#holy crap when will i finish that fic
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montanabohemian · 2 years ago
anyway i just have to say that i've started reading an AU fic with thee most incredible world building i've ever come across. and it's written so well that even some of the character decisions the author made that i disagree with don't even bother me. like jesus christ.
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brokentranstar · 2 years ago
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Bad Romance
Escape Attempt 16 goes a little something like this:
A man walks into Alcatraz with one goal in mind, and only one goal in mind. His husband-to-be is locked up for murder, and he is going to get him out. Because Roier is a man in love, and Cell is going to love him back if it's the last thing he does.
But first, Cell says, he needs to go find some old friends and let them know he's out of prison. He's sure they'll be happy to see him. They were supposed to escape together, after all. He just got... left behind.
Roier has been waiting all his life to find his soulmate, he can wait a few more weeks to marry him. By then, Cell might even love him back, and won't that be wonderful?
Or: c!Roier and f!Cellbit's hot summer murder road trip
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lovemybluebully · 3 months ago
Feels Like Home
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Holy shit! What the fuck is going on???!!! I finished a fic!!!! 😱🥰 So proud of myself right now.
Get your special sock out, nerds. It's gonna get good. 🤣
Logan has become downcast about the prospect of moving into a new apartment. Wade offers a foot massage to help him destress and.....You already know where this is going. 🤣
FYI! So yeah this fic is all foot tickles so if you're one of those people who detests feet then you may not want to read this. It is all SFW fluff kinda tickles though.
I skimmed through it as a quick edit so there may be some small fuck-ups, but I'll recheck it later and try to fix anything. Please enjoy!!
"Deadpool and Wolverine"-verse
ler!Wade/Deadpool x lee!Logan/Wolverine
Word Count: 5,670 (That's a lot of words! 😳 You'll be here for a minute. lol)
It had been a few months now since Wade had returned triumphant to restore his timeline's integrity. No one really knew what to think when he introduced his newfound roommate to all of his loved ones, but with Wade being the happiest they had seen him in a long time they realized this Wolverine was responsible for that and were quick to accept him.
The adjustment period with Logan getting used to routine and having a place to return to every day went surprisingly well, and he found that he got along great with Althea. They bonded over ganging up to shit-talk Wade whenever he would get overbearingly obnoxious, but Wade simply revelled in it all. Hardly anything seemed to truly bother him these days.
Because with Wolverine at his side Wade now had some clout and was back to doing some mercenary for hire jobs, which more than covered the full rent of his apartment, bringing much relief to Althea to not have to worry about that anymore.
Logan solely had been offered some side work from Shield, but he insisted that he and Wade were a team and the only way they were getting him would be if they accepted Wade as well. They of course agreed to his terms and Wade was beyond grateful that not only was he now officially part of a team, but that Logan had stood up for him.
With their new jobs they were easily able to afford a much larger apartment as Wade excitedly broke the news to Althea that he and Logan would be moving out, though they still planned to pay her rent for her. He thought the woman would be ecstatic to finally have a place all to herself again without having to put up with his constant bullshit, but a wave of sadness seemed to wash over her instead.
The two men picked up on it instantly and after exchanging a glance with each other it didn't even require any further discussion. Blind Al was coming with them. They set upon getting her settled in first and made all the required trips back and forth between the apartments to move in all her possessions and made sure that she had everything she needed.
Logan stayed behind to box up the rest of their things while Wade dropped Althea and Mary Puppins off at the new apartment and the merc was happy to see how excited Althea was about all the extra space and no longer having to share a room with Wade.
Upon returning to help Logan, Wade found that he had already gotten everything that was remaining by the front door and ready to be moved. Really the only thing left in the apartment was their old couch that they were leaving behind, though this is where he currently found Logan laying and staring up at the ceiling in dull silence.
"Time's a wasting, pal. Get that sexy ass moving and let's haul the rest of this crap over to the new place," he called as he started to pick up one of the boxes before noticing that Logan hadn't moved or responded. Setting it back onto the floor he walked over to stand over the other man and look down at him, snapping his fingers in his face.
"Helloooo? Are you alive in there? Blink twice if you're not being mind controlled and held against your will."
Logan didn't blink. He hadn't this whole time. His eyes just seemed to be staring straight through Wade with a sadness hidden in the back of them, but he did give a soft sigh of a response.
"Yeah, I hear ya, bub."
Over time Wade had become better at figuring out when situations needed a more serious approach so he backed off on making another joke.
"What's the matter, Log? Aren't you anxious to get to the new apartment?"
"Sure," he said with no real emotion; his vague answers not revealing anything to Wade and making him determined to get to the bottom of it.
"Okay, what in the actual fuck is going on here? It's all we've been talking about for weeks. Explain the sudden melancholy," Wade allowed him a few moments, but when Logan didn't reply he narrowed his eyes at him, "Talk, or I'll make you talk."
He then gave a warning poke to Logan's ribs as the older man jumped and seemed to come out of his trance while his eyes finally blinked to focus on a concerned Wade. Groaning, he rubbed a hand over his listless face.
"Fuck. I don't know, I guess.......I guess I just realized that I'm gonna miss this place. A lot. Yeah, it's kind of a shit hole, but it's the first spot that I've been able to call home in a really....really long time. A place I actually belonged."
Wade's demeanor softened immediately once the truth had been revealed. Even though Logan had never said it outright Wade knew he had been grateful for the invite to live together. He just didn't realize exactly how much it all had meant to him.
"Hey hey cheer up," Wade placed a hand on his shoulder to give a gentle squeeze, "We're moving onto bigger and better things, my stab-happy friend. Now's not the time to be down when we should be celebrating."
Logan let out another unenthusiastic exhale, sitting himself up.
"I know it. Sorry, it just isn't sitting well with my head. Everything about this apartment holds a place in my memory, and this couch.....I've spent a lot of time on this couch. It ain't the most comfortable, but it gave me a place of my own where I could sleep in peace," he rubbed his hand over the couch arm fondly.
"You're going to have your own bed now, buddy. A real one. Not this piece of shit pull-out," Wade kicked the couch but immediately regretted it when he saw the frown of offense on Logan's face, "Sorry. I'm just saying we don't have to settle for mediocrity anymore. And hey, it's not the end of the world. Our new place is going to be just as good. Better even, and the most important thing is that we're all still together."
"You're right, and half of me is looking forward to it. Just the other half of me doesn't want to let go so easily. It's one of those bittersweet kinda things. I appreciate what this apartment has done for me.....what you've done for me, even though I know I don't make it easy sometimes."
"You're right on that one, buddy. But that's okay, you know I like it when you make it hard," Wade took a try at making a twisted innuendo, feeling hopeful when Logan huffed out a barely noticeable snort through his nostrils and shook his head.
"I don't know where I'm going with all this. Just ignore me. Stupid thoughts in my head. But I would like to just sit here a little longer though, if that's alright with you."
"Of course it is. We got 'til the end of the day on the lease so technically it's still ours until then," Wade replied as Logan gave a short nod and lowered his eyes, making Wade tilt his head in concern for his friend, "You sure there's nothing I can do in the meantime to cheer you up?"
"Ya don't have to waste that kinda effort on me, Wade. But maybe....if ya don't mind that is....you can stay here with me. Kinda eerie bein' in this place without ya and not hearing your obnoxious loud mouth every five seconds," the corner of Logan's mouth ticked up into the smallest of smiles, making Wade's heart flutter in joy.
"I knew deep down under all the insufferable machismo that you love me. I'll be writing a long, self-gratuitous entry about that in my diary later tonight. Only my version is going to be a lot more risqué," Wade added, trying to get another reaction out of him as Logan just rolled his eyes.
"Just keep it to yourself, moron. Ugh, too bad we already moved out all the alcohol. I could really use a drink to clear my head," he lifted a big hand as his fingers massaged the temples on the sides of his forehead.
Wade's face twisted in thought as he looked for something helpful around the empty apartment that he could use to lighten his friend's mood. But they had done a pretty thorough job cleaning up the place so Wade could get the deposit back, making him come up empty.
Still Logan had only wanted for Wade to stay there with him so he figured he might as well make himself comfortable. As he looked towards the end of the couch to find a seat, he quickly took notice that Logan was barefoot, which was not an uncommon sight these days.
Once he'd originally made himself at home in the apartment, Logan had begun ditching his footwear every day as soon as he'd enter the abode. He preferred the feeling of being free of constricting shoes and with his heightened senses he enjoyed the sensory feedback he received by having such close contact to the ground.
Even though it left him vulnerable to Wade's irresistible urges to go after his feet, which the hyperactive man had delightedly found to be devastatingly ticklish, he still felt it was worth the risk to truly feel content in his own skin. He always had to be on his guard though.
Wade now smiled widely as he came up with the perfect solution that was guaranteed to get the both of them into better spirits.
"What are you doing, Wade?" Logan inquired suspiciously as the merc picked up his long legs, sitting down on the couch before lowering them back down to end up with Logan's feet on his lap. He then smiled innocently at the perplexed man.
"You need to unwind a little, Peanut, and Dr. Wade is here to prescribe the remedy.....One soothing, with totally no underlying motives, foot massage coming up!"
Logan's body noticeably stiffened up at the thought of his feet being touched, an uneasy growl rising up in the back of his throat.
"Have you seriously not learned from the hundreds of times I've kicked you? I'm way too ticklish for you to be doing that," he started to pull his feet back, but Wade grabbed onto his ankles.
"Oh, don't be silly. You're not that ticklish," he yanked the feet back with little resistance while Logan quirked an eyebrow.
"Tell that to your nasal septum that I caved in last week."
"And my nose has never looked better! Look sort of like a young Marlon Brando, wouldn't you say?" Wade chuckled as he turned his head to give a side profile while Logan frowned skeptically, "Come on, just let me try. Just take a deep breath and relax and it will be no problem. Trust me, it'll make you feel a lot better."
Logan sighed, running his hands over his face and then back through his hair as he considered the proposal. He knew whenever Wade was dead set on something it was nearly impossible to talk him out of it so most of the time he wouldn't even waste his breath. And hell, maybe this really would help him feel better.
"Just don't say I didn't warn ya. Absolutely no promises that I won't end up kicking your fucking teeth into your skull. Especially if ya tickle me on purpose."
Wade delivered a goofy salute and scooted around into a better angle to deliver attention to the feet on his thighs.
"I hear you loud and clear, and I sign the waiver releasing you from all responsibility to any injuries I may sustain in the process. I'm not going to try to tickle you though so just get that thought out of your head, okay? Gonna start off super slow here."
First Wade wrapped a hand around each foot and just held them there, not moving and attempting to get Logan used to the physical contact. Though as soon as the hands were placed on his feet Logan's muscles immediately tensed again.
He tried to do as Wade instructed and will his body to calm itself as he took some deep inhales and exhales and tried to force the muscles in his legs to loosen up. 
"You doing alright there, buddy?"
"I'm....I don't know yet. Just get on with it. The anticipation is killing me the most here," Logan shook his head, trying to put his mind outside of his body and not focus on the touching too much. For a man with heightened senses though that was easier said than done.
"Hmm eager, are we? I would be too if I were in your place. My fingers are positively magic. Sorry I don't have any of my massage oils here though," Wade's fingers gently moved around and started slowly kneading at the balls of his feet as Logan breathed deeply and clenched his jaw to keep a straight face.
"It's fine. Would probably make it worse, honestly."
"You're so dramatic. But so far so good, right? How about this....?" He held both sides of one foot and firmly pulled the flesh out in opposite directions repeatedly before doing the same to the other foot. 
He hadn't heard a peep from the other man and looked over to see a grin had fought its way onto his face while he had also closed his eyes in an attempt to focus on something else.
"Remember to breath, big guy. Isn't this nice?" He then cradled the top of Logan's right foot with one hand and begin rubbing his thumb in small circles into the arch, prompting the foot to instantly be yanked from his grasp along with a loud snort from the Wolverine.
Logan shook off the shiver that had just shot up his spine and looked up to find Wade smiling at him in amusement before beckoning forward with his hand.
"Don't fuckin' give me that look. Ya know I can't help it," the feral mutant muttered sheepishly and offered back his withdrawn foot.
"Aw c'mon, you can't tell me that doesn't feel good at least a little?" Wade smirked and repeated the same technique he had just been doing as Logan forced himself not to pull away this time and instead just let out some of the giggles that he'd been holding back. It actually did feel good in a maddening sort of way.
"Kkkk-Kinda-ehehehehehehee. Buhut it st-still tihihiiickles," his body was squirming now, his feet twitching under Wade's hands as he fought to get control of himself.
"You know being ticklish is more mind over matter. So tell yourself that you aren't ticklish, and you won't be," the merc tried to offer what he thought was some solid advice, but Logan simply scoffed at it
"Bullshit," Logan had a few more giggles slip past his clenched teeth, "Don't thihink I wouldn't have alreheheheady tried thaahaat?"
"It's all about willpower. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's definitely possible. Not that I'd ever want you to stop being one bit less ticklish," Wade now used the tips of his fingers to drag his blunt nails down the lengths of both soles.
"Gaahaah!" Logan had not been expecting the sharper sensations and almost went through the roof as he jerked his feet back with his knees nearly hitting himself in the chest, "Goddammit! You wanna get kicked?! No tickling!"
"I'm not tickling. I'm simply waking up your nerves to increase the effectiveness of the massage. It's a legit method, look it up," Wade gave a smug little smirk at this loophole he'd found while receiving a skeptical glare in return.
"Trust me, they're awake. You can skip that one, alright?"
"No worries Peanut, I gotcha," Wade nodded, sitting up straight and patting his lap before holding his hands out expectedly, "Now if you would, please resume the position." 
Logan hesitated with his brow piqued while internally questioning the sincerity of the man before him.
"You gonna be nice?"
Wade mocked a face of offense, placing a hand over his heart.
"Moi? How could you even say that? You know I'm always nice. Now let me finish what I started here. It's not gonna be as good if you don't let me complete the process."
Logan took another moment to consider the situation as he carefully weighed his options. He could decline and go back to sulking while Wade just pesters him the whole time about why he should let him complete the massage, or he could just skip all that hassle and allow Wade to continue now.
Wade smirked in victory as Logan reluctantly returned his feet to his lap and sat back in resignation with his arms crossed over his chest.
"That's a good boy. I'll try something a little different this time. Maybe what you need is a firmer touch," Wade now made a fist and used his knuckles to knead into the balls of his feet with a twisting motion as he went along, using his other hand to hold the feet stable. 
He thought it was succeeding in not causing a ticklish sensation, but seconds later Logan's legs tensed up again while he started letting out little growls to conceal the more embarrassing sounds. Wade only laughed softly and shook his head in amusement.
"Serious question, did any of your enemies know you're this ticklish? Not that I can picture you being in a tickle fight with the likes of Sabretooth. Mmm, potential fanfic idea. Gotta remember to jot that one down in my diary."
"Of course they dihihihidn't," a few giggles slipped out as Logan could feel the electricity running up his legs, transforming into his upper body squirming about, "I d-don't advertise it. Hehehe, watch it."
Wade's knuckles were rolling along his arch at this point.
"Well, you certainly dodged a bullet there, compadre. If they all knew how easily you fall apart from being tickled then you'd be the biggest liability ever! Every villain in the MCU would want to get their hands on you to get you spilling all that top-secret information and most well-guarded secrets," he grabbed all the toes on one foot and stretched them back while applying pressure with his thumb underneath the ball of the foot to rub tight circles.
"Th-That's-That's nohot truhue," Logan sputtered in response to the new technique being used, "I wohohohouldn't break. Besides, they prefeheher hehehehe-hurting me and mahahahaking me bleeheeheed."
"Maybe, but they know using pain against you is useless, you little masochist. They need to explore alternative methods. You think I'm bad? Well you haven't seen real tickle torture, my naive honey badger. I'm only capable of getting you in maybe two spots at once. But them? They would tickle you everywhere. All. At. The. Same. Time. Guarantee you'd be a straight goner."
A foot gave him a harsh kick in the ribs.
"Wihihill you shuhuhut up alreheheady?! That ihihisn't hehehelping," Logan snorted and put his hands over his face, giggling behind them as he slumped down on the couch and tried to clear those disturbing images from his head, "You-You almohohost dohohone?!"
Wade chuckled at his success in managing to fluster the complete fuck out of Logan.
"Not quite. This might take a while. We've got a lot of ground to cover here. Hmm, another question. Now I could be wrong, but haven't I seen these puppies in a Tarantino movie?"
"The fuhuhuck are yoohoou tahalkin' about?!" Logan removed his hands from his face to give Wade a disturbed look, his expression making Wade giggle himself.
"Just making idle conversation. Oof. Not only big, but heavy too," he held one foot up under the heel in his palm as he took in the weight before setting it back down to firmly squeeze the heel now, giving Logan a small breather.
"It's the ahaha-adamantium, dumbass. My-heehehehe-whole body is pretty muhuhuch a deadly weapon."
"Is that right? Ah yes, I see it now," Wade smirked as he simultaneously pinched the first and fifth toes and gently tugged on them, watching how his foot immediately cringed and wiggled to escape, "They sure look pretty threatening to me."
"W-Wait! Nohohoo!" Logan snorted and snickered uncontrollably, trying to sink further into the couch cushions with his arms wrapped tightly around his midsection, "Not the dahahahamn tohohohoes!"
His toes flinched away and curled under protectively, but Wade continued pulling them one by one from their hiding spots to stretch them out. It reminded Logan of the times he'd been drunk and the merc decided to be an asshole and tease him by playing 'This Little Piggy' with him.
"No? Oh, but I must. The toes are an important part, and they deserve just as much attention as the rest of the foot, if not more. A lot of tension can be alleviated through them, and you, my fine Wolvie, are very very tense," Wade grinned as he attempted to massage the stem of one stretched out toe, receiving a dirty guffaw as the foot immediately twisted out of his hold.
"GWAHaha! Fuhuck off my toes!"
"Hey, I'm just trying things. But fine, no more toes. I'm absolutely positive that you're really going to love this next one though," he went to his other foot, grasping both sides with his thumbs on the soles and starting at the ball of the foot he squeezed one side at a time back and forth in a see-saw type motion as he worked his way down the foot.
"Sh-Shit! Ahahaheeheehee! No waahaay thahahaaat's a real mahahahaha-massahahahahage tehehechnique!" Logan squeaked out through his laughter that had progressively become impossible to hold back.
"Of course it is. I'm purely a professional and I don't appreciate your ignorant accusations," Wade worked his thumbs more aggressively down the arch, knowing that at this point no matter what he did it was all just relentlessly tickling his friend now.
Logan was practically in a full-blown giggle fit that showed no signs of slowing down, all the while trying his hardest to remain cooperative and allow the unbearable fondling of his ticklish feet.
Wade sighed with a contented smile as he watched his roommate crumble to pieces from what was supposed to be a relaxing massage. At least Logan was undoubtedly no longer thinking about the move from their old apartment, which had been Wade's goal of this whole thing.
His work here was pretty much done, but there was one last thing he needed to do to make it all complete.
"Hehe, alright you win. I guess you really are too ticklish for a foot massage. Spoiler alert, I already knew that. Welp, if you can't beat 'em....," Wade shrugged as he smoothly wrapped up Logan's ankles securely in his arm and started scratching playfully into his soles. 
Logan had been trying so so hard just to bear the feelings of the massage that it took his brain a moment to relay that he was genuinely being tickled now. But once it all finally caught up Logan completely let everything go, throwing his head back in a howl of laughter and pulling with all the strength he had to get free.
"Waahahahahahahaa! Ya fuhuhuhucking dihihihick! Fuhuhuhuhuuuuck!!" Logan squirmed back on the couch while tugging ineffectively at his legs trapped in Wade's vice-like grip. He should have known better than to have thought that this whole massage idea wasn't going to end this way.
Actually, he knew damn well. And yet his dumb ass still let it happen.
"We gave it our best shot, Log. I guess foot massages just aren't happening for a guy with your level of sensitivity. Of course, I'd be more than willing to give it another go sometime," Wade teased while his fingers crawled rapidly back and forth across his delicate arches, making the man yelp and struggle more desperately.
"Nnnnever agahahahahain! Let go! Leggoooohohohoohooo! Heheheeheehee! Nohohot thehehehere! I'll-I'll end yohoohoohoohoou!" Logan snorted uncontrollably between hysterical giggles as he found that he felt no malice towards Wade despite how it may have appeared. He practically surrendered himself to his fate and collapsed against the cushions with his head tilted back in mirth.
Wade glanced behind him over his shoulder to see Logan's face and nearly died from how adorable he looked. His eyes were squinted shut with the crow's feet gathered at the outer corners and his nose wrinkled up to match, his lips pulled back into a gaping smile that revealed his enlarged canine teeth, and his cheeks glowing with a crimson blush that stretched up to his ears, down through his neck and to the bit of chest that Wade could see peeking out of his low cut shirt.
If Wade could keep him looking like this forever then he absolutely would. He was literally addicted to the man's laughter and had been over the moon the day he had discovered how ticklish he was. Even though Logan would hurl a slew of threats at him every time he tickled him, he never once followed through with any of it. Which just made it all the more fun for Wade to mercilessly tease him.
"Awww, does wittle Wolvie have ticklish wittle feet? Have I found the mighty Wolverine's Achilles heel?" He emphasized his metaphor by scratching at a particularly sensitive spot he knew of above Logan's heels. Logan instantly arched up off of the couch and tried using one foot to shield the other as Wade just easily switched between tickling whichever foot was exposed.
"Ahahahahaha! Nooo dohohohon't! Fuhuhuhuhuhuck! Waahaahaade stahahahahap! I cahahan't tahahahaaake ihihihit!"
Wade's favorite part. Where Logan's pride and resolve started to fall apart, and the threats begin transitioning into begging.
"Can you imagine what evil out there would pay to know this information? I could retire as the richest mercenary of all time," Wade smirked as he scribbled at his arches again, making Logan wheeze harshly from the intensity of the sensations.
"You'd behehehetter nohohohohot! If-If-hahahahahaa ya knohohohow whahahahat's goohoohoohoood for you!" He struggled to speak clearly as Wade wasn't letting up.
"I'm just teasing, big boy. I'd never let them have the pleasure. You and your ticklish ass are aaaall mine." 
"Okaay! Okaaahahahay fihihihine! Aahahahahaahahaa! Stohohohop ticklin' meheheheheh! C-Cahahahaaan't breeheeheeeathe!" Logan pleaded as Wade simply tsked and shook his head. If he could still form coherent-ish words then he could still breathe, meaning he wasn't completely done yet.
But Wade knew it was about time to wrap this up as he prepared the grand finale.
"A little courtesy goes a long way, you know? Now say pleeeeease....," Wade grinned deviously as he went in for the kill. His fingers squirmed up under Logan's toes to dig into the highly ticklish crevices that he knew would drive him insane and Logan more than delivered on his reaction.
"PLEASEPLEASENOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA!! PLEEEHEHEEHEEEHAAHAAHAAHAHAHA!!" Logan laughed wildly out of control with his head thrown back and tears creeping from his eyes, clutching at the couch tightly with the strength to rip the cushions clean in half.
Hearing the Wolverine completely lose his shit always gave Wade that little rush of sadistic glee that made him not ever want to stop, but at this point it was bordering on torture now and that was not Wade's intention of this particular session.
"Oh, so he can be polite. Okay okay, since you said please," Wade released his ankles as promised before an evil idea crossed into his mind.
Before either of them knew what he was doing he snatched up one foot and blew a loud raspberry right into the middle of the arch. Logan's mind went completely blank as he had an out-of-body experience and let out an inhuman screech like Wade had never heard him do before.
Though that moment did not last as Logan's other foot immediately slammed hard into Wade's face with a sickening crack to obliterate the cartilage of his nose as Wade let out a scream and dropped the foot to grab onto his face.
"Aaargghh! My nose! My beautiful nose! Dammit! Awww shit, guess it's back to looking like Ryan Reynolds again."
"You.....You fucking....freak....," Logan breathlessly wheezed as he just stared in amazement at the other man, unable to believe that he had taken it that far, "You tryin'....to get killed?"
Wade grabbed firmly onto his nose and pulled it back into position with another loud crack as he yelped in pain.
"I mean did it really call for that harsh of a reaction though? Couldn't have turned the power down just a little on that adamantium stomper?" Wade gestured to the offending foot as Logan caught his breath back.
"Hey asshole, you were warned. Told ya it was dangerous to tickle my feet. You got what ya fuckin' asked for and I'm not one bit sorry," Logan stated firmly as he swung his feet to the floor to sit more naturally on the couch.
"I'll make sure you're sorry later," Wade muttered under his breath, forgetting that Logan was more than capable of clearly hearing below a whisper.
"The fuck does that mean?"
"Aah! That was supposed to be a secret surprise! Damn you and your ears!" Wade reached over and wiggled a finger into Logan's ear as he grunted in annoyance, but still smiled as he shoved him away
"Fuck offa me, Wilson. I've about had my fill of you for one day."
"Really? That's funny because I don't remember being inside of you. But there's still time to change that," Wade grinned as he put his arm around Logan's shoulders, giving him a suggestive squeeze. Logan's brow arched high as he just stared at Wade's stupidly smirking face.
"Save that for your creepy diary of sick fantasies," Logan shook his head as he ended up smiling again before looking around the empty apartment, "Well....that sure as shit wasn't how I expected my last moments in this place to go." 
"And you're totally welcome. I know you're feeling a lot better now, right?"
Logan growled gently in response, but in no way could deny it. He fucking hated that Wade was right. It seemed to always take the weight off of his mind every time Wade tickled him to tears, and he appreciated it more than Wade would ever know. Because he would rather die before ever admitting that out loud.
"How about a thank you? A kiss on the lips will also suffice," Wade puckered up his lips as he leaned in, but was immediately pushed away.
"How about I cut those lips off if ya don't get them away from me?"
"Well, you know that's never going to happen. Especially since my lips and your tummy have an intimate date scheduled for later," Wade teased before frowning down at the bloodstain on his shirt that had dripped from his nose earlier.
"Always bleeding everywhere. You should probably start wearin' red more," Logan smirked at it being his turn to pick on the other man.
"Yeah duh, that's why my uniform is red. Didn't realize it was going to be an issue around friends though," Wade narrowed his eyes at him as Logan unapologetically shrugged his wide shoulders.
"In my defense, it wasn't a reaction I could control. Ain't the first time that happened either, so ya knew the risks."
"True. But I'll still whine about it next time too," Wade was back to grinning as Logan groaned at the implication of there being a "next time". They managed to sit in silence for a few moments before Logan sighed and started moving.
"Well....guess it's that time," he then leaned over to grab his boots and socks from beside the couch and begin putting them back on.
"Yup, we had better head out. I promised Al I'd pick up something to eat on the way back. I could really go for some sushi myself. You feeling that?
"Sure Wade. Sounds great," Logan nodded as he finished lacing his boots before standing up and walking to the door with Wade trailing behind him. As they reached the front door Logan turned to him and shook his head in disbelief.
"It's strange, you know. I've always been chased out of literally every place I've tried to settle into the past several years. Now I'm leaving this one on my own accord."
"You're not in that universe anymore, big guy. And as long as I have anything to do with it, you'll always have a home. I give you my word. And don't worry, this new place will feel just like home before you know it," Wade smiled and grabbed some of the moving boxes from beside the front door before promptly dropping them as he was pulled into a tight hug.
After getting over the surprise, Wade carefully returned the embrace as Logan sighed heavily into Wade's shoulder while he clung to him.
"Thanks Wade. For everything. I know I don't tell you enough how much I appreciate you, but just know I truly mean it," his eyes were a little watery when he finally pulled back, turning Wade's heart to mush as he smiled and gently patted him on the shoulder.
"The pleasure is all mine, believe me. I hope you know everything in my life is now better because of you, but if you didn't well there it is. So don't think this is all one-sided. Now are you ready to go home, buddy? Let's go break in that new couch we just bought. Feel free to interpret that however you would like."
That broke the serious look on his face as Logan chuckled with a shake of his head and took one last look at their old couch in the middle of the room before turning back to Wade with an utterly contented smile.
"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go home, Wade."
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unhappy-sometimes · 2 months ago
a 2024 writing retrospective (for sxf fanfic)
ignore the fact that i’m a few days late. i’ve been unbelievably busy the past couple weeks.
in this post i’ll go over the fics i wrote in 2024 think of it as an extremely extended author’s notes. i love to talk and will do so when given the chance.
i’ll start from my latest fic and work my way backwards. spoilers for everything i’ve written in 2024.
(Very) Stupid
Something that I try really really hard to maintain in my writing is believability, specifically when it comes to writing characters. Characters acting out of character is one of my biggest fanfic pet peeves: if I wanted to read about someone’s oc, then I would’ve read a regular book. That being said, I think a lot about how Twilight would actually act like if he were in love. I had an interesting conversation with @cantareincminor forever ago about how he’s so emotionally constipated that it’s kind of difficult to write Twilight in love without making him a bit ooc. Right now in canon it’s hard to imagine him falling head over heels for anyone (in my opinion, anyway).
That being said there are moments in canon where he acts flustered in situations that could be interpreted as romantic. So, for right now, my hypothesis is this: if and when Twilight falls in love, he’s going to be an absolute fool. He’s going to do his usual overthinking and overanalyizing, so much to the point that he starts hesitating over the smallest things.
(Very) Stupid is how I imagine all of that unfolding, although for the sake of comedy I did push things to the absurd. Sometimes Twilight does things in canon with such certainty of “Yes, of course normal people do this, I’m nailing this normalcy thing” that he fails to realize he’s being kinda ridiculous. I also wanted to take that element and incorporate it into a fic.
I also wanted to try subverting expectations (ooh fancy literary term) by having them do romantic things that lead them nowhere. I tried to cram in as many tropes as I could—feeding each other with a fork, only one bed, first kiss—but do so under the guise of Twilight completely missing how dumb he’s being the entire time. He only realizes his feelings until after their first kiss, specifically when Yor surprises him with a quick peck on the cheek. This, of course, was deliberate. I figured that it’d make the most sense if Twilight would only realize his feelings in a situation where he wasn’t the one initiating a (somewhat) romantic gesture because he theoretically wouldn’t be overthinking it. Instead, Yor just sneaks in when his guard is down <3
Endings are usually the hardest things for me to write and (Very) Stupid was no exception. I almost had Twilight pass out at the breakfast table when he kisses Yor but then I realized I’d made him faint in almost every fic I’ve written this year and that felt like a cop out. But I figured it out and I don’t mind the way the ending turned out :D
Also, kind of a random reference, but the title is slightly inspired by VERY NICE by Seventeen lol
Holy crap I’ve written so much for only one fic so far. My apologies in advance.
21 Eden Street
I won’t go into too much detail for 21 Eden Street because it’s still ongoing, but I just wanna brag about how fun it is to write hehe. It’s really enjoyable to write pure crack and come up with stupid and insane ideas with Cantare. You don’t need to have seen either iteration of 21 Jump Street to understand what’s going on. Honestly, we’ve taken very little from the source material and treated it more like a loose guide and a basis for brainstorming.
Don’t worry, we haven’t abandoned it! Cantare is waiting on me to finish writing my chapter (hehe sorry, Cantare!) and soon it’ll be back up and running.
Seeing things
Ah, Seeing Things, my beloved <3
This fic has the least amount of hits out of everything I’ve written (which is not surprising to me) but I hold it very dear to my heart. There’s not a specific reason why other than I just really enjoyed writing it. I also spent a ton of time making supplementary drawings and a whole hype campaign for it, too, so I kinda am obligated to feel some sorta way about it.
Anyway, the way this fic came about is simple; I just had the things I am most afraid of happen to Twilight. Yes, I’m scared of serial killers and my loved ones dying like everyone else, but something I am absolutely terrified of are hallucinations. That and doppelgangers.
Not being able to tell reality apart from fiction activates the flight or fight senses in me. Real life can be scary, yes, but reality is bound by the rules of reality. Literally anything can happen in fiction. The most horrific, awful things are possible in fiction and if those things suddenly become possible in reality???? Girl I am GONE. Passing away. Curling up in a fetal position in the nearest corner. I don’t know if that makes any sense. If I ever start seeing things that I can’t be sure are actually happening or not, I am choosing to die right then and there. Doppelgangers as a concept are also really scary to me. It’s like stranger danger but times a thousand because you can’t tell who the strangers are anymore.
In my initial draft, there wasn’t nearly as much of a tension between Twilight and Yor. If I recall correctly, by then I’d written to nearly the end and realized that for Yor this whole experience has been Loid acting just a little more weird than usual. It might’ve been Cantare’s suggestion (just assume everything after Guy’s Night has been beta’d by Cantare and you’ll be mostly right) but I realized that Twilight probably would start to suspect the people around him were screwing with him. I added the scene where his room was messed up and it all fell into place hehe.
I don’t like writing gore or the like because I feel like typical gore quickly starts escalating into levels of pain that the average reader has no possibility of comprehending and it loses its efficacy. Instead I tried feeding into Twilight’s paranoia, adding things that in isolation are just weird but when put together are unsettling. I shamelessly stole the fourth room hallway from Impossible Landscapes, a Delta Green campaign that I highly recommend you check out if you enjoy surreal horror. I purposefully kept some things vague, like the things Anya sees in Twilight’s mind, the way Handler’s face gets warped, or the description of “the watchers” because I felt like going into detail would lose the unknown-ness of it all. That and I’m lazy heehee.
In some way, canon Spy x Family does deal with ideas of doppelgangers and paranoia. Spies are constantly afraid of being listened in on, they don’t know if they can trust anyone, and they always have to keep an eye over their shoulder. For someone who is always a little scared of being spied on (I cover my phone and laptop cameras for that exact reason), that kinda sounds like torture. Seeing Things was a fun way to crank that paranoia up to a hundred. It was especially fun writing the museum scene because I tried thinking of things that are just ever so slightly off, things that theoretically could exist but clearly don’t.
I also threw in other things I’m scared of, like being watched, being followed, the dark, and the bathroom at night just to be extra mean to Twilight <3
Anyway, I’m rambling and this analysis post will be a novel if I keep this up.
Guy’s Night
I do recognize the insane tone shift going from Seeing Things to Guy’s Night.
What is there to even say about Guy’s Night? I got the idea from Psych (the Last Night Gus episode) who got the general basic from the Hangover movies. I wrote it all out in a few days, one of which I was sick in bed. I don’t know what to say.
Looking back on it, I don’t love the way it turned out. I’m glad I wrote it but where I usually don’t mind rereading my stuff for fun I do kinda cringe at Guy’s Night. It relies on a lot of contrivances which I tried masking with humor but it’s still a bit obvious. If you make a timeline of the previous night’s events, it only kinda makes sense.
It doesn’t help that I went into it with no plan whatsoever. I just sat down and said what happens happens. When I wrote in chapter one that something had happened between Loid and Yor, I didn’t know what that was. When I wrote Loid saying “we need to see what’s on that camera film” I was right there next to him saying “buddy, so do I because I have no idea.” When wrote Franky saying that his friend Marko might have answers, I was hoping he would too because I, like everyone else, didn’t know what was going on either.
The ONE thing I DID know was that Twilight got a tattoo the night before. That was it. That’s all.
I don’t typically plan out everything when I write but I usually have a good idea. For Guy’s Night, I had a bad idea in that I had no idea. It kinda shows. Sorry.
That being said, it was incredibly fun writing their drunk shenanigans and banter. The dynamic between Twilight, Franky, and Yuri was so goofy that I’ve seriously debated writing a sequel of sorts. However that’s incredibly unlikely. If I ever do write a sequel, it’d be a Girl’s Night with Yor and a combination of female characters, probably Sylvia and Fiona.
After Peace (and Glimpses of Happiness)
A quick heads up: I don’t go into detail but I do discuss mental illness in this segment.
I am incredibly proud of how After Peace turned out. Not only did it receive a really good reception for being my first fic ever, but it also helped me work through some things in my own life. It’s important to give some context.
I wrote After Peace shortly after graduating college. I won’t go into specifics, but college was really, really difficult for me. I had been so excited for this next step in my life after graduating high school but instead it turned out to be one of the hardest experiences of my life. Depression came out of nowhere and stomped me into the ground.
I used to have very high expectations for myself; I had a clear vision of what I wanted to do with my life and I was taking steps to work towards those goals. Then my mental health tanked and suddenly everything just felt so difficult and pointless. I’d sleep all day and then hate myself when the sun started to set because that meant I’d wasted an entire day doing nothing when I was supposed to be working towards something. But I just couldn’t do it anymore.
That’s something I’ve noticed that a lot of media gets wrong about depression sometimes. It doesn’t always make you feel sad. Sometimes it just sucks everything out of you—sadness, happiness, anger, everything. I stopped drawing, stopped listening to music, stopped eating, stopped exercising, stopped doing everything that I enjoyed because it felt like the equivalent of doing the dishes. Everything was a chore, even the things that I liked.
What really changed things around was when my poor roommate, who was sick of me sleeping for twenty hours a day, dragged my sorry self to the free counseling services on campus. It’s doesn’t fix everything, but having someone who cares about you and you care about can really help your mental health.
Anyway, let’s not forget I’m talking about an anime fanfiction here haha.
After Peace really did start out as a couple of doodles but as I started to write it, I noticed that there were a lot of similarities between myself and Loid. No, I am not a former spy turned grumpy hermit, but I did once have great aspirations and now have to settle for what reality offers me. Realizing that worth comes from simply existing was something that I had to understand in order to begin my recovery process.
I’ve always found it kind of sad that if you took away the goal of world peace from Twilight that you’re basically left with nothing. He doesn’t really have hobbies, no real friends, and he never takes a day off. That’s hardly sustainable. Would he really be happy when there’s nothing left to do? I’d like to think so, but I wanted to see what would happen if he wasn’t.
I mentioned this in the end note, but After Peace was also influenced by this comic I was working on years ago that had the similar premise of “grumpy man learns to enjoy life with the help of a young girl” (very original, I know). I doubt that I’ll ever release that comic in the capacity I once intended, but it does live on in my secret second tumblr account of you ever manage to find it.
Anyway, I was worried about writing After Piece because Anya plays a big role and I am Not Good at writing children. It was hard striking a balance between making Anya likeable but still realistic. I don’t interact with children often and, as a youngest sibling, I don’t have much experience with them. Anya has so many layers—being a test subject, being a telepath, being a child—that it was hard managing them all. But I’m okay with how she turned out.
There is a slight problem in that she basically disappears once Yor shows up D:
I debated having Yor in the fic at all but then I realized that without her the emotional climax would have to rely on a four year old’s emotional intelligence and then decided right then and there that Yor had to be in it haha.
Yor’s whole deal with accidentally killing the wrong person was kind of a last minute addition. I do wish I was able to explore that more, but I also feel like she’s emotionally mature enough to forgive herself more quickly than Twilight would. She ends up serving a bit of a role model to him. It was also nice to be able to write them interacting with the truth out on the table and for them to be honest with each other.
Pacing was something that I was very concerned with. Looking back on it now, I’m still worried that things move along a bit quickly. However, I am reminded of some advice my graphic design professors gave me: “Good design is when nothing more can be take away.” And, because I was writing this as fast as possible, you best believe I was taking things away if I didn’t need them. I didn’t want to fall into the trap of dwelling on Twilight’s thoughts for too long so I instead opted for showing him progressing through experiences instead. I think it worked out.
However because I took so many things out I decided to start Glimpses of Happiness, a supplementary fic to After Peace that fills in the cracks, so to speak. I wanted to have more moments between Twilight and the other characters, like stargazing with Anya and growing close to Yor. Right now there’s only one chapter, but I have plans for at least a few more. I also thought it was important to highlight that mental health recovery never truly ends. Just because Yor and Twilight had a nice chat on the roof doesn’t mean that things are suddenly okay. It’s a long process that sometimes never ends and I wanted to show that.
Of course, I can’t talk about After Peace without addressing the Midwest allegations. As I said, yes, this fic was inspired by my childhood in the American Midwest, even though I was nowhere near any mountains. The Midwest is a silly place full of nothing to do but go to your local Walmart for fun, but I think it served a good enough setting for Twilight to chill out and slow down. If I really wanted to do full Midwest, I’d have Twilight watch a tornado touch down on a cornfield from his truckbed, but that feels sort of out of place.
I feel like there’s more to say but I can’t think of anything and I doubt anyone’s actually gonna read all the way down here anyway. But yeah, that’s After Peace.
Oh, and the A.M. AM by Damien Jurado Youtube video currently has nine comments that mentjon falling from a five story building, which I think is really funny.
So now what?
Against my better judgement, I’m still writing. I have a couple projects in the works, especially one big big big one that hopefully I can start publishing soon. Keep an eye out for that.
In the meantime, thanks for a great year! I hope 2025 holds more great things in store for us all!
-unso ^. .^<
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bteezxyewriter12 · 6 months ago
All Yours
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 5.4k
Includes- Masturbation, pussy eating, fingering, blow job, deepthroating, cum eating, table sex, slight voyeurism-Namjoon catches Yoongi and reader, sex from behind, riding, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000 @amyz78 @blueie-things
Gif Credit- jung-koook
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Yoongi Masterlist
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Yoongi POV
I’m fucking tired
I just finished a photo shoot and I’m walking back to the dressing room
I’m gonna change, take this crap off my face and get ready to leave
I wash my face and changed back to my sweatpants and t-shirt
Now I’m looking for Namjoon
He disappeared somewhere and we need him so we can leave
I just wanna go home and relax
I pass by a room but stop when I hear what sounds like moaning
I stand frozen in my spot, listening
I hear a tiny moan
Don’t tell me Namjoon is fucking someone again
I’m still scarred from walking in on him last time
I take a quick peek inside and my eyes pop outta my head
One of our makeup artists, Joanne, who’s also the girl I happen to be in love with, is in there
The girl of my dreams
On the couch
No skirt or panties on
Legs apart and touching herself
I instantly get hard
This girl can make me hard just by looking at me
But seeing this?
I’m gonna have to go to the bathroom and jerk off right now
But I can’t move
I can’t tear my eyes away
I watch her fingers rub her clit as she moans
This is so fucking hot
I wish I was the one making her moan
But I can’t even talk to her that much before I sound like a complete idiot
I need to leave
I shouldn’t watch her
No matter how much I want to
I turn and am about to walk away when I hear, “Yoongi”
Did she just moan my name?
What the fuck?
I turn around and see her eyes closed and head back against the arm rest
“Fuck Yoongi, yea”
Oh my god!
She did say my name
“You feel so good Yoongi”, she moans again
No fucking way!
She’s thinking about me while she touches herself?
I’m so fucking turned on
I don’t know what I’m doing but the next thing I know I’m in the room, closing the door softly
She doesn’t hear me, she’s so lost in the pleasure
My feet carry me to the couch and I just look at her, watching her
Her pussy is so fucking wet and I moan, “Fuck”, when I see it
Her eyes snap open, sees me and a look of horror crosses her face
Me and my big fucking mouth
“Fuck!”, she yells, pulling her hand away and snapping her legs closed
“I…uh….I”, I stutter
“I’m sorry”, she says as she grabs her clothes and pulls her skirt on
Wait what?
“I….I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have……..I…. I’m sorry I said you’re name. I uh…I’m just gonna leave”, she stammers
No, I don’t want her to leave
She’s almost at the door when I say, “Wait. Joanne. Wait”
She stops and slowly turns to me, “Please don’t get me fired. I…I need this job”
Does she really think I’d do that?
No way
I’m not an asshole
“Do you want me?”, I blurt out
Smooth Yoongi, real smooth
Her mouth drops open
“Because you can have me”
“I….what?”, she asks confused
I need to get it together
If I can act sexy and cocky on stage I can do it now
“I want you Jo”
“You…what? Really?”, she asks, in disbelief
“Yes. Every since you walked through the door the first day, I’ve wanted you on my cock.”
Where the fuck did that come from?
Is that too much?
“You’re joking”, she answers, looking so bewildered
I shake my head
Just say what you want
“No Joanne I’m not. I’ve wanted you since I first saw you. I wanted nothing more than to kiss you, to touch you, to taste you, to be inside you, to feel you cum on my cock and my mouth, to feel your arms around me, to hear you scream my name.”
“Holy shit”, she whispers
“And if you want me, you can have me. Just say so and I’m yours”, I finish
She bites her lip and looks at me
“Yes. I want you”
Relief and excitement flood my body as I move quickly to her
My lips crash into hers in a heated kiss
Oh god, her kiss is everything
I never felt so alive kissing anyone
I feel like I’m on fire
I push her against the door and her arms go around my neck
Sliding my tongue in her mouth, she lets out a moan and I get so fucking turned on
I kiss her neck and she whimpers, “Yoongi”
Fuck yes
“I want to rip your fucking clothes off”, I groan
“Do it”, she answers
I look at her and she smirks
“Do it. I don’t care. I can get new clothes. Rip them off me”
Oh I fucking will
Kissing her again, I move my hands to her shirt
She’s wearing a button down shirt and I pull one side, buttons flying off everywhere
“Fuck”, she moans, “You’re so fucking hot”
Fuck, I’m glad she sees me like that
She has a tank top on under the shirt
Grabbing it from the top I pull it down, the fabric tearing down the middle
Once that’s off, I unhook her bra and throw it somewhere in the room
Moving back I look at her body and my eyes pop from my head
She has a killer body
So fucking sexy and gorgeous
I kiss her again, my hands running all over her and finally squeezing her breasts
“Yes Yoongi, Jesus, I love you touching me”
Fuck I love touching her too
Her skin is so soft, pale and so fucking smooth
She pulls my shirt over my head in one motion
“Jesus Christ”, she gasps, “You’re fucking amazing. And so beautiful”
No way But when I look at her, she’s looking at me like I am beautiful
What is wrong with her?
I’m not beautiful
I think I have the worst body of the guys
I don’t work out that much and I eat a lot
I know I’ve gained some weight
I open my mouth to talk but she says, “Shut up Yoongi, you are. You’re fucking beautiful so keep your mouth shut. Don’t ever think you’re not. You are”
And before I can say anything, she pulls me to her and kisses me, running her hands all over my back
“Fuck, I love the way you feel against me”, she murmurs
I know what she means
Feeling her skin against mine is the best thing in the world
Her hands move to my pants and she pulls them and my boxers down
I step out of them and pull her skirt down
Her panties are some kind of string thing
Moaning, I grab a string and pull, snapping it
I pull the other side too and it falls off her body
Pushing her against the door, I go on my knees
I want her in my mouth so badly
I move her legs open and attach my mouth and tongue to her clit
“Fuck!”, she yells when I start sucking on her
Pushing my fingers in her, I move them in and out while I play with her clit
My fingers rub against her spot inside and she screams
Fuck, I love her screams
I feel her hands slip in my hair and she pulls
I whimper from how good it feels
Licking her clit in the same spot over and over, I feel her get tight on my fingers
Fuck yes, I want her to cum
Sucking on her clit again and hitting her spot over and over she cums on my fingers, body trembling
“Yoongi, Yoongi shit!”, she yells
God I love her yelling my name when she cums
I pull my fingers out but I don’t stop licking
Licking her pussy, I taste her cum
Holy shit, she tastes so fucking good
Better than I imagined
“God Joanne, you taste so fucking good”
“Fuck”, she moans
“You’re my new favorite thing to eat”
“Oh my god Yoongi”
I smile while continuing to lick her
Sliding my tongue inside her, I lick inside then continue to lick up, finishing by sucking on her clit
I feel her shiver
She likes that so I’m gonna give her more
“Fuck Yoongi, your tongue is the best”, she moans while I continue
Hell yeah
“Yeah jagi?”
“Yeah. It feels so good”
I start moving my tongue faster, sliding up and sucking
Fuck, I want her to cum
“Baby”, I call
“I want you to cum on my tongue”
She whimpers, “Can you do that for me?”
I glance up at her and see her nod
I keep my eyes on her while I eat her out
Her eyes are closed and she’s biting her bottom lip
I love that fucking habit
She does it all the time and it turns me on instantly
“Yoongi…I’m..”, she moans
I slide my tongue in her just as she cums
“Oh fuck”, she cries
My tongue is covered in her cum and I moan from the taste
I lick everything before I stand up
She looks at me, smirks and drops to her knees
“Holy crap Yoongi, your cock is huge!”
Jesus, she’s making me feel so good with just her words
She licks me from bottom to top before sucking on my head
Oh god, it feels so good
She puts her tongue on the underside and licks while she sucks
She wraps her hand around my shaft and starts stroking
Pleasure washes over me while I watch her go at it
She drops her hand, puts both on my thighs and moves forward, pulling all of me in her mouth
And throat
What the fuck?
She starts sucking and moving her head, pleasure exploding all over my body
How she’s not gagging I don’t know but I’m not complaining
I wrap her hair around my hand in a ponytail and pull
She moans
Oh my god she fucking moaned
“Baby, you’re fucking mouth is amazing”
I see her smile on my cock and I almost fucking lose it
I’m gonna cum if she keeps going and I don’t want to
I don’t know if I can get hard again
“Jo, baby stop.”
She looks up at me questioningly
“I wanna be inside you”
She nods and moves off me
I pick her up and carry her to the table in the middle of the room
Sitting her on it, I open her legs and look at her
She nods and I push in
“Oh my god”, she cries
“Fuck fuck”, I yell as I keep sliding in, pushing through her unbelievably tight cunt
I get half way in her when her body trembles and she cums, shouting my name
“Yoongi fuck oh my god”
My mouth drops open
Did she just cum?
From me just going inside her?
“Joanne, did you….how did…”, I splutter
“You feel so good Yoongi and you’re fucking huge. It feels good when you push in. And I don’t know, it just happened”, she blushes
I kiss her, then whisper, “You’re fucking amazing”
She smiles at me
Her hands grab my hips and pull me closer, sliding the rest of me in her
“Oh god Joanne. You’re so fucking tight baby girl. You feel so good”
She fits around me perfectly and she gets so much more wet
“Yoongi, baby, fuck me”, she asks, moaning, arms around my neck
“Yeah jagi, I will”, I answer, then start moving
I move faster and harder with every thrust
Her screams are music to my ears and fuels me to go harder and faster
God, she’s perfect
Her body, her face, her personality, everything about her I’m in love with
I kiss her neck and play with her nipples, while I fuck her good
I feel her tighten on me and I know she’s gonna cum
“Yeah baby. Do it. Cum on my cock baby girl”, I growl
“Fuck Yoongi!”, she shouts
Her legs start shaking when she orgasms
Her pussy pulsates on my cock, clenching me tightly, letting go and clenching again
It feels phenomenal
I could cum but I hold back
I want to make her orgasm more
When she finishes I push her back on the table and move her so her whole body is on the table
Then I climb on it too
“Open your pretty legs baby”, I ask
She smirks and slowly opens them
I suck in my breath, looking at her perfect pussy
Wrapping one of her legs around me and holding the other open, I thrust in and start moving hard
“Yes Yoongi, oh my god yes!”
Pleasure explodes on my body
God, I never felt this way during sex
It’s never been this good, this mind blowing
She yells at every slam, her hands in her hair and eyes closed as I give her pleasure
She’s almost ready
A few more slams and she’s gonna explode
And I never wanted something so much in that moment
“C'mon baby. Cum on me”, I urge
I slam her a few more times and she climaxes, screaming my name and her whole body shaking
Fuck, she’s so fucking gorgeous when she cums
I love watching her
Fucking her through her orgasm, I lay on her and kiss her
Her arms go around my neck and she kisses me back passionately
I move my hand up and down her side, her trembling as my fingers trail over her skin
“Yoongi, oh Yoongi. I love you in me”, she moans, kissing my neck
“Fuck Joanne. I love being inside you. You were made for me”, I whisper
She nods
“And I was made for you”, I add
“Yes Yoongi, yes. You’re perfect for me. You fit so well inside me. I don’t want you to leave”, she cries
“I won’t baby. I’ll stay as long as you want. I don’t want to leave either”
She moans and I feel her lift her hips and meets my thrusts, making me go deeper
“Jesus”, I gasp
“Yoongi baby, make me cum baby. I want to cum again”, she asks whimpering
“Yeah baby. I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll make you cum so good baby girl”
She moans while I move faster
Namjoon POV
I stand in the slightly open doorway my mouth dropped to the floor
I just walked in on Yoongi having sex with Joanne
Our make up artist
When I got back to the room where we were getting ready, the guys asked me where Yoongi was
They told me he went to look for me and he never came back
Then they said I should find him since he went to find me
As I walked in the hall, I heard moaning and yelling
Opening the door I thought the sounds were coming from, I was hit with the sight of Yoongi and Joanne
Is this how he felt when he walked in on me?
They didn’t even hear the door open, they’re so into each other, kissing and hands touching all over their bodies while they have sex
“More Yoongi. Harder”, she moans
“Anything for you Jo”, he answers
I can’t
I’ve never seen two people that into each other
Almost like they love each other
Jealousy flares
I’ve never been that into someone and I want that
I want to feel that
Yoongi’s hand goes to her ass, cupping and holding it, pulling her to him more
Her body starts shaking and her head goes back against the table, her eyes closed
“Yoongi, fuck yes, Yoongi”, she screams
Holy shit, she came
“Yeah baby. Good girl”, Yoongi murmurs while she shouts in pleasure, “Fuck I love when you cum on me”
Oh my god
I need to fucking leave
Yoongi kisses her passionately and she kisses him back just as passionately, again making jealousy flare through me
“You want more Jo? I want to give you more baby”, Yoongi asks
“Yes Yoongi. I want you. I’ll never have enough of you”, she answers
“Good baby. Because I’ll never get enough of you either”
Wait, are they in love?
They’re acting like it
Yoongi moves off her, grabbing her legs and sliding her down and off the table
He turns her around and bends her over the table
She stands opening her legs and he goes back in her
“Fuck!”, she screams
I need to leave right now
They still don’t know I’m here
I softly close the door and make my way to the bathroom
Because I’m fucking hard and I need to fix that
After I take care of my hard on, I go back to the room where the guys are
“You didn’t find him?”, Hobi asks
“Uh..no I did”, I answer, turning red
“Is he coming?”, Jimin asks
He has no idea how ironic that sentence is
“Uh no. I didn’t talk to him”
“Why not? I want to go home!”, Jin whines
“He’s uh busy”
“Doing what? I’m gonna go find him and tell him to hurry the fuck up”, Jungkook says angrily
“No! Don’t”, I yell
They all look at me wide eyed
“Why?”, Tae asks
“He’s uh….he’s….”
Fuck what do I say?
“What? If you don’t spit it out then I’m going to go look for him”, Jungkook threatens
“He’s, uh, fuck, he’s having sex”, I answer, my face heating up
“WHAT?”, Jin yells
“Yeah I uh walked in on him”
“Oh that’s priceless! He walked in on you and now you did it to him”, Jimin burst out laughing
“It’s not funny”
“Yeah it is”, Jungkook laughs
“Did he yell at you?”, Tae asks
“Uh no. He didn’t even notice I was there. They were so into each other, they didn’t hear the door open”
“What? Who is he with?”, Jin asks, shocked
“Yeah uh, he’s with Joanne”, I answer
“Joanne? Our makeup artist?”, Jungkook gasps
“About time”, Hobi answers
All of us snap our gaze to him
“What?”, I ask
“He’s in love with her. For the last two years.”
“How do you know?”, Tae questions
“He told me and you have to be blind to not see how he acts around her. Or how she acts around him. I told him she loves him or at least likes him but he doesn’t believe me”
Well I guess I’m blind because I didn’t see shit
“I think she loves him too”, I bring up
“Really? Why do you say that?”, Jimin asks
“Because of the way they were together. The way they touched each other, kissed each other, what they were saying to each other. And like I said, they were in their own world. I’ve never seen two people that into each other.”
“Damn. If she loves him too, he’s lucky”, Jin answers
“He is?”, Jungkook asks confused
“Yeah. Don’t you want that? Someone who loves you and only sees you? Someone who wants you that much? If she feels that way for him, he’s incredibly lucky”
He is, I realize
“Yeah, I was jealous when I saw them. I’ve never been that into someone and I want to know what that feels like.”, I answer
“We all do”, Jin answers
“Ok but what, now we have to wait for him?”, Tae whines bluntly
“Yes”, Hobi snaps, “Don’t fucking ruin this for him. He’s been wanting her for a long time. And if she loves him, then she’s wanted him just as much. Leave them alone”
I sigh
I guess we should
If he loves her and finally got her then we should be happy for them
We can wait awhile more
I sit down, take out my phone and start playing a game
Yoongi POV
Bending her over the table, she opens her legs and I slam into her
“Fuck”, she yells
Moving hard again, I slam her over and over
I lift up one of her legs, giving me more access and letting me get deeper
Thrusting again, I hit her spot and she screams so loudly
Holy shit, yes
I slam her there again and she screams, “Yes Yoongi. Right there baby. Please”
“Yeah baby. I’ll give it to you there”, I assure her, making sure I hit that spot every time I move
She cums out of nowhere, screaming loudly
I watch her white creamy cum cover my cock
Oh my god
This just makes her so much more hotter and I’m fucking happy
Happy that my girl cums like this
“Jesus Jo. Your creamy cum is amazing baby. Covering my cock, making such a big pretty mess”
She just moans, pleasure all over her face
“I want it again”, I demand, slamming her spot over and over
“Yoongi, god, Yoongi baby, fuck”
“Give it to me baby. I want your cum all over my cock. Please baby”
“Yes Yoongi, yes”
I slam into her hard and she tightens on me, orgasming again
Her cum flows on my cock and with every thrust, more covering me
I moan from the sight
I want more
Still fucking her while she orgasms, another one hits her flowing from the first one
“Yoongi oh my fuck!”
“Yeah baby, keep going”, I demand
Slamming her spot again, she explodes again, screaming incoherently
I love that I can make her feel this good and make her cum over and over
“Baby girl, more”
“Yoongi, I can’t-”
“Yeah you can jagi. Don’t you want it?”
“Yes Yoongi, I want it so much”
“Then cum for me again baby girl”, I plead
“Yes Yoongi”, she cries, coming again
She moves and I fall out of her
Huh? Why did she..
She turns and kisses me, pushing me backward
My legs hit the couch and she pushes me on it, making me sit
She climbs on me and whispers, “Now it’s my turn to fuck you so good baby boy. Just enjoy everything”
Oh god
She slides down my shaft and I gasp
Going inside her feels so good every time
Every. Fucking. Time.
She starts moving on me, up and down, slamming harder every time she goes down
She moves her hips around and kisses me while she fucks me
Then she leans back, her hands on my legs and slams hard, giving me a good view of her fucking me
The pure pleasure is driving me crazy
I lean forward, my hands slide up her back and hold her against me
Her bouncing gets faster and so hard
She moves up and I feel her tighten on my head before she slides back down
“Holy shit”, I yell
Oh god, it feels so good
She keeps herself tight on me as she moves, sweat slicking her body
The pleasure increases so much and I just watch her ride me
The way she moves on me is so fucking sexy
I move my hands on her breasts and squeeze them
“Lick baby boy. You can lick and suck on me while I fuck you”
Oh god, she’s fucking incredible
I latch onto one of her nipples and suck on it
I feel her pussy flood my cock with more of her juice
“Baby boy. I fucking love your tongue. You’re so good with it”
I moan and switch to her other nipple
“And you’re cock baby. God it’s so good. I love being on you. You’re so fucking amazing Yoongi. Every part of you”, she praises
Hearing her words just makes me love her more
No one has ever said things like this to me
Not during sex or after
She’s made me feel so good with her mouth, her hand, her pussy and her fucking words.
I want her
I want her to be mine
“Yoongi baby, cum. You’ve been such a good boy baby. I want you to cum”
Fuck me, I didn’t realize how much I like being called a good boy
Normally I don’t like it but with her I want nothing more than for her to keep calling me that
She can call me anything she wants and I know I’ll love it
“You first jagi”, I manage to answer, “I want you to make me cum by you coming on me”
“Anything for you Yoongi”
God, she’s the best
I’m never letting her go
I can’t
She slams herself harder and harder until I feel her snap and she releases all over me, squeezing my cock so fucking tightly and still moving
Her whole body shakes hard, her eyes close and her back arches so much that I have to hold her up so she doesn’t fall back
“Yoongi!”, she screams at the top of her lungs
I can’t take it- holding her on me, I cum inside her, the hardest I ever have in my life
I feel my body shake too and I squeeze my eyes closed, just feeling her and screaming her name
I don’t care who hears me
“Joanne!, oh god Joanne!”
She keeps fucking me while I cum making my orgasm last longer
When I finish, she pushes my sweaty hair from my face and kisses me gently and lovingly
After the kiss, she moves to get off me but I hold her in place
“Wait”, I request
I need to tell her
I can’t be without her, not after this
I want her to be mine
I want to kiss her anytime I want, hold her hand anytime, hug her, hold her and just be with her
“Joanne, be mine”, I ask
Her eyes widen, “What?”
“I love you. I’m so fucking in love with you Joanne. I’ve never loved anything as much as I love you”, I confess, “I want you to be mine. You’re all I think about all day. You’re all I’ve wanted for so long. Today has been the best day of my life and we only had sex. I want other days to be the best days of my life just by kiss you or holding you or taking a nap with you. I want to take you out and tell everyone in the world you’re mine. I just want you. I never wanted anything as much as I want you. Only you.”
I’m so scared of her response
But she smiles at me and says, “Yes Yoongi. Yes. I want you.”
Happiness bursts in my heart
“You….You do?”, I ask
“Yoongi, I’ve been in love with you before I met you. I was and still am an ARMY and I fell for you as much as I could without knowing you. Then when I got this job I was so excited because I’d get to be around you and the guys. I never thought you’d ever feel like I do, so I was just happy to be your friend. I was never going to tell you how I feel. I didn’t take this job to get you. I just wanted to be around you. And that was enough for me. I want you to be happy with whoever you love. I never thought you would ever love me.”
I’m blown away
She loves me and was just happy being around me
She didn’t try to get me
She loves me and was never going to tell me
That makes me love her so much more
Because she was going to let me love who I wanted, even if it wasn’t her
She was willing to watch me be with someone else and not say a word
She’s incredible
“It is you Joanne. I love you. For the last two years, I loved you and I was so scared to say anything. I didn’t think you’d love me either. Or want to be with me. Who wants to be with an idol? With my schedule, how busy I always am.”
“Me Yoongi. I want to be with you. I don’t care about you being an idol. While I love Suga, I want Yoongi. Suga is just one part of you. One part of Yoongi. And I want all of you”, she says
I’m so touched at her words
She really wants me
“Can you really be mine Jo? Please? I swear I’ll make time for you. I swear I’ll love you and show you how important you are to me. Because you are Jo. You are.”
“Yes Yoongi. Yes baby. I love you”, she answers, then kisses me, her arms around my neck
I wrap my arms around her, kissing her back and feeling so happy
I got the girl of my dreams
I walk back into the room where the guys are
With her
Her hand laced with mine
I don’t care who sees
She’s finally mine and I want everyone to know
“About fucking time”, Jungkook yells
“Yeah we’ve been waiting for over an hour”, Tae rolls his eyes
“Uh what?”, I ask confused
“Namjoon saw you two together and we’ve been waiting for you”, Jimin explains
“Oh my god”, I hear her gasp and hide her face in my arm
“You what?”, I yell
“It was an accident! I went to find you so we can leave and I saw you two together”, he answers
“Why did you tell them?”, I shout
Why would he tell them this?
“Because Jungkook was going to find you when I said I didn’t talk to you and tell you we’re leaving. I didn’t want anyone to walk in on you so I told them”, he explains
This is not how I was planning to tell them about her or how I wanted to spend the first day with my girlfriend
“It’s not a big deal Yoongi. It was an accident. It’s not worth getting upset over”, Hobi says
It’s not worth getting upset?
Is he kidding?
Namjoon saw her naked
And he bit my head off when I walked in on him
“I’m sorry Yoongi. It was an accident. I’m sorry Joanne”, Namjoon apologizes
“It’s ok”, she says quietly
“Baby can we just let it go? I don’t want to think about it anymore. I just want to forget that he saw. I just want to spend time with you”, she asks
She’s right
I should just let it go
I just want to be with her right now
I’ll yell at him later, if I’m still upset
“Ok baby. Whatever you want”
She smiles and I lean down, catching her lips in a kiss
When I look back at the guys, Hobi says, “I guess you two are together now?”
She nods, “I love him”
Hobi throws an “I told you so”, look my way
“Told you”, he says
“Yeah yeah whatever”, I mumble
She giggles and it’s the cutest thing in the world
“Can we go now?”, Jimin whines
“Yeah let’s go”, Namjoon says getting up.
“You coming Jo?”, Hobi asks
“Yes”, she nods, her hand squeezing mine
Leaving the room, I walk with her to the exit
She pulls back and I turn to her confused
“What's wrong?”, I ask
“We’re going outside together? Don’t you have to hide our relationship? People will see us.”
“Jagi, I don’t care. I love you and I’m not hiding you. I could give less of a shit if people are unhappy that I have a girlfriend. You make me happy and you love me. That’s all that matters”
She gives me the biggest beautiful smile
“Ok Yoongi”
We walk to the door and go outside
Of course there’s some media outside
They always know where we are and it’s so fucking annoying
“Suga! Whose that girl?”, one of them yells as we walk by
“Why are you holding her hand?”
“What is her name?”
I stop walking and turn to her
She looks up at me, confused
I lean down and kiss her in a searing passionate kiss
She throws her arms around me as I wrap mine around her waist, pulling her closer
Flashes go off and I know pictures and videos are being taken
I don’t care
After the kiss, I stand there, holding her and looking in her gorgeous brown eyes
I move some hair from her face
“I love you”, I say loud enough that they can hear but not screaming it
“I love you”, she answers back smiling at me
I smile back and give her a gentle kiss
More questions are being yelled at me but I ignore them
I gave them an answer, everyone knows she’s mine
Then letting her go, I take her hand and walk with her to the car
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ghost-bison · 7 months ago
Some of my favourite Doctor Who fanfiction (mostly One Shots)
Drawing Nearer by Geat (Ninth Doctor/reader, Ninth Doctor & reader) on AO3
This author understands the beauty of Nine like no one else does. Like fuck. Wow. If you want something immersive and soft and beautiful this is the one. Actually, even if you don't, this is the one. You need it in your life believe me. And! If you're into the Tenth Doctor instead, or just want more of the amazing stuff after you finish the first one, there's a sequel to it, Like One of My French Girls?, which explores the same prompt (reader drawing a portrait of the Doctor) with a freshly regenerated Tenth Doctor. Which is really clever and witty so you should read it as well.
Immolation by songofdefiance (Donna Noble & Twelfth Doctor, feat. Bill Potts) on AO3
This one is what would happen if the writers were geniuses. It's a whole episode and holy shit it doesn't matter who your favorite characters are: it's for everyone. It's so smart I felt like an idiot reading it. (and yes the 1k words comment on there is me lmao don't judge me I was just very enthusiastic)
Children of the Time War series by illyriashade56 (Donna Noble & Tenth Doctor) on AO3
There's a reason I've read so many fics from this author. Had trouble picking a favorite, and still can't, but this one deserves whatever publicity I can give it. It's got it all. Holy crap. Hurt/Comfort, nice Donna whump, amazing descriptions, solid plot, and you know what's good? Once you're done reading this one, you can check her account and read another one cause they're all so good. I haven't read part three yet cause I'm keeping it for a perfect night (do y'all do this as well or is it just me? anyways lol, some fanfics are just so good that I need to shower, change my bed sheets, make a playlist and clean my room before reading them) (also the author is nice and I'm referring you to her account if you want to check more of her stuff: @illyriashade56)
Run (To A New Beginning) by Topaz_Eyes (Donna Noble/Tenth Doctor) on AO3
Just like the previous one, I had trouble picking just one from this author. The sex scenes dont seem to exist just out of horniness, they're really, really good, funny, witty and moving in a way I can't explain. The author has a way with words, it feels like you're in the story (so if you're horny for Donna Noble this is the one for you). And if you don't like explicit scenes, still check out the author, they've got some other amazing stuff! Like a bittersweet, sort of fix-it for Donna's ending (Journey's End).
The Awesome and Entirely True Tale of the Doctor's New Companion by TheBigCat (Donna Noble/Ninth Doctor) on AO3
Honestly this one slaps on all aspects and that's all I have to say. You need to read it. And when you have, you need to read it again.
Stress Fracture by Youth_of_Australia (Donna Noble & Twelfth Doctor) on AO3
I wasn't expecting to love this one so much when I clicked on it. The author specifically says they don't like Twelve and that's their bitter take on him. So you'd expect it to be Twelve slander, but actually, and I'm saying that as a big Twelve fan... it's surprisingly accurate. It's a mature, well-thought take, in the point of view of Donna, it bathes in the remains of TenDonna's friendship in bittersweet ways and it's beautiful and sad and nostalgic.
The Greeting-Card Aisle by twelvedimensional (Donna Noble & Ninth Doctor) on AO3
Pissed myself reading this one (all three times), cause it's so real. This author knows what they're doing. Take Nine and Donna, put them in a room together and that's certainly what's gonna happen. And believe me, the result is side-splitting.
Constructive Criticism by goldenrod (Donna Noble/Ninth Doctor) on AO3
A very sexy take on Donna and Nine as traveling companions. Nine only has eyes for Donna and her boobies (as he should). Oh, and it's sassy and hilarious.
Creature Fear by goodbye2pisces (Donna Noble/Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble & Tenth Doctor) on AO3
This one could very well be canon. I need it as an audio book. It's cute, funny, there's a bit of Donna/Ten whump, it can be read as platonic or romantic, and it has the most adorable little epilogue.
Think Outside the Box by TheAsexualofSpades (Tenth Doctor & kid!reader) on AO3
Basically if you love Ten but don't wanna fuck him, if you had a rough day and no one's around for a hug, if you grew up with emotionally distant parents, or if you simply need to have a good crybaby moment, this one's for you.
I'm On Fire by TheDarkMaterial (Donna Noble/River Song, Donna Noble & River Song) on AO3
Just like the last one, this one's kinda like a warm blanket. It's short, it's healing, it might make you cry nice little tears... also idc it's canon to me.
Appetites by EllyF (Donna Noble & Tenth Doctor) on whofic.com
This one is hard to read because it's very graphic on the Ten whump, but... it's fucking worth it. Trust. Me. Jfc. It's Hurt/Comfort so don't worry for yourself, but the angst is real, the gore is terrific, there are some horrible comparisons in there that will absolutely draw some tears, and the frustration will be real, but when you're done with it, you'll be like Wow. Wtf did I just read.
Only Human by Louiecat68 (Donna Noble/Tenth Doctor) on whofic.com
If you're looking for Donna whump, search no more: this is the place. This one's pretty graphic, pretty horrible, Donna's going through it in all possible ways and you'll want to wrap her in a blanket, feed her burgers and hot chocolate and burn the world down around her. Quite literally.
The Doctor is In by crystanagahori (Martha Jones & Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones & Donna Noble, Donna Noble/Tenth Doctor) on AO3
This one's funny and so sweet and you have no trouble reading it in the characters' voices cause it's faithful to all three of them. I don't read Martha fics usually, I only clicked cause I saw TenDonna, but even if you're like me, you'll have no problem reading it even when it focuses on Martha's life, believe me. The vibe's just immaculate.
Your Eyes Aren't Rivers by ClementineCrane & Multifandomfuckfest (Donna Noble/Tenth Doctor) on AO3
Another one where the vibe's immaculate! Basically one of the things that made me want to write a Doctor Who High School AU of my own. Ten and Donna are absolutely adorable in this.
I'm tagging some people who'd probably be interested in one/some of those:
If some of you read/have read one or several of those and wanna interact feel free to dm me :)
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azziesbattybaddie · 7 months ago
Long hair and long healing
Lucien x reader
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Word count: 1.2k
Tamlins finally gives Lucien a day off to spend time with his mate due to being snowed in, sometimes time spent together is also time spent in the past.
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Requested: no
Warnings: fem reader, we die like men, maybe some swearing, some talk of Lucian's trauma, some angst, slight innuendo
Authors note: holy crap I posted my first finished fic 3 hours ago and it already has 42 likes! That is definitely a boost of motivation so I give you a present for the likes! I'm fully aware that the spring court doesn't experience winter but just roll with it, also I'm sorry I can't seem to stick to past or present tense I swear I'm working on it. Anyway Enjoy!
Authors note 2: guess who decided that I was gonna do a cute little 500 word drabble before bed and couldn't control the brain flow and now its 12:15 and I have 1.2k fic... ✋
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The smell of jasmine and lavender fill the air as you add a bath bomb to the already bubbling water. Alis had told you that morning that since there was a blizzard last night Lord Tamlin was going to let everyone have a rest day. That did include your mate Lucien but he hand some paper work to do before he was off the hook for the day.
As the bath filled you went and rekindled the fireplace before rummaging through the closet looking for 2 pairs of fuzzy socks and as many blankets as you could find, making quick work lying them out in front of the hearth in a nest like shape. You check the tub and turn off the water before adding some more oils Lucien liked but would never admit he uses out loud.
As your adding the last 'ingredient' to your bath soup you jump slightly at the feel of two strong arms wrapping themselves around your waist, fire red hair falling over your shoulder as Lucien lands a kiss on the side of your neck. You hum at the contact and allow your head to tilt to the side as you lean back against him.
"I was staring to think someone set a flower garden on fire, I could smell lavender all the way from the dining room." He mumbled against your neck pecking up behind your ear as he spoke.
"i heard that everyone was getting the day of and I've missed you, I wanted to do something nice since your not here that much anymore." you turn in his arms to face him, a hand coming up to bush a fallen lock of molten hot silk behind his ear.
"Hun, you need a haircut after your bath." You say when his hair falls at the slightest of move movements again.
Lucien gasps in fake offense, while clutching his hair as if it were the most precious thing in his life.
"how dare you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the length of my hair!" You can tell he's obviously pulling your leg but as much as he was right, his hair was almost down to his ass and honestly looked constantly unbrushed. He'd been away on business for so long you hadn't been able to keep up with trimming it to a manageable length.
"luc, you can't even turn your head without it getting in the way and it looks like a rats nest." You half way tease with a grin starting on your face.
His eyes light up with a shocked mischievous look before he dropped his hair and crossed his arms and turning to the bathroom mirror.
"ok that last one was a bit unnecessary, it not that bad." By now he's fiddle with his hair.
"either way, the bath is getting cold so you better hop in before you get take an ice bath instead." You state before walking out to grab him a towel and a pair of pajamas. When you come back though he still standing at the mirror still brushing his ridiculously long hair.
"what! Oh sorry, I was just-" he turned to look at you seeing your annoyed stance before finishing.
"you wanna join me maybe?" Lucien trying to bait you with a grin that told you if you got in the tub with him you wouldn't be getting out until the water was cold and the bath was useless.
"hmmm... No." You set down his clothes and towel on the sink before quickly kissing him on the cheek and darting out of the bathroom before he could catch you and drag you back into the steaming room.
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After about 20 minutes Lucien entered your bedroom to find you sitting in your nest of blankets with 2 giant cups of hot chocolate the book he had seen your reading and ... An assortment of hair ties, hair clips, brushes, little towels and your hair oils.
"by the cauldron, Lucien! why do I even by you sleep shirts if your never going to freaking wear them?" You say feigning annoyance while trying to keep your face from betraying you and giving him a once over. Lucien was always built, definitely leaner than most spring court males but his muscle was lean and taut and... dammit he saw you staring. 'great job' you think to yourself.
"for the sake of 'your' ego I'm just gonna ignore your question and the way you just jumped me in your head and ask instead, what the hell is all that?" He had a hand in his hip while he shot a finger out at all your hair supplies.
Your tried to tame the blush on your cheeks that burned as red as your mates hair from getting caught staring before letting yourself speak.
"well since your oh so adamant about not wanting to cut your hair than I'm gonna start braiding it every week or so that way it's out of your way and it doesn't look like Tamlin gave you a noogie on the way out the door."
"you say that you love me but you keep on insisting on insulting me and I'm starting to take it personal." He complained, not a hint of hurt on his face as he grinned and sat Infront of you, picking at a little hair jewel. You were about to tease him again when you caught the far away look on his mismatched eyes. As delicately as you could you placed a hand on his arm.
"Jesminda used to braid my hair when it got too long too." He said still looking into the fire as if it were a portal to whatever past memories he was playing in his mind.
You shuffled on your knees behind him and laid yourself against his back, your chin resting of his shoulder and your arms coming to trace small patters on his chest.
"no one can ever take me away from you. Never." You had been mated to Lucien for long enough for him to come clean about his past so you were fully aware of what his father and brothers did to his first love.
You never felt jealously or anger when he spoke about her, because you know it wasn't out of affection but out of guilt. Lucien always blamed himself for her death, that maybe if he hadn't defied his father, maybe if he had never courted her she might still me alive.
His hand came up to hold your arm as he pressed a lasting kiss on your wrist.
"your stuck with me and my annoying self forever." You whispered seriously in his ear. It earned you a chuckle, so you'll call that a win.
"I love you you know that. Promise me that you truly know that." He turned to look at you his russet eye dark almost looking at you with desperation and sorrow while his golden one seemed to be filled with hope for your answer.
"I've known that since before the bond ever snapped for you. You didn't know we were mates and you Still made me feel loved before we were even together. Of course I know you love me cuz you show me everyday even if you don't say it, I know." You were slowly running your fingers over his scalp while you whispered your praises. And slowly he let himself sink against you until his head was leaning back on your chest, his eyes closed and the sound of his soft breath filling the silence.
Oh well, maybe braiding can wait till tomorrow.
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year ago
the perfect father , elias pettersson
note, this was originally written for jacob markstrom but i decided to rewrite it for someone else. just a personal thing. also, this fic is part of the "home with the petterssons" series. check out this masterlist for more. timeline: this takes place between february 2021-october 2021 pair, elias pettersson x reader summary, y/n and elias manage to keep a huge secret from the world during quarentine. warnings, children/kids, pregnancy, covid/quarantine, a little cheesey word count, 3873 words
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(gif not mine)
The NHL schedule was confusing during the regular season, but now you were even more confused with the 2020-2021 season underway. So, to make things easier for you, Elias bought a calendar with your favorite animals and filled it out with all the dates of games.
The calendar really came in handy when planning your doctor's appointment. You had a hunch about what was causing all your sickness and it wasn't a cold.
So, you called the person you knew you could rely on, the one person who would give you the advice you needed to hear and would give you the cold hard truth even if it would hurt.
Holly Horvat.
She did indeed give you the cold hard truth and confirmed your suspicions. She also stayed on the line with you while you booked your appointment.
In the meantime, to ease some anxiety and nerves, you went to the store and grabbed as many pregnancy tests as you could fit in your hands. You purchased them and rushed home as fast as you could.
You sat on the closed toilet lid, head in hand as you waited for your timer to go off. Those two minutes felt like hours. You didn't ever understand that feeling before, but you did now. Time really did go slower.
You and Elias had been together for almost five years, engaged for less than a year, and everything was great. You were great. You had talked about babies briefly, but you talked about it as if it was something in the distant future. After marriage, after a few years more in the league. Clearly, life doesn't always go the way you want it to.
When the timer went off, you jumped out of your skin. You pulled your hands away from your eyes and flipped the tests over, inhaling as you looked at all of them.
"Holy crap." You muttered.
“I’m home!” Elias announced a few hours later, walking into the house. He found it strange that Luna, your dog, didn’t immediately run up and greet him. He followed the sound of the TV into the living room, where he found you fast asleep, and Luna curled up around you.
He smiled, turned off the TV, and draped a blanket over you, but not before kissing you on the head. He made his way into the bathroom to take a shower. He was waiting for the water to warm up a little when he spotted something sticking out of the trashcan.
He pulled it out of the trash and his eyes widened. He dug deeper into the trash, not even caring that he was digging into the trash, and looked at all of the tests in front of him, "Holy..." He covered his mouth in shock before he ran as fast as he could to the living room.
He dropped them on the coffee table then shook you awake, "Y/N." He called out, continuing to shake you before you turned around.
"What?!" You snapped, turning around, about to snap at him again, but you stopped when you noticed the tests sitting on the table, "Oh..." You looked back up at Elias, who was looking to you for confirmation, "Surprise." You gave him a nervous smile.
"Really?" He broke out into a smile, and when you nodded, he jumped onto the couch with you and wrapped you in his arms. You hugged him tighter, kissing his cheek as he pulled away, "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He frantically asked, cupping your face and then looking down at your stomach.
"No, I'm okay." You smiled at his sudden panic, but stopped and thought about it, "Actually..."
"Anything." He stated before you could finish.
"Anything?" He nodded, "That's a lot of responsibility, Mr. Pettersson." You joked.
"I can do it." He nodded.
"If you say so." You shrugged, before listing off the things you wanted at that very moment, which he grabbed from the kitchen with no hesitation.
Because your plan to surprise Elias was spoiled, you changed your appointment to a day when Elias would actually be home. When that day finally came, Elias woke up before you and made breakfast big enough to feed a small family.
While you ate, you pointed off to different dishes you didn't want and he gave them to your next-door neighbors, who were thrilled and excited by the Swedish dishes Elias had made.
When it was finally time to drive to the doctor's, he was bouncing off the walls of the car, barely able to contain his excitement, "I really can't go in with you?" He frowned as you slipped your bag onto your shoulder.
"I'm sorry." You pouted, "But I'll ask if I can FaceTime you." You promised.
"Okay." He perked up a little at that, "I love you. Say 'hi' to the baby for me." You smiled, leaning over to kiss him.
"I will." You gave him a salute then were on your way in. You waited anxiously, texting Elias the entire time while you waited.
"Pettersson." You stood up, dropping the magazine sitting in your lap and garnering a few looks from the other people sitting in the waiting room.
"That's me." You announced. The nurse offered you a warm smile and nodded, gesturing for you to follow her. She led you into an empty room and instructed for you to sit down.
"Is this your first time?" She asked, typing a few things into the computer.
"Is it that obvious?" You laughed nervously.
"It's okay." She gave you a smile that let you know she knew what she was doing. After she asked her questions, she quickly took some tests and rushed them off to test. And that left you by yourself in the complete quiet. And in that time, everything started to sink in.
You were pregnant.
You didn't know how much time had passed, you were so stuck in your own little world, but someone knocked on the door, and that shook you from your thoughts. A woman you presumed was a doctor popped her head in and gave you a smile.
"I'm Dr. Rowe, it's nice to meet you." She reached out and shook your hand before she made her way over to the small sink, "Y/N, right?"
"Yes." You nodded. She snapped on a pair of gloves and then sat in the chair next to the big bed-table thing next to you.
"So, we got your results back, and congrats, Mrs. Pettersson, you are pregnant." She told you. You let out a breath you hadn't known you were holding and a choked laugh, "Now, I know this is a little overwhelming, so if you need a minute..."
"I'm good." You shook your head, "I'm ready."
"All right, well, I'm going to walk you through what I'm going to do then do it, is that okay?" She smiled when you nodded again.
True to her word, she walked you through what she was going to do, step by step. She then grabbed all the tools she would need and helped you lie down.
"Can I call my husband? Would that be okay?" You asked.
"Of course." She nodded. You whipped out your phone and immediately dialed Elias' number.
"Is it time?" He asked, picking up before the first ring was over. You and Dr. Rowe laughed.
"Yes." You nodded, flipping the camera around as she squirted jelly onto your stomach.
"All right, let's find a baby." She moved the wand around your stomach. Both you and Elias watched in fascination as she moved the wand and a little blob showed up on the screen.
"Is that-?"
"Your baby." She nodded. Neither you nor Elias could say anything as you stared at the screen in pure awe, "Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" You felt yourself nod and heard Elias say 'yes' immediately again.
She pressed a button on the machine and you were in awe all over again, "Elias..." Was all you managed to say through the tears. A silence enveloped the room, the only thing filling it was the heartbeat of your baby, a sound you had decided was your new favorite.
"Would you like some pictures?" Dr. Rowe asked, breaking the silence.
"Yes, please." You nodded.
You walked out of the doctor's office 10 minutes later, sonogram in hand. You made it back to the car and looked at Elias, "It's real."
"We're actually having a baby." He tearfully smiled.
After your appointment, all Elias could talk about was seeing your little baby in a little Pettersson jersey and how cute it would be, so before he came back, you decided to make part of his dream come true.
When Elias finally did have to leave for the little stint of away games, you decided that would be the perfect time to enact your plan. You went to the team store and got a little baby jersey customized, almost crying in your car when you pulled the jersey out of the bag and finally got a look at it.
As soon as you got home, you wrapped the jersey with your nicest wrapping paper, slapped the prettiest bow you owned on it, and began the countdown until Elias would be home.
He wouldn't be home for a few more days, and when he came home, you heard him before you saw him. He came through the door, looking disheveled.
"I'm home." He hummed, dropping his stuff where he stood and making his way over to you quickly, "Did I miss anything? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He spoke frantically.
"Okay, you need to breathe." You laughed, "I'm fine. We're both fine." You reassured him, "Why don't you get changed and come back out here? I have something for you."
"This feels backwards. I should be bringing you gifts." He laughed.
"Just go." You pushed him towards the bedroom. You waited patiently, trying to keep your excitement at bay. When he finally came back into the kitchen, he looked at the bag on the coutner confused.
"You used the pretty wrapping paper." He pointed out, eyeing the gift suspiciously, "You only use that when it's a good gift."
"Just open the gift, Elias." You told him snappily. He raised his hands in surrender but opened the gift. He froze when he caught a glimpse of the tiny jersey.
He picked up the jersey and held it up so he could look at his name sprawled on the back of it, "Y/N..."
"You talked so much about the baby wearing your jersey, so I got one made." You told him, making your way over to him, "Are you okay?" You asked, worried when you saw he was frozen in place.
"This is perfect." He said, his voice so quiet you almost didn't hear him.
"Oh, Eli." You cooed, wrapping him in a hug.
"Cakes here!" Elias shouted from the door. He shut the door with his foot and carried the cake to the kitchen where you were waiting for him.
You looked at each other nervously, not because the cake was bad, but because you were finally, after months of waiting, going to know the gender of Baby Petey, and that thought filled you with both joy and anxiety.
"You ready?" You asked. He nodded, "All right." You took a breath and set up your camera while Elias grabbed the cake cutter from one of the drawers, "Pettersson family gender reveal." You clapped in front of the camera, imitating one of the movie clappers.
Elias pulled the cake out of the box and you both inhaled sharply. He set it down and his hand hovered over the cake cutter. You grabbed his hand and together, you held the cutter.
"One, two, three." You counted down together, then cut into the cake. When you pulled the slice out, you burst into tears.
"A boy!" He cheered, dropping the cutter and wrapping you in a hug, unable to fight his own tears so you stood in your kitchen, crying tears of joy together at the thought of your unborn son.
With all the guys away on a roadie, one of the girls decided to have a little get-together at her house so you could all watch the game together.
When you knocked on the door, instead of it being the host, it was Gunner Horvat, who must've seen you through the video camera and ran to the door before anyone could stop him.
"Hi, G." You laughed, "I don't think you're supposed to open the door without an adult." He simply stared at you but raised his arms, wordlessly asking for you to pick him up, "I missed you, too, bud." You laughed when he wrapped his arms around you.
"Let her get in the door, Gun." Holly laughed, grabbing the bag in your hand so you could hold onto the child more easily. She led you to the main room where a few other girls were already.
"Surprise!" They all shouted. You gaped in shock at the scene in front of you. Instead of being a little watch party, there were baby decorations all around the living room and kitchen.
"What the heck?" You gasped, tears filling your eyes as you looked at all the other girls.
"Elias told us you were a little bummed that you couldn't have a gender reveal party, so we decided to throw you a little shower." One of the girls explained with a smile.
"This is so sweet." You smiled tearfully. They led you over and grabbed some snacks before leading you to the living room where a small mountain of presents sat, "Wow."
"We might've gone a little overboard." They all laughed. Before they started, they made sure you had everything you needed and wanted before you began.
You opened so many things you didn't even know you needed but all the other mothers told you you needed. The last present was smaller than the others but they all looked excited for you to open.
You pulled out an exact replica of your special denim jacket with 'Pettersson' on the back. Everything was the same, even down to the special patches you had put on it.
"Wow." You gaped, at a loss for words as you turned the jacket around to look at every detail.
"Do you like it?" You could hear the worry in her voice.
"I love it. It's beautiful." Your eyes filled with tears again, and they all crowded you in a big hug.
It was really late. Way too late for you to be up late. It was almost 3 in the morning, and you were awake. Why you may ask? Because the baby wouldn’t stop moving, plus she was craving food.
You knew Elias was asleep. It was evident by the loud snoring. Instead of trying to fall back asleep, you got out of bed. As soon as your feet swung over the edge of the bed, Luna was up and standing next to you.
You smiled when she trotted alongside you towards the living room. By the time you made it to your destination, you were a little tired, but the overwhelming hunger outweighed the tiredness. So, you turned on the TV, before making your way into the kitchen. You grabbed an armful of different snacks and headed back to the living room.
You settled on the couch, the dogs curling into you on each side. You got through half an episode when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs, “What are you doing up? It’s almost 3:30.” Elias rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he made his way over to you on the couch.
“I was hungry, and couldn’t sleep.” You shrugged. He gave you a tired smile and carefully sat down next to you.
“Why didn't you wake me and tell me you were hungry?”
“You looked peaceful, and I just didn’t want to wake you.” You told him.
“I wish you had told me.” He yawned, and you chucked.
“I’ll be sure to do that next time.” You nodded.
"How's baby?" He asked sleepily, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“He doesn’t know when it’s time to play and when it’s time to sleep.” You told him, looking down at your bump and rubbing it.
“And how are you?”
“I’m really tired.” You admitted, looking over at him. When you finally met his eyes, he could see how tired you really were.
He grabbed your hand and pressed a few kisses to it. He grabbed the chip bags surrounding you and took them back to the kitchen. By the time he got back, your eyes were drooping, and you were on the verge of sleep.
“Come on. Let's get you to bed." He got off the couch and helped you get up too. He placed a kiss on your head before leading you down the hallway, back towards your bedroom.
He helped you get situated back in bed, tucking you in and making sure you were comfortable. He then climbed in next to you, "Sleep well." He whispered, caressing your cheek. He made sure you were asleep before he fell asleep.
Your due date was a few days away, and both you and Elias were getting very excited. Every day, you would wake up, and waddle down the stairs where Elias was already making breakfast. You would sit at the kitchen island, and the two of you would talk about the dreams you had the previous night.
You would spend most of the day lounging around the house. Either watching TV, reading books, going for drives, organizing the house again, it was the same thing every day.
Then, after dinner, the two of you would go out for a walk with the dogs. It was really the only outside interaction you would get all day unless you went out to the backyard.
The night was no different. After dinner, you grabbed your jackets and leashed up the dogs. All throughout the day, you had stomach pain. You brushed it off all the time as stomach pain. Elias usually walked ahead because he had quicker strides, but never too far because he was protective.
You were walking in silence when a sharper pain hit you, and you let out a pained noise. That caught Elias' attention, and he whipped around, “What is it? What’s wrong?” He asked, cupping your face with one hand, while his other went down to your stomach.
“I-” Before you could finish, you felt a wave of liquid trickle down your leg, “I think I’m going into labor.” You winced. You looked at him and saw all the color drain from his face, “What are you doing?!” You hit him in the arm when he didn't move, “We gotta go.”
That snapped him out of it, “Come on, baby. Let’s get you to the hospital.” He helped you walk, well waddle, back towards the house, “Breath baby, breath.” He kept telling you and placing kisses on your temple.
“He's beautiful,” Elias whispered as he leaned down over your shoulder to look at the newborn.
“He's perfect.” You smiled at him, cradling your son closer to your chest. Leonardo Michael Pettersson was perfect in every way. When you called and told Brock that you had given Leo his middle name, he almost cried.
Elias had been nothing but supportive throughout the whole process. He waited on you hand and foot, the same way he had all throughout your pregnancy, getting you whatever you asked. He even let you curse at him, and squeeze his hand which was the least he could do.
A few hours after birth, you had fallen asleep, leaving Elias and the baby alone. Elias was sitting in the chair next to your bed without a shirt, cradling little Leo to his chest. He had read somewhere that skin-to-skin contact was good for babies, so he figured he would give it a try. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the little baby.
“We’re so happy you’re here.” He whispered. Leo couldn't understand a word he was saying, but he looked up at him with his big blue eyes. His blue eyes, “We waited so long for you, and now that you’re here, you’re gonna be so spoiled.” He pressed a kiss to his chubby cheek.
“You’re already so loved. You have aunts and uncles who are so excited to meet you.” Somewhere in between his conversation, you started to wake up, but kept your eyes closed, “And of course mommy and I are so happy you’re here.” He added.
You continued to listen to Elias talk to Leo, and it warmed your heart. You knew, from the moment you told him you were pregnant, and he started taking care of you and telling you not to lift a finger, you knew he was gonna be a great father.
And boy were you right.
5 months later, February 2022
After months of waiting, you finally got the clearance for Leo to a game, and Elias was thrilled. You slipped the little Pettersson jersey on him, a surprise Elias didn't know you had in store for him.
You bundled him up in a blanket, and even got a little beanie with the number 40 embroidered on the top of it, "Papa is so excited for tonight, and you probably won't remember anything, but it's such a big night." You whispered as you got Leo ready.
You parked yourself in front of the arena, standing alongside a few of the other girls and their kids, as you waited for the guys to skate out.
When they skated out, Elias did his usual skate around the ice, tossing a few pucks over the glass to a few fans, and shooting at the net a few times, before he finally skated around to where you were standing. 
You couldn't help but smile when you saw the smile on his face. His face showed nothing but pride as he watched Leo sleep. He blew you a kiss, then blew a kiss at Leo, who blissfully continued to sleep.
He tossed a puck over and one of the guards standing in front of the ice caught it and handed it over to you, "Thank you." You smiled at the man, slipping it into the bag and gathering your stuff.
After the game, and an OT goal from Elias which he chalked up to dad strength in a post-game interview, you finally met up with him in the parking garage.
"I'm so proud of you." You wrapped him in a hug before he could get into the car, "An overtime goal." You cheered.
"I had my good luck charms with me." He beamed, kissing your head and then kissing Leo's. When he pulled away, he finally noticed the jersey and gaped, "It's the jersey."
"It felt fitting for his first game." You shrugged with a smile.
"It's perfect." He picked up Leo carefully and cradled him to his chest, kissing his head again, "I love you." He leaned down, leaning his forehead against yours.
"I love you, too." You hummed, leaning up to kiss him.
my taglist: @mitch-slap @kolsmikaelson @ashleymarine @typical-simplelove @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @nhlrbs @lam-ila @ghostyjosty @puckinrightschicagoo @stars-canucks @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @owenpowersglasses @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @Pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @huggybearmylove43 @sammysworldddd @corneliaskates @mista-svech @paintlavillered @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @maximoff-xmen @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @nickblankenburgg @andynhl617727 @emma117717 @talksoprettyjjx @hockeyunits @sidcrosbyspuck @tdd2323 @dumbxblond3 @consflame @kaydenissleepy @Yagetintoit @seventieswhore @michellekirby30 @jamieeboulos @Coffeeandteaandflowers @bibella8swan @boqvistsbabe @sophia-bordeleau @plds2000 @luca-fantilli63 @madison-nhl @jayda12 @prisa24 @beccaiscold @calermakar @hockeybae @puckbunnyforsway @its-bitchin-belle-bitches @huggybearhughesy @cole-mcward48 @voidvannie @literatureluster
add yourself to my taglist!
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ethereal-writes · 1 year ago
An Unwanted Interruption (Ft. Lucifer and GN!MC)
Warnings: Slight romantic implications? (Lucifer has a crush on the MC if you squint)
Word count: 0.7k
A/N: I've had a bunch of Christmas/winter themed stories in my drafts for a while, I figured it was about time to polish them up and post them! This will be the first of many :D This is also somehow the second Lucifer-centric fic I've ever written. This concept had me giggling the entire time I wrote it, so I hope you enjoy it!
I think I added all the right warnings, if I should add any, please let me know!
-Ethereal ^J^
Story below, please don't claim as your own!
Lucifer had agreed to take you to the human world during the holiday season.
While Christmas in the Devildom was alright, they hadn’t begun celebrating the holiday until much more recently, when Christmas became less about religion and more about spending time with those you love.
Christmas in the Devildom didn’t have the same history and tradition that the human world did.
Which is why you were so ecstatic, even if you were only going to a mall for a few hours.
“Come on, let’s go!” You said impatiently, bouncing on your heels.
“The human world is cold this time of year, is it not?” Lucifer asked, buttoning up his jacket.
You could’ve sworn he started going even slower just to spite you.
“It’s cold, but it’s not that cold,” you emphasized, gesturing to your outfit. You two were going straight inside, and you didn’t feel like lugging a ton of winter gear around. “You know there’s heating in the mall, right?”
Lucifer rolled his eyes but finished buttoning the rest of his coat quickly. He tugged on his gloves, then turned to you. “Very well, let’s get going then.”
He wrapped an arm around your waist and tugged you a little closer. “So the both of us will be teleported,” he claimed.
He mumbled something you couldn’t be bothered to decipher -though it sounded vaguely Latin- and next thing you knew, the two of you were standing in an empty alleyway.
“Holy crap, we’re here!” You exclaimed, unable to look away from the snow glittering in the sunlight. Even as the cold wind whipped at you, you could still feel the faint traces of the sun’s warmth.
“Of course we’re here,” Lucifer scoffed. “Did you really think I’d fail?”
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly, though your mock-irritation was quickly replaced by excitement once more. “Now, come on! I know where we are! The mall is this way!”
You grabbed his hand and began leading the way through the snowy streets. If Lucifer had a problem with that, he didn’t say so.
With the enthusiastic pace you’d set, the two of you had made pretty good time, and were by the front entrance no more than ten minutes later. The first set of automatic doors opened, and the two of you stepped inside.
You sighed in relief as a wave of warm air hit you, then you turned to Lucifer. “So, what did you want to do first?”
“I don’t have a preference,” He answered, tugging off his gloves and tucking them into his pocket. “I figured that I would allow you to choose what we did today, seeing as you’re more familiar with this environment than I am.”
“Oh!” You paused a second, thinking. Lucifer always took your opinions into consideration, of course, but him having none of his own was exceptionally rare. “Well, when I’m here, I usually go to-“
You noticed a woman had approached the two of you, patiently waiting for you to finish your conversation.
“Ah…can we help you?” Lucifer asked.
She smiled, pulling a book out of her bag— Oh no.
“I was wondering if you had a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior?”
You were certain you had an expression of absolute horror on your face and couldn’t form a coherent sentence if you tried.
Thankfully, Lucifer took the reins and answered. “Oh, no thank you.” He smiled at the woman politely.
“At least take this, then?” She held the book in his direction, and he recoiled.
“I’m sorry, madam, but I can’t touch that. I may literally burst into flames.”
You brought your hand up to cover your mouth. You weren’t sure if you were absolutely mortified or about to start crying from laughter.
“What, are you a Satanist?” She asked, scowling.
“Certainly not,” Lucifer said, sounding offended at the mere suggestion. “He wishes.”
That response was enough to push you over the edge, unable to contain your laughter. This prompted strange looks from literally everyone around you, but you didn’t care.
The woman stared at you a long, long moment before she finally turned around and left, which only made you laugh harder.
Lucifer looked at you a moment. Though his lips were pressed together, you could see him cracking a smile too.
“I-I’m sorry!” You exclaimed between fits. “I- I didn’t know what to do!”
He chuckled. “That wasn’t the first time, and I’m quite certain it won’t be the last time someone approaches me about my father. I’ve gotten good at responding. You, on the other hand…” He simply smirked at you, which made you start laughing all over again.
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poisonf0rest · 2 months ago
𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓'𝖘 2024 In Review
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⋅♱⋅ thank you @reilemon for the tag, this seems like fun so here we go~
⋅♱⋅ in all honesty building more of a community here clearly has to take priority since I don't quite know who to tag 😃 but if you are another writer or simply come across this feel free to join and wave hello
Total number of fics: 6 Total word count: roughly 137,000
𝕺𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝕿𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘:
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
Honestly I thought my writing days were over after I stopped getting inspired by Genshin- lack of interesting storyline, lack of interesting characters, racism, and more. My then-considered magnum opus of 掠夺 or The Raven was 118k words long and as the excitement over that project fizzled out I didn't think my muse would grant me again.
Then came Damnation, then came Love and Deepspace- or Rafayel, more specifically.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
To the Vows We Made in Blood (Damnation)
I'm fully expecting to both finish it and perhaps remix it with some original novels I've begun to research about classic angel, seven deadly sins, and even more gothic to publish it as an original book.
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I didn't write anything new until May of this 2024 which is insane to me- to have a limb such as my writing cut off from me for so long feels downright impossible now. So writing again was a risk and the reward.
𝕱𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖒𝖞 𝖕𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖞𝖊𝖆𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌, 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖘…
My best story of this year:
Love Me Through Every Lifetime - personal favorite as brainworms corrupted me for WEEKS before I gave in
My most popular story of this year: 
The Best Dreams Come in Threes (4.7k notes) - y'all wilding.
Love Me Through Every Lifetime (9.0k kudos) - also wilding but this time on ao3
Story with the single sexiest moment:
For the sake of preventing repetition I'll treat this one as Lines you want immortalized:
‘Ah,’ you laugh, a cold, bitter sound. ‘We know this path well. For there is none other that leads to such deplorable ruin of men and gods alike. There is no curse more twisted than love.’ This time when the Beast speaks, it sounds a lot like pleas. And yet you know there is nothing you can do for him, for history moves in vicious cycles, and not even the stars can defy destiny.
Which is to say, give me every reason not to stay, and I will love your monsters regardless. Which is to say, I still dream of kissing your claws and teeth. Which is to say, I love you. 
Of course it took something holy to create this kind of a hell. 
“You call it knowledge, I see only carnage.” “And the dog can stare at language so long as it desires, but it shall never speak.” “Then howl.”
He crawls, dragging up the path with his arm until he finally feels pain explode below his hip. His right leg begins growing back its knee, raw sinews exposed and throbbing as they scrape against the cobblestone. He crawls, like a fallen angel, like a dog. He crawls until he returns to you.
All from Damnation
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
hehe I'm copying the best quotes from y'all, enjoy:
The progression from "Don’t move or breathe in my direction either.” to getting eggified gets me every time. 
“Shh, it’s okay, I’ll defy your silly human biology, make you a mommy.” oh this. this got me. "Can I go deeper? Can I? Please, please, please—" NEVERMIND!!!!!! THIS ONE!!! THIS ONE GOT ME!!!
“Don’t act so shocked. You’ve been humping me like a desperate brat all evening, so go on and come like one. Come for me.” <-- that line of dialogue is gonna be living in my head rent-free for the rest of eternity, jesus CHRIST what a delicious meal
"Fuck control, fuck discipline, fuck holding himself back. Zayne wants you." LETS GOOOO!! ENDING THE YEAR WITH A LITERAL BANG WITH THIS ONE ✨💥
Most unintentionally telling story:
...imma let y'all out me for this one
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𝖂𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖌𝖔𝖆𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗 2025:
Finish Damnation
Begin drafting my own original novel, likely mixing some of Damnation into it
Post more regularly? Perhaps at least one work a month
Hit 10K followers here!!!
Begin cultivating my own community: other writers, become a mentor (reach out to me for any writing or just life questions!!), and fandoms
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berenwrites · 7 months ago
Time and Again - Stranger Things - PG13
A/N:  Sliding in at the last moment, hope I am in time for this month. Don’t forget to check out all the other great fics at @steddiemicrofic too💖. Not beta'd, sorry, didn't have time.
Written for prompt: ONE | wc: 1111 | Rating PG13 | cw: temporary character death
Time and Again
One year they had been trying to finish this fight.
They were losing.
As Robin’s skull smacked against stone, backhanded by a Demogorgon, part of Steve split open. Robin’s dead eyes stared blankly, but her presence burst into his mind.
They’d joked about melding together, but he never could have guessed what it would make.
Russian drugs, the Upside Down, Vecna, whatever had caused it, they stepped forward together, a gestalt.
Screaming defiance, they joined El in her desperate fight. Bonds broken; energy joined with energy.
Everything exploded.
Steve blinked back to reality, shocked to be suddenly alone in his own head. Cheers rose around him as he looked over, meeting Robin’s gaze as she stood in her band uniform after Lucas scored the championship winning shot. He stood, frozen in a sea of celebrating people, staring at his best friend.
“Did we?” Robin mouthed at him.
All he could do was nod.
As everyone moved towards the court, Steve moved towards Robin.
“Do over?” she asked, grabbing onto him.
“Has to be,” he replied.
“We could…” she began to say.
“You are not dying again,” he told her pointedly. “You get Lucas, Nancy, Fred, and Chrissy, I’ll get Dustin, Mike, Erica, and Eddie. We’ll meet in the parking lot. We can figure out how to get Patrick away from Jason once we have the others safe.”
In the face of his certainty, she nodded.
It took no time to make it to the drama room, where he found Hellfire packing up.
“Code red,” he said, looking directly at Dustin.
“Holy shit,” Dustin replied, as Mike and Erica reacted in a similar manner.
“Harrington?” Eddie asked, all but glaring at him.
His stomach twisted hearing the anger in Eddie’s voice. He’d come to a few conclusions about himself since Eddie died, mostly because of the man himself and everything he’d come to learn from those who had known Eddie well. Wayne had been a crucial part of their team as they had tried to save what was left of Hawkins. He’d promised himself that if he survived he would never let another opportunity like Eddie pass him by.
“Bring him,” was all Steve said.
“A gate?” Dustin asked.
“If we don’t stop it there will be,” he replied, “and so much worse.”
“Did El call?” Mike asked.
“No,” he said, “it’s more complicated than that. I’ll explain, but we need to get to Max first. She’s in trouble. We’re meeting the others outside.”
He didn’t wait for them to agree before turning on his heel.
“Wait,” he said, stopping himself. “Do any of you have Walkmans? We need four.”
“I have one at home,” Erica said.
“Holly has one,” Mike revealed.
“Then we just need one more, since Max has her own,” he concluded. “Let’s go, time is of the essence.”
“What the hell?” Eddie demanded as Dustin grabbed his arm. “Henderson have you gone insane?”
“You know all the weird shit that happens in this town,” Dustin responded before Steve could, “that’s code red. If Steve says to bring you, we’re bringing you.”
Steve left Dustin to deal with it, heading out with Erica at his heels.
“What’s going on?” Nancy demanded the moment he made it to his car where Robin was standing with the others.
“Just a minute,” he said as Dustin and Mike dragged Eddie across the parking lot towards their group.
“This better be good,” Eddie all but snarled, and Chrissy and Fred didn’t look too sure either.
“Time travel,” Robin said.
“Is this a joke?” Fred asked.
“If only,” Steve said. “Robin and I are from one year from now and the shit starts hitting the fan tonight. All the crap that has happened has been caused by someone like El, you christened him Vecna,” he looked at Dustin, “his real name is Henry Creel or One. El sent him to the Upside Down when he killed all the others like her. She didn’t remember doing it. He’s trying to open rifts to the Upside Down and he’s going to use Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and Max to do it.”
“This is crazy,” Eddie muttered.
“Yeah, well you had to be all heroic and died, and I’d really like that to not happen again because your Uncle Wayne does not deserve that, so go with the crazy, okay?” he said, a little more loudly than he intended.
Robin reached out and touched his arm. He took a deep breath. His feelings for Eddie would have to wait, there were more important things to think about.
“Did you say this Vecna uses me?” Chrissy asked.
“Your headaches,” Robin said, “not headaches, Henry getting into your head. Those waking dreams you’ve been having, all him. He’s going to sacrifice you to open a gate.”
“We need to get a copy of your favourite song and you need to listen to it on loop,” Steve said before Chrissy could panic. “Same with Fred. Music blocks his influence. We … we …”
The world around him went dim. His instinct was to fight, but he recognised the touch. He had felt it only for the tiniest amount of time, but it was unmistakably El. Fighting his natural urges, he surrendered.
“Steve,” El’s voice filled his head, “we are coming.”
“You came back too,” he replied.
“Yes,” she told him. “We will stop Henry. Doctor Owens is going to Russia to get Hopper.”
“I understand,” he replied, “we are waiting for you.”
As quickly as it has started, the contact was gone.
“Steve,” Robin was all but holding him up.
“It was El,” he said as the real world slammed back in, “she came back too. She’s on her way here.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” Robin said, which rather summed up his feelings as well.
“El just spoke to you?” Mike asked.
Steve nodded, trying to restore his equilibrium.
“Why you three?” Dustin asked.
“Russian truth serum probably,” Robin replied, “but there was no time to figure it out. This wasn’t exactly a choice.”
“Look,” Steve took charge, “we can figure out all the details later. First we need to make sure Max, Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick are safe, and Jason can’t start blaming Eddie for any weird shit that starts going down. Got it?”
“El will probably know more anyway,” Robin agreed. “Let’s move people. We need music and a safe place.”
“My house is empty,” he offered.
Even their friends were looking at them as if they were on the insane side but as soon as Nancy nodded, Steve knew everyone else would fall in line. They had work to do. Henry would not get the upper hand this time.
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sockcanvas · 1 year ago
(n.) the warmth of the sun in the winter¹
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⚘. A oneshot [559 words]
⟣ ──┈⇢˚⋆ Pairing : Kim Joon Goo + G/N.Reader
⟣ ──┈⇢˚⋆ c/w : Hurt Comfort | Established Relationship
⟣ ──┈⇢˚⋆ a/n : 😛i feel like finishing my bsd drafts later, rn i want Goo content. Holy fuck im putting a lot of brain power and effort to write this crap, ugh let me know if this writing style is dookie caca or not cause i spend like half my time going through dictionary and thesaurus for synonyms LOL. timeline after CHAPTER 477 without the upload of chapter 478 cuz idk what happens after. Honestly first writing a fic after 3 years of not💪
synopsis . ₊˚. You were the sun to his cold winter days.
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That’s one way to describe Goo. He was unpredictable by nature. Facetious² by choice. Kim Joon Goo is an enigma. You couldn’t understand his eccentric personality at first, how his lips always curved upwards into a large smile, or whenever his eyes wrinkle when he forcefully closes them to express himself. He was the most fervid³ person you knew.
But what was that crease between his eyebrows? the slight droop in his eyes, the downward curve from the corner of his mouth. There was a subtle tension, a stiffness, a moment of silence, one that contradicted his exuberance⁴.
His head pulled away from your touch, expression shrouded in an evasive look. Unbeknownst to you, your hands had been gently caressing his cheeks. The unusual glimpse of melancholy crossing his features along with the slightest of recoil brought you back into reality. Just earlier in the morning he had boasted loquaciously⁵ about the suit and sunglasses that he borrowed begged from his colleague, yet that suit was long gone from him, you’ve seen it draped over a chair earlier. It’s fabric stained a suspicious red, bearing large scars on its back—a silent witness to an untold story.
Your brows knitted in reaction to his unexpected withdrawal, a rare occurrence. Goo, who would typically lean into the warmth of your affection touches, now, altered from his usual demeanor. He turned away, back facing you, a deliberate motion that casted a shadow over your attempt to share a moment of intimacy.
“Goo.. is everything okay?” breaking the silence, your words slipped out with hesitation. Seeking a reply to an already obvious answer. There was a long pause, the seconds stretching into an eternity. Amidst the quiet, there was subtle murmur of dubiety⁶. Then, finally, a sound that cuts through the hush— a soft shift, the slightest of movement that spoke loudly in the muted space. The room itself held its breath, ambiance caught in a delicate flash.
 “You don’t have to talk, it's okay,” you reassured, words laced with gentle understanding. In the stillness, your voice offered a comfort to bridge the tense gap. Once more, you guessed the role of your silent companion, seeking to provide solace⁷ in the face of unexpressed turmoil. You scoot close to him, navigating the emotional distance as you close the gap physically. Even though he was still turned away, your hands delicately snake over his face, fingers gently securing into a hug. Head pressed against the borrowed collared shirt that carried a faint smell of metallic blood and the overwhelming stench of debris and sweat.
As your hands intertwined one another, you could almost feel the tension dissolve. His once stiff body melted into your touch, a shared vulnerability that bounded you both. The room, suspended in a graceful balance between the unspoken and the understood. The final vestiges⁸ of unease lifted like a veil, as his soft breath matches yours.
You were radiant to him. Your patience, a beacon to contradict his sea of antics, served as a guiding light to his jungle of unpredictability. No matter the circumstances that painted the canvas of your existence, the relationship you have with Goo never wavered, You were like a dock he could come home to, an steadfast anchor, a haven that weathered the storms of his nature, the sun to his cold winter days.
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(adj.) facetious² | treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
(adj.) fervid³ | intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree.
(n.) exuberance⁴ | the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience.
(advv.) loquaciously⁵ | a tendency to talk a lot
(n.) dubiety⁶ | the state or quality of being doubtful; uncertainty.
(n.) solace⁷ | comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
(n.) vestiges⁸ | a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
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exitvelocities · 2 months ago
2024 fic year in review
total number of completed stories: 12 published on ao3, including approximately 30 fic meme fills. total word count: 82,698 including collab fic, about 56K if i get half credit for those. all time high for me! fandoms written in: mysterious lotus casebook, oh no! here comes trouble, fangs of fortune, chihayafuru
looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? i wrote wayyyyy more than expected, considering i didn't plan on falling into an active fandom again so fast after my last one faded out.
what’s your own favorite story of the year? god idk. i'm in a weird place with my writing rn and idk if it's growing pains or exhaustion. maybe i see you and i reach? it's closer to what i expect from myself at least. there are a couple fic meme fills i like too, like the ones where dfs speedruns yzm to detox llh. there are two versions, one where he dies in the process and one where he survives. i like the sword dance dihua fill too.
did you take any writing risks this year? i did the cdrama gotcha 4 gaza even and also yuletide! i did pretty well for the first one, where i wrote more fic than expected, and i last minute finished the latter. i got some really nice gifts for yuletide too!
do you have any fanfic goals for the new year? just not giving up and trying to finish my wips. maybe write a full fic for fof, but idkat. the only idea i really have is zyc + bai jiu grief fic and i don't have a solid form for it yet.
best story of the year? mmm. truly unsure. maybe another way to tell the truth?
most popular story of the year? can't read my poker face by quite a lot, followed by my mlc fic meme dump due to frequency of update, probably. excluding those, the most popular standalone fic is i'm a fox and you're a burrow.
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: probably i see you and i reach, it got sort of lost in the beautiful sweep of dhx fics.
most fun story to write: writing is suffering for me, lol. fic meme is often the most fun for me because i get to write just the interesting bit of something without having to plot it all out or making a lot of decisions i guess?
story with the single sexiest moment: i wrote so much porn this year, especially for me LOL. can't read my poker face is probably the it, and i'm partial to the offscreen morning sex actually, which is probably weird. otherwise for non-collab fic, i think i'll stay underneath is nice. for fic meme, i like the hair-pulling one i wrote bc of a gifset, hahahah.
most sweet story: there's always a lot more of these with me, and hmmm. i'm a fox and you're a burrow maybe!
“holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you!” story: i’m pretty boring on this front. maybe the fic meme fill where i killed dfs?
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: hmmm idk this is always sort of moving target for me, and i'm generally a soft creature who writes soft things. i don't think i had any big earth shaking revelations anywhere.
most unintentionally telling story: i think i'm always telling on myself when i'm writing tbh. in terms of what sort of spicy things i like, probably can't read my poker face even though i only get half credit? otherwise i think my preferences are generally pretty obvious.
hardest story to write: i have a hard time with everything but i think the most difficult to write fic this year was definitely my yuletide fic. it's not for any of my current fandoms so i had to do a lot of canon review and i'm also just feeling kind of burnt out. it's really hard to write when you don't want to but i had to bc deadline.
biggest disappointment: probably also my yuletide fic, lol. but i was reminded that i'm a longtime writer with a baseline leve of competence so even doing not well, i generally don't actually write bady. so!
biggest surprise: writing for multiple fandoms at once! yuletide fic will probably be surprising once it's revealed idk.
fic written in 2024:
everything grows stronger in the light, mysterious lotus casebook, E dihua modern rv au birthday fic. originally started as a “things you said at the kitchen table” fic meme fill.
i’ll stay underneath, mysterious lotus casebook, E dihua postcanon married domesticity.
another way to tell the truth, mysterious lotus casebook, G fluffy dihua amnesia arc science experiment. with beautiful art by @tiny-breadcrumbs!!!!
can’t cut the root, mysterious lotus casebook, T my fic meme dump, but i’ll post the individual tumblr links below as well. the ao3 versions are cleaned up a bit.
i’m a fox and you’re a burrow, mysterious lotus casebook, T the dihua wedding fic. i commissioned some gorgeous art from @tiny-breadcrumbs for it as well!
laws of physics lose their way, oh no! here comes trouble, G post-canon yiyong wakes up fic, wherein guangyan has a lot on his mind.
can’t read my poker face, mysterious lotus casebook, E fluffy modern dihua actor au cowritten with @la-muerta.
i see you and i reach, mysterious lotus casebook, T dihua street racing au written for @dihuaexchange. comes with an edit and a mix.
river crossing, mysterious lotus casebook, T second collab with @la-muerta, post-canon dark llh fic. in progress.
flowering orchards, salty sea things, mysterious lotus casebook, T mlcweek24 short fic catchall
a tiny windchime, fangs of fortune, T fic meme dump for fof
since i could not hide my love, chihayafuru, G shinobu, chihaya, and the path to being queen
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badkitty3000 · 6 months ago
just finished your last fic in your halo series and it fucking broke me. the way you wrote five grieving felt so real. the sadness was weirdly addicting and i almost didn’t want him to find viv in the end LOL. amazing work & i hope i see you write more soon. i’ve literally read all your work twice
I am not even kidding when I say I got a little misty eyed when I read this 🥹 This means so much to me, you have no idea.
Our Forever is my most favorite thing that I have ever written. And hardly anyone has read it, which always makes me a little bummed because I think it's the best one in the series. But I get it, it's kind of a downer and it's a little out there, so I don't blame anyone for not being interested. I really loved getting into his psyche a little more and how he would deal with immense grief (spoiler: Not Well! 😂). He has always been such a strong character, so to write him breaking down and crumbling from the inside from losing who was basically his soul mate...It's such a heartbreaking image to me. But I was pretty happy with the way it came out. A bittersweet but happy ending all in one.
Five and Vivian are my OTP and I had to find a way to make their love story live on, which is why I have roughly 8 billion one-shots of the two of them. I have a problem, I admit. 🙄 So, if you're still hungry for more of those two horny lovebirds, there's plenty more to read here if you haven't already. Although you said you read all my work, so if that's the case...holy crap, you're amazing!!
I'm probably coming on WAY too strong here, but thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. You have made my day and probably my week. I often get very down about having writer's block, or thinking that I've already written so much Five fanfic that no one cares anymore. But this was such a lovely inspiration.
Have a beautiful day, anon! ❤️
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they-lived · 5 months ago
20 questions for writers
@theblueeyedfirebender THANKS FOR THE TAG FRIEND I LOVE YOU LOTS 💙💛💙💛💙💛
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
41! (And an additional 37 on ffn 🤪 for a total of 78 just cause I was curious what 11 years of a hobby produces)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
782,267… holy crap 😅
3. What fandoms do you write for?
On my page you’ll find fics for Dragon Age (2 fics), Resident Evil (3 fics), Baldur’s Gate (2 fics), Until Dawn (2 fics), Critical Role (1 fic), Fullmetal Alchemist (6 fics), and Yuri on Ice (25 fics)!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bloom in the Dark (Yuri on Ice)
Сонечко - Sunshine (Yuri on Ice)
What I Wouldn’t Do (Yuri on Ice)
Truth (Yuri on Ice)
Four Hidden Talents of Yuri P (And His Hidden Achilles Heel) (Yuri on Ice)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I used to not respond because on ffn you pretty much had to dm people to do so which felt weird (especially because I was 11-17 on there and did not want anyone knowing that fact even tho it was pretty obvious in hindsight) but now I respond to almost every comment I get! Fandom is a shared experience and I want to communicate more!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Lessons I Learned From Loving You Alone (Dragon Age) ~ Loghain’s wife had a really tragic life in my brain and I leaned in HARD
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I almost always do angst with a happy ending but I think the happiest is a toss up between Сонечко or As The World Begins to End (which is my resident evil meets pride prejudice and zombies mash up)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I wouldn’t call it hate necessarily but weirdly I get a lot of discourse around Yuri P being Ukrainian but like… I have always written him this way and I always will lol. It’s a part of my brand at this point. For the most part they’re pretty tame comments tho
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! Most of the time I use sex as a way for characters to express their indescribable inexplicable connection or just to explore a couple in their most intimate moments. I love smut with funnies too so I try to throw that in there… also yes I do write porn without plot just because I want to lol.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not really. Closest I got to was As the World Begins to End, which is Resident Evil in a similar world as Pride Prejudice and Zombies, but the zombies and lore were still RE based. It was more inspired by than anything else.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Back in the day someone wrote a fic “based on” one of mine but they just changed the names and nothing else. I still laugh about it because like… what an odd thing to do.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! Into Portuguese, Japanese, and Russian! It was very cool and they were so nice!!!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope but I’d be down!
14. What is your all-time favorite ship?
Don’t ask me that my stomach hurts (it’s probably Everlark or Jasper or Otayuri or Royai don’t make me choose~)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I never say never but golly it’s been hard to keep writing I Will Carry You idk why I really lost steam on it. I also have a fic I’m literally 25 pages deep into that was supposed to be a bit fic that I have not posted but WANT TO FINISH SO BAD
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m super good at eliciting the specific niche emotion I’m looking to express and hitting the exact topic I want to address. When I want something to be heightened and funny I nail it, when I want something to be bone deep nostalgia I’ve got it. That part is really fun for me personally.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I. Hate. Describing. Scenes. And. Action! My theater of the mind is pretty garbage so when I have to exposit what something looks like I cannot for the life of me enjoy it. My brain shuts off and on autopilot I go.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Even though I am bilingual I still get nervous doing this. Mostly because I’m smol and embarrassed but also because I really have to decide what the purpose is. I love having multilingual characters I grew up on the border between the us and Mexico and I have constantly been surrounded by multilingualism and generally think it’s dope. But I prefer to write the dialog in italics if it’s in another language so my audience can immediately understand what’s going on and have the full picture. If I don’t want them to know what’s being said I simply gloss over it lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
*Glances wearily at my self insert Harry Potter fic I wrote when I was 12 and had the audacity to post on ffn* … uh… Hunger Games
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Changes by the day honestly but the top 5 are as follows in no particular order:
- As the World Begins to End (p&p will ALWAYS take me out you guys)
- Сонечко (the way I trauma dumped in this one is still so raw and so relevant. The fact that family and love really does win OUCH)
- An Ode to the Daughters of Darkness (first and only attempt at a more poetic style and some of it really holds up)
- Idioms and Idiots (idk I feel like I could turn this into a whole novel it’s wholesome and funny I smile the whole time I’m reading it I love her)
- Long May You Reign (I have reread this bitch so many times since she’s been posted I love the chaos the funnies and the feels. Idk man I just have an insatiable craving for Royai to be parents and this makes me laugh while writing it)
Tagging @masterdisastre @lou-is-lurking @kaleidodreams @weeheilandcoo and anyone else who wants to ✨✨✨✨
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artemis-lynn · 1 year ago
Ok. So. I've been needing to make this for a while, so I'll just put down my favorites in no particular order, it's SO hard to pick...
Summer Camp AUs :3
Mountain Ridge Camp for Boys by timetogoslumming
Javey & Sprace, T, 22/22
This is a really good summer camp AU of newsies! I love how it combines canon plot with a modern AU!
Summary: David was just looking for a summer job when he applied to work at Mountain Ridge Camp for Boys. He had no idea how much would change. For the first time in his life, David is part of a brotherhood, but not everyone is on the same side.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation by studentnumber24601 (Itsy Royal)
Javid & Specs/Dutchy (Sputchy?? Idk, but I <3 this ship) & Blink x OC, T, 40/40
The prank war in this is honestly the best + the reluctant ladies man Mush is LOL, it had me guessing the ships till the very end, especially with Blink.
Summary: Modern-day newsboys at summer camp. Will wacky hijinks ensue? Gee, ya think?
Make Off Like a Band(it) by thespiritscalling
Sprace, G, 14/14
OMG. It's the funniest summer camp au I've read that sheds light on band camp (I'm an orchestra kid so this was hilarious to me). I especially love the That's Amore remix near the end lmaoo
Summary: It's the summer after graduation. Race is ready to hit the road- metaphorically, of course- but before that happens, it's time for one last stint at the Camp To End All Camps: band camp. Armed with nothing more than a French horn, two best friends, and reckless abandon, Race decides it's going to be the best final year of camp anyone's ever had. It'll be full of excitement, laughter, music, and an absurd crush on the lead trumpet player. Wait. What?
Canon Era :3
Their Mistake Is They Got Old by PenzyRome
David & Katherine, but the side ships are Newsbians and Javey, T, One Shot
You're gonna need the tissues for this one. I literally sob every time I read it, it's literally one of the best fics I've ever read. It's poetically tragic and heartbreaking and beautiful and HOLY CRAP!
Summary: Katherine Plumber, 17, had been so sure that she could stay the same, that she could stop the world, that she'd stay young forever. The world kept moving, though, no matter how hard she tried to stop it, and it forced her to move with it.
When Manhattan Met Brooklyn by warrior_sif
No ships cause they're kids, T, 4/4 (but the second one isn't finished :( )
Wow. Just wow. This one is honestly sad and I love the brother relationship between Jack, Race, and Spot and how Jack feels abandoned, like Race chose Spot over him. READ IT.
Summary: The only Manhattan newsies that Spot Conlon deals with are Jack and Race. A look back at how they met, eight years before the strike, when neither Jack nor Spot were leaders and Race just wants to sell at the racetracks.
False Rumors and The Truth Behind Them by FrogmanFae
Sprace, M, One Shot
This one is...heavy. The Refuge is such a bad place :( I love it though, the writing is beautiful.
Summary: Rumor has it that Spot Conlon and Racetrack Higgins met when Race started selling in Brooklyn because of his love for gambling. That isn't as true as the other boys in their lodging houses tend to make it seem. Though, they don't necessarily mind the false rumors. They hide the much darker truth. The truth that still causes Race to make the walk from Manhattan to Brooklyn in the middle of the night sometimes, even several years later. Or...It's pretty easy to form connections with someone you're forced into sharing a bed with while you're both being tortured.
The King & The Cowboy by goldenbiebah
Sparah <3, Spot/Sarah/Jack love triangle, T, 11/? (not completed :sob: )
I love this one, it really touches on how Jack is kinda toxic and how Sarah can have someone wayyyy better *cough* Spot *cough*
Summary: Spot Conlon and Jack Kelly are the fearless leaders of all the newsies in Brooklyn and Manhattan. They have a perfect system and hundreds of boys who respect and look up to them. But what will happen when the two leaders let selfishness and pride break up their friendship? And what happens when Spot's dark past begins to catch up with him? And where does Sarah Jacobs fit into all of this? Find out in The King & The Cowboy. Fights will break out, romances will clash, and lives will be lost in an epic struggle to salvage both new and old relationships.
Modern AUs :3
We Are Newsies by VeronicaWeasley (this is my sole ff.net one but likeeee it's too good to be ignored)
There are so many ships that I can't remember but I do know Sprace is one, T, 80/80 (I know that's a lot but it is SO worth it holy frick)
Ok. So. This one is like SO good. It's my fav high school AU because it has a really genius way of incorporating the canon plot with the perfect amount of angst, fluff, and more! :D
Summary: The same old story, the same old song. A tale in which the newsies of Lower Manhattan go on strike, and David Jacobs gets roped into it. High School AU set in 1999. Told through the eyes of multiple characters.
Captivity by Hexmari
No ships :), M, One Shot
I LOVEEE this one it's so crazy and you're in for a wild ride when (it's so cute that you think I'm letting that be an if :) ) you read it.
“Ma– you seriously can’t do this to us!” Jack argued, “I mean it's Halloween!”
Charlie was quick to back his older brother up, “Yeah, do you want us to become hermits? Because that's what keeping us captive here all night will do!”
Medda rolled her eyes, “You will not become hermits by staying in for one night. It won’t be too bad, you can break into our Halloween candy and put on some horror movies, and Ester will be here with David soon. No kids are going out tonight, it’s just a safety precaution. Especially because of recent events.”
When a kid in their town goes missing, paranoid parents decide to keep their kids home on Halloween. Even after their mom forbids them from going out Jack, Race, Charlie, and their friend David sneak out, coming up with a theory that their old neighbor is behind the boy's disappearance.
The Beast of Brooklyn by ArtemisRayne
Sprace + side Javey, M, 26/26
This one is soooo worth staying up late for, it's amazing in every way and my heart aches for Spottie boy. And Race. And Jack. And David. But mainly Spot :)
Racetrack Higgins always thought it would be his own vices that got him into trouble one day; turns out it's his Ma who does it for him. When Ma Higgins crosses the local drug lord and leaves him high and dry with a target on his back, Race's saved by a mysterious stranger who gives him a safe place to hide—a short-tempered and anti-social stranger covered in horrifying scars, with a past as dark as the marks on his body. However, the longer Race spends in the Brooklyn house, the more he comes to discover about the boy beneath the scars: a boy who is just as trapped as Race and twice as damaged. Befriending the two men who live in as hired help, and chipping away at the mysterious "boss" and his walls, Race might even manage to find a place to call home.*Beauty & the Beast/Beastly AU fusion*
Forever With You by 손 현숙 (safarikalamari)
Sprace, T, 14/14
ajlskdfjalkjdkajl this one is so sweet. The concept of it is super interesting and I just LOVE ittttttt.
Summary: In 1899, Spot Conlon is the leader of the Brooklyn newsies, writing away his thoughts and hiding them inside his desk for safekeeping. Meanwhile, in 1999, Tony Higgins receives an antique desk for his birthday and finds an old letter stuffed in one of the slots, the name, Spot, his only lead in this mystery. What becomes of that summer is a series of time-traveling letters, falling in love, and the realization that Spot and Tony know each other better than the two ever could have imagined.
Pirate AUs :3
The Truth About The Stars by ArtemisRayne
Javey + side Sprace, T, 10/10 (long chapters but it's worth it!)
OMG. This one is amazingggggggggggggggggggggggg I love the fantasy/pirate twist on the best movie/musical on the planet Earth!
Summary: The rest of the world might not think Jack Kelly is destined for much, but Jack knows better. He just needs to get away from the city, to some place where he can be more than just another nameless orphan in the chaos of New York City. So when someone offers to pay his way to Santa Fe in exchange for crossing the Wall and retrieving a fallen star, he jumps at the chance. He just wasn't expecting the star to be so, well, human. Jack makes a deal with the fallen star named David to get them both home, but the magical kingdom of Stormhold has so much more in store for them both. People are tracking David, secrets from Jack's past leave him in danger as well, and injustice is rampant in the kingdom. Throw in a climate of political upheaval, a renegade noblewoman, and a crew of fugitive sky pirates, and soon all of Stormhold will know that change is coming.
A Pirate's Life Is Never Easy by ChaosFairytale <3
Sprace + side Blush & Bumlets x Swifty, M, 9/? (it's an ongoing one shot series that has frequent updates)
OML I LOVE U SO MUCH CHAOS YOU'RE MY FAVORITE FANFIC WRITER AND I LIVE FOR YOUR WRITING TYSM FOR EXISTING!!!!! Her writing is the best and this is such a good story! (read Toss A Coin To Your Pirate first)
Summary: A Pirate's story doesn't start easy and it won't end easy, but there are many fantastic stories to tell throughout it. A series of One-Shots set in the "Toss a coin to your Pirate" universe containing different POVs, Backstory of a lot of characters and shorter stories about the relationships of the characters over the years.
Toss A Coin To Your Pirate by ChaosFairytale <333
Sprace + side Javid and Blush, M, 2/2
YUSSS CHAOS AGAIN!!!! <3 a million kudos. She writes almost exclusively about 92sies and I'm so here for it! READ THIS!!!!!!
Summary: Racetrack hadn't expected to see his hook-up ever again and had certainly not expected him to be the feared pirate Spot Conlon, but he also didn't have time to worry about that right now since his captain, Jack, desperately needed his help. He'd wonder later how he could maybe seduce the pirate captain once more. Because you'd miss every shot you didn't take, right?
Drumroll please...my all time favorite fanfiction....
FIVE by stress
Sparah + Davey/OC/Jack love triangle <3, T, 11/11
I finished reading this last night and got literal chills. The plot twist is wild and I love it so much, but you might need the tissues again! Can't spoil, but you NEEEEEEEEEEEEED to read it >:( It is the absolute best piece of reading on the Earth and I can't get over this. It's just...wild.
Summary: A lot can happen in five years. Don't believe me? Ask David. Ask Spot. Ask Jack, or Racetrack. You can even ask Oscar Delancey. They know. They're the five who've been waiting for this moment. Waiting for what? They'll never tell - but this story will.
Idk if I should be doing this....but I'm gonna plug my own work and also give a fanfic update!
What Feels Like a Thousand Years by yours truly, ArtemisLynn
Sprace + mentioned Jatherine, G (?), One Shot
I'm honestly so proud of this one, it's one of the best pieces of writing I have ever done...
Summary: War has always been a foreign concept to Racetrack Higgins.. Even when America goes to war in 1941, he never gives it much thought....until it hits a little too close to home and his secret boyfriend, Spot Conlon, is drafted into the U.S Army. Will he make it home safely, or will Racetrack's one and only love be lost overseas...forever?
I also have chapter 1 of Jack Kelly's Guide to Being a Parent out, though I don't know if I'm going to complete it....
Fics I'm working on: -I have a couple chapters of this one boarding school newsies modern AU I'm doing done but not posted
-A Sparah fanfic that currently is in the early stages
-A Sparah princess bride AU in the planning process
-I'm toying with the idea of a newsies Descendants AU....thoughts?
Damn this post became long. ANYWAYS. Bye and have a great (insert timezone)!!!
<3 Artie
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