#holy magick
whtaever · 1 year
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shoegazekid · 1 year
@HolyMagick #shoegaze
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helveticablanc · 1 month
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From the Archives — 2021 08 04-10
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
Wizard 101: Hey kid, you just got pulled into Wizard School, and it looks like you're ready to start. Go down that path and someone will teach you to fight. Oh shit, that's Malistare, uhhhh, *one minor battle later* Good job kid. Go and do some little quests and beat up some fairies, you're doing great! :)
Pirate 101: You're in jail. Pirates are breaking you out of jail! They're... asking about your trauma. You're a pirate, an orphan, the son of a whore and a scotsman, you were raised by another group of people, now you're pulling a jail break and helping other prisoners escape! A uhhh, a guy threatens to murder you. He's the one who locked you up. The pirate guy almost dies and you have to drive his ship??? *one stressful sail later* Hey kid, go beat up this guy who stole from me. I'm gonna cheat and scam you, btw, just so you know. :)
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cosmicfaeriewitch · 11 days
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𝔐𝔦𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔞𝔫 ℜ𝔢𝔫𝔞𝔦𝔰𝔰𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔉𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔩 2024 ~ 💜🌿🌙
ig: cosmicfaeriewitch
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adobealmanac · 3 months
Herbal Limpia
There are many ways to perform a limpia, such as the methods I have shared on my blog before. This is another method that I know of. I have been taught these, and here, you can learn from me. Know that all limpias are simply different paths to the same destination.
Performing a limpia is a two person job. it requires cooperation and coordination, as well as trust. However, it does require firm boundaries as every limpia requires some level of either physical or spiritual contact. Be firm, and let your partner know what you are and aren't comfortable with.
The Ritual:
You will need: • A bundle of fresh herbs 1-2 feet in length Rosemary, rue, mugwort, sage, or basil are wonderful for limpias. I typically go into my garden and pick the herbs intuitively, leaving an offering of tobacco or oregano for permission. • An outdoor space • Optionally, copal incense and mezcal
The herbs are used to absorb and transmute the negative energies. The bundle is not like a traditional herbal bundle you purchase from a store. In fact, it is more akin to a bouquet. You may make it as simple or ornate as you like. I typically tie my bundle together with a red ribbon. You beat the client with the bundle, and not lightly may I add. You beat them all over their body with the bundle, head to toe; front and back, as if you are brushing all the negativity out of their aura and body. You may say a small limpia prayer or mantra during this process, or simply enjoy the silence. The intention of this is to bring the spirit back to their body.
Sacred copal is used to purify the mind, body, and spirit. The white smoke of copal perfectly captures its purpose: to turn bad into good; to replenish; to cleanse. It has been used for thousands of years, and should be treated with respect and reverence. Source it ethically, and, if you can you should collect it yourself.
Mezcal alcohol is an alcohol derived from the agave plant. It is grounding. Therefore, it aids in returning the spirit back to the body. It also aids in cleansing and purifying the body. It is typically sprayed from the mouth of the curandero onto the heart, head, abdomen, and appendages. It is an intimate practice. Typically you spray it under their shirt, with permission of course.
And finally, gratitude. The curandero must give thanks throughout the limpia. Give thanks to mother earth and father sky. Give thanks to the ancestors. Give thanks to the allies and tools that aided in the limpia. Give thanks to God, Jesus, and Mary. The participant must give thanks too, often by giving a small gift to the curandero such as copal, tobacco, or mezcal.
Remember, curanderismo is healing magic. Do not treat it as anything else.
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saganssorcery · 4 months
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keeps-ache · 8 months
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i'm on some sort of kick lol
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ome-magical-ramblings · 9 months
Early Christmas Gift :) Virtue of Quranic Verses from National Library of France(free document)
Hello, I have finished translating a manuscript from the national library of France if people are interested in using it. I found the document to be very wonderful having myriads ways of working with the Quranic verses and having some theological basis in Hadith. Methods to empower one's own spirituality or learn alchemy, it is definitely interesting! I did try to keep the initial tone or some of the broken grammatical ways that the person wrote the text in it. It's free!! I hope you enjoy it :)
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lunasapphire · 11 days
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⚠️Warning: Religion⚠️
However I’m not religious, I have taken on a project of comparing the Satanic Bible to the Holy Bible and this is only some of what I found interesting! Thought I’d share:)
The Satanic Bible talks in a POV of you, and you finding your inner voice to rise up and let others hear you, instead of a all mighty god, higher being or higher power and I find that more reliable then the Holy Bible and a lot less confusing.
Please share your thoughts of this in the comments! I would love to hear them, and I am very open minded and civil to all!
I love learn about history and faith others have:)
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autel-luna · 11 months
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Happy Samhain witches! 🥰🎃🖤🌹
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gold-snek-hoe · 4 months
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helveticablanc · 2 months
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Sigil 7 (I Was Once a Wild Beast) — 6" x 23" Casein, Charcoal, Graphite, Collage, Silver and Gold Leaf Wood Panel
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The Quest for Augoeides
The evening sky, alive w/ stars, Beheld w/ eyes confined behind bars, Imparted a pale, tragic glow On the desperate souls entrapped below;
Within the putrid dungeon sighed A saintly patron, undisguised, Though tarnished by his simple days Of youth misspent in sinful ways.
He longed to spread his wings in flight, & part from his unthinkable plight, But, in his past, they atrophied From underuse & shallow pride.
Yet deep within this sinner's breast, There beat a heart in rhythm blessed, Attuned to his immortal soul, & immune to his purported role.
As decades slipped like grains of sand Thru hourglasses, pain began To overtake his withered frame, But voices deep within him came
To sing him sweet reminders of A light within the skies above That he had long since disavowed — "It rests concealed amidst the clouds."
Enraptured by celestial hymns, He followed their suggestive whims, Recalling the internal light He'd lost in his eternal night,
& in this contemplative state, His erstwhile long-awaited fate Of death within the dungeon ceased, & he found hope & love increased.
He viewed his outward circumstance As though it was the perfect chance, & learned within his prison cell To use his inner vision well.
As he took flight through the idle skies, He saw himself revitalized — The wings once clipped to bar his flight Grew strong within the starry night,
So he pressed onward thru the dark, & followed his illumined spark Towards the promised solar rays, Wherefrom he long ago once strayed.
Though demons sought to drag him down, He lusted not for Satan's crown, & so their jeers were heeded not, For he'd transcended feeble thought.
Their silhouettes fell far behind, Hapless against his conquered mind; Though it remained profoundly still, His voice within grew loud & shrill.
As it announced to his delight, "Shadows cannot be without light," He gazed ahead in ecstasy At the golden rays of destiny.
Now pressing on with newfound zest At having passed his school ground test, Our saint approached the shining sun To atone for his misguided fun,
& in response, it simply beamed, For he'd misunderstood, it seemed, & never stopped to think, perchance, His only sin was ignorance.
Pure truth this revelation spelled; w/ heightened sense, our saint beheld His own reflection gazing back, Until his vision glazed & cracked,
& he regained his consciousness, Recalling his accomplishments, For now his prison ceased to be — He found himself released & free.
— T.M.P.
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iamwinklebottom · 7 months
Santa Muerte Speaks: Justice, Karma, Evolution, & Earth
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schoolofholywitchery · 9 months
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The first thing to know about Holy Witchery is that it is firmly rooted in the knowing that all things are connected. It's not just that you and I are connected, or all people are connected. It's that ALL THINGS. The microbes, the soil, Jupiter, far off galaxies, all deities, the trees, humans, the dead, that one bug that keeps biting you, all thoughts, dreams, themes, trends... ALL THINGS.
From this awareness, we gather understanding about our place in it all, but also, the capacity we truly have for relationship, interaction, influence and magic. From this place, if we pay attention, we can see, feel and re-member that the unifying force of this connection is Love. And not the romantic love of movies, or of our fantasies, but of Love as a unifying field of embrace, flow and union of the holiest order. 
THIS is at the deepest root of Holy Witchery from which all other beliefs and practices and magic flows.
#HolyWitchery #SchoolOfHolyWitchery
Image by @anastasiachomlack
#witch #witchcraft #magic #magick #spells #spell #ritual #rituals #witchery #witches #witchy #pagan #paganism
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