Ome's Magical and Occult Rambling
269 posts
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ome-magical-ramblings · 19 hours ago
someone come, reblog and like multiple posts and I am like "wow! do they actually really like my posts, are my posts worth that many reblogs lol" and next day they do the same and I am like...Wow! I didn't expect that
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ome-magical-ramblings · 8 days ago
(one of) The correct magic square of Solomonic Seal + Translation of Working for Insomnia and nightmares
I thought the previous post wasn't properly written and just reblogging the one before wouldn't really show the "good version" from the trial version, so I hope with this post I am able to present it well. I will provide the translation of this below the image and reasoning behind it below the translation:
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"A Useful working from the Treasuries of The Great name of Allah"
You can use this to Banish Marada(Jinns) and Shayateen (Devils) , to ease child's crying and pregnancy. It protects against the Qareen(Double Shadow in PGM), against crossing, the red wind/Al Ahmar(High Fever), agaisnt Hemiplegia, Headache, Migraine, Cold, back pain, snake bite, obvious and hidden illnesses , Fear, Shock, Nightmare and Insomnia.
After writing the following Seal(shown above) you will proceed by saying the following conjruation once:
"شمخيال شمخيال شدخيال شدخيال إسرافيل إسرافيل بكرميال ميططرون جبرائيل توكلو ياخدام هذه الأسماء المباركة بكذا و كذا "
"Shamkhyal Shamkhyal Shadkhyal Shadkhyal Israfil Israfil Bikramyal Maytatron Jibra'il Tawakkalu Ya Khuddam Hathihi al-Asma' al-Mubarakah Bikadha wa kadha" "Shamkhyal, Shamkhyal, Shadkhyal, Shadkhyal, Israfil, Israfil, Bikramyal, Metatron,
Gabriel, Entrust yourselves, O servants of these blessed names, with [the task of] such and such."
Note: Think of the above technique/working as something from the PGM, you have to "flesh it out" yourself and give it a "frame/framing ritual" to plug it into if you want it to work well.
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If you negate/don't take the last star into consideration you will see the above calculation to be correct with Abjad Al Kabeer Gematria calculation. Now to take the above numbering and put it in the square itself. Then you can see that all the rows, column, and diagonal lines sums up to the same number!
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tool used:
Now if you WANT to enumerate all the possible solutions for this formula it would be 171,200 different squares with the top formula/Solomonic square the same: I can send the file if anyone wants, or the code for it if people wants it :)
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ome-magical-ramblings · 13 days ago
<ACTUAL magic square calculation and everything done, bonus translation of magic square for cure of headache, back pain, anti ghosts, and protection at the end>
I tried to follow the SATOR formula, but one idea I got is to also take the numerical/gematria value of each symbol by equating it to the arabic letter then summing the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal line to make the "magic square" proper with it:
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I came to the usual conclusion that Al Buni as usual will fuck you over with a straight face and lie about if the actual value of the square is correct or not, but only because the arabic is vague enough to be like "I meant the square of this formula and not the square that's specifically adjacent to this conjuration that look awfully well placed in this page" enough of my rant.
Continuation and calculation of the square yesterday: the first line is:
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so now, I will have to calculate all the sides and lines of the squares preceding it will be this:
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The only properly balanced magical square in all of this is this:
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I did personally doubt it is the correct one but the way it is made is the correct one(and there's probably multiple since all the sides and diagonal lines sums up to the correct value and the one by Al-Buni is incorrect. My own presumption on Mahmdoh Al Zalitani being wrong because "it looked" wrong turned out to be a false accusation on my side. As a Bonus for following with me all the way to here, here's my translation of his working/Conjuration with that technique:
"A Useful working from the Treasuries of The Great name of Allah"
You can use this to Banish Marada(Jinns) and Shayateen (Devils) , to ease child's crying and pregnancy. It protects against the Qareen(Double Shadow in PGM), against crossing, the red wind/Al Ahmar(High Fever), agaisnt Hemiplegia, Headache, Migraine, Cold, back pain, snake bite, obvious and hidden illnesses , Fear, Shock, Nightmare and Insomnia.
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After writing the following Seal(shown above) you will proceed by saying the following conjruation once: "شمخيال شمخيال شدخيال شدخيال إسرافيل إسرافيل بكرميال ميططرون جبرائيل توكلو ياخدام هذه الأسماء المباركة بكذا و كذا " "Shamkhyal Shamkhyal Shadkhyal Shadkhyal Israfil Israfil Bikramyal Maytatron Jibra'il Tawakkalu Ya Khuddam Hathihi al-Asma' al-Mubarakah Bikadha wa kadha" "Shamkhyal, Shamkhyal, Shadkhyal, Shadkhyal, Israfil, Israfil, Bikramyal, Metatron, Gabriel, Entrust yourselves, O servants of these blessed names, with [the task of] such and such." Note: Think of the above technique/working as something from the PGM, you have to "flesh it out" yourself and give it a "frame/framing ritual" to plug it into if you want it to work well. I recommend this if you want to check with me: حساب الجمل - ارقام الحروف
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How would you cast the Arabic Seal of Solomon into a magic square?
The Below version of the seal was drawn by more advanced practitioner than me from Egypt to show me the correct method of writing it.
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Kinda an open-ended question for everyone to see if I can get a better idea on this or better than what's already in arabic grimoire like Shams Al Ma'arif or Al Buni's منبع اصول الحكمة . To be honest I know that there's a "right" answer to this but I don't know if the versions online, in manuscripts, or publicly available is the right one. Below you can find a collection of Squares available in the second least-popular Buni's book:
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As you can see there's so many forms of this "Great name of God" being called the Solomonic Seal in Arabic. Now another interesting form is the Hexagram form of the Solomonic Seal shown here in other manuscripts and texts like Al-Toukhi:
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I think both the hexagram "form" and pentagram "form" of this name or seal have their placement and different usage and the "smaller" the square is the more potent it gets. Personally most of these thoughts are based on my own assumptions and I don't have any conclusive magical research on which form is the best or safest to use so I caution people with using it and to be extra careful with using it. The best casting of the square is probably this one that I can think of as "general usage" form, but I still think it is wrong in the placement of each "square" in the second line should be the last but I still don't know exactly if that's true or no. I think the whole thing need to be studied again or even if the star got fixed then the
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fixed first try:
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try #2:
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ome-magical-ramblings · 15 days ago
How would you cast the Arabic Seal of Solomon into a magic square?
The Below version of the seal was drawn by more advanced practitioner than me from Egypt to show me the correct method of writing it.
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Kinda an open-ended question for everyone to see if I can get a better idea on this or better than what's already in arabic grimoire like Shams Al Ma'arif or Al Buni's منبع اصول الحكمة . To be honest I know that there's a "right" answer to this but I don't know if the versions online, in manuscripts, or publicly available is the right one. Below you can find a collection of Squares available in the second least-popular Buni's book:
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As you can see there's so many forms of this "Great name of God" being called the Solomonic Seal in Arabic. Now another interesting form is the Hexagram form of the Solomonic Seal shown here in other manuscripts and texts like Al-Toukhi:
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I think both the hexagram "form" and pentagram "form" of this name or seal have their placement and different usage and the "smaller" the square is the more potent it gets. Personally most of these thoughts are based on my own assumptions and I don't have any conclusive magical research on which form is the best or safest to use so I caution people with using it and to be extra careful with using it. The best casting of the square is probably this one that I can think of as "general usage" form, but I still think it is wrong in the placement of each "square" in the second line should be the last but I still don't know exactly if that's true or no. I think the whole thing need to be studied again or even if the star got fixed then the
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fixed first try:
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try #2:
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ome-magical-ramblings · 15 days ago
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ome-magical-ramblings · 16 days ago
Square of Venus Attraction Spell: A Bottle of Honey and A Piece of Cardboard.
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Another "Channeled" technique from my spirit and slightly fleshed out. It's not tested too much and I only used it for a friend of mine so I can't exactly quote him on it right now since it's a bit too early but how could I miss Valentine's day and post this on it!
the whole process of love magic is all about the tugging of connection between one's own and the people around him. It boils down to not act where you expect yourself to act but where your "level" is, the other would be unapologetic about your constant talk/opening door, keep pushing until one opens up. Very explicitly speaking love magic is binding in and of itself, it can't be circumvented around that because the physical passion is the fire which "bind" two people together. I don't know if that even make sense or it seems a bit dumb.
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More importantly YOU or anyone can actually activate the "connections" with the people around them with the square of Venus and a bottle of honey, a bit tedious but can be done very effectively by drawing the square of Venus and writing the number from 1 to 49 in their respective locations(good luck with that) and then you would write your name on the back of the square and flip it again to put a drop of honey in every number from 1 to 49, proceed to hang the square in the air if you want the people/karmic connection to "contact" you. If you want to meet the people then set it on the ground and let the insects feast on it and the people who you have karmic connection to will "meet" with you.
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Of course you don't want to step on the place where the square is and best way to diffuse/deactivate this is by pouring salt water/sea water on the spot and washing it away. Put yourself in the "point" in the middle of the circle where the spirits will be able to bring the people around you, if you isolate yourself from people then there would be nothing to tug and shoot at. Material:
Bottle of Honey.
A piece of Cardboard.
Salt, water or Seawater.
To Recap the whole technique or "spell" in this sense, all you have to do is the following:
Write the square of Venus on a piece of cardboard in ascending order from 1 to 49 in each chamber/slot.
Write your name or the name of the person you're doing the spell for in the back of the square.
Decide if you want the contact to be "through air" like by online dating app or LDR or "through land" by meeting the person. If by Air then the Square should be hung somewhere to focus on the Air Element and if you want to meet the people then you would put it on ground.
Light up a candle or some light to "activate" the square and offer a prayer or an invocation to call forth it's power.
Set it up in nature and let it do it's work.
If you want to deactivate it then pour salt water or sea water on it or spray it with the sea salt water.
Note: Make sure not to step on it or at least making sure that no one intentionally steps on it.
That's basically the summary of it :) , sadly not extensively tested so your mileage may vary and I am open to hear if people DO test it. I am testing it for a friend of mine to see how it goes and will report/interview my friend in 2-3 months about it.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 20 days ago
Different ways to use Magic square with Alcohol and Fire: Saturn Square as Lord of Light for the Dead
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To Build upon working with the dead and fire I want to open Pandora's box in this case to the idea of pushing the envelope of how we approach magical squares as small magical amplifier/computers in and of themselves. Now I should be writing this with Al-Toukhi's Beginning and End book referencing and with a lot of referencing to arabic magical books and manuscripts about magic squares, but I would be lying if this is all a magical study sort of thing. Credit where credit is due to Sheikh Mahmdoh Alzalitin’s graduate of Al-Azhar in Egypt for his small booklet on polyvalent spells with Saturn's square. Now this method is let's say 80% channeled for one person to fix a specific problem he had with one of his predecessor whom he had a physical problem with. There's not MUCH to this in term of step by step but it is more of a platform for inspiration to work with magic square in more interesting ways. With first method being....
Burning the square
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Now one way is to take a piece of wood or a paper or cardboard or whatever you have available and write with chalk or pen the square in ascending order 1->2->3->...->9 in each spot. Afterward you would write below the square your request explicit saying what you need and want to happen and the best thing to relate to the original working I did with this is a statement like "give light unto my ancestors, give light upon light and faith unto my mother's side and father's side and all the spirits who needs it" then you pray your guardian angel to intercede for you and throw it in a lit fire. Now that's probably a very simple way to do it and to "interface" with the power of the square. Again the whole aspect here is that you're using the square as a gateway for your working it both binds the intention and channels the divine energy through it, how does it work? I don't really know and I don't think I have a good understanding except that it works really well, really fast, and hits hard.
The Drinking Game
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Sorry for the bad photography, to explain what you are seeing is Saturn's Square on the table drawn with chalk and then small cava and shot glasses filled with normal drinking water are placed around the square and the watered down wine takes number 9 and 8 in first picture and number 1 and 2 in the second picture. The square is the same but the "substance" making the square is different, if you imagine a magic square as a little computer then the glasses of water on top of it are the equivalent of a programming. My own position of these glasses is the equivalent of someone copying a code from stackexchange and not knowing how it works LOL( copying instructions from my spirits and executing it) . After you set it up you need to execute it, no? Grab any prayer book at hand or holy book you have, thumb around randomly and call it Bibliomancy then choose the first section your eye fall on and that's the equivalent of "activating" the square. Now whatever you choose to read won't necessarily will be directly related to what you think you're doing but it's definitely related on different levels. It's a whole interesting "world" to try and see what you can do with this method, what if you used playing card or tarot card too! try to poke around with it and you would probably have more interesting use cases than what I have.
Both of these above techniques are not restricted to working with the dead or the living only or any subset of spirits. I just used them in that specific context and you can build upon that in your own way and be inspired by it. Enjoy this silly gif:
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ome-magical-ramblings · 1 month ago
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ome-magical-ramblings · 1 month ago
Oh btw on my patreon I am not that active now, I might be more active here on tumblr btw. I did try to lower the prices of my Patreon since I am inactive for a while now. I sent you the pdf in Tumblr's dm, don't know if that works or not.
Good luck with your lunar mansion practice! hope it goes well <3
One of the practices that I'm really looking forward to is developing a daily practice in honor of the the lunar mansion spirits and sort of figuring out my own personal gnosis around them that goes beyond the grimoiric canon that to me is quite outdaded.
I'm still woking through some of the sources that I'm gonna use but I think I'm gonna start by doing daily recitations of the mantras for the Nakshatras. I also want to experiment with Maria Miles' rosary method and various modes of evocation - mainly oneiric - in order to discover a sigil for each of the mansions and compare the differences between sidereal and tropical systems.
I want to couple this with consistent work with Archangel Gabriel and the lunar intelligences and perhaps with other lunar deities later on.
Besides being able to keep a daily practice some of my goals are finally getting acquainted with dream magic, and bettering my divination skills in general, but specially geomancy.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 1 month ago
Necromantic Angelic Pouch
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The pdf is here
The following Document is a bit haphazard but it was made by me, my husband, and my friend to do during the Jupiter retrograde. In a sense it is Necromantic to avoid having to rely on the Jovial or relying too much on the planetary/astrological malignant influence. I recommend the practice of burning "hell money" to charge the pouch on weekly basis AFTER you finish the first consecration of the pouch. Credit goes to:
My NEW Everyday Prayer Book compiled by Brother A.D.A (2018)
Daily Magical Devotions (Brother A.D.A., 2017)
Theurgy: The Art of Effective Worship by Mouni Sadhu
Book of Prayer by Jean Kent
Draja Mickaharic - A Miscellany of Information
The main force and strength of this working is relying on the materia magica and properties of the items in the pouch itself and less on the astrological “strength” of current planetary forces. There’s a strong emphasis on the Telos/Intention or Aim of this pouch since aiming it for wealth or MONEY could turn it very ugly very fast. I recommend taking a very “soft” approach to it and having a welfare approach to the spirits being called forth in this context “To render like for like”, if we come to the spirits with greed then they will come to us with greed and if we are fake/doing lip-service to them then we would get the same.   The Telos is the following: “I give you money in death so that you may increase your comfort, and so that you will assist me to have money in life. Please send me money in excess, so that I may supply my daily needs and have excess money for luxuries. I ask that you be comfortable in your death, and that God grant you peace.   Amen”  You want to give the dead people Prosperity, Happiness, Comfort, etc. You want to give them money, that’s the idea mainly, Donate in their name, burn hell money for them, etc. Approach it from a helping them perspective and reciprocation  will follow. 
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ome-magical-ramblings · 1 month ago
I did reblog this hoping I will be able to reply to it in proper timing. It's a good idea to start honoring the mansions in small ways, I think that's one of my theurgic booklet was about 28 Lunar Mansions Practice, I can send you a copy of it if you want. The real reason I would've personally commented on it is to not take the lunar approach too hard and keep the theurgic balance of it. I imagine you already know what happens when Luna goes overboard it can be a bit too much and to keep on wearing Light colored/shade of whites when going to sleep to lower the amount of spiritual "noise" you might get during the Oneiric operations. One of the best day to do Oneiric operations is probably Thursday because the switch between Jovial and Lunar during Day-Night would lead to a closer "spiritual union" than monday, that's why Sufi do their Ziker circles on Thursday.
I personally couldn't amicably find a good ground between the western lunar mansions and Nakshatras sadly because there's just some rift that I wasn't able to connect personally between the two. I hope I am not intruding by saying this take or recommendation but try to do the following before bed and first thing in the morning. Visualize the axis mundi of the world like Jacobs ladder and let your feet descend into Hades and your Head ascend to Heaven, visualize a flow from right feet into head and flow from head to left feet. Doesn't need to be longer than a minute or two, no need to vibrate some specific names just during this visualization pray that you're guided by your guardian angel(or daimon), your patron saints ,and bright spirits surround you and give you peace and are blessed with this. End the visualization with a golden aura washing you from top to bottom. Good luck with your practice and hope it goes well!!
One of the practices that I'm really looking forward to is developing a daily practice in honor of the the lunar mansion spirits and sort of figuring out my own personal gnosis around them that goes beyond the grimoiric canon that to me is quite outdaded.
I'm still woking through some of the sources that I'm gonna use but I think I'm gonna start by doing daily recitations of the mantras for the Nakshatras. I also want to experiment with Maria Miles' rosary method and various modes of evocation - mainly oneiric - in order to discover a sigil for each of the mansions and compare the differences between sidereal and tropical systems.
I want to couple this with consistent work with Archangel Gabriel and the lunar intelligences and perhaps with other lunar deities later on.
Besides being able to keep a daily practice some of my goals are finally getting acquainted with dream magic, and bettering my divination skills in general, but specially geomancy.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 1 month ago
One of the practices that I'm really looking forward to is developing a daily practice in honor of the the lunar mansion spirits and sort of figuring out my own personal gnosis around them that goes beyond the grimoiric canon that to me is quite outdaded.
I'm still woking through some of the sources that I'm gonna use but I think I'm gonna start by doing daily recitations of the mantras for the Nakshatras. I also want to experiment with Maria Miles' rosary method and various modes of evocation - mainly oneiric - in order to discover a sigil for each of the mansions and compare the differences between sidereal and tropical systems.
I want to couple this with consistent work with Archangel Gabriel and the lunar intelligences and perhaps with other lunar deities later on.
Besides being able to keep a daily practice some of my goals are finally getting acquainted with dream magic, and bettering my divination skills in general, but specially geomancy.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 2 months ago
It's crazy when people still like, reblog, and follow my blog.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 3 months ago
Last Song: Tick-Tack by ilit lol
Favorite Colour: probably Emerald Green.
Last Book: I think... it was Book of Prayer by Jean Kent lol or one of Draja's books. Last Movie: ...? Sonic 1 ? Last TV Show: The fallout one SAVOURY UMAMI Relationship: Happily married to @desdemonasarchives
Last thing I googled: Cintamani
Current obsession: Qigong, meditation, magic, practice, prayer, schizopilling myself heh
tagged by @discworldwitches thank uuu !! tag 10 people youd like to get to know better 💕
last song: hayloft 2 by mother mother
favourite color: yellow, quite predictably
last book: Ba'al z Ugarit a inni bogowie burzy starożytnej Syrii i Palestyny (baal of ugarit [as compared to] other storm gods of syriq and palestine); currently reading hornung's books of the dead; last Fiction book was either the dybbuk (the og) or parable of the sower by butler
last movie: oh man i do not watch things. parasite (2019) when my friend forced me to? i think?
last tv show: um. i catch a bit of desperate housewives when my mothers watching it... other than that it wouldve been the flash (2014) years ago
sweet/spicy/savory: savory ! trying to work on my spice tolerance but. yknow.
relationship status: single and never looking
last thing i googled: dopełniacz po angielsku 😭 and angel jigsaw puzzle before that
current obsession: ancient egyptian theology possibly? and its relationship with early judaism. yay!
looking forward to: getting paid tomorrow ❤️ and reading more about set/sutekh
tagging: @rabarbarzcukrem @nocylipcowa @saharathorn @witches-bottle @radio-sepia @nachmurzony @boycannibal @marcepanna @la-dame-grise @freyjuseggr
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ome-magical-ramblings · 3 months ago
Don't be a fucking battery, Have a goal and walk toward it.
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A bit of an intense title from a Hiatus but I needed to get this out there and it is primarily inspired from Eye of the Sorcerer/Brother Moloch's blogspot. The message is really the same of these two blog posts and they boil down to the following excerpt:
Now to make this work I will repeat this request daily until my request is fulfilled. Repetition gets fulfilled or “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” as the old saw goes and it is true in the spirit world - ask any experienced Houngan, Palero or Santero if this is not the case. The rabbi Jesus the Christ said, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you;” Matthew 7:7 and this is a spiritual truism that can be found worldwide in many cultures. The problem is most people never ask and those that ask, only ask once and give up.
Power is never gained by merely trying and giving up. You must wrest it by force and will. To do this you have to decide what it is you want then go after it until it is yours. Do you understand? Ask! Insist! Demand! There is nothing wrong with this. If you’re following a path and a plan, what is wrong with insisting you get what you desire? Demand it. You deserve it, do you not? Just remember you may not get exactly what you want so don’t be a child at Yule crying about it. Missing the mark by a fraction is not that bad.
Why the "don't be a battery" statement, is because you want to have a clear idea of where you're are going, what you're going with, what's happening.
Really all these stuff you should be journaling them and really questioning if what you're doing is improving you or burning you, building you or breaking you down. Your spirits can be good and earnest spirits also who wants what's good for you but you're not reaching out to them, or it could be the opposite. If you're not taking a step back to see yourself, who's gonna do it for you? If you don't have a good friend who would tell you that you're tweaking off then you're gonna be tweaking off the same wheel. That same wheel will become a habit and you will keep on your merry way like a fool.
Have a goal, Have a statement of Intent, grind at that. breath that every morning, every noon, every evening. Really put your heart and mind to it and you will get it. of course it's easier to get more money if you already have money but if you're not grinding for it, are you really gonna get it? I hope it's not seen from the point of view of wishing you to grind till you reach burnout( I tend to do that lol) , really have that sense of grace of steadfast but not rushing. You want to open the door of grace, if you can imagine how some people function throughout life without burning out is because they're not stressing themselves out and if you're stressing yourself and your spirit then that will get amplified back at you. If you don't take anything else from this post, then I would summarize it as:
Demand what you want but always be respectful and courteous.
Go in light and enjoy your life.
Find a good friend who would tell you when you're tweaking off
Work with your spirits not for your spirits.
Be Consistent and Have an objective plan
Journal positively and honestly.
Take ritual bath if you need to wash yourself off
Approach spirits with respectful and positive attitude and they will return that to you.
55:60(Quran) Is there any reward for goodness except goodness?
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ome-magical-ramblings · 5 months ago
I remember some prayer in my mind about something from crystal gazing book from the 1902-1920 and then I can't find where I found that prayer and end up spending a good 3-4 hours trying to find it
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ome-magical-ramblings · 5 months ago
wahoo 🎉😁
A Magus Journal: Purifying the Earth Element
Starting over with the elemental work. Addition of cleansing exercises to purify internal energy before going into offering rituals and invocation.
Overall, last night was a meditation on the earth element. Fell into trance, came to a few minutes later having experienced a sort of sense of non-duality. Everything sort of faded for a moment. Able to carry that feeling into this morning's practice.
Smaller struggles with lust. Going to make use of @ome-magical-ramblings radionics rite with some smaller changes. Feelings of floating becoming apparent at times. To do further cleansing before repeating exercise.
Need to finish portfolio for tomorrow. Going to use Radionics Circle, infuse it with a few things before putting coffee onto it.
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