming to his captive if a fight broke out.
“Nay, Captain. It’s a navy ship.”
“Keep an eye on them but let them be. We are too busy to have a skirmish with the navy right now.”
“Aye, Captain. I will inform you if anything changes.”
Neji nodded, satisfied that his men would do their jobs properly. He didn’t believe the navy ship would bother them, but he wasn’t going to be caught off guard either. “Good. You may go.”
Turning back to look at his pretty captive, Neji was startled to see the colour had drained from her face and she was shaking even more than on her first day in the hold, when she had been freezing. He frowned, worried that she had suddenly become ill.
“Are you well?” he asked her, trying to keep the concern from his tone. It wouldn’t do him any good if his captive found out he had taken a shine to her.
Her eyes met his, wild and… frightened? What did she have to be frightened about?
“Don’t engage with them,” she said with an unsteady voice. “Please. If they came after you, don’t fight them.”
Was she worried about a battle? No doubt, if this was her first time on a ship, of course she would be a little apprehensive.
Neji tried to give her a comforting smile, though he wasn’t sure it worked. “You do not need to be afraid. My men are skilled fighters, and I will not let harm come to you.”
But his captive was shaking her head, her body shaking uncontrollably. “No, no, no, no. You can’t. Please!”
He wasn’t sure why this was upsetting her, and Neji didn’t know how to comfort her, so he tried to change the topic. “I am getting tired of calling you ‘lady’. Will you tell me your name so I can call you appropriately?”
Her head snapped up to his, as though it was the first time he had asked her the question. She paled further, making Neji more concerned that something was ailing her. “No, I won’t tell you. Maybe…” she paused, thinking, and then met his gaze. “If you flee from them, I will tell you.”
What made her so certain that the navy ship would attack them? Lee had said they were a distance away, and naval ships rarely tried to fight pirates if they did not have backup—they knew pirates had a reputation of fighting dirty. Neji wasn’t worried, but his captive seemed to think it inevitable that a fight would ensue.
“I am afraid that I cannot make such a promise,” he told her. “I am a pirate; if someone wishes to go against me then they will regret it.”
She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could do so Neji heard feet pounding down the stairs to the brig.
“Captain! They are turning astaboard and readying their cannons!” Lee’s voice was loud and urgent in the quiet of the room, but Neji was still able to make out the sharp intake of breath from inside the cell.
“Ready the cannons, then. If a fight is what they want, then a fight is what they shall have.” He stood, knowing his men needed direction, though he didn’t want to leave his captive alone in her cell. A part of him wanted to stay with her and reassure her but he knew he couldn’t. He was the captain of his ship, and it was his duty to make sure they came out victorious from this fight—he needed to be with his crew.
“Wait!” His captive scrambled to her feet and clutched at the cell doors, just inches from where he was standing. Her eyes held fear like he had never seen before. “At least give me a knife or a dagger to defend myself. I’ll die otherwise!”
Neji frowned, not only because she wanted a weapon to defend herself against the navy—people she should be overjoyed to see at that moment—but also because of the finality of her voice. Did she truly believe she would be killed in this skirmish?
“I will not let you die. You will be safe here.” Neji longed to do something more, to prove he would keep his word. But what would it look like to his first mate if he reached through the bars to caress her face? No, that would not be a good idea.
“I will keep you safe,” he promised, his voice low. He fixed his eyes on hers, willing her to believe him, but she shook her head and stepped away from the grates, a look of defeat on her face. She didn’t believe him. Neji was surprised at how much that hurt, but he couldn’t fault her for not trusting him. They may have formed a rapport over the last few days, but she was still his prisoner.
He turned his back on her and made his way up the stairs, his first mate hot on his heels. He would take care of this problem, but he wouldn’t stay away from his captive for long.
It was about time they got to know each other better.
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butwhyduh · 6 years ago
If you are still doing the Friday smut requests can you do something like a pre-bitten peter sub?
I’m gonna assume you mean a universe where peter is an adult when he gets bit by the spider because I don’t write teenagers like that.
Peter Parker was nothing special. He took photos for a small local newspaper. Okay, calling it a newspaper was a bit much. It was a rag print that ran conspiracy theories for most of it. Last week the cover was “Queen of England: Lizard Lady.” But that (along with delivering pizzas on the weekend) paid his bills as he went to college.
The current photos he was sent to get was Captain America and Iron Man on a date. He didn’t think they were dating much less hitting fancy restaurants together. So a challenge. But if someone could find a photo of the Queen of England looking a little green he could find something romantic about the two superheroes.
Your desk was right across from his, much to your dismay. He constantly had paper and old coffee cups everywhere. Sometimes a pile of papers would slid on your desk. He’d show up late and you’d have to watch the drama as the editor would yell at him. Again.
But all in all he was a really nice guy. He would walk with you to your car when it got late despite the fact that he probably couldn’t win a fight if you paid him. It was the thought that count. It also helped that he had adorable brown eyes and curly brown hair with a sweet smile that would make anyone want treat him well.
Today he sat with his head in his arms on the desk. A literal red string covered bulletin board sat mocking him in the corner. He was nowhere near finding the proof of their love. He hasn’t even gotten a single snapshot of the two in the same area. He smelled like coffee and dispair.
“Hey,” you said softly. He quickly looked up and you jumped. “Sorry. I was just- Uh you- don’t take this the wrong way but... you look like you need a break.”
“Oh... uh maybe? I don’t know. I have to find this today or else I won’t get a check this week and then I’m homeless. You didn’t need to know that. Sorry,” he said turning red.
“Do you want help?” You offered.
“Aren’t you busy?” He asked. You looked at your finished article. Not exactly the height of journalism you had aspired to as a kid.
“No. I think I’ve got my article down. Not much research involved in “Installing Shower Grates Protect Woman From Sewer Gators.” It kinda wrote itself,” you said with a smile. “I also want to get out of here before they give me another assignment.”
“Yeah that makes sense,” he said with a laugh. You grabbed your bag and stood up. “Wait, where are you going?”
“To get your scoop. Come on,” you said. Peter quickly grabbed his backpack and followed. You hurried out the door and down the stairs before anyone could call you to do more work.
Ten minutes later you stood in front of the fire escape of a small 3 story building. Peter stood panting. His thin shoulders moving with effort of trying to keep up with you. He smiled embarrassed. You went to climb the ladder hanging from the fire escape.
“Wait. What are you doing?” He asked.
“Climbing up. There’s a Stark Benefit coming up and that’s your chance to get the shot if there is one. It starts in an hour. So we better hurry if we want you up on the roof before they get here,” you said pulling your self up a rung. “You coming?”
“Yeah, okay,” he said dancing around a little like he was psyching himself up. You rolled your eyes and climbed up to the roof. Peter struggled up the ladder before climbing as far from the roof as he could. He heaved out of breath.
“Come on if you want your shot,” you said laying on the ground near the edge. Across the street a fancy art building was decked out for an event. It looked like the event was to raise money for prosthetic limb research for children. Peter slowly crawled to edge. His face strained nervously.
“Not a fan of heights,” he admitted.
“I thought you got a picture of the Vulture downtown,” you said frowning. “That was quite a ways up.”
“Don’t tell anybody but I paid this punk in a red hoodie carrying a can of spray paint to do it. Bought him some street tacos for it,” Peter admitted. You laughed.
“I guess that works too. Well now you’ve got to get your shots up high today. Limos are arriving,” you said. Your attention was back on the building in front of you. Peter pulled out his camera to look. “Even if you don’t get your shot some other paper might buy the pics from this event.”
“Why can’t we be down there with those photographers?” He asked.
“You need an event badge and they won’t give one to a paper that called the Queen a lizard,” you reminded him.
Thirty minutes later and no Tony Stark or Steve Rogers, your energy was starting to deflate. And Peter shifted. A lot. He couldn’t seem to sit still. You ignored it hoping that the next car would hold them both. An hour later Peter was literally pacing.
A shiny new red sports car rumbled around the corner before stopping in front of the building. “Hey, I think it’s them. Or at least Stark.”
Peter quickly clambered beside you, almost dropping his camera in the process. You gave him a look before he fixed it. He took a few shots of the car before Tony Stark climbed out. He fixed his suit before opening the passenger door. The lovely Pepper Pots climbed out. Peter took a few shots. Rumors were common that the two were dating.
Out of the backseat popped a head before long limbs followed. Peter took photos as Captain America, Steve Rogers almost fell out of the backseat. You weren’t even sure how he fit back there. Peter quickly snapped shots of him glaring at Tony Stark before smiling at cameras. A driver got in the car and drove it off.
You gasped as Tony Stark pat Steve Rogers on the bottom before smiling for the cameras. “Did you get that?” You asked. Peter was grinning.
“Definitely. I can’t believe that’s real. I didn’t think- are they dating?” He asked surprised.
“Maybe? I mean, they’re really close,” you said. You suddenly realized how close Peter’s face was to yours. His freckles on his nose and cheek visibly beautiful in the early evening light.
“Thanks. I really need this,” he said.
“Yeah for rent, right?” You said with a smile.
Sigh. “Yeah, just don’t mention that to anyone please,” he said turning red.
“It’s cool. I work at the same paper as you. I’m not exactly rich,” you said pushing your hair behind your ear. Why did you do that? Are you flirting with him? He’s probably just being professional. No, he’s looking at your lips.
“I don’t wanna be weird but you’re really pretty,” he said before turning red again. You flushed and smiled.
“It’s the sunset really. Anyone looks good in-“
“No. I mean, you look pretty at work too,” he said. You looked at him for a beat before leaning in to kiss him. His thin fingers slid to hold your side. You pushed him to his back where he made a soft “oof” sound. You climbed on his lap and Peter pulled you closer by the hips. Your fingers curled in his hair.
You took advantage of the moment. You had a crush and who knew when something like this could happen again. You rubbed against him. The delicate material of your dress pants felt divine against his coarser pants. You felt him get hard under you. Your clit rubbed the tip of his cock through your clothes. You grinded against him while making out for a while.
A siren passing by made you jump. You pulled away and you both laughed. “It’s just an ambulance....And a second. I probably should follow it. It might be a lead...” you said getting up.
Peter sat up adjusting his pants to hide his erection. “Yeah. Okay. I need to get these photos developed. See you around?”
“Yeah for sure,” you said already climbing on the fire escape. “Call me.”
As you climbed down you texted your dad. “Thanks for that. The pat really sold it. I owe you.”
Headline the next day:
Ironman and Captain America: Secret Lovers Behind Pepper Pots Back
Will Stark Industry fall over this?
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peace-coast-island · 5 years ago
Diary of a Junebug
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Dining out at the Majestic Cafe!
We’re popping out the champagne bottles tonight for a majestic dining experience! 
Today’s the third year anniversary of the cafe’s grand opening. The place is run by Julie Nargarkar and Enid Zuberi. There’s also Hana, who prefers to be behind the scenes so we don’t really see as much of her but she deserves credit too. It was an idea that started out as “what if?” and then it grew into something big. 
The story of how they came together adds to this cafe’s charm and appeal.
First there’s Julie, who was an aspiring reporter. A few years ago, after graduating college, she landed what seemed to be a promising position at a trendy news site. Writing articles about pop culture isn’t really something she aspired to do but it was a popular website, it paid super well, and gave her connections.   
Although working there gave her a boost in her professional life, the environment at the office was terrible. Being one of the very few women in the office - especially a woman of color, Julie was subjected to a lot of shitty treatment by her colleagues and bosses. She held out for as long as she could before quitting a year and a half later right after the company won a web award. And by the company, it was actually her - reporter of the year. 
Publicly resigning from your work after winning an award was a power move and one that the company never recovered from. Basically when Julie went up to accept the award, instead of thanking her colleagues, she called them out on their misogyny, racism, and hypocrisy before announcing that she was glad to end her time at the company on the high note. 
Of course, the speech went viral. More women spoke up about how they were mistreated by the company, which led more people to come forward about how they were screwed over by how some of the reporters failed to give credit or outright stole from creators. So the company ends up shooting itself on the foot while denying everything and hasn’t recovered since. 
I have mad respect for Julie for taking them down like that.   
Not long afterwards, Julie and a friend started a lifestyle blog called Typewriter Keys. The blog updated twice a week - Julie on Monday and Leah on Friday. After the whole media blowout with her resignation speech, Julie debated pushing back the blog’s launch in case a bunch of trolls decided to crash the website. But in the end she decided to proceed as planned, assigning a couple of friends to moderate comments and block anyone who tries to stir up trouble. Within a few months the trolls stopped coming in hordes. 
Going from a toxic workplace to running your own business where you call all the shots was a refreshing change of scenery for Julie. Instead of drowning in deadlines and writing about clickbait stuff, she was free to pursue what she wanted to do. And the fact that the blog was super successful was rewarding itself. 
But at the same time, Julie felt something was lacking. As much as she enjoyed writing blog posts, she preferred it as a hobby. Although she puts in 100% in her work, it was getting harder and harder for her to sit down in front of her computer and write. 
Whenever she started feeling burnt out, Julie would go to a cafe to clear her mind and hopefully get out of her writer’s block. Most of the time it works and she’s inspired again. But as time went on, her writer’s block worsened and while being in a busy cafe helped her de-stress, she was uninspired to write, which then stressed her out again, leading to an unhealthy cycle. 
Eventually she decided to take a short break from the blog, which turned into six months. During that time, she found herself drawn to cafes and began taking an interest in the business. She would often travel out of town to explore different coffee shops, which is how she met Enid. 
Enid’s led an interesting life. She was a rags to riches story, though in a bit of an unconventional way. She was originally a waitress at a run down diner and then suddenly she was whisked away to another country as a possible suitor for a prince. Although she got along well with him and his friends, Enid couldn’t see herself living life as royal. Instead, she fell for Lady Hana Lee, a duchess and childhood friend of the prince. 
The next few years were a bit of a wild ride for Enid. From going on royal adventures, falling in love, and dealing with political/family drama - it was unreal! But after three years, it was getting tiring. The prince was cool but his relatives weren’t the best to get along with. Dealing with royal stuff was suffocating and it was taking a toll on Enid and the others.   
Although the whole purpose of bringing Enid and other women to the castle was to find him a bride, he instead chose his two best friends - a stablehand and a bodyguard. Did I mention that the elders are really homophobic and classist? 
Knowing that their families disapprove and have the power to ruin their lives if they don’t conform to their standards, the five of them snuck to another country to elope. Two other friends risked their status to help them carry out the plan. So as a result, a former waitress, a stablehand, a bodyguard, and four royals were banned from the country.   
None of them regret doing it. Mad respect to them as well. 
While the media was having a field day, the gang went globe hopping, meeting up with many friends who supported what they did. A few months later a princess and her friends followed suit after being inspired by them. Once the media attention died down, the gang felt that it was time for them to get on with their lives. As much as she loved traveling, Enid wanted to settle down so she and Hana moved to the coastal town of Willowdale while the husbands continued to travel the world. 
Adjusting to life in Willowdale was a lot easier said than done for Enid, and especially for Hana. They were able to get by so finances wasn’t an issue, which helped a lot. But they didn’t know what to do after spending over a year traveling. On one hand, it was good to take a break from a hectic lifestyle to reevaluate what they wanted out of their lives. But after a while it was getting stagnant and they were stuck in a rut they didn’t know how to get out of. 
Like Julie, Enid and Hana found comfort in coffee shops. They happened to run into each other in Silverkeep, a city near Willowdale. From there they became fast friends and would meet up at a new coffee shop at least twice a month. 
While getting to know each other, Hana wondered what it would be like to run a cafe. Willowbrook was a nice town to live in, but it was in need of a coffee place. Then that led Julie to think, why not? Enid, who has experience from working in food service, thought, it’s possible. Before they knew it, they were going back and forth on ideas about their imaginary cafe. 
And then one thing led to another, making their dream a reality. It wasn’t easy and they needed a lot of help along the way - but it was worth it! Julie, a coffee and tea aficionado, found that she enjoyed being a barista. Enid and Hana were content in the kitchen coming up with recipes.   
Along with food, drinks, and top-notch service, another important thing to consider is the environment. Being someone who often hangs out at coffee shops to either wind down or get productive, Julie wanted the place to be able to convey that. It’s more than just a cafe, it’s a safe space you can go to when you need time to yourself or need to escape. So that’s why there’s two sections - the main floor where it’s bustling with activity and an upstairs where you can get some privacy. There’s also a bulletin board with various resources and hotlines for those who need help. 
Three years on and Majestic Cafe is becoming one of the go-to places to visit in Willowdale. Julie and Enid have been featured in a lot of lifestyle blogs, podcasts, and vlogs - which is how I found out about Majestic Cafe. Also I enjoy hearing stories about people living their dream lives. 
While talking about what lies ahead for the future, Julie said that they’re working with a mental health clinic and a homeless shelter. The bulletin board with resources and hotlines has helped a lot of people over the years so she wants expand on that. A number of people have said Majestic Cafe literally saved their lives because they happen to walk by the board and see a suicide hotline or domestic violence hotline. So the cafe wants to expand on that by working closely with the clinic and shelter to bring help to those who need it. 
I’m so proud of Julie, Enid, Hana, and the Majestic Cafe team for their accomplishments! 
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bluebellhairpin · 6 years ago
Killer Queen
Bruce Wayne X Single-Parent!Reader
A/N: Where even did this come from? C’mon me, you have other things to do besides self-indulgent one-shots! The inspiration for ‘(y/n)’ is ‘Killer Queen’ by 5 Seconds of Summer (or Queen). Characters include: Bruce Wayne and CO, Maven (OC) and CO, and the Joker and CO. - Nemo
(P.S. This is a hella lot longer that I first planned, like over 2k words long, so I’m splitting it into different parts. Hope ya’ll don’t mind too much.)
Summary: It all started the day you decided to walk home from work. You were walking from your office back to your house and found a child, no older than five years old, being harassed by a man. You ended up rescuing the boy and taking him home. You soon adopted this child, and that’s sparked the interest of the media, a certain billionaire with a flare for adopting kids himself, and even a couple resident villains.
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There were a few people in Gotham who instantly popped into one’s mind when the words ‘Gotham’s most prestigious’ were uttered. The mayor, Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent, just to name a few. But among the more unfortunate residents of Gotham, those who were homeless, jobless, widows and orphans, only one name came to mind. 
Yours, and that was mostly because you came from beginnings like theirs. 
Your parent’s weren’t wealthy like the Wayne's, so when your father died your mother had to resort to some not-so-nice-or-respectable jobs. You never got the chance to go to college, and you never had enough luck to even bother entering a lottery. No, you came about your wealth by pure hard work; and you urged others to do the same.
Because of your unfortunate up-bringing, you kept yourself humble and human. Human enough that when, one night after a horrible day stuck in your office (of which only positive feature was the giant window of a wall and the picture you took of your mother just after she moved to live a carefree life on the coast of Metropolis), Gotham’s weather was so good that you got the chance to walk home to your apartment.
Along your pleasant-ish journey home you suddenly had the urge to look down one of the alleyways, something you rarely did encase you say something you shouldn’t have. 
But what you saw made your blood boil to your core.
There was a man, about in his late forties with a gross haircut and ragged clothes, a strange-looking knife clutched in his hand as he shoved a boy into the wall opposite him. The boy wouldn’t of been any older than five, he had scruffy unkempt brown hair and tears running down his cheeks. 
Was that blood? 
Whatever existed of your maternal instincts kicked in at the sight and you walked up to confront the man in your work suit and black suede Alastar heels. 
“Excuse me, sir? Do you mind me asking what exactly you’re doing with this child?” You asked, stopping a couple paces away from the pair. The man grunted and glared over at you.
“What’s it to you-uu, girl?” He slurred. As he talked, you got an unintentional whiff from his direction and got the familiar smell of beer and what you guessed was a type of harder liquor. 
“Sorry to disappoint you,” You started, fixing your suit collar as you stepped closer, “But I am a woman, the most influential woman in Gotham, as a matter of fact. And whatever you’re doing to that boy is as much of my business as it is that of the GCPD. So unless you want them, and half of downtown Gotham hunting down your sorry excuse of a life, then I’d rack off and not try anything like this again.” You said, your voice unwavering as you stood firm. 
You never liked people who used their social-status or wealth to get their way, but you also believed there was a good type of peer-pressure; the type that influenced others to do good. This was a prefect example of such use, and a shadowy figure above you thought the exact same.
“No one’s sto-ped me before. You think you can scar-are me away?” He said, stumbling forwards to place himself a few inches away from your face. 
“I know I can.”
“Stupi-d girl. I’ll have my way with you, and him-” At his unfinished innuendo you snapped, grabbing his arm to twist it behind his back and push him to the ground, placing your heeled foot on the back of his head to shove his face in the uneven pavement.
“Don’t you dare disrespect me, that boy, or anyone else like that ever again! If I even here a word breathed that you have, I’ll hunt you down and beat you to next week! Trust me when I say you’d wish I was the Batman instead!” You yelled, the man turning to a teary mess underneath you as he blubbered out an apology, promising to never do it again as long as you let him go.
The figure tilted it’s head in a rather uncharacteristic way at the mention of Batman. How could anyone prefer him over this woman? You must’ve been like hell on earth if you got angry enough.
You released the man, his figure stumbling off away from you as you turned to face the boy who’d been frozen in his spot since you first showed up.
“Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” You asked softly, crouching down a little ways off from the boy so you wouldn’t scare him. 
He shook his head, wiping away at his watery brown eyes as tears started to gather again. You cooed at him and offered a hand for him to take, which he responded with jumping into your arms instead. You then were able to get a half-decent look at him now; some drops of blood were on his shirt and face, but you couldn’t see anywhere that blood could’ve come from. Other than that he seemed physically fine.
“Hey, sweetie. Can I ask you’re name?” You said, running your hands through his hair to neaten it a little, and the action seemed to calm him.
“Maven? That’s a pretty cool name.” You said, smiling down at him as you stood, scooping Maven in your arms as you started walking away.
“I know.” He said, a sly smile reaching his face and you found it was rather endearing. 
After Maven and you had made it to the police station, you helped file a report about what happened and what you saw and said, making sure that Commissioner Gordon had a good description of the man you encounter so they could find him. 
You also found out how Maven got into the situation. His parents house was robbed, and in turn both his mother and father were shot dead. He ran off to get help, on his way to the police station even, when he seemed to have gotten pulled into the alley. 
You were also told that he had no other suitable relatives in Gotham. He had a grandmother, but she was in a nursing home, and an Aunt, but she was hardly leading a life fit for a five-year-old to join into. So you decided to take care of him until something else could be arrange.
Turned out, that ‘something else’ was you adopting him. 
Naturally, you took him to visit his grandmother, of which he called Nana, once every week, whenever she was up for visitors, and you also met his Aunt, her name is Maggie, and despite her bad reputation, treated Maven like any aunt would a nephew. You mother also met Maven the first chance she could, covering him with affection and stories like any real grandmother would. 
A few months had passed, and Maven had taken up permanent residence in your apartment and heart. It was also at this time that the media of Gotham started getting interested in Maven. 
So far you’d managed to avoid all big events, paparazzi, and interviews so you could slowly introduce the lifestyle to the boy, but it was getting harder and harder to feed it to him how you wanted. But coming up was a charity ball, one that you’d attended every year without fail, and you knew you couldn’t just miss out on this one.
So the night came, your plan was to keep Maven close to you at all times, away from as much flashing camera’s and nosy reporters as you could, and take him home as early as possible. 
You managed to get Maven to stand still long enough to get a suit that was tailored to his size, and then you got your dress on before you made your way to the waiting car. 
You’d driven for five minutes, Maven clutching onto your hand as he smiled up at you, a hit of nervousness in his face, but most of it was excitement. You smiled down at him, kissing his forehead and laughing as your lipstick left a mark.
“Are there going to be any other kids there Ma?” He asked as you wiped the red mark off his forehead. You laughed again at the question, it was such a kid thing to say. (By now you’d stop freezing up at him calling you ‘Ma’, but it still left a flutter of happiness in your chest when you heard it.) 
“There ought to be at least one or two you’ll get along with. I’m sure.” You said and brushed some of his hair back as the car pulled up at the entrance to the venue. The flash of camera’s grew, and yells from outside became louder as the crowd realised who had arrived. The attention now reverting from Bruce Wayne and his clan towards you and Maven.
“Can I get out first Ma? I’ll escort you, like Nana said gentlemen do!” Maven asked eagerly, his excitement overcoming his nerves as he thought of making his Nana proud. You nodded and let the driver open the door to let Maven out.
The crowd became even louder, finally getting the long-awaited pleasure of seeing the boy (y/n) (l/n) had made her own. Maven reached his hand out for you to take as you stepped out of the car behind him, flashing one of your dazzling smiles at the camera’s to please them even more. 
As you and Maven made your way towards the inside of the venue, posing for a few photo’s for the newspapers and magazines as you went, Bruce Wayne watched you both from his place near the venue door.
Many questions swirled in his head as he took the time to admire you in your dress, and how you acted towards your seeming son. Since when did you have a kid? Was it that long since he saw you last? Who was the father? What was that kids name? He didn’t look that much like you, was he even yours?
“Mr. Wayne! Do you know anything about Miss. (l/n) new child?” A nearby reporter asked, pointing her phone microphone at him in anticipation. Bruce snapped out of his daze, looking over at the reporter with a smile as he asked her to repeat the question.
“Oh my god Bruce, you’re so thick in the head.” Jason groaned as he decided to take his leave and sulk into the building away from his family group.
“I’ve heard his name is Maven.” Dick chimed in, sending a smirk and wink at the reporter, effectively saving Bruce’s reputation as he continued to chat to the reporter.
So his name was Maven. But then Bruce wondered how did Dick know about him? Was his son a stalker? He hoped not, that would be more embarrassing than Dick’s ‘disco’ faze. 
The night went on nicely, for both you and Bruce.
There were a lot less camera’s and questions inside, but people still came up to you and wanted to meet Maven. As expected, they were all very nice about it, and some even offered school suggestions for him and even were asking if you wanted to organise a time for him and their children to have play-dates. 
For Bruce, he always managed to have conversations started with him in places where he could see you. Jason was being rather pleasant tonight, and Dick wasn’t being quite so flirty. Even Damian and Tim were keeping their salty and smart remarks to themselves. It seemed to be too quiet for him, so he was getting suspicious as to what they all could be up too. 
Hell, it might not even be anything they do; but he was getting a bad feeling about how the night would end.
You also were getting a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. But you were brushing it aside; your ‘Hell Week’ was next week, and you always got pains before it happened, so you were handling the horrible feeling inside you at your ovaries trying to murder themselves.
But it didn’t quite seem to be the same feeling. 
Both yours and Bruce’s bad feelings where confirmed when an explosion went off near the east corner of the building. Many people started screaming and running to the exit, but only to find it was closed and locked. You stood, keeping as calm as you could and Maven close to you as you looked around to try and find an alternate exit. 
“Well, well, well! Looks like we’ve got them all caged in like pretty little doves!” A cackling voice said, silencing the screams and turning all head towards the source of the voice. The bright colours of the Joker and Harley Quinn stepped into view on the stage of the venue and Maven cowered closer between your legs to reassure himself you were there; it also helped reassure you he was there.
“Very pretty doves puddin’. But which ones do we take?” Harley said, a smile firmly fixed on her face as figured dressed in black started walking through the crowd and grabbing a person each. 
Amongst those selected out were the Mayor’s daughter, the youngest of Bruce Wanye’s sons, and one of the women you were talking to only a moment ago. All but Bruce’s son were looking very panicked about being picked, and when you looked over at Bruce and the rest of his son’s, they weren’t looking too afraid either.
“Now, doll, go choose one for us.” Joker said from his place on the stage where he was pacing. Harley did as she was told and jumped off the stage to start wandering through the crowd. You watched her, slowly moving Maven behind you as she moved closer and closer to where you were standing.
She stopped in front of you, smiling as she eyed you up and down, catching a glimpse of Maven from behind your form before she called back to the Joker.
“I found one!” 
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avaquet · 6 years ago
Evelyn Lavellan - Detailed Backstory
Because why not?
Her backstory has kinda changed throughout the course of me lol, most things have changed.
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Under the cut because it’s long - consider it a short story lmao (lotta HCs please don’t mind too much, Ev is also part of an AU)
Let’s do a briefing on her parents!
Taelhen Lavellan- He was born in the clan, son of the keeper and of a mage in a coastal clan. His father, the keeper of Lavellan, had died prematurely from an illness while Taelhen was still quite young. This is when Deshanna took over as keeper. When Taelhen became old enough, he was destined as First due to his magical abilities and bloodline to Lavellan them-self. In his thirties, he had contact with a city elf by the name of Valonna who had escaped an alienage wishing to join with a clan. Clan Lavellan was welcoming to her, and Taelhen had a soft spot. They soon fell in love, and after a few years, Evelyn was born.
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(A/N: no mods were used here, this was purely photoshop. At the time I made this, I was still on Xbox)
Valonna Lavellan- Born in the Kirkwall alienage, Valonna had always sought to escape. She had always felt on edge where she was and craved a place where she could feel decently safe. Her best friend was a homeless half-elf by the name of Evelyn. Evelyn did not actually want to leave, but she helped Valonna because she wanted to see her happy. Evelyn had informed her of a clan up north that frequently did business with travelers and traders that came to and from Kirkwall. Then, Valonna set off, saying her final farewells. She joined Lavellan and changed her last name in her early thirties. Because of the help Evelyn had given her, she decided to name her daughter after her.
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(A/N: Looks kinda like Ev’s twin almost, yeah? Based it off my own life, as I look eerily similar to my mother)
Early Childhood: Ages 0-7- (Warning: Abuse is mentioned and described) Despite Taelhen being First, he did most of the work raising Ev. In fact he worked his ass off while Valonna seemed absent. And despite that, Taelhen never raised his voice, yelled, or otherwise blatantly argue with Valonna over it. They got into a few disputes, but always made it a point to never do it in front of Ev. When Taelhen was out doing his job, Valonna stayed back basically to make sure Ev didn’t accidentally kill herself. Ev personally cannot remember much during this time, in fact most of her memory is blank from ages 0-4. During that time, Valonna had used some questionable parenting tactics, at least in front of Taelhen. Alone, no one knew exactly what she did. It was never physical, and no one heard any screams or crying, but little Ev did seem excited to see Taelhen come home, a bit too excited.
One night when Ev was 5, now this is a memory she remembers, though cannot get into vivid details because it hurts, Valonna and Ev were alone at the house (AU: HC they have fold-able houses that can easily be transported) and Valonna was particularly frustrated that day. She had told Ev to stay out of the cookie container, but had forgotten that she moved it. There were a few containers on the counter and Ev was curious about the new objects. So, she took a peek. Valonna walked in on Ev while she was examining the cookie container and basically lost her shit for no plausible reason. She yelled and over-scolded Ev, in fact little Ev was on the floor with her back pressed up against the corner practically frozen. Valonna went on a harsh, emotionally abusive rant that would be ingrained in Ev’s head for decades.Of course, Ev was terrified and confused, so she muttered out for her Paba (father). Valonna took great offense to that and struck Ev. Little did she know, Taelhen had just walked in and saw the moment she struck her. It was a mix, she had made a fist but struck in a back-handed motion to Ev’s face. Of course, Ev gave out a scream of bloody murder, she was in all different levels of pain and betrayal. A traumatic moment that had given her PTSD, and was the catalyst to her anxiety, depression, loss of self-confidence, loss of passion, and intrusive thoughts down the line. Valonna had immediately seen the repercussions of her actions and immediately felt regret, though it didn’t matter for the damage had been done and Taelhen forcefully yanked her away from Ev. He finally cursed and screamed at Valonna to get the fuck out, and he almost hit her but he prioritized Ev and knew more physical violence would not help and she needed to be attended to ASAP. Valonna left and ran, pulled over by the Keeper and she confessed her actions which got her banished from the clan, though Valonna found a new clan to stay with later.
Once Valonna was out of the house, Taelhen went directly to Ev, the bruising had already started and her lip was bleeding. He picked her up and let her sit on the lounge while he frantically got different things from around the house to help. He got a wet rag and cloth to help with the bleeding and pain. He got a potion to help with the inevitable headache that would come. He got her favorite blanket. He stayed up with her all night and held her so she would feel safe and secure and so he could watch over her for a concussion. He would use his magic to make the wet rag colder or warmer depending on which would soothe the most at the time. He did his best to make her laugh, he braided her hair, he did everything he could to help. All while biting back his own tears, he couldn’t help but blame himself because he didn’t listen to earlier times. It was the only time Valonna got physical with Ev, and it would be the last. That night, Ev got a busted lip that turned into a small scar, a bruised facial bone, black eye, welts, and a concussion.
At the age of six, Ev’s magic started to manifest along with the ability to tamper and control her dreams a bit. This is when she started to spend a lot more time with Deshanna as she was taught about her magical abilities. Ev was also given books because she felt good reading. Started off with tales and fiction and then it was sprinkled in with magical theory and demonology at an older age. But she had a strong affinity with books and found a sense of comfort within. Ev at this time was the youngest in the clan, and the other children saw her as somewhat weird because she read more often than she played outside. Ev is an introvert as well and the other kids sorta found that odd. Ev also liked to observe the other people to learn, and she learned quickly. For about a year or so, the other kids treated her as an oddity and were barely nice to her. Though, the other kids didn’t actually realize they were offending or hurting her. A year or so later, most of the kids warmed up to her and realized that they were hurting her. Ev was quite kind and respectable, she showed a lot of care as well. For instance, a kid she didn’t particularly like herself because they were mean, wanted a candy but was too lazy to get one. So, Ev got up and got them a candy, just because. Ev’s greatest strength, caring, is also her greatest weakness. For a while there, Ev went through a phase of wanting to please as many people a possible, even if that person was mean. Merrisiara or Merri, became Ev’s first and closest friend. Though Merri befriended Ev out of pity at first. They are still, to this day, close friends.
Late Childhood: Ages 8-12- Ev was officially declared a Dreamer at this time and had received more books and studies on the matter. Ev loved to learn, she just hated being tested on it or pushed by a due date. Her magic skills were improving and improving quite fast, in fact Deshanna began to think about making her First.
There was a time that Ev got quite sick. Her allergies flare up the most during the winter and spring, this year was particularly bad. She was wheezing for a solid week and coughing up phlegm constantly, one night she coughed too hard and threw up. The circumstances were just right to send her body into an overdrive and it was like she was having some sort of respiratory attack. She couldn’t take deep breaths, and her breathing was extremely fast and short. Her back was in pain due to the amount of effort it took her to breathe. She was with healers and clan medics for about eight days, and since then she had developed emetophobia. The phobia was strong enough to keep her from puking again to this day. Though it’s not pleasant, each time she feels close to throwing up she goes into a panic. She knows rationally that what happened to her before probably won’t happen again, but her mind remembers the event all too well and is overly afraid of it happening again. She’s gone through many events of some kind of stomach ache or pain that would be easily rectified if she were to puke, but because of the event and how strong the fear is, she puts up with it. (A/N: Based off a real life event)
During these years she got to spend a good amount of time with the coastal clan her grandmother was from. She got to meet another friend who became close to her at the time and they kept in contact. This is when she got heavily into music. Singing, dance, and instruments. The dance she learned and practiced to this day is a solo dance, she knows how to tell a story through her dancing, and the style is focused mostly on the hips and belly, she had to learn most of her dances while balancing a book on her head. She learned a style of singing that got the halla’s attention and worked with the halla care-taker often. Her singing style is a mix of (what we would call) a Celtic/viking-esque and her own personal style. Taelhen learned a bit about instruments over the years and decided to learn more about conducting and at when Ev turned ten, he gifted her a violin and they practiced together. Though Ev is shy about her passions out of fear of being ridiculed for them. She also just dislikes most attention and it takes her a while to look past the fact she is receiving attention.
She rescued a stray cat and named her Echo, they became akin to what we see in movies with a witch and their familiar. Echo had a very close bond with Ev and Ev poured so much love into the little kitty.
When she was twelve, she first started to menstruate, though she only got one or two cramps before the bleeding started, the rest of the time she felt bleh and she searched for a way to feel less bleh. One of her clan mates told her of this method she’s been using for about a year or so now that has worked for her. Shortened the length and got rid of almost all the bleh and pain. It was true, except they were both ignorant to what else it caused to happen. Ev used the method for half a year before feeling really weird, and actually got into more pain. Her friend told her to seek out a healer or something because she might’ve had an allergic reaction or something. So she did. When she explained the method to the healer, the healer themselves almost had a heart attack. The healer got both of them in and did tests with the medical. For the method that they were using had a side effect of infertility if used long enough. Her friend had to actually get her ovaries removed because it was so bad (AU), Ev hadn’t used the method long enough for it to be that severe but it did render her infertile as it had basically fried her eggs and killed them. Her friend felt devastated and horrible about what happened, though Ev felt more sorry for her. Ev wasn’t devastated at all, in fact, she felt more relief than anything. Ev was always a bit uncomfortable and afraid of becoming pregnant, and truly believed she has no maternal instinct. She doesn’t wish for kids, but she knows if by whatever chance she changed her mind, she’d rather adopt anyways. She gave a lot more support to her friend and knew that she didn’t feel the same way as she (Ev) did so Ev didn’t treat the situation the same way, instead she catered towards more what her friend needed and needed to hear.
Around this time, Ev questioned her belief in the elven pantheon. She didn’t feel like she truly believed or wanted to believe. Inspired by a book she read she began to question many things on faith and life itself, she would pace the home and talk to herself trying to figure out different philosophical questions. At this point she was agnostic, and wasn’t sure if she wanted to believe in gods at all but kept going with the flow just in case. It wasn’t until later that a fantasy book gave her the idea that maybe the pantheon might not have been gods but influential or powerful mages? Then she became atheist, but still deeply respected the views of her peers.
Teenage Years: Ages 13-17- (Warning: Harassment and brief statements of sexual activity) During these years, her anxiety and depression became more and more prevalent, along with the voice in the back of her head she calls the gnat or the voices of abuse past, referring to her mother. The gnat is extremely harsh on Ev, tells her she’s not good enough, and keeps her from fully enjoying her passions. She even tried to pursue new ones like sketching and journaling, but alas, the gnat’s voice only got stronger seeing her as a beginner try new things. It made her into a perfectionist and somewhat of a hypocrite. Where she would say others deserved love and kindness the gnat in her head would tell her that she herself didn’t deserve it because she can’t seem to get over herself, ignore the voice in general, because she’s a burden for having an internal conflict such as this, or whatever reason the gnat comes up with. Early on, Deshanna finally decided to start training Ev to being First, Taelhen happily stepped down, proud of Ev, and became her mentor and basically Second.
When Ev was 13, she thought she had a friend where there wasn’t one. A person that added to the voice of the gnat. Ev opened up to him about her internal thoughts and he responded basically by telling her to get over it and to grow up. That no one wants to deal with it, that if it continued she’d be more like a leech to society because she just can’t take care of herself it seems. He told her it’d be unwise to enter any sort of relationship because she would be a burden at times, because it seemed she didn’t love herself so how the hell could she love anyone else? She was defensive and pushed him out of her life and sought solace in Merri, Taelhen, and Deshanna, who all told her that he was wrong and a dick. But his words, no matter how much she tried to ignore them, fueled the gnat she was still battling. 
She learned different ways of battling the gnat, whenever an unstoppable thought told her that she hated herself, she would have to consciously catch herself and correct it. “No, I don’t hate myself, I just dislike the situation I’m in.” Merri, Taelhen, and Deshanna would also catch her with self deprecating humor and reminded her to try out the more positive thoughts. For her, it worked for the most part. Sometimes the gnat would become too strong and just rapid-fire thoughts would hit her all at once and she would break down crying. Taelhen usually heard and would always come to her aid. One moment, she came out to her Paba about some deeply disturbing thoughts she’s had, thoughts that come out of nowhere and made her question if she was truly a kind and caring person. He reminded her that she is not her thoughts and that actions speak more, that she is kind, and recommended ways to ignore or let these “thoughts from the void” pass. Sometimes Ev would break down crying because those intrusive thoughts could be so damn horrible. And it wouldn’t just be thoughts, her mind would immediately make her imagine it, would play out the what if, she’d never do it in real life, by the way her mind played it out like any and all ideas that crossed her mind, would sometimes make her break down crying. 
These years also uncovered a trigger of hers; accusatory yelling would cause her adrenaline to pump, if it was directed at her then her freeze response would kick in and a slight panic, and if flesh struck across her face she would break down completely. She became hyper-aware of her mistakes and a fear built up behind it. She mistakenly looked in the container of cookies and she got hurt badly, what if she made another mistake? - the way her mind worked. That’s what really drained her of her passions and made the gnat win many battles. She became severely afraid of making mistakes and then would regret not taking action to begin with. She fell into a spiral, as she basically became afraid of being a person.
But, she had a lot of support, a lot of care, and a lot of love by not just her Paba, Merri, and Deshanna, but varying members of the clan that were friends with her. Over the years she learned how to quell and fight back these internal thoughts effectively. Reminded constantly that it is okay to seek help and have a shoulder to cry on. Reminded it’s okay to be emotional, that it’s okay to feel. Yes she reached a very dark point in her life where she felt she could only escape by sleeping, but she was also helped a lot. It wasn’t perfect and she wasn’t cured by any means, but she wasn’t spiraling anymore and she was building herself back up over the years. 
If you asked her if she’s ever been in a (romantic) relationship before, she will tell you no. Though, she has called someone her boyfriend, and she will tell you that yes, at the time she called him her boyfriend, even a friend, but she’s learned now that that wasn’t the case. It would be akin to holding an orange and calling it an apple, the orange is not an apple just because she mislabeled it. She was 15 when she entered this little fiasco with him. He was a friend and moved to the “relationship” a little quick for her liking but, she cared for him. (Remember greatest strength can also be the greatest weakness) She didn’t really feel ready for the kind of relationship he wanted, but wanted to try it out anyways. Some time passed and he expressed interest in wanting to kiss her, and she told him that she would want it planned out because she’s anxious about it and uncomfortable with a surprise first ever kiss. Her irrational thoughts were rampant still at this time. On the surface, he agreed. Later on, unannounced he leaned in to try and kiss her, and she immediately panicked. She covered her face entirely and thoughts like, “Hadn’t brushed my teeth since the last meal, my lips are a little chapped, I don’t know what I’m doing, this is going to be horrible” rampaged her mind immediately. Then, she felt like an utter bitch the way she reacted. “Oh fuck I offended him...” When he calmed her down a bit and she let her guard down, he tried again and lo and behold the same reaction occurred and it took her even longer to let down her guard and she even started to flinch whenever he moved. He was disappointed and upset, and she felt awful because well...she cared. They never kissed at all their entire “relationship”. Another instance of broken boundaries, is when she was around friends and he decided to slap her ass in front of them, and she got mad. Ev was extremely uncomfortable with that kind of thing especially in front of her friends, she sternly told him not to do it and had to explain why because he questioned her. Then in his mind, for shits and giggles he did it one more time. The rest of the day she felt she couldn’t turn her back to him. Hell the entire fiasco made her uncomfortable but alas, she cared too much and ignored the red flags which when she looked back in hindsight, kicked herself for. He found a way to frustrate her to the point that she bawled, and he enjoyed it. Finally, after not letting him do anything she deemed she wasn’t ready for, he broke it off. She was relieved and also saddened. The first thing she asked is if she did anything wrong. He told her it felt like a glorified friendship and he wasn’t getting anything out of it. Sure she cared a lot, but she had a lot of stubbornness, and if it wasn’t for that, she would’ve given into everything and been even more unhappy. And even as a friend, he was an ass and soon she refused to call him a friend. In hindsight, she knew she should’ve broken off the fiasco much sooner, and now she knows what happened was more of a one sided asshole-ry rather than a relationship at all.
Later on, Ev and Merri became experimental. They shared a lot of firsts together, though Merri and Ev were not romantically involved. They preferred it like that, but they felt safe and comfortable practicing kissing and the likes with each other. They didn’t have any romantic feelings toward each other but still remained respectable friends. Their experimentation lasted around half a year before Merri got herself a girlfriend, then the experimentation ended. Their friendship didn’t, and they were extremely mature about it as well. Merri’s girlfriend was also mature about it, in fact she became friends with Ev. Ev is glad Merri is happy with her girlfriend, and there was no jealously. This is what really taught Ev that the fiasco with dick face was abnormal.
Deshanna had Ev get her vallaslin at the age of 17, a year earlier than most. Ev was hesitant about it because it was supposed to honor the gods she didn’t believe in. Deshanna reassured her that it’s okay for the tradition and symbolism. Ev chose Mythal because if the gods were real, maybe Mythal would understand the most her predicament. Would offer protection and care. And thus, she had the simplest Mythal vallaslin applied to her face in a coming of age moment. Ev wasn’t sure if she would regret it or not, but it’s there forever. At least she’s fond of the style. That day she was officially declared First, though she still constantly learned. Her relationship with her own magic grew a respectable amount.
Recent Backstory: Ages 18-21(Now)- Ev had always dreamed of exploring. She wanted to write songs about her adventures and the vistas she visited. Paba always told her stories of adventure growing up and she longed for it. She constantly begged Deshanna to let her go out on some kind of excursion, and she did when it was for the Conclave, but that’s the present.
Most of this time, one may consider uneventful, but Ev had a lot of fun. She learned so much about Elvhen history and studied many things, including a few artifacts Lavellan had procured over the years. It was a calm three years in retrospect. Some events she can remember literally had her laughing and rolling on the floor wheezing because of some stupid random shit. It wasn’t even that funny! But she was with friends and they all just started laughing for what seemed to be no damn reason and it just spread. Then they started to laugh about how they were laughing for no reason, and for just how stupid it was which made everyone laugh harder. Everyone was on the floor or slumped over wheeze-laughing, and then Paba came into the room completely unaware what was going on and questioned the shit out of why are there people wheezing on my floor- which you guessed it, made everyone laugh harder if that was a thing. Just, stuff like that. 
Though, a tragic event did occur during these years. Echo had passed away and Ev felt so alone without her little feline familiar. She cried for days, and held a solemn heart for months.
When she was 19, she fought her first demon. A member of the clan had gone rogue and betrayed Lavellan. Ev was alone in the woods collecting herbs when the desire demon cornered her. It was the first time she had ever truly fought something, especially one that could fight back. Ev had a strong will, though, “Yeah? Well right now my biggest desire is to see you dead. Can you make that come true, demon?” It was an intense battle, but Ev ultimately sent the demon back into the fade. At the clan, they had already defeated the culprit that let in the demon and that was the first time Ev had seen a dead body like that. It was extremely unnerving and she felt light headed almost instantly. She knew the culprit, at least she thought she did, and now they were dead, defeated in battle. Deshanna and Taelhen helped Ev to deal with the sight and praised her for defeating the demon.
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(A/N: All these pics of Ev is what she looked like before Inquisition, and well before she got her many scars. I know I mention that often, but idk who’s new to her story or not.)
As it stands, Ev had a very supportive and loving childhood despite Valonna. She had dreamed of adventure and getting away from the clan for a while, but she proudly calls it home and she does miss the people during the events of the Inquisition.
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insomniac-dot-ink · 7 years ago
Blue Shoes, CH1
Genre: wlw, urban fantasy, supernatural
Words: 3.7k
Summary: A story of a werewolf that is becoming more wolf than girl and a witch with no powers waitressing at a local diner.
How do you save someone from them self when both parties are particularly hard headed and prone to pouts of self-destruction, a study
Ko-Fi ⭐Patreon ⭐ WordPress  
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Chapter 1: The Girl at Table 12
warning for mentions of past injury and puking
When I was seven I passed a cat huddling from a thunderstorm under an old brown truck. It was a gnarled brutish thing with wet fur plastered to it’s back and mud caking it’s side. It must have been caught in a small mudslide or maybe crawling through the trenches of Vietnam. One or the other.
It had deep cuts on its forearms, stark indents that stood out against it’s grey fur, I couldn’t tell if they were new or not. Some of its whiskers looked like they were singed off- by fire or bad kids or a world that threw cats to the devil and locked the door.
Under the mud there were obvious mats and tangled fur that weighed heavy on it, making it look beefier than it was.
It’s eyes were angry slits and teeth bared like a barbed-wire fence, at the time I approached the battered cat because that was the sort of girl I was back then. I put my hand out and looked at it’s huddling mud streaked body, I waddled closer to the car and peaked underneath, “The rain will stop soon.” A promise. The cat hissed softly, it’s lips pulled back against sharp yellow teeth and eyes glowing amongst the dimness. I adjusted my little pink raincoat and don’t even cry when I hear another thunderclap far away.
The cat doesn’t budge, I stick my bottom lip out.
“Come on kitty,” I reached out under the truck, maybe I planned to grab it by the scruff like I’d seen mama cat’s do with kittens. Maybe I thought it needed a hug.
It’s hard to remember exactly why I wanted to touch the mangy thing, but the pain was hard to forget. A red hot sticky shock that shot across the center of my hand, a long bloody gash across the back that tore deep into the skin. I screamed and jumped back, reeling from the attack, the cat hissing loudly and arched it’s back as it stayed in place.
That’s the day I got my first rabies shot.
That cat was mangy, wretched, and looked like it had gone through basic training with a wind storm. I remember that cat when she walks through the door that night and a single thought goes through my head: she looks worse.
It was 3am, closer to 4, and I my eyes were unfocused on a TV monitor as an ad for a bowflex machine comes on. Just 29.99, order now.
We had been watching Comedy Central a second ago but Bernie had heard a word bleeped out and reminded us this was a family establishment. I snorted, because it wasn’t like any kids were hunkering down with us right now.
She came in just as the bowflex lady stretched her muscles and smiled into the camera, sparkling. I was in an ad-induced stupor by the counter at the time- still sulking from having lost the rock-paper-scissors tournament 3 hours ago.
It had almost turned into a knife-fight when Bernie had announced one of us could go home early, meaning avoiding the curfew and not being trapped in here until sunrise.
Of course, I would have been here anyway, I needed the extra shift, but it was the principle of the matter. Being forcibly locked into your place of work with customers was probably one of the rings of hell.
The girl who walked in through door probably had seen some of those rings and then some. I could have gotten her in trouble for escaping around past 11, but I wasn’t about to call the sheriff or curfew hotline or whatever it was they set up.
I blink a couple times and go very stiff.
My mouth hung open and one of the few patrons in the joint gasps lowly. It was the heavy-smoking lady who had been murmuring to the busboy about her lousy husband and last divorce and bad hay fever for hours now.
She falls silent, I blink again.
The figure’s clothes are torn from Sunday to Tuesday, long strips of dirt-caked fabric trailing on the ground after them and hanging loosely off the person’s body, like mummy wrappings. Under the clothes is muddy-cracked skin and visible small cuts.
Her posture was loose and weighted, like something immense rested on her shoulders tops and unbalanced her spine.
She sagged at every corner like a tattered doll filled with sand, her face was covered by chin-length dark hair that was also full of dirt clumps and at least 2 twigs and a couple crumpled leaves. Her head hung almost to her chest and I can’t make out her expression.
I squint my eyes at it all, of course this would happen at 3am. It was always something.
“Are you... okay?” I ask cautiously and wait for something,
She was barefoot and limping toward the counter, I stand up straight and summon up the ancient words: ‘sorry ma’am, no shirt, no shoes, no service.’ But the words don’t come and she keeps walking. I catch her eyes for just a moment as she passes, the briefest heart beat as she glances up through her dirty  bangs. Her gaze is dark and bloodshot, veins as bright red as hot irons.
Red as harlot’s lipstick, red as a cardinals breast, red as sin and every time I cut my knee in gym class.
“Fine,” she says in one breathless tired word, finally answering my question and then turning away. She didn’t look fine.
She limps toward the very distant corner table and collapses into the booth, I’m remembering that damn feral cat that mauled me.
“Ronnie,” I turn around in tight circles and try to locate the busboy on duty, he’s standing slacked jawed at the other side of the room. I bustle over in his direction. “Where’s Bernie?” I hiss at him, moments like these made me grateful for a manager.
Ronnie just looks at me dumbly and his eyes dart back over to the new customer. “Casey...”
“Excuse me,” I hear a ragged thin voice croak across the small diner, it sounds like it’s been dragged across the ocean floor- full of salt and brine.
The two homeless men and Dolores eye the newcomer. She seems to sway back and forth in place, “Could I have a water?”
I turn my head slowly, the red bloodshot eyes coming for me again. They are hazy and sunken into her head, like shadows of themselves, I flinch.
“Uh,” I clear my throat.
“If you could… please,” the voice says faintly, I hear someone moving before I do.
Ronnie pivots toward the kitchen and quickly brings out a glass of tap water, he always was a better person than me with his small face and large round blue eyes. He flashes me a look that says he’s not going to be covering my tables all night though.
I take a deep breath and turn toward the kitchens, “Bernie,” I call out and make a beeline for the freezer, “Bernie, we have a thing.”
I wander in past the grills where our one chef on duty is filing her nails down to a blunt point, we ignore each other. Sam immersed in trying to rid herself of fingertips and me in trying not to get lectured on etiquette at just that moment. I hear coughing from the back room and make a sharp turn, kicking a box aside as a reach for the door.
I yank the pantry open, “Hey!” I say loudly as an older woman with a pinched look on her face sits up. She has tight steel gray curls and a flat-iron mouth that didn’t lend itself to smiling.
She shifts her generous body toward me, turning on the floor and facing the light. Her curls are flat on one side where she must have been napping on a sack of potatoes.
“It’s my fucking lunch break,” she says waving her hand in the air, “go handle whatever it is on your own.” I set my jaw, “someone just walked in from, I dunno, the set of a disaster movie,” I shift from foot to foot, “she might be tripping or something.” That should get Bernie’s attention, I would bring up the bloodshot eyes in a moment I needed to.
“Casey,” Bernie says slowly, pitchedly, “you can either handle it or handle my foot up your ass. It’s been eight hours since my last break.” The ‘fuck you’ energy was very high in the air and I take a deep resigned breath.
“If I get stabbed tonight I’m suing,” I say with my shoulders hunched and back straight, Bernie chuckles.
“Duck and weave my girl,” she shakes her head, “it’s not like we haven’t had transients in here before.” Bernie was closing her eyes again, I only sigh. “Handle it.”
“Yeah, but most of them don’t have ‘murder scene’ written all over them.” The rabies shot in the ass feels like a phantom pain right then. Bernie rolls over and starts ignoring me.
I reluctantly wander back into the main area and try not to look into the corner, Ronnie is still eyeing me. His chin is jutted out and he doesn’t stop looking very fixedly in my direction.
“What?” I finally ask and Ronnie raises his eyebrows and his eyes dart over to table 12.
“That’s your table.” He says in his pale, quiet voice.
I grind my teeth, “You’re the one that served her!” I murmur lowly to him and he wrinkles his nose. “You want me to tell Louis you’re shirking your tables again?” It was a threat, his huge eyes shrinking into darts. He reminded me of a little brother threatening to tell mom and I straighten my back.
“Whatever,” I turn away and clench my hands, “fine.” It’s not like I hadn’t handled worse, it was Gilford.
I meander my way back over to the war-zone victim and raise my eyebrows.
She lifts her head slowly and I see thin cut marks along her chin and cheeks. I take my place next to her and lift a notepad up and give a smile, “Welcome to Sue’s Diner, can I get you anything?”
I input the usual phrase and watch curiously to see what would come out.
The girl was already done with her first glass of water, I made a mental note to go get another one along with filling up Arthur’s coffee cup on the way over.
She seems to swallow dryly and I wait for a good minute before anything actually happens. Her eyes are dull and distant, like looking off into a dark ocean. I have a strange memory of one of my classmates having this same look on his face when he was trying an experimental drug called ‘Eevee’ for the first time.
She swallows again and her head tilts to the side, “are you Sue?” I make a face, I had gotten that question before. I lean over her instead, “nope,” I put on The Usual Smile, “jus’ the next best thing.” The girl gives me a lost, almost desperate look, her eyes glaze over and I wait another long moment. “Casey.” I glance down at my employee name tag, “that’s me?” It was a question. Somehow her demeanor was making me feel a little lost too, was I Casey? Was I in purgatory? Was a stuck in a diner with a bunch of strangers and someone probably on the worst drug-trip of their life? Possibly.
It was Gilford.
She reaches out and I take a mild step backward, I don’t know what she’s reaching for, but she comes up empty and then slumps over again.
“Uh,” I take another step back, she reeks of fresh earth, blood, and something I might describe as ‘fungus.’ I consider really calling the cops, she was out past curfew and… up to something, but I’m also not in the mood for making a statement to the cops.
She retracts her hand and takes a deep rattling breath, she looks around, “Can I have an omelette with… eggs?” I take it as a good sign she’s still talking, a bad sign that she was about to make Customer of the Month (a little award among the staff to counter ‘Employee of the Month’).
“What type, hun?” I ask slowly while her looks like her head is about to spin, I wait. “We have Denver Omelette, Vegetarian Omelette, Egg-ceptional Omelette, Pennsylvania Delight, and Mexican omelette.” She nodded her head up and down continually as if processing that and I was afraid it might get stuck in that motion. Another long awkward pause descends.
“What was the first one?” She finally asks.
“Denver Omelette.” “And second one?” She was definitely winning Customer of the Month. I smile instead, “Veggie.” She lulls her head back and seems to contemplate the ceiling, this was taking a lot of waiting.
She clears her throat, “What’s your favorite?” “Oh,” I pretend to think, “If you’re looking for eggs, the Egg-ceptional one is the one for you.” The girl looked ten seconds away from passing out, “can I have that… and pancakes. And hot chocolate. And bacon. And another omelette.” I write that all down and I have feeling I was about to experience Dine and Dash or Dine and Die on Me. “How will you be paying today, cash or credit?” I should at least check.
I raise my eyebrows when the girl pulls out a muddy wallet from God knows where, she yanks out a filthy fifty from the front pocket. “Cash.” She puts her down on the table. “And just… call my name when it’s ready.” “And what’s your…?” The girl’s head was on table, “What’s your name hun?”
She had stopped responding, her messy hair was splayed out on the table and forehead pressed down into the wood.
I consider poking her to check her vitals or something, but touching a sleeping Dirt Monster was also a good way to get stabbed (pictured: waitress, listening to bowflex commercials, pictured: waitress making headlines as ‘cute latina girl in a tragic dirt-and-knife-and-poking accident’).
I turn around and go stiffly back to the kitchen, I knock on the walls as I walk in, “We got an order Sam.” Sam Honey sticks her head of the kitchen window, done with her nail business it seemed.  “Lovely!” She was always way too cheery for night shifts, I had a few theories on this but none of them held much water. “I was getting so bored back here.”
I hand over the paper, “don’t spit in it or anything. This ones a livewire.” “Never, I would never,” she looks actively appalled at the idea, giving me the Come to Jesus look and then disappearing with the order.
I hear the shuffling of feet and Ronnie makes it to my side again, like a little shadow that was happy to appear and disappear according to the rules of Social Anxiety.
“Did she say anything weird to you?” He asks curiously.
I shrug, “like what? ‘My shower broke and hey, a diner seemed ideal right now.” “She on something,” He frowns, “cocaine?” I give a thin smile, “My money is on acid.” Sam comes out in a few minutes and she bets on really strong weed. I roll my eyes at that and we get a small pool going.
I was shifting from foot to foot.
I wince, a loud snore fills the restaurant.
I hold the plates of hot food a little higher. “Okay,” I breath deeply but not through my nose, “alright.”
She sounded a little like she choking on a piece of wet paper while snorting a packet of koolaid (something I had done and was not proud of).
I bump the side of the table with my hip, “hey,” I bump a little harder, “foods here ma’am.”
I don’t get so much as a wiggle from her, I wrinkle my nose, I didn’t plan on touching her at that exact moment. I put one plate of food down and reach for a sugar packet.
“This is for both of our own goods,” I shake the sugar packet, “so like… you should still tip.” I throw the sugar packet directly at her nose, she twitches.
“Hey lady!” I say again and throw a second sugar packet at her. “Come on.” Third sugar packet.
“Ah!” The packet bounces off her chin and the girl startles awake, throwing herself completely backward and her red eyes darting around quickly. Her chest heaved as she look back and forth, “where the hell am I?” I take a deep steady breaths, maybe she was better now. “Foods here.” I deposit the large tray of eggs and pancakes and a hot chocolate in front of her.
She blinks a couple times, seeming to process this. “Thanks.” I just nod, “there you go hun. Take your time.” It was almost 5am by then, one more hour of the curfew and then I could go home.
She just blinks one more time and picks up a fork with her dirty hand, I contemplate pointing out we had a perfectly good bathroom to wash her hands in.
The girl was already shoving food into her mouth, “it’s June.” I pause, the girl was halfway through choking down one of her omelettes, she mumbles, “June.” “Okay?” “For my name,” she says slowly, “when waking me up. You could have called June.” I just nod ever so slightly, “I’ll keep that in mind.” I turn my back on the odd girl and let her continue eating or whatever it is vacuuming up eggs into your mouth is.
I fill up another coffee cup for Arthur and slip back behind the counter, I exhale deeply as I see the back of Bernie’s head, finally come from her lunch break.
“Looks like we have a full staff again.” I say loudly and see Bernie whip around to look at me.
Her mouth is a hard line, harder than usual, “Get rid of that one.” My heart drops into my shoes, my brow folds in, “you told me to handle it.” I feel like a five-year-old stomping her feet at her mom. “I did. Plus, she does have money.” “I can’t expect you lot to take care of anything, can I?” Bernie was keeping a fine curdling glare on her face, “bunch of incompetents!”
I imagine retracting my hands around the older woman’s throat, “I handled it.”
Bernie keeps going, “She’s not wearing shoes!”
Ronnie shifted back and forth, “she’s got money.” Bernie tuts, “no shirt, no shoes, no service, how hard is that? And what if the sheriff comes in, we’ll have to explain letting in curfew-breakers.”
I make a face, “it’s not like we have to tell them.” Bernie was still mumbling to herself, “and what were you betting on with Sam? Cocaine? Whiskey? Weed? I don’t need that nonsense here.” I could have groaned so loudly my soul left my body, “look, she’ll just eat and leave.” I fold my hands over my chest, feeling the need to defend my choices. “It’s not a big deal.” Bernie grumbles at me, “Casey, what did I tell you? Handle it, did you? No.” I push my sunflower-yellow hair away from my face, “seriously?” She folds her arms over her chest, “seriously.”
I growl, “what do you want me to do?” Bernie jabs her fingers toward the table, “get her out, call an ambulance, do something like you should have done before.” I groan loudly and get torn between making money and joining a ‘punched your boss before you starved on the street’ club. It we weren’t all stuck here and if I wasn’t one of the few people who was long-term at this job I might have had a go at her. Instead, all of our sleep-deprived asses mentally flip each other off and go our separate ways.
The girl is still eating.
Bernie pokes my side before she leaves, “now.” I push my hair back in frustration and go little by little back to table 12. It takes all my willpower not to just take my apron off and declare myself jobless.
I creep up to the same table again, she’s eating slowly, taking one huge bite after the next, stripping pieces off and chewing meticulously, like it hurt her. She is just as worn and malaise as before.
I clear my throat and wait for her to look up.
Like before, she takes a clean minute to lift her head. “Hello?” She seemed lost again, I huff tiredly. “We’re closing in a few minutes.” It was a good a lie as any.
The girl, June, looks back in a daze. “I have money.” “I know.” I itch my wrist, “we’re just… closing.”
“Can’t go.” She keeps eating, “I need… this.” I rake a hand through my split-ends, which were plentiful after too many dye jobs and not enough conditioner.
June was still taking even ginormous bites, I square my shoulders.
“I can get you like… five more minutes, but you do have to leave. The pool should have local showers? Only a few bucks. You could go there.” She shakes her head, “where is this?” She asks in her same cracked, weary tone.
I tilt my head to the side, “the pool is down Warring street and-” “No.” She pauses and covers her mouth, “where is all of this?” “Uh,” I scratch the back of my neck, “Gilford.” She raises her eyebrows, “oh,” she says slowly, “good.” I make a face, I rarely ever heard someone be happy to get stuck in Gilford. I examine her one last time, “the sheriff comes around at 6.” She takes another long moment, “Cool.” “You might want to head out before then.” Her big hazy eyes look back at me and we exchange a very long look, maybe I’m looking for white powder under her nose or the smell of skunk. She covers her mouth again.
“I don’t feel well.” “I know,” I try to sound soothing, “do you need to call someone? We could get you someone.” You just need to go.
She just shakes her head, “Waitress, Casey, I.” “Yeah?” I ask cautiously, June sways back and forth, I prompt again, “yes?”
She looks up at me, eyes empty and distant. “You’re beautiful.” Her face was pale and empty. I tilt my head, “You don’t look so g-”
The girl violently jerks forward and a loud retching wet sound follows, I don’t have a second to react as warm lumpy liquid cascades down onto my blue converse. Eggs and pancakes and hot chocolate slurry hits my shins and my entire body seizes up.
My face contorts, “fuck.”
That’s how I learn the lesson about large feral cats all over again.
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sagenivydragonfly · 6 years ago
🌌Wolf Child🌌
(scroll down for story)
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Not having a family is harder than you think. Having to watch other children receive presents and hugs from their parents. Its the little things, like watching families ice skate or seeing then get icecream and the laughing. Its the laughing that bothers me the most. I don't think I've really laughed in my entire life. I've tried before. What came out was a ghost of happiness, of real joy. Just an eery sound that brought a shiver to my shoulders and uneasiness to my mind. My hands clung to the cold rails of the ice rink. I couldn't afford to go in. I just watched no money. No anything. Just the clothes on my back. Id managed to swipe them from a donation bin. Tan skinny jeans and boots two sizes to small. The only thing I liked about my clothes was my coat. A blue denim jacket lined with fleece and little yellow buttons with matching yellow pockets. The boots dug into my toes almost telling me what everything told me, "You've been here too long, No one wants to here. Time to leave. I gazed at the families holding hands one last time and walked away. I don't know where I was going. Just away.I was adopted and for a short while I had a family. My parents dumped me when was 10. Id always had issues with anger. They decided it was a good reason to get rid of me. Parentless again. Ive been living on my own for a while stealing and begging for food and clothes. Im not old enough for a job being 12. So until then im here. I was knocked out of my daze by a sign. The town line. Id walked too far. Ahead of me was forest. I stood for a while trying to figure out where to go next. For some reason I walked forward. So dumb. I noticed the trees slowly getting darker their leaves were harder to make out individually. I keep walking. Suddenly I snap out of it and realize what Ive done. Nightfall. I can barely see my hand in front of me. I panic. I don't know the way back let alone where I am. I can hear my heart pounding I run. My breathing ragged. I need to get out. Faster faster! I push on. Miles and miles, the sheer force of adrenaline and will to live forcing my body on. I feel im about to pass out. Then out of no where Thump! I hit something! Wait something hit me! Im on the ground now. Looming over me is a form. I hear a growl and from above something wet and slimy drips onto my face. The gaping maw closes over my shoulder. I claw and scream hit and kick but im too exhausted to fight anyone "No! No! No..."I let it consume me I pass out.
I hear sounds but they sound faint and watery my head feels like its under water. I try to move. My head throbs. I groan. I force my eyes open. I look up. Trees are above me and I hear birbs chirping. Where am I? This isn't the city. I sit up dizzy and disoriented. Im in the spot I was last night. I jolt to attention. That thing...from last night what was it? Was it real was it a dream? I move my arm and yell out. My coat is on the ground next to me my shirt is torn. I move the fabric to expose a few scabbed over punctures in my left shoulder. It was defiantly real. I try to stand up. I wobble. "Ugh" I gather my coat and put it on. At least I still have this. I pick a direction and I begin walking. My stomach growls. I haven't eaten in 2 days. Maybe ill starve. That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I stop. Leaves are crinkling. Its not me. Something runs near, only a few trees away. I can't see through the thickness of the forest. Fear. I dash off. My hunger overtakes me. Im not as fast as before. Im weak and tired. I have nothing left. I stop. Keeling over and wheezing. I almost choke my guts out breathing so hard. Finally it doesn't hurt to break I stand up. No. I look straight into the eyes of a Grey wolf. I freeze. No where to go now. Nowhere to hid. A deer in the open. Almost begging to be eaten. He doesn't move. I look panic in my eyes. He doesn't look angry but he doesn't look away. A menacing stare. Could melt ice with that gaze. I look away. He sits. I try to slowly back away. He growls. I stop. He stops growling. I sit. We look at eachother. Im confused on what to do and scared about being eaten alive. He yawns. I being and idiot scoot towards him. He cocks his head. He doesn't know what I am. I wonder what hes alone. Hes not the biggest wolf but hes not small. Hes dark grey with black guard hairs. Yellowy amber eyes cunning and sharp. But something about his eyes now are soft and inviting. I suddenly want to touch his fur. I reach my hand out. He looks at me and does nothing. I begin to lower my hand. He shoves his muzzle into my hand. Im shocked. Hes soft. I gently pet his muzzle. I look at his eyes again. He respects me it seems. Im still going to be careful. We spend the rest of the day walking and sitting infront of eachother. I wonder why he didn't eat me in the first place. Was he lonely? Im lonely. Wheres his family. Its dark again. Im scared. What is in this forest. I instinctively grab onto him. He makes a noise. A nonthretaning noise. I rest my hand on his back and let him lead. We come to a clearing. I think he sleeps here. There's a tree with a hole at the base. He leads me there and I follow him inside. The floor is dirt and smooth. He turns around 3 times and curls up in a corner I do the same and laugh. I cover my mouth. A real laugh. Im astonished. A wolf made me laugh. I giggle and close my eyes, drifting to sleep.
Morning. The birds are chirping again. I look for the wolf. Hes standing in the clearing. He needs a name. So do i. I sit next to him and study him. He sniffs some Wild Thyme. "Aha!" he looks up questioning me. I point at him "Thyme!" he sniffs the thyme again. My stomach growls. He runs off. I get worried. I wait 30 min. He comes back with a squirrel. He sets it down infront of me. I look at him. Im silent for a few min. I finally give in a start tearing of chunks of meat and stuffing it on my mouth. There's barely any taste. But food is food.
Over the next few days Thyme and i become good friends. He hunts and I spot his prey from up in a tree. Thyme gave me a wolf name it kinda sounds like "Aaaaaru!" I laugh all the time now.
Years have passed and I still live here. Ive outgrown everything except my coat an pants. Im 15 now old enough to work. Thyme showed me the way back to the city a along time ago. I never wanted to go back. I say goodbye and that ill come back.
I walk down the main street. Things have changed. Its been 3 years after all. I go to the donation box. I freeze. There in the pile is a fuzzy wolf hat with paw gloves attached. The same color as Thymes coat. I snatch it immediately. "Hey.Hey!you can't take from there!" I don't even see whose yelling. I ran before I could look i put it on my head. Im homeless anyways. I ran to the other side of town. Sliding down the wall onto the ground I sit. "Hey you." I turn around. "Youre fast" "me?" she nods. "Thanks?" I nervously reply. "You got the legs on ya that you could deliver my baked goods to the customers in the knick of time! Would ya like a job missy?" "uh...Oh! Yes yes definatly!" "Come on in then! Oh by the way what's your name?" Oh crap I don't have one. "Uh...uh...Aaru?" she nods. I take a deep breath and begin a normalish life.
It has been a year since I last saw Thyme. I went back a month later but he wasnt there. I walked the whole forest and he was gone. I screamed the name of my best friend and brother and only family as loud as I could. Nothing. Now I walk through that forest for the millionth time. I sit by the clearing and the tree with the hole. I rest my weary legs. I hold my arms out and cry pretending he was there. I felt him but it wasnt real. I cried into his fur and sobbed against his chest. I opened my eyes. I stared into the eyes of my old friend. He was missing a part of his front leg, he was covered in battle scars and he looked like he had been to hell and back. I didn't care. I had my family. But I hadnt even begun to realize what happened to him. Finding out may be to gruesome
For now we wait in eachother arms. Two wolves
A family
🌌A pack🌌
I really worked hard on this so if anyone reads it im so happy, but also surprised cause its suuuuuper long aaa 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌
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