quotelr · 19 days
Just get the 'One' in All. Then live accordingly. That's all.
Fakeer Ishavardas
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reality-detective · 3 months
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The medicine they made you hate and convinced millions of people to spray chemicals to rid it from their lawn. 🤔
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genderkoolaid · 7 months
i think trans-affirming cisfeminism's problem is that it views trans people as a way of analyzing cis gender relations, so trans women are going from the status of cis men to cis women, & trans men vice-versa. there is no appreciation for "trans" as its own status, because that would require viewing transphobia as something the patriarchy does on purpose instead of like. something it trips into on its quest to oppress cis women exclusively. and this is also why by and large feminism (including trans feminists) has fucked sucked at talking about NB/GQ people's experiences without binarizing them
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soni-dragon · 12 days
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the jacket crew is on the case!
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protecticarus · 5 months
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you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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feral--opossum · 7 months
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Y'all know this trend?? cause I do and it's hilarious
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dragons-in-spaceee · 1 month
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clockworkcheetah · 3 months
didn't list characters working for blackwing cause they're already kinda in the villain zone as is but still welcome to choose them
i just think its interesting that most dghda characters (imo) are morally grey as is and through choice could be a good guy or bad guy depending (aka they could get worse or get better)
feel free to explain in the tags (just y'know be civil and don't needlessly start character bashing that's not what this poll is)
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distortedhumanoid · 10 months
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i wish we’d met sooner
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strangeasf · 4 months
I feel like one of the reasons why I like dead boy detectives so mush is because this show kinda reminds me of dirk gently's holistic detective agency which is in my top 3 comfort shows of all times
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shesmore-shoebill · 1 month
fun question, fun answer, with a lot of neat points!
especially loved:
- the elaboration of its not that the personas we see are fake, or inauthentic, as much as it is that they are not an all encompassing or holistic representation of who they are as whole people
- Amanda apparently being equal parts "on" both on and off camera- cool :)
- Courtney highlighting that Arasha is really good at slipping into specific roles/personas depending on what the video needs
- Courtney + Amanda emphasizing how sweet Arasha is + how the video personas aren't fake but also don't showcase all of her as a peraon
- Explicit acknowledgement that there are definitely elements that are intentionally played into because they are on camera, especially little brain farts or dumb moments. Highlighting how those can become running jokes/a Big Thing but if it hadn't been a video it probably would have been glossed over.
- just the general discussion about how the personas/perceptions are intentional in a number of ways- they prep, drink energy drinks, choose to play into certain things for comedy. Not lies, but definitely not accidents.
- People being weird about Shayne/misconceptions due to perception of his video-persona.... :/
- Smosh Mouth helping break those perceptions/Shayne getting to be more himself on Smosh Mouth/it getting to reveal more of Shayne's depths and self. (as a smosh mouth lover i <3 this bit)
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snaggletoothedbastard · 6 months
For @frenchfriedgiraffe
Dirk Gently's autistic-coding explained!
He's extremely socially awkward, often annoying people without realising and saying things that make perfect sense to him but are confusing to everyone else
Does some very odd things, like breaking into Todd's apartment, and thinks nothing of it
Takes things literally and gets confused by what other people say ("Did you go and change?" "No Todd, it's still me. Though my clothes are different.")
Notices things no-one else notices
Wears different coloured variations of the same jacket
In a few scenes I've noticed him doing some small stims with his hands
In season two, he's very up-and-down emotionally, and (SPOILER) Arnold's death on top of all the stress seems to burn him out
He really wants to be friends with people but doesn't know how to do it
His special interest is probably his job because he's very enthusiastic about it and loves explaining it to people
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reality-detective · 1 year
Everyone knows that curing cancer isn't as profitable as treating it and billing you every step of the way.
However, one thing to consider is that the elite have never died of an cancer, they always die of an old age.
What does that tell you? Think about it. 🤔
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benjiedrawings · 2 months
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Farah Black the woman that you are-
Heavily inspired by the olympics! Not sure if it would be realistic for her to keep her braids down vs tying her hair up during practice but I thought it looked cooler with it in movement :0c
I used a free anime base for this one (under the read more), image description in alt as usual~
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waystarresourceco · 11 months
It occurs to me as I was recently rewatching Chiantishire that something I didn’t pay attention to the first time around is how Caroline handles discussions of the past, particularly the Logan-Caroline divorce and its aftereffects. Unlike Logan, who basically bulldozes his way through memories to reconstruct a future he can handle, Caroline’s engagement in ‘the past’ seems dependent on who she’s talking to.
Long Caroline-Shiv-Kendall post beneath the cut.
I get the sense from Chiantishire that Shiv wasn’t very aware of the details of the divorce. She didn’t really know how or why Caroline left – just that her mother wasn’t there. And in her absence, Logan’s narrative became Shiv’s truth: Caroline didn’t want her – didn’t even care enough to fight to keep her in her life. So fine. Shiv doesn’t want her either. And in Italy, she let Caroline know that.
And then something interesting happens - Caroline actually engages. She admits that she wasn’t the greatest mother in one breath and brandishes a verbal knife with another. “I may have been a bit of a spotty mother but you’ve been a shitty daughter.” It’s vicious all the way around, but it’s a kind of mutual wounding. It’s a conversation. The past is painful, but it’s open for renegotiation. Because underneath it all, there’s the heart of something still alive between the two of them.
But with Kendall...with Kendall there’s nothing left to engage in because the distance is already too great.
In the cut scene from Pre-Nuptial, we get this gem:
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Here, Kendall tries to forgive Caroline for the same “abandonment” Shiv brings up in Chiantishire, but it’s met with a very different response from Caroline. Instead of an acknowledgement of being a “spotty mother,” Caroline goes on the offensive. She presses him on the double standard he’s applying to her because this is an old hurt, one that has its roots in how Kendall is always Logan’s, even when he’s privy to details that should make him think differently.
There’s an underlying implication in Caroline’s response that suggests Kendall has much more of a picture of what led to the divorce than Shiv does. As the oldest, the heir, and Logan’s sometimes confidant, Kendall would have likely had a front row seat to the breakdown of his parents’ marriage. To the moment Logan banished Caroline from her children’s lives. And while he might not have known everything, to Caroline he was capable of knowing the difference between leaving and being pushed out.
And her son’s blame? It’s not unexpected. Kendall has always been Logan’s. Was stamped with his father’s name from the moment he was born. But that doesn’t make it sting any less when her first born, the one she sees her temperament in, sides with the man forcing her out. And while I think Caroline and Kendall weren’t particularly close before the divorce, I can imagine this being the fracture that was never set. An injury that never quite healed right, unable to support the weight of a relationship from that point forward.
Sure, Caroline will coo when she sees him. But that’s because she loves all of her children – including Kendall. Because no matter what, she really does want to be in their lives. But she won’t engage with him the way she will with Shiv because there’s a world of difference between Shiv, who has the ability to one day understand her, and Kendall, who has already chosen not to. So really, what is there left to say? Kendall’s made it clear; he’s chosen to become his father’s creature, to adopt his narrative and echo his actions – and Caroline can’t stomach suffering his blame. But with Shiv? Maybe some day, if they keep at it, they’ll end up on the same page.
As a general note, these relationships are obviously super complex and have a lot more going on than just musings about the divorce so to save this from getting too long and disorganized, second and third parts on Shiv and Caroline and on Kendall and Caroline already in the works haha. Will go back and link them all together as they’re written and posted. If you made it to the end – thank you for listening to the ramblings of an insane Carolinegirl.
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protecticarus · 15 days
what was i made for? is such a dirk gently song send post
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